boyakishantriage · 1 year
Blades sung, the opening notes to the dance starting as she stepped into the matted ground.
"Rules are simple. First to make me knock out wins twenty fout hours, no bullshit powers. Pure skills."
She drew her blade, a custom weapon with a mix between Chinese, American, European and Arabic.
"Who's first?"
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lordsireno · 2 years
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A test of what brushes do to my style, leading into my head canon that Rufus accidentally removed Cletus' ability to age when he threw out that extra organ.
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doodlebloo · 1 year
I feel sooo sick thinking about how TommyInnit roleplayed his heart out on a server that convinced him to give a character he played and loved playing for years the world's shittiest ending and then he never roleplayed on another long term server again. We got ONE c!Tommy we got ONE chance at c!clingy happy ending and this is what happened.
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pb-dot · 3 months
Film Friday: Interstella 5555
The process I employ to figure out what movie to cover on this little column of mine is more of an art than a science. Some times it has me scrolling mindlessly through my letterboxd or netflix history looking for a movie I feel strongly enough about to write about. Other times, I decide to listen to Alive 2007 and realize Daft Punk is one of the best musical acts of all time. So, with that in mind, let's talk about that time they made a movie.
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As one might expect for an almost feature-length movie to the 2001 Daft Punk album Discovery, Interstella follows the story of a group of alien musicians who find themselves abducted by extrasolar interlopers, shortly revealed to be humans who takes our blue-skinned friends to earth. Once there, the Interstella gang are brainwashed and disguised as humans in order to work for a skeezy producer slash symphonic orchestra conductor, later revealed to have struck a Faustian bargain with some sort of space satan for eternal life and riches provided he can sacrifice 5555 golden records, and the artists who produced them with it.
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It's not the most complex story once you get over the novelty of the reverse alien abduction and space satanism bits, but that is perhaps inevitable, considering this movie has no spoken dialog apart from the odd line or lyrics that is meant to be diegetic. Secondary protagonist who I have dubbed as "guitar spaceship guy," for example, sings Digital Love to himself while cleaning said guitar-shaped spaceship and day-dreaming of the alien band's bass player before receiving his call to action.
The movie probably shines the hardest when there's lot of mechanical stuff going on. The sequence when the Interstella crew gets their brainwashing and humanface disguises, the mechanical beats Harder, Faster, Better, Stronger makes it seem like a How It's Made episode from a much MUCH darker timeline.
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It's also interesting to me how the brainwashing does seem to take just fine, but the crew, now under the name Crescendolls, seem morose, still every bit as able to make killer tracks as in their pre-abduction days, but without the clear and apparent joy. Granted, the hardships of being a Commercial Super Hit Artist does probably play into it, but even before that, there's a profound malcontent in them. I almost find myself wishing there was some expository dialog here to explore this. Do they know on some level that they don't belong on earth? That they're being made to do the thing they once loved wholeheartedly for someone else's gain?
It's hard not to speculate on the auteur side of this. The context that Discovery was a departure album from Daft Punk's established house music style, and arguably their entry into the attention of wider pop culture, is similarly hard to ignore. Considering Daft Punk adopted their now-iconic robot mask personae at the same time, it's not hard to read a fear of becoming part of the Pop Machine in Interstella 5555.
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If I can now only take a brief digression to talk about the music. Discovery is one of my favorite albums of all time. Filing off the rough edges and at times consciously abrasive soundscapes from earlier releases makes for a compulsively listenable album. I'm particularly fond of how Daft Punk uses vocal performance, primarily through samples as a musical element. The sample of Barry Manilow's paranoid cuckold anthem Who's Been Sleeping In My Bed in Superheroes is somehow both basically incomprehensible and instantly iconic, and the thought of having ears keen enough and musical intuition sharp enough to pick up on it in the first place is one of those genius moves that I understand, but could not replicate for all the gold in the world.
If Interstella 5555 has any flaws, apart from annoyingly being 5 minutes too short to be classified as a feature length film at 65 minutes, it's probably the slightly disposable tragedy of Guitar Spaceship Guy, who's doomed but heroic quest to save Interstella 5555 arguably could have been cut in its entirety. His infatuation with Interstella's bass player plays out in this structurally sound but kind of lifeless romance by the songs Digital Love and Something About Us, and the fact that GSG and Bass Player Lady doesn't actually know each other becomes impossible to ignore. His dying... dream sharing or whatever else is going on there feels like it's following a character arc that isn't there. Bass Player Lady doesn't know him, and crucially, he doesn't know her. It's all parasocial, and he dies shortly thereafter. It's not to say something beautiful couldn't grow from this, and I think that's what they're getting at with the Something About Us sequence, but it does feel like mourning what Didn't Happen, and if we're getting started on that we'll be here all day so let us move on.
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Speaking of flaws, the movie does drag a little in the third act. Part of this is the Act 2 Climax feeling more fitting for that sort of thing than the actual climax. It is admittedly a little sweet that the plot resolves when immortal conductor guy's plot is discovered and humanity reacts by rightfully pointing out that a crime has been committed, and hasten to help the Interstella gang find their way home, that's not normally how these plots go, but the slight nuance given to the abduction/humans are the villains plot is very heartening. Seeing our blue alien friends seen off as beloved heroes feels very correct, and similarly, their rediscovery of the joy of music and new role as interplanetary ambassadors is one of those "fuck yeah a better world is possible" things that I'll take a million times over more cynical Dark Forest scenarios.
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Speaking of drag, though, the Too Long segment, feels a bit like a lengthy coda to the story we don't need, which is, coincidentally what I think about the song's role on the album as well. All the same, it must be said that while the final showdown by immortal conductor's guy in psychedelic FTL space is pretty cool, and while it still doesn't work for me, Guitar Spaceship Guy helping out the Crescendolls one final time from beyond the grave does endear me ever so slightly to that whole subplot.
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Interstella 5555 is an interesting watch, it's clearly a project of way more creative freedom than most animated fare is allowed to be, and it's wild that I can say the phrase "it's also exciting that the movie straight out states that Mozart, Ella Fitzgerald and... I believe Flea of Red Hot Chilli Peppers (?) all were sacrificed to Space Satan." This isn't important to the plot at all, but I feel it just needed to be said. So in short, check it out. Among it's many strengths, the soundtrack kicks some serious ass.
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sup argua
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cheerpuppy14 · 2 years
you ship uzi and n? cant tell
I don't ship anything in murder drones, I like the trio having platonic vibes
If anything becomes canon in the show I won't be mad, just the constant arguaing over shipping is kinda tiring ''
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bravopotato · 10 months
Okay so in my Psych class we went over a few disorders including Schizophrenia and I was thinking abt Dust (Error is later we'll get to him :3)
Okay so Schizophrenia is basically (copied and pasted from the slides) : A group of severe disorders characterized by disorganized and delusional thinking, disturbed perceptions, and inappropriate emotions and behaviors.
And obviously, Dust suffers from it. This we know via Papyrus, as he IS a hallucination (If you go by what I BELIEVE is cannon, I can be wrong though)
But what's weird about that definition? There are MULTIPLE types of Schizophrenia. So what categories does Dust fit in?? Well first, let's look into Delusions and Hallucinations. This will also be copied and pasted because fuck you.
Delusions- False beliefs that are symptoms of schizophrenia and other serious psychological disorders.
Hallucinations- False perceptions that are symptoms of schizophrenia and other serious psychological disorders.
So, he obviously has hallucinations (Based off cannon, more fannon vers. may be different this is UP TO INTERPRITATION)
But Delusions? Well, while you CAN have hallucinations withOUT delusions I imagine that Dust may suffer from them, but why? Well, Schizophrenia is not like PTSD, you have to be born with it/have the genes related to said disorder. HOWEVER, you may not have symptoms of it until they pop up, like in stressful situations. Like, way too much stress in which the body finally rips the bandaid off and slaps you in the face with Schizophrenia thinking that it'll help.
And guess what? Dust DEALS with that. However, I don't believe that after the whole 'kiling the human thing' (Which I am assuming can happen, and this excludes Bad Sanses however he may show signs if he were to join) he most likely would deal with delusions. Why? Well, this isn't a really professional reason (duh) but I believe that with the fact that his hallucination is feeding/had fed into him killing the human/player he most likely also has delusions after the fact. However, I do not believe that they would be very kind to him, as most of the time hallucinations are taunting, cruel, and/or cause fear and stress onto the victim.
So, he would have to live with this.
Now, what am I getting at? Well, I'm just looking more into what I believe his experience WOULD be based off the knowledge I AM AWARE OF.
With that out of the way, let's talk about types of Schizophrenia. Here is the list:
Paranoid Schizophrenia- Characterized by delusions, particularly delusions of grandeur and persecution. Auditory and other hallucinations often support the delusions.
Catatonic Schizophrenia- Characterized largely by variations in voluntary movements. Has two phases.
Catatonic excitement- consisting of rapid movement, delusions, and hallucinations.
Catatonic stupor- little activity or speech. Flat emotion and waxy flexibility often are part of the stupor phase.
Disorganized Schizophrenia- Characterized by bizarre behavior, delusions, and hallucinations. Individuals are visually disturbed. In historical times, they were thought to have “gone mad”.
Undifferentiated Schizophrenia- Characterized by symptoms that are disturbed, but are not clearly consistent with the paranoid, catatonic, or disorganized types of schizophrenia. They show clear symptoms of schizophrenia.
Okay, so with that what of these types is he NOT. Well, we can take Catatonic off the list right away, because while he has hallucinations, and I believe he has delusions, he is not known for rapid/involuntary movements. While he is fast in his fights, that does not mean it is involuntary or a side effect of his disorder.
So what about Disorganized Schizophrenia? Well, while his behavior is odd, speaking to the air and murdering people. Which IS very out of character, that doesn't particularly mean that it's that. I can explain this later.
Undifferentiated is in the same boat as Disorganized Schizophrenia.
Last on the list is Paranoid Schizophrenia, which is arguably the most well known of the types.
Dust is known to have hallucinations, and I also believe that he has delusions. But not only this, his entire belief is based on grandeur. What do I mean? Well, can one single skeleton really stop a genocide? The answer is no, he cannot. Despite it happening over and over, with him unable to help, he believes that only he can help the kingdom. And to do that he must kill them, and gather XP. Now, guess what? No one is actually that important, nor can they anything like this alone.
In conclusion (Ending it fast bc stomach hurt and tired), Dust has paranoid Schizophrenia and oh also this is to brag abt having a Psych class lolll. Error is next, he's pretty similar tbh
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Alexander Utendal (c.1544-1581) - Psalmus Poenitentialis Primus: Prima Pars. Domine ne in furore tuo arguas me ·
Ensemble : Profeti Della Quinta
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illmetkismet · 10 months
I know i'm dropping outta nowhere but i'm so glad someone said that fandom isn't about arguaing what's canon and not. Because as someone that has been attacked for example for not seeing/reading Leon's relationship with Ashley as romantic, yeah, it's time to press the brakes with certain things.
Even though the source material was in fact that they were meant to be platonic, that happened to build a proper partnership bond. Not to mention my baby was only 2 years older than Sherry. My point is, it's alright to read things differently from someone else, what's not right is attacking them and calling their personal interpretation as a mere headcanon and bullshit. Oof sorry, just felt the need to share this! XD
Sorry about your specific fandom struggle, but yeah, that's kinda what I was trying to say. Any time you step foot in a fandom there are gonna be a million opinions and interpretations that you, personally, don't agree with. Why turn what could otherwise have been a fun experience into a crusade to prove that only the things you, personally, like are canon?? What does that get you?
Instead of starting shit and making people feel bad, just enjoy your own thing, and if you see something you don't like just tell yourself, "Oh well, that's their opinion, doesn't affect me," and move on.
Just to be clear though, there's nothing wrong with something you like being a 'mere' headcanon! The only difference between something being canon or a headcanon is who thinks that thought. Is some guy in Capcom HQ making two blorbos kiss somehow more 'real' than a person on the internet making two other blorbos kiss? I don't think so! It's all fiction baby, and with RE in particular even the canon is so self-contradictory or vague sometimes that it makes no sense to me to argue over the 'validity' of certain interpretations.
What CAN be fun though is what certain cool ppl on here do, where they dig through canon and find interesting things in there and then post them so everyone else can go, 'oooooh aaaaah', but basically, nothing in canon is legally binding and you can think whatever you want about a fictional work. Personally, my utopian vision of fandom is a place where interacting with the source material and other fans is exciting and fun and everyone is cool and respectful about it. Peace and love on planet earth! ✌️
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haveyoubeentothiscity · 11 months
this is such a fun blog concept! here are some city suggestions from Portugal: Évora, Coimbra, Sintra, Porto, Faro and Lisbon
Thank you so much! I’ve been loving these kind of polls and it’s been really delightful to see people excited about this one.
And thank you for the suggestions—would you mind adding them in this google form?
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farmerbell1013 · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Free People “Argua Bendita Mei One Piece Surf suit!” SOLD OUT ONLINE! Only here!.
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diarioelpepazo · 1 year
Los llaneros derrotaron a Anzoátegui en tres sets. En el segundo encuentro Distrito Capital doblegó a Aragua y en el tercero se impuso Miranda al Táchira [caption id="attachment_84926" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Distrito Capital se estrenó con victoruia sobre Argua, los actuales campeones. Foto Prensa Comité Organizador[/caption] Los sextetos de Portuguesa y Distrito Capital ganaron sus respectivos compromisos comenzando con buen pie su actuación en el Campeonato Nacional de voleibol juvenil, este martes, en los gimnasios Borjas Romero de LUZ y Belisario Aponte del polideportivo respectivamente. Portuguesa dominó en tres sets 25-19-25-18-25-15 a la divisa anzoatiguense. Con este partido subió el telón la edición LV del evento. Más tarde, en el Belisario Aponte, Distrito Capital dominó también por 3-0 a los campeones del año pasado. El resultado quedó 25/19; 25/ 15 y 25/18. En el tercer partido de la jornada, realizado en la cancha de LUZ, Miranda derrotó al Táchira 3-0 con parciales 25/18; 25/15 y 25/15. La tanda contempla seis partidos más que se estarán desarrollando durante el día. Zulia enfrentará a Amazonas a las 6:00 pm luego del acto inaugurar.   Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Prensa comité organizador
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lordsireno · 3 years
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Team 'Not much variety in their diets' vs the Elysian diner.
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sand-does-stuff · 4 years
Glivebur??????? I'm sorry what
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sumberrymellow · 4 years
more deponia art wooo!! i rly wanted to draw argus giving a speech to his fellow soldiers!
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salty-dracon · 4 years
Strange woman with blue hair and horns: Hi, I’m a human. I know how to defeat the Nexolord, despite being very obviously a random human (besides the horns, which don’t mean anything at all I swear), but to get the secret you have to beat me in a game of volleyball. And if you lose I want your Nexocore.
Atlas: That sounds reasonable and definitely not like a child of Omnicron trying to steal the Nexocore from us.
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