#Art ramble
babs-babbles · 2 years
Not sure what to call this style of me drawing couples is
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But I'm loving it. There's something particular about it that gets my attention when drawing. Idk maybe it's just how much better the color shows or the different brush I use, it's so much smoother than my usual/older stuff... or maybe I just like drawing girls making love dovey eyes at each other
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rottenrascalart · 4 months
Maturing is realising that OC x Canon isn't as bad as the 2010s internet would have you believe.
Maturing is realising that liking a popular character isn't a bad thing.
Maturing is realising that headcanons are just headcanons and that people are allowed to have differing headcanons
Maturing is realising that your art style doesn't have to be unique so long you enjoy drawing in it
Maturing is realising that being "cringe" isn't a crime
Maturing is realising that it isn't that bad to make a mary sue/gary stu character if you're having fun with it
Maturing is realising that everyone improves their art in different ways and at a different pace, and that a younger artist being further in their art journey than you doesn't mean you should give up. Young artists have access to way more tutorials and art tips than us older artists did, and that's a good thing. I love seeing young artists improve and be proud of what they make.
Maturing is realising that same face syndrome isn't all that bad
Maturing is realising that edgy art and characters with a neon rainbow color palette are allowed to exist. Same with "generic" characters
Art is supposed to be fun, not a competitive sport. Creativity in general is supposed to be fun. Unless you're pursuing a career, rules don't matter all that much so long you're having fun. I have personally completely ditched lineart because I don't find it fun. Don't get too caught up on smaller details or small mistakes. The average person isn't going to analyze it too much. Perfectionism is what ruins art a lot of the time and kills your motivation.
This are things I've learned over my almost 11 years of doing art seriously. The 2016 art and animation community on the internet stunted my growth a lot, being scared of being labeled as cringe.
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awkwardosthe3rd · 1 year
/warning: senseless rambling under the influence of exhaustion and headache, just ranting abt art in general
I have reached the stage of hypercritical where I am not even sure what I am looking for exactly in regards to improvement
Looking at art ideas, styles, and my own art and scouting around and in absolute scattered confusion going "that isn't quite it" in regards to my own artistic goals for the future.
Like either I have lifted my own expectations toward myself to oblivion or I am about to figure out some big ol' artistic math for myself-
What even makes art "right", because clearly there is something that decides when it is and isn't with the amount of "critique" we know to express in response to it.
Or maybe the reality is that there is no standard to reach, that this is all just some market bs and maybe we should just draw whatever tf we want and stop pressuring ourselves to follow the guidelines.
None of us signed a TOS when picking up that pen or whatever other creative tool we use..
Fuck maybe I just wanna stop thinking about it so hard
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4arconinoma · 2 years
genuinely believe we as a society should all make mary sue OCs again. deliberately. they are important to the ecosystem. you should all make them again you should all make overpowered neko people again to ship with all of your favorite characters and be the most powerful being in existence im so srs go ahead and do it again you are fucking alive do what you want thrive and have fun. do anything. peace and love on the planet earth
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carbonatedjem · 5 months
I don't know about ya'll but one of my favorite things to put on in the background while I'm working to help me focus is old commercials. I already love watching those for the vibes but there's something about working on a job and having an hour of like, video game commercials or just a bunch of random commercials from 2004 that really keeps my head in the game
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do ya’ll ever forget you know how to art and then when you art successfully it’s like ‘wow holy crap since uh 👆✨when✨’ but then you look away and look back and it’s still good but because you’re the artist who made it you only see the flaws?
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mibkid · 9 months
Hello, haven't actually posted art in a while, i've been working, and i have been focusing on doing my art for school too, funny thing:
said thing is a sk8 fancomic(bc i'm allowed to do fancomic stuff :D)
Sooooo we'll see how that goes! :)<
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greenleafo · 10 months
Some late night art ramble about freelancing / art balance and a thank you!
Last night inbetween work trying to find something among the pile of poorly named psd files I ended up coming across some WIPs of paintings - so hard to believe I actually spent hours just painting pieces before I really started focusing more on creating "commissionable" styled artwork. Something that I was able to make in a relatively quick manner whilst still enjoying it AND being able to market it as a commission format. Its been so much trial and error and I'm so grateful so many people have given me the opportunity to draw for them ! But man I sort of miss the freedom of painterly pieces like that too. It feels like that was my roots. I guess it was that trap of time constraint whilst also selling relatively low for a very long time. To make any livable amount of income from commissions at those prices I really just had to sell A LOT. And to complete those without spending ages on them they also got a bit more simplified to save on time and manage the quantity. I really hope in the new year, or just near future in general, I manage to finish more really painterly illustrations - hell, even finish the ones I've already started but never got around to finishing because of being too exhausted / burnt out from commission work. Not to mention scrambling to find the energy or time to try and make something for a portfolio to look for a studio job... I love being able to draw so many people's beautiful characters and bring them joy with it , but I never truly realized how difficult the balancing act would be between work art and personal art. Freelance is rough. Happy to be able to do it - but rough. Especially having next to no art mutuals to share with and the reliance on the non-stop mangled social media to push my work out there... Anyway thank you to everyone who's supporting me really. Without your kind words of encouragement and compliments to light my way in the days I feel like giving up I really wouldn't be here. Thank you!
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Nothing quite like needing to make a hasty correction once you've finished the lineart and started colouring to make you hate drawing hands. And thumbs.
I now hate drawing thumbs. Ugh. DX
(The only positive is that I draw digitally, so it’s easier to correct than with traditional art. Still a pain, though.)
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I really need to just *doodle* more. Actually draw. The problem with all my crafts is they each take a fekking age to complete just one, it's exhausting. But with doodling I'm so bad and get these frustrated paralysed feeling. A little like Dming for D&D. Every time. Executive dysfunction stylee.
I want to do the things. Making yourself do the things is so hard!
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lycansprites · 2 years
This is an appreciation post for every fellow artist who lets people reference their commissions website for when that person is trying to design their own. For every artist who's given resources or tips when someone's trying to figure out prices. Who's given someone a starting point to build their commission tracker, to-do lists, or formatting something official. None of you ever had to do that, you weren't obligated to and would've been well within your rights in some to not, but you DID and though you might not always get a thank you for it you are the backbone to so many and literally just holy shit. Thank you.
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fogsy-feel · 1 year
Damn I love Stiles but how do ya’ll draw that mf? Dylan O'Brien fluctuates between cute and hot that I can’t seem to ever accurately capture it. Ah well
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4arconinoma · 1 year
i think a part of my art block curse is just me being absolutely obsessed with getting anatomy right lol i need to let myself just do it wrong because mastering it is quite literally impossible for everyone on this earth
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rielzero · 1 year
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Been doing some sketches for more oc icon headshots. Sketching and rendering are two different moods to be honest.
My Artfight Gallery will have some updated icons soon, but idk if I’m going to work on these today. I really need to do something else so I don’t burn out.
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I’m probably gonna add some more characters later to artfight, but undecided which ones. Gloomy Rose, Apollyon, Maybe Hermes... Those three have pretty recent refsheets.
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teraserperior · 2 years
I just wanted to draw a quick sketch of my pokemon violet mc but I drew hre simping instead
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mibkid · 1 year
Artfight artfight!!!
First artfight, and i got help finding the banner thing! Here’s my banner thing. 
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I’m still working on putting more featured characters! But there will be more i promise!!!!! I actually do have oc’s (surpriseeee to everyone who knows my art from my constant spamming pf persona fanart and sk8 and- you get it)
All my characters are humanoid, just not all of them are human ... for example Yor! Yor is my only featured character at the moment, and they are a Ção, a Ção is a paranormal being, created as a... manifistation of sorts, from a past person’s desire, (I’m not gonna go into heavy lore details, that’s for the future)
I’m thinking of also adding North, but i don’t know if he counts as ‘Humanoid’ or if he is considered ‘Anthro’ (considering he is red and has horns... he’s half of an alien species that kinda looks like devils and or tieflings(it’s complicated)...)
also here is the link to my artfight page! 
I’m still adding stuff that’s why it’s barren!
But attack me if you wanna,,,, as fast as i am able to upload my chraracter sheet for Yor...... which might take a while considering 504 is happening. That’s ok tho i’ll be patient!
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