#As for Gaya .. well she's Gaya haha
hymnoire · 4 months
"♦" (meme attendance: present.)
"Divine. Magnificient. Never ever I have seen such beauty before my eyes. He is the quintessence of Creation. I am well aware of my hunger, my mind, body, soul and core, they feed from these thoughts that twist my head at night, these thoughts and crave what cannot leave the layers under my skin. That is what the sight of him does to me - he is haunting. I remember every single connection that had to be made inside his beautiful brain for Man to ascend, to transcend, to rise. I did not foresee this, me falling oh so deep in contemplation ever since the day he has Reborn. I need and crave my hands in the white matter of his cerebral cortex, I need to penetrate his aorta arch the way he has penetrated my mind."
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"Impressive. I consider myself a soldier therefore, I have respect for another soldier I share the field with. To partner up is one of the best strategies the House ever came up with, his organization have the means we needed to take our missions to the next level. We make a good team, yes. I wouldn't have been this efficient in the past months without his enhanced abilities and I believe he wouldn't have completed some of our missions without my skills either : this is working. Another word could be Atypical - that's the nice word for out of this world-weird. But in a good way - let's not forget I grew up with another Atypical, now that I think about it...
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mossyscavern · 2 months
That could’ve gone better
‘Ok. Just stay cool and be careful. Mami made me this for them.’
Miles thought, tightly gripping both the asopao de pollo and the Puerto Rican style tamales, Pasteles. Miles has been waiting for this day for so long.
Ever since he got together with Pavitr Prabhakar and Gayatri Singh, he has been jumping through dimensions every Saturday.
He wanted to stay all weekend… but him and his mami have a telenovelas day every Sunday. He wanted to invite them over but… Gayatri is kind of stuck in her dimension.
Unless they managed to sneak a day pass to earth 50101 than the options are out the window.
Miles waits on the subway with the food on his lap, held tightly in his hands, his knee bouncing anxiously as he looks around, his spider-sense went off a little while ago.
He assumes it’s his stress induced anxiety that triggers it, but he doesn’t see any dangers around-. “AAH!!”
“Woah! Ok, fair response… I mean, I am covered in spots.”
Miles can only stare in wide eye. The spot. The spot. The villain that almost ended the multiverse… is right there. Miles prays he doesn’t recognise him.
“Hey, is this seat taken? Normally I’d summon a hole but uh… I don’t have many spots left.” He explained, pointing at the lack of spots.
“…n-no, go ahead man.” Miles says, moving to the left. “Thanks!” Spot says, sitting down next to miles, turning his head left to right.
Miles leg bounced even faster this time. It was so weird, sitting next to the man who says he’s spider-man’s nemesis. “Hey, that smells good! What is it?”
“H-huh? Oh I-it’s uh… p-Pasteles and asopao de pollo.” Miles answers, biting his lip while he repeatedly thinks. ‘Please don’t recognise me, please don’t recognise me, please, please, please!’
“… I get the second one but… pastel..les?”
“Uh- boricua tamales.”
“… oh! Puerto Rican? Similar to my nemesis.”
Welp, miles had a good life, goodbye spider society, goodbye to his parents and goodbye to the two loves of his life-. “Well, hope the conversation helped.”
“… what?” Miles says to the villains, confused as hell. “Ok, my actual goal was to help you feel less anxious, bouncing your leg like that doesn’t help anybody.” … now that he mentioned it, miles leg did stop bouncing in one place.
So talking with the spot did help. “I- thank you… cow.. man?” Miles asked, hoping the funny name lets him not put a target on his back. “Haha, it’s the spot, actually.”
*time skip*
“And that’s what happened, crazy right?” He asked, taking a bite out of one of his mami’s Pasteles while gayatri and Pavitr stare with wide eyes.
“You did a pretty nice save though.” Gayatri says, patting miles hair down, his head on her lap. “I thought it was stupid.” Miles pouted, upset he didn’t say anything cool.
“Hey, at least you still got here.” Pavitr says, placing down the bowl of asopao de pollo and leaned down, he pecked miles on the nose before his lips meet miles.
“Boys. Save some for me.” She says, kissing pavitr on the lips before kissing miles. “Gaya! Mmh!” Miles tries before getting caught off again by gayatri deepening the kiss. “Don’t get too greedy there, gayatri.” Pav reminded.
“I can’t help it, he’s adorable.”
“I’m not adorable.” Miles argued. Both gayatri and Pavitr arched their brow at him. “What?! I’m not!”
… I just wanted to add the spot (dr Ohnn) here.
Like… yeah he’s evil. But still! I had to add him, besides.. gotta love the villains bonding moment with heroes who are in civvy clothes and not realise it’s your nemesis.
… this was supposed to be made in disability pride month, but I was WAY beyond late… sorry!
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youcantrewind · 2 years
Croya Fic!
For those who did the deep dive read on my Croya playlist, you might remember I said I was working on a lil fic for a specific spot. This started as a bit of a silly spinoff of the stormtrooper post, but morphed into something a little more serious. I’m still waiting on an ao3 account, so I’m posting it here for now so I stop making minuscule edits! (No promises: I might still make some minuscule edits.)
(Edit! Now on ao3, with... you guessed it: edits!)
(Edit Dec 14: it's now 11 chapters and a sequel haha 🫣)
Words: 5,287
Rating/Warnings: PG?? Sir, this is a fade to black household. Various alcohol references.
Becky wasn't paid enough for this.
It wasn't that Chandrila Starlines underpaid their staff--they were actually more than fair--it's just that this particular task wasn't really in her job description.
...was it?
'Passenger services'.
Perhaps it was.
At any rate, she was feeling vastly underpaid in this particular unique moment, as she lifted her hand and rapped on the cabin door in front of her.
A few moments passed before the cabin door slid open a crack and the face of one Lieutenant Harman Croy peered out, looking immediately cross.
"Do you know what time it is??" he questioned in his usual incredulous tone, though clearly trying to keep it hushed due to the hour.
Becky nodded, trying not to sigh. At least not externally. Customer service face, Becky. "My apologies sir, but--"
"The boys just went down to sleep," he stated, exasperated but still trying to keep to a whisper.
"Yes, Sir, but--wait... what boys?"
"The Troopers," Croy replied. "They've had a very long day."
Becky caught herself beginning to laugh and stopped it by turning it into a cough. "Ah, yes, well again, I apologize for the interruption, but I've been sent with a message for you."
His eyes narrowed, briefly shifting to her name-tag. "Becky from Batuu. What could possibly be so important that it couldn't wait until a waking hour?"
She briefly debated not telling him. It's not like she had any love for his organization, so helping out a First Order Lieutenant wasn't really anything she'd woken up expecting to do that day. But neither was she interested in denying the one who'd sent the message, because it would certainly get back to her supervisors.
And frankly, she'd kind of made a bet with Jeremy in the kitchen about how this would turn out. Now she needed this to happen or she'd be out credits that she'd rather keep.
She made the decision to spill:
"It's a message from Gaya."
Almost instantly he'd slid out from behind the door and into the hallway, grabbing her by the shoulders in excitement. "Tell me everything."
Becky decided to ignore the physical hold he had on her for the moment, as he was in a good mood now. "Sir, she wishes to meet with you."
"Me? Where??" he exclaimed, probably louder than he realized as it echoed down the hallway.
Oh yes, she was winning this bet. Take that, Jeremy. She smiled, pointing. "Just down the hall. In her cabin."
He seemed to freeze in place as he took in that sentence, his gaze staring past her at the wall. Maybe his brain has just melted, Becky thought. She'd heard of weirder things happening out there in the galaxy. She cleared her throat out loud, to remind him he still had a hold on her. "Lieutenant?"
He snapped his attention back to her. "Oh." He let go of her shoulders, brushing them off a bit. "My apologies, Becky. I thought I heard you playing a prank on me." His eyes grew serious once more as he locked onto her gaze.
"Oh it's no prank, Sir. I promise. I wouldn't do that to you." At least, not to your face...
He began walking around her, like suddenly he'd stepped into interrogation mode. "Becky from Batuu, if Gaya wished to speak with me, why would she send you instead of delivering her news to me in person?"
"Ah, she said you'd say that," Becky said, thankful to be ready for this one. "So she explicitly told me to remind you that--and I'm quoting her here, remember--... 'Gaya does not come to you. You come to Gaya.'"
His jaw clenched for a moment while he mulled over the statement, and then: "That... does sound like something she'd say..."
"She's just down there. Grand Captain's Suite on the left." Becky pointed towards the luxury rooms.
"Grand Captain's Suite??" he looked downright perturbed now. "Her entourage got a Captain's Suite, and we got this sorry state of a room??"
"Oh. No. Ouannii and Raithe both have their own rooms." She took great joy in delivering this news, despite knowing she couldn't show it.
"Their own rooms...?!" His voice got a little higher. "While the three of us are in squalor?"
It was getting even harder not to laugh. "Lieutenant, our rooms on the Halcyon are all state of the art--"
"I have to share a refresher with Stormtroopers, Becky. Stormtroopers."
"Gaya was also a planned guest," she decided to point out.
He seemed to let that comment go completely over his head as he continued: "...do you know how disgusting that armor gets in the inside??"
"You know, I've never had the pleasure, but um, Lieutenant, Sir, may I ask you a question?"
"What, Becky?"
"Are you... avoiding talking to Gaya right now?"
He gave her another perplexed look. Perhaps too perplexed. Like maybe he was pretending not to know what she was talking about. "What? Why would I..."
"Look Sir, I've delivered my message, and she's right there in that cabin," she motioned again at the appropriate door. "May I go now?"
The confused, slightly suspicious look hadn't left his face as he narrowed his eyes at her one more time, and then finally waved her off. "Fine, go. It's late and you're making far too much noise for these halls."
"Thank you Lieutenant." She decided to keep a sarcastic good night wish to herself, and quickly hurried back down the hallway, ducking into a nearby staff corridor to no longer be seen. The slingball was in his court now.
Lieutenant Harman Croy was left standing in a hallway alone, still processing the message he'd been given.
Provided this was not, in fact, a prank from the ship's staff, he still wasn't entirely sure of the intent behind it. The last time he'd seen Gaya that night, it had not ended on the best of terms.
He glanced one way down the hallway, and then the other, as he debated his next move. The hallway was empty, as most of the passengers had gone to bed. Those who were still up were surely the unruly types in the Sublight Lounge, and they were at least a deck away. No one was in sight.
He slid back into his own cabin for a moment, and quickly into the refresher, where he could lean against the counter and take stock of himself in the mirror out of sight. He was certain both of his troopers were already asleep, shoved in the measly bunks around the corner, but in that moment he felt the need for the extra privacy the refresher gave him to think.
"Alright Harman," he spoke quietly to his reflection. "What's going on here? What are we doing?"
He tapped his fingers on the counter on either side of the sink. If this was a prank...
No, the crew of the ship valued their jobs. Who would possibly risk throwing away such a career with a prestigious company like Chandrila all for a bit of childish entertainment? Especially when they knew that's exactly what he was on the ship to look for. Croy wouldn't put it past some of the passengers on this voyage to toy with him. He'd already seen it firsthand. But the crew... the crew would be instructed to be on their best behaviour specifically to hide the real subversion he was here to sniff out, right?
Besides, even if it were a prank, what would be the harm in knocking on Gaya's door for a chat?
"A lot of harm, actually," he spoke out loud to himself once more. "Quite an embarrassing amount."
He turned around to sit against the counter edge in thought, absentmindedly beginning to chew a nail. An unsightly habit he thought he'd eradicated in his youth, but apparently his nerves had begun to fray at a much faster pace than he'd realized.
What was it about her that made all of his trained discipline crumble so quickly?
She was beautiful, yes. Talented, absolutely. If you liked that kind of music. (He liked that kind of music.) She was...
And Croy was drawn to power like a moth to a flame.
She'd flaunted it in his face mere hours earlier, and there had been no denying it. She'd earned it. It was hers.
People flocked to that name. No organization attached.
No one heard his name and cared. His power came from the insignia on his uniform. The backup, with guns. The literal 'Power' embroidered into his left sleeve: technically the name of a great Imperial Admiral Clyss Power, but reminding him every day of a bigger picture.
Croy absentmindedly reached up to adjust his hat out of habit, forgetting he'd torn it and his gloves off in frustration as soon as he and the troopers had returned to the privacy of the room. As successful as bolting the droid had been, there'd been something about that atrium full of people mostly booing him that still managed to creep under his skin as he'd walked out of the room.
Now, he glanced at the hat where it sat in the hallway by the mirror, staring at the First Order insignia. Why couldn't these people see what he was trying to do for them? Why were they so reluctant up to the point of acting like petulant children?
His eyes shifted upwards towards the mirror, and he quickly adjusted his drooping posture. Unraveling now was not a good look, especially not for Gaya.
Gaya. She was still waiting for him.
It was now or never if he was going to investigate this message from Becky. He stepped back into the hall to get a better look in the mirror. He adjusted his jacket, straightening out what he could, and dusted off a shoulder. His hand hovered over his hat, debating.
"I didn't know there'd be men in uniform," she'd said when she had arrived on the ship. It had been flirtatious, in a somewhat lighthearted way, but had she meant it? Did she like it?
The band around his arm once again called out to him in his reflection the mirror. Power.
The hat went on his head in a quick, well-practiced motion, and he scooped up his gloves, sliding them back on his hands as he slipped out the cabin door back into the hallway.
"Alright, Becky from Batuu" he muttered to himself as he marched down the hallway. "Time to find out if you're sleeping in the brig tonight."
Finding out Gaya's room was so close to his had been a welcome surprise, though that had been nearly quashed in an instant when the irritation of finding out it was one of the big rooms got the better of him. Now, as he stood in front of the door, all he felt was nervous.
One last adjustment of his jacket, a quick pull at the collar as he started to feel a little warm, but he calmed himself with a deep breath, and then he knocked.
And waited.
He glanced side to side down each direction of the hallway once more, making sure no one was coming to further embarrass him if this was all a joke. But the halls stayed silent.
Finally, the door slid open, and his heart nearly stopped.
She had changed.
Adorned now in a white, long sleeved dressing gown with just a hint of silver trim, overtop what he could only assume was her sleeping nightgown, Gaya stood before him. Her makeup hadn't been touched yet, but she'd shed all of her lekku adornments and jewelry, save for the gold bracelet on her left hand.
It wasn't "Galactic Superstar Gaya" standing in front of him. It felt like it was closer to just... Gaya. Embarrassment set in as he suddenly realized he probably shouldn't be seeing her like this, and his face grew warm.
She smiled calmly with a hint of surprise, similar to the way she had the first time they'd met this afternoon. "Lieutenant. I was beginning to think you were ignoring my message."
Had he taken that long? How long had it taken Becky to bring him word?
"W-well, Miss Gaya you know, there are reports to file," he stammered out, trying to regain a sense of control over his own voice. She was standing before him still fully clothed. Why did it feel like she was so... bare?? "You, uh, you wished to speak with me??"
"Yes, I..." she paused for a moment, and it felt like an eternity. He wasn't sure where he should even look, so he forced his eyes to take in the inside of the cabin instead of her. There was just so much... room. "I wanted to ask you some things, away from the audiences," Gaya finally said as she turned and walked over to the small bar that the bigger rooms contained. She grabbed two metal cups and began pouring into them. "No public pretenses, or games... just an honest chat." She came back with the cups, offering him one.
He put up a hand of refusal out of habit. "I'm sorry, Miss Gaya, I don't partake in--"
"It's water, Croy," she said flatly, almost irritated. He flushed some more and quickly took the cup, staring into it. She sighed, "For all the amazing dining service this ship has to offer, the room service kind of lacks."
"Ah, yes," he agreed, flashing a smile, despite having no idea what room service was. He took a sip from the cup, jolting a little at the discovery that it was sparkling water. Why was this even allowed? He stared even deeper into the cup.
"Anyway," she continued. "About today... twice you walked out on my performances tonight. Why?"
He allowed his gaze to shift back up to meet hers. "Why... Miss Gaya, it felt very much like I was... unwanted there."
"And what gave you the first clue?"
"The insistence on 'Oola Shuka', for a start."
"A start? You choose the moment you walked out as the start of the problem?" she laughed, shaking her head a little as she went for a sip of her own water.
"You can come in, Croy. I don't bite."
His feet remained glued to their spot at the threshold of the doorway. "At dinner it... felt like you might."
She smirked a little, "Sometimes you've got to put on a show. I'm sure you understand. I've seen your own brand of theatrics at play."
"I don't know what you're talking about," he said, waving the cup of water around just a little too dramatically. He quickly steadied it when he realized it was about to slosh out of the cup.
"Mmhmm," Gaya nodded, one eyebrow raised. She set her cup down on the bar. "Well that brings me back around to the main question, Lieutenant: why did you return for the second dinner?"
"Well, I..."
"You knew you would likely get the same reception. Same setlist. And yet, there you were..."
"I simply enjoy you--I mean--your music, and I..."
"Would try to disrupt it again?"
He stared at her in surprise, slightly offended now. "Miss Gaya, most of our interactions were initiated by you. Or that... little guitarist's outbursts." Earlier, Croy had definitely made several mental notes to throw that kid in the brig as soon as he had the chance.
"Sandro was only defending me," Gaya said, much cooler now. "I was literally in the middle of a speech about vulnerability, Croy. Had you listened to a word of it, you might have learned a thing or two."
"My troopers arrived with news, I couldn't--"
"No Croy, it could have waited. There is nothing going on on this ship that was so pressing that it couldn't have waited while I poured my heart out to the audience. Do you understand that?"
If she only knew. "Miss--"
"Croy. Look at me."
He listened, shifting his gaze back towards her beautiful, all too serious face, as she stepped closer to him.
"There is nothing happening on this ship that is more important than me. Got it?"
There it was. That power. Galactic Superstar Gaya. He nodded, swallowing a dry lump in his throat. He lifted his cup quickly.
"Good," she snatched the cup out of his hand before he could bury his face in it once more, and turned to put it down next to hers on the counter. "Now, we have got to do something about that dancing of yours."
"My dancing??" he frowned. "What was wrong with my dancing?"
"Only that it looked like you'd never danced in your life."
That wasn't far from the truth. It had been a very long time. "I don't... typically dance, no. I don't see the point."
"Let me guess," she leaned against the bar. "The First Order forbids it."
"It's certainly... not encouraged."
"Right. No fun allowed."
"That's not true," Croy insisted. "Good hard work is fun! And... I may have had some fun tonight."
"Until 'Oola Shuka'."
"Until you intentionally played a banned song to run me out twice, yes."
"It's also my top hit," she pointed out. "Why would I deny my fans my most popular track just because you are in the room?"
"Because it's the law," he stated.
"Not my law," she said. "Not my homeworld's law. And certainly not the law on this ship."
"I am the law on this ship."
"No, Lieutenant. Captain Keevan is."
He scoffed. "Not for long."
She rolled her eyes, putting up a hand to stop him. "Alright, before you start that talk, I'll need to track down something stronger. But hey, if you're not going to acknowledge 'Oola Shuka' because someone told you you're not allowed, do you have your own favourite?"
"Favourite... of your songs?"
She nodded, waiting.
He took a moment to mull over the thought. His favourite song? Most people didn't ask him his favourite anything. One typically didn't discuss hobbies with their fellow officers. Hobbies were wasted time.
He thought about the songs he'd already known before that day: the ones that he'd heard enough to make him a fan before she'd even stepped foot on the ship. Gaya's setlist that night had covered most of them, or made him appreciate others in a new way. As awkward as it had been, he certainly now had a memory attached to 'Rockstar Queen'. A few of the other songs had been enough to get him toe tapping, and at least one had him singing along before he'd caught himself. But, one...
"Would you like my honesty?" he asked, wringing his hands a little.
"Of course."
"I think that 'Poverty of Love' is one of your best."
Her brows lifted, and her posture straightened, even while still leaning on the counter. "Oh?"
"It's, ah... more real," he tried to explain, without really explaining. "More..."
"Relatable?" she inquired, suddenly seeming more curious. "That's interesting..."
A noise down the hallway gave Croy pause, and he glanced over to see a late hour passenger headed their way. Instinctively, Croy spun on his heels to face the hallway, and tried to fill up as much of the doorway as possible. As the person approached, he recognized the man as one of the loyalists who'd greeted him with a hearty handshake early in the day. Croy wracked his brain trying to remember the man's strange Earth name, and the passenger gave him a sloppy salute on approach.
Croy decided not to correct him, partially because 'Captain' was technically a higher rank, but also because the man had clearly had too many in the Sublight Lounge. "Ah, Stewart! Staying vigilant I see?"
"Y-you got it... cap'n," he slurred as he wobbled passed, headed for his cabin. He'd barely even looked towards them as he continued down the hallway, but Croy specifically
shifted his body along with him to stay in front of his view.
Croy waited until Stewart had disappeared into his cabin before shaking his head and turning back around. Gaya was still leaning against the bar, now looking amused.
"What was that?"
"What?" he asked, confused. "The drunken loyalist? A perfectly good reason why I don't imbibe in frivolous drinks, that's what."
"No, what were you doing there? Earlier in the day, I certainly didn't get the impression that you'd be scared to be seen with me," she smirked, pushing off the bar to step towards him once more. "In fact... Raithe had to shoo you a few times."
"You know, you should have a talk with your employee," Croy agreed. "He needs to know his place."
"He's only doing what I've asked of him," Gaya countered. "At my status, it's common to have people get... clingy." She reached over and peeled a fuzz off his sleeve. He might have stopped breathing, but she asked once more, causing him to snap his focus back to her voice. "So, what was that in the hall?"
"W-well you're not..." he searched his mind for the right word that wouldn't cause offense. He decided to start over. "I only wished to protect your modesty, Miss Gaya."
A smile crossed her face that was hard to read. Something akin to the way one would react to a child who had just said something ridiculous, liked maybe she was trying not to laugh. Whatever she was thinking, it made him regret his words immediately.
"I'm sorry, I should take my leave and let you rest," he turned around, wanting to hide his embarrassment back in his own cabin.
A hand clasped onto his shoulder. "Croy."
He stopped and glanced back at her.
She sighed. "Look, we are two very different people, on very different paths that I think neither of us are interested in veering from. That makes anything between us very complicated, and downright impossible."
He fully turned back to face her, confused.
"And I don't need anyone 'protecting my modesty', alright? I can do that on my own."
Croy flushed red some more. "I apologize, Miss Gaya, I..."
"If you think a comfortable robe because I'm no longer performing for a crowd is immodest--"
"I misspoke. That wasn't what I--"
"Croy just... shut. up. while I'm speaking or I'm going to change my mind."
He shut his mouth. Change her mind about what?
She took a deep breath, seeming to recollect her thoughts. "It wasn't needed, what you did. But however misguided... in its own way, it was sweet."
What? What?? His pulse pounded in his head now.
"This wasn't my intention when I originally asked to speak with you, but..." She reached up to play with his lapel, just a little. "I'm going to give you a onetime offer. Take it or leave it. You won't get another chance, understood?"
"I-I definitely do not understand..." He admitted, and that was mostly because it was growing more difficult to register words. He continued to stare down at his lapel long after her hand had retreated.
"Harman, look at me."
His name? His... first name?? He forced his eye line back to meet hers.
"You can turn around and go back to your cabin, get a good night's rest, and we'll forget this even happened."
"...o-?" he squeaked out. He quickly cleared his throat, and tried again. "...or??"
"Or..." she turned away from him, headed for the couch in front of her cabin's viewport. "You finally step in my damn doorway, and shut the door behind you." She sat down and looked at him, expectantly. "And tomorrow morning, we forget this even happened."
Had time stopped? He was pretty sure time had stopped. His breathing certainly had. Maybe even his heart. It was the only reason he could even fathom that a thousand thoughts were burning in his skull at the exact same time, but there was certainly no way to register what any of them were.
He jumped, pulled back to reality by another use of his first name.
"I know it's forward of me," she admitted. "I won't judge you either way. Just make a damn choice for yourself for the first time in your life, while my offer still stands."
He stared at Gaya just a little while longer, taking in the image of her sitting on the couch, waiting. The beautiful violet shade of her skin seemed even more vibrant than ever, and her eyes were so expectant, watching him, waiting...
He took a step forward.
He slid the door closed behind him.
And he slammed a finger onto the Do Not Disturb button by the door.
Around the corner of the service corridor where she had hidden herself to wait, Becky excitedly pulled out her datapad, and shot a quick message to Jeremy.
'You owe me 50 credits.'
-A few days later-
Lieutentant Harman Croy sat alone at the bar, staring into a glass of water. He wasn't even sure why he'd come here, only that he knew he needed to be out of the First Order headquarters for a breather. While the Halcyon investigation was still going on, after everything that'd happened the place had begun to give him an anxiety he could not describe. Like the walls were closing in around him, and he was running out of time.
He'd been so close. A promotion surely would have been in his hands. He had been right, after all. He'd sniffed out serious resistance activity for The Supreme Leader.
It wasn't his fault that Ren was so obsessed with that girl that his judgement head been in turn so clouded.
Though, maybe Croy related, just a little.
But that hadn't affected his performance on this mission, he was sure of it. He'd set out to find them, and he found them. They'd just been... too numerous than originally anticipated. People weren't fond of being treated as expendable.
Who knew?
Another feeling Croy now understood first hand.
It was probably his only saving grace that Ren had clearly also failed in... whatever was going on in his domain. There had been no reports from the Supreme Leader at all. Nothing to tell Colonel Talis what the state of the ship really was, what his orders had been, and how Croy had been forced at gunpoint to lie about both in the end.
Croy knew it wasn't to protect him. He knew now that he was insignificant to the Order. This whole thing had truly shown him that. Kylo Ren was saving himself from embarrassment by not commenting on the events that night.
But Croy knew for certain that he never wanted to cross paths with The Supreme Leader again.
"I know that look."
Frowning, Croy slowly glanced over towards the gruff voice that had interrupted his thoughts. Sliding onto the bar stool next to him was an older man, probably in his seventies, his white hair continuing down his face into a pair of large scruffy mutton chops.
Ignoring Croy's immediate disdain, he continued: "You look like a man whose world view has been shattered. Though most of us do it with something stronger than... is that water??"
Croy clenched his gloved fists against the bar counter. "I made a solemn view not to imbibe until--"
"Yeah yeah," he waved him off. "Bartender: a tall one for the poor lieutenant, on me."
The bartender nodded and got to work on a new drink. Croy rolled his eyes, moving to stand up, but a strong hand clasped onto his shoulder.
"Hold on there, son."
"Sir, do I know you??" Croy asked in annoyance, trying to shake off the man's hand.
"No. But I know you." The old man said. He glanced around the room for a moment, and then back at Croy, quieter this time. "Keep this on the down low, but I'm a former Imperial myself."
Croy wasn't sure why he wanted it to be a secret, but he nodded slowly. "Well... thank you for your service."
"Hell no," the man gave a disgusted look. "It's not something I've been proud of for decades. It took me too many years to realize the mess I'd signed myself up for. Too many terrible mistakes. Until finally... I looked a lot like you do, right now."
"Respectfully, Sir," Croy finally got up fully from the bar stool. "You don't know a thing about me. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to return to my office." He turned to leave.
"What's their name?"
Croy stopped walking. He glanced over his shoulder. "What?"
"What is their name?" the man repeated. "The one who has you sitting in a bar contemplating whether you ever want to put that ugly uniform on again?"
He spun back on his heels. "Sir I've given my heart and my soul to The First Order. If--"
The older man nodded, as if in agreement. "And there lies the problem."
We are two very different people, on very different paths that I think neither of us are interested in veering from.
Croy shook the memory from his head and then scowled. "We're in First Order jurisdiction on this planet, old man. I could arrest you right now for this treasonous conversation."
"But you won't," the man said as calmly as everything else he'd said that night. He reached for the drink that had been freshly dropped off--something bright yellow, with flecks of red floating in it--and held it out to Croy. "Because you know I'm right."
"Sir, respectfully, I do not want that drink." Croy finally snapped at him.
Croy's hands curled into fists at his sides, simply staring the other man down.
Just make a damn choice for yourself for the first time in your life.
The older man sighed, relaxing his arm.
Then, Croy pointed at a nearby customer who was sipping something blue. "I want one of those ones. Whatever it is, it looks less like it'll kill me."
The man smirked, waving the bartender over once more as Croy slid back onto the barstool next to him. "That's more like it," he said. "One of those sparkly things please, barkeep."
Croy sighed. Was he really doing this?
The older man took a swig of the yellow drink. "Jokes on you, the blue one's probably stronger."
"The prettier it is, it tends to... hide the pain longer."
"Well, isn't that relatable," Croy said dryly as the new drink was slid in front of him.
The mutton chopped man laughed a bit, just a gruff little chuckle. "See I knew there was someone. There's always... someone."
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," Croy muttered.
"You'd be surprised what I'd believe. Bottom's up," he waved his glass a little, and then leaned back a bit as he took a much bigger swig this time around.
Croy lifted an eyebrow at his own drink now, and then glanced at the bartender. "You wouldn't happen to have a straw, would you?"
The barkeep's response was an unimpressed dead stare back at him. "No."
"Oh, alright. One last question: I couldn't help but notice your DJ droid in the corner there seems to be stuck in a loop of Figrin D'an on repeat--"
His new companion put his now nearly empty glass on the counter in surprise. "Hey, 'Mad About Me' is a damn classic."
"It's a bit stale after 10 plays in a row, don't you think?" Croy asked, finally lifting his own drink.
"Ya got a better suggestion?" asked the barkeep.
Croy smiled over the rim of his glass. "Let's try 'Oola Shuka'."
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ichika27 · 3 years
Mairimashita! Iruma-kun s2 ep19
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Nice! It’s a Clara-centric episode with some bonus Azz trying to impress Iruma! I mean I don’t have anything against Ameri and I’m happy she got lots of moments with our protagonist but I just want Azz and Clara to get their chance, too you know?
This episode is fun and cute! Plus there are songs in it, too since it’s about Clara’s family.
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Clara’s house! Iruma and Azz are staying over for a while after what happened in the last episode. The Valac residence is located at Gaya-Gaya Forest where lots of strange creatures and plants live! According to Clara, her family knows the place really well.
And I just realized that this is the first time the boys got to visit Clara. It’s just they’ve shown us Clara’s family and this house a lot that it slipped my mind that to Iruma and Azz, this is the first time they’d be seeing it.
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The typical welcome in the Valac home! They did chants, too weirding out the boys especially Azz. Urara isn’t home again this time so he’s represented by a drawing. I wonder which school he’s in since it seems theirs isn’t on vacation like Babyls.
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Clara’s mom tells the boys to relax and feel at home. She says she’s happy because Clara brought friends home for the first time (and sorta mentions this is a first overall for their family or something). In a way that’s kinda sad that it either meant not many people wanted or thought to visit or Clara just didn’t have anyone to invite before Iruma and Azz.
On the other hand, this is almost the same reaction my own family has whenever I brought home some classmates to do school projects. I don’t have irl friends lol so they’re like “Big sis has friends?!” because my classmates would introduce themselves as friends instead of just classmates.
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Iruma and Azz give Clara’s mom some souvenirs from the Walter Park trip as a present (I dunno about everywhere else but this is a Japanese thing if I remember correctly and people here in the Philippines do it to whenever they visit sometimes). Iruma gives a small box of sweets and Azz gives them a huge replica of Walter Park's castle made out of chocolate. The kids immediately crowd at Azz for the chocolate until told to calm down.
I could understand them though. My siblings and I too would do the same cause that seriously looks cool and also it’s chocolate. We could devour that in a few days.
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After being let in the house, Clara’s brothers immediately asked the boys which one is their sister’s boyfriend which freaked them out. The brothers think that Azz would be a good catch (cause he is with being good-looking, rich, smart and popular. They don’t even have to know all these things cause Azz just looks it) but remembers that their sister is already interested in a guy named-
Clara promptly cuts them off and drags them away.
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We get some glimpses of what’s inside the Valac house and see a lot of strange-looking objects. Clara’s mom explains that those are brought home by her adventurer husband and that they came from those trips.
I wonder what kind of adventures and if any of the items are magical or cursed. I mean this is the Demon World so it’s possible.
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The mom finally brings out a photo album! She happily shows the boys Clara’s baby pictures. Azz notes how baby Clara looks like her own baby siblings. The resemblance isn't just with looks but with personality as well! Clara is embarrassed of course but Iruma says the photos are cute which made Clara happy.
That said, she’s still embarrassed letting Iruma see the photos and takes the album away. Her mom immediately brings out another one! In an attempt to stop her mom from embarrassing her any further, she reminds them that it’s shopping day.
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Iruma, upon hearing it’s time to buy food, says that he’s hungry so perfect timing. Clara and Azz, upon hearing that Iruma is hungry decides they’d make the food for him. It seems we might get shokugeki part 2!
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The idea of shopping at the forest baffled Iruma and Azz as they didn’t think there’s any supermarket here. Clara and her family explain that the so-called “supermarket” is actually what the entire forest basically is. They could get fresh produce from here and there’s so many kinds! The entire family, along with Iruma and Azz go “shopping” and are all armed with baskets to fill.
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A song number! As expected from the Valac family lol. I knew there’d be one. The song explains the stuff they could get in the forest and how the place is akin to an actual supermarket. There are many types of food and some which looks like regular food could be found in the unlikeliest of places. I mean, they get their meat from trees. But it’s also dangerous in here so they have to be careful.
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When shopping is done, Azz and Clara compare the stuff they got which they’d use for their food battle. Apparently, the stuff Azz got which looks good are actually terrible tasting compared to the weird ones Clara had gotten.
Clara’s mom tells them that there is a creature in the forest that is called Shabu-Shabu which is known as the “Ultimate Ingredient”. It could be found in the Cave of Rewards which is shown in the map up there. Iruma thinks it must be delicious and so Clara and Azz decided they’re gonna get it for him.
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The main trio plus Clara’s brothers all go to the cave (Clara’s mom went home cause the babies are asleep) to find this creature. The brothers tell Iruma and Azz that they should stay back as they think they shouldn’t trouble the guests. Clara immediately tells them that Iruma is actually pretty strong as he’s the Hero of Walter Park after all (Azz agrees). Iruma downplays this and says everyone did their best so he’s not the only strong one. 
The brothers are amazed and asked Azz what he did at the Walter Park incident. Azz remembers what had happened with his fight alongside Sabnock and how they had to retreat and with this, he wasn’t able to give them an answer.
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The Shabu-Shabu appears! It looks like a chimera composed of shark, pig and lots of vegetables - the complete meal! That's why it's called Ultimate Ingredient lol. Almost everything you’d need in the kitchen all in one large and dangerous package. It even has seaweed mustache. XD
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Their prey is also a predator and so the Shabu-Shabu captures Clara’s brothers using his mustaches in order to eat them. Azz tries hitting it with his fireball but it kept deflecting it with a Chinese wok lol. With that not working, Clara uses all the ingredients she got from their shopping trip in order to distract the creature. Once it was busy eating, Azz cuts off the mustaches and frees the brothers.
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Azz thinks of what to do next. He wants to defeat this creature for Iruma and it doesn’t have any hostages anymore so he’s free to try but he knows it’s too strong. He remembers the stuff Sabnock told him at the park and decided it’s best to just retreat for now. He summons his familiar to help them escape but he thinks to himself that he’d try and get stronger after this.
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As they were leaving, Clara’s mom arrives and instant KOs the Shabu-Shabu for what it did to her kids. The kids are of course, surprised by this.
I’m happy they’re still acknowledging that adults are stronger than the kids. Most other shounen anime would go with the “these kids are special and they could totally win this without much proper training” but this one decided to be a bit on the realistic side. Sure the kids aren’t strong yet but they do realize this themselves one way or another and strive to be better and stronger. If they continue trying to grow then they’d end up really strong, too. It would be fun to see that development especially for the kids of the Abnormal Class who didn’t really think much of themselves before as they’d prove to others and themselves that they are capable of amazing things.
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They were able to go home safely and Clara’s mom cooks while Clara watches and Azz takes notes. Oh and they did use the Shabu-Shabu as it’s shown that it’s skull is outside the house haha. Iruma was able to eat a ton of food!
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The day ends and it was time for bed. They were tired after the long day so they declines Clara’s invite for a pillow fight. Clara then offered to do a sleeping ritual to them which is something she does for her siblings which always works. They had to lay their heads on her lap though which they immediately decline for obvious reasons. Clara doesn’t pick up on this and pulls Azz down to lay on her lap and he quickly falls asleep in the middle of complaining. Iruma gets pulls down, too and Clara starts singing a lullaby. Her singing sounded really good, too! Iruma falls asleep to this and Clara bids them good night.
Aren’t they cute? It looks so sweet.
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The next morning, the Valac family plus Iruma and Azz went out to gather food for their breakfast. While the trio is getting vegetables, Clara’s mom takes a photo to put on another album about her daughter. It’s so cute!
Also, Azz who was weirded out by the events of the day before seems more comfortable now and is happily participating in the stuff the Valac family does.
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Overall it was a peaceful time. And then we get this cliffhanger showing us that Ameri’s dad is on his way to the Valac residence for unspecified reasons.
That episode was really fun! Its more slice-of-life-y becoming the sort of breather episode after the previously intense battle heavy arc. It also lets us know more about Clara’s family and about Clara herself. I hope Asmodeus gets an episode like this, too.
Despite the episode being a bit more on the relaxing side, it has moments that continues Azz’s development that was happening in the previous episodes. He did take to heart the stuff Sabnock says and decides to be better. I think it’s a fun cycle that Sabnock, the self-proclaimed rival of Iruma, learned to become a better person cause of Iruma himself and taught this same lesson to Asmodeus, the self-proclaimed greatest ally of Iruma. Many shounen anime rivalries like this end up with the person learning the lesson because of their rival to be a bit bitter about it but here, they actually really appreciate it and don’t hold any grudges. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate how it’s done in other stories. All I’m saying is that seeing something different from time-to-time can be nice, too. It shakes things up a little.
I did feel a little bad when Azz couldn’t give an answer when the brothers asked him what he did during the attack on Walter Park, though. But he actually thought about it and didn’t try to lie or anything. He admitted he needed to get stronger and promises himself that he absolutely will.
I went “Aww~!” at the many heartwarming moments in this episode especially when it came to Clara’s mom. Seeing the phot album near the end made me smile so much. The scene where Clara sings to her friends is really nice and sweet, too.
The previews show that the next episode would be Ameri-centric again. This anime has so many ships revolving Iruma that it makes me wonder if this could count as a harem anime (but since that’s not exactly the overall focus of the story, it doesn’t seem like it and I only remember when the show hints that the girls like Iruma). So far Iruma has got Ameri, Clara, Kerori, and Eiko who has blatant crushes on him (with 3 out of 4 admitting it to themselves). If you’re wearing shipping goggles then there’s also Asmodeus and Kiriwo-senpai. But the one who gets the most focus when it comes to romantic development is Ameri. She gets moments and sometimes episodes that gives a spotlight to her feeling for Iruma (and there are moments where Iruma looks like he’s close to feeling the same way).
I’m wondering if this means Ameri would be the official love interest. Like, I guess it makes sense with all the development and I don’t hate it but still... it kinda makes me sad that the ships I do support for Iruma are shot down already haha. Ameri fans are so lucky! I wish Clara and Azz are given this much fighting chance, too cause so far, Iruma only thinks of them as friends.
Alright, this has gone on too long. Thanks for reading!
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Hello JWB! I love your writings and blogs. Sorry to increase your ask load. I just wanted to ask do you have any headcannons about NK Lavanya's wedding or Anjali Aman for that matter.
Have a nice day.
Hello dear!
Thank you for the love <3
Haha no I have all my asks lined up so it's cool.
I remember having an OTP ask meme that had a lot of head canons and Aman-Anjali and NK-La, you'd love reading them! I had an OTP ask meme 2 as well!
This tag of NK covers everything NK in the blog :) Similarly searching for Lavanya, Anjali, Aman would bring up results related to them on the blog.
Below I have compiled some of my head canons of these two from my previous OTP asks :)
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NK-LA Headcanons
If they could each describe each other in one sentence, what would it be?
NK : The most beautiful woman who exists on this planet (also, Nannav was an ass to break her heart).
La : If you think he’s always funny then you don’t know him.
Have they made each other cry?
NK: Yes, when she chose not to date him because of his connection to Arnav and his family. It was painful.
La: Yes, when he asked her to marry him.
Name something they would never do for the other person.
NK: I don’t think NK would give up on his family.
La: She won’t change herself. She’s gone through it once and never again.
What is a promise they have made to each other?
NK: I’ll always be honest in this relationship, regardless of any truth.
La: I’ll always tell you that I love you before sleeping.
(Hilarious, imagine them having a fight and NK grinning cause he knows La has to say ‘I love you’ before she sleeps)
What activities do they enjoy together?
NK and La love:
Playing games - from cards, chess, strip poker, 8 ball pool.
Enjoying outdoor/adventure sports - hiking, bungee jumping, skydiving.
Binge watching Hindi TV shows and films - they love K3G, Kaho Na Pyaar Hai, Ssssh Koi Hai *lol* and it’s the easiest way for them to connect with Indian culture
Sex - both of them love it*
*I keep on writing that all the couples enjoy sex because I write them and I think of sex as fun but just want to let it out that sex is not all necessary for relationships. In fact several romantic relationships have more intimacy in other activities - it is completely normal to not even like sex! Remember that sex, sexual orientation, sexual desire, sexual activities have no one way and can go in multiple directions!
What would be their love motto?
“When you love someone, you love the person as they are, and not as you’d like them to be.” - Leo Tolstoy
What are things they both find funny?
They both find NK’s Hindi extremely funny, as well as Khushi’s choice in films and Buaji’s fixation with her beloved Nandkisore!
If they complimented each other, what would they say?
NK: Lavanya, aapse milkar meri mooh rooh kambal mukammal ho gaya. You’re the light of my life. You are my sun, my moon, my everything (Arnav: Yes of course, who needs blood, oxygen, water)
La: You made me meet myself. NK, there’s no one like you (Arnav: I agree, thankfully there’s no one like him)
I just love imagining Arnav loving and dissing this pair always. Lol (not in front of La, she’ll legit yeet him out of this world).
What were their first impressions of each other?
NK: He literally lost his heart the minute he saw Lavanya. For him, perfection finally had a face. An angel. Breath was knocked out of his lungs. He finally knew what love was and why it could drive people to madness because he literally signed his life off to a woman who’s name he was yet to learn. Check out the song Hosana - that would be his first impression of her.
La: Too good to be true. He had the sweetest smiles and was a terrible flirt. Men like him are like a good dream - best be forgotten at sunrise. He’s either a heartbreaker or a dreaded ‘nice boy’. She wouldn’t believe the dreams he’d evoke in her. Check out Iktara - it’s a beautiful song and one I think that would depict La’s mind very well.
Who does the hands-over-the-eyes “Guess Who” thing?
If that doesn’t spell out Nandkisore then I don’t know what does! I’m very sure that whenever NK visits La, especially by surprise, that’s how he greets her! And  she loves it!
Who says I love you first? How did it happen?
It happens something like this:
NK is always being NK. Making La laugh, being her most reliable friend, treating her right and just being her biggest support. They’ve been casually dating for about a year and for NYE NK catches a flight to go to London to see her.
Why? Because it seems to have worked like a charm with his cousins to see their beloveds on the stroke of midnight.
It’s a big gesture and with the NYE NK confesses that he loves her. He says this all to an unsuspecting Lavanya Kashyap who thought she’ll celebrate NYE alone in her apartment in her bathrobe and facemask.
They kiss in the doorway, she in her bathrobe and NK with his traveler’s pillow still around his neck - classic NK.
After which he’s glad he was 5 minutes late to the Gupta house otherwise according to his superstition he would’ve been married to Bua ji!
Who tells their friends/family about their relationship first?
My long standing theory is that Khushi finds out about it before anyone telling it to her. She has a knack for understanding relationship (if she puts her focus on it, otherwise she can be as blind as a bat). Khushi is NK’s wingwoman and she’ll tell him everything about La as well as encourage him to move forward.
But yes, in terms of informing I feel NK tells it first to his friends/family. Lavanya, in my opinion, would be hesitant in ‘telling’ friends/family cause in a way that makes a relationship official and she won’t take the first step in it until and unless she’s absolutely sure - which is a good thing.
NK decides he’s gonna marry her the minute he sees her toh at one point, he will tell the family/friends and knowing La’s history with the Raizada’s he’ll be very firm with them about how to treat La. (My opinion: he’s not the biggest fan of La ko desi banao project).
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
They talk, chat, video call and buy little presents for each other. It’s almost always something insignificant. A postcard, a keychain, a shirt - even a local flower!
While Lavanya doesn’t let anyone know that she’s away from NK, she always has her phone with her in case there’s a message from him.
NK - the whole of Delhi and Sydney are aware of his misery without his beloved. Also he sets his time in accordance to whichever country Lavanya is in irrespective of her multiple protests.
But they also know to give each other space - which is an important aspect of their relationship. They tell each other when they need time off to cool down from a hard day at work or are just overwhelmed by whatever situation they’re confronted with.
And sometimes they’re on FaceTime, doing their own tasks and happy with the other’s company.
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What senses (sights, smells, feelings, etc). remind them of each other?
Anjali: glacial mountains (Himalayas, Alps), Armani cologne, lavender, cotton and silk, cold breeze, pleasure - intense pleasure remind her of Aman.
Aman: classic architecture (from Taj Mahal to Jagannath Temple), renaissance paintings, sandalwood, marigolds, gold, chiffon, yearning and satisfaction remind him of Anjali.
If they could each write a single line in their marriage vows, what would they be?
Anjali would write: “I thought I knew what love was, but it was until I met you that I realised that my definition was wrong.”
Aman would write: “If you go by the traditional definition of love, people would think I loved your brother more than you.”
And they’d both burst into laughter.
credit: @ridzmystique for the dialogues.
How have they changed each other for the better/for the worse?
For better
Anjali: a lot more verbal with her feelings, focuses more on self - less compromising, does not asses people from only her perspective (understands people do things that she wouldn’t), isn’t always perfect, and cherishes independence and family time, grows to love and accept herself and her past without blaming herself.
Aman: more communication, finally has a life outside ASR (lol), does not wait forever or for circumstances to ‘align’/'be right’ to express his emotions, makes less assumptions and questions more, takes his time to enjoy life out of work, devotes himself to the love he feels.
For worse
They’re both obsessed with Arnav as it’s one literal job and the other’s literal birthright hence a lot of their life decisions is often governed by what Arnav would think about it. Not that they’re waiting for approval, but let’s say Arnav’s opinions is always a matter of conversation (this is something Khushi, Arnav actively try to tackle).
They both are too ready to make sacrifices for each other. What if Anjali truly loves someone else? Aman should not be bogged down with a woman who has a tough past. Doesn’t Anjali deserve someone more than her brother’s manager? Won’t it be better to hurt Aman and let him hate her than suffer and wait for her longer? Fortunately these issues are easily dealt with difficult but important conversations.
There is a constant fear of losing each other because it took them forever to get together. Also the belief that they’re not 'good enough’ for the other person.
Write a short dirty talk between them
Anjali sat by the pool, lighting the last candle. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the soft breeze. A few more hours and it would be New Year. She noticed her beloved Chote and Khushi close dance in a private corner of the living room - blissfully unaware they were visible to anyone passing by.
Anjali smiled and thanked the lord for blessing her brother and Khushi with every imaginable happiness. Her chain of thought and prayers broke with her phone vibrating.
It was a text message from Aman.
“You look beautiful tonight.” Anjali looked around, searching for the handsome, curly haired, broody man she had grown to love. Aman Mathur.
His name sent shivers of pleasure he had given her the night before. There was something exciting about having a secret affair.
There he was, standing on top of the stairs, staring at her with his hawk eyes.
“You take my breath away in more ways than one Mr. Mathur,” Anjali replied.
“You give me too much credit Miss. Raizada, if I remember you are the one who excel at it.” Aman texted, leaning against the railing, wondering if he’d go to hell for romancing his boss’s sister. More likely killed and packaged by Arnav Singh Raizada to hell.
Anjali blushed at the text and leaned against the lounge chair, completely aware of how flattering and invisible her thin saree was under the moonlight. Keeping the eye contact she called him.
“You are too kind.” Anjali whispered.
“You haven’t seen my kindness yet. If you are kind enough, I might just show how kind I can be.” Aman flicker his gaze down, letting Anjali know where all he intended to show his kindness.
“If we were alone, I’d let you know how beautiful you look.” Aman fidgeted with his tie.
“Meet me out in five - use the back door.” Anjali cut the call and looked at the watch - it was 11:55pm. Although she no longer believed the ‘theory’ of seeing a beloved during midnight - she felt the sudden urge to see his face before anyone’s with the New Year.
Aman shot her a grin and walked the other way, playing with the small square box in his pocket.
Do they go on dates? What are they like?
Yes they do! Initially they would meet at coffee shops, making small talks and having meaningful silences. Once they got closer, Aman would invite Anjali for lunch dates at his home.
And then it became dinner dates.
Aman’s quite the chef so he’d cook dinners and that’s where they’d have the best conversations. Anjali would come out of her reserved, elegant shell and laugh boisterously at Aman’s jokes (humor is not his strong suit) and Aman would wind down, finally, and probably watch a terribly cheesy Hindi film/soap opera with Anjali for the night.
Who leaves little notes in the other one’s lunch? (Bonus: What does it say?)
Aman does! It started off as something small - when Anjali headed straight to her NGO from Aman’s when he packed her a small tiffin box. It said “Have a good day, A” and probably meant the whole world for her.
Since then it’s been a habit - even post their marriage that he drops little notes that says the most mundane, yet sweet things like “eat well”, “I’ll be late tonight, don’t stay up, A”. Things that could easily be communicated over text but they both prefer the little notes.
What is the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
In my head canon Aman has loved Anjali and is aware of it for the longest time and has made peace with his feelings. Being extremely practical and sans fanfare, when he realised he has feelings, he hid it in himself as his biggest secret. So nothing changed, except a young man might have matured overnight because of a heartbreak.
For Anjali her optimism and surface level happiness would break the day she realizes her feelings. As a person who compartmentalized her feelings and choses to bury her thoughts and live in denial, the realisation that she’s fallen in love, again, actually opens the careful cover she’s placed on ‘calm’ face. Her feelings, emotions - all become raw and exposed.
Fun thought: While Arnav becomes calm in love, Anjali becomes extremely volatile!
Who tells their friends/family about their relationship first?
Anjali tells it to Khushi because Khushi is the only one who wouldn’t ask Anjali to marry him the next day nor be scandalized. Then Aman tells Arnav, pained by how torn Anjali is in telling the rest of the family members - especially her Chote. Then Akash, Payal and finally the family knows (from Anjali and Arnav).
Hope you have a wonderful day ahead!
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cursesandcries · 3 years
The Promised Neverland
I just finished watching this anime (Season 1 lang) kanina kasama ko kuya ko. I have a lot to say, that's why this post is here hahaha. Note that di ko pa nababasa ang manga. Legit anime pa lang napapanood ko haha.
Bago ang realizations, I just want to express na tangina, it was one hell of a ride. It kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time until the last episode, it was so so so good! The storytelling was so brilliant!!! Standing ovation to everyone behind it, really. You deserve all the recognition! Brilliant minds!!! Brilliant minds!!! I cried a lot grabe sobrang ganda lang.
Anyway eto na nga hahahaha andami kong sasabihin I hope I have all the words for it, kasi di ko siya madescribe verbally.
It somehow mirrors our reality.
While watching it kanina, at the back of my mind, inihahalintulad ko siya sa realities sa totoong buhay. Naisip ko na medyo sinasalamin din nung kwento yung existence ng uri/social class. May uring mapagsamantala, at uring pinagsasamantalahan. Yung mga monsters, yung "Them," sila ang naghaharing uri na nagpapanatili ng ganoong sistema o status quo (yung farm system nila) which only existed for their own gain--sila lang nakakabenepisyo r'on, diba. Yung mga "Moms" naman, naisip ko na biktima lang din pala sila, pero sila yung mga taong mas pinili ang pansariling interes para mas mabuhay ng matagal, kasi alam nila (o akala nila) na wala na silang magagawa sa status quo kaya mas mabuti nang tanggapin na lang ito at maghanap ng opportunities within the system just to survive and live longer--and that is to become a "Mom." Hindi ko lang sure kung matatawag ba silang mga traydor sa uri, pero parang pwede na din, 'no?
At yung uring pinagsasamantalahan naman, yung mga inosenteng bata na walang kaalam-alam. Pero sa kwento, kahit ibang klase ng pagsasamantala ang pinakita (parang hindi obvious kasi diba they were well-fed, well-dressed, etc) pero lahat ito ay para maging magandang "produkto" sila that the ruling class will soon consume. Pero, hmm, parang pwede rin na ihalintulad siya sa neoliberal system of education natin halimbawa. Na yung inaaral natin ay hindi naman siya liberating for us, but our neoliberal education system was designed for us to serve the interests of the capitalists, to meet the demands of the semi-colonial, semi-feudal society that only benefits the ruling class. Tama ba ito? Haha, I'm not sure, pero eto yung naiisip ko. Which is why siguro din,,, sobrang affected ako sa kwento. Naiyak pa nga aq sksksksks
Sobrang hinahangaan ko din ang characters nila Emma, Norman, Ray, Don, at Gilda. They remind me of the people who fights through and through because they just want everyone (and I mean everyone!!! no-student-left-behind kind of everyone) to break free from the system they're in. They knew about the rotten, harsh system, and instead of choosing to maintain the status quo, they chose to resist, they chose to struggle. Which is TAMA BEHAVIOR hahaha.
That also brought me to the realization na ang tanging solusyon lang doon is to dismantle the system at pabagsakin ang mga halimaw na nagpapanatili ng ganoong sistema. a system who leaves no choice for others but to choose to be selfish just to survive. Familiar, ano? hahahahaha. Ayun lang naman haha. Nakaka-agit siya when I think of it this way. Sulong tayo, gaya ng ginawa nila Emma!
Regarding Isabella.
To be very honest, at first, I really said na I could never empathize with Isabella, even after I learned about her backstory. I even told my brother that, after he told me that he can empathize with her. Sabi ko hindi eh, grabe naman, di ba naaantig puso niya? Ang cute ng mga bata, mahal na mahal siya, tas ipapakain niya lang? Kahit nga yung anak niya tinawag niya lang na "lapdog" amp, tas willing pa siyang i-ship out yung sarili niyang anak. Ang initial reaction ko talaga after all that is I can never imagine empathizing with a person like that. Tinweet ko pa nga yung sentiments ko haha
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Pero after I gave it a thought, well, this tweet:
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Ayun, narealize ko lang na it must have been so hard to have kept the truth a secret to yourself, not knowing what to do with the information, not knowing how to handle it. It must have been so hard on her part to say goodbye to an innocent, unknowing close friend of hers all while knowing full well what will happen to him. She just cried that night, alone, without anyone to confide in. Kaya niya siguro nasabi kay Emma yung wala na siyang magagawa at kaysa magsuffer siya kakaisip, tanggapin niya na lang and just live her life until her time and accept her fate. Kasi she went through it din, and she must know very well how Emma felt about it. Good thing na lang talaga at malakas ang fighting spirit ni Emma at di siya tumulad kay Isabella.
It just pains me to think how Isabella must have felt all those times. She endured it all alone (unlike Emma who thankfully have Norman and Ray by her side), until eventually kinagat niya na lang yung katotohanan and grabbed the only opportunity she sees to survive and live a long life, and that is to be a "Mom." Kumbaga after all that she went through, naging bato na lang yung puso niya talaga.
I also realized na that kind of character is very human din. May mga tao naman talaga na wala nang ibang choice kundi piliin yung daan kung saan sila makakasurvive diba. Kapit sa patalim, kumbaga. Basta makasurvive lang sa loob ng isang sistemang bulok at mapang-api, whatever it takes. Hindi natin maipagkakaila na due to desperation, may ganoon talaga. After all, biktima lang din naman sila.
Habang iniisip at sinusulat ko 'to, nararamdaman ko yung sakit physically at naiiyak talaga ako amp hasdhfahdfah sumisikip dibdib ko kasi kung iisipin, sobrang totoo niya eh. Malapit siya sa akin siguro dahil na din sa exposure ko at sa mga natutunan ko mula sa pagiging aktibista. And personally, I so much want to be like Emma and the others. Yung hindi inuuna ang sarili, kundi iniisip yung kung anong makakabuti hindi lang para sa kanya kundi para sa lahat.
Regarding Ray.
Very understandable din yung character ni Ray. Siya actually yung pinaka favorite ko talaga sa kanilang tatlo. Emma is very likable simula pa lang pero si Ray kasi ang ganda nung pagkaka-build up sa character niya. Nung nalaman kong spy siya ng nanay niya, taena dudang duda na ako kay badet and I thought I'd hate him, but no. He just wants his best friends to get the fuck out of there. He also endured all that all alone, for six fucking years, just to build up his plan on how to save Emma and Norman (ni hindi niya nga sinali ang sarili niya sa plano diba, kasi his plan all along is to sacrifice himself just to save his best friends. At kahit pa dun sa plano ni Emma na ililigtas lahat, still, he never considered himself to be one of the maliligtas kasi nga all along his plan was to sacrifice himself--and of course, precious Norman knew this, siya nagsabi kay Emma sa letter diba haha). He just loves his best friends so much, so so so sooooo much to the point na he's willing to sacrifice himself for them. And that is so admirable of him, yet VERY painful din. Sobrang nasaktan ako for Ray honestly. When Norman was "shipped out," I just want to hug him so tight. He felt so defeated and guilty. Andami niyang na-"sacrifice" na mga bata, who he considered as family (my god imagine how painful that must be but he has no choice!!), just to save his best friends, and knowing na hindi niya pa rin naligtas si Norman even after everything he did, tangina, I can't even imagine how he must have felt. Heart-shattering talaga siguro. Ako nga na nanonood lang, sobrang nasaktan na. Pano pa kaya siya?! (pero ehrm my kuya spoiled me about Norman's whereabouts so HAHA YEAH)
Anyway, shet ang haba na. hahaha but it feels so good to talk (or write, lol) like this again. Sad lang kasi wala akong nakakausap regarding this (and I doubt someone will read this din, but hey, if you actually did read this long-ass post and reached this part, and you've also watched the anime, baka naman gusto mong mag share ng thoughts mo din!!! I would LOVE to know what you think about the story! It's just so interesting to me I think I can never stop talking about this for days hahahaha). Maganda sana siyang discussion. Siguro bukas io-open up ko yung thoughts ko sa kuya ko na kasabay kong nanood. I'll tell him that I changed my mind after thinking it over and I actually empathize with Isabella hahaha.
I am yet to read the whole manga, so di ko pa alam how they saved everyone, including those children na nasa ibang plants, and how it all ended. At first I thought di ko na babasahin yung manga kasi Haikyuu nga di ko pa tapos bakit ko pa dadagdagan yung babasahin ko. Pero after finishing the anime's season 1, taena di ako mapakali!! I /need/ to know how it all went, so yes, I'm gonna read the manga as soon as I finish the fanfics that I'm reading hahahahaha. And NO, I'm not gonna watch the Season 2 of the anime kasi balita ko disappointing daw, and it didn't give the story justice???? BALITA Q LANG HA. So ayun, babasahin ko na lang ang manga I'm so invested in this xD magandang distraction na din sa magulo at maingay kong isip :)
Anywayyyy, ayuuunnn!!! That's all for this post hahahaha emerut.
I wish Emma, Ray, Norman, Don, Gilda, Phil, and all the brave kids a very long and happy life and a very strength to fight the system and create a whole new world that they deserve. Ika nga ay hakbang pasulong! Emz hahahaha
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tellywoodtrash · 5 years
sanjivani 23.10.19 lb
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“kaafi kasssss ke gire aap mere pyaar mein.”
lmao she has zero chill.
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haaaaaaaaye her heart eyes. siddhu, kaisa patthar dil sanam hai tu, jo isse andekha kar raha hai????
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waise heart eyes toh idhar bhi hain.
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askldjaslkdjlsakjdlkj he’s threatening to complain about her for workplace harassment. I WOULD ACTUALLY KINDA LIKE TO SEE IT HAPPEN THO, JUST TO SEE WHAT PROTOCOLS THIS HOSPITAL HAS IN PLACE FOR SUCH A SITUATION.
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“aapki marzi!”
my god, she’s such a dheeeeeent.
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OMFGGGGGGG SHE FLIPPED IT AROUND ON HIM. ki harassment isn’t what she’s doing - “kya kahenge aap; ki ek ladki aapko chhed rahi hai, aur aap chhidna nahi chahte?” - (lbr sis, it IS harassment. this is textbook aitraaz behaviour) but instead what he’s done, by removing her from his team coz of his personal feelings for her. LOL DON’T TRY TO SCHOOL THE MASTER IN THEIR OWN AREA OF EXPERTISE, SID. SHE PROBABLY HAS ALL THE WHOLE FUCKING HR AND ETHICS MANUAL MEMORIZED.
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“jis din meri duty ke beech mera dil aa gaya na, uss din main khud apni complaint kar doongi.”
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“aur rahi baat saat din ki…. abhi toh shuruvaat hai!”
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“kaisi AJEEEEB zidddi ladki se paala pada hai!!!!”
hahahahahahaha the resignation in his voice. bechaara.
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lagta hai dheent hone ke lessons ishani juhi se le rahi hai. naaak mein dummmmm kar rakha hai dono ne apne mentors ka.
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“ek kaam karte hain: patient ko OT se utaar dete hain, aap ko yahaan pe letaa dete hain, aur tumhare dimaag mein jo baat atki hui hai, usse main surgery karke nikaal deta hoon.”
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juhi is totally chill with it, while shashank is mortified. lolololololol.
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great, even sister philo knows why juhi was thrown out 10 years ago. onlyyyyyyy juhi doesn’t know at this point.
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………… ouff kya hi baat thi? is shashank covering for juhi for something? JUST TELL US ALREADY!!!!!!
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nurse philo wanting to exit her mortal body and ascend to the heavens is the most accurate reaction i’ve ever seen to having a convo overheard by the person you’re talking about.
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lol kalti maar li after confirming juhi didn’t really hear anything.
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rishabh baar baar apologize kar raha hai and is saying he’s so glad to get to work with ishani now. dare i hope? has he changed????? IS HE A GOOD BOY NOW???? CAN WE LIKE HIM? BECAUSE WE WANT TO LIKE HIM. WE DON’T LIKE NOT LIKING HIM.
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lmao asha looks tortured to be with sid. does she actually prefer working with rishabh? hard to believe. but i guess they must have formed their own little dynamic by now.
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sis, your dil is getting in the way. focus.
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“sheila ki jawaani.”
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“WHAT? jawaan? kaun???”
omg rishabh is so adorably flummoxed and self conscious.
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jaise taise mana liya ki case ke baare mein baat kar rahi hai…. and lol made him doubt his own knowledge about it and offer to reread the case. YAAAAAAR ISKO POSITIVE KAR DO, I WANT TO SEE HIM BE CUTE LIKE THIS!!!!!!
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ugh girl you could have just texted.
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this nazar band on the ankle is trend these days or what? surbhi’s been wearing hers since IB, but namit and rohit are wearing them too??
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anjali is not liking her …… caffeine dependency, and thinks they should stop….. drinking coffee.
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god anjali, stop getting hysterical. just tell him nahi chahiye teri coffee anymore and end it.
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ugh. i hate men. i hate this man in particular, but god, i hateeeeeeee men.
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ugh anjaliiiiiiiiiiii. why are you like this????? sid se seekho kaise decision pe firm rehte hain.
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menacing laddoo eating and promises to swargvaasi didi.
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sid is being a bitch to asha also. dude, she just got the files like 5 minutes ago, thanks to your switcheroo.
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juhi stepping in to save asha. god i love her. she’s honestly the besttttttttt.
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ohhhhh nooooooooooo, he called dr. juhi “ISHANI”. bro, what is this behaviour?????
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even juhi is like beta, what are you even doing????? it’s so obvious you’re all fucked up in love, literally every single person here can see it. stop torturing yourself like this.
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boss!mom advice toh deke chali gayi ki dil ki suno…. karna toh isko hai na. bechaara.
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i would like to thank all the known and unknown gods for this shirt of namit’s, that clings to alllllllllllll the right places.
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body type se toh aman lagta hai.
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waaah hospital ke pichwaade mein sekrit room bhi hai ishq ladaane ko! such thoughtful architecture. @nawaazishein​ kahin tumne toh design nahi ki yeh super useful feature?????????
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lmao he sees hearts candles balloons and he’s like ishani i know it’s you!!!!!!!!
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she’s like ouff kya dinnnnn aa gaye hain, manaane ke liye kya kya karna pad raha hai.
that’s heterosexuality, sis. tuney hi chuna hai yeh rasta, ab bhugat.
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oh ho, hospital ka non operating wing hai. so it’s no more professional, just personal.
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“tum chahti kya ho? mujhe chain se jeene nahi de sakti kya?”
lmaoooooooooooooooo he is truly so fucking done, the poor thing. i really feel his exhaustion, with like…. life.
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“ab kya karoon; bimaari hai hi aisi, ilaaj bhi kadak hi karna hoga.”
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save these two idiots from themselves!!!!!!!!!!
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oh never mind, looks like you’ve changed your mind. carry on.
but he might also be having a little stroke, so i hope asha/rahil are somewhere close by for medical attention.
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“kaisi lag rahi hoon main?”
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lmao badiiiiii mushkil se he tore his gaze away from her boobs.
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lollllllllllllllllllll sis what you doing???
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HIS FACE!!!!!!!!!!!! haha awwwwww.
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when zakir khan talks about sakht launda…….. THIS IS WHOM HE’S TALKING ABOUT. THE SAKHTEST OF ALL LAUNDAS!!!!!!!
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i knew this would be a callback to the armaan-riddhima zara zara touch me. I KNEW IT. I KNEWWWWWWWW IT.
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lmao ok this is some very awkward dancing. don’t quit your day job behen.
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hahahahahahaha oh ishaaaaani.
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lmaooooooooo pushed him down on the couch and he sat on a balloon and it phodofied. kya hi disasterrrrrrrr seduction hai yeh.
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behold, the paragon of self control.
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her long-suffering face while doing these things is honestly sending me.
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yeah you love it, you asshole.
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we all know ki kal isko trauma flashbacks aayenge and he’ll run away, but for today, i’m gonna savour this and headcanon ki they had a nice handsy makeout session. 
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flamehairedsiren · 6 years
Five OTP Songs
Tagged by @pikapeppa of course, which shouldn’t surprise y’all. :P
Naturally, those who know me know about The Sun and Moon (aka my brain child and baby) so naturally this meme shall go to Aloy and Avad. <3
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(Note: gif is mine. Please do not use without my permission.)
I have a whole ass playlist for The Sun and Moon so all these songs are taken from that. There’s literally no sense to it, though. lol There’s classical, Bollywood, soundtracks, pop, the works. I mean, the thing is over 30 hours long. lmao
1. Kings And Queens by Thirty Seconds to Mars Not a romantic song, obviously, but if this fic was a movie, this song would be rolling in the credits. The whole point of TSAM is Aloy and Avad’s story as a couple and Aloy’s future as a monarch. I can’t not use this song. It defines the very heart and soul of my story.
2. Love So Soft by Kelly Clarkson We all know Avad is a soft boy but affectionate as hell. The title speaks for itself, I think. (Alternative: Something that Wild by Chris Cagle. We all know Aloy isn’t gonna be tied down, even with her winding up with a king, and this song pretty much indicates toward Avad’s acknowledgement of that fact)
3. What is Love? by Frances Aloy’s never been in a romantic relationship before. Naturally, it’s a new thing for her. She’s euphoric but also confused. She’s learning, and she’s doing it with a man who adores her and respects her (considering the fact that he’s Carja? Wild). She’s more confident in herself as a grown woman who’s seen more of the world, but really, what is love?
4. Born To Be Yours by Imagine Dragons (ft. Kygo) Another self-explanatory title. Aloy and Avad are enamored by each other, and the closer they get, the tighter they click. Avad realizes that he’s never going to meet the likes of her again and Aloy, despite her misgivings, has found her kindred spirit. Avad is a prisoner to his throne, and yet he hungers for the world like she does. They’re not going to back down now.
5. Lahu Munh Lag Gaya by Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Siddharth-Garima from the film Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela A lot of my readers/friends know that I’ve tied India very closely with the Carja, so it should go without saying that I’d add one of my favorite Bollywood songs. This song is very sensual (and if you’ve seen the movie, you’ll agree the kiss in this scene is hot af). A translation of the song title is I have kissed blood or I have tasted blood on my lips (which is a metaphor to love). I think it relates to Aloy and Avad’s relationship really well and indicates to the culture I’ve favored for Avad, both in the world of Horizon: Zero Dawn and as a 21st-century man. India is a beautiful country with well over a thousand languages and countless cultures. Like damn, y’all make me feel so unworthy.
Bonus: Aayat by Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Siddharth Garima and Ab Tohe Jane Na Doongi by Sanjay Leela Bhansali and A.M. Turaz from the film Bajirao Mastani I couldn’t resist including my two favorite songs from Bajirao Mastani. Aayat is a very worshipful song, Ab Tohe Jane No Doongi is the sweetest definition of pillowtalk, and both songs gives a peace that befits Aloy and Avad perfectly. A portion of the translated lyrics from Aayat reads: I have memorized you Like holy verses from Quran And a portion from Ab Tohe Jane No Doongi’s translation: Now, I won’t let you go This mistress like night has come I mean, the deep and profound love in these lyrics is everything. This is Aloy and Avad to me. A king and queen who share an undying love that transcends culture, religion, and strife; much like Bajirao and Mastani.
Gonna tag all three of my writer friends LOL @ir-anuk @valaloy @sun-and-shadow-aloy (and @mhysaofdragons for good measure haha)
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riskeys · 6 years
The best words probably have been said by someone somewhere long before you
my little empire I'm sick of being sick my little empire I'm tired of being tired my little empire I'm bored of being bored my little empire I'm happy being sad
Segelas kopi susu, sebatang rokok, lagu yang itu-itu lagi, dota lagi, kerjaan yang gak beres-beres lagi, duit seret.... Sekarang udah tahun 2019, di saat teman-teman yang lain udah pada nikah/lamaran dan kerjaan udah pada stabil dan karir udah mulai keliatan, hidupku masih gini gini aja. Lumayan sih ada sedikit pencapaian manggung di Singapura (haha!), though it's 90% pure luck for me. Tapi yaudah, mau gimana lagi, udah terlalu sering merenung walaupun most of the time it's kind of pointless contemplation. Kali ini aku mau menulis saja...
... walaupun yang ditulis tentang itu-itu lagi haha. Tulisan ini tentang tiga album musik yang seminggu ini awet jadi playlist saat buka laptop. Bosen kan ya hehehe.... Well, sebenernya tujuan dari tulisan ini cuma pengen liat sih apakah yang aku pikirkan dan rasakan tentang tiga album yang sering aku dengerin akhir-akhir ini bisa kutuliskan dengan kata-kata, soalnya aku kagum liat tulisan teman-teman yang ada di tumblr ini.
Well, ayo kita mulai.
1. This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours - Manic Street Preachers (1998)
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Ini bukan album terfavorit dari MSP dan menurutku bukan juga album masterpiece yang mereka buat, karena album favoritku sebenarnya adalah The Holy Bible. It's a fucking masterpiece and it is the most distinctive album of their catalogue. Actually I haven't found anything similar to it from another band. But that's not I want to talk about now.
Sedikit latar belakang tentang MSP / album TIMTTMY ini, sebenernya si MSP itu tadinya berempat, tapi setelah album The Holy Bible / sebelum album Everything Must Go (album sebelum TIMTTMY), Richey Edwards (guitarist-lyricist) menghilang tanpa kabar (disappearing act) hingga saat ini sampai dia udah dinyatakan meninggal karena benar-benar ga ada kabar dan sebelum ngilang dia sempat depresi gitu. Nah jadi si album TIMTTMY ini album perdana yang dibuat MSP pas udah jadi trio. Pembagian pembuatan lagu MSP itu biasanya musiknya dibuat sama James Dean Bradfield (vocalist) sama Sean Moore (drummer), dan liriknya sama Richey dan Nicky Wire (bassist). Berhubung Richey ilang, jadi yang nulis lirik hanya si Nicky ini.
Album TIMTTMY ini dari segi musik dan liriknya beda banget sama album-album sebelumnya yang rock banget dan liriknya banyak yang keras vulgar dan liar. TIMTTMY ini musiknya lebih lembut, lebih mellow, lebih pop dah. Musiknya lebih radio-friendly daripada album-album lain, cocok banget masuk TV, karena jarang banget ada nada gitar yang terdengar rumit atau melodi/nyanyian yang perlu dipikir banget biar ngerti. Mainstream banget dah kalo bisa dibilang, pada zamannya. Liriknya juga gak vulgar/keras gitu, walaupun masih tidak terlepas dari tema sosial-politik/sejarah dunia, mungkin karena yang nulis cuma Nicky Wire seorang. Contohnya kaya single "If You Tolerate This, Your Children Will Be Next" yang judulnya diambil dari poster di zaman perang saudara di Eropa (Spain, Great Britain, Germany) atau "S.Y.M.M." singkatan dari "South Yorkshire Mass Murderer" tentang tragedi pembunuhan massal di Yorkshire. Mungkin album ini juga nyeritain tentang kehidupan mereka yang semakin mellow selepas ditinggal Richey tanpa kabar yang pastinya sedih banget, dan juga seiring mereka tumbuh dan mulai jadi orang tua kali ya, seperti lagu "You Stole The Sun From My Heart", dengan liriknya yang cute untuk ukuran mereka,
"drinking water to stay thin; or is it to purify?; I love you all the same",
atau lagu "My Little Empire" yang liriknya kutulis di awal tulisan ini.
Sebenernya, pas pertama kali denger album ini, setelah awalnya dengerin The Holy Bible, agak kurang masuk sih albumnya, kaya... well, this one album must have been made for commercial purposes yang entah kenapa seringkali yaa ga semenarik itu. Tapi lama-lama kok enak yah hehe.... Entah kenapa ketika nemu enaknya di satu-dua lagu, spesifically "Tsunami", "You Stole The Sun...", "Ready for Drowning", semua lagunya jadi kerasa enak. Dan ternyata album ini bisa dibilang konseptual; alurnya pas, moodnya gak nanggung, mixing sound nya juga konsisten.
Kesimpulannya, album TIMTTMY ini memang enak sih haha.... Walaupun menurutku album ini gak senendang The Holy Bible atau Everything Must Go, album ini tetap sangat-sangat layak untuk didengarkan.
Fav Tracks: "Tsunami", "Ready for Drowning", "You Stole The Sun...", "My Little Empire"
2. Days Are Gone - HAIM (2013)
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Yes, HAIM! Band ini teh memang keren dan berbakat sih. Mereka semua cewek dan satu keluarga, marganya ya HAIM itu. Nama personilnya Danielle (guitarist), Alana (synth/guitar), Este (bassist). Mereka semua nyanyi, walaupun utamanya si Danielle. Tapi suaranya kayanya bagusan Este, dan live mereka seringkali ngaco wkwkwk. Apa karena mereka keturunan yahudi yah makanya talented haha....
Album DAG ini catchy abis, in a very smart way. I think this album should be the blueprint of mainstream music. Dibilang easy-listening juga gak easy easy banget, tapi catchy, penulisan liriknya juga termasuk cerdas karena sinkron banget sama melodi nyanyiannya (walaupun dari segi vocab kayanya standar aja sih), dan gak sosoan nurutin gaya cowok. Kalo dengerin album ini, rasanya ada aroma-aroma mainstream 90an kaya The Cranberries, The Corrs, Savage Garden, Alanis Morissette, yang gitu-gitu lah.
Lagu-lagunya gak begitu beragam gitu sih, ada yang standar pop, ada yang agak eksperimental juga. Yang termasuk standar pop kaya "If I Could Change Your Mind", "Don't Save Me", "The Wire", kalo gak salah itu single-singlenya. Terus yang eksperimental ada "My Song 5" yang keren bangets bangets ngaco, "Go Slow" yang agak pelan (namanya juga udah go slow), sama "Let Me Go" yang perkusinya main banget di sini. BTW, mereka seneng banget main perkusi macem drumband gitu, dan kalo lagi live mukanya kobe banget terutama Este.
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Entah kenapa dengerin album ini lagi setelah beberapa tahun lamanya, mungkin karena bosen sama yang biasanya didengerin, tapi males juga dengerin lagu-lagu baru hehe.... Dan ketika dengerin lagi, baru sadar ternyata yang didengerin adalah versi Deluxe nya, di mana ada lagu bonus kaya lagu demo nya "Go Slow" yang baru kusadari ternyata bassline nya saik bangets parah, dan ada lagu "Send Me Down" yang makin lama didengerin makin terngiang, hummingnya "oo oooweoooo" lucu banget haha!
Album DAG ini fresh banget sih pada masanya, ditambah lagi yang rilis adalah cewek-cewek, jadi menarik banget buat didengerin lagi di tahun 2019 ini. I really learn a lot from this album, dan buat yang belum pernah dengerin, ya harus banget coba dengerin sih, rugi kalo enggak pernah denger karena ini ena banget.
Fav tracks: "Forever", "Go Slow", "Days Are Gone"
3. Ex:Re - Ex:Re (2018)
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OK. Jadi, Ex:Re (dibaca x-ray) itu proyek solonya Elena Tonra. Buat yang belum tau Elena Tonra, doi itu front(wo)man dari grup band Daughter. Nah, si Daughter ini tuh semacam perpaduan band akustik dan elektronik gitu deh, dan udah ngeluarin 2 album + 1 album soundtrack game Life is Strange: Before The Storm. Buat yang belum pernah dengerin Daughter, jadi lagunya sendu sendu banget, super melankolis dan emosional. Tentang cinta (so pasti) atau peliknya kehidupan atau tentang mamanya. Pokonya kalo ngeliat livenya, Elena tuh suka kaya mau nangis terus kalo nyanyi wkwkwk....
Sebenernya si Ex:Re ini masih mirip-mirip Daughter sih secara sound: perpaduan melodi gitar clean (kaya akustik tapi pake gitar elektrik lah intinya) dan elemen-elemen musik elektro kaya synth atau drum pad. Yang ngebedainnya adalah... jadi ceritanya, album ini tuh isinya cerita tentang heartbreak, very specific as in its name "Ex:Re", you know, for her "ex". Nah si "ex" ini tuh kalau gak salah temen se-band nya juga di Daughter namanya Igor Haefeli. Pas Elena ini bikin materi, menurut dia ini terlalu privat buat diolah sama Daughter, jadi yauda dia rilis sendiri sebagai Ex:Re ini. Jadi karena memang inisiasinya sama-sama dari Elena ini jadinya ya mirip-mirip juga, cuma karena gak sama temen-temen Daughter ya jadinya beda deh. Bedanya di...?
Well, album ini sangat-sangat konseptual dan temanya sangat-sangat konsisten: heartbreak. Sepanjang album doi cuma nyanyiin how she has gone through heartbreak on so many occasion and how she feels about it all. Dari segi sound, kebanyakan lebih sepi daripada Daughter, lebih muted istilah lebih kerennya mah, terus lebih simple dan straightforward. Kaya lagu "Where The Time Went" atau "My Heart". Di lagu "My Heart", yang bener-bener nempel di kepala tuh dia cuma bilang (beneran deh bilang, kaya setengah nyanyi gitu) "my heart, my heart, in your hand", musiknya sepi, mungkin ngegambarin hatinya juga kali ya kesepian dan sedih gitu (sotoi lu). Ada juga sih yang agak ngebeat dan termasuk kesukaanku juga, "I Can't Keep You" sama "Romance".
Liriknya juga straightforward dan apa adanya banget dan kebanyakan desperate, kaya di lagu "The Dazzler",
"Drunk in my hotel room, I look perfect; I look like I'm 24 before I caught your coldness; God, I'm gorgeous", atau di lagu "Crushing", "We were drunk once, it's not like we were some dream; Combination, we were made as friends (I'm crushing)".
Elena ini sedih banget dah lirik-liriknya, pengen aku peluk aja (lho? :D).
BTW, lagu-lagu di album ini mengingatkanku kepada Radiohead era In Rainbows, Warpaint, Lorde, dan juga Arctic Monkeys era Tranquility Base. Mood gloomy di lagu "The Dazzler" terdengar sekali seperti Radiohead terutama lagu seperti "All I Need" atau "Reckoner", terus ada aroma psychedelic Warpaint juga kaya di lagu "Liar". Terus secara umum lagu-lagunya kaya Tranquility Base sih, like how the music and the vocals synchronize themselves in some ways, you know, kaya musiknya kaya background aja terus nyanyinya kaya setengah ngomong/cerita kadang ada nada nyanyi. Ya gitulah. But she is able to present the state of her art beautifully that this album really belongs to her... if that makes sense :DDD
Album ini bukan album yang specifically relatable sih buatku. It's more, like, "oh she's so sad now I'm sad too" rather than "oh what's she singing is very very me". Tapi album ini sangat-sangat konsisten munculin karakter sound dan nyesuain tema dari liriknya, which is all about broken hearts, dan mendengarkan album konsep yang bagus itu memang menyenangkan. Walaupun album ini gak se-easy-listening itu sih, tapi enak dah ujungnya. :D
Fav tracks: "Crushing", "The Dazzler", "I Can't Keep You", "Romance"
That's really all I can write though. I think that in the future when I look back and read this again, it will be really really cringe one to read. But that's okay. As if tumblr wouldn't be deleted already. Anyways... if you think this one is review worth considering, then you're wrong because this is only about what I know and what I feel about it all. But then, thanks for reading!
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psycholojay · 6 years
"Miss Granny"
(Movie Review)
Well me and my jowa wen't to see the movie today, kasi nga andami naming nakikitang magandang review and feedback, so, here's my honest review, my unpopular opinion.
Gaya nga ng madalas kong gawin, hindi ko as in i spoilin yung movie, I heard na parang adaptation something ata sya, not sure, pero anyway, eto lang yung mga ma e-expect nyo sa movie, so let's start;
First of all, I highly recommend this movie to those people na laking grandparents, because in this movie Nova Villa/Sarah G. Portrayed the unconditional love of a lola and last but not the least, mother.
You will see a different Sarah G., sobrang amazing, I love her, lalo na sa movie na to, maganda na sya sobrang gumanda pa sya, lalo na yung mga actings nya, napaka amazing.
James Reid and Xian Lim roles are well executed, medyo bitin nga lang sya ng konti.
I handa nyo ang sariling nyong umiyak, humalakhak, umiyak at humalakhak ulit, pang family tong movie nato guys, pero seryoso, naiyak ako guys hahahahaha, kakahiya.
Cinematography is 80% , no hate, pero kulang kasi, tapos may part pa na di ganun ka linaw yung camera, kaya medyo na dismaya ako sa kala gitnaan ng movie, sobrang napaka mapag matyag ako pag dating dito, consideration? siguro sa cinema lang yun na pinag panuoran namin, so ayun.
Na appreciate ko ba? NO, I am sorry, honest review nga diba? Ayaw ko namang magkunwaring na enjoy ko, although oo, pero hindi sobra sobra hehehe, lumaki kasi akong pag ala sais na ng hapon at dipa kami nakaka uwi, tad tad ng palo ang inaabot namin, hindi lang palo, kurot din hahaha, as in sobrang sungit nya guys, pero don't get me wrong guys ha, maganda yung movie, di ko lang talaga siguro sya na appreciate because of my childhood experience with my lola, hindi ko kino compare sa experience ko okay? Opinion ko lang to kaya basa ka lang, shut up lang haha.
Will I recommend the movie? Yes guys! Panuorin nyo na! Kung i re-rate ko sya bibigyan ko ito ng
8 out of 10 so ano pang inaantay nyo, nuod na!
Again! This is my own opinion, I love Sarah G, it's just, she deserves more than this, maganda sya, pero I am looking forward pa sya mga mas maganda nya pang movie.
Yun lang guys! Magandang Gabi!
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itsaboutthosedays · 6 years
Well, I guess this 250th episode would be a filler episode kind because we are going to have all the dhamakedaar scenes in the next week. Courtesy : Spoilers 
By the way, what is with these one by one release of so many spoilers?
All are shocked by Sameer and Naina’s cordial HI-BYE. LOL
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Su-Naina is acting all sweet (VINDICTIVE VIBES)
Naina is searching for him in the class. Aaand finds this slip. 
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Sameer asks her to meet him in the temple. And there you go ! Naina is in the temple. She is definitely in the impression that Sameer is going to propose to her. He reminds her to remove shoes.
Lo repetition of scenes. Filler scenes. Unnecessary creation of suspense.
Le, Sameer, I know this would be a prank.
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He gives her an envelope and tells her that there are 2 tickets to Bombay and some cash and once they reach Bombay, they will inform their families and Naina goes into bhaashan mode. And Sameer is all chill mode. LOL
And TANTANAANA, it is a greeting card. HAHA. S : Main toh mazaak kar raha tha. Dosti mein mazaak karna allowed hain na?
N : Aisa mazaak kaun karta hai?
S : Main aur kaun?
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Toh dosti ki shuruvaat mandir se. Mera janam dhyanya ho gaya bhai ye sunke.
And the return of the title song after eons
Aree bhai, ab toh dhaaga pakad ke uss pedh ke pradakshina kar lee hai. Why don’t you get married already? 
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And praying for each other trope also done.
The group is worried about the missing duo
Main kaunsa trikaal darshi hoon
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Same Pandit, Same. 
This principal and gang LOL
Can I punch Sharad on his face? I know that the temporary hero is always an a**hole because they wanna show the contrast between hero and him. 
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Same Preeti, Same.
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It’s good that SamAina are friends. Chalo, issi se kaam chalate hain kuch din. Copy Cat dialogues haan. CUTE.
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N : Main dhakka maar doon?
S : Haan Please.
Nice scene.
The song Ae Zindagi Gale Lagaale is one of my favourites.
*SPOILER ALERT : Naina’s allaince breaks. Yay! *  
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clicheyettouche · 3 years
Growing up, I really wasn't the sosy and pa-cute shit kind of girl. I hated frills, lip gloss, dresses and anything that doesn't support how burara I sit.
Magkaroon pa kaya ng first love?
Possible ba 'yun sa gaya kong masyadong pihikan?
Wow gandamo sis ha!
Well, akala ko rin ata natatangi ako sa lahat ng babae sa balat ng kalupaan. Feeling ko nga ako 'yung the chosen one. Nagbabakasakali na baka sumunod ako sa yapak ni Mama Mary at maging isang birhen. Well, alam 'kong ilusyunada ako sa part na 'yan pero baka lang naman, pero sa kasamaang palad mukhang may talent pa ata ako sa pagiging intergalactic marupok. Hayz.
Let me just say that I might not be fond of all the guy that I had crossed paths with but I have my own story about "perslab" kuno because I'm not that heartless. Ang saging nga may puso, ako pa ba? Ano akala nyo sa'kin? Batong buhay na tinubuan ng kamay at paa. Syempre paminsan minsan ipapaalala din sa'yo ni Lord na kahit gaano ka ka-abnormal tao ka pa din.
Tanda ko pa noon, my lola would always tell me stories about her first love habang nagsasagot sya ng crosswords sa newspaper. She would even ask me questions like, "Ang galing ano. Bakit kaya ang first love hinding hindi mo makakalimutan?" and then she will giggle like a pre-pubescent habang nag ku-kwento about sa naging first love nya.
Sa mga ganoong time defensive na tatawa na lang din ako kahit ang cringe na pero hindi matatapos ang stories nya nang hindi ako natatanong ng, "Ikaw ba? May first love ka na ba?"
Meron nga ba?
Wait, hindi ako prepared sa pa-showbiz na question ni lola. Hindi ko pa ata nama-master ang pag gamit ng napkin without wings that time. Ang alam ko lang gawin noon eh, mag pet society at mag farmville. At feeling ko isang malaking kilabot sa part ko kapag nagkaroon ako ng ganung story. I mean ako magkaka-first love?
LIKE DUHH. With the double H.
Pero syempre I was 13 that time turning 14. I was too naive and innocent kaya wala akong idea talaga sa lahat ng nangyayari sa’kin around me lalo na sa landian segment. Ni hindi nga ako makamulat sa kissing scenes sa TV, parang mas gusto ko pang panoorin reaksyon ng mga kasama ko bago pa nila ako hulihin ng tingin. Akala nyo ha! I'm inosensz noh. So, basically I really don't know kung anong meron at ano ba dapat ang isasagot ko. Kaya tamang iling lang ako at defensive na tatawa sa kanya.
Pero syempre lilipas ang oras at ang panahon. May karapatan ka pa palang magdalaga kahit nagmumukha ka ng inahin. Isa ka palang malanding baby spider na natutong mag baby bra. Haha!
Plot twist talaga 'yan ng highschool life ko. Hindi naman ako totally and super sure na in-love, let's just say may prospect para sa romantic interest ng role sa life ko. Sige, sabihin na nating naging bida ako sa isang romantic comedy kahit sa maikling panahon.
So, basically first love is usually young love ika nga nila. Ewan ko ba kung first love ba talagang matatawag 'yung sa'kin kasi hanggang ngayon in denial pa din ako about dito. Parang nagkaraoon lang ng asungot sa buhay ko para lang masabing may first love akong matatawag at may ma-content ako for today.
Sino nga ba sya? Madalas sya sa simbahan alam ko, e. Kasi pag nauutusan ako bumili ng dyaryo or pandesal malapit sa may plaza namin eh, madalas ko sya makasalubong doon with my ternong chekered get up on. Shy type din ata sya hindi lang halata. Masipag and active din sya sa acads, mas masipag pa nga ata kaysa sa'kin 'yun. Sana ol!
And one thing I noticed medyo sad boy ang ogag, he loves music. Taste of music nya? Pang emo boy na medyo bad boy. I think he likes Silent Sanctuary? Parokya ni Edgar and even Yeng Constantino.
How we met?
Classmate ko sya and It's not a typical boy meets girl. Kilabot uy! Wala kami sa isang romantic scene na kung saan makakabanggaan ko siya sa hallway ng school at mapapatitig sya sa tantalizing eyes ko and then titibok ang maharot mong puso... *BADUMP BADUMP.* Mahal kong maynila~
Sabay papasok si Lito Atienza na naka-floral polo shirt para mag narrate. Odiba mukhang tanga lang, kakanood mo 'yan sa GMA shunga ka! Naipasok pa si Atienza sa meet up na kasing cliché ng mga gasgas na scene sa isang telenovela.
Nakakadiri naman 'yun. Kahit ata sa susunod kong buhay di ko papangarapin 'yun eh, pakagat na lang ako sa bampirang tuleg baka sakaling kiligin ako habang nauubusan ng dugo. Hindi ganon ang story mga sis! So ayun nga, grade 8 ako noon syempre. Sophomore na. At itong si guy hindi naman kagwapuhan. Hindi naman sya crush ng bayan level. Hindi kasing taas ng Mt. Pinatubo ang standards ko noon. Hindi pa. More like nerdy-i love jesus kind of guy 'yung tangang 'yon eh. Same with me hindi rin naman ako kagandahan talaga, nuknukan lang ng ganda. Dejk!
'Yung maputing uniform nya lang yung pogi kasi mukha syang bagong sakristan ng church namin, para kasi syang alagang alaga ng nanay nya kasi mukha siyang malinis. Mukha naman syang tao for me. May charm din naman siguro 'yun hindi ko lang ma-appreciate kasi nangibabaw ka-epalan nya sa'kin.
Akala mo kasing gwapo ni Lee Min Ho. Mukha namang tipaklong na napilayan. Pangalanan na lang natin syang...'Kups'.
Actually hindi naman bully si Kups. Alaskador lang siguro. I feel like way nya lang siguro 'yun para lang makipag-friends sa gaya kong exotic. Chariz. Hanggang sa naging routine na namin 'yun sa loob or labas ng classroom. Masasabi ko naman na I had fun. Na-eenjoy ko sya actually. Bonding kumbaga.
'Yun siguro 'yung naging main reason 'kung bakit nagkaroon ng connection between us. Hindi ko masasabing spark ha, ibang level pa 'yan. Wholesome ta'yo, kunyari modernong maria clara lang.
Seryoso, wala naman sa isip ko 'yung crush or love eme that time hindi ko nga expected na aabot ako sa ganitong point na maiisip kong 'Ay ganun, baka sya nga 'yung first love kuno ko kasi wala naman din akong choice talaga,'
Nagbabardagulan lang kami pag nakikita namin isa't isa sa room. Lalo na kapag about sa online games ang usapan. Binubugbog ko lang 'yun sa larong iDate eh. Walang lakas 'yon sa'kin kaya lagi kami nag aasaran. That's one thing that we have in common, doon ko masasabing mas napalapit kami sa isa't isa or baka guni guni ko lang pala? Ako pala talaga 'yung napalapit kasi sa sobrang yabang nya ako naman tong ayaw mag patalo sa kanya kaya ang ending I end up having a secret admiration for him. Uyyy nagdadalaga 'yung haliparot~!
BWAHAHAHAHAHA. Yucks! Kadiri ka self. This is not you.
Nasaan ang angas mo?
Pero alam nyo mas naniniwala pa ako sa aswang at hindi sa kasabihang hate is the first sign of love. Hindi ko nga sure kung love ko ba 'yun, kasi foreign pa lahat sa'kin.
Love na ba 'yun?
OA naman para kang si shakespeare.
Talaga ba?
Siguro nga. Kasi dumating ako sa point na lagi ko syang hinahanap kasi siguro nasanay na rin ako sa malignant presence nya. Corny man pero feeling ko that time ang sad lang kapag wala sya para bwisitin ako. It sounds silly and I roll my eyes at myself for this, but I don't think I felt pure love siguro 'yung nafeel ko at some point blurry pa din sa'kin, duda pa din ako until now feeling ko may halong kemikal pa din. Puppy love? Maybe. Infatuation? I guess. First love? I think so?
You see...medyo unsure pa din ako. Because as I've said, I'm too stupid for this kind of thing. A thing called 'love'. Para kasing ang bigat kapag ginamit 'yung word na love so parang may lalim na 'yun ng konti hindi ba?
Awitize. Ang baduy sa'kin pero ewan ko ba, natatawa na lang nga ako kapag naalala ko na nagkaroon ako ng ganung pa-tweetums scenes. Pwede kasing nasanay sa prisensya, hindi ba? Pero clueless pa ata ako noon, hindi ko pa alam na may crush na ata ako sa kanya. May pagka-insensitive kasi ako. Or sadyang ignorante lang, lalo na at sobrang in denial ko talaga. Kasi nga bata pa, syempre puro damdamin lang ang namamayagpag hindi masyado nagagamit ‘yung utak.
Hindi ko nga magamit utak ko sa exam eh.
Hindi lang naman dahil sa nagkaroon kami ng hate relationship. Siguro may mga bagay din akong napansin sa kanya para mag flourish 'yung inosente kong feelings. Taray may flourish, akala mo talaga babae.
I mean narealise ko naman na he's a good student, a chill brother at higit sa lahat he's a responsible son to his mother. Real talk nga, nakita ko sila ng Mama nya at doon ko na-appreciate 'yung pagiging tao nya. Like wow, congrats ha kasi kahit mukha kang fossil, you're human pala like us. Dejk!
He's not a bad person naman talaga. Minsan nga he would ask me kung may answer na ako sa activity, tapos kapag sinabi kong wala willing to help naman siya. Concern naman ang tukmol. Sa madaling salita papakopyahin nya ako so, ako naman tong mas pinaboba hindi talaga ako kokopya kasi medyo pabebe nga. Akala mo naman brainy ang lola nyo para mag inarte pa kaya ayun, mababa nanaman ang score. Hahahaha! Bakit ba? I'm a strong independent woman. Tanga lang talaga at times.
And then madalas din syang manghiram ng cellphone ko para maglaro lang ng games dun. Ewan ko ba 'kung dumikit lang ba 'yun sa'kin para makilaro at 'kung naisip ko lang 'yung piso net noon edi sana pinagkakitaan ko na sya. Haha! Pero thankful din naman ako sa kanya kasi nakikipaglaro din sya sa'kin ng online game pag uwi ko sa bahay so, doon ko naramdaman na may friend pala akong guy kahit papaano.
Sadyang mainit lang siguro ang dugo ko sa kanya nung una to the point na gusto ko na syang balian ng buto sa harap ng adviser namin.
Dep0tang yon. Kakabwisit nya nga sa'kin na-notice na nga ng friend nya na medyo close kami minsan pagdating sa mga gaming sessions.
Alam mo 'yung mahabang "Uyyyy," moment? Ganon and I hated it. And as far as I remember his friend jokingly told me na, "May crush 'yan sa'yo," and he laughed like an evil child. So ako, parang feeling ko ginagago nanaman ako that's why dedma na lang kasi idol ko si Rapunzel eh, dapat panindigan mo pagmamaganda mo diba. Pero to be honest I don't even want to believe it kasi ayoko sa lahat mag conclude or mag assume agad. Para ba namang ulol nung sinabi 'yun, di mo malaman 'kung matutuwa ka ba o maiirita. Parang gusto ko nga ipukpok sa kanila 'yung libro namin sa Araling Panlipunan.
Kaya simula nun, umiwas talaga ako.
YES. Umiwas ako at wala kayong pake.
My life. My rules. Char...
Hindi sa nagmaganda ako ng sobra pero ayaw ko lang din talaga maging center of attraction. Kasi hindi ako 'yung klaseng babae na mag co-confess at magkakagusto pa lalo. Hindi nga ako aware na may something na eh. Ni-hindi nga ako na-eexcite magkaroon ng jowa when in fact parang props na nga ang boyfriend nung panahong 'yun sa school namin.
Parang kapag may jowa ka, eh isang malaking achievement na. Feeling mo ang ganda ganda mo na. Well, not for me. I never thought of doing those cheesy thing young kids do, holding hands, engraving their initials with a heart on desks. Like bolsyet ka uy, palakol nga ako sa acads tapos iisipin ko pa 'yan?
Mostly sa mga kasabayan ko noon they enjoyed it. They savour it. Kasi that's how youth works. Pero I'm different eh. I'm not the kind of person na kapag nakita ko halos lahat gusto 'yun eh gagaya na agad. No. If I'm not into it then it's a no.
For me though, the idea of getting a boyfriend that time kahit maraming chances and opportunities na free lumandi eh, It never even crosses my mind. Kinda cringey for me. The yearning for companionship that most people seem to feel is completely alien to me. I'm almost certainly going to remain single for the rest of my life and I'm perfectly fine with that. Hahaha!
That's why all those things started dying slowly. Walang landian session, okay? Bawal. Natapos na ang school year so, all the students were shuffled. He went to different section than mine. There was a time na ina-approach nya ako. Ngingiti ng nakakaasar like the old times. Hanggang sa napunta sa magtitinginan na lang kami sa daan. Ganon. And that was the end of my first love kuno. And things were back to normal except I learned so many things.
I learned na hindi lahat ng first love. Sweet. 'Yung iba pakshet. Hahahaha!
That was my first experience of liking a guy kahit short lived lang. Kaya ko siguro nasabi na baka siya nga yung first love ko e, dahil nga he stayed in my mind for quite a few years, but as we both got on in life, he faded. And me? I drift away.
Though I don't even remember how he looked or where he is now. I mean wala namang may pake pero naalala ko lang din na I didn't even hate him like young-me used to think, 'yun lang siguro 'yung pinaniwalaan ko kasi nga nag enjoy lang siguro akong makipag away sa kanya.
Wala lang naalala ko lang talaga sya. I think about him sometimes, but only in a memory way. It was actually a nice time in my life and I sometimes enjoy reminiscing, but it always stays in the past syempre. I don't think about him in a current way or may halong umaasa sa what could've been. To be honest...I don't really care much where he is or what he's doing now. I'm just remembering the old times. Kasi experience ko 'yun. Isang patunay na nakakaramdam din naman ako ng something sa totoong tao. So meaning, tao pala talaga ako. Right? Sa totoo lang naman. And I have no bad feelings toward him whatsoever. Our short lived frenemies experience was really crazy and really fun din. Like can you imagine? I had a friend na kahit nag ca-clash kami sa maraming bagay pwede pa rin magkaroon ng chemistry nang dahil sa iisang interest at hilig lang.
I think it's because high school thingy tend to be really fun, but we are such different people now that I don't really wonder what could have been.
Actually naalala ko sya ngayon dahil talafa kay Taylor Swift. Narinig ko kasi sa radio ‘yung The Story of Us and one of the lines goes, “Now I’m standing alone in a crowded room and we’re not speaking.” and it gets me every time. There are so many aspects of this song that directly remind me of him. Sinulat nga ata ni Taylor ‘yun para sa’kin. Hahahaha!
Medyo sad ‘yung story namin kasi biglaan na lang kaming hindi nag-usap dahil kahit papaano may nabuong frienship naman kahit slight. I don’t know ‘kung bakit ganoon ako. Maybe I don’t want him to notice na I’m starting to like him kasi kahit ako mismo unsure pa. Or pwede rin na ayokong tanggapin sa sarili ko na may something ako sa kanya. I know na may pagka-abnoy ako sa part na 'yan. Kahit ako eh, naiisip ko din na ang weird ko. I can't believe how incredibly naive I was, for the most part.
Neither of us wants to admit defeat. I could never let him win, and so we both lost. 
But I do hope he's doing great in life.
Because me? Goods lang hindi pa din lalandi basta basta.
I'm kinda weird most of the time pero tao pa din ako. I also liked to idealised the nature of love like, connection of souls etc. However in reality I couldn't make this happen, because of my lack of interest in other person. Magaling akong umiwas at maging mailap. Para akong makahiya, kapag nahawakan mo na titiklop na lang.
Like babae pa din naman ako at may feelings parin naman and I can actually push myself to flirt sa isang guy and then he would respond and just go with the flow. But after a while I will stopped communicating at all, or just like what most millenials do. It's called 'ghosting'.
Maybe because it wasn't fun anymore and it's kinda scary kapag nagkaroon na ng interest sa akin or may legit something na talaga. I freaked out. Kahit ngayon I don't feel any romantic inclination at all, but I'd like to try it at least. Why not? Pero ayun nga...how? 'Kung ako mismo 'yung problem. Haha!
Now, that I am 24 I know that with my schizoid personality I couldn't get a guy, so I plan to live alone for the rest of my life and I don't feel any discomfort from thought about it. Like for real. Malapit ko nang isipin na meant to be talaga na mag selfmance ako.
So, if someone asked me again na...bakit may first love ka naman pero hindi naging kayo?
I think my answer would always be...
I love myself eh, more than I love my perslab na hindi naman talaga lab.
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elynor1026 · 4 years
She's seems happier with him.
It's been 1 year and 4 months already. Ang bilis. Hindi mo naman na talaga namamalayan yung panahon at oras. Hindi mo na rin namamamalayan na mas okay s'ya ngayong wala ka. Sakit di'ba? Yung 7 years na pagmamahal na binigay mo ganon lang kadali sa kanya para bitawan. Saklap. Bakit kaya? Pwede namang harapin natin lahat ng pagsubok na dumadaan satin ng tayong dalawa. Nang tulad ng dati. Pwede namang ayusin natin sarili natin ng magkasama. Bakit hinayaan mo lang itapon ng ganon ganon lang.
**now playing: Pasensya ka na by Silent Sanctuary**
Hindi ko rin alam kung maghihintay pa ba ako? Kung meron pa ba ulit na magiging tayo? Hindi ko na alam. For the past 7 years umikot na mundo ko sayo. Sanay akong lagi kang andyan. Sanay akong kapag feeling ko ang sama sama na ng mundo sakin andyan ka tagasalo lahat ng hinaing ko sa buhay. Sa t'wing nagkakatampuhan at away tayo alam mong hindi ko rin naman kayang makipaghiwalay sayo gaya mo. Noon. Pero bakit ang dali dali sayong wakasan lahat? Bakit? Daming tanong. Daming bakit? Oo. Hindi ko na rin alam
**now playing: Kung 'di rin lang ikaw by December Avenue, Moira**
7th year anniversary. 25th birthday.
Naalala ko pa kung paano ko pinangako sayo na sasagutin kita sa 18th birthday ko. Nung sinabi ko yun sa friends ko bakit ko daw sinabi sayong ganon? Haha. Hindi ko rin alam. Ay kasi first time. Oo first time may manligaw sakin. Masyado ata akong na overwhelm nun. Hindi ko kasi expected. Hindi naman ako magada. Hindi naman ako sexy. Ewan ko ba. Tapos ayun nakilala kita, nakilala mo ako. Kilig kilig si ate ghorl. Text text. Naalala ko pa kung paano ka nagtetext noon parang hindi mo aakalaing lalaki yung nagtetext. Parang ang jejemon kasi. Tapos tinanong pa kita ng personal kung ikaw ba talaga yung kasama yung mga friends mo. Sumagot ka naman ng oo. Natawa lang ako kasi di ako makapaniwala. Ayun. Nakuha mo pa yung number ko dun sa isa nating classmate.
**Now playing: Huling Sandali by December Avenue**
Tapos nung simula tayong magkatext hindi muna tayo nakakapagkita kasi naalala ko yun yung panahon ng Ondoy at more than a week atang walang class nun. Hanggang text muna at chat. Minsan nag uusap sa call. Akalain mo yun na experience ko ring makatanggap ng "good morning" and "kumain ka ba?" texts. Hahaha. Hanggang nagkaroon na ng tawagan. Ang harot. Ang usapan natin kain tayong dalawa kapag nakabalik na school. Pero nung bumalik na tayo sa school sobra parang nagkailangan tayo. Haha. Hindi pa sanay. Hanggang medyo tumagal bago tayo nakakain sa labas.
Jollibee Puregold Malolos. Putek unang date. Haha. Sawakas, natuloy rin. Naaalala ko pa kung pano mo pa ako videohan habang kumakain. Tapos ako naman napaka arteng kumain nun. Kala mo hindi malakas kumain. Masaya pala. Masaya naman. Hanggang nasundan na ng walang sawang kainan. Kasama friends and classmates natin minsan. Nakakatuwa kasi yung mga friends ko naging friends mo na rin.
//music stops// medyo nakakadala eh. Hihi
Kung pano kita sinagot medyo nakakatawa. Nung 18th birthday ko medyo nawala sa isip ko yung promise ko sayo. Nakita tayo. Binigyan mo akong flowers and ring. Kaya pala bago ako mag birthday sinukat mo ng tali yung daliri ko. Well medyo nag expect ma rin ng konti. Haha. Ayun, nagkita sa mall. Kumain and then nuod ng sine. Hindi ko na naalala kung anong movie yung pinanuod natin sa dalas nating manuod ng sine noon basta ang natatandaan ko binanggit mo yung tungkol nga sa pagsagot ko na nawala sa isip ko. Hahaha. Tapos ayun bigla kong sinabi na lang na "Tayo na". Ang weird. Hahaha. Ganun pala yun. Ganun pala yung feeling.
Ayun. Sa sobrang strict nila medyo naging "you and me against the world" yung peg natin. Daming may ayaw. Tsaka kasi pinag aaral lang din ako noon. Pero alam mo diba yung nakakamangha. Buong college natago natin yun. Amazing! Four years mahigit yun grabe. Yung tatakas pa para sa mga dates. Hahaha. Nakaya natin yun. Nalagpasan natin yun. Kahit na ang dalas dalas natin mag away. Pati yung friends natin minsan naririndi narin sa mga away at talo natin na wala namang katuturan. Ewan hobby na ata natin yun. May time pa nga na muntik na tayong mag break during college days tapos tinapon mo yung singsing na niregalo mo sakin. Ayun, di na natin nakita. Hanggang sa nakatapos na rin tayo ng college. Sabay. Relationship gooooals ba? Hahaha.
Hanggang sa nagka work na tayo. Same tayong napunta sa Eastwood but different company. Same building parin. Natanggap ka sa company na pinag OJThan mo. Magaling ka naman kasi. Minsan sabay pa tayong kakain pag break ko kahit kakapasok mo pa lang nun ng shift mo. Hanggang sa medyo na homesick ka ata. Bumalik ka sa inyo at sabi mo dun ka na lang mag work. Ako stay parin dito. Naiwan ako. Pero di naman nag stop dun. Everyday magkausap. Videocall. Updates. Text. Chat. Long distance ang peg. Tapos every weekend nagkikita tayo. Okay naman. Smooth. Hanggang sa nag work ka na ulit. Kahit na bawal sa work nagpapasok ka parin ng phone mo sa prod para makausap ako. Kilala ko rin mga ka officemate mo kasi every video call nakikita ko kung sino kasama mo. Okay ka naman. Hanggang nagsawa ka na naman sa work mo. Stay ka muna sa inyo para tulungan lolo at lola mo. Usap parin. Nagkikita every weekend kaso minsan hindi rin consistent kasi nagkaka restday OT ako. Minsan busy. Naalala ko nung first travel natin. Biglaan. Sabi mo tara sama ka. Yun pala nag join ka ng tour. Tapos ang saya saya ko nun kasi sa tagal na natin ngayon lang tayo nagtravel ng magkasama. Birthday ko rin kasi nun at anniversary natin. Ang dami nating nakilalang new friends. Tapos sinurprise mo na ako nun kinuntsaba mo yung organizer. Dun ka nagkunwaring nagpropose ng walang ring. Nagulat ako. Pero syempre mag Yes naman ako. Ang saya saya nun sobra. Unexpected. Tapos bumalik ka na naman ulit sa work na pinagworkan mo nung huli. Okay naman nung mga bandang una. Nakakilala ka ulit ng bagong tropa and lagi mo naman silang kinekwento sakin. May mga times na sobrang nagiging close ka na sa kanila nagiging madalas rin yung mga inuman ng tropa. May mga lakad ka na rin na hindi ko na alam. Kung hindi ko pa tatanungin hindi mo pa sasabihin. Nagiging madalas. Nagpupunta ka na kung saan saan na inaabot na ng kinabuksan yung pag uwi mo. Hanggang sa patiga ka officemate mo kino-contact ko na rin pala malaman kung asan ka. Dalas nating magtalo nun.
Yes. 7th anniversary and my 25th birthday.
So nag enjoy tayo ng local travel nung nakaraang anniversary kaya naman nagdecide tayo na mag joiner ulit. Yung nakilala natin nung nag first time travel tayo yun yung kasama natin kasi naging tropa tropa narin natin sila. Very unexpected pa kung saan yung destination natin kasi last minute naiba. Ayun natuloy parin naman. Excited. Sobra. Kahit na ang layo at ang haba ng byahe. Gabi tayo bumyahe at inabot na tayo ng kinabukasan ng makarating tayo dun. Naalala ko pa nung sumapit yung 12AM binati kita ng "Happy anniversary, i love you". Binati mo naman ako pabalik. Medyo malata nga lang boses mo inisip ko na lang baka naiinip ka na sa byahe at antok pa. Tapos sabi mo may sasabihin ka sakin. Sabi ko ano yun sumagot ka naman ng "Pag andun na tayo". Ayun nakarating tayo sa pupuntahan natin. Ang lakas ng alon sa bangka at biglang umulan pa kaya basa na tayong lahat nun. Naalala ko pa kung gano yung kaba mo nung nasa bangka tayo. Tawang tawa ako. Nakarating naman tayo sa isla ng maayos. Sobraaaaang ganda. Worth it yung haba ng byahe at lakas ng mga alon. White beach kahit na wala tayo sa Boracay. Napahinga then nag snorkeling tayo nung hapon kasama yung ibang joiner. Pagbalik natin sabi mo tara swimming tayo sa dagat. Naalala ko rin na may sasabihin ka nga pala. Nasa dagat tayo ng bigla mong sinabi na "Maghiwalay na tayo". Medyo di pa nag sink in nung una. Medyo napahinto ako ata ng konti sabay tanong na "bakit?". Syempre mapapatanong ka naman talaga. Bakit? Bakit rin na ngayon pa at andito tayo sa lugar kung saan dapat tayong magsaya. Bakit ngayon pa na anniversary at birthday ko? Bakit? Bakit? Bakit? Ang sagot mo "ang dalang na rin kasi nating magkita baka eto na lang yung chance na magkita tayo ng personal" like wtf. Sinabi mo na lagi na rin kasi tayong nag aaway at ang gulo gulo rin sa bahay noon. Aayusin ko muna sarili ko.
Shit eto ba yung "It's not you, It's me?" Tae akala ko sa mga movie lang yun. Hahaha. Masyado akong na overwhelm. Sobra. Surprise maghiwalay na tayo dito sa gitna ng dagat! Ganern. Di ko alam pero ang sinagot ko lang ay Okay. Sige. Kung yan ang gusto mo. Hahaha shit happens. Well after nun hindi ko alam kung pano kikilos. Nasa malayong lugar tayo alangan naman lumangoy ako pabalik at pauwi. Di pa naman ako marunong lumangoy. Hahaha. Hanggang sa medyo nagkulong muna ako sa tent at nakatulog. Nagising ako ng wala ka sa tabi ko. Kahit di ko kabisado yung lugar kung saan ako nakakarinig ng mga ingay ng kwentuhan sinisilip silip ko. Para akonv tanga. Haha. Hanggang nakita ko kayo ng mga tropa at nag iinuman. Mukang lasing ka na. Nung bumalik tayo sa tent nalaman kung nabanggit mo na pala sa kanila yung nangyari. Buti yung isa nating friend kinomfort ako. Nagkwento sya kung paanong parang ganito rin yung nangyari sa kanila ng boyfriend nya. Kwento, advices and stuffs. Nagising ako kinabukasan. Masama parin loob syempre. Akala ko nga sasabihin mo na "Joke lang yung kahapon". Hahaha. Pero syempre asa naman ako. Nakakatawa potek nung pauwi tayong nakasakay sa bangka iyak ako ng iyak na parang tanga. Potek buti na lang medyo nababasa basa tayo nun ng alon kaya hindi ako masyadong nahahalata. Then habang nasa sasakyan tayo naisip ko sige enjoyin na 'to kasi eto na siguro yung last na pagkikita natin. Mahaba na namang byahe.
Hindi ko alam na sa haba ng byaheng 'to, darating pa rin pala tayo sa dulo.
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0 notes
tellywoodtrash · 6 years
suno chanda ep 4 lb
aw, look at aghaji all spiffy, present in hand. what a cutie!
ouchhhhhhhhhhh, bijaan!
now we know where jiya gets her “wazirabaad ki churiyon se bhi tez zabaan” from.
kinza is smart to beat a quick retreat.
lmao @ her retreating without turning around though, as if she’s scared she’ll be attacked from behind if she turns her back.
hiiiiiiiiiii sherrrrrry. u so cute!
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“toh main call karoon?” “kisse?” “ambulance ko.”
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kinza’s definitely charmed by him. i’d have shipped this sooooo much more if they didn’t make kinza go beserk in arsal’s “mohabbat”, and just be into sherry from the very start.
sherry attempts round 2 at flirting.
but lmao lo aa gaya villain.
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kinza is enjoying it to the max!!!!!!!!
dude srsly, she had the potential to be so cute and likable.
oh bijaaaaaaaaaan. stop being so meannnn.
aghaji is sooooooo dignified and kind though. ugh, my heart.
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lmao. move over naeema, there’s a new contender for best eyeroll in town!
aw nooooooooooo, why you gotta be like thatttt bijaan!
hahaha “kahin sone ke na ho!” typical desi mentality.
awwwwwww she loves it!
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lol kaise gubbare se hawa nikal gayiiiiiii.
sherry’s literally buying his way into jiya’s heart.
not into this whole “ohoho padhakoo ladkiyaan makeup nahi pehenti” statement of jiya’s. GIRLS CAN DO BOTH. AS EXEMPLIFIED BY YOU, JIYA. YOU’RE WEARING AT LEAST 4 DIFFERENT EYE MAKEUP PRODUCTS RIGHT NOW.
haha the way she says “achcha?” “khaasa??” in two different tones.
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sherry’s sorry he asked.
omfg her devilish smileeeeeeeee. i’m in loveeeee.
“itni mehnat karne se achcha nahi hai ki main banda hi badal doon?”
lmao that jankyass fake ipad tho. 
oufffffffffff arsallllllllll tumhaara gala na daba doon main when you do this fakeasssssss “understanding” bs instead of properly stopping her from doing your kaam.
aur uske upar se yeh jo isko baat baat pe “tum kitniiiiii achchi ho” ka lollipop thamaa dete ho. UGH.
god this scholarship waala plot point is the dumbest BS on this show. halwa hai kya LSE ka scholarship????? 
god i feel so bad for jiya; a dude saying basic shit like “you deserve to not waste your life in the kitchen” is enough to get her to swoon. that’s how much the patriarchy is ingrained in brown society.
lmaoooooo “main kya tumhe DHOBAN nazar aa rahi hoon??????” is legit one of the peak jiya moments of this show for me.
ack, she shouldn’t have gone off in front of sherry like that though. like, she’s right to go off, but.... not in front of sherry.
she’s actually disappointed when he leaves without sparring with her.
gonglu’s here! with a bulaava!
sudden wardrobe change for everyone but arsal. huh.
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lmao. my beghairat bachche. i love them all so much.
what’s in the video though?
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“oh amma, please try to understand!”
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“AE ANGREZI DA ROB NA JHAAD!!!!!!!!!!!” lmaoooooooooo
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magar video mein thaaaaa kya??????
masooma trying to push kinza towards sherry. TRY HARDER, MA. HARDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"beech mein toh jiya aayi hai.” omfg kinza why are you like thisssssssss
“bin maa-baap ka bachcha hai toh yateem khaane mein chod aao.” jfc jalal phupa.
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sherry you cuteass fuckerrrrrrr. ugh. you’re so damn cute.
lol look at him trying to impress her with his “salad” and “sandwich” skillz.
bruh, salad ya sandwich banane mein mushkil kya hai? these are the bare minimum of food preparation. it’s the same amount of effort as preparing a bowl of cereal.
which is waaaaaaaay more than arsal can do, so i suppose we must be impressed by sherry.
kinza’s playing it reallllllll smart and smooth in her dealings with sherry. neither alienating him nor giving up on arsal. smart girl. would do well in politics.
jalal really is the best dad in this show; in that he’s always looking out for his kid and on her side no matter what. unlike the other nikamme parents in the fam.
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naeema’s bitchface of the day.
god i’m realllllly craving some roohafza rn.
ouffffff oh phupaaaa. aapko roza lag gaya hai. just shushhhhhh and stop making a nuisance of yourself.
lol aw, arsal trying to get jiya’s attention to show her the eid ka chand.
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“kahin mere marne ki toh dua nahi kar rahi?”
lmao ok that goodwill lasted exactly 3 seconds.
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lol here she’s giving him the stinkeye and praying for him to grow a spine.
thank god we didn’t have to hear kinza’s prayers (no doubt for arsal and jiya to break up. hmph.)
lol golu in the house aur kisi ko pata na chale? good luck with that.
HI HUMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nazaakat you are so damn annoying!!!!!!
huma aayi thi ek outfit mein, ab baith rahi hai dusre outfit mein. like.... the continuity and editing team really took this show easy huh????
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god i hate this chick so much. kya ghatiya harkatein hain iski.
lord above, jiya is such a bulllly!
but also so shaatir! i love it!
lollllll sherry’s spaced out face. #relatable
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golu’s hereeeee to do shaitaaaniiiiiii.
masooooma you ain’t slick at all. AT ALL.
lmao shanno still not getting the hint tho.
“humaare khaandaan mein koi sur-savaar ki kudi nazar hi nahi aati.”
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lolololol after ALL THAT, shanno still is like there’s ZERO nice girls in our fam.
nazaakat enquiring if any shaadi hall openings are there because “kisi ka ladka kharaab ho” ya “kisi ka talaaq ho raha ho”, lmao.
jiya stilllllllll working on huma.
and she’s been convinced!
gosh huma really requires a friend of the year trophy for doing this kinda garbage.
yeh shirt press karke bas ghar mein pehenne ke liye tha???????? WHAT IS WITH THIS STUPID BOY???????
oh boy, betaji is in for round 2 of slappery.
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hahahahahahahaha he’s lucky he caught them in the act, celebrating on the terrace.
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lol lo, baith gayi inquiry.
and jamshed’s instant desi dad jawaab “hum sab kahin aur chale jaate hai, yeh chauda banke reh le yahaan pe, hein????”
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ultimate desi parent insult at HIIIIIIIINT of independence: “angrez ki aulaad!”
lolololol her sheepish smile.
lord some day give me the passion and lagan with which DJ tends to his reporting waali hobby and makes a living outta it.
sherrrrrry, tumhari yeh achchaai aur imaandaari nawaazne waala koi nahi hai yahan pe.
but he’s genuinely such a good bean though. i love him. *sticks a gold star on the screen*
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god she’s so pretty.
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ugh kinza tum jaaake kisi kuein mein kyun nahi chalaang maarti. manhoos.
bechaara sherry and his pacifist ways. beta tumhaara is ghar mein kuch nahi hona. ulta tum pe log chadenge.
gosh the way jiya bullies allllllllll the boys into the doing what she wants. i want this superpower.
ouffff idhar bijaan ke nakhre.
hahahahaha shanno’s sarcasm in urdu. lord i love her so much.
huma is legit me; fuck you and your issues, TUMHARE GHARWAALON KI AANKHON MEIN MERI POSITION KHARAAB HO GAYI!!!!!!!!!! is a constant refrain i have with my bff.
lo aa gaya golu with MORE breaking newssss.
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hee hee hee hee.
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sitaaronkepaar · 7 years
Daily Rikara Ramblings
Ugh, after learning shrenu caught dengue, I don't really want to watch the epi tbh. But i guess from Wed/Thursday's we probably won't get any Gauri for weeks so might as well sit through it. Hope shrenu gets well soon ♥️♥️♥️
Omg the precap is so qt! Gauri's gayi bhains paani me is 😂😂😂😂😂😂
This chase is boring lol. 🙄🙄🙄
Wait, it's raining? Lol. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Omg no, they hid her in the jadh. I can't 😂😂😂
Oh they meant the phatphaitiya, I dunno why i thought suman 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
This mukhiya is so annoying 😒😒😒😒
Suman being lame as usual. Behen, tuje hi bachane ki baat ho rahi hai 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Seriously uncle? 2 min bhi nahi hue dhundte hue. Like thoda toh effort put karo 🙄🙄
Oh shitttt!! 😨😨😨😨
Fuck he gon find gauri. 😱😱😱😱😱
Annika ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Omg why do all these supposed villains act like 70s Bolly villains. Ek toh ye eye patch, upar se ye ott laugh. Ugh 😔😔
Gauri wtf do something harharike 😧😧😧😧😧😧
Gauri, why are you just staring bitch do something 😨😨😨😨😧😧😧😧😧😧
Wow. One non-lame suman moment. Gauri, wtf you were just going to let that guy kill Annika? Wtaf 😡😡😡
Ugh faltu ka drama hai. Can we just get to the jail part quickly? It seemed funny. 😩😩😩
Lol shivkara heard them. Matlab exposition ki hadd. 😂😂😂
Lol @ their hero ki walk lmao. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Gosh these guys are so fuckin extra i can't 😁😂😂😂😂
Man, i feel bad for Annika. Running in that heavy lehenga😥 😥😥😥
Jagah yahin hai kaise pata chala though? Lol. 🤔🤔🤔🤔
Lol. Han ab worry karne se kya hoga Omkara? Aur phone nahi uthao. This is the face of pure regret but i dun even curr 🙄🙄🙄
Ye bg me auntiyan chunni k saath kya kar rahi hai? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Dude where is annika's wound?🤔🤔🤔🤔 Like there was so much blood and now it looks like choti si kharoch?🤔🤔🤔 Then again gauri had a fucking bullet hole in her foot and it healed in two days. Let's just pretend Oberoi's have super-healing powers (along with apparition abitilites). Makes life much easier
Lol @AniRi laughing at the woman's name. I love you guys but that's really not nice. 😐
Uff this tadka is annoying 🙄
Omfg i love Annika. I can't 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Haye, gayi Gauri bhi lol. 😂😂
Bina bole hi andar kar diya lmao. This woman's cray cray 🤣🤣🤣
Gosh, what are their expressions lmao. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Haha, omkara ko apni galtiyon ka ehsaas ho gaya hai. Chalo, der aaye durusat aaye 😘😘😘
Tadka's such a fucking asshole lol. 😠😠
They're sleeping in the same bed now? I mean they're two consenting adults and I don't have any problem with it but wtf? Koi mujhe in relationship status batayega? :/
Rudra's being an idiot as usual. Why can't he act like a normal human being? I know he's supposed to be this spoilt brat but ab toh he's acting like a toddler. Grow the fuck up Bruh! 😒😒😒😒
Look at these entitled assholes. 🙄🙄🙄🙄
Yeh kaise sun liya is tadka na 🤔😂😂😂
Lol @omkara going 2 min 😂😂😂😂
Omkara bhi pagal ho gaya hai. Call the defence minister wtf 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
LMFAO I LOVE Annika dragging Shivaay's ass. 😂😂😂😂😂
"han dulhan ji kaise hai, enjoying?"
The snark in this episode though 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Asli galti toh omkara ki thi. Gauri should ask him tbh
Aww, shivika are so qt! ♥️
"itna bada step utha rahi thi, ek baar bata deti"
I just..........the fuckin nerve of this guy, i can't.
Matlab if you wanted to know then WHY DIDN'T YOU PICK UP THE PHONE YOU FUCKER!! UGHH (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻  (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
"har cheez har kaam me apni jaan ko jhokhim me dalne ki zarurat nahi hoti hai"
Fair point Omkie shomkie. Your wife has no self preservation skills. Aav dekha na taav, bhid jaati hai kahin bhi. Lol. 🤣🤣🤣
"tumhara dhyaan pata nahi kahan rehta hai!"
Omfg omkara. This is neither the time nor the place to throw a fuckin tantrum coz yo wifey ain't paying attention to you. Selfish insaan is2g 😡😡😡😡😡
Lol Gauri's so done with him. She's legit like STFU. I feel ya boo. Hugs ⛄⛄⛄⛄
"Lekin hamari sehen karne ki shakti khatam ho chuki hai"
Yaaaassss Queen, Drag him!!!! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏I've been waiting to hear these words from you for so long. Words this ungrateful ass needed hearing. Thank you queen ♥️
Haha, his face though. Sorry Omkie, no sympathy for you this time. You deserve it bitch 😂😂😂😂
Omfg I fuckin jumped. Dear god 😂😂😂😂
Lol @ everyone's reactions 😂😂😂
These fuckin oberioi's are so fuckin entitled. Like I legit want them to spend two or three nights @jail. 😼😼😼
Are they going to call bhavya? Is tadasur k saamne kiski chalegi. 🤔
No Jai Hind? Is she sure she's @army quarters? Kuch bhi. 😐😐😐😐
Rudra, fuckin idiot, protocol bhi kuch cheez hoti hai.
I can't believe bhavya agreed. Wtf 😐😐😐😐😐😐
Omg army quarters ka aisa kitchen? Shit I can't watch this blasphemy. 😶😶😶😶😶😶
Yeh kaisa army kitchen hai? They don't have daal-sabzi? 😶
Omg i can't watch this anymore. Fwd.
Tadasur sounds like a school teacher with her alag alag bitha dungi bs 😂😂😂😂😂
Oh, daadi bhi aagayi. Isiki kami thi 🤣🤣🤣
"aajao maidan me"
Lol ab daadi bhi wrestling karengi kya? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Fuck she's actually arm wrestling her. wtf 😦😦😦
Yeh sare Oberoi's legit kisi paagal khane se bhaag k aaye honge. No wonder bua maa's nuts.
Are these peeps friends? This seems a bit much tbh.
THEY ARE. 2 min me tadasur pehchan gayi. Lmaoooo
But why hasn't she retired yet? 😂😂😂😂
Daadi ko amnesia nahi hua hai? Why are they ek ek karke reminding her? 😑😑😑
Arey inko jail se toh nikalo koi. Bharat milap baad me kar lena 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Dude this woman's like 200 years old, why hasn't she retired yet?
"Ladki hoke tumne bahut himmat dikhayi"
I know she's praising them but this just rubs me the wrong way tbh. Why can't she just say good work and be done with it. She says it as if girls can't do shit like this. I hate back handed compliments like that.
Chunri @police station? 😲😲😲😲. Kuch bhi ki hadd hi paar ho gayi hai ab. 😒😒🙄🙄🙄
Army and police ko bhi nahi choda. I know sabko shivika ki shaadi karane ki jaldi hai but it can be done tomorrow also. Ugh
Uff kya bakwas hai. I so want to ffwd this ☹️
Also, is that why those ladies were bg me folding that chunri? Lmao 😂 😂
RuVya bs 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Lol it's the same chunri 😂
I feel bad for the rest of the police officers. They probably wanted to go home after slogging all day but in fuckers ki wajah se prolly had to stay back hours doing decoration and what not. Poor guys. ☹️☹️☹️☹️
More RuVya bs 🙄🙄🙄
LOL, I ffwd'd it but caught bits of Bhavya dragging Rudra. Omg she even dragged his IQ level rofl. He deserved it. 👏👏👏👏👏👏
But obvsly this fucker never learned anything. Fuckin idiot. I swear kabhi kabhi peetne ka mann karta hai is bande ko 😡😡😡😡
God, she's only 4 years older than him, not 40? Why is this such a big issue? 😾
But lol @shallow ageist? I knew he didn't know hindi, but is gadhe ko english bhi nahi aati hai? 😹😹😹😹😹
Bhavya seriously deserves someone so much better than Rudra. She might be damaged, but at least she has her life together. Rudra really is an immature kid. Like I dunno how anyone can ever take this guy seriously. At this point, his bad definitely trumps the good. He might be a nice well meaning guy, but he has a lot of growing up to do. I mean, not only he's a sexist misogynist, but he's also an ageist now apparently. He legit has the depth of a kiddie pool. And it's not bhavya's duty to fucking raise him. I so want bhavya to move on from this loser. No one deserves to spend their life with a condescending idiot like Rudra.
Anyway it was bekar filler epi. Jail bits were fun though. But I'm so gonna miss shrenu 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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galuhfadilah · 7 years
Ekspedisi 0sampah, Bukti Cinta pada Alam
Tepatnya di pertengahan bulan Agustus 2017, hari Jumat s/d Ahad tanggal 11-13, saya dengan teman dekat saya sebut saja Vero berencana melakukan sebuah perjalanan untuk silaturahim sekaligus berbincang tentang 0sampah. Niat awal perjalanan ini sesungguhnya kami sudah saling rindu, #halah haha. Untuk bercakap dan berbincang bareng dengan semesta. Namun, para adik junior di organisasi Sispala yang diikuti Vero ingin turut serta ,maka kami menamai perjalanan ini dengan Ekspedisi 0sampah.
 Dari kiri ke kanan, Vero, Saya (yang dipanggil mbak Fadil), Puput, Aziz, Alva, dan Hanafi.
0sampah sendiri adalah sebuah movement atas nama cinta pada alam yang terinspirasi oleh Kak Siska, penulis buku Zero Waste Adventure. Beliau melakukan individual movement, mengurangi sampah dengan mengurangi/tidak menggunakan benda² yang berpotensi menjadi sampah. Seperti penggunaan eco-bottle sebagai langkah mengurangi penggunaan botol AMDK (air minum dalam kemasan). Mengganti bekal untuk kegiatan adventure dari makanan instan dalam kemasan (plastik, kaleng) dengan makanan ramah lingkungan, seperti buah, snack yang di masukkan dalam wadah yang bisa dipakai berkali², jagung rebus ,dsb.
Individual movement yang dilakukan kak Siska menginspirasi kami (saya dengan Vero, lebih tepatnya saya sendiri sih, karena doi udah ada gambaran soal ini sejak 2014) untuk menerapkan movement yang sama di Sispala kami masing² (saya bukan anggota Sispala, hanya punya tugas yang berkecimpung di kepecintaalaman, ehehe).
Oke, melalui diskusi via whatsapp, saya dan Vero terus memberikan sumbang saran untuk program 0sampah ini di Sispala kami. Belum pernah kami mempraktekkan 0sampah dalam kegiatan adventure kami. Hingga suatu hari, Agustus pertengahan kami memilih Dieng sebgai lokasi untuk Ekspedisi 0sampah. Tempat yang dipilih pun adalah tempat yang masih jarang peminat, mungkin karena tracknya yang cukup sulit atau cerita mistis yang beredar, hhe.
Here we go.
Jum'at, 11 Agustus 2017
Saya menggunakan jasa travel untuk sampe di titik point pertemuan dengan Vero dan adik juniornya bernama Hanafi dan Puput. Sekitar pukul 20.04 saya tiba di titik point dan menunggu Vero yang ternyata harus mencium aspal dan pasir di jalan😭. Dia datang menjemput sang princess (baca : saya) dengan motor yang ia anggap sebagai gebetannya. Agak shock waktu liat darah di kakinya, tapi dia dengan gaya oke nya tetap akan melanjutkan perjalanan. What a strong woman she is!
Kami berempat langsung menuju lokasi pertama. Setelah sampai, kami mencari rumah warga untuk menginapkan motor. Dan kami pun tracking, diawali dengan berdoa tanpa pemanasan fisik (ini ga baik, jangan dicontoh ya kaka² eheheh).
Saya ngga tahu menahu soal lokasi, itu semua Vero yang mengatur dan menentukan. Nurut aja eta mah #mendadaksoknyunda haha. Sebelum perjalanan kami disuguhkan dengan pemandangan pipa-pipa gas besar. Sebagai turis saya pun tanya dengan polosnya, "itu pipa apa?". Jawab Vero, "pipa gas". Sesimpel dan sesederhana itu yah, oke makasih! 😪
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Perjalanan kami lalui dengan melewati track yang yaaa bisa dibilang tidak terlalu berat (bukan songong ini). Waktu tempuh pun cukup singkat untuk sampai ke lokasi Savana. Yap! Di savana itulah kami mendirikan rumah tangga. Eh tenda #pengennikahdetected 😂 .
Kabut tebal turun dari lembah kasih yang tak sampai~ . Jarak pandang menjadi berkurang, akhirnya kami putuskan untuk camp di dekat lokasi jalur. Hawa dingin menyeruak masuk ke dalam sukma jiwa. Singkat cerita, the dome sweet dome had been built, then we slept. Good night, have a nice dream 😚. Etapi cerita belum selesaiihh.
 Oke lanjut. Saya tidur, Puput tidur, namun Vero tidak. Entahlah, dia mungkin merindukan kekasih. Hanafi tidur berpeluk tracking pole di tenda sebelah. Laki² sendiri sih haha. Hingga sayup² dari kejauhan terdengar suara adzan Shubuh. What a nice sound♥. Dan kami pun bangun untuk beribadah. Mendekat keharibaan Rabbul 'Alamain. ALLAHU yaa Ilahana. Yang padaNYA jiwa kami di genggam. Yang dengan KasihNYA hati kami pun menyayangi alam semesta.
 Sabtu, 12 Agustus 2017
Waktu menunjukkan sekitar pukul 05.30. Saya cukup mager pada saat itu, karena hawa sangat dingin, sedingin sikap kamu ke aku #halah! Tetiba sudah ada sajian susu coklat hangat, saya pun bangun, dan keluar, menikmati susu coklat panas buatan Vero sambil duduk menikmati kabut tebal yang sedikit demi sedikit tergantikan oleh cahaya matahari. Tapi kalo kamu ga akan terganti kok (nyanyi lagunya marcell 😂).
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Ohh, betapa ALLAH itu berikan segala-galanya. Malam begitu dingin, hanya beberapa jam saja sudah berganti dengan kehangatan luar biasa. Bukan matahari yang sampe di bumi, hanya cahayanya.
"Dan diantara penciptaan langit dan bumi serta pergantian siang dan malam terdapat tanda-tanda kekuasaan ALLAH yang bisa dilihat oleh para ulul albab (orang² yang mau menggunakan akalnya untuk terus berpikir)" (Ali Imran 190)♥
That's sweet!
 Pagi itu saya berjalan ke tengah² Savana, menuju cahaya matahari yang belum sampe ke tenda kami. Ternyata disusul oleh Vero yang kakinya tertatih-tatih. Di lokasi ini ternyata sudah ada banyak mantan eh sampah berserakan dimana².  Kadang saya kesel melihatnya, tapi saya pun tak bisa berbuat banyak. Mengangkut semua sampah itu dan dibawa turun? Ah fisikku tak sekuat itu untuk membawa sampah dan beban keril pribadi. Yah kudoakan semoga mereka yang membuang mantan eh sampah tidak pada tempatnya itu segera di beri hidayah. Aamiin.
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Mantan yang tertinggal~
Yah kami sedikit berbincang soal kehidupan. Hahaha. Hingga kami cukup puas menyaksikan hamparan savana yang dikelilingi hutan yang mungkin masih disinggahi oleh para Panthera Padus. Kami kembali ke lokasi tenda. Ternyata dua adik junior ini sudah berbaik hati membuatkan bubur kacang hijau (meski rasanya kemudian disempurnakan oleh Vero, haha).
Ekspedisi 0sampah di lokasi ini kami laksanakan dengan sebaik²nya. Sungguh tak ada mantan diantara kami. Kami membawa banyak bekal (tepatnya mereka bertiga selain saya, ehehe, maklum turis manja). Namun setelah ditelusur ada luput dari Puput yang baik hatinya. Ia membawa gula jawa yang dibungkus dengan plastik, hitam lagi. Aduh Puput, kamu t e r c y d u X !
Oke, plastik itu pun kami gunakan untuk membawa sisa² tisu kering yang digunakan untuk bersih² wadah dan untuk keperluan buang air. Hanya dengan plastik 1 kg-an gula. Yang untuk bungkus es teh tuuh (no picture untuk ini, lupa). You know what I feel? Hanya segitu kah sampah kami? Yang biasanya saya pribadi paling tidak satu kali kegiatan adventure membawa sekitar 1 kantong plastik besar berisi mantan² yang tercyduk. Dan sekarang kami berempat dengan sampah satu kantong plastik es teh, itu pun isinya tisu. Well done enough guys! Love it.
Next, kami kembali turun. Di bawah sudah menunggu 2 adik junior lain, sebut mereka Alva dengan Aziz. Ekspedisi 0sampah di lokasi ke 2 kami lanjutkan dengan tim berisikan 6 orang. Saya, Vero, Alva, Aziz, Hanafi, dan Puput. Kondisi Vero masih tertatih. Saya tanyakan kabarnya. Dan semangatnya masih berapi dengan perjalanan ini.
Lokasi kedua masih berada si kawasan Dieng Plateau. Kami sampai di basecampnya dengan sedikit drama² mellow yang mengharu birukan cinta yang membara #apasih 😂. Singkat cerita, kami tracking sekitar pukul 14.45. Kata bapak basecamp sih "cuman" satu setengah jam sampe atas. Mari kita buktikan.
Kami berangkat dengan ceria lalala~. Saya berjalan di belakang Vero yang masih tertatih-tatih melangkahkan kaki. Para dedek junior gemesh berjalan di depan kita dengan jarak beberapa meter.
Hamparan perkebunan warga meliuk berkelok tersusun dan tertata rapi sejauh mata memandang. Betapa sehatnya para petani, yang pada dini hari sudah mencari Rizky Ilahi untuk mengolah tanah yang tersedia. Kentang, terong Belanda, Carica, sayur-mayur, dan tumbuhan lainnya. Ahh, Dieng. Selalu membuat rindu suasanya belaian angin dinginnya.
Kami berhenti sejenak untuk sekedar mendekat pada ALLAH Azza Wa Jalla. Menunaikan shalat Ashar. Ruku' dan Sujud, sebagai perwujudan "iyya kana'budu, wa iyya kanastangin". Syukur atas segala kesempatan yang ALLAH berikan, karena dengan KuasaNYA kami dapat melakukan perjalanan.
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Sholat dulu.
Kabut tebal tetiba mengudara, namun kami tetap lanjutkan perjalanan ini sebelum hari mulai gelap. Jalan terus, terus jalan. Hingga pada suatu titik saya bertanya "kok ga sampe² yah". Vero hanya melirik diam. Ternyata ia pun berpikir sama. Jalan berbatu masih kami pijaki sampai kami mulai melewati dedaunan rimbun.
Rumput-rumput tumbuh menjulang tinggi. Setinggi pinggang. Menandakan bahwa jalur ini amat sangat jarang dilalui manusia. Kami teruskan langkah menerjang ilalang. Hingga pada suatu titik, Alva yang berada di posisi paling depan bertanya pada kakak seniornya yang berjalan tertatih di belakang bersama saya, Vero. Dia bertanya bahwa tak ada jalur disini, apa pula yang harus dilakukan. Vero memutuskan untuk lanjut. Kembali kami menaiki bukit lewati lembah tapi bukan lembah kasih. Haha.
This the real adventure for me. Kami sempat buta arah pada senja saat itu. Bukan berarti songong pula, tapi jalur tersebut masih cukup bisa (mudah) untuk dilewati. Meski kami keliru mengambil langkah, tapi ekspedisi tetap dilaksanakan. Di sebuah titik tempat datar kami berhenti, melihat bukit sekeliling. Menikmati senja yang berganti malam. Dan memutuskan membangun the dome sweet dome di bukit yang paling tinggi.
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Daun tinggi kayak goa
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Menerjang ilalang
Angin bertiup cukup kencang di puncak bukit itu. Saya tak menemukan tulisan puncak atau apapun. Hanya sebuah plang bertuliskan peringatan tentang sampah. Malam dan kabut berpadu menyelimuti bukit. Yah, intinya kami dirikan tenda yang ternyata sedikit trouble pada frame nya namun tetap bisa teratasi dengan baik. Ah semakin dalam kukenal mereka, semakin sadar bahwa saya ndak ada apa²nya. Poor me! Malam itu pun kami beristirahat dengan kehangatan di dalam tenda putri khususnya. Tak sedingin sikap kamu ke aku, eh salah, tak sedingin malam sebelumnya, hahaha.
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Sebelum kami tarik selimut, saya menyempatkan diri untuk ngemil snack favorit yang telah dibawakan oleh kakak senior paling hits seantero jagat dunia lain. Tentunya tanpa adanya bakal calon mantan diantara kita, ehehe. Sajian makan malam dilengkapi dengan jagung rebus (yang kami beli dari bawah), tanpa di bungkus plastik, melainkan dengan foldable bag (tas lipat) yang saya bawa, ditambah keju dan susu. Setelah sedikit berbincang tentang kehidupan, kami rapatkan selimut untuk menyambut pagi berikutnya, insyaALLAH.
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Kesukaannya akuuu
Ahad, 13 Agustus 2017
Fajar mulai menyingsing. Sayup² terdengar suara adzan Shubuh saling bersaut. Setelah ibadah, saya masih ambil itu selimut, padahal tak ada dingin yang merasuk. Yaahh masih ingin tiduran sepertinya. Tindakan ini jangan ditiru, ndak baik. Akhirnya ku sesali sendiri karena tak bisa menikmati matahari yang keluar malu² dari peraduannya. #nyeselsendirikan
Pagi itu Vero yang menyiapkan sarapan. Nasi putih dengan nasi gula jawa dengan lauk sosis dan jamur-telur ditambah kudapan buah-buahan menambah romantisme ekspedisi 0sampah ini. Kami membawa sayur-mayur, hanya saja tak sempat kami memasaknya. Saya memotong buah²an seperti mangga, peer, belimbing, dan jeruk.
Cahaya mentari mulai menghangat. Menemani canda-tawa kami ketika sarapan. Berbincang tentang alam, keorganisasian, dan lainnya. Memang bukan seberapa banyak tempat yang kau kunjungi, tapi dengan siapa dan misi apa yang kau bawa saat melakukan perjalanan.
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Setelah sarapan kami packing, dan berniat menuju lokasi berikutnya. Aaaand, I'm gonna show you this......
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Inilah sampah kami berenam. Sampah organik seperti sisa kulit jagung, cangkang telur, dan kulit buah kami timbun dalam tanah. Sampah tisu kering dan tisu basah kami masukkan dalam plastik yang kami temukan di samping tenda. Kami membawa trashbag, namun terlalu besar untuk menampung sampah kami yang sangat minimalis.
Ada perasaan bangga dan bahagia manakala mengetahui jumlah sampah yang disisakan dari kegiatan adventure kami ini. Itupun adalah tissu, hal yang belum kami temukan pengganti untuknya, terutama bagi perempuan. Duuhh eeyy terharuu😭😭
Kami pun tracking turun melewati jalur yang benar. Ndak seperti kemarin, eheheh. Dan dari situ kami menelusuri, di titik mana mulai salah mengambil langkah. Yah kata Vero mah itulah sebenar-benarnya petualangan. Manakala ada hal yang tidak sesuai dengan rencana kita namun kita bisa hadapi dengan sebaik-baiknya. Kata dia begitu. Si senior yang galaknya menggemparkan jagat raya tapi bikin adiknya rindu jua. Sebetulnya gue ga tega nulis begini, 😭😭😂😂
Setelah sampai basecamp, kami urungkan niat menuju lokasi ketiga karena terburu oleh waktu. Kami lanjutkan dengan santap siang di Mie Ongklok Longkrang, the most favoritos place kalo lagi ke Wonosobo. Disinilah ku berpisah dengan dedek² junior yang budiman. Mereka kembali ke rumah masing². Sedangkan saya dan Vero menghabiskan waktu dengan memperbincangkan segala hal hingga bapak supir travel menjemput diriku untuk pulang ke rumah mama. Ah mama, ternyata engkau telah menungguku di rumah dengan segala kasih sayangmu. 😘
Sedikit tambahan untuk menutup cerita ini. Ekspedisi 0sampah ini saya lakukan bersama dengan 5 rekan. Saya melakukan ini untuk mengevaluasi diri saya sendiri. Sudahkah saya menerapkannya? Bisakah saya melakukan 0sampah? Pada dasarnya semua orang bisa melakukannya jika memang MAU. 0sampah sendiri bukan berarti benar² ber-enol sampah, ini adalah istilah dengan filosofi yang dalam bagi saya. Karena sejatinya, manusia pun tak bisa lepas dari sampah. Feses, keringat, dsb adalah sampah² yang dihasilkan manusia. Sifatnya sangat mudah terurai, jadi bisa hilang dan pergi tanpa masalah.
0sampah berangkat dari kritik terhadap banyaknya pencemaran lingkungan saat ini. Langkah yang kami ambil bukan membersihkan sampah yang ada tapi lebih kepada mencegah adanya sampah itu sendiri dengan cara meminimalisir penggunaannya. Berawal dari 0sampah pada kegiatan adventure, kemudian berlanjut pada kehidupan sehari². Harapannya bukan sekedar zero waste adventure tapi kepada zero waste life. InsyaALLAH.
Pada ekspedisi ini, kami sungguh sangat berusaha meminimalisir adanya sampah. Seperti penggunaan dry bag untuk pengganti trash bag yang melindungi barang² di dalam tas dari basah. Toples makanan untuk snack dan camilan. Kain untuk membungkus buah. Eco-bottle dan jerigen untuk wadah air. Foldable bag untuk pengganti plastik. Dan bahkan ketika kami membeli beras pun, dimasukkan dalam tas selempang (kepepet banget), demi 0sampah 0plastik. Meski beberapa snack berplastik tak bisa kami hindari karena memang udah dari sononya begitu. Hiks, sedih yaa.. Yah selanjutnya kita kurangi membeli snack berkemasan plastik, bikin sendiri aja kali ya, eheheh. Bisa kalo Mau, yakan?? PR nya masih pada tisu kering dan tisu basah. Ah tisu basah, sebetulnya ia pun mengandung plastik sehingga tak mudah sobek. Masih terus memperdalam soal 0sampah. Sambil belajar sambil trus mempraktekkan. Pasti bisa!
Demi semesta yang kita hidup di dalamnya~
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Demi 0sampah, tanpa plastik, tas selempang Alva jadi wadah beras, ahahah.
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Sarapan sehat tanpa yang instan-instan.
Sosoan wkwkwk
Ahad, 13 Agustus 2017 0:14 WIB
Galuh Miftah Fadilah
Forever Learner
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