#As someone who is also transmasc I relate
drdemonprince · 1 day
is there a reason a lot of transmascs and trans men gravitate towards puppy play/pup related kink? it’s something i’ve noticed on the online trans community
It's not a transmasc specific thing at all. Pup play's stock is up in a massive way across a variety of communities for several reasons.
Pup play's popularity began with the gay male community, where it largely originated. Most of the major manufacturers of pup play gear are still gay men's fetishwear companies, and the kink has been enjoyed in that scene for decades because it evokes a kind of soft masculine playfulness and a gentle power dynamic, with potential elements of deindividuation and primalness that speak to a variety of people.
(It also gives men an opportunity to be tender with one another in a way that doesn't evoke gendered baggage of casting any partner as "the woman," or as less of a "man," and that also I think lent it massive appeal. )
The gay male kink community tends to have a lot more money and access to more clubs and venues than other queer communities do, and so we see a lot of experimentation and trendy-ness in its kink scene. Lots of guys have the expendable income to buy up new gear, and dungeons to play with them in. Because of this, sexual trends move quickly in the gay male world -- piss similarly had a deluge of popularity in recent years, and hypno as well. Chastity too, and now latex. Anything new and exciting that you can buy, wear, and play with will have its moment in the scene, and sprout a whole new cottage industry around it. Once the gay male dollars are flowing in, a whole kink economy forms.
As pup play was becoming a more widespread gay male kink activity, furries caught onto it as an alternative to the more expensive and cumbersome fursuiting. This has been VERY noticeable as someone who has been attending Midwest Furfest continuously since 2017. The first few years that I was going, I never saw any pup hoods (and friends who have been in the scene far longer than me have echoed this as well). There just wasn't an overlap between pups and furs much at all.
Now at furry events, there is a MASSIVE contingent of pups, and many events centered on pups and pup play. Everywhere you go at the conventions you will see hoards of pups roving around with their owners, and vendors of pup gear peddling tails, collars, muzzles, hoods, hand mitts, leashes, and more.
Compared to fursits, pup hoods are cheaper, easier to clean, easier to find, less prone to damage, more comfortable to wear, lighter weight, and can be snapped onto a belt loop or fanny pack and carried around all day. Yet it still provides an animalistic appearance and anonymity, and the ability to play with an inhuman headspace. Furries flocked to pup hoods because it had a low barrier to entry -- just $50 or so for a headpiece, many of the models customizable in a variety of colors. You can even use your pup hood color to flag what you are into!
After pup play exploded across the furry scene, it got exposed naturally to a larger contingent of trans people. Lots of furries are trans people, and vice versa, and so pup hoods spread from the Rockets and Mittens to the Aidans and Cassandras of the world with ease. Even people who aren't furries or especially kinky now find pup play adorable, for it taps into a lot of existing kinks that are also really popular right now.
We're in a zeigest that emphasizes softness and comfort, and the longing for escape from the capitalist grind and the world's horrors -- people are listening to womblike music in softly lit rooms with the curtains drawn and fantasizing about becoming stay-at-home girlfriends and cottagecore boywifes and shit.
Becoming an adored puppy who sexually services their owner in return for pets and snacks and never has to work a day in their life is highly appealing to a TON of people. Some of them, indeed, are trans guys. But if you explore the fetish and porn worlds widely (as I do), you'll see that pup play has also become massively popular among cishet people too!
Puppy girl Jenna is a massive Tiktok and OnlyFans phenomenon! Even the most basic of ahegaoing chicks on redgifs are wearing muzzles and tail butt plugs! Everybody is into puppy play right now because it is an accessible, nonthreatening, cutesy kink that allows people to envision themselves existing safely within a comforting power dynamic where they can be adored and all their problems are gone. Lots of headspacey, cuddly, escapist kinks like Bimbo have become popular for these reasons too.
And there you have it! From the early days in the leather bars to today's era of cage tours on Tiktok, pup play is very much IN with just about every sexually adventurous crowd. This has been the devon price kink stock report.
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i feel like i didn't get to talk about this much online in great enough detail, but for the young or OLDER transmascs and trans men out there, it is perfectly natural to look for a masculine or male role model to look up to for masculinity inspiration and guidance, whether you personally know them or not. Whether they have passed or not, it's okay to search for somebody to look up to and grow ideas from on what it means to be a man in your eyes. It's natural for cisgender boys and men to do it, so why not you as well?
as you grow, you will come to discover there are all types of role models that'll you be able to relate to. or you may only find one. and when you find that person that brings out your inner sense of worth, and what it means to truly be a man to you, and not just from what the media presumes, you'll know. you'll feel comfort in not just your skin, but also your mind. you'll feel a sense of strength, security, protection, balance and loyalty. you'll speak with actions over words. you'll be able to proudly follow the path of a man, something you hadn't been able to envision before. thanks to having a masculine role model, you will now have something to strive to surpass.
there is no perfect male or masculine role model. there isn't anyone in this world who is perfect. in fact, due to your past womanhood and cautious upbringing, you may believe you don't deserve to receive guidance in this new world as a man. you may still believe and remember the words you spat and the evil you were taught about the everyday man, especially if you grew up in a dangerous area being groomed, abused or having had experienced traumatic history. this doesn't mean men can't hurt others, but you have been taught every man WILL and CAN hurt you, if given the chance, by the men AND women in your life. so now you worry and wonder, "Will people think I've become a man so I can become the attacker, instead of the prey waiting for the pounce?" you'll begin to think, you betrayed yourself as a fellow transmasc, and trans man. you'll see that frightened, confused "girl" who was still in the "attic"- because at this point you shoved those thoughts about your gender so deep inside the closet of your brain that it rose above your head until it finally collapsed on top of you. you'll wonder, "If I was cisgender, would I have hurt me too?"
the answer is you don't AND will never truly know. and it always will be like that. but what you do know is that if given the chance, you'd save yourself all over again in this life right now. you'd rescue and hold that little girl that was scared and misunderstood. because at the end of the day, your soul and values are your own. and your character still shows, regardless of your gender. and even if you aren't that socially aware, you'd comfort that little girl because you would KNOW what pain she was talking about. the pain of feeling misplaced. the anguish of following everyone else's advice, desperate to feel SOMETHING BETTER, only to end up feeling empty- just another puppet on someone else's strings. "But at least I made everyone else happy?, you'd think. but in the end, you didn't make yourself happy- not even a little.
you will know what it feels like to want CHANGE in your life, even if you are still unsure how you'd like to accomplish it. because you've been there. you've done that. and now you can say, you ARE your younger self's hero.
as you search inside yourself, and around you, for a role model on what masculinity means to you, you'll start to realize it all starts with acknowledging who you truly are, who you want to be, and how you want to stand. you begin to realize that the media and radfems have made you think a "perfect man" exists if they just follow a list of rules and guidelines they've made up when you KNOW it's not true. for you were born and went through a lot of the "womanhood" they experienced as well. and even if a masculine person meets ALL THESE GUIDELINES AND RULES, THERE'S STILL ROOM FOR A GRAY AREA. BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE HUMAN BEINGS. WHETHER FEMME OR MASC, ANYONE CAN BE A BAD OR GOOD PERSON.
being a masculine person or man doesn't make you a horrible person, it just means you're human. and if we aren't taught to self hate, hurt ourselves or dismiss our own feelings as men, we can achieve so much. especially when we aren't hating ourselves on our journey through our manhood. i am lucky to know the few cis men i do in my personal life that i do; and that i get to look up to them. for they are leaders, strong both mentally, and emotionally. they are loyal and love, loudly and silently. they behave differently based on their relationships with others, but are never indirectly inconsistent, for they are honest. and i admire them for that. for they are themselves and they demand respect. and to me, a nonbinary transmasc human being, that is and has been the hardest thing for me to do: demanding respect from others.
when you find your masculinity role model, you'll begin to understand what younger cis boys most likely felt when they looked up to some of their heroes; whether family, family friends, older classmates, entertainment stars, sports players or historical figures. you'll get to experience the newfound feeling of walking down a different path then originally planned as a transmasc man. some cis people will tell YOU you HAVE to act this way to discover your role model AND to live like said person. you do NOT. for your personality, AND your manhood are a part of you that show your inner character. your clothes, morality and male role model(s) show what you like, honor and value. but your soul shows your identity. your words explain your story and heart. your wisdom shows your willingness and strength to learn how to be an honest, hard-working man.
and just like the male role model you are searching for, you'll soon start to find out you may be someone else's reason and inspirational story. thanks to you they may have a reason to continue exploring their own masculinity. they can now define their own path on what it means to become a better man. thanks to you.
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mr-walkingrainbow · 1 year
I noticed your tags and I genuinely didn't realize I forgot to follow you mijnhubgyvftcdrx my apologies. Also, I don't use she/her pronouns
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medicasino · 10 months
i always feel so like weird saying that i really like and actively look for character designs that are meant to be GNC masc characters (traditionally ""feminine"" presenting male- or masc-aligned characters) because i. I DONT WANT PEOPLE TO THINK IM A WEIRDO FETISHIZER 😭😭i just find them really comforting as a transmasc person who hasnt transitioned physically yet/presents more ""femininely"" and likes ""feminine"" clothes. like, seeing GNC masc characters be REFERRED TO as masculine and stuff makes me happy and tbh designs like that are also just fun and cute! but i always feel like. The Fear . that like someone will think im a weirdo fetishistic loser who fetishizes trans men or something . and its like NO PLEASE I PROMISE IM NOT!!!! 😭
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boyslugs · 2 years
tumblr stop recommending me terfs challenge! yes i am a feminist, but i am also hugely trans and believe intersectionality is the only way forward. yes i believe in deconstructing gender and gender roles but i also know how important gender is to people's sense of self, and that it's impossible to try to categorize gender more specifically than "a [gender] is defined as someone who identifies as a [gender]" without excluding someone, just like when in metaphysics my professor asked "define what a chair is" and then pulled out so many examples of "okay, by your definition a stool isnt a type of chair" and "what about bean bag chairs" or "that could be a table, which implies that all tables are chairs"
terfs and swerfs could be fighting for and with everyone against the oppressive systems we live under but they're so set in their ways that they refuse to see how the patriarchy harms men too, or how even if the porn industry has a lot of problems, many people of all genders enjoy sex work and are fulfilled by choosing it as a career path, or how a lot of the things trans people are fighting for would result in a better world for everyone- but it's easier to just say "rights for me but all men are evil oppressors and trans people are either traumatised or are evil and anyone doing sw is coerced or damaging our fight"
i could go on about this for way longer but i already have a bad feeling this might end up spreading further than i'd like so TO REITERATE:
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It seems like a lot of the anti-transmasculinity/transandrophobia discourse revolves around the ideas that either this does not occur, does not occur in real life, or is just transmascs viewing criticisms of transmisogynistic transmascs as oppression, so here’s a story.
I live with some other people around my age, and I stopped using my deadname with them earlier this year. it hasn’t been that long, about 3 months, but generally, they use my correct name with an occasional mistake, usually followed up by a correction. one of them, however, just cannot seem to stop deadnaming me, often without correcting afterwards. when they do notice they’ve gotten it wrong, it’s usually followed up by a big thing about how they don’t know why they’re so bad at it or blaming it on being drunk if they’re drunk, but often not an apology.
an additional piece of this—my partner, who is a trans woman, changed the name they use around the same time, but this person almost always gets her name right. this person knows me a bit better/longer than they do her, but not that much better/longer, and generally, when I am around them, my partner is also there. (adding a cut here because this is gonna be long)
I talked with my therapist about this at my last session. I was seeking advice on how to handle it, but I also spent a lot of time just complaining and running through different incidences of this happening. I ended up telling her about some of the weird things this person said to me when I first started socially transitioning, including them saying that they were sad when I came out because they (direct quote) “didn’t want to stop seeing me as a genderless elf” (???!?) (I had previously identified as nonbinary and used any pronouns) and followed that up by saying that they hated men, which they then followed up by saying “not trans men though” (which like okay but then why bring that up in this conversation).
In talking my therapist, I circled back to the deadnaming issue and said that I thought this person was doing this to me and not my partner because my partner is more feminine than I am masculine (in social behavior and the way we look as two people that have not started medically transitioning). my therapist pushed back on this and said that, based on all the things I said, it seemed more like this person just didn’t want to see me as a man.
this blew my mind a little because I, a transmasculine person who spends way too much time on trans and transmasc internet, did not put the situation in this context while my therapist, a cis woman who is supportive but not super aware of the trans experience, did. it made a lot of sense though, and fit into the context of my other experiences and interactions with this person.
this person is a nonbinary person who has never identified as or been seen as a man. they are supportive of trans people generally and of their rights. they are also someone who believes that woman are inherently better than men. this generally doesn’t have much of an impact on the cis men we live with—for them, this more comes as being around for jokes that might make them a little uncomfortable, but doesn’t stop them from being seen as men. for me, this means I have to deal with the fact that this person doesn’t want to see me as a man and deadnames me accordingly, seemingly because they see me transitioning as a loss.
my point here is that when transmasculine people say that there are issues they face specifically related to them being transmasculine, that’s not a lie or a hypothetical. there is a stark contrast between the way this person treats my transfem partner and myself (and, after talking with someone who’s lived here with this person for longer, other transmasculine people who have lived in the house). they are supportive of trans people as a group, but not of transmasculinity, and I have to deal with the consequences.
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spaghettioverdose · 5 months
I've never really talked on here about how I figured out my gender, and since this whole egg discourse is going on, I feel like I should.
I'm not one of the trans women who figured out their genders at age 4 and became fully confident of it. Up until around 16 I didn't even begin to consider that I may not be a cis guy and it took me up until almost 19 to fully realise I was a trans woman. Before this, at 18, after feeling particularly shitty for weeks (from what I later learned was definitely dysphoria), I attempted suicide.
I only really started to understand myself once I started hanging out with other trans people on discord servers. My perception of transness was the more mainstream-accepted version (at that time) of "I always confidently knew I was a woman basically from birth and I exhibited x, y and z feminine behaviours at all times etc." which I didn't fit in with, so I always thought "well I can't be a trans woman because that's not me". Being around other trans people, and especially having other trans women point out behaviours I had, and tell me "that's also how I thought before I realised I was trans" helped me immensely.
I didn't get any of the rigid online definitions and examples, nor did I get the perfectly sanitised videos from the handful of trans people who made it on youtube. None of that felt like me at the time. I didn't have any point of reference. I only really understood myself once I related to someone who used to be in the same position. If some trans girl didn't call me an egg, I might still be a completely miserable "cis" guy to this day still, or even dead.
I understand that others have had worse experiences when it comes to this, but we must recognise that the problem in these situations is outing or harassment. The porblem is abuse, and as with all things interpersonal, you can always turn it into abuse. As with all things interpersonal, you have to have some amount of tact and caution.
I don't think we should harass anyone into getting their egg cracked (and this happens vastly less often than people here seem to think but it does happen), but also we shouldn't be constantly agnostic about if someone is trans or not, because in the end not everyone is capable of coming to that conclusion by themselves, and by the time you've "let them figure it out" they might've spent several more years being miserable and not knowing why or they might be dead.
It is also very important to point out that this discourse is only really happening because there is a particular bias against trans women. This isn't a discussion of how to approach the subject, or a handful of people talking about their experiences with it, it's a discourse where one side is trying to problematize another aspect of the transfem community. Notice that people are arguing this when it comes to transfems and not cis gay people or even transmascs. Notice that this website always cycles back to attacking some aspect of the transfem community every couple of weeks.
Do you really think these arguments are being made in good faith? Do you really think it's worth adding to the sea of transmisogyny that is this website and most of the world?
As always, this post is meant for people who are genuinely well-meaning. The dipshits who keep jumping on any excuse they can to harass trans women can go fuck themselves.
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kawamagi-crow · 10 months
One important thing i found in the Hbomber vid i dont see mentioned a lot is how often Jame's stealing of content erased the unique experiences and views of the original writers.
Example: The Mulan review.
The original text provides a unique reflection based on the experiences of a Transmasc Asian. the CORE of the whole review is relating said real life experiences and the movie, and how they interact, and the authors perspective as a Transmasc asian.
And what James did? He removed it. not only the important commentary but also the whole mention of the trans experience?? (Changing trans to Lgbt community), He stole other person's words and wrangled them out of any meaning it had.
If i was the Author, i would be fucking pissed.
And I could go a step further and said its VERY ODD AND TOTALLY A COINCIDENCE (/S) how Jame's chooses to change with words (Changing trans to LGBT community), Erasing parts of the community. For someone who criticizes so much "the straights" for erasing gay culture, he seems to be pretty fucking happy in Erasing Trans culture (Or Trans identities!).
James Somerton is not changing words to try to hide his clear Plagiarism. He is changing words to tell his own message. one that does not care for anyone who isn't the perfect image of the Gay man he wants (because not even gay men are safe, Since he throws them under the bus too if theyre "too boring").
I beg for anyone who reads this to read the original Mulan article. Linked below:
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txttletale · 6 months
as someone seeing all this from the outside, whats trnasphobic about people hating homestuck? I've never seen it associated with trans people and I cant see anything about this hussie guy who made it being trans
hussie is in fact trans (nonbinary, any pronouns, apparently psycholonials goes into more detail about how they feel re: gender but i haven't played it) and if you've never seen it 'associated with trans people' idk skill issue there is a very large and vocal trans fanbase for it and historically has been to the point that it's a meme that a bunch of transmascs who transitioned circa 2015 are called dave and are embarassed if you ask why. that said i don't think there's anything transphobic about hating homestuck, there's lots of perfectly good reasons to hate homestuck or hussie. parts of homestuck are horrifically racist. some of hussie's older work is even worse. the ending sucks. the epilogues suck and also waste much more of your time. huge chunks of the comic itself are just not very good even aside from the racism. you can feel however you want about homestuck idc
where transmisogyny comes into it is 1. poeple have been harassing and ridiculing a bunch of trans women on here for having a book club wher ethey read it and 2. moreover and what i have mainly been posting abt this in relation to is that there are many people whose reaction to dtwof losing in a meme poll is to go on various different varietals of 'the degenerate ingrates are not appreciative of the True Real Queer Culture, how far we have fallen' rants, which is indicative of a kind of cisbian homonationalist reactionary attitude that elevates the 80s/90s usamerican cis gay scenes to the status of an unattainable mythic past. & this is an attitude that basically goes hand in hand with transmisogyny because they treat any of the many, many warranted criticisms about how transmisogynistic the culture and scenes they idolize were with extreme condescencion and hostility.
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 6 months
Masterlist & Request Guidelines
Requests are closed right now, but the Masterlist is always open! 🫶🏻
Olivia Benson (Law & Order: SVU)
Can You Stay?
Texts from Olivia Benson
Eyes Open
When Worlds Collide (x daughter!reader)
Alex Blake (Criminal Minds)
What You Want (18+)
Inside Your Head
Texts from Alex Blake
Alex Cabot (Law & Order: SVU)
Alex Cabot x Reader Headcanons
After General Anesthesia
Alex Cabot x Casey Novak x Reader SFW Headcanons
What You Give
Texts from Alex Cabot (18+)
Carol Danvers (Marvel)
Find Your People (x sibling!reader)
Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
A Hard Day
Just Playing
Headcanons: Coming Out to Rosa Diaz as Transmasc
Passenger Princess
A Little Lunch
Penelope Garcia (Criminal Minds)
Lee Harker (Longlegs)
The Halloween Party
Jennifer Jareau (Criminal Minds)
The Dogs
The Intruder
Fight or Flight (x daughter!reader)
Texts from Jennifer "JJ" Jareau (18+)
The Aftermath
Johanna Mason (The Hunger Games)
Home Again
Casey Novak (Law & Order: SVU)
Someone Will See
First Time (18+)
Sunday Mornings
She Likes You Anyway
Empty House (18+)
You're Safe Now
Home for the Holidays
Take Me Out to the Ball Game (18+)
I Need You To
Your Brother's Wedding
Casey Novak x Reader Headcanons
After General Anesthesia
Panic! At the DA's Office
Alex Cabot x Casey Novak x Reader SFW Headcanons
May the Fourth Be With You
With the Crack of a Bat
Just One Kiss
Texts from Casey Novak
They Go Low
Getting Older, Too
When Worlds Collide
Frozen Oranges
Maggie Pierce (Grey's Anatomy)
Just as Friends
Emily Prentiss (Criminal Minds)
The Surprise Series Masterlist
Coming Out
Let Me Keep You Safe (18+)
Emily Prentiss x Reader Headcanons
Shelter from the Storm
Don't Lie to Me
Burning (18+)
Tracing You
Tiny (x daughter!reader)
Control (18+)
The World's Largest Box of Condoms (x daughter!reader)
Touchy (18+)
Texts from Emily Prentiss (18+)
White Fang
Arizona Robbins (Grey's Anatomy)
Natasha Romanoff (Marvel)
Amelia Shepherd (Grey's Anatomy)
Sick Call
Tea for Two
Strap Up (18+)
Postpartum (18+)
Playing It Safe (18+)
You're Mine (18+)
The R Word
Left Unsaid (18+)
Texts from Amelia Shepherd (18+)
Callie Torres (Grey's Anatomy)
Cristina Yang (Grey's Anatomy)
If you have requests for characters outside of the above, please feel free to send them on anyway! The above are just characters I've written for before. If I'm familiar with the character/source material and the request meets my parameters, I'll be happy to give it a shot!
I only write for characters who are women. No men here. Sorry, folks.
I only write x reader. I don't really enjoy writing about already-existing relationships or character ships. I've done a couple of x daughter!reader and x sibling!reader fics, and I'm happy to do them, but to be honest I very much prefer romantic fics.
I only write for readers and characters with v*lvas. I absolutely welcome non-binary/gender non-conforming characters/readers. Just be aware that, where smut is concerned, I only feel confident writing about humans with v*ginas.
I don't feel comfortable writing dark!characters or smut that's degrading. Kinks and other smut-related requests I take on a case-by-case basis. But I absolutely will not write anything that even gets close to the line of non-consensual. No shade to you if the above are things you enjoy reading/writing, they're just personally not for me.
Autistic readers are so welcome! I love reading and writing x autistic!reader fics!
I do feel comfortable writing about the aftermath of trauma (sexual or otherwise), most mental illnesses, etc. I enjoy a good hurt/comfort fic and, as someone who's dealt with both of the above, I know it can be very comforting to read something that makes you feel like you're cared for and safe.
I also really enjoy writing headcanons, so feel free to request those as well! The same rules apply for headcanons that apply for fics.
Send those requests on, bbs!
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euniexenoblade · 2 months
I'm transmasc and I don't think I completely understand the discussion around TMA/TME.
I'm pretty sure I mostly agree with you. Like, "transandrophobia" is not a helpful or accurate description of the transmasc experience, and I can see how it could be used to belittle what transfems go through.
Transfems definitely get more attention from hate groups. Transmasc erasure sucks, but it can definitely be a blessing when the bigots are picking their targets.
I keep seeing posts comparing trans men to incels and MRAs. I haven't seen many transmascs who would warrant that comparison.
That's not to say it's necessarily an unfair comparison. On the contrary, it probably means that there's a lot of transmisogyny going around that I'm not seeing. And if I'm not seeing it, that probably means I'm inadvertently participating in it.
IDK why I felt the need to send this to you. I guess I was hoping you'd tell me how to do better, which totally isn't your job. Feel free to ignore me and/or tell me to fuck off.
I'll send you $20 for tolerating my bullshit. Have a nice day.
Ok I wanna answer this before I get too high (I'm honestly feeling it already). Thank you for the $20, when I realized I forgot to pack a lunch today that money helped me eat still so legit thank you.
So first off, "trans women get more attention from hate groups, transmasc erasure sucks but can be a blessing." (I can't copy and paste on this screen, so I'm paraphrasing) yes but I wouldn't call erasure a blessing, no matter who it's for. They're two sides of a very fucked coin, on the one side transfems get lots of attention and vitriol, and the erasure of transmascs makes it harder for some transmascs to understand they can be trans. But on top of that, the form of transfems we see are never real representation, 99% of the time it's a transmisogynistic ideal of trans women, it's the weirdo white boy spreading lipstick all over their face just before they smash the mirror in a fit of "dysphoria" kind of shit. Though transfems have extreme visibility, our actual selves are not visible, we are ultra violet rapist horn dogs or we're the super ignorant, super emotional crybaby.
And, a side tangent, cuz you sorta did a thing the transandrodorks do that is frustrating. It's not a measurement of what's "worse." That's not how oppression works, that's not what we are saying, we are talking about the forms of oppression.
Men are not oppressed for being men. They can be oppressed for a variety of things, racism, ableism, interphobia (is this the right term I forget), homophobia, etc etc. Masculinity is rewarded, masculinity is the desire, patriarchy exists so men get to be above women. Things like "misandry" do not exist, they are inventions of violently misogynistic men, your MRAs, your incels, your conservatives (this includes liberals btw).
The person who coined "transandrophobia" used to talk about wanting to correctively rape lesbians. I'm not gonna go at someone's kinks, but the blog was not presented as a kink blog, I literally went there myself and read the posts when this first popped off and they come off as true lesbophobia in the context of their blog and coupled with the misandry posting, this person literally looks like MRAs and incels. The defense the community uses is "it's a kink are you kink shaming?? It was on a private locked blog!" Which, the latter, no it wasn't, I literally went there and looked, and the former. Idk I think if you're saying you want correctively rape lesbians while also talking about misandry and counting "transandrophobia," you look misogynistic and homophobic.
The main writers people follow for transandrophobia related content are straight up liars, who make shit up, and one specific non horse entity consistently cites himself as his own "source" and when he doesn't, he cites terf blogs that are connected to kiwifarms and sites of the sort. They will take bits talked about in feminism and present it as a thing they discovered and present it as transandrophobia. Ie. "Men can't show any femininity and can't cry and that's misandry" despite things like this are discussed at length in feminist texts, men can't do these things cuz that makes them more "woman" in the societal lens. Yeah it's fucked, but it's misogyny, not misandry.
I am, consistently, misgendered by the transandrodorks, and so is every other trans woman that disagrees with them. And it's definitely intentional.
Then there are token trans women who don't know much of anything about feminism or transphobia and will straight up harass you for saying women are oppressed. They often weaponize transmisogyny against other transfems, they misgender, suicide bait, or in velvetvexations case, will stalk your blog for two days even though you ignore her and when she's sees you're on a date with your wife, she goes to your wife's blog and starts messaging her instead. Legit, this woman is one of the worst people on this website, the only reason she's not seen as communismkills 2 is cuz men like her.
On top of this, terfs consistently support "transandrophobia" as a concept and constantly say that transandrophobia is compatible with terf ideology. The transandrodork community is ripe with terfs and crypto terfs. Like that one who said he hoped a friend and I get raped, cuz saying "men arent oppressed" warrants wishing rape on people. Or the trans guy that outright said "trans women are male" and tripled down harder saying "trans women don't experience misogyny and oppress transmascs cuz they're really men," claims that were so wild that even velvetvexations couldn't agree with them lol.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: not every person that believes in transandrophobia is a bigot or a bad person. A lot are just young transmascs who are under read about oppression and history, and this terf/transphobe community swoops in and pretends to be representing them and sucks them in. For every disparaging transmisogynist piece, there's two more that are talking about the problems of transmascs. So when you tell these guys "that's a hate group" they don't remember the post calling trans women men, they remember stuff about T being super illegal. So they think we are attacking them for having a problem, not the actual bigotry on display.
Honestly, if these people would just stop misgendering trans women, they might have more trans women who'd be nice to em. But that's the consistent trend.
Transandrophobia is a violent, transmisogynistic ideology that is propped up by terf ideology. That's why they are compared to MRAs and incels.
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salt216000 · 5 days
I saw a post today that made me quite upset. Normally I'd just ignore, but I read some of the tags and they upset me quite a bit too.
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Username is cropped out because I don't want to make it seem like I'm putting 'em on blast, I just want to give my opinion on this.
Transfem headcanons of Gabriel are absolutely fine. Awesome, even. But not while putting down transmasc headcanons at the same time.
The post makes a really interesting and good point! Transfem Gabriel does work well with his narrative of growth and discovery of his own identity, especially as someone cast out of Heaven for not achieving the ridiculous standards they set. That is a really good notion that, yes, being entirely honest, I don't see as frequently from that angle.
But you do NOT have to say it is a 'failure of the fandom' and pin the blame on more people headcanoning him as transmasc. If you want transfem Gabriel content then you can make it: art, writing, musings, anything, but you don't have to put down other creators for projecting their own ideas and potentially their own experiences onto a character they like and relate to.
I'm going to preface this next part with: I am NOT disparaging against transfem Gabriel headcanons, or giving reasons as to why they shouldn't exist. All I am doing here is clarifying why people tend to headcanon him as transmasc. Francis Xie was hired by Hakita to draw concept art, and he is known for drawing a lot of artwork of Gabriel (some NSFW in nature, as a warning in case you decide to look for yourself), and in said artwork he depicts his headcanon of Gabriel being transmasc. Of course, this is not gospel, it is not officially canon and even if it was people are allowed to headcanon him as whatever they want, I only bring this up to help explain why the headcanon may be so popular.
More personally, I find it really gender affirming to have a character in the ballpark of masculine in frame and voice, but to see him wear more feminine clothing in official artwork without it being degrading. It's very nice to see a depiction of this to help push back against the reinforcement that masculine presenting people must conform to certain standards, and that's why I personally enjoy the headcanon too.
There are also a decent few characters that DO get more transfem rep: Mirage, the mindflayers, mannequins, V2, so I don't understand why it's a problem that it is the minority with Gabriel. I wasn't originally going to post this publically, but these tags pushed me to do so:
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Username once again cropped out for the same reason as above. To be clear, these are NOT OP's tags.
I don't care what the original tone OP meant was, if it was joking or playful or whatever else, because the sentiment that that post gathered is absolutely wretched. I don't have much else to say about it without getting deeper into gender stuff that I don't want to extend this post with, but I'll reiterate my main point.
You can be upset that there aren't headcanons that represent a certain idea you prefer, but DO NOT put down others who have contrasting ideas in the same breath. If you want to make a post about Gabriel being transfem being a great narrative, go for it, no one will stop you, but do not fucking wrap in a 'transmasc headcanons are wrong and don't get it, and my headcanon is more correct', and at those tags in particular, do NOT treat transmasc headcanons like this, 'transmasc pandemic' is such an awful way to put it and makes me feel as though a line in the sand is being further drawn between transmascs and others who are not.
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yukishirostar · 8 months
So people are talking about a post in the Zolu tag by a certain tumblr user in regards to their issues with Zolu as a ship. They shall be unnamed because i dont wish to bring attention to them and instead just want to focus on their arguments because they're not the first people to make some of these points and so this is also an opportunity for me to talk about these things (a tweet is going around on Twitter containing these screenshots with the username so you can find it there if you need to anyway).
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The way this person dismisses the relationship between Zoro and Luffy as a result of needing to pair gay Zoro with someone is too laughable, they must be very fit in order to be able to do these mental gymnastics. I believe that many people who are going on about the Zolu scenes in the OPLA were already Zolu shippers who were familiar with the original story and are enjoying the moments because they were well, really good Zolu moments? And there is actually, shockingly, many good Zolu moments in the original story too which is why many people ship them. Wild, I know.
Then there's 'straight-washed Sanji'. Equally if not more of a bizarre thing to believe. I might make some people mad especially the Sanji stans out there who constantly insist on the 'repressed queer' narrative with his character, but Sanji is written pretty explicitly to be seen as a cisgender and heterosexual character. The way you say with your whole chest that Luffy is 'canonically' aroace but don't acknowledge that Sanji is 'canonically' cishet is beyond hypocritical. If you believe Sanji looking like a 'misogynistic straight man' is different from the way he is written in canon then maybe you should go back and reread/rewatch series with your eyes open this time. If you wish to headcanon him with the frankly offensive repressed bisexual/transgender cliché then go ahead, but that is clearly not the intention Oda has with his character.
There's also the fact that aroace people can uh. Be in relationships. Get married. Have children. Did it occur to you that many people who ship Zolu ship them as an ace couple or-
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First thing I want to say here, as a trans man who is 'mlm', can other dudes stop with this idea that women or fem-aligned individuals enjoying homosexual relationships between two men is inherently fetishising or that as a masc-aligned individual your enjoyment of a ship is morally superior in some way. Stop pulling out your 'mlm/ transmasc / cis gay' card in order to justify why your ship is superior. Its cringe af.
But if we are to insist that 'cishet female gaze fetishising mlm' is going on then ironically Zosan fits that the better than any ship in the fandom. It being by far the most popular mlm ship means there is likely a higher proportion of people who identify as cishet women who ship it. Its also the classic 'two men who dislike/hate eachother and have a toxic relationship but hot sexual tension' slash/yaoi stereotype. Majority of Zosan I've come across is depicting Zoro as the masculine male man in the relationship while Sanji the effeminate twink that Sanji stans project themselves onto and they go crazy for the bickering that is apparently reminiscent to them of a toxic heterosexual marriage. Meanwhile every Zolu/Luzo shipper I've interacted with has been some flavour of queer and Zolu is closest to the 'falling in love with your same sex bestie' narrative that the majority if not every non-heterosexual person has experienced at least once in their lifetime. This is just my personal view of course, but I think noting a difference in perspective on this topic is interesting and reveals that at the end of the day this is totally subjective and based purely on anecdotes.
Also it's just a very weird point here that apparently OP has 'plenty of varied queer rep' (it actually doesn't have that many canonical queer characters in relation to its cast size but anyway) and other media doesn't so shipping aroace characters in gay relationships is valid in those but not in One Piece … HUH???? So you're saying if One Piece had 'less' queer rep, then Zolu would be fine to ship? Idek my brain hurts.
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"I have black friends so I'll speak for the black community and get offended for them" (btw this person then proceeded to block aroace people who had issues with their depiction of aroace people).
Also if we're talking canonical depictions, the only thing Zoro has been canonically depicted as is also aroace, equally if not moreso than Luffy. So by your own rules, you can't ship a cishet (sanji) with an aroace (zoro), therefore Zosan is now invalid. Stop erasing Zoro's aroace identity bigot.
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'Categorically wrong' makes me laugh. I don't ship Zoro and Nami but like, people can ship what they want to??
'The general public is aware enough of gay people and how to spot them these days' uh... firstly this sounds very homophobic. Secondly the general public (cishet ppl) are famously bad at recognising queerness even when its in flashing lights before them. Thirdly you make it sound like Zoro was going around on roller skates and booty shorts listening to YMCA and Madonna in the show. I do agree he was gay-coded but it was mostly because he had sexual tension with every man he interacted with, not for the strange reasons you pointed out...
Its kinda the elephant in the room too but like. These are just headcanons. You can have multiple headcanons and interpretations of a character's sexuality. I can see Zoro as aroace virgin one day and a gay h*e the next. I'm actually allowed, legally, to do that.
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The way they think shipping Zolu is harmful to aroace representation when BOTH characters are closest to being canonically aroace than anything yet ship Zosan, label being anti-Zolu as some kind of pro-ace activism, and then proceeded to block aroace people for criticising their incorrect depiction of what being aroace is...
This was a lot of words to say that you don't like a ship. Just say you don't like it, and it gets in the way of the ship you like, instead of writing a virtue signalling essay to justify your reasoning. Please.
They had some more to say on future posts I'll just pick my favourite bits
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They really have this narrative that Zolu is only popular because of OPLA and can't fathom that its just a popular ship in general and always has been huh. And they couldn't make it more obvious that they're totally salty about it ranking in the top 100 most popular tumblr ships, lmao.
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Your classic case of 'self-identifying ally who speaks over the people they are supposed allies of'. Its a general rule that you feel the need to declare yourself an ally you're probably not an ally, actual allies know they need to just shut up and do the work. Saying 'this character's aroace' and 'I have aroace friends' actually isn't what allyship is, thats just accepting that ace people exist which is like... the baseline.
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Calling a wholesome loving ship like Zolu an icky ship is a severe consequence of online brain (this person is 26 years old btw)
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trans-androgyne · 3 months
People saying "AFAB transfems" will further muddy the waters about the oppression "actual" transfems face baffles me, because...where are the AFAB transfems? Oh, they're an incredibly small minority in the community, and often it's an important label intersex people use because they can't relate to perisex trans people's journeys of transition, due to how their bodies are medicalized and don't fit into the sex/gender binary? Like no matter what the discourse, ultimately, people are getting their knickers twisted about a very small group of people. The majority of the queer community will still think of transfem as "a person assigned male who transitioned into a woman" just as the majority of people view lesbian as "woman who exclusively likes women" even though lesbian communities have a lot more nuance than that (transmasc lesbians, nonbinary lesbians, bisexual lesbians, etc.) The side effect of the obsession with these boxes is people view it as a threat when someone doesn't fit into this box. They think, "I refuse to completely destroy my box just so you (a faker) can fit into it." When again, you can retain these broad, widely understood definitions of these labels! while also giving room for a variety of experiences.
Not to mention, most AFAB nonbinary people aren't going to identify as AFAB transfem just for kicks! This is the group I'm part of, and I know we just adore hating on the Theyfabs (there are real conversations to be had about privilege, power dynamics, but there's no denying that much of the discourse is thinly veiled misogyny), but there is no way being AFAB transfem will "catch on" with us. Because again, you've seen this hot garbagefire of a discourse.
And I saw someone mention an AFAB person who pretended to be transfem and spread incredibly harmful information in their spaces. But like, that wasn't an AFAB transfem, that was an AFAB pretending to be an AMAB transfem. Because they would've been kicked out of the space much earlier if they identified sincerely as an AFAB transfem, the identity isn't the problem here, it's the behavior.
I'm willing to believe more often than not, people who identify as AFAB transfem have genuine, sincere reasons for doing so. And you'll get a lot further listening to their lived experiences than painting them as chronically online uwu idiot teenagers who don't care about what words mean, blah blah. I've already found one story from an AFAB intersex transfem who underwent a masculinizing puberty, and others assumed she was a trans girl on puberty blockers. And it's a safe bet that any perisex people I see identifying this way will have a similar nuanced experience.
Excellent analysis that puts a lot of my thoughts into words, nothing to add
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cepheusgalaxy · 2 months
look guys i very strongly disagree with the "trans men hold privilege over trans women" point of view and i'm finally able to articulate why:
I think trans men don't hold privilege over trans women, because privilege is kind of a consistent thing.
Like, bear with me: I'm an abled person. I have privilege in relation to disabled people. Because, if me and a disabled person are in a Situation where this distinction is relevant in some way...I'm literally never gonna come out with the worst hand. Never. No matter what the situation is. This is a consistent fact.
Now, when we talk about different transgender identities, I think this gets more shady, because the "who has privilege in relation to who" is a relative statement. One example I saw of people explaining why in their view trans man have privilege over trans women is kind of like this: Imagine there are two passing and stealth trans people, a trans man and a trans woman, in a workplace. Then, it comes a coworker, being blatanly misogynist. Regardless of their views on trans people, in this situation, the trans woman is gonna get the worst of it, in relation to the trans man, because he will be viewed as a man.
It makes sense, and I don't think this hypothetical situation is inaccurate or anything, but I'd also like to point out why it doesn't work as a good point to why transmascs have privilege over transfems. Imagine we change about any variable in this situation. Let's say the trans woman is closeted as a guy, and the trans man is openly transgender. The misogynist coworker then would very much target the trans man in their points, especially if they are particularly transphobic. Now imagine both of them are out and openly trans, with the bonus that now both the man and the woman are gnc. Depending on other specifics, the misoginyst coworker might be bigoted to just one or both of them.
Like, do you see? In different situations, the different trans people have the worst hand. So that doesn't mean that because of the first case, trans men have it generally better. Because there are many kinds of trans men, and simply not all of them have privilege over trans women. In some cases, they might even have it worse precisely because they are trans man. So the privilege the trans man in the first example has is not a consistent thing over trans man! Maybe it's common, I don't know, but when we compare it with someone who has real privilege, like me, an abled person, I ain't ever encounter myself in a situation where I'm having it worse because I am abled in comparison to someone who is disabled.
That's why I think trans woman and trans men simply don't hold privilege over one another, simply because it varies. It depends on who the trans men and women are, it depends in what situation they are in, it depends on the people around them, it depends of so much!!! So saying that trans men have privilege over trans women sounds simply surreal!
I think that, also, the different patterns of the situations in which trans woman have it worse are important to be discussed, and that's why we have the word Transmisoginy, to discuss these issues pertinent to the nuanced oppression trans woman face (and on a similar note, that's why it's also important to have fucking words like Transmisogynoir, because a black trans woman's Situations will be different from a white trans woman's Situations and it's important to to recognize that). THAT's why I also think that we need words like Exorsexism and Transandrophobia, to identify the patterns of situations where trans men have it bad precisely because they are trans men and not something else or because nonbinary people have it bad precisely because they are nonbinary.
SO, in short, my opinion on the "trans man have it generally better than trans woman and that's why they have privilege" debate is that trans man don't generally have it better than trans woman, but some trans man in specific situations have it significantly better than trans woman and that in other situations trans woman have it significantly better than trans man and that is basically a case-to-case scenario and that's also why we need the specific words for different shapes and faces of transphobia to better understand these cases and why x happens with y at z situation. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
#maybe i havent been able to convince you of my point#but hopefully you can see this issue in a new light i guess?#my two cents#transphobia#trans#transandrophobia#trans community#transmisoginy#intersectionality#long post#like hopefully i've been able to get my point across XD#like do you see my point#i hope the examples at the beggining help#like#it doesnt matter that im a black abled person and that is a white disabled person#in a situation where the disability or lack thereof is the Relevant aspect im gonna have it way better than this hipothetical disabled pers#so i have privilege over them regarding my ableness#and similarly in a situation where our race is the relevant aspect they are gonna have it better than me#in situations where these OVERLAP you can't just 'tell' because of like#Nuance. if you know her#im not trying to say trans woman in situations like the first example or some fandom stuff and online interactions-#-don't have a significantly worse hand than the transmascs#im saying that this kind of stuff is a case-to-case scenario#and this so-called Privilege is just.#inconsistent.#and when you compare it to like Abled Privilege or White Privilege it justs...#you can sort of just see the difference#i get it that this whole debate is based on the fact that “in general; men have privilege over women” so i actually see where it's coming-#-from. but i also think that the transness aspect is something that just adds so much nuance to this issue that the previous Truth-#-just can't apply with good accuracy anymore
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transmascswagpolls · 4 months
This round will eliminate the LOSER. The two characters with the most votes have a guaranteed spot in the polls, so choose whichever one suits you.
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Propaganda and other info under the cut.
Why are these characters in the prelims?
I have publicly talked about having all three of these characters in the polls at separate points, so it didn't feel right to me to just quietly drop one of them. Otherwise, Chilchuck would've been kicked out since he wasn't actually submitted during the submission round
Canonicity Levels-
CHILCHUCK: Gender Tomfuckery
VASH: OOPS! Accidental Trans Man, Subtext/ Coded
LAIOS: Because I Said So
Dungeon Meshi (and other related media), Trigun (and other related media look I'm not typing every one of them out)
[Pollrunner's Note: As he was not submitted, I will have to take a crack at it until someone writes their own propaganda]
He is constantly infantilized by both his employers and people who are (technically speaking) much younger than him, both because he is short and because he has the appearance of a kid. Despite this it is clear from very early on that he is one of the more mature characters in the party, and is the series' Union Man. He has three grown (biological) daughters and is Very Much Divorced.
Literally every single other member of his species (besides him and his brother) are female and referred to as she/her. Vash has scarring all over his body including heavily on his chest. Also, in the Stampede adaptation, Vash has the quintessential transmasc undercut. The Jesus allegory of the most fucked up queercoded twisted biblical tragic space western ive read in my damn LIFE.
[Pollrunner's Note: We're not even going to get into everything going on with him and Wolfwood I don't have enough space for that lmao...]
Hes autistic and im autistic and autistic people love to be trans! also he has a complex about wanting to be a monster. Augh.
[Pollrunner's Note: Not a lot of propaganda here but I seeded a lot of commonly headcanoned autistic characters into these polls out of spite for... well. If you're autistic and trans you probably understand already don't you. It's self care and self love for me actually :) ]
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