#Asexuals against bots
official-nissan · 5 months
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I honestly don't even know what is going on in acebot tags
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icequeenabby · 5 months
The #asexual tag is getting overwhelmed by bots, and we need your help
For whatever reason, this was the tag the supplement and NSFW bots decided they wanted to attack today, so if you have the bandwidth, please help us by doing one of these things:
Post and reblog actual ace content! Saw a funny garlic bread meme? Found cool merch? Have a favorite informational or support comic? Want to spam the ace/aroace/aro flags? Do it, anything is better than bots!
Report and block! I'll be honest I have no idea what the backend process is for reporting, but if nothing else blocking keeps it off your own dash.
That's it! Thanks for your support, and happy hunting!
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spiralling-spires · 5 months
God knows how many Weird Dietary Supplement bots reported and I finally get my first proper pornbot. Idk it’s kinda funny how EVERY bot is on the asexual tag rn
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jeannefostergoriot · 5 months
Ok. After one hour and forty minutes of scrolling through the asexual tag to block-report all the bots, I am now at one in twenty posts being bots. It was 2 in 3 when I started. Not over, but I’ll take a break.
Continue to slay, fellow asexuals !
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why has no one called the war against the bots in the asexual tag a "rage against the machines"
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errolluck · 5 months
Asexuals on their way to fight against the bot invasion on the tag:
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AITA for banning a minor from a discord server?
I'm pretty sure I'm nta, since most of the server backed me up, but I am also autistic and would like some impartial judgement. I (23M) am the mod of a fairly small (~40 people) discord server. The server is focused around a character we all like, and frequently includes discussion, art, and fic related to this character, various ships, and 18+ content ranging from tame fluffy smut to much darker, dead-dove type content (largely because the original source material is pretty dark). For this reason this server is strictly 18+. We don't really have specific 18+ channels, and a few of the artists in the server are primarily NSFW artists.
I only became the (sole) mod about 3 months ago, when the previous mod/admin (who started the server) didn't have time anymore. For the most part things are very chill- I've never had to deal with any conflicts before this, the worst problems I've had are trying to keep the bots running and channels organized.
The youngest member of our server is (we thought) 18, the next youngest being 20. I recently found out through a series of screenshots that the youngest member is actually 17, turning 18 in about six months. I asked them about this in dms, since the screenshots were from their priv account on twitter (of them jokingly bragging about getting away with telling people they were 18 when they weren't). (and regardless of whether or not this was true, I wanted to let them know if someone on their priv was taking and spreading screenshots).
They got very upset at the screenshots being leaked (which is fair) but also confirmed that they were 17. I said that I was going to have to ban them from the server due to the NSFW content and they got very upset, saying I was infantilizing them etc. They also briefly tried to backtrack and say that they were just joking about being 17 and were actually 18, but stopped when i didnt believe them. I explained it wasn't about maturity-- imho if they are mature enough to handle the source material, they're mature enough to be in the server- but rather that there are potential legal repercussions for having a minor in a NSFW space. I even said that, while I was upset about them lying, I would even be open to letting them rejoin the server after they turned 18 (AFAIK they weren't lying about their bday, they just said they were a year older than they actually are to get into 18+ spaces).
They were really angry about this so I put it to the server for a vote and to let everyone know what was happening. Honestly I don't know what I would have done if the server voted to keep them in, but they voted almost unanimously to ban them at least until they were 18. I'm not on twitter anymore but I know that several of the people on there also blocked them from their accounts (since they posted 18+ art, fic, etc).
Other relevant info:
- this person didn't actually post any art or fic that was outright explicit, but they definitely participated in NSFW discussions (all fandom related, nothing related to personal lives).
- they were added to the server by the original admin--she apparently had no idea they were underage and also blocked them from her twt account.
The younger person is really upset at me and has sent me multiple angry paragraphs in dms about how I was ruining their fandom experience, discriminating against them just because they were a minor, and said that this wouldn't be an issue if we weren't all so porn-addicted. I half jokingly replied that I'm not sure how the last one could be an issue for me personally, given that I'm asexual, which they then said was problematic for implying ace people couldn't watch porn (???). I stopped replying since I didn't know how to respond and they have sent me some more messages in the same vein (I'm bullying them, all of their online friends hate them because of me, etc).
Kind of unrelated, but I don't actually know who on their priv took the original screenshots- they have ~80 followers on there, none of whom are in the server as far as I can tell. The person who sent me the pics is someone in the server, who said she got it from someone who is actually on the priv account (because she posts 18+ art and the person who took the SSs wanted to let her know that a minor was following her).
Why I may be TA: I do genuinely think this person is mature enough to handle the discussions we were having (except for the recent string of angry DMs, they've been very chill and level headed), I banned them because of legality, not morality. I also wouldn't have known about this if it wasn't for the daisy chain of screenshots that were unknowingly taken from their priv account, which idk seems like an invasion of privacy to me.
I did also tell the server all of this so they'd know why I was kicking this person, and then several people in the server posted about it on twt which apparently got the 17yo blocked from a bunch of accounts. I do feel bad and understand why they're upset- but I can't knowingly allow a minor to access 18+ content since that is legitimately illegal and could really fuck up my life.
Anyways, hopefully that all makes sense, sorry for the silly petty chronically online drama but still. To anticipate what most people will comment-- yes, I will go outside and touch grass-- but AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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the-gimmick-authority · 4 months
whats the 2024 bot hunt
So, there are porn bots spamming the asexual tags on the regular, along with some other popular tags like The Owl House, Donald Trump, etc. Because most aces and more are rightfully disgusted by that bullshit, they’ve banded together and started to report them. Hence, it’s called the bot hunt/bot war because it’s like the aces fighting against the tag invader bots. There’s a lot more about that on my blog, @aristarxs, so you can check that/the ace tags on this post for more info.
All in all, it’s excellent for Denmark invasion practice.
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curiositycryptid · 6 months
ok, so I’ve seen a few posts about how someone or a bot posted a thirst trap using the tag asexual. Against my better judgement I searched up asexual and it was literally THE FIRST POST I SAW. I scrolled down because well ew what the fuck and I’m pretty sure it’s someone sucking a tit?? How is that in any way fucking asexual?? Can’t people just leave us alone instead of using our tag for their stupid ass selfish benefit? What the fuck
Oh and by the way, every other tag was some form of ‘sexy pose’ or something like that and then there was just asexual. Like what’s even the point
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official-nissan · 4 months
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First pornbots, then pill bots, now ai pornbots??? Wth guys 😔
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multipleaxolotls · 5 months
I got my new ace ring today! It is giving me even more power against all the bots in the asexual tags. Doing my part in blocking and reporting every one I see
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lunawolfiefoxy · 8 days
I'm so sorry y'all it was meant to say BOTS not BOYS
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aroacesafeplaceforall · 4 months
thanks to the anon who sent these to me
(I'm being called racist for saying a) saying "not liking some rap and 90% of pop for being sexual is not racist" b) saying "not liking some rap because its not your vibe is not racist")
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I would like to preface this by saying, I don't know who wrote these. this isn't harassment, this isn't even a call out.
this is simply, leave me the fuck alone please.
don't believe the death threats, but will you believe the screenshots? no.
don't believe the screenshots? ill answer them
don't believe it then? can't help you
leave me and this community alone.
you claim I am an unsafe place, but in all honestly the only one i see making this an unsafe place is you.
I don't know who you are, and i won't ask and I don't want to know.
You want to harass me. That is what you are doing. Mass report is a form of report abuse and is the REASON why reports against bots take so long to get to.
in doing this not only are you possibly removing my blog, and possibly others, you are making the asexual and aromantic tags UNSAFE for users.
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lelet-draws · 2 months
I’m still questioning whether or not I’m asexual, but even if I’m not I’ll always love and support the asexual and the aromantic community.
I’m bi, every time I scroll through that hashtag it’s full of p*rn, it’s annoying as hell.
Meanwhile people in the ace and aro hashtags are just chilling, it’s pretty wholesome. Not to mention how much they fight against p*rn bots compared to other lgbt hashtags.
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 3 months
What you'll find here (refreshed Intro post, 16 June, 2024)
I generally post whatever is on my mind, especially contemplative and/or silly. Disability rights, queer rights, literature and the arts are perennial subjects.
Rest Assured: I will never make a “Reblog, or else you’re a bad person,” or “Reblog, or else bad things will happen.” post.
(Though I may ask for signal boosts, if someone is asking for specific help / advice, and needs to get their message out)
What counts as "Good Manners" around here:
Don't be mean. There's no need to be mean. Remember, wherever you go, there you are.
Praise what you enjoy before criticizing what you don't.
When you do give criticism, let it be reasoned ("It sucks!" isn’t reasoning).
Don't belittle, or mock, people for the things they enjoy (or what they don’t enjoy, either, respect people’s squicks, even if they seem odd to you).
If you must post provocative things, aim for provoking laughter, and provoking thought.
Remember that anger can splash onto innocent bystanders, and people "reading over your shoulder." If you must have an argument with someone in particular--rather than an argument for or against an idea--take it somewhere else (Send a private message or ask to the person)
When in doubt: Puns!
My blocking policy: When I get a notification that I have a new follower, I check, and I will block
Blogs I suspect of being a bot.
Tumblrs marked as belonging to TERFs by the app Shinigami Eyes.
Likewise, Tumblr users who want to exclude Asexual and/or Aromantic folk from the queer community (the Venn Diagram with TERFs is a near circle).
Any user that tags my posts with “q-slur." Since "Queer" is the term with the broadest definition, and widely accepted through academic consensus, I use it freely. If that word makes you uncomfortable, you would not be happy here.
Ableists . (Link to the American Wikipedia article on Ableism). This includes anyone who shows support, or asks for support, for Autism Speaks. I see a blue puzzle piece, I block immediately.
Any blog (or Anon who sends a message to my Inbox) that discourages voting in United States elections.
And Finally:
With help and suggestions from many others (some of whom wished to remain anonymous) I designed the Disability Pride Flag (Which is different from the Disability Rights Flag of the U.N.). Here is the flag as designed for computer monitors, mobile phones, and other backlit screens:
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To the extent possible under law, Ann Magill has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Visually Safe Disability Pride Flag. This work is published from: United States.
I also designed a version in fully saturated colors, which I recommend for physical media, such as actual flags, tee-shirts, print materials, etc. (Since physical media is more likely to be viewed at a distance, and atmospheric haze naturally filters bright colors).
I've put the full saturation version behind the cut (But please use the version above for online art):
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theevilpickler · 4 months
The asexual tag trending is normally cause by one of 5 reasons
1.) Bots
2.) Aces fighting against bots
3.) Aces confused about the tag trending
4.) The asexuals have invaded another country
5.) Garlic Bread
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