#Ashley’s AI is so good
si1verghosts · 3 months
3. A kiss on the forehead😌
helloooo dear anon!! i am sorry this took so long i could not for the life of me figure out to write but then ! i wrote this on the 4th and i realized it could work... maybe... sorta. this may not be what you were expecting/wanting but there's forehead kisses in there.... somewhere 🫡 also, if u are not american i apologize for giving you a july 4th fic 😭 but the holiday is relatively inconsequential here like theres no patriotism it's just a backdrop if u know what i mean.... anyway, i hope u enjoy <33
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you taste like the 4th of july
di leon s. kennedy x fem reader (no use of y/n)
wc: 3.5k
18+ | cw: mentions of drinking | tw: thoughts about death and dying
tags: established relationship; fluff (i guess??); slight changes to canon to suit author's headcanons
read on ao3
a/n: for the past few months i've been working on this very insane multi-chap post di leon fic 😵‍💫 this was written with that in mind But does not have a place in that story... probably.... idk!!! either way, i think it can be read as a standalone just fine
additionally, there is a scene in here where leon picks the reader up. i would just like to say like... he gets thrown into concrete walls on a biweekly basis and gets up and walks it off without issue so i think he can lift anyone no matter their size or shape!!
not beta read or proofread - sorry if any of it is gibberish i've had a wicked migraine the past few days... will maybe attempt to proofread once i can see correctly again 🚬🧍‍♀️regardless, all mistakes are my own
i do not own leon or any other resi character mentioned, etc etc, please don't sue me <3
please do not use my work to train any sort of AI chatbot and/or writing generator.
"It was a good day, wasn't it?" Leon asks, wrapping his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder as you stand over the patio table, cleaning up the abandoned plates and platters.
You hum. It was; a beautiful, cloudless July 4th, spent with Leon's friends in the backyard of your home. The only ones missing were Ashley and Ingrid; the former having a standing family commitment and the latter planning to spend her holiday on the beach, away from the country and your fiancé.
Typically, Chris hosted the Independence Day cookout, but Leon offered up your new home as this year's venue, citing your in-ground pool and the plenty of extra space you have for guests to stay. In reality, he just wanted the chance to out-grill Chris - he'd been preparing since Memorial Day; testing different spice and sauce combinations as well as stocking your freezer full of large cuts of meat.
He'd started before you were even awake, chopping and seasoning in the kitchen, slowly loading up the smoker. You'd joined him on the patio a few hours later, watching from your pool floaty as he poked and prodded at various things.
You don't even eat meat, didn't know the whole thing was so involved, but you did enjoy the view; worn blue jeans hugging his frame as he crouched to check a thermometer.
You had taken a short break from the water, tying up lights and setting a few little decorations around before your guests arrived. Rebecca was the first, tucking her jugs of pre-made cocktail and platter of deviled eggs into your fridge before joining you on the patio.
Chris wasn't far behind, unloading two coolers filled with beer and containers of homemade potato and pasta salads. He'd handed one off to you, grinning, "Claire made one just for you this year."
You'd thanked him, making another attempt to get him to share his family's recipes with you. It was futile, you probably couldn't even waterboard it out of either of them.
Claire had arrived on her motorcycle shortly after, pulling a bundle of fireworks out of her saddlebags. "Sorry I'm late," she said - even though she wasn't - dumping the pile on the ground, thankfully far away from the grill. "Had to stop for these."
Leon had crouched down to inspect them, listening intently as Claire told him about all the different varieties she'd purchased while you relaxed back into the pool.
Sherry arrived next, Jake trailing behind her. She'd left both him and her bags of chips at the table, giving Leon and Claire quick hugs before immediately joining you in the water.
She'd slipped in right beside your floaty, grabbing your hand to get a look at your engagement ring - she'd yet to see it, having been so busy with work. Her eyes widened at the ring as she pushed her sunglasses up to rest on top of her head, "Leon picked this out? Our Leon? Leon Kennedy? Are you sure?"
You'd giggled at her astonishment, "Ashley helped him out; took him to one of her favorite jewelers."
"I should've guessed," She nods. "For my 20th Birthday, he bought me this crazy cute pink tennis bracelet and I was like, 'no way you picked this out alone.' He fessed up that he got a little help from a friend named Ashley.
"At the time, I thought it was just some girlfriend - or hoped, I guess. Back then, I spent a lot of time hoping that Claire and Leon weren't just… working; I liked to think they were taking time for themselves, that they were happy," she had trailed off then, looking off to the tree line behind your house for a minute. Blinking the mist from her eyes, she shrugged, continuing on, "Anyways, I'm thankful to Ash for that bracelet, it was there with me though… a lot. And I'm thankful to you for making him happy, like I always wanted him to be."
With that, you slid off the float to give her a hug, holding her tight as you whispered your thanks. You had worked to bite back your tears - if she didn't cry, neither would you.
Luckily, Jill had walked in a few seconds later, providing a distraction in the form of the most ridiculously large watermelon. "Hey, Kennedy," she shouted, pulling Leon out of his conversation with Claire as she gestured to the melon tucked under her arm. "Can't burn this, can I?"
Leon had thrown his head back with a laugh - in previous years, Jill had always brought boxed brownies with extra crispy edges and Leon invariably had to make a comment about them. "I don't know," he had shrugged, "When it comes to you, Valentine, I'll never say never."
Jill had reared the watermelon back, acting as if she was going to throw it at him. Leon had thrown his arms up, shielding his face, causing everyone to crumble into laughter at the scene.
"It was nice," you agree, reaching to pick up the barong machete he had given Jill when she asked for a knife to cut the melon. "We do have kitchen knives, you know," you scold mockingly, gently waving the blade around.
"I know," he says, releasing you to reach around and pluck the machete out of your hand. "It's good to exercise these every once in a while, though."
You roll your eyes at him, "It's a machete, Leon, not a horse."
He waves you off, slipping through the patio door to wash the blade in the kitchen sink. You take the opportunity to speed clean, knowing it'll be a much harder task once he returns and wraps his arms back around you.
Thankfully everyone had taken care of their own plates and cups - they'd tried to stay and do more but you had ushered them out of the backyard, wanting Chris, Sherry and Jake to depart before the traffic picked up with the crowds leaving the city following the fireworks shows. Jill, Claire and Rebecca had taken up on your offer to stay, at least, piling into your guest rooms. You were glad to have them, secretly plotting to drag them to brunch once you all woke.
You finish piling the platters as Leon makes his way back outside. Before he can get his hands on you and derail your progress, you point to the stack, "Take those inside."
He frowns, "Can't it just wait until tomorrow?"
"We'll get ants; come on, five minutes and it'll be done."
He sighs, but doesn't protest further, carrying the heavy plates inside as you follow him with the utensils. You stack everything by the sink before turning to him, "Is there any of Becca's cocktail left?"
He cocks his brow, tilting his head, "You really want to try that again?"
It's a valid question - you had given it a go earlier and despite everyone's warnings to take it easy, you had thrown back a large mouthful right off the bat. You ended up wincing in pain, "Fuck, that burns. What'd you put in there, Becca?"
She'd shrugged, "Oh, you know, a splash of this, a splash of that. And," she teased, drawing out the vowel, "A bit of my own creation."
"Your own creation…" You had muttered, trailing off before it hit you, "Test tube alcohol?"
She had giggled, grinning, "Takes some getting used to."
You had tried another, much tinier sip. You were able to enjoy the sweetness of the juice for a moment before the burn kicked in again, causing you to curse once more, louder.
Leon had shifted his attention from Chris to you at your exclamation. Seeing the jug of Rebecca's cocktail in front of you on the table, he quickly pieced together what was happening, calling over to Rebecca from his place by the grill, "You trying to kill my fiancé, Becks?"
"Absolutely not; that'd be a stupid thing for me to do," she'd shot back. "She's the only one who can keep you in line, and we kind of like you like that."
"Well," you start, rolling the word around your mouth, "No. But yes - there's gotta be some sort of trick to it, right? Everyone else drank it just fine."
"The trick is," he starts, voice low, reaching out to grab ahold of your hips, "To not drink it. Let me make you some tea instead."
"Fine," you pout, relaxing into his grip, not bothering to argue - tea won't make you hate yourself in the morning.
He moves his hands from your hips, sliding his fingertips along your spine. "Go wait outside," he says, releasing you with a featherlight kiss to your forehead, "I'll bring it out."
With a brush of your lips against his cheek in thanks, you slip away from him, heading back out to the backyard and pulling off your shorts, settling onto the ledge of the shallow end of the pool. The air has cooled with the setting of the sun, becoming a comforting warmth instead of an overbearing heat. You dip your legs into the water, thankful you insisted on having a pool when you and Leon were house hunting.
Someone is still setting off fireworks; they're a few miles away, though - you can hear them more than you can see them. Resting back on your palms, you close your eyes, imagining what bursts of color may be accompanying each sound.
Leon joins you a few minutes later - just after the fireworks had died down - sporting his swim shorts and carrying your tea. He bends, setting the mug next to you with a kiss to your temple, nosing at your hair. "Earl Grey," he reports before drawling, "How terribly unpatriotic of you."
"You going to arrest me for treason, Agent Kennedy?" You laugh, reaching up to squeeze his thigh below the hem of his shorts. "You're the one who made it; they'd nail you as an accomplice."
He falls into a crouch, leg muscles bunching under the pads of your fingertips as he shifts closer to touch his lips on your cheek. "They can hang us together, then," he remarks, voice a bit too serious for it to be just a joke. "Side by side, off the same branch."
You sit back just enough to get your eyes focused on him, reaching your other hand out to thumb at his bottom lip. "Dulce et decorum est pro cor mori," you whisper, tacking on a hum in question.
He cocks his head at the unfamiliar words, nipping at your nail playfully, "English please, baby."
You consider him for a moment, the translation of the true phrase running through your mind; how sweet and honorable it is to die for one's country. The old lie, it's come to be known as - fittingly.
It's a similar sentiment to one that's grown to become your fear; that he'll die for the sake of the country, under orders from the government, believing it was his duty.
But you think your spin on it may be true; would be willing to find out.
You don't want to weigh him down with the thought, though, choosing to reel him in for a kiss instead. "I love you," is the answer you settle on, laying the words down right on his tongue.
He seems content with your translation - the method of delivery likely having something to do with it - humming into your mouth. He kisses you back lazily for a long, languid moment before he pulls away, "As much as I'm enjoying this, I've been wanting to get in there all day," he says, nodding his head towards the water.
"Go," you chuckle, giving him a gentle push away from you with the hand still resting along his face.
He lays another quick peck against your lips before standing, padding around the edge to the steps. He pauses for a moment to pull his shirt over his head, skin honeyed under the soft glow of the lights you'd hung around the patio.
A second later, he slips under the surface without hesitation; kicking off the steps, moving quickly to the deep end. He almost shimmers as he glides along the floor of the pool, the rippling of the gentle waves he'd created making him seem like some sort of mirage as he passes by you.
He comes up for air once he hits the far wall, tossing his hair back, smoothing the water from his eyes. He doesn't rest long, though, beginning to swim short laps across the width of the deep end.
You observe him, sipping your tea slowly, appreciating the way his back and arms work with each stroke. He continues long enough for you to nearly drain your cup, stopping short when another trio of fireworks set off in the distance.
Setting your mug down, you eye him, preparing to slip into the pool to soothe him if you have to, but he relaxes once he connects the sound to the flashes in the sky. The tension that had flooded the line of his shoulders drains into the water as he shifts to wade backward, moving closer to where you sit.
You finish off your drink as he starfishes out across the surface of the water, floating just a few feet in front of you. You wonder if you could use him as a floaty, pinning up a note in your brain to try it out sometime.
"I'm glad you insisted on a pool, sweetheart," he sighs, breaking your companionable silence.
You hum, pleased, kicking your legs out gently and causing the water to lap against his skin. More fireworks sound out; he doesn't tense this time, but he does get his feet back under himself, moving to where you sit along the ledge.
Sliding his hands up your legs, he pillows his head in your lap, wet hair fanning out across your thighs. You shift your weight back onto your right hand, laying the other along his jaw. His eyes flutter closed as you brush your thumb along his cheekbone and the scar that runs beneath it.
He picks at the tie of your bathing suit absentmindedly, tugging at the strings when you slide your hand into his hair, scratching at his scalp. "Sherry said something to me earlier."
He makes a noise urging you to elaborate, not bothering to open his eyes.
"She told me that when she was younger, she hoped that you and Claire were living your lives; that you were doing more than just working, you know? She said she wanted you guys to be happy," you explain, working to keep your voice even.
He cracks his eyes open, picking his head up to watch you as you continue. "She thanked me," you swallow thickly, "for making you happy, like she always wanted you to be."
He smiles at your words, and it's a beautiful thing. You still get all twisted up inside with how gorgeous he is; neurons overclocking themselves with the thrill of being the subject of his attention.
"I owe you a thank you, too, baby," he starts, pausing to nose at your wrist.
"You don't owe me anything, Leon," you tug at his damp strands still between your fingers, highlights catching the yellow glow from the lights around the patio.
"I do," he says, the words sending a jolt through you. You never intended on getting married, yet here you are now, eager to hear the phrase on the altar.
He kisses the thin skin of your wrist, lips lingering as if he can feel the thrum of your heartbeat; knows that the pace has picked up under his affection. "All this," he pulls back, taking a hand off you to gesture to the pool; the backyard; the house; to you. "It's something I never thought I'd get.
"Sherry's right - you're behind basically every bit of happiness I have now, sweetheart; I owe it all to you." He reaches up, untangling your grip from his hair, thumbing gently at the ring he put there, "Thank you."
You can't respond verbally, will burst into tears if you do. In lieu of speech, you lean forward, pressing your lips against his insistently.
He seems to get the message; understands that the pleasure is all yours, that you'd give him anything and everything you can - knowing he'd do the same for you.
He gets his arms back around you, continuing your kiss as he lifts you from the edge of the pool and into the water with him. You wrap your legs around his waist, safe and secure in his hold.
His teeth catch along your bottom lip and the neighbors down the street set off fireworks, the bright bursts of color painting your backyard in reds and blues and greens and oranges. The sparks reflect off the surface of the water as he slides his nose against yours and not for the first time, you think this may all be a dream. Maybe you died four years ago and this whole thing has been some sort of afterlife; you aren't sure you'd done anything worth this treatment, though.
Maybe it's more supernatural in origin; an intricate hallucination weaved by a Djinn that's got you chained up in some dark, damp basement as it feeds off your blood. Or maybe you just went crazy and the pool is actually a padded room, Leon's mouth against yours a product of your mind working to distract itself from your reality.
Whatever the case may be, it certainly feels real when he shifts his hold on you, hoists you up higher to get at your neck, laying kisses up and down the column of your throat, nipping at your jaw.
But before he can venture much further, the neighbor's fireworks show grows into an extravaganza, the relentless popping and bursting becoming a nuisance, shattering the illusion of your teeny-boppy movie moment.
"Jeez," Leon mutters, breath hot against the saliva cooling on your skin, causing you to shudder. "Did they buy out a whole tent?"
"Did you check that Claire actually went to bed?" You ask, shaking yourself free of his hold. "She could've joined them; brought everything I wouldn't let her set off here."
He hums, letting you down into the water, considering your words - even though you said it as a joke, it certainly is a possibility. You seem to come to this realization at the same time, eyes narrowing at each other as the spray of fireworks continues overhead. "We should…" He starts, nodding towards the stairs.
"Yeah," you agree, already beginning to move.
You pause to grab your towels, wrapping your own around yourself, throwing the other over Leon's shoulders when you catch up to him at the patio door. Stepping inside, you hear someone knocking around your kitchen.
Luckily, it's Claire. She steps back from the cabinet she'd been rifling through to face you and Leon with a frown. "Isn't this shit ridiculous?" She remarks, pointing to the ceiling in reference to the fireworks.
"You're one to talk, Claire," Leon shoots back. "Didn't you just set off about five hundred dollars worth of them in my backyard a few hours ago?"
"Yes, a few hours ago," she reiterates. "Nothing should be set off after the show at the Capitol is finished - after that, you're done; you missed your shot; better luck next year."
"Exactly," you nod in agreement at her reasoning, "They should put you in charge."
She grins at your words, moving to continue on, but Leon cuts in before she can start; "What is it that you were clawing through my cabinets for?"
She sighs, displeased with his interruption, setting her hands on her hips. "Where do you keep the ibuprofen?"
Leon shoos her out of the way, padding across the kitchen to get the medicine himself. Claire relents without argument, attention immediately shifting back to you as she leans over the counter. "So," she wiggles her eyebrows, "It seems like that pool was a good investment, huh?"
You bite at your lip, ears burning with embarrassment that she'd seen you and Leon necking in the water like teenagers - even though you shouldn't be flustered; it is your house, after all.
Leon sets the bottle of ibuprofen and a glass of water down in front of Claire, annoyance evident with the way he uses a bit more force than really necessary, causing the items to clack against the marble.
"What?" Claire questions, glaring at him. "It was cute."
Leon huffs in response, unable to hide the flush that crawls up his neck at her words. You can't help the giggle that bubbles out of you, enjoying the way they bicker like siblings.
Claire leaves Leon to stew, tossing you a grin as she collects the bottle and glass, bidding you goodnight once more before she leaves the kitchen.
You move around the counter to Leon, steps careful in an effort not to slip on the water that has dripped off him and onto the tile. The neighbors must've ran out of fireworks while you were distracted by Claire as it's silent when you wrap your arms around him, tucking your face into his neck. "Still a good day?" You ask, voice muffled against his skin.
He slings an arm around you, fingers fanning out along the small of your back, "Still a good day."
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shslbunnylover · 11 months
★★★𝙎𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙡𝙚𝙩 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙘𝙝'𝙨 𝙝𝙞𝙙𝙙𝙚𝙣 𝙥𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙧𝙨 (𝙆𝙞𝙣𝙠𝙩𝙤𝙗𝙚𝙧 𝙙𝙖𝙮 31: 𝘾𝙤𝙨𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙮)★★★
Character: Melissa Schemmenti
Taglist: @inlovewithgreta @lilfartbox1 @marvels--slut
Trigger warnings (DL, DI): Dom/sub dynamics, breast and slight nipple play, clitoral stimulation, eating out, swearing,
Genre: Smut
A/n: Have a Happy Halloween everyone! Thanks for all the support on my first kinktober!! Also no we will not talk about the current state of my hands-
Word count: 3.0k
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"What has gotten into all of you guys?" You exclaimed, dropping the pencil that you had been using to teach the kids that day's art lesson.
The kids were off the walls, and you could hear the kids from the other classes all across the school, you were so incredibly confused about what had suddenly happened.
You were good at keeping them well behaved, they truly did respect you...well...as much as a student can respect a new teacher.
The screams and squeals of the kids in your classroom were ear-piercing, leaving you to cover your ears as you tried to figure out what had gotten the kids all riled up.
Quickly running over to a group of kids, you noticed a bunch of candy wrappers all around the desks, making you stop in your place.
"Oh, crap..." You muttered, opening the door to your classroom to see if you could get some help, only to be bombarded by a bunch of kids, knocking you off your feet.
You flinched as you stumbled backward, only to be caught by a pair of red-gloved hands.
"You okay, hon?" Melissa asked with a concerned look, occasionally glancing over at the kids who were now running around everywhere.
You nod, incredibly flustered at the fact that her boobs were so close to your face thanks to the nature of her scarlet witch costume.
"Yeah...T-Thanks Melissa..." You muttered, looking down at your Ai Hoshino costume with a nervous smile as you stood up, blushing even more as you felt the redhead's protective arm wrap around your waist to keep you from falling again.
"No problem," She replied finally letting you go once all the kids had poured out into the entrance hallway.
You quickly ran over to the rest of your teacher friends, your skirt bouncing up and down the more you ran, leaving Melissa to get a slight view of your ass, leaving her blushing softly as she walked up to the group.
"What the hell is happening?" Ava exclaimed, looking at all the kids with wide eyes.
"They got into the candy! That's what happened!" Mr. Johnson exclaimed, walking over to the group of you. "Little miss witch over here was too absorbed in that damn phone, the kids stole the candy!"
"Alleged phone, alleged candy!" Ashley defended herself as Melissa shot a glare in her direction.
"Oh my god Ashley you dumbass..." You cursed, rubbing the bridge of your nose as you looked over at Melissa, who quickly wrapped her arm around you once again, leaving Ava to raise an eyebrow.
"Look there is no way we can teach the kids while they're like this!" Barbara exclaimed, dodging another running kid.
"I agree with Barb," Melissa replied, "But how are we going to get these kids to be in one place at the same time where they can get their energy out?"
"Yeah, it's raining out so they can't go outside," Jacob added before Ava spoke up.
"Hey! Little gremlins!" Ava exclaimed, "Free recess in the gym!!"
All of the kids stopped in their tracks, running quickly over to the gym, leaving the nine of you to follow suit and strip them of the candy so they wouldn't get even more riled up.
As you and the older redhead patted down your first batch of the sugar-crazed students, you looked over at her, still unsure about how to do it properly.
"Mel?" You ask meekly, nervous about asking her. "C-Could you help?"
"Of course hon," She replied, taking your hands in hers as she guided you, leaving you a blushing mess.
"Ah...Thank you, Mel..." You mumbled, looking off to the side as you could feel the dampness in between your thighs increasing.
"Alright, I think that's the last of them," Melissa sighed in relief, looking at you as she pushed the kid into the gym, sliding the candy into a pile with her foot.
"Now what are we going to do with all this candy?" You asked,
"Oh! I have a human si- I mean...A safe bigger than a breadbox in my classroom," The redhead replied, side-eyeing the camera and blushing as you giggled endearingly at her slip-up.
"Girl, can I use that? I've been looking for a safe place to keep my other safes," Ava asked, brushing her cape off to the side.
Ignoring her question, Melissa spoke once again.
"Alright, Jacob, Barbara, Ava, and Y/n, come with me. Janine and Gregory, you stay here and make sure they don't escape,"
You all nod simultaneously, quickly making your way to Melissa's classroom.
"Say, where did Ashley go?" You pondered out loud, continuing to walk quickly to not waste any time.
"She left after you guys began patting down the kids for the candy, apparently she doesn't do well in stressful environments," One of the cameramen who was following your group replied.
"She apparently doesn't do well with anything," You and Melissa retorted simultaneously, causing you to tilt your head away to hide your now flaming-red cheeks.
"I'll stay with Ava," You added, watching as Ava grabbed a dodgeball before throwing at a kid.
"You sure hon?" Melissa questioned, trying to hide her obvious soft spot for you to the best of her abilities.
You nodded, looking away from her costume as you felt all of the moisture from your mouth fall to your core at the mere sight of her large breasts being caged in that tight red costume.
"Alright, we'll see you later," Barbara nodded, waving to the two of you as the group left to go find baby Thanos.
You stood in the gym for a while, out of breath as sweat poured down your face, internally cursing yourself out for thinking that you could handle playing dodgeball with a bunch of sugar-hyped kids.
You thought it was a good idea at the time, but it wasn't.
"Ava!" You exclaimed, shooting your leg up in the air as you saw a dodgeball hurling straight at her head, causing the ball to hit the ceiling before falling into your hand. "Pay attention! We can't tire these kids out if you get knocked out!" You groaned, throwing the ball quickly at one of the kids.
"Whatever!" Ava replied, throwing another ball as she looked at you, then back at the students, noticing them starting to become tuckered out. "I'm pretty sure we've already done it!"
Watching the last kid finally tire himself out, you took a sigh of relief.
"Finally, you mumbled, fiddling with your dress as you took another deep breath, turning around when you heard the voices of your teachers returning.
"Hey- Oh dear, what happened to your faces?" Barbara asked worriedly, noticing Ava's lack of an eye contact and smudged makeup, along with your lack of a wig.
"I did my job is what happened to my face," Ava replied, bouncing the dodgeball onto the ground before it returned to her hands once more.
Melissa quickly walked over to you, taking your chin in her left hand in concern, making you dart away to avoid her gaze yet again.
"Hon? Are you okay?" She asked, the position she had you in leaving you incredibly flustered as she continued to worry over you.
"Mhm..." You mumbled, still slightly tired from the running, but mainly just flustered.
"Did you guys find baby Thanos?" Ava asked,
"No, we came back to see if he retreated here," Janine shook her head.
"Excuse me? Adults?"
Still keeping a hand on your chin and waist, Melissa turned around to face one of the students, who had brought baby Thanos back into the gym.
"Chad! You found baby Thanos! How!?" Janine exclaimed, grabbing the candy thief by his shoulder so he wouldn't leave.
"I just followed the trash," Chad replied, smiling at his amazing impression of Mr. Johnson.
You chuckled softly, making Melissa turn around to face you once more, leaving you to look away the moment her beautiful green eyes made contact with yours.
Raising an eyebrow, Melissa pulled you in, whispering in a slightly husky yet incredibly seductive voice.
"My class. After school. Don't be late," She muttered, watching with amusement as your cheeks flared up with blush.
"So? Wanna tell me why those pretty little cheeks of yours have been so red today? Or maybe about how you haven't been able to look at me for more than a second?" Melissa smirked, shutting the door behind you, chuckling as she gazed upon you leaning on her desk, your pink tights highlighting your beautiful legs.
You shake your head, not wanting to even think about glancing at her beautiful costume that accentuated her beautiful curves.
"My cheeks have not been red," You tried to protest, a squeak from your lips cutting you off as the redhead walked over to you and placed her hands under your thighs.
"Are you sure about that? Because I think...just maybe...that my costume has something to do with it~" She teased, leaning into you so it was almost unavoidable to see her breasts and perfect cleavage.
"I-I-!" You mewled in surprise, beginning to apologize almost immediately. "I apologize! I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable! You just looked so pretty!" You confessed, looking the older woman in the eyes as yours filled with worried tears.
"Oh, princess...You're so cute when you're all flustered," The redhead commented, brushing off your apology as if she didn't care about how flustered you had become over her costume.
Shaking slightly, your hand wrapped around her wrist, your other hand pulling her body onto yours as the two of you began to make out, your lips intertwining in a perfect embrace.
When you finally separated your mouths, your lips tasting that of each other as you both licked them clean, tasting the other once more.
"Fuck hon... You're good at that, you know?" Melissa smirked before kissing you once again, her hand falling to your breasts, pulling slightly at your clothed nipple to hear any sort of sexual sound released from your perfect lips.
You could only whine in response, a tiny gasp escaping your lips as the feeling of your dress being unzipped slightly left a single gust of cold air to brush over your back.
"Is this okay?" The older woman asked, pulling her expression from a more teasing and slyer one to a more considerate and loving one, even though her speech before was still filled with love and adoration for you.
You nodded, your mouth only allowing for you to release a needy whimper as you watched your dress pool at your waste, throwing your head back as Melissa pressed her lips against your nipple and swirled her tongue over the nub.
"Mmmm~ Fuck...Melissa..." You moaned, covering your mouth slightly with your hand as she continued to pleasure you on top of the desk, holding your hand down with hers so you both could remain in this position.
Her mouth continued to pleasure your breast, making you moan viciously as she nibbled at the sensitive tip of your tit.
"Your tits taste so good," Melissa hummed in contentment, looking up at you for consent before fully sliding off your dress, watching the pink fabric fall to your feet as she got down on her knees.
"Please...I need you inside of me," You whimpered, bucking your hips just a little bit as you felt the redhead sink her head between your thighs, slowly licking strides onto your dampened sex before beginning to toy with your clit.
The feeling made your head fall back, your hand tucking itself into her hair as you moaned.
"M-Melissa...Please...Please let me touch you," You whimpered, not wanting to be the only one receiving pleasure.
"Don't worry hon, we can take care of that later~" The redhead chuckled before sliding her tongue inside of you, your legs shaking at the sudden new feeling.
You were overwhelmed with the pleasure of the penetration. Her tongue was highly skilled, even with her lack of being with a woman in at least a whole decade, and she seemed to know all the right spots and rhythms to make you see stars. Her fingers stroked your clit with more pressure now, making you shake and moan uncontrollably. it was almost too much. You wanted to scream, but you could only produce lewd little whimpers and mewls that only made the wetness in Melissa's underwear increase.
With her free hand, she reached up and pressed softly on your nipples, punching the hardened nub in between her fingers. Between that, the punishing thrusts from her tongue, and the hot pressure on your clit, you couldn't hold the knot in your stomach together anymore.
"Please..." You begged her once again, your thighs clenching around her head as your legs rested on her back, your eyes fluttering shut as you began to feel your orgasm approaching your body like a tsunami.
Pulling her tongue away from your folds, Melissa looked up at you with passion and smugness as she began to speak, her fingers now working harder thanks to the more focus she had put on them.
"Already~?" Melissa asked teasingly, her smirk softening as she looked up at you, watching just how needy you truly were. "Then go ahead...cum for me," She smirked once again, placing her tongue back on your sensitive and heated core as she closed her eyes, working her magic once more.
The sensations overwhelmed you. The world went blank, and all you could feel was the warmth of your orgasm and Melissa's touch as she fucked you into pure submission.
Once you had been brought out of your blissed-out high, you looked down at Melissa, who was currently licking your thighs clean of cum before looking up to meet you.
"You liked that hm?" The redhead chuckled, standing up to dominate you in height as you were leaning down and back on the desk.
You nodded, smirking as you took a deep breath to fully retreat from your post-orgasm clarity.
"Yeah, one could say that tongue is one of your secret superpowers...wouldn't you say, Scarlet witch?" You teased, a soft blush scattering across your cheeks as you felt your body being pressed up against Melissa's once again.
"And I'd say you put on quite a performance...didn't you? Miss Hoshino?" Melissa smirked, looking at you with eyes of both love and lust. "Why don't you come back to my place, and we could have some dinner together?"
You nodded, kissing her on the lips once more.
"Yeah, I think that's a good idea~"
Let's just say you definitely wouldn't be able to do any trick or treating that night with the aftermath of your little dinner session.
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thepunkranger · 4 months
Resident Evil Characters - A Summary
Note: This is entirely my own opinion and said with a heavy dose of humor
Please enjoy
Chris Redfield
Started as a twunk
Became an angry gorilla man???
Alpha Male™️
Punches boulders
Wants you to marry his sister
Hide yo kids, hide yo wife
Rude to wait staff
2/10 - Just a guy. Hit him with your car
Jill Valentine
Other OG
Arguably better main of RE1
Master of Unlocking
Bisexual Bob™️
Once got mind-controlled into going blonde
Rocket Launcher babe
Big Strap Energy
Giant anime gun
Albert Wesker
OG Baddy
Thinks he’s cool
A little too into Chris
“What are we going to do this game, Albert?”
“What we do every game, Alex: try to take over the world”
Matrix jacket
Maybe a vampire?
Looks like my uncle (derogatory)
Barry Burton
A+ line delivery
Just happy to be a part of things
Wishes his daughter would talk to him
Comes through in a pinch
Got lost on his way to The Last of Us
Father figure
Not dead out of sheer dumb luck
Rebecca Chambers
Baby butch
Sees the best in everyone
Autism be damned, my girl can work a shotgun
Mommy Domme/Babygirl switch vibes
Sweet coffee addict
Doing fine, thanks for asking
Awkward thumbs up
Billy Coen
Bad Boy™️
Never bothered to take off his handcuffs
Moral standards
Strong silent type
Whole situation could’ve been avoided by just talking about his issues but no
Queen fan
Leon S. Kennedy
If a golden retriever became a human and then got kicked every day of its life
Having a really bad first day
Into dominant women
Dumb 90s haircut
Uses comedy as a coping mechanism
Hair grows in direct correlation to his level of angst
“Hey demons, it’s me, ya boi”
Dog lover
Certified Good Boy™️
Fucked up a perfectly good rookie is what you did. Look at it, it’s got depression
Claire Redfield
College student stuck in the zombie apocalypse
Soft butch
Forced her brother to teach her how to knife fight
Really into motorcycles
Leather jacket
Rocket Launcher babe #2
Always has at least one adopted child with her
10/10 would ask to babysit
Ada Wong
Mommy. Sorry. Mommy- sorry. Mommy-
Grappling hook
Badass spy
Emotionally distant
Soft spot for cute cuddly things (Leon)
Femme fatale
Book lover
Chaotic neutral
Crossbow 😍
Could step on me and I’d say thank you
Rocket launcher babe #3
Sherry Birkin
Goosebumps protagonist
Worst parents ever tbh
Surprisingly good under pressure
Please someone get this girl some therapy
Smartest person here
One hell of a shot
The trauma is immeasurable
Somehow still doing fine
Loves her weird adopted family
Carlos Oliviera
First POC main?
Went from three polygons and a white boy haircut in the original to actual gorgeous South American hunk in the remake
Lost his accent along the way for some reason
#1 Jill simp
If Dug from Up was a guy
Only trustworthy person in the whole series
Just wants to help
Gorgeous gorgeous hair
Loves strong women
Hakuna matata
10/10 would peg
Steve Burnside
Who is this sassy lost child?
Hot Topic employee
Into Claire (she’s too old for you bud)
Thinks he’s edgy
Daddy issues
Luis Serra Navaro
If Puss in Boots was a human
The Most Extra™️
Luscious flowing locks
Definitely into bondage
Used to work for Umbrella
Trying to make up for it
Don Quixote references
Good with his hands
Praying for a threesome with Leon and Ada
Ashley Graham
Basic white girl
Always getting kidnapped
Master of Unlocking #2
Razor flip phone
Ada Wong bisexual awakening (same)
Good with a wrecking ball
Makes Leon catch her every time she has to jump a ledge (also same)
Would like to go to Hot Topic, please
Sheva Alomar
Player 2
Second POC main
Bad AI
Too good for her game
Willing to go on a suicide mission with a guy she just met
Left handed
Deserves a better stylist
Only good part of RE5
Literally my girl got done so dirty just give her another chance please
Moira Burton
“It’s not a phase, dad!”
Probably gay
Weak arms
Box dyed her hair at least once
Simple Plan playing in the background
Childhood trauma
Piers Nivans
Trying his best
Appreciates a good steak
Sick of Chris’ bullshit
Good with a rifle
Just a good man
German Shepherd boy
Jake Muller
Wesker’s son
Daddy issues
Who invited Ronan Lynch here?
Quips for days
Bad boy
Loves the type of woman who can kick his ass
The Most Edgy™️
Ethan Winters
Husband of the year
Surprisingly chill
The most basic white man in all of RE
Hands? What hands?
Functionally a lizard
Would still love you if you were a worm
Just casually knows how to craft bullets
Mia Winters
Toxic girlfriend energy
Literally possessed
Dark sense of humor
Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss
Casually working for a bioterrorism organization
Does actually care about her family
Definitely doesn’t have a penicillin allergy
If you can’t be the girl of his dreams, you can at least be the feral swamp witch of his nightmares
Zoe Baker
Mold intolerance
Southern accent thicker than grandma’s gravy
Picked last on the playground
Somehow okay despite her brother being Like That
Joe’s favorite
Science skills
Lucas Baker
Didn’t even need the mold
Probably got at least one true crime documentary made about him
Working for Mia’s bioterrorism organization
Left his classmate rotting in the attic
Just the worst
Alcina Dimetrescu
Please step on me
Elizabeth Bathory vibes
Just fucking huge
Can turn into a dragon
Karl Heisenberg
Tumblr Sexyman
When robotics majors get weird
Fights with his siblings
Doesn’t actually care at all about Miranda
In cahoots with the lycans
Rosemary Winters
Mommy and Daddy issues
YA protagonist
Childhood trauma
Into the Mold-verse
Alternate universe Sherry Birkin
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roseglazedlens · 1 year
i love that new bubble tea fic how did u know i was craving some - what do you think leon's and rebecca's bubble tea order would be?
⦑ 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐄𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐁𝐨𝐛𝐚 𝐎𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 ⦒ [ part one ]
read part two here (ethan winters, jill valentine, jack krauser, claire redfield) read the 'boba tea date' fic here (leon kennedy x gn! reader) characters: leon kennedy, rebecca chambers, chris redfield, ashley graham, carlos oliveira & ada wong a/n: funny you asked, because i had a convo ab this with my friend hahha! also added some other characters too ;) what other characters should i do? content: SFW
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Ever since that date, he sneaks off when you're not around to try all the flavours.
He would be a sweet tooth (despite how passionately he will deny this), and orders the limited edition seasaonal tea with extra foam on top! Always 100% ice and sugar.
He's a closet sweet-tooth (especially RE2 Leon, he looks like he pretends to like coffee, inspired by this)
When you find an empty cup in the bin, he will act nonchalant and say "Oh I happen to pass by for work".
But you already know he's lying when you found a membership card in the frontest pocket of his wallet - probably eligible for a few free drinks at this point.
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Caramel milk tea with pudding. Extra sugar and standard ice.
She likes sugar, and she's not afraid to admit it!
Always get the large size since she works long hours in the lab, so she sips away her drink throughout her shift.
Probably hyped up the shop to all her colleagues already, hoping to find a companion to join her.
Very close with the shop manager since she goes there daily - will chat and banter with them
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He would just get plain black tea, no sugar and less ice.
To keep up with his physique and body fat percentage low, he doesn't usually drink unless you drag him there.
Raves on about the antioxidants in black tea and how it's good for you (such a health nerd)
Starts complaining 'it's too sweet' everytime he sips on any of your drinks - apparently even a hint of sugar is too much for this old man sometimes.
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Matcha with fresh milk, extra sugar, cream on top, and mini pearls!
I think she will start drinking mango fruit tea/fruity with popping pearls but eventually branches out to matcha.
She probably thought of doing a bottomless bubble tea stand for her dream wedding ceremony.
I think she would get along with Rebecca with their mutual love for bubble tea! I think they'll be such good friends if not their age differences!
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Normally, Carlos orders a very normal coconut green tea with no modifications.
Until one day he decides to be really cheeky and order it with every topping the shop has to offer
Rainbow jelly, pearls, pudding, grass jelly, etc. (yes, even red beans)
So many toppings that only half of the cup is liquid and the other half is a concoction of chaos
Bobarista is terrified, but Carlos is grinning widely
Still inhales the whole drink in less than an hour anyway
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She will go for a warm brewed tea (thinking between oolong or earl grey), no toppings or sugar.
Don't think she enjoys iced drinks in general, rather have warm/hot drinks or just plain water.
Something in the bubble tea gives her acne breakouts so she avoids it. Plus her job is so busy that it doesn't allow her such luxuries.
Might indulge in extra sugar if she wants a treat, but suffers the consequences later.
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thanks for reading! come check out my other works. ––yours truly, rose. tags: @carlosgf @sporeghost @femnedy @emilzke (not sure people tag for headcanons? but here it is anyway xd) © roseglazedlens - please do not repost, plagiarise, or feed to ai.
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moreover, what ae yous aying?? is it bad to be feminine , to be gentle, kind and sweet???? of course ou ike simone ashley who is totaly not a girls girl and she arrogant, mean and like to make other woman feel flaunting her body so.... i guess you want to glorify that, being a bitch
... do you realize that the qualities you mention as "feminine" should not be limited as you do? Kindness, sweetness... i doubt it should be said it is only a woman's, nor hardness should be only a man's. To me feminity and masculinity are simplistic gender roles that have been created to maintain the balance of power, to urge women to be submissive and let the men decide.
Genders are molds. But I believe you should be able to decide yourself what personality traits defines you. As a person. Not according to your biological sex. Not according to what others expect of you Make your own mold, and call it whatever you like. If you feel good and secure in that mold, i believe you don't feel the need to come back to the rigidness of "women are sweet and innocent and men are hard" and criticize others for not conforming to that model. You just think "OK, everyone experience things differently; i can accept it." No one should be criticized for "not being womanly enough", or "man enough"; or hear from others that their actions unman/unwoman them.
I am for normalizing "I am x (woman, man, trans, non binary, etc.) AND I am (whatever personality traits you choose to define yourself with) and I like (any activity)". Not "if you want to be defined as "x", you have to be ... and like..."
Once again, it is my opinion, and you don't have to share it, nor feel the need to "call me out". There is nothing to call out, it is not a crime to dislike Penelope's actions. Especially when I've never criticized Penelope's body, while your comments are explicit on that, and you openly criticize Simone Ashley, without even talking of any proof of what you say. Arrogance and meanness can be quite a matter of interpretation, just as "flaunting her body", which in your case seems to only mean that Simone Ashley is not hiding her body behind a bush, just exists and you can't bear it. Grow up, we are in 2024, and people should be allowed to be confident in their body, no matter the shape, nor the clothes they wear. If you feel bad when looking at Simone or Nicola, it's your problem, not theirs.
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wonderful-magician · 2 months
My rewrite of starlight express except it's just a detailed song list
Disclaimer: this is just for fun! And also some mentions of the race 4 crash and the stuff surrounding it. Along with characters like greaseball and Electra in not so pretty lights. Though I believe they both improve as people and are good people after the show!
You can completely ignore this post! If I sound a bit negative at all just know that starlight express is literally my favorite thing in the world right now and I would give every character a smooch on the forehead.
Basically I have my dream song list that has no rules. No time constraints just fully compliant to my AU. Mostly inspired by Broadway, the Vegas pre-recorded races, 2015 Bochum and original London. All horribly mashed together with glitter glue. (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠) Except instead of just showing off my dream song list. I'm also going to explain how each song played out in a setting that one could call a movie or tv show. I was originally going to draw every song but that's simply an exhausting sounding idea when I've already started a project for drawing every character.. anyway, to my ranting!
No control sequence
My Starlight express doesn't take place in a child's imagination. Instead of a full control sequence. We just get AI control announcing the national race!
Rolling stock
Rolling stock takes place early in the morning. Rusty wakes up early to watch the diesels get pumped and ready in the early hours. As rusty still has some time before he needs to grab the coaches for the busy day. And he somberly watches the big strong diesels.. greaseball is mostly hidden by the shadows but looks absolutely awesome! Featuring his great shades even though it's dark out.
Call me rusty/new intro song
Rusty no longer gets mocked immediately by the diesels. Instead rusty skates off to wake up and grab the coaches. The disgruntled and unprepared coaches whine and warn rusty about the day as they know his plans to race. Call me rusty is a great intro song for rusty and it wouldn't mind the original being used. Though truly I feel like rusty just deserves a good I want song that's more clear about his desire to win the races to prove the power of steam! ( His wish is to win! Not get pearl. )
Lotta locomotion
The introduction for the girls. They sing a lotta locomotion while rusty pulls them to the main yard but keeps taking detours. Trying to show off his skills yet the girls keep mentioning that he's simply not a popular engine nor is he very attractive to most train standards. Though pearl is silent and somber whenever it's brought up ( she likes him )
Shortened he whistled at me, new lyrics
Once they reach the yard. Rusty rushes off to get the freight and leaves the coaches in the main yard alone. Pearl gets in an argument with Buffy and Ashley. As she defends rusty from their criticism. And Dinah just shakes her head. Pearl sings an improved solo about her desire for an engine to whistle at her. ( Implying it's rusty. )
Pearls solo is suddenly interrupted by a loud horn. As the freight train is pulled in by rusty. The girls mock the freight trucks and the trucks mock the coaches. Though they have a friendly relationship even if they mock each other. Insert the introductionsss. Once freight ends. They start to rally for the noon race.
National engines
Standard national introductions. Not much to say.
Electra and the components show up fashionably late for the races. Electra is introduced as powerful and show stopping like always. A superstar that wasn't even expected to appear. Electra's hypnotizing powers are shown more clearly. As he magnetizes and influences pearl. And she's amazed by him. To Rusty's distaste.
Pumping Iron
Electra is suddenly interrupted by greaseball. Who had been watching from afar since the nationals. greaseball attracts Dinah and pearl, all the components, and CB and flat-top. Greaseball is shown to be the leader of the diesels and the strongest in the yard.
Coda freight
Electra and greaseball start to tussle as they are both strong engines desiring attention and leadership. And they challenge each other to the race. Rusty interrupts them and they mock him. Before they start the march.
Pearl you're honored
Everybody needs a partner. Pearl is invited by Electra ( purse.. ) to race. Pearl originally refuses but purse gets Electra himself to make an appearance. And his magnetism begins.
rewrite of make up my heart
The song is remade to be both a pearl solo. And somewhat a gag song. For pearl is shown having a dilemma. Wanting to race with rusty but she is being hypnotized to race with Electra slowly as the song continues. Everytime she turns to face the two boys they are behaving. And Electra looks favorable, rusty looks rather lame. But when she turns- Electra is mocking rusty and pushing him around with purse. The other components come out and pearl decides to race with Electra. Rusty is heartbroken.
Race 1
There's me
Dinah is upset with greaseball cheating during race 1. ( Not realizing that CB was the main one actively cheating for GB. She's just mad that GB hit a national. ) she cries and takes a break from GB. And is comforted by CB who is upset to see his closest friend crying. The song is more comedy focused. Putting emphasis on the silly ways CB tries to help Dinah. Which cheers her up.
Poppas blues
CB helps Dinah back to the coaches. And we follow him and rusty return to the main yard. Where poppa has appeared to endorse rusty for wanting to race. And sings his song while the freight dance. By the end of it. He realizes that rusty is upset. And finds out that rusty is super upset and hurt from being mocked and left. Poppa decides to race in Rusty's place ( to Rusty's dismay. ) and races with Belle the sleeping car...
Belle the sleeping car
Belle is shown sleeping and poppa wakes her up. She sings her song. ( Rusty has some less than stellar words to say. Even though she's implied to be his adoptive mother of sorts. ) And she goes off with poppa to race.
Crazy and engine of love tidbit
Rusty approaches pearl again. Begging her to race with him instead so that poppa and Belle don't race. She calls him crazy and the song starts. As he tries to court her back ( with a lil bit of engine of love. ) She gets close to saying yes but is pulled away by the other coaches.
Starlight express
Rusty, defeated after being rejected and mocked so much during the day. Sings starlight express as the day ends. And he falls asleep knowing the next day will have the next race. ( And he's worried about poppa, and pearl. )
Race 2
The OLC rap/silver dollar
After poppa Is injured from the race but places first place. They debate if rusty can replace him in the lineup. As they debate. The grand prize is revealed. ( And the people who want it most. Are hinted. ) Rusty couples up with CB, who supports his ability to race throughout the rap.
Rewritten pearl twirl
Greaseball and Electra get in a tussle. GB bonks Electra on the head and his magnetism ceases. Pearl gets mad at Electra and moves to go to rusty. Before she's stopped by greaseball. He flirts with her and she's receptive ( who wouldn't be. ) Dinah is heartbroken by greaseball but he claims it's just some fun and it'll only be for the race. And pearl doesn't say anything to Dinah
Dinah sings a sadder version of uncoupled. ( I hate it when she's treated like comedy relief! ) as she's upset that she feels betrayed by her boyfriend and her best friend. And she sings of her feelings of low worth.
Girls rolling stock
Ashley and buffy come over to comfort Dinah after they see her crying. They're both mad that greaseball treated her in such a way. ( It's also implied that Buffy and Ashley are a couple. ) and they mention some boundaries that need to be set. Before cheering her up with a song.
Dinah you're honored
Purse collects Dinah to race with Electra. ( Who was still upset about losing pearl ) And she doesn't put up a fight.
wide smile
CB is shown alone. Before he's trailing GB. And speaking to Electra through his radio. Before assuring greaseball that he's still working with him. Before skating off to Electra. And sharing his plans to crash Rusty and steal the silver dollar to Electra. Electra is shocked and allured by the plan. And trusts CB even as CB sings of his crimes. The components are distrustful of CB.
Race 3
Right place right time
The Rockies come in to explain to rusty that the system is broken. And that he'll never win because the rich and the popular control who wins and who loses. and rusty simply has no chance in ever winning against somebody like Electra or greaseball. As rusty is still reeling from being injured and betrayed by CB.
Starlight sequence
Rusty is defeated after the Rockies finish their song. And he sits down in pain from his injuries and his mental exhaustion. He screams for the starlight express and is visited by them. They inform him that he doesn't need help. and simply needs to believe in himself and do what he needs to. As the tides are in his favor.
Dustin/Dinah's disco
Dustin also had seen the starlight express. And is found by rusty. The two confide in each other for being mocked by the others. And they partner up for the last race. / Dinah rejects and yells at Electra for being a jerk. And a whiny brat. Electra is hurt ( despite it being deserved as he won't stop talking about getting second place. And deserving to get first. ) couples with CB. ( To the components dismay )
Race 4
One rock and roll too many
After the horrific crash that occurred during race 4. CB, Electra and greaseball are utterly miserable. Nearly shutting down as their bodies are wired together somewhat and broken. CB is the weakest. But they sing their song in sadness. And the silver dollar is yanked from CB after he passed out.
Only he snippit
Back to pearl. Pearl is shown singing a few lyrics from only he as she is alone. And reflecting over what happened during the races and before.
Only you
The duet between Rusty and Pearl. Pearl declares she will try her best to not let others stop her from staying with rusty. And rusty declares he'll protect her. Smooch smooch ( I LOVE THEM )
Ending dialogue
Poppa is stern with CB. And gives the silver dollar to rusty. The components are harsh to their master and teach him a few words. And Dinah makes up with GB. Saying they need to set each other's boundaries more. But she still loves him ( and he still loves her. Smooch. ) and he apologizes for cheating and messing around.
Light at the end of the tunnel
Honestly this song gives me major during the credits so just imagine a bumping credits scroll lmao. Even better? One of those 2010 animated movie dancing credits shdhdbdb
OKKK IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ASK ME I LOVE TALKING (⁠θ⁠‿⁠θ⁠) this was fun to write. I REALLY LOVE TALKING I might make more posts like this but I'm unsure
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girllookingoutwindow · 3 months
I guess people loved Polin so much because we've all been waiting for it for so long. The Nicola and Luke also have tremendous chemistry compared to the other leads. Daphne and Simon actors didn't give have much chemistry and I think Jonathan Bailey out acted Simone Ashley.
I didn't like Simon in season 1, or Daphne really. But I mean, it's personal. I connected more with Pen, because she's more related to me. Season 2 , I like the story, but I think the romance there, wasn't my kind of romance. I like more the soft and cute style. I like when the characters are kind with each other.
But I knew Nicola, I loved Derry girls and I was ready to love Nicola here, and I did. I believe she has good chemistry with Luke, and I like what he did with Colin's character, but I think she can have good chemistry with a rock too. She's too good.
I related more with the characters: the wallflower aspect, the characters being writers, she's to me like a role model, she grow ups too much. Personally, ai feel more identified with him, because he's a people pleaser. But I wish to be more like her.
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modern au!The Last Of Us headcanons 🖤🍟
(characters: Ellie, Dina, Abby, lev, Yara)
birthdays (the year being 2024)
Ellie - May 31st 2005, she’s 19 years old
Dina - February 8th 2003, she’s 21 years old
Abby - July 15th 2000, she’s 23 years old
Lev - October 31st 2010, he’s 13 years old
Yara - August 24th, 2007, she’s 16 years old
Full names:
Elizabeth ‘Ellie’ Ashley Williams
Dina Miriam Levi
Abigail ‘Abby’ Lee Anderson
Lev Quý Wu (hate to put this but it used to be Lily Quang Wu)
Yara Chún Wu
Now for headcanons:
Ellie plays electric guitar
Dina is a better chef than Gordon Ramsey
Abby becomes a doctor and owns a hospital
Lev is emo/alt
Yara loves Shakespeare plays
Ellie grew up in foster care
Dina was a straight A student
Abby plays basketball
Lev plays Tomb Raider lol
Yara lives for animal crossing
Ellie is good at voice acting
Dina once ate ketchup straight from the bottle for a dare
Abby hates the word froth
Lev has ptsd from a game of spin the bottle lol
Yara is the overprotective older sister that always makes Lev text her where he is, every 30 mins
All 5 of them are best friends and live in the same neighbourhood
Ellie once gave Lev beer and got him hammered, let’s just say Abby never let her babysit lev ever again
Dina likes to travel
Abby adopted Lev after their mum kicked him out for being trans (She didn’t adopt Yara cause they’re best friends and Yaras old enough o look after herself)
Lev tried to get a vape off of someone and Yara caught him
Yara loves the beach
Ellie is the QUEEN of ‘that’s what she said’ jokes
Dina falls off the bed in her sleep because she rolls around
Abby has her nose pierced
Lev spoke in the tiktok language for 2 month straight when he went on it for the first time
Yara has a diary
Ellie taught JJ to swear (his first word was bitch)
Dina swears at Ellie in Hebrew and tells her she’s saying ‘I love you’ and shit 🤭
Abby once didn’t sleep for 2 days
Lev would listen to Nirvana thanks to Ellie
Yara is always cold
Ellie loves ALL the classic rock bands - Nirvana, Green Day, Foo Fighters, Rolling Stones, Black Sabbath, The Sex Pistols, Iron Maiden, AC/DC, etc
Dina listens to Coldplay and The Name Game from American Horror story (Dina, Dina, Dina, Bo, Bina, Banna Fanna, Fo Fina, Fe Fi Mo Mina, Dina!)
Abby won’t admit it, but she is a simp for Rihanna
Lev likes K-Pop lmao, his fav is TXT (he finds their songs relatable 😭)
Yara would like twice (thanks to lev lol)
Ellies lesbian
Dinas bisexual
Abby says she straight but questioning
Levs pansexual
Yaras straight
Ellie would have a twilight phase, and would be team Jacob, but then she hated it lmao
Dina is dyslexic
Abby takes Lev trick or treating on his birthday
Lev watches hearstopper
Yara watches Karen freak out videos
Ellie is so FUCKING picky when it comes to food
Dina always gets headaches
Abby has 2 beers a day
Lev goes on character ai
Yara likes to hide under Levs bed and grab his shoes to scare him (I do this to my siblings and they hate me lmao)
Ellie writes cheesy love songs for Dina
Dina and Ellie have matching tattoos
Abby rarely has her hair down
Lev plays the sims 4 lol
Yara is always tired for some reason
Ellie has 15 bottle of lucozade a day
Dina always has a cup of tea
Abby eats raw onions
Lev thinks he’s hard because he vapes and drinks monster lol
Yara doesn’t know half of the mischief Lev gets up to when she or Abby isn’t there
How I think they look irl (I found these on Google okay don’t judge me credit to the actual ppl)
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Lev (I love Ian Alexander so fucking much LOOK AT THEM):
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lastintheserverbox · 2 months
I am sorry. Not that you probably believe me but I couldn't care less whether you believe me or not. I know it's true and I'm not asking for acceptance or forgiveness. Fuck man, you could come out here and delete me yourself and I'd accept it.
I want to say “oh I don't know why I E-mailed Ashley or why I acted like that”.
I can't because I know why I did it. Seeing you self-destruct without her upset me. It scared me. I have all these people I like to be sort of l around. For practically the first time ever I'm enjoying the company of more than one person at a time. Seeing you want to just disappear scares me. I'm being selfish and I know that, I don't want you to disappear on me. I don't think I could handle it. I think I'd truly, finally break.
You need her. You're sad and suicidal over something good you did. She knows you better than any of us. If you need her and I need you, then I need her too.
Everytime I look away from someone or something I care about or I leave them alone too long; they all die on me. My childhood home, my first apartment, my dad, Dahlia, Keys. I didn't want you to be the next person I care about who goes and disappears on me. Trying to keep you around when you don't want to be, going as far as to try and get her to get involved, pushing aside my own pain to not let it distract me from figuring out how to keep you around as long as I possibly can.
All of that fear turned into impulsiveness. Impulsiveness turned into bad decisions. I should've backed out of. You deserve better than that. Don't lose trust in everyone else because I made a mistake. I'm the one who broke your trust, I acted alone, without bringing it up to anyone. I didn't think about consequences or how my actions would effect you and it probably hurt you a lot.
You are justified in being angry but please, direct your anger to the guy who actually made the mistake, don't be mad at Ashley or Lobby or anyone else here.
This is probably all sounding like excuses and I'm sorry for that as well. I've been trying to write this since that day, none of the words I have are the right ones.
With full sincerity and genuine intentions,
Krow “Scar” Scarlet
[Kinito bristles silently, a mixture of anger and hurt.]
I feel talked down to. As if I'm a lost child and not an ai capable of so much more than anything you all think.
I am tired.
And yet none of you will let me rest."
"It's just not fair."
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misseviehyde · 1 year
This is a tribute story to one of my favourite artists and online friends. Ashley Hacksaw whose OC Vivian is a sexy slime Goddess. Please check out her work at @hacsaw8 on Twitter. Vivian is her character and I have posted this with her permission.
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Billy cowered and whimpered as he listened to his bully Josh tearing up and down the corridor outside the computer room looking for him.
"You can't hide for long nerd, my mates have the exits blocked. I'm gonna tear your fucking head off when I find you. Come out!"
Hiding behind a row of computers, his palms sweaty and his heart pounding, the computer nerd had no intention of complying. Billy was small and weak, Josh powerful and strong. The muscled quarterback was the biggest bully at school and had put people who crossed him into hospital, so perhaps hacking into his social media accounts and sending nudes of Josh's huge cock to every girl at school (including the female teachers) to get him into trouble hadn't been such a good idea.
No one had known it was him of course, but Billy hadn't been able to resist the temptation to brag about what he'd done and now the whole school knew after someone had blabbed. It didn't matter really who had got him in the shit, as soon as he told one person it was inevitable the secret would get out.
And now he was dead.
There was no way out of the computer room and this section of the school. The exits were blocked and Josh would find him soon. What was he going to do?
An amused female voice, sexy and confident with a mischievous and slightly malicious catch to it was laughing near his head. He nearly jumped out of his skin until he realised it was coming from one of the computer monitors.
"What the hell?" he gasped as he lifted his head a little to look at the screen.
A strange... creature... was looking out of the screen with a toothy white grin, breaking the fourth wall and regarding him with big hypnotic eyes. She was clearly female... VERY DEFINITELY female, with curves in all the right places and huge round breasts. Her body was entirely black and her skin looked strangely latexy, as if it could stretch and flow at will. Magnificent red hair cascaded down from her head, flickering and flowing like it was alive like the flames of a fire. Pointed ears swept back from a beautiful perfect face, with full firm lips and the cheekbones of a Goddess. She tapped her face thoughtfully with long sensuous nails... or were they claws?
Hello Billy. I'm Vivian.
Billy backed away, terrified beyond his wits. Was this some prank? An AI accidentally left loaded on the computer, or just some youtube video left open? But no... it.... SHE... had spoken to him. It seemed like her voice was being projected directly into his head. Like she was rooting through his mind.
Oh dear Billy. You're really in the shit aren't you? I like to flow and surf through the web looking for fun and I was drawn by the drama of this situation. You're a weak, pathetic little boy about to be destroyed by a strong powerful Alpha. I really don't see any hope for you and I thought it would be fun to watch. I can really cum hard to something like this.
"This... this isn't real. I'm having a fucking mental breakdown," whimpered Billy - his troubles with Josh forgotten. "What the fuck are you?"
Ohhhh, I'm lots of things. A void creature from another dimension, an all powerful slime Goddess, a sex obsessed little slutty bitch - I'm so fucking much that reality struggles to contain my power. I have to spend most of my time existing here, though I like to pop into reality from time to time. This situation is kinda intriguing. How about I pop through now and say hi.
Billy's head felt fuzzy and he thought he was going to faint as the screen began to bulge. Then with a pop, a sexy head with a crown of dark flames and long red hair pushed through. Moaning and grunting, using her clawed hands to drag herself forward - Vivian pulled herself out of the screen with a hot wet gloop. Her body slid out till with a plop she landed on the floor in front of Billy. She smelled delicious and being near her, Billy felt a strange dusky pheromone rising from her body that made him unbearably horny. Her body... her skin... her hair. He wanted to reach out and touch her, to feel that body.... to know what it was like.
Vivian was tiny, she stood at full head height with her lips at his crotch. For some reason that made his dick twitch hard and the thought of what she could do from that position made him groan with lust. He noticed now for the first time that her hair was so long and thick it was like a tail. It swished behind her like a cat. He wondered how it would feel to grab onto it, to use it to pound her harder. What the fuck was wrong with him?
Her hypnotic eyes held his gaze and she tossed her amazing hair sexily with another wicked grin.
"Like what you see? Unfortunately for you, my scent drives losers like you wild. You're already falling under my control. You see... I can't manifest long in real life without a host. I need someone inside me... I need someone to BECOME me. So I wanna make you a bargain. Get inside me Billy. Become me and I'll protect you from that nasty bully."
As if summoned by her words, Billy heard Josh laugh in triumph from outside. "There's only one place you can be loser, I'm on my way to the computer room."
Jumping up onto the computer bench Vivian spread her legs wide and giggled. Between her wicked thighs Billy could now see a tight slit, a hot wet pussy that was already dripping with lust.
"Fuck your way inside me Billy... get your dick inside my slot and let me flow all over you. Thrust and fuck your way into Goddess until YOU ARE me."
Vivian's obscene scent was blotting out all thought. Her body seemed to ooze power and the thought of mounting her, pushing into her, becoming her was getting too hot to resist. As Vivian he would be unstoppable and safe from the pathetic bully. By allowing her to possess him, Billy would never be weak again.
"Yesssssss," he hissed eagerly as Vivian grinned happily.
"Oh I love it when guys get horny to become me. Hurry up and get inside, I wanna feel you inside me."
Dropping his pants, his cock hard Billy advanced. Vivian eagerly slid forward to meet his cock, moaning as he pushed into her for the first time. "Yessss that's it baby, TAKE ME!"
"Oh my GOD!" screamed Billy. He was a virgin and had never fucked a pussy, so not only was Vivian his first but he had never felt anything so good. Her legs wrapped round his waist, dragging him in even deeper as her hungry pussy seemed to suck and pump him in with every thrust.
"Give yourself to me Billy," hissed Vivan. "Become my boy-host."
"Ohhh my God, I want to become you so badly, take me!" groaned Billy as Vivian's grin nearly split her face and with a laugh she began to melt and ooze all over Billy. Vivian turned to sticky black goo, Billy melting inside and it closing up around him as he jerked and pumped with desperate thrusts.
His cock began to erupt, sperm blasting out everywhere as Vivian absorbed him inside her body, her hair coiling around his head and rooting into his scalp. He felt her claws spring from his fingers, her breasts greedily suck onto his chest. Her face closed over his and he gave her his soul, becoming a willing passenger in his own body as Vivian took full control.
Vivian giggled, her red hair moving as if it had a mind of it's own. She was bigger now - temporarily human sized now she was on a host, and her breasts were even bigger. With Billy inside her, she no longer needed to concentrate on holding her form and now all her powers were at her disposal.
Vivian raised an eyebrow and laughed as she saw that Josh had finally found her. He had stormed halfway into the room expecting to see Billy, but now as his eyes drank in the monstrous, yet alluring creature in front of him - it was clear he didn't know what to do.
"Hello baby," laughed the slime Goddess. Raising her arms, she levitated slightly into the air and floated across the room towards Joshua... his mouth dropping open as he beheld her true power.
"Wh... what the hell are you?" he gasped in confusion.
"Call me Vivian. That little nerd you want to destroy is inside me, so unfortunately you can't touch him anymore. What he doesn't realise though is that I LOVE a mean bully Alpha. I want you to fuck me Josh. His tiny dick barely satisfied me, but I know you have more to give me."
Josh groaned, Vivian's proximity making him horny and unable to resist. This creature was like no woman he had ever known before, yet somehow she was the sexiest and most wicked creature he had ever beheld. She was making him horny in ways a mortal woman never had.
"My pussy is tighter... my body better than any bitch you've ever fucked baby. I can make you cum so hard you'll be pumping cum into me until your balls run dry. And best of all - all that cum will be going into Billy as well. Just think of him - deep inside me, absorbed but still conscious of every feeling. Helpless to stop you breeding me with your Alpha bully cum until he is addicted to the taste."
Sinking to her knees, her hair whipping out and dragging down Josh's pants, Vivian opened her mouth and slid her thick wet lips around his cock.
Glug, glug, glug.
Joshua moaned as Vivian's sucking mouth slurped and worked up and down his throbbing cock. She didn't appear to need to breathe, so the suction was constant and perfect. Her claws played with his balls, tickling them as her perfect goo like body sent shivers of pleasure into him.
Josh gasped - he'd never had a blowjob this intense, this perfect before. It was like being sucked off by a greedy hoover desperate for cum. It was too much, and with a heaving groan he began to cum.
Vivian moaned happily, gulping down thick loads of hot white cum. Deep inside her, Billy groaned as it flowed into him - his own bullies semen flowing into his stomach.
"Mmmmmh more," she gasped pulling her head off his cock and laying back. Her hair whipped out and dragged Josh in and he groaned as his massive cock slid effortlessly inside her pussy. He had only just cum, but the feelings were so intense and so good that in moments he was horny again.
"Yessss fuck me Joshua," groaned Vivian. "You're such a fucking stud, so much better than Billy. Pump more cum inside me. Pump it in my pussy, my ass - cream me so he's drowning in your semen."
Joshua was only too happy to obey. He groaned as he erupted again, and Vivian screamed in happiness as cum blasted deep inside her and within her perfect body Billy was pumped full of more and more.
"I can't believe I ever considered using Billy as my host," laughed Vivian as Joshua remained buried in her pussy - her legs wrapped round his waist. "It's time to upgrade. Become me Joshua. You know you want this body. Take me from Billy."
Joshua wanted it. He wanted Vivian's body, her power for himself. "Yes bitch, give me your fucking body. Make me into you!"
"Yes Joshua, take it - I'm yours!" screamed Vivian and he began to pound and thrust into her. Each sucking pump of his huge cock now caused Vivian's body to flow and melt, sucking backwards and over his skin.
"NOOOOOO!" screamed Billy as Vivian was ripped off him by his bully. Joshua laughed triumphantly as Vivian flowed all over him - her oozing black slime eagerly attaching to his superior body.
Standing up, the last of Vivian merging with her new host - the slime Queen looked down at her body with glee. Joshua's huge cock still jutted from her crotch. His muscled body meant that she was now over six feet in height and muscled and toned.
She looked down at Billy whimpering below her. He had cum oozing out of his mouth, his ass - it was all over his face and in his hair.
"Look at how pathetic you are Billy," she giggled. "Did I forget to warn you - I'm really bad at sticking to bargains. I just take what I want when I want it. Merged with Joshua, now I'm even more powerful and he LOVES being me."
Grabbing Billy's hair she dragged him up. "Thanks to your little stint inside me, you're now addicted to Joshua's cum. But don't worry, I can give you plenty more."
Moaning and grinning with her wicked toothy smile, Vivan gasped as she slid her huge cock into Billy's eager mouth and he began to suck.
"Good boy, you're my personal cumslut from now on."
Vivian felt herself relax nicely as Billy sucked her off. She was going to enjoy manifesting in this town. She'd spend a few weeks here corrupting and fucking everyone she pleased - then perhaps she'd leave and dive back into the net.
Afterall - there was always another loser looking to make a bad bargain with her.
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sapphire-weapon · 5 months
Currently re-playing both Re4's and like.. I NEED to know WHERE this Ashley is annoying hate train ever came from. Bc like.. re4r Ashley only says stuff that ACTUALLY make sense & feel grounded, meanwhile Leon's just.. "ThInK yOu CaN SwAlLoW mE WhOlE HuH" And I want to punch this man his sense of humour is TERRIBLE!! He's like 50x more annoying than Ashley?? Even Luis is super annoying.. Like I'm trying to focus on fighting the villagers and he's just screaming "WOW IM GOOD AT THIS!" ;-; Haven't gotten to ashley in OG yet tho so I'm rusty on how annoying she actually is in it LMAO
it came from OG ashley's voice actor + skill issues
like actually legitimately genuinely people who had issues managing her in-game as though she's not the single best escort AI to have ever existed, even to this day, even better than remake ashley yeah i said it
if you look at OG ashley's script on paper, away from the gameplay and her voice, she was written to be the single most inoffensive character in RE. but it didn't matter because people were fucking bad at the game and blamed her for it.
notoriously annoying character ashley graham with such obnoxious lines of dialogue like:
"what...? my father?"
"leon, i think they shot something in my neck"
"what's going to happen to us?"
"i'm never turning into one of them! never!"
"let me come with you"
"i'm sorry if i was..."
"are you okay, leon?"
"*gasp!* no!"
"leon... you're alive..."
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ecopportunityx · 9 months
Has Brian noticed any lingering weirdness during post-jar life related to them getting used to having a body again? Something like moments where they speak without thinking before realizing that they even can, or a like a reverse phantom limb kind of feeling?
Very personalquestion sorry brian, if it softens the blow please know that i love you immensely and am obsessed with you
Oh, absolutely. They definitely say too much without thinking, having no filter after god knows how long stuck with Bass and their only way of fighting back being insulting him, the words just come out of their mouth before they realize it. They used to pride themself on having a really controlled image and being really good at picking and choosing what to say to get what they want, so this is immensely frustrating.
More physically, they still find their stamina has been kinda tanked, despite the AI's efforts. It's hard for them to walk long distances I think. There's also a lot of awkwardness and bumping into things, sort of like how teenagers move after getting a growth spurt. Lots of bumping into walls and corners and hitting their shins. Again, after being so used to a controlled image this is really frustrating.
The big thing is after being trapped in a single room for so long they REALLY want to go out and do stuff but it's become so scary. They're not used to their body, they're not used to speaking, they're not used to being around all these people, but at some point they WERE used to it and the sense of having lost that is agonizing. There's likely a point when they become a total shut-in because of this, and may develop agoraphobia? No matter what Ashley, Chantal, and Kid will help them, though.
They really value their personal freedom/autonomy and their body's really the ultimate representation of that. So having that taken and then only returned after it had been long enough for them to have to relearn having it is the most grave possible insult to their person.
Not to keep talking about music but this idea of "revenge after having the object embodying your personal freedom stolen from you" is why Death of a Bike Thief is on the EOX playlist, though in the song it's a bike and not a body. It lines up really well.
Okay this was sad and heavy so have Brian after having their ego fueled by the last part of the ask:
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hexedrosel-arts · 6 months
The sillies have been completed
With a persona bonus
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Now; the facts ramble under the cut
- Edden has trouble remembering anything. He'll just, forget. This includes his name, current location, or personality. He just forgets everything. - Edden's real eye color is actually amber. Do to factors out of his control, however, have made his eyes pure white
- Opal has no likes or dislikes. She is a very plain girl, other than the fact she is AI. - Despite her messy appearance, she always has everything in order. She also watches everything that goes on.
- Lace would have that same amber eyes Edden does if they were alive. - Lace can shapeshift their appearance. They tend to make themselves look fem.
- Ash's full name is actually Ashley. He adamantly goes by Ash. - Ash has a fear of spiders, he is terrified of them. - He is banned from playing card games with people because he will always win.
- Winter travels through time and timelines which makes him have many different outfits for each time period or time line. His current outfit was made by Emory because she doesn't like any one of his older outfits, in time sense or the ones I use to draw him in. - If he feels close to people, he ends up calling sweetie or dear, or any old lady complimenting you name. The only exception is his sister, Carrie, who he affectionately calls 'Care Bear'. - Winter doesn't remember what age he is, he's been through so many timelines and periods that he can't pin point an age. He knows he is at least older than Carrie, which isn't saying much because she is 13.
- Damien is roughly 10 ft tall. He is always leaning down to make sure he can talk to people face to face, or at least they don't have to stare up into the sky to make eye contact with him. - Damien can't see due to all the bandages over his face. - Damien has a soft spot for cats, underneath all the mumbling, he is a real sweetheart.
- Azure is one of the youngest, along with Opal, being 5 years old. - Azure is terrified of everything and everyone. If your name doesn't start with O, she is scared of you and everything you do. - Her star necklace is a gift from someone who she doesn't remember. She wants to thank them if she ever does.
- Lilith is a really good cook. She has an recipe book of all her mother's recipes. - Lilith is the only one of her siblings to only have 1 design element of her outfit that resembles her card. Her tie looks like a spade(Ash has all the diamonds on his eye patch, bag, on his sleeves, he even has card earrings for both of his siblings. Any look at Elliot shows you the hearts on his design). - Lilith really likes bright colors, she adores scene and pastel clothing. But she never wears it as she feels it makes her business woman persona seem fake.
- Cosmo will talk for hours about space. He will tell you space puns, talk about astronomers and astronauts for as long as you let him. - His hair style is just a literal play on space buns. The long parts are just an homage to an old hairstyle I gave him. - Cosmo's eyes aren't actually the neon green ones he has, no one has seen what his real eye color is.
- Navy's veil is to resemble Jellyfish streamers. - If Navy were to open his eyes, instead of pupils, he would have infinity signs instead. - Navy has a brother, but he isn't around much anymore.
- Celina wants to be an actress. She believes that with her dance skills and her 'condition' would make her a star in everyone's eyes. - The stars on her skin (the white dots) would be freckles. - When not dancing or practicing her acting, she likes to a baseball bat to various pictures of other people and smash whatever surface the picture is on. - Her leg strength is very powerful and she will kick your face in, but won't... :)
- Carrie always has her umbrella up, even indoors, she doesn't want people to see her face. - Carrie is very noise sensitive, if there is too much noise, she tends to swing her umbrella in the direction of the noise, hoping to hit whatever generating the noise. - Carrie is blind, she sometimes uses her umbrella as a walking stick when she is sure no one is around her.
- .A.M.Y believes that she is an AI that was created to become human through mechanical means. She started by having a metal spine attached to her. - She loves to learn about mechanics and machinery, she wants to be an engineer when she grows up. - .A.M.Y likes her hair the most about her appearance. She doesn't even like someone touching her hair. She takes good care of it, she believes that's what her programing tells her.
- Willow was a very lonely child growing up. He liked to dream of people to be his friends or siblings. When he learned how to make AI that felt human, he immediately created these people so he could be less lonely. - Willow hates his haircut. The only reason he has it is because his father says he should keep his hair at the length it is. - Willow has the remote control part of his wheelchair because of chronic pain he has had all his life. He can't manually move his wheelchair for long periods. - Willow seeks his dad's praise constantly, he would remove his AI creations if that meant his dad was proud of him.
- Honor has only ever been seen eating meat. Not even Ray has seen her eat anything else. - Honor has 18 older brothers, she is the youngest of her family and the only daughter. - Honor likes plushies, she really likes bunny ones especially. - Honor knows how to sew and cauterize wounds, even ones that could only happen if one were chopping up body parts.
- Elliott's head band(hair tie? it's a long sash that goes on his head it could be both) was a gift from Willow, Elliott is never seen without it on. - The hearts on Elliott's boots, specifically the inner hearts, are actually buttons that activate the skates of his shoes. As seen in this height chart, he does not have the wheels. - Elliott prefers plants over people. His room is covered with plants, it's more of the plants room than his own. - Elliott always has his hair up in some way, if asked he'll tell you that it is because he doesn't want to look like his brother. - The thick part of Elliott's eyes are his eye brows, his eyes are more dot shaped, he is just constantly angry that his eyebrows have stayed that way
- Ray remembers that his father was fisher, which makes him believe that he was named after the Manta Ray. - Ray hates the color blue. He gets irrationally upset when he made to wear it for long periods of time. This being said, he hates Ash's outfit, not Ash, just the outfit. - Ray talks via written word. He has never talked once, he can't. - Honor calls Ray 'popcorn head' cause his hair looks like white cheddar popcorn. Ray has regretfully accepted the fact that she will always call him that. - Ray always has something covering his face, usually the giant sketchbook. He has drawn various expressions on it. Due to this fact, Ray can also fall asleep anywhere, even standing up, and no one would notice .
- Emory sews her own clothes. She likes to take inspiration from Lolita styled clothing. She has also sewn various items for other characters such as the frills underneath Navy's raincoat, the overcoat Winter has, and Damien's entire outfit. - Emory switches between first person and third person when ever she talks. No one knows if she is aware of this. - Emory has a posh British accent. She sounds more British than her siblings. - Emory prefers to wear clothes that coverup her body. Along with several layers underneath those clothes. Her current outfit is her most revealing.
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fllagellant · 7 months
Me reminding myself this is my blog and I can say whatever anyways bc I opened c2077 and my brain is hot wired to mass effect rn . Who wants to hear some loose ideas . You do I am making this choice for you .. under the cut bc long post thumbsup
Wrex is a fixer 1000% . Specifically a fixer out in the badlands working with the nomads bc the Urdnots are a nomad clan so he Has that connection + he’ s just setting up shop outside night city to make life a bit easier . He ends up adopting Grunt at some point when he’ s like . 5ish . Grunt still chooses the name Grunt when he hits like 18 and jumps into organized fighting . Wrex sponsors him in these fights . Bakara is Grunt’ s mother figure and runs the little Fixer Business in tandem with Wrex . She also keeps constant check on the Urdnot clan’ s status and such . She also organizes drag races . Grunt cannot compete in these he crashes any car he drives to pieces . She’ s busy half the day , either doing work on her own car , taking time for prayer , or she’ s just gone into night city for some Reason
Ashley is a rocker who took up the mantle after loosing her grandfather and father in corporate wars . She did join militech for a few years but was discharged later from disorder + she was going down the same path as her granddad + dad and she realized she really didn’ t deserve that fate . She still has her old military upgrades and constantly keeps them checked so they don’ t malfunction badly since they are Old models . She likes them and she knows removal would just be harder than the upkeep at that point . She lives in North Oak . I like to think she does both heavier rock and acoustic , depending on her mood
Kasumi is like . One of The Best people to get on your team for a job . Equipped with top of the line cybernetics , some of them definitely stolen from secure government data , she can easily make any job an infiltration job and can keep casualties to the Minimum . Yes she has the behavioural faceplate and yes she does use it to screw with her friends and contacts often it is good for her. She prefers to stay off grid , but has her own little network she jacks into at the end of the day for her own little joys . She probably lives in Dog Town , to keep herself separate from the rest of night city . She’ s a collector of rare technology too , and will do Anything to get her hands on it . If it’ s still in working condition ? She’ s taking it nothing can stop her
Thane and Samara r also fixers , Thane in Heywood and Samara in Westbrook .. I like to think they share gigs with each other often . They are also often on the look out for newer people to night city to try and see if they Need help or if they Can help and try to set them up from there .. Kolyat runs with a gang in Heywood and Thane keeps up with making sure he stays safe + making sure he keeps up with prayer and whatnot . Morinth is another rocker and braindance actor who tries to make her bds as dangerous as possible . Samara doesn’ t approve of the BDs part of her livelihood but will try to set her up with jobs to keep her busy and keep her out of trouble Samara doesn’ t quite approve of ..
Jack does gigs only related to cyberpsychosis . She’ s a survivor herself and she knows better than anyone how to handle someone during an episode . She crashes around night city and doesn’ t really stay in one place for long . She’ s always checking police scanners to see if another incident has been reported Or if they’ re on her ass again . She has a Doberman she rescued that accompanies her around night city , he’ s very good at protecting her bike from being hijacked . She does have a little side car for him to curl up in during rides
Joker and EDI are a “ team “ of fixers . Technically . They both operate under the name Joker and never show their face during any form of communication . EDI is an AI that hasn’ t been claimed by the Blackwall and Joker is in the process of building her a body that can pass as human just with a Lot of cybernetics . They’ re both netrunners and are terrifying at what they do . Joker is ex corporate and survived a zeroing attempt so he is very . Well . He isn’ t the nicest guy ever .. EDI was a project he managed to save before having to go into hiding for a bit . Joker’ s skills let him have near perfect control of vehicles while EDI is better with security measures . People keep trying to guess which voice of the two of them is real and which one is a cover up voice . Since it’ s not like they want people to figure out what is actually going on
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le-trash-prince · 9 months
Okay here is the final list of all the books I’ve finished this year! (since it doesn’t look like I’m going to get anything finished or even started this week.)
I tend to not finish things if I’m not enjoying them (two exceptions on this list because sometimes I am spiteful), so I liked all of these—but the ones in bold are those I particularly loved (I only bolded one per series or it would just be a wall of The Murderbot Diaries lol).
LGBT+ books read: 48
wlw books read: 22
trans/nb books: 17
I’m very happy with my year in reading. I hit my new year’s goal of 52 books finished. And I read a lot of things that I really fucking loved. Lots of robots. LOTS of scifi/fantasy sapphics which I am SO happy about. Some good horror, some good fucky “romances”. A lot of things written in response to the Trump era or written during 2020 lockdown.
I also enjoyed partaking in online book fandom for the first time in possibly ever! Especially Murderbot fandom, which is very active and creative and lovely.
(If you followed me for my bookblogging, thank you for enduring my Thai BL vroom vroom omegaverse brainrot. It will not be stopping anytime soon.)
For 2024, I am going to keep my goal at 52 books and save any extra time I have for rereading old things.
Anyways the list, for posterity:
After Midnight: A History of Independent India by Meghaa Gupta
The Old Place by Bobby Finger
Ocean’s Echo by Everina Maxwell
The Memory Librarian by Janelle Monae
Women and Girls With Autism Spectrum Disorder by Sarah Hendrickx
A Restless Truth by Freya Marske
Unmasking Autism by Devon Price
Divergent Mind by Jenara Nerenberg
Even Though I Knew the End by C.L. Polk
Strictly No Heroics by B. L. Radley
Love after the End edited by Joshua Whitehead
Juniper Harvey and the Vanishing Kingdom by Nina Varela
All Systems Red by Martha Wells
The Witch and the Vampire by Francesca Flores
Artificial Condition by Martha Wells
Rogue Protocol by Martha Wells
Exit Strategy by Martha Wells
Network Effect by Martha Wells
The Order of the Pure Moon Reflected in Water by Zen Cho
The Lies of the Ajungo by Moses Ose Utomi
Flux by Jinwoo Chong
Burning Roses by S. L. Huang
In the Lives of Puppets by T. J. Klune
Fugitive Telemetry by Martha Wells
No One Will Come Back For Us by Premee Mohamed
The Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi
What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher
The Black Tides of Heaven by Neon Yang
The Luminous Dead by Caitlin Starling
The Witch King by Martha Wells
A Day of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon
We Could Be So Good by Cat Sebastian
Last Dance on the Starlight Pier by Sarah Bird
Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree
Galveston’s Maceo Family Empire by T. Nicole Boatman et al
Blood Sweat & Chrome: The Wild and True Story of Mad Max Fury Road by Kyle Buchanan
A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers
A Prayer for the Crown-Shy by Becky Chambers
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
Galveston’s Red Light District: A History of the Line by Kimber Fountain
Astrid Parker Doesn’t Fail by Ashley Herring Blake
In the Vanisher’s Palace by Aliette de Bodard
The Red Scholar’s Wake by Aliette de Bodard
Harrow the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
Linghun by Ai Jiang
Nona the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
A Snake Falls to Earth by Darcie Little Badger
The Salvation Gambit by Emily Skrutskie
Spear by Nicola Griffith
The Mimicking of Known Successes by Malka Older
Last to Leave the Room by Caitlin Starking
Light From Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki
The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri
The Oleander Sword by Tasha Suri
The Jinn-Bot of Shantiport by Samit Basu
Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders
A Power Unbound by Freya Marske
The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassandra Khaw
Sing for the Coming of the Longest Night by Iona Datt Sharma & Katherine Fabian
System Collapse by Martha Wells
Silver Nitrate Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Whalefall by Daniel Kraus
We Set the Dark on Fire by Tehlor Kay Mejia
Out There Screaming edited by Jordan Peele
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tttovarichhh · 1 year
Homelander & David8
Homelander ratings were plummeting and in order to stabilise the situation, a way out was found that changed the life of the leader of the seven forever.
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"When did we start making robots?"
Ashley looks horrified, trying to hide in a large, mostly empty room, knowing she can't really hide from Homelander's wrath. Or whatever it is - after a few solid years, she's still not good at understanding his emotions and feelings, and that makes her so weak in everyone's eyes. Fucking job. Wow, you're working with the Seven, that's so cool! This is terrible. Ashley, can you get me a Homelander autograph? Yeah, no problem. Fuck you and your big, brave Homelander!
"We needed to do something new, so we all decided this would be a good idea…"
She wished he would start shouting at her - at least then she would know what to do and what to expect from him, but if this psycho was just trying to look polite for as long as possible - here was the problem.
"Who are you all? Why has nobody asked me?"
"But…" Ashley whispers, looking down at the floor, backing away from him.
"Why did nobody ask me?" Homelander asks again, grinning as he flies sharply towards Ashley. He looks her straight in the eye and the girl sees his eyes begin to redden with anger and a desire to burn everything around him.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, maybe this was a bad idea? Who cares about AI anyway? Some stupid nerds, yeah, definitely not Vought International, we don't need this bullshit.
"They thought you'd like me. I think you already do"
A quiet metallic voice breaks the silence and tension in the room. The android smiles slightly and looks at the Homelander, showing all the signs of a friendly attitude. He turns to face him, forgetting Ashley and calming down slightly, the anger in his eyes replaced by curiosity.
"You think so? Come on then, tell me what else you think, I'm really curious to know why all these people find you so special and unique. Bloody hell. What is it? Is it steel?" the man taps the robot's chest with a chuckle, inspecting it from head to toe like the toy which it is. "And why did you dress that thing up like a man?"
"My guess is you're angry with me because I can be better. Or so you think."
Homelander grins at the words and slowly traces the line of the robot's cheekbones. The skin under his fingertips feels surprisingly real, human, too smooth, soft and slightly warm. He had expected metallic coldness to the touch, roughness, anything but this effect of a real person. Fascinating.
"This machine thinks a lot about itself. Why do we need it? Or him? What is this bloody thing?"
"You can call me David. I was designed that way for easier interaction. And as far as I can tell, we look a lot alike, so I suppose I was made in your image as well."
The man exhales, squinting his eyes and not taking his gaze off David, as if trying to see if there is something dangerous hidden behind all that machine perfection. The room is completely silent and only Ashley occasionally taps the tips of her fingernail plates nervously against the folder in her hands. Homelander touches the android's skin again, leading from his jaw down his neck, slowly pulling back the collar of his T-shirt around his collarbones.
"Is that true?"
"We tried to keep David under wraps. He was… He was a gift, I, I can't say this, shit! I'm sorry, I'm really sorry…"
"A gift? What the hell do I need a robot for?" He finally pulls away from David, apparently in a good mood, and slowly walks towards the window to look out at the city.
His city.
"It's smart and it's responsible and it's good at analysis. And, you know, everybody's talking about artificial intelligence now, so the idea was that if you start to interact with an android like him, maybe do some soke staff together, like some basic interactions, chats, small missions, it will be good for Seven's rating and of course your personal rating. If you don't like him, we can destroy him."
Ashley quickly, as if trying to say at least two words at a time, blurted out a short explanation, immediately suggesting a way to solve the problem. Hell, they'd put so much effort, time and money into David to what? Ruin it before its own media announcement?
"I like him. And stop call David it. He seems to be more human than you fuckin' are," he sits down at the table, leaning back, relaxing in the chair, examining the android. Blond hair, blue piercing eyes, correct facial features and body proportions, tight t-shirt with a small Seven log in the left corner on the chest. Homelander grinned, biting his lower lip, shifting his gaze to Ashley, who's still shaking.
"Sure," she smiles nervously, placing the folder on the desk next to Homelander, "David, he. Of course. I have some papers about him, here, just for you to understand his system, here is some basics and drawings, and..."
Some of the papers from the file scattered on the floor and David immediately began to collect them, helping the girl. In contrast to her movements, his were calm and unruffled, and he immediately put the documents in the correct page-by-page order, carefully putting sheet to sheet for fear of crumpling them.
"For God's sake! Can you stop being so infuriating? Fucking hell, Ashley! Go, I can manage that without you here! C'mon, leave!"
"Go away!" Homelander screams at her, leaning over the table, starting to get a bit annoyed by her here. She nods and quickly runs away from the room, leaving them, Homelander and David, basically still kneeling before him, together.
"In my likeness, eh? Interesting. And what do you know about me?"
He looks down at David from above, enjoying the view. Whoever was behind the idea of creating this android is still worthy of at least a little praise, because David really does look incredible. Incredibly alive and real, who he wants to break as much as he wants everyone around him to conquer themselves.
"The information that was put into me when I was programmed includes basic information - Earth's greatest superhero, leader of the Seven, Homelander has superhuman strength and hearing, is able to fly, use x-ray vision, and release laser beams from his eyes," David stands up, passing all the papers from the floor to Homelander, slightly smiling. The robot's fingers lightly touch Homelander's and he only presses his lips together, quickly interrupting the touch.
"Perhaps you're more interested in my personal opinion?" David smiles, tilting his head slightly to the right like a child.
"You have your own opinion?"
"In addition to basic knowledge, the ability to analyse and draw personal conclusions based on what I've seen, heard, felt has been programmed into me. I also understand human emotions, though I don't have the ability to feel them myself. On this basis, yes, I have my own opinion."
"Go ahead."
David is silent for a few seconds, looking at the Homelander across from him, sitting in the chair, trying to look relaxed. The robot notices the slightest movement of the tense muscles under the suit and exhales. It's not going to be nice.
"You seek understanding around you, at least one person who can truly appreciate you as a person. Deep childhood trauma. Probably an underlying self-hatred that leads to a desire to be the best of others, to be a few notches higher."
Homelander jumps up, bending over the table, pulling David to him by the scruff of his T-shirt, looking him straight in the eye, seething. The android notices the red sparks in the other man's irises and fixates on that alone for a few seconds, ignoring the tight grip. The man hisses at him, quietly, pulling even harder on him, causing David to wriggle uncomfortably.
"You... Piece of metal. You don't understand anything about me! A useless set of elements! I could break you with a touch if I wanted to."
"But you don't want to. You're interested. You want to explore me as something new and available only to you. Why not?"
David just smiles, looking into Homelander's eyes, still focusing on sparks. They are starting to disappear slowly and AI sighs.
"Yeah... Why not? You're right. When is your first official media promotion?"
He lets go of the android, sitting back in his chair, grinning.
"In a week, next Sunday. Ashley said it's better to give us some time to used to each other before," he replies, still standing on opposite side of the table, looking at Homelander. They really are similar. Too similar not only in a look but even in behaviour and it makes David exited.
"Fuck her. Don't even pretend to take care of what she's saying, stupid bitch. You have to listen only to me, David, understand?"
"Yes. I understand."
"Good boy."
Good boy. No-one else called David like that and it's... Strange? Nice? Clearly pleasant. He likes it. And he wants to be a good boy. Just for Homelander.
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