#Asian knocks out Blonde
fantasychickfights · 2 years
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Poor blonde challenge the brunette Asian & paid the price …
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chaethewriter · 1 year
You're my type.
Jack Champion x reader
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In which Jack talks about his celebrity crush, leaving you with your own thoughts.
A/N: rushed this in between my work, enjoy this lowkey terribly written thing <3
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"Probably Margot Robbie if she was younger and single you know. I would be like, hey you wanna go.." with Avatar 2 releasing in the cinemas, the interviews with the next gen cast were hitting the charts. Trending on all platforms as they were the face of the upcoming movies. This also meant that their fanbase would skyrocket. Especially Jack's. And you couldn't blame them. Your boyfriend of almost a year was young and handsome, of course he would get the attention. And well deserved. With the amount of focus on Jack, clips about him went viral. And you got across one of those clips.
Probably Margot Robbie if she was younger and single you know. I would be like, hey you wanna go..
You watched a tiktok on your for you page of your boyfriend going on about his crush on Margot Robbie. And she was pretty, beautiful even. But there were these thoughts at the back of your mind.
Was that his type?
Were you even his type?
Margot Robbie was every boy's dream: blonde long hair that sat on her shoulders and those blue eyes that lit up the room. You threw your phone next to you, screen facing downwards as you rested your back against the soft duvet. You gazed at the ceiling, eventually touching your forehead with both of your hands as this was such a stupid situation. You were supposed to meet up with him today, and you couldn't let this entire situation decide how today was about to go.
You had an hour to get ready, both mentally and physically, as you had to get your shit together. He loves you. He chose you. Hell, he made the first move. His celebrity crush shouldn't define who he dates.
But your celebrity crushes are usually the people who you're attracted to right?
Shut up.
You changed into your date outfit, which was harder than usual, because you wanted to look extra pretty for him. Clothes scattered around the room, covering your floor as you dug into your closet. Eventually, you found something pretty. An outfit you had always felt pretty in when you wore it. But once you looked in the mirror, all your confidence fell to your feet.
Was this how he loved you?
Dark hair flowing past your neck with dark eyes staring down someone's soul. Your skin the center of attention in your transparent room. In front of that same mirror, you had done your makeup. Something lightweight, concealer hiding the spots you were insecure about. Eyeliner at the outer corners of your eyes with kohl, as well as your waterline. Applying a brownish lipstick on your lips, because anything shade lighter than that you hated on your lips.
Downstairs, you sat on the couch. Your father at the dinner table with your mother in the kitchen. Your legs bounced as you tried to forget about his words.
Probably Margot Robbie if she was younger and single, you know..
Would he have dated someone who looked like her instead, if he were to meet her right now?
He wouldn't right?
What if he felt attracted to her, what then?
Too lost in your thoughts, the knocking on the front door remained unanswered. "Open the door, I think it's your white boyfriend." Your father had yelled from the dinner table, not looking up from his phone. The volume of his tone kicked you right out of your thoughts. You got up from your seat, your knees buckling as you walked towards the door. "Hii baby!" His smile reached his eyes as he immediately pulled you in a tight hug, his nose burying into your hair as he slightly bended over. This could almost make you forget about your worries. Almost.
You were short, to say the least. You just reached his chest as he was incredibly tall for his age. You were the average height for your people, but for Westerners, it would seem incredibly short.
"Hi, love." You stood on your tippy toes with your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him down to you to press a kiss against his rosy lips. Butterflies tickled your stomach as his plump lips pressed against yours. He was the one to pull away first, gazing into your eyes with his nose scrunched up, "You look so pretty, baby. All that for me?" You could feel your cheek warm up and as a response you broke eye contact with him.
He smiled at you, your shy demeanor so cute to him. Behind you, a lot of movement occurred. It made Jack look up, coming face to face with your father.
"As-salamu alaykum, sir." His American accent obvious as he spoke. This time, it was his turn for a blush to creep onto his cheeks. You have been together for almost a year, but he still had yet to win over your father's heart.
"Wa-Alaikum-Salaam. She's home by 7pm without tears. Bring her home. Have fun." Your father was extremely stern, his words extremely to the point. Yet, he always made sure to end his speech on a good note.
"Of course, sir! I will get her home safe and sound!" While holding him in your arms, you felt him stiff in your hold. It made you giggle. Your 6'1 "foot boyfriend shaking in his shoes in the presence of your much shorter father.
You had greeted your father in a rush, pulling your boyfriend with you as the two of you headed towards his car. He had opened the door for you, "get in, milady." You chuckled at his little acts of service, thanking him as you sat down on the passenger's seat. Jack walked to the other side of his car and took a seat next to you, "Where to, pretty?" His hand was already resting against your thigh, awaiting your answer. Dates with Jack were always unexpected. It was always where the moment took the both of you.
"Mall?" You shuddered as his fingers ran against your skin, the thin material of your pants not offering much cover. "Sure thing, whatever my girl wants."
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The ride was quiet, your fingers playing with his free hand as you gazed outside the window. He treated you so well. So why were you feeling like this?
"What's up, pretty?" He noticed your unusual behavior. Of course you did. How couldn't he? He was by your side from your highest to your lowest, he basically knew almost everything about you.
You bit your bottom lip as you pulled at his skin, "nothing."
A lie.
Once again, silence filled the car with the radio playing as a background noise. Should you just tell him? Now? Before it could ruin your date?
"Tell me?" He put his car in park once he found an empty place in the parking lot, pushing his seat back for enough space between him and the steering wheel. To pull you by the arms onto his lap. You were facing him now, completely stunned with this action.
"Tell me, pretty girl." He pressed a kiss against your nose, his hands on your waist to keep you secure, "what's wrong?"
Communication was important.
It was the key.
"Promise you won't get mad?" You played with his shirt as you spoke, your gaze locked on the necklace lying against his collarbone. The pendant wad a pretty pink rose quartz, shaped into a heart. You remembered gifting him it as a way to hint your feelings to him. The color didn't match the color palette of his outfit, but he still wore it around his neck, almost proudly.
"You're thinking too hard with that pretty little brain of yours. I'm sure I won't get angry with you, babe."
"Uhm, okay." You took a breath, your fingers now tracing the cord of the necklace, "am I your type?"
It made you look up at him, your eyes wide as you awaited an answer from him. A smile made its way on his face, immediately leaning down to press a firm kiss against your lips, "of course you are, why are you asking?"
"The interview, you uhm," you tried to gather your words in a sentence that would make sense and Jack gave you all the time you needed. His hands rubbing your back reassuringly as he watched you intently.
"You said you would shoot your shot with Margot Robbie."
Jack had opened his mouth to speak, but you cut him off, "I don't look like her. So you know, I thought—" this time, he cut you off with a deep kiss. A tender one, one that held so much meaning. Passion. Love. One of his hands traveled towards your cheek, caressing it as he deepened the kiss. Your hands stayed at his chest, clutching onto his shirt.
He had pulled away from the kiss to gasp for air, "I love you." He breathed out against your lips, "I love all of you." He continued, pressing a kiss against the tip of your nose, "I love this."
A kiss against your eyelid.
"I love this."
A kiss against your cheek.
"I love this."
Your forehead.
"I love this."
Your lips.
"And I love this."
"I'm so different from her, look at me! I'm—"
"Beautiful." He finished your sentence with lovesick eyes. "You're beautiful."
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liked by justy/n, misstrinitybliss and 308k others
jackchampion me when she's the one having my last name @ justy/n
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justy/n ily ily ily🫶
-> jackchampion love you❤️
justy/n bold caption!
-> jackchampion watch it happen, I will manifest it🌕
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enkays-den · 1 month
Skizz Week 2, Day 6: Pet/Pal
1k, mentions of dubious use of armadillos in sportsball, Skizz, Tango, Zedaph, Etho
“Skizz! What are you doing around these parts?” Tango jumped down from his balcony, alighting softly beside his friend.
“First off dude, I live like, twenty seconds away. Second, Etho summoned me! And when the king summons, I come a-runnin’!”
“That’s true, he’s a rare sight,” Tango agreed. “I was certain that with Iskall starting his vault expeditions, we wouldn’t be seeing him for another couple weeks.” 
A pink firework exploded a couple hundred feet away, drawing their attention.
“Who’s pink? Stress?” Tango asked.
“No, can’t be, she would have sent me a giant ‘ELLO’ at some point,” Skizz said, squinting.
Another burst of pink, a little closer this time.
“Catch me, fellas!” A man’s voice called.
“Oh that’s Zed for sure,” Tango said, stepping out of the way.
Skizz saw the movement out of the corner of his eye and stepped so he was in front of Tango, his back facing the smaller man. “Where are you going? You’re gonna help me catch him!”
“Me?!” Tango yelped, trying to escape Skizz’s radius. “What am I gonna do, you’re like half a foot taller than me!” Zedaph was closing in, a speeding blond bullet in the air.
“Help me brace!” Skizz’s voice was filled with that seemingly oblivious optimism. He was holding his arms out to Zed’s rapidly approaching form.
“We’re gonna die,” Tango deadpanned, accepting his fate and putting his hands on Skizz’s shoulder, unsure of how to “brace” for this.
Zed crashed into Skizz’s open arms, his weight sending Skizz, Zed, and Tango screaming and tumbling backwards into the (moderately) soft grass. Eventually, the screams turned into laughter as the three men detangled themselves.
“Gon’ feel that in the morning,” Zed groaned, grinning and stretching his back.
“You’re such a buttface,” Tango accused. “Why can’t you just land?”
“Where’s the fun in that?” Zed asked mischievously. 
Skizz gave the Brit a quick hug. “Good to see you, man. Etho message you too?”
“Yeah, wonder what he wants?”
“Same, I thought it was just postal biz, but apparently not,” Tango said, pushing himself to his feet.
“Maybe he just messaged everyone that’s here right now,” Zed suggested.
“Well now I don’t feel special, Zeddle Bop, thanks!” Skizz pouted like a child, earning teasing pokes from his friends.
Skizz ran over to Etho’s gorgeous Asian-style base and knocked on his door frame. “E! Your poss-e is here!”
“Just a sec, Skizz!” Etho’s voice echoed from inside his house.
A few seconds later, Etho jumped from the story above, landing almost silently on the wood flooring. “Hi guys,” he said awkwardly.
“Hey Eefers,” Tango said. “What’s so important you called us goobers over?”
“It’s over in this room over here, follow me.”
The four of them walked to a room in Etho’s basement, and Tango gasped.
In a large caged pen filled with sand (the sand was directly on the floor???) were about two dozen armadillos, either wandering the perimeter of their enclosure or lounging on a flat piece of sandstone.
“Oh. My. Gosh! There’s so many!” Tango squeaked. 
“Can I pick one up?” Zed asked eagerly.
“Sure, just be gentle when you approach them, otherwise they’ll roll into a ball.”
“Where did you get so many of these guys?” Skizz asked as Tango and Zed approached the pen. 
“Ren wanted me to get a whole bunch for his soccer game,” Etho said.
“Is he really going to kick these little guys around?” Skizz asked, concerned.
“Not technically kicking,” Etho defended. “It’s wind charges only, they just roll, and they don’t get hit. Cub already did lots of testing, and they seem fine as long as they aren’t constantly rolling for more than like, five minutes. I’m looking to breed a lot more of these guys and maybe do some revamps of the rules to make rounds shorter.”
“PETA’s gonna roll in and bust this whole operation open,” Skizz joked.
Etho chuckled. “Maybe, but I’m not the one who made the game, that’s all Ren.”
“Classic Etho, always placing the blame on someone else,” Tango quipped, holding a baby armadillo the size of a grapefruit in his hands. “These guys are sooooo cute!”
“Okay, now I wanna grab one of these goobers,” Skizz said. “Move over!”
He eyed a particularly large armadillo on the sandstone slab and scooped it up. Its armor was almost like a hard basketball. The armadillo blinked its tiny black eyes at him and let out a little squawk.”
“Uh oh,” Etho said, grabbing the animal from Skizz’s hands. “Be right back!” He ran out of the room, leaving behind three very confused hermits.
“I… didn’t even know they could make noises, let alone sound like a doggy toy,” Skizz said, laughing.
“Truly nature’s most majestic of creatures,” Zed said wisely, feeding an armadillo a little piece of apple from a bowl Etho had on the floor.
“They’re apparently also ticking time bombs,” Tango noted, turning over the armadillo in his hands to examine the furry belly. “Maybe they’re vicious.”
“This little lad for sure is destroying this apple slice,” Zed said seriously.
Etho returned, panting a little. “Sorry about that,” he said. “Sometimes when one of them starts screaming, it sets the whole group off.”
“Jeez, one heck of an alarm system,” Skizz said.
“Doc can use it the next time someone messes with his redstone,” Tango deadpanned.
“Did the person who did that ever come forward?” Etho asked, scratching under his mask.
“They apologized, anonymously,” Zed said.
“If it even was just one person,” Tango countered.
“My diamonds are still on Cub,” Zed said, shrugging. By this point, he’d fully climbed into the pen and had three armadillos on his lap looking for fruit.
“Those things are glued to you, man,” Skizz said
Tango gasped, turning to his friend. “Zed, Aerial Armadillo Service!”
Skizz burst out into giggles
Etho laughed. “Oh no,” he said between breaths.
“Etho, Skizz, you wanna help dangle these dudes?” Zed asked.
The two of them exchanged a silent look. Etho’s eyes crinkled with barely held back mirth. Skizz grinned.
“You know it, Bop.” 
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thoughtsandbones · 1 year
Between your hands, I open
I saw @tacticalanklebiter3000 do a repost about softdom and my mind went straight to our beloved masked menace, but with a twist..
Content: 18+, P in the V (use a rubber folks), Soft!dom, F!Dom, sex, established situationship/relationship on the DL... profanity.
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x South Asian F!Reader ;)
(Although some OC mentioned from my on-going series)
All rights reserved to the rightful owners of Call of Duty Modern Warfare.
The Anchor was thriving tonight. Laughter and the clinks of glasses hung within the air. The outside beer garden was prospering, buzzes of conversations, then a roaring laughter overruled the conversations.
Soap had just won another drinking game against you, he threw his head back and pointed towards you. You roll your eyes at him and grasp your pint in your hand and drain it of its contents. The sticky heat of the evening started getting to you, from the reflection of your phone screen you could see droplets of sweat on your forehead.
Pressing your empty, yet still cold, glass to your forehead, you feel a little relief from the heat.
Looking up you see Soap badgering Gaz and Price, Peyton laughs at them, not wanting to have a go at a drinking game with him when he asks her. To next to Soap was Ghost, his blue eyes glued to you. Nodding at him, he nods back averting his gaze down to his bourbon.
How could he wear a mask and a hoodie in this heat you think
Staring at your empty glass, and then at your watch you think it's time to go home.
Ghost gazed upon you, parts of your hair stuck to the glistening skin of your chest. It was the first time he'd seen you wear a dress, especially how the pink colour made your tanned skin glow, the mix of sweat, heat and the perfume you wore was his own personal elixir of... he lifted his mask slightly and took a soup of the icy bourbon.
He snaps out of that trail of thought. He couldn't go back to that memory now. Here of all places. He glances back over to you and your eyes flick to meet his. Like magnets. Suddenly, your face changed as you looked at him, holding his gaze; eyes glazed with a sudden lust, biting of the lower lip. His eyes drifted back to your eyes, you flickered your lashes, coated with mascara, the once sharp eyeliner now blurred on your eyelid. The sudden wink you gave him was all he needed to know what awaited him.
"Gonna head home now" You say aloud, placing the glass back down on the table. You get up and leave and say your final goodbyes to everyone as you slip your jacket over your arm.
Grabbing a taxi home, you take out your phone, like it was second nature, you text Mine in 30 mins? you hit send, and seconds later your phone vibrated, a flutter in your chest as you read.
Course :)
Letting yourself in your flat, you rush to the shower, turning it on, the both the heat of the sun and the heat from your loins were scorching your skin. You strip yourself of your dress, underwear and enter the tub, the cold water cooling your brown skin. A sense of slight relief overcomes you.
After finishing the shower, you moisturise, fresh cotton lacy pale lilac underwear and a lilac lacy bra, grabbing your large t shirt and shorts.
There was a heavy knock on the door, you slip the shorts on and make way, opening it, revealing the lieutenant, his blue eyes, dart of your face. You smile and tilt your head
"Hey" slips out
"Hey again" Ghost replies, looking down at you, he was disappointed that the dress you wore was gone. You make way for him to enter.
"It's boilin' out there" He says walking in, taking off his hoodie, revealing his t-shirt, in black of course, patches soaked in sweat.
You walk over to him, lightly placing your hand in his shoulder, trailing your fingers to the skin of his upper arm, sweat coated between the blonde strands of hair.
"Want a cold shower?" You ask, lacing your fingers through his.
Ghost turns around and takes his mask off, revealing a sweaty red, yet clean shaven face, wreathed with various scars, you took little notice to those. His eyes coaxed yours.
"Cold bath?" He asks, widening his blue eyes coming closer to you, grabbing a strand of hair that was damp between his fingers "See you already had one withou' me" He smirks
You smile back "It was too hot out there" You reply, reaching for his hand that held the strand, and guiding him to the bathroom, he walks with no restraint.
Reaching over bath you seal it, and bring down the shower head. Turning the taps on so the cold water fills the tub. Simon strips down before you, and smiles as you check the water and place some bath soap in the tub, he marvelled at the way you instinctively grabbed the lotions of potions that will soothe him.
He then sits in the white porcelain tub, knees bent, his hands swaying in the water as the bubbles accumulate around him, he looks at you as you reach for your shampoo, and sinks his head back into your hands as your lather the shampoo in his hair with the shower head, closing his eyes so his senses can focus on the touch of your fingertips running between his hair, gently, massaging the flesh that forms a barrier to his own skull.
"Let me take care of you" You whisper in his ear, giving him a kiss on his cheek.
Simon hums as your fingers trail down his body, wiping away the built-up dirt and sweat, the cold water surrounding him bringing him comfort on this hot English day with a bamboo loofah.
He never knew someone could treat him with such care and tenderness. Your hands dance around his body, he follows your commands; just like you followed his.
When you ask him to get up, so you can dry him with a big towel you got just for him, he does so, there is no embarrassment or guilt, just comfort and trust for the first time in this exposed position.
You wrap the towel around his waist, he sits on the edge of the bath tub, he pulls you close and nips your neck, you smile as you look down at him, holding him close, arms draped over his broad muscular shoulders.
"Can you do the skin thing on my face" He mumbles, burying his head in your chest. You pull away slightly and lift his chin with your finger, and smile.
"What do you want me to do?" You ask, grinning slightly.
"I want you to put that fancy stuff on my face" He says, cheeks turning red. His arms wrapped around your waist, hands resting on your bum.
Smiling back, you nod and then start the same skincare routine you do on him, cleanse, tone and apply a sheet mask, a new look that makes you giggle.
"Think you should switch to this mask when in the field" You say, he scoffs slightly, and gives a light smack on your arse, the sensation moistening your clothed pudendum.
Once the routine was done, Simon drags you back to the bed, he tries to get you to go on the bed, but you spin round under his arms, and try and push him down. He smirks at the attempt and sits down, leaning back down on the bed, legs planted on the floor, all done willingly for you. He watches as your top and shorts are taken off and climb on top of him. He moans and takes in the sight of you, his hands grazing the edges of your lingerie, the lilac bra enhancing the golden brown skin. His rough hands linger across the flesh of your bum and down your thigh back, dragging his nails deeper into your tissue back up to the waistband of your underwear.
"Tell me what you want Simon" You say kissing his chest, making your way up to his lips, locking eyes.
Your hair is scattered around his face, you were millimetres apart. He wasn't sure what you meant, you were what he wants, he has you right now on top of him. You look deep into his ocean blue eyes, and then down his face, scattered are scars of all kinds, you kiss each one.
"You" He rasps, hoping that'll satisfy.
You move away, sitting up, but planting yourself on his crotch, where nothing but a towel covered him.
"Tell me specifically what you want me to do Simon" You say looking at him, smiling, running your fingers up and down his chest.
"Kiss me" He whispers, closing his eyes, longing for your lips on his mouth again.
You oblige, but you reach down where the towel was held together, untying it, moving down, and start kissing his inner thighs.
Simon groaned, his hands finding your head, now it was his chance to run his fingers through your hair, his nails grazing the scalp. His hardened cock twitches at your touch.
Kissing the flesh covering his pelvic bone, you start nibbling at the skin, leaving small little red marks in your path as you go across his body. Your hands trail the muscles of his torso, and his arms. He shudders beneath you as you run your tongue down the indents of his muscles and scars.
Making your way back to his mouth, you take off your underwear, now too wet, and sit on top of his heavy cock, the flesh and bone grinding against each other. Simon groans in pleasure.
You kiss the skin, the scars, the parts of him he hides. This was your way of telling him he shouldn't be ashamed.
"You're teasin' me" He groans, as he tried to move his hand to his cock to put it in you, but you grab his hand and pull it back near his head. You move up to his face, and grin whilst holding his arm down, you gaze at the tattoos adorned on his lower arm, skulls, bullets, bombs; chaotic remnants of war.
"Good" You say smugly and start kissing his cheeks, and down his neck, using your teeth gently as you bite away at him. Grinding harder against his hard member, lathered in your juices.
Simon groans louder, with his other free hand he gives you another light smack on the arse, you laugh into his chest and then move his nipples, biting down harder this time. In your procession of masticated flesh, the tiny capillaries burst in a deep red colour down Simon's waist and across his abs.
"Sit up for me" You say and Simon does so, you motion to the headboard of the bed. You climb on top, and position yourself, sliding onto his huge cock.
"Ahhhhhh fuck" Simon moans as you go down and up slowly. He watches you, his hands clasping the small of your back. He feels you clench his member, moving up and down slowly. He noticed you were still wearing that pretty lilac bra.
Bet it would look better on the floor he thinks to himself, kissing the skin of your chest. He watches as you moan softly, bouncing gently on him.
"Bite me harder" You say, moving closer to him, your breasts practically touching his cheeks. He removed the bra, freeing the breasts, he grasps them gently in his hands as he suckles on skin near the nipples. You moan deeply. He moves to bite your nipples, and leaves red marks around the flesh of your breasts.
Whilst on top, you change the motion of your hips, from up and down, to round in circles, clockwise and anti-clockwise, Simon moans against your chest and pulls you in tighter. He tries to move up and down into you but you tell him to stop, you're in charge this time.
He slowly let's himself go, your hands cradle his head, he looks up at you and then down to the breasts that begin to bounce as you slightly increase in speed, you kiss his forehead. Fingers running through his damp blonde hair, slicking it back.
Simon bites down on your neck, digging his finger nails into your flesh as your speed up.
"Feel good?" You moan softly
"Course love" Simon says against your skin, and looks up at you. You smile down at him. He turns his head back between your breasts.
He felt the pleasure build up within him, he felt like he was going to burst at the rate your were going. But suddenly, as though you sensed it, you stop. He looks up astonished.
You laugh and smile, kissing his lips, the salty sweat dancing on your tastebuds.
"Lay down for me Simon" You say, and he does so, you still on top, he shimmies down the bed. Sweat clings to his skin. You move your hips, back and forth, engaging your core as you slowly move. Simon rests his hands on your hips, the pleasure building again, he felt his body tremble with lust and desire, he watched as your abs flexed and breasts bounce.
"God you're so handsome" You say, tracing your hands over his body and to hip face, especially his Adonis belts, adorned with two long scars and a gun shot.
Simon scoffs and rolls his eyes, you take note, and slow down to stop, he watches as you lean over and kiss his lips again.
"You. Are. So. Handsome." You again, kissing him between each word. His blue eyes look back into yours, he grips on your hips tighten as he tried to make you start moving again, his hips thrusting into you.
"You're so handsome and cool" You say, smiling. Leaning back you start moving.
"Drivin' me insane here" He says massaging your breasts, tugging at your nipples. You moan aloud. He loves how you take your time, commanding both his and yours pleasure, your words and touch making him feel loved.
Suddenly, he cums, inside you, without warning, he feels an electric ripple go through him as his cock pulsates inside you.
"Finally came? You say kissing his cheeks and lips.
"Yeah" He says gasping, his body vibrating with satisfaction, you stroke his cheek and kiss him. Simon holds you in tight and looks up to you, words struggle to come out as he opens and closes his mouth.
"Simon, you are so amazing and desirable" You say beaming at him. With all his final strength he rolls you over and kisses you deeply as he thrusts his buzzing member deeper within your portal. Slowly coming out of you, he watches as you lay there stroking his arms.
"Let me clean you up love" He says, bring you close to him, you get up with him, legs feeling like jelly, stumbling slightly, Simon steadies you.
"You took out it me and you" He mumbles, kissing your neck, taking you to the bathroom, you laugh lightly. Although his legs, no, his body was tingling, and he wanted nothing more to lay back down, it was his turn to care for you. You finally opened him up.
Simon carried you back to the bed, fresh underwear, no bra under spare t-shirt of his, he laid beside you, wearing his boxers, the bare skin of his chest glowing from the sweat, he grabbed his phone and put some music on. You sit up, look down on him, he brings his hands to your face, grasping at the nape of your neck, pulling you in close.
He kisses you and strokes your lower back as you rest on top. After some time, you had fallen asleep across his chest. Simon ran his fingers through your hair. He felt his eyelids become heavy. Closing his eyes he allowed himself to drift off with you in this moment.
He didn't care if the world ended right now, because the only person he cared for in the entire world was here, resting on his chest. It was with you he finally bloomed.
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nomoreusername · 1 year
It's Always Been You
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Pairing:Aris x gender neutral reader
Summary:When a new group arrives at WCKD Aris's behavior is definitely off when one of them starts flirting with you.
Aris and I are opposites in every way. I guess that's what drew us into each other. I know I could tell him anything without it being spread around, and he knows I'm always here even if it's just to sit in silence. Plus, the fact that we had been here the longest out of everyone definitely helped.
We were eating lunch together as he told me what he heard in the vents. I was about to ask what he meant when the door opened. In walked a group larger than any of the others and looking very out of place. An Asian boy with dark hair looked at me and smiled. A different boy with blonde hair saw this and nudged him in the ribs. I laughed a little at their bickering, and the boy winked at me.
I looked back at Aris to see he was clutching his silverware so tight I thought it would snap in half. "Are you alright?"I asked.
"Fine,"He said, not looking at me. I reached for his hand like I always do when he's upset, but he snatched it away. He didn't say a word for the rest of lunch.
♡ - - - ♡
I had been trying to get him to talk to me for the rest of the day, but he would only give me a one word response. By the time dinner came around I was tired of it. I'm not frustrated he doesn't want to talk. I'm frustrated that he's being so passive aggressive. When he wants to sit in silence he always tells me. It's clear that's what he wants so why can't he just say that?
Eventually, I gave up on having a conversation with him and accepted that he wasn't going to tell me what was wrong today. He wouldn't even look at me.
As we sat in an uncomfortable silence I felt someone come up and tap me on my shoulder. I turned around to see the boy from this morning.
"What's up?"I asked with a friendly smile.
"You've been here for a while, right?"He questioned. "Yeah. Me and Aris actually,"I answered, pointing behind me. He just looked at me puzzled. "You and the boy in the hoodie?"
I nodded and turned around to see he was gone. He wasn't anywhere in the cafeteria anymore.
Worry flooded through me. He'd been acting strange all day, and now he's gone. It'd be one thing if he left, but the fact that he slipped out without a word is another red flag.
"Excuse me one moment,"I said politely before leaving out the backdoor. For some reason guards never looked at this one so he must have left this way.
I quickly yet quietly made my way to his room. I didn't even bother to ask how he got in as I banged on his door. When no one answered I knocked harder and started yelling his name. I didn't stop until he opened the door just enough for me to see him.
"I'm busy,"He mumbled.
"Busy with what? There is literally nothing to do here,"I reminded him. He just shook his head and mumbled something incoherent.
"Aris, please let in,"I begged. He didn't say anything as he shut the door. I thought he was just going to lock me out until I heard the buzz of the door opening so I could come inside.
I took a seat on the bed as he stood there awkwardly before joining me. "Are you okay? You disappeared halfway through dinner."
"Nice of you to notice,"He responded so quietly if I wasn't two inches away I wouldn't have heard it.
"I always notice when something's off. You've been off since this morning,"I said, reaching for his hand. He pulled away even quicker this time, as if my touch could burn him.
"Do you want to sit in silence?"I offered.
"I want you to leave."
"I'm not leaving you alone when you're this upset. I won't speak, but I'm not leaving you alone,"I said firmly, trying to look him in the eye. He just looked up and blankly stared at me. It was like he wasn't all there.
"I'll leave if you look me in my eyes and say it. If you look at me and tell me to go I will."
"You can't do this to me Y/N. I can't do this to myself. Just stop,"He pleaded, close to tears.
"Stop what? Just tell me, and I will,"I promised. "Stop doing that! Stop grabbing my hand! Stop running after me! Stop checking on me! Just stop making it so easy to love you!"He choked out through sobs.
I stared at him as he sat next to me close to breaking down. I didn't know what to say.
Instead, I grabbed his face and kissed him. I could feel him tense at first before kissing back like his life depended on it. I could taste the tears that had been running down his face as he deepened it. We didn't stop until we needed air.
"I'm in love with you Aris. I've always been in love with you."
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k8epot8e · 7 months
Train in Vain: Chapter 4
Frilly Drinks
You, Kid and Kil, join the party at the Sunny. Will you be able to convince them to give you a lift to the show?
Good god, I'm late with this !! Sorry ! Thanks for continuing to read it makes me v happy <3
TWs: Drinking, smoking pot, cursing.
“(Y/N), my name is Nami, nice to meet you. How do you know these two goons?”
The redheaded woman eyed you with a smirk.
You and Kil had just grabbed two dining chairs and scooted them into the circle. Kil handed both you and Kid a glass of whiskey before sitting down to your right. The man with the guitar was on Kil’s right, while Kid and the blonde man completed the ring of chairs to your left. You crossed your ankles to avoid your knees touching the legs man-spreading out on either side of you and rested the glass of whiskey on your lap. You took a sip of your drink and paused to think about your phrasing before you spoke.
“We met tonight actually.” You said.
Eyebrows were raised in your direction. You flushed and looked at the ground, trying to think of how to explain your strange relationship with the two men.
“Kil saved her from some perverts on the train.” Kid exhaled, breaking the silence. He took a long swig of whiskey and looked at the floor.
The blonde man on Kid’s left shot up out of his chair and walked over to you, lingering to your left. He extended his right hand out towards you, gently.
“I’m so sorry, my dear. Are you alright?” The man asked, his blue eyes tenderly piercing your own.
You hesitated before placing your left hand gently in his. His long, calloused fingers cradled your hand like a baby bird.
While maintaining eye contact with you, he bent his head, blond bangs lightly caressing your wrist, and placed a chaste kiss against your skin.
“My name is Sanji. If you ever need anything, I am at your disposal.”
You flushed again, feeling everyone’s eyes on you. You felt some stares sharpen, but you couldn’t tell which ones. Surprisingly, Kid or Kil was not the first to react.
“I wish someone would dispose of you already” The green-haired man snorted, knocking back his glass of sake.
“Fuck off, Zoro” Sanji's face turned beet red as he snapped at the green-haired man.
Laughter erupted from around the room. Sanji released your hand and walked to the bar cart.
You looked up from your hand as it lingered in the air. As you trained your gaze back to the circle of people, you briefly locked eyes with Kid. His jaw was set, a vein protruding from his right temple. He quickly snapped his eyes away from yours, resting his chin in his right hand.
“Well, it seems like you’ve had an eventful night already. Glad you’re okay and we’re happy to have you.” The older, raven-haired woman smiled at you warmly.
“Thank you,” you replied, smiling back at her. “How do you all know each other?”
“All of us live in the building. I’m Robin. My partner Franky and I live in the apartment above this one.” She replied. “He’s not here at the moment, he stepped out to get more beer and soda. He basically runs on Coca-Cola.” She giggled.
“Luffy, Zoro, and I live in this apartment” Nami added. “Zoro is this idiot here” She jabbed her thumb at the green-haired man next to her who offered her a scowl in return.
“You now know Sanji,” the young Black man added, “He and I live in the basement apartment with our other roommate, Tony. He’s out with Franky getting more drinks. I’m Ussop. Sorry about Sanji, he’s just…like that.”
The man with the guitar chimed in, “That leaves Jinbe and I. We live in the apartment down the hall. I’m Brook, little lady,” The older Black man winked at you as he resumed strumming out chords.
“Pleased to make your acquaintance” The older Asian man you assumed was Jinbe nodded at you.
“Wow, that’s really nice. I wish I was friends with my neighbors. I don’t even know who they are!” you laughed.
“It’s definitely not typical,” Robin smiled. “Luffy’s grandpa owns the building and charges fair rent. It’s perfect for Franky and I so we’ve never thought to look elsewhere.”
“Jinbe and I have lived here a long time. It wasn’t always so tight-knit, but we like these kids. They keep us young, right Jinbe? Yo hoh hoh!” Brook laughed.
“They wear me out” Jinbe laughed in response.
“It would be better if Gramps didn’t make me pay rent” Luffy stuck out his tongue before taking a swig of beer.
“Luffy, he lets us get away with so much. You should count yourself lucky” Ussop responded, rolling a joint on the table with precision.
“No, Luffy is right. He’s a cheap old geezer.” Nami huffed.
Sanji returned from the bar cart with three drinks, holding them deftly in his long hands. He placed one in front of you, Robin, and Nami. They appeared to be cosmos, bright pink liquid shining in the slender martini glasses. Each drink was garnished with a lemon twist, delicately cut into the shape of a heart.
You set down your whiskey and traded it for the cosmo Sanji had put in front of you. You took a sip. While you typically preferred whiskey-based cocktails, you had to admit, this was delicious and easily the best cosmo you’d ever had. Maybe the best drink, period.
Looking at the drinks, Kid and Zoro both snorted. The two men locked eyes. After a second of silence, Zoro crossed his beefy arms over his chest.
“So, what do you want, Eustass?” He spat.
“Don’t be rude,” Nami elbowed him in the gut. Zoro grunted.
“Fuck, woman! You know I’m right.” Zoro rubbed his side and glared at her.
The redheaded woman sighed. She gestured for Ussop to pass her the blunt he had just rolled and he obliged. She took a long inhale and let the smoke pass out her nostrils.
“He’s not wrong. I’m assuming you’re not here because you love our company.” Her brown eyes surveyed the three of you curiously.
“As much as we’re enjoying ourselves, you’re right, we are here for a reason,” Kil said, breaking the silence. “You know we’re in a band.”
“Yo hoh, yes, I’ve heard you’re making quite the impression around here,” Brook laughed. You recognized the song he was playing as “Lookin’ Out My Backdoor” by Creedence Clearwater Revival.
“I’ve been a session musician in this town a long time, so I like to stay up on the local scene.” He explained. “You boys seem to be raising some hell with that punk act of yours.” Brook smiled at Kil.
Kil took a deep swig of his whiskey.
“It comes with the territory,” Kil admitted thoughtfully. “The punk scene is rough, so you gotta make a name for yourself.”
At that moment the door was kicked open. You jumped and spilled some of your cosmo on your legs. A tall, broad man walked in the door, carrying what must’ve been at least 10 cardboard boxes of Coca-Cola and assorted brands of beer in his arms.
“We got the GOODS!” He yelled excitedly. “Hey sweetie,” He bent over and kissed the top of Robin’s head as he made his way through the room toward the kitchen.
He sported a mullet that was teased up high on the top. He wore a blue Hawaiian shirt that was unbuttoned halfway down his chest and loose jeans with a wallet chain hanging out of his right pocket. His thick, Jersey accent matching the thick gold chain dangling from his neck.
Following the large man was a small kid with shaggy, mousy-brown hair. He couldn’t have been older than 18, his face still sweetly adorned with baby fat. He wore a striped yellow tank top and brown cargo pants. On his head was a pink baseball cap with a white “X” logo that you didn’t recognize.
“We got the GOODS!” the kid repeated happily, his voice cracking slightly.
The kid looked up and jumped when he saw you, Kid and Kil.
“Who’re you? What are you doing here?” He asked, surprised. The large, men obviously intimidating him.
“They’re okay Tony, don’t worry.” Robin smiled at the kid reassuringly. He stared curiously at you before shuffling off to the kitchen.
Kil turned his head back towards the group.
“Cause of the, uh, incident involving (Y/N) here, we had to bail from the subway on our way to a show,” Kil explained, finishing his glass of whiskey.
“And you’re here 'cause you need a ride,” Nami interjected, looking at Kil flatly.
“I would be happy to pay for gas money,” You added, breaking the locked gaze between the two of them.
“Well, Franky is the one with the car. You’ll have to ask him,” Ussop said as Nami passed the blunt back to him across the coffee table.
“Luffy, why are you smiling like that?” Zoro asked his friend warily.
“Cause a concert sounds fun!” He replied, a mischievous grin painted across his face.
“No. There’s no way I’m going all the way across town to watch these two clowns scream about their feelings.” Zoro huffed, pointing a finger accusatorily at the smiling man next to him.
The room broke into multiple discussions. Kid got up from his chair and went to the bar cart for another drink. Kil followed after him. Franky and Tony had exited the kitchen and were now seated at the dining table, each with a can of coke. After getting another drink, Kid walked into the kitchen while Kil sat down to talk to Franky.
You figured that Kil had the situation under control so after a second to think, you grabbed your cosmo and followed Kid through the doorway into the kitchen.
The apartment’s kitchen was a faded, butter-yellow. The linoleum-tiled floor was patterned with blue and white diamonds that matched the blue countertop. The white fridge was covered in happy selfies of Luffy, Nami, and Zoro in various places being held up by novelty magnets. To the right of the fridge was a large window that led to an old metal fire escape on the other side. Kid had somehow clambered his broad body through the window and was leaning his metal and flesh forearms on the railing, looking out over the city street.
You gingerly crawled through the window and joined him, leaning on the railing to his right. He grunted, acknowledging your presence.
“I think Kil will be able to convince Franky to give us a lift,” you said.
Kid took a big swig from his glass of whiskey, swallowing hard. “I jus wanna get out of here.”
“They don’t seem too bad,” you responded.
He scowled and took another sip.
“You just wanna rut Luffy,”
“I do not. Cut it out.” You laughed and elbowed him.
Surprisingly, he smiled back at you.
“I knew you liked frilly drinks,” he tsked at your cosmo.
“Say what you want, but this is actually really good. You’re just mad you didn’t get one.” You took another drink of the bright pink liquid.
“Pfft. Even if I did, which I don’t, he only makes stuff for women. Nothin’ more pathetic than a man who thinks exclusively with his dick.” Kid sighed.
“Aw come on. He’s over the top, but he was just being nice.” You said, looking down at your glass.
Kid turned to look at you. You felt his gaze burn into the left side of your face.
“You really don’t think he’s just trying to get in yer pants?” He asked, rough voice emphasizing his disbelief.
“He gave one to Robin!” You retorted.
“(Y/N), a woman’s relationship status has never stopped a man from shooting his shot.” He immediately responded.
“Okay, so you’re saying that you don’t think with your dick?” You asked, finishing your drink.
“I didn’t say that,” he paused. “I just don’ONLY think with my cock.”
“Oh, well, you deserve a medal,” you rolled your eyes. Kid laughed.
“Well I saw you thinking with your cock earlier when Kil touched your arm on the street,” Kid turned his large frame to face you, his bright red lips curled up into an evil grin.
“What are you talking about?” You turned your body to face him.
His shit-eating grin was so wide it took up most of his face.
“I saw the way you were quakin’ in yer boots. I don’t blame you, Kil’s good lookin'.” His eyes bored into your face, relishing every slight change in your expression.
“You’re nuts. I was just surprised is all,” You said, averting your eyes from his.
“So, you gonna jump his bones or what?” He laughed.
“I’m not going to dignify that with a response.” You said, turning your body away from him to face the city street.
Kid laughed haughtily at you, the blood rising to your cheeks again.
There was a moment of silence. You liked the way the wind whipped your hair back from your face, but you were getting cold.
“Aw, come on girlie. It’s no fun when you don’t bite back.” Kid teased.
You couldn’t quite read the look he gave you. His eyes were softer than normal, but he was still smiling darkly at you.
“Okay then. Are you going to jump Nami’s bones?” You smiled at him.
Kid threw his head back in a raucous laugh.
“Yeah, right. I think these idiots would actually kill me. Sanji would need the help since that pansy definitely couldn’t kill me on his own.” Kid said smirking. “But don’ worry baby, you don’ have to be jealous. I know you’re pining after me.”
You rolled your eyes at him. Again.
“Hey, idiots.” You heard someone say from behind you.
You both turned to the window. Kil was, very cutely, bending over and peeking his head out the window.
“Who’re ya calling idiot, dork?” Kid laughed at his friend.
“Franky has, very reluctantly, agreed to give us a ride. We’re going soon so you two should stop pussy-footing around and kiss or just come inside already.” He withdrew his head and walked back through the kitchen.
You and Kid were both silent, blood rising to your cheeks. A moment passed before Kid angrily yelled after Kil, “WHAT’D YA SAY TO ME YA CUNT?"
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dandelionterminal · 3 months
Invisible String (Sebastian x OC) Part 1: Prologue I
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tags: not beta read, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, like demon ranking stuff, Demon Deals, demon biology, Mentions of Myth & Folklore, Family Feels, Platonic Relationships, Eventual Smut, Eventual Romance, Song: invisible string (Taylor Swift), Cross-Posted on AO3, eventually part of a collection
characters: Sebastian Michaelis, Original female character
-One single thread of gold tied me to you-
Demons, angels, and grim reapers roam the streets of London in the latter half of the 18th century. Adelaide DuPont knows that whatever killed her parents was not human. Someone, or something, killed them and left no trace. Adelaide and her brother, Luca, are left almost desolate. Their only hope is to get the Earl of Phantomhive on their side as an investor in their parents' company. Sebastian Michaelis is a leashed demon. However, that does not stop him from smelling his mate. He will not let the fate of humans in this world take her away from him. He can balance two goals at once. He can care for his master and convince his mate to return to the pits of Hell with him.
Every faith in history holds some shred of truth. No one faith holds all the answers to the way of the world. No one being that exists on the mortal plane can answer all questions. No piece of folklore is entirely true. Many creatures exist, from the yokai of Japan to the Selkie of Europe. Many wives' tales are also true. Our story is based on a few shreds of folklore and faith. Demons, angels, and grim reapers roam the streets of London in the latter half of the 18th century. Within these streets, one earldom houses many strange people and… entities. 
Ciel Phantomhive, a dark-haired young man with fair skin, houses a rather odd band of servants. Mey-Rin, an outwardly bumbling and clumsy maid with maroon hair and wide glasses, has extreme farsightedness. She has an impeccable vision for seeing afar and is an invaluable sniper. Baldroy, a former soldier with dirty blond hair and lightly tanned skin, is a very headstrong man. He is stubborn and determined to prove himself, but he could be a better cook since he is a chef. Finnian, a walking ray of sunshine with equally sunny hair and freckles, is abnormally strong. Having previously been an experiment subject, he is not used to his strength and breaks objects easily. Tanaka, a butler from Ciel Phantomhive’s younger childhood of Asian descent, does not provide much in the form of serving. And finally, there is the “leader” of the servants. Ciel Phantomhive’s personal butler, Sebastian, is not human. He blends into the human servants well, given that they are all so peculiar. Their own non-human characteristics may help them ignore the russet red eyes and sharp fangs that protrude from his lips. The dark hair on his head matches the dark color of his nails and contrasts his inhuman pale skin. 
As we take a peek into their lives, we may observe the servants preparing for guests. The non-human butler cleans up the messes the bumbling staff make as they lay out provisions for these guests. He glances around at all of the staff, taking note of the auras that glow around them. Mey-Rin and Bard glowed with bright red energy, Finny glowed a brilliant yellow, and Tanaka a soft blue. He watched as his young master came down the stairs, speaking in that too-grown-up tone that masked the young boy inside, as he glowed in muted colors that were filtered by his blocked energy. The servants, including our demonic butler, all bowed to their master. 
“Where are our guests, Sebastian?” the young master asked.
“They should be arriving any minute, my young lord,” the butler answered. As if on cue, a knock resounds on the door. Mey-Rin scrambles to open the door for the guests. On the doorstep stood a young woman with light skin like fine porcelain. Her cheeks were hollowed and her emerald green eyes were dull and sunken. She wore a dress of cheap blue material that highlighted her strawberry blonde hair. Next to her stood a boy with matching hair and eyes who wore a suit of the same material. His figure was much healthier than that of the young lady, though. 
Sebastian took stock of the pair. The boy’s aura glowed a vibrant indigo, but he oozed introversion and anxiety. The female’s aura was a dull, almost black shade of grey. It was a dulled shade of white, a very rare aura color. He looked her up and down when he noticed a shimmer of gold near her hand as she curtsied to the master of the house. He did not hear her words, however, as his ears rang and hummed with his pulse. His heart raced as he took a deep breath, smelling the most alluring scent of discontent mixed with florals and musk. His eyes traced the thread as it flowed into the manor. His mind raced as he saw the thread reach him and go around his neck, tying and binding him to the thing human female standing before him. His face briefly showed his shock before he masked it in a smile. 
His master, the owner of the contract binding him to the mortal plane, spoke to him, “Sebastian, show Ms. DuPont and Mr. DuPont to their seats. We will dine and then discuss business,” he said sternly. His visible eye glowered at him, noticing his flustered state. 
Sebastian’s heart raced in his chest, thumping rapidly with excitement. The need to claim his bondmate was strong in his veins. 
“Of course, my lord,” the demon said. He glanced up at the siblings, “Please follow me, my lord and lady.” 
He led them to the dining room, desperately trying to ignore the scent that was filling his nose. The scent of his mate. The one who held the thread of his fate.
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comicavalcade · 1 year
Submariner Summer 23
Hey hey everyone its time for #SubmarinerSummer read through, part 23. Diving into Tales to Astonish #90: To Be Beaten By BYRRAH! The cover paints quite the tableau, too. Byrrah, a Golden Age rival of Namor, now makes his Silver Age debut to bedevil our sea prince once more.
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On the Title page, we are quickly reintroduced to him just as his long-laid plans to destroy Namor are ready to begin. The fiend! Truly an appropriate antagonist for issues with art by Bill Everett, and I'm sure that's no coincidence. Also dig those Forbush water ballets! 🤭
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Fair warning, I'm likely to get a little ranty since this ish leans on a key element of Namor lore that deserves highlighting. Case in point: racism. Namor has faced it his whole life from other Atlanteans, including and perhaps especially from other royal Atlanteans
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Being mixed-race has been a challenge he's had to struggle with; his arrogance, insisting on his own worth and excellence, is a *response* to that struggle. He'll show them who's a "mongrel" "half-breed"; and of course, his physical power has been his avenue to that validation.
Of course its no easier for him on the surface; he doesn't even pass for *human*, let alone white (he's typically described as looking asian, traditionally, if he's described in human terms). He is absolutely always an outsider there. So why is Namor so angry all the time? Lol. Rofl. LMAO, even. Why *wouldn't* he be?
ANYWAY, back to Byrrah, blond racist of Atlantis. He's been biding his time, using his aristocratic influence building up trust and influence with people and connections that will help him take control for his own selfish gain
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Now he sees his chance, and starts a full public relations campaign, painting himself as peace-loving and Namor as a warmonger, as well as a "freak" who's just dumb and strong because again, metaphorical racism. And it seems to work well as people start to call for a plebiscite
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Of course, he's pulling this little Game of Thrones move while Namor is away. Luckily, Lord Vashti comes to let him know. Namor doesn't believe it could work, but Vashti disavows him of that, so Namor returns to Atlantis to try and counter Byrrah.
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Byrrah had planned for just that, and takes the opportunity to demand a royal challenge for Namor calling him a coward. This seems counterintuitive, since Namor is more powerful, so Dorma is suspicious, as is Vashti, but Namor is Namor, and Byrrah knows him well...so its on!
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Incidentally, this is like the third trial by combat we've seen; seems pretty ingrained in Atlantean culture. Makes for exciting stories of course, but also lends context to Namor solving things by insisting on fighting about it since he sees himself as embodiment of his culture.
At any rate, it doesn't take long for Byrrah to start using loopholes to gain an advantage on Namor. Namor has advatages of his own, of course, but Byrrah was two steps ahead, and doses Namor with a strength-draining chemical applied via saw-fish. Ah yes, oldest trick in the book, saw-fish injection
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Now weakened, Namor is unable to take down Byrrah, who takes the offensive and delivers the knock-out blow on Namor. Imperius Rex?
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Namor is devastated, of course. But not because of his loss so much as that the people have turned against him and cheer his enemy. Dorma and Vashti try to comfort him, but Namor is worried that all his enemies will now team-up, dooming Atlantis and then the rest of the world!
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Call me crazy, but I like the internal Atlantean politics stories, bringing back the racism against Namor that would pop up in the Golden Age and will pop up in future stories, delivered by a Golden Age adversary that's fun to dislike as a low schemer in Byrrah.
The art really works for the story too, Everett hasn't lost a step. The man knows Atlantis, and he adds in little details that remind me of the Golden Age Atlanteans/"submariners", which is cool to see if you've read Namor's oldest stories.
But, our cliffhanger left Namor at this low point, and NEXT we'll see what happens in the reign of Prince Byrrah of Atlantis in Tales To Astonish 91: Outside The Gates Waits Death!
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fantasychickfights · 2 years
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the Princess (L) vs the Queen (R) … blonde sends out the challenge & the Asian quickly jumps on accepting it …
Will the blonde be able to handle the Asian beaut or will she be punished for actually challenging the “Queen”?!!
Left or Right???
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the-delta-42 · 10 months
The Doctor first met Marinette when she was a little girl, and he was in his first incarnation. Susan had taken Ian and Barbra around Paris, while he sat on a bench in a park that had a bakery opposite it. He found the humans unnecessarily dim-witted, slow things that could barely comprehend the passage of time.
The Doctor was vaguely aware of a pair of eyes staring at him. He carefully looked down and came face to face with three-year-old girl, holding a large teddy bear and with her thumb in her mouth.
“Um, hello.” Said the Doctor, his head tilted forwards, “Where did you come from?”
The three-year-old, without removing her thumb from her mouth or dropping the teddy, pointed at the bakery. The Doctor waited for the girl to go back to the building, before letting out a sigh and gently guided her back to the bakery.
When he entered the shop, he saw an Asian woman frantically looking around, while he heard a set of footsteps on the floor above, no doubt the girl’s father.
“Excuse me, madam.” Said the Doctor, before the woman, without looking at him, brushed him off.
“I’m sorry, sir,” Said the woman, barely paying attention to him, “but, I’m afraid I’m looking for someone at the moment.”
“A three-year-old, with a large stuffed toy and a habit of sucking her thumb?” Asked the Doctor, making the woman freeze, before looking at him. She immediately caught sight of her daughter, sitting behind the man, thumb still in her mouth, hugging the teddy.
“Marinette!” Gasped the woman, rushing forwards and picking the toddler up, “I was so worried.”
The toddler, Marinette, let out a quiet hum, her eyes drooping. She snuggled against her mother. The Doctor took the opportunity to look around the shop, for some reason he recognised it, and usually when he recognised a place, it was important. He then spotted a bag with a logo on it that froze him to his core.
Tom & Sabine’s Bakery
The Doctor suddenly realised why he recognised the place, young Marinette was an important figure in the future. A very important figure.
Without a word, the Doctor left the Bakery, before Sabine could ask him anything. The Doctor walked briskly, looking around for Susan, Chatterton and Wright. He found them by the Seine.
“We need to leave.” Said the Doctor, making them jump.
“Why, grandfather?” Asked Susan, automatically recognising the look on his face.
“We’ve landed at a very delicate moment in time and the longer we stay, the greater the chance of us accidentally changing the course of history.” Said The Doctor, as he hurriedly led the other three back to the TARDIS. The Doctor almost knocked the toddler’s mother to the ground.
“Oh, I was worried I’d missed you,” Said the woman, pressing a bag of treats into his hand, “I don’t know how to thank you, if you hadn’t have found her, something horrible might’ve happened to Marinette.”
“It was no trouble, my dear.” Said the Doctor, before the woman walked away.
“Is that why you want to leave, Grandfather?” Asked Susan, as the Doctor frowned, “You saved a little girl?”
“Not just any ‘little girl’, Susan,” Said the Doctor, looking at his Grand-daughter, “Marinette Dupain-Cheng.”
Susan gasped and looked at the woman’s retreating figure, “We’re in Paris, in the early 2000’s.”
“One of the very few places we cannot go.” Said the Doctor, as they reached the TARDIS.
As the Doctor went to close the door, he saw a woman with blonde hair looking at him. The woman nodded and placed a finger to her lips. The Doctor swallowed, when a young woman with black pigtails appeared next to her. The Doctor slammed the door shut, before going to the controls and taking off.
The Doctor looked at himself, his future self was seemingly chaos incarnate, who’d save two people from dying in World War One. The two silently watched and listened to the soldiers during the one-day armistice. It was as the soldiers were singing Auld Lang Syne, that a question popped into his head.
“As I will not remember it,” Said the Doctor, getting his future self’s attention, “That girl, in Paris, Marinette. Did we ever go back to her?”
The Doctor stared at him, before a small smile appeared on his face, “Sometimes, it’s best to leave things a mystery. We all need something to be surprised at.”
The Doctor frowned, before nodding, “I think I’m ready now, but I should like to know; are you?”
His future self was silent, before saying “You’ll find out, the long way round.”
“Whatever you decide, good luck, Doctor.”
His future smiled, “Goodbye, Doctor.”
With that, the Doctor walked back to his TARDIS, ready to face the end of his life and the birth of his next.
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The Agency - Declassified Files
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Though the word 'dragon' is a broad classification pertaining to several different species of Supernatural peoples, the Dragon (Imugi) originates from the Korean Peninsula. Having fallen through a portal from the Echo World some time in prehistoric East Asia, this species of supernatural is somewhat reclusive. Known to inhabit secluded locations in the mountains of Korea, spreading into China and Siberia, these Supernaturals quickly ascended to deity status amongst the young civilizations of Asia. Shapeshifters by nature, these Supernaturals are extraordinarily long-lived, with some estimated to be several thousand Earth-years old. These Supernaturals often prefer to inhabit a human form when interacting with the world around them. However, some that have retreated from the world are thought to have permanently shifted into their serpentine, draconic form.
In Korean mythos, dragons are depicted in one of four color schemes: red, blue, green, or gold. These color schemes mimic the color schemes of the different draconic bloodlines found worldwide, with each coloring tying the dragon to an element of nature which they have magical control over. Red -> Red dragons in human form will often have dark red hair and fiery orange, yellow, or red eyes. Red dragons are tied to the element of fire, and work well with other Supernaturals with fire-based Magic. In mythology, red dragons were symbols of war, and sometimes associated with the rising sun, particularly in Japanese mythos. Blue -> Blue dragons are often seen with black hair, though some may sport dark blue, turquoise, or even shades of blue-green hair along with blue eyes that come in a variety of shades. Blue dragons are tied to the element of water, and have aquatic abilities such as the ability to breathe underwater and control water telekinetically. In mythology, these dragons were associated with bodies of water, from rivers to the sea. Green -> Green dragons are generally seen with green hair in many different shades, though the most common seem to be a sort of blue-green or an evergreen shade. Their eyes will range from bright, vibrant jade to green that is so dark it is almost black. Green dragons are tied to the element of earth, and have been known to exhibit healing abilities, as well as control over rock and/or plant life. Some dragons of this classification also seem to be able to poison or knock out humans similar to the effect of a vampire's pheromones. Green dragons were often associated with the mountains of the Korean Peninsula. Gold -> Gold dragons are the rarest of the four, tied to the element of air. They often have very light colored hair, ranging from whites to blondes to grey. Their eyes are usually white, grey, yellow, or in some cases, a pink-ish hue which resembles the color of the sky at sunrise. These dragons were associated with the sky, the wind, and storms, as well as good luck and good omens. Their magic involves controlling the wind, and they are known to be particularly fast and agile. All dragons have slitted pupils like cats and sharp teeth when in human form, as well as large ears that come to a point at the uppermost tip. Their facial characteristics are always similar to that of humans in Eastern Asia unless they are half-blooded or less with human blood not of East Asian descent. All dragons can conceal these traits with magic, but many choose not to when in the company of other Supernaturals. Some dragons are observed to have facial markings similar to tattoos, and for some, these markings continue over the entire body. There are a few instances as well of dragons who have recently shifted into their dragon form to have scales that linger across their brow and cheekbones.
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The Dragon (Imugi) subspecies of Dragon appear as large, serpentine reptiles very similar to the Chinese and Japanese subspecies of Dragon. However, distinctions can be made by counting the number of toes a dragon has -> the Imugi subspecies has four toes on each foot, while other subspecies often only have three. Imugi are also known to have great horns atop their heads in the shape of antlers, something that notably the Chinese subspecies tend to lack. The size of a dragon's nonhuman form can vary, ranging from 8 to 10 feet in length to upwards of over 60 feet, though those larger than 15 feet are rare and often extremely old.
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smallerplaces · 1 year
Evi Love and the clone posse, a dd's discounts adventure
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While out running errands, I did a circuit of discount stores off the Golden State Highway in Turlock. By far the best selection of clone dolls was at dd's discounts. The doll section was clones, clones, clones -- plus some actual Evi Love.
First to catch my eye was Lilian, who here is knocking off Evi Love Romantic Carriage, with a side of Belle vibes. Her face-up is incredibly similar to Evi Love, and I have to admit I like seeing a hair color other than platinum blonde.
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For the same low, low price of $5.99, here's a real Evi Love. dd's had a ton of genuine Evi dolls in various playsets. This one in particular tempted me because it includes a younger baby. But if I started on clone babies, I'd need to buy the Kid Kore Native American baby currently listed on eBay, and then these things spiral and before you know it I'll be obsessing about the Heart Family Neighbor Asian Baby. Ms. Leo's extensive and adorable collection of Barbie babies is a warning of how easy it is to end up with a lot of babies.
Also, I'm not crazy about Evi Love in her classic blonde version. She's going to look large and sullen next to Kelly. I like her rare Asian face-up best, and almost any brown version next after that. But dd's had only white Evi dolls (which is sad, since the store's target market is not white).
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This nameless gal appears to be more inspired by the original 2010 Chelsea, with maybe some Ty Lil Ones in the body and foot type. It looks like she can hold her paint brushes!
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Googling for "Kaibibi Girl" gets me a variety of large-headed dolls (Google Translate tells me that "kaibibi" means "domes" in Arabic, which is likely relevant, as I think the doll is made for sale in Egypt). The ones this size appear to emulate Evi Love's lifestyle, with lots of furniture, vehicles, and exotic vacations.
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This one came the closet of the dd's dolls to coming home with me, thanks to that bathroom sink, the articulation in the Barbie clone, and the presence of two younger sisters. However, I don't need a white body donor, the taller girl's face-up is so, so badly done, and the little one is a very low-quality clone that shows up all over the place. I've had her from Dollar Tree with plastic furniture, and she doesn't compare well to other Kelly clones.
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Mary Todd pt15
ao3 Beginning Previous
“Wow! Did not expect to see you here!”
Marinette turned and saw a tall blonde woman with Asian features standing behind her. Artemis Crock, Roy’s pseudo-sister/in-law. They really hadn’t gotten much of a chance to talk at the diner, so Marinette smiled and shifted in a silent invitation. Artemis took it by claiming the barstool next to her. “Where did you expect me to be?” Marinette asked as she sipped her whiskey.
“I don’t know,” Artemis admitted, “Running with the bats, driving your brother nuts, climbing my brother.”
Marinette felt the light blush, but she only chuckled and shook her head as the other hero ordered her own drink. “I’m not even dating him yet and already we’re Gotham’s newest power couple.”
“Well, what did you expect when you took on a Rogue on your first date?” There was laughter in her voice, and Marinette accepted the ease of the conversation as easily as she were with Alya.
“It’s not like I planned it,” Marinette insisted. “Besides that’s not why I’m here.”
Artemis nodded. “Yeah, I overheard Jason complaining to Roy. Apparently he’s trying to decide whether or not he should kill my idiot brother for ‘trying to seduce the only pure one in the family,’ his words not mine, or encourage it cause he doesn’t want you to leave Gotham.”
Marinette groaned, knocking back the last of her drink before signaling for another one. “Ok first of all, I’m hardly pure.”
“Oh,” Artemis sang leaning forward, “Anyone I would know.”
“Not personally,” Marinette said playing with her glass, the faint smile of nostalgia lighting up her face, “Probably by reputation. But they’re dating each other now, so they’re hardly competition for Roy.”
Artemis chuckled, “Good to know. Now on any other night I’d ask you why Jay is so panicked about you leaving without him, but I have the feeling you didn’t come here to remember.”
Marinette groaned leaning back on her stool, and found herself staring at her reflection in the glass that revealed the rowdy but happy atmosphere she had found herself in. Big burly men playing pool. Slender women with mace on their key chains toasting each other in the booths. Working girls resting their feet before heading back out on the streets. Baby faced teenagers trying to convince the bar tender that they could handle their liquor. It wasn’t clean, and half of these people were probably criminals, but it was full of life and warmth and light. Marinette loved it.
She sighed as she turned back to her impromptu drinking companion, “How long have you known Jay-Jay?”
“Since he was Robin so close to…eight? Maybe ten years now. Probably longer, why?”
“I was three years old when we were separated,” Marinette said softly but not bitterly, “You know him better than I do. You’re probably more of his sister than I am.”
Artemis snorted and shook her head. “Hardly! I mean, yeah, I probably do know him better than you, but there’s nothing brotherly or sisterly about our relationship.”
“Have you too--?”
 Artemis gave a dry laugh, “No! He was just a kid when we met, and besides, me and my boyfriend…” A warm soft smile spread over Artemis’s face as she accepted her drink. Marinette knew that look. The brightening of her eyes, the glow on her face, the relaxing of her shoulders. This was a woman completely in love in the best way.
“What’s his name?” Marinette asked resting her chin in her hand.
“Wally,” Artemis said still smiling as she sipped her drink. “Wally West. My best friend, and a pain in my ass most days! I’m so lucky to have him. Especially after everything we’ve been through.”
“Is he…part of the community?” Marinette asked hesitantly.
Artemis tilted her head in a so-so motion before saying, “Off and on, when he needs to be. He’s mainly focused on his career though, which works. The city where we live doesn’t exactly need more heroes. Not like here and in Star City. So we can live quietly away from everything, living our lives until the red phone rings, so to speak.”
“That sounds nice,” Marinette said wistfully, and she tried to imagine it. A quiet life running her own boutique, working on commissions in the back room. A loving partner waiting for her at home with kids, and maybe a hamster. But…
The fantasy just didn’t feel right anymore. That was the fantasy of her childhood, the dream of her slightly crazy and stress riddled youth. So much had changed since then. So much had happened. She had killed a man. And she didn’t feel guilty. She had taken responsibility for the cosmic forces of the Earth, and in doing so had dedicated the rest of her life to running around the globe. And so when she dreamed of the future, a bright, warm, home with someone waiting for her…It just didn’t fit anymore.
She sighed as she sipped her drink, “Not to bring down the party, but I don’t know if that will work for me. I doubt I’ll stay anywhere longer than five to ten years, and then I’ll have no idea where the universe will call me to next. A quiet life as a redundant hero doesn’t really gel with that.”
Artemis nodded her understanding sipping her own drink quietly, “I get it. You’d be hard pressed to find anyone in the community who didn’t. The Bats never leave Gotham. The Lanterns jump around the galaxy. And all of our personal lives are as twisted and scrambled as a bowl of spaghetti.”
Marinette laughed and nodded, “Roy and Lian deserve better.”
“Oh, come on!” Artemis cried, “You haven’t even done the whole, ‘I have to ditch our date cause of a robbery’ routine yet!”
Marinette shook her head as she laughed, “Been there done that one too many times, thanks. Personally I’d like a relationship where I didn’t have to do that.”
“Then at least give Roy a shot,” Artemis said, “He’s a doof, but he’s a good one, and he’ll never ask you for anything that you aren’t willing to give.”
“And Lian?”
Artemis looked into her glass her expression darkening, “My sister, her mother…let’s just say there’s a reason Jade gave her to Roy and then skipped town. But she didn’t have to leave. She could have stayed. She could have tried, and we all knew it. But she didn’t.”
“I’m not going to have a choice,” Marinette said softly.
“I know,” Artemis said simply, “And that’s why I think you’ll be good for them.”
Marinette shook herself and turned to Artemis incredulously. “I’m sorry but how would me leaving them every other week to jet off around the world be good for them?”
Artemis looked at her calmly and full of understanding, “Because you would try. I’m sorry if this is overstepping, but Cassie has told me a lot about you. In fact, she pretty much raves about you every chance she gets. And if there’s one thing I got from all of her fangirling, it’s that you are a person who tries.
“You try, Marinette, when the world is caving in around you. When your friends are being hurt or misled. When everything seems to be falling apart, you always try. Roy and Lian don’t need someone who can effortlessly be there twenty-four seven, and solve all of their problems. They need someone who is willing to put in the hard work, and is not afraid of the difficulty.
“And you…and again stop me if I’m overstepping. But you seem to need someone who will let you be free. You can’t tie yourself to any one place because of your responsibilities. So you need someone who is willing to wait for you, give you a place to go home to when it’s all said and done. Am I wrong?”
Marinette shook her head and sipped her drink, “Are you some sort of therapist or something?”
“No,” Artemis scoffed, “But my best friend is a telepath and a therapist. I guess I might have picked some stuff up from her.”
Marinette sighed as she ran her finger around the rim of her glass. “I wish my life were simple. I wish I was just a regular vigilante, and I flew around the city with grappling hooks instead of a magic yoyo. I wish I could just cave to Hippolyta and let her make me an Amazon. I wish all I had to worry about was a single city, and a single team, with a single mission. But…" she sighed, "That’s not my life. It was never meant to be my life. I couldn’t fight it the same way you can’t fight the Earth from spinning on its axis.”
“Do you hate that?”
“No,” Marinette said simply, “Destiny is weird like that. You can’t stop the future designed for you, but at the same time it was the future you would have chosen anyway. I really can’t begrudge the roles I have, because looking back, I really can’t say I would have, or could have done anything different. I’m not a puppet, I chose this life as surely as it was chosen for me…I know that doesn’t make any sense, but—”
“Hey,” Artemis said with a sly smile, “Don’t worry about it. At this point I’ve just learned to shrug my shoulders and role with whatever comes next. So long as I can shoot whatever comes next in the face with an arrow.”
Marinette laughed and excepted the self-assured confidence of her companion. “Well, then tell me, what should I do about Jay-Jay?”
“What do you mean? Roy seemed to be under the impression that that was all settled. Something about him being some sort of divine executioner, or something?”
Marinette shook her head pursing her lips. “I suspect that he is the Executioner, but I have no idea if he actually is or not. We won’t know either way until the time actually comes. Until then all we can do is live our lives and wait for destiny to catch up with us, or vice versa.”
“What’s against him being the Executioner?”
“The Pit Madness for one,” Marinette said as she nocked back the last of her drink, “The Executioner is meant to be a calm and detached extension of the Arbiter’s will, and protector for the Guardian. At first I thought he might be the Executioner because he was so determined to protect me, and was so against the idea of me killing. But the more I think about it…”
“Yeah,” Artemis agreed knocking back her own drink, “Calm and detached never really described Jason even before the Lazarus Pit…Are there any other options?”
“Me,” Marinette admitted. And there was silence between the two women that was accentuated by the muffled sounds of the Bar around them. Finally, Marinette sighed and said, “Merde! Listen to me. I came out to get away from all the drab destiny talk, and now I’ve dragged you down with me. I barely know you!”
“It’s cool,” Artemis said with a laugh. “I don’t mind. We heroines have to stick together right. Lean on each other when the world gets us down. Groan and roll our eyes when the men are being especially stupid.”
“Ok,” Marinette said with a laugh. “So how do you recommend that we turn this party from sad ass to badass.”
Artemis laughed, “Ok you are definitely Jason’s sister! Now get on your phone and call Babs. I’ll call M’gann and Zatanna and see if we can’t get an impromptu girls night going. Maybe, Raquel's free?”
“Ok,” Marinette said with a smile, “Should I call Cass and Steph too?”
“They aren’t legal…wait, are you?”
“I am in Paris.”
“Then we’ll Zeta to Paris!”
“Ok,” Marinette said not even trying to fight the bemused smile that was growing over her face, “But I have to warn you, though, ever since I turned into the mystical keeper of balance within the universe, it has become very difficult for me to get drunk.”
“I’ll take that as a challenge!” Artemis exclaimed, as they paid their tab and left the bar.
“Wow! Did not expect to see you here!”
Kon looked up to see Wally, Jason, and Roy walking towards him. “I didn’t expect to be here,” the first Superboy said. He narrowed his eyes at the way Jason was shooting Roy death glares, while Roy was carefully not noticing them. Meanwhile Wally was walking between them, fidgeting as if he were walking down death row. “What’s wrong with you three?”
“Nothing,” Roy and Jason said simultaneously. Although Roy said it with an exasperated sigh, while Jason said it through gritted teeth.
Wally rolled his eyes and said, “Have you seen the #badassParischick thing going around.”
“Oh,” Kon said tilting his head, “You mean Roy’s new girlfriend?”
“She’s not his girlfriend!” Jason snapped.
“We haven’t talked about it yet,” Roy said whistfuly.
“Yeah,” Wally said bemused, “BadassParischick is Jason’s little sister.”
Kon blinked, stunned. “Bruce got another one?”
Roy and Wally snickered as Jason shot them both a glare, but he explained nonetheless, “No! She’s my biological sister. We were separated by CPS. And she’s Ladybug.”
“Wow,” Kon said stunned, “Your sister really is badass.”
“Yes! She is!” Roy exclaimed, “So can you please tell Jason to cut the over protective big brother routine! She’s a grown woman, who can make her own choices.”
“She’s eighteen!”
“She is a Cosmic powerhouse chosen by the universe to protect the world!”
“That doesn’t make me feel better!”
“They’ve been like this all morning,” Wally groaned. “Please make them stop!”
Kon shook his head and then narrowed his eyes. “So why are you all here?”
“Mari texted me,” Jason said turning from Roy in a huff, “Told me I needed to clean her bathroom and collect Babs. You?”
Kon held up his phone showing the strange text from M’gann he had gotten that morning. “It just says, ‘come get your woman’ and then this apartment building.”
“Mine says the same thing,” Wally said holding up his phone, “Only my text was from Artemis and it called me a dumbass.”
“Oh no,” Roy groaned as his eyes trailed to the apartment door, which now seemed extremely ominous. “I think I know what’s happening.”
Exchanging nervous glances, Jason led the boys over to the door and knocked. If the young woman who opened the door wasn’t Jason’s sister, then Kon would eat a bag of Kryptonite flavored chips. There was no way in hell, that they weren’t related via blood or Bruce. Still she smiled brightly at them, and in a hushed voice said,
“Hi! I assume you too are Kon and Wally? I’m Marinette. Your ladies are in here.”
She led them into a nice spacious apartment that was clearly meant for visiting, not for living in. Still Marinette had clearly been there long enough to make herself at home, as half of the living space had been cleared for a sewing machine, bundles of fabric, a cutting table, and a number of dress forms with half finished projects on them. However, the other half of the living room, was taken up by their girlfriends, plus Zatanna, Babs, and Rocket, who were all collapsed in various stages of dishevelment across the couch, armchairs, and floor. M’gann was even floating in her half human/half white Martian form.
“Girls Night,” Marinette explained as she sipped her steaming coffee. “I did warn them not to try and outdrink me, but Artemis was determined.”
“Yeah,” Wally said with a dopey grin, “That’s my girl.”
“Mari!” Jason said with an exasperated sigh, “You are eighteen what Gotham bar gave you drinks.”
“I’m not telling you that!” Marinette said with a smirk, “You’d shut them down. Besides we didn’t party here! We zetaed to Paris. You haven’t been clubbing till you’ve been clubbing in Paris!”
“Clubs!” Jason chocked as Kon snickered.
“I thought Berlin was the club scene of Europe?” Wally muttered.
“Yeah,” Marinette said to Jason as if it were obvious, “Kitty Section played pretty much all of them at one point or another. And technically, yes, Berlin is known for its clubs. But there’s just something about the Paris scene that just more…I don’t know, brighter. Call it hometown bias!”
Jason opened his mouth, probably to announce his clear displeasure at probably everything she had just said, but Kon decided he should intervene.
“Honor to meet you by the way,” he said shaking her head, “I’ve been a fan ever since your first Justice League meeting where you put both Big Blue and Bad Bats in their place with a single sentence. It was artistry.”
Marinette grimaced in embarcement but smiled saying, “Thanks, I wasn’t trying to be mean, but they really should have known better than to question my capabilities. But wait, isn’t Superman your father?”
Kon shook his head in exasperation, “I’m a clone. So technically yes, but…well…lets just say we didn’t get off on the right foot. But don’t worry, we’ve been doing a lot better since. Still, it’s always fun to see someone put him down so thoroughly, not many people have the guts to do that.”
Marinette nodded in understanding. “I think it’s the power. People perceive them as being better than they actually are because of it, and then are too afraid to tell them when they’re wrong. Never let that happen to me!” She said spinning to point at Jason and Roy.
“Don’t worry about it, Pixie. Now what are we supposed to do with them,” Jason said gesturing at the pile of unconscious superheroines.
Marinette smiled and clapped loudly, making Kon winced as all the girls jumped up with groans and shouts of protests. M’gann yelped and fell to the floor, making Kon laughed as he went to retrieve his girlfriend.
“What the hell, Mari?” Artemis groaned as she rubbed her head to sooth, what Kon assumed was, a pounding headache, “It’s too early for this!”
“It’s 11’o clock!” Marinette said as she went to pour the poor girls more coffee. “And I did warn you about trying to keep up with me! By the way your boytoy’s here.”
“Hey, Spitfire,” Wally said dashing over to her. He began rubbing her temples and she leaned into him with a contented smile on her face. Wally chuckled, “Please tell me we’re not banned from Paris? I have plans for that place.”
“Shh, not so loud,” Artemis said, “And for the record Mari is a demon. Seriously no one should be able to drink that much!”
“Here, here!” Rocket moaned as she and Zatanna supported each other.
“I would agree,” Zatanna said as she accepted the coffee from Marinette, “But I’m to scared of her pocket gods.”
The boys chuckled, as Jason helped Babs back into her wheelchair. “Well, at least tell me you had fun,” Kon said as he passed the coffee to M’gann
All of the girls chuckled wickedly, causing the boys to exchange worried glances. Before Marinette spoke up. “We had a blast. I think we all needed a little breather. By the way, Raquel, Zatanna, I didn’t know who to call for you. So I called Roy, so he can send you where you need to go. And Jason, you’re not going anywhere until you clean up my bathroom.”
“What why?”
“Someone,” Babs moaned as she took her coffee, “May have thrown up in there…May have been me…I think…”
“But why me? It’s your bathroom!”
“Technically,” Marinette said with a sly smile, “It’s Bruce’s bathroom. But he’s not here, and this is punishment.”
“For what?”
“Babs told me about your murder plans for Roy.”
“Dude!” Roy cried causing all of the hungover women to violently shush him. Roy put his hands up and whispered, “Dude, isn’t that going a little too far?”
“I second Roy,” Artemis grumbled.
“Here, here!” all of the other girls lazily cried. Jason scowled as Marinette, smiling in victory, tossed him the bathroom cleaner. Once he was gone, everyone began to laugh before the girls groaned in unison pressing fists to their throbbing foreheads.
Kon smiled lightly, as he watched Roy lean over the kitchen counter to speak with Marinette as she started a second coffeepot. Wally was gently tending to Artemis, and Raquel was laying her head on Barbara’s armrest. He nodded lightly and said, “Alright let’s go. Zatanna you can come with us. You wanted to talk to Clark, right?”
Zatanna groaned but stood. In a flash of magic, she was properly dressed, and her hangover seemed to be cured somewhat, prompting Raquel and Babs to flip her off. M’gann shook her head and also transformed into something more presentable, although she still leaned heavily on Kon’s arm. They said their goodbyes to Marinette, who was leaning as much towards Roy, as he was leaning towards her. Kon couldn’t help but smile at that. His friend deserved some happiness after everything he’d been through. Clones had to stick together after all.
“They do look cute together,” M’gann said in his mind.
“Yeah,” Kon thought back, “Do you think it will last?”
“Only if they try.”
“You guys know it’s rude to communicate telepathically while other people are around right?” Zatanna said jokingly. The couple rolled their eyes, but left the building in high spirits, resolving to support Marinette in whatever she needed.   
@laurcad123 @craftgremlin @toodaloo-kangaroo @blackroserelina @maanae @kitsun369 @idkamt @aksartisticlife @its-maemain @iglowinggemma28 @officiallydarkgeek @meira-3919 @crazylittlemunchkin  @read-fantasy-to-escape-reality @raven-ette
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ashboy-3 · 1 year
Lend a Hand?
Written for DannyMay 2023 Day 7 Prompt: Weapon Fandom: Danny Phantom Characters: Danny, Sam, Tucker, Dash, Paulina, Star, Kwan Words: 2252 Summary: The A-listers think that they should have a way to defend themselves in case of a ghost attack. Now Danny has to get involved
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“You know something’s always bothered me about that time we saved our parents,” Star said out of nowhere, completely unprompted.
“You mean besides the fact that all of our parents were under mind control,” Kwan shot back as the blonde rolled her eyes.
“No! How did Fenton and his geek squad know what to do?” Star huffed as her three friends looked at each other.
“They clearly didn’t. Fenton bailed, remember,” Dash reminded them.
“Then how were they able to teach us how to use all of those weapons?” Paulina asked, curiosity getting to her as well.
“The girls do have a point Dash,” Kwan pointed out. “It makes no sense how the geek squad has all the training with the only weapons that can protect us.”
“Okay not the point of my question but you are on the right track,” Star pointed her pencil at the Asian jock, letting him beam proudly.
“We could always force them to teach us,” Dash shrugged. 
“Or we could ask. Something tells me they're not going to teach us as easily as that,” Star pointed out as a unanimous decision was made between the A-listers.
The next day we see the most popular kids of Casper High knocking on the door to Fenton Works freely on their Saturday off and it was just their luck that the door was opened by the one and only Danny Fenton.
The teen looked dead tired (pun intended) with heavy bags under his eyes and it looked like he quickly put on the NASA hoodie and black sweatpants.
“What are your four doing here?” he glared, not fully opening the door for them.
“Watch it, Fenton! I’m not scared to stuff you in a locker on Monday,” Dash threatened as the ghost teen rolled his eyes.
“Dash if getting pushed into lockers really bothered me I would have done something by now,” Danny rolled his eyes as Star put a hand on Dash to calm him down.
“We were wondering if you could teach us how to use your ghost weapons?” she asked, clearly the smart one of the group as Danny’s eyes went wide with disbelief.
“Why do you need to be trained in ghost weapons,” Danny crossed his arms glaring at them.
“Maybe because we live in the most haunted town in America” Star shot back crossing her arms.
“Sorry, but I’m not in the business of training people who think to shoot first before asking,” Danny turned around to close the door, only for the female blonde’s foot to stop the door.
“Either you teach us or we make the last two years of high school hell for you,” she went back to the threatening.
“Maybe this hasn’t gotten through your thick ass skulls, but you four don’t scare me,” Danny hissed, pushing her leg out of the way and closing the door, surprising the four.
“That was-” Dash started, shock on all four faces.
“Surprising,” Paulina finished.
The group was still standing there in shock a minute later when the other two members of the geek squad rolled up.
“Oh great what are you doing here?” Sam asked distaste in her voice.
“Not that it’s any of your business, but we were wondering if the geek squad could train us in ghost weapons,” Paulina hissed.
Surprised when the two burst out in laughter.
“Oh my gosh! That is hilarious,” the two were almost rolling on the floor.
“What’s so funny?” Star asked, glaring at the two.
“Danny doesn’t train those who he thinks won’t listen to both sides of the story. You are not good candidates for him to train,” Tucker huffed, saying it as if it was the most obvious thing on earth.
“He doesn’t know that. He hasn’t given us any chances,” Kwan pointed out.
“This might come as a shock to you, but Danny can’t afford that chance,” Sam glared as she grabbed Tucker to pull him into the house, only to be stopped by Dash, of all people.
“Just talk to him to give us a chance? Please. We just want to be able to protect ourselves,” he looked down as the two looked at each other and sighed.
“Fine, we’ll talk to Danny. We don’t promise anything,” Sam said sternly as the four looked up in hope.
“I’ll contact you when we have his answer,” Tucker waved them out of the way as they walked into the house.
“It’s a stupid idea and they're going to get themselves or someone else hurt,” Danny hissed, eyes glowing green when Sam and Tucker bought it up.
“We know but we have to think about this logically,” Sam said, putting a comforting hand on her friend’s shoulder. They knew they had to be cautious when Danny was in crazy ghost emotion mode.
“If we don’t train them they might find weapons themselves and hurt themselves anyway,” Tucker pointed out.
“They could hurt one of our friends or worse you,” Sam tried and it calmed Danny down enough for him to think logically.
“Fine, we will teach them the bare minimum. If they can’t meet tonight then I’m not doing it,” Danny huffed, knowing he was going to hate it, but agreed for his friends.
“Tucker said that Danny will teach us tonight. If we don’t show up then he’s not going to do it at all,” Star said reading the message, only slightly worried about the fact that the geek has her contact info.
“Why tonight? What if we had plans,” Dash complained.
“Then cancel. This might be our only shot. The only other time Danny offered to train us was when we were in a life or death situation and it was a quick thirty-minute lesson,” Star glared at him.
“Alright we’ll be there,” Dash said, deciding to go and get some Nasty Burger with Kwan for lunch.
“Oh great they made it,” Danny rolled his eyes as he saw the door to the empty warehouse open, well empty except for them.
“This place is creepy,” Paulina shivered.
“Deal with it. I actually made sure that this place was safe before bringing you in here,” Danny said as he mumbled something about fruit loops.
“We sure he won’t mind us using his place?” Tucker asked.
“I have him on a tight leash right now. He can’t do anything too bad without me knowing about it,” Danny assured his friend while the four looked confused.
“Alright. This is going to be the only time I teach you so pay attention and if I find out you didn’t listen I am not afraid of punching you into the ground,” Danny threatened, Dash and Kwan rolled their eyes at the treat, weak Fenton could never hurt them.
“You are to never run into a ghost fight. You are to never shoot a ghost without knowing anything. This lesson is not for those who shoot first and ask questions never. Do you understand?” Danny asked, eyes galring at each one individually.
“If you’re worried about me hitting Phantom, well I would never,” Paulina crossed her arms.
“I’m worried about you hitting any ghost. I know Phantom has done a lot of good work, but there are things that you don’t know. Phantom is not the only good ghost that comes over to this world,” Danny said harshly.
“Alright! We won’t shoot unless we’re sure,” Kwan said.
“You won’t shoot unless asked by Phantom, Tucker, Sam, or myself,” Danny restated.
“Not your parents?” Dash asked.
“My parents are smart, but their views are one-sided and they always don’t see everything from all sides,” Danny said sadly as a sigh escaped him.
“Alright. Here,” Danny handed them a small blaster gun. “It works like a normal gun. It doesn't harm humans so if you hit someone they will be fine, but it is a weird experience so I don’t recommend shooting each other for fun. We already set up targets for you,” Danny waved to where the targets were on the other side of the building. Tucker pushed a button and suddenly a few started to move.
“We have extras so go on. Once you think you can aim we’ll move to lipstick blasters and the smaller wrist ones,” Danny said, going to sit next to Sam and Tucker, fully keeping an eye on the four.
“We think we can handle the next step,” Kwan said after the four had hit their targets on point three times in a row.
“Sure,” Danny shrugged, taking the guns from them, not listening to their complaints as he handed them the wrist blasters. “These are smaller and you won’t always be able to hold them up to pure eye point to the aim is a little off. Also, stop complaining. I said I would train you, I’m not letting you keep them,” Danny yawned, passing out the next weapon.
“You good man?” Tucker asked as Danny sat back down.
“Yeah. Just tired. Clockwork has me running around the GZ like crazy. I was busy all last night then these four woke me up this morning right as I got home.”
“That sucks. You could always let us help,” Sam suggested.
“It’s mostly running errands. They want me take up the throne. I really shouldn’t but everyone is trying to push me for it. Says I’m the best one for the job. Now theirs an internal struggle. Half the council says I’m too young and not ready the other half say I have experience. It’s so exhausting,” Danny complained as blue mist escaped from his mouth, “speaking of exhausting. Mind watching the kids?” Danny asked.
“Go do your things man,” Tucker said.
“Yeah Danny we got this,” Sam said as Danny stood up to leave.
“Hey, Fenton we got these wrist things down,” Star yelled, waving the wrist thing calmly.
“Where are you going?” Dash asked, noticing the teen was about to walk out the door.
“Something came up and I have to take care of it real quick. Sam and Tucker are going to help,” Danny said quickly.
“But you said you were going to teach us,” Kwan complained, and it was too late as Skulker came through the roof.
“I was told you would be here whelp.”
“Oh great so now you’re stalking,” Danny rolled his eyes.
“It is called hunting not stalking!” Skullker yelled back.
“Whatever you say. You choose a bad day for this. Listen I had a long night last night, and was barely able to get rest today because I’ve been studying and then I had to teach these idiots,” Danny said, letting Sam throw him a gun as he jumped in the air, but right as he shot the gun another one went off shooting him in the side.
“DANNY!” Sam and Tucker yelled running towards him, Sam grabbing a lipstick blaster as Tucker typed quickly.
The two worked together and before they knew it Skullker was flying away while yelling about a purple-back gorilla.
“Is he hurt?” Kwan asked.
“I thought that it wasn’t supposed to hurt humans,” Paulina asked, the four now running towards the black-haired teen.
“Get away from him!” Sam yelled, trying to push them out of the way as she bought her backpack closer, the four could see a nasty burn on his right side.
“Tucker!” Sam panicked.
“On it!” Tucker yelled back, grabbing the green water bottle and making Danny drink it as Sam grabbed a first aid kit to start bandaging Danny’s wound.
“How is he hurt?” Dash asked.
“Who shot him?” Sam glared at the four, eyes burning bright with fury.
“Sam calm down. They just wanted to help,” Danny groaned, sitting up, Sam and Tucker’s pushing to make him lay back down not working.
“This is exactly what you said would happen! Now you’re hurt!”
“It’s fine. I can handle a weak blaster shot,” Danny assured her as the A-lister's eyes went wide. “It just surprised me was all.”
“Dude you took a nasty fall. You sure you’re okay?” Tucker asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Skullker can’t really do anything bad anymore. I’m defended now. I just let him have his fun,” Danny shrugged.
“Fenton, are you okay?” Kwan finally asked and Danny did feel bad seeing the worry on their faces.
“Yeah. Growing up around ghost biology in a not-so-contaminated environment made me contaminated. Some ghost stuff that should only work on humans hurt me as well. My parents can’t explain it, but what can you do,” Danny shrugged, starting to stand so he can pick the mess up.
“You’re lying,” Star accused, crossing her arms, the wrist blaster thrown off to the side in the middle of the chaos.
“If I am well then you can’t prove anything,” Danny smirked at her. “I think that’s enough lessons. If there ever comes a time when you need a weapon. I’ll give you four one,” Danny said, letting Sam and Tucker help pack their things away as they walked, i.e. flew, away.
The trio thought that they got out of the situation scot-free. It wouldn’t be till two months later when Danny was finally enjoying some peaceful sleep did he feel an annoying tugging in his gut and without time to think or change into Phantom he appeared in a summoning circle the faces of all four A-listers staring at him, three in shock, one in pride.
“Ha! Fucking knew it,” Star crossed her arms as Danny groaned, when did his life get this fucked up.
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readingslover · 1 year
Chapter 10
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As Cristina, George, and Amory enter Joe’s, after George had punched Alex, the bar cheered. “All hail the champ!” Joe exclaimed. “So my guy, Alex, finally got what was coming to him, huh?”
“George knocked him dead in one punch, should have seen it.” Cristina bragged, as Amory laughed and flopped down next to Meredith.
“I don’t wanna talk about it!” The boy said.
“Brag champ, you’ve earned it.” Joe encouraged.
“Can I have a beer, please?” George order.
“Gin and tonic for me, please.” Amory did the same.
“Let’s play a game of whose life sucks the most,” Meredith suggests. “I’ll win, I always win.”
“I’m good. Just here for moral support.” Amory claimed with a smile.
“Well, you don’t wanna play with me.” The small girl looked at Cristina, knowing what she was hiding, as she took a sip of her drink.
“Oh, I do. I’ll even go first.” Meredith dared. “Derek is married.” At that, George spits his beer out, surprised like Amory.
“George, beer is dripping down your nostrils.” Cristina pointed out, disgust in her face that mirrored Amory’s expression, and the boy got up.
“Married? To who?” The blonde asked.
“Some woman called Addison, from when he lived in NYC. Told you I’d win.”
“No, you didn’t win.” The Asian woman deadpanned.
“Did you hear me? I said Derek is married. As in pigheaded, adulterous, liar, married.” Amory kept drinking her beverage, as Meredith went on. “Nothing you can say can top that.”
“I’m pregnant.” Cristina let out, making Meredith look at her in surprise. “I win.”
Just then, they heard Joe falling to the floor behind them and got up to help.
The man stood up, as Amory protested. “Joe, you gotta lie back down.”
“You called the gurney patrol?” The bartender complained as the three woman helped him.
“Sit back and relax, we’ve gotta take you to the hospital to run some tests,” Meredith told him.
“No, I don’t need any tests. I’m fine.”
“Joe, you just collapsed in the middle of the floor. You need to go to the hospital if you like it or not.” The short girl told him.
“This is your bar, you know how filthy this floor is.” Cristina pointed out. “Radial pulse is strong.”
“Minor skull contusion.” Amory evaluated.
“Are you sleeping with someone?” Meredith asked Cristina, as they continue to evaluate the man.
“Is that such a shock? Even George managed to get some action.” The woman answered, the blonde girl hitting her in the back of the head.
“Correction, George got some syphilis.” The man complained.
“How could I not know you were sleeping with someone? And how are you not surprised Amy?” The dirty blonde said.
“In her defense, I figured it out, like with you and Derek. She didn’t tell me.”
“Of course you did, you figure everything out.” Meredith pointed out and Amory shrugged.
“Forget this, the hospital is right across the street. I can sure as hell walk across the street by myself.” Joe complained, getting up, and the group rushed after him.
“All right. Details. You’re pregnant?” Meredith asked Cristina, now at the hospital. “What are you gonna do?”
“You know what happens to pregnant interns. I’m not switching to the vagina squad or spending my life popping zits. I’m too talented, surgery is my life.” The Asian woman argued.
“And we are supporting Cristina. It is her legal right to choose what she wants to do.” Amory informed the dirty blonde.
“Which begs the question: who are you sleeping with?” Meredith insisted.
“Just a guy.”
“That’s all I get? I’m going to have to corrupt Amory into telling me.” She threatened, Amory’s eyes going wide.
“Not. A. Word.” Cristina gave the younger intern a threatening look.
“I won’t tell anyone. I’m so good at keeping secrets, you should know that by now.” She promised.
“You can’t just bring something like this up and expect me to forget it!” Meredith pleaded.
“Watch me.” The curly-haired woman said as she walked away, the other two women following behind her as they reached the nurses' station.
“What are you doing here? Don’t you have a date with McDreamy?” Izzie asked the dirty blonde.
“More like McMarried.” George earned himself an elbow in the arm from Amory.
“I came to check on Joe.”
“You think he’s gonna be okay?” The boy wondered.
“Do you think he’ll need surgery?” The small girl joined in.
“Operation, yes. Okay, hard to tell.” Derek approached them, Amory narrowing her eys at the man in anger. “His artery has already blown up like a balloon. Subarachnoid bleeding. Aneurysm the size of a golf ball.”
“There’s no way to clip something like that.” George scoffed.
“Not without magic fingers,” Amory commented.
“Or stand-still operation,” Derek revealed, Cristina immediately perking up.
“You’re doing a stand-still…” At the group’s judging look, the woman explained with a shrug. “He’s doing a stand-still operation.”
“I’m going to try. But first I need some additional patient history, overnight labs, and a cerebral angio.” He tried to hand the chart to Meredith, but she glared him down.
“I’m drunk.” She justified and George reached for it.
As the man left, a whisper could be heard from Izzie. “McBastard.”
Cristina immediately reached for the folder, Izzie and George glaring at her harshly. “What are you doing?”
“I am on her side. But, we’re talking about a possible stand-still here. Recognize.”
“Besides, Cristina’s having a bad day too, let her have it.” Amory defended her friend, as she left.
The next morning, the interns were getting ready. Amory pulled her hair up in a bun when Bailey entered the room. “Okay, people, assignments. Yang, you’re on discharges. O’Malley, report to room E19. Grey and Madden come to see me, and who was on call last night?” She handed Izzie and Alex a pile of charts, looking displeased. “Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy! Redo there and return them to me before lunch, understood?”
As the rest of the group left the room, the resident turned to Amory and Meredith. “Somebody’s popular.”
“Meaning?” Meredith questioned.
“Meaning there’s been a special request just for you, Grey. Madden is going to join you as well, gotta welcome the new attending.” Bailey said, making Amory smile and blush slightly, the three women walked through the halls. It was good to know her hard work was appreciated.
As Dr. Bailey started slowing down, Meredith and Amory saw Burke, Derek, and someone who Amory could only assume was the new attending standing and talking.
“I was just checking to see if Dr. Burke secured the…” The woman was cut off by Meredith.
“Intern you requested. He did.” The intern completed and the redhead smiled.
“And one of the best we have too, to welcome you as well,” Bailey explained the presence of the other girl.
At the terrified faces of the couple, the short blonde decided to intervene, slightly confused at the tension. “Dr. Amory Madden, a pleasure to meet you.”
The older woman smiled and shook the hand of the intern. “Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd.” The small girl’s face fell a little, realizing the source of the clear awkwardness. This was Derek’s wife.
She tried to control her expression as she pulled her hand back from the handshake. Eager to get herself off the uncomfortable situation, the small girl suggested “Well, then. Should we get started?”
“We should.” Addison took off, her heels tapping on the floor as the interns followed her shortly behind.
“Define TTTS?” The attendant asked her husband’s girlfriend.
“Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome.” They were now in the patient’s room, and Addison’s expression was one of a predator attacking his prey. “Conjoint fetal twins.”
“Connected by?”
“Blood vessels in the placenta.” Amory’s eyes darted between the two women, knowing the answer to the questions but recognizing they were not for her to answer.
“Meaning?” Meredith seemed at a loss for words and the redhead turned to the other intern. “Dr. Madden?”
“Means one twin gets too much blood and the other too little, resulting in endangering the lives of both fetuses.” She answered, a little reticent.
“Exactly. I’d expect you to know that, Grey.”
“They told me there wasn’t much chance that anything could be done.” The patient told the doctors.
“TTTS is usually impossible to correct, unless you know happen to be one of the handful of surgeons in the world that knows how to separate fetal blood vessels. Which, luckily for you, I am.” The attending smiled down at the patient. “So, we’re gonna get you to surgery tomorrow. If you have any questions at all, please ask Dr. Grey. From what I’ve seen she’s one of the hospital’s most popular interns. If she is not available or capable of giving you an appropriate answer, don’t hesitate to ask Dr. Madden. She’s also one of the best interns there is.”
As the three left the room, the tension could almost be cut by a knife. “I could have answered that question if you’d given me the chance,” Meredith complained.
“Chin up, Grey. I’m this tough on everyone, not just the ones my husband sleeps with. I would have done the same if Madden didn’t know the answer.” Amory tilted her head, impressed at the attending’s professionalism. “I need you to order an ultrasound for her and pre-op labs in full, Grey. Madden, you can stay with me for the day.” The blonde looked toward her friend, not wanting to hurt her by accepting. Once her friend nodded, she ran down the hall to catch up with the attending, already far ahead.
“Dr. Madden, are you friends with Grey?” The attending asked as they waited for the elevator.
“I am, yes. Close friends and roommates, actually.” The smaller girl nodded.
“That explains your reaction when I introduced myself.” The redhead deadpanned.
“I was just surprised, that’s all. I prefer to have my own judgements of value.” Amory smiled at the taller woman, who returned the expression.
As they got in the elevator, they went silent for a while. “Have you given any consideration to you specialties you might choose? I know you’re only in your first year, but it’s good to think about it already.” The attending asked.
“I have. I am most interested in pediatrics, but neuro is also on the list. But when the chief of neuro says I’ll do good in peds, I think I can believe him…” The intern trailed off.
“You know, I work in neonatal and fetal. It’s not that much different from peds. If you’d like I could show you how that works while I’m here.” The redhead offered, seeing the potential in the intern.
“It’d be a pleasure.” The small girl accepted.
As Meredith puts some gel over their patient’s belly, preparing to take an ultrasounf along with Amory, the pregnant woman spoke up. “What does it take to go after another woman’s husband?”
“Excuse me?” Amory furrowed her brows, confused about wha the patient was referring to.
“It happened to me.” She turned to the shorter girl, who gave her a compassionate smile. “Jeff moved in with a long-leg in mini skirts who answers his phone. Three weeks into my pregnancy. By the way the gel is really cold.”
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry about your husband.” The dirty blonde intern said as Amory took some notes on the ultrasound.
“Are you sorry about Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd’s husband?” At that the blonde nearly chocked, starting a coughing fit, as Meredith looked at the woman, slightly offended.
“I’m going to be checking a few things today.” The older intern tries to change the subject
“I bet she asked to work with you. It’s what I would have done.” The mother explained.
Amory cleared her voice and attempted to change the subject, with a smile. “You know, Dr. Grey, why don’t you go check on the labs? I’ll finish off here.”
“Sure.” The older inter ggot up, clearly upset, and left the room.
As Amory continued with the ultrasound, the woman didn’t relent. “You two seem like you get along. How can you be friends with someone who does this?”
The intern tried to ignore the question, dodging it. “Okay, after we get the labs we should be able to tell if the babies are still stable.”
She started wiping the gel of the woman’s stomach, but she did not let the subject go. “Oh, come on. Are you really not gonna share, Dr. Madden?”
“You surely understand that I do not feel comfortable about my colleagues private life, nor do I have to account who I associate with in my personale life. More so when the colleague in question is not present.” She flashed the patient a light smile, trying not to come over as rude, knowing it worked more often than not.
Once Meredith and Amory took their much needed break, they found George staring at the babies in the NICU, seemingly talking to himself.
“Hey, George.” The young girl greeted.
“Talking to yourself now?” The dirty blonde sassed.
“Yes… no!” He fixed. “Damn it, I’m a bad sponge. A leaky sponge. I leak all the wrong secrets. I’m a bad liar, who can’t even talk about lying to myself.”
The young blonde looked at him with a tilted head and scrunched up nose, confused. “I’m a pretty good liar. Seeing as I kept both Mer’s and Cristina’s secret without anyone finding out because of me. You just have to convince yourself that whatever it is that you’re saying is real or that you’re doing it for a good cause.” As both ther friends stared at her, shocked, she shrugged. “What? It comes in hany! I just can’t lie when I know I’m not doing it for a good reason, then I get all flustered and I stutter.”
As the boy looked over at the girls, he commented on their looks, making both girls smile. “You two look nice today.”
“I’m wearing a lipgloss Amy lent me, because my ex-boyfriend’s wife looks like Isabella freaking Rossellini and I’m like… me.” She complained. “I’m trying to outdo her when she’s the victim here. How crazy is that?”
“You, Amy?” The boy questioned, turning his body unknowingly toward her.
“No rease, just felt like polishing up a bit.” The intern lied, not wanting to reveal her feelings for the boy.
“I’m an evil mistress.”
“You’re not, Mer. You didn’t know, you did nothing wrong. Derek did. He knew he was still married on paper, and he didn’t tell you nor did something about it.” The young girl attempted to reassure her friend.
“Still, you look nice.” George told her.
“Thanks, what are you doing here?” At the boy’s hesitation, she insisted. “Come on, O’Malley, out with it.”
“Okay, can you think of any reasoning. Any reason at all, why Cristina would be kissing Burke?” He let out, Amory’s eyes widening as she hit his shoulder.
“George O’Malley! You do not…” She hit him again. “Go around…” Once more. “Telling people’s secrets!” She finished with another slap.
“Ouch!.” The boy grabbed onto his arm in slight pain. “Wait, why are you not surprised?”
“Oh, George, do I really have to say everytime that I know everything?” She smiled at him, raising one brow. “Plus, I don’t spill secrets, so people actually trust me with things like that. Now let’s go, too much time looking at babies, is not good for me.”
As Amory and Meredith took another ultrasound of the abbies still in-uterus, the tension in the room was unbearable.
“When I found out about the mini-skirt, I called her up and took her to lunch. It was perfectly civilised, I didn’t hold her against it that these things happen. But really? I just wanted to put a face on the bitch that got my husband to throw away fifteen years of marriage.”
both interns were trying their best to ignore the woman’s rant, when they found something on the monitor that looked like some sort of abnormality. As they tried to keep their faces passive, they prepared to get their attending. “Okay, I think we’re finished here.” Amory smiled at the woman, reassuringly. “We’re going to get Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd now.”
When they left to the hallway, the shorter girl asked her friend, grabbing her arm as they walked “Are you okay? That woman is relentless…”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Those were a lot of abnormalities.” Meredith switched subjects.
“I know. Oh, those poor babies.” She whispered. “And poor mother, I can only imagine…”
As the interns approached both Addison and Derek, who seemed to be arguing, Meredith looked at ther friend. At her panicked face, she gave her an encouraging nudge, and the girl spoke up. “Doctor Shepherd?”
“Yes?” Both attendings replied in unison.
“The labs confirm what looked like abnormalities on the ultrasound. We thought you should come and see for yourself.” Amory explained, realising how uncomfortable her friend seemed.
“Fine, let’s go.” The redhead agreed and they returned to the patient’s room, silence only filled by the sound of Addison’s heals on the floor and the quieter thud of the interns’s sneakers.
Once they arrived the patient’s room, Amory knocked, greetin the woman. “Hey Julie, we brought Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd.” She smiled and got the mother ready for yet another ultrasound, putting a pair of gloves on. “This is going to be a bit cold, you know the drill.” The short girl warned, putting some gel on the stomach and letting the attending take over.
The older woman set down, turning to the patient with a comforting smile. “Let’s see what we have here.”
“See? Bilateral plural effusion with evidence of subcutaneous edema.” The dirty blonde pinted out, Addisong looking at her with a disheartened look.
“In English, please?” The patient asked.
“We detected what looks like beginning heart failure in the twins don’t be alarmed.” The attending explained, teking off her gloves.
“Are my babies going to be okay?” The mother asked, her voice breaking.
“We’re going to take you into surgery now, we’re not going to wait. Book the OR.” She ordered to Meredith. “Move!”
“Julie, we’re just going to go in laparasopically? You’re not gonna feel anything and neither are the twins.” The attending explained, them now in the OR. “Okay, let’s get going. Ten blade, begin with a thee millimeter incision.”
“How are you ding there?” The attending turned to the interns after a while.
“Good. I’m good.” The dirty blonde answered.
“Excellent. This is… wow.” Amory said, Addison’s face lightning up at the girl’s excitement.
After the surgery, Meredith and Amory accompany Addison as she talks with the patient. “See? Just a small scar.”
“And my babies?”
“They are doing very well.” Amory answered with a smile, near the patient’s bed, as the dirty blonde stood nearer to the wall of the room.
“Dr. Grey and Dr. Madden will be back to check on you a little bit later.” The neonatal surgeon informed, getting up as the blonde moved toward her friend.
“Actually, I’d prefer if Dr. Grey were taken off the case.” At that, Amory cringed inwardly, feeling for the uncomfortable position her friend was in.
“Why, is there a problem?” The attending questioned.
“Just reminds me of someone I don’t like very much. Someone my husband likes a lot.” The short girl squeezed Meredith’s shoulder, in an attempt to comfort her slightly. “Particularly in lingerie, you understand.”
“No. No, I don’t understand…”
“Well, she’s sleeping with your husband, right?” The patient’s tone growing bitchier by each word.
“Miss Philips, I lack Dr. Grey’s class and patience, so let me set the record straight. My husband didn’t cheat on my, I cheated on him.” The dirty blonde intern looked surprised as her shorter classmate furrowed her brows in a mix of surprise and confusion. “The wronged woman here? Dr. Grey. So, I thin you owe her one hell of an apology.” She left the room suddenly, leaving three shocked women behind.
As Amory, Cristina, and Meredith sat at the bar, the first enjoying her usual gin and tonic, the Asian woman speaks up from her place, between two girls. “The clinic has a policy. They wouldn’t let me confirm my appointment unless I designated a, emergency contact and a backup. Someone to be there just in case, to help me home after.”
“Yeah, they had that with me too.” Amory sipped her drink, looking toward her friends. “Kind of sucks but I get it.”
“Annyway, I put your names down. That’s why I told you I’m pregnant, Mer. You two are my people.”
“We are?” The dirty blonde asked with a smile.
“Yeah, you are. Whatever.”
“Whatever.” Meredith agreed.
“Not whatever! Come here.” The smaller girl puts an arm around her curly-haired friend, head on her shoulder.
“He dumped me.” At that, Meredith does the same.
“Jackass.” Amory whispered. “I never did like him.”
“You guys realize this constitutes hugging?”
“Shut up and enjoy it. We’re your people.” The short girl let out, finding comfort in the embrace.
“You’re my people.”
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multifandomslxt · 1 year
Okay, so there is this Asian boy in my class right.
I have the biggest crush on him like I can't even explain it.
so like all I did when he first came was just look at him..from a distance tho
We've spoken a few times and we studied together for finals last semester so we're kind of acquaintances.
Lately, he's been very talkative with me and it's not helping my crush on him at allllll.
The other day I tried blonde braids right? And he was literally gushing over me.... what do I do...is he just being friendly?
sometimes he just stares at me yk...and I'm not the most confident so I start becoming self conscious after awhile
but last week I wore this dress to school right...its kinda like the skims dress and one of my other male friends made a joke about how they could see my rolls and I started to feel insecure.
later I heard that my crush and that friend had an argument about it and he threatened him not to say things like that to me which made me feel really good.
He's always checking in on me and stuff and just like your bf (you guys are so cute btw) he throws a fit when I don't eat.
I really like him and I know that I shouldn't think like this but I'm black...I'm dark-skinned and fat and ik that's not what guys like him usually go for...he's tall, athletic, smart and really fucking hot but what if he's just being friendly or just feels sorry for me?
I'm so scared to approach him....advice?
Sweetheart, first of all, he does not sound like an acquaintance at all.
and secondly love, from one black woman to another I'm telling you right now it's a blessing for others to even be able to look at us...your skin does not define you honestly it does nothing but adds more beauty to you.
So what if you're dark-skinned? so am I and so are many other people. Don't allow others to trick you into thinking your skin is some kind of disadvantage...have you ever seen yourself glow when the sun shines on you? Baby, you are a fucking star.
I know the media is always painting dark skin women as some type of unattractive monster but trust me when I say it's out of jealousy and ignorance...you are not automatically -ed out of being someone's love interest because you're dark skinned and if they do that thank God because you dodged several bullets.
thirdly, being fat and being ugly are two very different things. You have extra flesh okay...and? so, because you have back rolls that makes you unlikeable? NOPE!
girl you better cut that shit out!
I don't know you but I love you and I hate when the people I love talk badly about themselves.
Your body is your temple. Understand me when I tell you your body can hear you...when you think and speak badly of it...it shows.
I wish I was beside you to give you a good smack you need to understand bitches could never be you..they only wish they could.
and to that boy that was running his mouth knock him out nxt time ...actuallyy don't do that. next time just remind him just how much he's unwanted and how unnecessary his entire existence is😊.
fourthly, I think he likes you. and im sure anybody reading this ask agrees right guys?
staring at you?
gushing at your hair? (blond braids on dark skin is superior)
making sure you eat?
always checking in on you?
defending you against that bitch?
he likes tf outta you.
if you're scared to approach him though... just drop subtle hints.
IMO though i think he'll say smt soon.
also, I can't even imagine what he was thinking when he saw you in that dress AGIFGIEFHJOFEFRJ
ik you ate the fuck up out of that fit.
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