#Ask the mun
asktheremnantsaskblog · 11 months
Too anyone really
Soooooo do you guys actually wear clothes, all things considered you look like colorful naked people
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(They did indeed look like that and I wanted to change it because of how it looked and I... I didn't see this ask. Ur so right tho.)
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resourcesofaqueen · 2 years
connectivity meme. a small list of things one might always want to say but never had the chance to. sometimes we all stan one specific exchange between certain writers or have a good idea we ant to share. me/my = receiver, you = sender.
send "connect + "🤝 and tell me with what other blog, muse, or writer you connect me when you see my muse or blog.
send "connect + 💞" and tell me which of my muse(s) you ship with someone's else muse(s).
send "connect + ❣" and tell me what connection/thread of my muse(s)  with someone else's muses(s) you absolutely adore seeing/reading on your dash.
send "connect + ❔" and tell me who I should follow/start an interaction with.
send "connect + ❕" and tell me what kind of genre you would like me to see try writing.
send "connect + 📚" and give me a (general) plot idea.
send "connect + 🤔" to tell me something you always wanted to say.
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asknyoaustralia · 5 months
Hi mun! Love your blog! I noticed Nyo!Australia doesn't have the two cowlicks Australia usually has in hetalia, is there a reason?
>Hi there! So yeah Ade's current design in fact doesnt have the cowlicks, while her design that I made back in the early 2010s did in fact have the cowlick overtime I've tried to stray away from the hair curl idea for two reasons: 1. I feel the curls can take away from the way one can style their hair, while for some characters like say the Italys I feel it necessary, for Aus I feel it kinda takes away from the overall design and with Ade I enjoy having her change her hair around pretty frequently, the long hair is a more recent thing for her to be doing. (But canon Aus is still cute tho lol) 2. I wont lie sometimes I kinda forget about the curls and thus dont add them, and as such most of the art my friends made back when I created her didn't have the curls and thus its kinda just evolved from there!
Thanks for the ask, its a great question!
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familylightfox · 2 months
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Anonymous asked:
Happy Birthday to the mun!
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OOC: Was hoping people would forget. ;p
But thank you. I celebrated yesterday since I'm working tonight, but with sushi and the Deadpool movie, that was an awesome way to enjoy getting one year older.
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saiyanandproud · 9 days
(Are you okay with in-character asks from non-mutuals?)
Oh! That's a good question.
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I guess it depends? I don't mind odd ones now and then, but if they become too frequent (or if I really can't see Mariko engaging), then it is unlikely that I will reply to them. Also bear in mind that, if Mariko gets nasty (or annoying) interactions from people/characters she doesn't know, she'll most likely tell them to get lost and pass on.
So... Give it a try if you wish, sure! But I can't always guarantee the quality of interaction that might follow (or if any would follow at all).
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foxedthecards · 9 days
✆ Other than RPing, what’s a hobby of yours?
((I do muck around with digital art although the brain seems to prefer balancing out with one or the other i.e. if I'm writing a lot I don't do a lot of art and vice versa. I also enjoy dabbling in the textile arts like crochet, knitting and an old timey way of making lace called tatting!))
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wrongarmofthelaw · 2 months
🌺 send this to ten blogs you think are wonderful 🌺
Thank you! <3
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multi-royalty · 4 months
who was the first faceclaim you remember using, who for (canon or original)?
Mun asks!
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who was the first faceclaim you remember using, who for (canon or original)?
it was indeed , Emma for her role of Madison Montgomery!
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hells-musing-along · 4 months
1, 13, and 33
munday asks!!!
Number 1: at what age did you start RPing? I believe... I started when I was 15 years old. I used to RP through AOL Instant Messenger and Chatrooms before heading to GaiaOnline.
Number 13: what do you think about OCs? They're pretty neat. It's fascinating to read about the OC's backstory and how they fit in the world they're supposed to be in. I haven't interacted with a lot of OCs on this account yet, but I look forward to them in the future.
Number 33: what are your thoughts on dash commentary? They are fun and confusing. lol, There are times when I wonder what the heck is happening and have to search for it, but other than that, I like seeing it. It's a great way for the community to have fun with one another.
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heirofapocalypse · 5 months
You excited for Billy’s return in Heir Of Apocalypse issue 2?
I am now that I know this is a thing! Serious, I hadn't heard about this book until you just mentioned it and seeing the cover art for issue 2 with Billy certainly has me intrigued!
Thanks for making me aware! :D
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irisopranta · 1 year
Know the Mun
1. Are you named after anyone? No one, it was a popular name at the time that my sister picked that my parents liked.
2. When was the last time you cried? yesterday, I was dealing with migraine so I was in pain.
3. Do you have kids? Yes, I got my two boys
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Only in company that I know it will be okay to be sarcastic in.
5. What sports do you play/have you played? Used to play tennis before I had my kids. My knees don't work as well as they used.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people? Their hair
7. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings.
8. Any special talents? Surprisingly great memory.
9. Where were you born? Ohio
10. What are your hobbies? gaming, sewing, painting minis, repairing game controllers
11. Do you have any pets? Yes, I've posted pics of them. my cats Yuki and Lily
12. How tall are you? 6'0"
13. Fave subject in school? Math and technology
14. Dream job? software developer. I'm doing it now as a software tester and I love it.
15. Eye colour? Mix between green and blue. Literally, my iris is split in half with both.
Tagged by: @under-the-blood-moonlight
Tag Squad: @janzoo, @aroseyetbloomedwrites, and @ainyan
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🎙️ How do you feel about the friendships your character has created?
//I'll start with the simple one: Sprite @thatfailedpokemontrainer. It's a very casual mutualship, with most interactions taking the form of Cerise suggesting Charizard when Sprite opens drawing requests. Neither of them is particularly involved in the other's plotlines, meaning that they can each provide the other with a friendly presence who isn't affected by the latest goings-on. In other words, it's something closer to how being mutuals works outside the roleplay sphere. I think it's likely beneficial to both of them to have the other as a mutual, though not in any dramatic way.
//Gen @goldenrodchef is next. Cerise hasn't done much with him recently, which is really a shame as their characters play into each other in an interesting way. Their basic dynamic is the skilled chef Gen trying to help Cerise pull her cooking out of charcoal territory, but there's potential for a lot of interesting conversations regarding relationships with the body and current/former eeby status.
//Mare @aura-acolyte is, of course, Cerise's mutual crush, although Cerise wants to avoid entering a romantic relationship at the moment due to the inevitability of losing it. We've had a lot of fun showing just how much of a disaster Cerise is when it comes to romance, whether that's the blocks the two times the idea of Mare liking her back completely overwhelmed her or just having her not be able to process anything to say at all when people ask her about romance related things.
//Of course, romance is only a part of the equation when it comes to her relationship with Mare. They also have a strong "friendly rivals" relationship, and have been able to bond a bit over both being heroes as well. Even with everything different about them, they still have quite a bit in common, and that's what makes them get along as well as they do.
//Red and Blue @battlelegendsredandblue are interesting friends for Cerise to have. She and Red actually recognized each other as "alternate me" very quickly, before Cerise had even admitted to being a Red and not a Florian. Blue, on the other hand, remained clueless until everyone else found out. Cerise sees Red as something akin to an older brother, and Blue as someone who's fun to tease sometimes. (Fun fact: she actually had a battle with Blue offscreen at one point.) There's a bit of pain that hits her whenever she sees them, though. Red got to grow up right the way she didn't, and he was never separated from Blue the way she was separated from Green.
//While I'll be glad to elaborate on any other relationships people might care to ask about, the last character that immediately comes to mind is Ella @oh-shinx. This is the woman who gave Cerise support both while she was still in the closet and in the days after she was outed, and who very quickly was cemented in a "big sister" role in Cerise's mind. She's also the woman Cerise canceled plans to help when she and her younger sibling were attacked and could benefit from another set of hands. Ella worrying about Cerise has been the most visible part of their relationship in recent months, but Cerise cares about her just as much.
//As for her relationships with Violet's supporting cast...... they're friendly, but not as close as you might think. She hasn't breathed a word of the situation with her cycles to any of them, and that's something you need to know about to be able to properly get close to her. There are some interesting bits to some of them, but I'd rather elaborate on the situations with NPCs in a different post if anyone is curious about someone specific.
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ask-the-layers · 10 months
What's the deal between Mother and Slayer? Do they not get along?
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Yeah you could say that...
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familylightfox · 4 months
⭐ Slides this in before vanishing into the depths of Subnautica-
Superstar: Accepting
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redemptivexheroics · 9 months
Aren't you a little too old to be role playing? You should've quit when you hit 30. No one wants to RP with your old ass.
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And aren't you old enough to mind your own business? And your mom should've swallowed, yet here we are, all up in my business. I'm not the only one in their 30's or approaching their 30's. Last I checked, role play didn't have an age limit. So you can take your wrong ass opinion and shove it...have a good day.
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rompstompchomp · 2 years
have you ever considered writing any rampage fanfic? the ao3 rampage tag could really use some good stuff in it
I have pondered the idea at times. I don't know if I would have the energy because of having to do everything myself versus with other people. I could do it, no doubt, but it'd have to be at a time where I had the time and energy and really had a story worth putting a lot of effort into.
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