#Asking cause I told myself hey why not do the ocs it will be quick
t34-mt · 11 months
If anyone who have experience with miraheze could help me a little about template I'd love it, cause I can't tell if it's language barrier, dyslexia or both that makes me not understand what I'm reading on the dev wiki. I just don't get what I'm seeing on my screen lol
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alexfromjersey · 1 year
Vada Cavell x G!P OC
word count:
warnings: none
a/n: quick little chapter. I kinda neglected this story for my other Jenna one…sorry 😬.
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GIF by lowkeyvada
“Sleeping Beauty has finally awakened from her slumber”
Deep breath in.
“I’m older than both of you so what I say goes”
Hold it.
“I wish you would just let your balls drop and talk to her. The longing gaze from across the room is so Twilight”
Hold it.
“Happy Birthday youngsters”
Hold it.
Hold it.
Hold it.
“You have to keep your eyes open. Don’t close them”
You let out the breath you were holding into the spirometer. The doctor took the device from you and logged in the numbers. It's been a week since the school shooting. You were shot in your lower abdomen and the bullet lodged into your hip bone. Thankfully, nothing major was nicked or hit, But the doctors had to leave the bullet in otherwise it would cause extensive bleeding.
“Okay Miss Vaughn, your lungs seem clear and strong. But if you start to have trouble breathing or cough/vomit blood, unbearable pain in your hip, go to the ER immediately” The Doctor insisted.
You nodded at his words. Your mother sat in the chair bouncing her leg up and down.
“What about the physical therapy for her leg? Is there a program or something?” Your mom asked.
“There is a physical therapy program we have but without insurance, it costs $250 per session. Based off Jordan’s injury, she will need sessions twice a week” The Doctor explained.
You look over at your mother who seems to be in deep thought. Your face falls when you realize where her thought process is going.
“Okay, thank you Doc” Your mother nodded. She grabs your crutch and helps you to stand. The two of you walk out the office together. You make it to the car and with a bit of a struggle, you manage to get in the front seat.
Your mom gets in the car and pulls out a cigarette. The two of you just sit in silence inside your heads.
“I know what you’re thinking. I know I promised I’ll never go back but…you need those sessions baby” Your mom mumbled.
“I don’t need them. I can do it myself. I can find tutorials on YouTube and do it like that. You don’t have to go back” You said.
“Jordan you’re not a Doctor. You don’t know if doing it yourself will help. These shifts at the diner barely pays the bills and I need you back at 100%” Your mom stated.
You stare out the window with a despondent expression.
“I’m doing this for you. You are my world and I love you forever” Your mom said and grabbed your face to look at her.
You look into her slighted dilated eyes to see nothing but genuine love in them.
“I love you too Mom” You spoke genuinely. Your mom gives you a kiss on the forehead before starting the car.
“Can I go by Quinton’s? I want to check up on him” You asked.
“Of course” Your mom answered.
For the next 15 minutes, you sat in the car with your head against the window looking at the passing scenery. The radio was softly playing in the background and the smell of cigarettes filled the car. You and Quinton hasn’t talk since he told you the news of Devyn passing. You were preoccupied with recovering but you also wanted to give him space to grieve.
It was going to hard moving on with life without Devyn. You felt about the idea. You didn’t want to move on. You wanted to be swallowed up with guilt. Guilt that you survived and he didn’t. Guilt that you could possibly be happy one day.
“Hey Jord, we’re here” Your mom shook you out of your thoughts. You looked up and saw the house you’ve been to numerous times. It felt weird, you started to get nervous. You kept rubbing your sweaty palms on your pants. Your mom took notice and she grabbed your hand.
“Hey, why don’t we go together” Your mom offered.
You swallow harshly and nod at her offer. She gave you an encouraging smile before getting out and coming to your side. She helped you exit the car and walk up the stairs. She knocked on the door for you.
A few moments later, the door opens to reveal Mrs. Hasland.
“I…I” You struggled to find words to say.
Suddenly, you are eloped into a huge. Mrs. Hasland hugged you tightly with tears pouring out her eyes. She kept muttering Thank You Lord into your shoulder over and over again. You wrap your arms around her tightly to return the hug.
Quinton appears from behind his mother. After his mother was finished hugging you, he pulled you into a tight hug too. The two of you pouring everything you needed to say in the hug.
A couple of days go by, you spent most of your time at Quinton’s house since your mother started having her company over. You didn’t want to see the men or hear the noises so you went over to Quinton’s, his parents not minding a bit.
You attended Devyn’s funeral which surprised you and everyone else because you absolutely despised funerals. If you could get out of going to one, you 100% did. But this was Devyn, one of your best friends. You couldn’t not go, you wanted to say goodbye to him one last time. You also didn’t want him to haunt you for not attending.
Another surprise was seeing Mia Reed and Vada at the service. You didn’t expect them to show up at all but you and Quinton appreciated it. The four of you all exchanged socials and phone numbers to keep in contact with one another and check up on each other.
The sound of the text message sound brings you out of your thoughts. You grab your phone from the nightstand to see a text message from Vada.
Vada: hey (2:34 am)
Jordan: hey (2:35 am)
Vada: im surprised ur still up (2:35 am)
Jordan: could say the same thing for u (2:36 am)
Vada: i couldn’t sleep. the nightmares wont let me (2:36 am)
Jordan: same (2:37 am)
You watched as the text bubbles pop up and disappear. They pop up again with a new message.
Vada: this is probs a stupid question to ask but how r u? (2:39 am)
You sigh at the question. You could lie and say your okay or you could tell her the truth.
Jordan: fine as I can be. how bout u? (2:42 am)
Vada: good as anyone could be after something like that (2:43 am)
Jordan: understandable answer (2:43 am)
Vada: im sorry about devyn (2:45 am)
Jordan: thnx (2:48 am)
Vada: do u remember anything anything before u passed out (2:51 am)
Jordan: no. all I remember is falling out the stall and then blackness (2:52 am)
Jordan: truth be told I thought I died (2:52 am)
You don’t know why you lied to the girl. Maybe you think you are protecting from remembering anything from that…or protecting yourself.
Vada: we should hang out sometime (2:56 am)
Jordan: we should. when do u want to? (2:57 am)
Vada: maybe this weekend? (2:58 am)
Jordan: im down (2:59 am)
Vada: great 🙂 (3:01 am)
Jordan: 🙂 (3:01 am)
Vada: i should get some sleep. I’ll text u this weekend (3:02 am)
Jordan: looking forward to it (3:03 am)
Vada liked the message and you locked your phone. You placed your phone back on the charger on the nightstand.
“Looking forward to it, ugh” You cringed.
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yourlocalqreator · 1 year
A New Driver
Paring: Sergio Perez X Flora Castellanos (OC)
While Sergio and Max are talking about the season along with stuff, A new driver then goes to the 2 red bull drivers which made Sergio Checo Perez Mendoza change his love life. Warning: Fluff
His mind was thinking about so much, The race, His marriage wasn't working out for him and his wife,. He was looking for a new love but that was never working, "Hey, Uhh Checo, You good man," Max asked as Sergio got back in reality and nodded, "Uhh you sure cause-" he cut himself off as his eyes got wide, he couldn't believe it, He had been talking about this for so long and he had never seen his friend so upset. He looked up to see Max's eyes were wide as well, his mind had gotten away from him, Max looked like he was going to cry, but he didn't, and instead, Sergio smiled and said, "I'm sorry Max, I didn't mean to upset you, it's just I have a lot to deal with right now, and my marriage isn't going so well." Max smiled as he looked at him in a brotherly way. "I know"
Who would want to be with a 31-year-old divorced man? He thought to himself as he looked into the distance. He saw Max's girlfriend Kelly in the distance talking to a .. New driver?
Sergio thought to himself "Hey Max, Who is that kelly's talking to?" Sergio looked at the blond female driver "Oh, that's the new driver, ". She was short and cute and her hair was in a dutch braid bun which made Sergio find someone. She then looked at Sergio who was looking at him also. She then smiled and walked at the two men.
Oh shit, she's coming.
Sergio started to get flustered but acted cool as the women started to walk up to them. "Hey, are you the driver?" she asked Sergio with a smile on her face. "Yes we are, I'm Sergio Perez and my partner here is Max Verstappen." She then came closer to him and put her hand out, "Hi I'm Flora Castellanos." "Nice to meet you, Flora, I'm Sergio and this is my best friend Max." The woman smiled as she took his hand in hers and shook it, "Well hi there, Nice to meet you guys as well." Her hands felt soft and warm, and her grip was firm. She then let go of his hand and smiled, "So what brings you to our team?" Max asked Flora. "Well, Your boss christain horner, and I talked because he said that I have what it takes to join the team," said Flora. "What does that mean?" Max asked curiously. Flora then replied to Max, "You know how Red Bull always wins the races, well your boss told me to come over here and get my chance, He said that there is an opening now and I should grab it." Max smiled, "That's great news Flora, but why do you think you can make it?" "Because I'm a fast driver," Flora answered confidently. "I've won all sorts of races before and I'm very good at driving and being quick but I don't think of myself as a winner cause, hah you know." "Yeah, I know, It's hard to win these days, but I'm sure you will make it." Sergio said happily. "Thanks, Sergio, I appreciate it." Max was chuckling "Hey, I think my Mexican mate has a little-"
"No, I don't" Sergio started to laugh at him
"But hey Flora, if you're interested, maybe we could go out sometime and get some food or something." "Sure, I'd love to," said Flora. As Flora was getting ready to leave, Sergio suddenly remembered something and asked her, "By the way Flora, where did you use to drive?" "Like anyone from Formula 4 to F2," said Flora. "And then?" Max asked. "I drove for some teams through my Formula Racing Career," Flora answered. "Can't remember since it's been a long time," she chuckled. "Yeah, I'm glad that Christian chose you as an official 3rd driver. Your Really Cu- I mean" Sergio was about to say something but "You're really fun to hang out with" He started to get flustered by looking at her. "Oh. Thank you, you too,"
she giggled. Flora started to notice how he was feeling so she started to let her hand down close to his. He started to feel her hand next to his, To tease her his fingers started to grab her pinkie and that's when Flora started to blush a little. Sergio looked at Flora's hand on his before his hand moved to her whole hand and started to hold onto her hand.
That's when Flora started to look at Sergio. "Oh sorry, just got a little too comfortable," he said before letting go scratching his head. "Nah it's okay" Both chuckled and laughed looking at each other. "Oh uhm, speaking of what you just did, do you have a wife or something?" Asked flora. "I used to but we're now divorced," He said
"Wait why?"
"Some problems," he said. "Damn, how you feelin now?" asked Flora, "Free" being honestly true," he smiled. "That's cool, So you wanna like get to know each other before getting on that Bahrain track?" Asked Flora.
"Of course, I can Amiga"
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angelsoneshots · 1 year
I'm not worth it - Simon "Ghost" Riley x OC
Words: 653
A litlle bit of angst with fluffy ending.
English isn't my first language.
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There he was with half full glass of burboun. His balaclava was resting right above his lips. Sour taste of liquid filling up his mouth.
“Let it out, L.t.” Man with a mohawk sat down next to his friend giving him a firm pat on the back. Ghost’s eyes wandered from the glass and laid on Soap.
“I lost her, Johnny.” He whispered and laid his eyes back on the glass. “It’s a lost cause.” Liquid trailed down Ghost’s throat.
“What do you mean you lost her?” Soap’s brows kneeted together. Ghost let out a dark chuckle.
“She’s like me.” He looked at his friend again. “She almost died in my fucking arms, Soap and I-.” Ghost’s voice was caught up in his throat. “And I wanted to tell her back then.” Soap nodded his head slowly. Now he understands why his friend is broken like that.
“She didn’t want to hear it?” Johnny asked and and Simon let out quiet nope from his mouth. “Why?” Just as he asked the question everyone in the room went silent. Soap and Ghost turned their attention to the door. There she was. Nyx. Mystery of a woman. Faceless warrior. One of the best. “Holy shit.” Soap whispered as he stood up and made his way to the door. Ghost was quick to fallow him.
“You shouldn’t be up!” Ghost scolded her but she just gave him quick look.
“I need a drink.” Was all she said as she passed both men. Nyx made her way to counter and took the bottle of whiskey.
“Are you out of your mind?” Ghost took the bottle and placed it high enough for her to not be able to touch it. “You’re still on meds, if you drink it-.”
“Stop babysitting me, Simon.” Nyx’s voice was cold. She was calm yet dominant. “I can take care of myself just fine.”
“By getting yourself killed as you almost did earlier?” Ghost backfired and the whole room could feel growing tension.
“Alright.” Soap clapped his hands. “Goodnight everybody, enough drinks for tonight!” He rushed everyone outside leaving just the three of them. “What the fuck is wrong with you two?”
“Ask Halloween.” Nyx said trying to get another bottle but Ghost smacked her hand away. “Hey!”
“Fucking hell, Foster, can your brain process that I can actually care about you?!” Ghost half screamed leaving Soap speechless. Nyx was still stone-cold. “Can you understand that I l-.”
“Shut up.” She said and kept looking at Simon’s face. His brown eyes were soft yet intense as he was looking into Nyx’s green ones. “I’m not worth it, Simon.” Small tear formed in the corner of her left eye.
“I’ll leave you two alone.” Soap excused himself and made sure to close the door behind him.
“Who told you that?” Simon took a step closer to Nyx not breaking eye contact. “Aggie, please.” He placed his hands on her masked cheeks. Nyx closed her eyes and tried to stop the tears. She failed feeling wet trails on her face. Ghost pulled her into his chest and placed one of his hands on her head, soflty stroking her hair. “Come on, let it out.” Simon’s soft voice caused Aggie to cry even more.
“I’m so sorry, Si.” She managed to say as she pulled away. Her mask now wet from tears. “I’m not ready to hear those words.” Ghost slowly nodded his head.
“That’s okay.” He said and placed clothed kiss on Nyx’s forehead through his balaclava. “Now let me take you back to your bed, ay?”
“Okay.” She whispered as Ghost swiped some more tears from her face.
“Come on, you have to rest.” He leaded Nyx to her room and made sure she was comfortable in her bed. He wanted to leave at first but he stayed for the night. No nightmares. No night terrors. Just some good sleep for both of them.
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grassyhorizon45 · 6 months
Changed. || Marauders - 18
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A quick 3 min per chapter Marauders Era fanfic starring Faith Solace as reader × Sirius/Remus, and Minuet McGonagall (an OC of mine hehe)
Warnings: None :>
Words: 521
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Faith's POV
“You’re so brave,” Faith told James with a hint of sarcasm.
“Why do you say that?” James perked up.
“Is it ‘cause he made the team in the stupidest way possible?” Remus guessed with his nose still in a book.
Faith laughed. “Or maybe it’s the letter you sent poor Evans–”
“Pfft, wait—” Remus burst out laughing. “You actually gave her that letter??”
James flushed red, “Wasn’t it a dare?”
Sirius entered the room. “Why’s Potter all red like that? Oooooh– Are we talking about Evans? I wanna join!”
“Don’t you think it’s a little early to be crushing on people? We’re only eleven for goodness sake!” (Faith)
“He can do what he wants. Isn’t that right Jamsie?” Sirius gave him a pat on the back. “Besides, it just gives us another thing to tease him about,” he smirked.
They laughed.
“So, when’s the next quidditch practice?” Remus changed the subject. “I heard quidditch season is starting soon.”
James sat a little taller as if he loved talking about him making the team. “Soon I think. They said something about wanting to meet us up for lunch first.”
“Sounds exciting.”
Sirius' POV
“How do you do it……” I was mumbling to myself like a madman. “Why are you so bold James? So charismatic–”
“You alright Sirius?” Remus approached me. 
“Yeah, just……. Thinking.”
Then I remembered something.
“You went missing ‘round this time last month didn’t you? Ever plan on telling us where Professor Dumbledore took you?”
Remus paused to think.
“Sirius, Remus! Look what Peter and I found outside!!”
Solace came running over, and I caught Remus heaving a sigh of relief out of the corner of my eye… He’s definitely hiding something.
“What did you find?” Remus smiled enthusiastically at her.
Peter hurried over too, holding something small with his two hands.
“Bowtruckle,” I gasped when I saw it, it was absolutely adorable— Ehem, not that I would ever admit it……
“Yeah! It’s so cutee~”(Faith)
“But what’s it doing here in Hogwarts?” Remus made a good point.
“Where’d yall find it Pete?” I asked, having an inkling of where it might have come from.
“Near the whomping willow,” Faith and Peter said in unison.
“You thinking what I’m thinking Remus?”
“The little guy could belong to the groundskeeper.”
“Oh–” Faith mumbled. “I never thought of that…”
I shrugged, “I mean, it’s just a hunch–”
“Who’s the groundskeeper?” Peter asked.
“You know the big tall guy with the huge beard and long hair? Yeah, him.”
“Could’ve just said Hagrid…” Faith grinned at me.
“Can’t blame me,” I smirked back. “It’s an accurate description after all.”
James' POV
“Nice to meet you, Potter. I’m Justin Anderson, captain.” He shook James’ hand then added, “Don’t you dare pull a stunt like that again or I’ll personally have you kicked from the team.”
James gulped, guess barging into tryouts did not leave the captain with a good impression.
“Hey, go easy on the kid… He’s a natural,” one of the girls next to the captain said. “He needs discipline. Let’s see how he fares on the real pitch.”
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jake-kiszkas-smirk · 2 years
Here Comes the Sun (part 15)
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Danny Wagner X fem OC X Josh Kiszka
18+ only, minors DNI
warnings: oral (m rec), gagging, angst, bruises, alcohol consumption, semi-public sexual content. I think thats it, as always please let me know if I missed anything
Rose's POV
The last week I had been so busy with school that I really hadn't gotten to spend any time with either of the guys, so as I finished packing my bag for the trip my stomach was filled with butterflies. I couldn't wait to spend the whole weekend with them. I was a little nervous about things going smoothly, so I had decided I'd try my best to divide my time between them equally. Josh had been a little more distant than normal but I attributed that to just getting things lined up for this bigger show.
Danny<3- I'm almost there, it's just me, Sam wanted to ride with his girlfriend or whatever she is to him lol
-Alright, I'm almost done packing, just come in when you get here
I made sure to pack warm clothes, they had told me we were staying in a cabin and it sometimes get chilly at night. I heard the front door open and close, then Danny telling Lucas hi as he passed him on the way to my room.
"Hey you," He said sweetly, pulling me into a kiss, "I've missed you"
"It's only been like 4 days" I giggled as I pulled away,
"4 days too many" He replied as he kissed me again, harder this time.
"Well, we have a long drive ahead of us to catch up, I just need to change really quick" I pulled my shirt over my head and he rubbed his thumb over my shoulder, I looked in the mirror and saw he was touching the mark from where he had bit me the last time he'd seen me.
"I can't believe you still have a bruise from this," He said sheepishly, "Hows your ass?" He laughed softly, rubbing the back of his neck
"For your information, it hurt to sit for days." I said playfully as I poked his chest, causing him to grin, "And before you say it, I know I asked for it, and I'm not complaining" I said putting my hands on his hips and kissing him, his lips curling into a smile. There were definitely still bruises on my ass too, but they were a lighter shade of yellow and almost healed.
I changed into a pair of loose jeans and an oversized sweater. I picked up my bag and Danny quickly took it from my hand to carry it for me. I shook my head and rolled my eyes, but I knew better than to argue. I told Lucas bye and we went out to Dannys car. He opened my door, putting my bag in the backseat before getting in the drivers seat.
"So tell me about this cabin?" I said as he put the car in drive, a big grin formed on his face
"Well, me and the guys usually go every summer, its close to a lake, and lots of amazing hiking trails. This is only the second time we have gone during winter, so we can't swim, but we can find other stuff to do" he wiggled his eyebrows at me.
"I doubt we will have any alone time with all 3 Kiszkas there." I laughed, "Oh, I just wanted to let you know Josh asked me to go on a hike with him when we get there" I saw his face fall a little, "But when I get back I'm all yours" I added, reaching over and putting my hand on his knee. He grabbed my hand and brought it up to his mouth, kissing it.
"So..you and Josh are still seeing each other too?" he asked softly, keeping his eyes on the road,
"Yes..why wouldn't we be?" I asked, feeling my face get hot,
"I just thought after you said, what you said..what we said" he said, squeezing my hand a little tighter, I smiled softly at how he worked around saying it because he was nervous,
"You mean that I love you?" I asked plainly, staring over at him.
"Yes, that" he blushed, trying to suppress his beaming grin, "I just thought, I don't know...that it meant that it was just you and me now."
"I do love you Danny, but I love him too...it's just in different ways. And as much as I love you, I'm sorry I'm just still not ready to make-" my voice had started to crack as I felt myself getting nervous,
"Hey, its ok, I'm not trying to force you into anything or rush you, I was just asking." He reached over and caressed my face, "It's alright, I'll wait however long I need too." I nodded and looked over to see him give me a reassuring smile, "Now, lets pick a playlist for the rest of the drive" He said, mercifully changing the subject. "Oh, and I love you too." He added as he rested his hand on my thigh.
Josh's POV
I sat in the seat by the window as I waited for Rose to show up to the cabin. I hadn't seen her since that night at the bar, and I missed her. Things had felt a little strained before that with her brother, and then after the fight she had left with Danny. I was sure some alone time with her would make me feel better, I just missed her. I looked around the cabin, Sam and his girl where cuddled up on the couch being disgustingly cute. Jake had immediately disappeared into his room with his girlfriend. I quickly turned back to the window when I heard the sound of a car door. I saw Danny walking around to the passenger side, opening the door. I jumped up ready to go out and greet Rose, but I froze when I saw her get out and wrap her arms around Danny's neck. He pressed her against the car and they kissed, I felt my stomach drop. I knew they obviously did things...but seeing it was painful. I turned away and decided to wait in my room for her, I knew she'd eventually ask where I was, and that way we'd have a little privacy. I knew it would take her a while to get her stuff to her room, so I started unpacking some of my stuff. I heard footsteps going past my room, and I got closer to the door. I could her and Danny talking,
"Yeah, you can have my room, I will sleep on the couch." He said
"Are you sure?" She asked sweetly. I had even missed her voice.
"I'm sure Angel" I wanted to gag at the pet name he had for her, "Me and the rest of the group are going to run into town for groceries, I'll see you later."
"Ok, I love you," She said softly, but I still heard it. My chest got tight as I backed away from the door. She loved him, she had never even come close to saying that to me. I quickly tried to shake my emotions away as I heard a soft knock at the door.
"Come in" I said quietly as I kept my back facing the door, I heard the door open and shut. Then I braced myself as she jumped onto my back. I felt some of my worries melt away for a moment as she playfully peppered the side of my face with kisses. I giggled as she hopped down, turning me to face her as she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into a passionate kiss.
"I missed you" She said when she finally pulled away. I wrapped her in a hug and held her tight, like she'd slip away if I let go.
"I missed you more" I said as I reluctantly let go, "I just want to apologize again for the bar, I didn't know about all the history,"
"Thats not your fault, really, don't apologize," She said as she caressed my face, "Are you ready for our hike? I know I am!" She said excitedly as she took my hands,
"I am," I laughed at how cute she was, "Lets go," I grabbed my backpack with some supplies and we headed out the door. It was about midday, so it wasn't quite as cold it would be later. I led her towards our favorite trail and I couldn't stop thinking about how beautiful she looked all the time, but especially out in nature, the way her eyes sparkled when she pointed to a small flower or found a rock and tucked it away in her pocket. We were far into the woods when my mind started to wonder back to hearing her at the cabin, and I started to feel very insecure about her and I. Her brother hated me, Danny knew more about her past than me, and she was telling him she loved him.
"Josh," I snapped out of it,
"Yes baby?" I replied, clearing my throat
"I've said your name like three times now, whats up with you?" She asked, taking both of my hands, looking up at me with concerned eyes,
"I just-I'm a little stressed about the show tomorrow" I lied, not willing to admit how jealous and insecure I was feeling.
"Theres no reason for you to be nervous, you're amazing." She replied, I suddenly wished I had told her the truth and that would have been her same response,
"Thank you sweetheart, its just a bigger venue than normal" I sighed,
"Well," She slowly backed me into a tree, pressing her body against mine, kissing me deeply, her tongue surprising me when it slid into my mouth. I accepted it of course and felt myself starting to melt into her, "I can provide you with a little stress relief," She said with a mischievous look in her eye, dropping to her knees.
"Whoa," I breathed out as she started palming me through my jeans, "Right now? Out here?"
"Mhm" She said, unbuttoning my pants, "Or, I can stop if you don't want me to?"
"No, please don't stop" I groaned as I felt myself growing hard under her touch, she grinned as she continued to unbutton my pants, sliding them and my boxers down to my mid thigh. I glanced around, I doubted anyone else would be out here, but the thought of getting caught was a different kind of rush. I took in a sharp breath as she took my length in her hand, pumping it a few times, looking up at me with doe eyes through her lashes. I reached down and cradled the side of her face, then sliding my hand back to pull her hair into a makeshift ponytail.
She wet her lips with her tongue before placing a kiss on my tip. She then trailed kisses down the rest of my length, her eyes never leaving mine as she built up the anticipation,
"Come on beautiful, please put me in your sweet mouth" I whispered.
she grinned up at me before abruptly licking a stripe from base to tip, I gripped her hair tighter and bit my bottom lip as she then took me into her mouth, bobbing her head slowly, swirling her tongue expertly. My breaths were getting ragged as I felt myself getting close,
"fuck, your mouth feels so good," I rasped, trying my hardest to hold back from fucking into her throat. Like she could read my mind she sunk down to the hilt, gagging but not stopping, she raked her nails down my thighs and continued moving in a way that I was hitting the back of her throat every time,
"Yes baby, just like that, I'm going to cum" I groaned out. She sped up and groaned as I gripped her hair even tighter, the vibrations causing me to spill down the back of her throat as I cursed and whispered her name.
She pulled off of me, wiping her chin with the back of her arm as she stood up. She pulled up my boxers and pants, buttoning them back as I stared at her in a daze. I finally moved my hands, wiping the mascara that had run down her face.
"So, how do you feel now?" She asked me with a proud smile on her face,
"Better," I paused as I pulled her hips against me, "And like I'm going to thoroughly enjoy paying you back for that later." she grinned as I kissed her forehead, "We should probably start heading back before it gets dark"
"You're just in a hurry to get me back to the cabin" She teased as she walked off in front of me,
"You're not wrong," I said as I jogged to catch up with her, wrapping my arms around her and lifting her, spinning her around.
We walked back to the cabin and everyone else was still gone, I was slightly relieved we still had some time to ourselves. As we got closer to the cabin I noticed Rose starting to shiver a little,
"You cold sweetheart?" I asked, pulling her closer to me,
"I am, my pants are wet and its making me really cold." She answered, I glanced down to her knees to see them soaked from when she had knelt on the ground earlier
"Well, I have a solution for that," I said as we entered the cabin. We walked into the bathroom and I turned on the shower, "There is nothing better after a hike than a hot shower.....and shower sex." I added with a wink
"I definitely think that would warm me up" She said as she shut the door, locking it. "But we have to hurry before the others get back," I nodded and we both quickly started to strip.
"Shit, I'll be right back, I gotta go get towels from the laundry room" I still had my pants on as I ran to get us towels. When I got back Rose was already in the shower and I could hardly wait to join her. I slid the curtain open and was welcomed with her facing me, her wet hair draped over her shoulders,
"Did you lock the door?" She asked, I quickly reached back and locked it. I stepped into the shower and she immediately was against me, her arms wrapped around my neck. I pulled her close, kissing at her jaw as she moaned softly into my ear. My hands traveled from her back down to her ass, giving it a squeeze. She jolted back and gasped, and I looked at her confused.
"Whats wrong?" I asked
"Nothing sorry," She said as she pulled herself closer, kissing me. I didn't believe her so I pulled away, putting my hands on her hips and turning her around. My eyes got wide as I saw her ass covered in yellowish brown bruises.
"Rosie, what the fuck happened?" I asked, gently running my hand over them,
"Well Danny-" She started softly,
"I'll kill him" I said, my voice dropping lower than normal out of anger, my hands forming fists
"No, Josh." She turned and grabbed my face with both hands, "I-I asked him to."
"What?" I asked, genuinely shocked cause she had never asked me for anything like that.
"I like it," She said, crossing her hands over her chest like she was suddenly embarrassed to be in front of me. Another thing he had going for him. Something she had never even asked me for, even if she did I couldn't do it, I couldn't bear hurting her even if she liked it. I felt my heart beating faster as I thought about all these things building up against me, and I just had to get out of there.
"I- I think I heard the front door. I can just shower later" I said as I started to get out,
"Josh please stay, I'm sure its fine" She said grabbing my hand,
"I'm supposed to help with dinner, so I should go" I lied again, her face fell. "I will see you when you get out" I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before wrapping in a towel and heading to my room.
I felt that awful tightness in my chest again as I collapsed onto the bed. I was never a jealous person, but right now I was full of jealousy. She was slipping away from me and I could feel it. Maybe I was overreacting, I wasn't sure anymore. My brain was foggy with so many insecurities and emotions. I decided I should probably get dressed and go help with dinner before she caught me in a lie and got suspicious. I walked into the kitchen and found Danny and Sam setting things up to start cooking chili. Jake, his girl, and Sam's girl were setting up games on the coffee table in the living area.
"Did you go to the liquor store?" I asked, not to anyone in particular.
"Yeah, those bags over there." Danny answered. "Where's Rose?"
"She's showering," I replied flatly as I poured a shot of tequila. Danny walked off towards his room.
"Whats with you?" Sam asked,
"None of your business." I said back, taking the shot before pouring another one.
"Well Mr.grumpy guy, we need to brown that meat so that the chili can simmer while we start game night." Sam said as he placed a frying pan in front of me. I took it and started doing as he asked. Minutes later I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned my head slightly to see Rose,
"Hey, are you ok?" She asked quietly,
"Yeah, I'm fine," I said forcing a smile,
"Alright," She gave me a quick hug from behind before walking over to the couch and sitting next to Danny. Jake said something about starting the game and called me over.
"Be there in a second." I took another quick shot and then made myself a margarita. I was already feeling tipsy before that third shot, and I probably shouldn't have taken it but I felt like I needed it to get through the night. Other people had started sipping on beers or mixed drinks but no one was close to the same level as me. We started the game of uno and I couldn't keep my eyes off of Danny and Rose's legs touching. It wasn't anything crazy but I could feel it getting to me. I was shaken from my thoughts when I heard Sam's timer go off on his phone.
"Foods ready!" He shouted before jumping up and running to the kitchen. His girl, whos name I wasn't sure of rolled her eyes, laughing as she followed him. Danny stood up, speaking to Rose
"I'll get you a bowl, cheese or no cheese?" He asked,
"No cheese please," She said giving him that sweet smile, "Thank you" He was staring back at her like he was in a trance and like no one else was in the room, he leaned down and kissed her,
"You're welcome" He whispered, smiling as he pulled away
"Hey!" I yelled, "That is against the deal!" I shouted,
"Josh," Danny said, his eyes wide, putting his hands up in defense.
"No, you know the rules!" I slurred, standing up and almost stumbling over.
"Deal?" Rose said, Danny's eyes instantly went to hers,
"Rose.." He said reaching for her hand, she pulled it away
"What fucking deal" She asked, looking between the two of us.
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Altered Carbon- Out of the Past (1.01)
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Pairing: Nova Griffiths (OC) x Takeshi Kovacs
Summary: When Nova is contracted for a new job, she's introduced to a part of humanity's past. The job seems to be a bust, but it becomes clear that it's anything but.
Warnings: mentions of suicide!, cursing, guns, rebirthing(?), sword+knives, blood, mentions of shitty parents
Word Count: 6441
“Just…” I sighed, looking out through the droplets of rain on the windows of the bus stop, “I just want you to be safe, E.J.”
“I know. I will be, Nov. I promise.”
“Alright, good. Look, bug, I’ve gotta run.”
“New job?”
I snorted, looking at his grin on the holographic screen. “Possible new target, yeah.”
He nodded. “Promise you’ll be safe too?”
I nodded right back, a smile on my face. “Promise, E.J. Love you, bud. Talk to you later, yeah?”
Another nod. “Go.”
I sighed as I checked the time.
I was going to be late if I didn’t haul ass. I flicked the display of the watch away and pulled my helmet on. I straddled my bike and kicked the stand up. Hopefully, this payout would be worth it.
“Justice! Let the dead speak! Justice! Let the dead speak!”
The chant became static as I pushed my way through the crowd, and up the steps of Alcatraz prison. Lieutenant Ortega from the local police department had reached out and told me she would give me a ride up to the Bancroft residence.
I popped onto my toes and saw the lieutenant waving me down. A blond man stood next to her, his face angry, but eyes seeming disoriented.
“Ortega, hey.” I held a hand out for her and she gave me a firm shake. “I’ve been trying to find you for the last twenty minutes.”
“These people are something else. Nova Griffiths, you’ll be working with this gentleman here.”
“Nice to meet you.” I stuck my hand out, and he did the same.
“You shouldn’t have come back!” A man shouted over my shoulder, cutting my new partner off before he could start his sentence.
The crowd’s chant changed, “No resleeving!”
“Well shit, let’s get outta here.” I gave Ortega a grimace, letting his hand drop.
We began to push our way back through, dodging the picket signs and the face painted protestors. A man with white and black markings on his face took a step towards us and pushed me out of the way. I stumbled backwards, and my partner reached out, preventing me from falling off my feet.
“You will not be forgiven!” The protester spat in his face.
I used the existing grip on my arm to pull myself back in front of him. I spat in the protester’s face and shook my partner’s grip loose.
“Well, that’s gonna keep him busy a while.” My partner guided me to walk in front of him as we continued to push through the crowd.
“Spirit savers and Afterlifers. 653 failed, and still they can’t stop yelling.” Ortega spoke.
“What is 653?” He asked, looking up from the paper.
“Something about spinning up murder victims to testify who killed them.” I kept my eyes on my feet, feeling nauseous.
“Why wouldn’t you spin them up if they’re witnesses to their own murder?”
“Archdiocese says you only get the sleeve you’re born with. Once it dies, they spin you back up for anything, even to identify your killer, your soul goes to hell.” Ortega looked in the rearview mirror. “What do you think?”
“I think no one in the archdiocese has ever been murdered.” He looked out the window, and then to me. “Nova?”
I snorted, finally looking up. “I think they’re all full of shit.”
He fell quiet as he observed the city. I studied his silhouette as he stared. The sleeve was handsome. Strong features, a strong jawline, a deep voice. Light colored eyes and swept-over hair.
“So what were you in for?” I asked, trying to get a sense of why he was so silent.
“Ah, little bit of this, little bit of that. Blew some shit up and killed some people.” He caught a look from Ortega in the rearview. “Some people just need killing.” He grinned.
I felt a grin rise on my own face, but Ortega didn’t seem to share the amusement.
“And how do you decide who deserves to die?”
My partner shook his head with a small sigh. “Depends on the day. I mean, anything can set me off. Interstellar dictatorship, genocide, people who talk to much.” He looked over at her for the last part before letting out another sigh.
I giggled, and Ortega shot me a look.
“Right now I’m feeling pretty hostile towards Laurens Bancroft, whoever the fuck he is.” He pulled something from his pants pocket.
“Oh, come on. Everyone knows Bancroft, he’s one of the first founding Meths.”
“What’s a Meth?”
“You don’t know what a Meth is? How can you not know?” Ortega chuckled. “You're dressed like one.”
“Like I said, I’m not from around here.” His demeanor changed.
I eyed him. He was fidgeting with his hands. Ortega went on, reciting something from the beliefs of the Meths. I decided to unbuckle myself and slide into the middle seat. He took notice and looked down at me, eyebrows furrowed.
“How long have you been under?”
He looked away, sighing again.
“How long, man?” I whispered again.
“Two hundred fifty years.” He didn’t look my way again.
We busted through the clouds, and I slid forward, still unbuckled. He caught me by the hood of my jacket before grabbing my upper arm, pulling me back into my seat. I swallowed my pride and buckled back up.
“They call it the Aerium.”
He leaned forward, eyes wide.
“Guess they don’t have this where you come from either, huh?” Ortega gave a teasing smile.
She guided the car to hover over the property as we sat in silence. He readjusted himself back in his seat, and Ortega seized the silence once more.
“So, where were you born? Home planet, that kinda thing.”
“Not here.” He was dead-pan.
“That’s a little vague.” Ortega chuckled.
“You ask a lot of questions.”
“That’s my abuela. She always said, Kristin, you can find a way to talk to anybody.”
“Especially when they’re trapped in a car with you.” He shot back.
She looked forward with a sigh, and I stifled another giggle.
“Our quick and messy little lives are so small to them. They build their homes up here so the clutter of our existence is out of their sight.”
We only shared a look in the backseat.
The landing of the hover-car was rough, accompanied by various quick remarks.
“Come on, last chance. Just give me a name.”
“Takeshi Kovacs.” He got out of the car and straightened out his clothes. “Look me up.”
Ortega immediately did so while I scrambled out of the car after him.
“Holy shit. Is that why…”
Kovacs glanced at me over his shoulder. “Yep.”
“You can’t be who you say you are. All the Envoys died.” Ortega tried to catch up with us as she shouted.
“All except one.” Kovacs caught me by the arm, pulling me to stand behind him.
I peered around his frame, only to see Bancroft’s multiple goons with their guns pointed toward us.
“Not another step, Ortega.”
“Aw come on. I’m Bay City PD and you know it, Curtis.” Ortega continued to walk toward them. “So lower your weapons and tell me where your boss is, because I really would like a fucking word.”
“Lieutenant Ortega, you’re trespassing on private property. Apparently, you’ve stolen one of our limos as well. I could have you shot.”
Ortega snorted. “Yeah, go ahead. Try.”
A police vehicle landed to our left, and Kovacs covered me a bit more with his own body.
“Why did you drive the Envoy? Isaac was supposed to do that.”
The police car door opened, and a man in a suit dragged a boy out.
“Look, I’m not drunk, okay? I was just loosening up a little. Let go of me.”
“We picked him up on a DUI.” The man explained to Mrs. Bancroft.
“Which is how we came into possession of your vehicle.” Ortega explained.
Mrs. Bancroft whispered something back and forth to, presumably, her son. She turned back to face us. “This is police harassment.”
“Yeah.” Ortega scoffed again. “There’s your kid, there’s your car, here’s your mercenary, and there’s your… new pet terrorist.” She gestured towards Kovacs, annoyed. “You’re welcome.”
“Bounty hunter, not a mercenary.” I scowled.
She walked past us, and Kovacs scoffed this time. “The terrorist can hear you. I’m standing right here.”
“Yeah, good. Cause we’re not done, you and me.” Ortega snapped at him before getting into the police car. I inched my way out from behind Kovacs until I was standing next to him.
Mrs. Bancroft chuckled as she walked toward us. “Forgive me. I’m Miriam Bancroft. We’ve not been properly introduced.”
She gave Kovacs a weak handshake, followed by a snake-like smile my way.
“Welcome to Suntouch House.” She turned on her heel, and we followed.
“Shouldn’t that be in a museum?” Kovacs asked as we walked under the branches of a large tree.”
“I have a weakness for Elder civilization artifacts. I collect them, among other things.”
“This must’ve cost a fortune to ship here.”
She hummed as Kovacs reached for one of the lower-hanging tendrils.
“A few lifetimes, as well. But cost was no object. This is the only Songspire tree on Earth. No one really knows what they are. They could’ve functioned as part of Elder civilization architecture. The largest ones ever recorded are thousands of meters high.”
The look on Kovacs’ face was one of recognition. “I know. I’ve seen them.”
“Stronghold. Of course.” She nodded. “Laurens is in his study. I’ll show you up.”
As if voice-activated, the elevator doors to her right slid open. Kovacs and I eyed each other before following her into the small room. Something felt off. We stayed silent as the elevator began to ascend. I kept myself tucked in between him and the corner, and Miriam stood opposite of him. She continued to eye him before beginning to play with her necklace. The metallic clicking caught his attention, and he looked up.
“Is it true you can look into a person’s eyes and know exactly what they’re thinking?”
Kovacs hummed. “No, Envoys don’t read minds.”
“What a pity.” She smiled.
Kovacs seemed uncomfortable, and the elevator dinged before anyone could say anything else.
“Good luck, Mr. Kovacs, Ms. Griffiths.”
Kovacs gestured for me to exit first, and he followed close behind. We let out simultaneous sighs as we heard the doors close again. We began to walk down the long hallway, trying to keep pace with each other. The study was silent when we walked into it, and I began to feel sick to my stomach.
“Mr. Kovacs, Ms Griffiths.”
We looked up to see Bancroft on the balcony of his study, drink in hand. “My apologies, my son failed to drive you here. You have to forgive my endlessly misplaced optimism.”
“That’s alright.” Kovacs looked back around the study. “The ride was very instructive.”
“Hmm, yes, I’m sure it was. Details are, after all, an Envoy’s stock-in-trade.” He began to walk down to the level we were on. “Or were, I guess I should say. Immersion and total absorb. Wasn’t that the term, hmm? Whatever answer you may seek, it is precisely where you are not looking.”
“You’ve read Falconer.” Kovacs finally spoke, eyes on me as I kept my own on him.
“I was alive during the uprising, yeah.”
“Yeah?” His eyes didn’t stray from mine. “So was I.”
“Oh, y-yes, my apologies. It’s all in the distant past for me, but for you, of course, it’s all rather different. There are very few of us now, who saw firsthand what the Envoys could do. Ah-ha. Yes. A-And I have to admit that I had a grudging admiration for you. Trained by Quell herself to be the most formidable fighting force that the galaxy had ever seen.”
“Well, that would sound better if we hadn’t lost.” Kovacs quipped.
“Although this might, might interest you.” Bancroft handed Kovacs a small leather-bound booklet. “Oh, it’s all corneal streaming now. There’s something about the simplicity of holding the written word in your hand. The very-very heft of it. As men have done for countless centuries before us.”
Kovacs seemed to leave the current plane of existence as he flipped through the book, fingers gingerly running over the pages. “Where did you get this?”
“I bought it at an auction. Supposedly, it is written by Falconer in her own hand. Judging by your reaction, it appears I might have got what I paid for.”
Kovacs snapped out of it, bundling the book back up and clearing his throat.
“Listen to me. I spent this entire morning being well and truly fucked around with, so, uh, let me be painfully clear. Some things can’t be bought. I’m not sure about Ms. Griffiths here,” he glanced down at me, “but I, for one, cannot. Now, I didn’t ask you to bring me back into this world. In fact, I fought a war to stop people like you from happening.” Kovacs began to step closer to Bancroft. “So, if someone doesn’t tell me right now what the fuck this is all about… I might very well lose my temper.” He smacked the booklet into Bancroft’s chest, and I felt my cheeks begin to grow flush.
“Understood. Now, this is a full pardon, signed by the president of the Protectorate.”
Kovacs only gave a look of disbelief. “Power is a matter of influence, Mr. Kovacs. And I have had a great deal of influence at the UN. If you agree to my terms, your sentence will be reduced to time served. And then I will open up a very generous line of credit in your name. DNA trace accessible. And when the investigation is over, you may keep this sleeve or choose another. To your own specifications.”
Kovacs said nothing, and I hung back. Bancroft turned to me.
“Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you, Ms. Griffiths. Your parents will be pardoned as well.”
My heart immediately felt like it was going to blow a hole through my chest.
“Finally, I will pay you both a salary of 50 million UN credits. That’s a fortune. You can have any future you want.”
Blood kept rushing to my head, and my ears felt red hot. My vision blurred, and my body began to shake. I felt ready to pass out. Bancroft began to speak again, walking away this time. Kovacs gently put a hand on my waist and guided me to follow, sensing the loss of equilibrium within my body.
“All I ask is that you solve a murder.” Bancroft pulled a white sheet off a wall.
“Whose?” Kovacs stopped us both in front of the blood-splattered wall.
“This is where I died. When Miriam found me, my head had been vaporized.”
Kovacs’ hold on me had grounded me enough for him to let go. He began to pace the room, and I looked over the brains on the wall.
“It’s an energy weapon?” Kovacs asked.
“Yes. A particle blaster. I keep one for personal protection in a biometric safe that only Miriam and I can open.”
Kovacs and I immediately shared a look, and Bancroft caught on. “Go ahead. Say it. Everyone else has. Either I committed suicide, or my wife murdered me.”
“But you’re still here, meaning your stack is intact, so… you must remember what happened.” The light hit Kovacs in a new way, and I noticed the scar on his sleeve’s eyebrow.
“I’m afraid it’s completely destroyed. RD’d, as they say.”
“So how?”
“Full-spectrum DHF remote storage backup?” I asked.
Bancroft nodded and Kovacs looked at me with a scowl on his face.
“Do you know what that is?” Bancroft asked him.
“Yeah. Just never met anyone filthy rich enough to afford it.” Kovacs scoffed.
Bancroft seemed like his pride was hurt, but he shrugged it off. “Well. I need to show you two something.”
He led us up the stairs to where he had been lurking when we arrived. Kovacs and I shared a look as we followed. I had to double my pace to keep up with Kovacs, who was more likely than not over a foot taller than me.
“Sometimes I come up here when I have decisions to make or difficulties to face.” Bancroft began. “I think about the ancient explorers, back when one could spend a lifetime pursuing the possibilities of the Earth, the oceans, the stars.”
My eyes flickered around the maps and old news articles framed up on the walls. Humanity had landed on the moon for the first time over 400 years ago. These artifacts must’ve cost fortunes.
Bancroft sighed. “I was born in London. When I first moved to what was then, of course, known as the United States, it still had the faintest echoes of the new and brash culture that it once was.”
I glanced over at Kovacs, who was tinkering with something on one of the multiple desks. Bancroft said something about the age of adventurers, and I heard the beeping of a screen. I pulled my eyes from Kovacs and followed his line of sight. A telescope spun our way, and Bancroft gestured toward it.
“Take a look. Tell me what you see.”
Kovacs and I shared another look, and he sensed my hesitation. He placed a reassuring hand on the small of my back before taking a step forward, peering through the eyepiece.
“It’s a Protectorate satellite. Military grade.”
Bancroft hummed. “It is military grade, but it’s not the Protectorates. It’s mine.”
Kovacs’ face took on an unreadable expression as he straightened up, making a subtle effort to keep himself between Bancroft and I.
What had I gotten myself into?
“Every forty-eight hours, my stack is automatically needle cast to it.”
“So your current self has no memory of what happened?” I peeped up from behind the six-something, two hundred-something slab of muscle in front of me.
“No, whoever killed me pulled the trigger ten minutes before my backup went through.”
“Which means all of your memories from those forty-eight hours are gone.”
“Completely. There was an attempted hack on my satellite feed moments after my death. Somebody wants me dead.”
Kovacs peeked back at me over his shoulder. This time, I understood the look in his eyes. Who wouldn’t?
Kovacs took a breath before beginning to slowly circle Bancroft. “For all we know, you did try to kill yourself.”
“You just botched the job.” I deadpanned.
“Mr. Kovacs, Ms. Griffiths, I am not the kind of man who would take his own life. And even if I were,” his eyes turned toward me with a menacing glaze over them, “I’d not have bungled it in such a fashion.”
Kovacs noticed and, once more, took a step in front of me.
“If I’d meant to die, I’d indeed be dead.”
Kovacs chuckled. “I don’t want your money. Or your pardon. I’m not sure about Ms. Griffiths here, but I’ll take eternity on ice. Thanks.” He turned on his heel, and I scurried to stay at his side.
If he was out, then so was I. I didn’t trust Bancroft and I sure as shit wasn’t gonna be stuck in this alone.
“You should take the day, Mr. Kovacs. Go into the city, remember what it is to feel alive. And then, give me your answer. O-oh, and please do take the book. Like everything else I’m offering you, it’s yours if you want it.”
Kovacs looked down at me, and I nodded up at him. Without another word, we made our way out of his study and, with the luck of Miriam not being around, out of the house.
In the car, Kovacs stared at his hands. He was beyond deep in thought. It seemed like a flashback that he was struggling to fight his way out of. He was adamant in his decision to be put back under. The driver was going to drop me off on main street in Bay City. I was going to see E.J. for the first time in almost a year. Kovacs would, as Bancroft had suggested, take a night in the city. After that, he would return to Alcatraz, and I would never see him again.
“Ms. Griffiths.” The driver caught my attention.
I looked up, seeing that we were pulled over on the main road. I blinked, and looked up at Kovacs.
“Guess this is goodbye?” I grinned.
He chuckled, but his own grin fell and he shook his head. “Don’t get involved with Bancroft again. I’ve been around long enough, and people like him don’t change.”
I nodded, watching his eyes as they deepened while he thought. “I won’t. Don’t worry about me.”
He met my eyes, and his grin returned. “Stay safe, kid. You’ve got a good head on your shoulders, I suggest you keep it.”
I nodded. “I will. Be safe, Kovacs.”
“Takeshi.” He spoke as I opened my door, ready to get out.
“What?” I looked back.
“Call me Takeshi.”
I smiled, knowing I’d never see him again and that it wouldn’t matter what I called him.
“Goodbye, Takeshi.”
“Goodbye, Nova.”
I ran through the rain, dodging the group of teenagers doing the same. I shouldered the metal door open and ducked in, out of the weather. The air inside was stale and there were cobwebs in each corner of the lobby. After it had begun to pour, E.J. had called and asked me to meet him here. It looked like the hotel hadn’t been touched in a few years, give or take. More likely give.
“Eli?” I called out, clutching my bag over my shoulder.
“Ms. Griffiths, welcome.”
“Holy shit, it’s still you?” I turned to Poe, the AI that ran the place.
“It’s not like anyone stays here anymore. No need for an upgrade.”
I turned on my heel and saw E.J. sitting at the bar, drink in hand.
“Dude, you are nineteen, put that shit down.” I made my way over to him, stealing the glass of liquor and downing it. “Poe, stop giving my little brother alcohol.”
“He’s a paying customer, Ms. Griffiths.”
I rolled my eyes and held my arms out. E.J. stood from his seat and embraced the hug, rocking me back and forth from side to side. We had stayed at the Ravel Hotel on one occasion, for two months straight. Our parents were off-planet for a racing event, and they had left us with our uncle. He died in a gang-related shootout two days into our parents’ trip. After a week on the streets, we found our way into The Raven. We had gotten in contact with our dad, and he sent the money to Poe.
“How’ve you been?”
I sighed as he finally let go of me. “It’s been kind of crazy.” I sat down next to him.
“Tell me about it?”
I took a deep breath. “Hey, Poe?”
“Yes, Ms. Griffiths?”
“Nova.” I corrected him. “You’ve known me since I was 12, you can call me by my first name. Can I get a-”
“White Russian, White Russian!” E.J. shouted.
“Eli, stop.” I giggled before looking back at Poe. “Fine. Two White Russians please.” I grinned.
I held my finger to the pay-spot on the bar, pulling it away once it clicked. Poe shuffled our drinks out, and I handed one off to E.J. The door opened, and Poe fluttered over to the front desk. E.J. and I didn’t bother looking over. Probably just some sick freak who needed to get his rocks off. He grinned and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. I rolled my eyes as he held the pack out to me.
“You can’t say shit, I’m 19.”
“Stop being cocky.” I pulled one between my lips and held it up to the lighter he held in his hands.
“Never.” He grinned again as he took a drag of his own cigarette. “So. Who’s the target?”
I scowled. “It fell through.”
“What?” He raised an eyebrow. “You? Lose a target? What happened?”
I rolled my eyes and leaned in. “You know Bancroft?”
E.J. snorted, blowing his cigarette smoke in the other direction. “The fucker who thinks he’s god?”
I nodded. “Yeah. Made this whole big deal about how his last sleeve got his brains blown out but his stack stayed intact.”
“Sounds like he just fucked the job up.”
I grinned. “Exactly what I said. So we split.”
“We?” He repeated, again raising an eyebrow. “Since when do you play well with others?”
“Shut up.” I shoved his shoulder. “It was gonna be a special case. Turns out god is just a fucking moron.”
The door opened again, and this time we looked up. There was no way that many people were just coincidentally here. I immediately rose and pulled E.J. along with me as four men and one woman, all with guns, barged in. I looked toward their intended target.
“He won’t be needing a room. So much for Envoy Intuition. Voodoo bullshit.”
“Envoy?” E.J. hissed at me as I pulled him to duck behind the bar.
“Just shut up. Do you have anything on you?”
“Weapons, Eli.” I hissed back.
He patted himself down, and I pulled my blade from my bag and flicked it open. It was the only good thing my father had left me with. A dagger that transformed into a sword with the flick of a wrist. Eli twisted a silencer onto his gun and matched my position.
“Pardon me, wayfarer, we’re in the midst of conversation.” I heard Poe.
“Shut up, you piece of digibrain shit. My microwave is smarter than you.” The man with his gun on Takeshi’s neck snarled.
“I just want one thing to go right today.” I heard Takeshi’s gruff voice.
“Clearly.” Poe sighed.
“Too bad.”
I began to creep up from my toes, onto my knees. Takeshi turned to face the first man, holding his hands behind his back.
“They said you’d be dangerous. I thought you’d be bigger. They made me bring all this backup. What a waste of my time. I don’t need them.”
By now, I was on my haunches, peering up over the counter of the bar. Poe made eye contact with me and gave the slightest shake of his head. Although he was just a bundle of code, Poe had become more human than some people. He cared about E.J. and I, in his own strange, AI way.
“Fuck you, Dimi.” One of the men hissed, only to earn a bullet to the head.
Dimi? I had to take this fucker down for sure. I’d never have to work another day in my life.
“I have to clean that up.” Poe sighed.
“What?” Dimi growled.
“Uh, he had it coming.” Takeshi nodded. “He was rude.”
E.J. had made his way up next to me, gun held tightly. Poe shook his head at us once more.
“I could take you myself without even breaking a sweat.” Dimi got in Takeshi’s face. “Move.”
He shoved Takeshi to the middle of the group, which meant that they all now had their backs to us. Takeshi caught my eye over the counter, and his eyes widened. I gave him a cocky grin, and E.J. looked between the two of us, confused.
“Good sir, I cannot assume host prerogatives without payment.” Poe urged Takeshi.
“You want to get him a hot towel?” Dimi taunted. “You’re some kind of moron, staying in an AI hotel. Possessive like a crazy girlfriend. No one stays in them anymore.”
“Really? I hadn’t heard that.”
Dimi hit the top of Takeshi’s spine with his gun, and the Envoy crashed to the ground with a grunt. I made my choice. I tapped Eli’s gun and pointed my sword toward the woman, who was the closest to us.
“For guest amenities, please, touch the screen.”
Dimi hit Takeshi in the face this time, sending him sprawled onto his back. Eli and I stood slowly, boots silent against the wooden floor. He was taller, and by now, far stronger. We nodded at each other, and he clapped a hand over her mouth. I knocked her gun out of her hand with my sword, catching it in my hand before it could clatter to the floor. The others were too distracted with beating Takeshi up to notice.
Poe’s cold eyes flickered between Takeshi getting his shit rocked and us. The woman struggled, and I made another quick decision. I cut her throat, and Takeshi began to speak at the same time, covering the gurgling sound. E.J. grabbed her now limp sleeve and dragged her to the side.
“It’s not voodoo, which, by the way, absolutely is bullshit. It’s a form of subliminal pattern recognition.” Takeshi began to explain, keeping his eyes ahead as he crawled back toward Poe.
“What the fuck does that mean?” Dimi grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him up, putting his gun to Takeshi’s face.
As Dimi continued to threaten Takeshi’s sleeve, if not his stack, E.J. and I continued our quiet routine. Another man down, another sleeve thrown aside.
“You know, it’s about the details.”
Another hit, Takeshi landing back onto the coffee table. I flinched, surprised it hadn’t broken under his weight.
“Where’s the big bad boy Envoy killer from the past?” Dimi shouted.
“Twenty seconds.” Poe reminded him.
I grimaced. I couldn’t make my way to the front desk and do it for him without being noticed.
“Fight, goddamn it! What, you lost your balls? Did something change while you were down?”
Takeshi got back to his feet, staging himself between the back desk and Dimi. “Nothing changed.”
Two kicks to the stomach. I had enough. I looked at Eli and gave him a nod.
“People like you are still stupid.” Takeshi ended up at the front desk, finger in the right place.
E.J. took his first shot, and Dimi turned at the small noise. I thrusted my sword through another man’s chest. Poe lowered the machine guns from the ceiling, and I dropped to the ground, ducking behind a column to keep myself safe. I watched as E.J. did the same. Poe cocked a shotgun and began to shoot people down, and Takeshi began to pummel Dimi.
One of Dimi’s people tried to back behind a column, having the same idea we had. I counted the rounds that Poe’s machine guns fired, finding the right timing. I ran from the safety of my cover and plunged my sword into the man’s chest, dropping his sleeve down into the open fire. The men dropped like flies, and I kept my eyes on Takeshi. He round-house kicked Dimi in the stomach, and I swallowed hard. It was rather difficult to deny just how attracted to him I was becoming.
I turned toward E.J.’s voice, only to see a man much bigger than me coming my way, a knife in his hand. I struggled to scramble to my feet, slipping in the blood of the sleeves I had killed. I fell flat onto my back and held my sword up, hoping I had enough coordination to shield myself from his knife.
There was the sound of Poe’s shotgun, and the men fell down on top of me. I groaned as I felt his knife slice through the skin of my thigh. The only person left was Dimi. Takeshi had him cornered against a sofa, fist raised.
“Who sent you?”
Dimi laughed, and I coughed, spitting blood aside as E.J. came running, pulling the sleeve off of me. I felt my consciousness begin to slip away, and I struggled to stay awake. E.J. pulled me up to sit, letting my back rest against a column. I watched from behind heavy eyelids as Takeshi put Dimi in a chokehold.
“Who sent you?”
He squirmed his way free, putting himself in the direct way of the machine guns. Takeshi urged Poe to hold back, but Poe didn’t listen. Dimi went down, and Takeshi sighed heavily.
“Ask this of your microwave, miscreant.”
Poe became quiet once he sensed that he had done something Takeshi didn’t like. “Apologies. Your room beckons.”
“Bite this.” E.J. shoved his leather belt between my teeth and didn’t give me time to react before pulling the knife from my leg.
I couldn’t help the scream that tore through my throat. Takeshi’s eyes went wide and he scrambled to our sides, hand immediately coming to my shoulder. He ripped a sleeve off and immediately began to tie it around my wound, flinching when I did.
“Nova, what happened? Are you okay?”
I coughed, and blood speckled onto his white button-up. E.J. brushed my hair out of my face and I winced.
“Sorry, Takeshi.”
He shook his head. “Don’t worry about it.”
“Fucker nailed me when he dropped.” I pushed out, feeling light-headed once more.
“I can stitch her up.” E.J. grabbed my hand, squeezing it to try and keep me awake.
“No.” I hissed.
E.J. knew what he was doing, but it always hurt like a bitch. Takeshi looked me over and sighed, pulling me off the column so that he could hoist me into his arms.
“I’ll help you hold her down.” He adjusted me bridal-style and stood.
“God, fuck you both.” My voice was scratchy, and the lights began to look spotty.
“Just rest, Nov. We’ve got you.” Eli whispered, and I let the darkness consume me as my sleeve went heavy in Takeshi’s arms.
“What happened to a meal, getting laid, and restacking forever?”
I looked up from my plate to see Ortega walking over to us, hands on her hips. Takeshi took a drag of his cigarette before looking her way.
“I got interrupted.” He downed a shot.
“Who the fuck are these guys?”
“I don’t know.” Takeshi shrugged. “But they knew me.”
“They called you by name? Are you sure?” Ortega cut me off and I sighed, going back to pushing around the pasta on my plate.
“Eat.” Eli urged me.
I sighed again. “I really don’t want to.”
“Kristin!” The man Takeshi and I had seen drop off Bancroft’s son was there, working on the scene. “Four of them are just local muscle, but this sleeve is registered to Dimitri Kadmin. Ulan Bator registry.” He showed Ortega the tablet in his hands.
Ortega punched his arm, excited. “We got him.”
“Got who?” Takeshi looked over at me.
“Dimitri Kadmin, hitman out of Vladivostok.” I cut Ortega off this time. “Otherwise known as Dimi the Twin. Does a lot of work for the yakuza. Bastard doesn’t trust anyone, so he double-sleeves.”
“Isn’t the penalty real death?” E.J. asked.
Ortega’s partner nodded. “We hold onto his stack, and sooner or later we catch the other version of him out there, and then he’s done.”
Ortega let out a string of curses, and her partner looked her way. “What, what’s going on?”
“Stack is fragged. Not enough left to spin him up to interrogate. Fuck.”
“You couldn’t just disable them?” Ortega hissed at Poe.
“I was coming to the defense of my first guest in about a decade.” Poe took a shot of his own.
“With enough firepower to bring down an airplane.” Ortega spat back.
“Hey, Poe is fully licensed for customer protection. You know that. Not to mention, I got fucking knived.”
“You’ve shot people for less.” Her partner reminded her, and she brushed him off.
“So, Dimitri’s a high-end hitman?” Takeshi spoke up.
“Yeah, top of the line.” Ortega scowled.
“Then Bancroft’s death wasn’t a suicide.”
“Of course. Because who would wanna kill an asshole like you?” Ortega’s partner scoffed.
“Plenty of people. A few centuries ago.” Takeshi lit another cigarette.
Resleeved in the body of a hard-core nicotine addict was how he had put it.
“Kovacs doesn’t merit this kind of hit unless they wanna stop him from looking into Bancroft’s death.” I put together what Takeshi himself had been getting at.
“Instead of blaming us, how about you apply your impressive policing skills.” Takeshi scoffed at them.
“Less than eight hours out of the tank, and you’re already up to your eyes in organic damage and real death.”
Takeshi grabbed his unicorn backpack, which I had learned an hour ago was full of illegal street drugs, kissed the top of it, and slung it over his shoulder. He held his hand out for me, and I looked between him and E.J. My little brother nodded at me, and I took Takeshi’s hand, letting him help me off the stool.
“I could find a way to arrest you two for this.” Ortega threatened.
“Yeah?” Takeshi taunted as he led us past them. “You make up your mind, we’ll be upstairs.” He helped me stay steady as we wove through the sleeves strung on the floor.
Ortega tried to come after us, and her partner grabbed her, pulling her back and telling us to leave it. My foot slipped over a piece of glass, and I winced, grip on Takeshi’s hand tightening.
“Here.” He held my hand with one of his and grabbed my waist with the other, letting my weight rest against his side.
I felt like I was going to faint as his muscles moved under his shirt, rubbing against my own body. He hit the button to our floor and closed his eyes. I felt his body relax, but his grip on my waist stayed firm.
“Takeshi?” I whispered, looking up.
He met my gaze.
“I need to take the case. These people know who I am. I can't put my brother at risk like that.”
He only nodded and looked forward once more. His eyes fluttered shut, and he seemed to be absorbed into another flashback, like he had been in the car after we met Bancroft. It seemed to entrap him even as he led me to my room. He was fighting hard, his fingers beginning to bunch up the material of my shirt. I said nothing, returning the reassuring hand on his back. He helped me get to my bed, and, without a word, tears forming in his hazel-green eyes, turned and walked out of the room.
I laid on my back and sighed. This man was torn apart beyond belief, but he was a force to be reckoned with. This would be, by far, the most intense job I had ever and would ever work.
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truglori · 4 years
Homebody (Ch.4)
Summary: Amiyah is the younger sister of local drug dealer (Durkio). Shy and reserved she keeps to herself and stays out the way. But lately she began to find interest in his right hand man/ best friend (Erik Stevens). Wanting to get him to notice her she discovers that he already had her wrapped around his finger without even trying! There was only a few problems that kept her away from her fantasies , her brother that controlled almost every single breath she took and would kill anyone who looked at her that way and lastly Eriks girlfriend, Alexis , who they called the queen of the hood according to her lavish lifestyle as well as being with the next newest top boy in the making. While Alexis was his girl to the streets all Amiyah wanted to do was be his Homebody...
Pairing: Erik Stevens x Thick OC
Warning: Language, teasing
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Her Spotify playlist resonated through her speakers in her room. Going back and forth between baking her face with a setting powder and checking the time on her Alexa, Amiyah prayed that she still had plenty of time to get dressed.
“Why the hell is time moving by so fast today?” She stressed walking to her closet. It was now 6:34pm which gave her lest than half an hour to finish.
Taking in consideration to what Erik asked her, she made sure to go out her way to put together a bomb outfit for the night. Amiyah didn’t want to be extra but she wasn’t trying to look boring either. After taking almost two hours to decide, with her ranksacking her wardrobe and overthinking she settled for a chocolate off the shoulder jumpsuit and paired them with a clear short heel.
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Walking to her body length mirror Amiyah checked both side profiles before standing in the middle.She tried her best stretching out the fabric just a bit to prevent it from making it seem like she had no breathing room. Then going to her breast she pulled it up to not show so much cleavage but contradicted her actions when she slipped it down trying to even it out.
“I want him to see them but not SEE them.” Slapping her hands on the side of her thighs she sighed.
She was overthinking again and her insecurities was starting to show. Reminding herself about the meditation tips she once read on she copied some of the steps that she could remember. Inhaling for three seconds and exhaling for five. She calmed her nerves.
The ringer from her phone echoed in the room. Looking at the caller Id it was Kelley FaceTiming her.
“Okay sis you look cute. Where we going?” Kelley asked as, from what it looked like from Amiyah’s view, she was getting into her car.
Unable to hold back her cheesy smile Amiyah informed her best friend ,with details, about what she was going to look forward to for the night. She felt like she was on cloud nine and she couldn’t come down.
“Wait so he’s taking you on a date?” Kelley asked genuinely happy that her friend was finally starting to put herself out there in the dating world.
“Well...” Amiyah hesitated.
“Oh God! What is that pause for?”
“I mean he asked me to hangout...isn’t that the same thing? Right?” Amiyah, completely oblivious of anything that had to do with dating or relationships.
“I don’t know honestly..but if he wants to see you then he HAS to be interested.” Kelley wanted to make sure that Amiyah would take in her friendly words of affirmation, not wanting to her to stress and end up renigging.
“Okay you’re right. But he should be on his way now so I’ll talk to you later and let you know how it went.” She blew air kisses to her.
“Alright babes have fun.”
Their call ended and it was a minute later she got a text from Erik letting her know that he was ten minutes away. She walked to her dresser and picked up her Carolina Herrera Good Girl perfume and sprayed on all of her pulse points so that the fragrance would emanate from her skin and into the air.
Throwing on her black waterfall duster coat she got one last glance at herself before walking into the livingroom. As she waited on the couch while taking pictures on Snapchat she heard a set of keys. Snapping for head towards the door she watched the bolt lock turn with the handle of the door and in came her brother.
He had his phone squished between his shoulder and ear showing that he was listening to someone on the other end of the call. His hand holding a Versace bag while the other closed the door locking it behind him. Eventually he glanced at her for a good three seconds and then looked away as he walked to his bedroom.
Amiyah sat confused as for the very first time her older brother didn’t bombard her with one hundred questions. But even though this was a first she still kept her guard up.
Hearing his footsteps again he appeared in back into the living. Phone still up to his ear, this time with him holding it. She studied as the expression on his face change from how he looked earlier which was, heedless to now showing curiosity. He stood there staring at her.
Maybe she spoke to soon.
“Hold on..hold on. I gotta call you right back.”
Without even waiting for a response Durk ended his phone call. Placing the phone back into his jeans front pocket he cocked his head to the side taking in the view of his little sister.
“What?” Amiyah spoke nervously as she kept her eyes on her phone and every now and then she would glance at him.
“I’m just trying to figure out where you think you going, and who you think you going with? That’s all?” He sat on the love seat across from her waiting on an reply.
Knowing that there was no way that she was going to tell her brother the truth about her going on a date with his right hand man/best friend, Amiyah had to make up a lie. That was essentially committing suicide for the both of them. Aside from that she wasn’t even sure if it was worth the risk to even tell him about was going on between her and Erik. She didn’t know if this would be something that could turn into a serious situation or ended up to be nothing at all.
“I’m going to dinner with Kelley.” The lie slipped easily through her lips.
“Dress like that?”
“What’s wrong with how I’m dressed?” She questioned really wanting to know from a mans perspective?
“Like you bout to go out to eat just to end up at some random ass nigga place to get fucked.”
Her mouth dropped opened. Tightening the belt on her jacket to close it she stared at her brother, shocked from his words. Taking a couch decorating pillow she threw it at him.
“Don’t talk to me like that Derrick.”
Whenever she would call him by his real name she was upset with him for real.
“Why you hitting me..you the one with ya tittes all out and now you sitting here lying talking about you going with yo friend.” He waved her off.
“I am. We planned this about a week ago.” Amiyah didn’t like to lie to her brother but she had to make it seem believable.
The familiar IPhone ringtone went off and she looked down and saw that it was Erik calling her. Being so occupied with her brother insulting her she didn’t realize that he sent her two text messages letting her know he was there.
Erik 💕: I’m here..ready when you are.
Erik 💕: I see your brother car out here. You good?
‘Oh my gosh not now Erik.’
She quickly declined his call. Amiyah looked at her brother with guilt written all over her face.
“Why you ain’t answer the phone? That’s yo nigga waiting for you? Pick it up!” Durk relaxed against the couch eyeing her.
“I don’t have a nigga and I already told you that I’m going to dinner with Kelley. That was her and she’s waiting for me now. Bye!”
Picking up her purse she walked to the front door. Before she even got a chance to unlock it, Durk was right next to her with his hand against it as he blocked the exit.
“Aight so I’ll walk you down.” He shrugged his shoulders.
Amiyah’s face scrunched up into a scowl.
“No! I don’t need you walking me down like I’m some child. I can handle myself. You’re always trying to control me-“
He cut her off. “Miyah don’t even start that shit. Just because I look out for you doesn’t mean I’m controlling you. I know how these niggas are around here and seen how they treat they shorties. So my bad if I’m helping you.”
“Okay and I understand but you have to trust me too. I’m very responsible and you know this. If I tell you I’m going one place than believe it...damn Durk sometimes I feel like you treat me like I’m your property instead of your younger sister.”
Amiyah expressed her true feelings. She felt as if she had no breathing room. Deep down she knew that her brother just wanted to protect her but she was getting older and due to his overprotective-ness it was causing her missed opportunities.
“Durk I never go anywhere. You know this. All I want to do is just hang out with my friend without you hounding me.” She gave him her best pout.
“I don’t hound you.” Shaking his head he sat back down on the couch.
“You’re right you don’t.” Amiyah stated sarcastically but agreeing just to get his approval.
There was a silent pause for one minute.
“You taking yo ass to dinner and coming right back?”
Nodding her head rapidly. “Yes.”
“Miyah let me find out you lying to me I’ma get my homeboy Erik to follow yo ass and find out who you fucking around with.” Durk scolded her.
“Okay, gotta go!”
‘Boy only if you knew.’
She thought to herself as she bit her lip to refrain from smiling. Unlocking the front door and opening it she wave a quick goodbye and began a fast pace walk to the elevator pressing on the down button. Not taking any chances she wanted to get out of the building as quickly as possible. The doors opened and she walked inside. Picking up her phone she called Erik. It only rung two times before he answered.
“Hey you still alive.” He gave a soft chuckle.
“Whatever. I’m coming now. I’m in the elevator. Can you do me a favor?” She asked with a soft tone.
“I need you to park a little bit further down. I’ll walk to you.” The elevator doors opened and she stepped out strolling to the entrance.
“Yeah. I got you. I’ll be two houses down to the right.”
“Okay thank you.” She ended the call.
While in his car Erik reconnected his phone back to the USB charging cord. He sighed as he took his car out of park and moved up to the location where he told her he was going to be. Shaking his head with the realization the he really had to sneak around with this girl. He was a grown man hiding from another grown man the fact that he wanted to take his younger sister out. Never in all his years of dealing with the opposite sex, he had to be this discreet. This was a new level.
Finding a place to park he left his car running and got out. Walking to the passenger side he leaned on the hood and waited for her to reach him. She came into view a minute later. Checking her out he noticed that she had make up on. This was the first time he saw her with it. It wasn’t a need for her though because she was already stunning with her natural features.
“Look who made it out alive!” He grinned poking at her.
Rolling her eyes but still blessing him with the sight of her beautiful smile she hit him playfully.
“Shut up.” Her laughed echoed through his ears.
“C’mere.” He clasped her hand bringing her body into his. His arms embrace her as they found their way around her waist.
Amiyah welcomed the act of affection swaddling her arms around his torso. He chuckled removing her arms. Lightly grasping her wrists with both of his hands he brought them around his neck before returning back to his previous position. It was his way of teaching her how to hug him correctly for next time.
Leaning in her neck Erik whispered against her supple skin.
“Hold me like this mama.” His body rocked them side to side.
Amiyah almost felt her eyes rolled to the back of her head when she felt his lips touch her neck. He was the epitome of being a tease and knowing what he was doing to her body. If this man was to tell her to jump she was going to take off her heels then asked him how high. Erik was the walking definition of having a sex appeal without even trying.
Their movements ceased and came face to face with one another again. Erik’s hands now relaxed on her hips. He leaned against his car to give himself room to fixate his eyes over her body. Her black coat covered her outfit. Taking his hand he began to untie the jacket belt.
Amiyah grabbed his hands halting his actions. She looked around before bringing her eyes back to his.
“What are you doing?” Her voice shaked.
“Let me see you.” His hand went up to her chin tapping it gently.
Being successful this time, he unfastened the waistband and revealed her wardrobe. Erik’s eyes gazed at her figure. Her tittes sat up flawlessly. The way her cleavage showed had Erik tempted to pull the fabric down and suck on the pillowy like flesh.
“You look too good right now.” His dimples appeared as he spoke. He closed her jacket and tied her belt.
Amiyah bashfully looked away. Butterflies being introduced to her stomach.
“Thank you...it was just something I threw on.” She nonchalantly responded pretending to be unbothered from him practically eye fucking her.
Erik’s eyebrows raised. “ Oh just like that make up too, huh?”
“Whatever Erik can we go before my brother come chasing after me?” She slipped her hand into her jacket pocket to make it warm as she waited for his next move.
“My bad mama. Here you go.” Erik opened the car door for her. Waiting until she was inside safely he closed it after her and strode to the drivers side.
“I like your outfit by the way.” Amiyah chose to make conversation once he got settled in.
“Thank you. I can’t even lie I was tryna look good for you.” Speaking honestly as he observed his outfit. His head then relaxed against the seat. “What you think?”
“You look really nice to me Erik.” She shyly retorted but giving a sincere opinion.
Prior to getting acquainted with Erik, Amiyah always found herself intrigued with his sense of style. Making that another reason for her to be attracted to him.
“Damn just nice..I was going for fine but fuck it I’ll take it” He fastened his seatbelt, drove off and en route to the movie theater.
“Oh my God. You are so extra.” Laughing she made herself busy with her phone, going back and forth between scrolling and taking small glimpses of the road.
“Can I ask you a question?”
His deep voice had her melting right in the front seat.
“Yeah but you just asked one.”
He snickered. “What’s your favorite color?”
“Purple, why?”
“ I’m trying get to know you that’s all.”
“Oh okay well it’s purple. What’s yours?” Pressing down on the power button of her phone she place it in her purse.
“Black? Really?” She stated questionably.
“Amiyah don’t start no shit with me.” Erik laughed as he looked at her.
“ Erik, me and you both know that black is the most basic color you can think of-“
“And purples not?”
“No it’s not and it’s actually the color of royalty thank you very much.” She fluttered her eyelashes sarcastically.
“Okay princess, you got it...It’s still ass.”
Amiyah grew warm from the new nickname in spite of the insult he made about her favorite color.
Erik laughed as she rolled her eyes for the umpteen time that night. He wasn’t actually making fun of her color, he just wanted to help her calm her nerves with some light play. She looked tensed to him just sitting there on her phone. If he didn’t know any better he would have thought that she wasn’t feeling him at all but he knew it was just her introverted ways.
Turning on the radio to break the silence, he went to the local hip hop station. Juicy by Biggie Smalls resonated through the vehicle. Bobbing his head to the beat with a little bounce of his shoulders Erik started rapping the lyrics.
“This my shit. You don’t know nothing about this, huh?”
“Whatever yes I do. This a classic.” Amiyah bobbed her head as well grinning.
“Nah you too young.”
He rapped a bit more before Amiyah jumped in and joined him.
“I'm blowin' up like you thought I would
Call the crib, same number, same hood
It's all good
And if you don't know, now you know, nigga”
Erik’s eyes lit up surprised she knew the words. Most of the ladies he been out with in the past always pretended to have the same interest in music as him but would never be able to recite one line from the song. His lips curved into a smile.
“Okay you valid. But that don’t count because everybody know that song.” He joked
“Why you always trying to play me Erik.” Amiyah sighed playfully.
They finally arrived at the movies. It was Saturday night so of course the parking lot was overfilled with cars. Finding a parking spot close to the entrance, Erik turned his car off and hopped out strolling to Amiyah’s side and opened her door. He held out his hand to assist her.
“Thank you.” Her eyes gleamed.
He drew his lower lip between his teeth. “I got you.”
Closing the door behind her, he clicked the lock button on his key fob. Amiyah started to walk to the building. She was stopped in her tracks. Erik grasped her hand intertwining their fingers and began to walk next to her. She peered down at them and beamed.
“What movie you want to watch?”
They were now standing in front of the movie display booth where you could purchase a ticket without waiting in line. Erik kept scrolling until she spoke up.
“I want to watch that one. Monster Hunter.”
He gave her a blank stare.
“Do you even know what it’s about?” He chuckled.
“Yes a little bit. All I know is that it has T.I and Megan Good in it, so I want to see it.”
“Wait you said Megan Good. Bet.” His lips formed into a smirk.
Erik’s fingers tapped on the movie icon. Purchasing two tickets he waited for them to print before separating them and handing her one. Amiyah received the ticket as she gave him a dirty look. Jealous about his comment she walked to the concession stand to wait in line without him. Erik felt the feeling of jealousy radiating off her body language. She had a little attitude on her. Following her footsteps he stood behind her invading her space. His chest to her back. Erik’s head dipped down between the area of her neck and shoulder that was exposed laying a soft kiss on it.
“What you mad about....Hm?” The breath from his words bounced off of her skin.
Amiyah felt her pussy jump. Crossing her right leg over the left she clenched her thighs. Too afraid to even speak she bit her inner jaw and shook her head instead. Not long after she felt his strong hand travel around her waist to her front slipping in the inside of her jacket. He gripped her pudge. Amiyah’s small hand quickly wrapped around his forearm bringing it down.
“Erik!” She gasped out loud. Looking around and hoping she didn’t draw any unnecessary attention.
Her head tilted up due to the height difference to stare in his eyes. She was surprised she could even make contact after that stunt.
“I asked you a question so answer me.” His low voice demanded her.
“Nothing.” Hers barely coming out as a whisper.
He knew she wasn’t telling the truth but he didn’t want to push it out of her. Erik wanted her to be the one to make a decision about being honest with him. She had to make that step. But along with that he knew that she would have to trust him first. His hand roamed up to her exposed neck and lightly clenched it forcing her to move closer to his body as if was anymore capable. Amiyah felt the chill of his ice pinky ring as it laid against her skin. The sticky lipgloss that she wore created a tiny saliva string as her lips parted. Erik eyed the full plump flesh feeling enticed to suck on them.
“Chill, aight.” He waited for her to nod before he removed his hand as the line moved forward.
Fuck me. Were the words she wish she could tell him if she had the confidence to. At this moment she felt her natural sticky lubricant attach to her panties. She created a wedged with her underwear between her lower lips from all of the thigh clenching. None of it helped at all, it only generated a small amount of friction leaving her wanting more. She felt the walls of her vagina contract around nothing.
‘Did this nigga just grab my throat in the movie theater?’
She thought to herself touching the area where his hand left. Amiyah kept her eyes fixed on him as he ordered the drinks and snacks for the movie. She watched the way he would point at an item whenever he wanted the employee to get it for him. The way his jaw would tighten every now and then. Not in an angry way but out of habit. She took note of all these things.
“You ready?” Erik wandered back to her handing her some candy and a medium lemonade.
“Yeah. Thanks for buying the ticket and this other stuff.” She moved a piece of hair behind her ear looking away sheepishly. Her mood switched from a few minutes ago.
Erik sipping from the straw of his Powerade observed it.
“Told you I got you.”
Bendix Diner was one of Amiyah’s top five hidden restaurants in the city where she loved to eat. It was and old fashioned style restaurant that always gave her an aesthetic vibe every time she went there. Currently seated at their table she flipped over the menu searching to see what she might have a taste for. Their family made apple cider donuts were her favorite item from the desert section. It’s been a few months since she had one and now being here she craved it.
Looking up at Erik she monitored his activity. He was checking out the art hanging on the walls seeming to be amused by it. His eyes shifted back to her. Wanting to pretend she wasn’t staring at him like a creep she informed him about a dish on the menu.
“Their Turn Me Loose meal is really good. It comes with catfish and jalapeño hush puppies. You should try it.” She gave him her recommendation.
Erik made a face. “I don’t fuck with seafoood.”
“Oh I’m sorry.” Amiyah apologized feeling embarrassed from assuming.
Erik picked up on. “Don’t stress it. How were you supposed to know I don’t like seafood? Don’t be to hard on yourself mama.” His hand reached across the table and caressed hers lightly offering his reassurance.
She sent a half smile. “What do you like then?”
Erik paused and bit his bottom lip. Deep dimples showing themselves from the action.
Her eyes shifted towards the window seeing that it became fogged up due to the pouring rain that was coming down relentlessly. With nothing but the barely audible music coming from the intercom through the restaurant, Amiyah felt as if he can hear her heart beating through her chest.
“I meant food Erik.”
“You can be that too. Ain’t never have nobody eat you like you was a full-course meal before?” He asked her on the spot.
“You..are..” She shook her head. “Ridiculous. You know that.” Not having a comeback, those were the only words she could produce without stuttering.
Sighing and smirking he leaned back. “I’ve been called worst. But how you find out about this place. It’s low key as fuck. I like it.” He changed the subject.
Pleased with the compliment she responded. “I used to come here with my dad when I was younger. That was before he went to-“
“Prison.” He finished her sentence.
The look of confusion approached her face.
“Durk told me about him a few years ago.” He informed not meaning to alarm her.
“Did he tell you he was doing life without parole as well?”
Erik nodded his head.
She scoffed. “They said that he was the head of a drug ring but I don’t believe it. I mean I never remembered him being away from us long enough to even have the time to do that.”
“Sometimes we hide certain things from the people we love so that they won’t get hurt. And I’m not trying to insinuate anything when I say that.” He spoke honestly.
“No you’re right. But the last time we were here together I was thirteen. He took me here after picking me up early from school. It just sucks that I can’t even remember anything about that day but I want to so bad.”
Erik nodded his head totally understanding what she went through. He dealt with his own lost at a young age as well.
“I lost my father too. I was eleven when it happened. He was murdered. So when I tell you I know what you been through I’m not just saying that shit.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” Her face soften when she seen his eyes sparked with hurt.
“You gotta learn how to live and heal right?”
Nodding her head in agreement she used her thumb to tenderly stroke his fingers. They were still holding hands the whole time as they shared a moment to be vulnerable with each other. It was intimate. That’s when she realized she had more in common with him than she thought.
“What about your mom? If you don’t mind me asking?” She desired to know more about him.
“I never got to know her. She passed away while giving birth to me.”
Erik felt his mood change with the thought of never being able to experience a true mother’s love. After the death of his father he was tossed back and forth from home to home in foster care. None of the caretakers genuinely cared for him, all they thought about was a paycheck.
“My mom overdosed when I was in high school. That’s why I live with Durk now. He’s been taking care of me ever since. I guess with everything that happened he had to find a way to survive for the both of us which lead him to the streets. Durk had his run in with the law but after our mom he became someone different.”
Amiyah spilled everything out on the table not holding back. She never had someone who she could vent to that would actually listen. Kelley was her best friend but she even kept some secrets from her. Amiyah was always afraid that one day the same person she trusted with everything would turn around and hurt her. From the moment she laid eyes on Erik she never thought that. In her eyes he looked as if he was a walking journal that she could expose all of her deepest darkest secrets to and not have to worry about one of them getting leaked.
“Now I see why your brother protects you the way he do. He just don’t want to see you hurt anymore.” His eyes gazed into hers making her feel small.
“Well, sorry If I ruined the mood. It’s been a minute since I’ve talked to someone for real.”
“I’m here for whenever. Only a phone call away.”
The waitress came around and sat a vanilla milkshake with whip cream in front of her and a water with lemon in front of Erik. Amiyah recognized her from the many times she been there.
“Are y’all ready to order.”
“Yeah, let me get your Turkey wrap heated up with a side of french fries.” Erik picked up his menu handing it to her.
Writing it down she took his menu and smiled.
“Okay and for you miss Amiyah.”
Her lips curled up bashfully.
“I’m going to get the honey dipped chicken with French fries as well. Thanks Stephanie.”
Going back to her pad she marked it down. “None of our famous donuts today?”
Erik looked over and read the hesitation over her face so he answered for her.
“We’ll take four of whatever they are.”
“Alrighty. I’ll be back with your meal in fifteen.”
The waitress disappeared into the kitchen.
“You didn’t have to do that, Erik.”
“What? I wanted to try their famous donuts. Oh you thought I ordered them for you?” He laughed.
Rolling her eyes she heard her phone buzzed. Reaching inside the pocket of her coat that was laying next to her she got a text from her brother.
Durk 🤬: When you comin home?
She sighed and text back.
Amiyah ☔️: I’ve only been gone for two hours..I’ll be back soon.
Placing the phone back in her pocket she put her attention on her milkshake taking her first sip of the night. Erik watched the way her lips wrapped around the straw as her cheeks sunk in whenever she sucked to taste some of the creamy treat. His tongue swiped over his top lip lightly.
“Let me get some..” His eyes darted between the milkshake and her lips.
Laughing she shook her head. “No, why didn’t you order one?”
“Because I was thirsty and I needed some water. But that looks good as fuck.”
“So then just order one Erik.”
He smacked his lips. “I don’t want a whole one I just want some.”
Giggling she pulled her beverage away hiding it from his view.
Erik’s eyes glinted before he got out on his side and slid next to her in her part of the dining booth. His right thigh hitting her left plush one causing it to ripple from the sudden movement. Having one arm behind her and the other reaching for her drink he leaned in.
“Stop playing and give me a sip.”
Now being backed into the corner she was trapped. Still firm with her answer she shook her head sipping once more.
“You not gon give me nun.” Biting that bottom lip Amiyah felt that came out as a double meaning.
Tired of going back and forth she gave in and slid her drink to him.
“Just a sip. That’s all!”
Erik nodded but not really listening, took the straw into his mouth and sucked the liquid. He didn’t have a big sweet tooth but he had to admit that the milkshake was fire. Taking more than what he was told he sat it down after gulping more than half of it. He leaned against the booth. One arm still around her.
Her mouth dropped as she studied that half her drink was already gone.
Smacking her lips she pushed at his chest. “Erik I told you not to drink that much...now look.” She whined picking up her cup to show him.
“Damn you can’t be hitting me like that on the first date, Amiyah.” His free hand rubbed the area pretending that it hurt.
She caught his words that slipped from his mouth. “I thought you asked me to hang out? You didn’t say nothing about a date.”
“What you want it to be?” Erik sized her up with his deep throaty voice close to her ear. Her scent filled his nose making his dick twitch.
She gave him a once-over before looking a way.
He grabbed her chin gently bringing her face millimeters away from his. “What you want it to be baby girl?” His eyes drawing her in with a lustfull gaze.
“I want a date.” Her lower lip quivered and skin apprearing flustered.
“Then let it be that.”
Erik couldn’t hold back anymore as his lips connected with hers. He gave her two soft pecks at first just to warm her up before giving a full lingering kiss. He tilted his head going to left making hers do the same. The taste of the vanilla coming off of her mouth drove him crazy. She was tasting as sweet as she looked. Her kissing compared to his were lighter and didn’t apply enough pressure like they should have.Letting his free hand travel up to her neck for the second time that night, he lightly squeezed before pulling away from her lips.
“Kiss me for real...” He bit her bottom lip and tugged it while watching her reaction. Her body shuddered.
Amiyah’s toes curled. Her stomach filled up with butterflies as she felt his hand around her throat. Her mind at the moment felt high. She didn’t really know what she was doing, just trying her best to keep up with the man in front of her. Mocking his actions she pressed more into the kiss and brought her hand to his cheek to give herself leverage.
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Breaking them apart was the sound of a phone ringing. Erik reached in his pocket and pulled it out. Reading the caller ID he threw his head back blowing out air.
“Fuck..” He stated agitated.
Wiping her lips she looked at him. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s your brother, Durk.”
Please excuse any mistakes!
@supersizemeplz @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @hearteyes-for-killmonger @uzumaki-rebellion @blowmymbackout @curls-and-crosses @madamslayyy @goddessofthundathighs @eriksjournal @wakandamama @wawakanda-btch @wakandas-vibranium @wakandaforeverwrites @ghostfacekill-monger @killmonger-dolan @killmongerkink @migosis @raysunshine78 @alookintohersoul @popcorn803 @just-juicee @mllover260 @kimmyblckswan2 @koriiii @tchallasbabymama @toniilaney @marvelmaree @mia-faith @adreamsublime @queen-b1 @mcdesij @vintage-pvssy @viewsfromrose @ceeverse @smuttywriter @harleycativy @callmemckenzieee @theblulife @bvssmob @everything-is-awesomesauce
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isolenmlyswear69 · 3 years
Collide [Teaser] ~ a JJ Maybank x OC fanfic
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Warning: cursing, bad grammar, not prof read
A/N: I left tumblr for a while to take a break from everything and decided to write in my free time and came up with this, dont worry I’ll get right to answering your guys ask just wanted to share this
Paring: JJ Maybanks x OC
Word count: 18.1K
The sun peeked through the curtains of the chateau,making me squint before rolling over and tucking my head deeper into the pillow groaning deeply as i heard a a low chuckle and John b’s voice echoed through the house seemingly louder then it was,
“Morning Sunny,” he said laughing at how I rolled myself deeper into the makeshift bed as he headed outside, most likely to chill on the hammock. I grumbel to myself and sat up, rubbing my eyes before I leaned back, stitching my back, hearing a couple of pops before sitting up and cracking my eyes open. Swinging my legs over the side of the couch, setting my feet on the trash covered ground moving an empty beer can with my toe so i could set my foot down. Standing up, letting my shirt that i had wore yesterday fall back over my jean shorts as i stretch my arms up above my head letting a small tremor roll through my body while my muscles finally woke up, i let my arms drop back down letting a small sigh out before shuffling into the kitchen, around the bar counter heading straight towards the fridge, pulling the door open leaning down before reaching my hand in shuffling around past the cases of beer looking for something a less likely to edge on the headache was already starting to form in the front of her head. I set my sights on the orange juice that was near the back of the fridge, grabbing the neck of the bottle dragging it out of the fridge,praying it isn't out of date. Knowing the boys it most likely was but hey why not be an optimist right? I turned leaning my hips onto the counter unscrewing the cap and bringing it to my lips, before tipping it up taking a big swig. I can say that was the worst decision i made that day, i quickly leaned towards the sink spitting it out as fast as i could quickly turning on the sink, sticking my face under the faucet bringing the water into my mouth swishing it around before spitting that out leaning back up head still tilting down towards the sink. I reached up my arm and shut the sink off before grabbing the bottle of orange juice and emptying it out in the sink. All i can say is fuck optomistic people they are crazy and dont know the fine line betwen optimisum and insanity. I let out a grumble as I worked my way around the chateau, thinking I could just take a walk to the store and grab a tea or something that was actually digestible. I grumbled to myself as i suffered to the guest bedroom in the chateau, before slamming my fist against the door a couple time,
“ i left my wallet in there so i'm giving you 3 seconds to get decent then i'm coming in for it “ i say loudly, my voice still scratchy from the lack of sleep i had gotten last night. thanks to the pogues party habits it was hard to get sleep during summer, not that i minded i'm always down for a party, the aftermath still sucks major ass let's be honest. I grab the handle turning it quickly pushing in the door and walking in the room quick heading straight for the dresser near the window spotting my wallet easily i swiped it off the dresser turning on my heels, my eyes were meet with the blue ones of jj, him and another girl, i hadn't seen this one before and i didn't really care enough to stay and figure out what she looked like. I simply smirked knowingly at jj before waving off his wink strutting out of the room, closing the door on my way out. JJ and i have a odd history i can tell you that, but that never stopped us from being close, we had a lot in common when we had first meet and had remained close ever since, maintaining a almost more than friendly relationship but never anything more than a flirting glace was ever shared between us. I head back to where i had made my makeshift bed, plopping down on the bead throwing my socks and shoes that i had put beside the bed on, placing my wallet in my back pocket and snatching my phone of the ground by the pillows before strutting out of the house, seeing john b. peacefully sitting on the hammock,
“Your going to poison people with the shit in your fridge, i'm going to the store to restock i'll be back in a little” i call out to him, seemingly starling him out of whatever thought he was in.
“Can you grab some skinny pop?” he called back sitting up, i put my thumb up in the air so he could see as i walked off towards the store already lost in my own thoughts. Before i knew it my feet had brought me to my destination, snapping me out of my tance of scrolling through instagram lost in thought. I looked up from my phone, tucking it in my back pocket and grabbing my shitty old leather wallet i had gotten from my dad for my 14th birthday decorated with pins from where he traveled do for his gigs, him being a famous musician and all he wasn't always home leaving me to do whatever i wished, he would text and tell me to be safe but other than hard drugs and teen pregnancy he was fine as long as whatever i did i did it safely or told him before or after doing it. He is just chill, and we got along great because of it. I pushed the door open causing the bells on the door to jingle, and a faint
“Hello, let me know if I can help you find anything” from the direction of the counter. I let out a small hum, giving a closed mouth smile in that direction, heading to the snack aisle, grabbing two bags of skinny pop, a bag of nacho doritos, and a bag of salted almonds, before heading to the drink aisle grabbing 6 arizona teas, and two snapples for myself knowing that a snapple can fix a hangover if mixed with a vitamin c packet, correctly that is. I shuffled back up to the front, gently putting everything up on the counter, looking up smiling at the boy at the counter, he smiled back before scanning my items quickly,
“wait “ i called out louder than expected making him flinch and look up, i quickly stuck my hand in back pocket pulling out the lump of yarn unfolding it revealing a crochet bag, widespread between each knots, holding it out the the young boy before smiling,
“Can you put my stuff in here? You know how bad the pollution can get with those plastic bags and the ocean” i giggled as he nodded slowly gently taking the bag from my hands, smiling a small smile at me before loading my stuff up and telling me a price, i fished out the money and payed him before grabbing my bag slinging it over my shoulder and walking out of the store, heading back to the chateau.
When I arrived back at the chateau, John b. Was still laying out on the hammock, i gently walked over to him , reaching into my bag and pulling out a skinny pop and handing it to him, before smiling as he tore it open like a starving child and dug in,
“Thank you” he said popcorn bits flying out of his already full mouth, causing my nose to scrunch up in disgust, i simply shook my head and headed back inside waving at him. As i walked in the house i saw kie still asleep on the couch, i giggled quietly at her before moving around the couch heading to the kitchen to find pope searching the fridge,
“Dude don't bother i already tied and got poisoned by the orange juice” i giggled setting the bag of snacks on the counter grabbing two arizona out and pushing the bag towards him, pope turned and examined the goods before grabbing the bag of doritos and a snapple, before smiling at me
“Thank you, you are truly and life saver” i giggled at the comment before heading back to the spare bedroom to see the door open, i strut in to see jj leaning back on the pillow hair a mess, no shirt just his boxers barely covered by the thin sheet on the guest bed, his vape in his hand.
“Sup loser, i brought you sum tea” i said to him strutting to the side of the bead he was on, holding a hand out with the tea in it, jj looked up, his ocean blue eyes meeting mine before a sly smirk spread across his face,
“Come ‘ere” he said grabbing my waist pulling me down onto the bed, both of erupting into giggles as i land on my back next to him his torso still leaning over me, his hair dangling down, framing his face perfectly, his dimples in his perfectly tanned face,his- NO damit sunny stop it he's your friend, i had noticed both of our laughter had died down and we were both just smiling at one another. I scrunch my nose up before dropping the Arizona in one of my hands before using it to shove it his face away from me groaning at the smirk he gave me when he leaned onto his side, raising his eyebrows at me.
“Just shut up and drink your damn tea” I said , handing him one. Grumbling to myself as i popped the lid of mine open and took a sip from it, i sighed laying back onto the bed and closing my eyes just enjoying the sounds of nature , and jj gulping down the cold beverage like no tomorrow, i sighed, rolling over to the side of the bed, swinging my legs over the side looking down when my feet hit something thin and soft. My eyes gaze down to see JJ's muscle tee laying on the floor, sighing. I reach down, swiping it off the ground and balling it up. Turning slightly to see JJ scrolling on his phone and a crushed, now empty, Arizona can sitting on the bedside table beside him. I ball up his shirt before throwing it with a little power behind it, it flew through the air and fan itself out as it plopped on his head causing him to pick off the piece of clothing on his head and give me a look of confusion.
“Get dressed i'm sure everyones ready to go out on the water for the day already and you're lagging” I say standing up and flashing him a smile before heading back to the kitchen to get some chips before the other pogues ate them all.
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lovlydovlyjaycie · 3 years
Ævi - Frontlines
Hey again! This will be a continued series. The first Ævi series is in my masterlist and is only four parts. This is going to be a ongoing series, so there is going to be a lot more of Ævi to come. :)
Summary: Y/n or also known as Ævi has lived through varies of world events. Now it is 1941, she has excepted that some things cannot be changed so Loki has convinced Y/n to go to New York and live a normal life, a life Y/n always wanted. Or as normal it can be, because new introductions lead to events that didn’t go down in the history books.
Characters: Bucky Barnes x reader, Loki, Steve Rogers, OC Vera
Warnings: Fluff, language, smut 18+
Part 6
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What am I supposed to do? I needed to go to Vera.. There was no question about that. She needed me. But Bucky. I don’t want to leave him and I can’t take him with me. I was pacing around in my hotel room, like that would make everything fall into place. I had told Loki what had happened with Vera and he went to get boat tickets to Norway as soon as possible. But how soon would that be. How much time would I have with Bucky. I needed to pack my things. That made me stop in my tracks and walk over to my closet. I was pulling everything out and placing it in my suitcase. It started of being put in neatly, but soon enough I was throwing everything in with frustration. I was mad, mad at myself for not opening that letter sooner, mad that I had a life here, mad that I now had someone here I didn’t want to leave behind, mad with this stupid war, mad with everything that was happening around it, mad that I couldn’t do anything to about it to change this stupid war. My vision was getting blurry, when I whipped my eyes my hands were wet. I was crying. This wasn’t fair, non of it was, especially to Bucky. I love him, I love him so much. And that’s why it hurts so much. I took a deep breath, trying to gather myself. I stood up and walked to the bathroom to fix whatever make-up was out of place.
Looking at myself in the mirror I was a complete mess. My mascara was everywhere but my lashes. “Get yourself together.” I told myself. Bucky will be here any minute now, can’t be looking like this. I got some wipes and fixed myself up. Put some mare mascara on. “Better. Now stop crying. For Gods sake you’re over a thousand years old.” I said I was looking in the mirror. On the one side this shouldn’t bother me so much, I have lived through so much shit in my time and this is what is causing me to break down. And on the other side, this is who I am. I am human, I am living. With that comes, heartbreak, sadness, anger, frustration, happiness, love. I love love, just since I’ve been with Bucky I felt love in a much more intense way than I ever had before. 
How am I supposed to tell Bucky. We literally just got engaged. This should be the start of something, not the end. I don’t even know for how long I’m gonna be away for. A month? A year? Till the end of the war? I closed my eyes. I already knew the answer. It would be until the end of the war. At least four more years. I sighed. It would just be four years without Bucky I tried to convince myself. “Just four years.” That is if he doesn’t join the war. I thought to myself and it made my stomach drop. I put my hand over my eyes. “Nothing will happen to him if he doesn’t join the war. He’ll be fine... He’ll be fine.. He’ll be fine Y/n. Stop worrying.” Scolding myself. I needed to calm down. Then there was a knock at the door. It must be Bucky. 
I gave myself one quick look before answering the door. Putting on the best smile I had I opened the door and there was Bucky. Seeing him gave me a genuine smile. It made my stomach do flips. “Hey, darling. You look beautiful.” He said as he gave me a quick peck on my lips. He had his signature smirk on his face. “Thank you.” I told him sincerely. “So I got this for us today.” He said as he pulled two tickets from his pocket. Dancing tickets. “To celebrate our engagement.” He continued. He looked so happy. I needed to tell him about me going to Norway possibly really soon. “It’s at the same place where we met.” He told me with a big smile. I looked down not knowing what to say. “Is something wrong?” Bucky asked as he reached for my hand. “No. I love it! I just can’t believe we’re engaged still.” And I couldn’t believe we were honestly. I didn’t want to ruin this day. So I’ll tell him tomorrow or after the dance. Just not now.
The day had been perfect. We went to the same diner we did the were we met each other for the second time. We took the same walk we did as we did on our first real date. Everything was perfect. It almost made me forget that I would have to leave. Key word almost. 
We were walking towards the dance hall, a lot of people were already inside. The music that was playing was fast paced. Everybody inside was having a good time jumping around, being spun or lifted in the air. Bucky was guiding us towards the bar to get us some drinks before dancing, holding my hand tightly. “What do you want sweetheart?” He asked me. “Whatever you’re having.” I answered Bucky.
He would get us some beers and we cheered. I could only gulp it down as quick as I possibly could. “Wow.” Bucky stated. “Never knew you could drink like that.” He laughed. Being a friend of Thor makes you drink like that I laughed to myself. Shit I also have not told him about me being Ævi, I am messing up in so many ways. But now I have to somehow tell him I am leaving possibly very soon. “Bucky?” I started. “Come on lets dance!” He said as he held my hand and almost dragged me to the dancefloor. There was a fast paced song on and everybody was jumping and dancing around and so were we. 
After many songs there was finally a more slow one on. Bucky kept giving me a look I couldn’t quite figure out what he was thinking. “Why are you giving me that look?” I asked him trying to figure him out. “You’re just so beautiful and I am happy.” I could hear the honesty behind his voice and the need for him to get that off his chest. “I was thinking of looking for a ring tomorrow.” I looked at my hand that was resting on his shoulder. I felt awful. “Bucky? Can we talk somewhere where it is not this loud?” Bucky gave me a confused look, but nodded his head yes and started to follow me outside.
“Bucky I-..” I started and sighed. Thinking about it made my heart break. “Is there something wrong?” He asked not knowing what was going on. “Bucky I just want you to know that.. I love you, I love you so much, so much that it even hurts. And I didn’t think-..” I sighed again. Bucky had a even more confused look on his face. I walked over to him and took his hands. “What’s going on?” He asked trying to understand what my conflict was. He was looking into my eyes trying to see if the answers were there. “I-.. A long friend of mine in Norway, she.. she lost her daughter and husband recently because of the war... And I need to go see her, I need to see if she is ok.” I stammered out. “I am sorry to hear that, y/n. When are you leaving?” He asked me. “I don’t know yet, but very soon. Loki already looked at tickets for boats that go that way, but I don’t know yet what he found.” He nodded at that in understanding and held my hands a little tighter. “Do you know when you’re coming back here?” He asked unsure of himself already dreading the answer. 
I closed my eyes and sighed. I knew exactly when I would be coming back, but I couldn’t exactly say how I know what I know. “I’ll come back after the war.” I looked up trough my lashes at him to see what his reaction was at that. He let go of one off one of my hands at that and rubbed is mouth in thinking. “Maybe if I join the war and somehow get stationed off in Norway we can-...” “No! No, I don’t want you to join the army Bucky. Please don’t do that.” I interrupted him, that was the last thing I wanted him to do. “But if more people join the fight it might be over sooner. They are sending out troops now from America as we speak. I also am a good fighter and a good shot.” I could only shake my head no at that. “Bucky, please don’t join the army. I am begging you don’t do it. This war.. It will not end anytime soon and a lot of people will die. I don’t want you to be one of those people.” I was all serious. If he joined the army it would break my heart. The not knowing if he was ok or not would break me. He gave in and nodded his head. “Lets go back inside and pretend there is no war going on.” Bucky said trying to reassure me.
Back inside there was a slow song on again. I could not be close enough to him. I was resting my head on his shoulder and held him a little tighter. Bucky was holding my neck with one hand and the other was on my lower back. We were so close to each other, yet so far. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I felt helpless. I felt like I was stuck. And I hated it. I put my hand up against my cheek to wipe away the tear. I didn’t want to leave. “I love you Bucky.” I said quietly, I wasn’t even sure if Bucky could hear what I said over the music until he held me a little tighter. “I love you y/n.” He told me. I closed my eyes trying to ignore the music that was playing. I could hear his heartbeat, beating in a steady rhythm.
The walk back to the hotel had never been this long yet so fast. We were walking in circles, not wanting this night to end. But it was getting quite dark and we had to go inside at some point. “I am still looking at a ring tomorrow.” He told me as wee were nearing the hotel. That made me slightly sigh of relieve, but he didn’t know how long this war would be going on for. It wasn’t fair of me to ask him to wait and put his life on pause for me. “Bucky, I don’t want you to wait-..” I started. Bucky came to stand in front of me. “Y/n, you leaving doesn’t make me stop loving you. And I get why you don’t wanna hear this, but if I have to I will wait a hundred year or a thousand years, hell an eternity, if it all meant that in the end I would be with you. And that is what I’m gonna do whether you like it or not.”  He said as he put both his hands on my cheeks. “I love you, Y/n. Now, tomorrow and forever.” Then he planted a sweet kiss on my lips. It was slow and full of want, but not of lust. As we both slowly pulled back we couldn’t let go of each others gaze. “I like that. Now, tomorrow and forever.” He smirked at that.  “Well it is how I feel.” He said as he dropped his hands to mine. “I will love you now, tomorrow and forever too Bucky.” I gave him another peck on the lips as it was time to go inside of the hotel.
Before I even had the chance to open my room Loki burst out of his room. Bucky looking slightly shocked but keeping his own as Loki approached. “Where have you been?!” Loki asked annoyed. “With Bucky. Did you get tickets?” Loki looked Bucky up and down in slight disgust. He obviously didn’t like Bucky for whatever reasons he had. “Yes I did get the tickets. And you need to pack.. Now.” He demanded. “Wait.. When are we leaving?” I asked confused. “You said as soon as possible. I got tickets for tomorrow.. Morning. We leave at eight.” My eyes grew wide. I was expecting soon, just not this soon. I was at a loss for words. I felt Bucky squeeze my hand. “That’s faster than I expected.” Bucky said under his breath. I looked at out interlocked hands. “I’ll help you pack doll.” Bucky continued. “Good even a human is smart enough to know what that means.” I gave Loki a warning glare at that. I opened the door to let me and Bucky in and said goodnight to Loki.
“Ignore him, he’s... weird.” I said about Loki. “I heard that.” Loki said from the other side of the door. “Sorry again.” I said to Bucky. “I didn’t know it would be... That fast.” I said with sadness in my eyes. 
The night together packing went slow. I already had a few things packed luckily. After we were done packing we just laid on the bed together. Talking about anything and everything to keep our minds of reality. After a moment of silence Bucky spoke up. “Will you write me when you’re there?” He asked. I looked up at him from where I was positioned on his side. “Of course. Everyday.” I told him and that was a promise I made to myself. “Will you?” I asked him. “Everyday.” He answered back. I leaned forward to kiss him I wanted him close, one last time before sayin goodbye. I moved myself on top of him to deepen the kiss. Bucky put his hands by my neck at the top of my dress. He slowly started to unzip my dress. Caressing my skin as the zipper went down. His touch gave me goosebumps. When the zipper was all the way down I took my arms out of my dress exposing my bra. Our lips still interlocked Bucky started to sit up. Our minds hungry for each other. It was my turn to unbutton his shirt, after I was done doing that Bucky quickly shook off his shirt and threw it on the ground. I grinded down on his lap and could feel his cock hardening quickly. Mt panties were already completely soaked and ready to take them off now. I wanted him inside of me. I wanted to feel him.
Bucky went to unclasp my bra and threw it on the ground as well. His hand left hand went right for me breast and started flicking my nipple. I inhaled deeply at that sensation of his gentle touch. He put his other arm around me and his left hand let go of my nipple to hold me around my back as well. I let out a small whine at the loss of his touch. He pulled his head back looking at me briefly before spinning me around and now I was laying on my back on the bed. He discarded of my dress and panties that were still on and he quickly took off his trousers to free his already hardened cock.
He crawled back over my naked form his mouth going right back to mine. He again took my right hand with his left and put it above my head. My other hand went to his lower back, indicating I wanted him now. I felt his tip brushing against my folds, but he was not starting yet. his right hand went down to my bundle of nerves and started to slowly rub circles. My breathing started to pick up and I let out low moans against his mouth. I went to bit my lip to keep my volume low, but Bucky quickly went to suck on my lower lip before he let go. “I want to hear you.” He whispered to me. His thumb started to rub faster circles which made me close my eyes with the pleasure I was feeling. My breathing started to pick up and my moans started to get louder the faster he went. Everything started to tingle and I felt my walls try to clench to something. I let out a loud moan and my thighs quivering as I came. 
I opened my eyes searching for Bucky’s who was still looking at me. Bucky was still rubbing me and I slowly started to feel sensitive trying to close my legs. Bucky moved his hips down so I couldn’t. I could feel his tip brushing against my entrance again. I let go of his lower back to move my one free hand up to his neck. “I want you inside of me.” I told him intently. And he complied. He slowly put his length inside me, while I was adjusting to the new fulness. He was stretching my walls slowly. When he was fully situated he waited for a moment for me to fully adjust and I slowly started moving my hips and so did Bucky. I tried to move faster already feeling a new sensation build up inside of me, but Bucky put his hand down on my right leg widening me up more so he could go deeper. I put my other leg around him, pushing him down, me wanting him to go faster. “Bucky go faster.” I told him lowly. But he shook his head keeping his slow steady pace. “I want to feel you. Let me feel you.” I slowed me breathing down and started to relax into the bed more. 
His thrusts were slow, but hit every spot. With every move he made his pelvis brushed against my still sensitive bundle of nerves. Bucky started kissing my sensitive spot by my neck which made this pleasure feel al the more better. My breathing started to pick up slowly again and so did his. His thrust's were picking up and hitting harder. His balls slapping against my ass as he did. As we were both coming closer to our ends his speed started to pick up more and more. Bucky groaning in my ear as he was getting closer to his end. My moans were so loud I was getting afraid someone might hear them. I felt the familiar knot form in my stomach and my walls clenching around his length. “Bucky.” Is all I had to say as I felt my walls break around him. Simultaneously I felt his cock shoot hot spurts inside of me, filling me. His thrusts loosing rhythm before he stilled. “I love you.” He told me intently as he looked me in my eyes. “Now, tomorrow and forever.” I answered back as Ii pulled him closer for a deep kiss.
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yandearest · 4 years
May The Odds Be Ever in Your Favor (Hoseok x Reader Hunger Games AU) Chapter 2: Training Day
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Summary - Living in District 4 you never thought you would have to worry about being selected for the Hunger Games. With a training centre right near the dock of the houseboat you lived and fished from, your district was known for volunteers who trained their whole lives for a shot at glory and riches. But at age 18, your name is called and no girls volunteer to take your place. Your devastation is answered when Kim Namjoon volunteers for the males shortly after. Tall, muscular, highly intelligent and charming, the years of diligent preparation have bestowed Namjoon with the expectation of being the next District 4 champion after Finnick Odair last won 3 years ago.
Fishing for a living has granted you skills with a knife but, as your mentor Finnick is quick to describe, your beautiful face may well be your best asset.
Upon arrival in the Capitol you are quickly faced with the reality that Namjoon may not even be the biggest danger inside the Arena. Especially when you capture the obsessive attention of District 2′s own volunteer, and killing machine, Jung Hoseok. Hope soon fades from ‘survival’ to ‘the mercy of a painless death’ but Hoseok certainly has other plans.
Pairing - Hoseok x (fem)Reader
Genre - thriller, angst, yandere
Word Count 7.2K
Warnings - [in later chapters] major character death, graphic depictions of violence, swearing, obsession, dubcon-smut (smut will be marked so reading is optional), gore, unrealistically beautiful oc because I’m a sucker for that shitty trope and want to live vicariously through my writing (sue me)
The following is a dark fic featuring a yandere character, violence, obsession, and coercion. By no means does writing about this in a fictional setting condone any of those behaviours, much like Stephen King writing horror doesn’t mean he approves of psychotic killers in reality. Please avoid reading if any of these warnings makes you uncomfortable.
Previous Chapter: 1
Cross posted on A03 so people can subscribe for updates/notifications
Training began the following morning at 10am, although when you woke for breakfast at 8 Namjoon was nowhere to be found in your living quarters. Finnick informed you that Namjoon had left to begin early as you elected for a bowl of cereal instead of the array of foods presented on the dining table. To anyone else the spread of pancakes, syrup, pastries, bagels, bacon, eggs, sausages and other delicacies you weren’t even familiar with would have appeared mouth watering. But in your state it all just looked like cardboard. You didn’t trust yourself to be able to keep anything down but knew you had to at least eat something so you wouldn’t pass out later.
You tried to make the most of the one on one time with Finnick, listening as he talked about the range of stations that would be inside the gym. For the most part he seemed to suggest being a shadow to the rest of the careers, “play along and act dumb so they think you trust them and are too stupid to make plans for yourself”. Your best bet of survival relied entirely on them underestimating you and you being able to correctly time when to stab them in the back (literally) before they disposed of you.
Once you finished barely eating, you dressed in the capitol provided athletic wear; a fitted black T shirt with decorative panels of silver and gold along the sides and the number 4 emblazoned on your sleeves, along with a pair of just-below-knee-length black leggings that also featured the same silver and gold design as a strip on the sides. After tightly lacing up your sneakers, and tying your hair into a high ponytail, you took the elevator from the floor of your living quarter down to the basement where the gym was located.
You had no idea what you were expecting, perhaps something similar to the warehouse gym back in 4, but the spacious room that you arrived in was definitely not it. To start with, despite being under ground beneath an apartment complex, it looked like it could easily fit at least five warehouses inside the space. There were so many stations set up you wondered how it would be humanly possible to even attempt all of them within your three-day time limit. There were more weapons here than you had ever seen in your entire life combined; what appeared to be a parkour racing course, a rope climb, fire making equipment, a knotting station, something that looked like a paint set up, a tablet with symbols (what use that was supposed to bring you had no idea) and many other things you weren’t sure of. A large digital clock was mounted in the middle of the wall at the back, near a rock climbing wall, displaying the time as 9:45AM. You tried to swallow down your nerves as you scanned across the room looking for Namjoon. You found him easily at the weight section, bench pressing a large barbell you didn’t care enough to read the weight on. It seemed like a pretty basic scare tactic of trying to intimidate the other districts with his strength, but it didn’t have any impact on you because you were already aware.
“What’s muscles over there trying to prove?” a sudden voice at your side caused you to start, whipping your head to see Krystal next to you. She didn’t quite smile but there was an amused look to her eyes and a little quirk to the corner of her mouth.
“Holy shit please don’t sneak up on me like that in the arena, I will literally die of a heart attack” you exhaled with an awkward laugh at the end.
“Wouldn’t be the most painful way to die in there,” Krystal retorted with a shrug. She looked different compared to last night, but you supposed you could say the same for everyone if you compared them in an elaborate costumer to their gym wear. Her sleek black hair had been braided into two French plaits down the back of her head and secured into twin buns on the bottom.
“Touché,” you agreed but quickly moved to shift the topic away from you dying. “To answer your question Namjoon’s probably trying to intimidate some kids into thinking he’s going to bench press them to death.”
Krystal gave an amused hum before gesturing towards her fellow district mate Yoongi who was lazily sitting against the wall nearby. Training hadn’t even started yet and he looked like he’d much rather be asleep. It was hard to think of him as the confidently spoken cape wearing tribute from yesterday when he was now slumped against a wall. If anything he looked quite adorable.
“We just got here, have you seen 2?”
“No, I just got here myself, Namjoon came early to get extra training in”
You looked around the warehouse again trying to spot a familiar head of copper hair or Athena’s cropped blonde pixie cut but couldn’t see either of them for now.
“If he wants to wear himself out before we even get into the arena that’s his business, but if he pulls a muscle or drops a barbell on his head, I’m not carrying him,” Krystal muttered as Namjoon grunted lifting his weights up a final time before slamming them back on the rack.
“Agreed.” You murmured whilst Namjoon finally spotted you were here and nodded towards you and District 1 in recognition, before walking over. Krystal and yourself both gave half hearted waves in reply, Yoongi looked like he had actually fallen asleep and didn’t do anything.
“Hey,” Namjoon greeted wiping his forehead on his shirt sleeve and taking a drink from his water bottle. As much as you had made light of his workout before the fact he was barely out of breath after lifting more than twice your body weight was pretty intimidating. “Have you seen 2 yet?” You were about to tell him what you had just told Krystal when a raspy voice spoke from behind you
“Speak of the devil and he shall appear.”
Turning around you saw Hoseok and Athena walking out from where the elevators were nearby. Athena looked almost unrecognizable in comparison to her warrior outfit and smoky make up from the night before. Her short hair was pushed back with a headband and her face much rounder. She was definitely shorter without her heeled shoes and her body type much curvier than what her costume showed. Whilst Athena, Yoongi and Krystal all looked softer without their costumes and make up Hoseok somehow still managed to radiate the same aura from the tribute parade. His form fitting T-shirt and pants (in the same design as everyone else’s) accentuate his lithe build. The tights he wore showcase the definition of his calves and thighs, along with how long his legs were. The definition of his abs could be seen through the black shirt and his biceps were on display. It appeared he didn’t need any bronzing powder or contouring make-up to sharpen his facial features; his high nose and cheekbones were still just as prominent and his jawline just as sharp. He ran a hand through his hair, which was disheveled from not being styled, but somehow still managed to look good anyway.
When you make the mistake of looking into his eyes you can see that there was definitely no make up involved in the intensity of his stare from yesterday, it’s still just as unnerving this morning. The corner of his lip pulls up into a smirk as he sees you assessing his appearance and he has no shame running his eyes over your body.
“Nice of you to show up,” Namjoon grunted, clearly not impressed with the way Hoseok was staring at you again.
“Relax we’ve still got five minutes until we’re officially mean to start” Athena said as she stops beside Namjoon. She strikes up a conversation to try and distract him like Hoseok had told her to do. Why exactly she was following his instructions she didn’t really know, but she didn’t particularly care to upset him at this point so she simply played along. Namjoon was easy enough to engage, all she did was ask him what he had been doing to work up a sweat and he immediately leapt into a description of the circuit he had been training.
Hoseok moved to take the spot between Athena and yourself.
“Morning love,” he whispered under his breath, touching your elbow gently and leaning down slightly in a way that’s only intended for you to hear. You shudder at the feeling of his warm breath ghosting against the shell of your ear and curse your body for it’s unconscious reaction.
He pulls his hand away just as quickly, not wanting to draw unnecessary attention, but wishes he could maintain some form of physical contact. ‘There’ll be plenty of time for that in the arena,’ Hoseok assures himself watching as your cheeks flush that same rose color they did last night. He can’t explain why, but something so simple as your blush makes him feel ecstatic. Oh the things he would do to you to see what else makes you flush that pretty color for him again.
“Hey,” you reply, trying not to break the eye contact out of fear it could be taken as a sign of weakness. He’s tall so you need to look up, but you’re not that short either so it’s not a high angle. You’d estimate the top of your head reaching around his nose if you had to guess.
“I’ve been dying to ask this since seeing you yesterday, but what is an angel like you doing at these games?” his voice is still low, but not as quiet as before, as Namjoon continues to elaborate on his morning work out whilst Athena pretends to care.
“Uh same reason nearly everyone else here is, my name got pulled out the bowl,” you tried to casually respond with a shrug but knew the devastation would have been showing in your eyes. There were some things you just weren’t capable of hiding, and your fear at your situation and imminent death was one of those things. “And you?”
Hoseok frowns and you wonder if you somehow said something wrong but then he softly shakes his head.
“Volunteer,” he states and you swallow with a nod, unconsciously shifting backwards a little. His very appearance is lethal so it really shouldn’t be a surprise at all that he’s signed himself up to slaughter people like you, just the same way Namjoon had.
“Right, I mean you’re a career,” you shrug again looking across at Krystal, Athena, and Yoongi, wondering if they were volunteers too.
“Hey,” his hand was back on your elbow again, he didn’t give a shit if the others saw him. The feelings he was already experiencing towards you had just been intensified immeasurably by the fact you were innocent in these games. He didn’t know how to possibly describe it; all he knew was that from all the words that existed, in all of the languages in the history of mankind, there would never be a way to explain it.
He saw the tremble in your body whenever he looked at you, the shudder earlier when his breath met your ear, surely you had to feel something towards him too. There was no possible way that these emotions he was experiencing could be contained in just one body, you had to be sharing this experience. Was this a ‘soulmate’ that he had only read of before in passing regarding outdated literature? He had never been the kind to believe in fate before, as far as he had trained his whole life to believe, his only destiny was to win the games and bring honor to his family. But as you stood before him, for only the second time in his life, he just knew that you had been preordained for him.
At his age of eighteen he had experienced love in some capacity before, his parents, his sister, a few close friends and a couple of girlfriends here and there but none of those emotional connections compared to you. Surely you would feel the same way about him too, but of course as the poor reaped tribute that you were, you were too afraid to be able to focus on him right now. He was furious you were even here, how dare none of the other female trainees from 4 volunteer to save your precious existence. How cruel the forces of the universe were, for gifting him with an angel only for her to be so close yet still so out of reach. These intense emotions were far too much for one person to ever experience alone, so somehow he must be possessing part of your emotions for him, because you weren’t capable of focusing on anything more than survival right now. His poor defenseless angel, how much you needed him right now.
That must be it. A trial from beyond these games where he would have to earn not just this victory but a way to make you experience your love. There had to be a reason why you were here, it’s because it was for him to prove himself worthy of you. Oh how he wishes you could have met outside, after his victory tour when he went to 4 and he could just pick you from the crowd and make you his. But that would’ve been too simple. Yes, a love like this only came once in a lifetime, he was certain, and he would need to move heaven and earth to somehow save himself and you. But there had to be a reason that the universe had put you together right at this very moment. There had to be a way for him to save you both, and he knew he would kill anyone and everyone who got in his way.
“I promised you last night, I won’t hurt you, and I meant it,” he said, squeezing your elbow – not tight enough to hurt – as if trying to implore you to believe him. His hand felt warm and his hold was firm, shooting a tingling sensation down your spine. You tried to suppress the physical affect his touch was having on you, knowing nothing good could possibly come out of any attraction. You hated just how strongly your body was reacting to him, wondering why the hell he was trying to flirt before he would inevitably try to kill you, and why your body was liking it. But even though you were a tribute, ultimately you were still only human.
“Hoseok, you literally volunteered to kill me, it’s fine,” you began as a small voice internally added ‘well it’s not fine really but that’s besides the point’. A look you couldn’t read flashed in Hoseok’s eyes and he opened his mouth to say something, but you continued on before he could speak.
“I’ve seen enough of these games to know how the career pack works. I’ll help you guys and when it comes down to the end I’ll just try as hard as I can. There’s only one winner and look at you,” your eyes were on his torso because you couldn’t bring yourself to maintain the eye contact as you spoke. The outline of his pectorals and abs that were visible through the fabric of his shirt, compared to your barely toned figure in comparison, did all the speaking in that regard anyway. Looking down at his grip on your elbow, you could see how the fingers on his large hand nearly wrapped all the way around your arm. His own biceps would easily be twice the size of yours.
“Look at Namjoon,” you subtly gestured to your much larger district-mate, “and then look at me.” You weren’t exactly unfit, all the years of physical labor from working on your family’s boat had helped give you some muscle definition, but it was nothing compared to a trained killer.
“You don’t have to lie to me.”
“I’m not lyi-”
Hoseok’s objection was cut off by an announcement coming from the other side of the room. It was now 10 am and everyone had to attend a briefing in regards to how training worked. Hoseok scowled at the interruption before quickly dropping your arm to avoid suspicion from the others.
“This isn’t over,” he whispered, as you followed with the others to where a dark skinned woman stood in the center of the room. She introduced herself as Atala and ran through the basics of how the next three days would work. Her commentary about dehydration and infection being as much of a danger in the arena as the weapons was particularly interesting to, you wondered if Namjoon had spent as much time on his survival skills as he did on his fighting in the old warehouse back at 4. You doubted it. You also noticed a window on the wall that your back had been facing when you entered the room, where a room of mostly men in suits with eccentric beards and wild colored hair styles were sitting on lounges. Atala introduced them as the game makers who were here to observe, sending a shiver of disgust throughout your body.
Before being allowed to focus on the stations of your choice there was a tribute wide assessment on four of the obstacles: Monkey bars, a fire making station, a memory game (which explained what that strange tablet thing was) and a one on one physical combat match with a Capital trainer. The monkey bars were first and tributes were to perform in the order of their district numbers. You were mildly surprised by how Yoongi went from appearing lethargic to swinging across the bars with ease, but as a career it wasn’t entirely unexpected. Krystal and Athena both had no trouble and Hoseok flew across the rungs twice as fast as the others. You swallowed a nervous lump in your throat when your turn came, feeling the pressure of being in a career district and having all eyes focused on you. Upper body strength had never been your strong point, and you knew the furthest you would probably be able to get was around the half way mark. The girl from 3 had struggled and fallen off nearly immediately but you still didn’t want to fail, especially not with Namjoon breathing down your neck behind you. Back at home you had needed to climb around the boat before in order to make repairs, which suddenly gave you an idea.
Jumping up to reach the bar, you used the momentum to swing your legs through and up onto the next bar in front. Hooking your ankles under you pulled your legs through the gap until you were hanging by your knees. With your weight now more evenly distributed you were able to pull yourself up and awkwardly climb over so you were then on top of the bars. From there you tried not to look down at the long fall onto the thin mat below and crawled your way to the other end before lowering yourself back down when you reached the other side.
“Unconventional, but effective” the person who was responsible for measuring the times and taking notes muttered as they scribbled down something on their clipboard.
“Not bad, spaghetti arms” Athena nodded her approval, her own arm muscles were probably close to the same size as Yoongi’s.
“Gotta know your own strengths and weaknesses,” you smiled back with a shrug. Your time was much slower than the others – Namjoon racing across the other side in a speed to rival Hoseok, right after you were done – but it was still better than not even being able to complete the course at all.
The other assessments were pretty much non eventful with predictable results. You performed decently in comparison to other reaped tributes but were definitely lacking compared to the rest of the careers. You could also detect a bit of rivalry beginning to brew between Namjoon and Hoseok as they tried to one up the other. Hoseok was the faster of the two to light a fire but Namjoon was quicker in being able to solve the memory puzzle. Both of them landed ‘lethal blow’ scores against the capital trainer in their sparring match (you had managed to land a simulated hit of the heel of your hand to the capital trainer’s nose which had counted as an ‘incapacitated blow’ – not a bad score).
With the mandatory grading over you were then given individual feedback along with suggestions on recommended training stations before breaking for lunch. After all the exercise you couldn’t help but feel much hungrier than you had before during breakfast, and helped yourself to a sandwich, along with an apple and a bottle of water from the provided catering. The feedback had been handed out on a card, in order of the district number, before you were dismissed for lunch, and you didn’t pay attention to where 1 and 2 had walked off to. Wanting to be alone anyway you walked around a corridor into an empty hallway and took a seat on the floor against the wall. Leaning back, you raised your knees and rested your elbows on your legs as you scanned across your feedback card. You noted there weren’t any grades or scores, but merely recordings of the time it took for you to complete the activity and a short written assessment next to each. At the bottom were the suggestions for which areas to focus on over the remaining days.
Your evaluation had described you as ‘a dark horse’. The Capital had picked up on the career’s alliance and noted that you were the physically weakest of the six members, however they gave you commendation for unconventional problem solving during the monkey bars. The primary suggestion was focusing on weapons based training in order to stand a chance of survival when the time came for the careers to turn against one another. There was also a suggestion to train more on agility based exercises that played to your existing skills, rather that bothering with weights or physical strength stations that would be impossible to build in such a short time.
“How did you go?”
The sudden voice and presence at your side, whilst you were intently focused on reading your card, caused you to jump and nearly swallow your last mouthful of sandwich down the wrong way. You managed to just catch it with an awkward choke, reaching for your bottle of water to swallow it down properly. To your absolute humiliation, you looked up to see Hoseok standing above you with an amused look on his face.
“Uh, fine I guess,” you muttered, fiddling with the card in your hand as he sat down beside you. “You?”
“As expected,” was all he replied with. You nodded awkwardly. You had seen him perform before you in all of the tasks and sail through each of them with ease. ‘As expected,’ meant nothing less than perfection for him. You couldn’t help but wonder if your death was going to be by his hand, and if that would just be ‘as expected’ for him as well.
“Let me see your card.”
You opened your mouth to protest, but the words were caught in your throat (much like your previous mouthful of sandwich) as Hoseok easily pinched your card out from your fingertips and passed you his along the carpet in return. Frowning, you picked his up, to at least pretend it was a mutual exchange.
“Did you swap cards with the others?” you asked, wondering why he was interested in your report. You skim read across his, finding commentary about Hoseok’s speed, skill and lethality, along with a note stating him as a lead contender, nothing that you weren’t already aware of.
“Nope,” Hoseok dismissed, lips pursed as he read your card much slower.
You frowned at this, passing his card across the floor and reaching over to try and grab yours back, only for Hoseok to lazily lean to the side away from you, with a hint of an amused smile. You let an annoyed huff of air out.
“So why are you reading mine then?”
At this Hoseok paused to raise an eyebrow and make eye contact with you over the top of your card in his hands.
“Because I don’t care about the others.”
He found the stunned look of confusion on your face to be absolutely adorable.
“But…” you paused, not even knowing what to say. Shouldn’t he at least care for his own district mate? Granted you didn’t care much for Namjoon but you were at least somewhat going along with him for the sake of presenting a cohesive alliance. And if he didn’t care about the alliance then what was he doing here with you? The implication of his statement was quite clear that he somehow cared about you, so what had you possibly done to warrant his apparent attention.
“Why?” was all you could eventually ask.
He lowered your card to the floor and slid it back towards you, leaning across with it. You predictably reached to pick your card back up and he instantly took the opportunity to put his hand over yours. You flinched and attempted to pull back, but his grip only tightened, forcing your hand to remain below his much larger one.
Your pulse began to rapidly accelerate. You knew he couldn’t harm you, not until you were in the arena. But to be alone and so easily caught and toyed with, by someone much more powerful than you, was frightening. You looked up from his hand to his handsome face, trying not to tremble as Hoseok stared back with a lazy smirk in place. The thumb on his hand over yours was softly stroking the skin around your wrist and you could swear your heart was pounding so fast he had to be able to feel your erratic pulse.
“Because I need you to be with me at the end.” His husky voice was a low murmur, as he leaned in closer again. Your hand remained clasped tightly below his 
“So you can have an easy kill, because I’m weaker than the others?” you frown, knowing your assessment would have told him as much. But Hoseok was quick with a denial.
“Then why?” You pushed, growing frustrated with his indirect answers and your hand still trapped in his. Hoseok only tilted his head to the side and released a sigh, looking highly amused.
“Don’t you trust me? You know I’ve promised not to hurt you darling,” his low voice grew quieter still, barely above a whisper, causing you to lean in so you could hear him better.
“Darling?” You balked at the endearment. Whatever answer you could possibly imagine coming out of Hoseok, it definitely wasn’t that. “Hoseok I don’t know what kind of game your playi-”
“You’re not a game to me.” He cut you off before you could even finish your sentence. Undeterred you rushed to speak again.
“But we’re literally in The Hunger Games and one of us is going to have to kill the other. And you and I both know how much easier it would be for you to kill me, than the other way around.”
“Oh so you find the thought of killing me unbearable?”
He quirked his eyebrow with a smirk and again you tried to yank your hand back in annoyance, but he only moved his grip further up to clasp tightly around your wrist. His long fingers easily wrapped all the way around, as he then pulled your arm back towards him, causing your upper body to lean further forward. Unconsciously you let out a breathless whimper in shock, your faces now so close you could feel his breath fanning across the side of your cheek.
“I… I don’t even know how I can kill anybody. You’re the volunteer here and clearly the better fighter between us so you would easily kill me in a final two,” you whispered, trying to turn your head away from his, only for the side of your face to press against the wall.
“Oh but darling you’re wrong, to kill you would be to kill myself.”
The hand that wasn’t pinning your wrist to the ground moved to cradle the side of your face, his fingers threading into your hair and thumb running along the top of your cheekbone.
“Hoseok, stop.” You raised your free hand to push against his chest, but he was solid as a rock and didn’t even budge. Instead he only curled his torso in towards you, pinning you in place against his body and the wall. You whimpered in fear, eyes scanning the hallway trying to find a way out, only for Hoseok to press his nose against your temple and lips to the shell of your ear.
“You may not even know it yourself but I can feel it in your pulse how your heart calls for me. Every beat I feel beneath my fingertip sings to my own, that already belongs to you. If you were to die, my heart would have no need to beat without the one it beats for.”
His deep voice was a seductive purr as his breath against your ear sent a shiver throughout your entire body. His hold on your face forced you to look back into his eyes once more, which held the same intense passion you had seen in them last night.
“How c-can you even say something like that, it hasn’t even been a day s-since we met?” you choked as you felt tears beginning to sting in your eyes.
“Because I felt it the second I laid my eyes on you, and seeing you again this morning only made me feel a hundred times stronger.
“Please stop, I’m going to be dead in a week so can you please just not turn my life into some sick joke,” it was all you could do to beg as the first tear spilled from the corner of your eye, his thumb below easily wiping it away.
“I’m. Not. Joking,” he hissed, each word punctuated by his fingers burying into your hair and clenching tightly at the roots, causing you to gasp as more tears spilled out.
“You’re hurting me,” you whimpered, the hand on his chest reaching up to try and pull at his hand that was holding onto a fist full of your hair. His grip instantly released, his hand moving to grab onto yours and thread his fingers in between your own, before squeezing tightly.
“Not as much as you hurt me whenever you try to deny me,” he retorted, pulling your hand to his lips to place a kiss upon the back.
“What do I possibly gain from a game perspective to choose you as my final partner? You said it yourself that you’re the weakest so that means I’ll need to protect you from the other four when the alliance turns. And believe me princess, I will. I’ll slaughter every one of them in cold blood. I’ll snap the neck of anyone who so much as harms a single hair upon your head. I’m going to kill them all for you baby, and I’ll make you watch so you can see just far how far I’ll go for you.”
“Why are you doing this to me?” you whispered brokenly, tears spilling freely from your eyes now.
“Because,” Hoseok dropped your hand to grab ahold of your chin as his lips moved in closer. When he spoke you could feel them brushing against yours “you’re mine.”
But before Hoseok could firmly press his lips to yours in the kiss he longed for, a sudden shout broke the atmosphere he had worked so hard to build.
You never thought you’d be relieved to hear the sound of Namjoon’s angry voice barking in your direction, but his appearance around the corner and into the hallway caused you to exhale a long breath you didn’t even know you were holding.
“What are you both doing here?” Namjoon growled, angrily striding towards you as Yoongi, Krystal, and Athena followed behind him.
Hoseok, who had his back turned to their direction, scowled in anger at the disruption, before quickly masking his face to a neutral expression. The sudden change in demeanour causing you to flinch.
“I found this one here having a bit of a breakdown over her report card,” Hoseok said, lazily getting to his feet and shooting you a wink as your jaw dropped in shock at his smooth and blatant lie.
“No! I- I…” You immediately went to protest only for the words to be caught in your throat. It would just be Hoseok’s word against your own. And who would believe you? His words were so insane you could barely even believe what he had just been saying.
“It’s ok YN,” he purred, as the others walked over towards you. You angrily got to your feet wiping your eyes, not wanting to be a crying mess on the floor in front of the whole group. “I was just telling her there’s no need to worry. First day freak outs can happen to the best of us.”
“I’m fine,” you scowled, crossing your arms and glaring at the floor and seeing the damned report card laying on the carpet.
“I just wanted some time to myself and if anything having someone around only made it worse” you bit back.
“Very well then,” Hoseok smirked raising his arms in a mock surrender gesture and waving his hands theatrically. “Excuse me for trying to be a good teammate.”
“I didn-” before you could rip into him, you were interrupted by another.
“Can you all give me one minute to talk to my district partner,” Namjoon grunted at the others. He didn’t bother waiting for an answer, grabbing a hold of the top of your arm and dragging you further back up the hallway. You didn’t know what was worse between him bossing you around since the train ride or Hoseok’s crazy confession, but what you did know was that if anyone else tried to manhandle you again you were going to take your chances on your own in the arena. It had only been one day and you were rapidly growing sick of this alliance. You’d rather die with dignity on your own than be dragged around like a dog’s chew toy.
“Let me go,” you hissed, when you were far away enough not to be overheard, grabbing his hand and ripping it off your arm. Namjoon just rolled his eyes before staring down at you from his tall height.
“What the fuck was that about?” he asked.
For a moment you breathed a sigh of relief. Trying to convince Athena or District 1 about Hoseok losing his mind would be one thing, but Namjoon was your own team mate. You vaguely knew each other from growing up in the same town. Maybe he might actually believe you. Glancing back to the others you saw them chatting amongst themselves, Krystal was now holding your report card and Yoongi gave a dismissive shrug to something Athena had just said. As if sensing your gaze, Hoseok glanced across to make eye contact. The corner of his lip curled up and he cocked his eyebrow smugly as if to say ‘go on and tell him, see if he believes you’. You scowled at him before turning back to Namjoon and grabbing a hold of his arm (missing the way Hoseok’s nose twitched in annoyance at you initiating the physical contact with another man).
“Namjoon, please, you have to believe me,” you began, instantly lowering your voice as you squeezed his bicep imploringly – your hand didn’t even wrap halfway around the much stronger boy’s arm.
“What happened?” he asked bluntly, eyebrows narrowing into a frown.
So you told him. Speaking as quietly as possible and trying to rush through the details as fast as you could, you hurriedly told him about how Hoseok had found you alone and stolen your card, before pinning you against the wall, claiming you were his, and threatening to kill all the others. You finished by telling him how it was only through the rest of the group showing up when they did, that had stopped Hoseok from kissing you.
“It was humiliating,” you hissed out, trying to choke down the lump in your throat that had built up as you were recalling what happened.
“I don’t want to be in the career pack anymore, I can’t do it, not with him.”
You looked up at Namjoon, begging him with your eyes to believe what you had just said.
“Are you out of your fucking mind?”
You dropped his arm and visibly recoiled as if his words had physically hit you. As far as you were concerned he may as well have.
“Some pretty boy spouts some Romeo and Juliet bullshit so you want to leave the best chance either of us have for surviving this thing? How can you actually be that stupid?!”
You were fuming. How dare he just dismiss what had happened to you like that. You had taken a leap of faith, hoping that as your own team mate he would believe you, and instead he had virtually spat in your face as a response.
“I’m not stupid Namjoon!” You sneered. “The one year my name gets called out is the one year no girls volunteer because they knew that you were going to. If the girls who have spent their whole lives training know they can’t beat you, how the fuck do you think I feel right now? Maybe it’s easier for you because you’ve actually got a chance in these games, but I’m going to die. And none of this is my choice, you actually chose to be here! You were the one who said on the train that you wanted us to join the career pack, so I did! And now I’m the one being harassed, not you! Stop treating me like a child because I’m not just a pawn you can tell what to do until you decide to kill me.”
“If you don’t want to be treated like a child then stop acting like a pathetic fool over the first boy to give you some attention. Do you think your pretty little face is somehow special enough for Hoseok to actually fall in love with at first sight?”
“Of course not!”
“You should be thanking me for pulling your head back in from whatever deluded little fantasy he’s trying to spin. Are you that stupid you can’t tell he’s just trying to divide us so you want to work with him instead of me by the time we get to the end game? At the very least you and I know each other and I guarantee you, in that arena it’s better the devil you know”
You wanted to point out how you were the one to tell him about Hoseok, and clearly were trying to work with Namjoon instead, only for him to berate you, but logic was out the window by this stage.
“Is it? Cause it sounds to me like you’re just keeping me around until you decide to break my neck when it’s convenient for you,” you snapped instead.
“That’s how alliances work sweetheart. You watch my back in the pack to make sure 1 or 2 don’t just slit my throat in my sleep. I drag your ungrateful ass around and make sure you aren’t taken out by some amateur who wouldn’t know the difference between a liver and an intestine. Is that how you want to die? Bleeding out for hours after being stabbed by an untrained idiot and spending your final moments in agony? Would you rather die by someone beating your head in with a rock because that’s the only weapon they know how to use? Let’s see how beautiful you are with your skull smashed in huh. Or do you want to go from starvation or hypothermia because you’re lost and all alone?”
You were absolutely stunned. He was expecting you to just follow him around the arena like a little puppy, where the only incentive for doing so would be his definition of a merciful death? Before you could tell him where he could shove his alliance, your argument was cut off by the approaching voice of Athena.
“I don’t know what kind of little lover’s quarrel you two have got going on here” you could swear you heard a warning growl from Hoseok “but get your shit together. We can’t have infighting in the alliance, especially before we even get into the arena. You,” a point at Namjoon, “stop treating her like shit. And you,” a point at you, “Stop looking like you’re about to cry. You’re a career for fuck sake, a cold blooded killer. Even though you’re obviously not, you at least need to look like one to scare off the other tributes otherwise you’re going to be the lowest hanging fruit they try and pick off first.”
You stared blankly back as Athena kept talking. The other tributes. You had been so preoccupied thinking about Hoseok and Namjoon’s cruelty, you hadn’t even considered your position without them. By now you were established as a career in the eyes of 18 other tributes, regardless of if you wanted to be one or not. From the past years of the games you knew that the other districts would take any opportunity they could to eliminate a career that somehow wound up on their own.
You were completely and utterly ruined no matter what direction you chose to go.
“Hoseok, Namjoon, you two are coming with me to the obstacle course run for a few hours. We need to do some teamwork after you two had your little dick measuring contest before in the graded courses. You two need to do something to make it look like you’re unified because right now because that’s something other tributes can exploit. Krystal, YN, and Yoongi will go to the rope tying station so YN can help us with knots and show off that she’s actually needed in our alliance to the others”
Namjoon nodded curtly whilst Hoseok clearly looked more annoyed at the idea of being split from you and having to work with the Namjoon. However, he quickly covered his expression and nodded as well. Athena gave each of them a shove on the shoulder to get them moving and they walked off out the hallway and back into the training compound.
You took a deep breath, grateful to have a break from either of their presence before looking between Yoongi and Krystal. They didn’t seem particularly interested in you, their sharp eyes and beautiful features were relaxed into a neutral expression that only suggested boredom. That was perfectly fine with you. As a fisherman’s daughter you were indeed well versed in knots and grateful for the reprise which would allow you to spend some time on something you were actually confident with.
“Alright, show me where the knotting station is”
Note: This story was originally a one shot in my mind and has now reached a planned 6 chapters. Aha. I suck.
Ideally I wanted the 'before the games' section to just be one chapter, but found it was starting to get too long after this reached over 7000 words and I still have the other training days, final assessment/grade out of 12 and the interviews with Caesar to cover (those will be in the next chapter, with the games starting in the update after)
The concept of the assessment came from the 1st movie where Atala (the woman who does that ‘in 2 weeks most of you will be dead’ speech in the training centre) mentions a mandatory assessment, so I just worked with an idea from that.
This chapter hopefully showcases more of Hoseok's Yandere nature along with establishing just how much or a horrible character Namjoon is (I swear I'll do a better fic of Namjoon as the lead soon).
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mrsbarnes107 · 4 years
Secret of the Widow
-part six-
Summary: Post Endgame time period. The team is healing, trying to navigate this new normal they’ve found themselves in when Bucky and Sam bring home a stray with an attitude and a secret. Will the broken team take her in? Or is it too much to bare?
Warnings: language, *eventual* violence and smut, death, fluff, angst
Pairings: Bucky x OC
Disclaimer: this is posted to Wattpad as well and it WILL HAVE PLOT. I’m a Bucky hoe so there will be smut and romancy stuff but this is a series, so plot plot plot.
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Forty-five minutes later I walk out of my still steaming bathroom. I wish I could thank Tony for the never ending hot water and place to live, it's a nice change in routine.
I wish I could thank him for a lot of things.
I give myself a little shake. No sappy moments, not right now.
With a lighter step, I throw on some baggy sweatpants and a tank top, leaving my hair to air dry. I'm pretty sure a good first impression was thrown out the window already anyways.
With a final nod in the mirror, I leave the sanctuary of my room and give myself to the wolves.
As I enter the kitchen, the smell of cheeseburgers and salty fries hits me. I'm almost certain I let out a tiny moan, but I'm going to deny it if asked.
"Hey Ali, grab some food and come sit by me sweetie." Wanda yelled from the table, not even glancing at me, unlike the rest of the group.
Banner still seems reserved, like he doesn't know how he's suppose to respond to the news of my existence. Clint on the other hand looks like he has something to talk about, sad curiosity all over his features.
Having not eaten in the last two days, I'm positive I could inhale more of these beautiful beef buns than even Barnes can, who is currently sitting with three burger on his plate and a mountain of fries. Okay well maybe not him, but Wilson for sure. The mans pretty scrawny.
After getting my food, I plop down in the seat between Wanda and Bucky, immediately tearing into my food. Etiquette be damned.
"So where's Petey? He and I have some unfinished business." I'm pretty sure I just heard Barnes try to cover a small chuckle with a cough. I should probably not talk with my mouth full, at least not during my first ever meal with the team.... whoops.
"He's attending MIT, following Tony's footsteps apparently, so he went off somewhere to study his big book of boring." Wilson didn't even bat an eye while answering.
The room settled in silence for a few minutes. It was not a comfortable one at all.
With a loud sigh I set my wonderful, heavenly, beautiful burger down. "Okay. Spit it out. This silence is strangling me and I'm trying to enjoy this God sent meal in peace."
Sam chuckled quietly, wiping his mouth free from the mustard smeared everywhere. "Okay tiny Tony calm down."
That's the second time today I've been compared to Tony. Each time my heart breaks a little. It's nice though, having a part of him so apparent in me that they see it despite meeting me less than five hours ago.
"So you and Stark were close, obviously, Nat is your mom, still weird, and you know Barnes pretty well by the looks of it."
I pop a few fries in my mouth before answering. Mmm fried potatoes doused in salt is a glorious creation. "All of that is very true baby bird."
Barnes hides a smile as Sam glares very unthreateningly across the table at me. My fry hits him right in the nose.
This time Clint joins Bucky in choking down a laugh.
"So how well do you know Barnes here hm? You were eighteen when you met? I wonder-"
Bucky tensed up, jaw ticking away. Wanda just pursed her lips and kept quiet.
I set my hand on his metal arm. "Stand down Sarge, birdys just trying to wind you up." Bucky relaxes, nerves still on edge and eyes throwing daggers at the bird man.
I look to Sam with a raised brow. "I'm a lady Samuel, we don't kiss and tell. Did you have anything productive to ask before you got all pissy?"
He sighed in annoyance, eyes showing slight amusement. "I still want to know how you got those cuffs on us, they have no key or biometric identification. Did you see me enter the code?"
I let out a soft laugh and turned to Wanda. "You should've seen their faces, it was a beautiful sight." With a glance back at Sam I shove another bite of my burger into my mouth, talking around the food. "I worked with Stark for years dude. I have access to, and can override, anything in this building. He gave me full clearance before I could drive."
"But he never let you up here? Even when we were out on a mission?" This time it was Banner who spoke up.
With a small smile I shrugged. "We didn't want to chance me running into any of you, especially after Petey joined. He worked in the lab with me a bit and it made Tony a little wary. Plus Nat worried about Sarge here seeing me."
Buckys head snapped to me, not expecting to be brought into the conversation. "She knew I had no memories though, why would meeting me worry her enough to ban you from the upper levels?"
Our eyes locked for a few seconds before I turned away, glancing at him as I breeze past the question. "Conversation for another time Buck.... so who made dinner? Well complements to the chef Clint, this is some juicy meat."
Dinner continued with light laughter, and small talk. The group introducing themselves and trying to welcome me into the tight knit squad. The atmosphere was kind, but I could see the change caused by the loss of their friends. A year later and the wounds are still barely even scar tissue.
I remember the times I'd be working in the lab and get bored, eventually deciding that the Avengers would be my own little reality show to pass the time. They use to be so care free, at least as much as they could be, laughter filling the halls and pranks pulled on one another. Now it's random bursts of joy until the silence relapses for a bit.
Maybe I can do some good here. At least bring a little more light into the tower, make the darkness fade a little.
Wanda and I decided to have a movie night in the living room while the guys did whatever guys do. She chose some romcom, which we inevitably verbally assaulted as the cheesy plot continued.
"So, Ali, besides Fury is there anyone else in your life?"
"Nah, there's been a few dates, but having to lie about who you are makes things difficult. Although, so does my choice in work and the fact that I'm very rarely interested in anyone enough to put in the effort." I gave her a shrug and just rolled my eyes, keeping the conversation light.
"I'm curious on the team dynamic. Tony and Steve were like the divorced parents that told everyone what to do, is it just a 'go with the flow' situation now?"
Thankfully this made her chuckle. "Apparently this family of ours can't function without parents that hate each other. Bucky and Sam are the exact same way, they've taken the mantle up themselves. But honestly we're still learning our strengths and how we fit without the old pieces."
I gave her a nod, forehead creased while I tried to picture the teams strengths and weaknesses cohesively fitting together.
It wasn't until midnight when we decided to get some sleep, setting plans to go shopping after lunch the next day.
The bed was more comfortable than anything I've ever had the absolute pleasure of laying upon, but I still couldn't pass the hell out.
I just grunted in very extreme annoyance, despite this being a normal occurrence, and rolled out of bed.
After a quick stop to the kitchen to make some tea, I made my way to Tony's lab.
It looked just as it did the last time I was here, seven years ago Thanos time I suppose.
Walking around the large space, knowing that Tony won't be strutting in yelling about his genius breakthrough after his twelfth coffee of the morning, or having him standing over my shoulder as he teaches me the new mechanics of his suit, well it's surreal.
The room doesn't even feel like him anymore. This lab was once a place that brought me a sense of comfort and home, a place where his laugh encompassed the very life of the room, where his sarcasm bounced of the walls in never ending jabs. Now it is just cold and empty. The joy it once held long gone.
I sit in the floor, leaned against his work table. Now realizing that tears are running down my cheeks, a quiet remembrance to a man I cared for like a father.
I don't bother to wipe the tears away, it'd feel like denying him this moment, I just sigh and rest my head against his chair. "Oh Tony, you self sacrificing idiot.. I miss you. So much. I can't believe you left me alone with Nicky, that was just cruel you know. You both did."
With a shiver I set the empty mug beside me, bringing my legs up to curl my arms around.
"Why did you always have to be so hell bent on sacrificing yourself? Everytime this world called, it was always YOU risking it all, YOU flying into a space portal, YOU getting so much hate and blame from the team, even SHIELD, all the time. I just-" a chocked sob surprises me as I realize this is the first time I've talked to him, really talked, in six years.
"You had everything T, a wife, a baby, me and Petey. And they asked you to give it all up, yet this world barely gives you the recognition you deserve. Steve walks out and just leaves, after so much death, so much that needs cleaned up, he makes the most selfish decision i have ever seen, and yet is grieved more than you are. He walked out on his best friend, left the team already broken, and had the audacity to think he was owed that selfishness. A man who gave up everything and asked for nothing in return, overshadowed by the man who had nothing and was handed everything." I let out an angry little chuckle.
"This world is so backwards and cruel. Now I'm left in it alone. What am I suppose to do T? This place, these people, there's no light here anymore. And I just- it's just- it's so hard Tony. My parents are gone and I'm alone and I miss you so much. Being here breaks my heart. Every second I'm within these walls, knowing I'll never hear your laugh, your encouragement or sassy remarks, never walk in to AC/DC blasting while your passed out at your table. Every second I'm here hurts T. I just- I miss you so much dad and I'll never get to tell you how much I love you."
If I hadn't had my eyes closed, or been in the middle of an impressive mental breakdown, I might have heard the footsteps approaching long ago. But my tears brought sleep to me quickly and everything went black.
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kindness-bliss · 3 years
New Beginnings Ch. 10
Timothy Thatcher x OC
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
 Maya sighed as she sat in the and leaned her head back against the headrest “Why did you lean in to kiss me ?” she finally asked  
 “I just felt the moment was right, you held my hand on your own and I thought maybe it was a good idea. I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable, I just did what I felt was right in the moment” he explained “I apologize, I really do. I would never wanna make you feel like it was forced”
  “Don’t do it again” she said softly “Now hurry up so you can drive me home and we can both change, you got your outfit ?”
  “Yeah, just um a black long sleeve button up and black pants, that okay ?” Marcel asked
“Perfect” she grins as they got out “Also feel free to loosen up tonight, I can handle my drinking”
He raised a brow as he pulled in and followed “Do I need to remind you about what happened in Berlin ?”
  Maya widened her eyes as she blushed and shot him a look “You said you’d never bring it up, so don’t start now”
  “Sorry but you causing world war 3 at a club at 2 in the morning that led to us running through the back door isn’t exactly a small thing” he laughed as he brought his bag in “I’m not even drunk ! I’m fine, let’s go dance !” he mocked in her voice “and then suddenly a fight about who knows what and bam we’re in a taxi. How you weren’t some kind of fighter in your life still shocks me”
  “I felt like it” she shrugged “she insinuated my Cartier bracelets were fake so I let her have it, period. Oh yeah and she hit on you right in front of me, she deserved it”
He laughed, shaking his head “how about none of that tonight ? Just fun, enjoy yourself with your friends and celebrate your cover”
“I invited Fabian” she blurted out, taking out her curling iron to touch up her hair “he said he’s coming, I gave security his name”
  Marcel nodded as she took off his t shirt and ironed his shirt “That’s cool, glad he can make it”
“If you two don’t say sorry and make up tonight I swear” she groaned. Yeah they had been friends for a little over half a year but that didn’t mean him and Fabian were back together. Those two were like a married couple and seeing him without Fabian made her sad, he wasn’t the same without him and it killed her inside
  “I can’t promise anything but if he’s there obviously he knows I’m going to be as well so who knows” Marcel admitted as he fixed his hair
  “Lay off the gel, you look you belong back in Germany in some grade school with this haircut” she laughed fixing her eye shadow “Plus it’s gonna be hot in there”
    “Then I’ll take my shirt off,” he smirked. “I think some girls there would  really like to see that, don't you think ?”
  Maya rolled her eyes, going into her closet and picking out a body con sequin dress, something to make her stand out from the others. She wanted to be absolutely sure she looked better than anyone else there, especially after what Tim had told her. Tim. As if that Dickies wearing, missing tooth asshole knew anything about fashion she shook her head. “No one cares Maya, he doesn’t matter at all” she repeated in her head turning and widening her eyes as she saw Marcel changing
   “Wow...wow” she muttered quietly as she hid behind her closet door and peaked, taking a look at his perfectly tan body and abs, watching him check himself out in the mirror while buttoning up his shirt. He had to me the most vain individual she had ever met yet there she was hiding so she could admire him from afar. Her, the actual model, hiding in a damn closet to stare at him of all people. She quickly snapped out of her own thoughts and changed, putting on her heels as she walked out
  “Alright all-” Marcel stopped speaking, practically stopping his breathing when he saw her
“Hey” Maya grinned softly as she saw his face
“Maya….I….” he took a moment to think clearly about what he wished to say, not wanting to make himself seem even dumber than he already did 
“I-wow” he chuckled out finally as he put his hands in his pockets 
“You...you look beautiful, stunning”
  “Marcel, you’ve seen me in dresses but thank you” she giggled 
 “You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve seen, ever” he said sincerely “you look beautiful every single day but tonight is just wow”
She looked at him, trying her best to keep her look calm and friendly but part of her wanted to jump him right then and there. “Come on, let’s get going it’s late” she grinned as she went back out with him to the car and allowed him to take a picture of them to post ******
  “So now explain” Johnny said as he sat with Tim in the living room of his home “why exactly did you um...snap ?”
  “I did not snap” Tim responded calmly as he pet their dog Pawdme 
“I...words didn’t come out as well as I hoped okay, that’s all”
  “Um...you went to college right ? like graduated, correct ?” he asked
Tim nodded as he gave a confused look “uh yeah, I uh have a degree in Journalism, worked at a newspaper company for years. Actually” he chuckled “when we met in evolve I was stil- wait what does this have to do with anything ?”
    “So you’re telling me you’re college educated with a degree in JOURNALISM of all things, like as in good with words and writing yet you don't know how to speak to a woman !” Johnny exclaimed “You legit use big ass words and write pages yet when a girl clearly is giving the whole “take me in the back seat of your car now” eyes you insult and demean ?” “Johnny, enough” Candice spoke up “He gets the point, clearly he’s upset and mad”
“Thanks” Tim nodded, “and to answer all your questions, yes, I get it. I acted like a moron and well here I am trying to think of ways to apologize once again and convince her I want her with me”   
“Well we can all talk about this tomorrow, we got somewhere to go” Johnny stood up dressed in a button up and black jeans along with Candice in a black dress
  “A funeral ?” Tim asked confused as he looked at both of them “sorry for your loss, whomever it may be”
 Candice let out a soft sigh as he looked at Johnny and nodded towards Tim with her head “tell him…”
“Okay, first it’s “Johnny, shut up!” and now it’s “tell him” he mocked in her voice as he put his hands on his hips and looked up at Tim 
“We’re…..we’re going to Maya’s cover launch party, she invited us a month ago and well we RSVP’d and honestly I won’t lie, it looks like a lot of fun, man. She rented out the entire club. It's at EVE and I mean we don’t get to do shit like this, it’s the best club in the city and we’re on the list and I feel special alright ?”
  “Wait wait, what ?” Tim asked bewildered “You two are going ? Like actually going ? This isn’t some sick joke right because if it is I got pranked” he put his hands up “the act can stop now, I get it”
Johnny and Candice looked at each other as they both turned and gave him a sorry look as Candice’s phone buzzed “sorry Tim...we gotta go now, Oney’s waiting with Joanne”
 Tim scoffed as he nodded and opened the door, catching Oney about to knock  “I know, don’t even try to explain” he said as he shut him up before he could even speak
  “Well damn” Oney shot him a look “Guess that means, you don’t wanna be my plus one….”
“What ?” the other 3 asked in unison as they looked at him
“Joanne can’t make it, she has work so that leaves me with a plus one” he showed the message “Maya never said I couldn’t bring Tim” he gave a shrug
“Wait…. He can’t go like that” Candice emphasized “babe quick, go look for a bigger shirt and Oney, switch pants with Tim and Johnny will give you another pair…..NOW !” she raised her voice at the 3 of them as she watched them scurry and go to her bedroom
    “Wow, who knew you could clean up so nicely” Johnny smirked “let me do your hair now, you can’t go out looking nicely dressed with messy hair, oh and cologne, you gotta smell good in case ”
“You’re not serious ?” Tim asked
“You want her to see you looking good right ? So listen to me, if you look good and smell good she’ll like fall in love with you, she won’t even remember you insinuated her work was cheap, or that bikini models are whores or that-” Johnny gulped when he saw him glare at him “here just..just add a little gel and um see you downstairs, hurry up”
  Oney chuckled as he watched him get ready “If this doesn’t work, then I don’t know. Not gonna lie you look….nice. You really do, this is probably what she wanted to see”  
 “Whatever” Tim shrugged as he finished buttoning up the shirt “I just wanna talk to her that’s all, talk to her and get this settled and we’ll go from there” he nodded as he followed him back to Candice and Johnny’s Uber and sat down 
  “Wow” Candice grinned “look at you, I mean it. You clean up so nicely Tim, you really do”
“Thank you” Tim said softly as he gave her a small grin. “How the hell did I get myself into this ?” he thought to himself. None of this was him, he could feel the sweat start to build up in his arm pits as he moved around in his seat lifting his head up when Oney offered him a mini bottle of Patron
“A roadie, to loosen up before we get there. You could use it, need a chaser ?” he offered some seltzer water widening his eyes as he watched him chug it down in one gulp
  “Give me another, now” Tim nodded as he reached out his hand, taking the second bottle and downing it “there, much much better”. No not really all that better but at least it calmed his nerves slightly as he watched them pull up to the club. He looked through the crowd to see who he recognized, some were definitely other models but lots were from work. She really had invited everyone but him, not like he expected it anyways.
    “Remember, leave no later than 3” Candice said as they got out and reapplied her lipgloss “Jesus, she’s popular look at all these people”
  “You don’t say” Johnny looked around “And she invited US, that means she really does like us and thinks of us as friends. She’s SO nice”
“She is. She really is something” Tim whispered to himself as he stood with them ************
“I love seeing you two so happy and together !” Maya smiled a little tipsy already as she put her arms around Fabian and Marcel’s shoulders 
“The two besties are back together ! You can go back to taking your little sexy shirtless gym pictures now !”  
 Fabian chuckled “well thank you I think ? Thanks for inviting me again”
“Yeah yeah of course, anything to get you two back together” she sipped her martini, feeling slightly buzzed as she sat next to Marcel and put her hand on his thigh “oh my god, you look so cute tonight I can’t believe I didn’t tell you already” she pouted
  Marcel chuckled as he placed her hand back on her lap gently “Thank you, you’re telling me now and to me that’s all that matters”
“Maya maybe, maybe we can stop the martini’s for a bit” Fabian suggested as he motioned for the waitress to come over and order them waters with lemon
  “What a complete party pooper, I thought Italians were supposed to be fun. This is NOT how Jersey Shore made it seem” she rolled her eyes, pulling out her compact to look herself over as she watched Fabian just laugh at her
 “Hey... still very very pretty,” Marcel grinned as he closed it for her. “There’s no need to keep looking at yourself when you look perfect, now have some water so you can sober up a bit and enjoy your night. Everyone’s here for you”
  Maya stood up and fixed her dress when she saw Candice walk towards her “hey, oh my gosh you look beautiful !” She gave her a hug and smiled, tilting her head when she saw Johnny take a selfie with her custom cake “why...why is he ?”
  “Listen he’s telling everyone we know he’s at a celebrity party and how you’re his friend, he’s truly living it up” she admits with a chuckle
  “I just...I like how you guys came, you two are so kind and nice and to be honest I kinda like you guys here more than the others my agent made me invite” she smiled softly “Can I offer you a drink ?”
  “Oh yeah sure, I’d love one of those fruity ones you’re having” Candice grinned as she walked over to the bar with her “Listen before we enjoy the night, I have to tell you that Oney’s girlfriend couldn’t make it so...so he brought Tim”
    “What ?” she spat out her water “He’s here ? As in right now ? Candice what the hell ? After what happened earlier ?”
Candice sighed as she took her drink in one sitting and got up “Long story short he feels horrible and wants to talk to you, really talk to you. 100% serious this time, no insults nothing so when you’re ready you let me know and I”m getting you two together to talk even if it’s the last fucking thing I do” she nods
  “I just wanna enjoy my night and maybe when I’m a little more drunk so I can let his ass know everything I’ve been feeling” Maya nodded as she cheered her and took what she believed was her 15th shot of the night 
    “So are those real ?” Candice asked as she pointed to her revealing dress “because they look real but they also look way too perfect to be real”
Maya laughed as she touched her shoulder with her arm “They are, but did you drink before getting here ?”
  “May have had a couple roadies” she admits as they continued to drink together, getting rowdier once everyone else came to join
  “Let’s give it up for Maya !” Johnny yelled as he raised his champagne glass “MY friend is a model and she’s on an ACTUAL magazine and on a billboard !”
  “To me ! For being really fucking pretty and having an amazing body !” Maya exclaimed drunkenly as she leaned on Marcel
    “And with REAL boobs !” Candice added as they all cheered together and moved to the dance floor as the DJ played a playlist of mid 2000’s songs
Everything was great, perfect actually until Oney spotted Tim talking to a girl, a little too close for comfort in his eyes as he left and sat down keeping a close eye on him
  “So what brings you here, do you know Maya ?” the girl asked Tim as she grinned and sat too close to him at the bar
  “In a way yeah, you ?” he nodded trying his best to keep up straight as the alcohol from the car ride and the beers he had consumed were beginning to hit him
  “well she won this cover over me. Some thing about brunettes over blondes, Kara by the way” she reached her hand out “and you are ?”
“Tim” he responded as he turned around and faced her, looking her up and down as he raised a brow at the less than favorable red number she had on “drink ?”
    “Vodka soda” she smirked as she ordered “oh is this your friend ?”
“What ?” Tim asked confused as he turned and saw Oney with crossed arms standing behind him
  “You’re drunk, come with me”
“He’s fine with me” Kara smiled sweetly “Don’t worry, your friend is perfect with me here”
“I’m fine” Tim shrugged “You go and continue being stupid, I’m fine here with her”
Oney shook his head and sighed as he left him alone and went back as he sat down on a couch and watched
 Maya pulled Marcel close to her as she turned around against him, moving to the beat of the music as she felt him move with her, putting his hands on her hips both swaying to the old Ice Cube song that played loudly in the club. They had gone to multiple clubs in the past and danced to way too many songs but this time something was different and they both felt it  
  Marcel felt the jolts in his body as he touched her hips and felt her backside press right against his groin area. Gulping to get rid of what felt like a ball stuck in his throat he made sure to keep his hands there as they moved
  “You good ?” she asked not realizing what was even going on with him as she looked up
“All good, we can keep going” he nodded
He was positive his once black shirt was now soaking and see through with sweat as he tried his best to make sure he didn’t get hard as he squeezed her sides every so slightly. As he heard the song end and change to what he recalled was an old Lil Jon song, he groaned feeling her move quicker.  Part of him felt like it was best to just leave to the car and handle what he needed to do but the other part said he needed to be composed for her. All that went out the window the second he looked down and saw her dress slowly ride up as she moved lower and lower
  “I...I gotta go to the bathroom” he blurted out as he turned her around and saw her eyes, he knew better than anyone what that look meant
  “We….we should go to the bathroom” she whispered as she laced his fingers with hers and leaned in to kiss the corner of his mouth gently
   Marcel shuddered as he looked around and noticed everyone too busy to even notice them gone, he quickly took her hand and rushed to the nearest bathroom with her as he pushed her against the wall and crashed his lips onto hers, moving his hands up and down her hips as he moved down to kiss her neck feeling one of her hands on the back of his neck and the other immediately trying to undo his belt
  “Not...not here” he whispered as he stopped her hands and held them in his as he kissed each of them “This...this is cheap, I don’t want it like this with you. You deserve more”
“My place” she kissed his lips again not wanting them away from hers any longer “You and me, my place. I want you, I need you Marcel” Marcel looked in her eyes trying to see any doubt , going with his gut as he nodded and walked with her, hitting a stall with his shoulder
“Busy” a female voice groaned “um really busy”
  “Sorry” Marcel apologized quickly, cursing as Maya tripped against him causing him to fall against the unlocked door, widening his eyes at the view in front of him
  “What’s going-” Maya stopped speaking immediately as she felt her heart drop to her stomach as she saw Tim entangled with a girl doing way more than kissing. She felt her legs turn into jelly as she watched him kiss and move her against him, at her party of all places.
   Tim heard her voice and immediately opened his eyes as he pushed Kara off and fixed his pants and shirt “Maya ! No…..No listen I-I” he stuttered struggling to form a cohesive thought as he reached his hand towards her earning a hard punch across the nose and kick in the groin “Fuck that hurt !” he grimaced in pain not sure if he needed to grab his balls or nose
  “Marcel, why is she crying ? what’s going on ?” Johnny asked concerned he watched Candice going after her “Did someone hurt her ? Tell me and I’ll knock them out !”
  “That, that’s what’s going on” Marcel said coldly as they both looked at Tim and Kara exit the bathroom both disheveled with Tim’s more than obvious broken bleeding nose
“I told him to stop” Oney spoke up “He didn’t listen, brushed me off. The second he saw me talk to Johnny is when he left”
  “It wasn’t your job to babysit” Johnny answered disappointed as he stared “Grown men can take care of themselves, or so we thought”
“You’re not getting a foot near her !” Oney exclaimed, fed up “How fucking dare you do this to her ? At her own fucking party ? Was this what you wanted all along ? To just come here and ruin her night ?”
Tim shook his head as he held his nose with his hand “I….I can’t….I can’t even talk, where is she ? I need to talk to her now” “You’re getting you and your little prost-.....friend the hell out of here NOW” Oney ordered
  Tim snarled as he felt her touch his hand “get the fuck away from me”, scaring her enough as he watched her walk away quickly and hurried out the door. He looked at the guys and pleaded with his eyes as he watched them walk away from him
Marcel clenched his fists in anger as he calmed himself down for a second before walking quickly to the parking lot of the club searching around space by space as he found Candice consoling Maya on the pavement and rushed over
  “Maya, Maya come on let’s get you home” he said softly as he kneeled in front of her and dabbed her face full of mascara tears with his sleeve. His own heart breaking as he saw how devastated she looked. Nothing mattered more to him than making sure he got her home and safe
  “Listen to Marcel, he’s gonna take you home sweetie” Candice whispered as she helped her stand up as Johnny, Fabian and Oney joined them with sorry looks on their faces “It’s brisk” Fabian said softly as he took off his suit jacket and put it over Maya’s shoulders to cover her up  “I’m gonna, I’m gonna take her home now, is that okay Maya ?” Marcel asked as he pet her head gently 
Maya simply gave a small nod as her eyes stayed glued to the floor, her whole night and heart done for.
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countessofbiscuit · 4 years
cherry picked
Find yourself someone who looks at you like Lady RaRa looks at a Coruscant Guardsman. 
OCs with a side of Foxiyo. 1400 words. Teen. Also on Ao3. 
A Star Wars adaptation of this story. Happy Valentine’s Day!
♥ ♥ ♥
“Why is that on?” Fox asked upon coming in off the balcony. The new penthouse viewscreen was for sports, soaps, and stakes; the holonews offered none of that, and was garish and obnoxious besides. Who wanted to watch debacles and disasters in half time with inane commentary? Fox had his own HUD for that.
Jammy tried to stand up reflexively. Fox’s heavy hand on his shoulder told the captain he’d do better to stay casual and answer on his shebs. “Piers’s interview, sir — it’s supposed to air during the nine o’chron news.”
Lieutenant Piers had been in the right place at the right time with the right face during the rehearsals for Republic Day, and had gotten tapped to escort a galactic pop star down some stairs. Fox hadn’t seen it live, having been stood below the Chancellor’s dais to take the salute. But he’d seen reams of cam footage since. And holos. So many heart-eyed holos.
The Senate Public Affairs office was always looking for quick wins for the army, but they had a PR endurance ruck on their hands with the Guard: door-kickers, boot-lickers, box-tickers, and generally unpopular. Piers had told Fox that Rugeyan happened to be standing nearby at the deciding moment, and that it’d been his idea to have a Corrie grunt to do the honors on this, the first wartime Republic Day.
But it was Lady RaRa who had the real flashbang of brilliance by asking Piers to remove his helmet for the cams and kissing a clone on both cheeks, before she stepped up to the mic to belt out the Republic anthem.
At least, that was the general opinion of the Guard, especially the gaggle gathering ‘round the screen.
Piers himself was absent that evening. His duties hadn’t ended when the spotlights cut out. After earning a reprieve from staff duty for a successful one-man rapid clear of the penthouse a couple weeks back, when his CO had been inbound with a very particular DV, he’d landed himself dignitary duty in the run up to the annual celebrations. Plum job or punishment, depending on your assignment of principals.
Fox was pouring out the last of the liquor he and Senator Chuchi had recently shared, unbelievably eager to see her again, when the opening bars of the “All Stars Burn as One” tinkled from the speakers and a great roar of excitement billowed from the lounge.
“Yesterday’s Republic Day celebrations at the Senate were distinctly martial in nature, as the Republic marked its 979th year and nine months of conflict with CIS forces,” began the HNE anchor. “One soldier, however, captured the attention and hearts of everyone when he gallantly escorted singer Lady RaRa before she sang the Republic anthem. One of our correspondents spoke with the clone trooper after the ceremony yesterday.”
Fox ambled over from the bar to get a view of the screen. It cut to some busy scene in the Dome portico. And there was the guardsman of the hour, running a hand through that damn hair of his, a finger’s breadth taller than regulation, and wearing his service medal — the one Fox had declined in favor of the junior officer who’d actually shot down that hijacked convict vessel and rescued the CSF officer with some quick-thinking and a jetpack. Fox had merely picked Piers and piloted the peppered pursuit gunship — a singular act for a marshal commander, but not exactly award-winning. Not outside Corrie’s atmo, certainly.
“Lieutenant Piers, tell us how you were chosen for the privilege of leading out Lady RaRa,” the reporter asked.
Piers had no formal media training, but he was a consummate soldier. Fox wasn’t too nervous. Besides, there was Rugeyan himself in the background, wonderfully breaking the fourth wall, staring alternately at the back of Piers’s head and at the reporter behind the cam as he listened in, finger in his ear, like the consummate dingbat he was.
“Well, they’d almost finished rehearsing for the function, when it was flagged to the MC that Lady RaRa would be wearing this very beautiful, very large dress,” Piers began. “And obviously, there was a concern — there are a lot of steps outside the Dome and she might need some help. And the MC looked ‘round and I was standing there, no helmet at the time, and I guess —” smirking a little into the cam — “he just liked the look of me. And there was some back-and-forth, ‘cause I wasn’t really supposed to be dressed for the occasion, I was just security. But since I was definitely one of the, uhh, taller and larger individuals around and sturdily dressed myself, they asked if I wouldn’t mind and I said I’d be happy to.”
Even if Rugeyan hadn’t fixed it, Piers had said there hadn’t been much competition for the honor: a bunch of interns, old civil servants, and some Blueys who weren’t impressive enough to be stationed in the visible parts of the ceremony. Still, as he’d been randomly shunted over from a command unit at decant and was one of Dodger’s gym groupies, he wore his armor very well.
“When did you first meet Lady RaRa?”
“About fifteen minutes before the ceremony.”
“You must have been nervous.”
“A little.”
“Were you familiar with her music? Any favorite songs?”
Piers’s reply was drowned out as the lounge audience enthusiastically offered up their own opinions. Maybe Lady RaRa was the key to really engaged briefings.
“Tell us your first impression of her.”
Piers bit his lip, charmingly. “Pretty. Kind. And funny — said we had an equal chance of tripping over her dress. That cut the ice pretty quick.”
“You said something to her in the doorway. What was that?”
“We’d been waiting up there a while and I felt her start to — well, she seemed a little nervous and it just seemed a natural thing to do, the right thing to do to reassure her, before the spotlights hit us.”
Fox smiled. Aristos, politicians, and celebrities all put their panties on one leg at a time — and sweated into them just the same. Delightfully. Fox knew, because he’d recently sucked a senator’s face and spread her skirt on the couch now crammed with soggy guardsmen.
“What did you tell her?” the reporter pressed.
“I said, ‘Hey, ma’am, you’re a great performer, really brilliant. You’ll do a cracking job. You always do.”
Various sounds of approval, some more crude than others, echoed this, and Piers was roundly urged to get in. The din only magnified when a holopic of The Kiss flashed up next to Piers’s head. Fox didn’t catch the next few seconds, as sergeants were finding it bloody difficult to silence other sergeants, but the lieutenant continued to smile and nod placidly at the volley of prodding questions which sought out his embarrassment. For the first guardsmen on HNE, he was doing pretty brilliantly himself. Speaking like he’d been there, done that, and bought the ashtray.
Eventually, the reporter could be heard again. “What did you think of her performance?”
“It was phenomenal. And her dedication to the troops at the start was very heartfelt. I hadn’t — no one had expected her to do that.”
“Is there anything else you’d like to share, lieutenant?”
“Yes. That I was really proud to represent the Republic Guard.” Fists punched the hushed air below Fox, but no one made a sound. Everyone wanted to hear this. “It was an honor and I hope I did my brothers proud with this one. Trillions of people have now seen Lady RaRa with a guardsman — with a clone.”
The lounge erupted. Piers would never have to pour another drink for himself in his short life. Red and whitejobs alike would be lining them up for klicks.
The anchor reappeared on screen. Fox was about to sew sky back to barracks when his compad vibrated: a haptic alert for time-sensitive messages. He popped his bucket on and pulled it up. A transfer request from Thorn. Apparently, Lady RaRa had been assigned DES for her trip home. And she’d enquired after Lieutenant Piers specifically.
Fox actually grinned. He approved the request immediately, gratified at this convenient and curious opportunity to return Piers’s favor. Her yacht was fucking luxe and it was a mighty long jump to Cantonica …
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maddiwrites · 4 years
Secrets of the Shore (Chapter 4)
Pairing: Pogues x OC, Eventually JJ x OC
Summary: This is just my rewrite of the show Outer Banks with my own twist by adding another main character which also happens to be John B’s twin sister.
Note: Changed my update schedule to two times a week (probably Sunday and Wednesdays) because three days was kind of overwhelming hahah. Again, thank you for all the wonderful reviews and feedback!! I appreciate every single one!!!
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: Being shot at?
Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3
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The Pogues come over later to hang out like usual. No one mentions last night's party. I don't know whether its because they don't want to talk about it or we're pretending like it never happened. I'm fine with either.
I sit next to Kie who taps her fingers on a bongo and bobs her head to her own beat. Pope's shuffling a deck of cards to my right and JJ sips on another beer across from me. It's hard to concentrate on what they're talking about. I'm too busy locked in my own head, thinking about what Peterkin said - foster care - what life would be like if we were taken away. Would I ever see my friends again? Would John B and I be in the same foster home? The thought of being separated makes me sick.
"Look, I'm calling it off. All right?" John B pulls me out of my thoughts. JJ rolls his eyes at my brother and glances at me. "Peterkin said if we stay out of the marsh, she'll help us with DCS."
"And you believed her?" JJ asks. "An actual cop, John B. You believed a cop."
John B sighs. "All I gotta do is stay out of the marsh for a couple days, and she'll help me out. It doesn't help that your ass was the one shooting a gun."
Here we go.
"You know what I should have done? Just let Topper drown your ass."
"Topper was gonna drown me?"
"Sure looked like it."
"Funny," John B deadpans.
"Have you looked in a mirror?"
"Tell me some more. Come on." I can tell by the look on John B's face that he's getting annoyed. It's pinched and he keeps rolling his eyes.
JJ steps closer to him. "They always win, don't they, man? Kooks versus Pogues. They always, always win!" He turns around and punches one of the small volleyballs we have tied in a string like a decoration.
"Look, it's okay!" Kie tries to calm him down.
"No, it's not okay! It's not! They don't want us to go down into the marsh." JJ comes back. "That means there's something valuable down there, and you know it." He turns to me and points. "I know you do." Then he looks at Pope. "I know you do. And I understand why you don't wanna go. You're the golden boy. You got way too much to risk. And you -" He turns to Kie. "I mean, you're already rich as fuck anyway. Why would you bother? But you and me, and Marleigh, man, we got nothing to lose! We really don't all right?"
"JJ -" I sigh.
"And I know it didn't use to be that way for you -"
John B shakes his head. "I don't want to talk about this. I don't want to talk about it!"
"So that's it?"
John B shoves past JJ. "Just get out of my way, bro."
"John B, listen to me. I have a plan." Well thats never good. "You got the key to Cameron's big boat right?"
"No," John B says, already knowing where JJ's head is at.
"There's scuba gear. We borrow that, and then we go down to the wreck this afternoon, and that is what's gonna save you, man. You don't see rich kids going into foster care, do you?"
Here's the thing about JJ. He can be really convincing, which is usually the reason he and I get into the most trouble. Because I always fall for what he's saying. He gives me hope when I don't think there is any. He can be surprisingly optimistic sometimes. And when he is, I fall for his charm and agree with everything he says. If he told me to jump off a bridge, I probably would.
When he looks at me, my lips tug upwards into a smile. This creates a domino effect, and soon the other Pogues get excited. John B looks at me, trying to look disapproving but I shrug in response. I mean, JJ's right. What do we have to lose?
                                                       ~ ~ ~
I light a match and ignite my gas stove to make myself lunch. A can of chicken noodle soup that's been in my food closet for who knows how long. John B left to grab the tanks from the Cameron's boat, so the rest of us are waiting here until he comes to pick us up.
"You're eating soup? Its like a hundred degrees outside." JJ walks into the kitchen and lifts himself up on the counter next to the stove.
I stir the liquid around with a wooden spoon and smirk. "Do you see any other edible food around here?" JJ chuckles at that. He knows better than anyone how horrible John B and I are at food shopping. "I meant to go to the store today but..." I sigh. "I've been busy."
JJ pauses, causing me to look up at him. He's usually so quick with his wit and humor. Something I admire and love about him. How he always manages to put a smile on my face with some dumb remark or a sarcastic reply. Only now he's staring at me with curiosity. "Are you okay?"
"You mean other than the impending doom that is foster care that's going to hit me and John B in the near future?" I say sarcastically. I turn the stove off and grab two bowls out of the cabinet behind JJ's head. He ducks for me and my waist presses against his thigh. I pour half the soup in each bowl and hand him one with a spoon.
"Yeah, I mean other than that," JJ says. I blow on the liquid on my spoon to cool it down. The steam that comes up from my bowl already makes me feel hot.
"I'm fine," I tell him.
He gives me a look that says he's doesn't believe me, but I ignore it and he doesn't press me on it. Truth is, I am fine. I just have a lot of my mind but I'm going to do my best not to let it ruin my summer. JJ got me excited again. He's promising an adventure and possibly a fortune. He's right. John B and I have nothing to lose. If we don't go on the marsh today, DCS will find another reason to snatch us. So why hold ourselves back?
"Mar, JJ, he's back!" Kie calls out to us from my yard.
JJ sips the last of his broth out of the bowl and I shovel in the last couple of scoops into my mouth. We throw the bowls in the sink and run to the dock where John B and the others are waiting for us.
Pope directs John B to the part of the marsh where we found the wreck. I sit next to Kie in the front of the boat. She's looking at the two tanks that John B was able to snag off the Cameron's boat. Her brows are furrowed in confusion as she studies the gear.
"This is empty," Kie says, looking up at my brother who stops the boat when we find the sunken Grady-White. "You took empty tanks?"
"I..." John B says slowly. He definitely didn't look at it before he took it.
"Okay, this one's a quarter full," Kie says, pulling the tank to her left closer to her. "Its enough for one of us."
"Love it when a plan comes together," I say sarcastically and pass a look to JJ who rolls his eyes.
"Does anybody know how to dive?" Kie asks.
I purse my lips and look around at my friends and brother. None of them speak up.
"Anybody?" Kie asks.
"It's kind of a Kook sport," I say.
Pope raises his hand. "I...read about it."
"Great, Pope read about it so someone's gonna die," Kie says.
JJ walks towards us and picks up the mouth piece and shrugs his shoulders. "Look, you put the thing in your mouth and breathe. How hard could it be?"
Pope answers, "If you come up too fast, nitrogen gets into your blood, and you get the bends."
JJ glances between Pope and the rest of us. "Bends like..." JJ bends forward, purposely sticking his butt out, "bend over and..."
Pope cuts him off. "The bends kill you."
JJ snaps straight up. "Right."
I roll my eyes and stand up. "I'll do it."
"Uh, I don't think..." JJ starts to say but my brother cuts him off.
"No. I'll do it."
"What, why?" I turn to my brother and send him a glare.
"Because Pope just said it can kill you and you don't listen to instructions very well." My brother glares back at me. I roll my eyes. He does have a point and evidence to prove it. I usually follow my own gut and ignore others' directions. And because I don't want him to bring up past events, I decide not to fight him on it.
"He has a point," JJ says, earning a punch in the bicep from me. He looks at my brother. "You can dive. I'm cool with that."
"Since when can you dive?" Kie says not liking the idea any more than me.
He shrugs. "I'll do it. It's fine."
"Let me do some calculations real quick," Pope says as John B starts putting on the scuba gear.
"You serious?" JJ asks.
"That boat's about thirty feet down. Okay? So it'll take twenty five minutes at that depth. Twenty five. Which means you need to make your safety stop at about...ten feet."
Contrary to popular belief, I do the actual listening to instructions, I just don't always follow through. But I process everything Pope just said and think of a way to make this easier for John B.
I shimmy out of my jean shorts and pull my top over my head, leaving me in a purple and white striped bikini. Without saying anything, I jump into the water with my shirt.
"Uh..." Pope says, looking into the water where I just disappeared. "What was that about?"
"I don't know. But I liked it. A lot," JJ says, staring at the same spot. John B slaps the back JJ's head and glares daggers in his direction. JJ pretends to clear his throat and turns away from John B.  "Uh, so..."
Pope pretends to focus on his calculations again, not wanting to get caught by John B for staring at his sister too. "Yeah. Uh, when you uh, when you're down there, you look for the cargo hold. You stick this thing inside and twist and pull, okay?"
I guesstimate how deep ten feet is and tie my shirt around the chain attached to our anchor. I look one last time at the blurry image of the sunken boat and pull myself back up.
"Hey," I say to grab their attention. They all look at me. "I tied my T-shirt to the anchor chain about ten feet down. It's where you need to do your safety stop."
John B nods. "Cool."
I stay in the water, loving how the water feels around me like a protective blanket. I listen to Pope explain the important parts of diving. There's some kind of meter he has to pay attention to to keep track of time.
"Okay, how much do I need?" John B asks.
"Unclear," Pope answers. "Breathe as little as possible."
JJ slaps John B on the shoulder. "Zen. Think zen, you know?"
John B turns to the water, preparing to jump in next to me.  "Yeah. Got it."
"Hey," Pope says, stopping him. "If we get caught in the marsh, we're basically screwed, so better get a move on."
"No pressure or anything," I add.
"Copy that," John B says.
Kie approaches my brother and stands in front of him. She's really close to him, almost inches away from his face. Then she leans in and kisses his cheek slowly. Way more intimate than usual. My eyes widen in surprise and I look at Pope and JJ to see their reaction. They mirror mine.
"Diver down?" Kie says softly.
"Diver down." John B says just as softly.
"See ya, dude," JJ says.
John B jumps in the water and sinks down below me. I lay on my back in the water and bathe in the warmth of the sun above me. I even close my eyes, letting relaxation overcome me. I could probably sleep here if I wanted too.
"Shit, JJ," Pope curses, catching my attention.
"Guys, that's the police," Kie says.
"Oh, you gotta be kidding me," JJ says, glancing at me.
My eyes go wide with anxiety. I swim closer to the boat and look up at JJ. "JJ, they can't know I'm here. If they find me-"
"Hey, hey, hey. It's gonna be okay. They're not going to, just stay there."
I nod and press myself tighter against the boat.
"Just act freaking normal," Kie says through clenched teeth.
I can hear the sirens coming closer until I feel their boat bump against ours. I flinch against it and kick my feet faster to stay afloat. I look down at the water, but I can't see John B. My heart races at the thought of him running out of air.
"Evening," I hear one of the cops greet my friends.
"JJ, tie it off," Pope says.
"How you kids doing? You know the marsh is closed?" The officer asks them.
"No. Wow."
My friends play dumb. I look up, finding comfort in seeing JJ's long hair. I can tell he's trying hard not to look down at me.
"Why - why is it closed?" Pope asks.
"Well, we're conducting a search out here. Boat went down." The officer explains.
"See anything?"
"No." JJ purses his lips and shrugs.  
"No boats," Kie says. "No."
There's a pause and for a split second I think he's gonna call their bluff. But he doesn't. "Where are the other two kids you always hang with? The twins? They here?"
I bite my bottom lip hard in anticipation for what's to come. He knows we're here. He has to. I can tell by how suspicious he sounds. I look back down in the water, John B still invisible to me. I don't know how much time he has left, but he's definitely running out of it.
"They both had to work," I hear Kie answer.
"Hm," The officer hums. "I'm gonna check your little boat out."
Shit, shit, shit, shit. I look around for a place to hide, but the only thing surrounding me is water. I'm going to have to go under.
"Yeah." JJ coughs, risking one last look at me before pretending to help the officer into the boat. "Yeah, hop aboard."
I push myself under the water and swim directly underneath the boat. I open my eyes, ignoring the sting of the salt water. I can see John B's silhouette by my T-shirt and the blurry light of his timer.
Thirty more seconds pass. I swing my arms upwards, pushing myself deeper into the water. The shadow of the cops' boat is still next to ours. My lungs are screaming at me for for air like they're tearing into my chest. Just like John B, I don't know how long I'm going to be able to last down here.
My body reactively gulps for air, forcing myself to swallow the salt water. It feels like a stab in my chest, my throat on fire. I've got to pop back up to the surface or I'm going to drown.
Just as I'm about to reveal myself, the shadow of the boat drives off. I push myself up, coughing up the water I swallowed and gasping for air. Less than a second later, John B pops up next to me.
"Oh, god! Jesus Christ," Kie says with her eyes closed and her head looking up.
"Don't scare us like that!" Pope says.
JJ watches me instead of John B, concern laced into his features. As I feel my heart go back to its normal pace, I smile at him and laugh the anxiety off. "You good?" He asks me. I nod and let him help me back up to the boat. "How'd it go down there?" He asks my brother. "Did you find anything?"
"Did I find anything?" John B scoffs and holds up a dark velvet bag.
"Yeah, there we go!" JJ claps his shoulders. "That's my boy!"
"Jeez, dude," Pope sighs.
"You okay?" Kie asks John B.
John B pants as he swims closer to the boat. "Yeah, I ran out of air."
"You and me both," I tell him.
John B pulls himself up. When he stands, he's met face to face with Kie who shoves him back playfully. "You scared the shit out of me."
"Yeah, the cops were up here, but, uh...we took care of 'em." Pope says, trying to act like he wasn't going to piss his pants the entire time he was talking to them.
"My bad," John B laughs.
"You're all good."
"Yeah, you kinda missed the show, brother," JJ says.
I move to the back of the boat to ring my wet hair out when something catches me eye. Its another boat, but it doesn't look like the one the cops were just using.
"Hey, guys? Guys!" I call louder to grab their attention. "Bogey, two o'clock."
"What?" JJ comes up next to me and eyes the boat that's making its way closer to us.
"Do you recognize the boat?" Pope asks.
"I've never seen it," I answer.
A bad feeling settles in the pit of my stomach. I can make out two people, I think men, standing in the front. They keep their eyes straight on us. No laughing or talking like a couple of buds would on a boat day in the marsh.
"What are they doing here? The marsh is closed," Kie says.
"Let's not stick around and find out." JJ places his hands on my bare waist and pulls me to the side so he can pull up the anchor.
"JJ get the bowline," John B says, not realizing that JJ was already on it.
"Should we wait on 'em?" Pope asks.
"No. No. We should leave now. Right now," Kie says, looking directly at John B.
"Go get the stern," John B tells me. "Go!"
I kneel next to JJ and help him. Similar to how I felt in the water, my heart beats violently against my chest and my breathing becomes static. I try not to think of the fear that creeps through my veins as I help release the boat from it's hold in the marsh.
"Guys, don't wait for us! Go!" JJ yells.
"Go!" Kie says.
"Pull out the stern!" Pope yells at us.
I yank the chain hard, revealing the slimy anchor covered in seaweed and moss.
"I don't like this," I mutter to JJ between clenched teeth.
John B pulls away from the wreck. JJ looks between me and the boat that still driving in our direction. "Are they coming for us?"
"Maybe they're fishing," Pope says.
"Go, go, go, go!"
"Go into the marsh," I tell my brother, constantly glancing between him and the other boat.
"Let's go," Kie says. I can hear fear creep into her voice and her hands shake around the drivers seat she's holding with a death grip.
"I'm going. Act natural!" John B hisses and revs the engine of the boat.
He takes a left turn into the marsh. I watch anxiously for the people in the other boat to make its move.
They turn left.
"Guys, they're following us!" Kie says.
"This can't be good," Pope says.
"Dude, you gotta go faster!" JJ says.
"I'm going!" John B yells back.
"Gun it!"
I look behind the boat. They're getting closer. Too close. Can't say I'm surprised. The HMS Pogue is no match for their boat that looks more expensive than my house. However, something catches my eye. Something long the guy in the passenger seat is holding and pointing right at us.
"Is that..." I mutter before I'm cut off by exactly what I was going to say.
The gun shot rings through my ears as if the person who shot it was standing next to me. Before I can react, JJ pulls me down to the floor of our boat by my waist and covers me with his own body. I gotta say, this isn't how I pictured him being on top of me. His left arm outlines my head, keeping me face down while other bullets pass our boat. The cries of my friends are dull through the blood pounding in my ears and my heart inching its way up my throat.
"Holy shit!" Kie shouts.
"John B, get down!" JJ yells.
I try looking up at my brother but JJ's hold is strong. John B's still behind the wheel, trying his best to duck from bullets without crashing the boat.
"We're gonna die!" Pope yells.
I try looking around the boat for anything we can use against these guys. Of course JJ decides to leave the gun he stole at my house for the day, leaving us practically useless against these two strangers.
My eyes find a net pooling in front of Kie's face as she keeps her head down. I try crawling out of JJ's embrace which only makes him tighten his arms around me.
"Kie!" I shout. She looks up at me with wide eyes. "The net!"
Immediately she understands what I'm trying to tell her. She pulls herself away from Pope and army crawls to the wide net. This only makes my friends yell at her, telling her to get down, but she doesn't listen.
"Get down, Kie!" John B shouts.
Another gun shot echoes through the air, making me flinch closer into JJ.
Kie throws the net overboard towards their boat and drops back down to her knees. The sound of the other boat's engine clanging against the net gets my head to perk up and I watch Kie's reaction. She's surprisingly smiling. When she looks at me, she lets out a breathy laugh and shakes her head in disbelief because that just worked. Their boats gets stuck.
"Let's go, let's go, let's go," Pope says.
One last gun shot rings through my ears before we make our getaway.  I pull myself off the floor and look back at the boat one last time. We severely underestimated how important finding that boat was. Whatever John B found was worth killing us for.
A couple minutes later, John B pulls the boat up to the Chateau and docks it by the wooden slacks that I used as a bed last night. My friends cheer and actually smile after what just happened.
"That was insane!" Kie says.
I look at my brother with adrenaline rushing straight to me head. I feel giddy about finding out what JB found - what must be so important. "What do you think it is?"
"Gotta be money, right?" He asks, looking at me.
"That or a couple of keys with street value to the low-to-mid-mills," JJ says, leisurely danglingly his arm around my shoulders.
"Can we please just open the bag?" Pope says loudly, forcing everyone's attention at him who now looks at us sheepishly.
"Wow, Pope," John B laughs. "That's a rare outburst of emotion."
"Okay, you guys are literally killing me with anticipation," He says. "Open the bag!"
"Jeez." JJ whistles.
"We almost died over this," Pope says like its an explanation. But he's right. We did almost die for this, which is why I need to know what's in it now.
John B opens the velvet bag. Something heavier than money falls out of it with a thunk. Its round and metal. Dirty and dented. Physically ugly and maybe priceless, but it looks familiar. I narrow my eyes at it, trying to study it and rack my brain through where I've seen it before.
"Oh, wow. Yup. That's about right," Pope sighs at the sight of our treasure. "Good job, everybody. We found a compass."
The word compass hits me like a train and my body goes slack like my limbs just turned into jell-o. John B is already looking at me, shocked at the real meaning of what we just found. I push myself in front of JJ and look down at the object he's holding. Priceless maybe true to the others but not to me. Not to John B. This means everything.
JJ looks between John B and I and laughs nervously at our reactions. "Dude, what? It's not worth anything."
My brows furrow together in confusion as I try to wrap my head around how we just found our dad's possession on another man's boat. A dead man's boat. But I feel blank. Like someone just wiped all my thoughts and memories.
"This was our father's compass," I say emotionless, keeping my eyes on JB who looks equally as terrified.
Tag List: @notyourcupofteax @acvross-the-universe @jjmaybankzz  @jeeperky​ @realistic-breadstick  @moniamaybank  @urbinoutfiters​ @brebear121​  @x-lulu​
161 notes · View notes
boymeetsweevil · 4 years
the most magical place in hell
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Grouping: (For Science) Reader x JK
Word Count: ~3.1k
Warnings/Themes: implied sex, 5 is a crowd annoying friends since that’s the vibe these days, d*sn*y please don’t sue
Prompt: “For Science, I miss this couple sm. Any scenario would be fantastic! For inspo, did JK and OC get to go on a vacation, (jk expressed he wanted to in his journal) if so how did that go? Any fun new experiments?”
A/N: This commissioned fic is part of the Changes with Luv project, hosted by FicsWithLuv. Here you can find more information about the project, cause, places to donate, and ways to commission a piece or offer your services if you are a content creator. Thank you!
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On the third day of the cruise, Jungkook rolls over in his sleep. His hand reaches for you. His palm meets the bare skin of your shoulder already moving despite how pale the morning light is under his lashes.
“What’s happening,” he mumbles before grabbing more greedily at you. There’s not too much resistance as you let yourself be dragged a few inches across the sheets.
“We have to get up. Breakfast starts in 10 minutes, remember?”
You lean down to press a peck just above his brow bone and he groans. As you pull away, there’s a sweet waft that hits him and lets him know you’ve already showered and gotten ready. Now it’s his turn.
He gives himself just until you gather your things and shut the door to the room. Then he’s pulling himself out of bed with every ounce of energy he has left. He brushes his teeth with his eyes closed, does a perfunctory shower with the lights off like it’ll give him some more sleep. But he’s still dead tired as he throws on an outfit and heads out the door.
The walk to the dining area was exciting 3 days ago. The decadent decor, the view from the high balcony separating his floor from the others, the grand 20’s style atrium with Mickey Mouse memorabilia incorporated throughout. Everything used to be exciting 3 days ago. Sadly, the first day passed and things quickly lost their charm.
As he scoops a smiley-face omelette onto his plate in the buffet line, he searches for your face in the crowd of families scarfing down their first meals of the day so they can take their kids to the waterfall pool on deck 6. By the time he reaches the end of the line, there’s still no sight of you among the tables. So he ventures outdoors where there’s less seating but considerably more sun. He thinks back to his quick routine in the room. Did he remember to put on sunscreen?
When he finds you, you’re stretched out on a beach chair and taking in some of the sun. His mood is partially lifted when he sees just how content you look getting warmed like a lizard on a rock in your tiny bikini. He stands over you deliberately just to see you pout and pull down your sunglasses with a huff.
“Oh, it’s just you.”
“Who’d you think it was?”
“I thought it was Hoseok about to ask me to take his profile pic again.”
Jungkook chuckles a little before sitting in the open seat next to you. “Couldn’t have been him. Too early.” “That’s true.” You sit up then, peering at his plate. “What’d you get us?”
“Us?” His smile is warm. “I thought you’d have eaten by now with the way you left the room.”
“I was looking for an empty spot for us. It was your job to find the actual food.”
“No one else would willingly wake up this early,” he cuts a fraction of the omelette before holding the bite up to you. “But I guess it’s only fair.”
You open your mouth happily.
“Permission to board the S.S. girlfriend?”
“Are you serious?”
“I’m wasting fuel in the port,” he continues to hover the fork just outside your reach, even when you jump forward with a nip.
“Permission to board,” you grumble.
He laughs like you told a great joke and gently feeds you the bite. With soft eyes, he watches you point to different things on the plate and dutifully feeds you your fill. This might be the first time he’s been able to spend a few moments alone with you since the five of you got on the cruise. He finishes up the bit of toast you couldn’t finish and the few blueberries that didn’t interest you. He must be staring because you turn to him in your reclined position and return the favor.
“You’re looking a little red. Did you put on sunscreen?”
“I think I forgot. I was trying to get ready fast so you wouldn’t have to sit around alone.”
“I wasn’t alone,” you reach into the bag you brought for sunscreen. “Yoori was with me. She left for the gym maybe 2 minutes before you came out here.”
“Oh,” is all he says.
Jungkook scowls a bit as you rub the lotion onto his face. That Yoori and Hoseok, and probably even Taehyung, might be spending more time with you on this trip than him is starting to be the horrible icing on this shitty vacation cake.
“Why don’t we take some time to—” He begins but a large shadow looming over the two of you makes him stop in his tracks.
“Hey,” a man with thick blond hair and even thicker muscles nods down at you. “You were at the adult lounge last night, right?”
Jungkook’s mouth drops open. Thor—or the actor who plays him during the Marvel day activities—has come up to your spot. He’s got the Ragnorok breastplate on with board shorts adorning his chiseled lower half. From the top up, he looks just like the real thing.
“Wow. Yeah I was, I’m surprised you remember,” you hold a hand over your eyes so you can look up at “Thor”.
“How could I forget. You and your beautiful friend were quite the sight yesterday.”
“Oh, uh. Thanks.”
In all his excitement, he overlooks the flirting. Jungkook stands up from his seat then and sticks out his hand. “Thor” shakes it hesitantly.
“Hey. I know you’re not the real thing, but it’s great to see you. I wasn’t at the adult lounge last night, so we didn’t get to meet.”
Jungkook makes sure to puff out his chest so “Thor” will notice the print of his button down shirt. Tiny little hammers.
“Do you like the shirt?” He beams. 
“Thor” squints down at the animated hammers.
“I can’t say I really know what’s on it, but sure.” 
“They’re...they’re Mjölnirs.”
You gasp, clapping your hands over your mouth. 
Jungkook drops “Thor”’s hand at the same moment, disappointment turning down the corners of his mouth.
“Nothing. They’re just drawings. Have a good day, man.”
“Thor” chuckles before looking back down at you. “Cute kid,” he says before sending you a wink and making some comment about getting to rehearsal.
Yoori returns from the gym that moment, nearly running into “Thor”. He gives her an appreciative once over which she returns smugly. Her expression changes as she approaches you and Jungkook looking like you had both seen a car crash.
“What’s up?”
“Nothing,” you respond quickly with a subtle look at the back of Jungkook’s head to tell her ‘not now’.
“Well,” she plops down on the end of Jungkook’s beach chair, “How was breakfast?”
“It was fine,” Jungkook sighs and scoots back so she’ll have some room. “We finished a little while ago. Now we’re just making plans for the rest of the morning.”
“Couple stuff...I’ll go get myself a plate, then.”
You wait until Yoori’s disappeared into the dining area to turn to Jungkook. He doesn’t look angry per se. Just resigned.
“What were you saying before?”
“Hmm,” his eyes are far away, “I was just saying we could take some time to ourselves.”
He wants to say he feels like he’s barely seen you since he stepped on the ship, but he doesn’t want to make you feel bad. The funny thing is that you weren’t even looking forward to the trip before the first day. The tickets for this Marvel cruise were a last minute gamble. You had dropped many not-so-subtle hints about wanting to go somewhere a little less kid-friendly, but he’d waited until the last minute.
At first it seemed like the best possible last choice a person could have. You were all fans of the comics and movies with the exception of Taehyung and Yoori. Taehyung was more of a DC fan and Yoori just sort of let the movies wash over her. You’d been worried that the week would be torture for you with all the screaming kids around. But you were actually having the time of your life. Meanwhile Jungkook was having a less than ideal time.
“Sure. Like what?”
“Maybe we could relax? I’ve had research video meetings the last two nights, so I haven’t really been up for the late night stuff. And I’m just barely up for the morning stuff.”
“Hmm. What about the spa? I haven’t been there yet and it’s on my list.”
“The spa?” Yoori comes out with a mountain of waffles and rumpled-looking Taehyung and Hoseok behind her. “Yeah, let’s go to the spa!”
“Actually, I think Kook just wanted to—”
“I heard it’s actually pretty decent on this boat. They have a hot rock massage where all of the rocks look like the Tinman’s suit.”
“The Tinman,” Jungkook practically chokes.
“I think she means Iron Man,” Hoseok grins sleepily. “Anyway, I’m down for the spa thing too. Never too early to have a tiny lady go in on my thighs.”
“You’re literally so nasty,” Yoori glares back at him.
As your other friends bicker, you flash Jungkook an apologetic look. He shrugs because that’s easier than fighting it. He relishes the second plate of food you get for him and lets you feed him the bites in between kisses and mini-reapplications of sunscreen. It’s all the rest he gets that day. The spa is probably the least relaxing moment of his life.
He doesn’t even get to sit near you. Instead, he gets roped into the men’s section where Hoseok’s tiny lady goes too hard on his thighs and the resulting yelps make Jungkook’s ear drums pound. Taehyung falls asleep two minutes into the Iron Man hot rock massage and snores in a way that’s nearly identical to the 60 year old guests napping nearby.
You emerge from the women’s section with Yoori looking like you’d smell and feel like a rose petal. But Jungkook doesn’t ever find out if you do, because he’s being thrown right back into more “fun”. Somewhere in the back of his mind—between Black Widow meet and greet and the Ant-Man lunch show—he thinks that he would probably be having actual fun if he had some time to breathe. Although, he figures it’s enough to just breathe you in. He feels slightly less drained looking at your smiling face and wide eyes as a wild Hulk appears behind you at the pool after lunch, spraying you lighty with comically huge muscles and a comically tiny water gun.
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“You’re not coming?”
Jungkook groans, partly out of guilt and partly out of exhaustion. It’s nearing 10:30 at night and you’re getting ready to go to the adult lounge again. This time it’s for all-things-Spiderman trivia and drinks. He wants to want to go. But he can’t find the strength. He figures too much sun and too much socialization is the answer.
“You’re not staying,” he counters as he does his best to sit up in bed. There’s a nice soft glow bleeding in from the giant picture window of the suite that looks onto the water and there’s some Loki pajamas calling his name. Your tight little dress is calling to him too. I’d look better on the floor, it says.
“I figured this would be a lot more lowkey than everything else we’ve done today. There’s no water and no noisy families. Or screaming Hoseoks.”
“You heard that earlier?”
“I did,” you grimace. “He must have really pissed off that masseuse.”
“I’m pretty sure he just talked with her like he talks normally.”
“Can’t fault her for that, then.”
There’s a beat of silence as you test the security of some strappy heels. Naturally your eyes wander from the shoes to your boyfriend. He’s tapping away at some emails on the ship’s slow wifi no doubt. If you couldn’t tell how tired he was from the slope of his shoulders and the bruise-like shadows under his eyes, the giant yawn he barely stifles is a giveaway.
“Maybe I could just—”
The door to your suite swings open, revealing Taehyung looking frightened in a silky peach button down as Yoori pinches Hoseok’s ear.
“You’re coming, right? Please tell me you’re coming.”
“She’s coming,” Jungkook pipes up from the bed. His eyes never leave the screen of the computer as he types away, but he blinks slow and long. Your heart aches a little.
Taehyung breathes out a sigh of relief and links arms with you. You get one last look at your exhausted boyfriend before you’re pulled out of the room entirely.
“Do you think they’ll even bother asking about the Garfield version?” Taehyung’s question shakes you out of your worry.
“Pfft, no.”
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On the fourth day of the cruise, Jungkook is awakened earlier than he wants yet again. A large clap of thunder and the bolt of lightning flash from the other side of the window. He crawls quietly around your sleeping form and throws on his glasses. There’s heavy rain too—a sure sign that the pools and sundecks will be closed. Out of habit, he checks his email and sees a message from the ship coordinator.
Esteemed Guests,
As some of you may know, two performers at last night’s dinner show in House of Mouse theatre (Deck 5, room 6B) showed signs of a stomach bug during the performances. For the safety of the rest of the cast, staff, and guests, we will be postponing today’s shows to sanitize the performance rooms and allow the actors time to recover. Room service will still be available.
We know this is a large inconvenience, and to thank you for understanding, please check your trip accounts for a refund for today’s fares. Additionally...
Jungkook can’t help the fist pump and small hoot he lets out. The email gives him the same feeling he gets on those days when he wakes up hours before his alarm only to discover his professor had cancelled class for the day. With a skip in his step, he returns to bed.
When he wakes up hours later, it’s natural. You’re still spooned to him, still soft and warm and pliant in sleep. He runs the tip of his nose along your neck while the fog of sleep lifts. The smell of your soap and skin is warmed with sleep. The sniffing must tickle you, because you stir before arching against him in a morning stretch. He moves so he doesn’t get in the way of your swinging limbs and smiles to himself. It feels like it’s been forever since he last got to hold you like this without the threat of someone whisking you away.
“Morning,” your voice is gravelly from disuse. “What’s going on. What’s the plan?”
“There’s no plan.”
You’re still half asleep, but you have the social awareness to let your voice go high with incredulity. “No plan?”
“No plan. They sent an email.”
“Read it to me?”
He reads the formal apology while you turn in the covers so you can embrace him while you wake up. By the time he’s done reading, you’ve sat yourself up to look at his phone screen as well.
“Sounds good,” you chirp.
“Really? I would have thought you’d be disappointed about not having a packed day. You’ve been zooming around since we got on board.”
“Yeah, but this was supposed to be our time together. It’s only natural that your friends would tag along.”
“So they’re my friends now?” He raises an eyebrow.
“Only when they’re annoying.”
As if on cue, the front door sounds with knocking. Taehyung is the one who calls out about breakfast plans, but you know all three of them are out there. It’s almost a menacing thought.
“Your friends are here,” he groans. His head falls back onto his pillow defeatedly. They’re likely to burst in any second.
“Don’t worry.”
The sound dies down momentarily when Yoori mentions the extra keycard you gave her for emergencies. Hoseok and Taehyung continue to jiggle the door for sport while chatting idly. Meanwhile, you crawl underneath the sheets and re-emerge on Jungkook’s side of the bed. You look him over, as if searching for something. He’s about to ask what you’re looking for when you reach out and pinch both his cheeks suddenly. While he’s mid-yelp, you swoop in and nip at his lips. It’s quick but it was just harsh enough that his face looks blotchy and his mouth starts to swell.
He whines. “Is this because I called them your friends?”
“Just trust me,” you hiss before your hands disappear further down the sheets to tug off your own underwear and throw it towards the door.
A moment later, the door swings open to reveal Yoori, Hoseok, and Taehyung. Their smiles are bright until they take in the scene. Jungkook’s hair is a mess, his cheeks are flushed, and his mouth looks like it’s been lightly ravaged. Though you’re mostly covered with the sheets, the underwear that is very clearly not on your body and the way the sheets drape over your head as you lay between his knees tell a very convincing lie.
“I think I just caught that stomach bug.” Yoori says lightly, still smiling. Hoseok peers behind her, looking mildly interested.
“I hate it when I remember they have sex with eachother,” Taehyung buries his face in his friend’s shoulder looking mortified as Yoori slowly closes the door.
“Yeah, it’s kind of like walking in on your aunt and uncle doing it. But, like, 12 times worse.”
Jungkook basks in the new silence for a few moments before it’s replaced with the rustle of sheets.
“What are you doing” he trails off to a whisper as you tug the waistband of his underwear down. Your hands still.
“You don’t want to have boat sex?”
“No, no, I do. I wanna have boat sex.”
He nods intensely and you laugh at how earnest he still is. Jungkook’s cheeks flare up, now doubly red from quiet excitement.
“Guess I should have just proposed this, huh?”
“Yeah,” you hum thoughtfully while moving on your knees to straddle his hips. “I can't see how this would have ruined anyone’s fun.”
“I can think of a couple people’s fun we just ruined.”
“I really meant my fun. Speaking of which,” you settle onto his lap and begin to grind.
He shudders, head falling forward with a sigh. This, he thinks, is the real happiest place on earth.
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