macgyvermedical · 6 months
Hey I was talking to a coworker and they said that it was safe to take aspirin "until your ears ring", which is the first sign of overdose. If you then immediately stop you'll be completely fine. She claims her surgeon brother told her this. Is this true???
While it's correct that tinnitus (ringing in the ears) is one of the first symptoms of overdose (along with nausea, vomiting, profuse sweating, and fast breathing), logistically there's not really a way to take it "until your ears ring".
Tinnitus is most common in acute (one-time) aspirin overdoses. And it takes about an hour after a toxic dose for enough of the aspirin to get into your system to cause tinnitus. So by the time you have the symptom, you already took too much an hour ago.
Plus, tinnitus is just one of the first symptoms. It doesn't say anything about the severity of the ingestion, or whether or not it was lethal. All it says is that there is too much aspirin in the body.
Following tinnitus, nausea, vomiting, profuse sweating, and fast breathing, the blood becomes very alkaline. Symptoms include numbness and tingling, muscle twitching, fatigue, and dizziness. You also lose a lot of potassium in your urine in this phase- and the resulting low potassium in the blood can cause lethal heart rhythms. If you survive this, the blood then becomes life-threateningly acidic. Symptoms here include weakness, confusion, headache, and fast heartbeat. If the acidosis is not corrected and the potassium replaced, either of these things can lead to death.
About half of aspirin overdoses are intentional. The rest tend to be children who accidentally drink liquid preparations of aspirin or ingest oil of wintergreen (one teaspoon (5ml) of oil of wintergreen contains the equivalent amount of salicylate (the active part of aspirin) to 21 adult aspirins).
It is super important if you are having symptoms of overdose to go to a hospital. You need to get potassium back into your blood and get your pH back to normal or the overdose can absolutely be lethal.
All this to say there's not really a safe way to overdose on aspirin. I'd just stick to what it says to take on the bottle, and if you need more pain relief than that take acetaminophen/paracetamol (not ibuprofen) on top of it, along with other modalities of pain control like heat, cold, distraction, positioning, splinting, or mobility aids. If it continues, talk to a doctor.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
Maleficent was going to release Aspirin into the air to end the world and I had to find her within 3 days or she would go through with her plan.
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allrevvedup · 2 years
(Ibuprofen, NS, and Aspirin are all NSAIDs)
I am both curious and trying to figure out if what I use is typically most effective.
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vintageadsmakemehappy · 6 months
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1953 Bayer Aspirin
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stone-cold-groove · 9 months
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Buffering. Buffering. Buffering.
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secondwheel · 11 months
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Acetylsalicylic acid in its active form is aspirin
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annarexcouture · 3 months
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insanzee · 1 year
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Dün terasta kitabımı aldım vantilatörü yatağıma sabitleyip uzandım biraz okuma yaparken tatlı bi uyku geldi uzandım biraz şekerleme yapayım derken bi saat kadar uyumuşum☺️ bi uyandım ki saç, sakal ıslak yatak, kitap su içinde 😂 hayırdır lan deli nasıl bi rüyaydı ki bu denli etkisinde kaldın dedim😁 meğerse yağmur yağmış tüm teras ıslak😂 benim günahım yokmuş yani😊 her neyse biraz üşütmüşüm gidip favori ilacım aspirinden bir kutu alayım dedim herif barkodu okuttu ve demesin mi 65 tl 😲 efenim siz onu bir daha öttürün bi yanlışlık var galiba dedim ama yok, gerçekler böyle acı işte😊 bayım o sizde kalsın ben bir daha o tip rüyalar görmem aspirinede o parayı vermem dedim😁 yok lan öyle bişey demedim tabiki de😂
Şaka bi yana işte böyle dostlar ben şok oldum. bu nedir lan aspirin olum aspirin lan kanser ilacı değil. Ülen makarnacılar hep sizin yüzünüzden bunlar bak memleketi ne hale getirdiniz😡 eliniz mi kırılsın kafanız mı kırılsın artık siz düşünün😠
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vintagepromotions · 8 months
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'Nothing gives you more relief than Bayer. Nothing.'
Advertisement for Bayer aspirin (1981).
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misforgotten2 · 1 year
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**gulp** "One, two, Dammit! Why am I still in pain? Three, four- This is unacceptable! I want my money back!"
The Saturday Evening Post December 7th 1946
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macgyvermedical · 1 month
I'll bet that ASA has a very interesting history, considering how many uses it has.
There is so much about the history of aspirin that I would have to probably write in the 3,000 word range to get it all in there. Highly recommend you listen to this episode of Sawbones for more information:
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fieriframes · 11 months
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[Run motor. Run the motor. Run spinning rotation. The spinning rotation. And finding the rhythms. The motion. The aspirin. You could wake me up with silence and i could lose all control. Cause i said that i can't. That i'd stay and i'd never change.]
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whats-in-a-sentence · 7 months
Figure 20.6 shows an infrared spectrum of aspirin.
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"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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vintageadsmakemehappy · 9 months
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1955 Bufferin Aspirin
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meta-holott · 11 months
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2011 Paris, aspirin
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vocaloid-knockout · 1 year
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Aspirin - Corpse Attack!!
Propaganda under the cut!
"It's the only vocaloid song I like lol"
Corpse Attack!!:
"This was a song for all the edgy teens back in the day. I personally think it's an absolute banger, but I think a lot of people just thought the title and the video by Deino was gnarly. It's an interesting example of early attempts at making Vocaloids perform unclean vocals!"
"Been a big fan of utsu-p since I joined the community, basically everything he makes is great but corpse attack is I think one of his most recognized song.the powerful screams that he manage to make, the cool guitar and powerful instrumental, it's pretty neat(also hi mutuals who may have guessed who I am)"
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