#Astrology Services in London
ramnathguruji · 6 months
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Pandith Ramnath top astrologer in Canada provides his trusted clientele with reliable astrology services. His astrology remedies will undoubtedly provide you happiness and stress-free living. If you need an astrology consultant astrologer in Canada, then get in touch with a well-known astrologer Pandith Ramnath.
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jairams-posts · 1 year
Finding Clarity and Harmony: The Court Case Specialist and Positive Energy Astrologer in London, UK
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Guiding Your Path to Resolution and Positivity
In the heart of bustling London, where the modern world meets ancient wisdom, two exceptional astrologers stand ready to illuminate your life's journey. With specialties that range from resolving legal battles to harnessing positive energy, these gifted individuals are beacons of hope and guidance for those seeking clarity, harmony, and empowerment.
Astrology: A Timeless Source of Wisdom
For centuries, astrology has woven its intricate tapestry, connecting human lives with the cosmos. The celestial bodies' positions and movements are believed to influence our destinies, and skilled astrologers decode these patterns to offer profound insights into various aspects of life. London, a city steeped in history and modernity, serves as a fitting backdrop for these masters of the stars to guide individuals through their challenges and aspirations.
Best Court Case Specialist Astrologer in Brixton
Legal battles can be emotionally draining and mentally exhausting experiences. Best Court Case Specialist Astrologer in Brixton brings a unique blend of astrological insight and legal expertise to offer guidance to those entangled in legal disputes. By carefully studying planetary alignments and cosmic energies, they provide a deeper understanding of the situation, potential outcomes, and optimal strategies. Their intuitive guidance aids clients in making informed decisions and navigating the complex labyrinth of the legal system.
Harnessing Positivity: The Positive Energy Specialist Astrologer in Brixton
In a world often dominated by stress and negativity, the Positive Energy Specialist Astrologer in Brixton offers a refreshing approach to restoring balance and harmony. Recognizing that energy plays a vital role in our well-being, they harness the power of celestial alignments to channel positive forces into one's life. Through personalized consultations, they guide individuals in attracting positivity, amplifying their strengths, and fostering a sense of empowerment. Their holistic approach encompasses mind, body, and spirit, offering a transformative journey towards a more vibrant and fulfilling existence.
Embracing Clients Across London and Beyond
London's diverse tapestry of cultures and experiences is mirrored in the expertise of these two remarkable astrologers. With clients stretching across neighborhoods like Brixton and Broxton, and even reaching beyond the city limits, their insights and guidance resonate with people from all walks of life. The modern era allows for consultations that transcend physical boundaries, enabling individuals from different parts of the UK and beyond to tap into their wisdom.
A Fusion of Tradition and Modernity
In a city as dynamic as London, tradition and modernity coexist harmoniously. The Court Case Specialist and Positive Energy Astrologers seamlessly blend ancient astrological practices with contemporary insights, making their guidance relevant and relatable to the challenges of today. With a deep understanding of human psychology, cosmic influences, and legal nuances, they offer multifaceted solutions that cater to individual needs.
Unlocking Your Path with Astrological Guidance
 In the heart of London, where history, culture, and progress converge, these gifted astrologers stand as beacons of light for those seeking direction, resolution, and positivity. Whether you find yourself facing a legal battle in Brixton or seeking to infuse your life with positive energy in Broxton, their expertise is a guiding star in your journey. By embracing the wisdom of the cosmos and harnessing the power within, they empower you to shape your destiny with confidence and grace.
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vishnuastrologer · 2 years
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Famous Astrologer in London
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soular-sisters · 5 months
The Origins Of Horoscopes 🔮
as an astrologer who has been mesmerized by the cosmos for 10 years, i have come to have an honest disagreeance for horoscopes. although those whimsical columns are what naturally gravitated me to the world of astrology, it is a shame that horoscopes are what seems to come to the average person's mind when they think of the zodiac. it is our personal belief that the fantastical nature of horoscopes overshadow the beauty of astrology. but this made us wonder.... where did horoscopes come from? continue on to learn about, the origins of horoscopes.
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Ancient Times
🔮 The Silk Roads: The earliest evidence of horoscopes date back to the 3rd millennium BCE in Mesopotamia.
🔮 Astrology was adopted on the trading routes of The Silk Roads during the Tang Dynasty (705-907 CE).
🔮 Along these trading routes, traders would sell horoscopes as a service to different regions such as Central Asia, the Iranian Plateau, & China.
🔮 China became very fond of horoscopes during this time & adopted them into the framework of Chinese astrology today.
🔮 Chinese horoscopes at this time were derived from the Hellenistic Period of Ancient Greece.
🔮 During this time, it became Chinese tradition that newborn Chinese babies would be given a horoscope upon birth & then throughout pivotal moments in their lives.
🔮 One of the most important astrologers of this time, Abu Ma'shar (8/10/787- 3/9/886), wrote a book called “Book Of Thousands”.
🔮 “Book Of Thousands” (written in 850)
🔮 The book did not survive to today. Remaining fragments show us that the book was a chronology of world history (from Christian, Persian, & Islamic sources) that intended to connect past, present, & future events to the stars. 🔮 The remaining fragments of the book were collected by David Pingree in 1968 & can be found on select scholarly sources online today.
🔮 Astrology became very popular in Medieval Central Asia.
🔮 It was during this time that two types of astrology formed; mathematically-based astrology (what we astrologers go by) & the magical form of astrology (AKA: horoscopes).
The 20th & 21st Century
🔮 Prominent British astrologer, R.H. Naylor (6/9/1889- 1952), was hired by the Sunday Express (a London-based newspaper) to write a horoscope article.
🔮 Naylor was an assistant to the leading British astrologer of the time called Cheiro. 🔮 Cheiro was sought out by many celebrities of the time for his brilliant astrology services to read their natal charts. He was known to have read the palms of such significant figures such as Mark Twain, Grover Cleveland, & Winston Churchill.
🔮 The article was about the birth of Princess Margaret, born August 21, 1930. (a leo beauty)
🔮 The newspaper decided to run a few more articles. In one of the next articles, Naylor predicted that “a British aircraft will be in danger” between October 8th and 15th. On October 5th, British airship R101 crashed outside Paris with 48 of the 54 on board the plane passing away.
🔮 The population became amazed with the incredible prediction Naylor made. The editor then offered Naylor a weekly column & “What The Stars Foretell”, the first ever horoscope column in human history, was born.
🔮 "What The Stars Foretell”
🔮 The column started as advice for people whose birthday fell on each specific week the newspaper article was published. 🔮 By 1937, the article became more grandiose & spoke of “star signs” to relate to a wider audience. 🔮 This was the creation of the term “star signs”.
🔮 From there on, the world caught on to the eye-catching spells of horoscopes & publications from all over the world began to replicate what Naylor created. This is why historically, horoscopes are written by writers assigned to the task of creating a spellbinding horoscope piece & not astrologers.
Well folks, there you have it. Although the roots of horoscopes share soil with the beautiful creation of astrology, they became more of an object of purchase than the art that astrology truly is. I do believe if horoscopes were intended on sharing truth & not appealing to the masses as a means to sell a product, they would hold value to humanity. But in all honesty, if horoscopes remain to just be a tool to spellbind their readers & curate them into consumers, then they hold no good intention to the art of astrology we are so passionate about.
Thank you so much for reading! I appreciate our lil astrology community so much & hope you learned something from this lil trip down astrology lane. 😊
Research Disclaimer: All research was conducted by Andrehya in May 2024. This is all information found by her own research. Sources are listed below for your own curiosity.
The Silk Roads Info
Ancient Horoscope Scholars
Modern Horoscope Info
EXCITING NEWS: we are in the process of configuring our work to create a lil astrology instagram for all of us astrology lovers! please go check it out & show your support by giving us a follow! we really appreciate it. 🥰 IG: astrology instagram
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By: Stephen Knight
Published: Feb 20, 2024
There was a time when you could count on the left to defend science with the sort of zeal that would make a religious fundamentalist blush. Scientific knowledge was once gleefully wielded to expose and mock the magical thinking of creationists, anti-vaxxers, Flat Earthers, astrologers and homoeopaths. However, this staunch commitment to scientific empiricism has recently begun to waver. It is now increasingly coming into conflict with the new tenets of the ‘diversity, equity and inclusion’ (DEI) agenda.
You can see this clearly in the Biden administration’s proposed new guidelines for the US Department of Health and Human Services (HSS). As the Washington Free Beacon reports, staff working in public-health agencies like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDA), which are overseen by the HSS, could soon be instructed to consider ‘multiple forms of evidence, such as indigenous knowledge’ when going about their duties.
Put simply, advocates of ‘indigenous knowledge’ argue that various cultures throughout history have their own ways of understanding the world. And these alternative, indigenous ‘ways of knowing’, they say, should be utilised alongside more established scientific methods in research and in policymaking.
Yes, some DEI advocates really do think that public-health bodies should seek the input of tribal elders and spiritual leaders – alongside, say, qualified physicians and epidemiologists. What’s more, they believe that racism is the only reason it has taken so long for indigenous knowledge to be utilised in this way. They argue that science is a ‘Western, colonialist structure’ that has only come to dominate our thinking thanks to white supremacy. This nefarious falsehood began in academia, with calls from activists to ‘decolonise’ science. Now it has reached the highest levels of the US government.
The Biden administration is not even the first Western government to sacrifice science to the DEI agenda. Last year, the government of New Zealand decided that science classes in schools should teach that Maori ‘ways of knowing’ have equal standing to ‘Western science’. Scientists who objected to this found themselves under investigation by the Royal Society of New Zealand. Three of them, including one of Maori descent, resigned from the society in protest.
The claim that science is ‘Western’ is absurd, of course. One of the many wonderful things about science is that it does not discriminate. Science is a universal, cross-cultural concept. It invites anyone and everyone to participate and contribute to our growing understanding of reality. Science does not care about what you look like or where you come from. All science cares about is whether your methods and conclusions are sound enough to survive scrutiny. This clearly cannot be said for indigenous knowledge.
This is why there aren’t any ‘indigenous’ ways of flying an airplane that supersede our scientific understanding of aerodynamics. Or why the NHS doesn’t offer exorcisms as part of its mental-health services. A blood test administered in a clinical setting will yield the same results whether it’s carried out in London or Nairobi – because science actually works anywhere you do it. It’s about the ‘how’, not the ‘who’.
If every single piece of scientific knowledge were erased tomorrow and we had to start all over again, we would eventually come to the same conclusions as we have today. This is not true of indigenous knowledge, because, unlike science, it is not underpinned by logic and reason.
We all know that treating indigenous knowledge as akin to scientific evidence is a bit silly. But I suspect that is probably the point. Like with trans-rights ideologues, today’s self-professed ‘anti-racists’ like to frame statements of the obvious as akin to acts of bigotry. It gives them enormous power over the rest of us. We are all essentially being dared to say that relying on indigenous knowledge is a terrible idea. Of course, if you do say this in the wrong circles, you will be accused of racism and you will be silenced.
With modern-day anti-racism, the goal is not to address actual inequalities or to improve the material wellbeing of oppressed minorities. The real aim is to tear down anything that is perceived to be ‘white’ or ‘Western’. And the fact that science is now being placed in the firing line, thanks to racial identity politics, should worry us all.
The suggestion that the gold standard of science is a uniquely white or Western standard is as ludicrous as it is racist. It perpetuates the deeply prejudiced idea that non-Western or non-white groups cannot grasp the basics of science, and therefore it would be unfair to expect them to. This is tantamount to claiming there is an innate quality possessed by white Westerners that makes them uniquely suited to the study and advancement of science. This notion would not seem out of place at a KKK rally, yet it is a depressingly common view among so-called anti-racists. This is the bigotry of low expectations.
The push by the White House to incorporate indigenous knowledge into public-health policy is unbelievably reckless. It arrives in a post-pandemic context when public trust in our scientific institutions is already at an all-time low. Surely, that trust will now only fall further. After all, how can we possibly trust that those tasked with looking after our health are doing so effectively, when their objectivity has been so clearly compromised?
Science often gets things wrong, of course. But unlike indigenous ways of knowing, science rewards you for catching errors. It incentivises the pursuit of truth over accepting received wisdom. There are no religious commandments or cultural dogmas dictating the scope of scientific investigation. Science simply finds out ‘what is’ – and to hell with any sacred cows that are slaughtered along the way.
Standards of objectivity are essential when it comes to science and public health. We should make no apologies for defending them from the encroachment of pseudoscience, whatever form it comes in.
Stephen Knight is host of the Godless Spellchecker podcast and the Knight Tube. Follow him on Twitter: @GSpellchecker
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( Artist credit: Tasmin Abbott )
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If ever you’d like to delve deeper into the ancestral lore of the British Isles & under stand some of its indigenous foundations, I feel it is the most directly accessible in the gateway of the spring equinox (which rings in this Wed 20th March) other wise known in Scots Gaelic as Alban Eilir, the ‘light of the earth’ when the light of the sun meets in equal hours with the night
The myths & lore are interwoven so intricately in the landscape this time of year. Here it is in a nutshell for you to absorb. But it truly is a nutshell as each part is deserving an immense investigation & study to take you further into the heart of it all:
~ TOWER HILL: The spring equinox still today is honoured by the Druids on Tower Hill in London. An ancient ancestral mound once known as ‘Bryn Gwyn’, which translates to White Mound or White Raven. It visually used to look like Silbury Hill a neolithic hill in the Avebury complex in Wiltshire, & was covered in a white chalk which reflected in the moon & sunlight & could be seen for miles. The White Mound is the sacred mound of Sovereignty of this isle, a place where our ancestors would pilgrimage to from far & wide
~ RAVEN: The raven is the bird & protector of the spirit of Sovereignty of the British Isles & has done for millennia. Raven veneration goes back very far in this country’s lore & is deeply rooted in it’s soul’s foundations. An ancient ancestor of this isle called Bran the Blessed, a Welsh King who you could say presides over this gateway because his lore is so interwoven into the landscape this time of year. Bran means ‘Raven’ in Welsh, who was seen as a seer & oracular king bridging the worlds of the gods & earth like his divine messenger feathered friends. Story goes that on his death bed in battle he asked for his head to be buried in the White Mound in London in protection of the Sovereignty of this isle. The ravens in the tower of London today, hold the lore & protective forces of Bran. The fact that the raven is the animal of sovereignty of this isle…tells you everything you need to understand about this island & it’s essence. It is one of magic & deep seership
~ SOVEREIGNTY: You see in the sovereign codes of olde in kingship, that in maintaining balance in your kingdom you married yourself to the earth in an alliance for true balance. Your sovereignty was infused with the earth (the goddess) and the minute that allegiance was severed a wasteland would take seed in the land and all hearts. For Bran to ask for his head to be buried in the White Mound even at death shows his complete allegiance to the earth and understanding of what it means to be Sovereign. The olde understanding is to be in Service to the All, in allegiance with the earth and protection of the goddess. When the Druids stand on Tower Hill, they are welcoming back the sovereign sun during the tide of the equinox but they are also invoking the ancient powers of sovereignty in the land. And of Bran.
~ BRIDGING: In one of the stories of Bran, his sister Branwen (which means ‘white raven’) is abused by her husband who is an Irish King. Bran hears of the news and crosses the Irish seas, by using his body as a bridge for his men to cross over him safely across the stormy seas to help him set his sister free. He was always seen as a king who sought to bring enemies into peaceful accord with one another, and therefore may represent the balance implicit in the equinox as well.
~ ALDER: Bran carries alder branches on his journey to rescue his sister. People recognise him by the alder that he holds. He is known as the alder king. Alder trees are indeed ‘bridging’ trees which preside over the realms of water and fire; the conscious and unconscious. The inner and outer. In the tree ogham it resides between the astrological zodiac signs of pisces and aries, emerging from the watery fluid time of Pisces and entering the fiery intensity of Aries. It is a water resistant wood which gets harder in water and was widely used to build the city of Venice. It is connected to the realms of fire, due to it’s ability to create very high quality charcoal and gun powder. It holds the ancient alchemical colours of white and red in it’s wood. It’s wood is a beautiful white colour but when cut or it’s roots exposed to the air it turns a bright red colour. The white is representative of the moon, the water, Branwen the white raven. And red, being the sun, the fire of the coals of gunpowder, Bran the solar deity king. It possesses both female and male catkins on the same branch - a tree that symbolises the balance between the masculine and the feminine, day and night.
In essence the gateway of the vernal equinox is deeply coded in the earth and lore of the land: Reminding us in order to keep balance within and without ~ true Sovereignty must be upheld, and that it is in an alliance with the earth and in service to all.
That sovereignty is restored when we act as a bridge in the world; remembering the essence of our humanity in bringing heaven to earth as bridges. Akin to the raven messengers who bring the words from the gods into the human world. And the alder trees who bridge the worlds of water and fire.
[Thank you Charlotte Pulver]
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astrovivekswamy · 2 months
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Astrologer Vivek in London Call Now +44 7448856335 💫 Astrologer Vivek is a renowned Indian astrologer in London, dedicated to making people's lives easier through his top-notch astrology services. His expertise includes palmistry, numerology, gemology, and love psychic readings. He offers expert advice on love and relationships, compatibility checks, and specializes in the Vashikaran Mantra to bring back lost love. For spiritual guidance and life resolutions, Astrologer Vivek is your go-to expert. #westbromwichastrologer 🌠🔮#astrologyinwestbromwich 🔯🌙#westbromwichhoroscope 📝🔮
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celticcrossanon · 1 year
Astrology of the Coronation Day
This is the astrological chart for 11.00am in London on May 6th, the start of the Coronation Service.
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Very Amateur astrology comments below the cut:
The first thing I look at is the angles.
The midheaven, the MC angle, shows how things appear to the general public, casual acquaintances etc. In this chart Chiron, the asteroid of wounding, is conjunct the MC. This means that the Coronation Service will display some or all of the wounds of the King and it may be his attempt at healing some of those wounds (which we have seen already with the behaviour of Charles and Camilla).
The MC and IC angle, at 15.02 Aries and 15.02 Libra, is conjunct Charles's MC-IC angle at 13.15 Aries and 13.13 Libra. The Ascendant and Descendant angle at 6.32 Leo and 6.32 Aquarius is conjunct Charles's Ascendant-Descendant at 5.23 Leo and 5.23 Aquarius. This means that the ceremony is a good fit for Charles. When your angles match with another person, the way that person approaches the world and how they are seen or want to be seen by the world feels familiar, as it is the same as what you experience. It is a similarity of outlook that gives harmony between the two individuals. Similarly, with this event, having the angles conjunct means that this event is a reflection of how Charles wants to be seen and perceived, his approach to the world, etc. The image of the vent matches the image that Charles gives out to the world. The Coronation will fit him; he is not being forced into a way of thinking or expressing himself that is unfamiliar to him.
The Coronation Nodes at 4.03 Taurus and 4.03 Scorpio are conjunct Charles's natal nodes at 4.55 Taurus and 4.55 Scorpio. The Nodes of the Moon show your path in life. With the North Node in the 10th house, the House of Public position, conjunct Charles North Node which is also in the 10th house in his natal chart, this ceremony is a strong declaration of the culmination of Charles's destiny to be the holder of a prominent position in his public life.
The Coronation Sun is at 15.38 Taurus, the degree of astrological Beltane. As the service progresses, the MC is going to move across all the planets in Taurus - Jupiter, the North Node, Mercury, the Sun, and Uranus. It will be very interesting to see what planet is on the MC as Charles is anointed, and then as he is crowned. I am wondering if the actual crowning has been timed for when either Jupiter, the planet of the chief god, is on the MC or for when the Sun, the symbol of the King, is on the MC. If Charles is crowned when the Sun, in the degree of astrological Beltane, is on the MC, then he will truly be a Beltane King as per the Green Man on his invitation.
The Coronation Sun is conjunct Uranus, the planet of unexpected events, so I expect Charles's reign to be rather unsettled and/or to have some large unexpected events marking it. It could also be very modern and forward thinking, as Uranus is also the planet of innovation and progress - as well as being a free spirit. We can see this progressive thinking in such things as the inclusion of the leaders and representatives of different faiths in the Coronation Service.
The Coronation Moon at 24 Scorpio in the 4th house shows that family, roots, ancestors are important emotionally in this event (e.g. following the traditions is important). The Moon is also closely conjunct Charles's natal Sun at 22 Scorpio in the 4th house. When you have the Sun and the Moon together like this, the dynamic is that the Moon supports the Sun, especially with emotional support, so this ceremony (the chart with the Moon) is going to be emotionally supportive to Charles (the chart with the Sun).
Coronation Venus is in the 11th house, the house of groups, friends, the collective, working together etc. Venus, the planet of love, relationships, and values in the 11th house says to me that this is a person who cares for the values of the collective group and who wants to be liked or loved by the collective group.
The Coronation Venus indicates a reign where the relationship focus of the reign will be building a relationship with the collective group, being part of a group, working together with others and so on. (As a comparison, Queen Elizabeth's coronation chart had Venus in the 9th house, the house of foreign lands and foreign travel, and the relationship focus of her reign was building relationships with other nations, as seen in the Commonwealth of Nations).
Coronation Venus is in the sign of Gemini, a sign that generally likes to communicate their ideas to other people. There could be a lot of communication with the general public and adapting ideas to fit the mood and values of the general public in this reign, although the adaptation may be only on the surface (Gemini has a silver tongue and can adapt to fit in to almost any group, but doesn't necessarily believe the values that it proclaims to fit in with others).
Coronation Mars is in Cancer in the 12th house. Mars is the planet of drive, energy, willpower, anger, and this combination is not a good fit. Mars is in fall in Cancer, which means that it is weakened in Cancer, so it is easier to express the negative aspects of this combination - such as whining, being passive-aggressive, avoiding confrontations , behaving like a child when thwarted - than it is to express the positive aspects.
Planets in the 12th house are usually unconscious, meaning that the person with that planet is unaware of how they express that energy, although everyone around then can see it perfectly clearly, and they will not recognise that behaviour in themselves when someone else talks about it. So with Mars in Cancer in the 12th house, this ceremony and/or Charles's reign may see a lot of passive aggressive behaviour when it comes to desires and having to modify those desires, with the King being completely unaware of how he is behaving, and not believing it when someone points said behaviour out to him.
Two other planets are in fall in this chart: Uranus is in fall in Taurus and the Moon is in fall in Scorpio. This means that for both these planets it will be harder to express the positive energies of the planet/sign. It can be done, but it will take work. The Moon is boosted by being in its natural house, the 4th house, so it may be easier to overcome the Scorpio Moon's tendency to hold grudged and exact revenge for past slights. Uranus has no such support from its house, the 10th house, and so Charles will have to watch the tendency to embrace 'progress for the sake of progress' rather than 'progress for the good of all'. Not all traditions need to be thrown out to make way for the new.
Finally, both the Sun and Jupiter are in the 10th house in this chart. This is an excellent sign for a coronation, uniting the planet of the self, the Sun, and the planet of good fortune/excellent luck, Jupiter, in the 10th house, the house of public life and public position.
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brasideios · 1 year
Get to Know a Blogger
I was tagged by @aeide @mini-uzzy and @ainulindaelynn. Thank you my friends! 🤍
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Last song you listened to: Maybe Tomorrow by the Stereophonics. I recently rediscovered this song after probably ten years of forgetting. Filled with pathos.
Currently reading: I just finished First Love by Ivan Turgenev. I think I’ll read Crime and Punishment next (Dostoyevsky) or War and Peace (Tolstoy). They’re both sitting by the bed, demanding my attention in equal measure.
Last movie: 200 Cigarettes! I recently dug out a story I wrote back in ‘99, and vaguely recalled I was trying to emulate this film. So I wanted to watch it to see how I did, but it wasn’t on any of the five streaming services I have access to (password sharing ftw) so I’d given up on finding it only to discover yesterday that the whole movie is up on Youtube. Happiest moment of my life! (I did badly, btw, with the emulation. In my defence, I’d just left high school 😆).
Last show: Umm... Band of Brothers a couple weeks back, I guess. Rewatching for the tenth time.
Craving: Coffee, as always :)
What are wearing right now: Pyjamas and a dressing gown because *finally* it’s cold in the mornings. Love autumn.
How tall are you: Just shy of six foot. 
Piercings: Just my ears. 
Tattoos: I have four. A made-up symbol on my ankle I got when I was 18 - literally the day I was legally allowed to get it 😊 I’d planned it for a year beforehand. The word Bittersweet on my back (’all in life is bitterwseet’ as I wrote in a poem at the time) when I was 23; A series of astrological symbols on my left inner forearm which represent me, my fam, and the people who were closest to me at the time. Got that on my 30th birthday in London. And most recently, at 33, a lucky year for me when a lot of things ended and I took back my power (a long, long journey) I marked it with a tattoo - it’s on the inside of my right arm, a feather quill, and the words, ‘... I meant what I said.’ Love tattoos! Would have so many more if I was rich.
Glasses? Contacts? Glasses. My vision isn’t too bad, just need them for reading. Lil long sighted.
Last thing you ate: I haven’t yet today, it’s still too early. Last night’s dinner was pasta bake with chorizo.
Favourite colour: Green, though I really love any colour that’s bright and clear - I am currently going through a phase of bright purples and pinks.
Current obsession: Two of my OC’s and their relationship development (Arity and Jimmy). Maybe also the temple complex I’m building in Minecraft 😅 I spent all day yesterday working on it and I am thinking I might do the same today.
Any pets: Otto Von Krum the schnauzer (my baby boy); Tiki Taco the chihuahua (Daddy’s girl); and Lady Pablo, aka Tiny Bun, my rescued house rabbit.
Favourite fictional character: Favourite? Like, out of all of them?? I couldn’t possibly choose. 
The last place you travelled: Along the south coast of Western Australia, as far as Esperance. My favourite place we stopped, my favourite place in the world I think, is Denmark. It’s a beautiful town in amongst hills, with a wide green river flowing through it, surrounded by forests. It’s a different world. Oh, and it has the best pie-shop in the world too, which doesn’t hurt. [Meat pies, that is. Very Australian 😊]
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I think everyone I would normally tag has been tagged! But just in case... @auroralykos @el-zorrito​ @cataliinaa​ and @theinkandthesea​ @dbraures​ @liminalspacecowboah​ @woodsman2b​
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henryfitzempress · 2 years
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“The Black Prince had received the best education available. He was taught by the scholar and astrologer Dr Walter Burghley, and was expected to excel as the future King of England. This served him well for he gleaned a sense of his own majesty from an early age: at seven he was even accoutred with his own suit of armour. Whilst his parents were in Flanders, the year before John of Gaunt's birth, the Prince opened Parliament on behalf of the King.'
Before he was ten, the Prince led an elite entourage, greeting the envoys of the Pope at the gates of the City of London (in the fourteenth century London was still encased inside a large defensive wall, with around seven gates that allowed access from north to south of the City).
Aged ten, the Prince represented his father as the head of state, and even served as head of the realm whilst Edward Ill was in Antwerp around the time of John of Gaunts birth. Thrust onto centre stage, the Black Prince's ability to work the crowd came from ample experience at a young age in the public eye. Alongside his glittering public image, the Black Prince managed extensive land and property in Cheshire and Cornwall, overseeing local administration, and cultivating loyalty from his tenants.
When John of Gaunt lived with his brother he was expected to learn the skills required for leadership military and domestic. This period of fraternal bonding forged an enduring closeness between the two boys, despite the ten-year age difference between them.
The military victories of Prince Edward were legendary. He went on to be the hero of Poitiers, and his reputation was that of a chivalrous prince, albeit an arrogant one. During the Battle of Poitiers, the Black Prince captured the French King, John II. That night, he served his royal captive on bended knee as a page.
Isabella Plantagenet, born two years after the Black Prince and named after the dowager Queen, was equally as indulged by Edward Ill as her older brother. She ran up vast debts due to her extravagant lifestyle. (…) She eventually fell in love with, and married, one of the King’s hostages from Poitiers, Enguerrand de Coucy, a French aristocrat. During the war, Councy (…) refused to fight for either England or France.
Princess Joan was five years older than John of Gaunt, followed by William of Hatfield who died in infancy, and was subsequently buried in York. His death was followed by the birth of another prince, Lionel, who would grow to be the giant of the Plantagenet family, an improbable seven feet tall according to chronicler John Hardyng. After John, came four younger surviving siblings: Edmund, Mary, Margaret and Thomas, filling the royal nursery.
Aged fourteen, Edward's ‘dearest daughter' Joan left England to marry Pedro of Castile, cementing an Anglo-Castilian alliance crucial to Edward's military agenda. As her ship drew into the harbour at Bordeaux, her retinue were unaware of the horror they were about to face: the relentless and devastating Black Death now spreading quickly throughout Europe. The royal party fled to Loremo, a small village in ordeaux, but the Princess could not outrun the disease. Joan died unwed on I July 1348, with no family around her. His sister's death had a lasting impact on John of Gaunt; in 1389 he endowed an obit - an intimate religious service - for her at the Cathedral of St André at Bordeaux, where she was buried.”
Carr, Helen. The Red Prince.
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mastershivaastro · 8 months
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Are you in search of a reliable and authentic kala Jadu specialist in London? Look no further, as we understand the importance of finding the right expert to address your concerns.
When it comes to matters related to kala Jadu, it is crucial to consult with a specialist who possesses deep knowledge and experience in this field. London is known for its multicultural diversity, and therefore finding a genuine kala Jadu specialist can be challenging.
However, our team consists of highly skilled and reputable kala Jadu specialists who have been serving clients in London for years. We understand that each individual's situation is unique, and we approach every case with utmost care and professionalism.
Our kala Jadu specialists are well-versed in various aspects of this ancient practice. They have helped numerous individuals overcome their challenges by providing effective solutions tailored to their specific needs. Whether you are facing personal or professional issues, our experts can guide you towards a positive outcome.
Rest assured that our services are completely confidential and conducted with the highest level of integrity. We prioritize your privacy and strive to maintain a safe space where you can openly discuss your concerns without any judgment.
If you are seeking assistance from a reliable kala Jadu specialist in London, look no further. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced experts who will provide you with the guidance and support you need on your journey towards resolution.
Expert in Providing Accurate Solutions for:
Evil Spirit Removal Expert
Love Back Specialist Astrologer
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𝗪𝗲𝗯𝘀𝗶𝘁𝗲: https://www.mastershivaastro.com/
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faye-tale · 1 year
tag game!
tagged by: @amillcitygirl 🧡🧡
name: Faye
pronouns: she/her
where do you call home: right now, it’s the NYC suburbs. If I climbed the huge oak tree behind our house, I could easily see the Manhattan skyline. But my true home is London tbh.
favorite animal: snow leopard and penguin
cereal of choice: I don’t really eat cereal; I find it too sugary. When I do, just plain cornflakes with milk
visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner: mix of visual and auditory
first pet: a crazy cat called Tabitha
favorite scent: Well I do not wear perfume, but I like fresh citrus scents mostly, so I use tangerine moisturizer and shower gel.
do you believe in astrology: I look casually for shit n giggles but think it’s mostly bullshit.
how many playlists do you have on your music service of choice: that I made? None. I use other playlists that I find. Yeah, I'm THAT unoriginal.
sharpies or highlighters: sharpies
song that makes you cry: Hmm I can’t think of any off the top of my head. If I found one, I’d avoid it tbh, life is depressing enough lol.
song that makes you happy: cheesy upbeat pop shit and the music I used to lose it to on the dancefloor of clubs back in my early 20s. To mention titles would give away my age, so no specifics shall be given.
and finally, do you write/draw/create: I write, mostly porn tbh. I wish I could do other creative things. Very occasionally I paint (badly) which I love, it’s so soothing.
tagging: no pressure @colettebronte @sorryallonsy then you can tag the rest of the crew if you wish :D
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vishnuastrologer · 2 years
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ridhibahl · 2 days
Beyond the City Limits: Unveiling Your Destiny with Ridhi Bahl
Searching for "Delhi astrologers" while yearning for guidance closer to home, whether it's the vibrant streets of Mumbai or the serene beaches of Sydney? Astrology, the ancient study of celestial influences, can be a powerful tool for self-discovery, but finding the "right" astrologer often feels like a local game. Fear not! Ridhi Bahl, a renowned Vedic astrologer based in India, offers a unique and personalized approach, transcending geographical boundaries. Distance is no hurdle, as Ridhi's online consultations make her expertise accessible to individuals across the globe – from bustling Mumbai, Pune, Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Jaipur, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Gurgaon, Noida, NCR, to the USA, Australia, and London.
Vedic Astrology Services in India, Consultation
Why Choose Ridhi Bahl: Astrology Beyond Borders
Forget limitations of Delhi astrologers. Here's what sets Ridhi apart:
Vedic Astrology Mastery: A certified expert, Ridhi delves deep into the ancient wisdom of Vedic astrology. She analyzes your birth chart (Janam Kundali) to unlock valuable insights about your strengths, weaknesses, and life's potential.
Holistic Approach: Ridhi recognizes that astrology is just one piece of the puzzle. She can incorporate practices like Vastu Shastra (spatial harmony) to create an environment that aligns with your astrological energies.
Global Accessibility: No matter your location, Ridhi's online consultations make Vedic astrology guidance readily available, eliminating geographical limitations and offering the same level of expertise as Delhi astrologers.
Unlocking Your Potential with Specialized Services
While a skilled general astrologer, Ridhi also offers specialized services to address your specific needs:
Business Astrology: Align your career path with your astrological strengths and uncover auspicious timings for ventures, empowering your success irrespective of location, be it Mumbai, Delhi, or London.
Marriage Astrology: Gain insights into astrological compatibility with potential partners, fostering stronger connections and navigating relationship challenges, regardless of where you reside in India or the world.
Education Astrology: Understand your child's learning style and subjects they might excel in, empowering their academic journey across the globe.
Janam Kundali Analysis: Delve deeper into your birth chart with Ridhi to gain a holistic understanding of your life's purpose and potential, transcending limitations of just Delhi astrologers.
Empowering Your Life Journey, Wherever You Are
Whether you're seeking clarity in the heart of Delhi or direction amidst the chaos of London, Ridhi Bahl's guidance can be your compass. Through the lens of Vedic astrology, she helps you navigate life's challenges, seize opportunities, and ultimately chart a course towards a fulfilling and successful future, regardless of location.
Schedule your consultation today at ridhibahl.com and unlock the power of the stars with a guide who transcends borders. Let Ridhi Bahl be your partner on a journey of self-discovery, empowering you to write your own life story with the wisdom of the cosmos, no matter where you call home.
See more
Vedic Astrology Services in India, Consultation
Vastu Services in India, Vastu Consultant Delhi
Manglik and Non Manglik Compatibility
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astrovivekswamy · 23 hours
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Astrologer Vivek is a leading astrologer in London, providing services such as gemstone dealing, Vastu Shastra consultations, tarot readings, and more. His centrally located clinic in London is celebrated for exceptional patient care and expertise. #marriageastrology, #relationshipastrology, #lovecompatibility, #astrologyforcouples
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roycompro · 8 days
How to Find the Most Trusted Astrologer in London for Accurate Predictions
Astrology has long been a tool for those seeking guidance in life. Whether you’re looking for insights into your career, relationships, finances, or personal growth, consulting a skilled astrologer can provide you with the clarity and direction you need. However, in a city as vast and diverse as London, finding the most trusted astrologer can feel overwhelming. To help you navigate this journey, here are some essential tips to identify the best astrologer in London who can offer accurate predictions tailored to your unique life circumstances.
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 1. Research the Astrologer’s Background and Credentials
The first step in finding a trusted astrologer is to research their background and qualifications. Many reputable astrologers in London have formal training in astrology, often from well-known institutes or organizations. Look for astrologers who have a strong educational foundation in the field of astrology, as well as years of experience in providing consultations.
Check their credentials and affiliations with recognized astrological bodies such as the Astrological Association of Great Britain. Being part of such organizations can indicate a higher level of expertise and professionalism. Additionally, look into their specialized areas—whether they focus on Vedic astrology, Western astrology, or specific types of readings like career, love, or health-related predictions.
 2. Look for Reviews and Testimonials
One of the best ways to find a trusted astrologer is by reading reviews and testimonials from past clients. These can offer valuable insights into the astrologer’s accuracy, professionalism, and approach to consultations. Look for detailed reviews that mention the specific services provided, the quality of the advice, and the long-term impact of the consultation.
Platforms like Google Reviews, Trustpilot, and personal blogs are great resources for finding genuine feedback. Many astrologers also feature client testimonials on their websites, which can provide further confirmation of their reliability. However, be cautious of overly positive reviews that seem too good to be true, as they may be fabricated.
 3. Understand the Astrologer’s Approach to Readings
Astrology can be interpreted in many ways, and each astrologer may have their own style or approach to readings. Some astrologers focus purely on predictive astrology, while others might combine astrology with spiritual practices such as meditation, numerology, or tarot. It's important to choose an astrologer whose approach resonates with you.
Before committing to a consultation, ask the astrologer about their method. Do they rely solely on birth charts, or do they incorporate other tools for analysis? Do they offer detailed explanations of their predictions, or is their focus more on quick, general insights? Understanding their approach will help ensure that the consultation meets your needs and expectations.
 4. Assess the Personal Connection
The relationship between you and your astrologer is an important aspect of any consultation. A good astrologer should not only be knowledgeable but also empathetic and approachable. During an initial inquiry, pay attention to how the astrologer communicates. Are they patient, respectful, and willing to answer your questions? Do they make you feel comfortable discussing personal issues?
This personal connection is essential for building trust and ensuring that the astrologer fully understands your concerns and goals. An astrologer who takes the time to listen carefully and provide thoughtful responses is more likely to offer accurate, meaningful insights.
 5. Inquire About Their Specialization and Services
Different astrologers may specialize in different areas, such as career guidance, relationship compatibility, or financial success. Before choosing an astrologer, consider what you’re looking for in a consultation. If you’re interested in career advice, you’ll want to find someone with a track record of helping clients navigate professional challenges. If you’re seeking guidance in your love life, look for an astrologer who specializes in relationships.
Additionally, some astrologers offer in-person consultations, while others may provide online or phone readings. Depending on your preferences, ensure the astrologer offers a format that suits your needs.
 6. Verify Transparency in Pricing
When searching for the most trusted astrologer in London, transparency in pricing is crucial. An ethical astrologer will have clear, upfront pricing for their services, without hidden fees or unnecessary upselling. Before booking a consultation, ask about the cost, what’s included, and any additional services that may come with an extra charge.
Trusted astrologers often list their pricing on their website or provide detailed information during the initial inquiry. Beware of astrologers who pressure you into expensive packages or promise unrealistic results for an exorbitant fee. A good astrologer will offer reasonable, competitive pricing and ensure you understand the value of the service you’re receiving.
 7. Seek Astrologers with a Proven Track Record of Accuracy
One of the most important factors in choosing the right astrologer is their track record of accuracy. While astrology is not an exact science, experienced astrologers have the ability to offer remarkably accurate predictions based on their knowledge of celestial movements and your birth chart. Look for evidence of accurate past predictions from clients who have experienced real-life results based on the astrologer's guidance.
Ask the astrologer about the types of predictions they specialize in and whether they have helped clients achieve positive outcomes in the past. This will give you confidence in their ability to provide valuable insights and life-changing advice.
 8. Consult Multiple Astrologers Before Making a Decision
Finally, don't hesitate to consult multiple astrologers before making a final decision. Each astrologer has a unique style and approach, so it's essential to find one whose guidance aligns with your needs and expectations. By comparing different astrologers, you’ll be able to assess who resonates most with you, based on their expertise, communication, and consultation experience.
Finding the most trusted astrologer in London for accurate predictions requires careful research, a personal connection, and a clear understanding of the astrologer’s approach. By following these steps, you’ll be able to find an astrologer who not only offers reliable guidance but also helps you navigate the challenges and opportunities life presents. Remember, the best astrologer in London will be someone who listens to your concerns, provides insightful predictions, and offers advice that can positively impact your future. With the right astrologer by your side, you can make more informed decisions and gain clarity in every aspect of your life.
For more info visit - https://www.kptripathi.net/
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