#At Long Last
namu-the-orca · 2 years
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Here it finally is, the full cetacean eye colour info sheet! A long time coming, and an even longer time in the making. I hope that all you cetacean eye curious people will find this one as fascinating as the killer whale eye colour post. It’s a wild world out there! 
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Boop snoot boop snoot boop snoot boop snoot boop snoot boop snoot boop snoot boop snoot boop snoot boop snoot boop snoot boop snoot boop snoot boop snoot boop snoot boop snoot
thank you friend 💙💙
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please know we are booping everyone who sends us boops right back with much love! (only the boops are coming from the team’s main blog since tumblr won’t let us boop from bearotonin 😔)
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summerwages · 6 months
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mordimor · 6 months
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swiftmurderstuck 7
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princefleabitten · 4 months
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R.A. Salvatore’s Traveling Guide to the Northpole, featuring the Ice Oasis Callidae! (Legend of Drizzt: Starlight Enclave)
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aulerean · 1 month
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finally finished(?) this one
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radiosummons · 1 year
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Bruh, I was NOT ready
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pinetreesandtea · 3 months
LOTR Characters playing ✨Minecraft✨
I’m sorry
Has built a perfect replica of Bag End
Works together with Sam, Merry and Pippin to recreate the Shire
Very chill, has a pet dog named after Bilbo
Built a perfect replica of the Shire and the path to Bree and Rivendell
The best person to go to for maps
Just for gags, he has a secret dungeon under his Smial. You’d have to go through the pantry and through secret passages. He’s bored
Also has a Nether portal in his dungeon
Special enchanted sword named after Sting
Merry and Pippin have ‘accidentally’ killed him more then 40 times
Boromir accidentally killed him once, he didn’t really care but Boromir apologized profusely (He tapped Frodo to grab his attention and Frodo died bc he had half a heart left)
Frodo likes listening to the In Game music
Prefers to explore and build but doesn’t usually get into combat with mobs (Unless the fellowship drags him into an adventure)
Usually is working on his maps
Terraforms with Sam
Enjoys making noteblock music
On the vc, his mic is very quiet so his voice comes out as a whisper
He usually mutes himself and replies through the game chat
Gamer tag - fFr0d0_Bags
God at farming
Also is stacked in every food item there is in minecraft
Sam has his own farm with Horses, Llamas and Donkeys
Has a book and quill where he records the Horse’s family Trees
Named all his animals
Built a replica of his smial
Hardcore protector of Frodo
He’s killed Merry and Pippin double the amount of times they’ve killed Frodo
Uses eggs and occasionally snowballs as a weapon
The times that Frodo did die was whenever he wasn’t around
Beat Aragorn to death once
Oddly enough, Iron Golems love him
Usually dies protecting Frodo, falling to death or Eating poisonous potatoes
Bill the Pony has killed him once
Enjoys Terraforming with Frodo
Randomly gives cake, pumpkin pie, and cookies to everyone
Decent mic, polite on vc and is a mod on the minecraft server and discord server
Gamer Tag - S_GamGG
Bill the Pony
It’s a mystery on how exactly Bill is playing
Even Gandalf doesn’t know
It freaks everyone out
His player is a horse somehow
Has killed Sam brutally(he found out Sam named a Donkey after him. Was insulted that he was considered a donkey.)
He’s not on the discord server
Doesn’t type in the chat
Either stares,or nods/shakes head
Gamer Tag - Bill_the_Pony
Always running around, up to no good
He has the second most deaths in their Server
Likes to test fireworks on Frodo with Pippin
He tried making an underwater base with Pippin, it failed
So now their base is near Bree, a very nice cottage/mansion
Also uses eggs or fireworks as a weapon
Loves going Fishing
Collects flowers
Has four dogs, all named after Legolas, Aragorn, Boromir and Gimli
Gimli accidentally killed Legolas the Dog, Legolas thought he did it on purpose, so he shot down Gimli the dog with an enchanted bow. (Flame III)
Merry was devastated
he held a funeral for Legolas the Dog and Gimli the dog, he forced/guilt tripped everyone in the server to attend the ceremony 
Frodo was the priest 
As revenge, he planned to breed Aragorn the Dog and Boromir the Dog to make Legolas II and Gimli II
Boromir left the game
Aragorn promptly hunted Merry down before he could
he beat Merry to death with a fish, then used his mod powers to strike Merry with lightning. 
Aragorn the dog and Boromir the Dog ended up dying too, as when Aragorn killed Merry, they attacked him and he KO’ed the dogs.
Merry held another funeral for Aragorn the dog and Boromir the Dog 
Spams the crouch to dance/bop
He’s tried to follow Aragorn around (with Pippin of course)
Aragorn somehow knew they were following him, even though they were crouching and shot them dead with a trident
Constantly stealing from Sam’s gardens and farms
Good at building  but actively chooses to use the ugliest materials
Horrible at interior decorating
his mic is ok, it cuts out, sometimes sounds like he’s getting possessed
Gamer tag - MERRY_the_BESt
runs around with Merry
Has been killed by everyone in the fellowship except for Legolas
Came up with the idea of testing fireworks on Frodo
has a firework bow
uses fireworks as a weapon
Also loves fishing 
Loves going Mining 
spams the crouch button
always testing mods on his own time 
for the life of him, he can’t build 
Good at redstone
Also likes to make the redstone jukebox songs
Forgets to wear armour 
During the whole ordeal with Merry’s dogs, he was actually exploring and got a bunch of pet cats 
Named all the cats Meowagorn, Meowerlas, Meowmli and Meoworomir
Frodo had to Teleport Pippin to the funeral and back to wherever he was
gets lost when he explores
Frodo has to guide him by looking through his locator maps and points him into the right direction
Pippin has the highest death count in the server
Mostly killed by Frodo, Sam, Aragorn and Gandalf
died from hunger at least 7 times
He acts as a delivery person, basically transports trades across the map 
Kills the wandering trader on sight
He has a pet donkey that he travels with during adventures, named it Treebeard 
Horrible at exterior decorating but is actually pretty decent at interior decorating
his mic is horrible
cuts out, lags, hurts everyones ears
you can hear Pippin’s family in the background (random screams, his mom shouting at his siblings, etc) 
Surprisingly, a mod on the Discord server 
Gamer Tag - Pip1INs
a menace in regards to combat
a mod on their server
He’s helped Frodo with the path replica to Rivendell and built his own Rivendell
Keeps an eye on Merry and Pippin
They usually don’t know he’s watching them 
Drags the fellowship into adventure/expeditions
he takes up ‘quests’ given from the fellowship and in return they give him prizes like ores or other valuable items 
They essentially get him to do stuff such as ‘Collect A stack of glow stone for 30 gold’ or something like that
Regularly trades with Everyone
He’s only died twice
He got beaten to death by Sam with a raw fish 
The second death was by Bill the Pony, it was so brutal that Aragorn stared at the ‘You Died’ screen for five minutes straight 
Usually hanging out with Boromir, Legolas, and Gimli
Get’s his weapons + armour from Gimli
Has made a beautiful monument/statue of Arwen 
Its veryyyyyyyyyyyy far tho
He sends letters to Legolas (Delivered by Pippin) in Elvish. But it’s just silly stuff
Always exploring, he buys maps from Frodo
Collects rare items
He’s got stuff from the Nether to the Ocean Monument
Trades with Gandalf in regards of Nether wart, blaze rods, etc
He can usually find Pippin whenever he gets lost exploring
His base is at Rivendell
He also built a secret Ranger base cuz he loves his ranger homies
Has a great sense of direction (from his Ranger skills) and is able to get to everyone else’s bases with Coordinates or maps
Fills out Frodo’s maps for him
As much as I want to say he has a great mic, he doesn’t
He really gives the vibes of having the most crappiest and spotty mic.
“Fr—o- I —— *KSHHH*—- sun——, isn’t that right?”
Frodo: 👁️👄👁️ …. Right.
Despite this, he constantly tries to still use his mic until someone tells him they can’t understand him
Ends up using the chat halfway through
But uses full on sentences with perfect grammar and everything
Gamer Tag - Str1der
Rebuilt a new and improved Greenwood
On his father’s throne, there’s a sign in Elvish that says ‘Doodoo head’
He somehow breaks into Aragorn’s base and leaves silly insults written on a book and quills or signs
Such as “you stupid” “u ugly” “doodoohead” “yo mom” “ur musty”
Legolas absolutely loves doing it
Didn’t get Minecraft at first
When I say he was a noob in the first few hours of playing, HE WAS A NOOB NOOB
Aragorn and Pippin had to guide him through
Usually found PvP’ing with Gimli
For the life of him, he cannot keep a pet
It’s like bad luck
No matter how hard he keeps the pet safe, they’re always killed
Merry’s graveyard is filled with his previous pets
Swore to never tame another animal
A god at decorating
Whereas Merry is good at building, Merry is horrible at decor. And so, he helped out with decorating Merry and Pippin’s base (which is how Pippin learned how to decorate)
They cornered Legolas and started to do the Crouch bop and begged for him to help out
Legolas will not admit aloud but he found it endearing
He has a soft spot for the hobbits lmao
However, he has shot both Merry and Pippin with potions arrows
Hasn’t killed them tho
Legolas’s skin was made by your truly, Merry
(NOTE: I made this back in likeeee 2021 (?), wrote a huge chunk after this line, forgot to press save, only had it up to here, and I had to just put my phone down. The frustration I felt 😭 Buuut it’s been sitting in my drafts for literally years cuz I was THAT frustrated and had no motivation to try and remember/rewrite what I lost. Was just checking out my drafts and remembered I haven’t finished it. So, Voilà.)
Enjoys annoying Gimli IMMENSELY
Is absolutely helpless when it comes to mining and the Nether. Most of his deaths come from either mining (Falling from tall heights, suffocating from gravel, falling in lava) and the Nether (Again, falling in Lava, trying to kill Pigmen, trying to sleep in the Nether)
As expected, absolute god at archery
Great at parkour and makes parkour in Greenwood
Once the group defeated the Ender dragon, he was the first to use Elytra and LOVES it
Has a good mic but usually forgets to mute himself
Also writes in full sentences, proper grammar and fancy words in chat
Gamer Tag - LEG0_LAS
Obviously he’s the miner friend
He’s a proud dwarf, so of course he’s gonna do what his people do best
Rebuilt Erebor/The Lonely Mountain, the Glittering caves/the White Mountains, and The Misty Mountains
Like he really went crazy with the builds
But it was all because he had too much blocks
Makes extremely complicated and vast mines
Even Aragorn gets turned around
They all somehow connect and Merry n’ Pippin get lost every time they try to explore his mines
He has to go retrieve them every time
In the end, he made some rails that directly connect everyone’s bases so that no one (the hobbits) gets lost
An absolute demon at Redstone
Secret doors, bases, and passages
He has A LOT of resources
Collects everything that he mines even if it’s Andesite
He made the Lonely Mountain as a base for all the materials
Literally chests upon chest filled with resources
Trades with the fellowship
The hobbits trade any enchanted books or food for building supplies
Aragorn and Boromir trade meats, wood, and dye for armour and tools
Gandalf trades enchanted books, potions, and exotic stuff he finds for potion materials (lapis, redstone, glowstone, gold, spider eye, coal, etc.) and a place to stay lmao
At the beginning, both Legolas and Gimli refused to trade with each other
Begrudgingly, Legolas began to trade other types of wood and rare items or loot like a Trident for building materials, nether materials and ores once he realized that he was hopeless with mining and the Nether
Enemies to BFFS fr
They do lots of competitions and prank wars
Dabbles in enchantment, makes high quality armour and weapons
Uses an axe for combat
Repairs any abandoned mineshafts he finds
Best builder in the fellowship
Everyone has to spam the chat in order for him to go to sleep for a quick sec
the only times he isn’t underground is when there’s a raid at one of Boromirs villages, trading with the fellowship (and even then, he’ll just send Pip to deliver it or send it in a minecart chest) or group events/quests
Otherwise, he won’t be seen for DAYS
Brings the whole squad down into the Deep Dark to fight the Warden
Has an ok mic, usually fine but occasionally cuts out
Writes in shortened words in the chat
Ur, K, gtg, brb, r, cya
It annoys Gandalf and Legolas
Gamer Tag - G1ml1_Son0f_Glo1n
He’s the type to find villages, fix it up and improve it
Turned an Abandoned zombie village into Minas Tirith and healed the zombie villagers
He’s decent at building but not the best with creative builds
Basically only good at building Gondorian architecture and medieval style architecture
Claimed a huge chunk of land that nobody was using and named it Gondor
He looks after numerous villages and maintains them
But likes to visit everyone, tours Gimli’s mines, tries out Legolas’s parkour in Greenwood, stays at Rivendell and helps out Aragorn with whatever he’s doing, and ‘vacations’ at the Shire
(Merry and Pippin mainly drag him into whatever shenanigans they’re up to)
A duo with Aragorn when it comes to adventures
Exploring the Nether, bastions, jungle temples, desert temples, ocean monuments, the deep dark, and the End.
Amazing at combat and PVP
Uses a shield, sword, and occasionally a crossbow
Also has a soft spot for the hobbits
Merry and Pippin definitely exploit the crouch bopping to convince him
He was the one that found Frodo’s secret dungeon underneath his smial
Was secretly a bit freaked out and never said a word until everyone else found out
“Why didn’t you tell anyone?” “I’m afraid Frodo might’ve sacrificed me or something along those lines”
Is constantly gifted flowers by the hobbits
He has no idea what to do with him but felt like he couldn’t refuse when even Frodo and Sam gave him flowers
might think its a bit stupid at first and Completely oblivious to the fact that hobbits like to communicate through the language of flowers
Is secretly flattered tho
Once it got boring when nothings really happened with his villages (he of course already expanded them and built fortifications like walls) he ended up claiming another chunk of unused land and recreated Rohan
He loves Rohan so he couldn’t help himself
Got into horse breeding he was finishing up Edoras
Named his best horse after Faramir
Made roads connecting everyone’s builds and bases
When he finished, that’s when he realized that Gimli already did that but underground
Boromir, exhausted and sounding defeated: “why didn’t you tell me before I started this project?”
Gimli: “how was I supposed to know! I thought you knew the railways were all connected to every base”
Decent mic, you can hear him grumbling in the background as he’s doing whatever
Idk why but he seems to be the type of guy to sneeze like a dad
Temporarily deafens everyone’s ears when he sneezes with his mic on
Doesn’t use the chat
Gamer Tag - B0r0m1r
To be honest, I don’t really see him playing
If he did, it would be on rare occasions and make surprise appearances
Does not have a base
Instead he’ll randomly crash at other people’s bases
The hobbits, Gimli and Aragorn don’t mind
Legolas and Boromir are like 🤨
Collects enchantments and makes looooots of potions
Also makes a ton of potions
Hasn’t died yet
Travels in the Nether like he’s enjoying a stroll in a park
Supplies Merry and Pippin with fireworks
Explores A LOT
Doesn’t really bother with building
Likes to enjoy some good scenery while listening to the peaceful in game music of Minecraft
Has collected all the music discs
He creates a lot of traps/pranks and chuckles to himself as he goes off to find another spot to lay a trap
Because he isn’t on the server often, everyone won’t even think it’s him
Merry and Pippin will often get blamed for Gandalf’s traps and it started a war
As everyone’s fighting it out, Gandalf is watching with a small smile on his face
Doesn’t use a mic
writes the same as Legolas and Aragorn (full sentences, proper grammar and fancy words), but also rhymes his words for fun
Gamer Tag - Gandal_The_Grey
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merlyn-bane · 3 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi Characters: CC-2224 | Cody, Obi-Wan Kenobi Additional Tags: Tooth-Rotting Fluff, I'm so serious this is the fluffiest thing I've ever written, Order 66 Didn't Happen (Star Wars), carnival dates, Vacation, Food, Games, CC-2224 | Cody gets SO spoiled in this you guys, Kissing, So much kissing, Top Obi-Wan Kenobi, Bottom CC-2224 | Cody, Anal Fingering, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Happy Obi-Wan Kenobi, Happy CC-2224 | Cody Summary:
Mace might have been onto something, Obi-Wan decides, when he suggested that he take Cody somewhere.
Obi-Wan is determined to ensure that Cody gets to experience as much of what the galaxy has to offer as possible—it’s the least of what he deserves. They’ve made some headway towards that end, since the war ended and Palpatine was…relieved of his office, Obi-Wan taking his former commander around to an array of eateries and culture centers like museums and galleries whenever the opportunities present themselves, but—they’ve both been busy. Perhaps unhelped by their shared issues with accepting that there being work needing done does not always mean that they have to be the ones to do it.
In any case, Obi-Wan would also greatly like to show him more than just Coruscant now that they have peace. There’s a great big galaxy out there, and most of it isn’t even on fire anymore.
Obi-Wan is forced to finally take his mandatory leave at the end of the war, and he decides to use it to take Cody to his first real carnival.
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shokano19 · 4 months
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big day for insane gatcha players (me)‼‼ these are my faves so far and i need them on my account immediately
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justafaller · 2 years
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“Back to Where You Began”
They’re destined to be loved for the blood on their hands.
It was delusion when he held you gently, when he smiled at you softly, when he kissed you like you were the very air he needed to keep his heart beating.
It was fallacy in its’ truest and cruelest form.
He held your hands as though they weren’t calloused from being handy with a knife; and brushed your hair away to see your eyes, as if there wasn’t a haunted glint behind them from all you’ve done.
He loves you.
He loves a you that you wish was you.
But they see you.
They see your red stained hands.
And they love your brutality, they love your agility, they love the purpose you serve.
To be loved just to be loved was a beautiful dream, but you’re destined to be loved for the blood on your hands.
🍊Click this link if interested in buying prints! Thanks for any support you give my art :)🍊
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anthurak · 1 year
Well, mysterious narrator lady from the trailer and the start of the volume?
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SUMMER ROSE everybody! XD
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violetscacti-art · 1 year
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Behold my own personal iteration of the brothers!!
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yurtb0y · 3 months
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daddyboyhalo · 9 months
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cameronlockhart · 5 months
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