#At some point I just didn't like it but I couldn't pinpoint why
glitch-pep · 1 year
I tried to get out of my comfort zone for this one-
Skatepark chilling hours!
Even thief's need a break every once in a while.
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The sky is under the cut, without any overlays.
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adventuringblind · 1 year
Keep me Close
Past Jules Bianchi x reader, platonic Charles Leclerc x Reader
Genre: angst
Request: yepyep finally got me some angst things to write
Summary: Charles's new girlfriend can't understand why he's so attached to the reader
Warnings: talks of death, name calling, a table gets flipped
Notes: I definitely didn't cry writing this at one point. Also, no hate to Alex!! I know hardly anything about her, but I know her and Charles are currently together, and it fits the Timeline, so please bear with me.
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Your love for Jules was something you find in fairy tales. It was beautiful, and both of you felt connected on a level deeper than anything imaginable.
It started when you were both merely kids. You were six, and he was eight. The two of you had met at the wedding of a mutual friend. Dressed in nice clothing, he'd marched right up to you and claimed to be a knight looking for a princess.
You were inseparable after that. It was like you'd found your soulmate.
When you turned eighteen, Jules had immediately proposed. And when you countered by asking if you were both too young, he said, 'Why waste time when I know I'll love you forever?'"
You'd gotten close with Leclerc family. Specifically with Charles since Jules was named godfather. He spent a great deal of time with you and Jules.
Then 2014. Everyone was sure Jules was going to get a seat with Ferrari. It would be a crime if he didn't.
You remember kissing him, good luck. The last feeling of his lips on your before getting in the car.
You remember telling him to be safe with the rain; that you love him dearly. He replied with his signature wink and an 'I love you more and I always am.'
Then everything stopped. The world seemed to no longer spin. Time refused to move forward as you willed it to go back.
It couldn't be real. There was no way it had happened. You still thought that as you sat at his bedside faithfully for months. There wasn't a world you wanted to live in if it didn't have Jules.
Charles was similarly devastated. He'd lost someone dear to him. The boy spent all his free time sitting with you in the hospital. Even bringing around food that Pascale had made to keep you alive. Something you didn't want to be at that moment.
The bond you'd formed with Charles during this time is hard to explain. There is nothing romantic. He's family despite the age gap not being that large.
He was, and is still, family. You'd promised to still take care of him despite the loss of Jules, and he promised to do the same in his stead.
The start of the 2024bseason brings on an interesting turn of events. Charles had split with his girlfriend before the new year and is now with his new girlfriend Alex.
You like her. She's very sweet as far as you've been told. But there is something there that makes you worry. You just blame the fact that you want the best for Charles.
The first time you met her was at a family dinner. Charles brought Alex with him to introduce her to everyone.
You were actually the first person he introduced her to. You felt honored, but there was something behind her eyes that you couldn't quite pinpoint. But you kept it to yourself and made friendly conversation.
The next time you saw her was when she dropped by the Leclerc family home unannounced. The position she caught you in wasn't a bad one, but it probably didn't look good to her.
Charles had a rough race in Monaco, as per usual, and was laying with his head in your lap while you ran fingers through his hair. It's the same thing Jules had done when Charles was a child after a bad Karting race.
Alex definitely didn't look pleased with you. But she managed to put kn a smile and say hello.
It was awkward. Especially after Charles and her went into another room because you could hear them talking in hushed whispers.
Your fingers find the chain with your wedding ring on it. Your lips press against the cold metal as you hold the ring to your mouth. "I hope I'm doing this right, Jules. It's hard without you here."
The last time you saw Alex was at a birthday party. Your birthday party. Something you don't like having after Jules because he was the one who always made the day special.
Charles is a stubborn man though and decided it was necessary. Partly because this is his way of remembering that you are alive and with them, but it also gives him and excuse to drink and dance.
It wasn't anything massive. Or at least - not a massive as it could have been. There were a good number of people crowded into your Monaco home. The food is good, and the music is better. It definitely felt like a party Jules would have dragged you to in your youth.
It's not long until Charles appears at the door with Alex in tow. He comes to you, and you embrace him as usual. The smile on his face makes everything worth it. despite having to deal with a party for a few hours.
Pierre also finds you and starts up conversation. The three of you fail to notice the fourth becoming increasingly agitated.
A loud crashing sound pulls all of their attention. Alex flipped over the table in her agitation and is now sending chills down your spine with the look on her face.
"Why are you so determined to be some kind of homewrecker! Why can't you just stop being a creep to Charles and let us live in peace!" She screams. It hits your mind like a shadow. The world fades away, and your thoughts are filled with the doubts you have daily.
Tears fill your eyes, and your body goes rigid. "I'm Charles' godmother. Y/N Bianchi. I am no homewrecker." You choke.
Charles and Pierre take a protective step in front of you. "Get out!" Charles' voice drips with venom. Alex looks stunned. She doesn't move even as Charles shouts at her. "Nobody gets to speak like that to my family! Get out!"
Then she runs. Avoiding the gazes of disapproval.
Charles spins around and places his hands on your shoulders. His eyes scanning your face to assess the damage.
"I'm so sorry that happened. You're amazing. Always have been. And anyone who says differently is a fucking asshole."
Even through the tears, she smiles. Jules couldn't have left her in better hands.
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akutasoda · 26 days
Hi akutsoda :)) Can I Request Tighnari, Kazuha, Cyno. S/o approach them and started crying for no reason. S/o been feeling down and upset, but doesn't know the cause of it. They just cry for no reason, feeling they need to release their emotional burden in them. I hope this makes sense, if not u can ignore this ^^
tears in comfort
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synopsis - you approach them and start crying, how do they react?
includes - kazuha, tighnari, cyno
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, slight angst w/ slight comfort, crying, wc - 1k
a/n: hi anon :)
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kaedehara kazuha ★↷
seeking out kazuha wasn't the easiest, unless it was you searching as you two practically travelled as an inseparable pair. however it was easier to find kazuha when everyone was aboard the crux. so you knew exactly where he was when you needed him.
kazuha could be found in his personal compartment, somewhere only you and beidou were allowed to enter - you had watched him walk from the stern to his room and so you figured that it was the best chance to talk to him.
lately everything seemed to be wearing you down. anything seemed to get to you mentally and it was testing your emotions as it always seemed like being on the verge of breaking down. you needed someone to be with, someone you trusted and so kazuha would be the one you wanted to see.
from the very moment you walked into his room he looked over to you and asked if there was something wrong - you didn't exactly look the happiest and so he worried that something bad happened to warrant your poor mood.
you wasted no time in making your way over to kazuha as you're grip on your emotions was desperately slipping away and as soon as you reached him, tears began to fall. kazuha wasted no time in taking your shaky figure into his embrace, no words were exchanged but neither of you minded.
kazuha would stay with you for as long as you needed, he'd listen if you did want to talk and he'd listen if you didn't want to. so long as you feel even a bit better, he'd do anything for you.
tighnari ★↷
avidya forest is always so scenic this time of year, but that was the least of your concerns at this point. you figured if your forest ranger lover was going to be anywhere, it would be in the forest he worked in and so you searched through avidya to search for him.
a single point couldn't be pinned down in your mind, if anything it was an accumulation of many things but they all seemed like such a blur so none of them could be precisely recounted. what was for definite however, was the fact that it was weighing upon your mind and tipping you over the edge.
out of the corner of your eye you could see the tips of tighnari’s ears poking out from behind some greenery. continuing to make your way toward him eventually alerted him to which he turned and upon seeing it was you, greeted you with a gentle smile that faded when he noticed something was up.
tighnari was crouched down next to some flora and so you sat next to him, resting your head upon his shoulder. a beat of silence filled the air before he asked if you wanted to talk about something - your silence was enough of an answer for him.
he shifted to sit down on the grass properly, turning to face you and pulling you properly into his embrace. tighnari could tell you needed this, he knew that something was weighing you down and he was proven right when he noticed how your shoulders began to tense before you started sniffling.
tighnari held you close as you began crying fully. he didn't need you to tell him why, he didn't want to ask if you didn't want him to, he would simply help you as much as he could. if that meant you realising your burdens on him, then so be it.
cyno ★↷
you wanted to see cyno. you needed someone you could trust fully. lately everything had been weighing upon your conscience, but despite everything you couldn't actually pinpoint what made you so down - not that it mattered, it still pushed you to the verge of a breakdown.
it took a while to find him, you had to ask around and then spend more time to actually find cyno. you were glad you found him when you did because you weren't sure just how much longer you would have lasted without - finally breaking down in the akadeymia wasn't exactly what you needed.
it was also lucky that cyno was in a more secluded area of the akadeymia, you didn't exactly want the whole akadeymia knowing. cyno heard you immediately as you approached, he stopped in his tracks to let you catch up to him fully. one look at you and cyno could tell that something was up, he'd never seen you so down before and it worried him.
taking the initiative, cyno urged you to follow him to find somewhere to sit properly, away from any potential prying eyes. the silence from you spoke volumes to him, so he was content to sit in silence with you. he didn't care if you wanted to talk or not, he'd listen either way - but he couldn't let it go ignored when he noticed you starting to cry.
he didn't know what the best way to comfort you was, cyno wasn't an expert in the subject. for a while he let you cry as he knew you desperately needed this. eventually though, he did want to comfort you and so he did the first thing that came to mind. he told a joke. a horrible dad joke at that.
you let out a small laugh, wiping away some tears before commenting on the awful joke your lover made with a smile. cyno merely smiled back before he asked if you'd like to hear another.
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taglist - @little-miss-chaoss, @frankiesteinn
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lazycats-stuff · 7 months
Hey, can I request Bruce x ex-villain reader, where Bruce needs some information/help so he goes to find the reader (who let Bruce find him) to negotiate. The reader isn't really that keen to go back to the whole action scene because he lives a real comfortablelife at some island or soemthing, but Bruce makes an offer the reader can't really say no to
Of course anon. Why do I feel like this would be me? Hm... Also, sorry this took so long.
Summary: Bruce offers something that (Y/N) can't offer for intel.
Warnings: nothing bad... Maybe some cursing.
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Intel was something precious. Something that can be life and death in the vigilante world, especially if you are after terrorists or a bigger threat in the world to keep it safe. Of course, intel doesn't come without a price. Those who know things use that knowledge as a bartering chip in order to get what they want.
Bruce knew that all too well.
As of now, he needed intel. There was only a single problem in this case. (Y/N) (L/N). He is a former villain that has decided to retire to somewhere in the world. Where is that somewhere? Bruce didn't know. (Y/N) and Bruce had a respect-hate relationship. While the two really hated each other, but had a way to respect one another.
After their last fight, (Y/N) had dropped a bomb that he was retiring, saying that he was bored of being a villain. Bruce nearly had a heart attack when he heard that and was curious as to why. Why a sudden change of heart?
Either way, after that night, (Y/N) was gone. Bruce a little bit sad. It was very fun fighting with (Y/N), playing mind games, trying to rattle one another. And one think that Bruce loved about (Y/N) was the fact that he didn't go after his sons. In fact, he saved them a few times.
However, (Y/N) was still in loop when it came to intel. Bruce had a few theories as to why, but Bruce thought it was to stay safe and move if necessary. And more importantly, he was impossible to find. Bruce has tried, but couldn't fine him for the life of him.
It was frustrating and yet, impressive at the same time. Nobody has been able to hide from him that well and it wasn't funny at this point. And Bruce would leave (Y/N) alone. Would, but he needs intel and only (Y/N) has it. So... He had to find (Y/N) and do whatever it takes to get that intel.
And after weeks of searching, he found (Y/N). It was a private island, of course. Bruce got into his plane, suit and off he went. It was a long flight, but he had nothing but time to think about all of this. How does he approach this? He has to offer (Y/N) something in return for the intel.
Money? (Y/N) has a shit ton of it if he has his own private island in the middle of nowhere, in the ocean. Like... He has a big amount of money... Not money it seems. Maybe something...
Something he could bring back...
What was he going to bring to the table? Bruce chuckled to himself as I looked at the ocean underneath him. There is something else going on between (Y/N) and Bruce. They knew each others identities and there was something more than just being enemies. Before (Y/N) retired, the two started being more civil and...
There was something that Bruce couldn't pinpoint for the life of him. There was something that made Bruce feel truly alive, adrenaline coursing through his veins... Something electric. (Y/N) was also affected by it, but the two men would rather die than show it towards one another.
Maybe... He could on that. He could use that to get intel. But that will only work it (Y/N) shares the same feelings. Oh, if only he knew. Bruce landed on an empty piece of land, where (Y/N) was waiting already, in his swim shorts and a cigar in his mouth. He watched in silence as Bruce stepped out of his plane.
" You have been difficult to find. " Bruce said as he stepped out into the warm weather, taking his cowl off.
" For the record, I allowed you to find me and you know it Bruce. So, what brings you to my humble island? " (Y/N) asked before taking a long drag of his cigar, leading the way to his manor. Bruce followed, quickly walking alongside him.
" I think you know why I need help. " Bruce said and (Y/N) chuckled quietly as he let out the smoke of his cigar.
" You are right, I do know why. However, " (Y/N) said as he opened the door to his mansion. Bruce saw how there was so much natural light and thought how nice it is to have so much sunlight. You can be lucky if there is sun in Gotham city.
" So Bruce... What can you give me in exchange for the intel you need? " (Y/N) asked as he finished his cigar, moving to pour himself some whiskey.
" Something that I think you can't resist. " Bruce said coolly and smirked as (Y/N) raised his brow."
" And what would that be? "
" I know you didn't want to retire. I know you are itching to get out of it. And I know you are tired of being a villain. Maybe you can be a hero for a change... Maybe we can finally act on our feelings we tried to bury. "
Bruce watched (Y/N) intently. His breath hitched for a moment and he looked away for a moment.
" How in God's name did you know? "
" Maybe because I'm the world's greatest detective. " Bruce replied and (Y/N) huffed.
" Don't flatter yourself. " (Y/N) said with faux annoyance and Bruce stopped smirking.
" Is that the reason why you retired? To bury those feelings? " Bruce asked and (Y/N) rolled his eyes.
" No... I was actually tired of being a bad guy. It's not as fun anymore."
Bruce chuckled at that. Of course.
" Really? "
" Yup. You blow up a few buildings here and there, mess with you... But it's not fun anymore. " (Y/N) shrugged his shoulders.
" Maybe we can work together. " Bruce suggested, leaning on the counter.
" Is that a way of getting into my pants? " (Y/N) asked and Bruce shook his head with a chuckle.
" No it's not. "
" You sure? You are a playboy after all. " (Y/N) said as he sipped his whiskey slowly.
" Not anymore. Haven't been in the game for a while. " Bruce shrugged his shoulders and (Y/N) chuckled quietly.
" If I chose to accept it, does it mean I would have to work with the Justice League? "
" Not if you don't want to. " Bruce answered softly and (Y/N) relaxed a little bit. He put the glass down, the sound resonating in the now quiet kitchen.
" Well, that is something I can't refuse... You really caught me off guard. " (Y/N) said laughing, leaning on the counter of his kitchen.
" Does this mean I get my intel too? " Bruce chuckled and (Y/N) nodded.
" I guess so. "
" So when can I expect you in Gotham? " Bruce asked softly and (Y/N) tilted his head in thought.
" Next week. I need to make a few arrangements and then I'll come. "
Bruce nodded and watched (Y/N) with a small smile. " Can I kiss you?" Bruce asked him and (Y/N) nodded, moving closer to Bruce.
Bruce gave him a chaste kiss on the lips before pulling back with a smile. " See you in a week (Y/N). "
(Y/N) chuckled, pouring himself more whiskey. " See you in a week. "
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ssivinee · 1 year
✧Picture Perfect✧
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BEBE! Bada Lee x Model! F Reader: Bada is scheduled to send a choreography demo in 2 days, and with the members of Bebe by her side, they've been preparing for the filming day. You decide to stop by their studio to give your little sister and her friends some food, but get more than just a thank you.
Word Count: 5k
Note: First fic, and it's Bada??? Was gonna wait to post this but I got way too excited. Half-proofread.
Character Vision Board
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It was 5 p.m. in the JustJerk dance studio, and Team Bebe's Lee Trio spent the whole day brainstorming ideas for their upcoming project. Well it was mainly Bada doing all the work as she was the lead choreographer. She had just been given the opportunity to work on Rover by Kai, which she gladly accepted.
By now, Bada had been Kai's favorite choreographer, as she slowly becoming an in-house choreogrpaher for multiple SM groups. The two loved working with each other, and when Bada worked with him, she always had Lusher and Tatter by her side. As Bada was Kai's main girl, Tatter and Lusher were Bada's.
Yet somehow, after knowing them for so many years, Bada was surprised to hear about Tatter's unkept secret.
"You have a sister?" Bada questions, almost yelling, as she paces around the studio. The younger girls eye her. They look at each other in concern and a glint of mischief.
"Yup, and unnie is your age," Tatter says as she sends messages to her older sister, sending her directions to their bulding and the room.
"Why do you seem so worried, unnie?" Lusher teases, and Bada raises her arms in defeat, "I'm meeting your older sister, who I didn’t even know existed, for the first time, and I look like a mess right now." She sulks, and the two giggle.
Bada, noticing Lusher's lack of reaction, points at the girl accusingly, "You knew she had a sister?!" The brunette shrugs nonchalantly, "I met her a few times already. The other day, I saw her at the mall, and she bought me this stuffed animal key chain. She's basically my girlfriend now." Lusher grabs her keys, showing them off to the two.
Bada's eyes widen at the statement, walking up to the younger to inspect the key chain. It was a stuffed Pororo head, and she couldn't help but smile at the resemblance of the chain to her fellow dancer.
Tatter rolls her eyes hard, smacking Lusher's forehead lightly. "You and your delusions about my unnie."
"A girl can dream," Lusher says, lying on the floor as she scrolls through her phone.
The door then opened and revealed a tall woman who held a bag of food in her hand. She looked as if she had just gotten off the runway.
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If Bada was worried about looking like a mess due to her dancing, she had other problems now. Her face couldn’t hide the stunned look that formed.
The smile on your face had the studio's energy go in reverse. Upon seeing the woman, Bada's usual gaze turned into puppy eyes, looking ever so helpless.
She knew to expect someone pretty since Tatter was stunning, but she didn't expect this. You looked like a goddess, as a specific energy radiated off you, and Bada couldn't pinpoint what it was.
Tatter jumps up, seeing her older sister, and pulls her towards the two. "Yah, yah, you're gonna pull my arm off," you joke to your sister, swatting her arm away. Your eyes meet a familiar pair on the floor, and you crouch beside the younger girl, patting her head.
"Lusher, how have you been?"
"I've been good unnie, just tired." Bada watches your interaction with smiling eyes as she sees the pout form on your lips. You give Lusher a warm and long hug as she sighs, relaxing into your body.
Tatter takes the bag out of your hand and begins pulling you again, but this time towards Bada.
"Y/n unnie, meet Bada unnie. Bada unnie, meet Y/n unnie." The blond introduced you two frantically, and you chuckled at your sister's high energy despite knowing she’d been dancing all day. Bada's eyes meet yours, and you can feel a sense of warmth engulfing you.
"Bada-nim, I've heard a lot about you," you give her a gentle handshake, and the tall dancer wanted to melt right on the spot. Your hands felt soft and warm despite the weather outside having a cold breeze.
She only jokes, "Hopefully, only good things," trying to cover up her nerves. "Of course, thank you for taking care of my sister," you tell her genuinely. Your statement makes Bada feel fulfilled for some reason.
"We should eat now?" You question the three, and the two younger ones just cheer, both racing to the fried chicken you brought for them.
This causes the two girls to sit together and chat, so you and Bada have no choice but to get to know each other. You deemed it to be a good thing, though. You'd finally meet the woman your little sister admired so much, almost to the point that she couldn't shut up about the sisterly love they had for each other.
"So Bada-nim-"
She cuts you off, "Please just call me Bada." You nod at the sincerity of her voice, and you smile, seeing her face show anything but. Her eyes held a sense of nervousness behind them as she fiddled with her fingers.
"So Bada, how long have you been dancing for?"
"God, for as long as I can remember. I'd say I started around 9 years ago."
You looked confused as you chewed on some chicken, "Only 9? Seems like you've been doing this for longer." Bada's brow raises in interest, "You've seen how I dance?"
"Who hasn't? It also doesn't help that Tatter shoves your videos in my face after every filming."
Your sister hears you and gives the two older ones an innocent smile, and you threatened her by pretending to hit her. "So you know about me, but I don't know anything about you."
"Well, have the pleasure of getting to know me, Bada," you kid, but she looks at you in sincerity. "What do you do for a living?"
"I'm a model under YG KPLUS," you say as you sip on the water. Bada's eyes widen, but she then chuckles, "That would make a lot of sense."
"How about hobbies?" She asks, and you glance at her, seeing she pays so much attention to you as you speak. You try to cover up your flustered state by eating more chicken, "I like to read and paint as well."
"Oh, and dance." You say it as if you forget, despite ironically being in a dance studio.
That almost set Bada off into space. You had a sense of humor, seemed intelligent, genuine, caring, had a pretty smile, AND you like to dance? Let's remember the fact that you are gorgeous as well.
In Bada's eyes, you had it all.
"Would you wanna try what we're working on?" Bada asks, and Lusher's eyes linger on the two. It was an unspoken rule amongst dancers to refrain from talking about a piece you working on as it has to do with an unreleased song by an artist. Yet her stern teacher was willing to break that rule just for you.
"Don't you think Bada unnie is acting weird around your sister?" Lusher whispers to the blond as the two watch the model and oldest dancer stretching in the center as they talk. "What do you mean?"
"I mean-" Lusher can't finish her sentence as Bada begins teaching you by counts.
Bada's gaze never left your body as you executed every move she showed you. Your outfit exuded idol energy, and your height enhanced the power you added to each movement. Her ears listening to your heeled boots clacking with almost every step.
She then presents the fast-paced portion of the dance, hitting every move with a manly sense of feeling. This was supposed to be the most challenging part of the song, yet you copied it perfectly in one go.
"Do you get your skills from your unnie, Taeyoung-ah?" Bada jokes at the younger girl, even using her real name, who can only respond with a faked, irritated face.
She turns on the music and counts the both of you in, and you go off. Even with solid hits and many dynamic changes, your body flowed elegantly, taking a more fluid approach with every movement.
Bada can't even be upset at the style you chose to stick with. It suited you the most.
"OMG, Unnie!" Tatter squeals as you finish, pleased at the results you showed after learning the choreo of the final chorus in less than 10 minutes.
"I knew you could dance, but I didn't think you'd get it that fast, unnie," Lusher tells you, and you begin feeling shy.
"Hey, I might not do it for a living like you guys, but I love to dance too."
"Do you dance often?" Bada asks, and you nod, "Yeah, I usually dance at YGX with Lee Jung in my free time since it's convenient."
Bada looks at you, a bit offended. "You've been dancing with Lee Jung and not with us?" She gestures to the three of them with her hand, and you giggle at her action. "As I said, the KPLUS building is 30 minutes away from here, so just going to their studio saves me more time."
"Come here from now on," you're taken aback a little, Bada's tone more demanding. You look at your sister, who gives you furious, encouraging nods as Lusher gives you a double thumbs up.
You smile, turning to Bada, who looks pleased even if you haven't answered. With an eye roll and a tiny chuckle, "Fine."
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You had an off day on Friday and decided to stop by the JustJerk Academy. As your sister told you about one of the classes today, your mood instantly boots, wanting to feel the freedom of dancing again. Styling yourself in a more comfortable baggy look, you enter the building, seeing a few faces you recognize from Street Man Fighter.
The one you were closest to, J-ho, sees and greets you with wide eyes. "Y/n? What are you doing here?" You hug him as his friends look your way. "I decided to take a class here today. Tatter wouldn't shut up about it all week." You tell them, and your eyes meet the two others.
J-ho realizes you're meeting them for the first time and brings you over to the two. "Y/n, meet Howl and Young-j. Guys, this is Y/n. She's Tatter's older sister." You shake their hands, and Young-j gasps, "That's why you looked so familiar," you giggle at the over-exaggeration.
"I thought you usually dance over at YGX?" You shrugged in response, "A certain someone wanted me to come here from now on."
"Tatter?" You shake your head at your sister's name. "Lusher?" You shake your head again, and the guys begin wondering curiously, but Howl's eyes look at you suspicously, eliminating all other choices, "Bada?"
"Ding ding ding!" You exclaim, and Young-j looks over, surprised. "Bada inviting someone to her class? That's not something you hear every day."
This piques your interest, "Why not?"
J-ho looks at the window door where the lesson would be held, "She usually doesn't invite people. We kinda just show up every now and then." You nod at the new information.
"Well, let me head in before my sister bombs my phone with messages."
They wave you off, and as you enter, your eyes meet multiple students ranging from many ages. You are astonished by the variety of people in the room. Many foreigners, teens, and adults joined Bada's class, demonstrating the woman's immense popularity.
Seeing Tatter and Lusher in the corner, you mingle your way over. The blonde's eyes expand, and you giggle at her jittery reaction. You loved how your sister got excited, as you were usually too busy to hang out with her despite living in the same apartment. The two girls hug you, and Lusher stays by your side, leaning her head on your arm due to the height difference.
You check around, not seeing the tall teacher, and wonder, "She's not here yet?"
"J-ho and the guys are waiting for her so they can join us today."
"Oh, that's why oppa was outside?" They both nod. "Well, what song are we doing today?"
"Bada unnie is teaching Shirt by SZA again," Lusher grumbles, and Tatter only laughs at her partner. You look at the girl with a fond smile, "Does she teach it often?"
Tatter acknowledges, "Yeah, it's one of her most popular choreographies. It's basically high in demand amongst students."
As you three begin to stretch and chat, Bada walks in a few moments later with her phone, water, and the JustJerk boys following behind her. She was fitted with one of her iconic jerseys, some black cargo pants, and a basic black cap.
During your time modeling, you've met many attractive people ranging from the short, petite, girly women to the tall, elegant, sophisticated types. Yet Bada was seemingly different to you.
Women in Korea typically liked the cute or sexy feminine aesthetic, but the tall dancer was on the opposite spectrum of that. You'd expect to not be fond of her style due to the clothes you modeled for, but you can't help but find Bada irresistible, likely due to her height.
Mind you, the two of you had the same stature.
When Bada's eyes meet yours, her face looks satisfied. "Y/n, I'm glad you decided to join us and not Lee Jung this time," she quips. You decide to tease her, "Well, I was just thinking how someone might get mad at me if I didn't."
"I don't think I'd be mad," Bada ponders but then smirks, "Maybe jealous." You smack her arm lightly and giggle. This woman knew how to make a woman feel wanted, and god, was she good at it.
"We'll start attendance in 10 minutes, so make sure you're all warmed up by then." The latter announces, and everyone gets to stretch. "You think you'll be ready for this?" She asks in a jesting manner. "I'm born ready, Bada." You say in the same tone, but it holds more sincerity. This excites Bada, who wants to see you dance again like last week.
The class began, and it was the most fun you felt. Bada made her classes feel liberating; you wouldn't have it any other way for dance. Your eyes never left her body, always following and copying every movement she did without hesitation.
Everyone begins to notice your presence once you start practicing in the mirror near the edge of the room. Some even recognized your face, causing everyone to whisper amongst one another. You had connected everything Bada had taught and spaced into your own world. Tatter looks at you, admiring your passion, and Lusher looks at you with a simple smile.
On the other side of the room, Bada tried to help dancers who asked, but her vision always traveled to you. She focused on how you marked your movements and positions, using little energy. You gave off perfectionist energy, and Bada could tell as she was one herself.
This causes Bada to contemplate. She wanted to dance with you, but she also wanted to watch as you go full out. After thinking for a while, she decides to film by herself, then let you, Tatter, and Lusher film as the last group.
"You okay with that?" She asks you, and you become eager. "Of course. I haven't danced with my sister in a long time," you say as Tatter stays by your side, hugging your waist ever so tightly.
"Alright. Everyone, we'll begin filming soon! After my take, I'll call some people for groups."
Everyone takes their places in the back of the room, and you, your sister, Lusher, and the JustJerk boys stay more on the sidelines, wanting to watch the front view of Bada's expertise.
Once the music turns on, Bada grooves until the bass hits, and the music begins taking control of the dancer. The control and power this woman had on her body amazed you. Her lines and angles were crisp. The small jolts that led to fluid movements caused an impressed smile to form on your face.
As she ends the piece, she points at you with heavy breaths, your face now flustered by her gesture. Luckily the lights in the academy were dim, or else Tatter and Lusher would be on your ass about it right now.
If Bada wanted to play that game, you'd oblige. Nearing the end of filming, you three were now up, and needless to say, Bada was waiting for this the entire time. You were in the center due to your height.
As the music begins, Tatter hypes you up a little before getting into the groove, and you weren't one to disappoint a crowd, ever. You hit the moves exactly and start to enjoy the spotlight a bit more.
Blood stain on my shirt, new bitch on my nerves.
When that line comes in, you feel up your body more than Bada initially teaches, and the crowd cheers at the new flavor you added. The choreo looks more sensual in the direction you take. Your sassiness, attitude, and vibe made Bada look affectionately at you as she squatted on the ground, watching you three.
Bada felt a little guilty, yet her gaze never left your body despite her dancers being right beside you. You extended your body in ways the tall dancer couldn't comprehend, seemingly like you had prior ballet training. Now she wondered why you were a model if you were this amazing at dancing. But once she looks at your face, she realizes why you may have made that choice.
Let you all in my mental, got me looking too desperate Damn, you ain't deserve.
Your body turns, preparing to move your hips. You smirk over at Bada, who has all her attention on you. Your gaze uttered pure seduction as your hips hit every tick of the song. You drag your thumb and drag it to your waist and feel your midriff up.
Everyone cheers at your sexy ending, and you bow, beginning to feel the aftermath of the dance. Bada's claps grow intense as she smiles at the three of you. Having no restraint, she hugs you tightly, and you let out an airy laugh, adoring the reaction.
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The next few weeks followed, and you had been returning to the JustJerk studio almost every Friday. It made Bada look forward to the end of her week as the two of you had gotten closer.
In the second week, Bada began filming with Tatter and Lusher in her group and you. You diversified the style of dance the group brought in every video, and the people loved it. The views began to gradually increase as your appearances became more regular.
You entered the studio on a random Tuesday morning, expecting to be along for the day. Wanting to feel the freedom of dancing by yourself. Connecting your phone to the speaker, your body grooved to the shuffled songs, mainly freestyling. Bada, on the other hand, came into the studio, planning to work on some new choreography until she read that one of the studios was being used.
She was puzzled, aware that no one had a schedule that included classes on a Tuesday. Out of curiosity, she peeks her head at the window and sees your familiar figure. Bada opens the door a little to hear the song you are currently dancing to, and her ears begin to be filled with L.A. Love by Fergie and YG.
You swayed, not using your usual style, and Bada became more intrigued by you. She had only ever seen the elegant and sexy side of you, but you showed many more aspects of hip-hop, and Bada's slight smirk unconsciously widens. You were just capable of everything, huh?
Your body flinches at the claps, and you rest a hand on your beating chest, shocked at Bada's company. "Dude, you almost gave me a heart attack."
She comes in and sets her stuff down in the front. "So you had that in you, and you weren't gonna even show it?" You chuckled heavily, still feeling tired from the freestyle. "It's not a style I'm super confident in performing," and Bada's jaw slacks at your statement.
"Not confident? Impossible," her face shows the confusion that wavers in her statement.
"Come on," she lends a handout, and you accept it, but you grow bewildered as she pulls you into the other room with your guy's items in hand. "What are you gonna do with me?"
Bada's thoughts spiral at the question, knowing you didn't mean it in that way. "I want you to help me for the next class."
"How so?"
"Let's make some choreo together." She simply states as she stretches on the floor. Now your eyes widen, "Bada, I've never taught a class before, let alone make a dance," the anxiety growing in your voice. "If you can dance as well as you do, you can do it. Besides, you're not alone here. You have me." She gives you the cutest smile ever, and you just want to squeeze her cheeks but refrain to avoid embarrassment for the both of you.
She puts on the song, and you hear BILLIE EILISH by Armani White. Your face immediately brightened at the music, and you began grooving, moving into the freestyle. Bada secretly films you, leaving her phone on the floor in your direction. She then joins you, the two of you moving differently, but it works too well. Your duo dynamic seemed to get stronger as the song repeated repeatedly.
Bada could control your body while you could play with hers. Using the usage of your baggy shirts, the two of you touch each other up more than ever. Once 30 minutes go by, Bada stops the filming, and you gasp lightly. "You were recording the entire time?"
"It'll help the ideas come in. Watch." She gestures you over on the floor, and you two begin to watch as you sit beside each other. As it gets to the point where you two become touchy, both of you develop red in color. You peek over at the girl, not realizing the close proximity of your faces, and your breath hitches. Bada's eyes meet yours, and you know you can hear each other's hearts pounding against your chests.
Bada leans closer, but before she gets even close enough, loud music plays from the speaker, scaring the both of you away from each other. Almost feeling as if the two of you had just got caught. Two flustered dancers occupied the room, and Bada coughed, breaking up the slightly awkward silence.
"We should use a lot of the moves from the final dance," you nod, not even having recovered from the previous interaction. The two of you began working, and by the end of the day, you had a successful dance for Friday's class.
Both of you began packing your bags, and Bada looked at you, "You wanna get something to eat? I'll pay?"
"Free food? Count me in," Bada chuckles at your enthusiasm. The two of you stop by a cafe near the studio. It was puppy-themed, and your eyes twinkled at the cuteness of the space. You two sit, order, and eat as Bada makes conversation.
"I just need to ask why you decided to be a model instead of a dancer."
You laugh at her face as she asks you with soft eyes and a mouth filled with bread. "Well, I was scouted by YG about 6 years ago, and it was supposed to be a part-time gig for the most part, but by my first years, I was too deep in to back out. I started getting contracts from other companies, so I decided to stick with it. Dancing became just a hobby for me at that point."
You thought more deeply before elaborating, "Don't get me wrong, I loved dancing with all my heart and soul. I took so many classes when I was younger. My mom signed Taeyoung up for jazz while I mainly focused on ballet, but everything happened, so I stopped."
Your voice began to fade, feeling the heaviness of the confession for the first time. You had a particular passion and drive for dancing when you were younger. Yet when you were given greater opportunities, that love began to wither to the back of your mind. This sense of disappointment in yourself started weighing on you, but being the optimist you are, you shake your head at the thoughts.
"After 4 years of no dancing, I met Lee Jung, and she invited me to their studio at one point. I fell back in love as soon as I stepped foot in that studio. It just felt like home for me."
Bada beams at you, understanding the feeling, but her heart goes haywire again at your words. "I also want to thank you, you know? I don't know what it is, but dancing with you makes me feel..."
You couldn't put it into words and absent-mindedly look at her. "It makes me feel like the old me." Bada's heart swells at the thought you felt grateful for her. That statement made Bada's year.
"Well, let's keep doing great things together," The both of you grin at her words.
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And the two of you did just that. Your presence in the dance studio was so constant that you strayed away from modeling a little. You and the tall dancer made more dances together, and you even started teaching some of the classes with Bada by your side.
After multiple classes, you two would hang out almost like you couldn't live without each other's company. You watched movies, went shopping, and went to an arcade with Bada. The both of you loving the friendship that had formed. You even took Bada to a picnic at the park, where you guys ate snacks and painted on mini canvases.
Safe to say, the two were in love after knowing the other for about 3 months.
The latest piece was what changed the course of your relationship. You guys decided to do a duo choreography, but the song is what set off everything.
The preparation for the song was filled with pure sexual tension and heated moments. It got to the point where you thought it may be too much, especially for some students, but Bada shuns away the thoughts, saying, "They're gonna love it, don't worry."
It was finally the day to teach, and the two of you were nervous yet not openly exhibiting it. Your sister and Lusher were aware of the dynamic between you, too, seeing the loving and caring eyes you had for each other, but as neither of you did anything about it, they didn't say anything either.
Though, this week, Tatter was suspicious of how you acted. You showed much more compassion, lovingness, and happiness. Not that this was anything new from you, but Tatter couldn't shake that it was more prominent and likely due to Bada.
The class went smoothly, other than people gasping or being in awe of the move you two developed together.
Everyone felt the intimacy you two radiated.
"I feel like we're interrupting their moment," Tatter jokes to Lusher, but the two were happy at the relationship you two had established right now, even if it wasn't to the point the two wanted for the both of you.
When filming for JustJerk's channel began, it felt like the room was set ablaze. You rested your hands on Bada's abs while she rested her arm around your waist. Both of you wearing crop tops, so there was nothing but skin-to-skin contact. Your warm bodies mixed with one another, both hands not leaving each other's body at any point of the choreo. When you two end, the pose had your arms wrapped around Bada's neck, her hands gripping your waist, foreheads resting on each other.
In that instant, it felt as if you two were the only people in the room, but the moment was interrupted by everyone's claps and cheers. You two bow with hand in hand.
You, Lusher, Tatter, and Bada were left in the studio at the end of class. The younger girls were already done packing and were about to go until the blond and brunette duo pulled their leader to the corner of the room.
"Bada, you need to ask out my sister, please," Bada takes a step back in surprise as her eyes look over to you, who lay on the floor just scrolling through Tiktok. "Seriously, unnie, you two not dating is killing us two," Lusher adds, and Bada lets out an airy laugh.
She looks over at you again, smiling as she sees your cheesing grin from the video you watched. "Fine," she mumbles to the younger girls, shooing them away secretly.
"Y/n unnie, we'll be heading out now," the two wave off, and as the door closes, Bada approaches you, helping you up from the floor.
"You wanna head out to get some food? I found a new place about 20 minutes away," You speak up, but Bada doesn't respond. "Y/n?"
You look at her, worried at her serious tone, "What happened? Are you okay?" You hold her arms in concern, but Bada pouts. "I'm not."
Your puppy eyes form, and you grow even more uneasy. "Why, what happened? Why are you so sad?"
Bada's head looks down, but she forces herself to grab your hands, "I think I'm in love with you," she whispers, and your heart feels like it's beating at 100 miles per hour. Your faces were almost as close as your ending pose for the dance, and your breath got shaky.
Fuck, was all you thought, and you pulled her in for a kiss. It felt as if every emotion and feeling you both had came crashing down.
Bada is surprised but falls into it slowly, resting her hands on your waist. Your vanilla-tasting lips had Bada hooked as she drowned in your scent. Your warm hands are left on her face as you pull away. "I'm in love with you too," you whisper, and Bada smiles.
This was the happiest moment you both wished for, and it finally happened.
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A/n: This is my first fic, and it was super nerve-wracking to post this, but this was the first fic I was ready to release.
I have so many drafts, some of which aren't Bada either, but we'll see if I ever release anymore.
I'll also be posting. I have some mood boards for each OC, which I got inspiration from @1luvkarina. It tells a lot more about the character that you guys may not be able to get from the story.
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed it!
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toga-003 · 2 months
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summary: you've known kashimo ever since 400 hundered years ago, yet he was busy chasing the non existing opportunities to challenge strong opponents up until his old age to his death, but hey he got another chance in a better era, why not make most of it....
warnings: slight mature & sexual themes - unprotected sex - dirty talk - language - violence - mentions of obsessive behaviour - sub/dom mentions - friends to lovers - smut and fluff :3
prior: due to the jjk underated charater poll here's the winner:
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400 years ago, both you and kashimo were great friends, being the two strongest sorcerers of that era you both got into battles with each other constantly despite that kashimo always seemed to be yearning for the thrill of a new strong opponent of his level. you were always there to ease his boredom but....somehow he never wanted to injure you badly or else you'd die, well it didn't matter anyway because you ended up leaving this world way ahead of him. he was one of the very few sorcerers who lived to see old age despite being as strong as he was.
but he met his limit and died afterwards due to old age, undefeated....not for long anyway.
now reawakened in the new era all thanks to the deal he made with kenjaku, Returned to a youthful body with a second chance at the prime of his life, Hajime quickly dominated the Culling Game and became the first player to add a new rule. Hajime effortlessly eliminated at least forty other players in only twelve days and gained notoriety throughout the Tokyo colonies. Hajime considered all those he eliminated to be far too weak, even more so than those from 400 years ago. he was currently walking around in boredom after having gained a few extra points from killing two players a few minuets ago, yet he quickly stopped in his track after having sensed another players approaching presence.
his eyes widened as his eyes met yours, he was standing face to face with no other than you, also back to your old youthful self, he seemed to recognize you instantly “No way! Is that you [name]!?”
Kashimo jumped onto the building you were on and gave you a light pat on the back.“I knew they resurrected some people but I didn’t think you were one of them! Hell things just got so much better.”
you couldn't help yourself as you suddenly hugged him tightly as you replied “made a binding vow to join the culling game with kenjaku way before i died, but i don't care as long as i got to meet up with you again.”
in someway what you said was stiring something deep within kashimo he never knew you might feel, Kashimo chuckled and placed a hand on your shoulder. “Same here, buddy. Let's see what kind of trouble we can stir up together."
He then spun around, landing gracefully on the roof below you, and extended a hand to help you down. As you joined him, he cracked his knuckles, clearly eager for a fight "Now, let's go find someone to fight worthy of our names!"
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kashimo groaned, gripping your hips as he brought your ass back to meet his thrusts, fucking his cock into your g-spot with pinpoint precision, after hearing a pained moan slip your lips at the first penetration he started to thrust intoyou slowly, making sure you were enjoying it. kshimo's grip on your hips tightened, making you moan softly against his lips. He wanted to hear your moans, he wanted to hear you beg for more as he had never thought this would ever happen, he never Imagined he'd have in this lewd position inside one of the empty bases he claimed during the culling game.
having to the privilege of fucking you so nicely, Cherishing every moment of of having your body against his like this, looking into your eyes as he treated your body like the prize you are, at that moment you were his treat. “fuck, baby....you're doing so good- just hold up a little more for me, will ya'?”
all he got out of you were a long song of moans and a few sweet whimpers that filled his ear “H-Hajime!...”
“That's more like it, baby.” He praised, the sound of his hips smacking wetly against yours filling the air as he started to move in a swift fast rhythm, He reached down with one hand to grope your ass, kneading it roughly as he started to fuck you faster.
“Hajime! Please...” You whimper, hips stuttering as shivers fall down your spine. Your body littered with goosebumps, yet still on fire, a light sheen of sweat coating your skin. “Oh fuck!” You gasp, hands gripping the bedsheets that he's rotting you into tightly as your orgasm approached quickly, tears brimming your eyes.
He hissed as he felt himself grew painfully closer to his orgasm, he spanked your ass as he grunted into your ear. “i'm close and m'not waiting another damn second, cum with me baby, will ya?!” His other hand moved to grope your tits roughly, almost aggressively, as he pounded you deeply into the mattress with his hips. his voice thick with lust as he felt the walls of your pussy clenching around him. It wasn't long before your orgasm hit, rippling through your body as kashimo continued to pound into your poor cunt. “Yes, that's it. coat me in your cum...” he gave a final thrust, his hips bucking forward as he filled you with his seed to the brim.
your 'friendship' was never the same again ever since.
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made by: @toga-003
125 notes · View notes
multi-fandom-imagine · 7 months
➤Second time's the charm || Mordecai Heller ||
A/n: I'm doing that idea I was blabbing about!
Flashback's italicized.
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Mordecai often went through day's of him wondering why anyone would ever want to marry. He knew he could be difficult, he wasn't sure he would even be fit to be a father. Part of him didn't think that he deserved you or his sweet little kits. He loved them of course, they were a part of you both but he couldn't help but wish they didn't ask so many questions.
Pushing up his glasses, Mordecai dropped his shoulders spotting his three kits staring at him, one of them clinging to his pant legs. "Shouldn't you three be with your mother?"
"Papa! How did you meet Mama?"
Tensing, Mordecai opened his mouth then quickly adverted his gaze. He was suddenly take back to the moment where he first met you.
You weren't like other woman he's meet, you were awfully shy. Peering at him, until you'd shyly look away. To be honest, he wasn't the one that even noticed you at first, it was Viktor that pointed you looking at him.
You were cute, there was something that he couldn't pinpoint about what he liked about you so much. Maybe it was those big doe eyes of yours, you had such an innocent look.
Smolder? What the hell does that even mean?
So he did what Viktor told him to do, he tried to smolder but the only thing that came of it was your terrified gaze as you turned away from him.
Shaking his head, he pulled his kits into his lap. As he forced at particular memory out of his head. "Why are you three wondering how your mother and I met? We are married and happy....shouldn't that be enough?"
Well it's not like he can just tell them that his first meeting scared you off, maybe he could just tell him about him confessing his feelings for you.
He didn't quite remember drinking that much, nor did he remember being dropped off at your tiny little apartment. He should have known better, really, he should have recognized the scent of your perfume the moment he was shoved into your arms.
You were so warm, you were always so warm, so kind....so soft.
He knew he loved you, he wasn't quite sure when he fell in love with you, but he was.
He pressed his nose into your neck, clinging tightly to you. "So warm."
"M-Mordecai." You did your best to help the cat over to the couch. "You...you are very heavy Mordecai!"
You both fall back on the couch, a deep rumble leaving his chest as he nuzzled into your neck again, you were so soft. "I love."
You could smell the alcohol on his breath, his glasses slipping down the bridge of his nose. Though your eyes went wide as he whispered your name.
Mordecai loved you?
Sighing, a small smile formed as you did your best to make him comfortable you weren't about to let him live this down.
No...no that wasn't something he could just tell his children. How was that even romantic? Who drunkly confesses their feelings and not even remember doing it the next day.
Clearing out his throat, he turned his attention to them as they waited for an answer.
"I saved her....from some thugs that were harassing her, the rest is history." Mordecai muttered.
All of their eyes went wide, a smile formed on his daughter's face. "How romantic!"
Chuckling softly, he then caught you standing in the doorway of his office. "Why don't you three go clean up for diner, I know your mother worked hard on it."
"Okay daddy!" The three exclaimed in unison as they rushed out of the room.
Grinning, you titled your head to the side sitting on the edge of the desk. "You saved me....from a bunch of goons. Funny I can't remember that."
Mordecai huffed as he stepped close as he stepped between your legs. "Well I wasn't about to tell them the truth of me embarrassing myself twice."
Grinning, you cupped his cheeks as you shook your head. "Adorable."
"I'm not adorable."
179 notes · View notes
24hlevi · 9 months
— lost in the echo
cate dunlap (gen v) x gn!reader
genre: smut
summary: sometimes the thoughts cate is constantly hearing gets overwhelming. she comes to confide in you after luke dies, and things take a turn
warnings: language, nsfw, fingering, marking, dom!reader
wc: 2.3 k
this is for my cate apologists...i am on her side til the day i die sue me
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it was roughly three in the morning when you heard knocking on your door. you slowly sat up and rubbed your eyes, sighing when you saw the time before getting up and making your way to the door. when you opened the door, you were met with cate standing there.
“cate? is everything okay?” you immediately asked once seeing her.
all she did was shake her head in response, staying quiet for a moment before quietly speaking. “can i come in?”
“yeah, yeah, of course,” you nodded quickly, opening the door more for her to walk inside.
you closed the door behind her, watching as she looked around your room before her eyes landed on you again. “you can sit down,” you said, gesturing to your bed.
cate nodded, sitting down on your bed and looking down at her hands that you noticed weren't gloved. she looked exhausted, and you can understand why seeing as her boyfriend just died. you were unsure about what to do. for one, this was the first time she even set foot in your dorm. two, she had hardly talked to you after what happened with luke, instead giving glances that you couldn't pinpoint the reason why. so, you sat down next to her on your bed, looking at her.
“are you okay?” you asked her.
“no,” cate shook her head. “i didn't know who else to go to. it's just…everything is going to shit. luke is gone, the rankings are all over the place. i feel like i’m going crazy,” her voice was shaky as she spoke, still staring at her hands. “all i hear is everyone thinking about what happened. i can't stand it anymore.”
“i know how hard it must be. i know you and luke were close, and hearing everyone think about it is probably really difficult. but, even though we haven't talked much since it happened, i’m still your number two supporter. you don't have to worry about me going anywhere, at least,” you told her.
she finally looked at you now, and the tears in her eyes were enough for you to wrap your arms around her and hug her, pulling her closer to you. you felt her body tense up at the sudden action before relaxing after a few seconds, and her face was in the crook of your neck, her warm breath tickling your skin lightly.
“promise me you won't leave,” she whispered into your neck.
“i promise,” you responded immediately. “i’m not leaving anytime soon. there's nothing you could do that would make me leave.”
when she pulled away, she stared at you for a minute. you couldn't tell what she was thinking by the look on her face, but you did the second she started leaning closer towards you. she hesitated once her lips were just hardly an inch from yours, and you didn't know what you were thinking, or maybe you weren't thinking at all when you pressed your lips against hers. but, it felt good. it shouldn't, but it did.
cate’s hands gripped the hem of your shirt tightly, bunching up the fabric in her hands as she kissed back. the second you pulled away she was kissing you again, almost as if she was worried you would disappear if she wasn't touching you in some sort of way.
“cate,” you said between kisses. “cate, we shouldn't-” you pulled away again and held her face in your hands. “we shouldn't be doing this.” you finally got out, panting slightly.
“please,” she whispered, looking up at you with pleading eyes.
“you're gonna regret this tomorrow,” you tried reasoning with her. you weren't sure what to do at this point. there was so many thoughts running through your mind and you could hardly focus on the current moment. however, the look in her eyes was making it difficult to not do what you’ve been wanting to do for years.
“i won't,” cate shook her head. “y/n, please,” she practically begged. “this won't change anything, i promise.”
that was the problem. it wasn't going to change anything between you two. you were split between two decisions. you knew you shouldn't, due to the circumstances and how she was feeling. but you wanted to so badly at the same time. you’d had a crush on cate since the day you first stepped foot onto the campus, but luke won. so you didn't bother putting up a fight. you knew this was only happening because luke was gone, and you also knew you shouldn't take advantage of the situation.
fuck it, you wanted this. even if it was only for one night.
“okay,” you eventually agreed, nodding your head.
immediately after you spoke, cate kissed you again. she moved so that she was now straddling your lap, her hands in your hair as she started to grind against you. pulling out of the kiss, you began to suck and bite on her neck, your hands settled on her hips moving her back and forth.
“fuck,” she sighed out, tilting her head to the side for you to continue peppering her neck in kisses and bites.
your nails were digging into her skin as she rocked her body against yours, and you bit down on her neck harder just to get her to make more pretty sounds. she pulled on your hair and let out a low whine, grinding against you with more desperation as little whimpers escaped her throat.
finally parting from her neck, you looked at her and started to drag one of your hands down into the shorts she was wearing, stopping when you came in contact with the wet patch on her panties. you watched her eyes close in pleasure when you began to rub her clit through the fabric, a moan coming from her in the process.
“you're so wet, baby. is this all for me?” you asked with a teasing voice, not stopping your movements.
“mhm,” cate whimpered with a nod.
using your free hand, you grabbed her face and made her look at you. “use your words. you can do that, can't you?” you told her.
“yes,” she replied, nodding again. her hips rocked against your hand, and her grip tightened on your hair. “y/n, please.”
“please what?” you stopped your hand as you spoke, watching her whine and try to roll her hips against you.
cate looked down at you with eyes filled with lust, your hold on her face forcing her to keep her gaze on you. she shifted against you, pressing her chest close enough to yours that your bodies were completely touching. “fuck me, please,” she spoke just barely above a whisper.
“good girl,” you smiled, patting her cheek with your hand.
cate’s face turned red at your words and let out a soft yelp when you suddenly picked her up to lay her down on the bed, her eyes peering up at you as you now hovered over her.
“you liked me saying that, didn't you?” you chuckled lightly upon seeing her reddened face. “i’ll call you that more if you keep making those pretty sounds.” you said, dipping your hand down her shorts again. “i’m sure you’d like that, wouldn't you?” you asked with a teasing smile.
she didn't respond to you, instead just nodding her head before letting out a loud moan when you pushed one of your fingers inside her. she tugged on your hair as her back arched and her eyes closed. you leaned down to leave more kisses and bites along her neck, starting to thrust your finger in and out of her, smiling into her neck at the moans and whines that echoed in the otherwise quiet room. you bit down and sucked on her neck as you slipped in another finger, relishing in the sounds she was making.
“you're so pretty like this,” you mumbled against her skin, picking up the pace of your fingers.
“fuck,” cate whimpered quietly. her hips rocked against your hand trying to get more friction, her hands moving from your hair to claw at your back. “don-don’t stop, please- fuck.”
pulling back from her neck which was now covered in marks on both sides, you let out a quiet hiss when you felt her nails drag along your back, cursing under your breath. “open your eyes, princess. i wanna see how your eyes roll back when i make you cum,” you tell her.
cate’s face got even redder at the petname, a whine leaving her mouth and she opened her eyes to look up at you. “y/n please,” she whined. “t-tell me you-” she was cut off by a moan from her when you curled your fingers.
“tell you what, baby?” you responded with a sly smile on your face. you could feel her walls tightening around your fingers, and you knew she was going to cum soon.
cate struggled to get the words out, both from the pleasure she was feeling and from the fear inside of her at how you would react. “tell m-me yo-you love me,” she whispered to you.
you almost stopped once you heard what she said. almost. you quickly got over the shock and smiled genuinely at her. “i love you,” you told her. “i love you so fucking much. from the day i first saw you i loved you. i’ve always loved you. i’ll never stop loving you.”
your words must've sent something through her, because soon enough after a few more thrusts of your fingers, cate’s eyes rolled back as she released a borderline pornagraphic moan with her nails digging into your skin through your shirt. you cursed at the feeling, knowing there would surely be marks on your back that were going to sting during the day.
you slowly eased your fingers out of her, licking them clean and watched her come down from her high. “are you okay?” you asked softly.
“mhm,” cate nodded, her arms still around you. “can i stay here until morning?” she mumbled.
“yeah, of course,” you answered. you gently moved some of her hair from her face, kissing her forehead before laying down next to her.
cate kept her arms around you as she laid beside you, curling into your side and resting her face in the crook of your neck. you glanced down at her and a small smile formed on your face. at least for the night you could enjoy the feeling of her presence next to you. even if it was short lived.
“i love you, y/n,” she whispered quietly.
you thought you were going crazy for a split second but immediately responded. “i love you too, cate.”
not even five minutes later you could hear her breathing change and she was asleep. a quiet sigh escaped your mouth as you stared up at the ceiling. you were thinking about how the morning was going to go. would you wake up and she would be gone like nothing happened? or maybe she would hate you from now on once realizing what happened?
you were definitely surprised when neither of those happened. waking up far past than when you were supposed to due to not setting your alarm for the morning, you turned and rolled over on your side and opened your eyes just for them to widen slightly a second later as you froze.
“you're finally awake?”
you stared at her in silence for a moment, both shocked and confused. “you're still here?” you couldn't help but ask.
“wow, you sound surprised,” cate replied, looking down at you from her sitting position.
“well, i mean, kind of,” you said while sitting up. “i thought you would leave if you want me to be honest.”
cate hummed and shifted so she was facing you, “you really thought that?”
all you did was nod your head, not looking at her out of worry and fear. you then felt hands cup your face and you looked at the blonde in front of you.
“i meant what i said, y’know, before i fell asleep,” she said, her thumbs making little circles on your cheeks. “did you?”
you were stuck in a silent confusion for a split second, trying to think of what she was referring to before nodding slowly when you understood. “i did.” you tried to stop yourself from continuing but couldn't help it. “i’ve been in love with you since the beginning, but, i didn't bother putting up a fight when luke came around. so i never said anything. and i’m so sorry if this ruined things.”
“ruined things?” cate questioned. “why would it do that?”
“i figured you still loved him and that i was the next best thing for one night,” you mumbled as your answer.
a quiet sigh fell from cate’s lips. “i can see why you believed that, and i didn't mean to make it seem that way. because…i do love you. yes, i was still with luke but, i realized after a while that i didn't love him anymore. i just couldn't find the right excuse to break up with him. so, this is my excuse. he’s gone.”
“oh,” you let out quietly. “so you weren't lying then? about you loving me?”
“no,” cate shook her head. “this was a terrible way to go at it but i do love you, and if you want this to become something more than you need to tell me. if not, that's okay.”
“i want this,” you quickly replied. “i want you, cate, i always have. i just didn't want to ruin anything.”
“nothing is ruined, y/n. i can safely tell you that,” she responded.
“so does that mean i can kiss you right now?” you asked in a light joking voice.
“yes, you can kiss me whenever you want,” cate nodded with a chuckle.
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Part one
Okay here's part two for my Suguru x reader fic i did earlier. It's going to evolve into a Satoru x reader x Suguru fic. This one admittedly has ended up feeling very uh meandering I guess? I'm trying to establish the dynamic between the three of them
Important notes: GN!reader, reader is referred to with chan attached to their name, reader is a year younger than Suguru and Satoru. Suguru and Satoru are absolute menaces. Reader's cursed technique is mentioned. Said CT involves absorbing curses through their hands and converting them into weapons though it's not super important to to this chapter.
Fun fact: the japanese school year apparently begins in in april! So this takes place a bit before hidden inventory shortly after Suguru and Satoru start their second year.
Edit: I've made some revisions to this chapter to bring it up to my current standards! Nothing big just things that make it flow better and some extra details.
Chapter 2: Movie night
Things are different after the mission with Geto, he's softer with you than he’d been in the past. Before the mission he'd almost seemed a little resentful of you behind his smile though you couldn't figure out why. It didn't feel like that now. You aren't dumb, you can pinpoint the moment things felt like they'd begun to shift with him. When he'd held your arm after you absorbed that curse, the way his eyes had looked over darkly bruising flesh with the ink black lines crawling up your arm like an infection. When he'd asked if it was always like this you thought you'd find pity in his dark gaze when you raised your eyes to his, instead you saw something you weren't expecting. Understanding.
You were admittedly thrown off balance by this, plastering what you hoped was a reassuring smile on your face as you answered him. You doubted you fooled his keen eyes as you tried to disguise your discomfort but he didn't push you or even ask if it hurt. Probably because he thought the question would be pointless. Only an idiot wouldn't have been able to see you were in pain. Instead he'd gently examined the limb, his fingers sliding over your arm before letting go when he was satisfied.
He'd also begun going out of his way since that day to help you train as well, though you're not sure how much getting tossed around the training field like a rag doll is helping you. You've gotten very good at breaking your falls. You can at least say that. He said you were improving but you're not sure how true that is, though it probably should have tipped you off he was being honest when Gojo who was sitting on the sidelines more often than not to watch didn't interject to say otherwise. Especially since he was more than willing to point out where you had messed up. Perhaps you just hadn't known them long enough to realize that Geto was soft for you and Gojo was becoming so in turn. Again it's kind of hard to realize someone is soft for you when they regularly send you flying like you weigh nothing. Both older boys could appreciate that you kept dusting yourself off and getting right back to it though. 
These last few weeks play back in your mind on repeat. Especially how gently he'd held your arm on that mission and the look in his eyes. You're broken from these thoughts when you notice the three second years making their way back to the dorms, Shoko splitting off from the boys presumably to head toward her own dorm. Probably to get cleaned up after a mission if you had to guess. You watch Geto and Gojo, watch as their hands brush against each other as they walk. They start to lean in close to each other and you watch as Gojo brushes his lips over Geto’s ear. You’ve apparently been caught staring though as suddenly Gojo is unmistakably looking directly at you as you noisily watch the intimate moment playing out between the older boys. Gojo’s sudden shift in attention of course causes Geto to look toward your window as well.
You let out a squeak and instead of maybe rolling with it and just waving or something to make yourself not seem nosy you flail and pull your curtain closed. "Stupid stupid stupid,” you grumble to yourself feeling your ears burn.
Down below you don’t see the two older boys share knowing and amused grins. You’re also far too consumed by your own embarrassment at having been caught staring at their intimate moment to hear their laughter as you internally berate yourself.
You also don't hear the ensuing conversation.
You get maybe a half hour of peace after that, able to mostly stop cringing at yourself and get back to studying. The peace is shattered when there's a knock on your door. You jolt in your seat, taken off guard since you hadn't expected anyone to stop by your room this late in the day. You turn in your chair and give the door a questioning look, unsure if you want to be bothered. Then he speaks. "Oi, ___-chan, come on don't ignore me." It's Gojo. All your embarrassment at being caught staring earlier floods back.
Reluctantly you get up and open your door a little to stare up at the older boy. He's got his arms full of snacks and he's grinning down at you, eyes obscured by those dark glasses he always wears. "I was almost worried you went to bed early. Come on, we don't want to keep the others waiting."
If an expression could be a question mark that's what your face was now. "Who's waiting and why?"
"You'll see it's a surprise~" he sing songs.
"Senpai, I" You're cut off when he adjusts his hold on the snacks and reaches out to grab your arm, tugging you out of your room since you were apparently taking too long to convince.
You flail, taken off balance and your voice involuntarily raises an octave "Gojo-senpai i-i'm not dressed to go anywhere i'm in my pajamas!"
"Pajamas are perfect for this, don't worry about it." He ignores your sputtering and goes to close your door.
"At least let me grab my phone." You huff.
He glances down at you with a triumphant smile knowing he's gotten his way. He opens your door fully and gestures with a flourish for you to go ahead. You contemplate slamming the door behind you but felt wrong being so disrespectful to an upperclassman, especially as your mind so helpfully reminded you of how you'd been caught rudely staring at him and Geto-senpai only half an hour ago.
You follow Gojo closely, having to take three steps for every one of his. "So you're really not gonna tell me?"
"Stop being impatient, you'll literally see the surprise in less than two minutes."
You pout but go quiet.
He wasn't wrong, soon enough you're standing in front of another dorm room. "Suguru, Shoko, I got the snacks and grabbed ___ along the way. "
You blink a little owlishly, realizing the dorm room you're at is likely Geto's. It's neat, at least by teenage boy standards. There's a biggish bean bag couch set up at the end of the bed facing a tv that's been set up with what looks like a shiny new dvd player along with several stacks of dvd's. Shoko and Geto are both by an open window, blowing smoke outside.
Shoko smiles warmly. "Ahh glad you could make it, ___-chan. When they told me they were inviting you too I wasn't sure you'd actually come."
You glance away for a moment and play with the hem of your sleep shirt. "Gojo-senpai was very... insistent." 
Geto laughs lowly. "Satoru always is once he's decided something."
Your eyes are drawn toward the dark haired boy as he stubs out his cigarette and tosses it into the ashtray. He's smiling at you, his head tilted to the side. You can't help but take in how his hair is down and wet, clinging to his neck. It makes your mouth feel dry in a way you're not really familiar with. Gojo nudges you into the room before going to set out the snacks.
For some reason the idea that your three senpai had decided to invite you to their movie night left you feeling intimidated. "Is uh... anyone else gonna show up?" you ask hoping you don't sound nervous. "Nope-” Gojo pops the ‘P’, ”just the four of us," he throws over his shoulder at you as he continues his task. Your stomach swoops a little. At least Shoko is here otherwise you're pretty sure you would have run away. Being alone in such a casual setting with Gojo and Geto would have been overwhelming right now.
You finally move to go sit on the far end of the beanbag couch only to be jerked toward the middle of it by Gojo as he sits on your left, before you can protest or move back Geto sits on the right side of you, effectively trapping you between the two of them unless you wanted to outright get up and find a different spot to sit, though your options would be the literal floor or Geto's bed since Shoko seems to have claimed Geto's desk chair.
Shoko catches you looking her way and she eyes her peers suspiciously. "___, we can switch places if you'd like." She states already starting to stand. You scoot just slightly forward ready to accept only to feel a strong hand pull back on your shoulder and then feel Suguru's arm pressing along the back of your shoulder's once you've been pulled back to sit snugly in the honestly too small bean bag couch with the two long limbed boys.
"Aww they're fine right here aren't you, ___?" Geto asks as he tilts his head at you, a smile curling his lips and pretty brown eyes turning into crescents.
You're pretty sure your brain is as fried as it could ever be in that moment only for it to get even worse when Gojo's arm presses against Geto's and he too somehow manages to get further into your personal space. "Yeah this is the best place to watch movies from," Gojo's breath  fans over your ear and you swear you can feel the barest hint of his lips brush the skin there.
Your face is so hot that you're surprised you haven't burst into flames and your heart is so rabbit quick you’re wondering how it hasn’t burst out of your chest. You’ve never been subjected to attention like this before. Especially not by a pair of pretty boys like your senpai.
Shoko breaks the moment by tossing two precisely aimed pillows into the faces of the two biggest menaces she knows. "If the two of you don't stop that I'll take ___-chan with me and go have a movie night just the two of us." There’s a clear threat in her voice and they know she means it.
Both boys sputter at the pillows in their faces before grumbling. Geto tosses his on the ground while Gojo holds his on his lap with a pout, he then sticks his tongue out at her. "You're no fun."
"And you're going to send ___ running if you keep it up," She shoots back and goes over to the dvd player to pick a movie. Neither Gojo nor Geto had taken the time to put one in, more focused on getting you trapped between them.
After selecting a movie and putting it in she glances back at you. "So would you like to trade seats?" You keep your eyes firmly on her but you can swear you can feel the two boys looking at you. You don't fully trust your voice but squeak out a small reply anyway. "Y-yeah actually." there was no way you were gonna be able to focus on the movie if they kept doing whatever it was they were doing. You feel Geto squeeze your shoulder briefly before letting go and both boys scoot slightly to allow you the minimal space needed to get up from the squishy death trap that is the bean bag couch. Shoko ends up helping you up before plopping herself in between menace one and two who are both definitely pouting.
The desk chair gives you the space needed to get your bearings for the first time since Gojo showed up at your door. Was this all some weird game to get back at you for staring at them from your window? As the movie plays you're sure you can feel them glancing your way but try to ignore it. Ignore it until Gojo tosses a candy bar directly into your lap startling you during a tense scene and making you squeak. When you realize what had touched you was a candy bar and not a serial killer you look over toward the three on the couch to catch Gojo flashing a grin your way. Geto reaches over shoko to playfully shove his shoulder.
Even now in the mostly dark room you can see it's your favorite. Which probably isn't that strange given that you normally eat one after training with Geto, and since one boy was never far from the other Gojo probably just picked up on it. That or it's all coincidence and your nerves from the evening thus far are making you over analyze a chocolate bar.
You're not sure when you dozed off in the uncomfortable chair but when you're woken up it's by Gojo poking you in the cheek and there are credits rolling on screen. He goes to poke your cheek again but you pull back with a slurred " 'm awake..." You blink blearily at the room, trying to get your brain to catch up with the situation. Gojo pokes you again deliberately on the nose this time. Without thinking and with sleepy irritation overriding all good sense you bite at him, surprising you both when you actually manage to catch his finger.
You immediately release his finger that now has a neat little ring of your teeth dented into it.
"You bit me! What the hell!?"
Embarrassed you yell back, "I only bit you because you kept shoving your finger in my face!"
Distantly through your embarrassment you register Geto laughing at the two of you. Honestly more at Gojo than you though you don’t realize that.
"Will you all shut up," an angry lump on the beanbag couch growls out. You realize it's Shoko. "I'm trying to sleep."
"Ah but Shoko, if you want to sleep you can go back to your own room. Satoru and I aren't going to bed for a while yet." Geto's tone is light as he sits up more in bed, drawing your gaze. From what you can gather it seems both he and Gojo must have moved to the bed at some point during the movie.
 It's while you're occupied with this thought that the white haired menace grabs both arms of the chair you're sitting in. You blink. "Wha-" He spins the chair and you let out a little yell. When he finally stops the chair you slide out of it dazed. The world is still spinning a little. "W-what was that for..?"
"For biting me of course."
"Satoru, don't pick on them too much, you were asking for a reaction poking them like that," Geto admonishes him, though even dazed as you are you can hear the amusement in his voice.
There's an annoyed grunt from the beanbag couch and the lump that is Shoko wrapped in a blanket stands up and heads for the door after tossing the blanket over Gojo. "Guess I will go back to my own room if the three of you can't be quiet."
From your spot you wonder what you did to get lumped in with the two of them.
Gojo pulls the blanket off his head and sticks his tongue out at Geto. "Yeah yeah." Standing he grabs your arm unprompted to pull you off the floor and you stumble into him because the world is still spinning a little from how fast he spun the chair.
You push most of the way off his chest in embarrassment though your hands remain to keep you steady as the world slows back down. You look up at him from beneath your lashes with an unintentional pout and mumble out an apology.
"Oh and what are you sorry for?" He tilts his head to the side and it suddenly strikes you that in the mostly dark room he'd removed his glasses. The full force of his pretty eyes focused directly on you. That is until Geto Speaks up. "That's enough teasing, Satoru." He sits up fully in the bed crossing his legs as he turns his full attention to you.
Geto blessedly gives you an out. "___-chan, do you want to stay with us and watch another movie or do you think you're done?" Honestly you think you could hug him for giving you a clear choice. The thought makes your cheeks flush.
"uh... I should probably go back to my room, it's late yeah? I have to be up early to train." Your hands drop from Gojo's chest now that the world has stopped spinning.
The raven haired boy nods. "I'll walk you back to your room then."
"You don't gotta do that, senpai, i don't even have to go outside."
"I know, but I want to." He smiles at you so prettily. 
Geto is bounced on the bed when Gojo flops down on the mattress.
You shift a little looking between the two of them for a moment. "Alright then.." your hand comes up to rub the back of your neck.
With that Geto is out of bed and walking you through the short halls to your room.
"Thanks for inviting me to watch movies with you guys tonight, or was that just Gojo-senpai?"
He hums. "No we both wanted you to join."
"Can I ask why?"
"What do you mean why?" He raises an eyebrow as he peers down at you. "We like your company, that's reason enough." You were skeptical and your expression must have told him as much as he sighs. "Do you think I spend my time between missions and classes training someone whose company I don't like? And do you think Satoru would stick around to add input if he didn't? Our time is too valuable for that."
"O-oh," you utter lamely before swallowing and speaking again. "Well, thank you, Geto-senpai." You weren't exactly used to people wanting your company. Before Jujutsu tech you were often viewed as being strange by your peers.
He messes up your hair. "Ack!" and when you glance up at him even while his hand is still on your head the smile he's giving you makes your heart thunder in your chest.
"You should call me Suguru."
"Isn't that a bit rude though? You're older than me and-"
"It's not rude if I've told you you can."
You're quiet for a moment as you reach your dorm room. He lets you be, giving you time to process your conversation. He leans against the wall by your door. "Well uh.. thank you again Ge- Suguru-senpai. It was nice at least until I fell asleep." You rock back on your heels before opening your bedroom door.
"Of course. I'll see you tomorrow then for training?"
You nod eagerly. "Yeah I'll see you then. Goodnight." You give him a little wave.
He bids you goodnight as well and goes to return to his room, likely to watch more movies with Gojo if you had to guess. After carefully closing the door you take a deep breath before throwing yourself onto your bed to squeal into your pillow and flail your legs to get out all your feelings from the night, especially the exchange you'd just had with Suguru.
Back in Suguru's room you miss when he sits in the desk chair Gojo had aggressively spun you in earlier and how it breaks dramatically beneath him. What you don’t  miss is Gojo's cackling in the hall and the sounds of thudding footsteps outside your room as Suguru chases him. When you peek out your door into the hall to see what's going on they're already long gone.
AHHHH part 2 is officially finished! I hope everyone enjoys it. This is the longest thing i've written i a long while. Keep an eye out for part 3. Upcoming parts will have spoilers for season 2 and the manga.
Tag list! @icy-spicy @strawberrystepmom @nanamikentoseyebags @gojoest
Please let me know if you like it! I put a lot of work into this so far.
Part 3
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thewitcheress2389 · 1 year
Could you write a story where the reader's whole body aches, but reader keeps it secret from Geralt? I personally have a health issue so I've terrible pains especially in the mornings...
I'm sorry to hear that! I hope you enjoy this story then!💖
And sorry for the long wait...I've been feeling down for a while and going through some stuff, so sorry if things ever take a while. I have other stories on other blogs I'm still sorting through as well, but I'm posting this now cause I feel bad. Stay lovely everyone, and I hope you feeling happy and having good times!💖
Body Aches
In hopes to not worry the witcher, you try to keep your body pain to yourself. But you forget that a witcher has such keen senses.
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You woke up the same way every day, with painful aches all over your body. There was no reason that you could entirely pinpoint that would explain it. You've done nothing taxing to make your body do this. It was just something that has become a part of your daily routine.
But you kept it to yourself.
Geralt stayed with you. Your house was a sanctuary that he could come to rest and heal, and because of that, you didn't want to worry him with any health issues that you had. The witcher had enough to deal with when it came to beasts and demons, and you saw how he was when he came back. Tired.
He didn't need to worry about you, especially when your demon couldn't be hunted down and killed.
But no matter how hard you try, keeping it secret wasn't exactly an option.
You woke up that morning, trying your best to not wake Geralt, who was asleep beside you. Your whole body ached to the point that moving even a bit caused you to whimper in pain. In truth, you were quiet enough that you figured that no one would be able to hear you, and you could keep this a secret for a while longer.
However, Geralt was a witcher.
"Alright. I've had it. What's wrong?" Geralt's voice caused you to scream and nearly fall off the bed, making more pain shoot through your body.
Turning around, you noticed that it looked like he just woke up. White hair disheveled, sweat from whatever nightmare or hot dream he had, and he was still shirtless. However, his eyes were clear, like he had been awake for hours.
"W-What do you mean?" You tried to play it cool, keeping your muscles as still as they could possibly be. But it was hard, and Geralt saw right through you.
"For hours now you've been shuffling around, uncomfortable. I could hear you whimpering. And it wasn't just this morning either." Geralt said and you wanted to go and hide yourself in a hole. He's known, and it's been for days.
You forgot about a witcher's super human hearing. You blushed in shame.
"So, I ask you again...what's wrong?" Geralt pressed further, sitting up more to look at you. You played with your hands a bit before sighing.
"It's just...my body aches randomly. I don't know why or how or what to do about it." You confessed, tucking some hair behind your ear. Geralt nodded to himself, remaining calm.
"Why not tell me?" He asked. It was a fair enough question, and you figured you had a fair enough answer. However, with the way his cat-eyes were boring into you, you thought otherwise.
"I didn't want to worry or burden you...you have enough going on." You told him and he fought the urge to tell you otherwise because your feelings were valid. But still, you shouldn't need to keep secrets like this.
"I was going to worry either way, but now that it's out in the open, I can help." Geralt said, moving the subject along so you don't dwell on any guilt or other feelings you might have in this situation.
You gave him a perplexed look.
"No offense Geralt, but you aren't exactly Mister Healing Hands. There's nothing that can be done." You said in defeat, knowing this is exactly what would happen. He would find out and want to help, but there is none. No healer could make it go away, so why could he.
"I can't, but perhaps Triss or Yen can." He offered the assistance of the sorceresses, and you smiled faintly. You didn't want to bring them into this, but perhaps magic would be your answer.
And Geralt looked like he wasn't going to back down.
"Thank you..." Was all you could say at the moment, and that's when Geralt laid back down again.
"Good. Now, let's try to get a bit more sleep. If you can't, please tell me this time." The witcher said, and you agreed before slowly moving to lay beside him.
You thought it was good to keep this to yourself, but you felt such a weight off your shoulders knowing that he not only knew, but that he cared as well.
With his assistance, maybe the pain can finally go away.
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a-regular-ol-pill · 6 months
This might be out of nowhere but but Xavier x reader x Aamon threesome ( i mean they really are not that related but they're so hot like really really hooot so i just wanna be manhandled by both of em😭😭) fem reader if u may. Thank youu! xoxo
"Who are you to her?"
Mobile Legends; Bang Bang
Pairing; Xavier, You | Aamon, You | Xavier, You, Aamon.
!! NSFW 18+ !!
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A/N: Apologies for any inconsistencies and the horrible layout. I'm getting the hang of writing again ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ
Pronouns Used: You, She/Her
Warning(s): Slightly OOC Aamon and Xavier, Dubious Consent, Manhandling, Smut, Threesome, Possessive Smut, Marking, Double Penetration in one hole, badly written smut, kind of sexual tension, just really really filthy smut, Etc...
You and Aamon were acquaintances. Not because you and him were friends; but because you worked for him. Since you were a kid, you were expected to tend to his needs. After all; you were the child of the most high end butler in the entirety of the Moniyan Empire. You were pressured, forced to stay and cook while your peers played all day.
Sometimes, you sneak out to pet the cat litter that was just near the playground. That's when you met Xavier. Xavier and his family had gone out to deliver shipments of merch to the Empire. He was told to stay put as his father bargained, due to that, and his boredom, he snuck away as well. He saw the cat litter first; didn't even see you as he stared at the kits in adoration.
You noticed him instantly and saw that as a chance to make a friend. And make a friend you did! In that short time Xavier's father and yours didn't notice your absence, you two bonded over liking cats! Blissfully unaware of Aamon who was watching. Because he was told to find you, as you were his new playmate/butler.
He envied the carefree attitude you both had and told on you to your father. Big mistake. The moment Aamon had said that you were slacking, you were pulled harshly back to the Castle Aberleen. Much to the horror of Xavier who was then caught by his father and taken away. You were given a heavy punishment; Forced to lift heavy shipments that your young body could barely lift; Forced to stay up until late at night to study so you could teach Aamon.
You grew to resent Aamon for that. And in turn, Aamon grew to resent himself. He regretted tattling on you and tried to cheer you up. Through your childhood— to your adulthood. He tried. Though, his efforts only met a stone cold face and a cold thank you. Albeit, growing warmer at each attempt. Your relationship was on thin ice, though, it was growing stronger. Even if it could crumble at any moment.
A few members of the House Paxley were requested to discuss the rivalry of the Knights of Light against the Light's Order of the Moniyan Empire; Why the House Paxley? They didn't tell you; But still, you and Aamon went. The topic of discussion was one you couldn't understand. A contrast to Aamon, who very actively participated in the discussion.
You weren't allowed to leave Aamon's side. So, to keep yourself occupied, you took down notes— Wrote down their responses word for word. Your actions caught the eye of the Youngest Arbiter of Light; Xavier had noticed how familiar you looked. But couldn't pinpoint why you looked familiar. He watches you. Eyeing the way you felt the intricate linings of the fountain pen with your fingers.
You were so.. familiar.. It kept bugging him. Until the meeting was postponed for both parties to think over each other's points. Aamon tapped your shoulder, and you two headed off to the dining room. Was it inappropriate to do so? Not really. The dining room was lined up with food; So the Knights of Light probably expected some of the residents of the House Paxley to eat.
Xavier followed you. As creepy as it may seem— He knew Aamon. But he didn't know you. Aamon was picking one of the deserts as you made sure no one noticed; it was the only time Aamon could indulge in sweets without getting told to watch what he ate; Someone taps your shoulder, you turn to the direction of said someone.
Instantly, your eyes locked onto Xavier's sapphire ones. The familiarity struck you both like thunder; You recognize him to be your friend! Why you were excited was self-explanatory. You get to reconnect with someone who also likes cats!
"Excuse me, may I know your name?" He asks, and you realize that you may have gotten too excited. Wait- what was his name? Maybe it'll jog up your memory. So you tell him your name, and he seems to perk up at that.
"Did you-." Suddenly. Aamon clears his throat. "I don't remember telling you that you could approach my butler, Xavier." He says bluntly. He knew his name, only because they sort of interacted when they clashed points. The air around you grows cold, and you look at Xavier apologetically.
"I'm sorry, but last I remember, you didn't say anything about me not being allowed to talk to your- ah, butler." Xavier's tone was passive aggressive; annoying Aamon even more. "You don't see me talking to your superiors about your obsessions with cats now, do you?" He spat, and Xavier furrows his brows. How did he know?
"Aamon.." You start, but the two are at a stand off. "Oh.. I remember why she looked familiar now.." Xavier says in a low tone. "You tattled on us because you were a pitiful child, with an even more pitiful childhood." He continues. Yikes.. low blow.. Aamon clenches his fists, and you tap both of them down. "Okay. No. Aamon- this is for the Empire's sake, remember?" Your attempts were short lived as Aamon suddenly grips your hand and pulls you against his chest.
"This is personal now." Aamon tells you. Xavier's chest burns as he sees the way Aamon handles you. "Is this a good way to get on our good side, Paxley?" Xavier steps closer. You were sandwiched in between them. And fuck did it made your heart race. "It's stupid how you think I care about the Knights of Light." Aamon answers. His hand moves to hold your waist, catching you off guard. Xavier's eyes flicker towards your waist, he was furious.
"Such a bold action to do to your butler." — "Do you think I care? She's my butler." The way Aamon said that was primal; possessive. Aamon did always have a thing for anyone else interacting with his possessions but— you?? "Look around." Xavier mumbles. Both you and Aamon were reminded of the fact that you were in the dining room. Sure, no one was looking; but for what it would imply..
"You want her, and so do I." Your ears grow red when you hear this. What the fuck..! You were almost 100% sure that Xavier just wanted to get reacquainted with you. But now this just fucked up what you thought before. Xavier's gaze went to look at your face, before he looked back at Aamon. "Back at that cat litter, you took her away. You owe me at least the duration of this break to catch up with her, no?" Aamon clicks his tongue and pulls you with him. Xavier follows, and all three of you managed to get into a vacant room and locked the door.
The room you went in coincidentally had a bed, and before you could even have a say in the matter, both men had their hands all over you. Xavier was feeling your chest, and Aamon, who had surprised you a lot this entire.. situation? Began to kiss your neck. Well, kissing is too much of a light word. Aamon was biting your neck, leaving deep bite marks that won't go away for a day or two.
He licked, sucked, and did whatever things you thought he wouldn't do to you; he held your arms to your side as Xavier began to unbutton your uniform. His hands work quickly as he pulls off your bra and begins to suck on your chest. Moaning softly as he notices how shaky you've gotten over this entire thing. You gasp, both Xavier and Aamon had their mouths on you and didn't care about the marks and consequences it would cause.
"Not.. Aamon don't.." You were breathless. Trying to stop Aamon as he continues leaving marks on your neck. "It'll be seen-." — "Be a good butler and shut up." He practically growls. Xavier whined at the lack of attention, and thus pulled down your trousers. His hands pull apart your thighs as he pulls your underwear down with his teeth. The cold air makes you gasp, your head craning down to watch.
Aamon didn't like that. He didn't want you to look at Xavier. He takes your chin, turns it towards his face and kisses you deeply. Tongue and all. You squirm against his iron hold as Xavier licks at your clit. The sensation of his tongue, furiously flicking that small bud up and down made you tremble and shake. You moan against the kiss, and Aamon moans in return. Xavier lifts up your thighs and places it on his shoulders, he continues to lap at your core.
Clothes. Oh shit Xavier's clothes! He was getting it wet with all your arousal and if anyone notices-. The thought makes your head spin, and you let out a loud, yet muffled whimper. Face bucking up into Xavier's mouth as you come. Aamon pulls back from the kiss. Looking down at Xavier with a glare. Xavier didn't reciprocate, as he licks you clean and stands up, between your legs. You were being held up by Aamon, and was about to get fucked by Xavier.
Were you in heaven?? "Don't you dare put it in before me." Aamon warns. His hand loops under both your arms as the other moves down to remove his pants. Xavier was annoyed at that, but if he argued, he knows Aamon would just walk away with you, no further discussion. So he complied. Pulling his pants down a little to let his cock free. As you were distracted, Aamon guided his cock into your core and lowered you onto him.
You were caught off guard once again, and you let out a small whine of pain. "Shh.." Aamon buried his head in your neck as Xavier stepped closer to you and kissed you tenderly. Your heart, despite running a mile a minute, skipped a beat at the kiss. "I tried to find you.." He whispered. Aamon heard that. Out of jealousy, he began pumping his hips, pushing his cock and out of your pussy in a quick, but soft pace. The movement causes you to moan, and you throw your head back against Aamon's shoulder.
You couldn't see it, but Xavier was stroking his cock. His eyes were locked onto where you and Aamon were connected. He pumped his hand to the pace Aamon was holding and moaned. Aamon pulled back from your neck, seeing you were fucked out of your mind, he smirked. He then looked at Xavier, taunting him. "She's so tight. Can't fit another one in here." Aamon chuckles. Xavier stops and looks at him with a glare. "Is that a challenge?"
"Maybe." Without wasting any time, Xavier smeared his pre-cum over your clit, stimulating you even more as you whimper and cried. "Wh- what are you-" You began to stutter. Aamon pulls your face close to his, your eyes bulge out of your sockets as you feel Xavier push the tip of his cock inside of you. Aamon groaned, the tight space got tighter as Xavier bottoms out inside of you. How was that possible..?!
"Fuck.. good kitten, taking us both.." Xavier mumbles, you almost mistook it as dirty talk until you notice how fucked out he looked. He looked high. They both begin moving their hips; Xavier out—Aamon in.. the sensation, the pace, it makes you cry out in pure pleasure. They start to leave marks on your body again. As if competing to leave the most marks on you. Your hands were flailing around, you didn't even know what to hold onto as their pace began to quicken. They lost the tempo that they had and you were being stuffed— sometimes half full, and sometimes empty.
They were molding you to the shape of their cocks, and you didn't even know if you loved it or hated it. Aamon, whom you still somewhat hated but have now begun warming up to, was fucking you. And Xavier, whom you haven't met since you were a kid was rubbing your clit— wait. He was rubbing your clit!
The stimulation made you come a second time, and the moment you tightened up, they both bottomed out. Spilling their essence into you like you won't even get pregnant.
Silence filled the room, aside from the heavy breathing and the light smooching as they leave even more marks on your body. Aamon let go of you, now holding onto your waist as Xavier pulled out. Kneeling down to clean up the mess they made inside of you before standing back up. "Are you okay?" They asked at the same time. You were unresponsive.
Aamon sighed and carefully laid you down on the bed. Xavier pulls his pants back up and clears his throat. "Does she have anything else to change into?" He asks. Aamon shook his head. "We didn't bring anything else." He then looks down at you; you were now unconscious. He smiles a little and brings you to the bathroom inside the room.
Xavier went out to get some water for you. And to also find some clothes for you to wear. He didn't expect to have a threesome with you and Aamon when he had just reunited with you, but that wasn't the priority right now. The priority was to find you some clothes.
They might not be getting along now, but for you, they'll try.
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pjo-tvs-version · 3 months
In honor of Annabeth Chase's birthday, I have written another fanfic. This one is based on @helpallthenamesaretakensblog 's post. It's another Annabeth POV because I just liked writing those. The title is from Taylor's Out of the Woods. Happy Reading!! :)
Your necklace hanging from my neck, the night we couldn’t quite forget
“Plans?” Hazel asked. “Nico has until sunset—at best. And this entire city is supposedly getting destroyed today.” I know that as a daughter of Athena I couldn't give in to the pleasure of ignorance. To escape from the harsh reality we were in. But Hazel saying the obvious out loud was definitely not helping my nerves.
Percy shook himself out of his daze. “You’re right. Annabeth…did you zero in on that spot from your bronze map?” Panic rose in me. I willed my eyes to convey this one message in bold: Remember what I said, buddy. Keep that dream to yourself. I have to answer the question nonetheless so I try to give as little information as possible. “Yes,” I say carefully. “It’s on the Tiber River. I think I can find it, but I should—” 
“Take me along,” Percy finished. What was seriously wrong with him today? I had tried to cajole him by giving so many logical reasons about why exactly he shouldn't be there. But knowing his irritating, endearing and loyal nature, he wasn't going to learn to accept this point easily. As bothersome it was, a small part of my heart was fluttering with happiness at his immense concern for me. Even though the odds of me surviving were… No Annabeth I chide myself, you will not think about this. So I decide to of course use the classic stare that overcomes any problem.
 “Yeah, you’re right.” I replied sprinkled with a deathly glare. “That’s not—” “Safe,” he supplied. “One demigod walking through Rome alone. I’ll go with you as far as the Tiber. We can use that letter of introduction, hopefully meet the river god Tiberinus. Maybe he can give you some help or advice. Then you can go on alone from there.”  Percy was making this impossible. I was finding it inevitable to leave everyone on Argo II as I went on to my death solo quest, but parting from Percy was going to be the hardest.
We had a silent staring contest, but Percy didn’t back down. Staring contests were better ways of dealing with a disagreement then words. It was far more expressive and impactful. But Percy didn't back down. As sweet as he was, his stubborn nature wasn't all that pleasing at times. He was making it hard to say goodbye. He was endangering his life once again for me when it wasn't required because the odds of me surviving were in negative. But as I stared into his eyes, there was determination. The same one I saw 3 years ago in Mt. Saint Helens. The same look on his face before I kissed him. I felt my gaze flicker.
“Fine,” I muttered, accepting defeat. “Hazel, now that we’re in Rome, do you think you can pinpoint Nico’s location?” Hazel blinked, as if coming out of a trance from watching our glare competition. “Um…hopefully, if I get close enough. I’ll have to walk around the city. Frank, would you come with me?” I could practically see Frank beaming. “Absolutely.” “And, uh…Leo,” Hazel added. “It might be a good idea if you came along too. The fish-centaurs said we’d need your help with something mechanical.” “Yeah,” Leo said, “no problem.” Frank’s smile turned into something more like Chrysaor’s mask. I was pretty good at reading people’s emotions so I could always feel the tension among those three. Ever since they’d gotten knocked into the Atlantic, they hadn’t acted quite the same. It wasn’t just the two guys competing for Hazel. It was like the three of them were locked together, acting out some kind of murder mystery, but they hadn’t yet discovered which of them was the victim. 
Piper drew her knife and set it on the rail. “Jason and I can watch the ship for now. I’ll see what Katoptris can show me. But, Hazel, if you guys get a fix on Nico’s location, don’t go in there by yourselves. Come back and get us. It’ll take all of us to fight the giants.” I knew she wasn't stating the most obvious fact that we had no god on our side so this was kind of a one sided battle. As much I craved for victory, I couldn’t help but go through the never ending list of reasons why we were never winning this battle. Think positive Annabeth, a little optimism couldn’t hurt right?
“Good idea,” Percy said. “How about we plan to meet back here at…what?” “Three this afternoon?” Jason suggested. “That’s probably the latest we could rendezvous and still hope to fight the giants and save Nico. If something happens to change the plan, try to send an Iris message.” The others nodded in agreement, but I could feel their gaze fall on me. At once I felt guilty of not telling them the whole creepy truth. That I would die most probably from facing the ultimate fear of every Athena child. I would have to face Ar-. Let’s not think about it.
I would be on a different schedule. I might be back at three, or much later, or never. But I would do whatever I can to find the Athena Parthenos. Coach Hedge grunted. “That’ll give me time to eat the coconuts—I mean dig the coconuts out of our hull. Percy, Annabeth…I don’t like you two going off on your own. Just remember: behave. If I hear about any funny business, I will ground you until the Styx freezes over.” Unwillingly, I felt myself flush. It was just one night of privacy in which we unfortunately just slept ( and had a few good kisses). However, the idea of getting grounded when we were about to risk their lives was so ridiculous, that I couldn’t help smiling. “We’ll be back soon,” Percy promised. I try to look at each of them and shake the dreadful feeling that this will be the last time I would see them together.
I headed down to my cabin to check and recheck my shoulder bag. Ambrosia, nectar, flashlight, matchboxes (it was something my father suggested), 2 bottles of water, a sandwich, drachmas and then came across a picture of me and Percy. It was a photo of us after we had started dating, one which Sally clicked. 
As if on cue, there was a knock on the door. From the rhythm, I knew who the intruder/visitor was. “May I come in Wise Girl?” “ No you can’t” I reply, laced with sarcasm. The handle clicks open and I see Percy fidget more than usual with his hands. “I wanted to check on you” there was a pause and then, “wanted to make sure you were alright and ready for…” He didn’t complete his sentence. 
“Yeah, yeah I'm ready. I have checked, rechecked and checked again.” I replied. “You do remember to keep Ambrosia and Nectar right? And drachmas and first aid and-” “Yeah Seaweed Brain! Chill.” He was so concerned and anxious that I felt bad for him. But he needed to understand that he had to let go as there was no option B. If he went then Arch- no I would call her a Web-Weaving Wannabe. So if he went with me, she would most probably use him as bait and make my emotions go haywire and then I would make mistakes, fail to save Greece, fail to save the world-“Okay cool. So are you ready to go? The others are about to leave.” Percy says, interrupting my thoughts. “Yeah, let's go” I replied. 
“Before that I wanted to give you something.” Percy adds with a note of jitteriness. His fidgeting had increased. So of course my anxiety being directly proportional started going overboard too. He reached behind his neck, for his camp necklace. It puzzled me. Why is he taking off his camp necklace? And then it came crashing on me. 5 years ago, the duel on the beach with Ares, the good old days where their chances of dying were lesser. Percy was giving his necklace to me? As I was going to my death battle the same way Percy did 5 years ago? He was doing the same thing I did. 
A wave of euphoria washed over me. My heart felt like it could burst with happiness. He really was such a Seaweed Brain.  My cute Seaweed Brain who couldn't stand seeing anyone in trouble. He took a few steps forward and I could see the matching blush on his cheeks. He tied it around my neck and I couldn’t help but beam. “Wear this, for good luck. It saved my life when I dueled with Ares and everything after that too. I know it’ll help you too. "he said as he finished the knot. He then held my hand a little tighter than usual. I couldn't help but hug him fiercely. 
I took in his inky mess of hair, the sadness in his sea green eyes which mirrored the stormy sea, the smile that played on his lips for a moment and  then dissolved like a wave on the shore. I couldn’t help but lean for a kiss. A kiss that lingered, a desperate attempt to hold onto what was slipping away. A goodbye kiss, laced with unspoken tears. A heartbreaking kiss, a silent plea for a different ending. “I’ll make it out. You’ll be alright.” I try to reassure him. He doesn't reply but everything he wanted to say was there in his eyes.
As, me and Percy climbed down the cliff, I concentrated on the challenges at hand: keeping my footing, avoiding rockslides that would alert the Empousai to their presence and of course making sure we didn’t plummet to our deaths. About halfway down the precipice, I got breathless. My legs were wobbling badly,  my ankle screaming in protest with each step.
Tartarus was sapping my non-existent strength left. ‘Stop, okay? Just a quick break.’ Percy looked beyond worried. I felt so guilty about burdening him even more. We sat together on a ledge next to a roaring fiery waterfall. The splinters were shooting, threatening to burn us, the sulphurous was becoming suffocating with each breath. My ankle was beyond pain. A wave of nausea washed over me as the cramping pain intensified.
Percy put his arm around me, and I couldn’t help but lean against him, shaking from exhaustion. A hug like a warm blanket, safe and secure. It was a comforting embrace that melted all my worries even if it was for a few seconds. I pulled away from the momentary solace to get a look at him.
He wasn’t much better. He buried his face in my chest, his dark curls cascading down his arms in a curtain of pain. He fell into this dreadful place because of me. To save me, to not leave me alone. We would find a way out of Tartarus. We had to. 
Subconsciously my fingers traced a red coral necklace, the one Percy gave me. At once I felt Percy’s camp necklace. I removed my other hand with which I was holding Percy close. As I undid the knot, Percy looked at my slightly puzzled and there pain etched on his pain even as he tried to hide it. As I started to try my necklace around his neck, he stopped me. “Keep it, you need to make it out of here.” 
“WE need to make it out of here, especially you! So let’s do one thing since we both need good luck, let me give you mine.”  I looped the necklace over his head and let it rest against his skin. 
His lips were parched and his skin felt warm against mine. The firewater was churning in my stomach. “Promise that we’ll have each other's backs. We’ll make it out.” Percy declared with determination. I couldn’t help a melancholic smile. “I pinky promise. That’s the more solemn vow there is.” I add. A short, bitter laugh escapes his lips before our lips meet. My hands were in his jet black hair and our eyelids shut tight to shield us from the awful surroundings. We will make it out of here, I try to tell myself. Even if I don’t Percy will and there is no option B.
Also on AO3 here
So that's it! Hope you all liked it. As always, positive criticism is highly appreciated. Thank you Help for the lovely head cannon. Also there is this one line in the from the movie Wonka which Willy tells Noodle. Let's see if you can find it 👀
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year
Hey, I wanted to ask if you could do a bat!bro who’s Australian? And very aussie, like they go bogan (look it up if you don’t know) when they are mad and every second word is basically just a swear word of some kind (especially c*nt)
Also showing everyone Kath and Kim, it’s a classic and I recommend it to everyone.
Okay, sure thing. I love Aussies, but the spiders and snakes scare me. Also, I looked up Kath and Kim and I think I will watch it. It looks fun. If there are aussies reading this, have fun. Back in my short era lol.
Summary: (Y/N) is Australian. Everyone is done.
Warnings: cursing, aussie behavior, swearing, Kath and Kim showing, mentions of bogan culture
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(Y/N) is an interesting person if you ask his family. Bruce and Alfred like his easy going personality, but they absolutely hated his cursing. Absolutely hate his cursing. Alfred wasn't afraid to threaten him with punishment. Bruce just said not in public.
Dick loved the egalitarianism he had for people. He never judged the people and he considered everyone equal. He is also authentic and never changes himself for anyone or anything. At galas, he was himself and so he was in public.
Jason liked his common sense. He thought that people lacked it now a days and he enjoyed it. A new perspective for Jason. He loved his sense of humor and the way he would get mad. It was funny to see his accent thicken up to the point where they can't understand him and the way he goes bogan, made Jason cackle every time.
Tim loved the common sense more than anything and the informality he has. In America, there is a certain level of formality, but with (Y/N)? There was no such thing known as formality. He didn't even know the meaning of the word. And there is something that (Y/N) has called mateship. Tim knew that it was friendship between them all and it made him happy knowing that he loves them so much.
Damian loved (Y/N)'s optimism. It was bigger than Dick's and that's something. Damian couldn't pinpoint it, but it felt nice. And those two are polar opposites. They both grounded each other with their opposite views. But that didn't mean (Y/N) was naive. He knew that it wasn't that easy. And Damian knew that the world wasn't so bad.
But the one thing that annoyed the absolute shit out of everyone was the fact that he showed them Kath and Kim. They loved the show, they have agreed that is a good tv show, but they didn't want to have it shoved down their throats.
" Oh you fucking cunt! "
Bruce looked up from his coffee at the insult. He raised his brows and Alfred sighed in complete disappointment. They looked at one another. What is going to happen? More so, what has happened?
Who pissed him off?
" No cursing! " Alfred yelled back and there were thunderous steps going to the kitchen. Jason was running from (Y/N), ready to get out of the manor. Bruce guessed that he was running to the garage to his motorbikes.
" What happened? " Bruce asked as Jason his behind him. Alfred glared at (Y/N), still mad about the cursing.
" This cunt went into my room! "
Alfred was absolutely fuming at this point. Bruce sighed as Jason used him as a human shield. Did he love his sons? He did. Would he protect them at every given opportunity? Yes. But when they are arguing amongst each other? Nope.
" And why did you go to his room? " Bruce asked, trying to find some middle ground with them both.
" Because he took my shirt! " Jason said and Bruce glanced back at (Y/N). (Y/N)'s eyes widened and Alfred had to grip the counter in order to control himself a little bit. He can't really run anymore so the way to reprimand is going to be throwing stuff.
" I didn't you cunt! I have told you, talk to Dick, you fucking dickhead!" (Y/N) yelled back and Alfred cracked his neck from side to side. Bruce glanced at Alfred and he looked mad at all the swearing that was happening.
" And why would Dick take it?! " Jason asked, peaking his head from behind Bruce.
" Cause he wanted it for a while you stupid cunt! "
Alfred looked up. Somebody is going to die today. Bruce might have a no kill rule, but Alfred didn't share the same code. He wasn't above it.
" Okay, you promise not to chase me if I go talk to him? " Jason asked, looking like a little child.
" Go. " (Y/N) said, seemingly tired from arguing.
Jason booked it out of the kitchen. Alfred took a deep breath, glaring daggers at (Y/N).
" Master (Y/N), you are my grandson, but I won't allow cursing here. " Alfred explained in a neutral voice, but (Y/N) knew that there was a layer or threat underneath it.
" Alfred, it's a necessary thing. " (Y/N) defended himself and Alfred raised a brow, clearly telling him that he wasn't having it. (Y/N) sighed walking over to Alfred, giving him a hug as an apology.
" I'm sorry Alfred, but I can't really help it. It only happens when I get really mad. " (Y/N) mumbled and Alfred just grumbled before giving him a hug too.
" Well, I stil love you none the less. " Alfred said, ruffling up (Y/N)'s hair.
" Hey mate! " (Y/N) said, trying to duck from the hand. " What mate? " Alfred teased with his own accent and Bruce chuckled. (Y/N) gave Bruce a hug too before running off.
And there it was. That aloofness.
" I still don't believe that he is your son. A complete opposite of you. " Alfred noted and Bruce just took a sip of his coffee. Why does this happen to him?
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deathsbestgirl · 5 months
So Never Again. Just saw this post and the way she looks up at him there is on a level with Mulder’s famous Fallen Angel eyes and his reaction to her? He doesn't melt? He chooses violence and being a dick? Please tell me why.
i LOVE this question because it is so easy to see it from scully's perspective. it's her episode. but you really have to think about mulder's perspective.
for mulder, this seems out of nowhere, and in his mind she was extremely inattentive with his informant on a case he's taking seriously. he doesn't understand what she's really asking or what the problem is, and a big part of that is she doesn't exactly either. it's almost like she's blaming him for the stand still in her life, but at the same time wants to be seen & appreciated (in a way that she understands, can feel, can see). and i don't think she could have figured it out the way she needed to with mulder. she needed the safety of talking to a stranger, someone inconsequential to her life. (like there's no way she could have that "other fathers" conversation with him lol) so ed jerse is the one to give her that. (she does with ed what she can't yet do with mulder. something neither of them are ready for and she isn't brave enough to do yet. and like. idk i just think she needed this! regardless of mulder lol)
like: "this isn't about you. or maybe it is, indirectly. i don't know." the one thing she got right is "i don't know" lol so of course mulder is confused!!
if you place leonard betts first, she's contemplating what she's leaving behind. has she had any impact working on the x files? on mulder? who is going to remember her? what evidence of her life will be left? in that office...it looks like she's had very little effect. (but i do not subscribe to this one.)
if never again is first, which i like better lollll (it makes more sense to me. i understand why people like lb first, it's more clear cut. it puts a reason behind her behavior. but i just don't think it quite fits. scully literally doesn't know what's wrong. if she was already worried about cancer, i think it would come across differently. but she's frustrated & confused and she wants for something she can't admit, express, pinpoint, articulate? idk what word i'm looking for lol) scully's just hit that point in her pattern again, her cycle...it took her four years, and after some rough cases (paper hearts – she couldn't help mulder despite how she tried, el mundo gira – a dead end. and idk, so many of their cases. and she's always wrong, he always does the crazy thing, he's always hurt)...well anyway, at the end he's still asking "all because i didn't get you a desk?" he still isn't quite understanding, until she says it's her life and he almost says "yes but it's become mine." he doesn't say it, they sit in silence, and in leonard betts, he tells her she did a good job & should be proud. all his little jokes like he's trying to make her laugh, to get back to their usual banter. because he wants to make her smile. so he understood at least a little by leonard betts. but they also come to a silent understanding. i just love the way kae talks about it. and i think the end is kind of the explanation for the beginning. the end is the real answer to the whole episode, and what it took to get there...and this post here, kae just understands him and talks about him in a way that i feel. it's exactly what i see in a way i could never articulate. (and she does my favorite thing!!! connects different moments. the characterization is so good.) and she has such a special insight to both of them, different patterns, but to me two sides of the same coin.
and so, either way, at the beginning of never again, he's completely thrown because he doesn't know. this is when their bad verbal communication and personal issues/insecurities/fears take hold. they're both so good at taking too much responsibility.
we're seeing into scully's mind a bit, but we aren't really seeing into his. but he's afraid, he doesn't want her to leave (something he's feared for a long time), he thinks space is the answer to whatever's going on. but he's also kinda needy and he can't just say that. so he calls her and they misunderstand each other again and she makes a date. he isn't trying to be an ass but he's scared & defensive, and he gets like that when she makes him nervous. like whenever she believes (beyond the sea, revelations, all souls, en ami). it feels like that to me. he's afraid, but this time he thinks he's the problem, their work is the problem. and he kinda said the worst thing he could say to her at that moment. "you were just assigned" — he has no idea how she understood that, how it hurts her. (and she's not thinking about how he means it, what he thinks/feels/fears.) and really, it's because she sucks at just saying the thing as much as he does. it takes them a long time to work out their direct communication. their unspoken communication, the way they work on their cases doesn't translate to their personal relationship. as intimate as their partnership is, working through their own issues takes time and it's those things that hinder them moving forward for so long. ya know?
i think @randomfoggytiger talks about it beautifully here — in depth essay on never again. here they touch on mulder's fear/walls & scully's insecurities/needs. it's a journey!! which they talk about here. and i forget what this one was (lol) but i'm sure i saved it for a reason: a little master post. i love the way foggy breaks things down, especially visually. it's something i could never do.
i also reblogged some other never again posts. not completely on topic but it's all connected!! (you can definitely go through my never again tag to see more probably too!)
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nethhiri · 7 months
Marooned: Chapter 17
Kid x FemReader x Killer
Warnings: violence
Killer was working in the galley prepping lunch, when Heat burst through the doors. He didn't need to say anything for Killer to know something was deeply wrong. The look on his face said enough. 
"Killer, it's Captain. H-he," Heat couldn't finish before Killer was out the door. 
The first mate was on the deck, scanning around for Kid in a panic, gaze briefly landing on a group of people dogpiled on Mini to keep her restrained. It wasn't hard to find him with the amount of screaming he was doing. Kid was grabbing his flesh forearm with his metal hand, flapping it around. He was gripped with terror as his eyes met Killer's. It wasn't quite the same, but it was eerily similar to the look he had when he lost his arm. Killer rushed to his captain's side to see that Kid couldn't move anything below his wrist.
Killer grabbed Kid's shoulder and turned him so they were facing each other. "KID! Slow down. What happened?"
Killer's eyes widened under his mask. There was a lot to unpack in that sentence. "What lie?! Made you what? KID! She can't swim!" 
"OF COURSE SHE CAN'T. SHE DID THIS WITH HER DEVIL FRUIT!" Kid yelled, flapping his limp wrist in from of Killer's face. "SHE'S A FUCKIN MARINE, KIL!"
Heat appeared next to Killer, or maybe he had been there the whole time. Killer had been completely focused on Kid. "She said her name was F/N L/N." Heat explained. "Killer, I think that's-"
Killer's eyes widened. "The Sea Snake, yeah I know." He would revisit that discovery later. Killer turned his attention back to Kid. He wasn't the first mate for no reason. He handled high-pressure situations well, reading them and formulating a plan in seconds. "Kid, listen to me. She's not a marine. She kills marines. And I think she can reverse whatever she did to your hand." Kid started to yell again and Killer cut him off. "KID! In about 2 more seconds, I won't be able to reach her and your hand might be like that forever." Killer paused to catch his breath. "If I'm wrong, you can throw her back over and I won't stop you, ok?" Killer didn't make a move until he saw the slight nod of Kid's head. Then he was diving into the water, hoping he could still pry you from the ocean's grasp. Or they would all suffer Kid's wrath, like they did the first time one of his arms was maimed. 
At this point on his career, Killer had dove in after Kid more times than he could remember. If he wasn't such a practiced, strong swimmer, there would have been no way he could have caught up to you. In the murky darkness, he had to use observation haki to pinpoint where you were, making contact with your chilled skin just as his lungs started burning. He wrapped his arm around your middle and swam back to where the light filtered through the water's surface. 
With an agonal gasp, you were suddenly back in your body, rolling onto your elbows and knees to violently expel ocean water from your lungs. This was somehow worse than throwing up, the sensation of warm liquid coming from a place it should not be coming from, salt burning your windpipe, followed by dry heaving. Your eyes and nose burned, too. A mix of tears, mucus, and saliva were coming out of your face as it forced the salt from your system. Blinking into focus, you saw that you were on a wooden deck, on a ship. Fear inched into your mind, thinking you were back in the custody of Von Kossa until you felt around for the bullet wounds and the melted flesh and found that they were long healed. After a few deep breaths, you remembered what had happened and the fear slipped away.  
Why the fuck were you back here? Why the fuck did they bring you back here? Maybe Kid changed his mind and wanted to make you die slowly. There was no where to escape but the sea, and that got you nowhere. You coughed up some more water, strength slowly seeping back into you as the ocean lost its hold. You doubted that the deal to let you off at the next island was still in effect, if you lived that long. And now your secrets were out. What do I have to lose? 
A slow grin stretched across your lips. You had always wanted to fight a supernova. 
You didn't make a move, taking account of your current surroundings. You heard Minerva in the background squealing. At least someone has my back. Killer was the closest to you, there were scattered people on deck, and the familiar vibration of Kid's heavy steps came ever closer. When his shadow moved into your view, you tucked your leg underneath you and sprang towards him with a fist full of armament haki. It nearly met its target, catching Kid off-guard, but was blocked by Killer. You thought you heard a grunt on impact. Killer wasn't expecting that either; you could tell by the way he became unbalanced the more you forced your fist against him.
"MOVE, KILLER!" You and Kid shouted simultaneously, eyes locked fiercely with each other. Killer jumped back behind Kid, not willing to argue with his captain.
"STAY OUT OF IT. SHE'S MINE," Kid growled. The purple energy of his devil fruit crackled around him, pulling pieces of metal together around the hand you disabled. 
You tilted your head to the side, "You sure? Looks like you could use a hand." You sneered at him, the two of you circling each other. It wasn't lost on you that the deck had cleared and those that remained were taking cover. Several pieces of metal flew in your direction without being able to hit you. It seemed like he was testing your abilities, how fast you were, how agile you were. Plucking some of the smaller pieces from the air, you enclosed them in your fist, willing them to become non-metallic, small, cylindrical. Dodging shrapnel, you loaded your gun blade with the only thing you could think of at the time, glass bullets. If they didn't completely explode in the chamber, maybe you could do something with them. At the very least, you could be annoying. 
"YER DEAD, ROTTEN. DO YA HEAR ME? FIX MY FUCKEN HAND OR YER DEAD!" Kid swiped at you with a giant metal arm. It was big, therefore it was clumsy and slow, compared to you, that is. 
This was not going to end well if he had you tucking, rolling, and running around the deck. Stamina was finite and it was already depleted from using your power on him and being soaked with saltwater. "Can't!" You darted around to get an angle on some of the rigging, thinking back to the poor quality knots from earlier. "Used my fruit too much today!" You were still using it, touching the things he threw at you, and turning them into an element he couldn't control. "Oh yeah! AND I DON'T FUCKING WANT TO!" This was the most you had ever used your power, but it was slowly dwindling down the things he could fight you with, increasing the time you had between avoiding each object and allowing you to take aim properly. With a few shots, which actually went off, you severed the ropes holding one of the sails. Kid was momentarily distracted by swatting away the remaining shots, but it was enough. 
The instant Kid was engulfed in the canvas of the sail, you took off sprinting towards him. You licked your lips with satisfaction at the feeling of warm, wet fluid dripping down your blade, over your hand. It was supposed to be firmly nestled between Kid's ribs. Instead, it was stopped just before breaking his skin, coated in purple electricity. But your hands hadn't stopped. The blood was your own, your grip was no longer on the handle and had been forced over the sharp edge. You caught only a brief glimpse of the damage, and even that was obscured by the amount of blood, before the air was knocked out of you and you were crushed against Kid's chest by his two metal arms. You struggled to wriggle out from his grasp until the pressure increased and you felt a few cracks in your ribcage, nearly passing out from the deep, aching pain. You didn't need to look at him to know the smugness written on his face. He had led you to that opening on purpose. All the remaining air in your lungs was stolen by a gasp when Kid squeezed you even harder. 
"Look," Kid demanded, turning you slightly so that you could see Mini, trapped by a scrap metal vice. "Yer gonna undo whatever ya did, for the sake of yer pig. Understand?" 
That was low. You could have easily taken a hostage yourself, however dishonorable it was. It was stupid not to. This was a pirate ship. The Kid Pirate ship. Not a crew known for honor. You could only nod as your grasp on consciousness quickly faded.
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mk-nightrider · 15 days
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Get WIP Wednesday'd nerds. This one isn't from the upcoming chapter, but from a one-shot I started cooking featuring mainly @chadillacboseman's JJ
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“Fuck,” Jeremiah “JJ” Mitchell breaths as he stares at the security monitors. “Blade owes me one hell of an explanation.”
Weeks ago now, Special Forces had reached out to Falcon Company with information and a plan. Reports were that the Black Dragon Clan had been contracted to steal research and prototypes from an experimental botanical facility. JJ had thought it laughable at the time. Those reckless drug runners targeting a bunch of plants? Still, Sonya Blade had insisted the intel was good and she had a point when she said it was the money Kano cared about. Not the plants. So JJ had agreed. His Falcon Company would lay in wait while Sonya Blade's Special Forces secreted away the target leaving nothing but a cage to close around whatever Dragon fell into their trap.
Still, JJ had his doubts. Kano always seemed to sniff these traps out somehow so he figured there were only two likely scenarios. One: No one would show and Falcon Company would get a nice little paycheck for sitting out in the empty expanse of Montana for over a month. Two: Kano would use the trap to dispose of some low-level know-nothing he was sick of hanging around. Better than nothing, but ultimately unlikely to know anything Special Forces didn't already.
Despite his misgivings, Falcon Company still planned as if someone competent would show. Focusing on a short list of those JJ considered most competent among the clan's agents. Doors and walls were reinforced in case that big fucker with the man bun and a fondness for explosives showed. Steel bars to drop for someone like Alora, though with her purpose in the gang being brawling he could only imagine her appearing as a scenario two situation. Most of all he'd been hoping for that jackass Carver. How good it would've felt to see that smug smile fade away as the Faraday cage came crashing down to toast his annoying nanobots.
But at the end of the day the simple fact remained. This was supposed to have been a low level theft job for the clan. So why the hell was he here? That cursed red and black figure his men called a demon. On Special Forces documents, referred to only as the Blood Sniper after he began appearing two years ago. Usually miles from the action raining bloody hellfire with a sniper rifle and vanishing long before anyone could pinpoint where he was. The last time JJ had managed to get remotely close to him, he could only marvel at the man's skills because the bastard had immediately blown his artificial leg out with his rifle before turning on his team. Disarming them all with small arms fire and then crushing limbs with an overwhelming wave of blood. There had been no deaths, but a few retirements after that... Not to mention that was the fourth time the Blood Sniper had specifically destroyed his leg. A trend JJ was none to happy about.
His mind raced as he watched the cloaked figure slip from camera to camera. None of their plans could hold him. Not when he could simply turn into a puddle of blood and slip through security measures. He could order his men to group up and pump him so full of bullets he'd be too exhausted from healing. Probably a few more retirements out of that, but... a lump formed in JJ's throat. A rare twinge of sympathy for a member of the Black Dragon clan striking deep into his gut.
No. No he couldn't do that. Not after what he'd seen the first time he'd met the Blood Sniper. Years before he was ever known by that moniker during a Special Forces' raid gone wrong. He could still remember it like it was yesterday. Just how inexcusably sloppy Cassie Cage and her team had been that night resulting in a little girl losing her hand and the boy... He'd never forget the boy. Clothes ripped apart; dried blood on almost every inch of him; the twisted scar he later learned was from rapidly healing from Takeda's ordinance going off next to his head. That unnaturally split black and red hair that he was currently tracking across the cams. Unlike the other members, he couldn't imagine the boy had any choice in the path his life took.
It would be an earful from Sonya Blade later, but... perhaps he should save himself the casualties and just let the boy go.
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