thegreenhordes · 7 months
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The Attack Part One:
Null barely has enough time to smack a loose table leg against the Growler's head, slamming it hard into the side and sending it flying. He wastes no time making a run for it- slow these things may be, it would be unwise not to take the opportunity to flee.
Sole Growler: GRoaaaaAAAAH
The beast's enraged cries deafen his ears even as he puts more and more distance between him and the Type One. His mind races, just scarcely able to keep track of where he is. Screw his nightly excursion- He needs to get home. Now.
Behind Null, he hears the beast scream and groan, no doubt it still hears his heavy hoofbeats. Once he gets farther away he can stop long enough to dampen the noise with a spell, but all his focus is on getting away. The farther and the faster, the better.
Null: Right turn here, then straight- Damn it, I'm supposed to be more careful than this-
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