#Augusta Health
royalarmyofoz · 3 months
my dad called me just now because the song africa was playing. he just wanted to retell the story of when he met my mom. really the first time he flirted with her lol she was looking at a men at work album in the store and he strolled over, trying to show off, "you know i have that record." and she just looked at him like okand????
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poptartmochi · 10 months
and that ties into the whole mask thing.. RAHHH 🦅🦅🦅
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artistinquestion · 10 days
The Empress of Rome
Part Six
Emperor Geta x OC
Warnings: none.
Word Count: 1.8k
Summary: husband and wife reunite and fawn over their newborn children.
Author's Note: Here it is, what would be the final part of my Empress of Rome series. I managed to finish this up today after visiting with family. That being said I am willing to write either a sequel or prequel to this series, but I would like to see the actual movie before writing anything further for Emperor Geta. if you have any questions about this series or anything you want to see about this series in the future please feel free to send me asks for anything you want to know about my ocs! Thank you so much for enjoying my writing and for giving me support!
Resting in her bed now, the empress waited anxiously for her children to be returned to her, hoping to the gods she still had two children after this. She didn't know what she would do if only the boy was spared.
Biting anxiously at her nails, Cassia didn't have to wait long before the doors to her chambers opened. Her heart stopped when Julia only returned with one baby in her arms, but the empress was quickly relieved when she saw a servant following after her carrying the other. Tears flooded Cassia’s eyes as she saw the two bundles being held in the same room, smiles on the servant and Julia's faces. Cassia instantly held out her arms towards her babies, having waited seemingly forever for this moment.
Julia placed the first baby into Cassia’s arms, a healthy, beautiful girl. She cooed softly, unable to contain her joy at finally holding her daughter. The second baby, a boy, was placed into the empress's arms, and she gasped, overcome with emotion.
"My darlings." Cassia whispered shakily, almost unbelieving as she held her life in her arms.
A boy and a girl.
"Oh thank the gods!" She sobbed out, holding both babes close to her chest as tears of joy and relief streamed down her face. As the empress held her twins close a sense of peace washed over her, the long months of worrying now having been washed away, replaced by the overwhelming joy and relief she felt in that moment.
Whispering soft words of love to the two babes in her arms, thanking the gods that both were alive and well, that Geta had given both of them life. The empress had her children, both of them.
Cassia was hesitant when the midwives came over to collect the two babes, promising to return them to their mother after cleaning and swaddling them both. The new mother watching as the servants helped assist the midwives, the physician giving both babes another look over to assure their health.
As the two infants were tended to, Cassia leaned back in her bed, exhausted but also filled with an unparalleled sense of accomplishment. The servants attention was then directed towards their empress, another servant having come from the hallway to speak to them before leaving, turning their attention towards the tired woman of power.
"We will help clean you up now, Augusta. The emperor wishes to see you," a servant informed her as they came to her bedside, helping her sit upright. Cassia nodded in response before letting the servants carefully help her into a fresh robe, her old one soaked from sweat blood from her labor. As they helped her onto unsteady feet, she leaned on them for support feeling a mix of pain and euphoria from giving birth.
The others quickly changed the bedding before allowing the empress to recline back once more on the bed. One tending to her hair to make it somewhat presentable, to appear as if there was no struggle during labor and that the empress remained radiant.
As the servants finished their tasks of tidying up the room, the midwives also finished with the babies coming to return them into their mother’s arms. To which Cassia greatly accepted, the empress practically beaming as she held both children in her arms once again.
Looking down at the two, Cassia began to take in the small differences between the two. Their daughter having a small patch of golden orange curls atop her head, whilst the boy had curls a shade lighter, a mix between Geta and Cassia’s hair colors. Neither babe’s eyes had opened yet, both just as exhausted as their mother was delivering them.
The sound of the doors to her chambers opening, briefly took the empress’s attention away from her little ones in her arms. The empress lifting her head to see who had entered, her eyes landing on her husband as he entered her chambers. The servants, midwives, and physician alike all bowed their heads as the emperor entered the room. But luckily for them the emperor had no intentions on giving them his attention.
The emperor made his way over to his wife’s bedside, his dark eyes trailing from his children in her arms to his wife’s face.
“You did well, my love. Our children are healthy and beautiful” Geta commented, his hand going to gently caress the head of the baby held closest to him.
Cassia smiles softly “thank you, husband.” She says with a sigh, her gaze falling to the two infants sleeping in her arms. “Would you like to hold your heir, your grace?” She asked, gently angling their infant son in her right arm.
Geta seemed to be in thought for a moment as he gazed down at their children. His eyes flicking between the two, as if trying to discern which was which.
“I think I’d like to hold my firstborn once more, if my lady doesn’t mind” Geta spoke, his hand still caressing their daughter’s head. Cassia’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, shocked that her husband wants to hold their daughter as opposed to his heir.
“But ofcourse,” she replied, watching as her husband gently took their daughter from her left arm. His hands which had harmed, maimed, and killed many a man were now so careful when holding their baby girl in his grasp, angling her in his arms so she was comfortably nestled.
Her husband had surprised her that day, giving their daughter life when they didn’t know for sure a son would follow. Now he held their daughter as if she were one of the most important things in the world. It was odd to see a man like Geta so soft with an infant all bundled in his arms. It was a sight that Cassia had to admire while it lasted, cradling their son in her arms.
“You gave our daughter life, for that I am thankful, husband” Cassia commented, gently rocking their son in her arms.
Geta’s eyes looked up from their daughter, looking his wife in her eyes before returning his attentions to the babe. “I could never allow harm to come to either of our children. Especially not after your struggle to carry them and bring them into this world.” He responded, his voice full of empathy and admiration that Cassia was not aware he was capable of.
Giving a soft hum in acknowledgment, the empress looked from her husband and daughter back down to their son in her arms. “I would gladly suffer it again,” she replied, her finger trailing down her son’s soft cheek, smiling as he smiled in his sleep. Truly this was all worth it to her, every pain and every discomfort, for in the end she had two beautiful children.
“She is perfect.” Geta suddenly stated, his eyes locked on the face of their daughter as if entranced by her beauty and innocence. Cassia looked up at her husband, smiling at his words before looking down at the babe in her arms.
“They both are,” she stated in return.
Julia couldn’t help but watch with a sense of pride and joy as she watched the exchange between her son and his children, his love for his daughter evident. The couple sitting in silence as they both admired their newborn children, both finding happiness in their new roles as parents.
“You did well, my love. Rome will be in good hands with these two” the emperor spoke up once again, finally looking up from the baby girl and looking over to his wife again. The two sharing a silent understanding as they switched babes in their arms, the girl coming to rest in Cassia’s embrace while the emperor finally held his heir once again.
“They certainly will be loved, how could they not?” Cassia stated, smiling as she saw their daughter starting to open her eyes from being moved from her parent’s arms. She had her father’s eyes, the empress thought. Their daughter the spitting image of Geta from the hair to the eyes. She only hoped she didn’t inherit his personality as well.
“We could not have asked for a more perfect pair, or a more perfect heir” Geta stated as he held his son proudly in his arms a smile on his face, a smile of pride not as soft as the smile he wore when holding their daughter.
This was his son.
His heir.
Though the emperor was absolutely in love with their daughter from the moment he held her in his arms, his son would be his pride. The one he would shape into a future ruler of Rome. But a daughter he could spoil, let her grow without the weight of ruling weighing her down as she grew. Both of course he would love with all his heart, but his love for his children would be different.
“You are happy with them, husband?” Cassia asked, looking over to the cruel man she knew as her husband, having softened by the birth of his children.
“I am overjoyed, my love. To think the gods decided to gift us with two, it is truly a blessing” the emperor responded as he held their son closer, the warm weight against his chest. His hand moved gently, shifting the weight of their son to one arm as his hand coming up to stroke the side of his wife’s face, fingers tilting her jaw so she was looking up at him.
“Thank you, my love. I cannot express how grateful I am to you for this gift you have given me” he whispered, his voice filled with sincerity.
Cassia smiled up at her husband, her hand coming up to grasp his wrist, kissing his hand in response before he leaned down and captured her lips with his own. The babies gurgling in their arms as their parents shared a rare, intimate moment.
As they parted, Geta looked around the room towards a pair of servants, gesturing for them to come and take the children from his and Cassia’s embrace.
“And now, my love, I believe you have earned some long awaited rest” Geta stated as he passed his son safely into the servants arms. The other servant coming and taking the girl from the empress’s arms.
Cassia sighed, though the idea of parting from her children made tugged at her heartstrings, she knew her husband was right, and she was more than ready to give in to her exhaustion.
“I believe you are right, husband.” She replied, beginning to settle back into the comfort of her bed for the first time in days now.
Geta turned to his wife once more, this time taking her face in both his hands, looking her in the eyes before he kissed her lips again. Cassia greatly accepting her husband’s affections before he would part from her again, leaving her to her rest.
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Depersonalization and Derealization Resource List
As with our list of resources for questioning systems, we will update this as we find new information! Feel free to reach out if there’s any info you’d like us to add!
A note on these sources: many of these sources are articles written by individuals struggling with depersonalization-derealization disorder (DPDR). Not every source will be backed in research - many are firsthand accounts from those trying their best to cope with this illness. We feel that reading firsthand accounts and understanding how others are actively coping with DPDR can be an excellent way to find hope and learn to cope for yourself. Additionally, many of these articles are written by folks trying to sell something. It is possible to visit these sites and learn more about DPDR without actually signing up for a service or paying for something!
Cleveland Clinic’s How to Cope with Depersonalization
Tips for coping with depersonalisation and derealisation from Young Minds
Manhattan Mental Health Counseling’s How to Deal with Derealization?
How to Cope With Depersonalization Disorder and Take Control of Your Life by Kentucky Counseling Center
Derealization: Symptoms, Causes, & Treatments by Choosing Therapy
NAMI’s Derealization: The Symptom That Makes the World Feel Unreal
Depersonalization-derealization disorder by Augusta Health
Resources to Recover’s Depersonalization / Derealization Disorder: DO’s and DON’T’s
Depersonalization Disorder by Osmosis from Elsevier
The DP Manual Website (has lots of great info you can access without a purchase)
What Do the Terms “Depersonalization” and “Derealization” Mean? by FHE Health
Depersonalization and Derealization by Psychology Tools
The subreddit r/DPDR’s official resource guide
Our own infographic on Depersonalization vs. Derealization
We hope this list will help folks who are curious about DPDR or are struggling themselves with these symptoms. As always, please do your best to take care of yourself, and have a great day!
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The Domino Effect
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Following Dorthea's passing, The Dowager Queen Margaery's health declined. And by the winter of 1354, she was seemingly nearing her final days. Her bedchamber was filled with priests, nuns, and her closest family, as they all loyally stood by her side. Margaery sat up in her bed and called for her grandchildren. Princess Augusta first came to her, kneeling at her side.
"Augusta, you are a vision of grace and strength. I am so proud of the woman you've become," Margaery spoke softly, her eyes filled with love as she gazed at her granddaughter. "Your beauty is a reflection of your grandmother, Queen Anne. I see her spirit shining through you," Margaery continued, a hint of sorrow in her voice. "I am sorry for the pain caused by my son's actions against you, your mother, and our family. It weighs heavy on my heart."
"But do not let my passing hinder your path, Augusta," she urged, her voice gaining strength as she caressed her cheek. "Go to Tartosa, you are to be Empress one day, and let love and diplomacy mend what has been broken. Your future is bright, my dear, and nothing should stand in its way." With tears in her eyes, Augusta moved to the side. King Edward walked to his grandmother's bedside, taking her cold and frail hand into his. Margaery looked into Edward's eyes with a sense of peace, her hand trembling as she reached for her grandson's. "Edward, in your hands rests the crown's unwavering legacy. Let the realm feel your benevolence, as my Wilhelm once did, for kindness and devotion are the strongest swords," Margaery whispered weakly.
Edward clasped her hand gently, his eyes reflecting the weight of her words. "I will do my utmost, to honor both you and my grandfather's legacy. I pray that I can bring as much light to the realm as you both once did."
With a faint smile, Margaery continued, "Your grandfather would be proud, just as I am, for your reign shall mend the scars of your fathers mistakes. Seek a queen whose heart mirrors your resolve, for in her lies the future of our line."
Edward nodded solemnly, his determination shining through. "I will find a queen who shares our vision, one who will stand by my side as we steer our realm under the Watcher's guidance."
Margaery's voice grew softer, yet carried a firmness that belied her frailty. 'The crown must never falter, Edward, for it is the beacon that guides this realm,' she reminded him. 'I need to rest now for a while.' Her words were gentle, yet weighted with the knowledge of impending farewells. As Edward leaned in, she whispered to him, 'Remember always, I love you dearly."
In these moments, Margaery also imparted a crucial decision. The Kingdom of Effenmont, a jewel off the coast of Windenburg that had come into her possession after her father's passing years prior, would pass to King Edward upon her eventual departure, becoming a state of Windenburg. This gift, intertwined with her love and guidance, would forever shape the realm they both held dear.
As Edward gazed out the window at the falling snow, he felt the weight of centuries resting upon his shoulders, each snowflake a whispered reminder of the legacy he must uphold, the mistakes he must correct, and the future he must forge for his realm and his people.
In the early hours of the morning the following day, Margaery lay on her bed, her eyes fluttering open slightly as she weakly called out for Edward. He hurried to her side, his heart heavy with impending loss, yet he masked his emotions with a calm demeanor.
With a stern but loving expression, Margaery reached out for Edward's hand and whispered, "Do not forget what I've told you, The crown must never fall."
Edward nodded solemnly, his eyes reflecting determination and sorrow. "I won't forget, I promise."
As Margaery attempted to sit up, a sharp pain pierced through her chest, causing her to gasp. She cried out for a priest, her voice strained yet resolute. The priest rushed to her bedside, offering prayers and comfort as Margaery lay back, her breaths becoming shallower.
In her final moments, She whispered her late husband's name, a final farewell to the love of her life. "Wilhelm?" she breathed, her voice barely audible amidst the hushed room. Her eyes slowly closed, and the priest, after a brief examination, turned to the King with a somber apology, saying, 'I'm sorry, Your Grace. she has passed.' The room fell into a solemn silence, the weight of Margaery's legacy lingering in the air."
Edward stood by the foot of the bed, his gaze fixed on Margaery's frail form. The soft glow of candlelight danced across the room, casting a somber ambiance that mirrored the heavy emotions in Edward's heart. Though surrounded by loved ones and attendants, he felt an unyielding solitude settle upon him, as if the world had receded into a distant murmur, leaving only him and his grandmother in that final moment.
In the days that followed Margaery's passing, a wave of sorrow swept through the kingdom as news of her departure spread like wildfire. Citizens from all walks of life, from the bustling markets to the quiet countryside, made their way to Westsimster Abbey, their solemn faces a testament to the deep respect and admiration they held for their departed queen.
Inside the grand halls of the abbey, a scene of profound mourning unfolded. The royal family stood together, their heads bowed in reverence, as they surrounded Margaery's peaceful figure. She lay adorned in her finest regal attire, a testament to her grace and dignity even in death. Her robes, woven from the finest purple satin, cascaded around her in gentle folds, accentuated by the soft gleam of ermine furs that spoke of her regal lineage.
A crown, symbolizing her reign and legacy, graced her brow, its jewels catching the flickering candlelight and casting a radiant glow upon her serene features. Despite the weight of grief that hung heavy in the air, Margaery appeared as if she were merely slumbering, her expression one of tranquil repose. As Edward approached Margaery's resting place, his heart heavy with sorrow, he found solace in the memories of her unwavering strength and kindness. With a voice touched by emotion, he spoke to the gathered mourners:
"We stand here today not just to mourn the loss of a queen, but to honor the legacy of a matriarch whose love and wisdom guided us all. Margaery was not just a ruler; she was the heart and soul of our family, a beacon of grace and compassion in times of turmoil. Her absence leaves a void that can never be filled, but her legacy of unity and empathy will continue to inspire us as we navigate the path ahead. Let us remember her not with tears of sadness, but with gratitude for the light she brought into our lives."
Following her funeral, Margaery was placed in her coffin and carried beneath the grand halls of Westsimster Abbey. There, in the dim light of the crypt, she was laid to rest beside her late husband, King Wilhelm IV. The royal family gathered around her final resting place, their faces etched with grief as they mourned her one last time.
The chamber echoed with the soft sounds of weeping and whispered prayers, a testament to the deep loss felt by all. As the moment of farewell drew to a close, they began to exit the chamber, their hearts heavy with sorrow. King Edward lingered at the entrance, his eyes cast downward in despair. His mind was full of emotions, an immense amount of grief, responsibility, and reflection.
He thought of his grandmother's final counsel, the words that would forever resonate within him: "The crown must never falter." The weight of her legacy and the promise he had made felt almost overwhelming in that moment.
As he took his final steps out of the chamber, Edward whispered to himself, "I will not let you down, this crown shall never fall.".
Queen Margaery 1279-1354 (75 yrs)
May the Watcher guide her into the light ♡
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copiouscouples · 1 year
Random Thoughts on the Queen Charlotte series
It was near perfection. I’d give it a 9.5 out of 10. The 0.5 mark down would be for three reasons: 
1) Nobody asked to see Lady Danbury incessantly humped by that toothless grandpa known as her husband. NO. BODY. 
2) There was a little sloppiness transitioning from Charlotte’s outburst to Princess Augusta (which was justified - she just found out about her husband’s mental health issues) to writing him letters and seemingly wanting him back - I wanted to see more of her thoughts as she went through this phase.
3) You can’t introduce a character, make us fall in love with him, and then just ghost us about his whereabouts. What happened to Reynolds?
There was also some sloppiness with the Adolphus/Lady Danbury thing they had going. Like I didn’t really see their connection/chemistry. It felt very rushed. But I didn’t care about that storyline so I’m not taking off points for that.
We got a DRY spell sexy times wise in season 2, but QC BROUGHT the 🔥🔥🔥! That Even Days episode rivals episode 6 of season 1.
The reason I can’t quit Shonda is that she does one thing better than any other show runner out there currently. She knows how to find leads that have insane chemistry. We saw it on Grey’s and Scandal. And we definitely saw it with Charlotte and George.
It was heartbreaking AF but such a beautiful love story.
You went through all the emotions but you still laughed. 
I did not have Lady Danbury having her first O with Violet’s dad on my bingo card. But I was surprisingly OK with it.
Even though it was apparent that Lady Danbury was little more than a possession to her husband, she really had his back. She was supportive AF, but I cheered with her and her maid were excited about his death. Ding dong the witch is dead.
Life for women was bleak AF back in the day even for royals. Princess Augusta alluded to a lot of crappy stuff she had to deal with. 
Let me get all philosophical for a moment. Watching that doctor’s “treatment plan” for George was horrifying. What are our doctors doing now that will horrify people in the future? (Methinks it’s the overprescribing of certain pills but that’s a rant for another day.)
Brimsley and Reynold’s loyalty and investment in their king and queen was really heartwarming to watch.
This show had me crying like it was an episode of This Is Us. Stop it. But don’t, cuz I loved it.
I’m sure more thoughts will come to me. But I loved this show. For a spinoff, it’s better than the original. I was expecting it to be on par, but it surpassed it.
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inlovewithregencyera · 4 months
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Transcript under cut : )
Vane Farm, Brindleton, Isturia, July 8th, 1818
*Susan snoring*
*Annie loudly snoring*
*tapping on window*
*Susan snoring more*
George: Susie..come on.
*George throws another handful of pebbles*
Susan: Annie, did you hear that?
Susan: Annie..?
*Susan gets up*
Susan: George? *squints* GEORGE!
*Susan grabs her boots and runs down stairs*
George: There's my darling.
Susan: GEORGE!
George: Hi Susie, how are you? *kissing forehead*
Susan: Oh, I'm well I suppose. It is a bit early though, but I'm always glad to see you!
George: And I you. Pray tell me, did I awake Annie again?
Susan: Oh, no. *giggling* She's sound asleep, but it seems you woke the chickens.
George: Yes, it seems so. *softly chuckling* I'd hate if they were to spread scandal about me.
Susan: *pfft*They'd surely give your father a stroke.Reverend Thorpe seen in the wee hours of the morning with farmer Vane's daughter. Whatever would he do?
George: *kissing cheek* Might be a good thing if old Bute stroked out of here.
Susan: *chuckling* Georgie! How cruel.
George: I mean it. That's actually what I came here to talk to you about.
Susan: Oh Lord forgive me! He's alright, isn't he? I meant no malice when-
George: Oh, there there Susie. I dare say he's never alright mentally, but his health shouldn't be something to concern your little heart with.
Susan: Oh thank God. What did you want to speak to me about then?
*hen clucking*
George: Would you mind if we went behind that tree over there so I could tell you? I fear we’re too out in the open.
Susan: Oh, yes of course. giggling We wouldn't want to give the chickens more to gossip about, would we?
George: *smirking* They're already plotting against us, I know it. Come on *takes hand*
*Susan giggles*
George: Susie, can you promise not to be cross with me when I tell you this?
Susan: *clutching hand* George Thorpe, you know I could never truly be cross with you.
George: Good, good. I have two terrible things to tell you, I'll start with the least terrible first.
Susan: Yes?
George: Last night, my father arranged a dinner and had a young Incubinian woman of a wealthy background come as a potential bride for Arthur.
Susan: Oh. Why should you tell me she's Incubinian, does it matter?
George: No! No, not one bit at all, forgive me.Anyways, Arthur said he'd never marry her because of this, and my father demanded I try and swoon her instead. I had no other choice to, but I meant nothing of what I said to her, I flattered her solely for the sake of my Father. Please know this.
Susan: *backing away* Oh why can't you tell him already!
George: Sue, it's not that easy-
Susan: If you loved me like you said you did it would be. My mother sunk from all the comfort she was born into when she married my father, and she didn't care not one bit because she loves him!
George: Susan Augusta Vane, I love you more than anybody on this Earth, you know this.
Susan: Sometimes I don't!
George: Susan..
Susan: I don't know what you'd like me to say.
George: You do know how much I love you, don't you?
Susan: I don't George! You claim how much you love me in private and to your closest friends, yet I tell my family how much I love you. Family is above all else in the world, and you can't tell yours how you "love" me?
George: Arthur and Villoria know that I am hopelessly devoted to you but they do not know that the affection is mutual nor do they know about the engagement. Papa is another thing to trifle with.
Susan: I love you more than you love me.
George: That's not true. If I didn't love you I wouldn't be here standing before you telling you the truth now would I? I couldn't sleep without you knowing. I rode to Thornfield asking Freddie and Max if I was a fool for feeling like this. You mean the world to me and you are the sole object of my affection and happiness. I promise you I'll tell that old fool after Aurelia's birthday and everything is settled with her.
Susan: Whatever do you mean after everything's settled with her?
George: That's where I'm getting. The second thing I must tell you is a terrible blow, I'm not sure how to say this as I know how much you love Aurelia.
Susan: Go on...
George: Sue, Frederick has fleeting consumption.
Susan: *gasps* Oh my goodness. Just as I claimed they had it all, they don't. My poor Aurelia. However is she? Oh, I feel quite terrible, I must call on her first thing in the morn-
George: She doesn’t know.
Susan: What?
George: She doesn’t know.
Susan: Why doesn't she? That's a horrible thing to hide!
George: Because he wants to let her enjoy her birthday first, when he'll have Maximilian tell her, I'm unsure.
Susan: MAXIMILIAN? Why is he the one to tell her, it's Frederick's illness! This isn't right at all, he'll shatter her heart all over now, just as I thought it was getting repaired.
George: I know, I know. But it's not our place to interfere with how they do things, is it?
Susan: No, but my sweet Aurelia never catches a break! Oh, I feel terrible for Frederick, but I feel worse for Aurelia. She'll have to live with this. How dare he come back and do this to her!
George: Susie, it's fleeting consumption. It'll show symptoms then disappear and nothings left of it. He's been coughing since the Spring of 1816, he had it before he knew her.
Susan: That makes it even worse! Oh, I feel for poor Maximilian too. When he came to collect money from dear good Papa yesterday morning, Papa said he looked so sad. George, if you ever get sick, you must tell me immediately and then I shall pray I get sick because truthfully I couldn't live without you, and I’d be so melan-
*George kisses Susan*
Susan: Melancholy.
George: *pulling away* I must go now my dear, the rain will get worse and I don't want you sick. I also convinced Max to sleep as I told him I'd watch Frederick tonight.
Susan: *sniffling* I just can't believe it. This is all so sad you know, he's so young!
George: I know dear, I know. Remember what you'd always tell me though, if it's God's will then let it be done.
Perhaps it's for a greater good, he's not upset about it. He's only upset at the thought of Aurelia being upset.
Susan: Yes..yes I know, and upset she will be!
George: Yes, yes she will be. But she has you as a friend and I'm sure you'll manage to lift her spirits. You love her dearly. Now I must go, I'll see you tonight?
Susan: Oh I’m not going.
George: What, why not?
Susan: *sniffling* I don't have a pretty dress for that occasion, so I'll not embarrass myself or my family by going.
George: I'll steal one of Lori's for you then, hm?
Susan: Oh, no thank you. I just won't be going, I hope you understand. Perhaps Mama and I can go and keep Frederick company while Max and Isabella go to the ball?
George: That's a good idea, you can make anyone smile. You're a good woman Susan, don't forget that.
Susan: And you promise to tell your Papa after all is done between them?
George: I promise. I want Frederick to see our wedding.
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zmediaoutlet · 13 days
happy ww, I am so glad you are back :)
I didnt have any unique qs except I was rereading the archivist a few days ago (as one does!!) and it got me thinking how in your fics and late season domesticity, they just...love & accept each other, as people. So. What are the activities that you think Sam/Dean have zero interest in individually but do it for each other? Esp post 15.19!
happy wincest wednesday-on-a-friday! <3 I'm partially back at least, haha. The things, they are Busy, but it's good to check in with the buds. :)
You know late-seasons domesticity is my jam! And people doing things they don't necessarily like but will bear for the sake of the beloved is my ultimate jam, or indeed preserves! My marmalade!
Leaving naughty options that have been discussed before to the side -- let's do a random hc for each --
Dean finds true crime weird as shitttt. Our lives our true crime, why are you consuming it as a hobby?? Sam starts out trying to claim that it's work-related, and also did you know that we got covered on this podcast when the serial killer Leviathan-- ? But then with the benefits of late-seasons casualness he just shrugs and says, what? I dig it. And so Dean does occasionally deign to let Sam play the podcast at full volume in the car on the long drive from Kansas to Augusta ME, and because he is who he is, he inevitably gets involved in the characters etc and wants to hear the next ep. But then he remembers that those are real people, with real tragedies, and gets an uncomfy little -- ick -- but Sam's focused and fascinated and Dean puts away the ick and goes, well. If the killer ever shows up again as a ghost or demon, the Winchesters will know ever single detail of how to handle it.
Sam suffers more than Christ for his brother-best-friend-husband, lol. Every day is another listen through of the Black Album or a stop at a diner that last passed a health inspection in 1979 or what Dean thinks passes for singing in the shower. But so what. All the benefits of being Dean's brother outweigh the horrors. (Most of the time.) One in the post 15.19 era that he truly just Does Not Like is Dean's obsession with trying to hit all the restaurants he can on the Diners Drive-ins and Dives list. I mean jesus christ -- not only were they often sketch greasebombs to start with, now that they're famous they're even worse, and crowded, and he does not want a triple-stack waffle-and-fried-chicken heart attack on a plate -- ! But Dean grins so big, and honestly, if anyone's earned cholesterol Sam guesses it's Dean. So he orders whatever's least gross on the menu and resigns himself to another afternoon of trying not to watch Dean eat. (But he will, after enough cajoling, take a bite of whatever the star thing is on the menu. Sometimes it's good.)
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teatimeatwinterpalace · 6 months
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The Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York en route to Australia 1901.
‘We have only heard yesterday that our visit to Australia is to come off after all,’ wrote May on 8 February 1901.
The display of lachrymosity over the departure of George and May on their voyage on Ophir were exceptional even by royal standards. When the King proposed their health at a farewell dinner on 16 March he broke down altogether, and 'only suppressed sobs were heard'. Aunt Augusta remarked: 'I would not have believed he could have been so very low & upset'. George was so affected that he 'could hardly speak' in reply.
The next day Ophir steamed out of Portsmouth, passing the King and Queen as they waved from the royal yatch. After this poignant moment, wrote George, 'May & I came down to our cabin & had a good cry & tried to comfort each other'. Aunt Augusta paid Alix a visit soon afterwards, 'when she told me all about it, crying all the time.' As for May, she confessed that 'those dreadful farewells nearly killed me, & I was obliged to take to my bed & do nothing but rest’, staying there until Gibraltar. 'The pent up emotions of the last days had much upset me, particularly havin to keep one's feelings under control, so no wonder I collapsed.’
George V : Never a dull moment by Jane Ridley
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graceofromanovs · 6 months
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Prince Konstantin Konstantinovich was born on 1 January 1891 in Saint Petersburg, Imperial Russia. He was the third son and fourth child of Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich of Russia and his German-born wife Grand Duchess Elizabeth Mavrikievna. Konstantin was christened on 3 January at 2 in the afternoon at Marble Palace Church, St. Petersburg, by the Confessor of Their Majesties. His godparents were:
ALEXANDER III, EMPEROR OF RUSSIA - his father’s first cousin was named as one of his many godparents. He was highly reactionary in domestic affairs and reversed some of the liberal reforms of his father, Alexander II. He was most likely present at his young cousin’s christening.
GRAND DUKE KONSTANTIN NIKOLAEVICH OF RUSSIA - his paternal grandfather and namesake was one of his numerous godparents. He was the Viceroy of Poland from 1862 to 1863. His real influence on internal affairs after 1868 was insignificant. He was reportedly absent at his grandson's christening, due to his ill health.
CHARLES ALEXANDER, GRAND DUKE OF SAXE-WEIMAR-EISENACH - his parents' distant cousin (as a grandson of Emperor Paul I of Russia) was also named as the young Konstantin's godparent. He was absent at the prince's christening. He was the penultimate ruler of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, from 1853 until his death in 1901.
QUEEN MARIE OF HANOVER - his great-aunt, the last Queen consort of Hanover, was amongst his numerous godparents. She was absent at his christening.
ELISABETH, GRAND DUCHESS OF OLDENBURG - another of his great-aunt named as his godmother. Elisabeth, upon her marriage to the Grand Duke of Oldenburg used the funds given to her by her father to set up the Elisabeth Foundation, which still exists today. Like her sister Queen Marie, she was absent at her great-nephew's christening.
GRAND DUKE ALEXEI ALEXANDROVICH OF RUSSIA - his father's illustrious first cousin was named as the prince's godfather. Chosen for a naval career, Alexei started his military training at an early age. By the age of 20 he had been appointed lieutenant of the Imperial Russian Navy, eventually becoming general-admiral.
GRAND DUCHESS ALEXANDRA PETROVNA OF RUSSIA - his great-aunt,  the wife of Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich, was another of his godmothers.A plain, and serious woman, her marriage to Grand Duke Nicholas was an unhappy one. Nevertheless, she would enjoy and maintain a good relationship with a few of her nephews including Emperor Alexander III and Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich, who were sympathetic to her.
GRAND DUCHESS ALEXANDRA GEORGIEVNA OF RUSSIA - his paternal first cousin, the eldest daughter of King George I and Queen Olga, had been present and named as a godparent of Prince Konstantin, who was merely nineteen years her senior. In 1889, she married Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich, the youngest brother of Emperor Alexander III.
GRAND DUKE MICHAEL NIKOLAEVICH OF RUSSIA - his great-uncle was also listed as his godparent, and had been present at the christening. A soldier for most of his adult life, he enjoyed a favourable relationship with the three last Emperors of Russia - his brother Alexander II; nephew Alexander III; and great-nephew Nicholas II.
GRAND DUKE PETER NIKOLAEVICH OF RUSSIA - his father's first cousin was another of his many godparents. He was the younger son of Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich and his wife grand Duchess Alexandra Petrovna (also named as a godparent of Prince Konstantin, listed above).
PRINCESS AUGUSTA OF SAXE-MEININGEN - his maternal grandmother was also named as his godmother. In 1862, she married Prince Moritz of Saxe-Altenburg, and bore him five children.
PRINCESS LOUISE CHARLOTTE OF SAXE-ALTENBURG - his maternal aunt, the youngest sister of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Mavrikievna was amongst his numerous godparents. Both Louise Charlotte and her mother Augusta were absent at Konstantin's christening.
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talibunny30 · 2 months
Echoes of Resilience
Chapter Six - Dutiful Deeds of a Damaged Daughter
A glimpse at times gone by shows Nesta's struggle with keeping up appearances while maintaining a semblance of peace…
This chapter… We start to dive deeper into what has shaped Nesta into who she is today. It made me emotional writing this, honestly.
When my husband proofread for me, he got teared up too… So just a warning that there are some sad bits.
An immeasurable amount of thanks to my beta readers:
@shadowsandlint - even though you are days away from getting MARRIED, you still took the time 🖤 You are just wonderful
@somnolentsoul - you are going through it, but still are kind enough to come through for me ✨ I am so grateful
Read on AO3 here
Chapter begins after the cut
Nesta was ten when she found out. 
It was a night as normal as any, if normal meant that you had to hide your broken pinky finger in the folds of your nightgown to avoid frightening your younger sisters while simultaneously appearing unbothered by the discipline you received after dropping a stitch in the thousandth pair of gloves you were forced to knit. “Isn't it counter-intuitive to damage the very things I need to accomplish what is expected of me?” Nesta thought.
Her father had called for the family to gather in his study. Lightly tapping his chin with steepled fingers, he sat behind an intricately crafted, one-of-a-kind oak desk. Just another thing he endlessly bragged about obtaining in one of his numerous travels to the continent.
One not-normal thing about tonight was that their mother stood with her hand on their father’s shoulder as they were all seated. Nesta did not miss the way Augusta’s thumb lightly stroked along the collar of her husband’s white undershirt. Her mother did not comment on his unkempt appearance. Another not-normal thing.
The air seemed to follow the maids as they filtered out of the room after getting Elain and Feyre settled on the carpet in front of the recently lit hearth. Whatever this impromptu family meeting was about, Nesta could already tell it was not good news. Though if it concerned their grandmother’s untimely passing, perhaps it would be good news for Nesta.
The only noise that could be heard while the three sisters waited was the logs cracking as the fire slowly warmed the room. Nesta stared into the flames, watching as they danced to their silent music, fueling themselves purely from the destruction of something else. She felt a strange kinship with the logs. Always required, doing most of the work, but never receiving any thanks for the contribution they made to the heat the fire provided.
Her father cleared his throat and Nesta was snapped out of her macabre state. Focusing on her parents, she sat primly, hands folded in her lap while she waited for the words to begin falling from her father’s mouth.
“My doves, your mother and I have called you from your rooms at this hour because we wish to share with you a matter that I - we - believe needs discussing. This is not an easy thing to-”
“I am sick. No need to cause a scene, I will survive it.” Augusta interrupted with a matter-of-fact statement. Even in poor health, their mother was formidable. Terrifyingly so.
“Mama?” Elain’s eyes glistened with unshed tears as she called out, her voice a whispered plea; as if that one word could erase entirely whatever illness plagued their mother. 
Normalcy reared its head once more as their mother chose to ignore Elain and focused on Nesta instead. Augusta continued with her health report as if simply discussing the weather, “There have been healers called for from the Continent and they will see to it that I am returned to normal post haste.” Their parents locked eyes and Nesta could easily decipher the unsaid words. Augusta expected her bootlicking husband to deliver on this one thing or he would regret it.
Over the years, Nesta learned that whatever her mother said, came to pass, so in this moment, there was no need for an overly emotional response to the news. Something Elain clearly was not informed of as she silently wept on the carpet, finding comfort in her arms wrapped tightly around herself. Though the response Nesta would have had if allowed, would not be one of sadness should her mother succumb to this sickness they had still not named.
A dutiful daughter to a fault, or many faults if her mother was to be believed, Nesta simply nodded once in confirmation that she had heard the news, understood that it was no cause for alarm and that things would remain as they had always been. “What a waste of time. If there was no real threat, why in the Mother’s name did they drag Elain and Feyre from their beds at this godsforsaken hour?” she questioned indignantly. 
Without needing to be asked, Nesta managed to cage that snapping wolf and replied evenly to both her parents, “Thank you for advising us of this news. We wish for your swift recovery, mother. Father, if there is anything you may require during this time, please allow me to assist you.”
She then rose from the plush armchair and made to gather her sisters to return them to their beds. Whispered instructions of bidding their parents goodnight were given to Elain and Feyre; a curtsy to their mother and a kiss on the cheek for their father. 
This was normal. This was fine. 
Nesta convinced herself that she was fully capable of digesting this news and moulding herself to fit the most favourable outcome.
The cool sea breeze drifted in through the windows along the upper hallway, bringing with it the soft kiss of night and mountain snow that had fallen in the unseasonably chilly mid-Autumn months as Nesta led Elain and Feyre to their rooms. 
Wishing Elain a good night, Feyre waited quietly by the door. Nesta walked Elain to her bed, holding her hand gently all the while. 
As she tucked their middle sister in, Nesta said the same words she had every night of Elain’s young life, “Sleep well, little sister. It may be dark now, but the sooner you close your eyes, the sooner you will wake to a new sun that cannot wait to shine on you. ” It was followed by what seemed to be Elain’s favourite part of the day: Butterfly kisses from her big sister.
When Nesta rose from Elain’s side and turned to get the littlest of them to bed, she found Feyre already extending her arms to be carried. This was one of the few moments Nesta had alone with her sisters and she felt the need to let all of her masks drop. They deserved to see her for who she hoped to be. The good thing was, they were too young to remember it, anyway.
Scooping Feyre into her arms, Nesta smoothed her hand over Feyre’s cotton soft head and hummed as she walked her to her bedroom. Laying her down on her fluffy pillows, Nesta took a moment to just look at her sweet baby sister’s face; noting all the ways they were so alike. The blue-grey eyes, the spun-gold hair, the light dusting of freckles that made their faces appear to be kissed by the stars… It was the reason Nesta kept Feyre away from her.
Swiping a few stray hairs from Feyre’s forehead, Nesta leaned in to whisper their secret words, “Be brave, be strong, be you. Goodnight, sweet girl.”
As Nesta returned to her bedroom and the solace of her own company, she tried desperately to smother the kernel of hope that glowed within her, shining light on her wish for a future in which her mother did not survive.
The only once spoken and gravely understood rule of keeping all news regarding the health of Augusta Archeron on a need-to-know basis was what governed the lives of the Archerons and all staff that worked in, on or around the grounds of their immense estate.
All healers were kept in a separate cottage located on the east side of the grounds overlooking the sea. The chance of anyone sailing directly past was entirely impossible, due to the natural mountains that bordered this particular portion of the lands owned by their family. This allowed for unending consultations without having any prying eyes discovering that all was not as it seemed on the Archeron estate. 
Although the sisters were expressly forbidden from wandering the grounds and disturbing the work or the medicinal herb gardens of the healers, Nesta knew that there must have been a development to their mother’s condition, if solely for the sheer amount of time their father was absent; flitting away to the continent for weeks before seeing him appear at family dinners as if nothing was amiss.
What caused Nesta to pause and contemplate just how dire the situation may have become was when their father had not returned in time for Elain’s ninth name day celebration. This most certainly did not bode well for the sisters. Nesta knew she would need to focus on placing herself strategically in two places at once. Both as a buffer between Elain and her wounded heart at the lack of her doting father, as well as a barricade between Feyre and the incessant need for their mother to nitpick.
Protecting Elain from Augusta grew easier over the years as their father carved out just enough time to see to her every whim. Yes, Elain still had to learn to dance, and play an instrument befitting a lady; she had to nurture her needlework skills and be learned in all the manners with which to secure a husband when the time came, but this was all seen to by her governess and hand selected tutors procured by their father. Nothing was too much for sweet Elain.
Feyre was lucky to have mostly avoided either of their parent’s attentions over her near eight years of life, though much of that was made sure of by Nesta’s supplication at the throne of their mother. Heeding her commandments, walking the straight and narrow path set out before her. Feyre was free to develop as she saw fit. Free to roam; to explore. Free to uncover wondrous things. Feyre was free.
Nesta was left to the wolves. To be cast into the forge fire again and again; made malleable enough to have her imperfections repeatedly hammered out of her by the cruel hands of her grandmother, her mother, or if she was especially unlucky, both of them at once. 
It did not matter though; at twelve Nesta knew the role she fulfilled in her family. Augusta never let her forget it.
Strong to outsiders but forever mouldable to fit whatever role her mother deemed necessary for the betterment of their family. Balancing that knife’s edge was all Nesta was allowed to focus on. To outwardly project perfection while never believing herself above any faults the matriarchs pointed out. 
This was normal. This was fine.
It dawned on Nesta that she had wished for her father’s presence in that moment. Not since she was a youngling had she wanted him in the same room as her. One silver lining was that her grandmother deemed the celebration of Elain wholly unimportant and not worth the trip from her countryside estate.
The sound of breaking glassware followed by barking shocked Nesta back into the present. This could not be a good thing, especially when nearly all of the busybody society mothers were gathered around the front lawn of the Archeron estate. Whatever caused this raucous was sure to land Nesta in the exact situation she had worked so hard to avoid today.
“Excuse me. Let me pass, please.” As soon as Nesta broke through those gathering around the cause of all the noise, she froze. Covered in what could only be the three-tiered strawberry and vanilla cake specifically baked for Elain’s name day, was a previously muddy, now muddy and sticky Feyre. At least Nesta found the source of the barking, as there was a mottled brown pup of unknown origin licking one-half of Feyre’s face clean with a tail that could lift it off the ground if it wagged just that little bit faster. 
“You have got to be kidding me,” Nesta whispered to herself as she began to approach a giggling Feyre who had managed to wrangle the pup into her lap while she began to feed it chunks of the decimated cake.
Augusta appeared behind Feyre; the sea of guests parting for her as if she had an invisible shield around her that wouldn’t - or perhaps couldn’t - allow anyone to get too close. 
“Feyre! Get to your feet at once,” her mother seethed.
The light in Feyre’s eyes immediately dimmed as she looked up at Nesta with pleading in the muted blue pools; as if to say “Help me, sister”. Nesta did the only thing she knew would both appease her mother and protect Feyre, even if that meant the wedge between the sisters would only grow.
“Mother, allow me to attend to this mishap. It is not worthy of your esteemed guests’ attention on such a beautiful occasion that you so meticulously arranged.”
Nesta knew to hide her sweat-clad palms; to remain the picture of easy grace in front of all these pecking mother hens. She also knew the thin line to walk with buttering her mother up while lowering herself to a point that her mother deemed sufficient for this occasion.
Augusta studied her with her all-seeing gaze before turning to those gathered and declaring the distraction over.
“Ladies, it is only so long that we remain without our husbands. We should enjoy the time we have today to look over only those children that we birthed. Let us return to the party.”
Soft laughter turned to hushed gossiping as the women moved in unison, returning to their allotted tables where their statuesque daughters remained; fanning themselves and pointedly looking in every direction except where Nesta was now stood.
The change in Augusta’s features as she levelled her iced eyes on Nesta caused her already frantic heartbeat to reach a fever pitch. This was not the last Nesta would hear of her mother’s feelings towards what had happened here today, it only marked the end of the public display of her ire.
Nesta forced herself to remain outwardly calm. She ran through the mental checklist as she waited for her mother’s instructions. 
Straight back - she lengthened her spine
Soft face - she slipped her tongue between her teeth to loosen her jaw
Long neck - she made room for that all-important imaginary rose tucked under her chin
Gentle hands - she relaxed her fingers and softly clasped her hands at her navel
Easy breaths - she focused on counting to four between each inhale and exhale
“See to it that you do, Nesta. I trust you will handle this matter appropriately, with just punishment for the embarrassment caused to the Archeron name. Feyre is not a babe any longer, perhaps it is time she learns that.”
Augusta’s gaze lingered on the pup that now shivered at Feyre’s feet. Even an untrained animal knew better than to draw attention to itself in the presence of this alpha female.
“The mongrel goes,” Augusta instructed as she left Nesta to manage not only the mess that Feyre caused but, in her mind, the mess that Feyre was . Nesta lowered her eyes in reverence and remained that way even when her mother could not possibly see her; if only to figure out what she would do to continue walking that knife’s edge.
Time to deliver the necessary blows that would put Feyre out of the unyielding reach of their mother. Nesta only hoped this would be the last time she needed to be this person to her baby sister.
Turning to fully face her sister, Nesta forced the venomous words out, “Feyre. Today you have caused this entire celebration to be about you. Has it occurred to you that any of these mothers will remember they were here for Elain’s name day when all they will talk about is how unruly and uncouth the youngest Archeron child is?”
Feyre raised her silver-lined eyes to Nesta as she whispered, “That was not my intent, Nesta. I was not thinking-,”
“No,” Nesta interrupted her, “it is clear that you were not thinking, you never do. You caused embarrassment to our name, Feyre. Above everything, you are an Archeron first. Anything else you wish to be will always come after that. Can you not for one afternoon just act normal?”
“I do not know what normal is, Nesta. I swear I was just trying to remain out of the way. I did not mean to cause such attention, it is only that I got caught up in playing with that sweet pup, and was too late to see the table before I fell.” Feyre wrung her icing-crusted hands as she shifted on her feet.
Nesta made a point to look down her nose at Feyre as she delivered the final blow that she just prayed would bring her sister on the correct path. “You are as feral as that stupid animal at your feet. As punishment, the hound will be taken off the grounds. Go to your room. Remain there until the party is over. I will come see you once I am able.”
Motioning for a footman to approach, Nesta waited for the argument she knew Feyre would make. To her surprise, none came. The only change in Feyre’s demeanour now were the silent tears that fell as she stroked the fluffy ears of the pup before picking it up and meeting the footman that was halfway down the manor steps.
As Nesta watched Feyre hand the pup over to the footman, it was as if she watched the final vestiges of childhood be ripped from her youngest sister. Nesta had caused this. If she only paid closer attention to Feyre, she never would have had a moment to cause such a display.
Feyre shifted on the steps, looked over her shoulder and, with a voice Nesta never wished to hear from her sister, said, “I hate you, Nesta. Do not come to my room after the party has concluded, I do not wish to see you.”
It felt like a dagger to the heart, hearing those words from her littlest sister. But wasn’t that what Nesta had wanted? Better for Feyre to hate her and be safe than get too close and find out just how all-encompassing Augusta’s attention truly was.
This was normal. This was fine. 
It is a toughy, I know…
Let me know what you thought of all this in the comments :))
I do intend to have flashbacks that relate to the previous and the next chapters so that we can really trudge through the inner workings of Nesta and what moments have shaped her or marked her; scarred her or damaged her.
Again, hugely grateful to my hero of a husband @a-novel-idealist who puts aside what he is doing to read what I have written and give me praise. I am one lucky wife 💜
Echoes of Resilience taglist
Let me know if you want on or off the taglist :))
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The Demonic References in the Loptr Church
Befitting the cult of the dark god Loptous, many members of the Loptr Church, particularly those in Chapters 10 and Endgame of Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War take their names from grimoires of demonology and the occult.
Beginning with the sect's archbishop, Manfroy (JP: マンフロイ; rōmaji: manfuroi) gets his name from legends regarding Manfred of Sicily, son of Emperor Frederick II. On page 436 of Jacques Collin de Plancy's Dictionnaire Infernal is a section dedicated to Mainfroi, which claims that following his excommunication by Pope Innocent IV, Manfred studied magic and alchemy, all while communing with demons. This was largely based on a similar passage on page 303 of Pierre Le Loyer's Histoire des spectres et apparitions des esprits, which instead refers to Manfred as Manfroy. Rumors of King Manfred's deal with the devil would go on to inspire Lord Byron's Manfred, a poem telling of a noble convening with dark spirits to erase his memory of a lost lover - a sentiment based on his own failed marriage and an affair with his half-sister Augusta Leigh. The wiping of memories seemingly influenced Manfroy's act of erasing those of Deirdre, while the topic of incest likely served as a basis for the conception of Loptous' vessel.
Moving on, Zagam (JP: ザガム; rōmaji: zagamu) is the Loptrian stationed over Miletos Castle. He is named after Zagam, attested on page 711 of Dictionnaire Infernal as a Great King and President of Hell, sourced from Johann Weyer's Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, where he is instead called Zagan. The name Zagan would also be used in the later-released Ars Goetia, part of the Lesser Key of Solomon. Most mentions of Zagan claim that he could turn wine or oil into blood, and could transmute water into wine and vice versa.
Juphiel (JP: ユフィール; rōmaji: yufīru) is a Loptrian bishop defending Edda dukedom. His name comes from Uphir, a demon seemingly first mentioned in Dictionnaire Infernal on page 674. He is said to be a chemist who maintains the health of Beelzebub and the other high-ranked demons of Hell.
Dagon (JP: ダゴン; rōmaji: dagon) is a Loptrian bishop that protects Dozel Castle. His name comes from Dagon, described in Dictionnaire Infernal on page 194. But before this, Dagon, also called Dagan, was an ancient Syrian god of prosperity, kingship, and the father of many other gods. Dagan was also said to guarantee a successful grain harvest. First attestations of Dagon as a demonic entity began with the texts of the Old Testament, which claimed the Philistines to have worshiped the god above all others. De Plancy would expand Dagon's role among other demons, interpreting him to be the Great Baker of Hell - likely based on his association with grain.
Lastly is Baran (JP: バラン; rōmaji: baran), who serves to stop Seliph's army at Friege. He is named after Balan, covered on pages 76 and 77 of Dictionnaire Infernal. In other texts like the Ars Goetia, he is instead called Balam or Balaam. He is said to be a three-headed demon who responds to questions with perfect answers, whether it be about the past, present, or future. The name Balaam comes from a magician in the Old Testament, who told the Moabite king Balak how to make the Israelites sin, leading to punishment upon them by God.
Saving the most speculative for last, Veld is a high-stationed bishop of the Loptr Church who carries out Manfroy's orders throughout the Munster District. The name seemingly comes from the Old Norse veld, appropriately meaning "I rule over; I am the cause of".
In Japanese, Veld's name is written ベルド (rōmaji: berudo). It is possible that the name is a greatly truncated form of ベルゼビュート (rōmaji: beruzebyūto), Belzébuth, a French name for the Lord of the Flies, Beelzebub. Similarly to Dagon, some of the earliest mentions of Beelzebub come from the Old Testament, where he was a god of the Philistines. The Testament of Solomon would go on to assert that this was but another name for Lucifer. Other sources interpret the two as separate, however. On pages 89 and 90 of Dictionnaire Infernal, Belzébuth is claimed to be the prince of demons, the absolute leader of Hell, and second in power and wickedness only to Satan himself. For "Manfroy's Rock" and seemingly the second most powerful member of the Loptrian Order behind the archbishop to be named after Beelzebub would be rather appropriate, though the connection is certainly a stretch.
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cruetrimeblog · 1 year
The Unfortunate Story of Ed Gein
Ed Gein was born in Wisconsin on August 27, 1906. He had one older brother named Harry. His parents' names were Philip and Augusta Gein. Unfortunately there was a lot of turmoil in the Gein's marriage. Philip was an alcoholic who hopped from job to job, and Augusta resented him for it.
In later years, the Gein family relocated to a 155 acre farm in Plainfield, Wisconsin. Augusta never allowed visitors to the family farm for fear that they would corrupt her sons. The boys only left the farm to attend school. Their free time was spent doing chores.
Augusta was a strongly devout Lutheran. She often preached to her children about the immorality of the world around them. She often read to the boys from the darkest parts of The Old Testament.
Ed grew into a very shy young man. His teachers and peers thought of him as weird. Any time he started to make friends, he would be punished by his mother.
Although he suffered from poor social development, he did well in school, especially in reading.
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Ed's father died on April 1, 1940 due to heart failure caused by his alcoholism. He was 66 years old. To help their mother with living expenses, Ed and Henry began doing odd jobs around town. Ed frequently babysat for his neighbors. He really enjoyed this because he claimed to relate more to children than adults.
Henry later began dating a divorced single mom of 2 children. The two planned to move in together. Henry soon started to worry about Ed and his attachment to their mother. He would often speak badly of her around Ed which hurt him greatly.
On May 16, 1944 the two men were burning away vegetation on their property when the fire got out of control. The fire caught the attention of local firefighters who shortly arrived to put out the flames. After the fire was sequestered, Ed reported his brother Henry missing.
A search party found Henry's body lying face down. He had been dead for some time when he was found. His initial cause of death was ruled as heart failure. He wasn't burned but had a bruise on his head.
Police initially believed that there was no foul play involved, so there was no further investigation. The coroner ultimately ruled his cause of death to be asphyxiation. Many people suspected Ed of being involved in his brother's death.
After Henry's death, Augusta suffered from a stroke, and suffered another shortly afterwards. Her health began to rapidly deteriorate, and she died on December 29, 1945. Ed was devastated. He was quoted saying that he "lost his only friend and one true love. And he was absolutely alone in the world."
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After his mother's death, Ed continued to work on the family farm. He boarded up the areas of the house where his mother spent the most time: upstairs, the downstairs parlor, and the living room. Those areas remained in pristine condition while he allowed the rest of the house to become trashed. Ed mostly remained in a small room next to the kitchen. He spent a lot of free time reading magazines and adventure stories about nazis and cannibals.
Ed earned extra money by continuing to work as a handyman and doing odd jobs here and there. He also received a farm subsidy from the government. However, by 1956 he had sold 80 acres of his land.
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On November 16, 1957 a Plainfield hardware store owner named Bernice Wooden disappeared. A witness saw her car leaving the store at around 9:30 am. Citizens found it strange that the store was closed all day. Bernice's son Frank, who happened to be the sheriff, walked into the store at around 5 pm. He walked in to find the register wide open and blood stains on the floor. He told investigators that Ed had been in the store the night before the incident. He also returned the day of the incident to get a gallon of antifreeze. The receipt for this transaction was the last transaction recorded by Bernice. Ed was arrested later that night at a local grocery store. This also gave the police enough probably cause to search Ed's farm.
A deputy discovered Bernice's decapitated body in Ed's shed. She had been hung upside down by her legs with a crossbar. She also had ropes around her wrist. Her torso was described as, "dressed out like a deer." Her cause of death was a gunshot wound. The mutilations to her body took place postmortem.
This was only the beginning of the horror that authorities uncovered on Ed's property. Police found: human bone fragments, a wastebasket made out of skin, human skin furniture coverings, skulls on his bedposts, bowls made from skulls, a corset made from skin, leggings made from skin, masks made from skin, Bernice's head in a sack, her heart in a plastic bag near the stove, nine vulvae in a shoebox, a belt made from human nipples, four noses, a pair of lips on a window's drawstring, and a lampshade made from a human face. These items were photographed at the state crime lab before they were ultimately destroyed.
Ed admitted to robbing several graveyards between 1947 and 1956 to exhume bodies that had been recently buried. He stated that he was in a trance like state during his visits, sometimes waking up in the moment and returning home empty handed. He preferred to dig up women who resembled his mother. He took the bodies home to tan their skin which he would then use to make into different household objects. Ed later led investigators to all the burial sites that he disturbed. Two of those graves were found to be empty.
Ed's ultimate goal was to make a "woman suit" out of human flesh. He wanted to literally become his late mother. One of the gruesome objects found on Ed's property was the head of tavern owner Mary Hogan. Ed admitted to shooting her but denied any further memories of her death.
A young witness reported to police that he believed Ed kept shrunken heads in his house. Ed corroborated this, but said they were ancient relics from the Philippines. Police later determined that these were human faces from Ed's victims which he used as masks.
Ed's confession was ultimately ruled as inadmissible due to him being assaulted by a police officer during his interrogation. The officer repeatedly banged Ed's head against a wall.
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Ed's trial began on November 21, 1957. He was arraigned on 1 count of first degree murder which he pled not guilty by reason of insanity to. Ed had been diagnosed with schizophrenia, and he was hoping to use his diagnosis to his advantage. He was ultimately found mentally incompetent and was not deemed fit for trial. He was sent to the Central State Hospital for the Criminally Insane. He was later transferred to the Mendota State Hospital in Wisconsin.
It wasn't until doctors reevaluated Ed in 1968 that he was found to be able to participate in his own defense. His trial began on November 7, 1968. The trial lasted for one week. At first Ed tried to play Bernice's death off as an unmeditated accident, but couldn't remember any other details about the day in question.
Ed's defense requested that his trial not be presented to a jury, so it was only a judge there to try to convince of his innocence. Judge Robert Gollmar found Ed guilty on November 14th. There was a second trial held to try to determine Ed's sanity where the same judge ruled that Ed was not guilty by reason of insanity, again. He was admitted to a mental institution. Ed remained in mental institutions for the rest of his life.
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Ed's property was appraised at $4,700. This is the equivalent to over $42,000 today. His possessions were sent to auction on March 30, 1958. Due to rumors that the house would be turned into a morbid tourist attraction, it mysteriously burned down on March 20th. The fire was determined to be a "rubbish fire" that was set about 75 feet away from the house. Arson was reasonably suspected, but the potential arsonist was never uncovered. When Ed was given the news about his house, he was fairly unbothered.
Ed's car that he used to transport bodies was sold at auction for $760. This is the equivalent to over $6,700 today. The car was bought by a carnival sideshow operator. He charged the public 25 cents a pop to see it.
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Ed Gein died in the Mendola Mental Institue on July 26,1984 due to complications from lung cancer. For many years, people slowly chipped away pieces of his headstone. The entire stone was stolen in 2000. It was later found in Seattle in June 2001. It was ultimately placed in storage. His grave remains unmarked but not unknown. He is buried between his mother and his brother.
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Ed Gein's story has had a large influence in modern day pop culture. Many films had antagonists that were based on Ed such as: Psycho, House of 1000 Corpses, The Devil's Rejects, American Psycho, Silence of the Lambs, and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Many TV shows also used Ed's likeness such as American Horror Story and Bates Motel.
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kaiserrreich · 11 months
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October 22 1858: The Birth of Kaiserin Augusta Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein
Augusta Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein was the eldest daughter of Frederick VIII, Duke of Schleswig-Holstein and Princess Adelheid of Hohenlohe-Lagenburg. Tragedy struck only a week after her birth when her elder brother died from illness. In 1860, her younger sister, Caroline Mathilda, was born. Who was regarded as prettier and a brighter personality than the chubby, serious, submissive Augusta Victoria. Soon Augusta’s mother would give birth to another boy, Gerhard, who died in infancy. Their next male heir and fifth child, Ernst Gunther, was a perfectly healthy baby boy. Augusta would have two other sisters, Louise Sophie in April 1866 and Feodora Adelaide in July 1874.
In her family, she was known affectionately as “Dona.” Augusta’s obedient nature was noted on early in her youth, even by her future mother-in-law Crown Princess Frederick. ‘It is strange how good some children are – and how little trouble they give,’ she wrote to her mother, Queen Victoria, when Augusta Victoria was nine years old.  ‘Ada’s children are patterns of obedience, gentleness – the best of dispositions’. (1)
The thought of a match between Princess Augusta Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein and Prince Wilhelm of Prussia was contemplated ever since they were children, as noted by the prince (future Kaiser, ex-Kaiser) later in the future. But was never taken seriously until after the prince was rejected by Princess Elisabeth of Hesse and by Rhine. Perhaps, Wilhelm was seeking for a rebound in Dona and it was a success. As the couple married on the 27th of February 1881. The marriage has been regarded to be happy but not without struggle. As Wilhelm quickly grew bored at his new wife’s longing for a simple domestic lifestyle, having multiple affairs throughout the years. And in the beginning only saw Dona as a broodmare. It was only after an ear infection gone bad, where Augusta stayed by Wilhelm’s side throughout the duration of it did he start to see her in an adjusted light, but continued to be unfaithful to her.
She bore him seven children:
Wilhelm, German Crown Prince, Crown Prince of Prussia (1882-1951)
Prince Eitel Friedrich (1883-1942)
Prince Adalbert (1884-1948)
Prince August Wilhelm (1887-1949)
Prince Oskar (1888-1958)
Prince Joachim (1890-1920)
Princess Viktoria Louise of Prussia (1892-1980)
Her days as Empress, she was regarded by the court as a prudish, a stickler for rules who punished anyone for the simplest gesture she deemed to be “immoral.” She was deemed by many as unremarkable and plain with a gaudy and tacky sense of fashion. With Nicholas II remarking to his mother, the Dowager Empress. That she ‘did her best to be pleasant but looked awful in sumptuous gowns completely lacking in taste; in particular the hats she wore in the evening were frightful.’
Though as overbearing and a nuisance as she was in public life and a part of her private life, by some family members, such as Empress Frederick (with whom she had a very heated feud with and who Augusta enjoyed snubbing frequently) who wrote to her daughter, Sophie, she was characterized as: ‘very grand and stiff and cold and condescending at first, but became much nicer afterwards.  Perhaps it was also partly shyness.’ and by her younger sister, Louise Sophie that when she was ‘not bowing to the will of her autocratic husband she was easy and indulgent’. “Her cousin Alice of Albany, who was sometimes mildly critical of her older relations, found her ‘most affable and kind’.”(1)
She was her husband’s biggest supporter throughout everything (for better and for worse) and was crushed when she was stripped of her titles as German Empress and Queen of Prussia after the war. Her health, which was already declining ever since the 1890s (causing her to miscarry twice) went down a rapid decline in the 1920s. And it had worsened when she had heard of the news of the death of her youngest son, Prince Joachim. She passed away on the 11th April 1921, in spite of her personal flaws, she was a beloved Empress by the German people and her popularity outshined her husband’s. Thousands lined up to see her off, where she would be buried at the Temple of Antiquities in the gardens near the New Palais in Postdam. Her husband, the ex Kaiser Wilhelm II was forbidden to cross into Germany to see his wife off for the final time.
Her room in Huis Doorn was soon turned into a shrine dedicated to the late Empress. With Wilhelm ordering for the room to regularly be cleaned with flowers and a cross draped over the bed. “Once a week, for the rest of his twenty years, he would retire there on his own, to go and mourn her memory.“ (1)
Wilhelm adhered to his late wife’s wishes for him to marry someone else when she was gone. When only a year later he would marry Princess Hermine of Reuss. He passed away in June of 1941, at age 82, 20 years after her passing.
Source : The Last German Empress
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starrynights23 · 1 year
Watching Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story Episode 1:
I love both young and older Queen Charlotte. The actresses are very convincing at playing the same character at different points in their life.
Charlotte comes off as a brat at first, but after her brother explains why he could not refuse the betrothal, she becomes a lot better.
I like how she wanted what her husband was like and how she become frustrated when the servants only told her that he was the king.
Young Lady Danbury is perfect in her later scenes, but I hate her introduction. Showing a dark-skinned, young black woman having miserable sex with her geriatric dark-skinned husband is not a good look for Netflix.
I wonder if Prince Augusta's line about Charlotte's skin color was inspired by that line from the Sussexs' Oprah interview.
The inclusion of the wealthy non-white families to George and Charlotte's wedding came across as a rushed job. I would have liked it better if they had invited to the wedding from the beginning. I am also confused that George is not informed about this given that he is the king.
George and Charlotte's first meeting was so cute. The actors have great chemistry.
The wedding and ball scene was beautiful, but I wished that Lady Danbury had danced with Charlotte's brother, Adolphus. She deserves something nice for dealing with her much older husband.
I have mixed feelings about the last scene between George and Charlotte. It does not make sense given how romantic George was to Charlotte in their earlier scenes.
My current theory is that George wants Charlotte to live separate from him because of his mental health problems, and he does not want to expose her to them.
Older Queen Charlotte's scene with her adult children is so funny and mostly historically accurate.
The real-life King George IV and Queen Charlotte did not have any legitimate grandchildren after Princess Charlotte of Wales died. Their adult sons other than Prince Regent George were practically forced to make proper martial matches after their only legitimate niece died in childbirth.
Fun fact. Princess Charlotte's widower was the future King Leopold I of Belgium and one of Queen Victoria's maternal uncles.
I wonder if the mention of Queen Charlotte's many illegitimate grandchildren is a possible set-up for the show's version of Sophie Beckett.
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petervintonjr · 6 months
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The first woman --of any race-- to earn a Masters' degree at the University of Hawai'i, Alice Augusta Ball's unfortunately brief life and achievements might very well have been lost to history. Born in 1892 Seattle, Ball briefly moved with her family to Hawai'i (not yet a U.S. state), but then returned to Washington to earn Bachelors' degrees in pharmaceutical chemistry (1912) and in pharmacy (1914). Ball's father James Ball, Jr., was (among other things) a professional photographer, and his father James Ball Sr., was a famous photographer in his own right --one of the very first Black Americans in the United States to learn the art/science of the daguerreotype. Alice's exposure (no pun intended!) to this still-emerging art form may have played a role in her aptitude for chemistry.
Ball returned to Hawai'i, enrolled at the University of Hawai'i (then known as the College of Hawai'i) and while pursuing her degree, joined the research team of the chemistry department. Her master's thesis focused on methods of extracting the active chemical in awa roots, which in turn led into her breakthrough discovery of a method of reconfiguring a water-soluble oil extract from the chaulmoogra tree, for the treatment of Hansen's Disease (perhaps better known as leprosy). An injectable regimen was developed from this research and remained the most effective treatment until the mid-1940's --leading to the full recovery of an unprecedented 78 patients.
Keep in mind that Ball's breakthrough predates modern antibiotics by several decades. Ball's death at the young age of 24 left behind some "gaps" in the research --among them an oversight that was later corrected (in 1922) by a colleague, public health officer and Assistant Surgeon at Kalihi Hospital, Dr. Harry Hollmann. Hollman named the chaulmoogra tree extraction process the "Ball Method." Two affiliated studies appeared in 1914 and 1917, making Ball the first Black scientist to publish in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.
Ball's contributions to pharmacology and immunology are at last being recognized: in 2000 a plaque was dedicated at the base of the university's sole remaining chaulmoogra tree; that same year February 29 was declared Alice Ball Day, and in 2007 the Board of Regents posthumously conferred upon Ball its prestigious Medal of Distinction.
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