#Aura .Hack
acquired-stardust · 2 months
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.hack//Infection Playstation 2 2002
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2000mallow · 3 months
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rico-tyrell · 10 months
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pixeljade · 10 months
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These are starting to look like the emails Aura sends you in .hack
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gentlehands · 2 years
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honestlyvan · 5 months
(Now on DW!)
One of the joys of a dormant fandom is that I can just show up and prop my feet on the table and start talking about divine horror and how sometimes a computer program is an angel and how humans are obsessed with taking the power of the heavens and putting it in a box for themselves to use.
God exists and she's a nice girl and she worked hard to be born, but she also has a temper and humans keep trying to put her in a box so she got fed up with it and hid from them. From her mother, she inherited eight powerful champions, and as a reward for their service she left them to roam as they pleased, but when humans couldn't trap her, they chose to trap those champions instead, and put them in a box, except now that box was a human, and that human was meant to take the power of the god that the humans couldn't steal, because humans made the divine realm that god and her angels inhabit and want to control it (as humans do).
And now you've got a bunch of humans who don't know they're being given a box with an angel in it and putting that box in their own bodies, and nobody can really figure out why these angel bodies keep going out of control and driving their hosts to madness, and oh, hey, the mother of god made these champions for a purpose and the humans in the driver seat don't know about that, either, even though the humans who gave them the angel bodies do know about that, because they want to use those angel bodies to make another god.
So congratulations! You're a prophet now! You are being called to do battle for your god, because you've been granted a divine body that has an angel in it, that is an angel. You're being called to do as your nature as an angel requires of you! And the entire time you're just a human, and the thing in your head feels too big for your mortal body, it feels too big for your divine body, and you're just watching things spiral out of control, wondering why you feel like you'd bleed mercury if they scratched you too deep.
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4akross · 1 year
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lol with all the controversy around AI art here is art of a literal AI Artist
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moldycigarette · 2 months
hey guys, so i guess someone thought it would be a super cute and fun idea to hack into my tumblr and delete all of my posts 😁🔫
anyways, in the hopes i can regain my audience i’m gonna post some drafts along with ANOTHER introduction 😐👍
(c" ತ,_ತ)
hi! my name is kenai, or @moldycigarette, and my account is mostly small blurbs and fanfic posts :3
just a few fun facts about me:
☻ they/she
☻ 20 y/o
☻ i write for COD, stranger things, attack on titan, haikyuu!!, and possible stardew valley in the future
☻ i do both y/n fics and ship fics
☻ my requests are open!!
i don’t know what else to say 💀 um if the person who hacked my tumblr sees this then please don’t do it again pookie that kinda sucked a wee bit 🙏
that’s all, stay safe! ♡
☻ kenai
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liminalepitaph · 2 years
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AI Buster sketches by Rei Idumi [pixiv]
AI buster 詰め合わせその1
自サイトhttp://www1.ttcn.ne.jp/~izumiya/ で配布しているtwitterアイコン用に描きおろしたものです。せっかくなので全身でお披露目ですー。せっかくなのでリコリスも一緒!□そして、PSPゲーム「.hack//Link」収録壁紙用に描いたラフをおま���に追加してみましたー。当初おとなしめのラフ(2枚目の絵のような感じ)を描いてCC2さんにお送りしたのですが、「もっとアルビレオの目立つカッコイイ絵がいい」とのことで、試行錯誤紆余曲折、ラフを追加し、計10枚の候補から1枚選出されました。わたしのラフはあんまり綺麗じゃなくて恥ずかしいのですが、AI busterファンの方に楽しんでもらえたらうれしいです!□…結果壁紙がどういう絵になっているかは、製品版でぜひご確認くださいね!壁紙はAibusterのほかうででんのものを2枚、計3枚収録していただいております。Linkではアルビレオも仲間のキャラとして使えますよ!□アルビレオは、ほんとうに描くのが難しくていつも四苦八苦しています…。が、デザインは、ほくとと合わせてすごく気に入っていて、自分でもよくこういうデザインが出たなー!と感心することがあります(笑)親バカここに極まれりですね!□PSP用ゲーム「.hack//Link」 →http://www.hack.channel.or.jp/link/□小説「.hack//AI buster」→http://www.kadokawa.co.jp/lnovel/bk_detail.php?pcd=200206000136 □後日談「.hack//AIbuster2」http://www.kadokawa.co.jp/lnovel/bk_detail.php?pcd=200404000253
#.hack #AIbuster
#アルビレオ #ほくと #リコリス
#没ラフ #本家 #.hack100users入り
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1o1percentmilk · 9 months
SEE IT'S LIKE…. in my head... Hatori is soo confident and "knowledgeable" when it comes to computers and tech and everything like that because of his powers but he turns into a bumbling idiot around people… and then Touichirou has the double edge of being both the most powerful computer in the world = Hatori HAS to do something with him, but also being a very powerful, dominant human man at the same time... and Touichirou obviously sees all of his subordinates as simply tools and reserves of psychic power but I think he's also willing to set that aside at times to leverage human connections and networking to get ahead (he's so business major coded)... it's honestly the gray area in their power dynamic that's interesting to me... who's the tool and who's the user...?
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2000mallow · 3 months
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constantvariations · 2 years
Nitpick November
When will crwby the characters remember they can check their teammate’s aura on their scrolls?
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We have never seen anyone take out a scroll to look at a teammates aura, probably because it’s a stupid concept in the first place, so why have it?
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Welcome to, The World.
I tried a cosplay of Skeith with CA Aura with CEs and an attempt of Kite with CU.
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gentlehands · 2 years
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honestlyvan · 5 months
wym ovan is a cheater?
I mean it's not explicitly in the text but listen. Come the fuck on now. Do you really think Mr Interpol-affiliated grey hat, climbs-firewalls-for-fun-and-sport, intended-play-area-is-merely-a-suggestion has ever played a single game in anything approaching a "normal" way? CC Corp were having psychological breakdowns about Ovan's presence on the service even before he became a walking system integrity error and spent, what, several years giving CC Corp the runaround on their own platform.
Ovan is just so damn wilful and composed and perpetually invested in outwitting his circumstances that he'd get bored with a game that just tells him what to do, and doesn't really offer him options to figure out what he wants to do for himself. He is patient with things exactly to the point where his influence over them begins -- and if he can give things a shove to get them cascading, he absolutely will. The game he'd be playing in The World is the meta-game speedrunners play, where it's not a matter of what you can do in-game, it's a matter of what the game technically can't stop you from doing.
I think if Ovan did start playing The World for fun rather than simply using it as an entry point into investigating CC Corp's systems, he spent his early levels trying to sequence break every single quest and then very quickly jumped to glitchhunting and rumorchasing and escalating amounts of fucking around in the black box parts of the system. He already had access to the Creator Room by the time Aina started playing, and once she got deep into the lore of the game, it would have been pretty trivial to put his PC at the level cap with maxed out equipment so that she never had to stop to grind and could keep getting deeper into the game at her own pace.
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