#Australia PR from India
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Charting Your Path: Achieving Australia PR from India
Achieving Australia PR from India requires meeting certain requirements, including those related to age, education, work experience, and language competency. Most applicants apply via an employer-sponsored visa or one of the skilled migration schemes like the General Skilled Migration (GSM). A right to healthcare and education similar to that of Australian residents is granted to successful applicants.
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Want to apply for Australia PR visa from India? Don’t know where to start? Here are 9 tips to help to get a head-start. 
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visaexpertsblog · 2 years
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Your skills are highly demanded in Australia.
Australia is experiencing acute labor shortages across several sectors for last two years. The country has a massive demand for construction managers, nurses, and chefs. If you are considering applying for an Australia PR visa, now is the right time as the government needs skilled migrants to tackle the scarcity of professional workers in several industries.
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immigrationoffers · 1 month
Construction Workers in the GTA Seeking Pathway to Permanent Residency: A Comprehensive Update
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The Government of Canada has extended the deadline for out-of-status construction workers in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) to apply for permanent residency. This initiative, part of a pilot program aimed at addressing labor shortages, offers undocumented workers an opportunity to regularize their status while securing permanent residency in Canada.
Background and Purpose
First introduced in 2019, the program was launched in collaboration with the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) and industry stakeholders. Its primary goal is to help out-of-status workers who have been contributing to the economy despite lacking legal status. These workers often face challenges navigating Canada’s complex immigration system, and the program provides them with a pathway to Canadian permanent residency.
This initiative aligns with Canada's broader immigration goals by supporting essential workers while addressing labor gaps in the construction sector. The program is a valuable resource for out-of-status workers, many of whom have been part of their communities for years and are integral to the local economy.
Key Eligibility Requirements
The program is designed for construction workers in the GTA who meet specific criteria, such as:
Significant work experience in the construction industry.
Current out-of-status immigration status due to overstaying a visa or permit.
Proven employment history in construction-related occupations.
Eligible applicants who meet these conditions can apply for Canadian permanent residency, which offers stability and security while allowing them to continue contributing legally to the workforce.
Addressing Labor Shortages and Stabilizing the Industry
The construction industry in the GTA has long faced labor shortages, with employers struggling to find skilled workers. This pilot program, by providing permanent residency, helps fill these gaps and stabilizes the labor market. It also offers out-of-status workers legal protections and rights they previously lacked.
Application Process and Extended Deadline
Applicants must collaborate with the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) to verify their employment history and navigate the application process. The newly extended deadline allows more time for eligible workers to gather necessary documentation and submit their applications, ensuring that no one is left behind.
Broader Implications and Future Outlook
The extension of this program underscores Canada’s commitment to a balanced immigration strategy that prioritizes economic needs while recognizing the human element. The pathway to permanent residency through this initiative not only supports the construction sector but also integrates workers into Canadian society in a way that aligns with national values and immigration policies.
For those seeking more information on Canadian immigration and programs, Canada PR consultants, visa consultancy services, and pathways for global talent, this program is an excellent example of how opportunities are evolving. Whether through the Global Talent Stream Canada, Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs), or skilled immigration pathways like the Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP) and Canadian Experience Class (CEC), there are multiple ways to achieve Canadian permanent residency.
The extended deadline is a positive development for out-of-status construction workers, offering them a second chance at securing a future in Canada. As Canada continues to prioritize skilled immigration, this program reflects a compassionate and practical approach that benefits workers, employers, and society as a whole.
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iraimmigration1 · 3 months
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irishexpert01 · 5 months
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Applying for Permanent Residency (PR) in Australia offers a multitude of compelling reasons. PR in Australia grants individuals the invaluable opportunity to establish roots in a country known for its high quality of life, diverse opportunities, and welcoming environment.
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Want to know more about how to apply for PR in Australia from India and various other immigration processes then aspirants should not waste time and visit our office to receive consultation from our best Australia PR agent at Jagvimal Consultants.
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Canada CRS Calculator is an important tool that allows applicant to calculate the points which is required for Canada immigration from India. CRS point system evaluate profile from Express Entry pool. CRS scores are assigned on the basis of age, educational, experience, language etc.
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visamasterz · 2 years
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Consider studying in Canada! With the best universities, diverse student communities, and breathtaking natural beauty, Visamasterz offers a wealth of opportunities for career growth. Start your journey today!
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hussyknee · 9 months
If y'all want to feel sympathy for the Israelis, you better have it for every single genocider. Slavers and settlers that scalped Natives and Nazis and Imperial Japan and Stalinists and Serbs and the British East India company and white nationalists and Islamic fundamentalists and Hindutvas and Assad's forces and and and.
People do not become genociders because of victimhood. The majority of the worst colonial empires were people who hadn't been oppressed themselves in centuries. Groups become genocidal because they have power and want to take their trauma or paranoia out on someone weaker than they are. Even the ones who aren't gleefully enthusiastic go along with it because the benefits and risks of dissent outweigh your moral conscience. You're not forced to make those choices. That's not what indoctination is. Indoctrination helps dehumanization. It's making it easy to silence every doubt and qualm and instinct for empathy and compassion. But you still choose. You make a conscious decision to see a human being as a vermin to be eradicated. It's easy to do that when you have no incentive to see them as human and no consequences for treating them accordingly.
For fuck's sake, stop using the Holocaust as an excuse for Zionists. Half of them are converts or the children of converts who never lived the Jewish generational legacy of persecution. Most of their families migrated from places where they had a perfectly comfortable lives, and the other half was born in Israel and never knew what being a marginalized minority was like. Israelis are literally the least oppressed Jews in the known world. They victimize Palestinians because colonizers and oppressors live in mortal fear of the people they colonize and oppress, because they KNOW that they're crushing them and have to manufacture all sorts of narratives to rationalize and justify that they're actually the good guys.
Colonization and genocide is a result of power. I and a lot of other BIPOC have been traumatized by Zionists before we ever knew the word for them, because they keep taking out their paranoia of Jewish hate on Black people, Natives, immigrants, Muslims and Arabs and every kind of racial minority that have no systemic power to hurt them. They have such a foothold in the Jewish communities of Europe and its settler colonies (Australia, the Americas), because white Jews have assimilated into whiteness. However conditional their acceptance among white Christians, they have the same racial and institutional power over Black and brown colonized people. Which makes it easy for them to choose Zionism— the legitimizing of white colonial anxiety in place of fear of their oppressor. Antisemitism is their ready and convenient way to rationalize the racism and Islamphobia and racial superiority they already have.
Do you think Jews are the only people who have ever been genocided? The Holocaust was not exceptional, it was exceptionalized by the Western powers to launder their own atrocities that far outstripped Nazi Germany. Look at what they're doing with Ukraine. They're being genocided and colonized and they deserve empathy and help against Russia. But the West isn't concerned about Armenia the same way even though it's also an Eastern European country. They definitely weren't concerned about any of the other countries Russia has attacked or helped genocide (like Syria). Including Ukraine itself before all this. Putin has been attacking Donbas since 2014.
So why now? They care about who's genociding Ukraine, not about Ukrainians. Russia under Putin is very much a threat to NATO and Ukraine is bordered by NATO countries. The Western PR machine still had to make Ukrainians white, because Slavs are ethnically marginalized in Western Europe, and even North America to a lesser degree. They have white privilege over all Asians and Africans and Indigenous people because the colour system of race is based on European colonization, but they have only conditional whiteness in the imperial sphere of both the US and Russia. But because they're ethnically European, the US and Western Europe was able to launch a PR "Look They're Just Like Us!" campaign to elevate them to full whiteness, so that their own citizens would actually give a shit about this country they'd barely heard of before. That's why we're all more concerned about Ukraine than any other Eastern Europeans (we're all conditioned into white supremacy). After that, the US went around thumping its own chest for a full year and half, trying to launder its military image after the twenty year Muslim genocide that was the War on Terror (still ongoing).
This is exactly what they did with European Jews. High-ho, somebody victimized by the Enemy! Dust them off and lookie! They're European! People will give a shit that we liberated them if we make them all white! But uh, do we really want five million Jewish refugees in here? Oh I know, we'll thrown in with those crazy Jewish terrorists that were giving the Brits so much trouble, and give them a state! They're also from Europe after all, and Civilized™, unlike the savages!
And then the liberated Jews accepted doing exactly what the Nazis did to them. Not because they had to! They could have just lived in Palestine, that whole region of the Levant was pretty secular and multicultural. But they didn't see Arabs as human beings! Because Europeans are taught to see Black and brown people as servants and savages! They massacred Palestinians and took the place over because they could and then called it the War of Independence. The first people they victimized after that? Were Arab Jews. They colluded with Arab nationalists to have them ethnically cleansed entirely out of their countries and scooped them up to create a labouring underclass! Put them up in such squalid conditions that scores died!
And did those people look around and realize white Jews were their oppressors and they had far more in common with Palestinians? No. They threw in with their oppressors to help make Palestinians lives a generational nightmare. Because power and assimilation! This is the exact same reason why Zionists has been trying to cosy up to Nazis since before Hitler.
(Oh and by the way? Germans never regretted the Nazis or the Holocaust. The Americans "denazification" was a dead fail. They just used Israel to make a whole dog and pony show of how very sorry they were and how it was a Dark Moment in Their History™ (because nothing they've ever done to colonized people counts). They paid reparations because the West made them, but they never got over the massive post-war genocide the Allies subjected their people to, or the way they carved up the country like a Christmas turkey. But again, did they hold Britain, France, US and Russia responsible for it? Did they acknowledge that the most severe cases of post-war violence came from American GIs? Of course not. Obviously the biggest threat was...the Poles.)
If you really see all those TikTok videos of families dancing to their genocide songs, taunting starving and dehydrated Palestinians and teens lampooning Palestinian mothers grieving their dead children and think "they're also victims because Western imperialists exploited their fear and made them into monsters" then I don't even know what to say to you. That level of infantilization, wilful ignorance and need to turn sadism into victimhood is breathtakingly racist and paternalistic. Even if you believe #Not All Israelis, the point is there's enough Israelis. Also what is even there to feel sorry for?? Are Israelis about to be turned out and shot in the streets? Starve to death? Have their limbs amputated without anesthetic and still die of sepsis? Literally what??
Emotions are signifiers of your own internal biases and perspectives. They aren't indicative of justice or morality. We can't move through a deeply unequal world and believe that compassion is having the same responses, judgements and feelings for everyone. It's not empathy you're feeling for Israelis, it's conditioned philosemitism and casual racism against Palestinians. If you actually followed the videos and images and news coming out of Palestine, you would feel about as sympathetic towards them as Nazis. You would understand that this kind of atrocity doesn't come from trauma or having been victims. It comes from having zero consequences for doing them. It comes from unchecked, gleeful, sadistic power.
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If you are planning to take the next step in your career or want to start the next chapter in your life, make your move to Australia. Apply for Australian PR and Live, work Settle in Australia. Australia welcomes 1,90,000 immigrants each year from more than 100 countries. Imagine yourself among them. Whatever you’re interested in, Australia has something for you. Australia believes life is for living. Explore the new life that you and your family could enjoy in Australia.
Know your Australia PR points using the free Australia PR point Calculator to know your eligibility.
Visit us to Know more: https://www.aptechvisa.com/australia-pr
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Family Sponsorship for Australia PR from India
Family Sponsorship for Australia PR from India allows eligible relatives, such as parents, children, or partners, who are Australian citizens or permanent residents, to sponsor their family members' Permanent Residency applications. This pathway strengthens family bonds and facilitates migration for loved ones, provided all sponsorship criteria are met, including financial obligations.
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Want to go through the Australia PR process from India? Don’t know where to start? Here are 7 easy steps to achieve Australian permanent residency in 2022 and beyond.
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visaexpertsblog · 2 years
Australia is experiencing acute labor shortages across several sectors for last two years. The country has a massive demand for construction managers, nurses, and chefs. If you are considering applying for an Australia PR visa, now is the right time as the government needs skilled migrants to tackle the scarcity of professional workers in several industries.
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some-siren · 4 months
The main reason I’m never going to fool anyone into believing I’m a native English speaker is because I can’t tell accents apart. Like okay, I hear the differences between Americans and the Brits and if I focus I can tell Aussies apart from the rest. But Candians? Dude I do not hear it, and believe me I’ve tried.
Like what do Canadians sound like?? Sure, I can’t tell the US west coast from the east unless maybe you’re a New-Yorker, but we’re talking about a whole COUNTRY here, not just regional variants.
The only "in depth" accents I can distinguish are like. Southern USA, Texas (sometimes), Northern England (but I can’t tell if you’re from Liverpool or Manchester or Leeds or York or someplace else), NYC (if it’s stereotypical enough) and Scotland — which I think is one of the most beautiful out there. AND EVEN THEN, I think I myself heard at least 4 separate Scottish accents?
What’s a Cockney accent? What do Londoners sound like? Do the Welsh have a different accent? Do the Irish?? Are there different accents between Northern Ireland and Ireland?? Does New-Zealand sound the same as Australia??? Does Australia have several accents?? What’s a transatlantic accent?? What do South Africans sound like? What do Indians sound like?? How much of a difference is there between a native and a non-native in India? Are there big regional differences there too?? What do you mean people have whole ass different accents depending on their social class???? HOW CAN THERE BE SUCH A DIFFERENCE?????
Like okay I think I gathered that PR or whatever accent the Queen King speaks in is meant to be like the upper class (duh) but how are you meant to tell someone comes from a disadvantaged part of town compared to the rest of the population? Is it like us in France where it’s not really about an accent (unless you come from a family of immigrants and yadi yada yada) but really more about patterns of speech and emotional display?
Am I just meant to be able to talk to someone and be like "Glasgow, Upper-middle class"? Is that a thing in Britain?? Same goes for the US, am I supposed to know what quadrant of the country you’re from and how much money your grandfather made after he emigrated from whatever country he was from?
I’m already proud of myself for struggling to be able to tell if someone’s asian or black by their voice alone you can’t do that to me
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