#Automotive Smart Glass
jessicapinedaw · 3 months
Automotive Smart Glass Market Share, Trends, Size, Segmentation And Forecast To 2031
The Insight Partners recently announced the release of the market research titled Automotive Smart Glass Market Outlook to 2031 | Share, Size, and Growth. The report is a stop solution for companies operating in the Automotive Smart Glass market. The report involves details on key segments, market players, precise market revenue statistics, and a roadmap that assists companies in advancing their…
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scuttling · 2 months
And in the end, I'd do it all again
Fandom: 9-1-1 Pairings: Evan “Buck” Buckley/Eddie Diaz Word Count: 3314 Tags: First kiss, Canon violence/injury, Little bit of panic, Episode related: 4x14 Survivors Summary: It should have been Buck.
It should have been me. 
It’s all Buck can think and he lays in the street, his best friend’s blood splattered across his face, dripping down the bridge of his nose. It wets his eyelashes, stains his shoes, the striped shirt he’s wearing. 
Huh. Factor in a quick change of clothes, and it could have been him. 
He’s pressing his palms so hard into the pavement that pebbles imbed themselves in his hands, and he can faintly feel the sting, but he can’t worry about that now. He has a second, half a second, to decide what to do next. 
If he stays down, stays hidden, that’s smart. But it’s not what he wants to do.
If he runs out to grab Eddie, that’s what he wants to do. But it’s not smart. 
If he hides under the truck and pulls Eddie beneath it too, that’s smart. And it’s what he wants to do. Mostly. 
(He’d like to say he doesn’t waste a millisecond flashing back to being trapped under that engine, his leg snapping beneath its weight, the agony of those long minutes when he waited to be rescued, but he does, and it makes him uneasy.
But that’s bravery, right? Be afraid, but do it anyway?)
What he does next is roll under the truck, and scream for Eddie.
“Stay down, I’m coming! I got you!” he says, because he can’t see that Eddie looks half dead already. He army-crawls across the length of the truck, doing his best to keep from smacking his head off of automotive parts that are inconveniently low; when he can see light, he reaches out his arm, grabs Eddie’s wrist, and pulls. “I got you—I got you!” 
Eddie is, almost literally, dead weight, and the angle is bad, but Buck pulls because that’s all he can do, the only way he can keep him out of harm’s way.
(He thinks that it’s probably what he’d do for anyone, but this is Eddie… beyond the limits of his bravery, his kindness, his compassion, are all the things he would do for Eddie.)
“Almost there, almost there,” he pants, gritting his teeth, trying to ignore the pale lack of expression on Eddie’s face. He’s not dead, can’t be dead, because Buck hasn’t even—because he doesn’t know what he means to Buck. What he means to the world. 
He grunts, using all of the strength he can gather, the memory of every repetition in the weight room leading up to this moment—because he needs to use this strength to take care of his best friend. In this moment, it's all that he has.
He drags Eddie away from where he’d fallen, too much blood leaving a heavy trail behind his body—behind him—and when Buck pulls him out from under the truck Eddie cries out in pain. It’s the best goddamn sound he’s heard in his life, because it means he’s not dead, not yet, that there’s still time for everything. 
Buck stands, lifts Eddie up as easily as he’d lift Christopher and hands him to the paramedic that boarded the rig ahead of him. Buck’s climbing in, Mehta behind him when another shot rings out, but it only shatters the window, covering them in sparkling shards of glass. It doesn’t matter—Eddie. 
“Go go go,” he calls to whoever is in the driver’s seat, and another bullet hits the truck, this time the windshield. The door is still wide open behind him, and everyone is screaming, and then tires are screeching and there’s fire whooshing past them like they’re approaching Hell’s gates, but he leans down and puts his hand behind Eddie’s head, resting it gently on the floor of the cabin. 
He rips open Eddie’s shirt, tacky with blood, and when the paramedic hands him a compress he tears it open with his teeth, his hands shaking. “I got you, it’s okay,” he breathes, pressing it against the gaping wound splitting Eddie’s skin, and Eddie gasps soundlessly, tries to wet his cracked lips. “Don’t say anything, Eddie, just stay with me,” Buck pleads, but Eddie’s eyes are wide as he rakes them over Buck for the first time. 
“Are you hurt?” he rasps, voice sandy and raw, and Buck aches in that moment as he wonders at Eddie's caring mind, his loving heart, even now. Tears prick at his eyes and he frowns, shakes his head. 
“No, no, I’m good, buddy. I’m okay. Just stay with me. Eddie!” he begs as Eddie’s eyes roll back, his head lolling to one side like he’s lost the strength to hold it up. “Come on, come on,” he says to the driver, the paramedic, anyone who will listen, and he reaches down and holds Eddie’s face in his hands, shushing the soft gurgle that rises to his lips. “We’re almost there, Eddie, please. We’re so close, please.” 
The paramedic tries to put an oxygen mask over Eddie’s mouth and nose, but Buck takes it from him, holds the plastic for him so he can breathe, then leans in to press his lips to Eddie’s slick forehead—just in case it’s the last time he gets to do it. The only time.
From the very moment they arrive at the hospital, it’s mayhem, firefighters shouting, medical personnel brushing past him in scrubs of green and blue and purple. They lay Eddie back on a stretcher and push him away, their white sneakers squeaking against the linoleum as they roll him to an operating room, and Buck can do nothing but stand there, frozen in his desperation, his confusion. Mehta puts a hand on his shoulder, but he can’t feel it, says something, but he can’t hear it. 
Some time passes, and he is scrubbed by a nice nurse whose face he can’t remember; someone brings him a new shirt, and he pulls it over his head, his formerly blood-drenched hair wet and clean, his hands red and raw. He drinks a glass of water, tries to give a detective a statement, but the panic of the unknown rises from his lungs to his throat and he’s sorry, but he really needs air.
When he steps outside the glass doors of the ER, he’s met with the last person he expects to see. 
“No comment, Taylor,” he says as she pushes past the barricade and hurries toward him. How can he give her a sound bite when his voice is as hollow as he’s ever heard it, when his chest may as well be ripped open too? 
“That’s not why I’m here, Buck,” she says, reaching for him, and when he turns, her eyes are soft and kind. “I heard that a firefighter was shot, and you weren’t answering my calls. I got worried.” 
He blinks, frowns, then reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone like it’s a foreign object he’d forgotten he’d been carrying. “Sorry… I wasn’t checking my phone,” he explains, his eyes barely registering the black screen, and when she looks down at the device in his hand, her eyes grow wide. 
“Is that blood?” she asks, and he glances down at his pants—he hadn’t thought to ask for new pants—and back up at her face. He nods, feels like a bobble-head when he does it, like his brain is no longer even attached to his body, like it’s a balloon floating above him where he stands on the sidewalk.
“Uh, yeah, but it’s not mine, it’s–it’s Eddie’s.” 
At that, her expression changes from worried to heartbroken, on his behalf. She rests a hand on his arm and tilts her head, and her clear blue eyes cloud with moisture and sadness. 
“Eddie’s the one who got shot? Buck, I’m so sorry. I know what he means to you,” she murmurs, and she actually does. She’s the only one who does. She wasn’t even mad when Buck told her, because she had a feeling about that already. Apparently he’s unsubtle, and Eddie is as stubborn as an ox, or something, he forgets the metaphor. 
“Yeah, I–I need to talk to Christopher,” he says, swallowing back a sob at the thought of telling him that his dad’s been mortally wounded and might not make it home, that he wasn’t caught in a fire but targeted standing in broad daylight in the middle of the street. That Buck was right there and he couldn’t stop it. 
Taylor brings her hand to his face, soft and gentle, like something Maddie would do to comfort him, and when she speaks, the tone of her voice is even and so calm.
“I know, but you can’t talk to him like this.” Whether she means the bloody pants or the shaking hands or the feeling that he’s been run down by a freight train that’s backing up and coming for him again, he’s not sure, but she’s probably right. He takes a deep breath and nods, presses his lips together and nods again like he’s fortifying himself. 
“Yeah, yeah. I should go home first,” he says, because it makes sense and it’s what she wants to hear, and she shoots him a concerned smile and reaches into her pocket for her keys. 
“I’ll drive.”
The weight of the bulletproof vest he’s required to wear is nothing compared to the heaviness he feels when he walks into Eddie’s house and Eddie isn’t there. The heaviness he feels when he eats frozen pizza across from Christopher and has to tell him again that he can’t talk to his dad on the phone. Carla’s presence helps, her warmth, her positivity, but each day that goes by without Eddie is a chisel to Buck’s chest, threatening to crack it open irreparably. He wants to hear his voice, he wants him to come home, but mostly he just wants him to wake up. 
Buck wakes with a start from another nightmare, one where the light bled out of Eddie’s eyes the instant he hit the ground, and no amount of strength or surgery could bring him back; one where Christopher has nobody. Where he has nobody. 
He eats Cheerios across from Christopher and laughs good-naturedly when he calls him out for snoring, like the action doesn’t claw at his throat from the inside. He hasn’t laughed since Eddie got shot, but he has to, for Christopher. Christopher, who understands pain, understands death, far younger than he should have to. Who has shown so much resilience and bravery since Eddie’s been in the hospital.
Climbing up the crane is not bravery. It’s selfishness, it’s guilt, it’s anger. He makes himself a target, a bullseye in the sky, ready for the sniping, because it should have been him and he knows it. He’s not important like Eddie, doesn’t have a child, a home, a legacy of doing what’s right despite the cost. Climbing up the crane isn’t doing what’s right; it’s doing what’s easy. It’s making himself a martyr and letting the poison of Eddie’s near-death seep into his bones and make a home there. Buck couldn’t protect Eddie, so he’ll lay down his life to protect the others, if that’s what it takes. 
(It all makes sense, in his reckless, self-righteous, big, stupid head.)
It all makes sense when he gets the call that Eddie is awake. 
Eddie’s smile is… the most beautiful thing Buck has ever seen. He can’t even see Ana, and he knows that’s messed up, but once Eddie says his name it’s game over, it’s a wrap: no one exists but him. He’s so worn down, so tired, but he looks so alive, and Buck gets choked up when he looks at him.
“Do you think he’s doing okay?” Eddie asks of Christopher after the Zoom call. Buck shifts in his seat.
“Better than me,” he says with a sad, self-deprecating smile. He tilts his head, feels embarrassment rush over him; it’s better than the guilt, for a change. “Uh… I kind of lost it, when I told him you got shot. I’m sorry—I–I should have held it together.” 
He’s barely doing that now, as warm tears flood his eyes, as his words catch in his throat. Eddie shakes his head, a slight, weak motion. 
“Nah, you were there for him when I couldn’t be.” His eyes find Buck’s, and Buck sees wetness there too. “That’s what matters.” 
Buck nods even though he doesn’t agree, wrings his hands where they rest in his lap. 
“Still. I think it would have been better for him if I was the one who got shot,” he says, hating how the words sound the second they come out of his mouth; he’s not looking for pity, or to make this about him, he’s just… so, so sorry this happened to Eddie, and there was nothing he could do about it. 
Eddie huffs a rough breath, and Buck shoots up from his chair, alarmed. He looks over Eddie carefully, but there’s no gasping or wheezing or wince of pain that follows, just a look, a softness in his eyes Buck’s not sure he’s seen before. 
“I’ll call the nurse,” he says, just in case, but Eddie reaches out a hand and places it carefully on Buck’s forearm. He sighs and shakes his head. 
“It’s not me. It’s you, you idiot.” 
Buck blinks, and then the corners of his mouth turn down and his brow wrinkles. 
“Did–did you just call me an idiot?” Despite the circumstances, the Eddie gives him the ghost of a smile. 
“Yes, I did. You really think—” he begins, but he’s interrupted by the rapping of knuckles against the metal frame of the door. They both turn to look and see a nurse with gray hair, in her sixties, maybe, with a stern look on her face. 
“Visiting hours are over, and he needs his rest,” the nurse tells them, and when she sees that Buck is already standing, she comes over and gently takes his arm, guides him toward the door. “You can come back and see him tomorrow—he should be discharged then, if everything looks good.”
“But I…” Buck starts, glancing back toward Eddie where he lays in the bed; his eyes are closed, but he waves his hand in Buck’s direction. 
“It’s okay, go home. She’s right, I should sleep.” 
“I’ll be back tomorrow,” Buck promises, as the nurse reaches around him to pull the door closed. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he murmurs, but it’s already shut and all he sees is a door number and Diaz written in blue dry-erase marker.
He doesn’t go home. Or, he does, but it’s Eddie’s home. Christopher wakes after Carla leaves, and they share a pop-tart before Buck tucks him back into bed. 
Eddie is discharged the next day, and because Buck is already planning to be at his house, he offers to drive him home. They’re sitting on the uncomfortable rollaway bed, the plastic-covered mattress crinkling beneath them, while they wait for his meds; Eddie clears his throat, and it brings Buck’s gaze up from his hands to Eddie’s eyes. They look concerned, maybe… conflicted. He can’t be sure.
“Hey, since we got a minute,” Eddie begins, and Buck takes a deep, careful breath. 
“Is everything all right?” He wonders off-hand if Eddie will thank him for taking care of Christopher but tell him they’ll need their space, or if he’ll want his first night back home to be with Ana, and not him. Both of those would be fair conversations to have. 
Eddie nods. 
“Yeah, yeah, I'm just… I've been meaning to talk to you about something.” It’s his turn to look down at his hands—or, arm. The one in the sling. “So, you might have noticed I almost died. Again,” he adds, and Buck exhales, moves closer to him. The last thing he should be thinking about is death, when they’re actually on the other side of this, when he gets to go home.
“Eddie,” Buck starts, but Eddie makes eye contact again, and Buck can see tenderness there, and struggle. Like it’s hard enough to get the words out without Buck interrupting him. He pauses, nods, and Eddie swallows and faces forward.
“After the last time, when that well collapsed on top of me, it got me thinking—you know, what would happen to Christopher if I did die?” Buck doesn’t even want to think about it, has had almost as many nightmares about the well as he has about the bullet. Eddie continues. “So, I went to my attorney and changed my will. So, someday, if I, uh... didn’t make it,” he decides with a solemn nod, “Christopher would be taken care of. By you.”
Those two words knock the wind out of him, and he wets his lips, confused.
“What?” Buck asks, just in case he didn’t hear him right. Eddie looks him in the eye. 
“It's in my will that, if I die, you become Christopher's legal guardian,” he explains, and he is so sure about it… Buck’s head fills with questions that he can’t help but ask, rapid-fire.
“I mean, wow. How does that even work? Don't–don't you need my consent? He has grandparents, other family; if it came to that, wouldn’t they fight for him?” 
Eddie chuckles softly and shrugs his shoulders. 
“My attorney said you could refuse, but I knew you wouldn’t,” he says, and again, he’s so sure, his eyes so deep and dark and determined. “And they’d probably fight for him,” he adds, and then he reaches across his body with his good hand to cover Buck’s where it rests on the bed. His fingertips are soft as they curl around his. “But no one will ever fight for my son as hard as you, and that is what I want for him. You are what I want for him.”
“Why are you just telling me now?” Buck asks, and his voice feels barely there; to hear him say that Buck is who he wants to care for Christopher in the event he can’t, it’s… it’s the most highly anyone has ever regarded him, the most incredible responsibility that’s ever been given to him, and he just can’t figure out how he could have ever become such a dependable person in Eddie’s eyes. Like Eddie knows this, he laughs softly and squeezes his hand.
“Because, Evan,” he says, and it’s affectionately sarcastic, makes him smile, “you came in here the other day and you said you thought it would have been better if it had been you who was shot. You act like you're expendable. But you're wrong,” he tells him, and he says it with so much conviction, such certainty, that it scares Buck a little. He’s afraid he’ll never be able to live up to the version of himself Eddie sees, that he’ll never be the man Eddie would feel comfortable leaving his child to. He’s afraid of how much it would hurt to lose them now, if he made the wrong move, how a foolish misstep could cost him this family.
(But that’s bravery, right? Be afraid, but do it anyway?)
Buck leans in, looks from Eddie’s eyes to his lips, and when Eddie doesn’t move away, he kisses him, sweet and slow and easy. The press of their mouths together is gentle, almost chaste, but Buck is overtaken by emotion, and he brings his hand up to cradle Eddie’s face the way he did in the cabin of the truck. Eddie tilts his head into it, kisses Buck once, twice, and when he pulls back Buck can feel that his cheeks are flushed and his eyelids have grown heavy. He opens them, and Eddie looks reverent. His lips are pink.
“Idiot,” he teases softly, and he initiates a kiss that doesn’t end until the nurse brings in his medicine. 
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diabolus1exmachina · 1 year
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Maserati MC20 Cielo 
Cielo means “sky” in Italian, and we knew the MC20 Spyder was imminent the moment the company rebooted itself by launching the coupé. What we couldn’t foresee is Maserati’s plan to help supercar drivers get rid of their unfortunate hat choices by introducing a folding hardtop with Polymer-Dispersed Liquid Crystal technology, the more advanced smart glass Mercedes and McLaren customers could only dream of under their less sufficient SPD glass roofs. What’s more, Maserati says the full-electric version of the MC20, the upcoming Folgore will also come first as a Cielo Spyder.
There are two active glass solutions in the luxury automotive segment. The suspended particle roof from automotive supplier Gauzy is transparent when not under power, and can only go from a light 30 percent tint to “a nearly opaque” 95-percent tint. The Maserati glass roof developed by Webasto, however, is fully opaque when the car is parked, going fully transparent if you wish. What’s more, it offers 96-percent ray reflection due to a filter layer at the bottom, alongside better thermal and noise isolation. In practice, it looks something like this from the passenger seat:Operating at speeds up to 31 mph, this 12-second folding roof represents a 143-pound weight penalty over the coupé, not bad at all. The carbon fiber monocoque is layered and foamed differently to maintain a high torsional rigidity, which is also aided by the one-piece aluminum frame of the roof mechanism, bolted in between the monocoque and the rear shock towers. Sixty percent of the spyder’s 3,395 pounds is on the rear axle, which now uses a milder differential ratio as well.The chassis settings, power curves and performance figures remain unchanged. The slightly higher rear section brought a minimal increase in drag, while the springs are a touch stiffer to compensate for the extra weight, aided by more rebound. Being the lifestyle choice, the MC20 Cielo Spyder isn’t here to break track records, yet will still reach 62mph in 3.0 seconds, and keep going until the 200 mph mark.
A popular design feature of the hardtop MC20 happens to be its rear screen with the trident-shaped cutouts that aid cooling of the 3.0-liter twin-turbo V-6. With that piece being replaced by the roof holder and its cover, design chief Klaus Busse and his team went for new boomerang-shaped outlets cut into the side fenders, while engineering came up with deflectors that channel clean air to the intercooler through the equally discreet additional air intakes. Busse explained that while his design team insisted on retaining the MC20’s sleek roofline and clean side profile, engineering got every chance to use the bottom half of the car, finished in carbon fiber instead of body color to optimize aerodynamics, resulting in the retained downforce levels and low drag despite the raised rear panel.
Optionally, for those who miss the rear screen, Maserati is offering a large titan finish Trident logo sticker on the roof cover panel, which screams MASERATI at everybody driving behind when the roof is raised or dropped. It's also something of a visual trick to hide the cover’s extra volume.
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winking-widow · 8 months
Keep Safety First With Oe Mirror Monitor
Rearview Mirror systems makes up your fleet or personal vehicle less prone to accidents.
While you are driving a car, truck or any vehicle, it is very important to take care of safety measures. It is your duty to think about you and your co-passengers’ safety even click here before you start the trip. Isn’t it time to eliminate backup blind spots and improve visibility dramatically using rear view camera systems?
OE mirror monitor looks very clear unlike some other smart mirrors that I have tried that have a weird blue tint to the glass that made it hard to see. This one has no issues and looks clear. It is amazing to look at the efficiency it produces and how it can manage the images to full, half left, half right with rear view mirror/phone image and rear camera as you would always want. The screen is very bright, thus, it becomes easy to see for the driver.
The Wifi connection available with the mirror provides no delays between iPhone and mirror. You need to modify the installer slightly for perfect fit, mirror monitor gives you a 192 degree view with distortion correction dual view.
Safety With Rearview Camera
When you see a rearview mirror with a backup camera for commercial vehicles, it is used to have you covered with all the safety angles. Install a rearview mirror backup camera that delivers an unobstructed view behind vision from the vehicle even when it’s dark outside. Else you can also replace a standard rearview mirror with one that displays an LCD monitor, as soon as the vehicle is shifted into reverse.
This kit of Rear view mirror includes a nightvision-capable rear view camera and clip-on rear view mirror for your vehicle. The camera installs easily and outputs crystal clear video over an RCA jack. This is small and durable unit that will keep you safe and secure while going around. The mirror also has multiple video inputs so you can hook up a portable DVD player or iPod.
The monitor detects when you back up and it shows the camera on screen. The monitor clips to rear view mirror real easily. When you put your car back in drive, the image disappears, simply your mirror becomes a mirror again. Perfect for backing into tight spots or moving in reverse when visibility is limited, it is great for a person who loves to take precautions.
Video and Automotive Event Recorder
OE mirror monitor is optional with two camera system, it helps in taking safety to the next level with a new second camera option. The second interior or exterior camera can be installed anywhere on the inside or outside of the bus for enhanced visibility and safety. The mirror confirms safe reverse operations with simple replacement of the standard OEM interior mirror.
Our design process generates products that are highly effective in commercial driving situations. MOR-Vision helps to confirm safe reverse operations with simple replacement of the standard OEM interior mirror. These cool devices are sturdy, weatherproof rear view camera and monitor kits featuring night vision.
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rindecision · 2 years
AO3 first lines
rules: post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to ao3. if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics.
I was tagged by @daysarestranger - Thanks! 🤍
I don't have 10, but here's what I do have.
🔞The Devil of Hawkins [Vol 1] - Stranger Things // Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson // 121k
“I’m here in the small town of Hawkins, Indiana. Word of this once peaceful town has swept the nation. It started with a string of missing persons cases in ‘83, many of which were linked to a toxic chemical leak from a lab not far out of town. Unfortunately, that wouldn’t be the last tragedy that befell Hawkins. Unexplained power outages, poisoned crops, mall fires, and even murders seem like only the tip of the iceberg, as just over a week ago, a string of brutal serial murders took the lives of nearly four innocent kids.
🔞The Devil of Hawkins [Vol 2] - Stranger Things // Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson // 7.5k (Ongoing)
“Don’t forget what we talked about, okay?” Eddie said as he held El by the shoulders with a big smile. “I want to see what you’ve accomplished by tomorrow.” He paused. “Well, Steve will see what you’ve accomplished,” he corrected. El nodded. “I am already improving,” she said happily. “She got the butterfly to move,” Steve said as he carried the box of Eddie’s stuff to the trunk of the car. “Oh, shit, seriously?” Eddie beamed at her with pride. “Look at you. I knew you were a smart cookie.” She looked away shyly, not used to such blatant praise.
🔞TDoH Deleted Scene [Night Visit] My fist posted fic - Stranger Things // Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson // 14k
A nearby rustling woke Steve. He glanced around his room from the viewpoint of his bed trying not to lose his slipping grip on sleep. Nothing.
🔞Billy 'The Freak' Hargrove - Stranger Things // Eddie Munson/Billy Hargrove // 10k
Wed, Nov 7th, 1984 Eddie lit a cigarette as he stood behind the school with two of his bandmates during lunch. “Are we entering the battle of the bands this year?” Gareth asked, leaning against the brick wall in front of Eddie. Eddie looked at him with his head tilted down, taking a drag. He exhaled as he lifted his head, “What kind of band would we be if we didn’t?”
🔞Give me Fuel, Give Me Fire - Stranger Things // Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson // 52k (Ongoing)
“Alright you shitbirds, listen up,” Billy Hargrove called into the garage of his business: Hargrove’s Overall Automotive Repair Shop, a.k.a HOAR Shop, or just HOARS. “The polls came in.” He held up his mobile phone. “And our two hottest mechanics are...” He dragged it out for dramatic effect but with a deadpan expression. “Myself, of course, and Harrington.” Steve looked up from the car he was working on and knocked his head on the underside of the hood. “What?!” He looked up at Billy, just in time to see something flying at his face, but not enough time for him to catch it.
Stranger Tales - Stranger Things // Choose Your Own Adventure // 6.5k (Ongoing)
“Yo dingus, your admirers are back,” Robin called from the counter of Scoops Ahoy. Steve pulled back the glass screen, a half-eaten banana in his hand. “What the hell are you talking about?” He said with his mouth full. “I'm in the middle of my break.” He swallowed as Robin turned to face him.
🔞You Know Where to Find Me - Stranger Things // Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson // 9.7k
Steve spent his senior year valentine’s moping. The previous year he had Nancy, this year, he had no one. It was probably the first valentine he’d spent single in at least three years. He just couldn’t bring himself to date anyone else after her. The last bell of the day was his salvation from the mushy couples and especially Nancy and Jonathan. He was just glad he didn’t have basketball practice today; he didn’t want to deal with Billy and Tommy’s taunting.
🔞A Gift for Both of Us - Stanger Things // Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson // 2k
Steve woke up to his third lonely day of watching Eddie's cat, Chrissy while he was on a gig clear across the country. In the eight months they’d been together, the only times they were apart were when Eddie had shoots out of town. Most of them only lasted a couple weeks, but it was depressing being without him. Having Chrissy around helped ease some of the loneliness, and he talked on the phone with Eddie any chance he got, but cells were rarely allowed on set, so their conversations were either short or isolated to morning and night. When he checked his phone, he smiled at the enthusiastic greeting.
Here are some seek peeks at me WIPs to make up for the last 3 fics
🔞You Know Where to Find Me [St. Patrick's Day '85] - Stranger Things // Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
“Do I really have to do this?” Eddie complained as Wayne fixed the bowtie to the impressively green suit he was forced to wear. “Yes,” Wayne stated simply. “I told ‘em I would months ago before I got swapped to the night shift, so you’ll have to.” “You agreed to it, not me,” he grumbled. “Quit yer bitchin’. If you’re gonna act a fool, might as well look like one.”
When You Feel the Lightning - Stranger Things // Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Steve was bored at home after a late shift at Family Video and walked out back for a smoke. He sat on one of the pool chairs and stared up at the night sky. A distant sound of guitar caught his attention. He shrugged it off, thinking it was just one of his neighbors. It didn’t take him long to realize it wasn’t coming from the direction of any of his neighbors. It was coming from the woods. He took the last long drag of his cigarette and put it out in the ashtray before standing to investigate.
I also have a WIP for the Steddie BigBang, but I'm not allowed to talk about that one yet, unfortunately.
No-pressure tags (though it's fun!): @xirayn @the-weeping-author @coolestjoy30 @storiesbyrhi @johnnyslittlemonster
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strangemusictriumph · 2 years
Transparent Display Market - Forecast (2022 - 2027)
Transparent Displays Market size is forecast to reach $7.9 billion by 2026, at a CAGR of 44.9% during 2021-2026.  Growing demand for liquid crystal display based transparent displays for various verticals, increasing usage of transparent display for Head-Mounted Display (HMDs), and Head-Mounted Display products is analyzed to enhance the Transparent Display market share. In addition high growth for OLED based transparent display devices and high adoption of transparent display for digital signage products are expected to create significant growth opportunities for players in the market during the forecast period. In 2020, JDI developed transparent display with 87% high transparency, which is nearly the same as looking through a clear glass when the display is turned off.  In 2020, Panasonic has released commercial 55-inch transparent self-illuminating transparent OLED display panel that does not require a backlight. Hence these developments are analyzed to drive the Transparent Display industry in the forecast period 2021-2026.
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Report Coverage
The report: “Transparent Displays Market Report– Forecast (2021-2026)”,by IndustryARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Transparent Display market
By Type: LCD, OLED, E-Paper, Others
By Product: HMD, HUD, Digital Signage, Smart Appliance
By Display Size: Small, Medium, and Large
By Resolution: HD, Full HD, UHD, Others
By End User: Industrial, Retail and hospitality, Automotive, Aerospace and defense, Transportation, Healthcare, Sports and entertainment, others.
By Geography: North America (U.S, Canada, Mexico), South America(Brazil, Argentina and others), Europe(Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Russia and Others), APAC(China, Japan India, SK, Aus and Others), and RoW (Middle East and Africa)
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Key Takeaways
Transparent Display market in APAC region held a significant market share of 39.2% in 2020, due to the increase in demand for transparent displays in various end users, such as automotive, Electronics, healthcare.
OLED segment has held significant share of 38% in 2020, rise in demand for OLED display technology due to advantages such as improved image quality, better contrast, higher brightness and much faster refresh rates with lower power consumption as compared to liquid crystal display technology is analyzed to drive the market growth.
High adoption of transparent display for digital signage products is analysed to drive the market growth.
Healthcare sector in Transparent Display Market is expected to witness a highest CAGR of 45.8% the forecast period. Increasing technological advancements in the healthcare industry is paving the way for the use of transparent displays in applications, such as surgery and patient check-up.
Transparent Display Market Segment Analysis - By Type
OLED segment has held significant share of 38.2% in 2020, rise in demand for OLED display technology due to advantages such as improved image quality, better contrast, higher brightness and much faster refresh rates with lower power consumption as compared to liquid crystal display technology is analysed to drive the market growth. Transparent OLED maximizes the advantages of OLED and can be used in various places from stores to autonomous vehicles. Moreover several companies have been launching advanced transparent OLED displays to gain the market traction. In 2021, LG Display has announced its plans to launch its transparent OLED screen. In 2020, Panasonic has released commercial 55-inch transparent self-illuminating transparent OLED display panel that does not require a backlight Hence, OLED display technology expected to provide ample opportunities for the transparent display market during the forecast period 2021-2026.
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Transparent Display Market Segment Analysis - By End User
Healthcare sector in Transparent Display Market is expected to witness a highest CAGR of 45.8% in the forecast period. Increasing technological advancements in the healthcare industry is paving the way for the use of transparent displays in applications, such as surgery and patient checkup. Transparent displays are being deployed to assist surgeons during critical operations. In addition, the healthcare industry is exhibiting a substantial growth Y-o-Y, moreover several companies and research institutes are developing these displays for various applications. In 2021, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) has developed a transparent display surgical navigation system that can reduce the risk of surgery. This system provides high accuracy direct view type virtual-real fusion image information to meet the needs of preoperative communication and intraoperative navigation. In addition this can also be used in medical teaching and smart surgery in the future. Similarly, Companies such as LG, Planar and other are providing digital signage and display technology for the healthcare industry ranges across applications in hospitals and medical offices abound. Hence these global trends are analyzed to create demand for Transparent Display industry in the forecast period 2021-2026.
Transparent Display Market Segment Analysis - By Geography
Transparent Display market in APAC region held significant market share of 39.2% in 2020, due to the increase in demand for transparent displays in various end users, such as automotive, Electronics, healthcare and so on is driving the market growth. In addition, high demand for transparent display panels in South Korea, China, and Japan is a major contributor to the growth of the market. The presence of display panel manufacturers gives it a prime benefit of adopting the latest technology-based display devices, which provides ample opportunities to the transparent display market. In 2019, LG Electronics Inc. completed the construction of its new transparent OLED screen production plant in China. This would extensively increase the production of transparent OLED screens, in display sizes of 55 inches and above, by 60,000 units per month. In 2020, Chinese electronics company Xiaomi has launched Mi TV LUX an edge-to-edge transparent display. Hence these factors are analyzed to drive the transparent display industry outlook.
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Transparent Display Market Drivers
Growing number of product launches with advancements is analyzed to drive the market.
Transparent displays are expected to change the way of using displays as this technology helps in displaying or transferring information. Many companies are investing in huge amount in R&D activities of transparent display technology. For instance, Samsung to launch a new triple foldable tablet and a transparent display phone in 2021. Similarly in 2021, Crystal Display Systems are planning to introduce the curved transparent liquid crystal display for retail displays that really give that unique edge that stand out from the usual displays. Japanese scientists invented intelligent glasses that remembers the place where people saw their keys, mobiles, and other things for the last time. Moreover, emergence of virtual reality devices compatible with smartphones supplements growth of this market. Furthermore, increasing awareness and adoption of advanced technologies are the factors that drive transparent display market share in the forecast period 2021-2026.
Miniaturization of Electronic Devices Drives the Need and Development of Transparent Display Technologies
These days, advanced technologies are growing faster where in each technology is renewed with implementation of new one. The transparent display came to solve major problems related to the device miniaturization. This lack of space on screen-based displays provide an opportunity for the development of transparent displays. The growth in transparent display market can be attributed to presence of major manufacturers and increasing R&D investments towards technology and product development by research universities and major manufacturers.  In 2019, Samsung has announced to invest $11 Billion into Next-Generation Displays. Similarly LG has committed to invest heavily for the development of this technology. Hence these investments are analyzed to provide opportunities for the Transparent Display market in the forecast period 2021-2026.
Transparent Display Market Challenges
High Capital Investment Required for the Development of Transparent Displays
Although Transparent Display market is analyzed to grow at a significant rate, the high initial investments required for the R&D of this technology is set to hamper the growth of the market. The competitive display technology segment, new functionalities will increase the cost of development of the products related to this technology. On the other hand most of the technologies required for the outward of transparent display are in development stage only. The high initial investments and slow development process will hinder the Transparent Display market size in the forecast period.
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Transparent Display Market Landscape
Product launches, acquisitions, Partnerships and R&D activities are key strategies adopted by players in the Transparent Display market. Transparent Display top 10 companies include Apple, Inc., AU Optronics Corp., Google, Inc., LG Electronics, Samsung Electronics, UDC Corp., Panasonic Corp., Sony Corp, Pioneer and Philips Corp. among others.
Acquisitions/Product Launches
In 2020, Panasonic has released 55-inch transparent OLED display module. The new Panasonic product uses a self-illuminating transparent OLED display panel that does not require a backlight.
In 2020, LG has partnered with Assa Abloy to supply transparent OLED automatic doors.
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semiconductor-hub · 3 days
Microdisplay Market Revenue, Statistics, and Business Strategy Until 2032
Microdisplay technology is revolutionizing the way we experience visual content, powering a new generation of high-resolution displays used in applications ranging from augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) headsets to smart glasses and wearable devices. These miniature screens deliver exceptional image quality and compact form factors, making them ideal for immersive experiences that require sharp visuals and seamless integration with user interfaces. Microdisplays utilize advanced technologies, including liquid crystal on silicon (LCOS), organic light-emitting diodes (OLED), and microLEDs, each offering distinct advantages in terms of brightness, color accuracy, and energy efficiency.
The rapid advancement of microdisplay technology is driven by the increasing demand for immersive experiences in various sectors, including gaming, healthcare, automotive, and military applications. As the market for AR and VR devices expands, the need for high-performance microdisplays that can deliver crisp visuals and wide viewing angles is becoming more critical. Furthermore, as display technology continues to evolve, innovations in microdisplay fabrication techniques are enabling manufacturers to create displays with higher pixel densities and better performance characteristics.
The Microdisplay Market is experiencing significant growth, fueled by the rising demand for high-resolution displays in applications such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and wearable devices. Technological advancements in microdisplay technology are enhancing image quality, reducing power consumption, and enabling more compact designs, thus attracting diverse consumer segments.
Future Scope
The future of microdisplay technology is incredibly promising, with significant growth expected in the coming years. As industries increasingly adopt AR and VR solutions, the demand for high-resolution, lightweight, and energy-efficient microdisplays will rise. Innovations in manufacturing processes, such as wafer-scale integration and advanced packaging techniques, will further enhance the capabilities of microdisplays, enabling the development of more sophisticated products.
Additionally, as applications in fields like telemedicine, remote collaboration, and training simulations gain traction, the need for versatile microdisplays that can adapt to various environments will grow. The integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning into display technologies will also contribute to smarter, more intuitive user interfaces, enhancing the overall user experience.
Key trends shaping the microdisplay market include the increasing use of OLED technology, which offers superior contrast ratios and color fidelity compared to traditional display technologies. The trend toward miniaturization is also prominent, as manufacturers strive to create even smaller displays that maintain high performance. Furthermore, the rise of microLED technology is generating excitement due to its potential for higher brightness levels and improved energy efficiency, making it an attractive option for future applications.
Moreover, the growing interest in flexible displays is pushing the boundaries of microdisplay applications. This technology enables the creation of curved and adaptable screens that can conform to different shapes and surfaces, enhancing user engagement and interactivity. As these trends continue to evolve, the microdisplay market is poised for substantial growth, driven by innovative applications and increasing consumer demand.
Microdisplays find application in a wide array of devices, including AR and VR headsets, smart glasses, and portable projectors. In the gaming industry, microdisplays provide immersive experiences that transport users to virtual worlds, enhancing gameplay and user engagement. In healthcare, these displays are utilized in surgical visualization systems, providing surgeons with real-time, high-resolution imaging during procedures. The military also leverages microdisplays for heads-up displays (HUDs) in aircraft and ground vehicles, improving situational awareness and decision-making.
The versatility of microdisplays extends to consumer electronics as well, with applications in wearable devices and portable projectors. As the demand for compact and high-quality visual solutions continues to rise, microdisplay technology will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of various industries.
Key Points
Revolutionizing visual content experiences through compact, high-resolution displays.
Driven by increasing demand for AR and VR applications across multiple sectors.
Promising future with innovations in manufacturing and adaptive capabilities.
Key trends include the rise of OLED and microLED technologies.
Applied in gaming, healthcare, military, and consumer electronics.
Read More Details: https://www.snsinsider.com/reports/microdisplay-market-4527 
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Akash Anand — Head of Business Development & Strategy
Phone: +1–415–230–0044 (US) | +91–7798602273 (IND) 
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oliviajane0208 · 4 days
How Will VR Training Transform Automotive Training and Maintenance? 
In the fast-evolving landscape of automotive technology, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) stand poised to revolutionize the way professionals are trained and how maintenance tasks are carried out. As these immersive technologies become more accessible and advanced, their integration into automotive training and maintenance procedures holds the promise of enhancing efficiency, safety, and effectiveness across the industry.
Enhancing Training Through Immersive Experiences
One of the most significant advantages of VR/AR in automotive training lies in their ability to create immersive learning experiences. Traditional training methods often involve textbooks, lectures, and hands-on practice on real vehicles. While these methods are effective to a certain extent, they may fall short in providing comprehensive understanding and practical skills development.
VR offers trainees the opportunity to interact with virtual automotive systems in a realistic environment without the risk of damage to vehicles or equipment. Trainees can explore the intricacies of engine components, electrical systems, and diagnostic procedures in a simulated setting. AR, on the other hand, overlays digital information onto the physical world, allowing trainees to receive real-time guidance and instructions while working on actual vehicles.
By immersing trainees in lifelike scenarios, VR and AR training modules can accelerate learning curves, improve retention of information, and foster better decision-making skills. Moreover, these technologies can be tailored to specific training objectives and skill levels, catering to both novice technicians and experienced professionals.
Streamlining Maintenance Procedures with Augmented Reality
In the realm of automotive maintenance, AR holds the potential to streamline workflows and enhance efficiency. Maintenance technicians often face complex tasks that require referencing technical manuals, schematics, and diagnostic procedures. Traditional methods of accessing this information, such as printed manuals or digital screens, can be cumbersome and time-consuming, leading to delays and errors in the maintenance process.
AR solutions address these challenges by overlaying relevant information directly onto the technician's field of view through smart glasses or heads-up displays. Imagine a technician wearing AR glasses while performing a diagnostic check on an engine. As they inspect various components, relevant data, such as service manuals, diagnostic codes, and step-by-step instructions, are displayed in real-time, enabling the technician to work hands-free and with greater precision.
Furthermore, AR can facilitate remote assistance, allowing technicians to collaborate with experts located elsewhere in the world. Through live video feeds and AR annotations, remote experts can guide on-site technicians through complex repairs and troubleshooting procedures, reducing downtime and minimizing the need for expensive travel.
Driving Safety and Quality Assurance
Beyond improving efficiency and effectiveness, the integration of VR/AR into automotive training and maintenance also has implications for safety and quality assurance. By providing trainees with realistic simulations of hazardous scenarios, VR training modules can instill safety protocols and emergency procedures in a controlled environment, minimizing the risk of accidents and injuries in real-world situations.
Similarly, AR-enabled maintenance procedures can ensure that technicians adhere to standardized protocols and best practices, reducing the likelihood of errors and oversights. Digital overlays can highlight critical components, indicate proper torque specifications, and flag potential safety hazards, thereby enhancing the quality and reliability of maintenance work.
The Road Ahead
As VR/AR technologies continue to evolve and become more accessible, their impact on automotive training and maintenance is poised to grow significantly. From immersive training experiences that accelerate learning curves to augmented maintenance procedures that enhance efficiency and safety, these technologies hold the potential to revolutionize the automotive industry.
However, realizing this potential will require collaboration between technology developers, automotive manufacturers, training institutions, and maintenance professionals. By embracing innovation and investing in the adoption of vr automotive training solutions, stakeholders can equip the workforce with the skills and tools needed to navigate the complexities of modern automotive technology, ensuring a safer, more efficient, and more sustainable future for the industry.
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trendingrepots · 4 days
Advanced Materials Market - Forecast(2024 - 2030)
Advanced Materials Market Overview
Advanced Materials Market is forecast to reach $2.1 trillion by 2025, after growing at a CAGR of 4.5% during 2020-2025. Advanced Materials is a promising technology transforming the global manufacturing industry, especially in its replacement of plastics and metals with ceramics and composites in high-performance applications. Growing public interest towards end products replacements will further enhance the overall market demand for advanced materials during the forecast period. 
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Advanced Materials Market Report Coverage
The report: “Advanced Materials Market – Forecast (2020-2025)”, by IndustryARC, covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Advanced Materials Industry. 
By Product Type - Light Weight Materials, Bio-Based Materials, Ceramics, Colloids, Nanomaterials, Smart Materials, Catalysts, Fibers, Plastics, Resins, Composites, Polymers, Woven & Non-Woven Materials, Conductive Materials, Organic Materials, Insulation Materials, Packaging Materials, Biomedical Materials, Graphene and Others.  
By End Use - Building & Construction Industry, Aerospace Industry, Marine Industry, Defense, Automotive Industry, Electrical & Electronics Industry, Oil & Gas Industry, Health Care Industry, Paints & Coatings Industry and Others.
By Geography – North America, South America, Europe, APAC, RoW.
Key Takeaways
Asia-Pacific dominates the advanced materials market owing to increasing demand from various end use industries such as automotive, aviation, building & constructions with others. 
The demand for ceramics has been on the rise due to their application in the production of medical devices. As uptake of ceramics will continue to remain high as the healthcare industry grows and the need for medical attention surges during the forecast period, is likely to aid in the market growth of advanced materials
COVID 19 pandemic will create few hurdles for the advanced materials market.
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Advanced Materials Market Segment Analysis - By Product Type
Ceramics segment holds the largest share in the advanced materials market. Advanced ceramics such as alumina, aluminum nitride, zirconia, silicon carbide, silicon nitride and titania-based materials, each with their own specific characteristics, offer a high-performance, economic alternative to conventional materials such as glass, metals and plastics. Physical properties such as hardness, strength, wear resistance, corrosion resistance and thermal stability are considered while choosing a material. Each of these can be optimized depending on the choice of material. Several ceramic materials are favored and have a proven track record for their mechanical, electrical, thermal and/or chemical properties.
Advanced Materials Market Segment Analysis - By End Use
Automotive sector has been the primary market for Advanced Materials. China is APAC’s largest fuel consumer, and the world's second largest consumer after the U.S. U.S. and China held a share of 20 and 14 percent respectively in the world oil consumption as reported by the BP Statistical Review of World Energy. The automotive industry is currently tackling increasing demands for improvements in fuel economy and emission control. Therefore, there is a great deal of interest in the usage of advanced materials such as advanced high-strength steels, non-ferrous alloys (aluminum and titanium), and a variety of composites (carbon fiber and metal matrix) to produce lightweight vehicles. Owing to the increasing demand for lightweight vehicles the advanced materials market will grow.
Advanced Materials Market Segment Analysis - By Geography
APAC has dominated the Advanced Materials market with a share of more than xx%, followed by North America and Europe, Owing to the increasing number of industries and rising manufacturing activities in the emerging countries of the region, such as China and India. While some advanced materials are already well known as groups such as polymers, metal alloys, ceramics, semiconductors, composites and biomaterials. Due to the usage of the end products in industries such as automotive, electronics and others are the driving the market of advanced materials market. In the automotive sector, the adoption of safety-related electronics systems has grown explosively. Automotive various semiconductor devices in cars, including microcontrollers (MCUs), sensors and memory are the major parts.
Advanced Materials Market Drivers
Evolving Aviation Sector
The aerospace industry is constantly evolving due to the increasing requirement and subsequent introduction of new materials to replace the existing ones. Composite parts of aircrafts are defined by their material, processing, manufacturing specifications, and material allowed by engineering. The amount of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) used in their structure is only slightly less than the number of metals. Along with these, other reinforced matrices are also employed. As aircraft climbed higher and faster, aluminum eventually became the go-to material.
Growing demand for battery electric vehicles
The shift towards electric vehicles in the developed and developing nations would increase the growth of existing IC engine vehicles and also increase the advanced materials market over the forecast timeframe. According to IEA, Norway, the Netherlands and Japan are frontrunners in the electronic vehicles segment. Norway held the share of 46 percent in terms of the global new electric car sales as reported by IEA in 2018. In order to meet zero emission targets under the “Paris Climate Accord”, in 2017, France government has announced that it will ban diesel and gasoline-powered vehicles completely and switch to electric powered vehicles by 2040.
Advanced Materials Market Challenges
High Prices of Advanced Materials
Prices of advanced materials are very high compared to their traditional counterparts. For instance, carbon fiber reinforced polymers are widely used in a diverse range of aerospace, sports, and wind energy applications, owing to their outstanding mechanical and thermal properties at high temperatures. However, the current prices for the production of carbon fiber’s traditional counterparts (e.g. aluminum) are fi
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jessicapinedaw · 11 months
Automotive Smart Glass Market to Register Remarkable Growth by 2030
The Insight Partners is excited to announce the release of our latest research report titled- “ Automotive Smart Glass Market Forecast Study| Forecast Year”. This report delves deep into the industry with data-driven insights, trends, and strategic recommendations significantly important for business growth. Whether a business is a veteran or a new entrant market research is an indispensable…
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saharamotorsfze · 6 days
Crowning Glory: The Toyota Crown Hybrid Max Shines Supreme!
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Crowning Glory: The Toyota Crown Hybrid Max Shines Supreme!
2023 Toyota Crown Platinum Hybrid Max, a vehicle that seamlessly blends the executive styling of a premium sedan, the sleek curves of a sports car, and the elevated cabin comfort of an SUV. It's a dynamic fusion that promises to turn heads and deliver an exhilarating driving experience. In this blog curated by Sahara Motors FZE, Let’s dive into what makes this vehicle a true marvel of modern automotive engineering.
The Power Trio: Style, Performance, and Comfort
All-Wheel Drive and Drive Modes:
Buckle up, because the Toyota Crown Platinum Hybrid Max isn't just about looking good—it's designed to perform. With its all-wheel-drive system, you're in command whether cruising city streets or navigating winding country roads. But wait, there's more—drive mode selects with Sport S/S+ and Custom Mode lets you tailor your drive, giving you the power to adapt to any situation like a true road warrior!
Safety First, Fun Second (But Not by Much)
Comprehensive Airbag System:
Safety is no joke, and Toyota takes it seriously. The Crown is equipped with a driver and passenger airbag supplemental restraint system (SRS), along with knee airbags for both the driver and front passenger. It's like having an invisible safety net wherever you go.
Parking and Monitoring:
Parallel parking? Child’s play. The intuitive parking assist with auto braking and panoramic view monitor make tight spots as easy as pie. And with blind spot monitoring and a panoramic fixed-glass roof with a power sunshade, you have eyes everywhere, even where you don’t.
The Luxury of Technology
Gadget Galore:
Step inside, and you'll be greeted by a 12.3-inch full-color TFT multi-information display gauge cluster that’s more high-tech than a spaceship cockpit. The digital key and 4-door smart key system make fumbling for your keys a thing of the past.
Comfort Controls:
Dual-zone automatic climate control ensures everyone stays cool (or warm), and with 8-way power-adjustable driver and passenger seats, finding your perfect position is a breeze. Heated and ventilated seats wrapped in smooth leather? Check. Driver seat memory system? Double-check. Your throne awaits!
Entertainment and Connectivity
Audio Excellence:
For those who love their tunes, the 11-speaker JBL audio system with Clari-Fi technology delivers music that’s as clear as a summer sky. And with 5 USB charging ports and a Qi wireless charger, your gadgets will never run out of juice.
Multimedia Marvel:
The 12.3-inch Toyota multimedia system with service and safety connect is your co-pilot, providing everything from navigation to emergency assistance. Plus, with a built-in dash camera, you're always ready to capture the unexpected.
Wheels and Exterior
Riding in Style:
The 21" alloy wheels and 225/45/R21 tires ensure that you not only ride smoothly but also make a statement wherever you go. The LED automatic high beam headlamps and daytime running lights make sure you’re seen, and the auto-dimming rearview mirror keeps glare at bay.
Exterior Elegance:
With illuminated entry and LED rear combination lamps, every detail of the Crown screams luxury. And don’t forget the rain-sensing wipers and windshield wiper de-icer, because Toyota knows that the weather shouldn’t dictate your plans.
Final Thoughts:
The 2023 Toyota Crown Platinum Hybrid Max is not just a car; it’s a lifestyle upgrade. It’s the perfect blend of luxury, performance, and cutting-edge technology—all wrapped in a package that’s as stylish as it is functional.
So, if you’re ready to experience a vehicle that’s as dynamic and versatile as you are, the 2023 Toyota Crown Platinum Hybrid Max is waiting. Visit Sahara Motors FZE today or connect with us and get prepared to be amazed. It’s not just about getting from point A to point B; it’s about enjoying every mile in between!
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123567-9qaaq9 · 8 days
Detailed information about Fiber Optics Cable Market Report | BIS Research 
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A fiber optic cable is a type of cable that contains one or more optical fibers used to transmit data as pulses of light. These fibers are typically made of glass or plastic and are designed to carry signals over long distances with minimal loss of data or signal degradation. 
The Fiber Optic Cable Market was valued at $14.61 billion in 2022, and it is expected to grow at a CAGR of 10.70% and reach $43.02 billion by 2032.  
Global Fiber Optics Cable Overview 
Fiber optic cables are essential components in modern telecommunications and data transmission systems. 
These cables use light signals to transmit data, offering much higher speeds and bandwidth compared to traditional copper cables. A typical fiber optic cable consists of several optical fibers made of glass or plastic, which are designed to carry information in the form of light pulses.
Grab A Free Detailed Report on Global Fiber Optics Cable Market    
Key Components of Fiber Optic Cable Market 
Core- The central part that carries the light signals.
Cladding- A layer surrounding the core that reflects light back into the core, ensuring the signal stays within the fiber.
Buffer Coating- A protective layer around the cladding to prevent damage and moisture penetration.
Outer Jacket- The final protective layer for insulation and durability.
Key Advantages for Fiber Optics Cable Market 
High Bandwidth- They can transmit large amounts of data at high speeds, making them ideal for internet and communications services.
Long Distance Communication - Fiber optic cables can carry signals over long distances with minimal signal loss, reducing the need for amplifiers or signal boosters.
Immunity to Electromagnetic Interference- Unlike copper cables, fiber optics are not affected by electromagnetic interference, ensuring a stable and reliable connection.
Durability and Security - These cables are resistant to environmental factors like moisture and temperature, and are more secure against data breaches compared to copper cables.
The fiber optic cable market is evolving to meet the surging demand for high-speed data transmission, driven by technological advancements, expanding internet connectivity, 5G network deployment, and data center requirements. the fiber optic cable industry is experiencing robust growth driven by the need for high-speed, reliable, and scalable communication networks. The intersection of factors such as the adoption of 5G, increasing demands for internet connectivity, expansion of data centers, and ongoing technological innovations positions fiber optics as a crucial facilitator of the ongoing digital transformation across various industries. 
Demand - Drivers and Limitations
Following are the demand drivers for the fiber optic cable market:
•    Increase in Demand for Sustainable Cable Products •    Increased Internet Usage and Data Traffic •    Initiatives for Smart City Development •    Growth in Automotive Industry
Following are the limitations of the fiber optic cable market:
•    Rapid Growth of Wireless Systems •    Fragility and Low Flexibility of Fiber Optic Cables Compared to Other Cables •    Limited Power Transmission in Fiber Optic Cables
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Market Segmentation for Fiber Optics Cable    
1 By Cable Type 
Single-Mode Fiber (SMF): Transmits data over longer distances using a single light wave, ideal for long-distance telecommunications and high-bandwidth data transmission.
Multi-Mode Fiber (MMF): Uses multiple light waves for data transmission over shorter distances, making it suitable for local area networks (LANs) and data centers.
2 By Material Type 
Glass Optical Fiber: Offers higher performance and is more commonly used in long-distance communications and high-speed data transmission.
Plastic Optical Fiber (POF): Less expensive, typically used for short-distance communication in homes, offices, and industrial settings.
3 By Application 
Telecommunications: Dominates the market due to the growing demand for high-speed internet, 5G networks, and improved telecommunication infrastructure.
Data Centers: Fiber optic cables are essential for high-speed data transmission in data centers, where large amounts of information are stored and processed.
4 By End Users 
Telecom & IT: The largest end-user segment, driven by the global expansion of internet and telecom services.
Healthcare: Increasing use of fiber optic technology in diagnostic equipment and imaging.
Defense: Rising demand for secure, fast communication solutions in military operations.
5 By Region 
North America: Significant market share due to advanced telecom infrastructure and demand for high-speed internet.
Europe: Growing demand for fiber optic networks in countries focused on digital transformation.
Key Players 
Belden Inc.
Finolex Cables Ltd
Fujikura Ltd.
Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd.
Corning Incorporated
CommScope Inc.
OFS Fitel, LLC
General Cable Corporation
Recent Developments in the Fiber Optic Cable Market
• In November 2023, China, in collaboration with Tsinghua University, China Mobile, Huawei Technologies, and Cernet Corporation, launched the world's fastest internet connectivity services. This network connected Beijing, Wuhan, and Guangzhou through an extensive optical fiber cabling infrastructure, showcasing the capability to transmit data at a remarkable speed of 1.2 terabits (equivalent to 1,200 gigabits) per second.
• In April 2023, STL Tech announced the development of its thinnest optical fiber, a 180-micron optical fiber. This fiber would allow for the lowest widths in cables while maintaining the highest fiber density to enable high-speed data transmission.
• In January 2023, Prysmian S.p.A. launched an 864-fiber version of the Sirocco HD microduct cable. The newly launched cable squeezes 864 fibers into a diameter of 11.0 mm, producing a fiber density of 9.1 fibers per square millimeter. The fiber cable can be installed into a 13-mm duct.
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Fiber Optics Cable s (NEMS) represent a groundbreaking evolution in technology, offering unprecedented advantages in miniaturization, sensitivity, and energy efficiency. By integrating mechanical and electrical functions at the nanoscale, NEMS open new possibilities across a variety of fields, including healthcare, environmental monitoring, telecommunications, and quantum computing.  
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tmr-blogs2 · 8 days
Growth Projections and Trends in the Hybrid Textile Industry: 2024-2034
Hybrid textiles are advanced materials that blend different fibers or fabric types to achieve superior characteristics. These textiles are known for their enhanced strength, durability, flexibility, and resistance to environmental factors. Industries such as automotive, aerospace, defense, sportswear, and medical are adopting hybrid textiles to meet their high-performance material needs. The market for hybrid textiles is projected to witness substantial growth due to increasing demand for lightweight and strong materials.
The hybrid textile market is expected to grow significantly from 2024 to 2034. This growth is driven by advancements in fiber technologies and rising demand for multifunctional textiles across various industries. The global Hybrid Textile industry, valued at US$ 316.6 million in 2023, is projected to grow at a CAGR of 8.0%, reaching US$ 738.1 million by 2034.
For More Details, Request for a Sample of this Research Report: https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/hybrid-textile-market.html
Market Segmentation
The hybrid textile market can be segmented as follows:
By Service Type:
Fabric Development
Coating and Laminating
By Sourcing Type:
Natural Fiber Blends (cotton, wool, silk)
Synthetic Fiber Blends (polyester, nylon, spandex)
Composite Fiber Blends (carbon, glass, aramid)
By Application:
Sportswear and Protective Clothing
By Industry Vertical:
Consumer Goods
Defense and Aerospace
By Region:
North America
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Regional Analysis
North America: Dominates the market with its mature automotive and aerospace industries driving demand for hybrid textiles. The U.S. leads in research and development of high-performance fibers.
Europe: Focuses on sustainability and technological advancements in automotive and medical sectors, which are key factors for growth. Countries like Germany and France are pioneers in adopting hybrid textile solutions.
Asia-Pacific: Expected to witness the highest growth, driven by expanding automotive, construction, and sports sectors in countries such as China, India, and Japan.
Latin America and Middle East & Africa: These regions are still developing but have significant potential, especially with the growing industrial sectors in Brazil, South Africa, and GCC nations.
Market Drivers and Challenges
Growing demand for lightweight and durable materials in automotive and aerospace industries.
Increasing use of hybrid textiles in sportswear and medical applications due to their performance-enhancing characteristics.
Advancements in fiber technology, leading to the production of cost-effective and high-performance textiles.
High production costs associated with advanced hybrid textiles.
Complex manufacturing processes, requiring skilled labor and specialized machinery.
Limited awareness in some developing regions regarding the benefits of hybrid textiles.
Market Trends
Growing focus on sustainable materials and eco-friendly production processes in hybrid textiles, with an emphasis on using recycled fibers.
Increased demand for smart textiles that integrate sensors and electronic components for applications in sports, healthcare, and military sectors.
Development of bio-based hybrid textiles, combining natural and synthetic fibers to reduce environmental impact without compromising performance.
Future Outlook
The hybrid textile market is poised for sustained growth over the next decade. Innovations in fiber blending technologies and increasing applications in diverse sectors will fuel demand. By 2034, hybrid textiles are expected to play a crucial role in industries focused on reducing weight, improving strength, and enhancing sustainability.
Key Market Study Points
Assessment of growing demand in automotive and aerospace sectors.
Analysis of advancements in smart textiles and bio-based materials.
Regional growth trends, particularly in Asia-Pacific and Europe.
Future potential of sustainable production techniques and their impact on market dynamics.
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Competitive Landscape
The hybrid textile market features a mix of global and regional players, with companies focusing on product innovation, partnerships, and expanding manufacturing capacities. Key players in the market include:
Teijin Limited
Toray Industries Inc.
Koninklijke Ten Cate BV
Gurit Holding AG
Hexcel Corporation
These companies are investing in research and development to create advanced hybrid textile products and maintain a competitive edge.
Recent Developments
Several market players are exploring sustainable fibers and recyclable materials, aiming to align with environmental regulations.
The rise of customized textiles for specific industry applications has led to collaborations between textile manufacturers and industry players, particularly in aerospace and defense sectors.
Ongoing advancements in digital fabric development technologies are expected to streamline production and reduce costs.
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Transparency Market Research, a global market research company registered at Wilmington, Delaware, United States, provides custom research and consulting services. Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insights for thousands of decision makers. Our experienced team of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants use proprietary data sources and various tools & techniques to gather and analyses information.
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nitiemily · 11 days
The Impact of Embedded Camera Design Services on Consumer Electronics
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In the rapidly evolving world of consumer electronics, embedded camera design services play a pivotal role in shaping how we interact with technology. From smartphones and smart home devices to wearables and automotive systems, embedded cameras have become integral to the user experience. This blog explores the profound impact of these design services on the consumer electronics industry and how they drive innovation, enhance functionality, and improve user satisfaction.
Driving Innovation with Embedded Cameras
Embedded camera design services are at the forefront of technological innovation. As consumer expectations grow, there is an increasing demand for advanced features in everyday devices. Embedded cameras, once a luxury, are now standard in a variety of products due to their versatility and functionality. These cameras enable a range of features, from facial recognition and augmented reality to high-definition video recording and advanced image processing.
One of the key innovations driven by embedded camera technology is the integration of artificial intelligence (AI). Modern embedded cameras are not just about capturing images; they also analyze and interpret data in real-time. AI-powered cameras can perform tasks like object recognition, scene analysis, and even gesture control, making devices smarter and more intuitive.
Enhancing Functionality Across Devices
The functionality of consumer electronics has dramatically improved with the inclusion of embedded cameras. In smartphones, for instance, cameras are used for everything from high-resolution photography to video conferencing and biometric security. The quality of these cameras has evolved significantly, thanks to advancements in sensor technology and image processing algorithms.
Smart home devices also benefit from embedded cameras. For example, security cameras with embedded systems provide real-time surveillance and can send alerts if unusual activity is detected. Similarly, smart doorbells with embedded cameras allow homeowners to see and interact with visitors remotely. These applications not only enhance security but also add convenience and peace of mind.
Wearable technology, such as smart glasses and fitness trackers, has also seen a boost in functionality due to embedded cameras. Smart glasses equipped with cameras can capture photos and videos hands-free, while fitness trackers use embedded cameras for gesture recognition and enhanced user interaction.
Improving User Experience and Satisfaction
Embedded camera design services have a direct impact on user experience and satisfaction. By incorporating advanced camera features, manufacturers can offer more interactive and personalized experiences. For instance, augmented reality (AR) applications use embedded cameras to overlay digital information on the real world, creating immersive and engaging experiences.
In the realm of social media and communication, high-quality embedded cameras have transformed how we share moments and connect with others. The ability to take high-resolution photos and videos, combined with features like facial recognition and background blur, has raised the bar for personal and professional communication.
Moreover, embedded cameras contribute to the accessibility of technology. For individuals with visual impairments, devices with embedded cameras can use image recognition and audio feedback to assist with daily tasks. This inclusivity enhances the overall user experience and broadens the appeal of consumer electronics.
Addressing Challenges and Opportunities
While the benefits of embedded camera design are significant, there are also challenges to consider. Privacy concerns are a major issue, especially with devices that constantly capture and transmit data. Manufacturers must ensure robust security measures and transparent privacy policies to address these concerns.
Another challenge is the constant demand for higher performance and lower power consumption. As technology advances, there is a need for embedded cameras to offer superior image quality while being energy-efficient. This requires ongoing research and development to balance performance with battery life and heat management.
Despite these challenges, the opportunities for embedded camera design are vast. As technology continues to advance, there will be new applications and use cases emerging across various industries. The integration of embedded cameras into emerging technologies like autonomous vehicles and smart city infrastructure presents exciting possibilities for innovation and growth.
Future Trends in Embedded Camera Design
Looking ahead, several trends are likely to shape the future of embedded camera design. One of the most notable trends is the continued integration of AI and machine learning. These technologies will enable cameras to become even smarter, with enhanced capabilities for image recognition, predictive analytics, and real-time decision-making.
Another trend is the development of smaller, more efficient camera modules. As consumer electronics become more compact and portable, there will be a demand for embedded cameras that offer high performance without taking up significant space. Advances in miniaturization and sensor technology will play a crucial role in meeting these demands.
Additionally, the rise of 5G technology will have a profound impact on embedded camera design. With faster data transfer rates and lower latency, 5G will enable real-time streaming and high-definition video applications, further enhancing the capabilities of embedded cameras.
Embedded camera design services have a transformative impact on the consumer electronics industry. By driving innovation, enhancing functionality, and improving user experience, these services play a crucial role in shaping the future of technology. As we look ahead, the continued evolution of embedded cameras promises even greater advancements and opportunities, making them an essential component of modern consumer electronics. Embracing these advancements will ensure that devices remain at the cutting edge of technology, meeting the ever-growing expectations of consumers.
To Know More About Embedded camera design services
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jamesvince9898 · 15 days
Legacy Ceramic Coatings: Unmatched Protection for Your Vehicle with Advanced Ceramic Solutions
Your vehicle is more than just a mode of transportation; it’s an investment, a statement of style, and an essential part of your daily life. At Legacy Ceramic Coatings, we understand the importance of keeping your car looking its best while providing it with long-lasting protection. Our professional ceramic coating services offer a superior defense against the elements, ensuring that your vehicle maintains its shine and stays protected for years to come. Whether you’re searching for "ceramic coating near me" or exploring the benefits of car ceramic coatings, Legacy Ceramic Coatings has the expertise and cutting-edge technology to exceed your expectations.
The Power of Ceramic Coating
Ceramic coating is a liquid polymer applied to the exterior surfaces of a vehicle. Unlike traditional waxing or sealants, ceramic coatings bond chemically with your car’s paint, forming a protective layer that is far more durable and resilient. This advanced technology provides several key benefits that not only enhance the aesthetic of your vehicle but also offer unparalleled protection.
At Legacy Ceramic Coatings, we specialize in applying high-quality ceramic coatings that shield your vehicle from harmful UV rays, environmental contaminants, bird droppings, tree sap, and more. The result? Your car’s paint will remain vibrant, glossy, and protected for an extended period, reducing the need for frequent maintenance and costly repairs.
Why Choose Ceramic Coating Over Traditional Methods?
The automotive world offers a range of paint protection options, from waxing to synthetic sealants. However, ceramic coating stands out as the superior choice for vehicle owners who want long-term protection and minimal upkeep. While waxes and sealants provide temporary shine, ceramic coatings form a semi-permanent layer that lasts much longer—typically several years.
Here’s why ceramic coating is the preferred solution for car enthusiasts and everyday drivers alike:
Durability: A ceramic coating offers a protective layer that can last for years with proper maintenance, far outlasting waxes or sealants.
Hydrophobic Properties: The coating’s water-repellent nature ensures that water, dirt, and grime slide off effortlessly, making washing your car easier and less frequent.
UV Protection: Prolonged exposure to the sun can fade and damage your car’s paint. A ceramic coating blocks harmful UV rays, preserving your vehicle’s color and finish.
Scratch and Chip Resistance: While not completely scratch-proof, ceramic coatings offer an additional layer of protection against minor scratches, swirl marks, and chips.
Glossy Finish: The smooth, glass-like finish provided by ceramic coatings enhances the aesthetic appeal of your car, giving it a pristine, showroom-quality shine.
Car Ceramic Coating: A Smart Investment for Every Vehicle
Every vehicle is exposed to environmental hazards that can wear down its exterior over time. Whether you drive a luxury vehicle, a family car, or a performance machine, Legacy Ceramic Coatings provides the ultimate protection to keep your car looking like new. Our car ceramic coating services are designed to preserve the integrity of your vehicle's paintwork, enhancing both its aesthetic value and resale potential.
Our expert team uses only premium-grade ceramic coating products that are meticulously applied to ensure complete coverage and optimal bonding with your vehicle’s surface. This application process requires skill and precision, and we pride ourselves on delivering flawless results. With Legacy Ceramic Coatings, your vehicle is in the hands of professionals who are passionate about protecting your investment.
Finding the Best Ceramic Coating Near Me: Why Legacy Ceramic Coatings is the Right Choice
When searching for "ceramic coating near me," it's crucial to choose a provider that prioritizes quality, expertise, and customer satisfaction. At Legacy Ceramic Coatings, we combine years of
experience with the latest advancements in ceramic coating technology to offer the highest level of service. Our skilled technicians are trained to apply ceramic coatings with precision, ensuring that every vehicle receives a tailored solution that meets its specific needs.
Here’s why Legacy Ceramic Coatings is the top choice for ceramic coating services:
Expert Technicians: Our team consists of highly trained professionals who understand the nuances of ceramic coating application. From surface preparation to the final finish, we handle every step with care and attention to detail.
Premium Products: We use only the best ceramic coating products available, ensuring superior protection and longevity for your vehicle.
Customized Solutions: Every vehicle is different, and we approach each project with a personalized strategy. Whether you need protection for a daily driver or a luxury sports car, we provide customized solutions that match your vehicle's needs.
Convenient Location: If you’re searching for “ceramic coating near me,” Legacy Ceramic Coatings is conveniently located, offering easy access to top-quality services.
Commitment to Quality: We stand by the quality of our work and ensure that every client leaves satisfied with their results. Our coatings are designed to last, and we take pride in providing long-term protection that keeps your vehicle looking its best.
The Ceramic Coating Process at Legacy Ceramic Coatings
At Legacy Ceramic Coatings, we follow a comprehensive process to guarantee the best possible results for your car ceramic coating. Each step is designed to ensure that the coating bonds perfectly with your vehicle’s surface and provides maximum protection.
Surface Preparation: We begin by thoroughly cleaning and decontaminating the exterior of your vehicle. This step ensures that no dirt, oil, or contaminants interfere with the coating process. Depending on the condition of the paint, we may also perform paint correction to remove any existing imperfections.
Application: Once the surface is prepped, we apply the ceramic coating using precise techniques. This process involves multiple layers of the coating to ensure complete coverage and durability.
Curing: After the coating is applied, it needs time to cure and bond with the paint. This curing process allows the coating to fully harden and form a protective shield over your vehicle’s surface.
Final Inspection: After the curing period, we conduct a thorough inspection to ensure that the coating has been applied evenly and that the vehicle has a flawless finish.
Long-Lasting Protection and Maintenance Tips
Once your vehicle has been treated with a ceramic coating, maintaining its pristine condition becomes much easier. However, to maximize the lifespan of your ceramic coating, it’s important to follow a few simple maintenance guidelines:
Gentle Washing: Avoid automatic car washes, which can cause micro-scratches. Instead, opt for hand washing with a pH-neutral soap and soft microfiber towels.
Regular Cleaning: While ceramic coatings repel dirt and water, it’s still essential to wash your vehicle regularly to prevent contaminants from accumulating on the surface.
Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Refrain from using abrasive or harsh chemicals that can break down the coating over time. Stick to products that are safe for use on ceramic-coated vehicles.
By following these maintenance tips, you can enjoy the benefits of your ceramic coating for years to come, keeping your vehicle looking like it just rolled off the showroom floor.
Conclusion: Protect and Enhance Your Vehicle with Legacy Ceramic Coatings
At Legacy Ceramic Coatings, we believe that every vehicle deserves the best protection available. Our ceramic coating services provide a long-lasting shield that enhances your car’s appearance while offering superior defense against environmental damage. Whether you’re searching for “ceramic coating near me” or looking to invest in a high-quality car ceramic coating, we are here to deliver exceptional results.
With our expert team, premium products, and commitment to excellence, Legacy Ceramic Coatings is your trusted partner in preserving the beauty and value of your vehicle. Contact us today to schedule your ceramic coating appointment and experience the ultimate in automotive protection. Your car deserves nothing less than the best.
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