#Axl was slightly terrified
More memes! More memes! More memes! Starring the dragon elders, aka the ones that raised Aizzayd
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Don’t worry they’re all good at their jobs, which is protecting whatever villages are in their territories. Essos lives in a forest full of Dryads and the only ones she threatens to feed to her plants are abusive people
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steam-beasts · 4 months
(This was from when Percy began shedding his chassis)
Percy’s driver and fireman scrambled through their bags and pockets for something. Anything. Any small little pill would do to ease the pain. As they searched, the cries of their engine echoed from outside. Percy was sobbing loudly and gasping for breath. This only made their searches for pills all the more frantic.
“For god’s sake! Where the hell are they?!” The fireman muttered angrily. If it wasn’t obvious, painkillers were what they were after. Their engine, Percy, had been shaking in excruciating pain for a week, and it was getting worse in every way imaginable. Just today, they got a call saying that Percy was just…screaming….screaming bloody murder. The guard on the phone described that it sounded as if their engine was getting murdered. They had to rush out of bed and skip their breakfasts to tend to him, because it sounded so bad. The whole infection had just been one big nightmare, in fact.
The driver gasped “I got them!” He cried, pulling out a tub of ibuprofen. Wasting no time, they rushed out to the sheds to where Percy remained parked. They both nearly stopped when the lingering copper scent filled the air. It had been there since the pain began the week before.
His poor face was scrunched up in agony, what remained of his teeth clenched and his eyes were firmly shut. Small, shallow gasps escaped the saddle-tank’s mouth through his teeth as he struggled to form words. Quickly, his driver climbed on to his buffers, wincing at every whimper Percy let out.
“Dri….Driiii…” Percy tried to speak, but even moving his mouth and talking was painful. Everything hurt. Especially his chassis. His driver shushed him gently, petting his cheek “Percy…Percy, it’s ok. It’s ok…I know it hurts but I need you to open your mouth for me..” he said in a gentle voice. Percy cracked open an eye, a tear leaking out “Mm…mo…mouth?” He managed to whimper out. The driver nodded “Yes, mouth. Can you do that?”
Hesitantly, the tank engine slowly opened his mouth to reveal the slightly grotesque sight; Nearly all his teeth were gone, his inflamed gums stained heavily with dark red blood and vomit, together making a scent that would make you believe that something died in there. His tongue….god…his tongue seemed to have grown? The driver didn’t know why, but it looked longer and pointier, twitching and salivating. Fumbling with the tub, the driver popped open the lid and poured every single pill in there. Immediately, Percy swallowed it up and quickly shut his mouth, panting heavily.
His driver stepped down and took a step back before the fireman spoke “Alright, ol’ boy. Those pills will take a moment to work, but you’ll feel better for a bit” he said. Percy still shook with pain, but managed to muster a small smile “Th…Thank…” he whispered, already feeling some relief. His crew smiled back and both decided to stay nearby, just in case.
But the relief didn’t stay for long.
Suddenly, Percy groaned as his body made strange metallic groans and creaks. Alerted by this, his crew kept watch. The groaning of metal and creaking got gradually louder, until Percy looked at his crew with terrified eyes.
His last words sent shivers down their spines;
“Driver…Fireman…my chassis doesn’t feel right..” The words had barely left Percy’s mouth when a loud, shuddering crack echoed through the shed. The driver and fireman exchanged alarmed glances, their breaths quickening. Percy’s entire frame seemed to tremble, his siderods, as if being pulled apart by some unseen force, bent and snapped off. Pieces of his chassis began to rip and fall off, blood pooling the ground. A wail of pain left Percy’s lips as his frame suddenly arched and bent, almost cartoonishly.
His wheels cracked and slid off his axles without problem, making him vomit. Tears rolled down his eyes as he just continued to vomit while his body lurched forward and without warning, a grey, grotesque looking appendage clawed its way out of his chassis, covered in blood and other bodily fluids.
The driver and fireman just stood, frozen in horror as the grotesque appendages emerged, writhing and clawing at the ground. Percy’s sobs turned into guttural, inhuman sounds, his eyes wide with a mixture of pain and terror. The appendages, slick with blood and other fluids, continued to grow out a bit, with patches of what seemed like wet fur.
Focusing more on his front appendages, they appeared to be arms with hand-like paws on the end that had green claws. By that point, Percy unconsciously put them to use, clawing deeper gashes in his undercarriage, ripping off more until more grey flesh was seen, pulsating and making quick breathing motions, going in and out. It only dealt him greater pain.
His hind legs writhed and twitched violently, also tipped with green claws, his legs kicked the air and scratched at the dirt below, making claw marks in the ground. Percy’s incoherent sounds had devolved into feral, pained growls as an extra appendage grew out. It was long, slick with blood and also patched with fur; a tail.
Finally, one last snap filled the air and Percy let out a nearly monsterous roar of agony, crawling out of his dismantled chassis with weak limbs. The crew didn’t do anything but watch, they were grossed out, petrified, and felt like vomiting themselves from how gory the scene was. Seriously, it looked like something out of The Thing.
Percy shuddered and gasped for breath, his frame rising up and down with each heaving breath, each breath aslo accompanied by a creaking noise.
His legs and arms were sprawled out, twitching and gently clawing at the dirt, his tail also twitching. Percy’s face was locked in a thousand yard stare, his amber eyes bloodshot and wide open. His mouth dripped with blood and vomit, covering his chin and buffers. After a few minutes of silence, the crew hesitantly made their way towards him.
Percy’s eyes slowly turned to the two men. He stared at them intensely, with an almost predator gleam. His nose twitched, and his mouth parted, a soft growl coming out. His arms and legs shifted as he slowly tried to stand. His arms and legs wobbled, but he managed to fully stand up, looming over them with his new size and stature.
The driver and fireman exchanged another fearful glance. Percy, now a grotesque hybrid of engine and beast, was standing on his new limbs, towering over them with an intimidating presence. His body, still covered in patches of fur and slick with blood, glistened from the light. His claws scraped the ground as his eyes locked on to them.
A hungry smile spread across his face, his eyes wide with excitement as his tail began wagging.
Percy has found his first meal.
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gnrbitch · 2 years
Summer Break Pt.1
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Summary: Duffs little sister, Y/n, is sent to go spend her summer break in LA
Warnings: profanity, smoking, ehhh idk what else
“Look you guys shouldn’t come, you’ll meet her after I pick her up” Duff told the guys, who were all standing in front of his girlfriends car (except for izzy, he was standing next to Duff smoking a cigarette), demanding that he let them join him on going to pick up his sister.
“Dude no! we’ll be cool I promise” Slash said, he was excited to meet baby McKagan, hearing she was a little punk chick.
“We’re not moving, let us go with you” Axl said crossing his arms.
“Fuck, fine! just get in the car” Duff said as he started to walk over on the drivers side.
“You coming Iz?” he asked looking around being unable to see him, “Yea” Izzy said, already in the car.
“I wanted to sit there!” Steven whined, pointing to where Izzy was sitting, “To bad, go to the back” Iz said, rolling his eyes.
So off they were, Duff driving, Axl and Izzy in the back, and Slash and Steven in the back back, leaving the passenger seat empty.
“So Duff, are you excited to see her?” Axl asked looking at him from the rearview mirror, watching him tap his fingers on the steering wheel.
“Honestly” he sighed “I’m fucken scared” he said giving them a quick glance from the mirror.
“What! Why?” Steven asked
“The last time I saw her she was 13, now she’s freshly 18, i don’t know how much she’s changed” “Plus I basically abandoned her, I was her only friend… our parents have always been a bit too hard on her.”
“Can’t be that bad” Iz shrugged
“No I get it Duff, teenage girls are fucken terrifying” Axl said, thinking about his own sister back home.
“huh” Slash said “Maybe we shouldn’t have came”
Duff just rolled his eyes.
“Do you see her?” Steven asked looking from the back window, along with practically everyone in the car.
“No” Duff said looking around nervously, he wishes he could get out of the car, but this is the pick up only part of the station.
“Wait who’s that?” Izzy pointing at a girl, who was walking over to them in a Ramones tee, white waffle shirt under, and a pair of baggy jeans.
“Is that her?” Duff asked, panicked as she got closer
“Dude i don’t know she’s not my sister” Izzy said
“Duff” Y/n said standing at the window of her brothers car
“Who else would it be, let me in the car” She said fixing the duffel bag that was on her shoulder.
“Shit yea, sorry” He said unlocking the car door.
Y/n sighed as she sat in the car, rubbing her eyes “Long time no see huh Duff” She said, looking at him.
Duff took a moment to look at how much his little sister had changed, she didn’t have the same baby face she had when he left, her hair was cut way differently, her face slightly sunken in, she’s a… woman? He thought to himself.
“this is awkward” Y/n said as she looking behind her, feeling too many eyes on her.
Y/n flinched as she saw four men sitting in the back, “Jesus fuck you guys scared me” she said
“Duff man you weren’t lying when you said she didn’t look like you” Y/n saw the ginger say
“Yea” Duff said as he finally started to drive, “That’s Axl” he said looking at his sister
“I’m Steven!” Y/n saw a blonde guys pop up, flashing her a smile.
“This is Slash” The blonde, Steven said pointing to Slash, “Hi” he said, she nodded her head at him
Looking at the dark haired man sitting right behind her, he simply just said “Izzy”
Y/n liked Izzy, he seemed like the coolest one
“Okay cool” she said “I’m Y/n”
Sitting in silence Y/n turned on the radio, hearing Motley Crue come on, she immediately turned it off.
“You don’t like the Crue?” Duff furrowed his eye brows, “No” she responded “They’re annoying” she said looking out her window.
“My girlfriend has some Cds, do you wanna look through those?” he said pointing at the glove compartment infront of her.
Y/n opened it, looking at a Bon Jovi cd, a Van Halen Cd, rolling her eyes at the Motley Crue Cd, and finally a Blondie Cd.
“You like Blondie right Y/nn?” Duff said turning his head to his sister
“Yea they’re cool” she said putting in Van Halen’s self titled album in the radio.
The boys in the back looked at each other, this was awkward, and they probably made it even worse by coming, so they stood quiet.
Duff lowered the volume of the radio, clearing his throat.
“So mom tells me you’ve been having issues back home” he said glancing at his sister, afraid of her reaction.
“i’m not having any issues” she furrowed her eyebrows, confused on what he was talking about
“Not issues-” he started, not sure if he should be even talking to her about this in front of his friends, “But she tells me you don’t really have any friends” he said gripping the wheel.
“I do have friends Duff, I just don’t bring them around mom” she said turning to look out the window.
“Why not?” he asked “Cause she’ll think they’re a bad influence” she said, wanting to end this embarrassing conversation
“Well are they?” he asked “No they’re cool, I think you’d like them”
“Right we’ll she also sa-” Duff started
“No” Y/n said rolling her eyes “No?” Duff furrowed his eye brows “Yea no, whatever moms telling you is a lie” she said
“So you aren’t leaving and coming back home days later”
This made her smile, “Okay that is true, but i’m not doing anything bad”
“So then what are you doing”
“Nothing, I just like to be around them”
“What? Why?” Duff said to his sister
“They’re cool” she shrugged her shoulders
“Am I cool?” Duff said looking at her
“Sure” she said cooly
Duff sighed, eager to change the topic “Okay well what do your friends do?”
“They’re all in different bands” She said, thinking about her friends back home.
“That’s cool, punk?” he asked
“Kinda? I don’t know but it’s really good, when you come to Seattle i’ll take you to go see them”
“Yea that’d be nice” He said smiling at his sister.
Silence filled the car once again, looking out the window, Y/n asked “Are we almost there?”
“Yea we’re pretty close” he said as they drove through downtown LA
Stopping at a red light, Y/n heard commotion coming from outside the car, a woman with a poster walked to the car, yelling “Don’t let these boys fool you! they’re bad people! You’re too young!”
Y/n furrowed her eyebrows and watched the lady get smaller and smaller as they drove away.
Turning to look at Duff with confused wide eyes, she also turned back to look at the four boys, silently turning back around after they were already looking at her.
“Don’t worry about that Y/n, nothings gonna happen.” He said looking at his sister
“Okay” she silently said.
Hope you guys liked this chapter!!! I’m thinking about making this a multiple chapter fic, so i’ll be uploading the most I can! Also gonna be introducing other people in this, so stay tuned for that ;).
Also sorry for the Motley Crue hate 😕 I actually like them but i feel like this goes with Y/n okay!!😭😭🙏🙏
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ginsengkitten · 2 months
Nightfall: Chapter 2
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The troubadour venue was jam packed with its typical brand of outcasts and trouble makers. You'd been to a show there once before with Vickey but never for journalism purposes.
Vickey escorted you through a seedy back parking lot. "Okay just remember- these guys are uh- well- they're a bunch of jackasses. You're probably gonna get few words out of most of em but as long as you rope in Axl, he can talk about himself for hours which should mean plenty of content for your little story. "
"Right." You murmur in reply as you fiddled through your messenger bag to ensure your trusty notebook was there. "Hey." Vickey halts you with a grip on your denim jacket and grabs your attention. Your notebook drops out of your hand on accident. "Don't.Fuck.Anyone." She commands slightly joking and out of genuine concern for you as you were not as familiar with this scene. You brush her hand off and blush red. "Vickey!" You scoff. Vickey gives you a devious but endearing smile and skips onward, not realizing she had knocked your notebook out of your hand. As Vickey skipped towards a circle of her friends surrounding the door, you bent down to grab your notebook. "Vickey one sec!" You call out- clearly not loud enough as she jots inside excitedly with a sea of others. You grumble frustrated to yourself when a loud noise permeates the air. A loud sort of clank from the darkened alleyway aside the venue. The loud noise shocked you. You look around yourself, checking to see if anyone else caught it as well but the crowd had abandoned the parking lot by this time, leaving you alone. A part of you curiously desired to investigate the sound, as it sounded unusual.
You gather your notebook and shove it in your bag and begin inching towards the dark alley. Another sudden clank ruptured out, and you jolt. The additional noise now inspiring a slower and more cautious approach and your heart beat rose. You corner the alley and find a large dumpster. More clanging and banging echoed out, clearly from the dumpster. Maybe a raccoon or a cat was stuck? You had always been an animal lover at heart. Still, nerves rippled within you as you approach the dumpster that continued to rumble and shake louder now, more violently. You draw your hand towards the lid and begin lifting it. Suddenly the large lid flips completely open and off the hinges of the dumpster, flying right past you and nearly smacking your head. A large black bat flaps out loudly as you let out a scream of fright and alarm. You jump backwards and hit your back into a wall. No, not a wall, but a person who grips your arm tightly.
"What are you doing back here?" They said, adding to your startle. You turn to see Vickey. A wave of relief. "Was that a fucking BAT?! That thing was huge!!" She exclaims. "Dude what the fuck are you doing come on!" She laughs and tugs you along before you fully process what happened. You followed, confused.
Vickey tugs your hand through a sea of people in the packed venue. It was dark and loud. Filing through the sea of sweaty bodies, you try to take a full visual of all that passes, dotting glances with strangers until you meet eyes across the room with a man. You watch him go to break the causal gaze but he suddenly double takes, and locks his eyes on you. For just a simple second, you swear the eyes you meet are red but you blink and the illusion disappears immediately. He is now staring at you with such an intense expression that you can't solve for some reason, but it strikes an immediate nervousness into you. His face curtains with large dark curls. He looks at you as if your head has caught fire, and the room feels as though only the two of you occupy it in that moment.
His laser locked gaze burns you and you hesitate to break away as you skip through the crowd. Something about his gaze, is beautiful and terrifying- almost paralyzing you. You feel like his prey for a moment somehow. Vickeys tow of you through the bustle of bodies forces you to break contact and continue onward, but you steal one backwards glance to see that his eyes are still piercing you. "Come on Y/N!" Vickey chirps happily, tugging you along.
Vickey escorts you backstage into a hidden sort of living room tucked away. A crew of gruff, shaggy haired, men litter the room and they all snap their necks immediately at your entrance. Insighting a similar uneasy feeling as the one guy from just minutes earlier. The room is heavy with smoke and a sweet, deep musk. "Hey guys! I want you to meet my friend! Y/N!" She introduces with a smile. The entire group of men circle you and greet you curiously. As if they'd never seen a girl before. Surrounding you as they investigate you rapidly. One strokes your hair ever so slightly, causing you to wince slightly. "Oh Vickey, this one's so cute." A very tall blonde man coos as he eyes you. Another man with long auburn hair also eyes you "Yeah Vick, where'd you find such a sweet thing?" He smiled. They all greeted you kindly, jovially, but closely. Clearly enamored by you for some reason.
"Back off she's no plaything-she's a LIVING, BREATHING, JOURNALIST!" Vickey announces proudly. "A music...journalist." You correct, quietly and boldly.  The men step away, giving you space, and smile. "She's here for that interview thing I told ya about. Got a sec?" Vickey asked. A man with blonde fluffy hair bows jokingly. "Guns n roses, ever at your service miss." A scruffy black haired man rolls his eyes at him and puffs his cigarette, reaching out his hand to you. "Izzy." He greets. You shake his rough hand. "Alright- and that's, Duff, Steven and Axl." Vickey points accordingly. You greet them with a shy wave. "Where's Slash?" Vickey looks around curiously before catching him behind you. "Oop! There you are stranger! Slash, meet Y/N! She's a MUSIC journalist!"Vickey gushes. "Y/N, this is Slash!" You turn around to meet the same pair of curious eyes the had preyed on you in the crowd earlier. Your heart skips a beat. It seems like his does too because his expression hardens again like it had and he stone faces you intently. After a second too long of his eyes on you, Vickey interrupts. "Jesus, slash, take a picture of her it'll last longer" she half jokes. The room is slightly tense as the rest of them take notice of his bold extended gaze as well. He didn't seem to care that everyone took notice, only breaking when he decided to, not the room. You grin awkwardly. "H-Hi." You say. "Alright let's get down to business!" Axl claps his hands together, breaking the tension and you and him sat down in the seating area.
"I wouldn't say it's satanic music, by any means- rather maybe some sort of artistic expression of - mature themes" Axl recites his answers with confidence and full absorption of the attention.  However between question and answers, you can't help but notice Slash, who stood tuning his guitar just beyond Axl. You caught him staring at you continuously through the interview. You took the opportunity of axls depth of answers to examine Slash longer. To notice his long hair, draped across his broad shoulders, to watch him place a cigarette between his full, pouted lips and exhale clouds of smoke. His dark eyes, peeking at you through a screen of grey plumes. Your heart beat felt stalled within you. He was so blunt with his attention on you. Taking no shame to his blatant ongoing examinations of you. The attention made you blur between blushing and nausea. Something about him was different. His expressions switch back and forth between somewhat of a sensual examination and something almost angry? Was he staring at you because you had pissed him off? Was that it? It had to be. He must not like media or journalists and that type. Most musicians didn't. That's fine. He doesn't need to like you, you assured yourself.
"- are you getting this sweetheart?" Axl snapped you into reality with his question. "Oh yes, every word." You grin and he returns the smile, pleased to have your attention again.
The interview came to a close and you began to pack up your things. "Aren't you staying for the show?" Axl asked. "Nah, this little rockstar has to get her beauty sleep for tomorrow's interview!" Vickey spoke for you and gave you a loving pat on the back proudly. "Wow, you really are attacking this story huh? Who's your next prey then?" Duff joked sweetly. You obliged to brag further. "I'm actually heading a little bit north up to see a band called LA Guns." You announce proudly. The air in the room seemed to disappear as the entire band halted to look at you. Duff suddenly had a look of  concern on his face. "Oh-" duff gave low glances at the rest of the band, ushering them to stop staring. "Well, you don't need to travel all the way up there for that old band. We know some good folks down here you can talk to." Duff said with a kind of nervousness in his voice. You shook your head. "Thanks but- I want to try and broaden my scope - oh have you heard of them?" You pause. "We're....familiar with them, yes." Izzy stepped in to answer, duff nodded in agreement and folded his arms. "Oh, hah, small world then!" Vickey chuckled, inserting warmth into the frigid, tense air. "We need to practice, you two should go now." Slash interrupted, the same stone cold look across his face and in his tone. He hardly glanced up at you this time. "Oh...yes sorry right-we'll be off then..."Vickey responds. "Ignore slash, he's nervous about the show." Izzy smiled kindly to you both to mend the jab from slash.
"Oh for fucks sake!" Vickey kicked the ground angrily as she found a tow boot, fit snugly on her tire. She had apparently parked in the wrong place and now your ride home was sporting a heavy metal shackle to the ground. Vickey went inside and shortly after came out with the band in tow. "Sorry Vick that sucks. I called the promoter and he said they can waive the tow fee but their guy can't come til morning." Duff said. Vicky sighed. "I don't suppose any of you fucks have cars right?" She grumbled. "Actually- slash has his motorcycle, but he can only take one of you. "Actually- I didn't agree to take either of you." Slash spoke up to duffs offer. Duff and Axl shot him a sour look. Slash sighed and went to retrieve his bike. Vickey turned to you. "You gotta get home more than me, you go, I'll get another ride." She gave your arm a squeeze. You glance at slash as he drove over and back at Vickey. "I-if he doesn't wan-" you start. "Y/N just go don't worry about him. He's just a jerk." She retorted. "You coming or not?" Slash urged from the bike as it roared awake. You accepted the situation, hopping on the back of his Harley. Vickey gave you a wave and thumbs up. "I'll see you later!" She called over the rumble of the bike. A heavy helmet landed halfway on your head suddenly. "Agh what the-" you bark confused. "Put that on." Slash commanded as he faced forward. The helmet was big and bulky. "I don't want to -it's okay" you begin to hand it back to him and he snaps around to you. His eyes, you swear you see the red glimmer through his eyes again for just a second, and then you blink once more and it's gone. "I wasn't asking." He growled back at you and shoved the helmet back into your grasp forcefully. Alright- whatever his deal was- you did not want to push his buttons any further and put the helmet on.
As the wind began coasting through your hair and the bike whipped through the night, you wrap your arms around his torso. His body was rock solid. Not in a rhetorical, or sexual manner, but literally hard to the touch. He felt like a statue under your grasp. The situation felt tense and strange. Slash felt your arms around him. Your touch igniting a strange a rapid sensation throughout his body. A tinge of intense and foreign warmth swirled in his chest, something he had not felt for a long time. This sensation startled him and the bike slightly swerved for a moment. You grip him tighter out of fear and rest your head on his back, caring more for your place steady on the bike than the tension itself. Feeling your tightened embrace only shook him more. Whatever sensation your touch was causing, was expelling a sort of pain like turmoil for slash. He hit the gas harder and drove faster and more rushed. Finally reaching your apartment, he pulled up to a harsh stop with a screech.
"Get off." He commanded. His advanced coldness startled you and you obeyed immediately. You hand him the helmet forcefully. "Here, asshole." You remark. He grips the helmet in a way that yanks you forward to him, without touching you directly, as you had still had a grasp on it as well. "Don't go to see LA Guns tomorrow." He suddenly urges. You're shocked by this demand. You furrow your brows in confusion. "What-" you begin. "Just fucking don't go. Okay?" He ends the conversation abruptly and drives off quickly, leaving you standing, dumb founded by the entire night. What the fuck was his problem? And why does he care if I go to LA Guns tomorrow?
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Sea: Only slightly terrifying :) Axle: Not my favorite....
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astranne · 4 years
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what would’ve happened if oikawa torū went to shiratorizawa
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yeahh,,, the title already says what this headcanon is about :))
sorry for the late update, but my personal life is kinda shitty now and i just couldn’t get things done
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So,,, i only watched the anime and i have no idea when the whole shit between Oikawa and Ushijima started, but I think it was in Middle School and got only worse when they went to High School
But since Oikawa joined Aoba Seijoh it makes no freaking sense when he suddenly goes to Shiratorizawa
So, I think that Oikawa always admired Ushijima and lowkey wants to set for him one day (even when he denies this)
Despite being obvious to many things, Ushijima is smart when it’s related to Volleyball (idk if this is true,,, just lemme be) 
In the future he’s known as the ‘left-handed cannon’ (or so I think) and many think he’s a brute who just smashes the ball
But he’s not. He wants to make his father proud and his father wouldn’t be proud of a dumb son who just smashes mindlessly some balls
Since he’s young, he reads anything related to Volleyball. Analyses, strategies, the best teams, anything. 
Ushijima has always been a silent boy, he lets his actions speak. This gives him the opportunity to observe people around him
Because of this, he’s able to spot talent and good players in the mass of still young children 
So he notices Oikawa and Iwaizumi. The two have known each other since childhood, they have a trust in each other not many have and especially,,, Iwazumi keeps Oikawa in check. Without Iwaizumi, Oikawa would be a beast and destroy everyone in his way, despite his cheery face
When Ushijima applies to Shiratorizawa he states that he will only play for them if they get Oikawa and Iwaizumi too 
Coach Washijō is first rather pissed at this cheeky little brat called Ushijima Wakatoshi, but then goes to a match to see these two 
He immediately notices that Oikawa is the best setter in the whole prefecture, since he knows exactly how to use all his teammates with their best. And his ace, Iwaizumi helps him with it
The coach talks to both of them and at first Oikawa is irritated, especially when he sees Ushijima with the coach 
(The two already have a rivalry, so naturally Oikawa is pissed) 
When then Ushijima tells him to come to Shiratorizawa, because he will lose with another team, Oikawa fucking wants to punch this little asshole
But then he stops for a second and takes a second look
Ushijima never meant to offend him, he just stated the obvious since he doesn’t know differently. Oikawa knows bluntness, hell, Iwaizumi is bluntness in person, but Ushijima takes it to another level
“You really don’t know how to talk with people, do you Ushiwaka?” And Ushijima blinks and answers calmly, but also confused: “But we are talking?” 
And Oikawa understands. Ushijima never wanted to offend him, to hurt him, he just told him what would the best way for him since he knows that Oikawa is a very good volleyball player and setter. 
“Are you brats finally finished? Ushijima won’t play for Shiratorizawa if you two don’t come and I won’t let other schools take such good players from me.”
(Iwaizumi is also slightly confused, why he’s invited too, but then the Coach snarks at him. “Why wouldn’t I invite you too? You keep Shiratorizawa’s setter in check. Furthermore, do you know how good two players are, especially a setter and an ace, who know each other for years?”)
After this day, Ushijima is somewhat friends with Oikawa and Iwaizumi. Ushijima is maybe socially awkward, but the three never really have any drama, maybe some misunderstandings, but with the time, the three get to know each other better
Listen,,, we all know Tendou is Ushijima’s best friend,,, but now Ushijima is friend with Oikawa,,, Tendou and Oikawa,,, the chaos,,, the pain they cause their own teammates and their so called ‘enemies’ 
(Tendou totally teaches Oikawa to look/smile like he’s crazy, just to scare some setters or other teams)
Their fellow first years don’t really know of whom they should be terrified. Oikawa, that scarry cheery setter, his best friend Iwaizumi, who has clearly some aggression problems, Tendou, uhm- that crazy middle blocker or freaking Ushijima, who’s just tall, but so silent and looks so freaking powerful. 
Since Oikawa is the better setter then Semi, Semi focuses on his pinch serves, but the two often train together as setters
Ushijima becomes of course the ace of the team, but Iwaizumi becomes a starter too. Since the two also train together, Iwaizumi becomes a even better spiker
All in one, the four are terrifying group and take Shiratorizawa further than anyone before
After their first nationals, Shiratorizawa ranks 4th, after loosing against Inarizaki 
Shiratorizawa trains harder than before, Oikawa becomes obsessed with winning the nationals and takes his obsesssion to a new level. (Iwaizumi totally screams/beats some sense into him) 
Anywhore,,, the team wants to win and they walz every team to the ground and somehow manage to win the Spring Nationals 
But they still aren’t satisfied, since it was a hard win and they almost lost to Itachiyama
Call them petty and proud (cause that’s what they are) but they want to be the real winners. Everybody knows of Itachiyama or Inarizaki, but not everybody knows about Shiratirizawa, even when they are a proud powerhouse and ranked rather high the previous years. They want to win the nationals and show everybody that they are the best 
After the nationals, Ushijima and Oikawa are invited to the All Japan Camp (or whatever it’s called) while Tendou and Iwaizumi go to the Youth Camp (totally to go spying :))
Since Shiratorizawa won the nationals, everybody knows now of the brilliant setter, who seems to be either a freaking genius or a monster, since he fits in every team, no matter what and can take out 100% and better out of them. And the left handed ace, who breaks through (almost) every wall 
Ushijima and Oikawa are a terrifying force on the court and the U-19 coaches want the on the team. They are almost insulted when both say no, but understand that they want to wait for a year
“We are still first years, we only played a year together. I am honored, really and I am sure Oikawa is too, but Shiratorizawa needs to win the nationals again. Please ask us again in a year.”
(The coaches are still a little bit mad, but then Oikawa comes with an absolute mad man plan.)
“But if we could train with the team, starting this year, then I’m sure Japan would be even more fearsome in the internationals and actually win them.”
“Oikawa, you should spend less time with Tendou, you start acting like him.” “What’s wrong with that?!” “You are scaring the coaches.”
When Oikawa and Ushijima tell their Coach about it, he screams at them for a full hour and let’s them run to their next practice match, ‘for being cheeky little asshole brats, with no respect’
Tendou is so proud of Oikawa, while Iwaizumi just wants to bang his head against the wall (he will never leave Oikawa alone with anyone, never again)
Anyway,,, some timeskip ‘cause I’m impatient
Shiratorizawa wins the nationals again and this time,,, more clear and without 5 sets, but four
Many of Shiratorizawa are ranked in the national volleyball list. Ushijima as number one ace, Iwaizumi number 5 (after Ushijima needed to sit out for a game, cause he hurt himself and Iwaizumi played in his position) Oikawa is setter number one, Shirabu is setter number 6 (uhm- well Shiratorizawa doesn’t like to talk about it, but Oikawa started a,,, uhm- fight with Asumu Miya, bitching about who would be the better setter and the coach took him out for some sets) Tendou is middle blocker number one and proudly carries the name ‘guess monster’
So, naturally, everybody expected them to win the Spring Nationals (which they did, but yeah) 
Anywhore,,,, Ushijima and Oikawa had some trainings with the U-19 team, but ‘really’ started in their second year. Since they still/need to train with their team, their timetable is packed 
Japan maybe doesn’t win in the internationals but they rank high, 5th place which is better than the last years (i have no idea about this,, but yeahh-)
Let me set one thing clear,,, Oikawa still has fangirls. But they are from Shiratorizawa,,, and after he won the nationals, he seems to have a freaking army of these girls. And when he and Ushijima rank high in the internationals,,, well- his fans were very enthusiastic
Listen. Shiratirozawa has clearly more class than Aoba Johsei,,, fight me but it’s true (they are a freaking private school) so his fans,,, are less crazy about him, but also support his team. Which means that every member of the Shiratorizawa Volleyball team has some fangirls. And after winning the nationals their fanbase only grows
Anywhore,,, they win both nationals (they have to play against Inarizaki both times and both times Inarizaki wins two sets) (annoying brat twins, Oikawa would say) so everybody knows that winning the nationals gets more difficult
In their third year, Iwaizumi takes Goshiki under his wing (Ushijima helps too), while Oikawa and Semi train more with Shirabu. Since they go after a year, Shiratorizawa still needs a master setter and a perfect ace
The Coach doesn’t like to admit it, but his method to make just one player perfect and the axle of the team, is not perfect. There is a reason why Oikawa is the captain and Ushijima the vice-captain of the team. Shiratorizawa still can be an intense force in this way
Karasuno doesn’t play against Aoba Johsei in their first selection of the nationals, they play against Shiratorizawa and still loose
They can take one set, but then Oikawa went full beast modus since he really doesn’t want Kageyama to win. After all, there is a reason why he plays for Japan, together with Ushijima
After the game, Ushijima asks Kageyama, why he didn’t come to Shiratorizawa, since his talent is wasted with Karasuno, especially when he has been taught by Oikawa. Kageyama admits that he wanted to go to Shiratorizawa, but he failed the exams. Ushijima blinks and says: “You should’ve studied harder. Shiratorizawa is an elite school, they expect good grades. But... you will take Karasuno far, especially with your number ten. You control him good, especially since he’s practically a waste on the court.”
Karasuno was offended as hell, especially Hinata, until Iwaizumi sighs and apologizes. 
“Ushijima isn’t good with words, what he means... number ten. Work on your technique. If you train good and hard, you and Kageyama will be an incredible force on the court. But don’t get to high hopes. As long Shittykawa and Ushijima are part of the team, nobody else, than Shiratorizawa, will go to the nationals. He’s fucking obsessed with it... but he also has to show a good performance, both of them, since they are in the U-19 Japan team.”
(So,, maybe Karasuno manages to make it into the nationals in the third year :), but that doesn’t matter anymoreee) 
Anywhore,,, they still manage to win both nationals (of course) but not without some drama. Oikawa picks a fight with the Miya twins, but behind their back, he bullies their way into the U-19 team (after the first nationals) Nobody knows about it, until they get an invite for the team. 
Listen. At first, Osamu wanted to stop with volleyball after High School, but then he and his brother get invited to the U-19 team and he,,, suddenly gains a new passion for volleyball. Atsumu naturally notices and they both start to train harder. They create new attacks, especially after Oikawa taunts them that some little first years of Karasuno have too some freak quick attack which is similar to their own. (They totally sneak to some games of Karasuno and spy on them) Osamu doesn’t want a little shit of a raven (uhm- Hinata) to be quicker and better than him, especially when this little number ten is a freaking middle blocker. 
So, Osamu takes notes of Date Tech (and other powerhouses with strong blocks) and Atsumu trains with him (all this happens while Oikawa gackles evily) 
U-19 Japan suddenly plays with two setters on the court and with two strong wing spikers. The other countries were slightly surprised, since it’s rather uncommon to play with two setters, especially international
(Some coaches/teams are totally freaked out by the twin freak attack (as everybody calls it) (you know which one? the one Kageyama and Hinata stop) especially since they can pull it from everywhere) 
Also,,, after the Miya twins joined the team, the tension between them and Oikawa suddenly vanished, after he stopped being so creepy with them (they also saw how Ushijima punched Oikawa without looking and said: “Stop being rude. I will tell Iwaizumi.” When Oikawa starts to whine like a freaking child, Ushijima just scolds him like a parent and forbid him to spend more time with Tendou
So,,, the four totally go along and actually bond, after Ushijima forces them to sit down and talks (as his teammates suggsested after someone fought) (Ushijima ust being a freaking bean- I can’t-)
They finally win the internationals and many teams want now the four, but also their teams (Shiratorizawa and Inarizaki) but Iwaizumi doesn’t want to go professional, as well Tendou (which many say is a waste of talent, but oh well-) 
In their last nationals, Inarizaki and Shiratorizawa play against each other again and yeahh,,, I’m unsure,,, should Shiratorizawa or Inarizaki win? It’s a close win, that’s for sure,,, but... the twins train together with Ushijima and Oikawa, and they know now how Shiratorizawa plays, the same goes for Shiratorizawa
I know that after the time-skip, Oikawa plays for Argentina, but after my time-skip, Oikawa plays for Japan, together with the twins and Ushijima. I also want them all in the Schweiden Alders,,, just because I can :)
Also,,, it would be funny how Ushijima and Hinata would play against each other, as well Kageyama and Oikawa :) 
finally finished :D 
again, i’m sorry for the late update. i didn’t edit it, i will do this some time later
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erineverly · 5 years
kissing ( lips, neck, chest, inner thighs, stomach, basically everywhere ! she won’t say it but she’s obsessed with kisses so . . . just kiss her ! ), pinning, nipple play, having her hair pulled / pulling her partner’s hair, love bites & marking / being marked, the smell of whatever cologne axl likes to use, his raspy voice in the morning, teasing, being spanked, being tied up but also occasionally tying her partner up, being dominated, DIRTY TALK, when her partner is possessive over her in public ( 👀 ), when axl puts his hand on her thigh while driving ( that’s why she so often tells him NOT to, innocent babe gets all hot and bothered )
humiliation / degradation, blood play and all those nasty things that no one with an ounce of common sense does to the person they care about, heavy smell of alcohol & bad breath / bad hygiene in general, cat-calling, one night stands ( simply because in erin’s mind LOVE and intimacy aren’t disconnected, one leads to another and she has a hard time thinking of sex in any other categories — it only makes sense if it happens between two people who truly love and care for each other )
NO. even as curious as she is, erin has not once considered engaging in a threesome ( she finds it hard to believe that there are people out there willing to do such things, the concept seems unrealistic and made up ). she sees it as a form of cheating. if her partner suggested a threesome, she would feel deeply hurt and offended by the mere question alone.
erin’s first REAL kiss happens with axl in the summer of 1986, when she’s almost twenty-one years old and finally sure about her feelings for him — she knows that she wants to spend the rest of her life with this one man and no one else, he’s the love of her life and her soulmate. so, obviously, she considers this kiss her very first one ( simply because it’s the most meaningful one ). back in high school, she never had a real boyfriend and she only let valentine kiss her on the cheek. of course, there were times when he somehow managed to miss the side of her face and went for the lips but erin refuses to call any of those her first kiss. so, summer ’86 that is !
YES ! of course ! erin has very conservative / traditional views when it comes to what she defines as a happy family — she believes that it would be incomplete without babies. it seems natural to her that when two people truly love each other, they’ll eventually get married and have children together. she’s always dreamed of becoming a mother. even when she’s as young as twenty years old, she’s determined to have a bunch of tiny feet running around her house one day in the future. FOUR seems like a good number.
heterosexual ( or should i say . . . ax-sexual )
in 1987.
ERIN IS A PURE BABY AND HAS ABSOLUTELY NO KINKS ! *cough* bondage, spanking, power play *cough*
well . . . technically, erin’s never cheated on anyone but she’s known for her mind games and constant crying for attention — so, she’s definitely not an innocent angel. when she’s in a relationship with axl, she does flirt with other men ( preferably rockstars because they resemble him in a way ) but only to make her boyfriend jealous and possessive over her, thinking that it’s going to encourage him to care more about her. then again, words are just words, she doesn’t actually kiss or touch anyone. she’s NEVER slept with another man while in a relationship but yes, unfortunately, she has been cheated ON ( by jack, probably matthew as well ).
LOVE. how can it even be a question in the first place ?
she enjoys the submissive role best — she likes it when her partner dominates her and shows her his physical strength ( which is definitely a turn on for her ) but she doesn’t just lie there and do nothing. and although at first she’s afraid of taking control because of her lack of experience, later she learns how pleasurable and fun being on top is.
at first, erin absolutely HATES toys but only because she views them as something bad, something that’s supposed to replace her partner, something that means the two of them alone in bed are no longer enough to satisfy him. she finds them disgusting and doesn’t want them anywhere near her bedroom but . . . everything slowly changes with time. after a few long, very embarrassing conversations and awkward encounters, she learns how to use them. she doesn’t reach for them often but she does have a few favorites ( the red ball gag that axl uses as a necklace and probably gives erin heart attacks by walking around with it on, a pair of fuzzy cuffs & the infamous pink vibrator ).
obviously, when she’s just learning what physical intimacy and pleasure are, she doesn’t last very long — she’s like a teenager but luckily for her partner, if he’s skilled enough, she enjoys going more than one time in one night ( multiple orgasms = pure magic ). she eventually learns how to last longer and later on, she’s rather hard to please ( we pity everyone who comes after axl and tries to take her THERE ).
erin doesn’t know what porn is to begin with. she doubts that it’s even a real thing, finds it hard to believe that people would do something so disgusting for money. she HATES adult movies, finds them more terrifying than horrors with all the blood and gore. if she discovers axl’s magazines, she first bawls her eyes out ( because it obviously means that he no longer finds her body interesting, she’s clearly not enough for him ) and then fights him until there are police officers standing at their front door. fun for the whole neighborhood.
NO, NO, NO ! no, she doesn’t. well . . . at least, that’s what she tells everyone who asks, making grossed out faces and gagging noises while turning red and shaking her head but . . . the truth is slightly different. she definitely doesn’t do it as a teenager, she begins to discover her own body later in life when she’s already a young adult and her boyfriend is miles away, touring with his band. the nights without him slowly become restless, dreams of him torment her, leave her breathless and covered in sweat. she eventually has no other choice but to give in. she doesn’t do it often as she views it as something shameful but it does happen ( especially when axl isn’t there ). oops.
in modern verse: NO. not on purpose, at least. she may send accidental nudes — if she’s bathing and baby rose is in the bathroom with her because she’s home alone and needs to keep an eye on them, the baby does something cute and she snaps a picture, sends it to axl without thinking twice ( and there’s her reflection in the mirror. naked. rip ).
in the beginning, she’s way too shy to make any sounds other than quiet pants and gasps, she definitely doesn’t talk dirty or voice her needs in any way, but later — she is pretty vocal. #ripherneighbors
again, it’s a complex thing for erin, there’s no simple answer to this question. around 1987 - 1988, she’s still very shy and unwilling to experiment with giving oral sex. NOT because she finds her partner disgusting ( she loves him and thinks his body is beautiful ), but because the act itself seems way too sinful, wrong and immoral. it’s something reserved for perverts and degenerates. she dislikes the unfamiliar taste and the feeling as though she was about to suffocate. it grosses her out. that being said, she’s also reluctant to have it performed on her — she feels too exposed, worries that her partner may HATE it and . . . how embarrassing is that ? having someone’s face in your crotch ? however, it takes a few powerful orgasms to have her questioning herself. it feels really good and eventually becomes one of her favorite things ever. she comes to the conclusion that if SHE loves it so much, axl will, too, and decides not to deprive him of that. of course, it doesn’t come easy to her ( she does bite the poor singer and gives a few incredibly awkward blowjobs ) but then she gets better at it. she won’t admit it but by the time it’s 1990, she does enjoy giving it — of course, more than the act itself, she adores watching axl’s reactions and knowing that she’s the one making him experience all these good things. that being said, she doesn’t do it willingly for her other partners — when she and axl are done, it seems beyond disgusting and repulsive again.
night, for sure ! because then she can relish in soft kisses and cuddles afterwards, fall asleep in her partner’s arms and truly relax. but then she also enjoys lazy mornings in bed / shower sex to start the day right.
yes ! erin has been dreaming about her wedding day ever since she was a little girl. she wants to have a traditional ceremony, in a beautiful, old church, filled with flowers ( roses and sunflowers ), with her friends and family there to witness it and experience this magical moment of joy with her. she even has a secret diary / journal where she draws different sketches of her future wedding dress — she wants to design it herself to make it even more personal and unique, something straight out of a fairytale.
she says no but . . . of course, she is smh. she enjoys being the one who’s getting tied up but one of her secret fantasies involves her tying axl up 👀
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allcarnews · 5 years
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2020 X7 M50i 🇩🇪 ______________________________________ [5/23/19] BMW has taking a bold step and is introducing the M50i nameplate to both the X7 and X5 SUV’s and this M50i trim gets the same power plant found in the M550i and the M850i, both of which are incredibly quick in their segments. The X5 and X7 are hot selling for BMW and both are built for the world in the US. Now there is a X5 M and X5 M Competition coming but the X7 will not get a full M version thankfully… at least as we know for now. 🔥 @Allcarnews Spec Sheet: Both of these M50i X vehicles get a 4.4L TT V8 making 523HP and 553 lb-ft of torque paired to an 8 speed auto gearbox allowing the big SUV’s to hit 60MPH in around 4.1sec (4.5sec in the X7) with a limited 130MPH TopSpeed and 155MPH on summer performance rubber. 🔥 Of course both of these M50i models are not just about the power. BMW has fitted an adaptive M tuned suspension on the X5 and a fancy two axle tuned air suspension on the X7, an M sport rear diff, massive 20in wheels for the X5 and even larger 22in wheels for the X7, M brakes, an M sport exhaust, and slightly more aggressive styling with larger intakes and that new M line signature bronze copper trim on the exterior. Pricing starts at a hefty $82k for the X5 M50i and an even more terrifying $99k for the X7 M50i. If anything, these prices come to show how expensive the upcoming X5 M and X6 M models and their even higher performing Competition variants are going to cost. ________________________________________ ACN EXTRA: The M2 is one of the last truce and true analogue BMW’s around! ________________________________________ - - #BMW #X7 #M #X5Competition #competition #german #X5M #M50i #X6 #X6M #X5 #carbon ||#powerful #performance #turbocharged #supercharged #advanced #SupercarsRevamped #Supercar #HyperCar #ItsWhiteNoise #CarLifeStyle #France #CupGang #Carstagram #BlackList #AmazingCars247 An #allcarnews post https://www.instagram.com/p/BxzjF3yh2J9/?igshid=133wa9r4moh5g
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rocket-----queen · 6 years
“Fuck.” He growls in raspy voice, his tone clearly irritated, as you move the curtains to let some more light to the dim room. He quickly covers his face with one of the cushions lying on the sofa. He’s having the worst hangover ever after the huge party with guys.
When he got home yesterday, he was drunk, damn drunk to be exact, you’ve never seen him in such a state before.
* * *
You’re waiting for him to come back home in your bed, when suddenly you hear the door open and then loudly shut.
“Y/N baby, where’re youuuu?!” He shouts from the living room, his voice thick and groggy from drinking.
“Bedroom.” You simply reply.
He makes his way to the room, bumping into a few pieces of furniture and accidently breaking the lamp in process, making you chuckle involuntarily.
Anyway, he reaches your shared bedroom in no time and practically flops down beside you, wrapping his arm around your waist and burring his face in your hair. He’s so horny, actually he’s always horny when he’s drunk, and he just can’t help himself, can’t keep his hands from wandering.
You feel his hand slowly moving from your waist to your hip and then between your legs. “I’ve missed you so much baby.” He bites at your earlobe, tugging it teasingly, knowing too well that it drives you crazy. Meanwhile his hand slides into your panties, touching you softly. To be honest you definitely enjoy the feeling of his fingers but he’s drunk and well…
“No, you’re completely wasted.” You lock your legs with his hand between them to keep it from moving any further.
“Oh c’mon, it was just one beer.” He whines, trying to move his hand and you let him go, thinking that maybe he would stop but you know in the back of your mind that there’s no way he would.
“One beer? More like half litter of vodka.” You growl, trying to push his hand away, only making him chuckle at your futile attempts.
“Please?” He whispers into your ear, while circling your clit with his thumb, making you let out a soft moan, a moan that you tried to hold but failed completely. “See? You even like it.”
“No Axl, stop it. I’m tired and you’re drunk.” You say, trying your best to reject him but it’s so hard for you and he knows that.
“Stop acting like you don’t want it. I can feel how wet you are, you’re dripping baby and your panties are completely soaked.” He snarl, now clearly irritated due to your acting. He knows you want him but you also try to push him away and he doesn’t get it. Why don’t you want to get down with him? He’s your boyfriend, for God’s sake.
Anyway that’s true, you’re shamefully wet for him and that doesn’t help you at all but you can’t have sex with him now, he’s too drunk for that.
Suddenly he flips you with one swift motions so that you’re lying on your back and he’s sitting on your hips.
“Leave me fucking alone!” You squeak, now really afraid that he might hurt you, you’re somehow scared of him when he’s drunk, you don’t know his next move and that’s the most terrifying thing.
Even in his drunken state of mind, he realizes that you’re scared, maybe even on the blink of tears, and he immediately regrets his actions, he really thought that you wanted it and only teased him like that.
He rolls off you completely and lays down beside you again, taking you in his arms. You shiver at his touch and attempt to push him away but he grabs your wrist to stop your actions.
“Shh…” He tries to calm you, rubbing your back soothingly. “I’m sorry if I scared you. I thought you wanted this.”
You let out a sigh of relief at his words, your body immediately relaxes in his arms. You let him stroke your hair and draw small shapes on your thigh with his thumb. You’ve somehow got used to his fast-changing moods.
“No, it’s okay.” You whisper, before planting a soft, tender kiss on his lips. “Now get some sleep, okay?”
“Okay.” He murmurs. “I guess it’s goodnight then.”
“Yeah, it’s goodnight then.” You give him one last peck before you burry your head in his chest, falling asleep almost instantly.
* * *
And here you’re now, taking care of your hangover boyfriend.
You quickly move back the curtains and sit next to him, setting the items, that you carried for him from the kitchen, on the coffee table.
“Fuck, my head.” He whines, laying back again but this time on with his head on your arm.
“I brought you some water and aspirin.” You practically whisper, knowing that he’s very sensitive for any louder sounds now.
“Thanks baby.” He replies and swallows the pill, his actions too eager, causing his headache to grow even worse. He whimpers quietly and hides his face in his hands, massaging the temples with his thumbs, hoping that it’ll soothe the pain just a bit.
“Come here.” You reach your arms for him and he takes the hint, laying his head on your chest. You start to gently comb his hair with your fingers, playing with the strands of his reddish hair. You move your hands to his temples and begin to massage them carefully, trying not to hurt him more. He let out a long sigh at the feeling, definitely enjoying your actions.
“How about we watch a movie?” You ask softly and he nods his head. “Which one?”
“I don’t give a fuck as long as you’re here.” He says, making your heart melt instantly. Maybe it’s a bit cheesy but c’mon, it’s cute.
You turn on some random movie on TV, knowing that he’ll probably fall asleep soon and as he said, he doesn’t give a fuck about the film.
Your suspicions turns out to be true as soon as you feel his muscles relax completely and you hear light snores coming from his slightly parted lips. He’s a bit heavy but you don’t mind at all, you like the feeling of his body pressed to your own and the warmth he gives you. It brings you in a sleepy mood but you stay awake a few more minutes, fiddling with his hair, before you also drift away.
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classic-rock-roller · 6 years
1. Your band is trying to figure out stage clothes one week. On the third day, Bonham’s late to rehearsal, but when she arrives, she’s wearing her old high school marching band uniform (photo available on request). She says, “Come on guys, these are sexy as fuck.” Daryl and Jess are skeptical, and Rhett says, “Yeah, right, I wouldn’t be caught dead in one of those.” What’s your take on the band uniform?
“It looks great. We can change it a bit and it’ll look great. Hold on let me get a pencil.” I’d try to make a quick sketch of what I’m thinking based off of Bonham’s old band uniform and hope that the others like it. 
2. You, Kevin, Randy and Bonham are getting ready to sit outside at Bonham’s house. She’s fished out her old plastic lawn chairs, and when Kevin sits down, the back two legs of his chair shatter, and he topples backward into the gravel. How do you, Bonham, and Randy respond?
Randy and Bonham start laughing and I try to hold in my laughter to ask him if he’s ok. He just looks at us and goes, “It’s not funny!” 
3. Your band and QR are performing at an outdoor festival, and you’re all there the day before to learn how set up and tear down will go and for dress rehearsal. Kevin’s phone starts ringing during the initial briefing from the director of the event, which is getting him some glares. Rather than muting it or stepping aside to take the call, he chucks his phone fifty yards away into the grass. How do you, Bonham, Randy and Rhett respond?
Me: Was that really necessary? 
Bonham: Do you hate your phone that much? 
Randy: You really didn’t need to do that. 
Rhett: (Who wasn’t really paying attention to anything) Why’d you chuck your phone? 
4. Randy and Bonham are loading their gear into Kevin’s truck to take to the dress rehearsal for the outdoor festival. Bonham set her sax case down behind the truck before running inside to get her clarinet as well. Kevin was unaware of this, and he started backing down the driveway, effectively flattening the bell of the saxophone. You yell for him to stop, and when he gets out, he sees what’s happened. “Sweet holy hell, she’s going to kill me.” He’s just picked up the ruined case and flattened instrument when she and Randy come back outside. How do they respond, and what do you and Kevin do?
Bonham is freaking out and Randy is lecturing Kevin about being more careful. I calm Bonham down by telling her I’m going to take her to get a new saxophone while I pay for her other one to be fixed. And Kevin just kind of apologizes a lot. 
5. You left your glasses on the living room table when Randy and Bonham arrive. Randy picks them up and puts them on, then says, “Good God you’re fucking blind! How do you live with these things?” Bonham gives him a little slap. “Randy, don’t be rude.” How do you respond?
“It’s ok Bonham. I’m used to that. My cousins used to ask it all the time. I am blind as a bat. But I usually try to wear contacts even though I hate them.” 
6. Your band is doing sound check before a show, and everyone’s generally satisfied. You’re almost all the way torn down for the next band to set up when Rhett says, “Wait, I want to test the kick and hi hat again.” His entire kit has nearly been packed up, and Bonham says, “Oh Jesus tap dancing Christ” under her breath before shouting, “It’s fine, quit being a primadonna and let’s move!” What happens next?
He complains a lot but we pull him off so the next band can set up to practice because of course it’s Crüe and they’re all giving him the “what the fuck” look and the evil eye. 
7. You just got to see the YouTube release of your band’s latest music video, and to celebrate, you and Bonham GIF’ed the whole video in tiny segments. She’s started a group text with you, Kevin and Randy, and is spamming it with them. After about five minutes, Randy shouts from upstairs, “How do you send a GIF?” For some reason, Bonham finds this extremely funny, and starts laughing her ass off. How do you respond?
“How do you send a gif? I don’t know how to send on either. Then again I refuse to update my phone so that might be why I can’t.” 
8. You’re at the plumbing supply house with Kevin and your 4 year old son. Kevin’s holding him, and he’s fascinated with the rainbow faucet on display in the showroom area. Kevin tests out a brushed nickel faucet by moving the handles, so your son follows suit with the rainbow one, except water comes pouring out. “What are you doing, Andy?” Kevin says. Your son looks mystified and terrified at the same time. “I didn’t know it had real water in it!” he says. “It’s a faucet, son, of course it’s got real water in it.” Kevin says. How do you respond?
“No need to be sarcastic. He probably thought it was like the one you touched and nothing came out of.” 
9. Bonham’s been deep cleaning her room, and you go in there at one point and see her rubbing toothpaste on the walls. “What are you doing?” you ask. She says, “Fixing all my tiny pinholes from my posters.” without even looking up.” How do you respond?
“Hmm, I never thought to do that. But aren’t you just going to put them back up? 
10. You’re at Randy and Bonham’s with Kevin, and you three are in the living room while she’s making dinner for you. She’s cutting up corncobs to be grilled when a surprised shout comes from the kitchen. “What’s wrong?” Randy calls out. Bonham yells back, slightly confused and seemingly offended, “The corn squirted me! This is not supposed to happen!” How do you and Kevin respond?
Kevin: Of couse it’s going to squirt at you. It has water in it. 
Me: When I used to cut it off the cob. I’m try to aim when it’d squirt at my mom or my sister. 
11. You’re introducing Bonham to your family, and everyone seems to be getting along. Your sister looks surprised when Bonham greets her, so when Bonham walks away you ask your sister, “What the hell? She’s been nothing but nice to you!” She says, “I know, she’s fine it’s just…her voice is so deep, she sounds like a guy. Is she trans? Oh man, that would make so much sense.” How do you respond?
“Seriously, No she’s not. She sounds almost exactly like Erin so why are you even asking.” 
12. Kevin is driving you, Randy, and Bonham back to Bonham’s mom’s house. When you get there, there are goats blocking the dirt road up to the house. Kevin sighs exasperatedly, but Bonham just says, “Oh, I got this.” She gets out of the car and bellows, “Go on, GIT!” Randy jumps when she yells. “Jeez Randy, what’s up with you?”Kevin says. He replies, “Nothing, I’ve just never heard her yell like that. It’s kinda scary.” How do you respond?
“I’ve seen her like this because I’ve scared goats with her already.” 
1) Your manager thinks that’d it be a good idea for your band and GNR to collaborate on an album. You know that your singer and Axl can’t stand each other from the last time they were together. You know the two of them will be at each other’s throats, and not be able to work on songs and duets together. What do you tell your manager and does he listen to you? 
2) You are over at Kevin and your singer’s house. Your singer comes through the front door and just starts a string of curse words, “God fucking dammit, Cock sucking dick, shit, fuck, shit, god.” She sees you and Kevin staring at her and goes, “I couldn’t curse for five hours because of my sister.” How do you and Kevin respond? 
3) You, Randy, and your singer are hanging out at her house. She’s been annoyed with Kevin lately and he’s at work. All of a sudden you can hear him singing Fat Bottomed Girls through the open window. Your singer goes over and pulls open the screen before saying, “Stop doing what my pop used to do!” You hear Kevin stop and say, “Well, maybe that’s the point.” How do you, your singer, and Randy respond?
4) You’re doing an interview during an event. While talking to the interviewer, all of a sudden, you hear running footsteps and someone jumps on your back. “Hi, Bonham!” your singer screams in your ear before giving you a hug, “I haven’t seen you in ages!” You know she’s drunk. What do you do? 
5) You know your singer cannot go a day without at least saying one curse word. One day you’re over at her and Kevin’s house and all she’s saying is “Mother trucker”, “fudge”, “sheet”, and “piehole.” When you look to Kevin he says, “We’re going to see her family and you know how she doesn’t like cursing around the little ones.” “At least I make an effort not to. Last time we were there you got my four-year-old cousin saying Motherfucker.” How do you respond?
6) Your singer introduces you to her family. All of them like you but her sister, she doesn’t stop giving you the fuck you look. After a while, the two of you are engaged in a fuck you look staring contest. What does your singer say and who wins?
 7) Your singer’s sister is hanging out at the studio while you guys are working on your album. She is doing exactly what you asked her not to and is constantly bugging you. She’s already wasted three tapes by barging in on your guys. You’re all getting irritated. She does it one more time and you can tell your singer is about to explode on her. What do you, your singer, and your band say to her?
8) You have just fired Rhett from the band. You and your singer stop at a gas station to pick up food to take with you to audition a new guitarist. While in the checkout line, you both see a magazine with a picture of Rhett on the front and it says, “They’ll never survive without me. They’ll come crawling back or just break up.” What do you and your singer say?
9)  Kevin comes to you and Randy one day. He’s really drunk and he says to the two of you as he’s leaning against the door, “I really fucked up. She’s so mad at me and I don’t know what to do. What do I do?” You know he’s talking about your singer, who’s his girlfriend. How do you and Randy respond? 
10) Since firing Rhett from the band, all he’s been doing is dragging Kevin and your singer's names through the mud. One day after a concert, your singer is holding her son when all of a sudden, a crazy fan runs up and attacks her screaming about, “How dare you do that to Rhett?! Give me it!” And she’s trying to take her son. What do you and Kevin do?   
11) It is the day of your and Randy’s wedding. The night before you and your singer, who is your maid of honor, went to the police station and filed a restraining order against your ex, who threatened to kill Randy. The wedding has gone off without a hitch so far. You’re just about to say your vows when your ex shows up brandishing a gun. He somehow got past the bunch of security. You all freeze but a minute later you hear a scream and a thud. Your singer has football tacked your ex and is now sitting on him after kicking away the gun. “It’s handled for now. He’s not going anywhere.” How do you, Randy, and Kevin react?    
@osbournebemydaddy , your turn Bonham, love 
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we-rolling-stones · 6 years
And we're off! ....to Smithfield
All I remember from our last few days in Cape Town was a frantic cycle: packing up our old flat in Woodstock. Selling/moving/donating all the odds and ends that you accumulate over the years: where is the top to this Tupperware?  Why do we have two ironing boards? Should we keep these Christmas ornaments? Sorting items into long-term storage and things to take with us on the trip. Further culling the pile of stuff to take on the trip because you've inevitably packed too many pairs of comfy pants and they won't fit in the small box you've allotted yourself for personal items. Going shopping: Cape Union Mart for binoculars and GPS; Midas for cable ties, power steering fluid and spare fuses; H&M for extra T-shirts and pantoffels; to the pharmacy for antiseptic, water purification tablets, and bandages; back to Midas because you've forgotten to get a tire repair kit the first time around; back to H&M becuase you've forgotten to get a cheap pair of shower sandals and you also need some extra socks. Saying goodbye to friends (and friends’ babies) in the midst of it all (hi Finley!)
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We've successfully rehomed our own three fur babies - with Matt's aunt in Somerset West, who has a huge garden and two other bunnies (Leo and Teddy). After a short bonding period all five buns are now roaming happily amongst the leaves and aloe plants, with our three probably forgetting that they ever had a home in Woodstock at all (sob!)
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Devastated as we are to leave them, we're happy that they're now living in what amounts to bunny paradise with a couple of new friends.
We took a 4x4 driving course: a full-day class with a theory discussion in the morning and practical mountain driving in the afternoon. It was incredibly useful; we can now proudly say we know on what terrain to use high range and low range, and what it is that a diff lock really does....
The practical part of the day was midly terrifying. No photos were taken as I was too focused on not killing us, but picture this if you will: you're faced with a 60 degree mountainous hill. There's a small rock in the middle of the track, and deep holes to the left and right where rains have washed away the soil. You get out of the car and walk the route, planning your lines: keep left, putting your right tire over the flat part of the rock and your left one at the edge of the road till you hit the peak of the rock, then edge right to avoid the massive hole on the top left, but you have to put your right tire on this one ridge otherwise you'll bottom out your axle on another rock jutting out. You put the car in first gear, low range, turn on the central and rear diff locks, and ease the car over the obstacles. Don't clutch, don't lose momentum, but don't rev, and keep a slow and steady pace till you're over the top. Then, give yourself a pat on the back for not killing anyone or wrecking your car (yet). 
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I don't think we'll be seeking out extreme 4x4 situations per se, but if we're taking this beast of a car to Kenya we may as well find some unpaved roads to use it on. 
The sturdy steed escorting us on the journey, by the way, is a 1999 Toyota Land Cruiser 105 equipped with a rooftop tent, a snorkel, a drawer storage system, modified suspension and tires, long range tank, and dual batteries. 
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We have affectionately named it Stoffel, after THIS honey badger. Persistent, resilient, and tough, ready to escape any situation: we've put faith in Stoffel to get us through whatever we put in front of it. 
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Day 1: we set off from Cape Town at 530 am. 
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Ahead of us is a 12-hour drive to get us as close to the border of Lesotho as possible. We briefly consider the charming town of Zastron as our destination (it boasts as tourist attractions both a vulture colony and a hole called the Eye of Zastron) but we end up settling on Smithfield, a slightly closer town about 2 hours from the border. 
The drive thus far is uneventful: long stretches of empty karoo that you forget are out there when you lived in a city as packed for space as Cape Town. 
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We arrive just at sunset at our home for the night: Rufpatch, a little campsite on the edge of town. Setting up camp for the first time is always a struggle - we discover amongst other things that the camping table we bought at Game for all of R800 is partly broken! But the rooftent is working fine and so after a few burgers on the braai and a bottle of wine around the campfire, we call an end to Day 1.
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sonicforcesau · 7 years
Forced AU: Jackal Squad Arc, Part 5
It was late evening, and the sky began to turn dark.
Somewhere near a certain jungle in Mobius, an old, black van was currently being driven by Finnigan the Jackal on a lonely, winding road, with four other jackals sat as passengers. Along the way, the jackals made occasional conversation with each other as the journey was long and uneventful.
“We need some gas.” the driver stated after a brief check of the fuel gauge that revealed the fuel tank running low.
“Argh, bad timing.” Cassidy cursed, turning to her two friends. “We should have filled this thing up yesterday - there’s not a single gas station that we passed by!”
Jesse looked ready to retort, but it was stopped by Salvador’s sigh.
“No use saying that now.” reasoned the red-hatted jackal. “There might be a gas station nearby.”
“I’ll try to find us one.” Finnigan replied.
The van suddenly jerked, and the passengers screamed at the sudden violent movement - Finnigan had swerved their vehicle instinctively as soon as he heard the gunshot.
A quick glance to the right - driver side - mirror revealed to the mercenary: an old, red sedan muscle car driving up the side of the van. The driving jackal changed to a lower gear and floored the gas, and the engine roared in response as it built up revolutions.
“Shit! They found us!” Cassidy cursed out loud, and the van suddenly swerved and jerked violently once more as their driver slammed their van into the other car, while both vehicles negotiated a right bend on the winding road.
Finnigan felt that the van still handled like before, meaning that the attempt at shooting out their tyres failed; lucky for the jackals.
“Sit tight everyone!” Salvador suggested loudly as tried to keep himself steady.
BANG! - The front glass of both doors shattered as a shotgun bullet shot through. Fortunately, the bullet didn’t manage to cause harm.
“There’s a gun in my bag - use it!” shouted the Ultimate Mercenary, as he slammed their van into the offending car once more. The road had straightened, and it lead to a left bend.
Jesse wasted no time responding to Finnigan. Trying his best to maintain balance in the shaky van, he opened up the bag mentioned and was greeted with the sight of a revolver along with what seemed like huge amounts of mobium.
“Wow, you’re rich.” Jesse casually commented - offhandedly - as he checked the gun, while managing to keep his balance. “Only three bullets?”
“Gun’s not mine.” came the reply with gritted teeth as another harsh impact from the side shook the van.
“Damn it, just start shooting already, Jesse!” Cassidy shouted at the jackal holding the gun, ticked at the other’s lack of urgency.
Suddenly, the muscle car braked and fell back. Finnigan’s eyes followed, and he peered into the mirrors, revealing the dented muscle car attempting to ram them from the back once more.
Big mistake - With his quick reactions, Finnigan slammed his right foot onto the brake pedal. The tyres screeched as they locked up.
The van violently jerked forward, and the rear axle bounced from the momentum delivered by the impact as the back doors acquired a massive dent.
Engaging the clutch with his left foot, Finnigan put the van in second gear and accelerated, picking back up their lost speed.
“Cover your ears!” Jesse warned as he fired a bullet out the broken back window.
“I got the gunner!” announced their shooter. And indeed, the gunfire from the other car stopped.
Speaking of things that stopped...
“Finn!?” Clyde panicked as he realised that the van was losing speed as the engine sputtered, causing the van to vibrate.
“We’re out of gas!” Finnigan hit the steering wheel in frustration.
“That hit must’ve broken the gas tank.” Salvador figured, as their driver hastily shifted the gear lever into the neutral position to keep the vehicle moving.
The jackals screamed, as the van was sent forwards forcefully again. The car had rammed them once more from the back.
“Damn…” Jesse silently cursed. “One bullet left…!”
Finnigan used whatever momentum the van had left to spin their vehicle. With his right hand, he spun the steering wheel as his other hand pulled the handbrake, converting the van into an effective roadblock.
“Brace yourselves!” the driving jackal instructed as the car approached. The other driver slammed their brakes, but there was not sufficient space to come to a stop.
CRASH! - The car plowed straight into the right side of the van as it failed to slow down in time.
The momentum sent into the van had put another dent in the bodywork, and both vehicles stopped completely. The machines were totalled.
As soon as the jackals bailed from their van, they saw the driver of the other car getting out of the vehicle. He had a bleeding cut on his face; most likely from the shattered windscreen of his car.
And he was a white-furred wolf.
A wolf.
At the sight of the other mobian, Finnigan’s mood turned considerably worse, as his face adopted a fierce scowl.
Before the other could even pull out the pistol to defend himself, Finnigan was already pushing his face into the ground. The jackal had weighed his body onto the wolf, as he grabbed a hold of his right arm.
“Who sent you?” He growled menacingly.
The wolf was obviously in distress, and he was terrified. He tried his best not to cry out in agony as his arm was painfully twisted to the point where it felt like being ripped out of its socket.
“Cy- Cyrus!” the wolf panted out as he fought the excruciating pain. “Please, don’t- ARGH! - kill me! I’m just a driver!”
The rest of the jackals stared at the scene. Cassidy was impassive, while the rest had a troubled look on their faces, especially Clyde.
“Finnigan.” Salvador spoke up with a surprisingly calm voice, causing the named jackal to look at him. “Let him go.”
“Let him go?” came the angered response. Was the other insane? Did he seriously just suggest letting the enemy free?
“Like he said, he’s just a driver-” Salvador tried again. “-getting paid to do work, just like us.”
Finnigan’s hold on the other’s arm slackened slightly. Salvador was right.
“... fine.” he growled as he completely loosened his grip, setting the other’s arms free. He stared straight into the face of the wolf, intimidating the other with his mismatched eyes. “But you must know where Cyrus is, don’t you?”
“Yes!” came the frantic response from the wolf as he was let up. “I’ll- I’ll bring you there!”
With the cars wrecked and unable to drive, they had no choice but to navigate their way to the base on foot.
The bleeding white wolf led the way all the while with Finnigan scrutinising the lupine with a watchful eye from behind. He didn’t trust the enemy.
But before he could continue his attempts to burn holes into flesh with his eyes, Clyde - who was walking next to him - had began to talk to him.
“You seem very interested in the guy.” Clyde commented quietly with a mischievous smile. It was obvious that he aimed to tease. “Is he really that attractive to you?”
Finnigan scoffed. “Don’t be stupid. I’d never be into wolves.”
“Ah, well.” came the reply. “So you might be into guys?”
“What?” his eyes widened and he heard soft snorts ahead of him. The thief - meanwhile - snickered at his reactions.
Unexpectedly, the Ultimate Mercenary smirked.
“Oh, don’t worry Clyde. I won’t steal from you.” he responded.
“What!?” It was the young thief’s turn to get embarrassed. “I’m-”
“We’re here…” The nervous wolf suddenly announced as they came to a stop in the jungle. He pointed in a direction. “It’s... right up ahead…”
“Finnigan, pass me five mobiums, will you?” Salvador requested.
The Ultimate Mercenary, surprisingly, complied - ignoring his bias against wolves - and handed over the five mobiums out of his own earnings. However, instead of passing it to the other jackal, he handed the money straight to the wolf, slapping it onto the other’s hand.
“Go home.” And the lupine ran, making his leave and disappeared from the jackal’s sight as he watched.
Turning around, Finnigan began to walk with the group in the direction of the base. And soon, the jackals hidden by foliage were greeted with the sight of a huge, intimidating, metal shutter gate, moderately guarded with a some men. Embedded into the side of the shutter gate was a door. It was open.
The warehouse itself looked to be built into the cliffside. A truck was currently being unloaded, and packs of goods were being moved by a few mobians. The packages probably contained the cannabis that Vulpes spoke of. There were also three parked cars that they could see.
“Clyde?” Finnigan called.
“I want you to stay here.”
The youngest jackal hesitated. “Okay…”
And the Ultimate Mercenary turned to face the rest of the jackals.
All of them nodded.
“Let’s go.”
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astropissbaby · 7 years
Troll fic
So back in 2013 my friend and I decided we wanted to make a TERRIBLE FANFIC and we did here it is lmao Forbidden Love: Chapter One. I really haven't meant to make everyone so mad at me, I've just been far to stressed out at work, constant missions, everyone flipping shit on everything. Keyholes, hearts, completing kingdom hearts. Nag nag nag, never enough time to sit and play my sitar, so again I was sent off to do bitch work in the store rooms. Storing shit, taking inventory on their supplies. At lest I mused with a wary grin, I had time to myself to fuck off, Why doesn't anyone like me? Why does everyone think I'm stupid, I just just try so hard to please their majesties. I sat down on a box of organization 13 matching coffee mugs, for the employees to boost moral! I didn't even want the stupid fucken coffee mug, they made me pay 6 whole dollars for a cheap piece of breakable china shit that probably wouldn't even last a week. Well, i'm tired of their ching-chong China Shit. I'm gonna..... I'm gonna DO something about it! I edged store room, sneaking past the office thingy, going all double 007 on those hallways looking over my shoulder I felt SOOO bad ass had it in my sights the break room! Doing a cool ninja somersault behind some unsuspecting GIRLS!!!!11111 I quickly opened the door and snuck in shutting the door behind me uiet as a mouse. I opened the fridge door an looked through my eyes lazily jumping shelf to shelf until I saw the powered doughnuts. I LOVE DOUGHNUTS!!!! A satisfied sigh flowing past my lips at finding the thing I so wanted. Delicious powered doughnuts. grinning I lifted the bag out of fridge and opened it i ripped off the stupid tag that read "Axel" These straight to my ass, reclining back on a box of stupid employee plates, and dug into my stolen snack reveling in how naughty it was and how someone would have my balls in his mouth if he found out I was eating his doughnuts. As I was deep within the bag I could hear someone walking towards the break room, I looked up with an air of panic and quickly stuffed the bag of doughnuts down my cloak, wiping my white powdered hands off on the bottom of my cloak, Uh-oh. A quilty look fills my face as none other than Axel walks in, Him the owner of the doughnuts I had just devoured, Quickly I tried to hide only ending up tripping over myself breaking the special employee mugs in my haste. Oh shit. Axel walked into the room looking angry as ever. "You fucken little bastard, you better not be eatting MY powdered-" His green eyes widen as he takes in the white powder all over my face and hands. I stood up quickly my hands rising palm side out in a warding gesture . "DON'T SHOOT!" The words came flowing out of my mouth, before I could even think about something clever to say. The bag of doughnuts fell out of my cloak and fell upon the ground in a burst of white powder. He grinned slowly and walked towards me menacingly. "Well I'd hate to kill the suspense." he whispered in a low scary voice. I picked up the bag and started doing a SUPER OMEGA NINJA STAR ATTACK with the doughnuts, each one that hit him leaving a white mark in in its place. He stiffened for a bit taking the onslaught before a smile quirked up his lips as he picked them back and started flinging them back, before i got in a lucky hit and got him right where it counts throwing with enough force to double him over right in the vital regions. Axel doubled over "Oooh my mommy and daddy buttons." he groaned I started to laugh and he grabbed some doughnuts in his hand and pounces upon me driving me to the powder covered ground rubbing doughnuts into my face. The floor was covered in scuffed up footprint marred white, our wrestling covered our cloaks and hair in white powder I got up to my feet and shoved him away giggling. Axle shoved me up against the fridge pinning my hands above my head getting all up in my face grinning and panting slightly covered head to toe in white. " Hey, I just kicked your ass. Got it memorized?" He leaned in a little closer pushing against me harder, I tried to lean back, and BANG! CRASH! POW! BOOM! We knocked the fridge over, Axel landing on top of me briefly before someones voice yelled out "WHAT THE FUCK!?" and the sound of many feet. Running into see the shit going down in break room. Axel scrambled off me and yanked me to my feet. Xiomes WALKED IN seeing the destruction and mess. his eyes widening before he yelled "YOU TWO! MY OFFICE! NOW!!!!!!!!!!" CHAPTER 2: As we followed Xemnest down the ugly ass hallway Axel and I tried to figure out how we were going to get out of this fucking mess. "You fucking idoit!! If you didnt have to go do something stupid we wouldn't be in this predicament!" Axel whispered. As we walked, I could hear people whispering and laughing at us because we were covered in powder. We went from black to white like ying and yang or something else thats totally stupid and DOESN'T MAKE SENSE! "Oh yeah? Well if you didnt have such a wierd ass cold doughnut fetish this wouldnt have happened you moron!" I said in response to his stupid stupidity!! "WHAT?!?!! That was my lunch and nothing more!" Axel looked at my with angry green orbs. "Yeah! Ive seen you after work with your 'lunch' before, Axel! Ive seen what you have done to those poor doughnut souls!" "Oh my god... If you say anything to ANYONE im gonna--" Axel grabbed my cloak forcefully but was interrupted my Xemnas. "Shut the hell up back there!" We arrived at his office and walked with our heads hanging low like an old man's balls. We sat in the two chairs in front of his desk and mine made a gross farting sound when i sat. Xemnas glared at me while I looked as sorry as I could, even though it wasn't me. He sat there in front of us nonspeaking, his eyes narrowed and stormy, the silence that stretched over us deafening, I could see Axel uncomfortably shift in his seat sinking a little bit, his shoulders slumped and his eyes slowly narrowing trying to escape to whatever dumb place inside him that made the since not seem as terrifying. I looked back up at Xemnas his eyes still narrowed, his lips a tight hard line, god couldn't this prick ever fucken smile? I shifted and looked away from him, it was quiet enough I could hear the blood pounding in my ears and the sound of mutted combat out in the training grounds. Finaly Xemnas shifted straighten up and opening his lips to speak. "Do you two have anyting to say for yourselves?" He said quietly Axel opened his eyes and glared at me before turning his head back to Xemnas his fiery hair shifiting a bit "Well, this fuck ass decided to go out and eat my lunch then proceaed to attack me with the doughnuts." Axel's voice was rough with anger. Xemnas turned back to me raiseing his eyebrows in disbelif. I looked down at my feet. God, am I stupid, no wonder no one likes me I just fuck everything up. "Well, Demryx is this true?" I simply nodded unable to speak past the lump in my throat. Xemnas nodded at me "I see" he turned back to Axel. "And you decided to attack back? You couldn't just walk away and come to me? You are just as much at fault, now don't you think?" Axel stiffened and opened his mouth but, thought about it and closed his mouth with a click and glared at me out of the corner of his eyes and mouthed "You are so dead" Xenmas got up and paced around behind us. "So, now. I think it is only fair that the two of you clean up the break room Yes? Yes. And since you two can't seem to be getting along. You are now shareing a room, doing missions together, everything. Until further notice. Now get out of my sight." He turned his back to us and walked back to his window and stared out of it silently bidding us goodbye. Axel turned on me his eyes flameing, he got up and stalked out his fists clenched tight. I got up to my feet and quickly walked out fearfully. I started to walk past him and he grabbed my cloak and yanked me back clenching his fists in the front of my cloak his face inches from mine. he hissed out quietly and quickly so no one would over hear his threats "You stupid fucken little prick. I will make your life hell, do you understand? Every wakeing moment of your life will be hell. Got it memorized?" I mewed softly and nodded quickly grinning up at him "Y-yes sir." He grinned wickedly at me and shoved me a bit "Get walking" I nodded and started quickly walking to the break room the white powder still on my cloak and a new fear greater than the one of Xenmas filled me with a bitter taste. Axel was far more terrorfying than Xenmas by far. I hurried along to the breakroom every now and then looking over my shoulder to see if Axel as still following me, he was. Little whispers and snickers could be heard comeing from the other people as we were still white as freshly driven snow, or as a fucken virgins pure untouched body, I walked into the breakroom nearly tripping over osme stupid thing, I turned around and watched Axel walk in and watched him shut the door. I grabbed a mop and broom and started to clean I knew he was watching me, so I turned around and threw the broom at him " Why aren't you fucken helping?" I all but yelled at him The broom lands at his feet and he picks it up and starts to sweep glaring at me from under his stupid bangs. We swept for a little bit in silence until I accidental hit his thigh his with my broom. "you stupid shit!" He turned around and glared at me "We wouldn't be in this mess if you didn't like have some fucked up romantic love for doughnuts" I yelled at him throwing down the broom and balling my fists. He fucken punched me in the shoulder as he hissed out "And I wouldn't have to deal with you if you didn't FUCKEN EAT MY LUNCH" Where he punched me started to throb. "Ow! What the fuck Axel!?" I Shoved him back a bit and glared up at him putting all of my hate of him into one look " Why do you hate me so much Axel! What did I ever fucken do to you !" I whispered out dragging the back of my hand over my eyes ridding them of tears I didn't even know were there. He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me up against the wall tilting my head back so he could see my face,he leaned in closely and spoke softly " Do you really wanna know why i dislike you Demryx? Do you even know WHAT you do to me?" I stared into his green orbs and shook my head quickly feeling slighty naked under his gaze, like his eyes could stare into my soul and know all of my secrets. He grinned at me and his hands slip down off of my chest to rest on my chest like what the fuck. He glanced down at my chest for a momnet before he looked back up, grinned and spoke. "Because, Dem, you are so oblivious to everything that happens when you are around me. Fucken blind" He grabbed my hair with one hand and FUCKED IT UP!| "WHAT THE FUCK AXEL!??" I glared at him and hit him softly in the chest. he only chuckled at me and swiftly leaned in and kissed me. my jaw dropped as he walked off to finish cleaning chuckling darkly, leaving me in my stunned silence. What the fuck. My mind was reeling . What. The. Fuck. Axel fucken kissed me. OH MY GOD. I started cleaning silently, unable to believe what just happened. What the fuck No homo dude. My god....Axel. FUCKEN. KISSED. ME! I dragged my hand across my lips and glared at his back, what the fuck is his deal? I am SO going to bring this up with his pretty boy ass later. I picked my broom back up and started sweeping up broken glass, my mind still in shambles I knew I was blushing, I just refused to acknowledge that fact. I could hear him humming in his dumb ass voice, god Axel is probably Bi-polar he needs meds or some shit. I could feel his eyes on my back as I swept; but I didn't give him the satisfaction of seeing me turn around, I just kept cleaning silently for awhile trying to work out what was on my mind. Him. As I finished cleaning I knew he was leaning against the wall like the stupid fuck he is because he already finished, I hope he wasn't fucken getting off on watching me cleaning.
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eirianerisdar · 7 years
Rogue Squadron, Attack on Titan AU
…Because I have zero impulse control when it comes to visually perfect AUs
Premise: *cough* Luke is the light of humanity (no differences to canon except you could replace humanity with galaxy) and leads his elite team of Rogues to the rescue when the outer wall of Trost falls. And then they encounter a titan with black armoured plating shaped strangely like robes, and a head with titan crystals armoured into what could almost be a helmet…
Timeline-wise, characters who are alive between Yavin and Hoth.
This is the first part of a two-shot, probably, depending on the response this gets. It’s about as AU as I’ve ever written.
Also, gore warning. Because Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan.
Part 1 out of 2
Index for this AU
The first warning Commander Luke Skywalker receives when the wall falls is a tremor in his bunk-bed frame that jars him out of a dream.
He remains still for a moment, staring up at the mould-encrusted ceiling. In the dream he had been with a family only thought up in his most distant imaginings; vaguely, the image of a father, tall and strong and steady, and a mother with wit as sharp as her gaze is warm, and a sibling - the fuzzy impression of a sister, overlaid inexplicably with General Organa’s voice. Strange, that.
Luke’s lips press together. What he knows of family is gone, wrestled from him two years ago in Shiganshina. Tatooine, the small district where he grew up - smashed to smithereens, and his Uncle and Aunt burnt alive in the crushed ruins of their home.
A gift, someone had once told him, in comparison to being eaten.
But what woke him?
Another thud, so loud and deep that Luke does not hear so much as feel it, trembling across his sternum to the sudden horror in his heart.
In the bunk below his, Wedge mumbles something about impossible earthquakes as he too is startled awake.
And then the garrison bell begins to ring, and Luke vaults over the side of his bunk to land cat-footed to face a wide-eyed Wedge.
“Titans,” Luke says, reaching for his uniform where it is hung on the wall.
“Titans,” Wedge says, grimly, in return. There is nothing more to be said. 
Gearing up is something so ingrained it is like pulling on a second skin. Shirt, trousers, boots, leather waist-pads; then the 3DMG harness proper, straps pulled tight and then loosened just so; the double-barreled axles of the gear itself, snapped to metal locks in the small of the back; blade-hilts, triggers tested for pressure, control-lines flexed; and finally, the grounding weight of double blade-boxes painted with the crossed crimson stripes of Rogue Squadron, with a gas cylinder slid snugly into the top of each.
In less than two minutes, Luke and Wedge are out in the corridor, and racing towards the courtyard. Doors open as they fly past, equipment clattering to the urgent pace of their boots; Zev Senesca and Wes Janson sprint out of their respective rooms a half-second after the first pair pass by, falling in behind their commanders as Tycho Celchu and Derek Klivian nearly smash into each other in their haste to run after their roommates.
By the time Luke rounds the last corner to the courtyard, he is tailed by eleven men, the crimson stripes painted on their gear flaring in the sunlight.
General Leia Organa is waiting for them, hair bound tight in a circled braid about her head to keep it out of her gear. She looks, as she always does, older, wiser, and harsher than the rest of them combined, with none of the hint of vulnerability that had surfaced before these hard years.
It is hard to believe they share the same birthday, unrelated as they are.
The newer recruits lined up in a different section of the courtyard look green at the gills. Han Solo - the soldier-not-soldier of unclear rank who somehow manages to fly loops around trained recruits anyway - is giving orders to them with the disgruntled expression of a man who would much rather be flying alone, but has a duty at present to carry out. His personalised gear is a mishmash of stuff that looks like spare parts, but flies faster than anything Alliance-issued.
Luke snaps to attention.
General Madine steps up beside Leia, ramrod-straight, with the expression of a man who knows he is close to death. He opens his mouth, and the silence as he begins to speak is more deafening than the words themselves.
“Rogue Squadron. These are your orders.”
Luke holds onto the brick-laid steeple, and watches as, in the distance, a three-metre class titan devours a member of the advance squadron limb by flailing limb.
Wes whistles behind him. “Well, here’s to that not being any of us.”
Luke twists around to look at his squadron. Eleven pairs of expectant eyes stare back at him; Wedge in particular tilts his head slightly, as if to ask, Do you want me to do it?
Luke shakes his head, imperceptibly, and conjures up a smile for all of them. “Follow me, and don’t straggle.”
“And don’t die,” someone from the back supplies, helpfully.
Gallows humour brings up a real smile, now. “Let’s go. Delta formation, close-knit. Draw them to us.” With a final glance up at the sky, Luke closes his eyes, and tips forward.
His right harpoon slips out of the brick with a final clink.
As the ground rushes up towards him - toofasttoofast, that part of his mind supplies - and then his finger compresses the trigger on his handgrip, and the hiss-snap of his left harpoon firing just precedes the jerk of the harness on his spine as he snaps diagonally upwards, boots just brushing the cobblestones before he is snatched into the air in a burst of compressed gas.
The air blurs into solid streaks of terrified exhilaration; the G-forces tear at his body, but the strain of leather straps against his ankles and hips sings with the song of his flight. He spots his first target, leans into the wind, aims, fires his first grounding hook - and then reels himself in like a fish towards its predator, curling in on himself until the last moment when he digs his blades into the nape of the titan and carves out a blood-soaked strip of flesh.
The titan screams.
The prey has teeth, and they are sharp.
Blood sprays out and lances Luke in the face, burning over his closed eyelids; but the pain is momentary, he knows, and the blood is not his own.
The titans swarm towards the twelve of them like wolves on scent, slavering mouths opened wide.
Shouting, the Rogues dive right in.
The air is soon a mist of scarlet; the crimson-painted stripes on their gear are indiscernible.
An indeterminate amount of time later, when Luke becomes aware of the blunt blades in his hands and the tremble in his fingers, he pulls out of a dive just as Rogue Ten comes up on his right-
And Rogue Ten squeals as a titan leaps up from an alleyway, crushing the man between jaws far too big for its body.
Luke flinches as things hit him in the face.
The next moment, he has reversed course, flipped, and is descending down on the titan like a vengeful rain.
It dies with bits of Rogue Ten still hanging from his mouth.
Luke finds himself a taller tower, anchors himself to the side, and vomits over the edge.
Then he wipes his mouth with a dirty sleeve and leaps back in.
And then he sees it.
Monstrously tall, covered in smooth plates of black material. Strangely it does not seem to have an open mouth - only a sharp-boned skull, with extra extensions of hardened armour that almost seems like a helmet.
A helmet that covers the titan’s nape.
“What in the blasted underworld is that thing?” Wes gasps, nearly smashing into the wall beside Luke as he and Wedge come up beside him.
Luke stares, and stares, and can’t help but think that the titan stares back.
And then the titan moves.
It moves, and it is suddenly there, in front of them.
“Scatter!” Luke shouts.
A black-armoured fist comes crashing in towards him.
End part 1
I’ll write part 2 either tomorrow or the day after! I’ve tagged this aot au on my blog, so any sequels will be under that. I don't know what gave me the inspiration to write a Star Wars Attack on Titan au, but it turned out rather nicely. Reblog as you like! Also, Leia will be making an appearance next chapter…
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Edit: forgot to tag @liveandletrain!
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fandomkid101 · 7 years
Knight and the Beast 8
Clay grunted as he tightened the last knot of his makeshift escape ladder. He proceeded to tie the end of it to the bed post so he could escape later. Clay had a plan set up in his mind. When it would become late, he would sneak out of his room and look for the other prisoner. Then he would bring them back to his room and help them escape through the window. As he finished tying the rope to the bed post, a knock came from the other side of the door.
"I said I'm not hungry!" He called out; thinking Jestro was back.
"Relax; it's just Lavaria." Lavaria called out from outside.
Clay was somewhat relieved that it was Lavaria that was outside, but Clay hid the escape rope on the side of the bed so she would not see it.
"Come in." Clay replied.
The door opened and Lavaria came in. Book keeper came in holding a tray with teacups and a teapot.
"Just thought I'd come up to see how you're doing after all that." She said as she picked up a teacup.
"I'm fine, thank you." Clay tried to sound like he was not doing anything.
Lavaria raised an eyebrow at the knight suspiciously, but she just brushed it off.
"Well, it's a long way back to town." She spoke casually. "At least have some tea before you go."
Clay blinked and looked towards the bed. He felt his cheeks turning red; thinking he should've known better.
"Don't worry, I won't stop you." Lavaria reassured as book keeper poured her some tea.
Clay looked at the monster pouring the tea. Book keeper looked up at Clay and smiled at him; like he was asking if he wanted some. Clay took a cup and inspected it.
"It's caramel; not poison." Lavaria reassured the knight.
Clay only took a sip as he sat down on the end of the bed. Lavaria thought of something to say.
"That was a brave thing you did for your friends." She spoke softly.
Book keeper nodded in agreement. Clay kept his eyes on the ground.
"I hope they're okay. Especially Merlok. He looked so frail when I saw him here. And he said something about someone here needing my help." Clay said as he remembered the look on the wizards face.
"I'm sure they're fine." Lavaria said before drinking her tea.
Clay was about to reply as his stomach growled loudly. The knight put his hand on his mid-section; only just realising how hungry he really was. Lavaria finished drinking her tea and put her cup back on the tray.
"Dinner's still out if you're hungry." She said before turning to the door.
"But he said 'if he doesn't eat with me, he doesn't eat at all'." Clay recalled as he repeated what Jestro shouted earlier.
"Jestro says a lot of things, but he never really means it."
Book keeper followed Lavaria as she was about to leave. Clay thought about it and stood up off the bed.
"Maybe a little bit of food won't hurt."
Lavaria and book keeper smiled as the knight followed them out of his room and down stairs. As they made their way down stairs, Lavaria advised Clay that the other monsters would not hurt him. But he should be careful because they are unpredictable. When they got to the living room, everyone was either seating on the couch or on the floor. Book keeper made a coughing sound; getting everyone’s attention. Magmar raised his brow and crossed his arms.
"Well, look who decided to come down." He spoke rather blankly.
Clay stood still as the monsters stared at him; not sure if they were curious or judging him.
"Just introduce yourself." Lavaria whispered to Clay.
Clay hesitated, but he stepped forward and cleared his throat.
"Um, hello. I'm Clay." He introduced himself rather shyly.
"Hehe, he's named after mud." Moltor quietly laughed.
Flama glared at his brother and smacked him in the back of his head. Lavaria stepped in before speaking.
"Since Clay will be staying with us, we must make him feel welcome."
Book keeper came up to Clay; taking his hand and shaking it. He gave Clay a toothy smile. Clay returned a smile as he let go.
"This is Book keeper." Lavaria introduced the monster.
Flama and Moltor stood up and came over.
"I'm Flama and this is my brother, Moltor." The flame creature introduced himself and his sibling.
"It's nice to meet you both, Ms." Clay greeted back.
Flama went wide eyed before getting into Clays face. Clay took a step back as Flama looked at him with an angry grimace and pointed at him.
"I am not a lady!" He growled before Moltor pulled him back.
"Don't worry; everyone makes this mistake when they meet him." Moltor reassured Clay as Flama calmed down.
Lavaria introduced the rest of the group.
"And the two big guys in the corner are Burnzie and sparkks." She spoke as they said hi.
Beast master waved in his seat on the floor with his two globe monsters.
"I am Beast master! And these are my babies; Muffin and Poopsie." He said as he hugged the tiny monsters.
"They're not really his babies; they're just his pets." Whiparella clarified as she stood up.
The snake woman slithered towards Clay as Magmar stood up and made his way over.
"You've already met Whiparella and Magmar." Lavaria continued to speak. "Now if there's anything you need, don't be afraid to ask."
Clay put his hand over his growling stomach.
"Well, I am a little hungry." The knight shrugged; thinking he sounded like Axl.
"I'm afraid we can't do that." Magmar denied the subtle request.
"Just what do you mean?" Whiparella crossed her arms.
"You heard what Jestro said; he's not allowed to have any food!"
"Oh, pesh posh; we're not going to let the boy go hungry."
Magmar hunched over as he grumbled.
"Fine. He can have a glass of water and a four slices of bread." He said in a grouchy tone.
"No, he'll have what the rest of us are having." Lavaria casually disagreed.
All the male monsters apart from Magmar leaned in with smiles on their faces.
"So dinner's back on?" Burnzie asked; rubbing his rumbling stomach.
Lavaria nodded. The monsters cheered and made their way back to the dining room. Whiparella led Clay in while Magmar rubbed his aching head. As the monsters sat at the table and ate dinner together, Clay watched and observed as he ate the food he put on his plate. The monsters talked to each other as they ate; mostly about stuff that happened in the castle yesterday and a few days before and had some friendly banter. At one point, Beast master asked for a roll and Book keeper threw one to him. Clay noticed something about them. They acted like a family. Clay even began to laugh along when Sparkks made a joke about the lava monster that crashed his helicopter. When dinner was done, everyone but Clay and Whiparella went off to do their own thing in the living room. The knight and the snake woman hung around the entrance room.
"So did you like dinner?" Whiparella asked of the knight.
"It was quite tasty and filling." Clay commented with a smile. "My compliments to the chef."
"Flama will be happy to hear it." Whiparella smiled at Clay.
Clay returned the smile. But it slowly faded when he remembered what he was doing a while ago before dinner. Whiparella took notice of Clays spaced out expression.
"Something the matter?" She asked.
Clay looked up at the snake woman.
"Don't get mad when I say this; but I was kind of relieved when your master didn't come down for dinner when I did." He said; trying not to sound rude.
"It's understandable." Whiparella replied. "He's a bit much to deal with sometimes, but he's really not that bad."
Clay raised an eyebrow.
"How so?"
"Well, he may appear dangerous and terrifying on the outside. But on the inside there's a big softie who just wants to be in good company." Whiparella explained.
Clay still had his eyebrow raised; thinking it hard to believe. His mind took him to a different subject.
"May I ask a question?" The knight asked.
"Go ahead."
Clay took a short breath before asking his question.
"Is there anyone else here besides me?"
Whiparella raised an eyebrow at the knight.
"What do you mean?"
"I just want to know if there are other prisoners here besides me."
Whiparella shook her head.
"Only you." She answered. "And we no longer consider you a prisoner; we now think of you as our guest."
Clay felt a bit flattered that Whiparella and the other monsters thought of him that way. But he knew Jestro did not think the same. He looked up at the staircase; facing the direction of the west wing. Whiparella said there were no other prisoners, but it did not dampen his curiosity.
"Magmar said something about the west wing." Clay wandered out loud.
Whiparella gave Clay a pat on the back and got his attention.
"Don't worry about that. It's just storage space like we said before." Whiparella advised. "Well, I'm going to play chess with the boys. You're welcome to join us, if you like."
"No thank you. I think I might go to my room and do some exercises before I go to bed." Clay said before making his way up the stairs.
Whiparella gave the boy a trustful smile before going to the living room. Clay continued going up the stairs. But when Whiparella was out of sight, he made sure no one was watching and went into the west wing hallway. Clay felt a chill go up his spine as he slowly made his way through. He quickly noticed how different it was to the east wing. It was slightly dirtier, darker and bits of broken stone gargoyle statues were scattered in places. Clay went by a broken mirror as he went further down the hallway. The knight reached a door at the end of it. Clay felt his insides going cold as he stared at the devil shaped handles of the door. But he made it this far into the hallway; if he turned back now, he might not get another chance. Clay gently grabbed one of the handles and gently pushed the door open. He looked into the dark room; lit only by melting candles. Clay carefully entered as he looked around; noticing how the unkept mess and darkness made a great contrast to the light and tidiness of his room. The knight walked through the room as he looked at the broken bits of furniture and ruined decorations on the walls. Clay stopped when he noticed something among the decorations that was still intact.
A framed photo was hanging on the wall. Clay took a closer look at it to see that it was a group picture. It had a group of thirteen people and one dog; all diverse in appearance. But everyone in the picture was frowning. Two of the faces on the picture were scratched and torn out; one cloaked figure in the middle and another standing to the right of them. Aside of the scratched out figures, Clay thought the others looked somewhat familiar but he was not sure how. Clay looked at one of the figures in the middle; standing to the left of the cloaked scratched out figure. Even though the photo was old and discoloured, Clay could tell that the figure he was looking at wore very colourful clothing; wearing a hood that resembled that of a jester. Clay took a closer look at the figure; thinking he has seen him somewhere before.
A faint glow on the balcony caught Clays’ attention. He turned away from the photo to see a table on the balcony. The Knights slowly walked closer to the table; seeing the items on top. A mirror was lying next to what got Clays attention. Clay watched in awe as a rose glowed under a gloss dome. The knight kept looking at it as if he was being hypnotised. Clay held his hand out as he got closer. But he froze; eyes widening and insides going cold. He quickly turned around and gasped.
Jestro was standing right there; staring at Clay in the eye. Clay took a step back; bumping into the table. Jestro went wide eyed; quickly going behind the table and put his hands on it stopping it from moving. He looked over the rose; worry and fear in his eyes. Clay realised he made a mistake when Jestro looked at him; worry and fear turning into anger.
"What're you doing in here?" Jestro glared at Clay; coming towards him.
Clay stepped back as he reached over his shoulder. The knight began to panic when he realised that he left his sword and shield in the bedroom.
"I, I-" Clay tried to explain himself as Jestro came closer.
"Do you have any idea what you almost did!?" Jestro began to yell.
"I, I'm sorry."
Jestro lifted his hand from under his cloak and took a swap at Clay with sharp nails. Clay only just avoided them, but he fell backwards onto the floor. The knight tried to back away; fearing for his life.
"Please, stop!" He pleaded and begged.
Jestro continued to yell; making Clay get up and run for the door as he shouted “get out” with an animalistic roar. When Clay was gone, Jestro stopped and caught his breath. He looked at his hand and stared at his sharp black painted nails. He stopped being angry and went wide eyed when he realised what he just did. Jestro ran his hands through his hair and got down on his knees as he started to panic.
"What have I done?" He whispered; realising he scared away his only chance.
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toystory-3 · 5 years
The New Aston Martin Vantage: Track Review
The New Aston Martin Vantage: Track Review - Forget the Vulcan and the Valkyrie forget Red Bull and racing concern yourself, not with the DB eleven db4 GT, because as impressive as Aston Martin's, recent rise has been. This is The New Aston Martin Vantage, a quick recap in case you're, unfamiliar with the story so far, Austin's baby has gotten rather serious with 503 brake horsepower and 505 pounds foot of torque from its four liter twin-turbo v8 reach 62 miles an hour in 3.6 seconds and go On 295 miles an hour, that's at price has got rather serious too with the littlest Aston now starting at 120,000 pounds. Let'S talk about the engine now I know a lot of people have been outraged, really that Aston hasn't built its own engines are finished one from Mercedes, but let's be honest about this: they really couldn't have picked a better engine. The big bass - and you really would not know that this is turbocharged. You might think I'm crazy for saying that, but trust me, but the throttle response to this is unbelievable. There is a sense that its bark is worse than its bite, the performance with good without being electrifying. We'Ve had a while to assimilate the exterior of the car since it was unveiled at the end of last year and it seems to divine opinion, particularly that big grill at the front. Now the classic is the old car, perhaps but certainly more aggressive, and there are details that I like about the look to the front arch vents, for example, and the serrated edge detailing on the headlights. Overall, I don't think the interiors, quite as successful as the exterior and perhaps just a bit fussy in places and I'm not sure all these buttons here, quite as intuitive as they could be, perhaps that this black plastic was in metal. The old cars filled graininess everything, but what it has got is an awful lot more grip, you're, never waiting for the front end to get into a corner, and yet the rear feels so faithful as well. It'S so much faster than your car, but still so evolving pulled over for just a second because they're a couple of details in here order to go through. Firstly, a couple of things which I think shows this is being designed for drivers as a proper driver's car paddles larger than DB 11, really long tactile metal their hair pedal should be. In my opinion, the other thing is nice little pad just down here, so you can actually brace your knee against it when you're cornering little things, but they're important. In the background, I think it's a whirlwind: nitro Xtreme 5 berth super deluxe with balcony anyway. I don't know what it does, but that feels very James Bond. I assume this is a pre-production car, so I'm not promising that if you buy one you're going to get a red button too, but it'd be nice if they wouldn't it, although I'm not really fussed about having a db5 ejector seat, I would like a little more Of an older, ass and beautifully communicative steering feel and a new Vantage, don't get me wrong. It'S nicely responsive without dipping into that hyper-alert Ferrari territory and in some ways this feels like nitpicking, but just like a bit more feedback. I suppose that's just not a modern way and make no mistake. Overall, The New Aston Martin Vantage is deeply impressive and immensely enjoyable. Firstly, is that wonderfully monstrous exhaust note, which sounds like it's going to rip the back box from its mountings on full, bore rupture, drive hard and The New Aston Martin Vantage's compact stance and big-hearted, but instantly eager engine make it feel like a bunched fist of a car always Ready to punch full and what roads they are down here in southern Portugal, endlessly twisting often narrow, mostly smooth, and when the trees recede they offer up some spectacular views. It has been a fantastic day and it's nice to come into town just to see this. Amongst all the vehicles, because that's where I think you really see just how amazing it is, I love those headlights, those narrowed eyes, but as good as it's been, I try Sport Sport. There was a change in weather under changing cars, just in case the subtle shade of screaming lime-green didn't give it away. This car is in the lightest possible spec with forged wheels, although wrapped in the same rubber carbon brakes and quad tipped sports exhaust, it all adds up to a dry weight of 15 20 kilos. Not that light, then how does it feel from behind so we're trying out the track mode and ESP, which is pretty good? Let'S try that around here see just feeling grabbing in there before it gets too too wild and endearing and again up over that corner there. Let's turn it could be scary, because you've got all that grip, which makes you think it might be really snappy, because you said, I think why it might just not be set up, for it might not feel faithful. It might be frank and terrifying, but because it's got such good, it made balance its really good over the limit. The balance really is beautiful and it feels much lighter than the leather suggests. It begins to feel like witchcraft way of playing back that skin for a place on there. Aston Martin has taken some metal snips to a brand new Vantage just so that we can see the engineering wonders that lie beneath principally among its how they get that 50/50 weight distribution. You can see the four liter v8 is tucked up behind the front axle and underneath the front, bulkhead and wandering down here, Parsi bonded and extruded aluminum chassis. We have the 8-speed ZF gearbox, all the way out the back here with that Edith sowhat's mentioning it's now. Multi-Link set up at the rear, still got double wishbones at the front, and this rear subframe is now solidly attached to the chassis which it wasn't on the DB eleven. That'S not so good for NVH, but it does help make that rear axle more rigid. So you get better power transfer and the sweeter handling chassis, really nice, those braids to get lovely feel from them. So confidence-inspiring II definitely scar to first film Aston Martin and it takes a little bit of getting est because sometimes you can find worthy discs because they can often go from fully locked to fully open. You just need to perhaps calm your steering because we've really precise with the throttle, because otherwise you can end up the route you're, taking lock off, just as the e-diff is opening, and you can end up sort of first undo the same thing, which can be a Bit scrappy, but it's a really nice car over there. The balance is certainly that might be the case, then. Diff rather ZDF, but it does give them all sorts of options in terms of shooting this another way in a car fails particularly on the road I did. A lot of laps in The New Aston Martin Vantage and added to my day on the road was look slightly done, found it imagine walking out of the cinema after seeing Logan or Watchmen Donnie expecting to see just another superhero film good guess I thought it'd be enjoyable, but I Didn'T expect it to be this way and there's competent the engine is sensational. Read the full article
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