#Ayurvedic Oil pulling in India
A Science-Based Perspective on Oil Pulling
Hi friends! I have heard great things about oil pulling for a few months, and Ive been practicing it daily for weeks now. It’s been stated many times that Oil Pulling is part of the venerable tradition of Ayurvedic health care, which has been called the oldest health care system in the world. While many modern dentists and doctors have acknowledged that the anti bacterial effect could be helpful, I found few go father than that… until I found this article, which has 35 references for all the ways oil pulling benefits your oral and overall hygiene (written by Vagish Kumar L. Shanbhag). Read on and discover how this stunningly cheap method can benefit your overall health.
“Oil pulling activates salivary enzymes which absorb toxins such as chemical toxins, bacterial toxins and environmental toxins from the blood and removed from the body through the tongue.”
“Four researchers in their study involving 60 adolescents of age 16–18 years with plaque induced gingivitis, observed statistically significant reduction of plaque and gingival indices upon oil pulling using coconut oil.”
“Modified Gingival Index and plaque index by Sillness and Loe were measured at baseline and on days 1, 7, 15 and 30. Steady decline in indices was found from day seven. Plaque and gingival indices significantly decreased after 30 days of oil pulling. The study observed 50% decreases in gingival and plaque indices after four weeks which is comparatively similar to results produced by chlorhexidine. They concluded that oil pulling with coconut oil is helpful in decreasing plaque formation and plaque induced gingivitis.”
“Three authors carried out a microbiological study on the effect of sesame oil pulling on plaque, gingivitis and colony forming bacteria. Twenty subjects of the study performed oil pulling for 15–20 min daily for a period of forty five days. The study observed that oil pulling resulted in statistically significant decrease in plaque, gingival scores and bacterial counts.”
Link to the Full wright up: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5198813/#:~:text=Oil%20pulling%20activates%20salivary%20enzymes,the%20body%20through%20the%20tongue.
J Tradit Complement Med. 2017 Jan; 7(1): 106–109. Published online 2016 Jun 6.
Oil pulling for maintaining oral hygiene – A review
Vagish Kumar L. Shanbhag∗
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ayurvedicmasters · 23 days
Start Your Day with These Ayurvedic Morning Rituals for Health, Balance, and Well-being
Ayurveda, the ancient system of holistic health from India, emphasizes starting the day with mindful practices to cleanse and balance the body. By incorporating these simple yet effective Ayurvedic morning rituals into your routine, you can set a positive tone for the rest of the day and support your physical and mental well-being. Let's explore how you can start your mornings right with Ayurveda.
1. Begin with Warm Lemon Water
Drinking warm water with lemon is one of the simplest yet powerful Ayurvedic practices to jumpstart your digestive system. This gentle detox hydrates the body after sleep, stimulates digestion, and supports your liver by flushing out toxins.
Why it works: According to Ayurveda, the body’s digestive fire (Agni) is at its lowest in the morning. Warm water ignites this fire, while lemon adds a boost of Vitamin C and alkalizes the body.
How to do it: Squeeze half a lemon into a glass of warm water and drink it slowly before consuming anything else.
2. Practice Oil Pulling for Oral Health
Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic ritual that involves swishing oil (usually sesame or coconut oil) in your mouth to draw out toxins, improve oral health, and freshen your breath.
Why it works: Oil pulling helps remove harmful bacteria from the mouth, reduces plaque, and supports overall oral hygiene. According to Ayurveda, it also helps remove toxins from the body.
How to do it: Swish 1 tablespoon of oil in your mouth for 10-20 minutes, making sure not to swallow it. Spit it out and rinse your mouth with warm water.
3. Engage in Yoga and Pranayama
Movement is an essential part of starting your day with vitality. A short session of yoga followed by breathing exercises (Pranayama) helps circulate energy, increase flexibility, and calm the mind. Ayurveda recommends a gentle routine in the morning to awaken your body and balance your energy.
Why it works: Physical movement and mindful breathing enhance circulation, reduce stress, and prepare the mind for a productive day.
How to do it: Practice a few rounds of sun salutations (Surya Namaskar) and follow up with 5-10 minutes of deep breathing exercises like alternate nostril breathing (Nadi Shodhana).
4. Dry Brushing for Lymphatic Support
Dry brushing, or Garshana, is an Ayurvedic practice where a natural bristle brush is used to exfoliate the skin and stimulate the lymphatic system, aiding detoxification and blood circulation.
Why it works: Dry brushing helps remove dead skin cells, improves circulation, and assists in lymphatic drainage, which supports the body’s natural detox process.
How to do it: Use a natural bristle brush on dry skin before bathing. Start at your feet and brush upwards towards the heart in circular motions.
5. Breakfast According to Your Dosha
Eating breakfast that suits your Ayurvedic body type (dosha) can help you maintain balance throughout the day. Ayurveda recommends different foods for Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas, to promote optimal digestion and energy.
Vata: Choose warm, nourishing, and grounding foods like oatmeal with ghee, cooked fruits, and herbal teas.
Pitta: Opt for cooling foods like fresh fruits, smoothies, and herbal teas like mint or licorice.
Kapha: Enjoy light, warm, and spicy foods like vegetable soups, herbal teas with ginger, and quinoa.
Starting your day with Ayurvedic morning rituals brings balance, clarity, and energy. Incorporating these practices can help detoxify your body, improve digestion, and create a sense of well-being that lasts all day. Visit Ayurvedic Masters to learn more about these rituals and explore how Ayurveda can transform your life.
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nimbanaturecure · 1 month
Easy Ayurvedic Daily Routine (Dinacharya): Step By Step Guide
Ayurveda is an ancient medical science originated in India and has lot to tell about managing our health and being fit in life. Another concept is Dinacharya, which means daily hygiene schedule that serves as a guideline on how to synchronise the human organism with natural cycles. Lifestyle management through Ayurveda offers the opportunity to improve one’s Personal Daily Routine. In this blog I will be describing an easily-followed process of how to incorporate Ayurvedic daily practice into a person’s life.
The Importance of Dinacharya
Collectively, Ayurveda also aims at having elderly people’s routines and schedules in harmony with particular natural cycles. Dinacharya maintains the rhythm of the body, sharpens the brain faculties, and keeps the passions under control. It is designed to cleanse the body of toxins, prevent disease, and maintain balance among the body’s doshas: Hypothetically, the three energies are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
Steps on How to Create an Ayurvedic Daily Schedule
1.  Wake Up Early
Timing: In the morning specifically, it is preferred that it is done before sunrise that is from 5 am – 6 am.
Performing a routine during the morning parts the human body with a natural body clock. This time is regarded as untainted, void and appropriate for meditating or reflecting on one’s conscience.
2.  Oral Hygiene
Tongue Scraping: Scrape the tongue with a scraper in order to dislodge toxins and bacteria that accumulate there and worsen digestion and breath. Oil Pulling: Chew a tablespoon of sesame or coconut oil in the mouth for 10-15 mins to help to detoxify teeth as well as gums. Brushing: Clean your teeth with natural toothpaste to finish up the dental care.
3. Hydrate
Drink Warm Water: Start your day by drinking a glass of warm water. This helps flush out toxins and stimulates digestion.
4. Elimination
Regular Bowel Movements: According to ayurveda, daily regular bowel movements is part of the ayurvedic routine. Warm water and certain kinds of activities involving the muscles can also facilitate movement of bowels.
5.  Self-Massage (Abhyanga)
Oil Massage: Massage the body with warm sesame or coconut oil, start it from your hands going up to the head. Abhyanga strengthens and softens the skin, the oil improves blood circulation and brings relaxation to the nervous system. Rub the oil from your head to toe where the circular movements should be performed on the joints while the long strokes on the limbs.
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6.  Bathing
Warm Shower: Bath the body using warm water to wash – rinse off the skin after the massage to eliminate any remainder of the oil. This helps in rejuvenating the body and the brain gets a break or a booster from being overworked.
7.  Yoga and Meditation
Practice Yoga: Take some time to do some light yoga to help elongate the muscles and work on building some muscle. Stress and arthritis are also reduced because yoga enhances the flexibility, balance and sharpness of one’s mind. Meditate: Take time to meditate; the time should range between 10-15 minutes to help in calming the mind.
Nutritious Meal: That is why you should take a light but healthy meal in the morning that would not harm your dosha. Add fruits, also whole grain products and Dairy products if you are in a position to maintain your constitution.
9. Work and Daily Activities
Stay Mindful: In your job and throughout the day wear mindfulness to your actions. Ensure you take regular intervals to rest and make it a point to drink water and or any other healthy beverage at intervals.
10.  Lunch
Main Meal: Lunch should be the biggest meal because consumption of food is best in the middle of the day due to best digestion. Ensure that you take carbohydrates in the form of grains, green vegetables, proteins and healthy fats.
11.  Afternoon Routine
Light Activity: Take a short jog or go for a walk to help in digestion and prevent the feeling of tiredness in the afternoon.
12. Dinner
Early and Light Dinner: Have an early and light dinner, ideally before 7:00 PM. Choose easy-to-digest foods and avoid heavy, rich meals.
13. Evening Routine
Wind Down: Spend the evening relaxing and winding down. Engage in calming activities such as reading or spending time with loved ones.
14. Bedtime
Sleep Routine: Establish a regular bedtime routine. Aim to go to bed by 10:00 PM to ensure you get adequate rest. Prepare for Sleep: Avoid screens and stimulating activities before bed. Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing or gentle stretching.
Incorporating an Ayurvedic Daily Routine into your life can bring numerous benefits, including improved physical health, mental clarity, and emotional balance. At Nimba Nature Cure, we advocate for holistic wellness approaches that align with natural rhythms and ancient wisdom. By following this step-by-step guide, you can start your journey towards a balanced and harmonious life.
Remember, the key to successfully adopting an Ayurvedic daily routine is consistency. Start with small changes and gradually integrate more practices into your daily life. Embrace the wisdom of Ayurveda and experience the profound transformation it can bring to your overall well-being.
Read also:  How to choose the right and best wellness retreat in India
Read More: Easy Ayurvedic Daily Routine (Dinacharya): Step By Step Guide
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earthytalesindia · 2 months
Your Kitchen’s Secret Ingredient: Why Organic Sesame Oil is the Must-Have Trend!
The growing awareness about harmful chemicals, pesticides, and preservatives in packaged food among consumers brings the old cold-pressed cooking oil into the limelight. There are a lot of side effects of refined or artificial oils that have raised many eyebrows in the food and health business. Due to the rising demand for organic oils, many manufacturers have already shifted to organic oils and the food business, as the modern customer is enlightened and health is a priority. One of the most popular organic oils making waves across the country is sesame oil. It is considered the oldest seed oil in India and offers enormous nutrient content. The aromatic and nutty flavor adds a cherry to the cake. Hence, Earthy Tales, India’s reputed organic online food store, offers an opportunity for organic oil lovers to buy organic sesame oil online without beating around the bush.
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What Is Organic Sesame Oil?
Sesame oil is one of the most healthy and organic oils in the world. It is prepared from the sesame seed, which is again considered the oldest in the world. The plant of sesame is around 1 meter tall and mostly blossoms in dry and hot environments, unlike other oil seed crops.
When it comes to the making of organic sesame oil, it is prepared from organic sesame seeds from the best organic farmlands. The best part is that organic sesame oil is extracted via a wood-cold-pressed method that helps regulate the temperature and retain all its nutrients. Moreover, it’s free from chemicals, preservatives, additives, and pesticides.
There is no heat or chemicals involved in the extraction of organic sesame oil, unlike refined oils. That’s why sesame oil’s organic taste, aroma, and health benefits have made it a trending thing in modern Indian kitchens.
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Why Has Organic Sesame Oil Become A Trend? Know The Benefits.
When it comes to the benefits of organic sesame oil, there are many. That’s why organic oil has become a rage among people and is trending everywhere. Everyone wants to buy organic sesame oil online for a reason.
Rich in natural antioxidants
Organic sesame oil is extremely rich in antioxidants such as sesamol, lignans, and sesamol. It helps to minimize cell damage and safeguard the body from all types of damage caused by chronic ailments.
Boon for diabetic patients
Sesame oil acts as a boon for people suffering from diabetes. The oil can drastically lower blood sugar levels and regulate insulin levels. Sesame oil is a potential source of natural magnesium that’s indispensable for the proper functioning of body enzymes. These enzymes help to regulate blood sugar levels.
It helps with rheumatoid arthritis.
Organic sesame seeds have an incredible amount of potential minerals and vitamins, including zinc, copper, magnesium, iron, and calcium. However, copper and zinc play an important role in the production of red blood cells and boosting immunity. Along with that, all these minerals help to minimize joint inflammation.
Helps lower blood pressure
Many people are suffering from high blood pressure problems. Hypertension has become one of the most chronic problems among professionals due to day-to-day work stress. The best part is that sesame oil contains essential fatty acids that help lower blood pressure. For instance, it has oleic acid, which helps to minimize LDL cholesterol and maximize HDL cholesterol to a great extent.
It helps improve oral health.
For oil, pulling sesame oil is considered the best as it has antimicrobial properties to amplify oral health. This Ayurvedic therapy of oil pulling can be done easily every morning with one tablespoon of sesame oil to witness incredible health benefits. This 20-minute activity can easily remove toxins, plaque, and bacteria from your gums and teeth.
The oil has anti-cancer properties.
Cancer is quite prevalent nowadays. To enhance your protection against this deadly disease, you can consume sesame oil regularly. The oil has lignans that act as a protective shield against prostate, breast, and colon cancer. Also, the oil can minimize the risk of colorectal tumors in terms of their formation. Sesame oil can also minimize the impact or side effects of chemotherapy.
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How Does Sesame Oil Enhance Your Daily Meals?
Sesame oil has become an essential kitchen item for its impressive list of nutrients. It is also known as a culinary oil and is known for its nutty, organic, and earthy flavor that is difficult to find in normal refined oils. That’s why people buy organic sesame oil online and offline like never before.
Vitamin E: Sesame oil has an antioxidant to safeguard your body from the devastating impact of free radicals.
Vitamin K: This vitamin is essential to maintain bone health and restrict blood clotting.
Calcium: Sesame oil has it in excess to protect bones and teeth to a great extent.
Potassium: Sesame oil has this mineral to accelerate the health of your heart.
Magnesium is yet another important mineral for your body that improves energy, function, and muscle contraction.
In How Many Ways Can One Use Sesame Oil In Daily Life?
Sesame oil can be used in multiple forms, including:
Cooking: One can amplify the nutritional value of your daily meals with sesame oil.
Massage: Sesame oil can be used to massage any part of your body to reduce inflammation.
Organic sunscreen: Sesame oil acts as a natural sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.
Makeup remover: Women can also use sesame oil to remove their makeup most safely.
Skincare: Sesame oil can be used to treat multiple skin problems without incurring any side effects.
Final Wrap
No doubt, organic sesame oil is full of nutrients and has multiple health benefits. One can use the oil in multiple ways to amplify overall wellness and health. Unlike other refined oils, organic sesame oil is extracted using a traditional wooden pressing method to retain all its nutrients. To buy organic sesame oil online without any chemicals or preservatives, visit Earthy Tales, India’s leading online organic food store, where organic oil and food lovers can buy organic black mustard oil online and many more food products. The brand has revolutionized the organic food industry by bringing the best of both worlds right from organic farms. The best part is that the brand promotes organic farming and delivers all across India.
Source URL:- https://writeupcafe.com/your-kitchens-secret-ingredient-why-organic-sesame-oil-is-the-must-have-trend/
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backtorootss · 3 months
How to Integrate Ayurveda into Your Daily Routine in Abu Dhabi
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Ayurveda, the ancient system of natural healing from India, offers a comprehensive approach to achieving balance and wellness. In the bustling environment of Abu Dhabi, integrating Ayurvedic practices into your daily routine can provide a sense of tranquility, improve your health, and enhance your overall quality of life. Here’s a guide on how to incorporate Ayurveda Treatment in Abu Dhabi into your everyday schedule.
Understanding Ayurveda
Before diving into the integration process, it’s essential to understand the basics of Ayurveda. Ayurveda focuses on maintaining balance between the body, mind, and spirit through natural methods, including diet, herbal remedies, and physical practices. It recognizes that each individual has a unique constitution, or dosha, which determines their physical and mental characteristics. The three primary doshas are Vata (air and space), Pitta (fire and water), and Kapha (earth and water).
Morning Routine
Wake Up Early: According to Ayurvedic principles, waking up early, ideally before sunrise, aligns your body with the natural rhythms of the day. This practice helps you start your day with calmness and clarity.
Tongue Scraping: Upon waking, use a tongue scraper to remove toxins and bacteria from your tongue. This simple practice is believed to enhance taste and improve digestion.
Oil Pulling: Swish a tablespoon of sesame or coconut oil in your mouth for about 15–20 minutes. This practice helps detoxify the body and promotes oral health.
Hydration: Drink a glass of warm water with lemon to kickstart your digestion and flush out toxins.
Meditation and Yoga: Spend a few minutes meditating and practicing yoga to center your mind and energize your body. In Abu Dhabi, numerous centers offer guided sessions, making it easy to incorporate these practices into your routine.
Diet and Nutrition
Eat According to Your Dosha: Consult an expert in Ayurveda Treatment in Abu Dhabi to understand your dosha and receive personalized dietary recommendations. Eating foods that balance your dosha helps maintain optimal health and prevent imbalances.
Include Fresh, Whole Foods: Focus on a diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Avoid processed foods and opt for organic options whenever possible.
Spices and Herbs: Incorporate Ayurvedic spices like turmeric, cumin, and ginger into your meals. These spices have numerous health benefits and enhance the flavor of your food.
Regular Meal Times: Eating at consistent times each day helps regulate your digestive system and maintain energy levels. Aim for three balanced meals, with lunch being the largest and most substantial.
Self-Care Practices
Abhyanga (Self-Massage): Perform a daily self-massage using warm herbal oils. This practice nourishes the skin, improves circulation, and calms the nervous system. For a more thorough experience, you can book an Ayurvedic Massage session at a wellness center in Abu Dhabi.
Herbal Supplements: Use herbal supplements prescribed by an Ayurvedic practitioner to support your health. These can help address specific concerns such as stress, digestion, or immunity.
Adequate Sleep: Ensure you get 7–8 hours of quality sleep each night. A regular sleep schedule and a calming bedtime routine, including avoiding screens and drinking warm milk with a pinch of nutmeg, can improve your sleep quality.
Evening Routine
Wind Down: In the evening, engage in relaxing activities such as reading, listening to calming music, or spending time with loved ones.
Light Dinner: Have a light, easy-to-digest dinner at least two hours before bedtime. This helps prevent indigestion and ensures a restful night’s sleep.
Reflect and Plan: Spend a few minutes reflecting on your day and setting intentions for the next day. This practice can provide mental clarity and a sense of purpose.
Exploring Ayurveda in Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi offers numerous opportunities to explore and integrate Ayurveda into your life. From wellness centers providing Ayurveda Treatment in Abu Dhabi to specialized Ayurvedic Massage services, you can find various resources to support your journey towards holistic health. Many centers offer personalized consultations, treatments, and workshops to help you understand and practice Ayurveda effectively.
Integrating Ayurveda into your daily routine in Abu Dhabi can bring about profound changes in your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By adopting simple practices such as following a balanced diet, engaging in regular self-care, and exploring local Ayurvedic services, you can achieve a harmonious and healthy lifestyle. Embrace the wisdom of Ayurveda and experience the transformative benefits it can offer in the vibrant city of Abu Dhabi.
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ze2-us · 4 months
Zenius India a top leading Ayurveda Company
Discover the Healing Power of Ayurvedic Medicine
Ayurvedic medicine, a holistic approach to health and wellness, has been practiced in India for over 5,000 years. Rooted in the ancient Vedic culture, Ayurveda promotes balance in the body, mind, and spirit through natural therapies, herbal remedies, and lifestyle practices. Let's explore how Ayurvedic medicine can help you achieve optimal health and well-being.
Understanding Ayurveda
Ayurveda, which means "science of life," is based on the principle that good health is achieved when there is harmony between the environment, body, mind, and spirit. It emphasizes prevention and encourages maintaining health through:
Dietary Practices: Eating fresh, seasonal, and locally sourced foods.
Herbal Remedies: Utilizing the healing properties of plants.
Daily Routines: Incorporating practices like yoga, meditation, and regular exercise.
Detoxification: Purifying the body through Panchakarma treatments.
Personalized Care: Tailoring treatments to individual body types, or doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha).
Key Ayurvedic Medicines and Their Benefits
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
Benefits: Reduces stress and anxiety, boosts energy levels, improves concentration, and strengthens the immune system.
Usage: Commonly taken as a powder mixed with milk or water, or in capsule form.
Turmeric (Curcuma longa)
Benefits: Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and supports joint health, digestive health, and skin health.
Usage: Used in cooking, taken as a supplement, or applied topically as a paste.
Benefits: Detoxifies the body, supports digestion, promotes regular bowel movements, and improves skin health.
Usage: Taken as a powder or tablet, usually before bedtime.
Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri)
Benefits: Enhances memory, cognitive function, and reduces symptoms of ADHD and anxiety.
Usage: Consumed as a powder, capsule, or in Brahmi oil for hair and scalp health.
Neem (Azadirachta indica)
Benefits: Antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties, promotes healthy skin and hair, and supports oral health.
Usage: Available as a powder, oil, or in toothpaste and skincare products.
Integrating Ayurveda into Your Daily Life
Morning Routine (Dinacharya):
Practice oil pulling with sesame or coconut oil.
Engage in gentle stretching or yoga.
Diet and Nutrition:
Include a variety of spices like cumin, coriander, and fennel in your meals.
Eat at regular intervals and avoid overeating.
Mental and Emotional Balance:
Meditate daily to calm the mind and reduce stress.
Practice Pranayama (breathing exercises) to improve mental clarity and focus.
Evening Routine:
Unwind with a warm bath infused with essential oils like lavender or sandalwood.
Engage in Abhyanga (self-massage) with warm sesame oil.
Avoid screens and digital devices an hour before bedtime to ensure restful sleep.
Why Choose Ayurvedic Medicine?
Natural and Holistic: Uses natural ingredients and addresses the root cause of health issues.
Personalized Treatment: Customizes remedies and lifestyle practices to individual needs.
Preventive Approach: Focuses on maintaining health and preventing illness.
Long-Term Benefits: Promotes sustainable health and well-being without side effects.
Embracing Ayurvedic medicine can lead to a balanced, healthy, and fulfilling life. By integrating Ayurvedic principles into your daily routine, you can enhance your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Start your journey towards holistic health with Ayurvedic practices and experience the timeless wisdom of this ancient healing system.
For more information and personalized Ayurvedic consultations, visit [www.zeniusindia.com]. Rediscover the balance and harmony within you with Ayurveda.
Contact us  :  [email protected]
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Transforming Your Skincare Routine with Ayurvedic Wisdom
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In the world of modern beauty, where new products and trends emerge constantly, the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda stands out as a guide to holistic well-being. Originating from ancient India, Ayurveda is a comprehensive system that harmonizes the body, mind, and spirit. Applying Ayurvedic principles to skincare offers a distinctive and revolutionary approach, focusing on traditional natural substances and methods.
Holistic Practices for Facial Skincare:
1. Balancing Facial Oils:
   Follow the cleansing ritual with the application of dosha-specific facial oils. Warm sesame oil is nurturing for Vata, while cooling coconut oil suits Pitta and jojoba oil works well for Kapha. Massaging these oils into the skin helps nourish and balance.
2. Ubtan Masks:
   Incorporate Ubtan masks into your routine for a weekly dose of natural radiance. A blend of chickpea flour, turmeric, and rose water makes for an AyurvedicUbtan that exfoliates, brightens, and rejuvenates the skin.
3. Gentle Cleansing Rituals:
   Begin your skincare routine with a gentle ayurvedic face cleanser and scrubs cleansing ritual. Ayurveda recommends using natural ingredients like chickpea flour (besan) mixed with a pinch of turmeric for a mild exfoliating and brightening effect.
Body Care:
1. Sarvangadhara:
Sarvangadhara involves pouring a continuous stream of warm herbal-infused oil over the entire body. This practice enhances circulation, eliminates toxins, and deeply moisturizes the skin.
2. Abhyanga:
   The practice of Abhyanga, or self-massage, extends beyond the face to the entire body. The best ayurvedic product for body & hair care, chosen according to your dosha, can be massaged into the skin to promote circulation, relaxation, and overall well-being.
3. Herbal Baths:
   Infuse your baths with Ayurvedic herbs like neem, rose, or jasmine. These herbs not only cleanse the skin but also impart therapeutic benefits, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
4. Nasya:
Nasya involves applying a few drops of warm herbal oil to the nostrils. This practice helps cleanse the nasal passages, which is believed to have a positive impact on skin health and overall well-being.
5. Panchakarma:
Consider Panchakarma, a traditional Ayurvedic detoxification therapy. This comprehensive cleansing process removes toxins from the body, rejuvenating the skin and promoting a healthy glow.
6. Gandusha:
Practice Gandusha, or oil pulling, with sesame oil. This ancient oral hygiene practice is believed to purify the entire body, benefiting both oral and skin health.
Hair Care with Ayurvedic Wisdom:
1. Scalp Massages:
   Treat your scalp to regular massages using Ayurvedic oils like Brahmi or Bhringraj. These oils strengthen the roots, promote hair growth, and soothe the scalp, contributing to lush and healthy hair.
2. Natural Hair Masks:
   Nurture your hair with Ayurvedic hair masks. A blend of amla, shikakai, and hibiscus powder can be mixed with yogurt to create a nourishing mask that enhances hair texture and shine.
Holistic Well-Being:
1. Mindful Living:
   Ayurveda encourages mindful living, emphasizing the interconnectedness of physical and mental well-being. Incorporate practices like yoga, meditation, and deep breathing to enhance overall health, which will be reflected in your skin's radiance.
2. Balanced Nutrition:
   Your nutrition and the health of your skin are strongly related. Embrace a balanced, Ayurveda-inspired diet that includes a variety of fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and herbal teas to nourish your body from within.
Embrace the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda, and let it transform your skincare routine into a blissful and nurturing experience.
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travelbuddysindia · 6 months
Why Kerala is Famous Among the arena tourists
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1. Endangered animal lovers visit the Eravikulam National Park for Nilgiri Tahrs. Trudge and Trek a bit as automobiles aren’t allowed inside this treasured park. Embark on an unforgettable journey with our exclusive tour packages from Chennai to Kerala, where lush greenery, tranquil backwaters, and vibrant culture await you.
2. Travelers choosing selfies with the periled creatures additionally engage in accountable tourism or eco-tourism activities. Travelers display romance the way to be romantic via pulling off a houseboat candlelight dinner. In the middle of nowhere in the moonlit backwaters, permit nature to attend to your honeymoon. The Alleppey houseboat experience ought to top the 100 things to do on a newlywed’s list.
Three. Those who need to cure their physical contamination and intellectual clarity invade the Ayurvedic Massage hubs of Kerala. Your non-lubricated joints, painful lumbar, complications, neck sprains, and nerve issues may have a natural treatment for everlasting therapy. Those who understand the calmative facet of this massaging method have already landed at the holy land.
Four. The blend of Aryan and Dravidian tradition which is predominantly observed inside the temples of Kerala has additionally been imbibed by using its human beings. The “Kerala Phenomenon” or the concept of excessive tolerance and admiration for everyone is what India is after.
5. Before your lengthy Nature Walks, consume this cylindrical rick cake crowned with grated coconuts. You can revel in Kerala’s proper food with the Kerala Culinary tour on the way to will let you explore the most lovely places in Kerala for a memorable holiday.
6. Much just like the French’s fish en papillote as referred to by the well-known American Chef, Anthony Bourdain, “Fish Pollichathu” is wrapped in wilted banana leaves for its healthy aroma and fried to perfection using coconut oil.
7. Hold it like the English do and sip the “Indian White Tea” on the confluence of 3 rivers (Munnar). The youngest bud is used to make this moderate tea. Your misconceptions approximately Tea end inside the sixteen many years-old Lockhart Tea Factory. Take time to flavor inexperienced and black tea too.
Eight. Endemic to the Thrissur district, Changalikondan or Nendram Banana is used in the instruction of Onam’s preferred snack, Banana Chips. Westerners can feed the vitamin meter by popping some fried banana chunks.
Nine. Kathakali dance is a cultural pride for worldwide travelers while the festooned and brightened caricatures in Kathakali masks make it an unmissable memento. How approximately winning the bargaining game? Hey! Opt for win-win trouble and buy masks from nearby stalls or authorities emporiums.
10. Coconut shell handicrafts, bamboo pens, brass and bell steel art, colorful coir mattresses, and restoration Pulpaya mats upload to the eco-friendly tally of Kerala. Shop during Kochi-Muzris Biennale (a 4-month running artwork pageant) in Fort Kochi for eco-friendly merchandise.
Eleven. Frescos residing as much as the expectancy of the historical mythology in and around temples and church buildings form the basis of knowledgeable art tradition in Kerala. The Kerala Mural Painting is an intricate method having many hidden information.
12. Cleopatra’s dearest Oysters surround the romantic Padanna Beach where the farmers rely on those slimy beings. Who wants to visit the crowded beaches while you enjoy a tranquil sunset with your beloved? Save a while to visit the Kadalundi Bird Sanctuary near Vallikunnu Beach in Malappuram.
13. “Thattekkad”(Flat Forest) is your next great catnap vacation spot. Hornbill camp is the high spot from where ornithologists and bird watchers can relaxedly sight unseen special birds. The silence of the environment receives you in the direction of nature.
14. Happy and geared up-to-help faces of God’s Own Country treat visitors maximum amicably. The hospitable nature of Kerala lures vacationers from all over the world. The resplendent environment celebrates god-envying temple festivals, Vallam Kali (boat race), and comparable active activities.
15. One can rework right into a Zen Mougli resting on the Tree House of Athirapuzha, Thekkady, or Munnar. Combine your life with nature walks like Paulo Coelho close to Marayoor waterfalls in the morning at the same time as you might see trekkers rappelling.
Sixteen. Temple festivals, natural world safaris, Tiger reserves, and Bandipur roadways have one issue in common – Elephants! Take element in elephant rides, bathing elephants, and sighting caparisoned elephants throughout Thrissur Pooram. They will make you fall in love with their sluggish and fashionable walk.
17. Vagamon is full of adventure, specifically paragliding improves a tourist’s cluttered and boring trekking pursuit. Trained teachers make you feel as if you own a pair of wings. Become fearless and get a chicken-eye view of the plush landscapes.
18. Most of the Bollywood movies are crap with extra hero glorification! Learn to feed practical cinema in your thoughts by way of seeing Malayalam movies. The characters are as real as their landscapes and hang out with you forever. Travelers easily get in contact with the way of life of Kerala through cinema. World-class movies are made similar to that.
19. Shabby but silent Toddy Shops of Kerala near the backwaters have the precise Kerala revel in. But to find the exceptional shop, engage with the locals, and waste a few hours getting lost throughout the Sunset. You can say “Kallu” which is the neighborhood phrase for the sweet and sedative palm wine.
20. Solo tourists searching for solace or their own family approaching one long excursion should choose the dignified conventional homestays in the small hamlets of Kerala. A succinct halt rejuvenates you and your beloved people to have greater mental clarity returned domestically. A small crew of courteous individuals would possibly befriend you for this existence with their openness, smearing the character of Kerala throughout you.
Also Read : 10 Must-Visit Gorgeous Waterfalls in Kerala
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amritaherbo · 7 months
Ancient Wisdom for Modern Wellness: A Journey into Ayurveda
In the bustling and chaotic world of today, individuals often find themselves lost amidst the noise, seeking solace and balance. The modern era, brimming with technological advancements, often neglects the holistic well-being of an individual. But there’s hope. Rooted deep in the annals of history lies Ayurveda, an ancient Indian healing system, which could be the answer to many of today’s wellness challenges. Let’s embark on a journey to discover the rich tapestry of Ayurveda and understand how its ancient wisdom can be the beacon of wellness in our contemporary world.
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Ayurveda: Tracing Back to the Beginning
Originating over 5,000 years ago, Ayurveda, a Sanskrit term meaning ‘knowledge of life’, has been an integral part of India’s Vedic culture. This time-tested science delves deep into the intricate balance and connection between the mind, body, and spirit. Its teachings are encapsulated in ancient texts like the Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita, which detail the comprehensive approach to health and longevity.
The Foundations of Ayurvedic Wisdom
Ayurveda’s profound knowledge is built upon some core principles:
1. The Five Elemental Theory: Central to Ayurvedic philosophy is the belief that everything, from the expansive universe to the human body, is made up of five fundamental elements: Akash (Ether or Space), Vayu (Air), Agni (Fire), Jala (Water), and Prithvi (Earth).
2. The Tri-Dosha System: These five elements combine in pairs to form three primary forces or doshas: Vata (Ether and Air), Pitta (Fire and Water), and Kapha (Earth and Water). Every individual possesses a unique combination of these doshas, which shapes their physical constitution, emotional nature, and mental thought processes.
3. Holistic Health Paradigm: In Ayurveda, health isn’t merely the absence of disease. It encompasses a harmonious state of the mind, body, senses, and soul. Any imbalance in this harmony, caused by factors such as lifestyle, diet, or mental stress, leads to disease.
The Timeless Relevance of Ayurveda in the 21st Century
While Ayurveda hails from ancient times, its principles resonate profoundly with contemporary seekers of health:
1. Natural Healing: As society witnesses the side-effects of synthetic drugs, there’s a surge in interest towards organic, herbal remedies. Ayurveda, with its vast pharmacopeia of herbal formulations and natural therapies, is increasingly being sought as an alternative. For instance, Turmeric (Curcuma longa), once a humble kitchen spice, is now celebrated globally for its anti-inflammatory properties
2. Stress and Mental Well-being: The modern age, often termed the ‘age of anxiety’, has seen a rise in mental health issues. Ayurveda offers holistic solutions like meditation, yoga, and pranayama (breathing techniques) that not only combat stress but also enhance mental clarity and focus.
3. Personalized Healthcare: In stark contrast to Western medicine’s generalized approach, Ayurveda emphasizes individualized treatments. Recognizing that each person’s body constitution and life circumstances are different, Ayurvedic treatments are tailored to cater to an individual’s specific needs.
Integrating Ayurveda into Modern Lifestyles
Embracing Ayurveda doesn’t necessitate a complete overhaul of one’s lifestyle. Instead, it encourages subtle shifts:
1. Dietary Choices: Ayurveda believes that food is medicine. By understanding one’s dominant dosha, one can make informed dietary choices. For instance, while a Pitta-dominant individual should opt for cooling foods like cucumbers and melons, a Vata person might benefit from warm, grounding foods like roasted root vegetables.
2. Ayurvedic Routine (Dinacharya): Ayurveda extols the virtues of a disciplined daily routine. Starting the day early, practicing oil pulling (oral hygiene), self-massage (Abhyanga), and setting a regular sleep pattern can significantly boost one’s health and vitality.
3. Natural Detoxification (Panchakarma): Periodic detoxification is central to Ayurvedic healthcare. Panchakarma, a five-step detoxification therapy, purges the body of toxins, ensuring optimal functioning of bodily systems.
4. Mindfulness Practices: Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of a calm and centered mind. Regular practice of mindfulness, meditation, and introspection fosters mental equilibrium, critical in today’s frenzied world.
In Conclusion: Bridging Ancient and Modern Worlds
Ayurveda, with its vast expanse of knowledge, might seem overwhelming. However, at its heart, it is a simple science of living in tune with nature. In the era of skyscrapers and digital screens, Ayurveda reminds us to pause, breathe, and reconnect with our roots.
By adopting even a fraction of its wisdom, we can navigate the complexities of the modern world with grace and poise. As the boundaries between the past and present blur, Ayurveda stands as a testament to the timeless nature of ancient wisdom and its enduring relevance in the quest for genuine well-being.
In the confluence of the old and the new, Ayurveda offers a path that harmonizes the wisdom of years with the demands of today, leading us towards a healthier, more balanced existence.
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holsomahealth7 · 7 months
Harmony of Healing: Ayurveda's Path to Holistic Health and Well-Being
In a world where the pursuit of well-being often involves a myriad of approaches, Ayurveda emerges as a time-tested and holistic system of healing that harmonizes the mind, body, and spirit. Rooted in ancient wisdom and practices, Ayurveda offers a profound path to holistic health, emphasizing balance and connection with the natural rhythms of life. Join us on a journey into the realm of Ayurveda, where the pursuit of well-being becomes a harmonious symphony of healing.
1. Understanding Ayurveda:
Ayurveda, translated as the "science of life," is an ancient system of medicine that originated in India over 5,000 years ago. It revolves around the belief that achieving health and well-being involves creating harmony within oneself and with the surrounding environment. Ayurveda views each individual as a unique combination of the three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—and seeks to balance these energies for optimal health.
2. The Five Elements and Doshas:
At the core of Ayurveda are the five elements—earth, water, fire, air, and ether—each associated with specific qualities. These elements combine to form the doshas, constitutions that define an individual's physical and mental characteristics. Understanding one's dominant dosha guides personalized approaches to diet, lifestyle, and wellness practices.
3. Personalized Well-Being:
Ayurveda acknowledges the individual uniqueness of each person, understanding that what proves effective for one may not necessarily be suitable for another. Through the identification of one's dosha and a profound comprehension of their distinct constitution, individuals can customize their lifestyle, dietary preferences, and daily routines to foster balance and overall well-being. This personalized methodology sets Ayurveda apart as a holistic system, delving into the root causes of imbalance.
4. Ayurvedic Nutrition:
Diet plays a pivotal role in Ayurveda, influencing the balance of doshas. Foods are categorized based on their taste, heating or cooling properties, and their impact on the doshas. Ayurvedic nutrition emphasizes mindful eating, seasonally appropriate choices, and a focus on fresh, whole foods to support digestion and overall health.
5. Daily Routines (Dinacharya):
Ayurveda places significant importance on daily routines, known as Dinacharya, to align oneself with nature's rhythms. Practices such as oil pulling, tongue scraping, and self-massage with Ayurvedic oils are integrated into daily life to enhance well-being, improve digestion, and promote a sense of balance.
6. Herbal Remedies and Therapies:
Ayurveda harnesses the healing power of herbs and natural therapies to address imbalances and promote health. Ayurvedic practitioners may recommend herbal supplements, Ayurvedic massages (Abhyanga), and detoxification therapies (Panchakarma) to restore harmony and vitality.
7. Mind-Body Connection:
Ayurveda acknowledges the close interconnection between the mind and body. Essential elements of Ayurvedic well-being include practices like meditation, yoga, and mindfulness. These activities not only contribute to physical health but also foster mental clarity, emotional equilibrium, and spiritual development.
8. Seasonal Living:
Ayurveda aligns with the cyclical nature of the seasons, recognizing the impact of environmental changes on our well-being. Adjusting lifestyle and diet according to seasonal shifts helps maintain harmony with nature and prevents imbalances caused by external influences.
9. Holistic Healing for Modern Living:
In a fast-paced modern world, Ayurveda provides a timeless and relevant approach to holistic healing. By integrating Ayurvedic principles into daily life, individuals can navigate the challenges of contemporary living while fostering a harmonious balance of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
Ayurveda invites us to embark on a journey of self-discovery and holistic healing—a journey where well-being is not just the absence of illness but a harmonious symphony of balance, vitality, and connection with the profound rhythms of life. As we embrace the wisdom of Ayurveda, we open ourselves to a transformative path that nurtures the body, mind, and spirit, leading us towards a state of enduring well-being and harmony.
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Embrace a Balanced Day: A Guide to Your Ayurvedic Morning Routine
Good morning! As the sun rises and brings a new day, Ayurveda—the ancient system of medicine from India—offers timeless wisdom for starting your day with balance and vitality. Integrating Ayurvedic practices into your morning routine can help align your body, mind, and spirit, setting a harmonious tone for the day ahead. Here’s a guide to crafting a rejuvenating Ayurvedic morning routine:
1. Awaken with Intention
Start your day with a mindful awakening. Rather than jolting out of bed, take a few moments to stretch gently, practice deep breathing, and set a positive intention for the day. This mindful approach helps center your mind and prepares you for the day’s challenges with calmness and clarity.
2. Hydrate with Warm Water
Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of hydration to kickstart your metabolism and flush out toxins. Begin your day by drinking a glass of warm water. You can enhance it with a slice of lemon or a pinch of turmeric to further support digestion and detoxification.
3. Practice Abhyanga (Self-Massage)
Abhyanga, or self-massage, is a cornerstone of Ayurvedic self-care. Using warm, organic oil (like sesame or coconut oil), gently massage your body in circular motions. This practice improves circulation, nourishes the skin, and helps calm the nervous system. It’s an excellent way to ground yourself before diving into the day’s activities.
4. Cleanse with Oil Pulling
Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic technique that involves swishing a tablespoon of oil (typically coconut or sesame) around your mouth for about 10-15 minutes. This practice helps to detoxify the mouth, improve oral health, and boost overall wellness. After swishing, be sure to rinse your mouth thoroughly with warm water.
5. Brush and Scrape Your Tongue
Using a tongue scraper, gently remove the coating from your tongue. This helps eliminate toxins and bacteria that accumulate overnight, improving your sense of taste and supporting oral hygiene. Follow this with a gentle brushing of your teeth.
6. Engage in Mindful Movement
Incorporate gentle exercise into your morning routine. Whether it’s yoga, tai chi, or a brisk walk, mindful movement helps awaken the body and mind, enhances flexibility, and boosts energy levels. Choose activities that resonate with you and fit your daily rhythm.
7. Nourish with a Balanced Breakfast
Your breakfast should be nourishing and in harmony with your dosha (body type). Aim for a meal that includes warm, cooked foods such as oatmeal, stewed fruits, or a savory porridge. Avoid cold or heavy foods that can disrupt your digestion. Incorporate spices like cinnamon or ginger to stimulate your digestive fire (Agni).
8. Mindfulness and Meditation
Conclude your morning routine with a period of mindfulness or meditation. Spend 5-10 minutes in quiet reflection or meditation to cultivate a sense of peace and clarity. This practice helps align your mental and emotional state, making you more resilient to stress throughout the day.
9. Set Your Day’s Goals
Take a few moments to review your goals and priorities for the day. Writing them down or simply visualizing them can help you stay focused and organized. This practice helps you approach the day with purpose and intention.
Final Thoughts
Embracing an Ayurvedic morning routine is about creating harmony and balance in your daily life. By starting your day with mindful practices, you set a positive tone that can lead to improved well-being and productivity. Remember, Ayurveda is highly individualized, so feel free to adapt these suggestions to best suit your unique needs and lifestyle.
Rise with the sun, nourish your body and mind, and let Ayurveda guide you to a more balanced and fulfilling day!
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freddabranyon · 9 months
What Good is Sesame Oil?
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A popular and edible oil that adds a rich, nutty flavor to your foods, is sesame oil. It is high in omega-6 fats and can provide certain health benefits, when moderately and properly used. This oil is derived from sesame (Sesamum indicum), which is a tall annual herb that comes from the Pedaliaceae family. Commonly used as a food ingredient and condiment, sesame oil is also used for medicinal purposes. Cultivated for thousands of years, it is believed to be the world’s oldest plant used as an oil. Sesame today grows extensively in Asia, China, Burma and India. In Sudan, Ethiopia and Nigeria, sesame oil is one of the chief commercial crops.
The light sesame oil is made from raw sesame seeds and has a light nutty flavor, whereas the dark sesame oil is made from toasted sesame seeds and has a stronger flavor and aroma. In Ayurvedic medicine, sesame oil is used as a base oil for about 90% of the herbal oils, and is renowned for it ability to strengthen and detoxify the body. It is also used in sacred and religious ceremonies. The oil is used today as a common component of skin and massage oils, hair care products, cosmetics, soaps, perfumes and sunscreens. It has a great moisturizing, soothing and emollient quality.
Some uses of the oil are:
Skin moisturizer. Apply to the skin to keep it soft and smooth, and from wrinkles forming.
Remove toxins from your mouth. This is considered oil pulling, however, coconut oil is better for this as it tastes better.
Natural sunscreen. Apply all over your face and body, and reapply after getting out of the water.
Skin detoxifier. Oil-soluble toxins are attracted to sesame seed oil molecules. Apply on your skin, leave for 15 minutes, then wash it off with warm water.
Boosts scalp and hair health. Massage oil into your scalp and hair to keep hair strong and shiny. Effective at relieving dry scalp, dandruff and hair loss.
There are some potential health benefits that can be found on sesame in the medical literature, such as:
Diabetes – A 2006 study in the Journal of Medicinal Food.
Multiple sclerosis – Sesame oil helped from developing autoimmune encephalomyelitis in mice.
Atherosclerosis – The sesamol was found to have an impact on the atherosclerotic process.
Cancer – Using high concentrations of sesomol and sesamin in sesame oil has been found to induce mitochondrial apoptosis in colon cancer as well as in prostate, breast, lung, leukemia, multiple myeloma and pancreatic cancers.
Sesame oil is generally safe and has been evaluated safe for use in cosmetics. This assessment was published in the International Journal of Toxicology. It is a mild inflammatory and has high omega-6 levels. They recommend consuming it in very small amounts. Do NOT consume or use this oil if you have an allergy to sesame seeds, as it may lead to allergic reactions. Pregnant women or nursing moms should use extreme caution. It may have hormone-inducing effects that could trigger uterine contractions that can lead to preterm labor or miscarriage in the pregnant women.
Sesame allergy is a very real concern in today’s world. Some symptoms of sesame allergy can be mild itching to anaphylaxis, a potentially fatal condition that can restrict breathing within seconds to hours of contact. Some reports have found that people with allergy to nuts, like walnuts and peanuts, may also experience allergic reactions to sesame seeds and oil.
-Dr Fredda Branyon
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specialholiday · 9 months
If you're referring to wellness in the context of Ayurveda, Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine that originated in India. It focuses on maintaining a balance between the body, mind, and spirit to promote overall health and well-being. Here are some key principles and practices associated with Ayurvedic wellness:
Doshas: Ayurveda categorizes individuals into three doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—each representing a combination of the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and ether). Understanding your predominant dosha can help tailor lifestyle and dietary choices to maintain balance.
Diet and Nutrition: Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet based on your dosha. It recommends eating fresh, seasonal, and whole foods and avoiding processed or incompatible food combinations.
Lifestyle Choices: Ayurvedic wellness includes recommendations for daily routines (known as dinacharya) that align with natural circadian rhythms. This includes practices such as oil pulling, tongue scraping, and specific exercises or yoga postures.
Herbal Remedies: Ayurveda employs a wide range of herbs and herbal formulations to support various aspects of health. These can be used for preventive care or as remedies for specific health concerns.
Yoga and Meditation: Ayurveda is closely connected to yoga and meditation. These practices are considered essential for maintaining mental and spiritual well-being.
Detoxification: Ayurveda places importance on regular detoxification to eliminate toxins (ama) from the body. This can be achieved through practices like Panchakarma, a set of cleansing procedures.
Mind-Body Connection: Ayurveda recognizes the strong connection between the mind and body. Emotional well-being is considered crucial for overall health, and practices like mindfulness and stress management are integral.
It's important to note that Ayurveda is a holistic system, and individual recommendations can vary based on one's unique constitution and health conditions. Before making significant changes to your lifestyle or health regimen, it's advisable to consult with a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner.
If you have specific questions or topics within Ayurveda that you'd like more information on, feel free to ask! #Ayurvedh #Travel #Explore
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ts-wicked-wonders · 10 months
Nasya Oil: Ayurvedic Nasal Remedy
Nasya oil is an easy and powerful, centuries old Ayurvedic remedy that works by opening up the nasal passages. Make sure to do your own reseaarch to find out what all it can do for you & how to use it correctly. Keeping our respiration working properly provides many benefits - the most crucial of them being the ability to breathe better and keep our nasal passage clean and healthy. In today's article, let's discuss one such therapy that can help you with better respiration, better sleep, and even relief from allergies!
What is Nasya Oil?
Nasya oil is a traditional Ayurvedic remedy used in India since centuries for cleaning the nasal cavity. It works by putting a specific blend of therapeutic, herbal oils in the nose, and getting the health benefits from using this blend nourishing the nasal passages.
Nasya oil is considered an essential part of the respiratory care in Ayurveda, coming from the perspective that our breath (prana) is the source of life, and our consciousness. Our breath is what gives us the ability to be alive and experience this life, so naturally, by nurturing it, we nurture our body and our life force.
Since our nose is the doorway to life (breath), improving its function and clearing out the toxins also helps in better brain health. Our nose is connected to our brain - hence, nasya oil is used for enhancing brain functions such as memory, sleep, intelligence, focus, clarity, etc. Nasya oil remedy is used for all doshas - kappa, vata, and pitta.
What ingredients does Nasya Oil contain?
In Ayurveda, sesame oil is considered to be the most sacred and beneficial for use in traditional remedies. So, you should look for sesame oil based nasya remedy, and then, it usually contains herbs like brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), skullcap, calamus, and eucalyptus. Some may even contain bit of peppermint essential oil - there are variations, and you can decide whether you want to buy from somewhere or make your own.
What are the benefits of using Nasya Oil?
Nasya oil will help with the following conditions -
1. Soothe and moisturize the nostrils.
2. Promotes healthy, clear breathing.
3. Helps with sinuses by clearing out the excess mucus.
4. Helps with allergies, dry eyes, runny eyes, etc.
5. Promotes better sleep - esp. for those who have dry nose and can't breathe properly, thus impacting their sleep.
6. Enhances whole-body healing and detoxification.
7. Helps our brain by improving cognitive functions like memory, focus, calmness, etc.
8. Helps the throat clear of excess mucus and bacteria. Will also help with tonsils.
9. Helps with stress and promotes sleep - by massaging the nasal cavity with warm nasya oil, you are going to sleep better and wake up more refreshed.
10. Nasya oil will also help soothe sore throat, dry throat and helps improve the quality of your vocal chords (voice).
11. Helps with the stiffness and pain of jaw, head, throat, and neck.
12. Helps with headache and migraines.
How to use for best benefits -
It is easy to use nasya oil for all the amazing benefits listed above. Your nasya oil will come with clear instructions but if not, here is how Ayurveda advices to use nasya oil -
1. Sit or even better lie down in a comfortable position and avoid any distractions.
2. Tilt your head backwards, and take a few drops (about 5 drops max.) of the nasya oil in the dropper and put in each nostril and inhale.
3. It is best to close one nostril while putting the oil drops in another.
4. Do not get up immediately - it takes time for the oil to travel back the nasal passage. Remain lying down for about 15-20 mins.
5. Best time to do it is right before bedtime - so you can stay in bed and will not get up.
Who should NOT use Nasya Oil?
1. Women who are pregnant should NOT use it.
2. People suffering from cold because the oil may pull the toxins like bacteria and not be able to pass through properly for full detoxification - thus increasing the infection.
3. Do NOT use nasya oil remedy along with neti pot cleansing.
4. Do not use it mixed with water - use the oil as is in your nose.
5. Children below 7 yrs of age are advised not to be given nasya oil.
6. People older than 80 yrs of age should not use it.
My simple recipe for nasya is as follows:
Use a small glass bottle or jar, about 5-10 mL
Fill bottle about 2/3 full of unroasted sesame oil (don't use a cooking oil, get one sold for body)
2 drops eucalyptus oil
1 drop peppermint oil
1 drop niaouli oil (can substitute with tea tree oil)
Top up bottle with sesame oil, close, and shake to combine oils.
Use organic oils whenever possible
NOTE: depending on your sensitivity to essential oils, you may want to put half the amount of essential oils. The nasya will still provide excellent benefits. I like my nasya oil a bit on the stronger side.
*Disclaimer to the reader this might not interest you or be according to your beliefs. Read with an open mind to accept what you can accept and not accept what you cannot accept in peace and please keep your comments respectful.
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Matheran Travel Guide: The Complete Guide on How to Plan Your Trip
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In the Western Ghats, the serene hill town of Matheran in Maharashtra, India, is a hidden haven that provides an escape from the daily grind. With its luxuriant vegetation, panoramic views, and the distinctive beauty of being a no-vehicle zone, Matheran offers a serene and soothing experience. In our comprehensive travel guide, we go over everything you need to know to organize the perfect vacation to Matheran.
Getting There:
It’s not too difficult to go to Matheran. The closest train station is Neral, where you can get on if you’re coming from Mumbai or Pune. You may get to Matheran from there by taking the toy train or a short drive. Alternatively, as motorized cars are prohibited inside of Matheran, you can drive to Dasturi Naka and travel there on foot, on a horse, or in hand-pulled rickshaws.
Best Time to Visit:
Although Matheran is open all year round, the monsoon season (June to September) turns the hills a vivid shade of green, and the winter months (October to February) are suitable for outdoor activities.
There are housing alternatives in Matheran for every budget, from luxury resorts to Adamo the resort. Notable choices include the Adamo the Village, and The Matheran Hill Station.
There are many beautiful places to discover in Matheran. Panorama Point provides amazing views of the surrounding hills and valleys, while Charlotte Lake is a tranquil location ideal for picnics. Monkey Point is well-known for its vista as well as the jovial macaques, while Louisa Point is a well-liked location to observe breathtaking sunsets. As you attempt to echo your name across the hills at Echo Point, the experience is given a delightful twist.
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For those who enjoy being outside, trekking in the Matheran region is a great activity. In this picturesque hill town in Maharashtra, a variety of hiking routes run through thick forests and provide spectacular panoramic views of the Western Ghats. The climb that leads to famous viewpoint points like Charlotte Lake, Panorama Point, and Louisa Point, where you can see breathtaking sunrises and sunsets, is the most well-known. Due to the tranquil surroundings and absence of vehicle traffic, Matheran is the ideal location for a peaceful and energetic trekking experience amidst the grandeur of nature.
Local Cuisine:
Enjoy the flavors of Gujarati and Maharashtrian food at nearby restaurants. Don’t forget to sample the delicious sweet snack known as chikki.
In Matheran, there are an amazing variety of ethnic and local things for sale. Several examples of locally produced leather goods include shoes, wallets, and other leather accessories. The beautifully made Kolhapur chappals are a popular choice. Don’t forget to try some of the delectable local fare, such as the sweet brittle known as chikki, which is available in a variety of flavors.
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The bamboo products, jute totes, and handmade paper souvenirs that are sold in Matheran are clear examples of the city's environmentally conscious attitude. Two wonderful examples of local culture in handicrafts are pottery and wooden sculptures. Herbal and Ayurvedic products, including oils and lotions, use natural components to promote wellness.
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Horse riding is a popular way to explore Matheran, providing a unique perspective of the landscape. Photography enthusiasts will find plenty of opportunities to capture the natural beauty. If you prefer a leisurely pace, take nature walks along the forested paths and savor the fresh mountain air.
Safety Tips:
Wear comfortable walking shoes and dress appropriately for the weather
Stay hydrated, especially during treks and outdoor activities.
Be responsible and eco-friendly, disposing of waste properly.
The peaceful hill town of Matheran in Maharashtra’s Western Ghats offers a pleasant retreat from the rush of metropolitan life. It is a paradise for both nature lovers and adventure seekers thanks to its beautiful landscapes and distinctive no-vehicle policy. When making travel arrangements, be sure to pick the best hotel in Matheran Adamo the Resort that best matches your needs because welcoming lodgings are the foundation of an unforgettable journey. As you leave the commotion of the city behind and immerse yourself in the natural splendor of this lovely hill station, explore panoramic vistas, savor regional food, and embrace Matheran’s eco-friendly charm.
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ertharetreat · 1 year
Ayurveda and Wellness: Embracing the Ancient Wisdom of Life Balance
In a world increasingly obsessed with quick fixes and modern medicine, Ayurveda, the ancient system of holistic healing that originated in India over 5,000 years ago, has gained renewed popularity. Ayurveda, often referred to as the "Science of Life," is not just a system of medicine but a comprehensive way of living that emphasizes balance and harmony in all aspects of life. It offers a unique approach to wellness by addressing the root causes of imbalances rather than merely treating symptoms. Whether practiced in the serene natural surroundings of a wellness retreat or amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, Ayurveda provides a profound and timeless blueprint for achieving physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
At the heart of Ayurveda is the belief that every individual is unique, with a distinct mind-body constitution known as their dosha. There are three primary doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, and each person has a unique combination of these elements. Understanding your dosha and its inherent qualities is the first step toward achieving optimal health and well-being in Ayurveda.
Ayurveda views wellness as the dynamic equilibrium between the doshas, and achieving this equilibrium is the key to good health. When any of the doshas become imbalanced, it can lead to physical or mental discomfort. For instance, excess Vata may result in anxiety and digestive issues, while too much Pitta can cause inflammation and irritability, and an excess of Kapha may lead to lethargy and weight gain. Ayurveda provides a personalized approach to rebalance these doshas and restore harmony.
One of the fundamental principles of Ayurveda is the concept of "Ahara" or food. Ayurvedic nutrition focuses on the idea that "you are what you eat." The foods you consume should be selected based on your dosha and the current season. For instance, a Vata-predominant individual may benefit from warm, nourishing foods like soups and stews during the cold months to counterbalance their natural tendency towards dryness and coldness.
Additionally, Ayurveda places great importance on mindfulness during meals. Eating in a calm, focused manner aids digestion and absorption of nutrients. It encourages individuals to savor each bite, be grateful for the nourishment, and avoid distractions like television or smartphones.
Ayurveda also emphasizes the importance of daily routines, or "Dinacharya," to maintain optimal health. This includes practices such as oil pulling, tongue scraping, and meditation to help balance the doshas and detoxify the body. Incorporating these routines into daily life can have a profound impact on one's overall well-being.
The use of medicinal herbs and spices is another hallmark of Ayurveda. Many herbs like turmeric, ashwagandha, and holy basil have been used for centuries to promote health and healing. Ayurvedic practitioners carefully select herbs and spices based on an individual's constitution and specific health concerns. These natural remedies are believed to work in harmony with the body, addressing the root cause of ailments rather than masking symptoms.
Ayurveda also offers various therapies, such as Panchakarma, a detoxification and rejuvenation process, and Abhyanga, a therapeutic oil massage. These therapies aim to balance the doshas, release toxins, and promote overall vitality.
The Ayurvedic approach to wellness extends beyond the individual and encompasses the environment as well. It encourages living in harmony with nature's rhythms, honoring the changing seasons, and respecting the interconnectedness of all living beings. This holistic perspective underscores the importance of sustainable living and eco-consciousness.
In recent years, Ayurveda has gained recognition and respect in the Western world as an alternative and complementary approach to modern medicine. People are increasingly drawn to its holistic principles, natural remedies, and the idea that true wellness goes beyond the absence of disease to encompass a state of vibrant, balanced living.
In embracing Ayurveda, individuals are not just seeking to alleviate symptoms but striving to attain a deeper level of well-being—one that encompasses physical, mental, and spiritual harmony. It's a timeless wisdom that reminds us that health is not merely the absence of illness, but the presence of balance and vitality in every aspect of our lives. As more people recognize the value of this ancient system, Ayurveda continues to be a beacon of wisdom in our pursuit of holistic wellness in the modern world.
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