darkdemeter · 8 months
◤✘WANDA MAXIMOFF COLUMN | Wanda Maximoff x Werewolf! GN/Female/Male Reader ISSUE NO.#3
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NOTES: ↳ Babbies okay, I was tearing up when writing this piece, I just have this weird love for writing shit like this. I hope you enjoy it, maybe get yourselves some tissues, and let the story come... full circle. WARNINGS! ↳ A lot of angst — hurt and hurt/comfort — bit of a backstory filler mostly — pregnant Wanda gets very emotional — depictions of trauma, grief, loss and structure destruction — usage of mates and mention of the bond's ability I think that's it? SUMMARY: ↳ You've always been a fighter. It's familiar to you, you know how to handle it. Because you had nothing to lose. Until recently. With Wanda due any moment now, it's put your fighting on the edge. So when a mission goes horribly wrong, it's decided what must be done next...
✎ 2.5k
@alexawynters @alyciaddict
She knew it would be dangerous. But that never once stopped you from facing the threat head on. Stupidly brave, and insanely headstrong. Yearning for the fight, for the chance to do the thing you always believed you were only good at. 
She had pulled you aside after the briefing for the emergency meeting, hand anxiously running over her swollen belly and eyes tearfully full. 
“Don’t.” Her one worded plea is only met with a chaste kiss to her forehead. 
“It’ll be okay. I’ll be back soon enough.”
So stupidly brave. Ignorant and brave. Rugged in your feverish itch to join the fight. Fury amongst everyone else knew she is due any day now. And still, they send you away into the arms of danger, as if you have nothing to lose.
As if she has nothing to lose. 
She watches as you turn your back to her - on her - and storm down the corridor, joining your assigned comrades to prepare for combat. She sees you join them on the quinjet and take off at lightning speed, towards the reported chaos. A threat that devastates New York, with many civilians, innocent in their parts to play, are in need of you. 
But Wanda needs you too. 
She paces around the briefing room, the projector casting the events at this current time. Her hands cup her swell, the looming pressure of anxiety claws at her insides, troubling her and her pups that have become riled in the womb. 
She does her best to soothe them to no avail. They’re able to feel the way her body is constricted in her worry. 
Worry that becomes sheer terror in the blank of an eye. The damage reminds her of Sokovia. Destruction leaves many in a state of grief and uncertainty. Her heart goes out to them, truly it does. But the tears she sheds aren’t for them.
They're for you. 
You’d become separated from your team in the midst of the chaos. The fight in which gets your blood pumping hard and a vent for the pent up rage. Cameras catch it all, your shifted form pelted from the rooftop of an eighty story building like nothing, your body flies far until your back collides into the neighbouring tower. 
However, your opponent doesn’t leave you to fall to your demise below. Not that you’d give yourself that chance, your body falling a few stories before your claws find purchase on a lucky ridge that catches you. 
Your opponent launches forward and with a cloud of dust and debris, you’re sent falling through the wall and downwards, the building collapsing in around you. 
Fury stands beside Wanda, hands pressed firm behind his back and shoulders stiff. Natasha reaches Wanda who cries out, she cries your name, prayers and pleas to not lose you so soon. 
Pain blooms in her body and she fears the stress has induced her labour. The catastrophe not only claiming you but also the life of her pups. 
The building still crumbles in, thick and towering clouds darken out the sun. 
“We’re on our way, Y/N. Hold tight. Y/N? Y/N, do you copy?” The dispatched team’s frequency seems to echo throughout the briefing room. Natasha holds Wanda tightly in her arms, cradling her sobbing body that shivers with peach painful wave consuming her body, mind and mated soul.
“Please! Please, someone, help them!” she screams until her voice is shredded and strained by grief. “Don’t leave me, Y/N! Please! Don’t leave us!”
Your teammates work hard to sift through the wreckage. People are screaming, their voices cutting through the feed. Tony, Thor and Peter begin to pull chunks of debris aside, shoving, pushing deeper into the fallen building.
Steve comes into view next to aid in the recovery; the daunting realisation that it may very well be for your body. 
Wanda’s eyes cloud with her tears, she wipes them clear only for more to blur her vision. She can’t see the feed. She doesn’t want to. But she needs to. She knew something would go awry. She felt it. Something in the bond told her to warn you, to keep you out of danger’s way, but your headstrong attitude wouldn’t allow you. 
Did you think yourself invincible? She always found you had such a complex. That you can shake whatever it is off without a hitch. All she can do is pray that they retrieve you. She cannot bear the thought of—
“We need immediate medical attention. Y/N is down, and bad. We… shit, hold on, Kid. Hang in there. Fury, send an emergency medic!” Tony’s voice is sharpened by panic. 
After another moment, Steve, Peter and Tony drag you out from the clouds of dust, your body brings a shrill cry from Wanda’s throat. She can taste the blood on her tongue. 
“I’m sorry.” That’s all Fury says. All he could say. Scarlet red glares at his turned back, shrouding over the cool green of Wanda’s hues. Natasha’s own eyes mist over with tears. Her hand presses onto Wanda’s, the panicked kicking doesn’t cease for a moment. 
Banner and Helen work in record time. The moment you were carted back to the compound, medical attention was on you. Natasha, Bucky and Loki had to hold her back, her body moving to run to you. 
Nobody answered her questions which only fuel her more with dreaded doubt of your survival.
You can’t leave her so soon. You just can’t… you were mates, you and her. She needs you. 
Your body is torn between human and wolf as the cells of your body try to recuperate from the inflicted trauma and heal your wounds. 
With gloved hands, Banner plucks the remnants of your shock collar off, a low whine escapes you. The smell of burnt flesh stings their noses. 
“This is…”
It’s been a few hours now before anyone could see you. All huddled together outside the room, Banner and Helen finally come out. Immediately they’re pounced on with questions regarding your health.
Banner, however much he wanted to address their concerns, his eyes turn to Wanda. She was the priority right now. 
“Are they dead?” The ring of her Sokovian tongue is prominent in her question that quivers unevenly. 
Banner’s head bows down, bottom teeth pulling over his top lip, he pushes the door open. 
“No. They’ve asked to see you. There were a few… complications during the procedure. Helen and I believe it may be for the best to prepare for the worst.”
Wanda would not hear anymore of it. She pushes past Banner, ignoring the tearful eyes that follow her in pity. She shuts the door behind herself, leaving you both to the near silence devices of your intertwining presences. The faint beep of the machine monitoring sounds slow with each high pitched mark of your heartbeat. 
Wanda approaches your side, your body now complacent in its human skin. A vast majority of your body is patched up with bandages and bruised skin, your face mostly stitched and also bruised. 
What concerns her amongst all these things is the thick layer of gauze wrapped around your neck.
Your eyes pry open to catch a glimpse of your visitor, your expectations confirmed when your fingers curl Wanda’s hand into your hold. 
“Mate,” you sigh softly. It’s a dead giveaway that your breath is at a near loss with how little your chest rises. 
“How could you?” she seethes, streaks of tears lining her cheeks, “you fucking— you almost left us behind!”
“I’m sorry…”
“Don’t be sorry. Be safe. Be loyal!” She pauses in the middle of her coiling anger. She uses her sleeve to wipe her stuffy nose and eyes. “Be with us. Stop… please, stop fighting like this. You’re not alone anymore. You have something to lose now.”
Her words take their sweet time to sink in. The fight is all you know. From a young age, you were trained to kill, to fight. To put away so many years of battle isn’t easy. Years of field trauma tend to stay well over their welcome. It becomes a dark piece in the puzzle of your soul, your identity. But she is right. You never had anything to lose before her. You could go running into a blaze of silver gunfire and not give a single thought to the outcome that was your survival. 
There once was a time that nothing had you bound to keep living. But now you do. You have a family. Your family. 
“I agree.” Wanda’s eyes find yours, a short gasp in her next breath. Your hand curls tighter. “I’m scared, Y/N…”
Your brows screw into a confused pinch. “Why?”
“Because Banner says that I have to expect the worst. That because of complications— y-you may…”
“Oh, Banner is full of shit. I’m not going anywhere. I’m not leaving you - any of you - alone.” Your hand flattens over her bump that instantly comes to life upon your touch. Wanda offers a smile, saddened by the thought that this may very well be the last time your hand graces her pregnant belly. The last time you may have on this earth with her and your pups. The lives you both created together from a night of pent up attraction. Of once denied love. 
She sidles up beside you and her arms carefully move to hold you. Perhaps for the final time. “You were so sure before the mission. I’m sorry, my love, but you can’t be so sure now either.”
You growl lowly under your breath, pulling her tight against you, disregarding the rapid climb of the monitor, the ache of your wounds and the traumatic burning ring around your neck. None of that means shit to you. 
All that matters to you is Wanda and your pups. Your family. 
“Yes I can.”
The day is lifeless without sunlight. Only grey clouds form the sky with a sprinkling of rain. Her eyes are drowned by tears, she’s been crying for days now, the decision clear and made. The pup curled to her breast, adorned in a bright yellow suit, coos in protest when her tiny nose is dotted by light droplets of rain. 
Wanda breathes through her nose, uttering a quiet apology as she then wipes her pup’s nose. 
Her eyes stare down towards the grassy plot at her feet. The stone tablet is brand new, the gilded, reflective plate etched with the honourable title and name of one who was lost. Those of the team, the Avengers, gathered together in a dark palette of mourning. 
Natasha is held tightly to Steve’s chest as she weeps. Each to their own shed their tears, their condolences for her. Wanda has grown tired of the tears. 
“Y…” She cannot even bring herself to say the name. To bring any sense of comfort. To say a few words of gratitude for the buried. 
In her weakening resolve, she feels a hand on the small of her back. Your hand. Her eyes move from the headstone to your eyes, also brimmed red with tears. 
You were stupidly strong. Not a single tear would ever leave a watery streak down the contours of your visage. Until today. 
You turn to those who you work alongside with. Your own arms cradling the other three pups. 
“Yelena Belova was an integral member of the Avengers team. She was never afraid of anything. Many times, she’s thrown herself in the fray for our sake. In fact, I believe some of us wouldn’t be here today, if not for her…”
Your eyes fall to the faces of your pups, their eyes slowly blinking up at you. You sigh heavily with the burden of your sincere words, hardened by the loss, hardened by the resolve that Natasha lost someone dear to her. 
Yelena had saved you countless times. Watched your back when you couldn’t watch it yourself. You doubt yourself among the living had she’d never done so. She’s the reason you’re still alive. The reason you have a family. 
“We will honour Yelena’s legacy and memory. She will always be a part of this team. A part of us. Forever.” 
The final pup whines, kicking her little legs about as you lower her into the makeshift nest. You’d been kept busy, using what materials you could to create a crib big enough for your four pups, then padding it beyond the realm of comfort. She snuggles into her siblings, each of them looping their legs or arms around one another. 
You huff quietly, nose nuzzling each of them in a bid of good night, their soft coos assuring you they are safe and well in their slumber. “We can’t stay here anymore. I cannot bear the thought of burying you too soon.”
“I know, Mate,” you agree, tone heavy in your post-grief. You walk to her and sit alongside the edge of the bed. After the funeral and tending to the pups, Wanda showered quickly and dressed down into one of your large shirts, even being clean, it smelt of you. 
A comfort she thought would be the only thing she’d have left of you. 
“You mean far too much to me. The thought of losing you, I just— I can’t—”
“I know.”
You pull yourself towards her now and pull her into your front. Still her eyes are glassy. Truly, you’ve pushed her beyond her breaking point and it saddens you deeply that you allowed your bravery and hotheadedness to blind you to the bond. 
You felt it too. The remnants of Mother Nature yourself, a connection you’d long forgotten, tugged at you with staggering might. A warning that you were in great danger. You had blatantly ignored it. 
You threatened the tie of the bond with your stupidity. And now you have to pay the price for it. That’s why you decided together what was best for your family. 
“It’s a place called Sanctuary. An… old reserve. Deep in a valley far away from all this. We can settle there, build there. Together.”
Her hand is delicate against the line of your jaw, her plump lips meet yours in a soft kiss. You purr softly and cradle the nape of her neck, deepening the kiss. 
When you finally pull away from her lips, you grace her with a tender smile, eyes filled with love. Pure adoration and love. A sight she never thought she’d see grace your haunted gaze. 
“And… this can be our first step.”
Your hand fumbles around for a moment until you finally succeed in retrieving whatever it was you’re searching for. Wanda’s eyes shift down as gold slides over the slender bend of her finger. Her mouth falls agape and she turns her eyes back to you. 
“Marry me?”
Your fingers run over the scarring. The ring of skin around your neck is still marred in its process to heal. For how much longer is undetermined but the pain tied to it left you no choice but to resign yourself to the wilds of home. 
Your reflection in the picture frame casts a glaring glimpse of the fight you’ve now retired from. You’ve far too much to lose now. Loneliness once allowed you to be so reckless. But not anymore. 
In that picture frame is the reflection of someone who did the right thing for their family. Someone who resigned from the fight they once danced so well before it claimed their life. Before it robbed you and Wanda of being an ‘us’.
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r0yalgrimmartz · 4 months
Babby Manjoume
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The final hell spawn that is Chazz/Jun and Kore's child. Sumire Manjoume/Sadie Princeton
I've already discussed their other three children. The three, Kenji, Himari and Ekou are older and have a 2 year age gap between each of them. Sumire...I did originally give them 4, then scrapped one...but I loved her design too much so thought fuck it and so redid it and I already favour Sumire so much.
Basically, after a certain amount of years, Sumire ended up popping up out of nowhere. As a god damn surprise - a terrifying one where both Kore and Chazz were constantly staring and blinking at the test in hopes it was some joke. Nope. Nah- Now...they have this absolute...feral, unhinged thing. She's a darling😍
Facts about Sumire:
- The very youngest, and definitely most final Manjoume/Princeton sibling. (Around 7??)
- Ended up popping up after a good long 9-10 years after Ekou was born. So when they found out, Ekou was roughly 10, Himari was 12 and Kenji was 14.
- Ekou was puzzled but actually very chill (surprisingly held Sumire a lot).
- Himari was just happy to have a sister finally. Definitely does her hair a lot and plays dolls with her when Sumire storms in.
- Kenji was the LEAST thrilled. Boy was hoping that thing was shipped off. He couldn't be bothered to deal with a crying baby during the night, and was more thrilled to just leave for dueling school in all honesty.
- Kenji did end up warning up to her and acts unintentionally like a protective big brother if anyone is picking on her, first to throw hands. Yet they are one another's biggest hater. Kenji might be 21 but he would throw down his 7 year old sister if need be. She'd go for his groin with a plastic knife!!
- Sumire is very rambunctious and feral. Also very loud and bossy. Thinks she's always the best at everything.
- Sumire's not great with words, but is better at showing her emotions physically.
- Kore and Chazz did everything this time to make sure Sumire was raised lovingly and with care (not like they didn't do it with the other three, they did, they just have more experience now). Especially since when Ekou was born, he was pretty much a selective mute from his early childhood so Kore always panicked and worried.
- Sumire always bothers her siblings. Always. For the dumbest thing or to play with her. Purposely puts centipedes in Kenji's bed if he's being an ass.
- Sumire looks more like Chazz in the eyes...definitely acts like him in personality, yet more feral and unhinged. And just no filter. Could be out and about and she would say "my daddy says you're a shit duelist and everyone can see your spendex through that stupid suit- " so she's immediately dragged quickly from the scene before more damage can be done.
- Sumire sort of is a little destructive...used to have a habit of cutting things with scissors (clothes, pillow cases, bedding, towels, her doll's dresses, doll's hair, her own winter gloves) when she was 5. Hid the evidence under the bed until Kore cleaned her room out one day and found the destruction. Sumire cried immediately and was like "*sniffle* IM SORRY- *incoherent coughing*"
- Can actually see and talk to spirits. Very bossy with them..."no you're not doing it right- The dress goes the other way- YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!!"
- Despite that, actually loves them.
- Had a comfort elephant plush since she was newborn. Absolutely clings to that thing for dear life. Used it as a comfort thing to help her nap when she was a toddler...it was a battle for Chazz and Kore to get that thing from her to wash it.
- Paints Chazz's nails when he's either infront of his laptop having to sit through something or watching TV. Gets annoyed when Chazz moves even thr tiniest. Just goes ">:(" then hits his arm lightly.
- Was very...very clingy towards Kore. It didn't take till like when she was 3 for Chazz to step in and sort the issue.
- Will bite or hit when she's frustrated. But will ball into tears if she gets overwhelmed with emotions a lot.
- Loves birds...Will sit outside and stare in the trees to watch the birds. Asked Chazz and Kore for a bird book for her birthday to sit and stare at various pictures of birds.
That's...all I think? Anyway bye-
- Kore and Chazz don't have her till...late 30's or early 40's??
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pesterloglog · 10 months
Calliope, Roxy Lalonde
Act 6, page 5089-5094
uranianUmbra [UU] began cheering tipsyGnostalgic [TG]
UU: i can't see yoU, bUt yoU mUst be back by now, yes?
TG: y
TG: and i am how haxxing up storm
TG: p stank by
TG: *stand
UU: haxxing? :u
TG: u dont even no
TG: my fingers are the mean lil beaks
TG: of furirus woodpeckers
TG: and my keyboard
TG: is a pitiful plank of cruddy wood
TG: guarding a trove of tasty bungs
TG: it is guarding them i might add
TG: moist fucking unsuccessfully
UU: u~u
TG: as my digits rain danger
TG: on this hapless lamptop
TG: the result of my tappy onslaught
TG: is line after wicked line
TG: of leetfilthy codes
TG: aka..
TG: the governments worst nightmare
UU: Um...........
TG: i will be in an out
TG: of the systerm
TG: before breakfast knows what ate it
TG: im am ur cryptogodress 8)
UU: roxy?
TG: it is womon verse machine
TG: a struggle old as stuff itself
TG: she will bring sburb to its knees
TG: and then turn
TG: with her shitwreckingest face
TG: and stare
TG: into the void
TG: and the void
TG: will wonk first
TG: ;3
UU: i don't Understand.
UU: yoU are typing some sort of compUter program?
TG: no
TG: that was all mostly a huge load
TG: all that noisy keyboard bangin i just mentioned
TG: was me just typing all that shit i said 2 u
TG: lol i did type it superfast tho
TG: just like they do in dumb fake movies about primo hackers who r THA BEST
TG: i guess i hacked into our conversation? w/ bs nstead of codez
UU: ^u^;
TG: but for real
TG: im just drag & dropin some game shit in to jakes place
TG: it is easy as a butt
TG: this kiddie game is a waste of my baller expertise
TG: * sexpertities
TG: / obligatory
TG: hey look
TG: a 'totem lathe'
TG: kay w/e
TG: down it goes
TG: in that patch off dirt i guess
TG: daaang
TG: fits on that patch o dirt like
TG: a glass shitting slipper
UU: ah, i Understand. yoU're beginning then. good!
TG: yes im on a roll
TG: gettin my peeps outie
TG: splitting the ball b4 junk turns 2 pumpkins
TG: soooooooooo
TG: what were you going to give me back there? ;D
UU: right!
UU: it's a present i made for yoU.
TG: ooh!
UU: it coUld be...
UU: a farewell gift actUally.
TG: huh?
TG: are u leaving
UU: maybe.
UU: i am aboUt to go to sleep one last time before oUr schedUled entry.
UU: and there is a very real possibility that i will never wake Up.
TG: oh no!
TG: why!!!
UU: it is complicated.
UU: there is mUch to say aboUt it which i have never told yoU, dUe to my adherence to the rUles.
UU: some of which i am aboUt to break now, in order to give myself a fighting chance.
UU: bUt before i go down that serpentine path with yoU, here.
UU: one last bit of artwork from an admirer. something to remember me by, shoUld we never speak again.
UU: http://tinyurl.com/roxyisthisyoU
TG: !!!!!
TG: ssdlkjfs;lkfjdlskfj
TG: ohhhly SHIT
TG: *hooooooly
TG: holiest of shits
TG: the shit.....
TG: is down right
TG: omgogmogmomog
TG: this owns
TG: my bones
UU: ^U^
TG: look at my outfit
TG: want 2 wear that outfit
TG: want 2 kiss + marry that outfist
TG: look
TG: at that lollipop
TG: that fuckin LOLLIPOP
TG: hehhe look at me goin in 4 a lick
TG: like im the queen of fuckall yall
TG: what is that in my hair
TG: is that
UU: indeed it is!
TG: say helloes to new phone wallpp
TG: sry baby eatin jake husband u r out
TG: yes perfection
TG: more like
TG: perferection
TG: is what is givin me
TG: am getting the perfbonerz up in here
UU: i really enjoy drawing yoU. it is a treat.
UU: yoU are jUst so pretty. :u
TG: awwwwwwwwww
TG: <3<3<#<#<##
TG: hearts n hashes
UU: anyway, i am very pleased that yoU like my drawing. ~u~
TG: i love it
TG: i love U
TG: U x2 combot
UU: yoU do?
UU: really??
TG: yes
TG: fo rillies
UU: :U
UU: blimey.
UU: this comes as qUite a sUrprise.
TG: well i mean
TG: not like lets got get space married love
TG: more like ur the best and i like you a lot love
UU: oh.
UU: then the conciliatory type. i Understand.
TG: wait
TG: i didnt mean to jerk you around...
TG: did u feel that way about me
TG: aww shit im sorry :(
UU: no! don't be.
UU: trUst me, that is not how i feel aboUt yoU. or anyone.
UU: thoUgh i trUly wish i were capable of those feelings.
UU: perhaps the fact that i am not is why the topic fascinates me so.
UU: and why i have been prone do indUlge in sUch...
UU: fancifUl visUalizations.
UU: of yoUr people's lovely bright red relationships.
UU: they mUst be nice. u_u
TG: lol well its not like i would know either way
TG: but thats cool i didnt know that about you
TG: i dont know ANYTHING about u but i wish i did
TG: cant you at least tell me your name bfore you uh
TG: maybe go ways 4 ever? ;(
UU: yes, as a matter of fact.
UU: that is actUally the reason i am contacting yoU.
UU: it is one rUle i have decided to break.
TG: oh fuck!
TG: what is it!!!!!!!
UU: my name is calliope.
TG: :o
TG: .....
TG: ilike it :3
UU: it feels so strange to type that!
UU: bUt also good, actUally.
TG: well ty for finally confiding in me calilope
TG: *calliope sorrey
UU: yoU're welcome. it is good to get it off my chest.
UU: bUt i am primarily telling yoU this as a last resort, in hopes of saving myself.
UU: yoU see, this rUle between me and my brother is a kind of trUce.
UU: we have both agreed not to say oUr names to anyone so that things will not get oUt of hand, and so it became one of the rUles.
UU: if anyone were to say his name to me, i woUld immediately fall asleep, and he woUld wake Up.
UU: so yoU will Understand if i refrain from telling yoU his as well. ~_u
TG: so
TG: hes sleeping now?
UU: yes, fortUnately for both of Us.
UU: now, chronologically speaking, i have never contacted yoU after this moment.
UU: so if i never wake Up from my next nap, yoU will never hear from me again.
UU: if yoU do not hear from me later, i woUld very mUch appreciate it if yoU coUld message my brother, and say my name.
UU: it may be the only chance i have to wake Up again.
TG: fuuuck
TG: this is highly terrible and scary stuff youre saying
TG: but yes ill def do that
UU: splendid!
UU: <kisses>
TG: shit now i wish we had more time to talk
TG: quick what otter rules were you going 2 break
TG: spill it cali!!
UU: i want to!
UU: it is overwhelming, trying to be cavalier aboUt rUles i have respected all my life. i'm not sUre where to begin.
TG: well
TG: what i wonder is
TG: you said you couldnt have romantic feelings
TG: or "red relations" as you said in your trolly way
UU: oh, i can have romantic feelings.
UU: jUst not the flUshed kind, which hUmans describe as romantic love.
TG: ok but
TG: i didnt think that was alien to you
TG: not the way u made it sound
TG: like dont trolls have the 4 kinds and one kind is just staight up love feelins
UU: yes, that's right.
UU: bUt...
UU: oh bUgger. this is so embarrassing to have to admit.
UU: i am sorry for saying things which may have reasonably led yoU to believe this.
UU: probably way too many things. u_u;
UU: bUt i am not actUally a troll.
TG: o
TG: rrrrrelay
UU: i have never actUally claimed to be. bUt i'm sUre i have implied it, probably dUe to wishfUl thinking.
UU: i have spent so mUch time wishing i coUld be one.
UU: trolls are a remarkable and fascinating race.
UU: hUmans are too, please don't get me wrong!
UU: bUt i am oUt and oUt smitten with trolls and their history and ways.
UU: they have sUch amazing, coloUrfUl social dynamics that soUnd like so mUch fUn to be a part of.
UU: and they are so beaUtifUl.
UU: i wish i coUld be that pretty.
UU: UnfortUnately, i am not very attractive at all.
UU: sad to say, no one woUld kiss the corpse i will leave behind.
UU: even if there were someone aroUnd to revive me, i doUbt they woUld be inclined to bother.
UU: for, er... several reasons, actUally.
UU: bUt really, it was always for the best that i cannot have fUlly flUshed feelings.
UU: no one coUld ever love me.
TG: oh man no!!!
TG: that is not true
UU: it is.
UU: and it's for the best that no one has ever seen my face, aside from my brother.
TG: but i want 2 c u
TG: i proimise i wont think you look bad or judge you
UU: no.
UU: i am sorry.
TG: :(
TG: then what kinda alien are you
TG: wait dont tell me youre ACUTALLY from urnanus??
UU: heehee. no.
UU: that jUst happened to be a planet from yoUr system i thoUght was lovely.
UU: i was particUlarly strUck by its UniqUe rotation.
UU: it has very nice...
UU: bollocks, what's the word.
UU: the term that refers to a ball's topspin?
TG: ???
UU: it doesn't matter.
UU: bUt no, i'm not even from yoUr Universe, let alone a nearby planet.
UU: my species has never even had a home planet.
TG: what species are u
UU: i am a cherUb!
TG: omg
TG: that is
TG: amazing?
TG: like u have wings or such
UU: no!
UU: i doUbt i am what yoU're pictUring.
UU: bUt aside from a few sUperficial similarities, we are very different from trolls and hUmans.
UU: we are not a social race. we generally will not ever encoUnter another of oUr kind, Unless it is time to mate.
UU: and when that time comes, oUr coUrtship is nothing like it is for hUmans.
UU: it is highly confrontational and violent.
TG: sounds so lonely
TG: plus w/ hecks of tricky sex
UU: it is lonely.
UU: bUt that is in oUr natUre, to be alone. jUst as it is to find attraction throUgh contempt.
UU: now that i think aboUt it, i shoUld have known.
UU: i've been so foolish.
TG: known what
UU: aboUt the natUre of my game session.
UU: i believed he and i coUld play together, even Under oUr UniqUe biological circUmstances.
UU: i was so daft, i thoUght skaia had actUally made an exception for Us.
UU: and that we coUld overcome oUr conflicts, work together, and fUlfill the game's minimUm reqUirement of two players. one of space and the other of time.
UU: bUt i was always fooling myself.
UU: it is now clear only one of Us will sUrvive.
UU: my skaian visions have misled me.
UU: or i have blinded myself to their trUe meaning.
UU: this was always meant to be a session of one.
UU: and i am finally starting to Understand...
UU: the reality of that coUld have conseqUences more horrifying than we coUld begin to imagine.
TG: um
TG: how
UU: the thing is, yoU don't know him like i do.
UU: as hard as it may be to believe, he is even worse than yoU think.
UU: and it's all sUch a shame, not jUst becaUse of that.
UU: it is a shame that i won't be able to play, i gUess for selfish reasons.
UU: i was so looking forward to it.
UU: i really thoUght i was going to be someone special.
UU: that i coUld Use my abilities do something no one had ever done.
TG: hey you are being so defeatist stop that!
TG: you dont know you wont play we havent even tried the wakeup call yet remembr???
UU: yes. you're right.
UU: mUch like skaia, i've sUccUmbed to a gloomier outlook lately, due to recent setbacks.
TG: so whats going to be special bout your game?
TG: aside from that its just your fuckhead bro and you
UU: well, i was always led to believe i woUld be an extraordinary type of player.
UU: both of Us woUld be. we are both assigned extremely rare and powerfUl classes.
UU: they are the two master classes!
TG: oh yeh?
TG: what is urs
UU: mine is the most passive on the scale. a class designated for females only.
UU: i am the mUse of space. ^u^
TG: sounds p cool
TG: whats a muse do
UU: i'm not entirely sUre. i was hoping to discover that on my joUrney.
UU: anyway, his is the other master class.
UU: the most active class of all, reserved for male players.
TG: what is it
UU: Um...
UU: roxy.
UU: i think we may be getting a wee bit carried away with trivia here.
UU: we both have so mUch to do.
UU: yoU need to focUs on getting to safety, while i need to...
UU: prepare myself. for what i hope will be a short nap.
TG: ok
TG: you are right
TG: la siiiiiigh
TG: im worried 4 you
TG: but optimistic
TG: i will call ur name like a million times
TG: and shout it in 2 the void every chance i get
TG: til u come back :3
UU: you are a good friend, roxy.
UU: please take care.
uranianUmbra [UU] ceased cheering tipsyGnostalgic [TG]
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araedi · 5 years
“Are you trying to find your present?” (aesir-modir)
[Winter/Holiday prompts]
A scruffy blond head popped from around one heavy curtain, too determined in his quest to feel guilty despite the pink flush to his cheeks. Between the foresight of his mother and Heimdall’s watchful eye, the young prince had never found himself with much fortune when it came to sneaking. Soon enough in teenage years this would frustrate him, but for now he was too wrapped up in his own little mission to much care.
“I just--” he fumbled for a suitable excuse or explanation, hands wringing the curtain. “Yule is near and Loki keeps saying--..I wasn’ looking! Promise! I--”
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gotham-emergency · 2 years
Sneak peek at Gotham emergency
"Where is that idiot?!" A tall man in a white coat yelled storming into the emergency room. Everyone quickly moved aside as the man entered the room. Duke nervously stumbled on the other side of Dick trying to not be seen.
"Hey Jay!" Dick smiled waving his un-injured arm.
"Don't you hey Jay me" The man glared walking up next to them. He had dark black hair with a small patch.
"This is my babby brother Jason" Dick smiled turning to Duke.
'Baby?' Jason most certainly did not look like his baby brother. The dude was buff and towered over both of them.
"How many times have I told you not to call me that" Jason said looking over Dick shoulder.
"Sorry didn't mean to hurt your big scary doctor image" Dick teased.
"What are you a freaking bullet magnet" Jason scuffed as he got to work.
"Hey be nice to me I'm injured" Dick pouted.
"You're always injured" Jason rolled his eyes before turning to Duke "who is this?"
"Oh this is Officer Thomas he's taking over babs position" Dick grinned.
"You have to put up with Dick and Tim?" Good luck" Jason snorted.
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State of the squid:
We SAW MY DAD this week!!!
He has a roommate and according to the hospital covid protocols, no visitors are allowed, but when we went to drop off a new phone cord, the staff just kept waving us through the checkpoints, and at the nurses’ station, they were like “yeah, just go to the room, it’s fine.”
So...we went. We accidentally woke him up and were there for all of three minutes before we were (very rightfully) kicked out of the ward. I feel a little guilty, but we’re triple-vaxxed and had our N95s, and he was SO GLAD to see us. He’s been in there for almost six weeks at this point and has seen people exactly twice. Still no indication of when he’s going to be released, but I’m so glad we were able to lay eyes on him. 
My babby sister was in town for the first time in two and a half years and we were able to hang out with her a couple of times, which has really done my heart so much good. She and her wife are two of my very favorite people in the world and it’s been really hard not having them home at holidays. So that was so much fun and I got lots of puppy snuggles from my fur-niece. 
There has been zero progress on the novel. Zero. My brain was like “oh holidays? no writing” which is a huge, huge disappointment because I wanted to get the third novel done by the end of the year - a reasonable and accomplishable goal - and instead I have done a measly 10k of WoT fic, but it’s still writing so I’ll count that as something, at least. 
Anyway, that’s it from here. It SNOWED which was AWESOME except it messed up our travel plans and the snow was SHITTY and I was not able to make anything. 5/10 storm, acceptable only because it was very pretty. 
Happy New Year, lovelies. I’m so grateful you exist and I hope we all have a safe and uneventful 2022. 
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taiblogcomics · 2 years
Party Crashers
Hey there, unconventional lubrications. You know how it goes around here. Whenever we get in a new shipment nowadays, it usually means there's also another finale right around the corner. And one good finale deserves another, yeah? So let's all get into that last issue of our MLP crossover~
Here's the cover:
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So, for our final cover, should we include any of the G1 or FiM characters? Nah, let's go with the actual stars of this miniseries: the S'monies. Let's face it, they've gotten a lot more screen time and character development than any of the ponies this crossover was supposed to actually be about. Look at them, descending from on high into a nightmare circus or something. Dunno where that bright light's coming from either, but it does not seem suitable for these characters~
Do we need a recap? Last time, we finally crossed the generation gap and had North Star and friends come visit Equestria to help look into their Smooze problem. We now continue with that problem still ongoing. Twilight, never one to simply accept a problem without scientific research backing it up, conducts a live test of the Smooze infection on "volunteers" Minty and Lickety-Split. Hey, they're not from her universe. Anyway, the trial works, and Twilight demonstrates her conclusions as well: how to use the Rainbow Locket to remove the infection without harming the possessee.
A new wrinkle enters the plan, unbeknownst to our heroes: the witches Grackle and Dyre flip their way into Equestria. They maintain their human forms, which, if you may permit me a moment of fan...being, I guess is because they're not from the Equestria Girls universe? So only that dimension switches forms on traveling between it? Given Grackle and Dyre already being technicolour humanoids that even Doug would be proud of, they would've blended in perfectly as ponies. But I guess that would've been too much story to tell, seeing as we're on the last issue already~
Anyways, the witches enter Equestria and... are immediately sidetracked by the smells coming from Sugarcube Corner. Can you blame them, they've been living off witch food and volcano tacos their whole lives. They even say they completely understand why the S'monies went off-mission, if confronted with smells like this. The pair drooling over the window quickly gets the attention of the patrons inside. And even if they weren't Smooze-infected, a riot chasing the witches out of town was probably inevitable. A literal witch hunt!
While the witches regroup and eventually meet with Black Belle and Shadow Storm, Pinkie Pie drops in on Violet Shiver, complimenting her on taking the initiative to decorate. She even gives her a gift, an outfit to wear to the Bestie Festie that night. Violet is so touched she's teary-eyed. Now she's got the conflicts of interest, lamenting she hates the choices friendship makes her take. Fortunately, the choice is taken out of her hooves when she herself gets infected by her own Smooze decorations. Well, we've got our final boss for the crossover now~
Shadow Storm and Black Belle show the witches around town, pointing out all the destruction and discord they've sowed. However, when a riot breaks out around one of Black Belle's prized students (everypony's favourite babby changeling Ocellus), she quickly steps in to protect her. The lot of them duck inside an oddly abandoned-looking Carousel Boutique and put together a disguise for Grackle and Dyre. It's a two-person horse costume, and the colouration and star cutie mark make it look a lot like the G1 one character Majesty. If you don't know, do yourself a favour and go look up some old stories and comics with Majesty~
Our heroes, both G1 and FiM alike, also turn up at the party. Twilight gives an introduction, adding a shout-out to our G1 cast. Before she can turn the announcements over to Rainbow Dash, though, very suddenly the Smooze tentacles all begin attacking the crowd. A big fight scene quickly breaks out, with the possessed Violet leading the charge. She and Twilight begin fighting, while everypony else runs crowd control. Even Shadow Storm helps, tackling the witches to get them out of harm's way, knocking their costume off in the process.
Black Belle strikes against her own friend Violet to protect Ocellus and Yona, and Violet backs off, if only to taunt Grackle and Dyre. Is this the kind of revenge they had in mind, she asks the witches, showing the various ruins and entangled ponies. And Grackle literally ignites with rage. What she wanted was to make their moms proud. But you see, what had been a prison for the witches' mothers was a home for them. Heck, the exile had caused the daughters to be born in the first place. Was that so bad? And Grackle and Dyre stand with the ponies against the Smooze-possessed Violet.
Grackle uses all her dark energies to turn back on Violet and burn out the negativity of the Smooze, combining the final blast with the Rainbow of Light. The Smooze-infused decorations all burn out, and even the S'monies are all struck down. Without the Smooze, though, they begin to fade out. It's half their genetic makeup, and they can't remain. It's very big tragic, even with Pinkie still hoping to wear her matching "Best Friends" shirts with Violet. And Ocellus leans in to give her beloved teacher Black Belle a hug, and...
The S'monies do not fade out and disappear. The Smooze that was part of their genetic makeup may be gone, but there's still enough good in the three of them to keep them around. And they do still need the help at the school, after all. North Star begins building a bridge with the witches, saying that they're stronger than their moms because they could break the cycle of revenge. They're not sure where they'll fit in now, but anywhere's better than that volcano. They just need to explore a bit and find their place. And the G1 ponies also want to see more of Equestria before they go back as well. But that's another adventure, for another time~
This is an... adequate miniseries at best. There are certainly some good ideas in it! But it may have been too ambitious in its scope for only a 5-issue series, or it might’ve been rushed to an earlier ending than they hoped. I pointed out most of the problems in the previous review, and they stand true here. I do like the ending, though. Having the witches pull a heel-face turn and break the cycle of revenge is very suitable for this franchise. It’s also a kids’ series, so having the S’monies not fade away is fine and not contrived as it could be. Plus, I like a happy ending, and they did get the most character focus in the series. We’ve certainly had worse stories, but we’ve had a lot better too.
Next week, we’re not done with the generational theme in pony comics quite yet...~
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Hello, could you do a Misfits Nathan X Fem reader one shot where Nathan and reader open their Christmas presents, and Reader surprises Nathan with a positive pregnancy test, and he is shocked, but happy, and then they go to Nathans mum's house for Christmas dinner and announce the news. His Mum then talks about how Cute Nathan was as a baby, and embarrasses him, and reader laughs and smiles at hearing stories of baby Nathan. (sorry this request is long) Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Baby’s First Christmas
A/N: This is a request based prompt, one of the Christmas ones. I’m not sure if the other will get out by Christmas, but I’ll try my best. A lovely and fluffy Nathan x reader one. This is a double request, so I answered the request to this one, but they contain the same material. Makes it much easier for me lol.
Warnings: none really, very fluffy, but breastfeeding, food, small mention of coitus
Cheeky Tag List: @misskittysmagicportal, @robertsheehanownsmyass, @joz-stankovich, @badsext, @super-unpredictable98, @the-freckled-luba, @wasabimia, @iamsexytrash, @midnightseance, @the-novel-on-the-left
“Good morning love.” Nathan said, holding Lily above you, where she stared at you, a bit deftly, but you know it was because she didn’t really know what to expect. Either way, you smiled and sat up, letting her into your arms.
“Good morning to you too. How’s she been today?” you ask, cheek brushing against Lily’s head, curls tickling you.
“Very good. When I walked into her nursery, she was already awake and just gawking at me, y’know like babies do. She’s been very sweet though.” Nathan said, averting his eyes as you lowered your shirt, Lily latching herself immediately.
  Even though it’d been months since Lily’s birth, Nathan still looked away when you breastfed. It’s a natural thing, but his response was always “Yeah, but I feel like I’m being disrespectful if I think about sucking on ‘em too.” You chuckle as you think about it, and suddenly remember that Christmas was upon the two of you. You moved from out of bed, and slowly walked to the living room, where Nathan lay by the tree, striking a pose. Multiple gifts were piled under the large pine tree, and Lily broke away from her feeding to look at the tree, eyes full of wonder.
“Aw, bless. Look at her little hands!” Nathan said, walking up to you two, kissing the top of Lily head once more, making her let out a very cute giggle.
   Her hands were reaching out to try to touch the lights, but you two knew better. Lily had the tendency to pull at things, like any other baby, and it would end in disaster. He smiled at his daughter, and you sat on the floor as Nathan brought you presents, Lily happily tearing at some of the wrapping paper. Both of your parents, (even Nathan’s dad) were very supportive of the pregnancy, as shown through seeing them in-person, as well as the gifts you two received. Lily received a new pacifier, as well as a couple pairs of clothes from each side of the family, and she squealed upon seeing the tassels lined upon one of the shirts. Whenever either of you wore anything with string on an outfit, Lily could and would spend HOURS picking at the string and giggling at it. You were amazed at how much time she could spend playing with it. Neither of you could leave your hair down, or else it would be at the hands of Lily Young, who would pull at it, and never let go.
“Okay, time for coffee and breakfast, huh Nathan?” you asked, smiling up at him. There were still presents under the tree, but as per the household rule, if you got hungry, you’d eat, even if it’s time for presents. 
 Nathan cooked a simple breakfast, eggs and bacon, and the two of you happily ate, and as Lily grabbed at the two of you, you remembered the Christmas of last year, which was much more different than this one’s.
“Merry Christmas babe! I got you a pre-tree present to open right in bed!” you yelled, wakingNathan up from his sleep. He smiled upon seeing you, smiling at him, as the past few weeks you’d been a tad bit ill.
“Ah, Merry Christmas day to ye’ too. What’ve you got for me, huh?” he said, reaching for the gift. His chest peeked out from the top of the sheets, and you couldn’t help but reach your hand out and rub it, him smiling at the gesture.
  You’d had a bit of a guess that you’d been pregnant for a couple weeks, as your period was a month late, which hadn’t happened in almost 10 years. You’d also been sick for weeks on end, and it was pure torture for you to experience. Nathan had even noticed, and when he noticed you were having a particularly rough day, he’d make you a light dinner, and rub your back and feet. He’d picked up a small job, and was trying to make ends meet for your minimal apartment. So, when you thought about pregnancy, and how many times Nathan was just too horny for protection, the dots started to connect. So, you got a pregnancy test, as well as an ultrasound, and wham bam, shanglang (and a shalalalala), you’re pregnant with Nathan’s kid. You accepted it, and the two of you had been talking about kids for a while. You decided to tell him in a way he could accept better. Instead of a more serious talk, it was a gift.
“This a tampon or something?” Nathan asks, holding the test in his face, looking at you. You shook your head and laughed, and pointed at the plus sign. Nathan glanced at what you were pointing at, and it took a moment for another emotion to fall upon his face. It was joy, and he went forward to hug you.
“You could've told me you were pregnant love.” Nathan muttered into your neck, and hugged you a bit tighter, satisfying your senses. You smiled at his reaction, and as his lips moved to your stomach, where he began talking to your baby, and a few tears slipped from your face. He moved back up to kiss your lips, and the two of you stayed in bed for a bit of celebration before moving downstairs to look at the rest of your presents.
  Your brain took you back to the present, and Nathan had Lily in his arms, and she was reaching towards his chest, and you both laughed. She had a tendency to grab toward people’s chest, it was her favorite place to cuddle, and if you two had to go in public with her, strollers would have to be forgotten. It kept her from fussing, and kept everything calm.
“Alright, we need to get ready to go to me mam’s, alrighty?” Nathan said, after cleaning breakfast up and heading upstairs.
“Fine, you can get Lily cleaned and dressed while I shower, then we can swap after I’m done, alright?” you say, grabbing your clothes from the closet. Nathan nods his head, and you kiss Lily’s forehead before heading to the bathroom, taking your time to get ready. 
 It’d been a very busy few months with a new baby, and learning to adjust to her in your lives. You and Nathan used to go out for weekly dates and enjoy each other’s company, but you couldn’t even remember the last time you two went out together. It was ages ago. Even if it was to your family, you were grateful to get out of the house and see other people. A few minutes later, you waltzed out of the bathroom, fresh as a rose, and Nathan eyed you up and down, smirking at your form. 
“You are very beautiful and I have the very strong desire to bang you, but I promise. When Lily’s being tended to by family, that ass is mine.” Nathan whispers, kissing your neck before handing Lily over to you, who was drifting off to sleep. 
  Your job was going to be very easy until you two had to drive to Nathan’s mum’s house, which might cause unwanted chaos with Lily. If she woke up in a car, she could either A. fall back asleep. B. immediately start crying, scaring both you and Nathan, or C. stay calm and be her usual, bubbly self. Either way, you were happy to be out of the house. Once Nathan emerged from the restroom, dapped out in his grey suit, you two gathered your baby bag, keys, and adult snacks (bc Nathan accidentally ate baby snacks and he wasn't happy about it) and walked out of the door with time to spare. The ride was very calm, and as he drove, you sat in the back of the car and your thoughts drifted back to last year’s Christmas.
“Come on baby, can’t be late!” you yelled through the door to Nathan, who was taking his sweet time in the bathroom.
“I gotta perfect my hair, my mum can’t know we’ve been shagging as a reason for the season!” he yelled back, and you heard the water run once more.
  You rolled your eyes with affection, and went to the living room, and got a glass of water to help cool yourself down. You were nervous about telling Nathan’s mom, as anyone would be, but you just couldn’t shake the anxiety off. Nathan eventually emerged from the bathroom, and you two rushed down the steps of the apartment, trying not to be too terribly late to the Christmas dinner his mom has prepared for you two. You rarely ever saw her, but goodness, could that woman cook up a storm. You always left her place stuffed and ready to crash into bed due to a food coma.
  Upon arrival, you shivered in your seat, and got ready to tell Nathan’s mom the big news as soon as you entered, but every time you felt good about it, your anxiety shut you down. She offered you a glass of wine, but you had to turn her down, and she just blamed it on the fact that you were driving, and Nathan loved himself a pint. When dinner arrived, your stomach turned itself into knots, and all you wanted to do was scream. When she began carving the turkey, your brain farted, and all of a sudden you blurted out.
“Ms. Young, I’m pregnant so….that’s why I didn’t really want any wine, I’m sorry, I’ve just not been feeling up to it lately.” and a small tear fell from your eye.
“Aw, love, don’t feel bad, that’s wonderful news. Never expected Nathan to be one for children, but I’m very happy about this. I’ve got some lovely stories and pictures from when he was a little babby.” she replied, putting your hand over yours.
  You giggled and thanked her, Nathan coming from behind to kiss the top of your head, but preparing for the stories about to be told. His mom showed you pictures of Nathan with mall Santa, as well as the Easter bunny. He was cringing at the thought of himself doing anything even remotely cute. She showed you pictures of him chasing after the family dog, and even one of him with an academic achievement award, one for reading.
“I didn’t know you were literate Nathan. Now I know to get you books for your birthday, you twat.” you say, teasing Nathan, much to his dismay.
“Oh, he really likes reading, let me tell you. He would plow through so many books, I thought of renting out the library for him. He would never stop reading this one.” she said, looking over at him, who was nose deep in his old copy of The Hobbit. A faint blush covered his cheeks, and his mom ruffled his curls, and Nathan smirked at her, thanking her.
  You returned back to the present, and Nathan looked over to you, kissing your hand. You two smiled, and as you headed to his mom’s house, you knew it was going to be much better.
“Nathan, how are you. And his lovely partner, AND SWEET BABY LILY AWW!” his mother said, fawning over the three of you. Lily cooed at her grandmother, and was handed over to her, happily accepted.
  You all stepped into her apartment, and brought in the baby bag, almost forgotten in the car. You helped out in the kitchen with Nathan’s mom as Lily played in the living room, watching her father look at childhood photos. Nathan took his daughter from her playpen, and held her up to the pictures, talking to her quietly. You glanced from the kitchen, and worked the dough for quick pie, Nathan’s mom catching you slacking a bit.
“He’s a keeper, honey. And you are too. You should hear the way he talks about you to me. Nothing but love and admiration in his voice, and even now, talking to Lily. He doesn’t really open up much, not even to me. But the way that he’s talking to Lily right now is really lovely.” she says, looking at you.
“Yeah. He’s been super supportive during everything and I seriously couldn’t be happier. He’s so wonderful. Always talking to Lily and being so gentle with her. You raised an amazing son.” you said, smiling.
 When the food was ready, the lot of you piled into the living room, and ate a full meal, plus desserts. Lily was fully asleep by the time you all were wrapping everything up, and Nathan’s mom offered you two the guest room to stay in for the night. Nathan happily accepted it, and you slept peacefully that night, thankful of the support in your life.
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mydrarryaus · 4 years
Hair Gel - Idea by @dementcrs
“Draco, we’re going to be late!” Harry yells from the door of their flat. “One moment!” Draco yells back, a slight echo to his voice that makes Harry sigh in realization. He walks over to the bathroom to find his beloved boyfriend applying copious amounts of hair gel. “Draco you don’t need all the hair gel” Harry says with a whine. Draco just scoffs and continues his ministrations. Soon, he’s done and they walk out of the door hand in hand, not speaking, consumed in their separate thoughts. They arrive at the burrow just in the nick of time. “Harry! Draco!” Molly yells when she spots the boys. It had been more than a month since she had seen them. “How wonderful for you to come. Sit sit and tell me all that’s new with your lives”. Feeling a bit guilty, they sit down and supply her with the ins and outs of the past month, she listens attentively, holding on the every word they say. While in the middle of a very interesting hospital story, Draco is interrupted by a loud and nearby woosh. With a grin, Ron steps out of the floo and immediately walks over to where they had been sitting. “Wow Malfoy” he says with a laugh “That hair gel looks real stiff” Draco softly growls in annoyance. He always heard it from Harry, but anyone else really ticked him off. It’s his hair, he can do what he wants. Draco jolts when a hand threads through his hair, loosening it quick and easy. Draco whips his head around and meets Harry’s eyes and glares. “Harry, What. Did. You. Do” he says through gritted teeth. Harry shrugs “I made it better” he grins big for emphasis, hoping Draco sees he didn’t mean to do any harm. But Draco sees Red. With a loud scrap, he pushes his chair out and stands straight up. “I’m sorry Molly, but me and this dimwit have to go” and without another word, he pulls Harry out of the burrow, then apparates the both of them back to their flat. Staying quiet, he stalks over to the bathroom in hopes of fixing his hair. When he catches himself in the mirror, though, he can’t help but smirk. Damn he looks hot. But, with a shack of his head he pushes the thought out. No. Malfoys always have to be neat and poised. As he reaches into the drawer where his gel normally is, he is met with with only his skin care potions. Then he remembers. He had used the last of his hair gel when they left.  “POTTER” he yells in frustration. Harry, sitting awkwardly on the couch, winces. He knew he shouldn’t have messed with Draco’s hair, but it really was too easy. Plus, he kinda liked getting Draco riled up. And what better way to rile him up than messing with the things he loves the most. No, not Harry. Even after 4 and a half years of dating, he didn’t Harry more than this. No, you gotta mess with his hair gel. The day before, Harry had secretly took all of the hair gel bottles and hid them way, leaving the mostly empty one for Draco to use. And apparently, Draco just realized himself. Harry is brought out of his thoughts when Draco storms into the room. “Harry Potter! You messed up MY hair and then I come home to find that im all out!?” He sighs dramatically “You, yes you, will go out and get me more! This instant!”  Harry laughs before grabbing a random book off the coffee table. “Hmm how about, no. You can go do it yourself” Draco gasps “I will NOT go out to the muggle world for HAIR GEL”. Harry just shrugs and hides a smirk, skimming the first few pages of the book “Then I guess you’re just gonna have to suck it up”. Draco huffs and quickly walks away, slamming their bedroom door. After waiting a few minutes, Harry puts the book down, stands up, and walks to where he hid the 3 extra bottles of Hair gel. With a smile, he takes one and walks to their bedroom door. He lightly knocks, but Draco doesn't answer. Not caring, he slowly turns the knob and opens the door to a sad looking Draco, curled up in a fetal position. “Aw babby” Harry says as soon as he sees him. Draco whips his head around and glares at him. “What do you want, here to mess up my hair more??” Harry laughs softly “No, Love. I came to give you this.” Harry holds out the bottle of Muggle hair gel and watches as Draco’s face lights up. “You got me more??” Really not wanting to incriminate himself even more, he smiles and lets Draco believe he did. Draco’s eyes suddenly tear up, catching Harry off guard. Draco throws the hair gel down and throws himself at Harry, hugging onto him tightly. “Thank you Harry. I love you” he says into Harry’s shoulder. Harrys laughs lightly “Ya ya, i love you too. But not as much as you love that Hair gel” Draco pulls back and smirks before grabbing the bottle and spicily walking to the bathroom, his eyes not leaving Harry’s once.  
This was an idea from @dementcrs :)
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merinnan · 4 years
DMBJ Explore with the Note Ep 2
Okay, I wasn't sure if I'd get to ep 2 today, but I need Iron Triangle shenanigans to cheer me up after the feels fest that was Train to Busan
So here we go! DMBJ S2 Ep 2!
The counts at the start of ep 2! 
Season 2 Xiaoge Rescue Count: 1 for Wu Xie, 1 for protagonists, 2 for everyone 
Season 2 Wu Xie Swoon Count: 0 
Cumulative Xiaoge Rescue Count: 11 for Wu Xie, 16 for protagonists, 18 for everyone 
Cumulative Wu Xie Swoon Count: 6
- Opening with Wu Xie wandering around somewhere, so I'm guessing this is another dream/nightmare 
- 'Somewhere' turns out to be a sunken ship 
- Minus all the water 
- I'm expecting a jump scare any moment now
- Not as bad a one as I expected, but still 
- a wild Sanshu suddenly appears! 
- This dream Sanshu being just as creepy as the dream Sanshu in the previous ep 
- And just as murderous 
- And now he wakes up thanks to Pangzi, and it's daytime now 
- Looks like the storm is over, too
- OMG Pangzi that is not how you're supposed to meditate 
- lol @ Wu Xie's confused reaction to it 
- Hahah, A-Ning was not successful in hiding the booze from Pangzi 
- Wu Xie, baby, I love your confidence here about there being no complicated traps, but it's entirely misplaced
- He definitely has to suspect that that's Xiaoge after the whole ghost ship thing, he wouldn't be giving that cute little smile otherwise
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- Oh god, the English dubbing is so bad. The words and lips don't sync at all 
- And it looks like her boss is a foreigner this time? 
- This water is so murky 
- This swimming around underwater making exaggerated gestures bit could have been much shorter than it is 
- Like seriously
- It wouldn't be quite as bad if the water wasn't just this constant murky green so that you could actually see properly 
- But as it is I'm mostly just looking at this dirty green screen with some shapes moving past sometimes
- I get padding out an episode, but it's been almost five minutes of this now 
- Oh, at least now we're at least getting little flashes of Wu Xie recognising this stuff from his grandfather's notebook 
- But still 
- 5 1/2 mins before something even marginally interesting happens >.< 
- Because apparently now the statue is opening its eyes. Maybe. 
- Wait no, I counted wrong 
- 7 1/2 MINS 
- 8 1/2 mins before they get to any breaking and entering 
- 8 1/2 mins to do what should have taken 2
- It wasn't even marginally interesting filler >.< 
- Just....dirty green screen with some dark shapes, and the occasional close up on faces or wrist notepads 
- And this knife is cutting through the mortar holding these bricks together suspiciously easily
- Oh, the evil hair is making its first appearance 
- Evil Hair Count: 1 
- Yes, touching it is a great idea! Well done! 
- Oh, it scared it away this time 
- Apparently, the evil hair being scared away is what triggers the brick door to automatically open for them
- Oh, I like this shot of the wetsuit hood almost looking like a hoodie hood. I'm not sure if that was intentional, but I still like it.
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- Oh, sudden thing swimming real fast into/around them 
- Most of this episode has just been...murky green
- Like. They've been in the water for 10 minutes so far. And the only important/interesting things that have happened have been finding Sanshu's stick, finding the statues that reminded Wu Xie of shit in the notebook, Wu Xie thinking the statue eyes opened, the appearance of the evil hair, the door opening, the corpse appearing, and now this thing swimming by them. All of which could have been done in, like, a third of the time.
- Since they all took only a few seconds each
- Oh, it was evil hair lady, who is now swimming away super fast when Pangzi shot at her. 
- I'm amazed he could see clearly enough in the murk to even aim, tbh 
- Oooh, dramatic music 
- It would be nice if I could see clearly enough to know the reason for the dramatic music
- I will make that Evil Hair Count: 2, because it was a lovely shot of her hair as well
- Oh, they've made that maelstrom-like tunnel the entrance to the tomb in the drama 
- Oh god, the greenscreen 
- I think Chongqi is the only one I've seen so far that does greenscreen even halfway well 
- It took them 11 1/2 mins to get into the tomb
- An entire quarter of the episode was just them fucking around underwater where the viewer could barely see what was happening at the best of times 
- Since the ep is 45 mins including opening and ending credits
- Oh, they've come out into the room with the pots, except it has a pool in it this time 
- Sigh. Of course they gave A-Ning pink-accented gear.
- They all have a different colour on their goggles to tell them apart, but in the underwater stuff it was too dark to tell what colours she and Xiaoge had. Now that they're out of the water, I can see that hers is pink. 
- And I'm like 
- WHY 
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- Why are there spiderwebs in the underwater tomb? 
- The babby zombie footprints! 
- Yes, Pangzi, those tiny little footprints are Sanshu's 
- Hahah, I love little shit Wu Xie 
- Apparently spiders even have to be built into underwater ones. Either that, or spiders can now dive
- Maybe when they built the tomb, they made sure to have spiders in there. Which also means they had to ensure there was spider food in there. 
- Oh, hey, in the drama they actually think to look inside the jar! But babby zombie is not in there this time.
- Oh, it was in one of the other jars instead 
- Okay, time to follow the baby in the jar 
- Oh, this hallway 
- A-Ning is about to be a very bad girl 
- Also, so many cobwebs 
- So many
- I think that lends credence to the 'spiders were put here when the tomb was built and so have lived here for thousands of spider generations' 
- I still can't get over them subbing 'Sanshu' as 'Uncle San' 
- And random English because why not
- I was about to say the traps are stupidly obvious in this hall, then I remembered the Starfinder adventure I ran where the trigger was a giant mosaic on the floor that practically screamed 'trap' & the PCs just walked over it. And then were surprised when the trap triggered.
- Oh, here we go, A-Ning's about to do the thing 
- Complete with evil villain smirk as she does so 
- I wish there was better lighting in this hallway, because A-Ning's moves are amazing and I would like to be able to see them better
- Xiaoge Rescue Count: 2 for Wu Xie, 2 for protagonists, 3 for everyone
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- Those are some wuxia-esque spinny moves from A-Ning there 
- Nooooo, Xiaoge, don't leave Wu Xie there without you! 
- I wondered how they were going to have Wu Xie get hit by them since Xiaoge stopped him from being hit by the initial shots 
- Dammit, A-Ning
- I appreciate that Pangzi's first reaction is to run to check on Wu Xie 
- Even though that got him shot himself 
- lol, these two dummies sitting there screaming once they notice all the arrows that they hadn't noticed before
- Good Pangzi, showing off that you're actually smart by realising Something Is Up with these arrows 
- "Does it feel this good to be shot to death?" 
"I've never died before, I have no idea" 
 - Hahahah, waving the arrow to see it that would attract more firing
- Then oh so carefully peeking up over the edge 
- Ah, finally Xiaoge reveals himself properly! 
- That face mask is just ridiculous 
- lol, Wu Xie's reaction 
- Those wide puppy eyes 
- lol, Xiaoge's little smirk at Wu Xie
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- And again. THEY'RE SO CUTE I CAN'T
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- Here we are at the first chamber switcheroo 
- I wish they'd subtitle at least the important parts of Wenjin's notebook when Wu Xie reads it and gets clues 
- They were good with subtitling the wrist notepads when they were aimlessly swimming around for 11 mins 
- But nothing else
- "Do you have Alzheimers" OMFG, Pangzi 
- Pangzi gonna Pangzi 
- I seem to say something along those lines about all of the Iron Triangle 
- But it's true 
- Ahahah, Wu Xie's facial expressions when he's brushing off Pangzi here 
- It's little shit Wu Xie all over
- Look, okay, flashbacks are fine and all, but does it have to be a flashback to the FUCKING GREEN MURKY WATER 
- Okay, at least that part wasn't too long 
- That container is not sealed, that paper should not have been dry
- Certainly not so dry that exposure to air made it crumble and blow away
 - Professor Zhang? 
- IDK why they needed two archaeological teams in this flashback 
- Also, hi, flashback Xiaoge 
- Hey, it's the copper snek fishy
- Oh, that was a good cliffhanger to leave this episode on! 
- Xiaoge remembering that he has been there before
So! Ep 2 ends with: 
Season 2 Xiaoge Rescue Count: 2 for Wu Xie, 2 for protagonists, 3 for everyone 
Season 2 Wu Xie Swoon Count: 0 
Season 2 Evil Hair Count: 2 
 Cumulative Xiaoge Rescue Count: 12 for Wu Xie, 17 for protagonists, 18 for everyone 
Cumulative Wu Xie Swoon Count: 6 
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sad am hubert thing
ok so i had this idea a couple months ago but like, azure moon Hubert. Right before they storm Enbarr. He's alone. He's lost all his friends, he lost Ferdinand, you could even say Edelgard since she's turning herself into a monster. And when they do storm Enbarr, when he's struck down, he doesn't really mind. He has nothing left here. He's going home, to see his friends and lover again. And he's happy. idk this might be ooc for him but i like the idea.
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Apparently it's not just anons to fear now...it's also my submissions...
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makeste · 5 years
Index of BnHA Stuff (Essays/Metas/Misc.) (old version)
this is part two of my giant index of all my BnHA chapter recaps, essays, and so forth (see part one for more on why I split them up). the other indexes are linked below.
index of the indexes:
manga recaps (no spoilers)
anime recaps/other anime stuff
fic recs
manga recaps cont. (spoilers)
part two of the index (essays, metas, and so forth) is below the cut.
(ETA: this is the original version of my bnha meta index! it is not sorted by category, and is in chronological posting order with both spoiler and non-spoiler posts. I’m keeping the post up because I know some people have it saved for reference, but moving forward all new metas will be added to my two new indexes instead:
essays/metas/misc (no spoilers)
essays/metas/misc (spoilers)
this post is current to about chapter 277 or thereabouts. anyways, that’s all!)
(tag: bnha meta)
(also please take note of posts marked with **manga spoilers**!)
BnHA Bonus Rant: Top 10 Anime Betrayals (a.k.a. who is the U.A. Traitor)
BnHA Bonus Rant #2: Dad for One (a.k.a. All for One is Deku’s dad)
Nighteye Deserved Better: The Essay
on superhero culture in BnHA, and Horikoshi’s concept of what makes a hero
and part 2 of the above, featuring a lot of rambling about Bakugou
the good, the bad, and the basement (a.k.a. my list of pros and cons of the Overhaul Arc) (this one has some very good replies from @elanorpam and @herongale (who I can’t tag for some reason) in the comments that are honestly more worth reading than my initial post lol)
BnHA Bonus Rant #3: “Kacchan”
BnHA Bonus Rant #4: Bakumom
top ten characters as of March 2019 (**manga spoilers**)
regarding the parallels and contrasts between Deku and Gentle
on fandom’s response to chapter 192  (**manga spoilers**)
on Endeavor and whether or not he can be redeemed (**manga spoilers**)
piecing together the whole Dabi thing and the Todoroki flashbacks (**manga spoilers**)
and an addendum to that which isn’t actually my meta (credit to @baezetsu) but is cool regardless so I’ll link it here (**manga spoilers**)
ranking of the class B kids’ quirks (**manga spoilers**)
weird theory post related to the you-know-whats from chapter 193 (**manga spoilers**)
my predictions for future arcs, as of chapter 228 or thereabouts (**manga spoilers**)
“could you do a meta about Bakugou’s expression in chapter 40?” (yes. yes I can)
the new BakuDeku status quo (**manga spoilers**)
“do you think Bakugou is unusually divisive for a shounen rival?”
Top 10 Favorite Bakugou Moments
on Shigaraki Tomura and whether or not he can be redeemed (**manga spoilers**)
U.A. Traitor Theory 2: Electric Boogaloo (**manga spoilers**)
favorite BnHA arcs ranked (**manga spoilers**)
“When there’s a wall before your eyes... you smile.” (a.k.a. my giant essay about Bakugou and winning) (**manga spoilers**)
BnHA Bonus Rant # 5: All for One for All (**manga spoilers**)
Top 10 Favorite Deku Moments (**manga spoilers, but tagged**)
“how do you feel about Izuku and Ochako’s romance in the story so far?” (**manga spoilers**)
"when you say Shigaraki will be ‘redeemed’, what exactly does that mean?” a.k.a. another essay about Tomura and whether or not he deserves redemption (**manga spoilers**)
“how do you think Bakugou feels about Izuku choosing ‘Deku’ as his hero name?”
on AFO and his intentions regarding his “heir” (**manga spoilers**)
Favorite BnHA OST Tracks
BnHA Bonus Diversion: Horikoshi’s Sketches
probably like my 500th rant about Deku and Kacchan and their confused relationship (**manga spoilers**)
some musing about the upcoming plot and a forthcoming character interaction (post-ch. 242) (**manga spoilers**)
a hero under construction (a.k.a. essay 700-b about Bakugou, this time specifically about him being a complete and utter shithead in the first chapter, and why he’s still my favorite anyway)
why Kaminari Denki is not the U.A. traitor (and why the traitor is actually Hagakure) (**manga spoilers**)
ITP: an incomplete but lovingly assembled list of people who have it out for my kid (a.k.a. my ranking of possible main antagonists for Bakugou) (**manga spoilers**)
some very brief metaing about chapter 244, the possible implications of Bakugou and Deku reading a certain book, and a potential storm looming on the horizon between Bakugou and a certain other character (**manga spoilers**)
“what I lack” (a.k.a. a chapter 247-prompted essay about Bakugou’s continuing journey as a person) (**manga spoilers**)
a quick meta about Bakugou’s lack of a tragic past, and why I think that’s important
what we could have been (a.k.a. an essay about the differences in Deku and Bakugou compared to All Might and Endeavor) (**manga spoilers**)
“what purpose does our strength serve?” (a.k.a. what Bakugou learned about himself in the latest arc, and what choice he may have settled on) (**manga spoilers**)
meta about what “Kacchan” would potentially mean as a hero name (**manga spoilers**)
some reactions to Horikoshi’s 12/22/19 interview with Cinema Today Japan, particularly his remarks about Bakugou
the mortifying ordeal of being known... and rejected (a.k.a. an essay about the importance of Bakugou and Deku’s bond and how Bakugou secretly fears losing it) (**manga spoilers**)
some predictions on who is & isn’t making it out of the latest arc (**manga spoilers**)
why I think a traitor plot would be good for Hagakure’s development (**manga spoilers**)
so, Heroes Rising (a.k.a. my thoughts on the second BnHA movie) (**manga spoilers**) (**spoilers for Heroes Rising**)
receive, and entrust (or, my rambling thoughts about That One Thing that happens at the end of Heroes Rising) (**manga spoilers**) (**and again, spoilers for Heroes Rising, obviously**)
some more thoughts about Hagakure being the traitor and even possibly being a certain someone’s sister (**manga spoilers**)
killing is not so easy as the innocent believe (a.k.a. a very misguided essay about Hawks lmao) (**manga spoilers**)
some rambling about legacies, and opening up, and All Might has two sons more at 11 (a.k.a. a discussion of Bakugou and Deku and their relationships with All Might) (**manga spoilers**)
a ranking of all the kids in U.A.’s first year by how likely they are to murder a bitch (**manga spoilers**)
my take on a certain someone’s hotly debated actions in chapter 266 (**manga spoilers**)
on Shigaraki Tomura and his motivations and current goals (**manga spoilers**)
some speculation about the role a certain recently-resurrected character might play in regards to the battle against Tomura (**manga spoilers**)
literally just a giant post of Bakugou faces
a series of posts about how short Dabi is (shh, he’s sensitive) - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 (**manga spoilers**)
“what do you think about the sexualization of the girls in the anime/manga?” (**manga spoilers**)
“how do you feel about the anime changing things from the manga?”
some thoughts about the occasional sexualization of the boys in BnHA as opposed to the girls, and why the two things aren’t equivalent
a theory about Deku (and One for All)’s connection to All for One (**manga spoilers**)
“being a hero means protecting everyone” (or, my thoughts on Katsuki’s character growth as of chapter 274) (**manga spoilers**)
my thoughts on Shouto sometimes being left out of BKDK antics, and the TDBKDK dynamic and how it works in the series
“...just to protect you.” (a.k.a. "why Deku still hasn’t told anyone else about OFA”) (**manga spoilers**)
some brief musings on why I think [insert spoiler character] is going to lose their quirk (**manga spoilers**)
some more meta about why said character losing their quirk would kickstart some long-awaited character development (**manga spoilers**)
obstacles do not block the path -- they are the path (a.k.a. yet another meta about this person losing their quirk, and how the series has been foreshadowing it, and why I think it should happen) (**manga spoilers**)
a bit of a rant about the ratio of male to female characters in the series, and why Horikoshi had better not mess with the lady heroes we do have (**manga spoilers**)
some speculation on a certain character’s future role in the series after the injuries they sustained in chapters 267& 271 (**manga spoilers**)
some brief thoughts on the “Eri can just heal such and such” theories that crop up from time to time (**manga spoilers**)
quick rambly post about my initial thoughts on Bakugou and why I loved him from the start
needlessly long and tangent-y post about whether or not Bakugou should have any more angst in the series, feat. a comparison to various other characters’ traumas just for perspective (**manga spoilers**)
yet more meta about a certain character hypothetically becoming quirkless, and what kind of impact it might have on them, and how they would try to move forward (**manga spoilers**)
“do you think OFA’s secret should be shared with more than Bakugou?” (**manga spoilers**)
top ten characters as of July 2020 (**manga spoilers**)
other people’s meta / meta back-and-forth:
more essaying about AFO and whether or not he’s the final villain (thequietmanno1) (**manga spoilers**)
on Re-Destro and the source of the “stress” that fuels his quirk (thequietmanno1) (**manga spoilers**)
more discussion about BnHA 237, and the bystander effect (thequietmanno1) (**manga spoilers**)
some meta on chapter 236 regarding Kotaro, [redacted]’s quirk upgrade, and potential ways for AFO to continue tormenting the Shimuras in the future (thequietmanno1) (**manga spoilers**) 
if you’re going to stan a villain, stan them as a villain (a.k.a. some musings on whether liking a character isn’t the same thing as endorsing all of their actions) (waywardhellhound) (**manga spoilers**)
a brief meta on what we know about Kacchan and Deku’s childhood friendship and them knowing each other since they were lil babbies (class1akids) (**manga spoilers**)
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tears-like-snow · 5 years
“ don’t worry . i’ll protect you . ” ( babby touya 🔥 )
   Rei blinked up to the boy huddling against her, his small petite hands clinging to her own. 
He…wanted to protect her? How horrible of a mother was she….to the point her child wanted to save her from this hell when it should’ve been the other way around. She was weak…no good. Even as Enji stormed away from the broken woman at his feet, she couldn’t care less.
This boy, this beautiful boy. All she wanted was his freedom from this misery.
“S’okay, baby…s’okay. M’alright darling.” Rei choked out through her tears. Wincing, she pushed herself upright, messy snowy locks draping over a bruise cheek before she used what little strength she had to scoop up her son and hug him to her chest, clutching to him tightly. 
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“Th-…That was brave of you.” If he hadn’t skid in front of just then, no telling how much of a beatdown Enji would’ve done to her. Rei rubbed the bump on Touya’s head where Enji has slammed his palm against the backside of it. 
Hero…he was anything but. 
“You did.” Rei whispered as more tears fell into his lovely locks. 
“You did.”
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starwarmth · 5 years
my mom and i went for a walk and
• the sky was turning gray and the thunder rumbled
• the wind was picking up
• all the birds were quiet
• you know that magic before a storm?
• dark hair blowing every direction like a moorwitch
• and we saw!! a baby bunny!!!!!!!!
• after watching it we told it to go home and escape the future storm
• it did
• it was, after all, just a babby
• we almost made it home but then!!
• it started pouring!!!
• we could barely see in front of us
• our dresses were completely wet
• but then! what’s this?
• a friendly knight/neighbor on a moonlight steed (silver car) stopped and urged us to hop in!
• we got his leather seats wet
• sorry guy
• he was so kind and said “yeah dude”
• I dub him The Chill Knight
• we hopped out and thanked him profusely
• and scampered inside to the house
• will the feeling of replacing wet cold with wet heat ever be more lovely??
• no. not it will not. showers are beautiful
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bladekindeyewear · 5 years
Boots Reads Homestuck Epilogue(s) Part 12 - Candy Page 18
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Time to see what all the fuss was about Page 18.  We’re with Jane... that might not be good.  Especially given Lollipop proximity.
Jane scoffing at troll genocide again.  :(
Gamzee seems more woke than Jane here.
GAMZEE: sO yOu SaYiN yOu NeEd DiFfErEnT sHoEs FoR yOuR hUmAn DiCkS aNd WhAt NoT?
Jane narrows her eyes at the disingenuous buffoon.
I dunno, he sounds like he’s being pretty goddamn ingenuous right now.
It’s not the first time they’ve had this conversation?  Are they black with each other or something??
What’s more likely is he’s attempting to get a rise from her. To get her a little hotter under the collar. To put her in a certain mood.
Oh my gosh she’s genuinely black for him, hahahahah
GAMZEE: AnD AlL I EvEr bEeN TrYiN To dO Is gEt yOu rIgHt tOo, WiTh mOrAlS AnD GoOdNeSs, AlL fIlLeD uP iNsIdE yOu As TiGhT aS yOuR tAsTy HoE bAlLoOnS aRe WiTh HuMaN mOo JuIcE.
Jesus christ that’s not the kind of metaphor i want to be hearing from canon
or anyone for that matter
JANE: No! I’d rather die than touch your disgusting clown baton ever again.
....yyyeah, context is showing she’s PROBABLY super Black into this.  Still, pretty jarring to see a clear consensual “NO” right in the middle of things.
Quit calling her a dairy queen!!! D: D: D:
Oh god they named the baby Tavros.
Alright, there’s some grade A discomfort in this scene, which I’m enjoying, really.  I can see why they singled out page 18.  I could traumatize some people with some of these paragraphs out of context.
JAKE: Anyway whats up with you? Hows life with davekat going? JADE: oh its great! im really glad i just went for it JADE: all of us together... it really is the best of every world
God damnit Jade why are you obliviously torturing them????????
JADE: theres no way me and dave could have a regular baby together because im... JAKE: Whats wrong? JADE: well lets just say that after all the sburb stuff its done some things to my body JADE: like merging with bec mostly
Oh my FUCKING GOD please don’t canonize this.  This didn’t need to be spelled out so-- D:
D: D: D:
This... is actually making my stomach roil again????
not because id object to-- i mean, it’s one thing to deal with
ISOLATED divergences from canon where she has to deal with that and its kind of hilarious, but can be safely ignored when it comes to her character arc as a whole
but once its CANON????????   D: D: D:
suddenly you can’t IGNORE the full import when you’re done with, like, an RP or something, of the psychological struggle she would be forced to deal with given an abnormal biological situation.  Instead of thinking “Oh, that could be pretty painful to deal with! Let’s explore it temporarily for fun” it becomes “Oh, that would be painful to deal with and you have to think about her having to deal with all the complications of that whenever you hear about her LITERALLY FOREVER.”  D:
andrew i know you couldnt resist because of how funny and practically-xenoprogressive it was but whyyyyyyyyy did you have to canonize that WHYYYY
Now instead of a fun joke thought it also has to be SAD FOREVER
i dont know why this would be the line thats crossed to upset me
Rose surrogate?
JADE: no jake, dave wouldnt be the father in this scenario!
Pffffff.  Andrew’s just diving RIGHT into the, er, doggy fanfics here.  I should... TRY to lighten up about this.  Try.  D:
(...wait, shit.  Knowing my friend, THIS whole bit is why they alluded to this page.  God damnit.)
[[ EDIT:  askshenhibiki said:
Now that you read Candy 18, flash back to Meat when Roxy is talking about gender... and look at Jade's reaction looking at "where her hands rest on her lap". Yes, Meat hinted at that "mix" too.
Ah, let’s see...
ROXY: and so i got to thinking ROXY: what even is gender ROXY: amirite lol? JADE: oh yeah JADE: that makes sense i guess........
Jade looks at where her hands are folded in her lap. Bites her lip. She has her own concerns about this, her own thoughts. Reasonable thoughts, I’d say. But I’ll refrain from any further comment. I’m staying away from this subject, from now on.
...yeah, guess Dirk at least had the decency not to spring all that on us before Jade got the opportunity to do it honestly. ]]
Guh, back to Jake suffering in his sad, trapped scenario.  I hope THAT gets at least resolved by the end of this.  Someone save Jake from this, because it looks like he’s not really that capable of saving himself?
Dammit, Jade, I’m cringing at these descriptions of your intrusion.
Oh wow, John went for the mustache.  Guess we knew that from, like, his stuffed statue oldself?
Jade doesn’t pick up on the obvious subtext in the conversation, however, because she’s been willfully undermining the subtext in her own personal life for nearly a year now.
D:  D:  D:
Seriously, Jade, how is what YOU’RE doing any better than what you were frustrated at seeing THEM doing, avoiding the real feelings and truth of anything even if it was conspicuously on body-language display?
It’s like Andrew wants us deprived of even a happy imagined future for Earth C on top of everything else!!!  What the hell! >:(
Is this about politics?  Is Andrew just venting his anger that the Orange Guy is going to get away with ruining everything forever??  Because as understandable as that is, he could at least give us some imaginary happyfutures to look forward to.
Reading on... Hm, yet another intentionally-misused fridging reference.
Yep, that triangle’s fucked.  Wonder if the conversation’s going to transition to the CURRENT triangle’s problems...
...yeah, John using the R word there isn’t far from the fucking truth from the looks of things.
JADE: maybe that would work for a few days, but one thing i learned from dating around a lot in my youth is that no ones going to leave a bad relationship until its THEIR idea to leave
She takes in a shaky breath and shuts her eyes. Her hair spills around her face when she leans forward to put her chin on her knees. Dave and Karkat exchange a look that is equal parts confused, miserable, and desperate.
Oh SHIT.  Is JADE going to be the one to finally vocalize about the problems here???
Something else comes hurtling out of the hole in the sky, too fast for Jade to catch. It hits the ground with a clap of green lightning. The collision sends a geyser of dirt, rock, and vapor into the air. Dave flash-steps to shield Karkat. Jade doesn’t move, taking the brunt of the explosion face on, using her abilities to warp the energy around her so that she’s a mote at the center of the storm. When the dust clears, she’s the first to jump in the crater, trailing smoke behind her.
There’s a body at the center of it. The torso is bloody, tangled, and curled into a fetal position. Its shoes are missing, but otherwise the outfit is quite familiar to her: it’s a dead ringer for her old Witch of Space uniform. Jade touches the body with the toe of her shoe, and then gasps when it rolls over to reveal its face.
JADE: its... JADE: ME???
Okay what the FUCK.  It sounds like there’s going to be some context for that postscript after all.  Something to bridge the gap between when that 16-yo Jade falls into the singularity and when Aradia goes off with her through a wormhole
I’m going to guess up front that this happens BEFORE the postscript... this younger version of Jade fell into the black hole and came out in THIS alternate timeline, possibly rather changed by the experience.  But then again, the way the sky opened up... actually, couldn’t that be just a “natural” manifestation of the black hole abilities encouraged by Calliope or done by the singularity alone, followed by later in the Postscript this Jade actually getting control of it??
And... reading on, from the sound of it, her eyes aren’t black yet, either.  Sounds like that’s to come, before the postscript.  Question being, is it alt!Callie black eyes, or some black-hole-powers visual manifestation?  Wait, never mind, I misread; this teenage Jade-corpse has NOT opened their eyes yet, so they couldn’t possibly tell, and the stuff about them “shaking” was about the adult Jade standing over her.  Never mind.  Let’s see which timeframe this Jade came from.
Page 20...
Stop letting babby not!Vriska bully babby not!Tavros.
Hm... same stupid tooth poison?  No, Jade didn’t get hit with a tooth... so it’s more getting hit with shards of spacetime and spiraling down a black hole.  Also whatever alt!Callie did to just barely keep her alive.
Hm, so the Heart stuff falls apart if you’re too separated from the mass-whole at Light’s center?  That’s certainly a hypothesis at least.
ROXY: sounds like its time for another funeral lmao
And where the fuck is Calliope anyway, she’s just being left in the dust and nobody’s even talked to her from the looks of it.
Hm, cut apart by political differences, this group...?
ROXY: woah ok karkat i get ur all fired up about politics and stuff but lay off gamz ok
JADE: dave what the FUCK did you say to him downstairs?
Oh my god you asshole don’t blame DAVE for this >:(
ROXY: this time next week well corpse party like its the end of the world!
I don’t want to think this has anything to do with Aradia, but we DID see her in that postscript bit...  And, I mean, what the hell could she even do??  It’s not like this Roxy is just Aradia in really convincing cosplay or something.
She leads John and Jake into the building and down the center of the nave, humming happily to herself the entire time. An equally effusive Calliope trails behind her, carrying a bouquet of purple flowers.
Well there’s Callie. What is WITH these hypnotized motherfuckers.  I need a revelation on these shenanigans STAT.
What is with people being bathed in light here?
each time we witness death, we fall in love in with the important people in oUr lives all over again.
Calliope is gazing at Roxy with glassy eyes. She sniffs as she plucks the last petal from her rose. A breeze washes through the cathedral from the crack in the door at the end of the room, brushing the petal off-course and causing it to get stuck in Roxy’s over-sprayed hair. Calliope reaches out with a visibly shaking hand to remove the plant offal, but she does not draw back. Instead, she lets her hand graze down the side of Roxy’s face and cup her cheek. Roxy puts her own hand over Callie’s and holds it.
Uhhh.... huh.
If Roxy was just lying to herself, then............ WHY??????
John tilts his head and squints at the image in front of him. Hmm.
Is John realizing he’s in some sort of fanfic drawn by another character, hence all the people in serene lightbeams at tender but unjustified moments?
Everyone whips their heads around to see, of all people, Aradia hovering in the foyer
(...I hope Aradia didn’t come here, like, from the postscript.  Where the “action” she talked about might have just been this corpse party.  Because that would be pretty fucking lame.)
The description of Human Jesus we all had in our hearts, but were too afraid to voice.
Alright, now we see the body we took our eyes off of.  Is it going to get back up, or did it escape earlier?
since nobody was willing to dislodge the huge, otherworldly shard from her chest
My damn god, people.
...alright finally, everyone’s talking.
JANE: Agreed. I’ve always felt that Kanaya has done an exemplary job of providing a model for compassionate, empathetic behavior, which others of her kind would do well to follow.
CALLIOPE: please. roxy gathered yoU all here for a reason. CALLIOPE: at least listen Until the end. CALLIOPE: after that yoU can argUe all you want.
...Huh.  Huuuuhh.  What the fuck is all this for.  Are you saying ROXY caused this? Or...?
Okay I like this reinforcement she’s making in her speech about how different changes can influence how all of this unfolds, gives me hope that maybe these two cliffhangers aren’t all we’re going to be left with and we’ll be able to at least think of an IMPLIED future different from them if we wanted to like we thought about the seemingly-infinite-possibility original ending of Homestuck that I’d rather have been stuck with than this oh god breathe boots
okay there’s the labor going into good distraction
alright corpse get back up
JADE: i am not jade.
Right, so like the black eyes in the postscript suggested this is more just a... vessel for alt!Calliope now?  To give HER a future beyond the one she sacrificed for that black hole business?  And between alt!Callie’s became-the-black-hole nature and Jade’s Spacey Green Sun connection that’s been singularified, she has access to cool Black Hole powers?  And is gonna do cool shit with them in implied future adventures we won’t see while Aradia gleefully watches the carnage?  Huh.
The congregation watches her go, but no one moves to help her, or even looks in her direction. In her wake, she leaves a primal, echoing wail.
Oh my god why wouldn’t they have just a brief discussion or something IT’S NOT THAT BAD  D:
JADE: and while i cannot say the same thing for the rest of you, JADE: i, at least, am exactly where i am meant to be.
Well fuck.  So she just disconfirmed this timeline as... something.  Relevant, possible, I dunno.
JADE: and i have entered this body to protect your world.
Okay that’s good.  So thanks to alt!Calliope these side timelines where things unfolded differently MAY be preserved.  Pretty fitting given alt!Callie’s origins.
.......unless there’s some other stupid interspecies civil war threat that she’s going to be fighting too, here, when the political situation falls apart.  Dammit.
Terezi talk Terezi talk
-- JOHN EGBERT sent TEREZI PYROPE the photo “ghostrain.jpg” --
TEREZI: WH4T TH3 4CTU4L FUCK JOHN: it started a few days ago. the sky above the capital of the troll kingdom just cracked open and ghosts began raining down everywhere.
Oh my GOD.  So alt!Callie kind of “saved” all the doomed ghosts that got swallowed up in the black hole by redirecting them all to THIS UNIVERSE and timeline???????
That’s pretty interesting!  Heck my stomach’s even calming down!
they can’t even be judges! TEREZI: G4SP
Yeah that’s pretty terrible!
...yep, the resistance WOULD put him in charge.  I had a feeling it may have ended up in that direction in Candy since it wasn’t in Meat.
--oh FUCK YOU Jade for splitting up what he had with Karkat before they could sort it out!!! You did the OPPOSITE OF HELP and neither of them are going to end up happy thanks to you! D:<
PFFF wow, John’s so concerned about babby not!Tavros’s living situation that he’s considering legit kidnapping.  That means things must be pretty fucking bad.
--okay Calliope’s still out and about with Roxy instead of being cooped up in her room like in the other timeline, that’s good.
Pff, trying to redeem Ghost Eridan in front of Ghost Feferi.  Yep, that’s Gamzee.
GAMZEE: fIrSt, A LiTtLe RiGhTeOuS sPlAsH oF tHe NaNnA nEcTaR tO cLeAnSe ThAt DaNkNeSs FrOm YoUr SoUlS...
Gamzee takes out a baby bottle and flicks it, covering them both with little drops of milk, as clergy does with holy water. He then takes a swig from the bottle himself before returning it to his codpiece.
Jesus.  Fucking.  Christ.
I don’t want to believe that what’s in that bottle is what he’s making it sound like it is, but OF COURSE it is.  Why would it be anything else.  I bet there’s not even any Lifey hypnosis going on, it’s just the literal stuff.
The crowd falls silent as they raise their heads to watch a drone ship pass by overhead.
Jegus fuck stop going whole hog condesce janey
ROXY: lmao you worry too much ROXY: janeys got her head on straight shell show you yet
Touching photo.
Alright lemme post split.  I haven’t gotten as far as the last post plowed through since I’ve been typing so much... ah well.
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utt-archived · 5 years
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NAME: Rose
FACECLAIM: The one and only loveable pucca
PRONOUNS: she/her
BIRTHDAY: July 30th
LAST SONG YOU LISTENED  TO:  Marc Anthony, Parecen Viernes
FAVORITE MUSE (S) YOU’VE WRITTEN: This goddess forever and always.
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WHAT  INSPIRED  YOU  TO  TAKE  ON  THIS MUSE: Deep childhood instant best character forever and always love. I’d taken up fanfiction again, most of my stories centered around Ororo and writing the occasional story with and for friends was even more fun than working on my own. So when one of them showed me some x-men rp blogs, there was only one choice. I didn't know much about Tumblr, 0% about rping and wasn't sure my writing would even count as decent or catch anyone's interest, but I had my fanatic love and I was confident in my Storm history if nothing else. 
WHAT  ARE  YOUR  FAVORITE  ASPECTS  OF  YOUR  CURRENT MUSE: She’s so versatile, her experiences run the gambit of heartbreaking to don’t you wish your life was half as fab as mine fantastical. Both in canon and rp and that makes her a pretty open-minded person, also a person that fits well into a lot of different genres and fandoms. She can easily fit into just about any situation and that’s great for a person like me that loves to plot but often needs to wing it cause there’s not enough brain cells atm. I’ve never felt burnt out or bored writing her once. It’s one of many aspects, don’t really have a fav and could talk forever personality-wise.
WHAT’S  YOUR  BIGGEST  INSPIRATION  WHEN  IT  COMES  TO WRITING: I like to go back to my fav arcs or moments in the comics, fav fanfics (works of others and my own), read old threads and things but the people on my dash and that I write with are the biggest inspirations. I’ve been lucky to have interacted with so many talented, funny, kind people. Seeing their work, how much effort they put into their muses, the love they show that’s what makes me want to run a blog rather than going back to solely writing on my own
FAVORITE  TYPES  OF THREADS: Mun and muse hum the loudest when we have a mix of thread types going so can’t say I have a fav. Tho right now I’m lacking ACTION. Anytime I can use Ororo’s combat skills and mutant powers is a great time and I’d like to plot a thing. It could be team up, training, save people before the thing explodes, whatever. I’ll never say no to ship stuff. Dates, nightly slow dances in the kitchen, proposals, babbies, it’s also been forever since I’ve done any smut. I’m probaly hella rusty but I’d like to fix that given the right situation. Just drop the letters AU on me and you’ll instantly have my attention. 
BIGGEST  STRUGGLE  IN  REGARDS  TO  YOUR  CURRENT MUSE: Even the things that can make Ororo a pain in the ass, any fucked up thing she’s done I love about her. The height of fun is reached when I want to steer a thing in one direction but she takes it someplace completely or even just slightly off. The only real struggle ever comes from me, lack of time, lack of energy, lack of skill, lack of confidence. 
Tagged by: @edhelaran (ty <3
Tagging: @everyone :3
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