#BC I NEED TO I NEED TO the desire is ripping its way thru my flesh
lemongogo · 6 months
ork ,, this is super impulsive but i think i might apply to an artist alley and if ..i get in . IFFF!! i think ill Be Strong And Brave and try to table frlsies 🚶 bc i need to stop being scared and jsut freaking do it
but that also means id need to be serious abt drawing in the next few months and i wanted to know what you guys personally look for @ conventions .. do you prefer posters, stickers, charms, etc .. on site commissions ? .. do you look by fandom or are you more interested in art style / presentation .. and in that same vein, what fandoms do you like to see, so on
ik a lot of it comes down to where you table &the demographic there so ofc id prioritize stuff im into like trigun ofCOURSE !! jjk, kny, but like .. if you enjoy dunmeshi or drhdr , bg3 ,, if i need to go back to my bnha roots i stg i will do what it takes if it means being able to open myself up to opportunities like this🙏 HAJAHAHA
but just wondering ^__^ tysm ! hugs , kisses 🫶
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theodoraflowerday · 11 days
im listening to PFA/FFV for the first time in like a month and it's 1am so these are scattered/random thoughts, again it's 1am
when she says "nothing cuts like a mother" FUCKKKKK it gets me every time. if this is what she wants (which, she's said it a lot that she does want to be a mother) then she's gonna be the coolest mom (and I know this bc she practically raised me too so that future child is gonna have to share)
"if you know love you best prepare to grieve" hits so much harder now than it did in 2020. I didn't know how hard real loss felt like. ugh.
okay..... creepin. i genuinely thought it was about the bats in her bat house (and that concept made her laugh #noticed) but if this song really IS about B then jdkgjslgjsljdjfjdkf hayley's such an asshole, this song is SO BAD AJDLSJFLSJFLSJF like "yeah I know T's like the greatest human in the world but the memory's gonna have to be enough" which like..... bruh. AND THEN FOLLOW THAT WITH SUDDEN DESIRE SJFKSLFJDLGKDLGK LIKE NOT ONLY IS HE NOT GETTING BACK W YOU BUT ITS BECAUSE HE'S WITH ME NOW, HERE, HAVE A SEX SONG
tracklist goals ily hayley
speaking of sudden desire, rmr when i was walking thru a bridge when i first heard "everywhere i am it sticks close like a friend, just like him" and I. stopped. and stood in the middle of a random bridge for like a minute processing that she meant taylor. like And That Was The Moment I Knew. I had to try and focus cutting open dead bodies knowing that she meant taylor and I couldn't talk about it because being a tayley was still frowned upon until two years ago...... suffered more than jesus tbh
"dyed my hair blue to match my lips" LYRIC GENIUS
"sorry, I could be the bigger person except I'm too small" is the FUNNIEST possible way to explain your pettiness
I just remembered dousing her wedding doc martens in cement in the dead horse music video......... nvm, hayley is the one who suffered more than jesus
like? "I got what I deserved, I was the other woman first" FIRST OF ALL! no. you were groomed. fuck you pinhead bitch i hope you never stop suffering. second of all 'other woman' YOU WERE SEVENTEEEEEEEEEN YOU WERE A *CHILD*
wherever pinhead bitch is, i hope he gets kidney stones.
remember when I got a rose/lotus/violet/iris tattooed to connect with my femininity and then i ended up being nonbinary/agender/a blob? i mean, I still like my femininity, I don't wanna get rid of it, but in retrospect that was like my last desperate attempt at remaining cisgender dlgjdlfkdlgjdlfjdlfjlf
and i will not return to where i once was, well i can break through the earth, come out soft and wild :(
i spent the weekend at home again :( drawing circles on the floor :( trying to keep myself from hurting :( don't know why anymore :( I just wanna talk about it :( I know I freaked you out :( I just wanna talk about it :( sorry for freaking out :( :( :(
so the way I listen to PFA/FFV is like, PFA through why we ever, then all of FFV, and then resume PFA from pure love through crystal clear. which means FFV is about to hit ahahahaha I need therapy
bro, first thing to go starts and like, two sentences in and im already crying skflsjfldjf
"why do memories glow the way real moments don't" to the entirety of crave....... picture me looking for my car (cause a homie's going thru a lot)
"and I should forget but I love what's left" dude :(
I always forget how violent my limb is. both because of the imagery (like "if you leave you're literally ripping out one of my limbs, that's how vital you are to me") and because of the more direct message ("you look so gentle and innocent but look at what you're doing to me and look how im bleeding out" and also "if you're gonna leave me then have the guts to do it right even if it kills me, don't patronize me") like...... hayley williams you are a fuckin wonder
I don't live for you, I live for me 😃 if only that were true, if only I could prove that on my own I'm worthy 😟
"but if I pull the plug, it isn't only me that I'm holding back" vs "and all the ways I'd keep you safe, I keep you safe from me" bro i shouldn't be doing this at 1am before my period
"all I ever had to say about love is a sad song" NOT ANYMORE YOU DON'T OHOHOHOHOHOHO
over those hills is usually when i remember that hayley did all the instruments on FFV too. like she did the whole thing. she's fucking insane.
"and I'm pretty sure you don't miss the way I put all my demons on display to your pretty music" fuck. FUCK
good grief to me is the saddest breakup song (not the saddest overall but breakup wise def yes) because the great majority of their relationship is based on the music they made together so losing that had to also be horrifying. like she couldn't fully express herself without his music. that's so depressing.
wait on is the saddest song overall btw. it's definitely wait on. it hasn't even started and I'm already tearing up.
seriously, good grief > wait on > KYRH > inordinary > HYD is an attack from every goddamn side. saddest five song run in history.
"keep you right here where the line is, on my fingers, on the surface" I cannot imagine how much it took for hayley to move past all that absurd amount of trauma. like I can't. i could never (i still haven't)
inordinary is my favorite song though. it took me, uh, four years? to admit this but im pretty sure this is my favorite song ever. this is the first time i am ever admitting this btw.
something about pleading to be seen as the most important person and then going through all your life and all the moments you were extraordinary... and using inordinary instead of extraordinary... idk man it just gets me. it gets my former gifted child ass deep in my heart
something something taylor york's absolute inability to take a goddamn compliment despite being the best human being to have ever existed something something
(i got a public commendation at work two days ago and i am still reeling from how awkward I felt so like. I get it)
"I wonder if you ever quit like you wanted, I bet you did" lmao no he fucking didn't. my man's lungs must be charred by this point. sending him that "why smoking's bad for you" book so he can break down in my arms zayn style
I can't imagine how insane it must've felt for T to hear no use I just love you. like if I were him (and knowing his insecure ass) I'd also wonder if she's just latching on to me bc I'm so close to her and convenient so hearing this song must've been like "ah. I've been an idiot"
god I wanna interview them on their ENTIRE relationship timeline i need to know what happened last night outside his house I need to know the whole breakup timeline I wanna know EVERYTHINGGGGGJLGHKLGKG
oh I forgot the full body cringe I get from "not just the friction of our skin" like those are my parents you're talking about
also pure love going "oh I have to open up huh" is HILARIOUS after FFV which is an entire album of H's deepest saddest most depressing thoughts and experiences like.... she opened up all right
the one thing that excites me deeply about fine print is the idea that if hayley releases another solo album she'll do a solo tour and I'll hear all of these live
I can't believe people heard taken and they STILL didn't catch on that she was with taylor. like maybe I am super biased but bro......... you have to be so fr
"do you taste the shame when you lick my wounds" is an insane lyric tho
god, sugar on the rim is the best PFA song and no one can tell me nothin
"I'm alive in spite of me" is also a beast of a lyric actually. that sugar on the rim > watch me while i bloom > crystal clear is also an insane 3 song run
hey remember how crystal clear is so important to hayley that she wrote a reference to it into liar
and it's important because taylor decided to surprise her with the single most romantic thing a person could do for another person
"I won't give into the fear" I'm gonna die perhaps
god hayley please keep the solo stuff coming please
also remember how hayley was like "stop. TAYLOR APPRECIATION TIME" on the US tour and did liar and crystal clear back to back? absurd
ffv always depresses me but crystal clear brings me back like ah yes. they're happy now. good for them
now I need to beat depression too. find the love of my life perhaps? Who knows
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castlehead · 6 years
:a Not which one is right but which one is more like you Let's start now // this is a few makeshifts on the deity,
dint realize y i was gettin poor marks in college till i realized comic sans wasnt mla format for essays, but i kept on with it bc im anti establishment and my dope ass literary insights should speak for themselves.
my 'experimentation' as one nonplussed professor put it, with the font, progressively got crazier, and in the end i was doin all caps zapf wingdings mized wih herculanum
needless to say, i got my degree.. IN BEIN A BOSS.
na but yeah i got kicked out of that school. still bummin on campus actually, and probably psychotic from this ecstasy i keep taking. this guy in f comp makes his own, has a pill press nd everything.
the shoes i original got as a college present from my parents got stolen, or in any case i woke up in a snow drift next to the commons dumpster without them on, so i just wear slippers. my toes are purple. ther always feels like there is something in my teeth or throat i cannot dislodge. i am the campus transient, avoiding th. RAs and ignoring the eviction notices. like raping the willing, one cannot be evicted if one is homeless. with the help of a few friends i sold drugs to when my rents still gave me money and i was still enrolled, i alternate between various dormitory hovels, hiding out from the campus police like some ghastly dysfunctional version of anne frank.
i havent taken my pills and smell. i emaciate my already rejected body, rejected by the establishment goons, with cocaine, and remind myself of the leftover chicken carcass and neatly lined bones whose tomb was a disgusting box of dominos buffalo wings i ordred and consumed my first semester here and that remained in the same place until i abandoned that radioactive dormroom to die slowly and painfully, and metaphorically, since living quarters do not possess life. i am starting tho to wonder if i myself possess that as well or if i did once and now am but a structure, a part of the collegiate landscape, sniffed at by diligent students and attempted to get thru to by intellectual slackers, decadent addicts themselves on their way to where i am, and wooks who need someone to smoke with on a sunday 4 am and know i always keep track of what festis are goin on on campus; i receive the next round of empathy from a new stranger who maybe heard of me or has seen me around and wondered what i was still doing here.
empathy, empathy, curiosity as to the quirky insane dude fried by mdma and a shitload of adderall for no purpose bc i have no practical skills. a monotony of empathy ripping off and using for the metaphorical shit on my metaphorical ass, like swquares of toilet paper who fancy me a hobo poet in need of on top of text books i never opened, on a desk i used as a trash receptacle. and speaking of wings, i think i might be literally going into a dissociative state because all the leaves on the trees look like zapf wingdings. my clavicle is not only visible but sticks out of my body further than my chest does.
watch out for hell day today, for something godlier than god. i deliver it.
The effect I wish to give, as it always has been, is that of a truth clearly viewed, in utter horror. Gods factotum, shuffling thru abandoned files that sometime held a secret forgotten, tho no less true now, and the horror perhaps, that we forgot something so crucially, fundamentally true, and so long ago.
​this work is twisted, sad, manic, strange, fluid, stilted, inappropriate, foolish, magnificent.
if god doesnt exist, neither does the version of myself with dreadlocks
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one has no choice in the end but to resign oneself, and drop their head. and yet, where do they look, if one in shrinking away for the purpose of humbling hisself afore the god of anxiety, and receiving his respite, knows nothing more than but to resign? where is the clarity here? there is no clarity 'here'. it is there, and come upon in moments of fear and trembling at the dread chaos, the doubt in a heart and split in a mind.
it is there, for one is staring at the ground, awaiting an end to the necessary aversion from the sight of a higher morsel of GOD.
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atheism should not be an opinion it is not the result of not believing in god it is simply living life without a thought as to a religious god. we are not reacting to religion we are IN reality just as the catholic is IN reality. saying "I don't believe in god" is like equating nothingness to a lack of everything. there is no reactive state to atheism at its purest. it is not an acknowledgment, in other words, of no god, but an acknowledgment of what is before one's eyes, this vast neutral space I defy you to say is different from the religious folks' apprehension of objects and desires, all before them, swimming in ghostly revelry or not, only figurations anyway. o this insanely divided world.
i have a secular conception of god based on my teleological hypotheses re the nature of a causa prima, causa sui. it's the definitions that need defining, not the thing with a name on it that needs explaining. physics already does that.
remove intent for the case of nihilism, and you will have what i am saying here. no case at all. no 'response' so to speak. atheism can be evangelical
im not an evangelical atheist because what i believe changes based on the day but is always just as real haha. belief is tenuous. i go by that
it's the definitions that need defining, not the thing that needs explaining.
my conception of god is that it is the only thing that does not exist. so in a way, yes, i am an atheist.
'God' as defined in its easiest terms, is an ultimate uniquity. like, an outstanding substance. anyway, idk. at the end of the day idk haha
Kant's own a priori notional form of perception comes to mind. in front of our eyes is what is real. the observer initiates the ocular nerve, and the thing or situation burns into the receiving blankness of the mind.
like, have we reaped all the possible benefits of fire by now? surely the wails of prometheus fall not on deaf ears!
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twisted, sad, manic, strange, fluid, stilted, inappropriate, foolish, magnificent.
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green tortilla chips my ass. he said with no attempt at disguising incredulity, wiping the tears from his brow.
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whereas god is all, i am only myself, knowledgeable of only myself; therefore, unless god is simultaneously aware of being myself alone along with being everything, and of that everything knowledgeable of each and every thing as if god were only that thing, i am then let in on an experience of individuality that god is unaware of.
this is a question of how to be the most purely omniscient, omnipotent, etc. that is the question that our conception of god is asking.
corollary: if in the case of being simultaneously the experience i have of myself, and being all, then it is quite logical to say that our experience in life is in fact a godly experience, since i, too, would be unaware of being all, as goes the route of any human perception of things.
when i say i am only aware of myself i mean it in ontological terms, fyi -and also in, i will admit, somewhat absolutist terms. of course as people, psychologically, we can put ourselves in another's shoes, step outside of our comfort zone, change an opinion [or five] and every person is an environmental sponge -we can adopt varying personality traits from the culture we is born into etc. -this argument presupposes an absolute view, kinda,- in that, IF this were how it went, it wld go such nd such -this statement of mine does not examine a phenomenological or spiritual connection between people but examines the relativity and possible logical gaps in -the idea, or notion if you prefer- of omniscience.- there is only theory haha <#
we create our gods but they exist as much as we do
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turn your back, find yourself faceless, at least, to someone.
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wondering if I got a problm w. th prostate bc sometimes when I feel a shit coming I piss n it goes away. Don't change much re bathroom routine tho since I already sit down wen I pee in the first place, and according to my second ex wife this means I am a lazy fat whore
interested in the concept of the devout as being the truest sceptics.
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Thought has the coherence of being but is not being, i.e. beginning and ending in our living heads as something not itself alive, but a mere transfer of connection willed consciously to create that inert unbreathing grand called the magnificent bullshit, the idea.
the quiet horror of the mundane dailyness.
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i think something elitist and say within, Well that was elitist wasnt it, dan. then pat myself on the back at my ability to check my arrogance, specifically when i see the thought thru the lens of something a cousin of mine with generally liberal views and empathy who fishes in alaska for money and lives off the grid would remark to himself. then, i get slightly nauseated after mentally leafing thru all the times i have been proud of mentally criticizing myself for something in the first place outwardly bad. and there goes on the circular drudge of ugliness, not evaded outright, but felt the pangs of guilt in the says within, that say me again and again in my inertial brood, of void i would hope, of searching for clarity i wish, but that is probably more like a moralizing, limited gauge, like feeling better about something ugly that is yr fault by feeling bad about it for a little so you can get that part over with without the possibility of another harder wave of guilt for not feeling bad at all about the ugly thing, and therewith reacting with doubts to doubtful reactions, until yr whole value system is a wilderness of mirrors.
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im a perfectionist when it comes to sensation. the beautiful feeling must be experienced in the proper setting that would maximize its potential. i think this is y i used to do lots of drugs, which by nature are the commodification of sensations. probably also y i was super miserable doing them and kept doing them despite that. there is a certain ring of the hoarder or magpie in this perfectionism that wants to connect physicality with ego that i see as well in the idea of paying money to literally feel specific sensations; equally, the result of this on the psyche is as tenuous here as with the futile idea of thinking the perfect setting for doing drugs is always at hand, which it rarely is, or at the least there is something to mar the perfect dream, that dragon, that pursuit of happiness, life, and liberty via thinking on how best situate the chains to, in essence, 'maximize' your mobility, but nathless remaining held in doom. the drug world, uh, is itself volatile; perfectionism and volatility dont jive so well, usually. and so on. hm. hegh.
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I only like Eminem rap and that one NWA song like hell naw the rest is garbage now let me go back to my trailer in the woods where I live in harmony with the Elves who have seemed to appear more frequently now that I have that bathtub meth dungeon set up in my basement where skynerd plays ceaselessly from an unlocatable place. My hero is Ed Gein. But I don't do the lampshade thing. I do however have a human skull I bought from my buddy who owns a war relics and parephernalia shop, he had to go in the back to get it and lock the store so nobodys would come snoop. Turns out some folks comed snoop to see if he figured any more available and he got mad at me for blabbing, an I said, Giles, ya know I ain't blabbing, but he dint believe it, an now we just kinder avoid each other at the local NA meetin. People tryn cop there and some do and theys go behind the water tower tagitit, I int do that part tho, a tad fucked up I mean, these people try n getting clean an all, why make it harder n it eyis? But if y'all wanit I get it tiya, come by and share a chaw almighty God. Gib ye a gude price too. *PATOOEY* I. Uh am sober myself. 20 yrs. but damn ye ye make a buck more n working garbage detail selling home cooked meth I reckon ye. Don't touch the stuff I don't anymore after I heard this queer fella from out a town got his arm chopped off when he mainlined eyit. Tryn I guess do some sex stuff and a days travel from the city. City folk don't know it's diffeRent strength down here's doe. I reckon. *MEDITATIVE PATOOEY* yes sirn. Huhm.
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The thing abt the Sex Pistols is, tho they engineered the punk genre immeasurably, they seem to no longer be in the cultural conversation, except within factions of grey haired aficionados. Even the more radio friendly The Clash seems notably absent in this regard. Has punk developed beyond its early stages, or is punk, being the genre that it is, dependent on whatever the moments youth zeitgeist is? punk is visceral because it is held in time this way. first gen punk, cbgbs headliners of ago and ago, do not exert these days the same walbreaking feel, bc I think there's so much virtuosic music being made today that the path of what will develop is harder to determine. Musicians in throes break down walls without batting an eye. Any musical iconoclasm expressed in the music of the past, then, especially to the contemporary ear, is bound to seem bathetic. Like microaggressions as expressions of racism, our society's opening of mind leads to a closed mind, as one can justify not being racist by simply saying they do not think they are better than marginalized peoples, have never done anything racist, think we are all equal, are not clansmen lol. what ruffles feathers is less obvious, in turn, bc expressions of the ersatz new and the real new are harder and harder to determine. The surplus of media, ideas, and opinions, I think, will lead us to a place where "cultural norm" becomes an oxymoron, hopefully. But then, what else will be left to invigorate, if so much is already so much done out, already? Does there exist a perspective, artistic or no, that is not liable to become passé? Or even some thought never thought before? I know there is, I for one know there is, because as a poet I see much to fix, and much that I work to do bc I see it nowhere else; and this most crucially is not an impression of mine based on today's lit but every days lit there has ever been, throughout history. Just I can literally not even yo, yo
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Mathsmatics can transcend thru the grandeur of its implications but not thru the means towards said implications; philo can do the same, but it's better penchant is for transcending thru means to electrify a mundane conclusion or give a system of reason to a general thought-trope such as, "reality is an illusion" or whichever flat idea u prefer to follow. Since it is pure logos, philo differs from math in being more readily universal; tho the applications of math are more readilly useful than the positives that come with mental clarity at the understanding an achieved unified system. Poetry is all means, so then must dazzle, and needs no evidence, conclusion, or even subject, but need only sway with beauty. Therein is the problem with the existential issue of selfhood. Reductive analysis of self becomes psych, and the only pure philo to be had in selfhoods exegesis is not to be found in anything like a system of proofs or syllogisms, etc. selfhood, as Kierkegaard recognized, is poetic bc it exacerbates reality, exhausts all of it. it is individual, and so copious a thing has no one forged path to what it is, or even any path at all, to what it is, since like Pascals God the self is a circle whose point is everywhere and circumference nowhere. Figuring out a reality via a teleology or thru logic is nicer to attempts at systems. But individual self is too mucky for any proof to say it exists; the murkiness shines, as it always does, when the means are prevalent, since the means, being held moment to moment, rely on nothing but expose a variety of paths to more variety. Philo then is better at least than Math for finding out something obfuscated, but nothing but poetry can so deeply probe the self, as its humility is lain in the respect for a complete dissembling of systems.
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the iconic ny jewish deli sandwich is in essence a robust mountain of roast beef held feebly between two unnecessary pieces of sad, chickenshit marble rye
the roast beef, of course, wld be kosher.
I create; I waste. Yet nothing is perfect, nothing, nothing. Not even dignity.
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photonconductor · 7 years
i dont have an ao3 but shout out to my homeboys
once upon there was a gay on th e moon bc of a really lovng alternate au idea where elc turened BAD and klaus had a 1000 year nap and it'd take too long to fucking explain this so just roll with it ok. this gay--its elcrest btw hes also a Bad Boy now; he rly likes hot topic and thinks those t shirts with sarcastic sayings are actually rly funny but we all know they aren't--was feleing emo bc he couldn't see his bf xen o bc he betrayed him. so he stayed in his room whining abt how fgay he was until eve showed up
"hey whats wrong elc mother is here for u" even tho shes like 5000 years old and looks like shes 2 and also a rock (but im not rockist guys i promise). elc looked at her with his optics shining in the pale argentate light. good thing hes the seme here bc otherwise he'd start crying. in reality he rly wanted to fucking bone xeno bc obviously they had a lot of gay sex b4 they tried to kkill his mom once nad staring at rocks all day kinda sucks.
a;so burnign alive but hes kind of over that phase.
"im sad my bf left me for 1000 years can i pls go back to earth my raging hard on can't be satisfied bc rocks. my dicks not a jack hammer even tho im jacking it all the time (thats what guys do right bitch i dont know)" eve was so offended she put her hands on her giant rock self thats not just herself. its rly fucking complicated shut up u came here for the gay sex not instructibles on how physical forms manifest.
"we dont say ROCKS in this household young man!!!!"
"BUT MOOOMMMMM sorry i forgot to turn off my seme voice lemme adjust my mic it happens when my dick is hard" elcrest coughed twice "ok sounds good, BUT MOM I RLY NEED TO NUT. YOU KNOW NUT I'M SAYING... ITS ALL OR NUTTING BUT MOSTLY NUTTING IN XENO'S SWEET HOT BUNS"
"stop talking abt nuts u disgusting boy fine, god, if u leave me alone u gaylord"
and then eve punched him so hard in the dick that elcrest landed on earth in a giatn crater. how hes still alive is bc he still had some continues left like in mario even though this is a srpg game. once elc recovered he struck a pose and laughed evilly while twirling his mustache.
"finally...... I have RETURNED for xeno's hot man breasts! the world cannot stop me now!!" he cackly cackkled and quickly ripped off the fake mustache he put on just for this one scene. then elc went on a quest to find where klaus was and bc the author is too lazy to write any tansitional scenes.
elc found him chilling in his bed reading a book that was called Sweets and You: Do sweets make u inherantly Gay? elcrest made the PFFT noise. ofc they make u gay, fuckiing idiot book. he could write better than that author. in fact, elcrest was gonna do that when he got home bc obviously if this trash is published any shit elc wrote would be good.
NO! he had to focus! but he couldnt stop staring at xenos man boobs and felt his dick get hard again. elc got a nose bleed too bc thats what happens in anime right. i played persona 4 i know what im about
"damn u xeno." elc said thru his nosebleed and klaus looked up bc the author cant fucking rmemeber who is klaus and who is xeno and was surprised i remmebred his name but could not remember remember the 5th of novemember
"XENO IT IS I" since h e was caught red handed he just kickflipped through the window anyway. he did a sick flip then stood in the middle of klauses room. klaus made a gay gaspp
"alto! what are u doing hre!?" klaus said, bc in this AU that was his codename. elc wanted to be currently doing that but eve said no. fuck his mom. except please dont bc i know you sick fucks are thinking abt it.
"I HAVE COME TO BRING YOU BACK TO THE GAY SIDE, XENO WE HAVE COOKIES. bc i really miss that bammin slammin bootilicious sex we used 2 have and you are in fact bammin slammin bootilicious. also have u heard the word and gospel of our savior mother" elc said gayly
"dude no please stop preaching in my house im a changed man now" xeno pirouetted out of bed
"cmon man im ur seme u cant refuse we made like a yaoi blood oath u cant go back on ur word" elc pushed him back on thebed bc he'd have his ass yet anyway so no real use getting up. bc what is consent anyway hes Bad
"o shit really huh" klaus paused in thougt and bad elc laughed evilly. his plan was working!! all he had 2 do was the final touches! i mean besides touching xenos dick or whatever we're not yet. sorry u have to suffer for ten more paragraphs for sweat boy on boy. elc then turned around an produced a kitty keyboard from the recesses of his coat tails. xeno made the :O face and elc sat down bc playing while standing rly fuckin g sucks
"i wrote this for u on the moon so you'll be hypnotized by my sick beats" then he pulled the mic out of the keyboard and made a sick beatbox noise. No i dont know what the fuck it sounds like just google it. klaus blushued and made another gay gasp and elc made the >:3 face
then be started to play the piano keyboard. he was playing cruel angel thesis, their theme song that they had decided at 1am while xeno was drunk af.  it was their theme song despite none of them speaking fucking japanese but they just felt it in their SOULS. it was rly gay. elc was going so fucking hARD that his hard on was getting 40 hard ons. and thats four tens the hard ons. and its rad.
except the ebst part was it was all in meows so it spoke 2 klaus' furry soul.
klaus nyaed softly in surprise and suddenly all his memories of being xneo were restored!!! he gave into the desire that he craved in his soul and opened his big man arms bc for some reaon everyone thinks dudes are thirsty af. dont ask me why
"elc1!1 pls take me!! but be gentle my ass hasnt been ravaged in 1000 years (sick reference to hilda and altos magical wedding night by sorunort like, comment, subscribe for more sick referneces like this one)" xeno mewled like afucking furry and elc nodded once. xeno walked up to elc an touched his man boob sensually even tho xeno is like 60 feet taller than elc just imagine it ok
elc now has sunglasses just bc i think its a funny image
"xeno...... lets do it" elc said softly
"o h elc senpai......." xeno meowed
"and i'll keep my sunglasses on bc i hate the sun #moonlifeforever" and xeno gayzed into his emotion shields sensuallyier. then elc kissed him passionately and their tongues battled for dominance but we all know klaus is a fucking bottom bitch as stated in hilda and altos magical wedding night by sorunort paragraph 17 and 18 bc it was a dialogue.
then elc ripped off his clothes bc hes fucking JACKED and jACKED OFF and xeno gay gasped forlike the third time in this fic. elc was fuckign shredded. legends told of his abs but this time it was real. almost like the fact that shaved ice flavors dont actually exists the syrup is just food coloring.  his dong dangled in the breeze and xeno was turned tf on so he took off his clothes too bc hes not a god damn animal god whats wrong with u elc.
except elc didnt take off the sunglasses like he promised so those were still on dont worry readers i got you covered.
"get on ur knees dude and give me a wet willy but like on my dick" elc demanded
"wtf no"
"dude u cant say no its a smutfic"
"ok yeah i guess i kinda do like sucking dick or somethign"
"PREPARE TO EAT YOUR LAST DICK, XENO" elc cackcled and then xeno succed his dick like no tomorrow. elc practically creamed right there bc he couldnt get his rocks off on the moon for 1000 years (hahaha no im not gonna stop makign rock jokes). also xeno has no gagreflex bc he succed dick like a thousand times. once that was over elc just punched his dick in xenos hot cross buns and xeno meowed again
"why are u still a furry after 1000 years" elc asked but continued to Ravage The Promised Ass
"do u nyat like it erucu-kun???" xeno purred and elc shook his head
"no ur still banging its ok"
NUT THEN (i wanted to write but but i typoed and decided to keep it its funnier this way) xenos ass started 2 glow with a new holy light
"WHAT tHE FUCK" elc yelled
"my ass was actually the only way we could turn u good again! the more u fuck me the gooder u are!" and elc gasped gayily! no! his plan was working against him! he could alredy feel the goodness (haha get it bc fucking is hot i guess) turning him good! he had 2 pull out but found he couldnt. xeno was just too bammin slammin bootlicious
"HOW DARE YOU TRICK, I, ELCREST THE CONDICKTOR" he roared and xeno was tuned on again bc roaring is prolly a furry thign im not a furry im sorry
"it was for ur own good elc bc i love you!" xeno dokied so hard there were shoujo sparkles and even elc got shoujo sparkles. his azure optics glew like stella glow and u could almost see constellations in them. except there were sunglasses so u couldnt actually see it but the reader can. xneo was right. he was his tru  love..... not the Mother..... his mom was lame anyway all she did was talk to rocks
"xeno.............." elc said wiwstfully before bangin xeno harder. their bangin was so intense everyone could hear it in the kngihts barraks. it was so loud that even ana in her coma woke up for like a second to be like The Gays are At It Again. soon enough the banging was sucessful. elc glew in a beautiful magical girl ligtht and he was become good again. xeno shed a single tear but licked it away
"im cured! xeno ur ass did it! plus that was hot" elc smiled and im pretty sure xeno cried bc look at that man. hes so beautiful. please take the $2 from my purse. they embraced in a gay way. it was cute and xeno did a thumbs up and ana's face appeared at 20% opacity in the bg and she was also winking
"elc i am so glad u are back and i love u" then they made out. for a rly long time too bc theyre so fucking GAY good lord how could stella glow keep this under wraps. then they decidd they had to punch eve in the rock bc she was a dickw hile elc was being emo and stuff. BUT FIRST, xeno got porked lke 80 more times b4 then bc 1000 years does a lot do u.
the end remember to like, comment, subscribe for more fics like this one, seeya
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