#BIM 2015
fanhackers · 4 months
On Thirsty Audiences
Dramatic literature and theatre is my first field: though I was a fan before I was anything else, I wasn’t a fan studies scholar till later in my career.  But, like many academics, my interest in the subjects I’ve studied borders on fannish interest, and so theatre is one of my fandoms.
Kirsty Sedgwick is a major figure in audience studies, and she’s recently crossed over from academia into more general public intellectual spaces with her latest book, On Being Unreasonable: Breaking the Rules and Making Things Better (Faber & Faber, 2023.)  There’s always been an overlap between fan studies and audience studies, and Sedgwick is a scholar of theatre audiences. Her work frequently questions the rules (explicit and implicit) of being an audience member and asks who those rules exclude: for instance, mothers with small children. In her 2018 book, The Reasonable Audience: Theatre Etiquette, Behaviour Policing, and the Live Performance Experience, Sedwick talks about the ways in which behavior standards can be sexist, racist, ableist, and otherwise exclusionary of the very diversity of audience members that theatre-makers claim that they want to attract.
I thought that I would highlight a different essay from Sedgwick’s oeuvre: 2018’s “How can we talk about ‘thirst’ in theatre?” written for Exeunt magazine.  In it, Sedgwick talks about the ways in which women are seen to enjoy theatre for the “wrong” reasons, stinking up lobbies with their love of Benedict Cumberbatch or Hugh Jackman or Tom Hiddleston or Kit Harrington. Sedgwick describes how  “the fear of female audiences reached its peak recently in the handsome-celebrities-onstage trend – like when the theatresphere nervously anticipated how swarms of Benedict Cumberbatch fans might ruin the star’s 2015 Hamlet with their tardiness and addiction to instagram, or when Tom Hiddleston’s fans were criticized for “colonizing the pavement” after Coriolanus.  Sedgwick argues that “the real mystery is how theatres have been able to get away for so long with using the desires of girls to fill their seats while simultaneously shaming them for it.“ 
Sedgwick also argues that not all forms of thirst are equal, and that while male thirst can be dangerous because of how it keeps women down, “female thirst almost always operates to build men up.” In particular, she cites the ways in which fans work to “give underappreciated actors of colour the attention they deserve.” She quotes Bim Adewunmi and Nichole Perkins of the Thirst Aid Kit podcast talking about John Cho.  The podcasters explain that:
“every time we saw him, we’d say, ‘Oh my gosh, he’s so amazing, he’s so hot.’ We really wanted to give him some shine. We see you–not just because you’re beautiful, but because we see what you’re doing on and off screen, and we want to amplify that.” 
Sedgwick concludes that “If male thirst simplifies women to bits of flesh, then female thirst tends to be all about fleshing out the person inside,” and concludes that thirst can be radical. The whole article is worth a read, as is much of Sedgwick’s other work.
–Francesca Coppa, Fanhackers volunteer
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onvaretarderdemain · 10 days
Il y a 7 8 ans avec une copine on s'était dit qu'on irait dans un resto ethiopien un jour.
Et ça c'est jamais fait parce qu'entre temps elle s'est marié, a eu des enfants (dont un en situation de handicap) et son mari ne veut pas qu'elle sorte le soir.
Et hier soir mon copain m'a invité dans un restaurant ethiopien. Et j'ai mis une petite story sur insta et ça m'a pote la pas du tout digéré.
Au départ elle disait des trucs d'y style je suis choquée, tu la fait sans moi etc et j'ai pris ça à la légère, pas trop au sérieux et je lui ai dit que c'était mon copain qui m'avait invité. Et de la ses msg c'était oui il t'a invité mais c'est toi qui a choisi le resto (alors que pas du tout).
Et ça m'a énervé parce que on parle d'un truc dil y a 7 8 ans, la dernière fois où elle a été disponible pour un repas en dehors de chez elle ça devait être en 2015, et à aucun moment elle m'a demandé comment avait été ma soirée, si le resto était bon.
Je fais rarement des story insta et la je partage un moment et bim on me tombe dessus pour un truc de merde.
Et pourtant je lui ai dit que j'aurai aimé qu'elle me demande si j'avais aimé ce resto, qu'elle demande qu'on le fasse ensemble une prochaine fois mais elle m'a même pas calculé.
Et ça c'est le genre d'attitude qui fait que je m'éloigne.
Sinon le resto c'était Ethiopia dans le 11e arrondissement de Paris (et on y mange très bien)
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messersschneide · 6 months
In interessanten Zeiten leben
Wisst ihr, was man im alten Rom früher sagte, wenn man jemandem ganz höflich und diskret einen schlechten Tag wünschen wollte? „Mögest du in interessanten Zeiten leben.“
Es gibt einen Tagebucheintrag von einem jungen Mädchen aus dem Jahre 1969, sie schrieb, dass sie in einem Kulturzentrum gewesen war, in gelben Cordhosen und einer Bluse, Ian hatte sie nicht beachtet, aber irgendjemand hatte ihr Schmuck in die Tasche gelegt, vermutlich Nicholas, UGH, so ein Creep, dieser Nicholas, schrieb sie, und ach ja: es gab 'ne Mondlandung.
Als es die Mondlandung gab, war ich noch nicht auf der Welt.
Als es die Anschläge auf das World Trade Center gab, war ich schon auf der Welt, aber noch nicht in Deutschland. Ich bin 2002 mit meiner Mutter eingewandert, damals gab es die Einladung an Russlanddeutsche sowie Menschen mit jüdischen Wurzeln aus den ehemaligen GUS-Staaten. Eine Art Reparation. Die Welt zu Gast bei Freunden.
Als 2006 zur Fußball-WM die Welt zu Gast bei Freunden war, war ich gerade vom Gymnasium geflogen.
Als Deutschland 2014 Fußball-Weltmeister wurde, klammerte ich mich an die Schultern meiner damaligen Partnerin, iranischer Vater, deutsche blonde Mutter, und weinte, und man klopfte an die Fenster ihres Autos und rief uns zu, Deutschland habe gewonnen, Deutschland sei Meister, Deutschland, Deutschland, Deutschland.
Als 2015 die PEGIDA-Demos (wer erinnert sich noch an PEGIDA) schon wieder weniger wurden, habe ich einen Auftragstext gegen PEGIDA geschrieben, es war ein verächtlicher Text, wie die meisten, wir nannten sie „Wahnmache“, wir nahmen sie nicht ernst, man müsse ja nun wirklich nicht mehr auf Bühnen nach Zustimmung heischen mit einem „Nazis doof“-Text vor einem Publikum, das genauso progressiv und gebildet und rundum gut ist wie wir selbst. Und Nazis sind dumm, deswegen berichtigten wir damals auf Facebook ihre Grammatik.
Als im Februar 2020 in Hanau ein rechtsradikaler Attentäter eine Shisha-Bar stürmte und neun Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund erschoss, hat die BILD-Zeitung geschrieben, dass es sich um eine sogenannte „Milieutat“ durch Russen handeln musste. Am nächsten Tag fand das Kölner Karneval statt.
Ich habe keine Ahnung, was ich an diesem Tag gemacht hatte. Ich habe nie Tagebuch geführt, so interessant ist mein Leben nicht. Wahrscheinlich Katzenvideos geschaut und Flusen aus meinem Bauchnabel gezogen. Wahrscheinlich das gleiche wie das, was ich einen Monat später im Corona-Lockdown gemacht hatte. Ich konnte es mir leisten, mich in interessanten Zeiten zu langweilen.
Wisst ihr noch, wo ihr wart, als der Faschismus wiederkehrte?
Wenn der Faschismus wiederkehrt, wird er nicht sagen: „Ich bin der Faschismus“, sondern: „Ich bin der Anti-Faschismus“. Das sagte der italienische Schriftsteller Ignazio Silone 1978.
Das hat der italienische Schriftsteller Ignazio Silone vermutlich nie so gesagt.
Es gibt keine stichhaltigen Beweise, nur eine halb erinnerte Anekdote aus dem Buch eines Bekannten, nur einen lange nicht korrigierten Eintrag auf Wikipedia, nur ein Meme, ein Meme, ein Meme. Italienische Schriftsteller haben mehr Autorität, aber an Memes erinnert man sich besser.
Wenn der Faschismus wiederkehrt, wird er nicht sagen: „Ich bin der Faschismus“, sondern, dass man die große Gefahr des Linksextremismus unbedingt ernst nehmen müsste, sich vor einem Linksruck schützen, linke Gewalttaten brennende Autos und Mülltonnen schwarzer vermummter Mob links links links.
Wenn der Faschismus wiederkehrt, wird er nicht sagen: „Ich bin der Faschismus“, sondern: „Brennende Flüchtlingsheime sind kein Akt der Aggression, sondern ein Akt der Verzweiflung gegen Beschlüsse von oben.“, und: „Hitler und die Nazis sind nur ein Vogelschiss in über 1.000 Jahren erfolgreicher deutscher Geschichte.“
Wenn der Faschismus wiederkehrt, wird er nicht sagen: „Ich bin der Faschismus“, sondern: „I bims, der Faschismus“, denn wir haben 2017. 2017 zog die AfD zum ersten Mal in den Bundestag ein, als drittstärkste Kraft.
Wenn der Faschismus wiederkehrt, wird er nicht sagen: „Ich bin der Faschismus“, sondern: wir müssen die AfD mit den besseren Argumenten entzaubern, wir müssen den Dialog aufrechterhalten, wir müssen die Ängste der Bürger ernst nehmen.
Wenn der Faschismus wiederkehrt, wird er nicht sagen: „Ich bin der Faschismus“, sondern: „Wir müssen die Grenzen dicht machen und dann die grausamen Bilder aushalten“ und „Wir müssen endlich im großen Stil abschieben“. Einer dieser Sätze stammt von Alexander Gauland von der AfD, einer von Olaf Scholz, SPD, amtierender Bundeskanzler. Ich sage aber nicht, welcher.
Als sich führende Persönlichkeiten der Neuen Rechten, hochrangige Politiker und ihre Unterstützer aus der Wirtschaft in Potsdam trafen, gab es deutschlandweit Demonstrationen. 250.000 Teilnehmende insgesamt. Nie wieder ist jetzt.
Als der Faschismus 1933 zum ersten Mal einkehrte, gingen 150.000 Menschen in Berlin auf die Straße. Fünf Tage später wurde Adolf Hitler zum Reichskanzler ernannt.
Als ich die Schilder auf den „Nie wieder ist jetzt“-Demos gesehen habe, die Kacheln auf Instagram, stand in einigen davon: „Gegen AfD, weil ich Döner mag“. Wir brauchen Fachkräfte, wer stutzt euch den Bart, wer sticht den Spargel, wer wischt eurer dementen Oma den Arsch. Die Welt zu Gast bei Freunden, zu Gast, zu Gast, zu Gast.
Wenn der Faschismus wiederkehrt, wird er sagen: „Immerhin haben wir jetzt so viele Ausländer im Land, dass sich ein Holocaust mal wieder lohnen würde.“
Wenn der Faschismus wiederkehrt, wird er genau das sagen: „Ich bin der Faschismus“. Er wird lange genug gewartet haben. Er ist geduldig. Er war nie wirklich weg gewesen.
Ich bin 2002 mit sieben Jahren nach Deutschland gezogen. Mein Deutsch ist perfekt. Wenn ich wollte, könnte ich in den sozialen Medien die Rechtschreibung von Nazis korrigieren. Ich habe keine Angst. Ich habe lange keine Angst gehabt. Ich konnte es mir leisten, mich in interessanten Zeiten zu langweilen.
Ich bin migrantisch, aber immerhin weiß und mit deutschem Pass, ich bin bisexuell, aber immerhin nicht lesbisch und nicht transgender, ich bin psychisch krank, aber kann mich gut verstellen, ich habe jüdische Wurzeln, aber immerhin nur großväterlicherseits, ich bin gebildet, integriert, ich gehöre zu Den Guten. Ich bin ein Frosch im langsam aufkochenden Wasser, es ist warm, es ist nicht einmal unangenehm. Es ist alles in Ordnung, ich würde nicht zu den ersten gehören, die man an die Wand stellt.
Wenn der Faschismus wiederkehrt, was werdet ihr sagen?
Was werdet ihr tun?
Wann stellt man euch an die Wand?
Und wenn nicht euch, dann eure Freundinnen und Freunde, eure Partnerinnen und Partner, eure Familie, eure Nachbarn?
Vielleicht habt ihr sie nicht. Vielleicht habt ihr nichts zu verlieren als euren liebsten Dönermann. Dann bleibt der Topf, in dem wir kochen, für euch eben ein Whirlpool. Es ist kalt in Deutschland, es ist deutsch in Kaltland.
Bis ihr wieder sagen müsst, dass ihr ja im Widerstand wart, wie man es von euch erwartet.
Wenn der Faschismus wiederkehrt, weiß ich, was ich sagen werde. Diese Geschichte wird nicht mit meinem, nicht mit unserem Blut geschrieben.
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alexlacquemanne · 1 year
Quand la Panthère rose s'emmêle (The Pink Panther Strikes Again) (1976) de Blake Edwards avec Peter Sellers, Herbert Lom, Leonard Rossiter, Colin Blakely, Lesley-Anne Down, André Maranne, Michael Robbins et Burt Kwouk
Le Dimanche de la vie (1967) de Jean Herman avec Danielle Darrieux, Jean-Pierre Moulin, Olivier Hussenot, Françoise Arnoul, Berthe Bovy, Anne Doat, Hubert Deschamps et Jean Rochefort
Romance inachevée (The Glenn Miller Story) (1954) de Anthony Mann avec James Stewart, June Allyson, Henry Morgan, Charles Drake, George Tobias et Barton MacLane
La Canonnière du Yang-Tsé (The Sand Pebbles) (1966) de Robert Wise avec Steve McQueen, Richard Attenborough, Richard Crenna, Candice Bergen, Marayat Andriane et Makoto Iwamatsu
Deux Heures moins le quart avant Jésus-Christ (1982) de Jean Yanne avec Coluche, Michel Serrault, Jean Yanne, Michel Auclair, Françoise Fabian, Mimi Coutelier et Darry Cowl
Le Dernier Voyage (2020) de Romain Quirot avec Hugo Becker, Paul Hamy, Lya Oussadit-Lessert, Jean Reno, Bruno Lochet et Émilie Gavois-Kahn
Le Dernier Métro (1980) de François Truffaut avec Catherine Deneuve, Gérard Depardieu, Heinz Bennent, Jean Poiret, Andréa Ferréol, Paulette Dubost, Jean-Louis Richard et Maurice Risch
Les cadavres ne portent pas de costard (Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid) (1982) de Carl Reiner avec Steve Martin, Rachel Ward, Carl Reiner, Reni Santoni, George Gaynes, Barbara Stanwyck, Ava Gardner, Burt Lancaster, Humphrey Bogart, Cary Grant et Ingrid Bergman
Docteur Folamour ou : comment j'ai appris à ne plus m'en faire et à aimer la bombe (Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb) (1964) de Stanley Kubrick avec Peter Sellers, George C. Scott, Sterling Hayden, Keenan Wynn, Slim Pickens, Peter Bull et Tracy Reed
Un homme est passé (Bad Day at Black Rock) (1955) de John Sturges avec Spencer Tracy, Robert Ryan, Anne Francis, Dean Jagger, Walter Brennan, John Ericson, Ernest Borgnine et Lee Marvin
Le Monde, la Chair et le Diable (The World, The Flesh and the Devil) (1959) de MacDougall avec Harry Belafonte, Inger Stevens et Mel Ferrer
La Belle Saison (2015) de Catherine Corsini avec Izïa Higelin, Cécile de France, Noémie Lvovsky, Kévin Azaïs, Lætitia Dosch et Benjamin Bellecour
Le Grand Embouteillage (L'ingorgo) (1979) de Luigi Comencini avec Annie Girardot, Fernando Rey, Miou-Miou, Gérard Depardieu, Ugo Tognazzi, Marcello Mastroianni, Stefania Sandrelli, Alberto Sordi, Orazio Orlando, Gianni Cavina, Harry Baer et Ángela Molina
Ariane (Love in the Afternoon) (1957) de Billy Wilder avec Gary Cooper, Audrey Hepburn, Maurice Chevalier, Van Doude, John McGiver et Lise Bourdin
Voici le temps des assassins (1956) de Julien Duvivier avec Jean Gabin, Danièle Delorme, Gérard Blain, Lucienne Bogaert, Germaine Kerjean, Gabrielle Fontan et Jean-Paul Roussillon
Castle Saison 1, 2
Des fleurs pour ta tombe - Jeunes Filles au père - Amis à la vie, à la mort - Sexe, Scandale et Politique - Calcul glacial - La Piste du vaudou - Crimes dans la haute - Mémoires d’outre-tombe - Où est Angela ? - Double face - La Mort à crédit - Quitte ou Double - L'Enfer de la mode - L'Escroc au cœur tendre - L'auteur qui m'aimait - Pour l'amour du sang - Dernières paroles
Coffre à Catch
#113 : Unforgiven 2008 : Matt Hardy will not die ! - #114 : Matt Hardy champion, les débuts de Jack Swagger ! - #115 : La ECW, c'est bien, mais avec Vianney c'est mieux ! - #116 : Maryse : Pourquoi es-tu si belle? - # 117 : All Star Main Event + Gérard Lenorman !
James May : Notre Homme au Japon
Allez ! - Chou farci - Déodorant - Salut Bim ! - Le garçon de la pêche - Prune salée
Friends Saison 8
Celui qui venait de dire oui - Celui qui avait un sweat rouge - Celui qui découvrait sa paternité - Celui qui avait une vidéo - Celui qui draguait Rachel - Celui qui perturbait Halloween - Celui qui voulait garder Rachel - Celui qui engageait une strip-teaseuse - Celui qui avait fait courir la rumeur - Celui qui défendait sa sœur - Celui qui ne voulait pas aller plus loin - Celui qui passait une soirée avec Rachel - Celui qui découvrait les joies du bain - Celui qui découvrait le placard secret - Celui qui visionnait la vidéo de l'accouchement - Celui qui avouait tout à Rachel - Celui qui voyait dans les feuilles de thé - Celui qui était trop positif
Inspecteur Barnaby Saison 8
Un cri dans la nuit - Les Régates de la vengeance - Requiem pour une orchidée - Pari mortel - Double vue - Le Saut de la délivrance - L'assassin est un fin gourmet - Rhapsodie macabre
L'agence tous risques Saison 4, 5
Qui est qui ? - Cowboy George - La roue de la fortune - Services en tous genres - Club privé - Harry a des ennuis - Un monde de fou - La mission de la paix - Les orages du souvenir - Un témoin capital : 1re partie - Condamnation : 2e partie - Exécution : 3e partie - Match au sommet - Théorie de la révolution - Mort sur ordonnance - Une vieille amitié
Columbo Saison 2
Rançon pour un homme mort - Requiem pour une star
Les Petits Meurtres d'Agatha Christie Saison 3
Jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare - Meurtres du troisième type
Affaires Sensibles
Algues vertes : le danger qui empoisonne la Bretagne - James Jesus Angleton : paranoïa à la CIA - THE GRIM SLEEPER : Le faucheur en embuscade 1985-2007 - La création du festival de Cannes - 2000, les Jeux paralympiques de Sydney : la fraude des basketteurs espagnols
Une enfant sage - B.B - La Madrague - Le papillon - Bébé - La vérité
Les Enquêtes de Morse saison 9
Mascarade - Prélude - Sorties de scène
James May's Cars of the People Saison 1, 2
Transports et totalitarisme - Rien n'arrête les nouilles - Les voitures qui nous ont toujours fait rêver - La puissance de la vapeur - 4x4 - Boom (et effondrement) d'après-guerre
The Grand Tour Saison 4, 3, 1, 2
The Grand Tour présente… Seamen - The Grand Tour présente… La Chasse au trésor - Eaux salées et eaux douces - The Grand Tour: A Scandi Flick - Virée à l’Italienne - Spéciale Colombie : Première partie - Spéciale Colombie ; Deuxième partie - Oh, Canada - Coup de vieux
Orage de chaleur de Richard Castle
Cinq Gars pour Singapour de Jean Bruce
Lucky Luke, tome 27 : Le 20ème de cavalerie de Morris et René Goscinny
Garôden de Jirô Taniguchi et Baku Yumemakura
Une enquête du commissaire Dupin : Etrange printemps aux Glénan de Jean-Luc Bannalec
Détective Conan, tome 9 de Gôshô Aoyama
Il était une fois… Le cinéma, Tome 1 : Des frères Lumière à Charlie Chaplin de Jean-Pierre Georges et Dentiblu
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knk-q · 3 months
Calling You / ジェヴェッタ・スティール (1988) なんか気になって "Bağdad Cafe" を観てめっちゃいいやんってなってヘビロテした。不思議な映画だけど、なんか良かった。なんか。
Can You Feel It / ザ・ジャクソンズ (1976) 私のプレイリストの��徴として「なんで今これにハマったの?」という曲が頻出する。選考基準はその1年のうちにビビッときたかどうかだけ。 これはイントロがひたすらバカっぽくて好き。この場合のバカは褒め言葉。
Running Man / The Fearless Flyers (2022) なぜかこのアルバムを聴きそびれていて、遅ればせながらチェックした。 ドラムパターン大喜利。個人的にはIPPON。
Failing in a Cool Way / ルイス・コール (2022) 大学時代に所属していた軽音サークルのOBライブでカバーして好きになった。激ヤバなライブバージョンのほうを元ネタにカバーしたんだけど、この音源版も良い。 なお私はパーカッションで茶々を入れるだけだった。非常に気楽。
リターン・オブ・カンフー・ワールド・チャンピオン / 上原ひろみ (2006) 新曲(Sonicwonderland)を聴いて立ち返ったパターン。 最近の曲も好きだけど、昔のほうがリフが攻撃的だったりソロが筋肉質だったりする気がする。違ったらすみません。
Megalovania / トビー・フォックス (2015) shu3さんのゲーム実況を見て繰り返し聴いているうちに耳にこびりついてしまった。狂気の縛りプレイ企画にもぴったりなサウンドで改めて良いなあと。 Undertale自体はやったことがなく、RTAでざっくり知っている程度。確実に面白いのは知っているのにやってみようとならないあたり、性格が出ている。
RAP'N'TECHNOTCHI / LAUSBUB×Bose (2023) リリース当時はPVみたいなのがアップされていた気がする。消えちゃった?勘違いかな。 LAUSBUBは友人が教えてくれて、今もサブスクを聴き漁っている。クールな子たちだわあ、本当に。
Jubilance / WshblDucks (2023) 直近で少しずつ聴くようになったジャンルなのでどうやって形容していいか分からない。まずジャンルが何なのかも分からないけど、カッコいい。 変態。応援してます。
Sparkle Tape Break Up / ハイエイタス・カイヨーテ (2021) The Fearless Flyersと同じく元々好きだったけどなぜか新譜を追いかけ忘れていた。時々あるのよね、こういうこと。 これは某カセットテープショップで見つけて、あれ!いつの間に!となった。遅いって。
空とぶ東京 / CHO CO PA CO CHO CO QUIN QUIN (2023) 某音楽番組のベスト10企画でも某氏が別の曲を入れていたバンド(伝われ)。カッケェよなあ。 ちゃんと東京っぽい。ちゃんと今っぽい。でも小便くせぇ感じがしない。憧れちゃう。
B-Side / Khruangbin & Leon Bridges (2021) 2022年にKhruangbinの豊洲PITでのライブを見て改めて好きになって、ちょっとずつ遡りながら聴いていたときにぶつかった曲。1年かかって1年分遡っている。遅いんだって。 ライブは前職で一緒だったおじさん3人と一緒に観に行った。年齢は15歳くらい上なんだけど友達みたいな関係。変な人たち。
Balloon (Sunset Rollercoaster Remake) / ADOY & 落日飛車 (2023) 好きなやつと好きなやつの組み合わせ。カツカレー。ハンバーグドリア。そんなクドい曲じゃないけど。 今回まとめるまでMVあるの知らなかった。めっちゃ可愛い。
素っ頓狂 (feat. BIM) / YeYe (2022) これもOBライブでカバーした。私はBIMパート。なんで? 改めてMVの説明文を見てタイトルロゴが推しデザイナー(?)の脇田さんだと知ってさらに好きになった。
嘘をつく唇 / 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ (2015) 2023年で一番謎な選曲。理由は特にないです。どうしよう。
君は天然色 / 藤原さくら (2021) 弾き語りの動画をしょっちゅう見ていたけどスタジオ版があることを知らなかった。こっちも良いじゃん。
Slow & Easy! / Penthouse (2023) へぇ〜!これが東京大学の音楽サークルで出会った男女6名によって2018年に結成された「日常をちょっとおしゃれに彩る音楽」の探求をコンセプトに「シティソウル」バンドとして活動を行うPenthouseかぁ〜〜〜!!(Wikipediaより) 音源版みたいにコーラスたっぷりでもいいけど、これくらいスッキリしてるのもいいね。なんせ歌詞がいい。おっと。
Upon You / Bialystocks (2022) 浅草にあったご飯屋さんで流れていてShazamした曲。ご飯もお酒も美味しくなる感じ。いいね。 今度は台湾でお店を出すらしい。また食べたいけど、台湾かあ。行けるかなあ。
Earworm (feat. Vulfmon) / Vulfpeck & Vulf (2022) MV観てると楽器がダメになってしまわないか心配になる。 あったかい感じの曲も聞くんだよアピール。
雨傘 / 大聖堂 (2023) へぇ〜!これが時代や国を問わず様々なルーツやエッセンスを感じさせる音楽性を特徴とし「懐かしさと新しさが同居する」グッドミュージックを日々創出し続けている大聖堂かぁ〜〜〜!!(Bioより) MVも凝っていて、ライブでもみんな可愛らしくて、応援してます。
栞 / クリープハイプ (2018) 突然YouTubeのおすすめに現れてハマった。学生時代はほとんど聴いていなかった。いわゆる「通ってこなかった」バンド。 セブンルールに出ている野球好きの人という程度の認識だったけど、天才なんだね。これはお恥ずかしい。
MajiでKoiする5秒前 / 銀杏BOYZ (2021) リリース当時も聴いていたけど某騒動があって改めて聴き直したというイレギュラー選曲。私は料理をほとんどしないのだけど、肉の焼き方だけ我流を持っていて、たまたま彼と同じ焼き方にたどり着いていました。 聴けば聴くほど歌詞の意味が分からないのは私だけでしょうか。
情熱の薔薇 / 春日俊彰(オードリー) (2022) 春日さんの歌声を「心根の美しさが滲み出た、真っ直ぐで綺麗な青年」「意思がない空っぽの入れ物、もはやボーカロイド」のどちらで受け取ればいいのか分からない。
Take it easy / チュロス (2023) あの曲が!音源に!という謎の感動でカセットテープまで買ってしまった。私を何をやっているんだろう。本当に。 単独も観に行った。最初のコントで東ブクロさんが(偶発的に)グダグダになってしまったけど、動揺した様子が全くなかった。プロといえばプロなんだけど、人間味がなくてちょっと怖かった。
ジャンピングジョーカーフラッシュ / 乃木坂46 (2022) こっそりとゆるめの乃木オタをやっており、2023年に推しが卒業して、ここから3曲はそういうことです。 言い方が難しいのだけど推しはあまり曲に恵まれず(批判ではなく嘆き)、個人的には3期生曲が好みだった。そしてMVが異様に好きなので以下見所。 0:58 田村のご陽気な動き 1:16 やんちゃんかわいい 1:23 こんな一瞬でも目がバキっている林 1:27 こんな一瞬でも動きがバキっている林 1:44 目バキが伝染したやんちゃん 2:47 ギターソロが普通に(重要)カッコいい 3:23 物理演算を無視してカメラ方向に顔向けたまま後退する矢久保 3:37 とにかく元気な清宮 3:46 生まれたての佐藤
I see… / 乃木坂46 (2020) シンプルにアイドルソングとして強すぎ。やたらとイカしたベースライン。超絶可愛いサビの振り付けと、意味不明なストリングスのメロディ。 MVのラストシーン、乃木中で語られていたストイックエピソードを思い出して、アイドルって大変なんだなあと。
ゆっくりと咲く花 / 乃木坂46 (2021) 推しの卒業ライブでも歌っていてなかなか感動的だった。ただ、訳あって妻の友達の家という特殊なシチュエーションで配信を観ていたため泣くわけにもいかなかった。ある意味で貴重な体験。 今後アイドルを推すということはないだろうと思う。何だっ���んだろうな、この時期。
窓の中から / BUMP OF CHICKEN (2023) NHK「18祭」の曲。自分も18歳のときにこの曲に出会いたかったな。逆に30歳になって聴いたからこそ良かったような気もする。 実際にライブでも聴けて甚く感動した。さいたまスーパーアリーナのスーパー遠い席だった。スーパーちっちゃく見えるフジくんがスーパー兄貴MCをかましていた。「風邪引くなよ」って言われた。フジくん、私もう30歳だよ。
新世界 / BUMP OF CHICKEN (2019) これもそのライブで演奏していた。音源で聴くよりパワフルで、会場を巻き込んでウネっていた。たまにあるよね、この曲ライブだとこんな盛り上がるのかよって曲。 我々世代からすると「あの頃のバンド」と思っている人も多いかもしれないけど、これだけのキラーチューンをバンバン作ってるって、マジでヤバいよな。大天才じゃん。
メモリアフロア / 藤井隆 (2022) 過去のベストにはナンダカンダを入れたこともある。ライブが素晴らしいアーティストという認識。
しかたなく踊る (Live Session) / 星野源 (2023) LIGHTHOUSE、観たよアピール。
A.Y.A / Yogee New Waves (2023) 大好きなバンド。帰ってくるのをひたすらに待つ。
窓 / ゲシュタルト乙女 (2023) 2022年のBestにも別の曲を入れていて、アルバムはカセットテープで購入。これこそ18歳の時に出会っていたらヤバいハマり方したんじゃないかな。声が本当に好き。 大切にしたい作品のカセットテープを見つけると買ってしまう病気にかかってしまった。レコードに手を出していないだけ許してほしい。誰に?
タオルケットは穏やかな / カネコアヤノ (2023) ハチロクのリズムが一番似合うシンガーソングライターだと思う。Bメロからサビの展開と歌詞が大天才。 あんまり聴きすぎると帰ってこれなくなりそうなので気をつけている。
16:28 / 君島大空 (2023) ウワモノとリズムの縦がちょっと揺れたような噛み合い方で、ゆらゆらと永遠に聴いていられる。Cメロみたいなところでそれがガチっとハマって大きく揺さぶられる。歌メロの締め方もオシャレ。 いや〜〜〜良すぎる〜〜〜。(最後の最後で語彙が消滅)
34曲はちょっと多いわ、今度はベスト10くらいにしような。 もし最後まで読んだ奇特な方がいたら、今更ながら2023年を語り合おうじゃあないか。
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micro961 · 6 months
Danilo Di Florio - Il singolo “Radiohead”
Il brano del cantautore sugli stores digitali
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“Radiohead” è il nuovo singolo del cantante e compositore Danilo Di Florio, sui principali stores digitali e dal 20 marzo nelle radio in promozione nazionale. Produzione impeccabile dagli arrangiamenti attuali e di tendenza, che evidenziano la personalità dell’artista, figlia di una maturità artistica ormai strutturata e raggiunta a pieni voti. Melodie vincenti che entrano in testa sin dal primo ascolto, sui cui scivola l’interpretazione vocale di Danilo, autentica e sentita, che dona al tutto un forte impatto emotivo.
Il brano è l’immagine del rapporto conflittuale sia con la propria personalità che con l’altro da sé. È non solo la visione di un cambio generazionale, ma anche della riflessione sulla conoscenza, oggi, dell’immaginario sociale tra le varie realtà artistiche e musicali. È quando si chiede all’altro che genere di vita fa o che musica ascolta, la risposta è “non conosci neanche i Radiohead!”
Ascolta il brano
Storia dell’artista
Danilo Di Florio nasce il 30 luglio 1977 a Roma ma da sempre vive a Paglieta, un piccolo paese in provincia di Chieti. Cantante, musicista e compositore, sin da giovanissimo si avvicina dapprima alla chitarra e poi al pianoforte, ispirato dalle melodie e dai testi di storici cantautori italiani come Battisti, De Gregori, Dalla e Carboni. Durante i suoi primi anni di studi universitari alla facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Danilo Di Florio inizia invece a dar vita ai suoi primi testi e a comporre i suoi brani. Il 2001 segna l’inizio di una sua lunga ed incessante produzione musicale, che vede la luce nel primo studio diregistrazione di Danilo, realizzato in una piccola cantina di proprietà di famiglia. La parrocchia del paese funge poi da primo palcoscenico per questo cantautore, aneddoto che lui stesso ricorda con tenerezza e che inaugura una carriera live intensa a fortunata, che lo porta nel corso degli anni a calcare i palchi di numerose rassegne e festival musicali. Il 2004 e il 2005 vedono infatti la partecipazione di Danilo Di Florio allarassegna È tempo di musica italiana, dove si classifica rispettivamente al quarto e al secondo posto. Nel 2012 sarà poi ospite della quinta edizione del festival musicale Paglieta Live Contest, mentre il 2015 lo vede impegnato, oltre che in numerose serate live del “Scateniamoci-live tour 2015”, anche nella prestigiosa manifestazione nazionale Rock Targato Italia, un palco importante che ha visto fra gli altri la partecipazione diartisti del calibro di Timoria, Marlene Kuntz, Le Vibrazioni, Subsonica e Carmen Consoli.
Dopo il debut album “Scateniamoci” del 2015, nell’Aprile del 2016 esce per la label bolognese Areasonica Records il secondo lavoro discografico di Danilo Di Florio “Evitiamo i Sabati”, un album curato nei minimi dettagli e suonato dalla stessa band che lo accompagna nelle esibizioni live, nello stesso mese partecipa nuovamente a  Rock Targato Italia.Nel novembre 2016 partecipa al Tour Music Fest a Roma dove ottiene forti apprezzamenti da parte della giuria con la presentazione del singolo “Evitiamo i sabati”. Il 1° dicembre a Bologna presenta in anteprima, in versione acustica, con la nuova band, l’album “Evitiamo i Sabati”, riproposto poi nel music club Parco Diocleziano di Lanciano il 6 febbraio 2017 e il 6 maggio a Paglieta in un contest locale.
Durante l’estate 2017 partecipa come finalista al BIM MUSIC NETWORK, rassegna nazionale presieduta da Mogol. A novembre 2017 esce per la label Music Force “Il Migliore Dei Mondi Possibili”, terzo lavoro discografico per il cantautore abruzzese.
Nell’autunno del 2019 inizia un rapporto autentico di collaborazione con il noto produttore discografico David Marchetti, compositore della canzone vincitrice del Festival di Sanremo 2002, “Doppiamente fragili” di Anna Tatangelo nella categoria giovani. A maggio 2021 è stato pubblicatoil quarto album in studio, “Facce nuove a colazione”
Dalla fine del 2021 sono state pubblicate in rete nuove tracce: “Stop”, “Se fosse un altro mondo” e, oltre alla distribuzione in rete, anche in rotazione radiofonica, con videoclip a seguito “Al di là dell’Universo” e “Le rondini”. In programmazione radiofonica, esce per l’estate 2022 il nuovo singolo “Fuori” e “Paola e le bombe” ai quali segue l’uscita di ulteriori brani inediti nel 2023 come “Dimenticare”, “Successo”, “Festa” “Diamoci del tu”. Il 26 gennaio 2024, esce il nuovo singolo, seguito da videoclip dal titolo “Radiohead”
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danilodiflorio/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/danilodiflorio.cantautore
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyRbnqFtifHelz9_Vbd5upQ
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sonetra-keth · 9 months
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openBIM® by Sonetra KETH
RMIT University Vietnam (2015)
buildingSMART International Technical Director Léon van Berlo who discusses the openBIM workflow
Sonetra KETH (កេត សុនេត្រា) Architectural Manager/Project Manager/BIM Director RMIT University Vietnam + Institute of Technology of Cambodia
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rightserve · 1 year
Discover The Fundamentals of BIM in Construction
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BIM (Building Information Modeling) is a technique for making and overseeing information about a development project over as long as its can remember cycle. The computerized portrayal is supposed to comprise of a blend of information rich 3D models and organized information like item, execution, and handover information. The ISO 19650 and 12006 arrangement of norms are the best meanings of the BIM cycle and going with information designs on a worldwide scale.
What can BIM do for you?
A cooperative group gets framed at the pre-development phase of a BIM project. It settles on a method and information design to guarantee that the design information created is facilitated and useful to everybody partaking in the development and activity stages. The cooperation of the people who will be involved later in the venture, (for example, producers or the client's Office Supervisory crew) can significantly help this beginning. As the venture advances to the building stage, the information accumulated is utilized to all the more likely arrangement and develop the task. When the building project is finished and the in-house stage starts, the demonstrated information can be utilized to work the constructed resource.
What are the BIM guidelines?
Universally, various guidelines determine BIM information construction and cycles.
Information construction in light of ISO 16739-1:2018 for Industry Establishment Classes
Arranging information about development according to ISO 12006-2:2015. Uniclass 2015 is recorded as the classification framework for UK BIM in the Public Foreword of this norm.
 BIM and other advanced development processes — Procedure will portray and oversee credits in interconnected information according to ISO 23386:2020.
The ISO 19650 group of norms characterizes the BIM cycle universally, and the UK BIM System depends on them. These depended on the PAS 1192 series of norms from the Unified Realm. Additional information on these norms, as well as broad allowed to-utilize direction assets, can be tracked down on the UK BIM Structure site.
What are BIM dimensions?
BIM aspects have developed from a need to separate between modeling math in two aspects or three aspects. This has been important for the modeling development, moving from planning phases to the main 2D computer aided design frameworks, to 3D modeling bundles. Adding further perspectives to this modeling can assist with projecting groups comprehend what information they are embarking to show. 4D is usually known as booking information to demonstrate development arrangements. 5D is known as 'adding monetary expense'. These aspects are not habitually remembered for worldwide norms. Assuming explicit information shoul     d be demonstrated, it's ought to be sure about what the information is as opposed to utilizing terms like 5D, 6D, or 7D.
What is the definition of a BIM object?
A BIM object is comprised of various components. A blend of explicit information portrays the item and math that portrays the actual properties of the item. The representation information, which gives the item a conspicuous appearance, as well as social information, for example, location zones, permit the item to be situated or capability precisely like the item. Part and layered objects are the two most normal kinds of items. Part protests are building materials with foreordained mathematical shapes (like windows, entryways, boilers, and so forth.). Layered things are development materials that don't have a set shape or size (like rugs, material, walls and roofs).
BIM object Standard determines how to make objects, how much information to incorporate inside them, and what information to connection to in the cloud. There are likewise an assortment of seller explicit layouts, normalized boundary sets, and module instruments. BIM apparatuses and assets are accessible free of charge to aid the production of BIM objects.
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mybim · 1 year
Guardian is Malaysia’s leading health, beauty and personal care chain, trusted by consumers for high quality products at affordable prices. When it was set up to cater for the community’s need for pharmaceutical and quality personal care products, the concept of providing specialised health and beauty products in a professional environment have gained popularity and Guardian started to expand. Established in 1967.
Guardian ialah rangkaian kesihatan peribadi dan peruncit kecantikan yang menawarkan rangkaian lengkap farmasi, penjagaan kesihatan, penjagaan peribadi, penjagaan kulit dan produk penjagaan bayi. Pada tahun 2015, Guardian Health and Beauty Sdn. Bhd. mengemaskini imej dan jenama syarikat dan warna korporat daripada biru gelap kepada oren terang. Ditubuhkan pada 1967.
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howdoyoudorevue · 1 year
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THE HOW DO YOU DO REVUE - June 2, 2023 CKUW 95.9 FM - Winnipeg, MB
On the show this week, it's championship weekend for the Memorial Cup, hosted this year in Kamloops, British Columbia. We have a song from each participating city. We also have some "Welcome to June" tunes plus a lot more! Enjoy the late night sunsets, folks! ~joe
VINCE GUARALDI - Peppermint Patty (Show Theme)
BEULAH - Burned By The Sun The Coast Is Never Clear, 2001
THE SHINS - The Gloating Sun When I Goose-Step, 2000
GARBAGE - Bright Tonight Not Your Kind Of People, 2012
MITSOU - Bye Bye Mon Cowboy El Mundo, 1988
WASHBOARD HANK - Happy Bible Camp Inquisition Sweet Mysteries of Life, 2008
FLEET FOXES - Sim Sala Bim Helplessness Blues, 2011
JEREMY KNEESHAW - Come Now Joanne The Jeremy Kneeshaw Album, 2015
KAYLA HOWRAN - Raise No Fool Pistol, 2012
BARENAKED LADIES - Peterborough and the Kawarthas Are Me, 2006
THE BAND - Who Do You Love (feat. Ronnie Hawkins) The Last Waltz, 1978
MATT EPP & THE AMORIAN ASSEMBLY - When You Know (feat. Serena Ryder) Learning To Lose Control, 2013
THE DEVIN CUDDY BAND - Just One Kiss Kitchen Knife, 2014
KIWI JR. - The Sound of Music Chopper, 2022
BOY GOLDEN - A Little Space Church of Better Daze, 2021
This Week's Episode On... Apple Podcasts Spotify Podcasts Google Podcasts Podbean iHeartRadio TuneIn Radio
This Week's Playlist on... Spinitron
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fiyatinedir · 1 year
Migros Enginar Fiyatları
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Migros Enginar Fiyatları arayışı içindeyseniz doğru yerdesiniz. Sizler için güncel Migros enginar fiyat bilgisine ulaştık ve mağazalardan aldığımız fiyat doğrultusunda bu yazımızı paylaştık. Ülkemizde birçok ürün pandemi nedeniyle zamlandı. Enginarlarda güncel zamlardan etkilendi. Peki Güncel ve Zamlı Migros Enginar Fiyatları 2023 yılında ne kadar olacak ? Bu yazımızda güncel Migros enginar fiyat bilgisi yer almaktadır. Migros enginar fiyatları 2023 yılı içerisinde güncel ve doğru olarak Migros mağazalarından öğrenilmiştir.
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migros enginar
Migros Enginar Fiyatları
Migros EnginarFiyatlarıEnginar Soyulmuş Adet Fiyatı19,90 TLEnginar Soyulmamış Adet Fiyatı19,90 TLGurme212 Marineli Izgara Çeyrek Dilim Enginar 230 G Fiyatı59,90 TLTat Enginar 610 G Fiyatı89,90 TLGurme 212 Çanak Enginar 510 G Fiyatı64,50 TLMuti Dondurulmuş Enginar Specıal 4'lü 185G Fiyatı24,00 TLMigros Enginar Fiyatları
Migros Enginar 2023 ile İlgili Sıkça Sorulan Sorular:
Migros Enginar Markaları Nedir? Migros’ta satılan enginar markaları Viru, Tat, Tukaş, Talia ve Anttır. Migros Enginar Fiyatları 2023'de Ne Kadar? Tat Enginar 610 G = 89,90₺
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enginar fiyatı migros Migros Enginar Faydaları Nedir? 1-Yüksek protein içeriği sayesinde kalp kasını güçlendirir, üre seviyesini düşürerek kalbin rahat çalışmasını sağlar. 2-Demir bakımından zengin yönüyle, demir eksikliği anemisinde tavsiye edilir. 3-Antioksidan özelliği sayesinde, toksik maddelerin vücuttan atılmasına yardımcı olarak, karaciğerin sağlıklı çalışmasını destekler. 4-Yapısında bulunan potasyum minerali, vücutta ki sodyum-potasyum dengesini düzenleyerek tansiyonu düzenler. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXRl7P6tQDg&ab_channel=MigrosTrkiye Migros Hakkında Migros Ticaret A.Ş., Türkiye'deki süpermarket zincirlerinden biridir. Migros'un temelleri 1954 yılında İstanbul Belediyesi'nin aldığı kararla, İsviçre'de "Ucuzluğun Kralı" sloganıyla bilinen Migros teşkilatının benzerinin Türkiye'de kurulması ile atıldı. 1975 yılında Koç Topluluğu'ndan Vehbi Koç'un istek ve yönlendirmesiyle hisseleri Koç Holding tarafından devralınan Migros, 1991 yılında halka açıldı. 1990 yılının sonundan itibaren büyük mağazacılık uygulamasına başlayan Migros, 2005 yılında perakende zinciri Tansaş'ı satın aldı. Bim Mısır fiyatı - Bim Kulaklık fiyatı - Migros Sucuk fiyatı - Şok Limon fiyatı - Migros Toblerone fiyatları - Migros Manda sütü fiyatı  - Migros enginar fiyatları  - Migros peynir fiyatları - Şok dondurulmuş ürünlerin fiyatı 2020 yılı itibarıyla 2213 Migros şubesine, 61 Macrocenter şubesine yurt dışı operasyonları için 30 Ramstore şubesine sahiptir. Online operasyonlar için ise Migros Sanal Market ve Migros Hemen vardır. Migros insan ve iyi yaşam konularında 2014-2015 yıllarında BİST'in sürdürülebilirlik endeksine giren ilk ve tek perakendeci şirket olmuştur. Read the full article
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deepartnature · 2 years
New Age Steppers – Stepping Into A New Age 1980 - 2012
“... An anthology set of the group that launched the On-U Sound label with the first album and single, New Age Steppers were a collective with an evolving line-up, built around the driving forces of Ari Up (The Slits) and producer Adrian Sherwood. Their records featured contributions from several singers and players from the UK post-punk vanguard such as the Pop Group, The Raincoats and The Flying Lizards; colliding with established movers from the reggae world such as Bim Sherman, Style Scott and George Oban. Contains the following discs: New Age Steppers (1981), Action Battlefield (1981), Foundation Steppers (1983), Love Forever (2012), Avant Gardening (a new compilations of rare dubs, version excursions and unreleased tracks from the vault) plus 32 page book containing photos, ephemera and a new sleevenotes by Oli Warwick that trace the history of the group via conversations with Adrian Sherwood and other contributors. ...”
Bandcamp (Audio)
Discogs (Video)
2010 October: Ari Up (17 January 1962 – 20 October 2010), 2012 July: Subatomic Sound System meets Lee Scratch Perry & Ari Up of the Slits (7″ vinyl), 2014 September: Live in Cincinnati and San Francisco 1980, 2015 August: Return Of The Giant Slits (1981/2007), 2016 July: "Man Next Door" - Berlin 1981, 2021 April: Avant Gardening - New Age Steppers (2021), 2022 September: Typical Girls/I Heard It Through The Grapevine (1979)
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iamnudeyman · 2 years
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Now that she Is Australian of the year @bodyimagemovement is raising the conversation about positive body image even more now! My wife Chris and I met her at @thesydneyskinny nude swim back in 2015 when she was first starting out and I had been sharing her posts on Twitter and Facebook and she came up to me and said “Hello Michael, I recognised you from Twitter” 🤯 I then was made part of her movement and I was one of the only male BIMGA’s (Body Image Movement Global Ambassador) and on their website they had links to various BIMGA’s you could send a message to about advice on body image and I had a couple of men email me for advice about getting to accept their bodies etc… I went to the premiere of the BIM documentary and met Tarryn again, she is such a bubbly down to earth person who really deserves the title of Australian of the year! #australianoftheyear #bodyimage #bodyimagemovement #loveyourbody https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn3D8_qhWEa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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samaahsultaan · 2 years
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In Revit, you can add gages of sheets for duct sizes to a schedule <<Read the article>> https://samaahsultaan.wordpress.com/2015/06/26/add-gages-sheets-duct-schedule-revit-mep-2016/ #easy2learn #elearningcourses #bim #revitmep #hvac #ductlayout #PipingLayout #Plumbing #3dmodeling #scheduling #takeoff #clashes #coordination https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm4SC-OotnJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Set up Business in Phu Quoc
Why Investors Should Set up Business in Phu Quoc?
The improvement in infrastructure system along with the preferential policies have stimulated investors to come to set up business in Phu Quoc and do company.
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                              How to establish company in Vietnam
Phu Quoc, an island in Kien Giang of Vietnam is in the top of three islands having tourism potential in Southeast Asia comparable to Phuket in Thailand and Bali in Indonesia. Phu Quoc has become a magnet for attracting huge investment flows from foreign investors in the area of real estate, entertainment, casinos, restaurant or food and beverage service business.
Phu Quoc has temperate weather throughout the year. There are also fresh and friendly forest – sea ecology and the modern transport system on the island with international airport and international hospital. Moreover, many infrastructure projects and international schools are under construction, which are necessary and favorable conditions to invite and attract investors to the Pearl Island for doing business.
Capital inflows to Phu Quoc have really exploded after the “knots” in investment were removed. The new airport went into operation that can welcome larger aircraft and serve more flights, in which there are more international direct flights from China, Singapore, Russia and Cambodia. The 51km long radial route on the island has been basically completed; the road around the island and the branch roads are also being deployed. The power grid was pulled from the mainland to the island, replacing the very high cost gasoline power in the past.
The real estate and tourism consultants all agree that Phu Quoc fully convergent elements of an attractive beach for tourist with year-round sunshine, many beautiful beaches such as Long Beach, Truong Beach, Khem Beach and immense virgin forest. Moreover, Phu Quoc has a strategic location with just 1-2 hours flight to the key tourism markets in Southeast Asia.
Both investment and tourism in Phu Quoc have entered the acceleration phase. By the end of July 2015, Phu Quoc has attracted nearly 200 investment projects, including 136 projects that are being implemented in the area of over 5,100 ha with total registered capitals of 6.5 billion USD. Just one part of those projects become reality then it will make Phu Quoc to become a leading tourist destination in Vietnam, ahead of Da Nang and Nha Trang, competing with the top destinations in the area as Phuket and Bali.
Some of the largest Vietnam corporations such as Vingroup, Sun Group, CEO Group, BIM Group are implementing the huge projects that could alter the appearance of the island. In which the giant in real estate sector – Vingroup has invested projects as: Vinpearl Resort on an area of 300 ha in Long Beach, the combining of golf course and safari zoo on an area of more than 2,000 ha, and the 80 ha commercial complex.
The improvement in infrastructure system along with the preferential business and legal environments i.e. favourable land rental rates, corporate income tax, exemption of visa for foreign tourists make Phu Quoc island of Kien Giang, Vietnam a new attractive place for investment.
ANT Lawyers, a law firm in Vietnam could offer service to set-up company in Vietnam. We assist clients needing legal service in obtaining investment certificate, business registration certificate, or other  licensing procedures.
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korkutkalkan · 2 years
Suç örgütü liderliğinden hapis yatan Kürşad Yılmaz'dan BİM' yöneticisine tehdit: Tuttuğunuz köşe başları mezarınız olur
Suç örgütü liderliğinden hapis yatan Kürşad Yılmaz’dan BİM’ yöneticisine tehdit: Tuttuğunuz köşe başları mezarınız olur
2015’te “Çıkar amaçlı suç örgütü kurmak, yönetmek, nitelikli yağma, tehdit, kasten yaralama, kişiyi hürriyetinden yoksun bırakma” gibi suçlardan 66 yıl 3 ay 15 gün hapisle cezalandırılan ve geçtiğimiz yıl tahliye edilen Kürşad Yılmaz’ın da hedefinde BİM İcra Kurulu Üyesi Galip Aykaç var. BİM’İN PATRONU BAHÇELİ’NİN FETÖ İDDİASINA YANIT VERMİŞTİ MHP Genel Başkanı Devlet Bahçeli’nin “ülke sevdalısı,…
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