aaleaqlania · 2 years
❛   i didn’t leave because i stopped loving you. i left because the longer i stayed, the less i loved myself.  ❜
      they had their little, not-so-private cataclysm, too.
whatever was of their friendship had imploded long ago, among torn pages of a project and clash of opinions. so far, the stasis built around them was almost deathly still━ it was useless, for al haitham, to mention a past they were both determined to never bring back up.
      from his part, he seeked not conflict, which would have crashed into their home like an hurricane. he was content in not tackling the issue as long as the other kept mantaining his silence over it, too.
      and then?
      and then, when the topic is brought up again, there's little that surprises him.
      because al haitham had his sweet time to analyze the situation, to form his own opinion over it. that their failed project was a clash of morals and interests, that they both held their ground into it for different reasons, and that staying meant to tear eachother apart like animals.
      and he was no animal. just an extremely rational individual, that he was.
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      ' i know. '
      it comes without the usual, obnoxiously knowledgeable tone of his: in fact, al haitham sounds understanding, even. a new feat, much softer than usual.
      ' the project clashed with your ideals, and it was just not doable for you to stay. the result that you wanted was just not feasible in akademic terms, and perhaps achievable in a distant future that you considered uncertain, as one should do with it. i never faulted you from leaving. '
   ...but he never took another project, either.
      instead, al haitham kept to himself, scoring credit after credit from darshan after darshan, plowed effortlessly into mid-to-upper advanced courses across many fields, certifications of courses stacking up. from internships to apprenticeships, from rotations and experience on field with assignments, al haitham undertook anything that he wanted to pursue simply because he wished to deepen his knowledge and experience, and knew that everything would have come in handy later.
      kaveh wished to pursue his dreams more than ever after what happened between them, away from the corrupted system of the akademiya but unable to truly detache from it. he needed the fundings, needed the connections, needed his darshan.
      and al haitham, instead, found some sort of comfort in how this system worked; he finds most of it convenient, and whatever isn't, he'll make it work for himself. he can play their game long enough to make it bend backwards for him. when al haitham has already won what he wanted from it. whenever or not he might not like it, he has no reasons to change it. it'd take monumental effort and backlash, and he wants stability and cushy, stable life with a simple job.
      revolution versus the art of adapting. they truly clash, even now, where kaveh wanted to reassure al haitham about something the man figured out a long time ago.
      ' if we kept interacting after you left, ' he tells the blond his conclusions, unwavering, ' we would have torn eachother apart. the disagreement was too big at the time, there would have been nothing left to pick up, which is what we're doing now. '
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      still, even if he knew why, the unstability of their bond was still here. ever present, despite the good and the bad. ever present, with things left unsaid, with them picking up the sharp pieces without protections.
      sometimes it nicked at their fingers, and one of them had to step away to medicate before coming back.
      ever present, because once they had grown and matured, they still ended up back to eachother.
      ever present, but not to be taken for granted. not when he could no longer deny being affected, not when kaveh was talking about it so openly. uncanningly uncharacteristic of him.
      ' thank you for telling me this. i never judged you for leaving. you did what you had to do, and i did the same. it's not something i resented you for. '
      there’s a pause full of meanings, when he feels like closing the book is only appropriate. it gauges some weight to what he needs to say.
      ‘ i never stopped loving you, either. ‘
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ghostinthetumbchine · 19 hours
and morgoth is sitting in the void and cackling on all this chaos because all of this was actually by his design (wrong, it was erus all along, this all to form the people into what they were meant to became i guess)
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thegamingcatmom · 27 days
Okay but now I can't get Miri the Tired Studhorse out of my head. 🐎😭
She's literally just made one village lady very happy indeed. Said village lady just left out the door, a noticeable limp to her step that would raise concern, if it wasn´t for that dreamy smile on her face.
And Miranda?
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(That´s the look she gives AFTER those girls have left. She´s got a reputation to uphold, after all. Can´t let them think she actually fancies those "meetings".)
Tired, worn-out.
As everyone who "works" day and night to fulfill their duties would be. But needs must when one strives to achieve the unimaginable, the impossible - a true wonder.
Her Eva...
She's about to close the door and get some well-deserved rest, when-
Some Village Girl, just so able to prevent the door from smacking her right in the face "Oh! Jesus. M-Mother Miranda?"
Miri, already done af: *ffs*
Also Miri: *opens the door a crack, hardly enough to peek outside*
Some Village Girl: *twirls her hair, bats her eyelashes*
Some Village Girl, thirsty nervous af: "P-Please forgive the late disturbance, holy Mother. I was in the area, collecting herbs for the soup my Papa loves so much. The one I made for you the last time we...well, I mean-"
Miri: "..."
Miri: *eye starts twitching, but remains otherwise still because bish is too worn-out to care*
Some Village Girl, realizing she gotta speed things up if she ever wants to make soup again: "W-Well, it matters not. I was simply wondering if you would like...some?"
Miri: "..."
Some Village Girl: "...S-Some soup, I mean? Considering I am...here. With herbs. Freshly plucked. Ripe for the ta-making! R-Ripe for the...making. Yes."
Miri: "..."
Some Village Girl: *twirls her hair, bats her eyelashes*
Miri: *swallows*
Some Village Girl, starting to panic: "O-Or maybe another time? Of course you are busy, how foolish of me! P-Please accept my most sincere apolo-"
Miri: *lifts one hand to shut the girl up*
Some Village Girl: 🤐
Also Miri: *gives the girl a thorough once-over*
Some Village Girl: *flushed face, sweat starting to coat her skin, heavy breathing from her incessant babbling, bites her lip in worry-*
Miri: *swallows again*
Also Miri: *opens the door and steps aside*
Some Village Girl, on cloud nine already: "...O-Oh, really? I-I mean, if it pleases you, holy Mo-"
Miri, too horny now to NOT give a f: "QUIT your incessant babbling, girl! Either come in and make good on your soup-promise or get OUT of my sight and pray your Papa will not suffer the consequences of your pitiful attempt at courting!"
Some Village Girl, torn between feeling terrified and horny af: "Y-Yes! Of course, holy Mother! At once! I-"
The rest of Some Village Girl's incessant babbling is swallowed as the door is thrown shut behind her.
...It doesn't take long before different sounds start echoing through the night, however.
A sheperd's life is no easy feat. One must be prepared to tend to their flock day and night to ensure their utility, so they may continue to provide value to the sheperd´s livelihood in return.
Furthermore, one must always be on the lookout for dangers that could strike at any moment, disrupting the carefully constructed balance that has brought stability and efficiency for decades.
Yes. MC is "dangers." Funny, considering-
Miranda is a wolf in sheperd´s clothing.
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jules-ln · 4 months
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Sorry Anon, the post was too long so I decided to make it its own post instead of an answer
Let me write my Bible because I have thought about this more than I should and I'm mentally ill
First the silence of the girls
I'm going be honest and say that while I don't like this book, I can recognize that is very well written and author makes it very interesting
The girls were silenced indeed 😅
Like, if you're going to market your book as a "feminist" retelling of the Iliad I'll expect your level of feminism to be more advanced than what Homer was writing
Don't get me wrong, I know that women and children are often overlooked at wars specially in a historical context, but what Pat Barker was presenting as feminism was simply "Women suffer more than men in wars 😥" and that is the same thing that Homer was saying hundreds of years ago, more than that, I'd say that Homer did it better
And you know, it's supposed to be a feminist retelling, so I was expecting sorority to be a thing, specially because the only other source of comfort, respect and friendship a woman like Briseis could have had then would've been other enslaved women
But no, we don't really see sorority in the greek camps for more than a couple of paragraphs at best, and I got the feeling that some women characters were just genderbents of the male heroes, like Odysseus's enslaved woman is clever, Nestor's enslaved woman is maternal, florals for spring? groundbreaking
More than that, in the Iliad there is a character named Iphis that is Patroclus's enslaved woman and Briseis mentioned being close friends with her. So you expect that being a close friend of the protagonist she should have a lot of dialogue, specially in conversations with Briseis, don't you think?
Bish, I don't even remember her talking at all to begin with, much less to Briseis! 🤣
The only meaningful relationship Briseis has in the book are Achilles and Patroclus, her life orbits around these men and the other women don't matter
And that leads me to my other point
Briseis doesn't do ANYTHING.
Now, I know, I know, I know. Briseis doesn't do anything in the Iliad either, but that's some of the problems I have with Iliad adaptations.
Like, none of them will EVER be as good as the Iliad, to any writer that think that they can make an adaptation of the Iliad be as good as the Iliad. Sit down, you aren't that guy
So really, they should just do what MM did. Do your own thing that can stand on its own without hanging on the Iliad. Even if it's different, that's a good thing
Now, I say all of that because, it would've been Good if Briseis did something, ANYTHING at all other than stand there and look pretty
You might say "it's accurate to the Iliad" I say "A protagonist that doesn't do anything at all and doesn't influence the world around them in any way is boring"
There was even this part where Briseis wonders about how much control Patroclus has over Achilles, And I was here like "Yesssss, Briseis is going to emotionally manipulate Patroclus to control Achilles so she can be the one who is actually in control of both"
Nope, that, didn't happen, like, at all
Even at some point the narrative kicks Briseis out of the story to focus on Achilles and Patroclus, and like, feminism where? 😅
Once again that leads to my next point. Patroclus and Achilles part was more interesting.
Unironically, the best part of the book was the relationship that both had, it was the type of relationship that was like "I love you, but ngl I kinda hate you and want to kill you too unironically" And I think that's interesting! That's new, I've never read anything like that regarding those two before!
But that's a problem, because when I bought the book I wanted to read about women, I wanted to read about Briseis, not about Achilles and Patroclus, and that the author made them SOOOO much more interesting than Briseis, is just sad
Then there's the problem of the rapes scene, which, in this day and age if you're going to add a rape scene in anything, you better have some freaking good reason. And in this book, they're there for mere shock value, it doesn't give anything to the story, it doesn't change the tone of the book, a good editor would've take them out, but I guess it was part of the "feminist" message 🙄
But really, I don't hate the book, like I said, it's well written in my opinion, but it is a disappointing book because it could've been a great book with some tweaks here and there
Now about The song of Troy
Now that we got that out of the way
See, the thing is that I've read the song of Troy some time ago, and I mostly rage read it so I don't remember it very well
Like I hated it SO MUCH it it it Flames flames FLAMES on the side of my head (yes, it's a reference) so I'm just going to say the things I remember that made me mad
🔸️Helen is the prime example that writing women that don't suck ass ISN'T an innate skill in women, like she was one of the most misogynistic characters that I've ever read and if I was Menelaus in this book, I would be happy that she was gone, bon voyage biatch!
🔸️Both the book and Achilles treat Patroclus like Trash
🔸️The story treats Achilles like an uwu boy that can do no wrong when in reality in the book he's an idiotic asshole estúpido kbron hijo de la chingada pinche mamon bastardo agarras tu espadita la haces rollito y te la metes por el culo pendejo de mierda. Yeah, I don't like Achilles in this book
🔸️Odysseus is written to allegedly be very smart, sadly in actuality he's very dumb, because you see, the whole thing about the fight between Agamemnon and Achilles was an elaborate plot by him to get the Trojans to come out if I remember correctly, now, I think any good good tactician will tell you that an overly elaborate plan that will result in like half of your men dying with no guarantee of it being successful anyway, isn't so smart
🔸️Briseis was written so badly... I'm just going to put it this way, at some point in the book Achilles hits her, and that was the best fucking thing Achilles did in that book, like yess fucking muppet slap that bitch again. Oh but don't worry, Briseis in the book was ok with being slapped and not in a kinky way
🔸️Helen hits Andromache, and so did Hector. I'm going to leave it at that
🔸️I don't remember too well because at this point the fog of rage was too thick, but I think Achilles and Hector kinda fell in love when they were fighting? Which was very weird
So make yourself a favor and don't read it
If you want a good adaptation read these
🔹️War music by christopher logue, it isn't finished because sadly the author died, but best adaptation I've read so far
Here's a quote I like:
"When Nyro’s mother heard of this
She shaved her head; she tore her frock; she went outside
Ripping her fingernails through her cheeks:
Then down her neck; her chest; her breasts;
And bleeding to her waist ran round the shops,
‘God, kill Troy.
Console me with its death.
Revenge is all I have.
My boy was kind. He had his life to live.
I will not have the chance to dance in Hector’s blood,
But let me hear some have before I die.’
‘I saw her running round.
I took the photograph.
It summed the situation up.
He was her son.
They put it out in colour. Right?
My picture went around the world.’"
🔹️La cólera by Javier Olivares and Santiago García, is a comic in Spanish, but if you can get your hands on one copy, do it, it's so good and the art is beautiful, one of the best portrayals of Achilles I've seen, Pyrrha also appears
🔹️An Iliad, by Denis O'Hare and Lisa Peterson, is a play, and tbh I don't like this one as much as I do the other two, but it is SOOO GOOD too.
🔹️En mitad de tanto fuego by Alberto Conejero, this one is a play; short and sweet and the narrator is Patroclus, very new too, and as far as I know it's only in Spanish, but if you can get it, do so, because it's very good.
Let me translate a part of it to the best of my abilities to tempt you a bit
"How short was life, how short... Now bury me as soon as possible so I can cross the gate of Hades. Bury me, Achilles. And if someone in the future finds my tomb and opens it, let them see how smoke comes out of my shroud still. Because of the desire, Achilles, because of the desire"
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silvertws · 4 days
Bro better pull a fucking 180 on that freaking little fairy-blue thing BECAUSE HELL NAH, HELL TO HELL TO THE NAH.
Leave the boys alone bish.
I'm too attached to them.
I cannot.
I think I would simply perish.
Just like that.
I hate how attached I am to the silly Minecraft guys.
I need someone as unhinged as me to talk about the sillies, for my own sanity.
Which is, barely there honestly, but that's besides the point.
I believe in redemption arcs PETRO PLEASE, PLEASE YOU CAN STILL FIX THIS.
Please, I just want them to all be happy, I'm sobbing.
ncjekwlalls PLEASE.
Let the fellas be happy.
Like, I usually don't ship characters ok? After Origins I just don't.
But tbh platonically??? Hell yeah, let the fellas be wholesome, no kissing no nothing, just hugging, telling each other sweet things- I will literally be kicking my feet like a little kid.
Also, on a side note.
Ruined Reality rants and theories up ahead.
Heyyyyy guys how are we feeling about the Newest Ruined Reality episode??? Yeah all good? Just doing a check in on all of us.
I mean, yeah, as expected.
Also, alright, this is gonna become a slight theory moment.
Rainbow crystal + heart of the soulstice?
You know how the rainbow crystal is made with the energy of the chromatics?
Yeah well, if the rainbow crystal still works, which I'm led to believe , fusing that energy with the heart, could potentially... Either give life back to the chromatics... Or... Create new chromatics but using the older souls, kinda like reincarnation.
Mf First Curse better not bother Light smh Balance, go punch him, you literally can, since you belong in the same omniverse-? So go and punch him thank you very much.
I seriously do not know if Light will be able to bring everyone back.
If he manages to bring Steves back, it's definitely not gonna be everyone.
Not only because a lot of bodies were destroyed, but also for a storytelling factor.
Which is why all of them staying dead is a bittersweet victory, sure, you did it Light, good job! Every Steve who's left is now safe from that! Except... Well, the last Steve kingdom kinda... Doesn't like you. So I don't know if you're going to be allowed there...
Oh, so living with the professor? Yeah sure, if you want to have another metal rod in your leg you can.
Living with Ellie and uh... Cassian....?(I am so bad with names omg) in their little magic thing?
Yeah sure.
Go on.
They already adopted you my good sir, come on, they saw you and were like "yes, this one, ours now, yoink"
Proxima the GOAT.
Another possibility.
TFC: "yo Light, sup"
Light "gtfo"
TFC "No u"
And then Light gets sent to ANOTHER UNIVERSE Just to suffer AGAIN.
Because remember kids.... TFC cursed Light to suffer FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER AND- yeah you get the gist of it.
So what happens when there's nothing more to make him suffer with in one universe...?
That's right... You send him to another one so he has to start all over again... And again.. and again...
I find this very unlikely because the reset trope is kinda overused and annoying and I also believe it would take out from the whole experience.
Like on a long run, it makes sense that TFC would do that.
There's just some things you cannot do or play with enough depth.
So, going back on the main topic.
What happens now?
Smh, letting Light go through the loss of Soren not once BUT TWICE.
I already tried to explain how I think the rainbow crystal might be tied to "fixing" this.
And I think that's honestly our best bet.
Like, before this episode, I honestly thought they were simply going to yoink it from Lewis and Light was gonna use it.
But apparently they didn't do that...
Also like I'm sorry.
Nah cause like, I always found that, not particularly logical.
Without the energy from the host, the only thing left with energy IS the crystal.
It would have made sense, in that case, if the crystal, its energy, also caused Lewis body to "live" but without actually being Lewis. But pure energy.
How would the crystal stay fused with Lewis?
Does that mean bro still has some energy somehow?
Was it the soul energy that kept them forcibly united?
I'm probably looking too much into it ngl, it's probably another plot hole or simply something that will be explained later... Maybe.
If the rainbow crystal is not going to be used in any way with the heart, I'll be surprised.
It could be like, a rainbow heart or whatever.
It's seriously the only thing I have going on right now.
Because it's the only thing with enough chromatic energy left to actually do something.
Unless SOMEHOW Light goes back to the other Steve Kingdom and Genesis is fucking alive, just like that, randomly, because he can.
I have no idea if any other deities are actually canon in RR.
Is Origin Steve canon? Or any of the other things in Rainbow Quest? Because Seer, Colle, Genesis, are all things from there as we know.
So just how much from that universe also transpired into this one?
Are demon Steves a problem we're going to have to deal with after everything and Seer is finally put to rest?
Also, yes, Seer will die.
I mean, he literally asked to be killed guys, what do you want? I say let him die. Colle is gone, that's enough pain already, I'm not gonna watch Seer becoming Void again (which btw, I think it's already happening or has already happened during the fight and Void is simply playing with everyone as per usual).
Still hoping for a Light corruption/villain arc (more like corrupt) because bro deserves to let out some steam and I support Light in literally everything he will do at this point.
He needs a beach episode fr.
Actually, no.
WE need a beach episode.
... I'm drawing that shit, I'm putting that in my nonexistent list of things I need to draw for my own sanity.
I completely forgot about the redstone core guys.
I mean, I don't think that's gonna help..? Idk I feel like it's a different energy from the one in the crystal or the heart so... Idk...
But maybe it could still be used for other things???
Also, we could simply get a time skip, to like, months later or something.
It has happened before and I honestly wouldn't mind it.
There's like, the option of going to the last Steve kingdom and asking them for help, but they must have moved by now, sure we can locate them with the assistant I suppose, if it comes down to it.
Also, one thing.
(idk man, some of y'all might find this offensive or call me chronically online for this :/)
Me whenever gay is used mockingly in a Steve-verse story while literally everyone is the same fucking gender as the other and their reproduction is literally based on MAGIC.
Like I'm sorry but make it make sense.
It's probably one of the things that annoys me the most.
I'm not saying that now everyone is forced to accept ships between certain characters.
I'm saying that there are not many sexuality options in a world where there's usually one gender.
You're either, Aromantic or something on that spectrum, Asexual or in that spectrum, Gay because there's literally one gender there to be attracted to.
Unless we're talking about universes that use more.
Or we could bring in the possibility that since they're all Steves or Alexes, they're all canonically non-binary.
I don't give a single fuck about romance, I can live without it.
But it annoys me, when comments are made, that logically speaking, don't make sense.
One of the biggest plot holes in RR until Ellie was introduced, was Cliff talking about women.
Which was resolved when Ellie came through and was like "no yeah, we exist actually, well used to".
Which again creates another plot hole to how tf did Cliff even meet one of those if they went extinct.
I wanna clarify that I love RR and the other Steve verse stories or I wouldn't be talking about them. And that my rants are not directed towards the creators in any way, I do not, nor cannot, dictate how they decide to write their stories.
It's their tale to tell, I'm just here to watch, and listen.
I have opinions just like everybody else and if anybody ever takes offense (for some reason) to what I say, suck it up , talk to me like a normal person.
There are opinions to which I'm not willing to change my mind on, but I will still listen to others, just like there's some of which I will probably change my mind on.
As long as you're respectful about it, so will I.
Anyhow, I'm shit at explaining my opinions, because I'm horrible at conversations and English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if I made it look like I was being rude or judgemental.
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wonik1ss · 1 year
SURFS UP ! — ja.n 🏄‍♀️
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synopsis : it was your 1st trip to the sunny beaches of cali. you had never been interested in anything else but surfing.. well that was until you saw the new teen surfing instructor j. she was everything you wanted and more. but with that came a really really REALLY dense girl who would probably never see your feelings.. which is what you thought for now. but what if you make her fall for you instead? what’s happens next? guess you’ll just have to surf to find out !!
pairing : j x f!reader
genre : fluff
warnings : dense people & swearing
profiles : | city folk | the surfers | I don’t know who these people are.. |
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the summer chronicles…
001. moving to the country
002. meet the flinstones
003. my one and only
004. in the name of love + half written
005. hannibals cage
006. not again + half written
007. party in da usa
008. pretty girl rock
008.5 secrets
009. the non-doctors back !! + half written
010. da big bang + halfwritten
011. playtimes over
012. can you love me tonight?
013. show not tell
014. no good savy
015. the wicked witch is dead !! + written
016. the no good blues
017. my little pony + half written
018. cleo denial
019. road trip bish !! + mostly written
020. down the hill we go + written
021. tonight we gonna get this
022. among us sus
023. rut row
024. crazy bitch walking
025. cinder-ella + half written
026. umm…
027. the fourth wall
028. trust the process
029. lavender haze + half written
030. the end… + written
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bonus !!
001. catfished : sieun + eunchae + friends
002. eww couples : hanni + aran, j + y/n = every single person suffering
003. first day : j + y/n + friends
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sky-squido · 2 years
hey important question:
would people actually be interested in reading a fic where wind and legend bond very wholesomely (literally starting out hating each other but then they get really close and it’s adorable) but also i shamelessly explain the entirety of how to celestially navigate in extreme detail?
cuz i just wanted to just have a fun fic where the two bond over both knowing how to navigate, but also each of them gets super disoriented and panicked by one thing they’re not familiar with (time travel, new hemisphere, etc.) and then the other helps them out, and it was gonna be short and simple and straightforward, but that would be incredibly self-indulgent because literally nobody would be able to read it!
like. i want to write this fic. but i could go about this in two ways. one is the inaccessibly self-indulgent way where legend would be like “hey, you can’t get your longitude when you don’t know universal time, and you don’t, because we’ve just time AND space traveled, so our chronometers are completely desynced and the prime meridian is arbitrarily located” and wind would be like “bish, you don’t know ANYTHING—watch me do this lunar distance calculation” and legend would be like “whaaaat? i didn’t know that was a thing” and wind would be like “yeah it’s super hot and sexy but it also requires you having an estimation of your longitude to at least fifteen degrees, and we don’t“ and then legend would be like “so if we just had an estimate of our longitude to fifteen degrees, you’d be good?” and wind would be like “yeah.” and legend would go and figure some stuff out and then come back like “WIND DUDE I GOT IT!!! i did manage to estimate our longitude by taking the magnetic azimuth of rigel during its meridian passage and then using that to calculate the local magnetic variation and cross-referencing THAT against this global variation chart, and by using the latitude we calculated during the noon reduction, we can narrow it down to an area—a relatively broad area, but one we can dramatically narrow down with the lunar distance calculation“ and then wind would be like “woah that’s so clever legend you’re such a genius“ and legend would be like “aw, but i couldn’t have done it without your insane book filled with logarithms that terrifies me to the bone but that you somehow actually know how to use” and wind would be like “dude it’s literally just basic arithmetic, chill,” but legend is hissing like a feral cat and it would be so so fun!!
right, like i think this stuff is SO COOL and it makes me SUPER HAPPY and i wanted to share it in fic form, but that meant making sure people could actually understand what these nerds were talking about without needing to consult a massive explanatory tumblr post, so i was trying to naturally integrate the background information into the dialogue and narration and now i’m thirteen thousand words in and i’m still like “wait, i want to talk about—but first i have to explain—and have i seriously not explained what declination is yet??”
like, i don’t care about this fic being Objectively Good or whatever—there’s a story i want to tell, but i want to tell it in a way people can understand, and that involves explaining my hyperfixation in tons of detail. believe me, i love doing it, i’m just beginning to seriously doubt that anyone is actually going to be able to suffer through this fic and i don’t want to keep going through the effort to explain everything if nobody is actually going to read it except for me, who already knows everything. it’s also really really hard for me to figure out if i’m explaining this stuff well or not because i already understand it and everyone else in my life has had me scream at them about this stuff enough that they know the basics and the terminology.
so, help please!! if you’d wanna read this, please tell me so in the tags (or i guess you could just like the post if you’re shy). if you’d read it, but you don’t actually care if i explain everything and you’d prefer i sacrifice giving you literally any idea what wind and legend are talking about in favor of not wrecking the pacing entirely, please let me know in the notes. if you wanna try beta-reading this thing for comprehensibility, hit me up on discord (@Sky-Squido#4521) and i’ll smack whatever the most recent version of the word doc is and the associated 26d12 psychic damange into your dms.
thanks, guys, and happy new year! i’ll be updating my annual new years fic tonight ^^
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 1 year
Rain Code Au :3
I am a very impatient bish! :3
Cuz like... Ya know... The creator of Danganronpa released a brand new game... And I told myself 'ah, don't get into that... It's another bandwagon you don't need to mix with twst'...
Welp... Guess who bingie watched gameplay during beach holiday :v
So in between me spinning in the water like that one seal meme and fighting with old ladies for a fucking plate(damn, women, have you ever seen food?!)... I got to refine this Au and make it similar to the Danganronpa au...
I am aiming for more of a psychological horror, just how I originally planned to write the Danganronpa au(like full on messing with your brain and spiking that anxiety) So expect some easter eggs or allusions to that... :3
Also disclaimer! Master Detectives Archives: Rain Code is only recently released... And I did finish chapter 2 at the time I write this...
So I assure you that the biggest spoiler you could possibly get is for the first chapter's gameplay/lore. I will only use lore aspects which means plot is leaved aside so you can go and see for yourselves what happens in there. It's a glaring difference from my Danganronpa au, where I referenced so hard the 3 main games. :v
And yes, our protagonist will be Azul, because do I like to make him a shounen protagonist amnesiac that gets to suffer every single tims? Yes... I like it :3
Also! Big warnings for: blood, murder, gore and everything associated with it. Spike Chunsoft made this game after all... You know what you're in for.
Now with all the disclaimers settled, we are gonna go on with the Au!
We are starting this with a bang! Mainly Azul waking up on a hall, sorrounded by worried people, all looking down at him, asking if he was alright.
It takes a bit for things to be regained to some calm, but it quickly spirals into a problem since apparently, Azul didn't recognise any of the people on this hall. And to top it off, they were all on a boat, heading to what they said it was: Sage Island.
One of them, named Kalim, kindly explained to Azul that they are master Detectives from WDO(world detective organisation) along with a few trainees, on a mission. Kalim added that Master detectives are people with extraordinary powers, called a Forte. Currently, they are 10 of them on the whole boat.
Azul does a count and realises that, counting him too, there were only 7 in here. Kalim says that 2, Lilia and Silver, are steering the boat while the 3rd, Leona, is in his room, sleeping.
Kalim finally introduces everyone and adds that none of them got to properly know Azul, therefore none really had an idea about how he was supposed to act or behave.
And so, the list is made:
Kalim-trainee-Forte: Persuasion(he used it to confirm Azul wasn't lying about amnesia)
Jamil-Master Detective-Forte: Hypnosis
Ace-Master detective-Forte: Video Immitation
Jack-trainee-Forte: Smell
Epel-trainee-Forte: Freeze frame
Rook-master detective-Forte: Target Sight
Lilia-master detective-Forte:???
Silver-trainee-Forte: none
Leona-master detective-Forte: Sand recreation
When asked about how come silver has no forte and Leona's was already known, it is explained that Silver is training to be a normal detective, while Leona is a top master detective, his forte being a very powerful one on top of it. Leona is apparently the leader of the master detectives of this group, while Lilia takes over the trainees as a field teacher.
What was their mission? Sage Island is an independent government in it's own, although a very specific influx of people, generally teens, come in and never leave. People assume they found a more stable lifestyle in there, although the population of the island is never reported to have increased or decreased over the years. Upon a failed investigation and a distress signal from a master detective investigating this, it was discovered that it has to do with people that hold fortes along with the very heavy censorship.
To add more to the mistery: WDO started to receive lately less mistery reports, some being handled by some other detective organisation they never went in contact with.
Azul is a bit taken aback by it, since he is registered as a very fresh trainee, along with that, it seems Like Ace, who is younger than him, is already a master detective. Jamil explains that Ace was a star detective, because he passed all exams with flying colors. Everyone is trained without preferences, it just happened for Ace to get signed in earlier. His forte is able to replicate via video any kind of situation. From theories to reality. The videos last in between 1-2 minutes and can be holded on any device for at least 72 hours weather Ace forgets them or not. He can put up to 4 videos before he collapses, so he has to think really hard about the possibilities he can recreate and annalise.
Being a cocky bastard, Ace decides to demonstrate his forte, using a spare phone he had. He explains that this phone has no service or valid number, it is merely a storage for his videos.
And so, Ace presents a video of what would happen if Kalim threw a bouncy ball around. He explains that his videos happen in natural physical conditions, so you can never see something mid-air without any explanation or sudden trajectory change.
Now their focus was mainly on Azul's amnesia.
Kalim was the first one who found Azul. He was knocked out on the hall. Previous to that, Azul simply got on the boat, made a humble presentation and settled in his room. He came on the roll call and after that he said he would go to the bathroom and that he would be back. Too much time passed, so Kalim offered to look for Azul and that's when he found him unconscious and called the others. From there on, everyone knows what happened already.
Jack notes how he smelled 12 beings on this cruise. 2 of which were apparently Azul's pets. At that, everyone realise that the reason Azul must've taken so long in his room was probably to accommodate his pets. This also surprised Azul, mostly since apparently, he had pets and now the poor little things must be starving or worried for his absence.
So using the room list from Jamil, the group goes to Azul's room and open the door.
From there, a big ass lizard immediately jumps on Azul. On the bed it was also a bird bundled in a blanket. I could stay here for hours describing how cute the bird blanket buritto is, but we aren't here for that :v
Azul rightfully is scared since a bigass lizard the size of a cat, punted him to the floor and right now is having their scaly head with sharp teeth resting on his chest, very close to his neck.
Everyone is chill since 'these are your pets, maybe they might help you cure your amnesia'. Epel is the one who voices it.
And as if it was a switch, both pets perked up and looked at Azul. The lizard got down enough time for Azul to get up before the creature wrapped around his legs.
Nonetheless, Rook suggested for Azul to check a bit around his room
Maybe he could find something which might tell him more about himself other than health and physical information.
So they leave him to some privacy.
Once the door is closed and it was made sure that no one was around, the bird comes out of the buritto. It was, surprisingly, quite a big bird and one to sure faunt with at how pretty it's feathers were.
But the creepy part starts when the bird talks. Like human talking. Full articulated and clear talking. And of course, it asks what's up with the amnesia.
Rightfully, Azul is absolutely horrified. It gets worse when the lizard does the same thing. It doesn't take much for the bird to be the one to realise what exactly went down.
So they introduce themselves. The bird was Idia, a soul keeper. The lizard was Malleus, a demon prince. Azul had a contract which binds all 3 together. Of course, the contract cannot be voluntarily disclosed at all otherwise it will be resulted in Azul's death. Moreover, only Azul, as the one who had a contract with supranatural beings, could hear the 2. For others it would sound like normal animal sounds.
So Azul please, calm tf down. Pointing a hairbrush at them won't help you. :/
Idia is the one who gets whacked with the brush before Azul finally calmed down and looked like he was willing to listen. Malleus re-explained again the basics: he was a demon prince, which Azul made a pact with. To prevent some nasty effects and also to prevent other people from assuming he went loco for talking to seemingly nothing, Idia was also tied into the pact as a mediator.
Idia recovers from the brush wacking, adding to Azul that he beared this contract for years, although he bearly used it, noting in what conditions he used to be. Azul just asks if the 2 could tell him how he used to be.
Unfortunately, when the 2 try to do it, but instead, both are tied up to the mouths by sum invisible force. To try and figure it out, Malleus summons the contract and annalises it. As he traces the problem, he realises that Azul's memories are on the line. Therefore the pact stated that they can only disclose to Azul present information. Nothing related to his past shall ever be brought up if Azul doesn't remember, mostly since the collateral of the contract were previous memories, therefore the more Azul forgets, the more is added to the colateral.
So basically Azul's memory is like a bidding bowl. They can only use and comunicate to Azul things related to him that he remembers. The rest just become collateral that none can tamper with, unless Azul remembers.
Thankfully, Malleus's biscuit making(you know, that thing cats do with their paws) helps with calming down Azul faster and enough so he could process the new information.
Idia adds that this is very bad. Azul holded some very important pieces of information, not just in his mind, but also on him. After a small pocketing, nothing was found. It meant Azul was knocked out not for the amnesia part, but to be robbed.
Which yeah... It is a bad thing. Someone must've stolen Azul's belongings. His room luggage only had some spare clothes and necessities. Idia does cry out that Azul has to find who stole his belongings since they were really important. Malleus does say that everyone has with them identification objects and if Azul's got stolen, then he cannot verify anymore his identity. Luckily he already verified himself to the others before getting the amnesia hit, so at least he has a safety net.
So Azul starts to search around. The only significant things he found was a portable console Idia had in front of his blanket. Also Idia's blanket was a personal one, meaning Azul owned it. On the desk there were some toiletries, 3 hairbrushes and 2 glasses cases. Azul currently wore a pair of glasses, so one was empty. The other glasses pair had tinted lenses, therefore sunglasses.
In the room were also snacks. More specifically a bag of gummy worms and fish crackers. Malleus cleared it out that those were specifically for him and Idia. In Azul's luggage bag, besides his spare clothes, there were also smaller ones, most likely meant for the 2 in question. Also 2 leashes. It was clear that Azul will have to drag those 2 around.
Idia explained that they can't leave Azul for a long distance. But since most people can't see an invisible leash, they have to improvise. The bonus of the invisible leash is that it acts like a circle line, so it can't get longer just by going around a thing like the normal leash.
Then why do these 2 need it? Malleus has a foul habit of getting lost and Idia ran away multiple times from people, ESPECIALLY kids. So a normal leash is very much needed.
With the room investigation done, Azul had to move to the hall, mostly to the place he was attacked.
In there, not much was present. The carpet was a bit wet. Malleus finds tho something shiny: an earring. It was Azul's and it was a small one, not that noticeable.
They also find a glass tossed around. Except that it was wet in the outside, not on the inside. Idia notes that since they are currently moving via the boat, they cannot check outside since it was only sea and if by chance something would be floating around, they would have passed it long ago.
Azul does ask how long was he gone. Idia responds that Azul was gone for 2 hours at least. The roll call couldn't take more than half a hour from Malleus's Intel, since he heard people passing around after 30 minutes since Azul leaved.
Again, nothing more was found around here. The place where Azul passed out was close to the bathroom too, in which there was a small table with a few glasses, with paper towels under them.
Except that one paper towel had no glass on it. That had to be the glass on the floor.
After that, Azul made his way to the lounge room, where everyone else was waiting. Now there were in here only Epel, Ace, Jack, Kalim and Jamil... Rook apparently went off to his room.
Kalim looked very excited by Idia since it was a big and pretty bird. Idia was just perched on Azul's shoulder and it was clear he was not having fun by how tight he was clawing onto that shoulder as Kalim approached him.
Thankfully Azul doesn't like how tight Idia was holding him so he told Kalim to not go near his bird.
Kalim does ask Azul how is he and if he happened to remember something. Azul says that he didn't remember anything, but he didn't find any identification object into his room, which makes him believe they were on him before he got knocked out.
The others caught on what that implied. Someone stole from Azul.
Unfortunately, that was a thing they would have to figure out later, since a voice at the speaker announced that they are approaching the Sage Island port.
At another roll call, this time everyone with their luggage bags at them again, Azul finally 're-meet' Lilia, silver and Leona, who were filled in about his amnesia from Rook. Lilia mentions that by chance Azul was sea-sick, but that got quickly debunked when it was added the new recent info: Azul was robbed by the belongings he had on him then.
Silver is a sleepy guy, but he was very nice, going for petting Malleus first since Idia again was a millisecond away from a meltdown. Malleus seemed to have a Microsoft error moment since he got petted on the head by someone.
Nonetheless, he seemed warmed up by it and actually happy. Idia does explain to Azul that, unfortunately, Malleus is very awkward at interactions with people, so when someone first approaches him, he's over the moon.
That also explains why Malleus was around Azul's legs non-stop.
When getting off the boat, they are greeted by a guy. He introduces himself as Trey Clover, a simple detective from WDO and also the guy that would house the trainees. Apparently the Master detectives had their own place payed by WDO, at a fancy hotel.
Behind Azul, Ace was rubbing it in Epel's face. Jack was just palmfacing.
Lilia does come clean about the short notice regarding Azul's memories, so Trey promises to adapt to it. For now, as to not seem that suspicious, the trainees will go with Trey while the master detectives will follow Leona.
Trey brings them to a bakery. His house is above the bakery, which was a family heirloom, therefore Trey also worked there. He mentioned that it was the most of his income, which begged the question of why?
Trey explains that Sage Island doesn't rely too much on outside detectives, rather, it trains it's own detectives and uses them for cases. Rarely Trey gets a case and most times is about a missing pet or lost objects. So the bakery is his best income source.
Well... At least they get sum food. :v
Trey does say that he isn't sure what Azul's pets would eat. He does say that he doesn't have bird seeds or crickets, to which Azul says that Idia is sum exotic bird species that apparently eats gummy worms. For Malleus... Well... This big silly looking lizard seems to eat  crackers for now, but Azul won't rule out the meat option.
Epel mutters how maybe they could feed Ace to the lizard. He got a grudge for the hotel room, ok? :'3
Trey makes them a small house tour and explains to them that currently, this is an undercover mission. The trainees are written in as normal students, who came here to study. Trey was the kind soul who housed them in for the meantime. They used this cover to carry out the master detectives on the same transportation means, mostly to avoid any attempt from Sage Island of preventing WDO detectives from getting in.
Then, how was Trey here? He was a WDO agent...
Well... Trey says that he didn't use to be a single WDO agent. He had a lot of partners, but right now they either were killed, framed or simply rotting in jail. You could leave and come to this island as you please, unlike Kanai Ward. That's exactly what makes this place more dangerous: if you conspire, they will find a motive to have you wanted by everyone.
The problem was: whoever seems to hold confidential information doesn't have the right to leave.
So Trey begs the trainees to just don't get in trouble. If the Sage Island Government finds out they have ulterior motives or that they discovered something, they will be hunted down immediately.
Malleus seemed a bit restless, rubbing around Azul's leg and rolling on the ground. The others passed it off as just lizard things while trey assigned to them their sleeping rooms. He had a few guest rooms, rooms which once belonged to his partners, so everyone got their own room thankfully.
Malleus still was restless, which he himself confirms as misteries. This island was one huge mistery, Azul's stolen goods were also a mistery and that got Malleus excited.
Idia says that he doesn't like the 'mistery cooties' at all. Azul asks about it, to which Idia responds that when they will stumble upon a good mistery, Malleus will feel all itchy and act as if he had cooties. Worst case scenario: Malleus will make a hole in the wall/floor.
Malleus does beg to explore and find something, but so far they had to listen to Trey.
Trey assigns them a few chores for the day. From cleaning to errands. Azul got broom duty, but he does contemplate on how he could get to do an errand.
At the dinner tho, Trey makes clear more about the mission: tomorrow school starts. They are enrolled in there as new students. For silver, Azul and Kalim, they will say they got late into school. Meanwhile, the master detectives will condone their own separate investigations. Ace would be home schooled tho, so Trey asks for the others to take some notes and borrow them to Ace as well.
Trey also sits down Azul a bit to talk about his pets. The school does allow pets, but Azul will have to put both on leash(he says that as Malleus knocks down a shelf and Idia perches on the TV, crying as Epel and Jack look at him).
Trey also asks if by chance the 2 are related to Azul's forte. Azul would have wanted to say no, but Malleus told him to say yes. With that confirmed, Trey noted it down and gave to Azul a paper, which he will have to present to the faculty office tomorrow.
The next day, it was the big day. Lilia came to visit in the morning, clearing it out that the school they will attend is one out of the only 2 schools on Sage Island: NRC. They choose it because daughters and sons of important government figures also attend there, therefore they have more chances of gathering intel.
And then it came the leash problem. Idia had no problem, he even got the leash on himself, Azul only had to close it. But Malleus? Nah... He wanted to get it on himself as well, but he ended up tangled and there it was a struggling lizard rolling on the floor. :'3
So armed with 0 knowledge about NRC, 2 supranatural beings on leash and a backpack with snacks hidden in it, Azul was ready to start this very long day.
Cue very flamboyant ceremony. It was broadcasted on TV as well, so it was that level of important apparently.
The principal also presents himself as Dire Crowley and makes some very sugar-coated speech about the school and the start of this academic year.
Nonetheless, Azul was assigned to his class. First year class along Kalim and a very loud mf. Upon his homeroom teacher's request, he had to give the slip Trey gave him so it could be taken to the faculty office.
So far, nothing seemed out of order. Very boring day followed by a normal dinner and sleep.
But the next day?
Azul was just walking his way to school. Silver was driven there by Lilia and Kalim was dragged by Jamil with a car.
That's when Azul was passing by the church when a scream was heard amongst the bell rings, something falling down from the tower.
It was a person. A person fell from the bell tower and plummeted into the church fence, which unfortunately had spiked tips.
And Azul was the unfortunate soul who saw that play out in front of him. Even a few droplets of blood touched his face much like the horrified by-standers who screamed in horror and immediately called the police.
Idia was calm tho, while Malleus started to rub his back on the fence. Again, the mistery cooties acted up, so the 2 nudged Azul to investigate.
Malleus reassured that they can spare some time to investigate, they will make sure Azul won't end up late to school.
So until police arrives at least, Azul got to look at the body. It was a nun, a quite young nun. Her hair was damp and her clothes were drenched in blood on the front as she fell belly first into the fence.
Even so, Azul took some courage to get closer and check for the pulse. It was the stomach aera, maybe she could still be saved.
But as he checked the pulse, he noticed how the body was awfully cold. Way too cold for someone who just died. Looking a bit at the face, it was also drenched. It couldn't be sweat, so it was water.
On the forehead it was a wierd mark, but Azul didn't have time to check since he heard the police sirens, so the next best thing was to go retreat through the crowd.
Malleus tho, dragged Azul towards the church insides. In there he is immediately greeted with a bulkier nun, who was glaring daggers at him, asking what is he doing here while a holy ceremony is commencing.
The best thing Azul comes up with is to tell the nun about the commotion outside. Idia is the one who tells Azul what exactly to say, the final story being: Azul was walking towards school when the nun fell and died on the fence, so scared, Azul came to call on the church personal as other bystanders already called the police.
The nun warms up to it very quickly, becoming horrified when she sees the body and realises that this teen just saw a murder play out. So she immediately drags Azul in, with pets and all, while she calls to the other nuns and priests that one of them is dead.
Luckly, the ceremony was just finished and the bulky nun explained how 'this poor child witnessed a person die so violently'. The other nuns sympathised with this and of course Azul was swarmed by them. Only Idia's horrified bird cries got them to give him some space so a more older priest could approach him and sit down to talk. The police came and already it was a chaos while trying to mark the scene and get people to leave.
The priest asked Azul what he saw and again, the same story was shared. The priest got a confirmation from another nun, so he noted that the one who died had an injured leg and couldn't climb stairs. Azul marked it off as a suspicious detail since how is it possible to jump from the bell tower if you can't climb it?
So Azul asks to see the bell tower. The priest is skeptical, but Azul made an excuse that some breeze from up high might help him calm down.
The priest personally gets him up there. He did voice his concern over Azul's pets coming too, but Azul cleared that those are his service pets, trained to help him with some issues. The priest didn't question it.
While climbing the tower, they meet a young boy who carried after him a bag. The priest introduces him as Rollo. Rollo says that he wasn't feeling well and only now woke up from a black out. He did ask if he missed the ceremony, to which the priest tells him which jun died. Rollo seemed absolutely devastated. When asked about it, the priest says that he doesn't have the heart to disclose that.
Malleus was just scratching his butt on the floor from the mistery cooties. :'3
Unfortunately, that's also when police caught up with them and immediately demanded to arrest Rollo. Apparently, from the clergy members's testimonies, Rollo was the only one with a flimsy alibi, so he would be taken into custody. The priest did protest to it, but in the end he gave up and went with Rollo to testify as well and hope Rollo won't get arrested for good.
Azul was told to go up to the bell to take some fresh air without necessarily seeing the body, but not stay much, since a nun will be waiting down for him.
So reaching the tower top, Azul was met with a mess. Malleus seemed to bear better the itching problem, so he did walk around and look for clues. Idia took it upon himself to check the bell tops and surprisingly, there was a catwalk above them. In there, some buckets and cleaning supplies were, most likely to clean up the top of the bell and hinges. The bell also seemed a bit too shiny, so it must've been recently cleaned.
Malleus tho, found a wooden stake which was wet, but it had some blood stains on it.
Azul only got height fear so he couldn't bring himself to go close to the edge, even so, he noticed something: the edge had a quite sturdy metal fence, most likely to prevent falling down. Another notable thing was that from the tower top to the fence it was quite the distance. Unless you were a great jumper, you couldn't land on the fence by simply jumping.
On the other side of the tower, Azul could spot a backyard, where a well, an incinerator, a big washing bowl and stings full of laundry to dry were set in between thick trees.
Deciding that they still had some time, Azul rushed back down(much to his own relief), hid from the nuns and got into the backyard, looking around.
Even more things were there, that weren't hidden by the trees: benches and a long table, some beehives, animal pens, a veggie garden and a shed with tools and feed mills.
On the table tho, a big stain was under the white cloth that covered it. There was a bottle of wine that was also opened and quite a big amount of it was missing. One could assume that it was simply wine.
Malleus tho, jumped onto the table and sniffed it. He couldn't confirm it, since it smelled like detergent so powerfully around from the clean laundry, that he hardly could tell if it was wine or something else.
It also seemed like the little veggie garden was recently watered. Idia perched in there,
But that's when the sprinklers went on, scaring him and thus, attracting a nun.
A very last minute excuse and the nun bought it, explaining that the bird must've been scared by the automatic watering system. It helps everyone with managing things. They just have to fill the tank behind the trees with water once a week and that's it.
Azul was guided outside the church tho, so nothing more was to be done. He just couldn't figure out what went on. So far, Rollo seemed like the most likely suspect, but from his devastated face, Azul could tell that he couldn't have done such thing.
Idia tho, shows what he snatched: a photo. It was the victim and a smaller Rollo. Both were smiling, the picture being taken in the backyard, next to the pig pen. On the back it was written: Rollo and Piggy meet up :).
So Azul leaves the church perimeters, slipping on his head his hoodie, trying to blend into the crowd.
Except that he was very easy to spot from Idia and Malleus's presence. And someone immediately stopped him. That someone was a very handsome man who presented himself as Vil Schonenheit, the one in charge of this case. He just finished interrogating a few nuns when he caught wind of Azul's little exploration around the church.
Vil wanted to take Azul into custody and possibly arrest him for the murder that took place, as an accomplice.
Of course, this scared the shit out of Azul, who wanted to run away, but already police were around the whole perimeter.
That's when Malleus tells him that there is only one way to get out of this thing: call upon his power. Azul wanted to say that he doesn't know how to call for that, but Idia butts in and tells Malleus that he can do it without Azul asking for his help.
So Idia is the one who soars in the air, becoming a big blue flame that quickly descended down. Azul was more horrified by the blue fire than to notice that time froze around them. The blue fire did clear up, revealing a tall guy with quite the gloomy attire and of course, hair made out of the same blue flame. He presents himself as Idia and again, tells Azul to not panic.
Malleus just spits green fire, creating a circle, which he passes through, getting out as a tall guy with horns and quite the princely attire. The circle of course turned into a portal.
Poor Azul, already all of his reason and sanity leaved his body. Apparently his talking supranatural pets are very handsome guys that stop time and open a portal to God knows where.
But there is no kind of time for any calm explanation, because Idia is the one who kicks Azul into the portal, following by himself and Malleus who jumped on his own.
Cue epic free fall, with Azul screaming his ass off.
The next thing he knows was that he was on the ground, completely alive and alright, in front of some kind of temple like thing floating in the middle of some sort of dimension? He didn't know and would rather not question it.
Malleus presents it as the mistery labyrinth. He could summon a portal to this place only when they stumble upon a mistery. By beating this labyrinth, they will find the real culprit behind the murder that just occurred. Malleus would be able to guide Azul and help him out in navigating the labyrinth.
But what did Idia have to do with it? Well, Idia does explain that he is here because, unlike a death God (and because Malleus is a little goofball), the hidden secrets of the labyrinth can only be revealed by Idia's intervention, since Malleus cannot.
So here we go with the very wierd 'would you give your life for the truth' question from our resident demon prince. It is mandatory and Idia just tells Azul to say yes and get over with it. He said and I quote: 'just say it so Malleus can do his silly dance and we can enter'.
And yes. Malleus does his lil tango with Azul, at the end pulling out of Azul's chest something. This also changed Azul's attire as he was handed from Malleus a silver trident, dubbed as the eclipse key. Malleus explains that this weapon can be used in the labyrinth, especially if you have solution keys.
As for the solutions keys, it is time for Idia's turn at the 'silly dance', this time Malleus being the one who is spun around, from his robes falling various keys. Azul finds that on his new attire there is a key ring, using that to hold the 'solution keys'.
Now with everything ready, they get to navigate through the mistery labyrinth.
A few important mechanics:
the reasoning duels, in which Azul learns how to use the trident with the solution keys.
Hidden questions, where Idia uses his scythe on Azul(much to the initial horror of the other), ro reveal The hidden questions and what each path is meaning(a lot of blood is sprayed around and Azul at first thinks he actually was dying)
Malleus's puzzle: where Malleus summons a paralel room with many stairs he uses to jump on and make out an answer pointer.
Finally, the last stand, on which we get big dragon Malleus and an epic castle attack against the last boss: the culprit.
During this, we also find out what actually happened: a crime out of passion had the victim being bashed to the table in the backyard and stabbed in the forehead with the wooden stake. The culprit then washed the victim with water from the well, throwing the bloody one at the veggie garden. Then the victim was thrown onto the bell as it rung, the culprit screaming so to make it seem like the victim committed suicide while the already dead body was thrown off onto the fence and finally getting the scene Azul first saw.
Once the final stand is over, the 3 are faced with the spirit of the culprit: the bulky nun. The reason for the murder was none, rather it was an act of passion, due to the fact that the victim was not a virgin, rather a teen mom, Rollo being her son. Despite the absolute horrible way she gained a baby, she didn't want to abort and raised Rollo with all of her love. Rollo used to have a twin, but that poor boy died at the hands of the same nun for being a 'mistake'.
Now Azul wanted to ask what are they supposed to do. Idia says that if Malleus gets his hands on the soul, the culprit will die in real life, so that's why Idia is here: to collect the soul and therefore gain complete control over it.
The soul itself tries to run away, but Idia is faster and catches it with his scythe, putting it into a small vial he gives to Azul.
Back in the real world, the time continues and Idia with Malleus are back as just pets, while Azul was still sorrounded by police and Vil.
Azul tries to clear it out that he has no ties with this case, but Vil denies it. Idia nudges Azul to check his pockets and there it was: the vial from the mistery labyrinth. Azul doesn't bring it out, as Idia told him to only hold it into his hand.
Guided by Malleus and Idia, Azul is teached how to bluff it up and use secretly the vial to bring forth the true culprit and force them to confess. His best excuse was that he saw the head of the culprit while the victim was thrown from the tower and so he searched the church for them.
Vil seems suspicious, but nonetheless since the police was busy with arresting the nun that kept crying out that she didn't say that or that she didn't do it, Azul was able to escape him and run to school on time.
Kalim does ask Azul what took him so long, Azul replying that unlike him and silver, he wasn't driven to school. Kalim rebuttals tho, saying that Jack and Epel took it by foot too and got here some time before Azul. The next best explanation was that he got lost and had to ask for directions.
Azul decided that it was best to not bring up the church incident at all. It was way too wierd for him.
Kalim also introduces Azul to Sebek, who was their classmate. Sebek was loud, very proud of himself for having a forte. Azul was asked multiple times throughout the day what was his forte, but because of his amnesia, he simply said he didn't have one. Unfortunately, that got people to look down on him.
Kalim still was sticking out with Azul, which made Idia the more agitated. It was clear Idia didn't like cheery persons and Kalim was literally the dictionary definition of friendly.
Although Azul's lie couldn't hold all that much, because later that day, Rollo came to the bakery, happening to meet up with Azul, who was assigned by Trey to manage the cashier for a bit.
And Rollo runs off, returning a few minutes later with a bouquet of flowers from the church garden. It was very lucky that the church was close. Rollo thanked Azul, as he saw him while waiting in the police car with the priest to be taken to interrogation. Rollo wanted to do much more as a thank you, but for now Azul was welcomed any day to come at the church and possibly dine with the rest of the clergy members. For now, these flowers are a thanks from all of them for exposing the truth and bringing justice to the death of his mother.
And you know, Trey happened to hear it, much like the rest of the trainees. After Rollo gets his usual order and leaves, Trey closes the bakery and everyone bombards poor Azul with questions.
Trey is the saviour of the situation, tells them to go and finish their chores. He again sits Azul down to talk, while being absolutely tired because he told them one thing: don't get into trouble. And what did Azul do? Waltz his ass into trouble. (more like trouble fell in front of him)
But the thing got solved in the end, so Azul gets scout free this time. It doesn't mean Trey won't close his eye again if it happens.
Back to his room, Azul prepares for bed when he notices that his coat, the one he wore on the ship, had a tare on the inside pocket.
And in there he found a small ring. It was a bit large, easily falling off Azul's fingers. The ring was slim, with very intricate motifs on it, on the inside of the silver band being engraved a logo.
Whoever knocked out Azul on the ship, most likely had this ring caught in his pocket fabric and fell down inside the coat. Azul probably didn't notice it in his panic.
But now he had a lead for his own mistery. And he will pursue it! Weather he gets in trouble or not.
And that's where I will stop for now. Of course, there are many other miseries laying before Azul. The main one is after all: who was the one who gave to Azul amnesia.
Yes... There will follow more small cases which slowly add to the big picture. But we also ditch the big picture to pursue the thing that started everything.
Also I will try to go more of the Danganronpa route, where you do get attached to the characters involved in the cases. Weather is before, during or after the case involving them.
So imma wait for your speculations, and ideas... I don't really plan on making it a thing like P5 next gen au(I swear I am working at it) or like NRSSAB au(seriously I have a bigass plot in there and no one caught onto the gig) so this au will be a very ask driven one...
Until next time! Bye bye!
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likethehorrormovie · 3 years
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bonsai-babies · 2 years
thoughts on Samantha's main ships
I'm a shameless Samtory shipper, but there are other Sam ships that I am rather fond of and I would like to share some thoughts on them.
Samdiaz 🐙
Miguel and Sam were The Ship. Clearly planned early on by the producers, this ship have a touch of innocence and youthness to it. Miguel was still a good kid and Sam was young, not-traumatized, and just enjoying the company of this boy who was true to her and held no ill intentions at all. He was the perfect guy. At least to a point. We soon learn about Miguel's insecurities and how it hurts the relationship, alongside his descent into the Cobra mentality. I suffered. Despite hoping that Sam would have a queer relationship, this straight couple was just too pure and wholesome. They had THE vibe. If Sam had to date a guy, Miguel was it. Unfortunately Cobra Kai happened.
When they got back together it was fine. It didn't make me melt like before because now things were different, everyone was in a darker place, and they both needed time to heal before getting together.
I still cheer for them. I hope they can make better choices.
I also think people are unnecessarily mean to this ship. People act like every relationship is pure and politically immaculate. This is a ridiculous standard that I hope people don't believe that much. Humans are failable, your partner will be too. Two teenagers will be even worse. So be kinder to them, don't enforce a level of maturity that's not realistic. Seriously.
Samrobby 🌳
Firstly, I hate how this name sound and I wish we had a different better combination of their names. Now onto what metters.
Sam and Robby are THE STAR CROSSED CLICHE we all love -- because we are weak. Children of mortal enemies? Bish, sign us on! There was no way these two wouldn't happen, it's just too star written to be ignored.
This ship is like bonanza and pillow clouds. They have a deeper vibe to it. Despite also being wholesome, their composition come from a more introspective and serious place. Robby has this weight and this baggage that is ugly and problematic. However, upon meeting Daniel and allowing Miyagi's teachings find home inside him, this weight was transformed into something so powerful. He met Sam at a spiritual place they both shared. She, having inherited it all from birth, and he who learned it. And as they shared this connection and this mental space together things were so beautiful.
Robby was at peace, he was growing, he was happy. Sam had someone who now shared the same teachings, someone who also genuinely felt affection for her and had so much to teach about a life she couldn't even imagine.
Of course, again, things happened. And I was so very sad. But I felt worst later on when Robby abandoned Miyagi's teaching's and just turned his back to the LaRussos. It was understandable from his perspective, but it hurt just the same.
In general I see people being impossibly disrespectful and cruel to this ship. It's not a surprise, though, two of the most hated characters are in it, also it rivals the new "popular ship". I once again think this type of behavior is childish and shameful. Sam and Robby had a beautiful thing, their connection was dream-like and I hope they bond again -- even if platonic because the LawRusso babies MUST be an evolution from the LawRusso parents.
To me, at the end of the day, Sam is whom I hold highest. But I'll be lying if I said Robby and Miguel didn't have a place in my CK heart. They are great kids, they have good hearts, they both needed better guidance and better support. I want them to get along, just like I want Sam and Tory to get along. They are kids fighting a war they have nothing to gain from and adults relentlessly abuse them in the name of it.
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lihikainanea · 2 years
idk if we’ve discussed this. maybe we have? but i love the thought of bill getting big for role and not realizing his strength at first. like tiger is getting thrown tf around like a rag doll and the first time she goes flying when he tosses her on the bed he’s like 😨 holy shit are you okay? and then during sex, he just picks her up and puts her into any position he wants like she weighs absolutely nothing and she’s like, losing her mind because this new strength he has is really sexy
Listen, Bill is looking skinnier than usual lately but then I saw his arms in that recent photo shoot and THOSE VEINS and those STRONG HANDS and bish I am suffering.
But I low key love this, for its hilarity and because it is so utterly, completely on brand for them. Like, the two idiots are probably just cooking dinner and for no reason--absolutely no reason whatsoever--things get frisky. Tiger is chopping something, Bill is stirring on the stove--she walks by, slaps his ass. He gives her ponytail a playful tug, biting her neck--and then it's on. Clothes are being thrown off as they stumble their way down the hallway.
And like, here's the thing. Bill had to get stronger for a role--much stronger. He's still not used to his new frame, or the power it holds. Tiger is loving it--his usual sinewy frame now bulked with functional muscle, the veins in his arms popping, the way his shoulders got so much broader. In fact, for the past two weeks tiger has been on Brat Mode just so she can get a delicious taste of his strength, and she can't get enough.
When they finally get to the doorway, Bill picks her up and throws her to the bed--it's something he does a lot, mostly because he loves the squeal she lets out every time, and because for as much as tiger is loving his strength, he's also a big fan of it mostly because of what it allows him to do to her.
But the problem is, Bill is much stronger now. And while he used to pick her up and toss her so she'd land with a soft bounce on the bed, this time he does it with entirely too much gusto and he watches in horror as tiger misses the bed completely. He just catapults her right over it, nearly into the goddamn wall on the other side, and she falls to the floor in a heap.
"Holy shit," he cusses, "Oh my god, tiger are you okay?"
He rushes to the other side of the bed, and she's on her ass on the floor staring up at him in shock.
"What the hell was that?" she asks, stunned.
"I'm sorry," he crouches down and runs his hands over her to make sure she's okay, "I didn't mean to throw you that hard! I thought you'd land on the bed and I...I overshot it. Are you okay?"
Tiger looks up at him, a devilish smirk tilting up her lips.
"Do it again," she breathes.
"Do it again," she grabs his shoulders and digs her nails in. "Throw me."
"I'm not going to throw you on the floor kid."
"Then on the bed," she pleads, "Oh my god bud, just throw me."
So he does. He picks her up and slams her down on the bed, and she lets out a loud moan.
"Like that," she begs, "Please Billy, just like that."
And I mean, goddamn if he can stop himself you know? Tiger begging him to go hard, to just do whatever he wants while she doesn't fight him--and him being strong enough to just pick her up, bend her, fold her, throw her around?
Dinner never quite gets made that night, but there's some junk food that shows up around 3AM.
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thegamingcatmom · 2 months
Hello! Hope your day is going good!
I say as I pull out an idea fresh from the brain oven, I've another idea 👀
Set after whoevers gotten the first kiss
3 words: lip balm smooch
Starting off with kate obviously cause she would start this shit:
Kate eyeing MC in the bathroom mirror as she applies whatever flavoured coloured lip balm or whatever
Kate:"What flavour is that?"
MC sees her in the mirror eyeing her:"uh....cherry"(or whatever flavour idk)
Kate:"can I try"
MC:"???sure?" As she holds out the tube
Kate pulls her by the front of her shirt and kisses her
Tanya seeing this from a distance >:0
Tanya trying to pull the same trick on MC later either goes one of two ways
Before MC puts on lip balm
Tanya asks and MC immediately holds out the lip balm
MC:"Here you go," knowing she's not gonna give her the chance
Tanya:"no, I'd rather how you did it with kate"
2 options if MC answers no:
Tanya gets huffy puffy tantrum-ish
Tanya raises an eyebrow serious expression:"you want to try that again?"
MC nervous energy:*deep sigh* puts on the lip balm to get smooched
This is clearly before Irina gives in
And then irina unknowing to the whole lip balm shenanigans asks to try her lip balm?
MC? Terrified, unsure which way Irina wants the lip balm
And has to ask in definite fear, tears in eyes? Idk, cause she doesn't want an angry irina
Irina hears this asks what's the other way
And then just being annoyed with her sisters and takes the lip balm tube
Or MC assumes it's the smooch way and irina? Irritated at it and swipes the lip balm outta her hands
-📚 anon >:)
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Well, hello there...
(I gotta admit, I was a smidge confused at first to read "terrified" and "Irina" in the same sentence. But then I was like "ahhh, we´re in that universe now" and it all made sense. 💀)
Kate, the lil shit, would DEFO pull smt like this. She´d use anything she can get her hands on and weaponize it to get herself some lady loving while *affectionate* striking down her sisters at the same time yeye.
And don´t get me started on MC, MY GOD-
Can she get any more blissfully ignorant?? Like, girl-
(She´s adorable.)
The sisters could hold up a blinking neon sign reading-
(Got it? Cause valentine + vampire = valent-
And MC probs STILL wouldn´t get it (also because she has no idea vampires even exist, as @feastingonfanfiction kindly pointed out). Or more like she adamantly refuses to get it. Stubborn thing.
As for Tanya?
I do enjoy seeing her suffer a bit, so MC´s not gonna give into her just like that.
Not with that attitude.
Tanya could "threaten" her all she wanted (she´s like a spitting kitten, bish pls), and MC would just be there like-
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Like, girl´s over it by now.
With that said, I think Tanya would be all huffy and puffy about it with a smidge of her usual indignation when it comes to MC rejecting her (the audacity), but still in a refined way (cause she´s still a Queen leader) like-
Tanya, most indignant: "...I asked nicely."
(That has become her go-to line btw.)
MC, most unimpressed: "And I declined nicely."
(That has become MC´s go-to line btw.)
That´s that. Conversation´s over. Tanya will brood for the rest of the day while MC´s just gonna...go about her day?? I guess??? What else is she supposed to do??
(Our proud coven leader gotta learn to have some damn patience, and MC´s only all too happy to remind her.)
YKNOW??? 😩
(It´s like witnessing kids fight over the same toy, honestly. If one has it, the other MUST have it too, despite having had it only minutes ago. 🤦‍♀️)
And Irina? Being kinda unaware of things (because she doesn´t give a damn anyway)?? Just wanting to go about her day with her usual "u better not talk to me" face?? Entirely used to all that shit and just as done as MC about it???
Like, honestly-
Out of the three of them, Irina is probs the...nicest??? Despite her attitude???
Like yes, she might try and get a bite in at some point (someone still owes her a dinner, after all), but she´s being honest about it. So, when it comes to mind games, Irina is actually the one you gotta worry about the least, is what I´m saying.
She´s still mean af (she does wanna eat MC´s face, after all), but it´s in a straightforward way. Unlike her sisters, whose intentions aren´t always 100% clear.
Girl just wants to go about her day as she usually would, aight?? Stay clear of her, and she´ll (perhaps) do the same for you. Aight? Got it? Good. Now-
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(And don´t ruin her morning.)
So, when it comes to that lip balm dilemma, she´s probs just gonna go like-
"Ugh, don´t waste my time, mortal. And stop looking at me like that. Just gimme the damn thing."
*proceeds to aggressively take the lip balm*
*comes to the conclusion that it is quite...adequate*
*proceeds to aggressively hand back the lip balm*
*storms off without another word*
*proceeds to search the internet for the damn thing*
YKNOW??? 😭
Thank you for sharing another one of your ideas with me. I absolutely love reading them - they really get my gears turning. ⚙️❤️
(Your other ask shall be answered soon, btw. 😜)
Have a great day! 💋
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Ok soooooo… @raziyekroos and I were talking about this post on @khaleesiofalicante’s blog (quick disclaimer - don’t fucking send anyone ANY hate. I’m not criticising the asker in the post or Dani, anyway. Most of my criticisms are directed at Cassandra Clare. But yeah. If I see any hate going around I’ll whoop your ass. I’m serious.)
ANYWAY, back to the point, I… have some beef with the fact that “Alec killed himself because Sebastian was hunting him down for information otherwise he would’ve fought on even after he lost everything” is supoosed to be irrecoverably canon cause… BISH WHERE??
Sorry about the caps. We’re returning to lowercase now.
Let’s start with Qoaad, the book where we found out about Thule, about everything that happened in Thule.
Starting with this scene:
“Magnus Bane was one of the first great tragedies,” said Livvy as if she were reciting an old story everyone knew. “Bane realized he was turning into a demon. He begged his boyfriend, Alexander Lightwood, to kill him. Alec did, and then turned the sword on himself. Their bodies were found together in the ruins of New York.”
Julian had gone whiter than paper. Emma put her head down, feeling like she might faint.
Magnus and Alec, who had always been a symbol of all that was good, so horribly gone.
This is where we find out that Magnus was killed by Alec, and then Alec killed himself. We don’t know anything about Alec’s motivations, or why he killed himself.
But we do get an idea in this scene:
Clary sighed. “Jace hates being away from Alec at times like this. There isn’t anything he can do, but I understand wanting to be with your parabatai when they’re suffering. I’d want to be with Simon.”
“It’s not like he’s there just for himself,” Emma said. The sky was dark blue and chased with fading clouds. “I’m sure it’s better for Alec, having him there. I mean, I think part of what was so awful for the Alec in Thule was that he must have felt so alone when he lost Magnus. So many of his friends were already dead, and his parabatai was worse than dead.”
Clary shuddered. “We should talk about something more cheerful.”
Emma clearly says that losing Magnus, along with several other friends and his parabatai was what drove Thule!Alec to suicide. Clary doesn’t deny it either - in fact, her reaction suggests the opposite, like she sees exactly what Emma means and she understands. Neither of them know about Alec having information about the resistance and about Sebastian looking for him. They’re not confused about why Thule!Alec did what he did, they’re not questioning his motives or thinking “Alec wouldn’t do something like that, there must be something more to it”
Okay, moving on- we also have this scene
“Okay, let’s talk about the important part.” Magnus turned to Alec with a furious look on his face. “You killed yourself? Why would you do that?”
Alec looked startled. “That wasn’t me,” he pointed out. “It’s an alternate universe, Magnus!”
Magnus grabbed Alec by the front of his shirt. “If I die, you are not allowed to do anything like that! Who would take care of our kids? How could you do that to them?”
“We never had kids in that world!” Alec protested.
“Where are Rafe and Max?” Emma whispered to Cristina.
“Simon and Isabelle are looking after them in New York. Alec checks in every day to see if Max is getting sick, but he seems fine so far,” Cristina whispered back.
“You are not allowed to hurt yourself, under any circumstances,” Magnus said, his voice gruff. “Do you understand that, Alexander?”
“I would never,” Alec said softly, stroking Magnus’s cheek. Magnus clasped Alec’s hand against his face. “Never.”
They all looked away, letting Magnus and Alec have their moment in privacy.
Magnus’s reaction in these scene says a LOT. There’s the fact that he’s seen Alec’s self-sacrificing part before ofc, but it’s undeniable that here, he sees Alec killing himself, in a landscape like Thule, as a very real possibility - enough that it SCARES him.
Magnus isn’t questioning it either. Magnus isn’t saying “That doesn’t sound like my Alexander, are you sure there’s nothing more?”
There’s NOTHING in any of these scenes from qoaad that suggests that Alec killed himself not out of hopelessness after he lost Magnus but because he knew Sebastian was after him for information. NOTHING.
Now, note that qoaad is part of the main canon. It goes without saying, and Cassie knows this too, that the main series (tmi, tid, tda, tlh, and later twp) are… slightly more canon than the other books (tbc, tftsa, gotsm and tec), in that the first set of books has a much wider audience. People are more likely to read them than the second set of books, which act more like a side to the main series. These books are more likely to be read by fans interested in knowing more about their favourite characters than the mainstream audience.
Sooo… if Cassie wants Thule!Alec’s motivations to be clear, why not just put it in qoaad? It would’ve been like, one extra line? Why put it in the side course instead of the main dish? There’s a lot of people who will just read tda without reading gotsm. They’re all gonna believe that Alec died because he was hopeless and not because of any heroic sacrificial reasons. If Cassie wants “Alec killed his self because of Sebastian hunting him down” to be the unequivocal truth, why not just put it in qoaad? Why put it in gotsm?
Speaking of which, let’s look at the side dish gotsm. Keep in mind here, that Forever Fallen, the short story in which this takes place, was released more than SIX MONTHS after qoaad came out, enough time to make small edits and add in some details, and definitely more than enough time to review people’s reactions and see what they thought about Thule!Alec. (I’m not accusing Cassie of anything, I’m just speculating here)
THIS is the scene that reveals Thule!Alec’s supposedly true reasons for killing himself.
Janus remembered another world. Alec had still been clinging to what Magnus had become, at the very last. Those strong scarred archer’s hands, always swift to protect and defend, held him fast. Even in death, there seemed no way to break Alec’s grip.
Janus hadn’t had the chance to take Clary in his arms one last time, as Alec had with Magnus. Janus understood the choice his parabatai had made, the only choice he could’ve made with evil on his threshold and all he loved in ruins.
When Janus and Sebastian found them lying together in the rubble, Sebastian had been furious. He had wanted to capture Alec alive. Alec knew secrets about the resistance, about small pockets of hidden free humans: information Sebastian craved and that Alec had died to hide.
With a howl, Sebastian had kicked at Alec’s body. The desolate lack where the parabatai bond had been screamed. It was one of the few times Janus was able to think, Kill him.
Okay so hmm… where do I begin.
Janus says that Alec died to protect secrets about the resistance from Sebastian, and I’m not arguing with that of course. Sebastian was definitely part of why Thule!Alec did what he did.
BUT, in the paragraph that comes right before that, Janus acknowledges that losing Magnus, along with a lot of other people and things that Alec loved, was part of what drove him to killing himself.
Also, there’s this paragraph from Forever Fallen…
Max, thought Janus. Long ago, the youngest Lightwood. In this world Magnus was alive, so Alec was alive. Alec was the Consul, and they had children. Alec had named his son for that lost Max.
…which pretty much confirms that Alec would NOT have killed himself if Magnus hadn’t died first.
Like, yes, gotsm says that Alec killed himself because of Sebastian hunting him down, but ALSO because he lost a lot, including Magnus.
Now, again, this begs the question, why not just put it in qoaad? If everyone knows about how Magnus and Alec died without having been there, surely they’d also know that they were being hunted by Sebastian? Cameron had insider information since his family was sworn to Sebastian, surely he’d know that Sebastian was looking for Alec? If Magnus and Alec knew they were being hunted, surely everyone else in the resistance would know, too?
It feels almost as if this explanation - that Alec killed himself because he knew he’d be forced to give up information if he lived - was an afterthought. Created in response to backlash, maybe? This isn’t the first time that Cassie had a character with a tragic life kill themself after their partner died and then backtracked on the suicide part to make them look more ‘noble’ instead (*cough* Celine *cough*)
Anyway, speaking of afterthoughts and backlash, there’s also this ask on Cassie’s tumblr
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What Cassie is basically saying here is that Thule!Alec wouldn’t have killed himself, no matter what he lost, and only did so because Sebastian was hunting him buuut um *looks at the scenes I added above* it kinda disagrees with her own books?
Like, if Alec only killed himself to protect the resistance then… why isn’t it more explicit in the books? Why mention again and again how Alec lost everything, and especially how he lost Magnus? Why is it in a fucking tumblr post that only die-hard fans are going to see, Cassandra? 🤨
Like I said, it feels SO MUCH like an afterthought.
And also like… about a lot of the fandom’s attitude towards Thule!Alec… so what if he didn’t sacrifice himself and committed suicide instead? So what? Why should it make him any less of a hero?
Like… I’m not gonna say it’s romantic that Thule!Alec committed suicide after he killed Thule!Magnus because it wasn’t. It was tragic and cruel and it’s MEANT to be tragic and cruel cause that’s the whole point of Thule! And it’s not entirely black and white like… Alec killed himself because he lost Magnus. Alec killed himself because he lost a lot. Alec killed himself because Sebastian was hunting him down for information. It all coexists!!
Saying that Thule!Alec only killed himself because of Seb and that it’s canon is… well, incorrect, cause it’s BARELY canon. The author had to confirm it in a tumblr post. Meanwhile, the books provide plenty of evidence that Alec losing a lot of people, especially Magnus, had a huge role to play in his decision.
Also, Thule!Alec committing suicide doesn’t take away from his character in any way. It doesn’t make him any less of a hero, any less of a badass, any less of ANYTHING, and saying otherwise is just… ????
Anyway, yeah. If you’ve read this far you get a cookie. Thanks.
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daisymydaisy · 3 years
Elain seer predictions
(This post will include all the visions elain had in acowar)
Idk a lot about seer abilities but based on what we saw of elain’s powers, it shows that:
They’re able to see the future: “Twin ravens are coming, one white and one black.”
They’re able to see the unknown (something that already happened): “I saw a box of black stone. I saw a feather of fire land on snow and melt it.”
All the visions elain talked about might help predict next book’s plot (or just small mentions that might take place)
I will add some of my thoughts with each vision (my thoughts are not always right cuz apparently some people don’t get it)
Vision 1: The sea & heartbeats
“I can see so very far now. All the way to the sea.”
“I can hear your heartbeat—if I listen carefully. I can hear her heartbeat, too.”
Now elain said this while looking at the “sea beyond Sidra” so you might think she’s just trying her fae abilities but feyre knew that was not the case in the next line:
“I can hear the sea. Even at night. Even in my dreams. The crashing sea—and the screams of a bird made of fire.”
“Will I hear the earthworms writhing through the soil? Or the stretching of roots? Will the bird of fire come to sit in the trees and watch me?”
We all thought she went mad but well..it was just her seer abilities and that led the IC to find vassa.
Now with elain having visions about vassa and hearing her heartbeats...are they connected somehow? Because yes vassa helped in the war but I don’t think that was the only reason for the visions.
Vision 2: Through the stone
The very uncomfortable conversation between Lucien and elain led to some visions about a possible journey
While reading the quotes below i want you to notice how when elain is facing Lucien, she talks normally about things that already happened, like how he betrayed them, or how she remembers him from feyre’s stories (in case anyone wants to read it: it’s acowar chapter 24 may god be with you)
But when she faces the windows again she starts talking about all the stuff that doesn’t make sense.
“She looked away—toward the windows. “I can hear your heart,” she said quietly.”
“When I sleep,” she murmured, “I can hear your heart beating through the stone.” She angled her head, as if the city view held some answer. “Can you hear mine?”
I don’t think she was talking to lucien, especially since in the previous chapters she was talking about heatbeats.
Some elucien stans use the quotes above to support their ship, but knowing that previously elain heard vassa’s heartbeat....plus even lucien doubted elain was addressing him:
“He wasn’t sure if she truly meant to address him, but he said, “No, lady. I cannot.”
She just stared somewhere far through the window and mentioned how she could hear heartbeats through the stone, which reminds me of ACOSF when nesta was in the prison:
“She stared into the darkness above. “I think they used it to … to trap their enemies and their enemies’ children into the stone itself.”
Again she isn’t trying her new fae abilities, she saw something no one can, and we now know that some people are trapped in stone (honestly i was waiting for nesta to free them but i guess sjm is saving it for later)
Vision 3: He saw me
“No one ever does. No one ever looked—not really.” A bramble of words. Her voice strained to a whisper. “He did. He saw me. He will not now.”
Whenever i read this I’m like elain, honey—you mean to tell me the man who rejected you? the man who didn’t accept your new self? Something you couldn’t control.....He saw you? How in the living hel-
But then i read this post and it made sense, especially since no one guessed the suriel was talking about a different highlord, so why are we sure that elain was talking about graysen?
Considering elain is a seer, she either saw the future or the unknown. Now who is the only character who saw her?
“It made sense, I supposed, that Azriel alone had listened to her. The male who heard things others could not … Perhaps he, too, had suffered as Elain had before he understood what gift he possessed.”
This makes me think elain was shown the future, and saw herself with someone who understood her, but something happened he disappeared / died and he no longer sees her.
Vision 4: cassian dying
“He snapped your wings, broke your bones.” “It’ll take more than that to kill me,” “Elain only said to Cassian, “No, it will not.”
“Not twenty feet away, Cassian was on the ground. Wings—snapped in spots. Blood leaking from them. Bone jutted from his thigh. His Siphons were dull. Empty.”
Looking back, elain’s vision came true. That might’ve been the scene she saw and as a result she saved the day by killing the king.
But i added this just in case it wasn’t the scene she was talking about.....and to give you more anxiety :)
Vision 5: koschei
“They sold her—to … to some darkness, to some … sorcerer-lord …” She shook her head. “I can never see him. What he is. There is an onyx box that he possesses, more vital than anything … save for them. The girls. He keeps other girls—others so like her—but she … By day, she is one form, by night, human again.”
“Mor leaned forward. “Do you know why the other queens cursed her—sold her to him?”
“Elain studied the table. “No. No—that is all mist and shadow.”
Well, there are many theories about koschei (don’t know how you guys do it) and I’m not going to come up with more theories about my dude, but based on my quick research that onyx box contains his soul (or not? Please he’s so complicated) and the fact that elain saw it...
Here are also few questions:
Why was vassa sold and cursed? What did the queens gain from that? And why was this truth unknown to elain?
Vision 6: Vassa and Lucien
Right when Lucien said that he’ll bring vassa back, this happened:
“Elain now watched Lucien warily. Blinking every now and then. She revealed no hint of whatever she might be seeing—sensing. None.”
Elain saw something, and it wasn’t him dying because he came back unharmed. So what did she see?
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This whole scene screams “goodbye” to me, because after this scene Lucien found his band of exiles. This was their last chance, and elain saw it all.
Even feyre—our baddest bish—saw it:
“A bird of flame … and a lord of fire. I wondered if they’d found each other yet.”
A bonus vlucien moment cuz why not (this scene was the last Lucien scene in acowar):
“Vassa still remained inside, chatting with Lucien animatedly. I supposed that if she only had until dawn before turning back into that firebird, she wanted to make every minute count. Lucien, surprisingly, was chuckling, his shoulders loose and his head angled while he listened.”
Also how did papa Archeron convince koschei to free vassa (temporary)?
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Anyway like miss Morrigan said “There is a reason why Elain is seeing these things.”
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queenxxxsupreme · 4 years
ooh! ooh! ooh! soft prompt!!! luh dat. ok here we go. how about Eskel, the Best Boy, having a bit of trouble sewing something (cause he's got so much Hand) and reader offers her help :)
A/N: You had me at Eskel and big hands. I hope you like this babe!!! Also.... this gave me ideas for an Eskel’s hands appreciation fic.... 
You hummed as you moved throughout the house, gathering any last minute things Eskel may need for his departure in the morning. 
As you were passing through the kitchen, the light from the setting sun blinded you for a brief moment. You paused to admire the sunset, the way the orange, red, and pink clouds in the sky looked so beautiful and breathtaking. 
But the beauty only lasted a few moments. The sun was setting, which meant that soon it would be time for bed and soon it would be morning. Soon, Eskel would be leaving. 
You squeezed the sachet in your hand, biting your bottom lip. It was one of his that contained runes. You’d found it on a counter in the kitchen. 
You turned your head to look for the witcher, but found that the main room of your home was empty. It was awfully quiet too, though that wasn’t really out of the ordinary. Eskel was oftentimes quiet, unless he was humming or talking to Lil Bleater. 
You set off to find your witcher, wanting to spend as much time with him as you could. 
He was sitting on the chest at the foot of your bed, a pair of trousers across his lap. He held a spool of thread in one hand and the other was curled up into a tight fist. 
You paused in the doorway to admire him, smiling softly. He noticed you almost immediately, golden eyes flickering up to meet yours. 
“Hi, doll.” He offered you a smile, though it seemed a little forced. It didn’t reach his eyes and make those crinkles you loved so much. 
“What’s the matter?” You furrowed your brow, moving further into the bedroom. You sat down next to him on the chest, leaning against his shoulder with your cheek. 
“Just…. Just a little frustrated is all.” He kissed the top of your head. “But I’ll be okay.”
“Is it anything I can help with?” You looked down to the thread in his hand. There was a needle there too, already threaded and ready to be used. 
“Bleater decided to hook her horn around my leg yesterday and ripped my trousers. I meant to fix them last night but I forgot about them. Now, I-I can’t seem to get my hands to cooperate. I used to be able to do this, when I was younger.” A sheepish smile came to his lips and a light pink rose to his cheeks. “But they’re too big. I can’t make the stitch small enough. If it’s too big, it’ll just rip again.”
“Let me.” You offered, holding your hand out for the thread.
“Doll, you don’t have to.”
“I’ll have it done in no time, and then we can lay down and I won’t have to sit here and watch you suffer through trying to do it with your big hands.” You smiled at him, taking the thread and needle. 
“Thank you.” He leaned in to kiss your forehead. “I’ll have to practice more on my sewing. I used to be good at it. I don’t know where I’m not always in a rush to get it done but I want to spend more time with you tonight.”
“It’s okay. I don’t mind. I like your hands, by the way.” You commented, grinning just a little as you began to stitch the hole in the trousers. 
“I know you do.” Eskel tucked his nose into the crook of your neck, careful not to tickle you so he wouldn’t cause you to accidentally hurt yourself. “When you’re done, what do you think about going to the creek?”
“I think that’s a marvelous idea.”
He watched you as you stitched the hole up, honey eyes taking in each move you made. It was like what you were doing was fascinating to him, like you weren’t just stitching up clothes. 
You glanced over to him out of the corner of your eyes and happened to meet his gaze. The little smile he wore grew.
“What?” He asked. 
“Why are you doing that?”
“Doing what?”
“Watching me like that. And smiling like that.”
“Because…. Because I just am. I don’t know.” He shrugged his broad shoulders. “Do you want me to stop?”
“You don’t have to.” You shook your head. “I just was curious. You looked like you were in awe at something…. And I was curious. Surely it wasn’t the sewing. That’s boring.”
“Just watching you.” He answered shyly, eyes flickering down for a moment. “You’re just so cute.”
You smiled, leaning over to him. You put the trousers down so you could use one hand to cup his jaw. 
“You’re such a sweetheart, Eskel, my love.” You kissed him softly. 
“I know. You say that a lot.” 
Taglist: @pressedinthepages @mishafaye @whitewolfandthefox @wolfyland07 @belalugosisdead @persephonehemingway @keira-hulmaster @dinonuggs69 @greatestauthorofmygeneration @shadow-hunters-lover @dancingwith-thesunflowers @tedi-fach-las @thecomfortofoldstorries @raspberrydreamclouds @natkowaa @disasteren @weathervanes-my-oneandlonely @onlyhenrys @wackylurker @criminaly-supernatural @magpie343 @permanently-exhausted-witcher @hina-chans-stuff @the-space-between-heartbeats @havenoffandoms @carriebee1 @ger-bearofrivia @naominami @writingawaymylife @reaganjenelle @theawkwardpedestrian @scarlettwitcher @badassspaceprincess @just-a-sad-donut @summersong69 @an--actual--human--disaster @rubyqueen819 @omgkatinka @c-a-v-a-l-r-y @vonxcon @mazakeen @bravelittlesunflower @thereagles @awkward-turtles-world @menalliha @cotton_mo @maan24 @thefirelordm @monkeymo @krenee1drful @nympha-door-a @unadulteratedtreecrusade @Aquarius-pisces-rose @mentallyscreamingsincebirth @fl0ating @sometimesiwrite @you-fxcking-wish-bish @thanks-bruh-for-nothing @maan2442 @thegaydeath @creatingstuffinpeace @wellthisstinks @andyrazzledazzle 
If your name is in italics, it wouldn’t let me tag you :(
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straighttohellbuddy · 3 years
p-poly dteam dynamic? EXCUSE ME BISH SHARE GOOD FUCKING GOD. also i get it not wanting to write angst after that announcement but i may have a prompt for the poly dteam dynamic but i would like your thoughts on it. also i absolutely haven’t reread as we’ve established more than three times. nope. not at all (i love it so much jesus 😭) -🐈‍⬛
Okay, apologies that it's not the full dteam(sorry george,,,,,) but lmfao here is what I sent sid before posting the fic
the True Ending of my upcoming fic. its all poly and queerplatonic. the truth is its all poly and queerplatonic in a house full of chaos gremlins. theyre messy and in love in a way they can't put into words, but everyone loves everyone. rooms hold an individuals stuff, it does not indicate who can be guaranteed to sleep in what bed. cherish and support each other. soft touches. laying all over each other like furniture. occasional looks on stream that the fans read into but also refusing to reveal the true nature of the relationship because they don't owe the internet shit. terrible sleep schedules. head bonk of affection. pet names, both cute and dumb. cryptic posts on social media. dream posting smthn stupid like a joke about a piss kink and the reader responding to someone tagging her in '@y/n this REALLY still ur man????' with 'one of them. and counter point; i love him' and sapnap replying with 'unfortunately the love of our lives' and finally dream, @ing them both with a '🥲 '. one of u needs to buy a bigger bed or all three will suffer.
reader asleep on sapnap's bed out of frame for an entire karl & sapnap stream - 'babe look at these shoes we decorated' and the very sleep proud response 'that looks so good, you guys are so talented, i love you' before the reader rolls over and falls back asleep. reader and sapnap being absolutely thirsty over dream in a suit. READER DOING HOE SHIT PHOTOSHOOTS IN MERCH FOR BOTH OF THEM. reader catching shit from the fandom and having to be talked out of posting 'UR JUST MAD I FUCK THE GUYS YOU STAN' in a rage. hyping the shit out of dream for his face reveal. the three of them finally vaguely confirming shit with a photo of the three of them wearing each others merch, posed and draped over each other looking like models and lit by a sunset which the reader captions 'BAD BITCHES STAY WINNING DIE MAD ABOUT IT' because she knows they're hot as all shit she's allowed to be a little cocky
and then an hour later I sent
okay no same True Ending as before except instead of reader captioning the reveal photo as 'BAD BITCHES STAY WINNING DIE MAD ABT IT' she posts the photo on twitter and immediately then adds
Me several months ago: we're dating. sapnap's my boyfriend now
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I love them, your honour 🥰🥰🥰🥰
But yeah, I don't have ideas rn for poly dteam so I'd LOVE some prompts, PLEASE !!!
I have so much love for this fic I absolutely shamelessly have reread it several times already hahaha
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