pedroam-bang · 1 year
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Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015)
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mattnben-bennmatt · 3 months
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Vanity Fair (October 1999)
A college dropout, Ben Affleck found sudden fame in 1997 after he and Matt Damon teamed up as writers and stars of Good Will Hunting. But at 27, even as he is offered up to $12 million a movie and acquires the spoils of success—the new house in the Hollywood Hills, the Tribeca loft, the five motorcycles—Affleck remains, indisputably, a guy. EVGENIA PERETZ gets him talking about the "Matt 'n' Ben show," his romance with Gwyneth Paltrow, and his upcoming thriller Reindeer Games, for which he literally knocked himself out
By Evgenia Peretz
To Ben Affleck, nothing is more meditative than a motorcycle. Today he has selected his red Suzuki GSX1300R Hayabusa, nicknamed "the Blackbird Killer," to take his passenger from Hollywood to the Brentwood branch of Koo Koo Roo, the fast-food chicken chain popular among those on "the Zone Diet." The route he takes? Scenic and maddeningly winding Sunset Boulevardideal terrain, apparently, for Affleck to do what he finds most uplifting: dodge between SUVs and BMWs, barrel up the lanes at 100 miles an hour, and play a hair-raising little game in which he weaves in and out among a line of cones set up in a construction zone. Affleck rides a motorcycle everywhere. He owns five of them, including a Yamaha R6 and a BMW R 1100 S.
"I don't think of it as 'I'm Bike Guy Affleck says over a barbecued-chicken lunch, for which he shelled out the entire $8.50. "I can't stand those guys who talk to you and all they say is 'Gonna put my leathers on and hit the canyons.' I'm not Adrenaline-Junkie Guy. "
He may not be Bike Guy or AdrenalineJunkie Guy, but spend a few minutes with Affleck, who's usually seen around town in baggy army pants, a T-shirt, and a leather jacket, and one thing becomes clear: he sure as hell is a guy. His best friends—and he does have other friends besides Matt Damon—are still his buddies from Cambridge, Massachusetts. They're currently camped out at his new, Mediterranean-style house (undergoing renovation) in the Hollywood Hills. He longs for the time when models looked like Christie Brinkley. He thinks Tom Cruise is a god. He stands behind Hootie. He has been known to forgo sex for video games. (A wall in his Tribeca loft—yes, Affleck is bi-coastal—is lined with old-school arcade favorites, including Ms. Pac-Man and Millipede.) And, these days at least, his favorite words seem to be "chump," "weak," and, especially, "jackass." "Jackass," to Affleck, is the worst of insults. A jackass is what he fears he sounds like in profiles like this one.
Indeed, Affleck might well come across as a jackass were it not for his acute self-awareness (which borders on the neurotic), his willingness to look like a fool, and the fact that he is naturally curious, disarmingly smart, a bit flirtatious, and lampshadeon-his-head funny. It is these very qualities, in fact, that make Affleck irresistible to men and women, and decidedly un-jackassy. These qualities have also made Affleck one of the busiest actors of his generation, a movie star without delusions of grandeur, who has bridged the gap between independent and mainstream films without getting too much grief for it. To wit, the 27-year-old Affleck has, in a little more than two years, kissed a boy in Kevin Smith's Chasing Amy, saved mankind from an oncoming asteroid in Armageddon, stolen scenes in Shakespeare in Love, and, along the way, picked up a best-original-screenplay Oscar for Good Will Hunting, which he famously co-wrote with Damon.
"He's larger than life and yet people can relate to him," says the producer of Affleck's upcoming thriller Reindeer Games, Bob Weinstein, who thinks Affleck is this generation's version of Harrison Ford and Mel Gibson. Or, as Sandra Bullock, his costar in the recent romantic comedy Forces of Nature, puts it, "He has that lummox quality. He's not afraid to make a fool of himself, but then he'll turn around and kick your ass."
Even the hard-boiled director John Frankenheimer, who cast Affleck in Reindeer Games—a kind of modem take on the Rat Pack heist movie Ocean's 77—melts a bit when talking about Affleck. "He has a very winning, likable quality about him," says Frankenheimer, who immediately thought of Affleck when he first read the script. "I've been doing this for a long time, and I've worked with some of the best and some of the worst. And he's really one of the nicest—really one of the nicest."
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To hear Affleck tell it, his success has been sheer luck. "I have a personality that's kind of willing to let myself skate by," he says, "to get B's and not really try." But Reindeer Games, it must be said, provided him with the opportunity to put in a little effort. "I wanted him to like me—I wanted him to think I was good," Affleck says of Frankenheimer, who has directed 34 films, including The Manchurian Candidate, Seven Days in May, and Ronin. "I worked twice as hard just out of fear of having him say, 'You're a sham. You're a fraud.'"
In his role as Rudy Duncan, a down-on-his-luck ex-con who gets pulled into a casino robbery on Christmas Eve, Affleck, for the first time, is on-screen in virtually every scene. For the first time, he gets to engage in some "hard-core-style sex," with co-star Charlize Theron. And—also for the first time—he finds himself on the receiving end of actual physical pain. He gets chased by a vindictive gang of truckers. He falls into freezing water. And, throughout, he has his face pummeled by the trucker-in-charge, played by Gary Sinise.
And so it should come as little surprise that, in the midst of shooting, Affleck experienced his first Grade 3 concussion when, while filming a prison brawl, an inmate played by the Washington Redskins' 315-pound defensive tackle, Dana Stubblefield, accidentally slipped and landed on Affleck's head, knocking the actor unconscious. "I don't remember what happened.
I saw the tape later, and it's hard to tell. But the noise is kind of unmistakable. I just go, 'Whomp! Bang!'" says Affleck, suddenly looking and sounding like an 11-year-old skateboarder relating his latest awesome wipeout. "And my head goes, 'Boom!' Bounces off the concrete. It's like 'Whack!' Knocked me so stone-cold out that I don't remember a thing. That was the day I realized I had no chance of playing in the N.F.L." He sounds sincerely disappointed.
Is there anyone in America who doesn't remember exactly when, why, and how Ben Affleck became Ben Affleck? Naturally, he did it in typical guy fashion—alongside Matt Damon, his best friend from down the street since Affleck was eight years old. First they starred in the sensitive 1997 buddy picture Good Will Hunting, in which Damon played a working-class math savant and Affleck had a smaller but funnier role as his wisecracking sidekick. Then, at the Oscars, they scored major points by bringing their moms as their dates. Before you knew it, Ben 'n' Matt hysteria was full-blown (notwithstanding a vocal minority who considered their whole aw-shucks thing a big, annoying act).
"It was such a good publicity thing for marketing people," says Damon later at Affleck's house. "We ended up just talking about our friendship, which is really kind of a weird thing to do.... Hey, Ben," he asks, "what do you think about whoring out our friendship for personal gain?"
"At a certain point, some things in your life shouldn't be used to sell movies," Affleck replies. "Hey, I have two sphincters! See my movie!"
In the public mind, Affleck and Damon have become Hollywood's very own Bert and Ernie. Damon can't go on location without people wondering what in the world has happened to Affleck. For Affleck's part, the men reno [sic] his house call him Matt, and he is routinely congratulated for his work in Saving Private Ryan. On Affleck's coffee table in his Tribeca loft sits a recent issue of YM magazine—someone's idea of a joke, Affleck swears. Ben and Matt are on the cover, promising "Every Juicy Detail!"
Just as their friendship has become a warm and fuzzy American legend, the story behind Good Will Hunting will forever be a part of Hollywood lore: that it all began in 1992 with 40 pages that Damon churned out for a writing class at Harvard; that, after showing it to Affleck, then a struggling actor in L.A., the two worked it into a script; that it was briefly a "NASA thriller"; that they eventually amassed 1,500 pages; that they sold the script to Castle Rock Productions; that the project was put into turnaround, largely because Castle Rock demanded that the film be shot at a location cheaper than Boston; that the two were given 30 days to find a producer; that, with just 3 days left, Harvey Weinstein rode in like a white knight and purchased it for $ 1 million.
Weinstein also agreed to shoot the film in Boston, which allowed Affleck and Damon to feel comfortable doing the Boston accent, which, for obvious reasons, is near and dear to their hearts. "It was the whole reason I did the movie—just to do the accent," Affleck says, not entirely facetiously. Given any opportunity, he will launch into full-voltage riffs about Boston landmarks— from Jordan's Furniture commercials ("I think these sofas hajfta go!") to the pride surrounding the brutal winters ("Stock up on wahta, it's the Noreasta!"). He endlessly amuses himself with the names of Massachusetts towns ("You don't know me, fucker, but I'm from Hull. Bitch, I'm from Lynn. You don't know Medfield. Come down to Medfield, then we'll see what the fuck's up!").
"The Boston accent is more of an attitude than an accent," Affleck explains. "Underneath everything you say has to be the attitude of: You're an asshole, I know better than you, fuck you." It's an attitude that Affleck knows well. Dinner at the Afflecks' home, in Central Square, Cambridge, was characterized by heated debate on any topic, including whether to have the television on while eating. At times Affleck's reality wasn't so far from the scrappy existence depicted in Good Will Hunting. In addition to Ben and his younger brother, the up-and-coming actor Casey Affleck (who played Ben's weaselly younger brother in Good Will Hunting), there was Affleck's mother, Chris, a public-school teacher, and his father, Tim, an alcoholic and a frequent gambler who worked as a janitor, an electrician, and a bartender. "At the end of the football season," Affleck says of his father's tendency to bet on the games, "there would either be tough times or we'd get a VCR." The parents divorced when he was 12, and Tim is now a counselor in an alcohol-rehab center.
Affleck's neighborhood was largely African-American. So while other white kids from Boston were spending the 80s listening to the Cure and writing Goth poetry, Affleck (then called "Biz" to Damon's "Matty D") was listening to Prince and break-dancing in a nylon Puma sweat suit. "I was a real chump," he says.
Perhaps. But he was still on his way to starting his acting career. When he was seven, a casting-director friend of his mother's got him a tiny role in the independent movie The Dark End of the Street. By age eight, after winning a part in the PBS science series The Voyage of the Mimi and a brief stint as a Burger King pitch-boy, the young wiseass was hooked. Even as Affleck and Damon were starring in plays at Cambridge's Rindge and Latin high school, they were plotting their paths to glory. They had a joint bank account, designated strictly for New York excursions (the upcoming auditions and all), and even conducted "business lunches" during which, Damon recalls, "we'd basically sit over our cheeseburgers and not talk about anything." When Damon went to college at Harvard, little changed. Affleck hung out with Damon's new Ivy League friends and did his part to help drain the beer supply at the Delphic, the frat-boyish "finals club" Damon belonged to.
For Affleck, college held considerably less appeal than it did for Damon. After two months at the University of Vermont, he dropped out—much to the dismay of his mother, who, Affleck says, "always wanted me to be a history teacher." And so it was on to Los Angeles, where he and another friend lived in a one-bedroom "shit hole" on Franklin and Cherokee—"the Times Square of L.A.," as Affleck puts it. Between auditions, he spent his time rustling up the $300 rent and generally living a Slacker-style existence in which he spent too much time fielding calls from someone named "Fat Ed." "He'd always call and be like 'Yo, this is Fat Ed. Motherfuckers owe me $70 for groceries!'"
Luckily, it wasn't long before Affleck was getting movie work—the 1992 prep-school drama School Ties, Richard Linklater's 1993 Dazed and Confused, and Kevin Smith's embarrassing 1995 homage to New Jersey, Mallrats. Invariably, Affleck would be cast as the lunkhead, perhaps because he had yet to grow into his leading-man looks. Most of his roles required him to beat the crap out of some pencil-necked pre-adolescent. "I'd always go in for the lead," says Affleck, "and they'd be like 'You're interesting as Steve. We'd like you to read Bruiser.'"
Smith saw that Affleck had more to offer, and cast him as the main character in Chasing Amy, the 1997 Sundance hit that landed Affleck on the indie-film map. Playing an insecure, flabby, goatee-wearing cartoonist, Affleck got to do some hard-core, scenery-chewing emoting, including a monologue in which he pours his heart out to a yammering lesbian, played by Joey Lauren Adams. The scene was profoundly informed by Affleck's personal life at the time: he was in the process of breaking up with his high-school girlfriend. "I could strongly identify with the feeling of unrequited love," says Affleck. "Basically, I was in love with someone for years and years. And ultimately I felt like she just didn't love me in the same way—which was extremely painful."
Affleck would never admit that he likes to talk about mushy stuff—"It would be very difficult for me to say, 'That hurts.'" But get him started on any topic—including love and relationships—and he's virtually impossible to shut up. Nothing sends him on a sentimental roll quite like Gwyneth Paltrow, his girlfriend of a year, with whom he split last January.
"Gwyneth has a lot of things that haven't come across in her public image," says Affleck, who is forever defending her against the perception that she's an ice queen. "She's extremely funny, she's extraordinarily smart—not because she's a 1,600-on-theS.A.T. girl, but smart in the way that she kind of gets it," says Affleck. "She's actually the funny, down-to-earth fat girl in the beautiful girl's body." He is equally valiant about their well-publicized breakup. "People's stories always seem more interesting and more full of intrigue from the office-gossip perspective," says Affleck, perhaps referring to tabloid accounts that had Paltrow alternately sneaking around with Joe Fiennes, Viggo Mortensen, and ex-boyfriend Brad Pitt. "But when you're on the inside of your own relationship, you know the answers to those kinds of questions are much more mundane than when it's all shrouded in mystery and infused with conjecture: 'I heard he caught her in a menage a trois with a transvestite and two Pygmy lesbians!'"
Like a true movie star, Affleck is determined to keep the details of their relationship hidden. Like a true guy, he can't quite help himself from doing the opposite. An amateur photographer (his current passions are his Widelux camera and his Adobe Photoshop), Affleck keeps several albums of his work in his loft. Amid pictures of Cambridge, his mother, and his brother are pictures of Gwyneth: Gwyneth with flowers in her hair, Gwyneth waking up in the morning, Gwyneth dressed as Romeo on the set of Shakespeare in Love, Gwyneth about to head into Makeup. "Isn't she pretty?" Affleck says wistfully, gazing at the last image. "She's much more beautiful just natural like this than when she's all done up." He's lost in a Gwyneth moment. "I'm getting sad." But he's no sucker, and makes it clear that there will be no weeping here.
Affleck wasn't always so evolved in this department. Think back to the height of the Ben 'n' Matt frenzy, in 1997, when Affleck was dating Paltrow and Damon was seeing her friend Winona Ryder. "It was so gay," Affleck says, in the eight-year-old-girl sense of the word. "If I had gone by the tabloid stories of it, I would have been like 'Look at these fuckin' chumps. I just want to smack these people.' And I kind of wanted to smack myself," he admits. "But it's one of those things you kind of can't help. What are you going to say? 'Look, dude, don't go out with her. It'll look really weak.'"
Cringe-worthiness wasn't the only issue. More than anything, Affleck was concerned about how the tabloid stories would affect those around him—such as his ex-girlfriend. He likens the tabloids to "the friend who says, 'I don't want to get involved, but I did see Cathy blowin' three guys.'" Equally bothersome are the tabloid items describing Affleck as a rabid Lothario —buying out all the condoms in a 7-Eleven in Wisconsin (a state he's never set foot in), and getting cozy with Mariah Carey, Pamela Anderson, and, most recently, navel-baring pop star Britney Spears. "Britney Spears is 16 years old, O.K.?" says Affleck, rolling his eyes. "Can you dig it?"
Nor has Affleck been excluded from one of Hollywood's favorite games: Guess Who's Gay. His sexuality has been the subject of blind tabloid reports, and Affleck is often told that it's a foregone conclusion in the gay community that he and Damon are in love—a nugget that Affleck seems to get a particular kick out of. According to Hollywood gossip, says Affleck, "not only is every [actor] gay, but somebody has a friend who slept with them. Maybe there are gay people who are in the closet in Hollywood—I'm sure there probably are—but I'm sure they didn't sleep with Henry's friend. " As for his own sexuality, Affleck says, "I like to think that if I were gay I would be out. Rupert Everett-style."
Though Affleck has learned to handle the rumors with panache, his sudden fame and formidable wealth (he is now offered up to $12 million per picture) have been a bit harder to reconcile. "It's a tricky moral issue for me," says Affleck. "[Sometimes] I feel that maybe I should just keep $50,000 and give everything [else] away." His healthy Cambridge-liberal guilt is hard to miss. Even Frankenheimer, who briefly met Affleck's mother, couldn't help but notice that Affleck's "childhood was well formed and that he grew up with the right values." On the other hand, Affleck is too smart to pretend that he doesn't enjoy "priming the pump." "I once read an interview with a young actor who was saying, 'I'd like to live in a country house—the kind that Henry Miller lived in,'" says Affleck. "And I always thought, I want to live in the house that Reggie Miller lived in."
True to his guy-with-a-conscience form, Affleck has found himself somewhere in the middle: Sure, there are the two homes, the five motorcycles, the marble bathroom, the four computers, and the two cars (a Chevy Malibu and '69 Cadillac Sedan DeVille, which he shares with his brother). But he also gives a lot of his money to charity and to "needy individuals, whom I seem to come across with increasing regularity," has recently purchased a house for his mother, and, let it not be forgotten, often eats lunch at Koo Koo Roo. Yes, he implies, on occasion his behavior veers toward the prima donna-ish—he's been known to snub the press at movie premieres. But when he complains about anything, he feels "tacky," and when he catches himself trying to escape conversations with aggressive fans—by, say, claiming he needs to "go to the bathroom"—he feels, well, "shitty."
"Hey, Ben!" says a grizzled Koo Koo Roo patron who, in his full biker regalia, resembles a 70s-era Hell's Angel. Instead of running to the rest room, Affleck stands, bear-hugs the man, and launches into a long discussion about teeth. The interloper, you see, is not a Hell's Angel at all; he's Affleck's dentist, Dr. Stan Goldman, and Dr. Stan Goldman, like almost everyone who has crossed Affleck's path, is a serious fan.
"Love that dude," Affleck says after Dr. Goldman congratulates him for his work in Shakespeare in Love, bums a Camel Light, and takes off on his Harley. "I got sent to him by Disney when we were doing Armageddon. Fixed my tooth. My tooth was cracked and fucked up."
If the $100 million Jerry Bruckheimer asteroid juggernaut marked the moment when Affleck began worrying about his teeth (the whole set looks better than it used to), it was also the event that propelled Affleck from indie boy to action star—and spawned the inevitable talk about "selling out." It is an accusation that Affleck finds roundly preposterous. "How many opportunities do you have to go onto the space shuttle? To go into the neutral-buoyancy laboratory?" he says. For one thing, Affleck was raised on Star Wars. For another, he realizes that "just because a movie's independent doesn't mean it's good." Yes, he remains involved in several upcoming lowbudget projects (Kevin Smith's beleaguered religious send-up Dogma, Ben Younger's Wall Street drama The Boiler Room, Billy Bob Thornton's southern comedy Daddy and Them, and Jay Lacopo's The Third Wheel, a romantic comedy about a date gone haywire, which he and Damon are producing). But nothing lights up Affleck's bullshit meter like a lousy art-house film with a pretentious title. "I'm always like 'Yecch,' " Affleck says, cringing. "You know, Manny and Chuck with the Strawberries, or whatever it is. I want to see Enemy of the State
Which is not to say that Affleck plans to spend his career spraying bullets into gangs of international terrorists or delivering Bruce Willis-type lines such as "Yippee Kai Yay!" with a straight face. In Affleck's opinion, there's nothing so inane as "the best there is" movies. "[Hollywood] can't make a movie unless the lead guy's the best so-and-so," says Affleck, launching into a testosterone-pumped movie-trailer voice. "It's always like 'The best valet parker there ever was! And now he's back, for one ... big ... party!'"
If anything has characterized Affleck's role choices, it's the instinct to keep looking for what's different. "His wheels are constantly turning," Sandra Bullock says. "I don't think he can turn his head off."
And so Affleck, burned out on Armageddon's "deep-core drilling," chose to do Shakespeare in Love, despite fears that the cast was "going to be a bunch of R.S.C. knighted British people who were going to hate me and make fun of me." Next was Forces of Nature, which touched a nerve. "I identified with that dilemma, that fear of commitment," Affleck says of his character, a conservative groom-to-be who questions everything when he meets the free-spirited Bullock. On a few occasions, Affleck even rewrote dialogue in hopes of making the scenes more honest. "He'd brainstorm, and he'd get quiet for 20 minutes," Bullock recalls, "and we'd know what that meant. He was writing 12 pages of dialogue."
"I wished they had used more of my stuff," Affleck admits. "In retrospect, I think that movie would have been better served to be edgier.... If [Bullock's character] had been talking about sex toys," says Affleck, "that would have freaked this guy out, and he would have been made uncomfortable."
If Affleck is looking for a little discomfort, now is his moment. The new film Dogma—in which Affleck and Damon play angels with a penchant for automatic weapons—has come under attack by the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, which thinks the film ridicules the church. (Affleck views the controversy as, in essence, "three guys who had this little jury-rigged operation in Duluth who were trying to get their names in the papers.")
More emotional turbulence may be ahead for Affleck as he begins shooting Don Roos's romance Bounce, opposite Gwyneth Paltrow. And with Reindeer Games, the world will see what Affleck looks like as a victim. "I saw him as a throwback protagonist," Affleck says of his most recent character. "The hard-luck protagonist who doesn't look good all the time, who's constantly getting shit on, and who has the opportunity for a wry loser's irony. He kind of reminded me of my dad," he says. "Not that my dad's a loser, but [he has] that tough-luck sense of humor."
And thus it appears that Affleck may be nearing the end of guy territory and approaching manhood, a secure place to utilize some of the skills he's picked up from his various directors—directing, alas, is yet another target Affleck has set his sights on— and to explore the jackassery that he fears so intensely. Among the many issues that Affleck is now confronting are, he explains, a limited capacity for compromise and a lack of willingness to put his energy into a romantic relationship. "The reason I'm single," Affleck says, "is because I wouldn't want to be with anybody right now who would be willing to be with me."
And, just for a moment, Ben Affleck sounds a little like Woody Allen. But only a little.
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ridelog · 1 year
The wind in your face, the rumble of the engine, and the freedom of the open road. There's nothing quite like a day trip on a motorcycle, especially when you're riding a BMW R18. Recently, I had the pleasure of taking a trip from Wilmette, IL to Milwaukee, WI along the shores of Lake Michigan, and it was an unforgettable experience.
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Starting out early in the morning, I hopped on my R18 and hit the road. The first thing I noticed was the smooth ride of the bike, even on the bumpiest roads. The powerful engine made accelerating and passing other vehicles a breeze, and the comfortable seat and cruise control made it easy to settle in for the long ride ahead.
As I rode north along the coast of Lake Michigan, I was struck by the beauty of the scenery. The blue waters of the lake stretched out before me, and the trees and greenery of the surrounding area provided a stunning contrast. The ride was mostly flat and straight, but the occasional twist and turn added some excitement to the journey.
After a couple of hours on the road, I arrived in Milwaukee. I parked my R18 in a lot near the waterfront and spent some time exploring the city. Milwaukee is a vibrant and charming place, with plenty to see and do. I walked along the riverwalk and checked out some of the local shops and restaurants.
But the highlight of the trip, for me, was the ride back to Wilmette. The sun was starting to set, and the sky was filled with brilliant shades of orange and pink. The cool breeze off the lake made the ride even more enjoyable, and I felt truly free and alive as I cruised down the open road.
Overall, my day trip on the R18 was an incredible experience. The first edition bike itself was a joy to ride, and the scenery along the shores of Lake Michigan was breathtaking. If you're looking for a thrilling day trip, I highly recommend taking a ride on a cruiser motorcycle along the shores of Lake Michigan.
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torqueblock12 · 13 days
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goldencoastriders · 2 months
Golden Coast Riders
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Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable motorcycle adventure? Golden Coast Riders is here to make your dreams come true. Visit our website at goldencoastriders.com or give us a call at + 1(858) 780-6008 to book your motorcycle rental today.
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Address: 2120 W Mission Rd Ste 250, Escondido, CA 92029
Phone: +1(858) 780-6008
Monday-Friday: 9am -5pm Sat-Sun : Closed
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himanshu9090 · 3 months
Top 5 adventure bike Full details and Feature
Top 5 adventure bike Full details and Feature
1. BMW R 1250 GS Adventure 2. KTM 1290 Super Adventure S 3. Honda Africa Twin Adventure Sports 4. Yamaha Tenere 700 5. Suzuki V-Strom 1050XT
BMW R 1250 GS Adventure
The BMW R 1250 GS Adventure is a powerful and capable adventure bike with a long list of features. Here are some of the key details. Engine1,254cc, air oil-cooled, boxer twin engine producing 136 hp and 143 Nm of torque. Transmission 6-speed gearbox with a standard shaft drive. Suspension Fully adjustable upside down telescopic forks and a mainshock with adjustable preload and rebound damping. Brakes Dual front disc brakes with ABS and a single rear disc brake with ABS. Electronics Ride modes, traction control, cruise control, heated grips, and a TFT display. Features Large fuel tank, adjustable windscreen, LED lighting, and a wide range of accessories. The R 1250 GS Adventure is known for its comfortable ride, excellent off-road capabilities, and long-distance touring potential.
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twowheelerexplorer · 4 months
BMW R 1300 GS Unveiled: Power, Performance, and Adventure Await!
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Calling all adventure enthusiasts, the wait is over! BMW Motorrad India has finally announced the launch of the highly anticipated BMW R 1300 GS, the successor to the legendary R 1250 GS. Scheduled to hit showrooms on June 13, 2024, this new-generation adventure tourer promises a thrilling ride packed with improvements that elevate its off-road prowess and overall capability.
A Powerhouse for Every Terrain
The R 1300 GS boasts a completely new, larger 1,300cc boxer engine, generating a heart-pounding 145 bhp and a commanding 149 Nm of torque. This potent mill, paired with a refined 6-speed gearbox, delivers exhilarating performance on any terrain. But power isn't everything. BMW engineers have cleverly redesigned the engine layout, placing the gearbox underneath, resulting in a remarkable 12 kg weight reduction compared to its predecessor. (Fuel efficiency figures to be announced soon!)
Uncompromised Handling and Comfort
The R 1300 GS tackles any adventure with confidence thanks to its new sheet metal frame and a revised suspension setup. The iconic EVO Telelever remains at the front, complemented by a brand new EVO Paralever at the rear. This dynamic duo, along with the optional dynamic suspension, ensures exceptional handling and a comfortable ride, even on the most challenging trails. Whether you're conquering mountain passes or cruising down highways, the R 1300 GS prioritizes rider comfort with an ergonomically designed seat (details to be revealed soon).
Technology Meets Exploration
Adventure doesn't have to compromise on safety or convenience. The R 1300 GS comes loaded with a plethora of features, including multiple ride modes, advanced traction control, switchable ABS, and radar-assisted cruise control. A stunning 6.5-inch TFT digital instrument console displays all the vital information you need, keeping you focused on the journey ahead. For those seeking even more electronic assistance, BMW offers an optional Pro Package that further enhances the bike's capabilities. Plus, stay connected on your rides with smartphone connectivity (details to be revealed soon).
Three Ways to Unleash Your Inner Explorer
The R 1300 GS caters to diverse riding styles with a choice of three exciting variants:
Triple Black: A bold and aggressive statement for the urban adventurer.
GS Trophy: Inspired by the legendary GS Trophy competition, this variant is equipped for conquering any terrain.
Option 719 Tramuntana: This premium option boasts a unique aesthetic and exclusive features for the discerning rider.
The Adventure Starts Now!
The excitement doesn't stop here. We recently had the privilege of putting the new R 1300 GS to the test on the challenging yet breathtaking landscapes of Ladakh. Stay tuned for our comprehensive review coming soon on June 13th! Get ready to dive deeper into the R 1300 GS's performance, features, and everything that makes it the ultimate companion for your next adventure.
Unleash your inner explorer! Visit your nearest BMW Motorrad dealership today or explore more on their website: https://www.bmw-motorrad.in/en/home.html
TwoWheelerExplorer: Where motorcycle news meets expert insights.
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southgatetravels · 4 months
Explore Cochin in Style: Top Car Rental Services
Cochin (Kochi), often referred to as the Queen of the Arabian Sea, is a vibrant city in Kerala known for its rich history, diverse culture, and stunning landscapes. From exploring the historic Fort Kochi to cruising through the serene backwaters, having a reliable car rental service can enhance your experience in this beautiful city. Whether you’re in town for business, leisure, or a special occasion, here’s a guide to the best Cochin Car Rental.
1. Zoomcar
Website: Zoomcar
Overview: Zoomcar is a leading self-drive car rental service offering a wide range of vehicles to suit different needs. Known for its user-friendly app and flexible rental plans, Zoomcar is a popular choice among locals and tourists alike.
Hatchbacks: Maruti Swift, Hyundai i20
Sedans: Honda City, Hyundai Verna
SUVs: Mahindra Scorpio, Tata Hexa
Luxury: Mercedes-Benz GLA, BMW X1
24/7 roadside assistance
Flexible rental durations (hourly, daily, weekly)
All-India permits
2. Myles
Website: Myles
Overview: Myles offers a wide range of self-drive cars, providing both convenience and affordability. Their seamless booking process and extensive fleet make them a preferred choice for many travelers in Cochin.
Hatchbacks: Renault Kwid, Maruti Alto
Sedans: Maruti Ciaz, Honda Amaze
SUVs: Ford EcoSport, Hyundai Creta
Luxury: Audi A4, BMW 3 Series
Unlimited kilometers
Insurance included
Easy online booking
3. IndusGo
Website: IndusGo
Overview: IndusGo, a subsidiary of Indus Motors, offers a diverse range of vehicles for self-drive rentals. Known for their transparent pricing and well-maintained cars, IndusGo is a reliable option for car rentals in Cochin.
Hatchbacks: Maruti Swift, Hyundai i20
Sedans: Toyota Etios, Maruti Dzire
SUVs: Mahindra XUV500, Hyundai Creta
Luxury: Mercedes-Benz C-Class, Audi Q7
No hidden charges
Flexible pickup and drop-off locations
Well-maintained vehicles
4. Avis India
Website: Avis India
Overview: Avis is a globally recognized car rental company offering premium and luxury car rental services in Cochin. Known for their excellent customer service and high-quality vehicles, Avis is ideal for those looking for a touch of luxury.
Compact: Hyundai i10, Maruti Swift
Sedan: Honda City, Toyota Corolla
SUV: Toyota Fortuner, Ford Endeavour
Luxury: Mercedes-Benz E-Class, Audi A6
Chauffeur and self-drive options
Comprehensive insurance coverage
24/7 customer support
5. Eco Rent a Car
Website: Eco Rent a Car
Overview: Eco Rent a Car offers premium and luxury vehicles for self-drive and chauffeur-driven rentals. Their professional service and attention to detail make them a top choice for car rentals in Cochin.
Compact: Maruti Swift, Hyundai i20
Sedan: Maruti Ciaz, Honda City
SUV: Toyota Innova, Hyundai Creta
Luxury: BMW 5 Series, Mercedes-Benz S-Class
Professional chauffeur service
Wide range of luxury cars
Flexible rental terms
6. Royal Brothers
Website: Royal Brothers
Overview: Royal Brothers is a popular bike and car rental service offering a variety of vehicles for different needs. Known for their competitive pricing and reliable service, Royal Brothers is a convenient choice for exploring Cochin.
Hatchbacks: Maruti Swift, Hyundai Grand i10
Sedans: Honda City, Hyundai Verna
SUVs: Mahindra Thar, Hyundai Creta
Luxury: Audi A4, BMW X3
Competitive pricing
Wide range of vehicles
Easy online booking process
Exploring Cochin becomes much more enjoyable with the right car rental service. Whether you’re looking for budget-friendly options or luxurious rides, these top car rental companies in Cochin offer something for everyone. From the historical landmarks of Fort Kochi to the scenic beauty of the backwaters, these services ensure you travel in comfort and style. Choose the one that best suits your needs and enjoy your journey through the enchanting city of Cochin.
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beepkartofficial · 7 months
Exploring the Top 10 Used Bikes for Long Rides: Your Ultimate Companion on the Open Road
Embarking on a long ride is not just about reaching a destination; it's about immersing yourself in the journey, embracing the open road, and creating unforgettable memories along the way. 
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To make the most of your adventure, having the right bike is essential. In this blog, we'll delve into the top 10 Used bikes perfectly suited for long rides, offering comfort, performance, and reliability to fuel your wanderlust.
Honda Goldwing: Renowned as the epitome of luxury touring, the Honda Goldwing offers unmatched comfort and amenities for long-distance journeys. With its powerful engine, plush seating, and ample storage capacity, the Goldwing ensures a smooth and enjoyable ride, whether cruising down the highway or traversing winding mountain roads.
BMW R1200GS: As the benchmark in adventure touring, the BMW R1200GS combines rugged durability with exceptional performance. Equipped with advanced features such as electronic suspension, ride modes, and a robust boxer engine, the R1200GS excels both on and off-road, making it an ideal companion for epic journeys across diverse terrain.
Yamaha Super Tenere: Designed for the adventurous spirit, the Yamaha Super Tenere offers a perfect blend of comfort and capability. Featuring a powerful engine, advanced electronics, and adjustable suspension, the Super Tenere delivers confidence-inspiring performance, whether tackling long stretches of highway or exploring remote trails.
Kawasaki Versys: Versatile and dependable, the Kawasaki Versys is a favorite among long-distance riders seeking comfort and agility. With its upright riding position, smooth engine, and long-travel suspension, the Versys effortlessly eats up miles while providing comfort and control, making it an ideal choice for extended tours.
Suzuki V-Strom: Known for its reliability and affordability, the Suzuki V-Strom is a popular option for riders seeking adventure on a budget. With its comfortable ergonomics, capable engine, and generous fuel range, the V-Strom is ready to tackle long rides with ease, whether exploring scenic backroads or embarking on cross-country adventures.
Harley-Davidson Electra Glide: Synonymous with the open road, the Harley-Davidson Electra Glide offers classic styling and luxurious comfort for long-distance cruising. With its iconic V-twin engine, plush suspension, and premium amenities, the Electra Glide provides a smooth and effortless ride, allowing riders to soak in the sights and sounds of the journey.
Triumph Tiger: Built to conquer any terrain, the Triumph Tiger is a versatile adventure bike that excels on long rides. With its responsive engine, adjustable suspension, and rugged build quality, the Tiger offers the perfect blend of performance and comfort, making it an ideal choice for exploring both on and off-road destinations.
Ducati Multistrada: Combining Italian style with high-performance engineering, the Ducati Multistrada is a sport-touring powerhouse designed for epic adventures. With its potent engine, advanced electronics, and agile handling, the Multistrada offers exhilarating performance on twisty mountain roads and effortless cruising on long highway stretches.
Honda Africa Twin: Inspired by the legendary Dakar Rally, the Honda Africa Twin is a rugged adventure bike built to tackle the most challenging terrain with ease. With its robust chassis, torquey engine, and advanced features such as selectable ride modes and traction control, the Africa Twin is equally at home on long highway stretches as it is on rugged off-road trails.
BMW K1600GT: Engineered for long-distance touring in luxury and style, the BMW K1600GT offers unmatched comfort, performance, and sophistication. With its silky-smooth inline-six engine, plush seating, and advanced electronics, the K1600GT redefines the standards for luxury touring, ensuring an unforgettable riding experience on every journey.
Whether you're embarking on a cross-country road trip or exploring remote destinations off the beaten path, choosing the right bike is essential for a memorable and enjoyable long ride. From luxurious touring machines to rugged adventure bikes, the top 10 bikes listed above offer a range of options to suit every rider's preferences and aspirations. So, fuel up, gear up, and get ready to hit the open road on your ultimate long-distance adventure.
Q: What factors should I consider when choosing a bike for long-distance riding?
A: When selecting a bike for long rides, several factors should be taken into account. These include comfort, performance, reliability, fuel efficiency, luggage capacity, and riding position. Comfort is paramount for extended periods in the saddle, so look for bikes with ergonomic designs, plush seating, and wind protection. Additionally, consider the bike's power delivery, handling characteristics, and fuel range to ensure it meets your performance needs for long journeys.
Q: What are the essential accessories for long-distance riding?
A: Essential accessories for long-distance riding include luggage systems (such as saddlebags and top cases) to carry gear and supplies, a comfortable seat for extended hours of riding, windshields or fairings for wind protection, heated grips or gloves for cold weather, and navigation devices to help you stay on course. Additionally, protective gear such as helmets, jackets, pants, and boots should always be worn to ensure safety on the road.
Q: How can I prepare myself and my bike for a long-distance ride?
A: Proper preparation is key to a successful long-distance ride. Start by ensuring your bike is in good mechanical condition, with regular maintenance performed and any potential issues addressed. Pack essential tools, spare parts, and emergency supplies, and familiarize yourself with basic roadside repairs. Plan your route in advance, considering factors such as road conditions, fuel stops, and accommodations. Finally, make sure you're physically prepared by staying hydrated, well-rested, and wearing appropriate riding gear.
Q: What are some tips for staying comfortable during long rides?
A: Staying comfortable during long rides is essential for enjoying the journey. Start by wearing moisture-wicking, breathable clothing to stay cool and dry, and layer up for changing weather conditions. Take regular breaks to stretch, hydrate, and rest your muscles, and adjust your riding position as needed to relieve pressure points and prevent fatigue. Consider investing in ergonomic accessories such as seat cushions, handlebar risers, and footpeg extenders to improve comfort on the bike.
Q: How can I improve fuel efficiency during long rides?
A: Improving fuel efficiency during long rides can help you maximize your mileage and extend your range between fuel stops. To achieve better fuel economy, maintain a steady speed and avoid rapid acceleration or deceleration. Keep your bike well-maintained, with clean air filters, properly inflated tires, and regular oil changes. Additionally, consider aerodynamic modifications such as windshield adjustments or fairing upgrades to reduce wind resistance and improve efficiency at higher speeds.
Q: How can I prevent fatigue during long rides?
A: Fatigue can be a significant concern during long rides, but there are several strategies to help prevent it. Start by maintaining proper posture and ergonomics on the bike to reduce strain on your muscles and joints. Take regular breaks every hour or so to stretch, hydrate, and rest your eyes. Stay hydrated and nourished by drinking plenty of water and consuming small, healthy snacks throughout the ride. Consider using cruise control or throttle locks to give your hand and wrist muscles a break on straight stretches of road. Finally, listen to your body and don't hesitate to pull over and take a longer break if needed.
Q: What are the best bikes for riders with a passenger on long rides?
A: When riding with a passenger on long journeys, it's essential to choose a bike that offers comfort, stability, and ample carrying capacity. Touring motorcycles with spacious seating, adjustable suspension, and integrated luggage systems are ideal for two-up riding. Look for bikes with a relaxed riding position, supportive passenger accommodations, and sufficient power to handle the additional weight. Additionally, consider models with features such as heated seats, backrests, and adjustable footpegs to enhance passenger comfort during extended rides.
Q: How should I pack for a long-distance motorcycle trip?
A: Packing efficiently and strategically can make a significant difference in your comfort and enjoyment during a long-distance motorcycle trip. Start by prioritizing essential items such as riding gear, tools, and spare parts, and pack them in easily accessible locations for quick access on the road. Use soft-sided luggage options such as saddlebags, tank bags, and tail bags to maximize carrying capacity while maintaining balance and aerodynamics. Organize your gear by frequency of use, with items you'll need during stops or emergencies easily accessible. Finally, distribute weight evenly and securely to maintain stability and handling throughout the journey.
Q: How can I plan a long-distance motorcycle trip on a budget?
A: Planning a long-distance motorcycle trip on a budget requires careful consideration of expenses and resources. Start by setting a realistic budget that includes costs such as fuel, accommodations, meals, and incidental expenses. Look for budget-friendly lodging options such as campgrounds, hostels, or budget motels, and consider alternatives such as couch surfing or staying with friends or family along the route. Save money on food by packing snacks and cooking meals at campgrounds or picnic areas. Take advantage of free or low-cost attractions and activities along the way, such as scenic overlooks, parks, or historical sites. Finally, consider sharing expenses with fellow riders by carpooling or sharing accommodations to reduce costs further.
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pikpartblogs · 8 months
Revolution on Two Wheels: Unleashing the Power of Your Bike's Spare Parts
Riding your motorcycle isn't just a cruise; it's a whole experience. Beyond the cool look and famous brand, what really matters is how all the spare parts of your bike work together. Let's dive into the basics of two-wheeler spare parts—the unsung heroes that make sure your bike runs smoothly.
When you hit the road on your bike, it's not just about the ride—it's a whole adventure. Sure, your bike might look sleek and have a famous brand, but what truly counts is how all its parts team up. Join us (Pikpart) as we explore the ABCs of two-wheeler spare parts, the often-forgotten champs that shape up your bike's performance.
Unveiling the Unsung Heroes:
Air and oil filters:
Imagine your bike's engine as its lungs, and the air and oil filters as the guardians of its respiratory system. These unsung heroes ensure the engine breathes clean air and runs smoothly with uncontaminated oil. Regular checks and timely replacements become life-extending breaths, enhancing not just performance but the overall longevity of your engine. In case you need engine oil, you can Pikpart and download our app to book your best engine oil at low prices.
Spark Plugs:
While small in size, spark plugs play a crucial role in your bike's daily performance. These tiny igniters hold the power to kickstart your bike and ensure efficient combustion, influencing everything from smooth start-ups to fuel efficiency. It's the spark that lights the fire, quite literally. Our company gives the best quality spark plugs, and we deal in the best multi-brand bike spark plugs.
A well-kept bike moves smoothly, thanks to bearings—they're like the poets of the bike world. Whether in wheels, steering, or other spinning parts, these small parts create a beautiful dance of motion. They might be tiny, but they make a big difference in how your ride feels.
Chain Sprockets:
Delve deeper into the heartbeat of your bike—the chain sprocket system. This underappreciated marvel is the linchpin for efficient power transfer and a prolonged component life. Choose wisely, opting for quality products like Rolon chain sprocket kits to ensure your ride remains not just powerful but reliable for the long haul. The best chain of sprockets is available at the Pikpart online store.
Guardians of Safety: Braking Components:
Brake Pads and Shoes:
When it comes to safety, brake pads and shoes take center stage. Regardless of whether your bike has disc brakes or drum brakes, the quality of these components is paramount. Introduce riders to premium options like Pikpart brake pads, emphasizing unmatched stopping power for that extra layer of safety.
Brake Fluid:
Highlight the crucial role of brake fluid in a responsive braking system. Regular fluid checks and timely replacements are the unsung heroes behind ensuring your bike responds promptly to your commands, underscoring the importance of safety on the road. For any kind of multi-brand bike service in India, you can visit your nearby Pikpart Smart Garage.
The Art of Choosing Spare Parts:
Know Your Bike:
Every bike, be it a KTM or a BMW, has its own unique personality and requirements. Knowing your bike inside out is the first step in choosing the right high-quality spare parts that align with its specifications. It's a personalized touch that goes a long way toward enhancing performance.
Quality over cost:
In the face of tempting cost-cutting alternatives, prioritize quality over cost. Investing in premium brands like Pikpart ensures not only longevity but also top-tier performance and peace of mind. It's a commitment to your ride's well-being and your own.
Owning a motorcycle is like having a special piece of art. It's not just about how cool it looks or its famous brand; the real beauty comes from all the spare parts working together smoothly. If you care about each piece and make sure they're top-notch spare parts for bikes, that shows you're a true motorcycle enthusiast.
Places like Pikpart are like superheroes for your bike. They make sure you get genuine and high-quality spare parts. So, as you get ready for your next ride, keep in mind that it's more than just a journey; it's a celebration of all the little details that make your motorcycle an exciting companion on the road.
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motorcycledekho · 8 months
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(2024) Top 10 Best Touring Motorcycles for Long Rides.
As an avid motorcycle enthusiast, I have spent countless hours researching and testing various touring motorcycles to find the best options for long rides in 2024.
After careful consideration, I have compiled a list of the top 10 touring motorcycles that offer exceptional comfort, performance, and reliability.
Whether you are planning a cross-country adventure or simply enjoy long rides on the open road, these motorcycles are sure to provide an unforgettable experience.
So, without further ado, let’s dive into the world of touring motorcycles and discover the best options available.
1. Honda Gold Wing.
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The Honda Gold Wing has long been regarded as the king of touring motorcycles, and for good reason.
With its powerful engine, comfortable seating, and advanced features, the Gold Wing offers a luxurious and smooth ride.
The bike is equipped with a six-cylinder engine that delivers ample power for long-distance journeys.
Its spacious seating and ergonomic design ensure maximum comfort, even during extended rides.
Additionally, the Gold Wing comes with a host of features, such as heated seats, a premium audio system, and a navigation system, making it the perfect companion for any adventure.
Read more: 2024 Honda Gold Wing Tour
Why choose the Honda Gold Wing?
– Powerful six-cylinder engine for effortless cruising – Comfortable seating and ergonomic design – Advanced features like heated seats and navigation system – Exceptional reliability and durability – Smooth and luxurious ride experience
2. BMW K 1600 GTL.
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For those seeking a combination of performance and luxury, the BMW K 1600 GTL is an excellent choice.
This touring motorcycle is powered by a six-cylinder engine that delivers impressive power and torque.
The bike’s advanced suspension system and comfortable seating ensure a smooth and enjoyable ride, even on long journeys.
The K 1600 GTL also features a range of innovative technologies, including an adaptive headlight system, electronic suspension adjustment, and a comprehensive infotainment system.
With its sleek design and premium features, the BMW K 1600 GTL is a true contender in the touring motorcycle market.
Why choose the BMW K 1600 GTL?
– powerful six-cylinder engine for exhilarating performance – Advanced suspension system for a smooth ride – Innovative technologies like adaptive headlights and electronic suspension adjustments – Sleek design and premium features Excellent build quality and reliability
3. Yamaha FJR1300.
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The Yamaha FJR1300 is a versatile touring motorcycle that offers a perfect balance of comfort and performance.
Powered by a four-cylinder engine, this bike delivers ample power for long rides while maintaining excellent fuel efficiency.
The FJR1300 features a comfortable seating position and an adjustable windscreen, allowing riders to customize their riding experience.
With its advanced electronics, including traction control and cruise control, the FJR1300 provides a safe and enjoyable ride.
Whether you’re cruising on the highway or tackling winding roads, this Yamaha touring motorcycle is sure to impress.
Why choose the Yamaha FJR1300?
-Powerful and fuel-efficient four-cylinder engine -Comfortable seating position and adjustable windscreen – Advanced electronics for enhanced safety and convenience – Versatile performance for both highway cruising and spirited riding – Yamaha’s reputation for reliability and durability
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stevejobsvevo · 8 months
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How does the 2023 BMW R 18 Roctane perform on the road?
Irrespective of the selected mode, the R 18 Roctane showcases its optimum performance in the lower range of the rev count. Peak torque emerges between 2000rpm and 4000rpm, with peak power making its presence known from 4750rpm.
Despite its substantial size and displacement, the 1802cc engine exhibits a more subdued nature around middling revs, prompting riders to engage the six-speed transmission more frequently than anticipated.
From a ride and handling standpoint, the R 18 Roctane adeptly communicates the road conditions through the handlebars, footboards, and seat. Vibration levels remain within tolerable limits, while wind buffeting persists around the helmet, a common occurrence in the open-road cruising experience.
The 49mm fork delivers a sense of control and precision through its stroke, ensuring a measured response to varying road surfaces. Surprisingly, the rear shock demonstrates a notable level of damping and sophistication, effectively resisting harsh rebounds over undulating country roads, even with an 85kg rider on board. This reveals a commitment to ride quality and comfort, enhancing the overall experience for riders navigating diverse terrains on the 2023 BMW R 18 Roctane.
As riders delve into the intricacies of the 2023 BMW R 18 Roctane's performance, a distinct characteristic emerges—optimal functionality in the lower rev range. The torque peak, spanning from 2000rpm to 4000rpm, and the arrival of peak power at 4750rpm, underscore the bike's proficiency in delivering a responsive and engaging experience at lower engine speeds.
In navigating the six-speed transmission, riders may find themselves making more frequent shifts than initially expected, given the subdued nature of the 1802cc engine around mid-range revs. This interaction with the transmission becomes a dynamic aspect of the riding experience, allowing enthusiasts to explore the full spectrum of the Roctane's power delivery.
From a ride and handling perspective, the Roctane communicates road feedback effectively through its handlebars, footboards, and seat. While vibration levels remain tolerable, the ever-present wind buffeting around the helmet contributes to the immersive and unfiltered experience of open-road cruising.
Examining the suspension components, the 49mm fork impresses with its controlled and measured response to varying road conditions. Meanwhile, the rear shock, surprisingly sophisticated, exhibits a commendable level of damping. This feature proves particularly effective in mitigating harsh rebounds over undulating country roads, showcasing the Roctane's commitment to rider comfort and a smooth, enjoyable ride.
In essence, the 2023 BMW R 18 Roctane is not just a machine; it's an invitation for riders to explore the nuances of its powerband, engage with the transmission, and embrace the tactile connection with the road. The adept communication of road feedback, coupled with sophisticated suspension elements, contributes to a riding experience that balances power, responsiveness, and comfort in a harmonious blend.
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anishrathi · 9 months
Unleash the Power of the BMW K 1600 B The BMW K 1600 B is a cool and powerful motorcycle designed for cruising in style. This bike equipped with 1649 cc six cylinder engine, & advanced technology, including a user-friendly dashboard and smooth handling for a confident and enjoyable experience.
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rentmybikeindia · 9 months
Luxury Bike Rentals in Mumbai
In the bustling metropolis of Mumbai, where every heartbeat resonates with the pulse of the city, the desire for a luxurious and exhilarating experience is on the rise. As the city's skyline evolves, so do the aspirations of its residents and visitors. In this dynamic urban landscape, the concept of luxury bike rentals has gained significant traction, offering enthusiasts a taste of opulence on two wheels. Among the prominent players in this market, RentMyBike stands out as a premier service provider, offering an array of high-end bikes for those seeking an unforgettable ride through the vibrant streets of Mumbai.
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The Rise of Luxury Bike Rentals:
The concept of renting luxury bikes has witnessed a meteoric rise in recent years, driven by a confluence of factors. Mumbai, often regarded as the financial capital of India, boasts a burgeoning population of young, affluent professionals and tourists who seek novel and exclusive experiences. The city's traffic congestion and limited parking spaces have led many to explore alternative modes of transportation, making luxury bike rentals an attractive option.
RentMyBike: A Beacon of Luxury Riding:
At the forefront of the luxury bike rental scene in Mumbai is RentMyBike, a platform that has garnered acclaim for its diverse fleet of premium motorcycles. Whether one is an avid motorcyclist or a casual rider, RentMyBike caters to a wide spectrum of enthusiasts with an assortment of brands and models, ranging from iconic Harley-Davidsons to sleek Ducatis and everything in between.
The Fleet: A Symphony of Power and Elegance
RentMyBike prides itself on curating a fleet that embodies the epitome of power, performance, and elegance. Among the gems in their collection are the legendary Harley-Davidson Fat Boy, the sporty Ducati Panigale, and the suave BMW R1250 GS. Each bike in the fleet is meticulously maintained, ensuring a seamless and safe riding experience for customers.
Harley-Davidson Fat Boy: A Legend on Two Wheels
The Harley-Davidson Fat Boy, a quintessential symbol of American motorcycle heritage, commands attention with its bold design and unmistakable roar. RentMyBike's inclusion of this iconic motorcycle in its fleet caters to riders yearning for a taste of classic Americana as they cruise through the bustling streets of Mumbai.
Ducati Panigale: Unleashing Italian Precision
For those who crave the adrenaline rush of a high-performance sports bike, the Ducati Panigale is an absolute delight. With its cutting-edge technology, sleek design, and unparalleled speed, it's a testament to Italian engineering excellence. RentMyBike provides enthusiasts the opportunity to experience the thrill of riding this superbike without the burden of ownership.
BMW R1250 GS: The Adventure Seeker's Dream
The BMW R1250 GS is a versatile adventure touring motorcycle that effortlessly combines power with comfort. RentMyBike caters to the adventurous spirit within riders by offering this model, perfect for those looking to explore not just the city streets but also the scenic outskirts of Mumbai.
Beyond the Machines: RentMyBike's Service Excellence
While the luxury bikes take center stage, RentMyBike's commitment to customer satisfaction is equally noteworthy. The rental process is streamlined, and the team ensures that each customer is well-acquainted with the chosen bike's features and controls before hitting the road. With a seamless booking platform and transparent pricing, RentMyBike aims to make the entire experience hassle-free and enjoyable.
Safety First: Ensuring a Secure Ride
RentMyBike prioritizes safety, recognizing that a luxurious ride should also be a secure one. All bikes undergo regular maintenance checks, and the team provides customers with safety gear, including helmets and riding jackets. Additionally, the platform encourages responsible riding, promoting adherence to traffic rules and guidelines.
Exploring Mumbai in Style: Routes and Recommendations
Mumbai, with its diverse landscapes and vibrant neighborhoods, offers a plethora of routes for bikers to explore. RentMyBike provides curated recommendations, ensuring riders make the most of their experience. From the iconic Marine Drive to the winding roads of Lonavala, bikers can immerse themselves in the beauty and culture of Mumbai and its surrounding areas.
The Business of Luxury: Economic Impact and Market Trends
The luxury bike rental industry has not only fulfilled the desires of enthusiasts but has also contributed significantly to the economic landscape of Mumbai. As more individuals opt for renting over ownership, the market has witnessed steady growth. The influx of tourists seeking unique experiences has further fueled the expansion of luxury bike rental services.
Challenges and Opportunities: Navigating the Road Ahead
While the luxury bike rental industry in Mumbai is on an upward trajectory, it is not without its challenges. Traffic congestion, stringent regulations, and the need for continuous innovation pose hurdles for service providers. However, these challenges also present opportunities for growth, encouraging companies like RentMyBike to adapt and innovate to meet the evolving needs of their clientele.
The Future of Luxury Bike Rentals: A Glimpse into Tomorrow
As Mumbai continues to evolve, so does the landscape of luxury bike rentals. The future holds the promise of more sustainable and technologically advanced options, with electric and hybrid bikes likely to become integral parts of rental fleets. RentMyBike, as a trailblazer in the industry, is poised to embrace these changes, ensuring that customers always have access to the latest and greatest in luxury biking.
Conclusion: Riding into a Luxurious Tomorrow
In the heart of Mumbai, where dreams and ambitions intertwine, the luxury bike rental experience offered by RentMyBike provides a gateway to a world of opulence and adventure. As the city's skyline transforms, so do the desires of its denizens, and RentMyBike stands as a beacon, illuminating the path for those who seek to explore Mumbai's vibrant streets in the epitome of style and luxury on two wheels. Whether it's the iconic Harley-Davidson, the exhilarating Ducati, or the versatile BMW, RentMyBike invites riders to embark on a journey that transcends the ordinary, where each twist of the throttle is a symphony of power, precision, and pure indulgence.
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bikekharidoblogs · 1 year
TVS Apache RTR 310 Price Begins At Rs. 2.42 Lakhs
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2023 TVS Apache RTR 310
TVS Apache RTR 310 launched, full price particulars revealed
TVS Apache RTR 310 launched with a starting price of Rs. 2.42 lakhs (ex-showroom). You possibly can take a look on the full price table.
The naked bike will get a singular styling, it doesn’t resemble the BMW G 310 R in any respect. It comes with sharp looking LED headlight setup which comes with three depth ranges.
The bike will get a closely sculpted fuel tank and a sporty trying cut up seat setup.
It comes with 8-spoke dual colour alloy wheels so as to add to the dramatic styling.
The bike is being provided with three colour options – Arsenal Black, Fury Yellow and Sepang Blue (Built To Order).
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TVS Apache RTR 310
TVS Apache RTR 310 is provided with some section first options together with cruise control, dynamic class D LED headlamp, dynamic brake lamp, 5 ride modes together with Supermoto mode, climate control seats with heating and cooling.
The bike will get 5-inch digital cluster with GoPro Control, Music Management, Voice Assist, Smart Helmet Device Connectivity, Telephony and Navigation.
It’s geared up with Race Tuned Dynamic Stability Management with 6D IMU providing Cornering ABS, Cornering Traction Control, Cornering Cruise Control, Wheelie Control, Slope Dependent Control and Rear Lift-off Control.
Another interesting options include Bidirectional Quickshifter, Race Tuned Linear Stability Control, Lightweight aluminum sub body, Tyre Pressure Monitoring System and Unique Reverse Inclined DOHC Engine.
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TVS Apache RTR 310
The 312.2cc single-cylinder engine produces 35.6 PS at 9700 RPM and 28.7 Nm at 6650 RPM, mated to a 6-speed gearbox with bi-directional quickshifter.
It does 0-60 km/hr in 2.81 seconds and 0-100 km/hr in 7.19 seconds. The bike has a high pace of 150 km/hr.
The bike is offered with 5 riding modes together with Urban, Rain, Sports, Monitor and the new Supermoto mode that disengages the rear ABS whereas maximising the facility.
TVS Apache RTR 310 will get 41 mm diameter USD forks up front and pre-load adjustable monoshock on the rear. 110/70-R17 tyre up front and 150/60-R17 on the rear.
300 mm disc up front and 240 mm disc on the rear. It’s geared up with dual-channel ABS.
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TVS Apache RTR 310 Display
The 5-inch all-digital TFT cluster presents distinctive UI themes, customisable settings together with traction management, cruise management, quickshifter, climatic seat management, TPMS, headlamp brightness and DRL control.
The SmartXonnect Bluetooth connectivity links the TVS Apache RTR 310 along with your smartphone providing options like telephony, music management, GoPro management, smart helmet connectivity, voice assist, race telemetry, turn by turn navigation with what3words, digi docs and crash alert.
Customers also can go for 12 freestyler equipment together with knuckle guard, visor, pannier and high field equipment together with 14 safety gears and life-style merchandise.
TVS Apache RTR 310 Price: Variant Price Arsenal Black (w/o Quickshifter) Rs. 2,42,990/- Arsenal Black Rs. 2,57,990/- Fury Yellow Rs. 2,63,990/- BTO (Built To Order) Dynamic Kit Rs. 18,000/- BTO (Built To Order) Dynamic Pro Kit Rs. 22,000/- BTO (Built To Order) Sepang Blue Rs. 10,000/- All prices ex-showroom
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TVS Apache RTR 310 Headlight
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TVS Apache RTR 310 split seat
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TVS Apache RTR 310 tail light
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rianmobili · 1 year
Top 10 Of The Best Maxi Scooters For Touring
Maxi Scooters Are Better Than Touring Bikes
📌 Related searches: ✔️ Maxi scooter 2023 ✔️ Best maxi scooter ✔️ Top maxi scooters ✔️ Scooter touring ✔️ Sym maxi scooter ✔️ Most powerful scooter ✔️ Best adventure scooter ✔️ Biggest scooter
When you think about touring on two wheels, scooters might not be the first thing you visualise yourself cruising about on. But wait! Maxi scooters exist, and excel at delivering a comfortable ride over longer distances and can carry all the luggage you could need. Maxi scooters are generally larger than standard scooters, with more powerful engines that allow you to get up to speeds that let you drive on motorways. A more comfortable riding position and protection from the weather, thanks to their fairings, makes them a great economical choice for touring riders. We here have come up with a list of the best maxi scooters that are the ideal vehicle for your touring holidays.
This video is based on personal opinion for reference only, it may be suitable for you but it may not be. Thank you for watching this video. Please comment your opinion to let us know.
📌 Hashtag:
Peugeot, #PeugeotMetropolisSW, #Suzuki, #SuzukiBurgman, #Lexmoto, #LexmotoXDV, #Sym, #SymMaxsym, #Kymco, #KymcoAK550, #Yamaha, #YamahaTricity, #Piaggio, #PiaggioMP3, #BMW, #BMWC400GT, #Honda, #HondaForza, #YamahaTMAX
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