idiotwriteower · 22 hours
I love the ada bc of how fun their coworker thing could go, when they all call each other family
but Ranpo probably has it bad...
Ranpo knows everything, but it comes at a cost of knowing EVERYTHING.
like I love the fanfic idea that he knows everything that led up, and the aftermath, like-
Kunikida running late for the first time, not even there before Dazai, so everyone suspects that Kunikida isn't even going-
Only for him to burst through the door sprint to his seat and get to work immediately and it's like
Dazai *walking up behind him* : kunikidaa! your hair is down!
(almost seeing the two almost obvious gang bite marks)
Kunikida: I'm aware, Dazai, now go do your work!
(and like everyone wonders why his hair is down, mostly bc everyone knows him and met him with his hair in a ribbon)
Then there's just ranpo, the all knowing, sneaking up behind Yosano screaming about all the sweets she has to get him now.
Or one day Dazai walks into the agency, surprisingly early, but not before ranpo, with a very noticeable limp that has ranpo chuckling to himself
Ranpo: have a rough night?
Dazai: yea!!!! I had a dog barking in my ear all- night!
Ranpo: must've been rough!
Focusing back on their own stuff only for Dazai to remember stupidly late that ranpo knows about his rough ride.
But there ARE times when ranpo prefers to know nothing about how it happened.
*Yosano taking the day off, like she NEVER does*
And Tanizaki finds a VERY distraught ranpo trying to not lose his shit that someone is fucking his little sister
(that's my dynamic about them. Cry abt it.)
And he's forcing everyone under the age of 20 to never do anything nasty when they're older,
Like he's not telling them explicitly he's just telling them to never love someone too much.
Watching Atsushi work with his sleeves all the way down, pulling them down, and huffing every five seconds,
Ranpo: Atsushi..are you- ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS...!?!? NO I REFUSE. NO.
and Atsushi is staring wide eyed at ranpo who has the whole agencies attention praying to god ranpo won't say anything to get him caught
So during that night he melancholically talks about how Yosano and Atsushi are starting to fuck ppl and he's saying like it's normal, just sad.
And Poe's like :my dear, respectfully,
WHAT the fuck.🧍
Yet, even now, Ranpo knows to NEVER look at Fukuzawa unless he wants to know what happened the night before....
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justplaggin · 4 months
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So lets recap the Decay of Angels and their statuses
Sigma: honk shoo mimimi
Nikolai: ??? Prob stealing candy from a baby
Fukuchi: dead but like again
Bram: dead but even more than before
Fyodor: serving drip and kinning jesus
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velvetyvoyage · 3 months
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bsdtual · 1 year
Bramcraft is like, the most random bsd ship ever. They never breathed the same air but the fandom saw 2 tall bizarre creatures with no knowledge abt the humanity and said "THAT'S IT, THEY'RE MY PARENTS"
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lythium-art · 8 months
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they are besties, your honour
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velreblogsnstuff · 5 months
All we need to do it chant "BRAM WILL LIVE" × 100 and threaten asagiri like how we did when dazai and fyodor were gonna die!
nah but srsly when dazai, fyodor and sigma (and maybe chuuya too? i forgot) "died". the rest of the month, the fandom was pretty much going beserk over it and they lived!
dazai was in the verge of extinction. did he die? no.
fyodor also was in the verge of extinction. did he die? no.
Asagiri will find a way! he must!
and now if the fandom becomes more miserable and mentally unstable then asagiri has no choice but to make him live! or else he'd probably be brutaly murdered by one or more of us.
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sappyking · 7 months
“My dear devil...” “I've come with the sole purpose of catching but a glimpse of you.”
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toomanymarkers · 4 months
SORRY FOR THE POOR QUALITY BUT I absolutely had to share this experience with the internet as soon as possible
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also extremely unfortunate ordering on the 'more works' page. feels like a personal attack tbh
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bramthecalamity · 6 months
"Most of being an adult is being able to not cry in situations you'd sob in as a child."
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paniatheweirdone · 1 year
Kisses with them
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The Decay Of Angels Edition.
Can't even write in peace in school- I got asked what I'm writing for like 20 times 🗿 anyway I hope you enjoy 😌🩷
TW: None?
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Very gentle and soft, he's probebly not experienced at all so he's anxious that he'll mess it up whether if it's your first kiss or not.
When the kiss gets too long he'll become an absolute mess- yell out his name for as long as you want, you wont be getting any answers, he's too stunned to speak.
At first he always asks before before kissing you. unless you start the kiss, then the only thing he wants is to melt to the ground saying you should at least give a warning first.
Loves to kiss you on the cheeks, the are the softest things ever to him.
Daydreams a lot about kissing you and he's so obvious about it, I mean what other reason would your partner be staring at your lips for so long?
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Nikolai Gogol
Very short kisses and it's not because he gets flustered, he's just too excited to the point he can't sit still.
He's not gentle at all with his kisses, they're always passionate, fast and surprising, he's quite confident as well with his kisses.
He's full of surprises. For example, he'll use his portals to make you appear infront of him and you're not looking straight awhile walking so he can surprises with kisses or he'll randomly pick you up and kiss every bit of your face till he hears a giggle out of you.
Sometimes when you're talking to him or just explaining him something boring he'll give you a sudden kiss that will leave you confused trying to figure out what just happened.
He can't decide whether he likes to kiss you on the lips more or just your whole face, so he'll do both-
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Bram Stoker
He could and would kiss you anywhere anyhow and would still wear a straight face.
It's not that he doesn't enjoy it, he just isn't sure how he should react, would even ask Aya about it-
Slow and gentle kisses, he wants you to enjoy it as much ashe does, and he would try to impress you as well by finding unique ways of kissing.
He would get in the mood for dancing if he hears music playing and then would kiss you deeply like a true gentleman after it.
Would kiss the knuckles of your hands it's one of his ways of showing you how muvh he loves and respects you.
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Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Long, gentle and addictive, and it's not just the kiss itself, it's his movements that make everything look so perfect.
Like I said in my romantic Headcanons of him, he knows what to do to make you feel the way he wants it. He can make you fall in love more and more every seconds that passes, could make you feel you're the only important person on earth to him and he could make you feel weak with only his kisses.
Would steal your attention away with kisses from behind on your shoulder or neck.
His favorite parts to kiss are your shoulders and forehead.
Kisses with him can be drunkening, even though you can hear him murmuring something you can't understand, you would be too high from his kisses.
Aaaaaa I was melting writing these in school on my notebook- I really you enjoy it too <3
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sssarrrra · 3 months
Dying to stay alive. Why does Fyodor Dostoevsky enjoy being killed on purpose? Bsd analysis
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Why Dostoevsky looks so young despite living for centuries? I think it's because he often gets killed. He literally has no time to age.
His skin care routine is being murdered every year or so. Maybe, even more often.
Fyodor CAN age, he isn't immune to it. He isn't immortal. He's ability isn't about eternal youth. He can get gray hair and wrinkles. But he doesn't. Dostoevsky looks almost identical to how he's been when he's met Bram centuries ago (minus a scar and an outfit). So why is it?
Let's assume that the physical "age" Fyodor naturally gains can be transferred to the new body he enters. And the only things that get "erased" are traces of harm left by someone else (bruises, cuts, scars, etc.)
Let's pretend that we know Fyodor's "biological" age. And it's 20. (That's just an assumption for this example!)
It would go like this: Fyodor's biologically 20. He lives until his 22, than gets killed. His "new" body will have the age of 22. Then he lives until he's 26 and dies unnaturally. He's biological age in the new body is gonna be 26.
And so on and so on. It means both his appearance and physic will gradually change. But we see NONE OF THAT. Present Fyodor is almost a twin copy of Fyodor from the past.
It means that Dostoevsky has never lived longer than a couple of years max without dying and respawning into a new body. He probably dies quit often and can't even get old enough because he simply doesn't have time.
Maybe, he has some mark on his calendar: "Need to die every year to keep my body young and relative healthy". And it's a strategy and nothing else. But I feel like there is more to that.
Dostoevsky probably enjoys the thrill of death (or near death) experience for various reasons.
People sometimes describe Dazai as a "suicide-addict", but THIS is a new level of it. These two share a hobby of trying to die often. But Dostoevsky not just tries. He dies. Fyodor's way of getting a rid of his stress is being brutally murdered by someone else. I wounder, if Dazai knew it how it would make him feel? To find out that Fyodor is drawn to death in the same way that he is? We'll find out eventually.
Dostoevsky meticulously got himself killed probably more than 300+ times or so. And, yes, sometimes it was work related incidents due to his plans. But he didn't HAVE to die so often, did he?
It honestly seems, that for Fyodor "dying" is just an extracurricular activity he does to pass the time. Some ppl go their friend's house to play video games. And Fyodor goes to someone's place -> dies there.
Maybe, Dostoy tries to connect with people by "dying" by their hands? When he transfers his mind into a new body, it makes him feel less lonely, somehow?
For example, Fyodor didn't have to break into Bram's castle and chat him up about demons. He didn't have to put his life on a line just to see how Bram would react to his musings about world-politics. He knew he would die, obviously. But he went anyway. Just to "catch a glimpse" of Bram (in his own words). And then, of course to get murdered. Did he hope that Bram would be the one to deliver a final blow? Did Fyodor secretly want to "posses" Bram's body from that long, long time ago?
You know how ppl joked about Fyodor's hobby being captured on purpose? Add "dying" to this list, asap.
He's reasons for overusing his ability to "reincarnate" are probably complicated.
A part of it is a need to escape/ease his guilt. Dostoy wants to feel like a martyr that has a right to commit sin. Maybe, it's his own self-punishment, a form of self-harm. He believes these short or long moments of agony "erase" the harm he does to others or, at least, balance it out.
On the other hand, Fyodor is still a human who wants to belong. But he spent decades in paranoia and isolation that affected him immensely. So now the only "true" connection Dostoevsky can create with someone is when he inserts his consciousness into their body. The flow of new feelings/goals keeps him distracted from himself and his bleak view of the reality. So he does it over and over.
Or is it just a boredom thing? Like living is such a drug he can't help but try to die?
Dostoy is too afraid/guilty to go to heaven right away so he passes time by adding bits of different personalities to himself. He has this semi-free subscription to people's agendas, he only has to die to access them. It keeps him entertained. Like a Netflix but he has to die to watch a "movie" from someone's POV, with their goals/emotions intact still.
Dostoy wants to pick up a new passion/hobby? No problem. He just needs to find someone who likes that particular interest, and than get murdered by that person. Then Fyodor can gain their insights into the topic (possibly).
I wish I could see the way Dostoevsky envisions humanity. It seems like he's both enmeshed with it to the point of losing himself and at the same time he's discarded by humanity and isolated from it.
It's such a mixed-up experience. No wounder Fyodor's mind is so… Bizarre.
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justplaggin · 2 months
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ch. 117 || ch. 97 ※ travelling on your back was as pleasant a journey as any.
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Asagiri i will MURDER YOU
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sh1nsoukoku · 3 months
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at first i thought aya was imagining him with a silly hat on and i was giggling until i realized that it’s his lil elf ears
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zukkaoru · 2 months
life, where we all are
At the end of the school day, Aya has to wait to be picked up instead of walking home with her friends. Kunikida arrives in his car, having carved out time in his schedule to get her on the days when her dad can’t, which is most of them. Today, Dazai sits in the passenger seat, fiddling with the radio dial. He ignores Aya like he always does as Kunikida helps her into the car. He’s probably only here because he wanted to skip out on work. Kunikida says he likes to do that. Aya’s crutches go on the empty seat beside her, where Dazai’s cane is already lying. It looks less lonely now, at least. She wishes that were enough to make her feel better.
or: aya faces the consequences of being a hero
🌟 5.4k words || aya-centric 🌟 written for @bsd-disability-week-2024 day 4: mobility aids and accommodations/accessibility
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