#BUT ALSO YES - Sera finds a LOT of comfort AND joy in her family? Both blood and found?
sakurarisen · 8 months
Goldenrod, holly, poppy, and sunflower because Sera needs some headcanon asks <3
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Botanical Headcanons!
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goldenrod :   does your muse believe in luck or fortune ?  why or why not ?   where do they believe these things come from ? 
Yes! XD Jokes aside, Sera believes in both, and that they're two different things; Luck is just luck. It varies. Some people are luckier than others, you have good luck days and bad luck days, and it's affected a lot by your surroundings - You can have the best luck on the planet, it's not going to spare you if the god of bad luck is standing beside you and everything starts going wrong! Might dodge getting hit by a falling brick, but probably not from tripping over the curb over there. Just the same, your luck can be incredible with coinflips but if someone is having bad luck and runs into you? It's gonna affect yours and you'll probably call it wrong. Luck varies, but it exists.
Just the same, she fully believes in fortune, and it too is affected by the things around you - But it's less 'how lucky are you' and more akin to trying to read a person's future. A bad luck day can totally affect it? The future isn't set in stone, Sera's always believed. There's destiny, which is also different, and things can affect how your future plans out; you can be destined to change the world in a certain way, but how that comes about? That's gonna change. Your fortunes can change, and will change.
That's what Sera's always believed since leaving 'home', and it's gotten her through a lot of hard times. She's a woman who sometimes wants to understand things, to have a reason for them, and while she totally understands she can't always have those, Fortune and Luck are often what she leans back on for the sake of having something - anything - to get some solid footing on. Someone's having some bad luck and it made their mood sour. They're just... A sour person. Their role in the world is to be cruel, even if she wants desperately to change that. She can't explain where she even came into these beliefs from aside from hearing about 'drawing fortune slips' and what they are in her travels, but? Makes sense to her! <3
holly :   how strong is your muse’s sense of intuition ?  are they aware of it ?   do they ever fear that it is only paranoia ? 
Sera has a pretty strong sense of intuition, and she listens to it pretty regularly - it's actually part of what's kept her alive all this time, and she's fairly aware it's there and what it's done for her. For a long time, though, she did fear it was paranoia; when traveling alone, before she finally had the ability to settle down, hiding was her go-to tactic. At that point in her life, she could barely fight well enough to keep herself breathing if she needed to, and she already heavily disliked doing so - stealth was her first and most common tactic as a result, and, prior to having Zack to tell her otherwise, it felt... Silly. It felt like she was simply too afraid to even walk past someone else on a road, even though on some level, she knew better.
She's long since learned just what her intuition is and that it's important to listen to it, and doing so has made her a good tactician and partner, both on a battlefield and off. It's ensured being a mercenary (or jack of all trades, depending on the verse) is a job she's capable of doing, and she's become good backup, constantly relying on her intuition in everything. After all... If it hasn't really led her wrong yet, why shouldn't she?
poppy :   what comforts your muse ?
Zack and her kids. Her biggest comfort has, from the day they met, and always will be, her husband Zack and later on, their kids, being the first ones she turns to when she recognizes she needs comfort and support every time without fail - And even when she doesn't recognize it first, as Zack usually will before her and make himself available to her, even if it's dealing with work with an arm around her to keep her close.
Likewise, when she's able to see him, her eldest brother, Thoma, is also a source of comfort, and if she can't see him, she'll write him to find that sense of comfort when she needs it. They're in frequent contact, and he falls under the same category and reason as Zack and the kids - He's family. Her found family (and blood, in Thoma and the kid's cases), will always be her primary and biggest source of comfort and strength, and have given Sera a reason to want to see tomorrow.
Aside from family and tight friends, or if she's unable to find them when she needs that sense of comfort, it's a stuffed dog she's named Zax. A gift from a friend, it's a well-loved husky plush named after Zack while still being its own thing, kept in the house and never taken outside of it unless she knows she'll need it on a long trip. It's soft and hugable and has definitely seen better days, but it's something to hug and close her eyes and hide her face in. It's a comforting scent and feeling and it never fails to help her calm down and relax, and is even a sounding board for things she's too afraid to talk to others about, or simply can't.
Coming in a close second is the beach and the sea and the tides, the night sky, and an open field, especially one full of flowers - All incredibly comforting, but not always something she can get to when she needs it. If she can, though? You bet your socks this girl'll be down at the beach, sitting there for hours just to watch the tide come in and out-
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sunflower :   what brings your muse the most joy in life ?
Again, the beach and nature and seeing her dream finally move forward, seeing the world change and people's smiles and happiness... Those can, do, and will always bring her an incredible amount of joy. Her stuffed dog Zax makes her happy. Her friends bring her even more. There is a lot in her life that brings her an incredible amount of joy these days, and she won't ever deny it - Not when she's been searching for this for her entire life!
But even above that, it's her family. It's Zack, and Thoma. It's getting to sit and watch Shayan show his grandparents his plushies. It's snuggling into Zack as the sunlight shines into their bedroom, and know she doesn't have to get up - she can stay in his arms forever, and not a soul would stop her. it's seeing Kunsel give the kids rides around on his shoulders. Learning how to bake something new with Thoma before they take the evening to go for a walk around town, and laugh about silly things and chat about the local animals. Coming home to the called out greetings of her family and a chance to kiss her husband as a 'welcome home'. Looking up from her map while she's working to see Zack watching her with a shine in his eyes that says he's proud of her, and how far she's come. In her GI verse, it's the chance to sit around one of the city's fountains with her family and friends Kaeya, Albedo, and Diluc, and take in the warmth and comfort of having them all close by under a clear sky while the sound of Mondstadt seems so distant, but relaxing, writing letters to distant friends while they chime their input to those they know.
Sera finds an immense amount of joy in the small things, but it'll always be dwarfed by the joy she find in her family, both found and blood - A family that also includes her closest friends. Growing up, this was something she never thought she'd find, and at one point, never thought she deserved, but not that she has it... She's never going to let it go. This is her comfort, her peace, and her joy, and it's obvious when she can't keep the peaceful, calm smile off her lips around them. <3
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