sodiren · 5 months
please oh please give this a listen it's really nice
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joybutupaki · 2 years
halloween marathon 2022
as someone with anxiety who gets paranoid, i don't watch horror movies often. but, today i still wanted to watch films that i think would be in-theme for halloween but still be tolerable for me. so here are my halloween picks bc i'm a coward (p.s.: all of them are first watches)
american psycho (2000) dir. mary harron — 4.5/5
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i felt insane by just watching this
i think what makes this filmbro movie about masculinity so good is the fact that it's directed and written by women and a queer man AND patrick being a music nerd is so funny to me
i'd say more about this if i didnt fall asleep in the middle of watching it and only continue it a week later for halloween
what we do in the shadows (2014) dir. taika waititi, jemaine clement — 4.5/5
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i have terrible hearing and i would appreciate this much more if this had subtitles on soap2day :,,) but still there were so many good QUOTABLE!!!! lines and it was so so funny that my mom heard me laughing from outside😭😭
the way it was filmed, the fictional documentary style, is kinda rare to see (to me at least) and i wish i could explain it better but i like it !! i guess it makes the movie feel more real in a way, and this makes me wanna watch more movies like it. it feels like a slice of life?? but fantasy?? like a regular youtube documentary😭 /pos. like its about vampires dealing w modern life and they filmed it in a very modern way and i think thats neat!!!
these vampires (and stu!!) are so precious
black swan (2010) dir. darren aronofsky — 4.5/5
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this one was actually scary (at least compared to the previous movies i watched today). i think i would've appreciated it much more if i didn't watch a video essay about this before watching the actual movie (and basically discovering the entire story so i guess that ruined it...)
but holy shit well done though that was incredible??? it got me constantly wondering what's real or not. it definitely made me uncomfortable
i am a music person and i like how there's music playing all the time (speaking of music i just remembered there's a bts song with the same title and its one of my most played bts songs and iirc also about art and perfection??)
perfect blue (1998) dir. satoshi kon — 4.5/5
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first of all the version on soap2day is in eng dub and i wish it was the original but anyways
i absolutely love the themes explored in this film (which are quite similar to black swan) (and those themes were handled INCREDIBLY WELL), like the issues of the entertainment industry (particularly exploitation and fandoms), what reality is (pls it got me confused so much like what the hell), and the artist going insane. the similarities to black swan are so obvious.
then again i wish i could've appreciated this much more so i'll def rewatch it sometime
WOO I AM DONE everything getting 4.5 was unintentional HELP
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avactsclass3c · 1 year
Week 3
For this week we talked about social issues,  one designer that i find is socially conscious is Cameron Sinclair. he is a socially minded designer who co-founded Architecture for Humanity. he has made  contributions to disaster relief activities. The non-profit organisation,  focuses community centered design while promoting ecologically responsible behaviours and cool, modern architecture. Sinclair's team works closely with local communities to understand their requirements and takes cultural sensitivity in to consideration in order to ensure that their ideas are practical and culturally appropriate. They also encourage policy changes and information on how design can be utilised to address social issues.
This weeks activity we made a documentary about a social issue, for my group, we chose the issue of when people who arent feeling well sneeze and cough in crowded public places and endanger the health of those around them.
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We were thinking about ways to make our design of the film communicate the social issue. We tried to remain socially conscious and also make the video abit comical to engage the community of the public. Originally we intended the setting to be in a hawker center. However the hawker center that we wanted to go to was too0 crowded and did not allow us to film, as an alternative, we ended up setting it in a busstop that was not in use.we also played to each others strengths. Those who were better at acting did that n those who preferred to edit this instead. Some key discoveries from this activity were that my group was able to effectively collaborate with each other to create the film. What I could have done better was add subtitles and text to the video. We were able to create a film that engages a wide audience of singapores general public and those who were inconsiderate could maybe see and realise how their actions affect people as we flet that those who were not wearing masks were doing so as they didnt think that their actions were wrong in the first place. Ultimately we had a open discussion and worked together smoothly.
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savethepinecones · 1 year
okay folks story time. back in 2019 i was doing freelance captioning for a company i wont name. i was incredibly depressed and had no insurance so i was a) unmedicated and b) unable to work a fulltime job. i was good at typing so i decided to give this company a try. they didnt have set hours to work so i thought that on the days my depression got really bad i wouldnt get in trouble for taking the day off.
i spent a few months working on captioning during my free time and handing out samples at a grocery store on weekends. neither job paid super well but it was better than nothing. the captioning job was fun but paid based on video length rather than time worked. i cant remember for sure but i think it was something like $0.60 per audio minute.
when i first started i thought that seemed reasonable but i quickly realized that between having to pause the audio frequently to type everything out and then going back through to sync the subtitles to the video it would take like half an hour to do a five minute video. i ended up working pretty much every waking hour just to make enough money to pay my rent at the end of the month.
ive always been a perfectionist so my captions were usually very good but that perfectionism also slowed me down. there was also a policy that if audio cut out at any point in the video you had to report it and you wouldnt get paid for it even if youd already spent time captioning the audio that was there. we were able to look at the videos before claiming them but, especially with longer videos, i would usually just listen to a couple seconds around the beginning middle and end. videos got claimed quickly and if i took the time to watch the whole thing someone else would claim it and id have to find something else. there was one time that i had a fairly long video that i captioned most of, only to find out the audio cut out for a while towards the end. i had to send it back and because i didnt finish it, i didnt get paid for any of the work id done on it. this was a problem because like i mentioned earlier i was working more or less constantly in order to make ends meet and id just wasted hours on something i wouldnt get paid for.
tldr the pay was not great and i sometimes wouldnt get paid at all for work i spent hours on.
a few months in, i got a video that was about two hours long and was professionally recorded and edited. (this was significant because a lot of the videos i got had really poor audio quality, which meant i had to listen to dialogue a couple times before i figured out what exactly people were saying and i would end up taking longer to finish the project.) at this point i was spending more than 15 hours a day captioning, and still just barely making enough money to get by.
i got to work on the video, occasionally looking up names that were mentioned to make sure i got the spelling right. the company had a policy against sharing publicly what videos we were working on so i wont say specifically what it was, but when i was doing my research i learned that this show had a pretty decent fanbase. this made things easier for me because i could look on the wiki for the spelling of character names and locations etc.
the video itself was about two hours, and i had to pause it frequently because even though ive got a really good typing speed, people still speak faster than i can type. it took me probably about five minutes to caption everything, and i was exhausted so i was making a lot of mistakes. i decided that it would be quicker to leave the errors for the time being and correct them when i was syncing the captions to the audio. i had a while until the deadline to finish the project since it was so long, so i decided that once i was done with the initial captioning, i would take a quick nap so that i could focus more during the syncing process, which had to be very precise.
i ended up oversleeping. when i woke up, i guessed it would take about three hours or so to sync the captions, plus the time correcting typing errors or words id misheard the first time around. i was looking at probably about 8 hours worth of work, which was less time than i had left on the deadline. if i didnt submit the project by the deadline, the video would go to someone else and i wouldnt get paid for anything id done on it. it was close to the end of the month and i knew that even if i worked around the clock, without the money from this job i wouldnt be able to pay the next months rent. i knew that i wouldnt be able to corrext all the typos in time, but in my mind missing rent was about equivalent to the end of the world. (i was maybe 20 at the time and thought that if i didnt pay rent on time i would immediately be kicked out of the house or smth. im a very anxious person and especially at the time would tend to jump to the worst case scenario.)
i decided to work on the project as much as i could until time was up, and then submit it as is. i didnt feel good about it but it felt like the best play for me. without the money from this project, i wouldnt be able to make rent even if i started working on something else right away.
i felt especially bad because i knew this was a video that would get a lot of views, which meant my shoddy work would be seen by a lot of people, but i didnt have the time to deliberate. i decided to sync the captions first, then spend the rest of the time i had correcting typos. i managed to sync everything before the deadline but i was far from fixing all the errors when my time ran out. i submitted it anyways. the project was far below my own standards, let alone the company's, but at least i would get paid for the two hours of video. if i kept working every day for the rest of the month, i would be able to just make enough to cover rent.
i only did captioning for a total of six months or so. in december i got so burnt out that i couldnt work at all, and when i finally recovered i decided to start looking for something else. (the job i ended up with still didnt pay great and they kept cutting my hours but at least i wasnt working around the clock. plus it was a homecare position, which in early 2020 meant i could sometimes get free meals as an essential worker. i ate a lot of mcdonalds that spring.)
most of the videos i captioned have been long since forgotten, but there are a couple i remember. one was a lesbian christmas movie that i was so excited to be a part of, in whatever small way. there were also a couple id done for a local tv station a couple states over. but the one that stands out the most in my memory is the one i submitted incomplete.
id been expecting the company that submitted the video to complain, but i never heard anything. i expected they probably wouldnt continue to come to us for captions at the very least. i never did see another of their videos in the queue, but its possible that i just wasnt checking the queue when the videos were posted. theres no way for me to know for sure.
its been several years since then and i still think about that video sometimes. how many people i must have disappointed. the show was one that i could definitely have enjoyed, but my guilt kept me far away from it. i was scared that if i checked out the fandom, it would be full of people criticizing the horrible captioning on that one episode. recently, though, i decided to give it a try. the latest season was coming out and it seemed really interesting. i watched that and enjoyed it (the seasons are nonlinear so i didnt need to watch it from the beginning to understand it) and decided to take a peek at the fandom.
(it didnt escape my notice that the captions were formatted slightly differently than the way the company id worked for used. theyd definitely gone somewhere else for captioning. i suspect theyve hired someone instead of outsourcing. the captions have a personal touch that indicates theyre done by someone familiar with the series.)
to my horror, there were some mentions of the captions from past seasons, mostly commenting on how much theyve improved since then. ive watched the first couple seasons now and i did notice that a lot of names and terminology were misspelled early on but i havent come across the episode i did yet. im hoping someone redid the captions on my episode, although i feel bad that they likely had to pay for the same thing twice. the good news is that im a paying subscriber, so eventually ill have paid them back what i was paid for the botched captions. that eases my conscience a little.
the reason im sharing this is to first of all apologize to the fandom, even though i cant name it specifically. you guys deserved better captions than what i gave you. i also think its an example of how important it is to pay people a living wage. among many other reasons, the quality of work suffers when staff are overwhelmed, whether by financial stress or overworking or both.
i dont think i need to say this, but just to be clear, i dont blame the people who sent the video in. they didnt set my wages. and i know their company has been vocal about paying all employees a living wage. which means whoever is doing the captioning now is certainly getting paid what theyre worth. im glad they dont have to deal with something similar to what i went through.
this post ended up being a lot longer than i expected and im not really sure how to end it. saying something lighthearted seems like it would trivialize the regret im trying to express. i guess ultimately i just want to finally say sorry.
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jak--ash · 1 year
g.o.t s3 thoughts
Before I talk abt the plot: incredible metaphors, visual storytelling, and dramatic irony. They really got their legs this season. I've been able to guess all the twists, but it's not because the foreshadowing is harped on, but because its so well written. The feeling of knowing what will happen, and still hoping it doesnt, because the characters are so compelling, is fantastic.
spoilers for season 3 below
If anything bad happens to sam I'm going to lose my mind
Theres no way the tyrells make it out of this but I hope they do
I dont like ygrette but knowing the actress is married to kit harrington is so cute
Robb's uncle is Prince Phillip in the crown lol
Still dont like stannis #fuckstannis
I knew the Hound was a cool guy. I like that his name is canine and he's helping arya. She's a wolf who's lost her pack and has to rely on a hound that's been burned.
I hope theon isnt just tortured to death. I had a lot of his scenes muted and the screen shielded other than the subtitles but giving the auidence as little information as theon had, and then showing us how meaningless it all is, is both satisfying and infuriating. Free my man theon
Rip ros you were so hot ✊️🕊
I didnt realize balish just isnt coming back lol I'm kinda sad. He was mischeviously evil but he stayed silly.
I had heard of the Red Wedding but never knew what happened, and as I neared it I thought it was going to be a lannister wedding. Was so sure they were going to kill Margery on her wedding night. But no
RIP ROBB 😭😭 I knew you wouldnt last but I didnt think you'd go like that. I predicted his death so his wife's and catlyn's surprised me. Amazing final performance from Michelle Fairley.
I dont know how I feel abt dany. In the show, I think shes very cool and her story is awesome. I cant wait for this giant invasion that nobody in westeros is preparing for, clashing with the white walkers dany doesnt know about. But also. The places shown in easteros have been nomadic or owned slaves and a lot of them were poc so to have Dany freeing the slaves....idk. it's literally a white savior. Milisandre is also clearly a metaphor for the crusades/christian colonization. I'll withhold any verdicts until their arcs are done though.
I dont trust jorah and the ex-kinsguard. Isnt the ex-guard a big lannister? Like an uncle? And the lannisters killed the targaryans? Something is fishy but i dont know what
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chapter 5, page 16
first - previous - next
[image description: an sac webcomic page. inside is a large room, resembling a pub, with not too many people inside, with cream walls and wooden panelling. the foreground has a bar with white counters, with two older people with short yellow hair, both facing away. beyond that is around 3 tables, but only two are occupied, each with 2 people. the area beyond that is down a couple steps, which has more tables and a few yellow couches. there’s a couple people on the very right, one of them is transparent. on the left is someone playing darts while someone else lays on the couch. on the middle on another couch is a group of four sitting about. out of all the characters, most are too far away to make out details beyond hair colour, but the only character that has previously appeared is arrow whoe is sitting in the midground. aside from the people, the most obvious details are the paintings on the walls, all various sizes and a lot of them look out of place. there are also some potted plants dotted around, and a progress pride flag, as well as an unlabelled door in the very back, and a few bat decorations. “god, when did this place become a young person’s hangout.” grumbled one of the yellow haired people in the foreground, an old man sitting at the bar with his drink. “it always was, we just never left” replied the other, standing with his arms crossed on the other side of the bar. the man sitting at the bar is an old black man with short hair and a beard, as well as plenty of golden scars- in colour and material- and golden eyes with barely visible pupils. most of his scars are on his hand but there’s one on his neck and over his right eye. the barkeep also has short hair but straight and spikey, also old but not as old as the old man. he has a black polo and a hidden disability sunflower lanyard. he also has a scar over his eye, but much more tick and noticable, going through the actual eye and eyeball himself. the eye where the scar is is brown unlike his other yellow one. behind them, lewis and jade enter, the door where they came from no longer having any light in the room behind them, as the window is pitch black, jade holding out an arm, seemingly mid sentance, while lewis looks around frowning. “hey sir, this is my new teamate! i’ve been showing him the ropes lately!” jade says to the person behind the counter. “this is sir, he’s the one that makes the illusions!” the two of them are standing at the counter, next to the two older supers. on the far side of the bar, theres no painting but there is a notice board, mostly cut off minifridges, and a welsh and genderqueer flags. “hm, guessing he’s more than some boy scout you found, then?” sir asks, but unlike earlier, whn he speaks the speech bubble is yellow and rectangular and appears slightly behind jade’s hand and the older man’s elbow. “yeah! we have similar powers and i thought i could help” jade responds, offscreen as lewis stares forward with wide eyes, pointing towards the still present yellow speech bubble. it’s blank from the other side. he pokes it, and the text changes to “please stop tou[cut off] the subtitles”. end id]
man i sure put a lot of effort into that background when yall cant even see shit if youre reading on phone. anyway almost all the art up there is done by me apart from a couple photographs i too and a couple pieces of art my good friend made and suggested when i was trying to think of what else to put up there. anyway go check out @schakira or @grisastre on instagram because he makes very good art and needs more appreciation!! specifically the painting directly above the white haired person and the one with the wings at the top in the corner. anyway commentary. uhh actually started the top panel as a drawing a while ago and was originally going to put some typical pub decor or worldbuilding stuff but like. i didnt end up having the time or energy so i put general art stuff. works for me because i like putting art on my walls and giving my ocs traits from me, and the barkeep (Sir the yellow haired illusionist) now canononically picks up random paintings from artist alleys to put on the walls. that is, if we assume the walls and paintings are real and now more illusions. who knows! also feel free to try and guess what various characters powers are!
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ieatdeadstars · 3 years
of all my years on tumblr, never has my art gotten attention TvT
i have once again made myself paranoid for the week sooo
the narrative of the story is “ding dong, sophie, your folks is dead” right? but it’s forgiving towards felix. i say that mainly because of the line “he is so sorry for what he did to them, but there is nothing he can do, remember that.” in Lucky You. Guess who’s in that video, not as an animatronic, but as a little drawing?
(yall its storming again if these lights go out while im writing this-)
we can take from the subtitles in the Bunny Farm mistranslating molly’s comfort toward felix turnin to “it’s all your fault” that felix does feel guilty. martin also liked the comment below, confirming my belief. of course he does, though. i think he is good deep down, he’s maybe scared of disappointing folks, maybe he doesnt like when people are mad at him. i personally will lie if i think ill get yelled at so-and no i dont kin felix kranken. just so you know.
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anyways. felix obviously, at least at one point, felt guilty for all that he’s done. but like evan hansen, hes too deep to see the light. so then bunny farm happens. now as far as im aware- let me check the wiki- yeah he’s still living- but that works. you know why? showbear isn’t an animatronic. hes always been drawn, either in a cutout, game, or animation.
okay ken, so showbear might not be an animatronic, so felix is alive and feeling worse than bo burnham? so what?
well, though jack and showbear favor a bit, i think i can say that jack isnt showbear. will i be later making a theory saying he is? yeah but it wont be as thought out as this. felix designing showbear to fit jack’s face in order to talk to sophie makes muuuch more sense to me. i mean, how else would the web be so complex if felix wasnt the spider? jack doesn’t know what they were saying moments before the crash. jack, more than likely, didnt kmow the details of linda leaving felix, thus giving felix some sort of branch of an excuse. jack couldnt tell you where they were buried. but you know who could? felix. it’s so obvious that i might be wrong.
ive also noted that in bunny farm’s credits, felix doesnt get a voice actor- and he most definitely talked. every other character, im sure, got a va. so why didnt felix? or is it…his va was already mentioned for another character? no, ken, that cant be it. two characters were voiced by martin, martin was mentioned both times. well, i refuse to believe that was an honest mistake. because in guilty, he doesn’t get a va.
also i just realized the facility is built on top of ed and molly- foul for that one martin.
anyways, to wrap this up. felix feels guilty about what he’s done to the waltens. i mean, them and the restaurant were all he had left. so he uses showbear to gently narrate the story of what happened to her forgotten family to sophie.
what do i think, following this theory, would happen next? well i think if sophie can reach felix, shell confront him. i think she may also stop taking her pills, or take more. that depends on why she takes them in the first place. maybe jenny will die. maybe felix will finally own up to what he’s done. maybe hell gaslight her, using her pills which leads her to abandoning them. who knows? other than martin and his associates.
maybe he’s using showbear to make her remember so shell investigate, die, and he can be sure all the loose end are taken care of.
thats all for today. im gonna go play minecraft lol
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inyoursheets · 4 years
i got tagged by the kind @bourbon-ontherocks​ to do the language tag game thingy so let’s goooo
below the cut bc my english language journey has many twists and turns (jk im just a wordy person) (in writing) (as you may know by now)
How many languages do you speak?
two bc im an embarrassment to all my high school modern language teachers. so just dutch and english im afraid
What’s your native language?
my first language is dutch
Which language you’re most comfortable with?
it’s unnerving as hell but............it’s increasingly becoming english? youd think dutch would be the answer and it is in some ways, but considering most of my degree was in english, i genuinely struggle to express myself in dutch more when speaking on topics related to my field. so basically whenever someone tries to debate me im like !! i know but i dont know how to say this in dutch !! aah !! help !!! many thoughts, zero coherent sentences
the only reason im less comfortable w english is when speaking, mostly bc of my pronunciation. speaking english is something i do considerably less compared to reading, writing, and listening in/to english, especially now that im done w my studies.
also! i notice that while i understand the meaning of english words, sometimes when i deliberately literally translate them in my head (a much slower process than the intuitive way i normally speak/listen to english) the meaning hits me more? like, it sinks in a little more, it lands closer to home? english not being my first language means it creates some emotional distance from what im talking about.
so, i now sometimes try to deliberately seek out books and articles in dutch on important topics, bc that way i take in more of the depth of meaning and i feel addressed more directly on an intuitive level. does that make sense? for example, reading about racism and white privilege in english gives me a little more distance from the subject tho it shouldn’t, by virtue of it being in a language that is not the one i was raised with. so especially topics relating to (my) societal privileges, i try to also engage with in dutch, and not just in english. im not gonna stop learning about them in english, there’s a fuckton more information out there on any topic, really, in english, and so many people i learn so much from speak english. but i gotta keep reminding myself to also consume dutch articles/books/etc., especially when it’s very important that i really hear what’s being said
Where or how did you learn English?
formally? i started in primary school and then all of high school (we dont have middle school here, fyi). but really, what helped the most was reading books and watching tv shows and films in english.
first, id read the dutch translation of a book. then id read the english version, already knowing the story. then slowly i got to a point where i didnt need to already know the book before being able to read it in english.
same with tv and film -- first id watch dubbed versions of tv shows, which is common practice in the netherlands with shows aimed at a young audience (that’s the extent of it as far as i can tell - other than kids’ movies, films in the cinema are not dubbed). then i got to a point where i could watch those same shows in english with dutch subtitles (shows airing earlier in the day would be the dubbed version, and in the evening theyd be subbed). then i got to a point where i could watch shows that aren’t dubbed in the first place, with dutch subtitles. then i got to the stage where i watched shows with english subtitles. and now i forget subtitles exist and only watch things in english. the only time i’ll turn on (english) subtitles is if there are people whose accents i find more difficult to understand.
i think consuming media in english in these stages (which took years! slow process! happened alongside of high school english classes!) is what helped me learn english the most, next to formal training. that’s really how my vocab improved and how it keeps improving, i guess. tho the amount of times i encounter a word i dont know the meaning of has significantly lessened
(also what helped is living in sweden and in the uk for a few months. no choice but communicating in english. and like i said, most of degree was in english so i had to read and write in english like every day. in conclusion: being surrounded with english on a daily basis is why im at this level, not just from watching hannah montana)
When outlining a fic, which language are you thinking in?
ok so i dont really outline fics ??? it’s more like. a few bullet points of vague ideas (in english) and then i start. but if i were to finally get my shit together and actually properly outline, id do so in english
When planning a fic, which language are you thinking in?
yeah also in english
Is the first draft in your native language, or is it in English?
also english. it wouldnt even occur to me to draft or outline in dutch. i might if the show itself was in dutch but since it’s in english....ok wait no i wouldnt, im far too lazy to translate a whole draft and i commend people that do!
What do you [think] of your English?
ummmmm well. i think i could improve on the speaking front and that my pronunciation leaves a lot to be desired. and i think i could stand to be a little less arrogant sometimes bc i tend to think i know meanings of words but sometimes i dont know the exact nuance of a word or all of its meanings. so if i were a little less cocky about the whole ordeal id probably improve more. annnnd bc these days i learn most new words on online, i should be more proactive about figuring out where terms originate from and pay attention to whether a word or a phrase is okay for me to use or not (like not appropriating AAVE).
other than that i think my english is fine. and i think that me thinking in english more often than in dutch means im what dutch people talk about when they say dutch is dying out lmaoooo you’re WELCOME
im tagging................. ok im actually not even sure who in this fandom doesnt have english as a first language? so im just gonna tag fic writers and hope they speak multiple languages. like my wife @mrslackles (i should know this about my wife! sorry!) or @bethsuglywigs ?? @septiembur ??? @riosnecktattoo ???? somebody pls send help. ok you know what im just gonna double tag @bathroombreaks and @missmaxime
also whether i accurately tagged you or not, no pressure. also if you’re reading this and english isnt your first language, TAG YOU’RE IT
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Fallout 3: Mothership Zeta (dlc)
"Right... ok... what am I doing, what level and what have I done"
"Ok, let's do the alien thing"
"Ugh, I forgot there's no running in this game"
"I cant remember what I've done in the game, did I poison the water in this playthrough? Have I only done one playthrough... wait what difficulty am I on... very easy, good."
"Oooh, ok, I forgot how to change weapons, I'm living on fallout 76 controls"
"Cant I take a automated stimpak? Really? Shit ok."
"When I think about it, in every rpg, no actually, in every game I play or have played, I also go with melee, if I can? I fucking will. In halo, mass effect, skyrim, dragon age like- yeah"
"Battle music, what's up?"
*vats locked, ripper ready, one slice, yao guai down*
Me: :0!! Holy shit!
*enclave robot floating*
Me: *destroys it* hehehe
"I knew it was gonna happen, and I still got a jump scare"
"You raaaise me uuuup~"
"Oh no, south park season one episode one vibes"
"Excuse me sir, that is my tralala, my ding ding dong"
"Hes -- aa?? Red screen??? I DID NOT SIGN UP TO GET CIRCUMCISED"
"Get some toy story vibes with that ceiling claw"
"I got my walk through, imma find all the holotapes."
"Ok, I got my electro baton, who do I beat up"
"I like being 3rd pov, but maybe I'll do this 1st."
"Found a rivet city guard, but she didnt wanna talk to me :) now i have better armour"
"Gotta make a list over the recordings, cuz I totally forgot that's what I was doing here"
"Alright, I know I'll fuck this up, but the road may be fun"
"A child"
"AH! Jesus... fucking alien shit"
"Riiight, I forgot I should get my weapons back, lol"
"Damn... I think I have to go back to the beginning, I'm carrying too much stuff... well, sure"
"Back we go"
"Ok, cuz I was like 300 already when I got on the alien ship, now! I got 92/300, so I'm ready to rumble"
" 'you are no longer well rested' bitch, when have I ever been"
"While the aliens played operations on me, I now got me some nice toast and coffee"
"Ah shit, here we go again"
"They should have subtitles for the alien languages, it should say [alien gibberish] I'm just saying"
"Ok... good to check the wiki before leaving the area, guess it's good I began again, i would've missed nr 3"
"I feel like I'm living like a king. I'm eating toast, drinking coffee, it's hot outside, air conditioner inside, I can pause the game at anytime without fearing for my life or my character to die from dehydration or hunger~ good life"
"The aliens have to be sooo irritated with Sally, like, she keeps sneaking out of her cell and shit"
"I wonder where her sister is though"
"Ok got my shit back, and look at that...147/300"
"Screw the electro baton, ripper time"
"I wonder what the samurai is saying"
"This dude looks like he was dragged right from oblivion, same ugly."
"Cryo thing done"
"I have to go aaaaaall the way back to the holding cells uugghhh"
"Okeiii wheres that damn holotape"
"Finally... aaaand now to walk ALL the way back... hhhh"
"I remember vaguely that I'm supposed to find the samurai sword...."
"Yes I can find it"
"Now... robot place thing"
"Kaay, wheres the tapes..."
"Okay wait, I'm confused, I have to look on youtube"
"Ok youtube didnt help at all, but google did yay"
"Cant get the sword cuz bugged yay-.-"
"Ok seems like I got them all, I'm ready to go to the next level"
"I cant jump and float :c"
"My dude sounds like darth Vader"
"Theres a button that let's me spawn brahmin..."
"Awh I can only get 3"
"Ah! Apparently I'm so evil, that I'm named 'the stuff of nightmares' like damn, calm down"
"Oh... ok now I get it, I've enslaved 41 humans... hey i needed the caps ok?"
"Can i shoot the earth with the death ray?"
"Quick save"
"I did, but I didnt get any bad karma? I gotta google to see if this is gonna impact, you know what? No. If I could do the ground zero in new vegas, I can do this. Fuck the world!"
"Awh.. it doesnt do anything.. I mean yay that's good, it would be bad if many people died."
"One holotape left"
"Level UP! Here and now perk and LEVEL UUUP"
"I need to 50% less limb damage plz"
"Its the final countdown wahwahwahwah wawawawah"
"The fucking cowboy died ugh, reload"
"Whoa.... explosion"
"And nobody died! :D"
"Can I come back?"
"Yes, awesome, I own a spaceship"
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Things i loved about season 4
- The Nun scene. Honestly the sheer level of galaxy brain Ludo Besse has when writting these seasons lol. It was a very clever pararell to have the nun mistake Sana for another Sister, in a country as catholic as Italy, its al simple way of putting the hijab into perspective, no one sees a nun and thinks the same things they do when they see a muslim girl wearing a veil, even when they are essentially pretty similar: an expression of their religion. I really liked it (and the conversation under the candlelight just felt a whole other level of intimate so thats a plus)
- The Luai storyline. Man i loved this bit of the season, can we talk about the scene where Nico and Luai see each other at the club? The song choice? The shots? GOLDEN. I like that there are no real villains in this story (except for Luai's parents) what happened between them wasnt the result of someone in the baloon squad being homophobic, they were both victims of the circumstances and i love that Luai currently has a boyfriend, i've never been happier for a side character in my life.
- Sana. I enjoyed Sana a lot, she is sweet, she is akward, is a different take on her character and i liked it very much. What i loved the most was that the side plots from the og are still mostly there but this time they are constructed so they still revolve around Sana and her struggles. After the fight with Marti and the Rose Squad when she stays there alone with blood on her hand and both of her worlds (the contrabandieri and the Rose Squad) just walk away from her and she is just crying...that hit me hard (kudos to Bea, her acting was also very good), it made the scene more about her and what it meant for her than about the external drama, and then she justs keeps getting hit when she hears the UFB talking about her and finally Eva and Malik kissing... i could feel the weight of everything that had happened that night just falling on her shoulders and my heart shrank...her character was so well constructed im glad she got such a great season.
- The Rose Squad. I loved them, three out of four of them have clear characterization and it just placed them really high on my list...Ludo managed to make me care about Luai who has a total of like, 5 lines so i think its safe to say they are very well written and very well used.
-Filippo. At this point Filo is the father of half of that school i swear, it laughed so much with his scenes, from drunk Rami to Martino being a mess and just giving up on life in Filo's bedroom, also the fan service with Elia, i would've enjoyed it more had they not implaid that Elia was going to date Emma there at the end. (We stan safe sex kids)
- Episode 8. Was such a beautiful episode to watch, Martino and Sana are one of my favorite Isak-Sana dynamics after Amira and Cris, i loved their conversation cause it was more about understanding each other, Sana was right about some things and Martino was right about others, it was nice to see her finally open up to someone after just botteling up her emotions for the entire season, it was really sweet. Her message to the girls was heartbreaking, i legit cried and had to rewind the video cause my vision kept getting blurry and i kept missing parts of her speech, again Bea's acting really helped here, episode 8 was Sana not only opening up to her friends, but to us as the audience, that even after 7 episodes on her POV, still didnt understand her actions very well, it was a nice way of complementing the new perspectice her convo with Marti had given us, i loved it. (Also hide and seek to reunite Niccotino? I love Ludo Besse)
- The girl squad. I always thought Eva was very underapreciated (which is why i adore Skam España for giving her more to do after her season), i dont know why, but since the first time i saw norweiang Eva's season she stayed in my heart, and this version of Eva is one i love as well, i enjoyed her character and honestly her last scene with Gio? GOLD, her letter? One of the best things to come out of the Skam universe, i want to thank Ludo for handling her with such love. Silvia i really liked, her clip really puts things into perspective and i love that they kept her cat as an actual consistent plot device, she's had a nice character development, from wanting desperately to be noticed by the school coolest boy, to simply not caring about boys to finally opening up to someone, truly letting them in and accept herself, no only her body, but who she was. Finally Fede... the backstory of why she spoke to Sana was something i really appreciated, as well as the fact of her being so ashamed of what she he had done, i like that story because it shows how people can change once their prejudice is deconstructed, specially at that age we are the product of the education we were given, things like homophobia, sexism or xenophobia althought still not acceptable for a teenager, dont mean that they can't be redeemed, that their world view can't change in the future and that they can't grow. It was nice, you may have been an asshole in the past but as long as you understand what you did wrong and geniunly apologize, there is no reason for us to think someone cannot be redeemed.
- Every. Malik. And. Sana. Scene. Was so amazingly shot and constructed that even when i understood 30% of the dialogue the first time i watched it without subtitles i was smiling like an idiot, the date scene, those last few seconds? Them just staring into each others eyes? No kiss scene would've made us feel what that made us feel and that is a testament not only to good acting, but to the amazing direction of Ludo Besse.
- Ludovico Bessegato. This man has so much love for this project it shows on the end result, Skam Italia is pretry similar to the og in terms of plot, but Ludo made it stand out with his characters, his cinematography and some minor changes. The result is a story most of us already knew and loved with characters that some of us might love more than the originals in a setting that for me personally is more relatable than the norweiang one and has earned a place in my heart. I still can't believe he alone had to manage social media for the first seasons and had to fight with Timvision to get the show done, im so happy his work, and the work of all the other people who poured their hearts into this project (including the actors) got rewarded in such a way.
- The final speech. I understood very little of it while watching the first time, but that didnt stop me from crying like a baby while Gio read the letter, i found i cared for every person on that screen, from all of them i had good memories on the show and i couldn't believe that a fictional story could make such an impact in me, specially since this is the second time i see it, i'm probably way to biased with this show and the truth is idk why,i couldn't pin point the things that make me love it the way i do, i just do, and i am very satisfied with this ending, if this is the end.
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blookmallow · 3 years
and now, the thrilling conclusion, where EVERYTHING GOES TO SHIT
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never did find all these tapes or understand what they were about, either. gdi 
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fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK NO NO NO!! NO!!!
god this scene was so well done, though. almost too well. something about the old phone and the. “my friend is suddenly Not Okay what the fuck do i do” really, really struck a nerve with some shit i went through in high school 
i dont... understand what happened to his body, though. i think he did this because he knew they needed someone on the Other Side to be able to stop the cult. maybe he also just couldn’t take the pressure anymore as well. i think he realized someone had to and he decided it would be him. maybe he even knew something about what sal was going to have to do and maybe he didn’t want to be there when it happens. maybe he knew he wasn’t getting out of this alive anyway, so he decided he’d rather just do it himself and let his death mean something. i dont know. i dont know. this hit so fucking hard im honestly still a lil shaken up about it 
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so i guess... whatever the cult was doing, whatever demonic influence is still ravaging this place, everyone was already doomed from the start. everyone was already infected with the curse or The Dark or whatever it is. everyone who died here couldn’t pass on because something went Wrong and was keeping them there 
and at this point i think everyone was essentially already dead before sal got to them. they would have been consumed either way 
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i dont think i like the fact that sara is being taken by the dark, too. i dont know what that means. maybe it just means david believed she was a person enough for the dark to latch onto her and try to take her too. maybe it means something else 
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i dont understand what happened to these two, either. they’re the only ones who were faded out like this instead of being consumed by the ooze. it didn’t seem to make any difference, though. i dont know why only maple knew to run or why she didn’t try to take them with her 
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WHAT??????? NO????? WHAT 
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this is so bad this is so bad this is so bad you’re gonna make me do this aren’t you. you’re gonna make me do all of this 
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im sorry man you were weird but as far as i can tell you didn’t deserve this
sara isn’t acknowledged. i still want to know why the dark was trying to take her too 
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im sorry im sorry im so fucking sorry 
well. i guess that. explains the trial, then. boy this sure is a fucking lot to take in
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anyway, im. ashley now and ive found maple. i guess this is how we’re dealing with this. fuck
i dont understand why the. they’re not kids anymore now but you know, the main group, isn’t being taken over, i dont think ash lived at the apartments so she could have escaped it but everyone else grew up there. you can’t say it’s not long enough to get infected because maple didn’t live there initially, she moved in with chug later and it still got her. im not sure that it got chug and his daughter. they weren’t in the shadow ooze. but they were faded out and they. were also. among the body count, so. clearly sal believed they were already too far gone
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i think this is the first actually clean and well-kept bathroom we ever see in this game, id be happy for them, but, well. you know 
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b............beedle juice................
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i dont really understand why this style shifting thing is happening, different realities converging or something, i guess, but im into it 
“character shifts into other parallel versions of themselves in different styles/travels across different universes” sequences are always my favorite i dont know what you call that or if it counts as a trope but i love it 
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none of us are surviving this, huh. like actually none of us.
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but then she. wasn’t dead and had a new ghost arm that i think was also me. im her haunted arm now its fine we’re fine everything’s fine 
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i cant tell if im supposed to know these people or not i think that might be neil though........ probably maple. god. god 
for some reason i keep wanting to call maple “willow” where is that coming from
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big fan of being able to just smack cultists into bloody puddles with our new ghost arm though that’s very nice 
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YES THANK YOU I AM AWARE i had a bad time with the controls on half these little final boss mini game things fsjdg
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anyway, uh. that sure was a lot of things and i still have no idea what happened at all. i am confused and terrified thats all i can say
i mean. like. this is an incredibly good game its very well written the characters are so real and engaging, the story hits you over and over again right in the fuckin guts, the passage of time and gradual development and change through different points of these peoples’ lives is done so well and its so interesting and unique but at the same time i do not understand a goddamn thing that just happened here 
also according to my very depressing episode stats i seem to have missed a shit ton of things, so maybe that’s why. genuinely think im probably just going to immediately start a new game and play it again now that i Know and. well, suffer again, mostly, but also just. try to understand try to figure out what i missed 
i think part of the problem is it took me way too long to realize there were occasionally things i could interact with that didn’t specifically. say i could interact with them, i got used to looking for like. the little marker subtitle things that pop up over important objects/etc like “radio” “sal’s room” but sometimes there’s like. a little thing on the ground you can pick up that doesn’t say anything when you stand over it or something and i guess? i must have? missed a lot of those 
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cheryllcher · 5 years
season finale analysis?? (reaction?? idk)
sooo miracle queen aired so i watched them together. if u haven't watched it yet u can scroll your way out of here to the next post cuz mobile ain't letting me add the cut anytime soon :))
loveater/ heart hunter (apparently that's the english name) this is in no particular order im just throwimg my thoughts here
well honestly im confused. like audrey and andre were not getting along amd suddenly they are all lovey dovey again after akumatisation?? cool. i guess the akuma makes sense but overall not really that amazing and kinda pointless to me besides tryna use that to get chloe on her side and master fu's location
awww i think the friendship between adrien, mari and kagami is pure. and marinette didn't stutter!! im proud of my girl!! this is the kind of content i really love to see and it makes me happy when the writers do that :)
umm andre's flavour combis are a little weird tho like orange and peppermint?? no offence i wouldn't eat that together
also mari looks so pretty with her hair down and the way she helped her friends escape. and ended up breaking her own heart to help kagami
and if im being honest, not just cuz im bias to the love square but the relationship between adrien and kagami is weird for me cuz all season i haven't seen that development?? adrien was so hung up on ladybug (which he should have stopped confessing since in glaciator he said her friendship was all that matters but okay) and suddenly kagami?? sorry but i just cant with it unless there's something in felix and chat blanc but i doubt it
luka was cool tho, like he was just being there for mari and all patient while mari had a breakdown.
hawky's plan was actually not bad tho if im being honest here. and chloe should have already learnt about not getting bee back in miraculer right?? sorry i cant rmb rn if she did
overall other than the initial sadness cuz of the lovesquare before watching. now that i've did, it just doesnt reallly... feel like a finale to me. just trying to push some relationships and kinda unlearnt lessons that should be learnt before this. also random 'subplot' of audrey and andre that just resolved out of nowhere. but im happy to finally see marinette being human and go through emotional breakdowns from stress and all her responsibilities.
miracle queen. right i couldnt find subs unfortunately so im going in based on visuals and sucky youtube captions (which only worked for a few lines) once more not in order
akuma was basically queen wasp but the victims are mind controlled instead of frozen. not fantastic honestly in my opinion. also looks almost exactly like queen wasp
so identities are comprimised which cause problems. i actually think this is okay and i hope to see how mari deals with this
i really love that ladynoir moment cuz it shows how much they care for and trust each other. all love aside. it means that there is development and hopefully they grow to love each other completely, both sides of mask and all
also pegasus did u just send cat noir to the flipping sun?? kim's special power was actually pretty funny. pretty cool to see dragonbug and snake noir ngl
again i love how they show marinette having meltdowns from the stress. she can feel negative emotions!!
chloe going after the akuma willingly just showed how she just wanted to be a superhero and get apporval and all. wanna see how that plays out maybe
not sure what happened with fu as couldnt understand but i think he forgot miraculouses existed or something?? and he reuntied with marianne!!
the ending was sorta bittersweet. and idk if it's just me but i feel like mari's eyes looked kinda weird. maybe it was the eyebags?? idk but im cool with it
side note i called it when i thought that something would happen during that supposed adrigami kiss. but not the point hehe oops. also pretty upset that she chose adrien over friendship even after all the things mari's done for her. my opinion tho u are welcome to disagree if u want
overall it's a meh. some good moments but meh.
as i've said earlier i feel like this isnt a finale. the staff said we'll cry but other than the initial disappointment before i jumped in that the love square is crushed and that our 2 idiots are still big idiots, not really the emotional episode i was hyping for.
i also feel like it's sorta all over the place. like they're tryna push for 2 relationships that i didnt really see developing.
in adrigami i see kagami constantly pushing for a choice. like yea i was like ooooh she just said that when she said adrien's indecisiveness hurt her (based on the minimal subtitles youtube caught), but to me i feel like she's not giving adrien the time to sort out his feelings and was just hounding on him when she got the chance. i feel like it isn't going to work (my love square shipping heart thrown out the window at this point so not biasness but from perspective)
lukanette tho. luka is as for now, flawless. he's patient kind and at first i thought how being with him is pretty healthy. but now it's just... "perfect". and that's not really gonna end well?? not really sure if there would even be a start. maybe be a brother figure but not conviced as love interest. also again out of nowhere.
im actually excited at the prospect of a platonic lovesquare but u cant just throw all these soft looks from adrien towards marinette (finale has some too) and expect me to believe that nothing's happening. he should at least be denying some feelings right?? he cant possibly only have 1 brain cell his whole life that doesnt think about it. like it would make more sense (to me) to develop adrien's relationship with mari, platonic or not.
chloe-- cant really see her getting her redemption arc soon. she needs to really be faced with the reality for her actions and learn that superheroes isnt all action and attention and glory and that ladybug is looking out for her by not giving her the miraculous anymore. not keep insisting and turning to the dark side for superpowers.
i also dont really see the point of the love rivals?? i rather they take care of themselves and grow and mature without love being in it. i think it would be a good lesson to learn. to take the time to care about yourself and learn wut is best for u and learn about yourself before plunging into a relationship with all these things. the love rivals make everything crazier and doesnt help the situation. just makes the already complicated love square more complicated, then chucking it to the side for now. doesnt make sense to me even tho im sure they'll grow to be better versions of themselves cuz it's so out of the blue to me @gale-of-the-nomads mentioned it in his review and when i read it i really feel like he took the words out of my mind and put it into words. but i still respect the writer's work and will anticipate the next season to see their story play out :)
so... yea ://
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cleaduvalls · 5 years
i watched “spy kids” 4 times in 1 week and here are my thoughts
carmen your nightgown is like 200 years old, get a new one
you clearly know this story by heart, you’re saying parts of it. why are you questioning what “take him out” means
a double wig should be more obvious than that
we can see that that’s a glass elevator. people can see you changing, ingrid
nice hat
why did you kill the swan
is that paul rudd???????
how are jets ripping pages out of a book
heart shaped parachutes shouldn’t be working that well
why is there a guitar on your bed. how do you sleep
i think the kids would have seen the track in the floor at SOME point
why is there a jungle gym in their house. i know they’re spies but who has a jungle gym.... in their HOUSE
carmen you’re a frog
i think juni just legitimately try to kill carmen
why are both parents going to school. is that like, a Thing????
juni how do you do that
who puts a video screen in the front seat
hey look its floop. love that guy
they’re not picking on you for the bandages, it’s cuz you brought the toys OUTSIDE your backpack. always put them inside. trust me
did his mirror just.... zoom in?????
h*ck yeah beat him up greg
do all the other kids hate him too??????
dang that hurt
“chief” that’s so white
stupid kid. his dads a spy
that floop doll isn’t even close to accurate
hey look its floop again. love that dude
Big Willy Wonka Energy
oooh skipping numbers i see. love that
why do the subtitles have “mr. floop” as his name. its just floop, yall
“sometimes in order to think big you have to think small” pretty inspirational tbh
oh hes fidgeting!!!!!! love that
woah what are you doing this is rated pg ingrid
i wish my uncles would tell me im shrinking. they just make small talk abt school 😔
this gradenko lady looks like jan from the office
hey its floop again!!!!! love that dude
yes juni. its a fire drill in your own home
these dudes have a jungle gym AND a pool. what the h*ck
why did you pull off your mustache to prove you’re not related. if anything that makes you more related. greg does that too
why did he put the mustache back ON
where did those boats come from
carmen says manual weird. man-yull
right, cuz adrenaline causes warts
“don’t touch anything” *immediately touches everything*
basic boat ettiquette: don’t shit in the boat. those toilets can’t handle anything
is that globe..... punched in???????
floop!!!!!!! love that dude
feet on the desk????? i dunno seems pretty gay
since when did carmen get keys to that
i might be wrong but i dont think thats every country
what does pressure have to do with positioning a laser
this floor is the best mechanic in the whole movie. reminds me of a richie rich comic i had as a kids
why did they not run into the wall. i wanted to see that
is the slide there when floop films his show????
HEY ITS FLOOP!!!! love that dude
theres a bunch of normal food like.... sour worms. why did they pick the slime from charlie and the chocolate factory when johnny depp finds the oompa loompas
thats a sick coat. best one in the movie
that was a good snap. nice acoustics
God what a power move. something thanos would say
listen floop i love you but thats not how you say research
and hes gone. cool
did she kick the camera?????
haha author unknown. cuz hes a spy
why did you take that one specifically????? plot convenience????
he can still be a spy, just not a good one. learn to read
is that supposed to be a question?????
FUN FACT if you listen closely when carmen says “like felix said” you can hear a weird cut in “said”, almost like its a new clip
theres no keyhole
i think juni can read. why are you spelling it
did you have the floop toys in your pocket????
what do those things do?????
i can feel the pain from the fan blades
how did that break the chain????
why would you annouce that. they can hear you. just because they’re thumbs doesn’t mean they’re deaf
that’s a thing, not a place
FLOOP!!!!! ON A BILLBOARD!!!! love that dude
how are you slipping. shes holding YOU
how do people not notice the jetpack dudes
that’s a cute coat
why is the lady cool with carmen just... doing that
ofc you can’t think “straight enough” you’re gay
why is mexico sepia tone
when do you think juni had time to change and learn a new language
i wanna be on that merry-go-round
i love how junis just like “we already got a fake uncle”
ALSO MORE FLOOP!!!! say it with me, LOVE THAT DUDE!!!!!!!!!!
minion looks like barry from friends
wait i lied this coat is better
we DO have uncles like that!!!!!
if your inventions are so good why is your font so BORING
hey wait carmen said that. hmmmmmmmm 🤔🤔🤔
glowsticks dont help you see like at all
the map looks like gallifreyan but its not. spy kids is older than the doctor who reboot
they go ZOOM
great job carmen YOU wrecked the plane
oh its just a breathing thing
haha pee joke. funney
where are the brains coming from???? that factory is Not Correct
if i were juni i would look back over all the floop’s fooglies tapes and see what the agents were saying backwards. once the mission was done, ofc
it took me like 5 minutes to figure out what sknaht meant the first time
F L O O P  I S  G O D
love that dude
you discussed with the spy parents that juni watched the show. he just told you that you took his parents. you KNOW this is juni, why are you surprised that he watches it????? you already know!!!!!!
tbh i kinda want some of those colorful chains. they’d look cool somewhere
haha voice crack
no wonder your shows not doing well. those are awful times
why is there a sexy thumb nurse. why did floop make the thumb nurse sexy
use her first name?????? you’re clearly dating
he cares so much about this show!!!!!! its so sweet!!!! love that dude
haha you killed carmen
ok this scene with the acid crayon is like my absolute favorite. something about using a crayon to escape and then floop (love that dude) opening the door a second later and then doing a double take. FAVE
wheres belize
ok so apparently its a country by mexico
no you CANT tell her you need to ESCAPE
we finally got a clean outside shot of the castle.... that place is wack
haha minion can’t sit in the hand chair correctly because hes STRAIGHT what a loser
minion you know what the robot costumes look like AND what juni looks like. dont be stupid
what..... what do you want carmen for, exactly, minion??????
floop is supportive of others’ art!!!!!!!!!!! love that dude
he says doppelganger beautifully
“its too late” that timing was BEAUTIFUL
you COULD take 500 brains out if you just TRIED HARDER. still love that dude
his control panel has buttons that spell “floop”
if its reversible why do you have it in later movies
carmen fights fake juni and juni fights fake carmen because they didnt have the fancy clone (?) technology
nice censorship
wow nice 3 buttons thats totally how you hack
oh look they have all died
oh. guess not :((
machete you better rip off your mustache
wow no shit ingrid
did he leave his wart bandaid on the kitchen counter?????
ok CLEARLY other people watch floop’s show, he’s rated number 2. kids at the school are gonna recognize juni and carmen. they better get popular
is that george clooney
well that’s not how it works in spy kids 2. or 3. or 4. or the tv show
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mochizuke · 5 years
Sincerely, someone who is sick of people saying that it doesn't match up to cannon.
I decided to take this from a discord server I am in after multiple people asked me to put it online for the world to see, so -deep breath- here is my personal essay using quotes and screencaps from sdr2 as to how dr3 doesn’t stray from cannon, and sticks to the continual lore from the series. Y’all are just mean.
okay so we will start with since that seems to be the main controversial topic. first lets start with people saying it strays from cannon. it doesn't. the statement of brainwashing being what caused the remnants to fall to despair in sdr2 is clearly stated.
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there's no mistake that this particular trope is taken from the final trial in sdr2 
if you want to say that how the brainwashing is brought up is lazy writing, i can tell you that adding an entire developed character to explain how such a trope found its way into the lore of the  into the anime is not lazy. character development takes a lot of time, and is in no way lazy. not to mention it also explains how the brainwashing technology found its way into ultra despair girls in the first place. (ie: the helmets worn by all of the children. With a remnant of despair in the city, it could easily be how Monaca got her hands on that technology.)
if you want to say it takes away from junkos influence as a character and makes her less powerful then i raise her character trait of using every person she comes into contact with. it is in NO WAY out of character for her to use someone else's talent for her own gain. she uses matsudas tech for wiping memory of the kids in dr1 (see dr0), she uses monaca and her position in the towa family to spread technology for the end of the world (see udg), she uses mukuro as her personal bodyguard (see the ENTIRE SERIES), she uses izuru to shift the blame from her for the tragedy so she can fly under the radar in the killing game for dr1, (see dr0 and dr3)
Going to now jump to how the brainwashing does not take away from the remnants had done as far as the atrocities they committed. The whole theme in the hope arc was redemption. The remnants in the ANIME itself go out of their way to say that they dont expect forgiveness for what theyve done. and that they only seek atonement in any way that they can when they are speaking with mitarai as he is debating shutting down the other brainwashing thing that he has set up through the future arc.
I would provide screenshots but the only version of the anime i can find online is dubbed with no subtitles. but you can feel free to watch it yourself? The episiode itself is pretty easy to find.
if you wonder how the brainwashing is undone, watch the ova. World Destroyer is an alter ego created by hajizuru himself modified to do psychodives and repair damaged psych from within the neo world program. its implied that he ran that ai on every student who died within the program who not only patched up their brain from thinking it died, but helped revive them from despair as well.for the survivors of the killing school trip, we already know that they were already on the mend from despair due to awakened hajime glitching out the program for them to create their OWN future at the end of sdr2
going onto chiaki.  just rewatched this scene so im going to type this word for word as it comes up in the dr3 dub so that i dont get anything wrong. this is the imaginary chiaki talking to hajime as they are on the boat.
"that day when you entered the neoworld program, a cutting edge ai was built. codename nanami. First, they mined your hippocampus, compiled memories of esteemed authority figures, and the idea was to fuse those memories into a single personality that you could all trust. Imagine the surprise when it turned out they didnt have to bother.one memory overrode the rest. It was the same for all of you. Strange yes, but undeniably sweet. there was one person you'd all give anything to see again."
This explains how chiaki, though previously a real person, was also given an ai version of herself within the neo world program. it also gives a lot more weight to her character in the story in general.
as far as people saying chihiro made chiaki, that is not the case. Chihiros research was used in the development of the neoworld program. as well as matsudas (as the neurologist), and gekogaharas (as the therapist) at no point did it say that they ACTUALLY worked on the program. just that their research was used. ai chiaki likely refers to chihiro as her father and alter ego as her brother because it was chihiros tech that made her life possible within the program. even in her ftes its stated that she does not think of them in the streamline way that a human being thinks of family. 
Okay so i've covered brainwashing, chiakis existence in both worlds, and the brainwashings somehow resolving the remnants of blame. (though it didnt) i think the other thing was nagitos despair? 
so the thing about the brainwashing that i think gets misconstrued a lot is that it was NOT shown to change their core personalities. but it DID addict them to despair in the same way junko was, and nagitos core personality obviously revolves around hope.
Nagito has always been a character that bordered between hope and despair. even in dr2 hajime makes a point to say that his eyes a swirling with a mix of the two in the first trial. what seems to be the case post brainwashing is that nagito is a walking contradiction. he will do things under the influence of the brainwashing and wont question them until he thinks too hard about it. every time he thinks to hard about it he seems to have a mental break.
like when izuru states in drs "if you hate junko then explain your hand"
and he goes "huh... thats strange... do i... hate her?"
queue: "huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh"
or at the end of udg where he states that he hates AND loves her more than anyone else. 
he cant coherently see what hope used to be to him anymore and for him, his ORIGINAL  want for hope was to find someone strong enough to not be killed by his luck
but that got skewed to a MUCH more junko-esque view post brainwashingh. i think those are the main topics that get debated if theres anything else you want me to lay out let me know or i can go more into detail if theres more that you want to know regarding these topics. otherwise i think i got my thoughts laid out now. You can even feel free to message me if you want a more thorough breakdown of the series. 
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spiftynifty · 6 years
TeeVee Podcast’s Voltron s8 review
I’ve been waiting eagerly for TeeVee’s review of s8. If you recall, their s7 review was what gave us the man getting choked up about Shiro’s relationship. 
The link to the podcast is here but if you’d prefer a sort of transcript, here are some of the highlights for me. I didn’t always catch who was speaking but I wrote down initials where I could. S=Shanon, A=Antony, M=Moises, C=Chip D=Dan. The panel is divided on their feelings on the season. 2 of them seem to have hated it, one liked it, one thought it was fine, and one feels mixed about it. Anyway here we go, some great quotes ahead. 
Under the readmore cuz it’s long. 
S: "After 7 seasons of a show that was going to be one of the animated series of the decade, they not only did not stick the landing, they fell on their butts, rolled off the mat, off the lines, into the judge's table and their leotard popped open"
"A lot of the plot was callbacks to things from seasons ago that we really probably didn't need to see again." "I wasn't entirely sure that they weren't gaslighting me."
Man Shannon is calling out some great points. She's calling out the dropped druid plot thread, and wondering what the point was of showing Lotor's past when he's dead, and nothing can change in his present and his redemption can't really happen.
A: "endings are hard. I was disappointed with this season [...] it was let down by poor plotting and that final battle made me throw my hands up in despair most of the time. But I have enormous sympathy for the EPs. Maintaining a longform episodic story is hard. And to pull off an ending that satisfies even MOST of the audience is harder yet. and let's not forget they were always upfront that vt always had 'editorial interference' from up top. Toys, the fact that it's aimed at children, corp resistance to some of the more modern social issues that they've tried to tackle. THAT SAID, we don't know what happened on this production, who had the final say, what they argued over. and I say this cuz a lot of the fandom drama over it assumes a LOT over how media and entertainment like this is made that simple ARE. NOT. TRUE. Some of the stuff I've read has been ABSURDLY offbase, like that there were different writers rather than just 1 the whole way through which ignores how TV is made. And if you think these writers just go off and write a script without talking to anyone first and then they come back with something that must be filmed without any changes, THAT'S NOT HOW ANY OF THIS WORKS. [..]we don't know who made these decisions. The studio isn't always the bad guy. Sometimes they rescue things that would otherwise have been a horrible mess. And unless you were IN THE ROOM, you don't know, and neither do any of us. So let's all bear that in mind. [...]You can't lay the blame OR credit on any one person. For any of this." 
They're laughing & making so much fun of the final 3 episodes and how baffling they were. 
"Don't even get me started on Voltron merging with Atlas [and the crew disappearing] that was a bad, bad idea." 
"But that was the ONE time Shiro was back with the team!"
a couple dudes are relatively ok with the Allura death because we've never seen a WOC heroically sacrifice herself for the universe and usually it's the Shiro hero character D: They also point out that technically she wasn't fridged so.. yay?
Antony and Shannon vehemently disagree. 
A: "My problem with that ending was more just that it was... not. good." he makes a comparison to RotJ where Vader still dies and it's his SON, who lives, who 'redeems' him. "This was none of those things. It felt like a terrible lesson. You can be so evil that you kill literally billions of people for 10k yrs but if you say sorry just before you're about to be executed it's alright, dw about it, we'll put the universe back to rights. NO, that's a terrible lesson!!"
S:"They had the LIONS. That's my problem. Throughout this series we've had stakes going up but there has always been a trading of ideas, what can we do, what can we figure out, up to the point where they wind up sacrificing the castle, but they go through steps before that 'is there anything else we can do’. And here, there's not even... she didn't even get to say goodbye to Coran! This is the one character, WOC, and she has sacrificed throughout this entire series. She lost her planet. She lost the last connection she had to her father in the AI. She kept LOSING things over and over to the point where she sacrifices her crown to help Shiro. and the thanks she gets is that she has to turn around and say nope I've got to away and fix all of this and apparently never see you all again. It really, REALLY REALLY bothered me. All of my friends who have CHILDREN who watch this show, universally the kids were upset and angry and tearful and HATED that outcome. This did not feel like a triumph. Having to lose Allura like that robbed any kind of triumph in the success of saving all the universes. And I think that's one of the reasons that this last part of the season sits so poorly with me. I feel like it should have ended in a triumphant way. even if it meant losing a couple of the team members or the lions. Of course that takes away the toy aspect which is why that's not an option. We already had several tragedy arcs in this series. Zarkon, Honerva, and Lotor had tragedy arcs. Why does Allura have to have one too? We've had enough." 
Antony & Shanon KILLIN IT on this podcast y'all.
C: "This series relies so much on 'oh wait, there's a new upgrade', 'oh wait, there's this new thing'" A: "Well that was the entire final battle." C: "So there's this handwavy Allura has to sacrifice herself. The heavy lifting wasn't done to make this an earned moment."
S: "I do think, whether it was at the direction of DW or WEP (Vld IP), without those little epilogue cards, there is the potential opening that Allura might be able to return.[..]It was open to interpretation."
One guy likes the Shiro ending for the surprising progress aspect, even though he's not thrilled about how it was put together. also he isn't convinced the epilogue wasn't planned. He likes a lot of s8 but all the stuff he likes is tied to stuff that he really didn't like.
S:"The shiro card is the other reason that I think those things were shoved in. For me, that turns Shiro's entire character into a token when he wasn't before. When they introduced his sexuality, it was done BEAUTIFULLY. There was this conversation with his significant other a mature relationship that ran into its problems and therefore couldn't happen anymore. Adam could've been Adele, and nothing would have changed about that conversation. It was not the defining characteristic of Shiro. It was just something else about him."
S: "And then s8 happens and Shiro is divided from everybody on the team. There are so few interactions of any kind that aren't just barking orders. or making plans. Keith is the prime example. Their friendship had been a backbone of this series and suddenly they can't even stand more than feet 5ft from each other. 
A: “It’s barely evident, yeah.”
M:”And the same with the rest of the main cast. And if they had set that up at the end of s7, that he’s going to go into the background a bit, it wouldn’t have felt as weird.
S: “And they didn’t! S7 was miraculous in the fact that even though he’s no longer in a lion, he’s still got a vital part to play in the series. And s8 erased that. It pretty much neutered him! And the kind of message is once you've revealed this character to be gay, we've gotta keep him out of the way. And if they had not put those end cards in, again the fact that he's a gay man is just the fact that he's a gay man and it's not any bigger or smaller aspect of his character, but they did not EARN him marrying random bridge crew member #3."
A: "and RETIRING! A man who LEFT adam because he felt he had to go and fight."
A: "He left the guy he loved before because of his devotion to"
S:"To fighting to making things right"
A:”To being a soldier and doing the right thing.”
C:”Isn’t the whole point then that he achieves that?”
M:”The fighting’s over and he can leave that behind and he can actually be happy.”
S: “He wouldn’t’ve. I don’t see it.”
M: “I violently disagree.”
C: “I think it was a nice endcap for his character."
Moises also likes this because it’s not a BYG scenario and he gets retired. Shannon is extremely exasperated by these takes. 
S:”For me, it’s like Tangled. You go through Rapunzel and Flynn, going through their adventures, getting closer, getting to know each other, they save each other, things like that. And then she’s reunited with her parents and then we get and endcap that says ‘for political reasons her parents decided they needed to marry her off to the prince in the next county, sorry’. That would’ve had people RIOTING. Thats not how you do a story with characters that people care about. And to shove shiro off onto this random character that we--his name is never spoken!”
A:”No he had like 3 lines in the entire season.”
S:”He had 3 line sin the season, you don’t know his name unless you watched the subtitles, and in the audio narration for the visually impaired, they called him Adam in the endcap. They called him Adam! They fixed that now. It feels like a hugely clumsy attempt to grab the woke points for a character that didn’t need them.”
Moises then talks a little about Shiro and Keith and how he and Shannon both thought there was something there, and still do, but they can’t know what happened behind the scenes and to theorize on the intent of that relationship is “conspiracy theory land” and trying to decide what the writers were prevented from doing is like “reading tea leaves and chicken bones”. He references people extracting things from his own writing. 
M: “As much as I wanted to see that relationship flower and flourish, the fact that it didn’t, look, it’s one of a million times that’s happened for me, with fiction, where things didnt turn out the way I wanted to see them.”
S:”I’m talking about 2 different things, as far as Shiro’s character, vs shipping  issues. I feel Shiro’s character was done a disservice that if they were going to end him in a relationship with another man, they didn’t earn it by throwing that little endcap on.”
M:”Yeah, they could have brought back one less robeast or something.”
S:”The other thing is, I think there is enough out there as far as interviews with JDS and LM to show that at the very least I think they meant to leave it openended. Again  if you take out that endcap, the last shot includes a shot of just Shiro and Keith, together, same screen, looking up as the lions go away, without saying anything further. I know I pie in the sky hoped that they were gonna kiss this season when we did our s7 recap and yes that was the shipper in me talking. I truly did not expect that they would be able to go that far. What I did not expect was for them to tear it down. And I feel like that’s what they did. Between the complete absence of interactions in s8, and then throwing that epilogue in there.”
Dan doesn’t understand how that could be because he sees no reason for them to do that. Shannon patiently explains about DW’s history with LGBT characters but Dan insists that the creators told the story the way they wanted to and he’s fine with Shiro getting a marriage even if it’s a character they don’t know. 
Overall the panelists love the show still, and in most cases prefer to consider it in the realm of s1-6 with a weak final double season (7&8) or that the show ends after s7. They would all love to know how long the NDAs last, a making of perhaps, to know what the heck happened and what changed along the way. Big mood my dudes. Big mood.
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sinfulavenue · 6 years
Episode 45, Outside the Walls of the Orvud District, Review
(Manga spoilers)
So before episode 46 airs later today, I thought I’d quickly review last week’s episode. When I first watched it I felt really quite bitter about the removal of one of my favourite moments and I was ready to write a really salty review. However after watching it a second time I realised there was so much I loved about the episode so I toned the saltiness down.
However there will still be a fair bit of ranting in the middle of this review so bear with me 😂 I’ve been very patient with this season, letting the story play out before jumping to any harsh conclusions but we’re getting near the end of the Uprising arc now so I think it’s fair to raise a few criticisms.
This review should be pretty simple to structure as I can easily split this episode into three sections.
1. The beginning part that was excellent!
2. The middle part that disappointed me.
3. And the ending which I have mixed feelings about.
So I guess I’ll do this in chronological order and start with the beginning part that was excellent.
Eren finally gets hard!
I refuse to apologise for that subtitle.😂
So this is the part of the episode that I did love. Like last week I was amazed by the superb animation and Yuki Kaji’s emotional performance as Eren. What also made me emotional is the joy of Historia’s growth. She has gone from being the ‘good girl’ who wished she’d never been born, to a girl who is in charge of her own destiny and stands up for others.
Also what a great moment it was when Mikasa swooped in and caught Historia before she got hurt and thank God she went straight for Historia and didnt run in yelling Erenereneren! (based on how Wit portrayed her at the end of the kidnap scene that really wouldn’t have been surprising!)
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So yaay! Finally some God damn self control! Mikasa stayed with Historia, trusting that Levi, Jean and Connie would get Eren out and they did. Oh my God I laughed hard at Jean calling Eren a ‘topless wimp.’ 🤣 Although I still think I prefer the manga’s version ‘shirtless wonder.’
What followed was very powerful. The cave is crumbling and death looks certain unless Eren does something but he and breaks down again under the pressure, believing himself worthless.
I think my favourite part of this whole episode was the throwback to another difficult decision he had to make.
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Back in season 1 I remember what a crucial moment this was when Eren learned to trust. Even Levi looked shocked by his decision not to transform, showing how much of a turning point this was for Eren’s character.
Back then, Levi was the only one who empathised with Eren’s moral dilemma and this time around it was no different. While the others were getting a impatient with his hysterics in the cave, Levi acknowledged the impossible situation he was faced with and urged him to make a choice.
And he made the right one! I loved the animation of Eren crystalising. What a mesmerising scene, I’m glad they animated the full process.
I also thought this part looked cool.
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After Eren’s friends broke him free I’m sure the praise from Levi, someone he looks up to, meant a lot to him.
Hmm but what exactly does Levi find ‘pretty impressive’ here? 😏the crystalised titan or Eren’s abs?
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Also Sasha laying on the ground and thanking Eren was hilarious and this little Eremin moment was beyond adorable! ❤️
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All in all the first half of the episode was excellent, definitely of the same high quality of last week’s episode.
The rest of the episode however I have a few small issues with ...
The Journey to the Orvud District
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Brace yourselves! This is the salty part! For weeks I’ve been balanced and fair in my reviews so I think I’m entitled to a bit of a rant!
So in case you hadn’t noticed this season (haha) a lot of the manga material has been cut. Many times I have been disappointed when I realised a certain scene hadn’t made it into the anime but I tried not to dwell on it and let it spoil my enjoyment of this season. However (and maybe I’m being biased because this was a personal favourite moment of mine) this time there was just one deleted scene too many and I need to vent!
If you haven’t figured out by now which scene I’m talking about it’s this one.
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Yes it’s the part where Eren yells at Rod Reiss, calling him a midget only to remember that Levi, (a man who stands at just five foot three) is right behind him and damn you can feel the burn from that side eye! 😂
Now I know what some of you might be thinking. Oh my God, get over it, who cares? It’s not like it’s important to the plot or anything!
And ok, yes you are right. No, it is not essential to the plot but you know something it was funny, it was cute and it humanises the characters i.e. Eren doesn’t always think before he opens his big mouth and Levi, while he’s never said anything about it, might actually be self conscious about his height.
What made the loss of this moment even sorer was the fact that another cute moment was cut immediately after. I’m talking about the moment where Hanji, despite being injured, leaps up like a complete goof and yells “Heya Erwin.”
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Once again, not essential to the plot but it showed us how well the veterans know one another. Erwin immediately recognised that Hanji wasn’t badly hurt as she was acting like her usual crazy self! So many subtle character details can be picked up from such fleeting interactions ... but I guess Wit just don’t care. All they care about is concluding the Uprising arc in as few episodes as possible!!! 😤😤😤
Honestly it feels like all the heart and soul was sucked out of this scene. I have to ask, was this one of the changes Isayma insisted on? Did he want this scene to be so dry and devoid of character? I get that Snk is not a comedy but it doesn’t always have to be doom and gloom. Sometimes I like to see the characters slip up and do stupid idiotic things that make me laugh. It makes them more human and relatable.
This made me realise something about season 3 as a whole. Sometimes I feel like this season is doing the bare minimum. All boxes are being ticked, all the essential plot points are being covered ... but nothing more. The result = emotional detachment!
So I’m sorry Wit but I’m very disappointed in you for taking these small but meaningful moments away from us.
Rant over!
Thank you for coming to my TED talk!
As for the Rod Reiss CGI chicken/worm titan, I personally don’t see anything wrong with it. It looked weird and gross in the manga and it also looks weird and gross in the anime 😂.
“Become the Queen”
Now here is the part I have mixed feelings about.
On one hand I am glad we got this scene at last because at least now we know we’ll get to see Historia punch Levi at the end.
But on the other hand the scene was quite awkwardly shoehorned back into the plot with half the impact it originally had.
Now see here’s the thing. I’m glad that in this version they didn’t have Levi attack Historia as it wouldn’t make sense this late in the plot and it would just undo all the character development she’s just had, but on the other hand the ending of the Uprising arc won’t be half as satisfying because Levi hasn’t done anything to deserve a punch.
In this version it feels like just a childish dare played on for laughs, without the enjoyment of seeing Levi getting a taste of his own medicine.
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Although I have to say (other people might disagree) but I actually like that it was Mikasa who suggested the idea. It never ever crossed my mind that it would be her yet somehow it makes perfect sense! Payback for kicking the shit out of Eren in court maybe? 😏 Nah, I’m joking, I know Mikasa has moved on from that and she just suggested punching him to relieve the tension. Since joining his squad it’s clear Mikasa has come to respect Levi but at the same time she knows he’s far from perfect so I reckon she’d secretly quite like to see him on the receiving end of a punch. That’s just my take on it. I’m perfectly happy with the punch being Mikasa’s idea.
Despite the “become the queen” scene being pretty underwhelming compared to the manga, hopefully we’ll still get to see Levi’s beautiful smile.
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Additional Thoughts
So I was wrong about potential flashbacks to the rest of Eren’s titan experiments at the cabin. I guess they are well and truly gone and I will say that without them, Eren finally gaining the hardening ability wasn’t as satisfying.
I realise that every week my opinion of the season seems to change. I’ve gone from praising it last week to complaining about it this week but I’m just being honest about how I feel in the moment. I just judge each episode as it airs and sometimes all it takes is one episode to make me completely revaluate my opinion of the whole season. It really is that unpredictable.
Ok so I was a little salty this week but hopefully today’s episode is one of those episodes that is so amazing that I forget how bitter I was feeling the previous week 🙂.
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