mr-yuugo · 2 months
All In Your Head
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-Mairimashita! Iruma-Kun! X Reader [Gender Neutral]-
Words: 1,985
Summary: The reader is hit by a hallucination spell when fighting Netherworld beasts. When the reader's eyes land on other demons they can't help but mutter out apologies. Apologies for something that never really happened.
Quick note! This takes place when Opera and the others are attending Babyls!
Posted this on my AO3 as well!
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Staring at the bodies in front of you, you couldn't move. How could you? Your breathing became irregular as you began to cry. Falling to your knees you sobbed their names out, apologizing for what you had done.
Kalego, Shichiro, and Opera. Their names left your mouth as you screamed out apology after apology. How could you!?? Your eyes stayed lingering on Opera, your heart felt like it had cracked into billions of pieces.
You didn't remember what had happened, you only really remember coming into the woods for your daily beast slaying. Did they somehow fall victim to your attacks? They had to, their bodies were all cut up in various ways. Your weapon was thrown a few feet beside you.
But why couldn't you remember? It's not like you normally blacked out. Was this maybe the beast doing? Maybe you were hit with an attack that made your memory fuzzy.
You heard a quiet chirp. Staring ahead you found that Kalego was never really Kalego. It was some type of Netherland beast. Standing up you made your way to it. It has reverted back to its original form as it cried out in misery.
Your eyes were empty and cold as you stood over it. Now that you calmed down slightly you noticed how the blood around you was not red, it was a purple-ish one. Your mind raced back to something you were learning back in Babyls.
Looking over the creature carefully you determined it was a type of bird species. While this certain species, the male birds were able to shape-shift while the female birds sprayed sometype of magic.
Rage filled you, how could you be so stupid? It was never real, you never really killed them. It was just a dumb trick, the damn bird had gotten the best of you.
Even though it was all in your head, you couldn't stop yourself from mumbling out apologies. Ghosting your foot over the bird's neck, you cried harder. Stomping your foot on it repeatedly your apologies were muffled put by the bird's own cries.
After a while it stopped but you continued, trying to get your sadness out. When you finally stopped you went to pick up your weapon. Using your bloodline magic you made it disappear into thin air. It was the weekend so the only place you had to go was home.
Your legs just started to move on their own as your blood-soaked clothes just stuck to your skin. Finally, you had made it home, it was deadly silent.
"Dad must not be home yet..." You thought as you made your way to your room. You entered your own bathroom in your room soon after. Stripping off your clothes you just threw them on the floor.
Turning on the shower you didn't even give it a moment to get warm and just got in. The flakes of blood fell off of you and fell into the drain below.
You couldn't go to school tomorrow. You just couldn't, if you were to see any of them you were sure you would just break down crying.
It was all in your head, you kept telling yourself. It wasn't real it was all just some animal's magic, it was going to be alright.
The shower water only merged with your tears, hiding them as if they weren't even there.
After showering you got out, grabbing a towel that was convincingly there. Picking up your clothes you just threw them away. Quickly brushing your teeth you then made your way to your closet where you picked out your sleeping clothes like normal. Brushed your hair like normal. Laying on your bed you realized you were crying the whole time.
Was this part of that bird's spell? The thought made you angry. You had only seen those 3 male birds, if you were really put under a spell there must have been another one of those disgusting creatures. You vowed to yourself that you would kill every last one of them.
Allowing your eyes to close you fell asleep.
You were currently eating breakfast as you had already woken up and gotten ready. You didn't really have the energy to do anything, you didn't even want to wake up. Your father had walked in, turning into his usual egg-like form as he began to shower you in kisses. You would normally laugh or try to push him away but today you just let it happen.
Sullivan found it strange as you hadn't muttered a single word. He called out your name a few times only to have to shake you to get your attention. He noticed how you kept your head low, staring down. Pushing back your chair to get up caused him to back up slightly.
"Y/N sweetheart? Is something the matter? why won't you talk to me!" He cried
You didn't even look at him as you grabbed your school bag and began to make your way to the door. Just about when you reached the front door he put a hand on your shoulder stopping you from moving any forward.
"Ignoring your father is no way to treat me, unacceptable!"
This whole time you had kept your head down not daring to look up at him, well that's what he was thinking. The whole incident with the stupid birds triggered something in your head. For some reason you saw your own father laying down on the floor, his eyes cold and empty as blood surrounded him. You thought you were looking at him the entire time, it was all in your head.
You shoved his hand away and made your way out of the mansion. Leaving Sullivan in shock. He knew something was wrong, were you on your evil cycle? No, you didn't normally act this way when you were. His eyes stayed on you until your figure was nowhere to be seen.
When you finally arrived at school eyes were all on you. By being the honor student it was normal to get this type of attention. Your father had practically made you into a celebrity. The girls and the boys would always whisper about how good-looking you were as you walked passed them.
Making your way to homeroom your hands began to shake slightly as you swallowed a lump in your throat. You shared homeroom with Opera. Currently, as you were walking to your class, your eyes were still glued to the ground and you wanted to cry.
Seeing all these "dead" people was unbearable. In truth, if you got close enough you heard them talking as if they were still alive. That was the only thing keeping your sanity together. You knew it was all in your head, a trick, but for some reason, you thought it was your fault.
As you opened the door to your homeroom class you quickly made your way to your seat. After a few minutes, homeroom had begun. Your teacher began to call names for attendance. Your name was called out once, then twice.
You felt a tap on your shoulder, turning your head slightly you heard the body of the girl next to you speak.
"Say...yo...her..." (Say you're here)
Your name was called out again, opening your mouth it was quickly closed as you felt a presence next to you.
"They're here."
This voice was much more recognizable than the last. Much clearer and easy to hear. You felt a finger poke your cheek. Flinching at the feeling you heard a quiet laugh. You knew it was Opera, your eyes threatened to release the tears you were holding in.
"What's up with you?" The poking action was repeated. The voice you heard was becoming less recognizable as you heard a ringing sound in your ear. "Did I do something to upse.." The voice drowned out in your ear. At some point, the poking stopped.
After a while, you saw how the bodies began to crawl towards the classroom door. Getting up you began to leave. Only for you to be slightly held down. Meeting eyes with Opera you were still looking down. Finally looking at their dead eyes you began to cry again, apology after apology you sobbed.
"Why are you crying?" They spoke in disbelief. You were always a happy person, nothing really ever got the best of you. "Why won't you talk to me? Did I say something you didn't like? I'm sorry if I did."
Hearing Opera apologize to you made you ball your fists. "No, it's my fault you shouldn't apologise." You sobbed. "Please stop looking at me like that! I already said I'm sorry!" You screamed. Your voice echoes in the empty classroom.
Opera furrowed their brows. Was their concerned gaze upsetting you? But they did notice how not once you had looked at them dead in the eyes. They were confused.
Saying one last sorry you shoved past them and made your way to the door leaving Opera speechless. As you closed the door you began to head to your first class of the day. Luckily it was not far so you would still be able to make it in time.
You recognized that voice, clear as day. "Shichiro!" You yelled out happily. He had embraced you in a tight hug. Though when you saw him, his eyes were also cold and empty. "Oh" was all you could think. Your smile turned into a thin line making Shichiro send you a questionable look.
"Ugh let go of her you big animal." Kalego huffed. "Come on Y/N let's walk to class together." He said as he continued to walk. He didn't look back to see if you were following him.
Shichiro noticed your hesitation. "Ar....you....alright?" (Are you alright?) His voice beginning to drown out in your ears as well.
Placing your hands over your ears you stopped thinking for a second. You took deep breaths as you tried to calm yourself down. "I'm sorry I'm not feeling well."
"Do...yo...nee...the...urse?" (Do you need the nurse?) Shichiro asked
"No I don't need the nurse, I just need to talk to my father. Don't worry about me I'll be fine. You guys go ahead I wouldn't want you to be late." Walking away quickly you made your way to your father's office.
You knocked on the door before heading in. As soon as you stepped in your father jumped up from his seat excited to see you.
"Ah! Y/N! How nice of you to come to see me! Did you get lonely without me?" He chuckled as he hugged you tight. "Don't worry about class! How about you stay here with me and keep me company from all these papers I have to sign!"
Looking down at you he halted from speaking. Pushing you off of him just a bit he noticed the tears in your eyes. His hands trembled slightly as he freaked out. "Hey, what's wrong! Is it something to do with what happened this morning?"
Hugging him again you held him tightly. Your quiet sniffles fill the room. "Dad I want to go home. I don't want to be here anymore."
"Of course but you have to tell me what's wrong. Did someone hurt you in any way?" He asked, his tone changed. He was talking much more gently so as to not scare you away.
"Dad...I...don't know what to do. I can't face anyone."
"What do you mean?"
You stayed silent. You didn't mean to but you did. From the moment you walked into his office, you couldn't hear anything. Not even the ringing sound from earlier. It scared you truly.
The embrace with your father only radiated a slight warmth. But it wasn't enough. Would you stay like this forever? The thought of it scared you. "Why can't I hear you, dad? Please just take me home.." You whispered, your voice trembling with every word you spoke out loud.
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mysticalbitches · 5 months
me after reading the same 10 Babyls teachers find out iruma has been grounded (or so they think) fics on ao3
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gnilya-nya · 25 days
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WIP I think he'd like human torture objects
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blakeexists07 · 2 months
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most of these are Mairimashita, Iruma-Kun sketches! I'm gonna confess that the teachers of Babyls are my favorites in the show, especially Professor Robin and Professor Kalego (I love their dynamic).
And here's a lit tidbit about my misfit drawing: Originally, Iruma was going to be eating a comically large ham, but I decided not to. I might make another post with the Love trio enjoying a nice meal together!
Professor Robin is one of my favorite characters! I love his energy (and stupidity), and what solidified him as my favorite was the scene where he's standing on the cliff as the sun is setting!
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mac-kd8 · 1 year
Where are Your Wings Iruma-Kun?
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What if Ali didn’t think quickly enough to create Iruma a fake pair of wings?  What if Iruma actually got scars from his past hardships and trauma? What would the teachers of Babyls do when one of their beloved students tried to escape from their questions about his past? And to be honest, they really don’t know how to deal with a kid who has been through the most illegal form of torture in the entire Netherworld.
                  Chapter 1: Meeting Professor Balam for the First Time
“It’s most likely that Imaginary Creatures live in a peaceful environment. However, the Netherworld’s ecosystem is unforgiving.” Professor Balam stated after finishing his drawings on the chalkboard.
He then walked over to where Iruma was being held down by vines while talking to the class.
“ That's how we demons developed our wings.  In the race for survival, wings are essential tools.  Even without horns, you can escape safely as long you have…huh?!  ” There was a short pause when Balam try to search for Iruma’s wings. 
No matter how much Balam touches and felt around the young boy’s back, Balam couldn’t find any traces that Iruma had what pretty much all demons had.  The professor being shocked was an understatement, he was completely mortified at the chance that one of his students doesn’t possess any wings.
Balam can't or will not believe that a demon as young as Iruma had gone through the worst type of pain known to demon-kind.   Without wasting another second, Balam picked up Iruma and run in the direction where the teacher's lounge was located.
“Master Iruma!” Alice called his master's name as he and Clara watched the white-haired teacher carry Iruma like a sack of potatoes.
When Balam loudly slammed open the door it got the attention of all of the teachers who were currently occupying the room.  Buer Blushenko, Morax Momonoki, Marbas March, Orias Oswell, and Bars Robin then turn their focus onto the 2 new incomers.
“Pardon me! Someone!!” Balam shouted when entered the teacher's lounge.
“What’s the matter, Professor Balam?” Robin asked worriedly, not used to seeing the giant teacher in such a panicked state.
“It’s an emergency!  This boy doesn’t have any wings.” Balam then pointed to the sweating boy.  Everyone only raised an eyebrow at Balam's statement, knowing that he can sometimes jump to conclusions.  Buer only scoffs at Balam’s statement, pretty much all demons in the Netherworld have wings, it’s even more ridiculous for Balam to think someone young as Iruma has none. Buer then made eye contact with the blond Astrology teacher. Orias Oswell was thinking the exact same thing as his coworker. 
It’s common knowledge in the Netherworld that the few demons who are wingless are usually strong full grown demons who can defend themselves.  Not children who are learning the basics of magic.  It’s simply impossible or a miracle for Iruma to last this long in the Netherworld without any wings.
 “Of course he has wings,” Robin stated in his usually cheerful tone.
“He might just tuck his wings into his body.” Momonoki tries reasoning with her coworker.
“Or maybe they're just really tiny,” Orias suggested nonchalantly.
 “He doesn’t have wing roots,” Balam exclaimed, which made all of the teachers a little more suspicious of the boy. To ease everyone's nerves and his own, Robin decided he would be the one to check if Iruma really didn’t have any wings. 
No matter how much he twist and turn his way out of the giant teacher’s grip, Balam was just too strong for the human boy to even stand a chance of escaping.
     So many emotions and thoughts were running through Iruma’s mind, realizing this may be the end of the road for him.
“Nooooo, If I knew I was going to be eaten today, I would tell just how much I appreciate Grandpa and Opera for giving me a great life.  And what would Alice and Clara do once they found out that their own teachers had eaten their friend?” Time moves slower for Iruma as he remembers all of the memories he made with his best friends. 
“I never even get to tell them how much they mean to me, I never got to tell them that I’m actually human. 
 Alice, Clara, I’m sorry that I couldn’t keep my secret for just a little bit longer.” Iruma mentally apologized to everyone who had loved and cared for him as he accepted his faith.
Iruma only closes his eyes, hoping that his teachers will devour him quickly enough so he won’t feel anything.  After  5 seconds went by, Iruma wonder why he wasn’t in the demons’s stomach already. When he looked at his teachers for the first time after they saw his back, he didn't see hunger or any type of blood thirst in their eyes    
No one had their claws out,  no bite marks, no pain, just empty tense silence.
A hand-covered Momonoki’s mouth, trying her best to hold back a gasp.  Robin’s knees gave out as his body shake in horror. 
“His wings?!” Buer whispered under his breath.
“Those scars,” Marbas commented only to himself.
If only the clueless blue-haired boy knew that in the Netherworld, if a demon doesn’t have wings that doesn’t automatically mean that they are human.  For all his teachers know, Iruma is a young demon boy who has been through the most horrendous and traumatic experience that even most seasoned demons couldn’t handle.
Chapter 2 https://www.tumblr.com/mac-kd8/721977396410155008/where-are-your-wings-iruma-kun?source=share
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ghosticosmic · 1 year
Eito is so cute, he skrunkly
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The face of a man who could do no wrong and definitely didn't roast his own student
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He's just a funny little man. who canonically weights 18 kg for some reason
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My love is feral
Truly, you never meant to be so... animalistic, but that bitch had it coming messing with the children of babyls like they were just toys! Really, you showed restraint by waiting until now to dig your "fangs" into them. In fact, you were perfectly content with letting the other teachers deal with the garbage up until it escaped Robin-sans range.
There was no way you were letting the rat roam free off school grounds. Nobody messes with your kids. Luckily, they were already injured, so catching up was easy. The tackle was a surprise even for you, but instinct had kicked in at that point.
There was a tussle as you both grappled for dominance, but you weren't above getting your hands dirty, not when it came to something like this. Barbaric as it may have looked to your colleagues, you grabbed a nearby rock and had smashed it into your opponents skull.
In their dazed confusion, you swiftly took over and pinned them to the ground, knowing that if you hesitated, you would have been injured or died due to demonic strength. Sinking your teeth into the exposed flesh of their neck, you bit down, locking your jaw over the jugular.
You could feel the blood slowly oozing out as they tried to push and pull you off of them. You growled and angled your head to get a deeper bite in. And digging your nails or "claws" into their biceps. No way were you gonna let go. You tasted the metallic liquid on the tip of your tongue. Oddly, it felt satisfying knowing that you a human could injure a demon if necessary.
You felt more than saw Balam-Sans vines wrap around the both of you. But it wasn't until you were certain that they wouldn't escape that you released your jaw. Slowly looking up at the other teachers that were staring at you in shock. You blushed in embarrassment and slowly raised your hands up in sign of surrender.
Robin-San started to sing your praises about how fast you moved while Kalego-San scolded your reckless behavior. Balam-San picked you up and was trying to see if you were wounded. When Dali-San asked you why you would act on your own, you gave him an icy glare. "They messed with my kids. Nobody messes with my kids."
It wasn't a secret that at this point, almost every student in babyls saw you as some kind of guardian. Both the younger and the older students. It is just a more intimate and familiar way rather than an educator. They adored you, and you loved each and every one of those crazy brats.
Your love wasn't normal. When you loved something, you gave everything. You protected it fiercely. "I love each of those kids.... and my love is feral." You had said it so casually. It was as if you were talking about the weather or stating that you wanted honey in your tea.
You could feel the others eyeing you as if seeing you for the first time. "Just because I never had a reason to show my strength doesn't mean my strength doesn't exist. I will show these children how to be strong in the real way." Difiance shown in your eyes as you gazed down at your trembling victim. Deciding to up your performance, you locked your bloodstained lips. The sticky liquid had started to dry along your chin.
You smiled at them your best horror movie smile that would possibly win awards for the scariest face from the look of fear you were receiving. Yes, that would be a message. The child of Sullivan was a bloodthirsty psycho when it came to defending babyls. Fake it till you make it when walking amongst demons.
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mandatorybear · 9 months
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I'm so glad Opera is a teacher now, so many opportunities to tease an old kouhai ><
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morgannite22 · 5 months
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Finally made one of the teachers!
Kalego is definitely the type to smoke in secret, but will deny it. Robin is the type to make it known he doesn’t like the smell of cigarettes and will try to convince others to quit smoking.
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madmarchhare · 2 years
Pov: your supervisor and your boss's grandson turn up while you were lazing about in your apartment.
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Also Kalego looks like the gloomy dad with his son at a parents evening that neither of them want to be at.
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sillygirlvibing · 7 months
Noticed something about Eito.
So in these pics below we can see that he has no dark pupil (or black).
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Is this true? Or am I bringing things out of nowhere?
EDIT: Guys, I think I'm just yapping here. 'Cause when I paid more attention to the manga it looks like there's a lot of characters who their pupils are drawn like this.
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turbonicflaws · 1 year
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First 10 days of Cringetober
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farmer-baby · 4 months
I like the idea of being a pleasure dom. I like using my mouth and hands, and I love the idea of pulling a person apart to find all the little things that make them tick, and then use that to bring them over the edge over and over and over and over again, untill theyre literally pulling at my hair and kicking theur legs and begging me to stop, but thats not gonna stop me because "i want just one more baby- c'mon, you can do it."
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ivyines · 2 years
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I'm happy that they didn't pass this off as a joke and are taking this chance to address how serious this situation could be
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the-hawks-rye · 1 year
just realized that the naberius clan probably has no idea that kalego is iruma's familiar bc if they did that info would've gone to narnia and narnia would lose his shit.
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mac-kd8 · 2 years
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Millieanne and Balam in their Babyls years.
Every time when young Balam gets beaten up when he’d helping either Kalego or Opera, Millieanne would always piggyback him to his house.
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