#Baci di Dama
morethansalad · 1 year
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Vegan Italian Baci di Dama Cookies (Lady’s Kisses)
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cioccolatotorino · 3 months
Baci di Dama: Deliziosi Biscotti di La Perla di Torino
Scopri i deliziosi baci di dama di La Perla di Torino. Questi biscotti tradizionali piemontesi, realizzati con mandorle, nocciole e cioccolato fondente, offrono un'esperienza di gusto unica. Confezionati in pratici sacchetti da 150g, i baci di dama sono perfetti per ogni occasione, dal tè pomeridiano ai regali raffinati. Assapora la tradizione e la qualità artigianale di La Perla di Torino. Visita il nostro sito per maggiori dettagli.
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laperladitorino · 1 year
Baci di Dama
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Baci di Dama è il sito web de La Perla di Torino, una vera delizia per gli amanti dei dolci. Qui troverai una selezione esclusiva di prelibatezze, con un'attenzione particolare ai famosi Baci di Dama. Questi deliziosi biscotti, composti da due morbidi gusci di pasta alle nocciole uniti da un cuore di cioccolato, regalano un'esperienza unica al palato. Il sito di Baci di Dama ti permetterà di gustare e acquistare queste squisitezze artigianali, perfette da regalare o per concederti un momento di dolcezza autentica.Top of Form
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musicallad · 1 year
Franletta Month - Day 6 - Cry
Francesca opened the door to her apartment, legs tired and head aching. She had been rehearsing for the European leg of her international tour that was heading off next month. The smell of chocolate greeted her, and soft piano music could be heard from the living room. “Vilu, honey, I’m home.” she announced, taking her shoes off. As she turned around, she was surprised with the most beautiful woman she had ever laid eyes on. Violetta was wearing a soft pink lipstick and a beautiful blue and white dress. “Vilu...” Fran said, awe audible in her voice and adoration obvious on her face. Violetta grinned and took her girlfriend’s hands. “Yesterday, I saw you crying in the kitchen, and I wanted to cheer you up. So, I have made paella and tried to bake baci di dama and I just want you to be happy my love and I’m sorry I couldn't check on you yesterday I had so many calls with my managers and Angie and Pablo’s wedding coming...”
Francesca interrupted her girlfriend with a gentle peck on the lips. “You did all of this because you saw me crying yesterday?” Violetta nodded her head. “I probably should tell you why I was crying then.” Francesca said as her girlfriend squeezed her hands. “Talking often helps but if you don’t want to tell me that is also okay, whatever is going to make you happy.” Violetta replied, a soft, encouraging smile on her face. Francesca chuckled and kissed Violetta’s hands. “Vilu, I love you so much and you are so sweet, but nothing is wrong. I was just cutting onions.” Violetta burst out laughing. “Oh, my goodness, I am so glad that you are okay Fran, I can’t believe I thought something was terribly wrong.” Francesca grinned and pulled her girlfriend in for a kiss. Even if nothing was wrong, she was not going to let her beautiful woman (or food) go to waste.
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pensieri-inlacrime · 2 months
Questo o quello?
(mandami un numero)
1. Cani o gatti?
2. Dolce o salato?
3. iOS o android?
4. Fotografare o farsi fotografare?
5. Alcolico o analcolico?
6. Pizza o sushi?
7. Coca-Cola o Pepsi?
8. Frutta o verdura?
9. Patatine o popcorn?
10. Ciliegie o fragole?
11. Film o serie TV?
12. Rock o pop?
13. Pianoforte o violino?
14. Vacanze in Italia o vacanze all'estero?
15. Letto o divano?
16. Pallavolo o basket?
17. Europa o America?
18. Pari o dispari?
19. Amicizia o amore?
20. Papà o mamma?
21. Telecinesi o telepatia?
22. Saper volare o invisibilità?
23. Baciare o essere baciati?
24. Sesso o amore?
25. Nero o bianco?
26. Rosso o blu?
27. Tacchi o scarpe da ginnastica?
28. Estate o inverno?
29. Tè caldo o tè freddo?
30. Tè al limone o tè alla pesca?
31. Sole o luna?
32. Spazio cosmico o profondità marine?
33. Mori o biondi?
34. Occhi chiari o scuri?
35. Ricci o lisci?
36. Doccia o vasca?
37. Acqua liscia o gassata?
38. Automobile o moto?
39. Aereo o treno?
40. Mareno montagna?
41. Pulire casa o cucinare?
42. Appartamento o villetta?
43. Figli maschi o figlie femmine?
44. Aglio o cipolla?
45. Medicina o omeopatia?
46. Italiano o matematica?
47. Inglese o spagnolo?
48. Bellezza o simpatía?
49. Cuore o cervello?
50. Walt Disney o Pixar?
51. Jasmine o Belle?
52. Laura Pausini o Elisa?
53. Tiziano Ferro o Marco Mengoni?
54. Cinema o teatro?
55. Cuffiette o cuffione?
56. Gonne o pantaloni?
57. Cravatta o papillon?
58. Instagram o Tik Tok?
59. Vaniglia o cioccolato?
60. Birra o vino?
61. Baci o abbracci?
62. Barba o pizzetto?
63. Condizionatore o ventilatore?
64. Stufa o termosifone?
65. Eurospin o Carrefour?
66. Nord o sud?
67. Est o ovest?
68. Pesce o carne?
69. Caffè dolce o amaro?
70. Cono o coppetta?
71. Capelli tinti o naturali?
72. Slip o boxer?
73. Penna o matita?
74. Ballo o canto?
75. Scrivere o disegnare?
76. Neve o pioggia?
77. Affitto o mutuo?
78. Cina o Giappone?
79. Sashimi o Carpaccio?
80. Tiramisù o profiteroles?
81. Casual o elegante?
82. Ristorante o fast food?
83. Pasta corta o lunga?
84. Harry Potter o LOTR?
85. Hunger games o Divergent?
86. Francia o Spagna?
87. Contanti o bancomat?
88. McDonald's o burger King?
89. Scacchi o dama?
90. Videogiochi o giochi in scatola?
91. Sport singoli o di squadra?
92. Ketchup o maionese?
93. Soldi o amore?
94. Batman o Superman?
95. Iron man o Captain America?
96. Bicicletta o monopattino?
97. Ansia o paura?
98. Sabato o domenica?
99. Bridgerton o stranger things?
100. _____ o _____? (Scegli tu)
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tinytalkingtina · 7 months
Written for the @steddiemicrofic March prompt pin.
388 words | Rating: T | CW: implied shower sex Tags: Fluff, Established Relationship, Baking, Implied/Referenced Sex, Steve is Italian
Ao3 link (also contains the recipe that inspired this) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Steve, half covered in flour, squinted at the smudged and slightly greasy index card. “I can’t make out the handwriting here, does that say 4 or 9 cups?” He pushed it under Eddie’s face, wincing as a little shower of flour sprinkled down to the floor. Eddie stopped rummaging through the cabinets to look up at his boyfriend incredulously. “Isn’t 9 cups like half the bag? Exactly how many people is this recipe for?” Steve shrugged, dislodging yet more flour from his hair. “Nona had…” He trailed off muttering names to himself. “6 siblings, and they all had at least 2 kids. Her Sunday dinners were for the entire family, so she was feeding an army of hungry Italians.” He moved back to the mixing bowl. “Okay, executive decision time, we’re going with 9 cups, I want everyone to take home leftovers.“ “Sound goo-AHA” Steve didn’t glance away from the mixer at the outburst. “Did you finally find the measuring spoons?” “I’m telling you, they don’t exist! But behold my liege:” Eddie brandished the rolling pin. “Your mighty weapon to slay this culinary dragon!” Steve was now preoccupied kneading the dough, his arm muscles flexing distractingly. “Can’t use that. Nona goes out of her way to say you have to roll it out by hand. And before you ask,” he said, holding up a hand at Eddie’s open mouth, “no, I don’t know why she had a grudge against spoons either. Just mix the filling with your fingers okay? It’s not like you mind getting dirty.” Eddie smirked. “No, I certainly don’t.” Draping himself over Steve’s back, he placed a kiss on his neck. “In fact I could show you how much I don’t mind right now.” Steve shook off his now flour-streaked koala of a boyfriend. “You know Robin’s rule, no sex in the kitchen. But,” he said, with a smirk of his own, “if we put this in the oven before 2 we probably have enough time to shower together.” “Oh you are so on, Harrington.” Eddie dashed over to the counter and began furiously chopping up chocolate. And if Robin came home to find a red-faced Steve cutting burnt edges off the baci di dama while Eddie mopped up the bathroom of a tiny amount of excess water, well, that was nobody’s business but theirs.
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tvttb · 7 months
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secondo e terzo atto a torino bicerin baci di dama amore e porno magazine
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I baci di dama sono molto erotici
Erotici perché sembrano un paio di chiappe con un perizoma nero in mezzo
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Taste of Home
Taste of Home
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Pairing: Leonardo Da Vinci x Le Comte de Saint-Germaine
Tag: Established relationship Cooking Kisses Spicy lines Fluff
Word Count  991
Author’s Note: The song is La donna è mobile from Rigoletto written by Giuseppe Verdi.
A little something to celebrate Italy with Leonardo and his lover, in a ordinary day with a normal amount of dishes prepared from our italian chef, much to the delight of the residents, with some sweet and spicy adding, I very much hope will be of your taste like this little dish I prepared myself take a seat and enjoy the feast. 🥰
Tag list
@kissmetwicekissmedeadly @lordsisterxotome  @aquagirl1978 @violettduchess @natimiles @nightghoul381 @dragon-liquorice @candied-boys
You can find me on AO3 as QueenJuliet 😊
Thank you for everyone who will like, reblog, or comment please be gentle with me english is not my first language so please do not leave rude comments I apologise for eventual errors I hope you will like it 😊
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It was a summer day at the mansion, the whole nation simmered with perfumes and sounds he never heard of more pleasant, except the ones of his native country, an heavy sigh escaped from his lips at the thought as he shifted around the table, filled to the brim with his skillful hands creations.
La donna è mobile
Qual piuma al vento,
Muta d'accento - e di pensiero.
Sempre un amabile,
Leggiadro viso,
In pianto o in riso, è menzognero.
The fragrant perfume of white bread still warm from the oven placed in a plate next to the baci di dama, the unmistakable aroma of gianduia melted well with the bitter scent of coffee of the tiramisu, the yellow color of the polenta stalked in contrast with the red cover of the lasagna placed next to it, on a side of the candid tablecloth stretched a feast of pasta of any kind and pizza with various filling, enough to satisfy every taste, everything rigorously handmade following the recipes he known by heart. Amidst its chaos stood the improvised cook who do not even remotely cared about any intruder immersed in the task of stirring the red tomato sauce in the pot, carefully blowing air on it before savouring its taste rolling on his tongue as he hummed in delight, his fingers from time to time threw some ingredients in one of the pan like a magician practising his magic in broad daylight, bathing everything in sight in its warm hues.
È sempre misero
Chi a lei s'affida,
Chi le confida - mal cauto il core!
Pur mai non sentesi
Felice appieno
Chi su quel seno - non liba amore!
He let out a chuckle, laughing at the irony of singing about the love for a woman, his parents words ringed still clear in his ear. 
-Do not show us your face unless you have took a wife.-
-Ah if only they knew.
“What are you preparing today ?”
The arms of his husband wrapped around his torso, like the sun brushing away all his dark thoughts, smiling at the soft kiss he left on his neck
“Geez there are people watching us ya know ?” his low chuckle reverberated in his chest, a tone of defiance in his voice he loved so much hearing sing for him in the bed
“Who ?”
“Someone will surely come out of this frat house you create.”
a soft giggle escaped his lips as he pulled away, he leaned against the counter to face him as he spoke.
“I see you have given Sebastian the day off.”
“He deserved it that poor guy acting all up as he is our maid and butler at once.”
He dipped the spoon in the tomato sauce pot once more, bringing the point to his lips, it tasted like home, like the country he could not come back to if not as outsider or traveller, the one he still felt to belong, both italian and french at once even though he far preferred to call himself citizen of the world, inhabitant of the earth, belonging anywhere and nowhere at once, but when the light goes down and he had to find a shelter he knew exactly where to go, the same place he would have kept coming back to over and over again, the one and only he would have chosen in every universe in every timeline even after thousand years he would have still come back home to him, the only man who intrigued him, he felt to know everything and nothing of every time they talked, a mystery he would have gladly spend all eternity discovering, each side of him a precious treasure he collected in his heart.
Before he could do anything he moved to block him against the counter, a cat like smirk on his lips as he stared in his husband’s golden eyes sensual and alluring, leaning over to press a soft kiss on his nose, his gesture made him smile at his boldness, he never was good at masking his own desire, at least not like le Comte taught from a young age to conceal every emotion and so he took action cupping his face in his hands melting his own lips on his, lacing his own hands on his husband’s hips to steady him.
Their kiss was sweet and deep, intoxicating and exhilarating pervading each and every one of his sense leaving him speechless and astounded, butterflies swirling inside his heart, fluttering with all the love he felt for his husband, the sweetest of flavour invading his tongue spreading on his palate, it was the most delicious meal he had ever had in all his life and it was only the first course he though smiling to himself, for the even sweeter dessert that waited for them both in bed, late at night when all the others were asleep and the clock struck midnight signing the start of the time for lover.
Reluctantly they pulled away panting for air, lost in each other's gaze so much to not notice their butler peeking from the doorframe, sliding noiselessly away once he witnessed that forbidden view.
He kissed his forehead tenderly, revelling in the astoundment glimmering in his golden eyes 
“I love you so my ferret.” a smile so bright like the sun itself brightened his gorgeous features
“I love my cat too.” he smiled softly to him, feeling his lips leave a little kiss on his nose making him chuckle, he really did puzzled him one minute he was bold and the other shy, but he knew that despite all their bicker and banter their love was genuine, hidden deep in their hearts only for one another.
Their love confessed countless time with each moan and groan escaping their lips, with every kiss sealing their soul together and that night would have been not exception, basking in the soft alluring gleaming in his eyes at his heartfelt words murmured tenderly on his skin as they laid on their sides looking at one another with only the aster as guardian of their love, because it did not matter how much times they kissed or made love or how many refined dishes they tasted, he always had and always would have been his favourite flavour of them all, because to him his husband tasted like home.
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burning-fcols · 3 months
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"Baci di dama!" Shouted into the relative silence of Angel's room, Husk, who had been hanging head first off the bed, watching the spider do...whatever at his vanity, had sat upright just as abruptly. Which made him dizzy, but that was rather par for the course with him. "That was th' name 'f those fuckin' cookies yer Ma used t' make!" Information that seemed to have him excited, Husk looking as if he'd just drawn the game winning card for life itself. "Knew it was somethin' like that, seein' as you used 'em as an excuse t' kiss me all the damn time up there." 'Up there' meaning life, of course. "Been tryin' t' think of that shit all fuckin' day, was drivin' me nuts. Hey, she ever teach you how t' make those?" The request not so deeply hidden as the cat looked to Angel with hopeful eyes. Such a heartwarming emotion now seen more and more lately, after getting with Angel Anthony for the second time in both life and death. //cookies name means 'ladies kiss' btw 😘 - ✧ ˖ ˙ 「 @hells-fvry 」 ˙ ˖ ✧
「 ☆ 」 Startled by the sudden shout, Angel's arm spasms. Lightly scoffing at the streak of deep pink now marring his complexion, he grabs a tissue and wipes at it. Lipstick comes off his fur easily enough, nary a hint of color to betray it was ever there at all. A mark in its favor, Angel remembering all the failed attempts that left him with faint smudges. Not world-ending, but unacceptable for someone of his ❛ status ❜ . Looks like Velvette actually took his notes to heart.
For one of the Vees— which means she’s as self-centered and egotistical as the rest —she does know how to take criticism. Provided it’s coming from a place of objectivity and not a personal vendetta. Maybe that’s why she leans on Angel so often when it comes to testing out her products… He can imagine the sort of spineless ass-kissing she has to contend with on the regular. Luckily for her, all HIS ass-kissing is reserved for Valentino.
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Fixing his make-up, he tilts his head to see how the newest shade looks in the light. Glossiness is alright… Not too blinding but nothing to overlook either. ❝ An’ you fuckin’ loved it~ ❞ He teases in the midst of Husk’s revelation, chuckling at the fond memories it invites. Angel visiting the other man, bearing gifts courtesy of his mom’s baking prowess and Angel’s ability to snag treats from the kitchen without her being any the wiser… At least, he used to think so. Looking back on it now, with the clarity of years and wistfulness, he’s near-certain she knew and just never said anything.
It would explain how there was always a surplus of sweets… Enough for his heists to go ❛ undetected ❜ .
❝ Y'know, you could'a jus' asked me. 'Stead of drivin' yerself up th' damn wall all day... ❞ He chuckles, getting up from his vanity with a final brush of his attire, straightening his blouse and readjusting his chest. Pleased with the results— despite having nowhere to actually go today —he makes his way over to Husk, playfully ruffling his boyfriend's hair in an effort to mess it up. ❝ She sure did~ Pops wasn' too happy— ❞ A displeasure the man made KNOWN, Angel recalling how sore he was from the beating. ❝ —but it was worth it. Now I know how ta make 'em almost as good as Ma. ❞ Which is something that bastard can NEVER take away from him.
❝ It's been a while, but I'm sure I still got th' hang of it... ❞ Upper hands cup Husk's face, bringing it closer as he bends down. Planting a firm kiss against the feline's cheek with an audible ❛ mwah! ❜ he smugly studies the make-up cartoonishly left behind. Pulling out a compact mirror from his fluff, Angel checks his lipstick. Still perfect. Tucking it back into his chest, he makes his way to the door, sway of his hips and tone of his voice performatively-casual ( as if he hadn't just marked the other man ) ❝ We betta' make enough fer ev'ryone, otha'wise Charlie is gonna hit us wit' a lecture about sharin' or some shit. ❞ 「 ☆ 」
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cioccolatotorino · 4 months
Baci di Dama: Delizia Artigianale da La Perla di Torino
Gusta i Baci di Dama di La Perla di Torino, perfetto incontro tra mandorle e nocciole avvolte da ricco cioccolato. Questi eleganti biscotti, confezionati con cura in sacchetti da 150g, rappresentano l'essenza della pasticceria piemontese. Ideali per un dolce regalo o un momento di piacere quotidiano, portano un tocco di classe ad ogni occasione
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ao3feed-matchablossom · 5 months
baci di dama
by HamsterQinghua “You’re in a strange mood today,” Kojiro notes as he carefully slides the remaining lasagna out of the plate and into the box. “Anything wrong?” Kaoru doesn’t answer. Instead, he says abruptly, “Have you heard of the new restaurant that opened down the street?” Kojiro’s hands still. “What?” “La Reir. Have you heard about it?” Kojiro turns his head slightly. “No,” he says carefully. “What is it, French?” “Italian, actually.” Kojiro turns completely to face Kaoru. “Italian?” --- or, Kojiro is absolutely, positively, 100% not jealous of the new Italian restaurant Kaoru seems to favor (except for the part where he kind of is) Words: 2734, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of dolci per te Fandoms: SK8 the Infinity (Anime) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Nanjo Kojiro | Joe, Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom Relationships: Nanjo Kojiro | Joe/Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom Additional Tags: Matchablossom Week 2024, Jealousy, although not what you'd think!, Getting Together, Misunderstandings, Miscommunication source https://archiveofourown.org/works/55898083
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dolce-amica · 8 months
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flawediamond · 8 months
Italian Pastries and Desserts Recipes Masterpost
Amaretti (Almond Biscuits)
Babà al Rum (Rum Cake)
Baci di Alassio (Chocolate Hazelnut Cookies)
Baci di Dama (Almond Chocolate Cookies)
Biscotti (Almond Biscuits)
Biscotti alla Ricotta e Limone (Ricotta Lemon Cookies)
Brutti ma Buoni (Hazlenut Cookies)
Cantucci (Almond Biscuit)
Castagnaccio (Chestnut Cake)
Cioccolata Calda (Thick Hot Chocolate)
Crema Di Caffe (Coffee Cream)
Crema Pasticcera (Pastry Cream)
Crostata Di Ricotta e Visciole (Ricotta Sour Cherry Pie)
Cucidati (Fig Cookies)
Dolce di Noci (Walnut Cookies)
Garibaldi (Raisin Biscuits)
Panettone (Sweet Bread with Raisins)
Pandolce (Sweet Bread)
Panforte di Siena (Dried Fruits and Nuts Christmas Cake)
Panna Cotta (Chocolate Cream Dessert)
Chocolate Panna Cotta (Cream Dessert)
Pignoli (Pine Nut Cookies)
Savoiardi (Ladyfingers)
Lemon Tiramisu with Lemon Curd and Limoncello
Torrone (Almond Pistachio Nougat)
Torta al Limone (Lemon Cake)
Torta al Pistacchio (Pistachio Cake)
Torta della Nonna (Custard Pie)
Torta di Mandorle (Almond Cake)
Torta di Noci (Walnut Cake)
Torta Spumini (Strawberry, Pistachio and Chocolate Cake)
Zuccotto (Ricotta and Chocolate Cake)
Zuppa Inglese (Chocolate and Pastry Cream Trifle)
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semprelibera · 10 months
the idiot on that post who doesn't know about cacio e pepe, white pizza, and countless other dishes...
but you know what's funny. they just sound mad europeans managed to also make iconic use of 'their' ingredients. well do better yourself then !
I KNOW like, my point was that what the world considers iconic “Italian” dishes are actually Italian-American or Italian-inspired American (heavy in tomato sauce), while to us Italians, as well as people who are familiar with real Italian cuisine, the dishes which we’d consider iconic are actually older than the Columbian exchange or only use “Old World” ingredients...
I mean, if I had to say what the most iconic (as in the ones that everyone knows and can find outside of their region) dishes which do not contain American ingredients are, I’d say:
Ferratelle, castagnole, focaccia, piadina, arancini/e, Sicilian cassata, Sicilian cannoli, crostoli/frappe/chiacchere/cenci/galani/lattughe*, Neapolitan pastiera, carbonara, gricia, cacio e e pepe, fegato alla veneziana, castagnaccio, panforte, seadas, cornetto, basil pesto, maritozzo, torrone, zeppole, Maraschino cherries, bruschetta, struffoli, granita, gelato, erbazzone, porchetta, cotognata, frutta di Martorana, nacatole, torta della nonna, taralli/tarallini/tarallucci, grissini, savoiardi/pistokkeddos, ciambelline al vino, farinata, fregula, risotto alla milanese, pizza bianca, tortellini in brodo, crostata, babà, baicoli, budino di riso, ciambellone, biscotti del Lagaccio, cantucci, cotoletta alla milanese, biancomangiare, panettone, gubana, canestrelli, brasato al Barolo, brigidini, pasta con le sarde, canederli, ravioli ricotta e spinaci, pere al vino, cannoncino, pane carasau and guttiau, casatiello, gnocchi alla bava, chnéffléné, coda d’aragosta, bomba/bombolone, crema fritta, tigella/crescentina, delizia al limone, frìtołe, gelo di melone, krumiri, mandorlato, malfatti, meringa, necci, saltimbocca alla romana, mostaccioli, pasta di mandorle, ribollita, panelle, pasta e ceci/fagioli/lenticchie/fave, pasticciotto, polenta, risotto alla marinara, torta pasqualina, frisella, focaccia di Recco, agnolotti, gnocco fritto, sbrisolona, zabajone, vitello tonnato, passatelli in brodo, mozzarella in carrozza, amaretti, ciambella, brioscia, plenty of pizze including the original Marinara which is way better than the one people call Marinara today...
*No campanilismi here 🇮🇹
While I’d say that the most iconic Italian dishes which do contain American ingredients are:
Gnocchi di patate, graffa, crocchè (potato); pizza Margherita, pizza alla marinara, pappa al pomodoro, lasagne alla bolognese, lasagne alla napoletana, parmigiana di melanzane, insalata caprese, sfincione, timballo, sun-dried tomatoes, caponata (tomato); tortelli di zucca, gnocchi di zucca (pumpkin); ‘nduja, pasta all’arrabbiata (hot chilies); tiramisù, gianduja, baci di dama, salame di cioccolato, cuneesi al rhum, zuppa inglese, setteveli, zuccotto, Modica chocolate (cocoa); corn polenta, pan meino (maize); pandoro, panna cotta (vanilla); peperonata (bell peppers); zucchine alla scapece, pasta alla nerano (courgettes).
So yes, while the Columbian exchange did influence Italian cuisine, either by leading to the evolution of pre-existing dishes (EG.: pangiallo was invented over 2000 years ago and nowadays it’s not uncommon to see people add dark chocolate to the recipe; the original pizza alla marinara did not contain tomato sauce and was made with anchovies, capers, garlic, black Gaeta olives, oregano and olive oil - all of which are very Mediterranean ingredients) or to the creation of new ones, but claiming that New World ingredients-based dishes are all there is to Italian cuisine, or that its most iconic dishes are made with them is factually wrong and the reason why this stereotype exists in the first place is due to Italian-American culture/US stereotypes of Italy and Italians being passed off as authentic Italian and its spread outside of the US is a direct result of US cultural imperialism.
I also find it ironic how they all conveniently ignore that Asian, African and other European cuisines outside of Italy’s also use American ingredients... I have yet to see someone claim that shahi paneer is not Indian or that paprikás csirke is not Hungarian while I have seen plenty of Americans claim that pizza Margherita (which they believe is the only kind of pizza there is) is actually American just because tomatoes are not native to Italy.
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ofide · 2 years
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