#Badgerclops is a dad too
mmvcvs · 2 years
I know you can't give any doodle about Mao Mao and Badgerclops in the future with their daughters, but can you give any heart warning fact about Badgerclops' parental relationship with Blaze and Brook?
He’s a loving and very caring dad, he worries about them when they feel insecure and makes sure to let them know he’s never too busy for them
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jezabatlovesbats · 2 years
Today, I brainstormed ideas for how I would continue and conclude Mao Mao. Chances are, none of what I'm about to write is even close to how Parker and the writers intended it to go. But at this point, if I wanna know how this story ends, I'm probably just gonna have to write my own conclusion. (Maybe the show will continue, maybe it won't. I'm just saying.)
Anyway, I'd have the show end after four seasons, and this is how I imagine they'd play out...
Season 2:
-More of the usual stuff. So there's more monster fighting, more Sky Pirate fighting, and more shenanigans around the valley.
-We also find out more about Mao Mao's past, and more about Badgerclops and Adorabat's pasts as well. Therefore, we learn more about characters like the Thicket Thieves and Sonara and Eugene.
-Maybe we get a little bit of history from Sky Pirates as well.
-There are also new characters who come in with both flashbacks and present appearances. For example, in this season, we introduce the sisters and Mao Mao's mom. Maybe each sister has their own episode with the sheriffs, or they're all introduced together in one ep. (I'd have Alina, the name I gave Contacts Sister, be introduced last, personally.)
-In either mid-late Season 2 or early Season 3, Adorabat turns 6, and at her birthday party, she receives her first weapon from Mao and BC as their present for her; at this point, she has enough experience as a hero to get one. I had the idea that her weapon is a shield.
-I also thought of, like, an episode where there's a 1-year anniversary celebration of when Mao Mao and Badgerclops first came to Pure Heart Valley or something.
-At some point in Season 2 or 3, some of the other pirates such as Steel Wing and Thunder Fist come back, too. In fact, the trend of recurring characters is gonna keep going on, and this is mainly because I wanted to see more of characters like Bao Bao and Tanya Keys.
Season 3:
-In this season, we finally find out what the heck is going on with the Ruby Pure Heart.
-Maybe it has something to do with a past ruler before King Snugglemagne, and how he went to extreme lengths to make everything better in the kingdom (because a prominent theme within the show is that you're enough the way you are). But it backfires, so maybe his successor or someone decided to hide the valley away from the world for its own good, and that's why it was cloaked.
-We also get an explanation as to what makes Pure Heart Valley legendary and a further look into why Orangusnake wants the Ruby Pure Heart.
-Also, Season 3 is when we meet Badgerclops' family. He's seen Mao Mao and Adorabat patch things up with their families, and they're still doing that, so he's thinking, "Hm. If they can do it, maybe I can too." So yeah- BC is doing that.
-All the while, Mao Mao is still working things out with his parents and sisters. I think that the sisters are revealed to also have issues, but Mao Mao's helping them overcome their problems with what he's learned.
-Also, Shin Mao has been thinking about everything he's done to his kids since he visited his son, and he's starting to want to make it up to them, even if he knows they're most likely not going to forgive him. It's still worth a shot, though, and he at least wants to try.
-Adorabat is reconnecting with her dad and other possible relatives she has. I like the idea of her telling her relatives about her adventures and heroic stuff, and maybe she does this during the 6th birthday party episode I brought up earlier.
-To expand on the worldbuilding, perhaps there are other places in the world mentioned. Like, for example, maybe there are places of legend or whatever that have the spade, club and diamond in them (because Pure Heart Valley's got the heart).
-Whatever the case is, I think of this being a season where things start to look up for Mao Mao and the gang, but then, it all goes downhill.
-I had this idea that since the Ruby Pure Heart was broken, and then when Orangusnake blasted it that one time, a spirit awoke within the gem. It's probably the spirit of the corrupt king I mentioned earlier who tried so hard to make everything better than it was, but I dunno.
-The spirit reveals himself and then begins his evil plan. Maybe, I don't freaking know... he's gonna grant people's greatest wishes and then use those wishes to harm them, like he did to Adorabat. And it's not just Pure Heart Valley he's gonna corrupt- he's also coming for the rest of the world.
-When Orangusnake and the pirates learn about this, they're like, "On second thought, maybe we're better off doing other pirate stuff..." But the Pure Heart spirit is like, "Well, you wanted to steal the Ruby I came from to become legendary so people would worship you, so now that's what you're gonna do."
-Oh my god, this is AWFUL... So, the stuff above with the spirit and the pirates happens in the Season 3 finale. And because I have no original ideas, I think of it ending Amphibia/Owl House style.
-That is to say, in an intense turn of events, the sheriffs are forced to flee Pure Heart Valley. And because the spirit is starting to take over and corrupt everything, a bunch of evil people are now out to get them, including the Sky Pirates. The spirit possessed them, by the way.
Season 4:
-Mao Mao and Badgerclops are back to traveling around the world and fighting evil. In other words, they're back to square one, pretty much, but it's not the same as it was before because Adorabat's with them.
-The trio travels through a bunch of lands fighting beasts and stopping crimes and stuff, as well as trying to figure out how to stop the Ruby Pure Heart spirit.
-One of the lands they visit happens to be Badgerclops's hometown.
-Eventually, they wind up in the mountains Mao Mao grew up in. When they get there, the entire Mao family has gathered to discuss the current situation, and they're noticeably in distress.
-To spice things up a little more, maybe the sisters' weapons stop working. They lose their powers, and so they freak out.
-If he hasn't done this already, Shin reveals his true size to the rest of the family and apologizes to everyone, admitting that what he did was horrible. The responses are mixed to negative, but he's okay with it because he knew he'd get what's coming for him eventually.
-I thought of a moment where the sheriffs go to a hot spring at some point.
-So, our heroes know that they'll have to "look inside their hearts" (in the words of Zeus from Hercules) in order to save the world and stuff. The character's arcs are being nicely tied up with a bow.
-And I guess Mao Mao, at this point, maybe still wants to be a legend and all that, but not as badly now 'cause he is finally realizing that he's perfectly fine as he is. And BC and Adorabat are realizing that they're okay as they are, too. They're understanding now that maybe they don't need people to love them. 'Cause if you remember, in Lonely Kid, little Mao Mao said that if he becomes a hero, then people will like him. But now, adult Mao Mao knows he doesn't need that.
-So, when the time comes to return to Pure Heart Valley, the gang decides that they're going to take on the Pure Heart spirit as they are. They don't need any upgrades, but they do get some cool-looking armor just for the fun of it.
-When they get there, it's like an apocalyptic wasteland being watched over by a tyrannical spirit, and King Snugglemagne got kicked out of his castle, so he's really in a jam. Maybe, to continue on the point I mentioned earlier, the Sweetypies wished upon the Ruby Pure Heart spirit for something they really wanted, but it went horribly wrong.
-The Sweetypies are, of course, fearing for their lives (except for Pinky), but in the end, they all decide to band together and battle alongside the sheriffs. The spirit's up there saying that Mao Mao will never be a hero or whatever, but they're all coming together to prove him wrong because, despite his flaws, Mao Mao and his crew have really helped them out.
-Characters like Tanya Keys, Bao Bao and others come to the kingdom to join the fight as well. This includes the new characters introduced earlier, like the people from the other lands.
-It proves to be a challenging battle because, thanks to the spirit's corruption, the monsters are stronger, and the Sky Pirates are stronger because they're possessed.
-I also think that, at some point, they battle the Sky Pirates and free them from possession. Perhaps Camille and Honey gave them a magic tool that does that.
-Also, maybe the Sky Pirates reluctantly agree to briefly ally with the sheriffs to fix everything because they don't really want to steal the Ruby Pure Heart anymore. The sheriffs are like, "Alright, fine, but we're going to go back to kicking your butts when this is all over."
-The series finale is probably made up of multiple parts. It's epic, it's suspenseful, and it's exciting. It's the sheriffs battling the evil spirit that came from the Ruby Pure Heart, with the friends they've made along the way (cheesy, I know) helping them.
-The sisters and Shin Mao come in to help at some point. The sisters each have their own reasons. As for Shin, he still wants to do something right for once in his life.
-At one point in the fight, the spirit tries to get in Mao Mao's head, telling him that he can make him a legend. Maybe it shows him, like, a vision akin to the fantasies he had at the beginning of the show. He's like, "Come on. Isn't this what you've always wanted?"
-Mao Mao is kind of tempted. But then, he gives this badass speech about how he's already got everything he wants, and how he's being a hero not because people will like him, but because he wants to be there for his loved ones. He cares for them so, so much. "No. I already have everything I've always wanted. I'm enough as I am. I don't want to be a 'legendary hero.' I want to be a hero of pure heart!" (See what I did there?) So then, he goes in his Golden Truth form and finishes the job.
-When the dust finally settles, Mao Mao falls from the Ruby Pure Heart, and Badgerclops catches him as the sun rises in the background. He and Adorabat notice that Mao's not in one piece because, in the heat of battle, he lost his right hand.
-Yeah, you heard me right. Mao Mao loses a hand! There's none of that fakeout death biz. There are actual heroic sacrifices, and people die. Thankfully, it's not one of the main three. I'm thinking that Shin Mao sacrifices himself.
-Here's all the stuff that happens next. So, maybe, once the spirit is defeated, they have a chance to fix the Ruby Pure Heart. But if they do, they won't need to be there, so they decide not to.
-Whatever occurs, this valley is where Mao Mao, Badgerclops and Adorabat want to be, and it's where they know they belong. So, they choose to permanently live in Pure Heart Valley together.
-Mao Mao probably gets, like, a robotic hand, and Badgerclops is thrilled that they're Robot Limb Buddies.
-The sisters invite Mao Mao and his friends on an awesome family adventure together, and they accept. I want Mao Mao to have this, guys. I mean, he's long overdue. He deserves it. But like I said, he wants to stay in Pure Heart Valley, so once they're done, he's heading back there. His sisters promise they'll visit him.
-People are, of course, talking about Shin Mao's "noble" sacrifice. But, as the years pass, more attention is drawn to how Mao Mao and his friends deserve praise as well. And, you know, it ends with them having fun around the kingdom and being the heroes they are.
-Maybe the very last scene is an older Adorabat remembering her childhood. She's at her happiest because all her dreams have come true. She calls up Mao Mao and BC to thank them for showing her how to be a hero, in a way that matches the theme song.
And that's it! I know what you're thinking- this writing is absolutely TERRIBLE. Like I said, folks, this is only how I personally would continue the show. Maybe we'll get more of it someday, but we'll just have to wait and see.
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thepagu · 4 years
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Idk why i make this,, I guess it's bc rarely i see Badgerclops having a father time with Adorabat-
soOooO here's a headcanon:D
When Adorabat can't sleep (Nightmares),, she goes with BC because he normally is awake uvu.
BC leaves whatever he is doing and gives her hot milk to wait she sleep again..
/uwu's face¿¿
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chex-nix · 4 years
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mao mao rlly said ‘i’m a dad now’
//”m*ps”/pedos, minor adult shippers, anti-LGBTQ+, TERFs, racist, ableist DNI
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laco-myles · 5 years
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oh we ✈️ crying
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shisabun-art · 5 years
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Little late, but Happy Father’s Day everyone! I give you Dad-Mao! Backgrounds are from the awesome team at Cartoon Network. MaoMao: heroes of Pure Heart premiers July 1st. Watch the pilot episode on Youtube! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtuz4IhZIHs&t=1s
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shapeshiftinterest · 2 years
Cool And Pretty: badgerclops and mao mao
kid mao and badgerclops talking about heroic image
hints of crushes but overall platonic
based on mao saying ‘i am cool and pretty’ from Trading Day
story under the read more
Cool And Pretty (also on ao3)
Mao Mao sat back, proudly holding up an almost finished flower crown. Badgerclops took a few flowers from the pile between them and started threading the stems together on his own crown.
Earlier, the two had had a picnic under one of the big trees near the village, and were now having a flower crown making contest.
“I’m not ‘sposed t'be pretty, y’know?“ the kitten pouted, sifting through the flower pile and choosing a few yellow ones. “I’m a hero, I’m ‘sposed to be cool! Like my dad and my sisters!“
Badgerclops looked up from his work, turning to his friend. “I mean, maybe you can be both?” he said, picking a few clovers from the ground and trying to weave them.
“Aren’t your sisters both?“ Badgerclops asked, shrugging. He really didn’t get what the big deal was.
His friend came from a family of heroes. His sisters were pretty, his dad’s armor was pretty, his mom was pretty, and all of them were cool. Except for Mao’s dad, if Badgerclops were being honest. His friend’s dad was kind of a butt.
He was brought back to the conversation by Mao throwing his crown down in a huff. The kitten flopped backwards against the tree and rolled onto his side, back towards Badgerclops.
“Yeah, but they’re girls! Girls are allowed to be both!“ Mao said.
“So what?“
Mao blustered, quickly sitting back up to glare at the other. “What do you mean ‘so what’!?“
“I mean,“ he drawled, “that it doesn’t matter that you’re not a girl.“
Badgerclops took one of the clovers from his flower crown (the stems were too short anyway) and tucked it behind Mao’s ear. “See?“ he smiled, pulling back. “Cool and pretty.“
Mao whined, hiding a flushed face behind black paws as Badgerclops laughed.
“A hero of many talents.“ Badgerclops said. Mao made a weird noise, scrubbing his paws over his face. The kitten picked up his flower crown and shoved it over Badgerclops’ head, blocking his sight.
”Wh-Mao, I can’t see!”
Mao kept his paws on the flower crown so Badgerclops couldn’t take it off. “If I’m going to be a cool and pretty legendary hero... then you have to be my awesome side kick!“
Badgerclops finally pushed his friend’s hands away, adjusting his new crown before shoving his own over Mao’s ears. Mao squeaked, temporarily blinded as Badgerclops ruffled his fur before shoving him playfully.
“Fine, but I’m wanna be a smart and awesome co hero, not a side kick.“
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ultraclops · 3 years
Now for an unexpected merge - Day 4 and Day 6: New Pronouns and Festival!
(Well, in the comic they're getting ready to go to a festival, so I think it counts?)
Get ready for a hc you probably wouldn't expect. Or maybe you would expect it, from me.
I'm a simple person. I see a character with the same mental disorders as me, I PROJECT more than Badgerclops projected onto Bobo-Chan.
(Once again, sorry if the writing seems wonky.)
(For context, the Sheriff's Department is getting ready for a pride festival and invited 'gene to join them. While him and BC are waiting for Mao and Adorabat to get ready [Mao is helping Adorabat make her costume], 'gene gets curious and asks BC some questions.)
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Dialogue Transcript:
When did you realize you were a demiguy?
Dunno, just came to me.
Just came to you?
I dunno how to explain it, really. It's like, I was fine with being a guy, but at the same time I didn't feel like just a guy? You know?
...Nah, that probably doesn't make any sense.
No, I understand.
I...kinda feel that way, too.
Hey, y'all!
? ?
Mx. Adorabat's gonna be testing out they/them pronouns for today!
This was partially inspired by a lot of chex-nix's comics, so go check them out!
BC's little tangent is based on how I felt about myself, especially around middle school age. Like, I felt like a girl, but at the same time I didn't. But I didn't feel like a boy, either. And that's why I call myself a demigirl now! :)
Another inspiration is that if 'gene were to appear in S2, I think it would make sense for him to have an arc where he realizes how dependent he was on Sonara and Adorabat, and learns to be more independent. In the process, maybe he could learn more about himself, and how to be brave in his own way!
Idk why, but I hc that he's either demiboy or bigender & uses He/She/They/Ae pronouns! It just fits him for some reason :) (Probably because I project onto him, lol) ((this isn't a "Your dad is gnc af" joke this hc came to me before I heard of that meme))
(Btw the gay flag I used for Badgerclops's sash is by dueling-jesters, I've seen people complaining about the blue gay flag & I thought this one looked pretty ^ ^)
((Also I would've used the new bi flag for Mao but I was worried that I wouldn't be able to fit all the stripes so I defaulted to the old one. The new one is by smatterbrain on Twitter and its really nice!))
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Thoughts on how Adorabat fits in the Catfish AU
Her dad works at Rufus and Reg’s restaurant, so she hangs out there a lot.
Her mom’s still alive, but is the captain of a ship that’s usually out at sea, so she isn’t home much.
When Mao Mao is introduced into the restaurant, Adorabat becomes obsessed with him, convinced that he can teach her how to be a mermaid.
Like anyone who isn’t Badgerclops, Mao Mao doesn't want to have anything to do with her at first, so she consumes as much mermaid media as she can (mostly a lot of movies, but some books, too), then uses the information (most of it wrong) to try and get on Mao Mao’s good side.
She draws pictures of what she imagines his home is like, and of her as a mermaid having underwater adventures and hangs them up on the outside of his tank so he can see them.  (They get taken down before the restaurant opens each night, though.)
She plays mermaid and ocean-related music for him, but he can’t really hear it through the glass of the tank, and he doesn’t think much of what he does hear.
Mao Mao eventually softens towards her and actually talks to her, mostly so he can correct her misconceptions about life under the sea.
(Catfish AU originally made by @cringe-geek)
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bludino · 4 years
I have a disease called bitchites, I can't stop bitching so y'all get to hear if you want to or not.
I love Mao Mao, I've wrote fanfictions drawn fantastic made bs theories cooked up all kinds of head canons, but holy shit is this show mediocre. Most of the episodes are just eh, but I'm not here to bitch about the episodes, I'm here to bitch about the characters.
First on the chopping block; Mao Mao. We're just gonna get him over with right now. Mao Mao is probably the most developed character in the show, but he's still 2D. His character just feels like he's traumatized, has daddy issues and tries to be tough to mask his series of emotional issues. His character is mostly trauma mixed in with an ego as big as Texas. I just feel he's one note. It's disappointing, most of his personality comes from the fans putting some in. Ego is such a loose character trait it's easy for people to build it up.
I once saw a post saying Mao Mao stans have daddy issues, and that is 100% true. Daddy issue people relate to him and since he's portrayed as the main and important character with a loose personality, people project onto him and accidentally give him more personality.
Then there's Adorabat's personality; more the lack of one. What is her character? What makes Adorabat herself? It's nothing, she's just a yes man fangirl with violent tendencies. Honestly if you cut her out of the show you wouldn't miss much. Don't get me wrong; Adoradad was an amazing episode, but it wasn't about her. It was more about Eugene moving on from his dead wife or girlfriend and trusting his daughter, as well as showing how connected Adorabat and Mao Mao are as teacher and pupil.
There was that one episode where Adorabat got a laser Canon on her leg, but there was nothing learned or developed from that. I get it; she's a five year old toddler, kids aren't exactly rich in character at that point, but can't she get a little more like why she wants to be a hero? Does it have connections to her dead mother to show it had an impact on her? Literally anything? Hopefully we can get some more character development in season two, she's a blank sleight so she has a lot of possibility for character development.
Ding ding ding, lightning round!
Tanya is a peice of cardboard, we haven't seen her enough to get a good feel for her character. Shin Mao is a stereotype for an emotional distant and neglectful dad. The sweetiepies are just set peices. Rufus and Reggie also have no character, their just one note villian characters. Bao Bao is a good boy, reminds me of the dog I use to have and died last year. Eugene is also an ok character, he doesn't really have one but his character arch was pretty neat.
As you saw I didn't include King Snugglemane, and that's because holy fuck it ain't good. We've gotten two episodes that feature him promently (I'm not including best in show in this, we don't see enough of him there) one is in my opinion the weakest episode in the series where he's just a spoiled little brat who needs attention. In the other episode he's portrayed as insecure in his own image. He doesn't really have a set character, but I actually don't have that much of an issue with that, but it's how he's coded in the show.
King Snugglemane is very feminine and we see that he has a passion for fashion; a common stereotype for gay men. Weither on purpose or an accident, that how he comes off and it is not good. Granted no one on the Mao Mao staff had confirmed nor denied this, but either way it should be fixed to avoid confusion or to give the audience a better representation of a gay man. Again, not confirmed or denied, but this is how I'm interpreting it.
I saved the worst for last like a smart boi; Badgerclops. Holy shit Badgerclops. Badgerclops is such a fucking prick to Mao Mao. Case and point; the puppet episode and the season two sneak peak. Mao Mao is obviously terrified of puppets, Badgerclops recognizes this, but because Mao Mao refused to admit it the guy torments him with the wooden little fucker. And in the story board we see him use a present Mao Mao gave him to manipulate Mao to do what Badgerclops wants. In his defense Mao Mao and Adorabat were prices to him too, but they fixed it. At least in the puppet episode he doesn't even say sorry. What's fucking worse is that Simon said in a tweet that Badgerclops wasn't suppose to learn anything because it's kid morals and he knows it (I'm paraphrasing, y'all are gonna have to trust me on this because I can't find the screen cap on Instagram) which is ten times fucking worse. Either A, he actually isn't that smart and didn't know any better, or B, he knew it was wrong but did it anyways.
B is way fucking worse, but A doesn't completely clean him up either. He's a dick, straight up, and it's disappointing.
But what's worse is what I realized looking back on the show, is that he is just the comic relief with the least effort put into his character. He says some funny stuff sometimes, but you gotta admit the comedy can sometimes come from the show writers playing off the fact that he's over weight.
I can't be the only one who realizes that the only over weight character that is prominently shown displays stereotypical fat people traits.
I have at least two solid moments to show this. The first is in Sick Mao, where Mao Mao touches all of the king's food when he's sick and Badgerclops is clearly upset to destroy the food. The second is in that episode where Badgerclops refuses to shower, and in an attempt to bathe him they lure him in with beignets and it works. There are also smaller scenes where Badgerclops picks food out of Mao's teeth and ate it, When Badgerclops and Adorabat leave Mao Mao to fight the sky pirates alone in that one episode where Mao gets hella leg Badgerclops and Adorabat fight over who gets to eat Mao Mao's cheesy paws. There's also a more subtler scene in Sleeper sofa when the trio splits up Badgerclops chooses to stay in the kitchen. But that's not all of the stereotypes.
Episode 4 in season one, Badgerclops gets upset and walks home, mentioning how much he hates walking. There's also the episode where Badgerclops runs away to join the sky pirates, the whole reason he does that is because he doesn't want to do his chores. Two other stereotypes that fat people hate exercise and are just lazy. I may be reading into this too much, but holy shit from what I'm seeing it ain't good.
Despite me trashing these characters, I still fucking love this show. It's my hyper fixation, I'm very attached to these characters and love them with all of my beaty little heart and probably will for awhile. I hope everything gets better in the second season and the characters are fleshed out more.
Talk to me in the comments. I'd like to be corrected if I fucked up somewhere or have a civil discussion about these characters. Note civil, if you just call me a stupid dumbo I'm not responding and may delete the comment.
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fly-pow-bye · 4 years
What’s Airing On Cartoon Network? (July 2020)
While June was a slow month for Cartoon Network, no thanks to HBO Max taking Summer Camp Island and seemingly most of Cartoon Network’s 2020 lineup, July is a bit more interesting. Alongside the return of Mao Mao, we also get the return of Apple & Onion as well! More after the break.
Apple & Onion
The second season of Apple & Onion starts on July 20th.
July 20
Champion - Apple and Onion need to get rid of a problematic dog they thought was a horse. (6:00 PM)
July 21
Falafel's Passion - Apple and Onion must stop Falafel from humiliating himself on a national TV show. (6:00 PM)
July 22
Hole in Roof - Apple and Onion must repair the hole in their roof before the impending storm of the century. (6:00 PM)
July 23
Patty's Law - Apple and Onion must look after a sick Falafel in order to go parasailing. (6:00 PM)
Bakugan: Armored Alliance
July 5th
Final Battle! Dan vs. Ajit/Secrets Exposed - It's time for the event everyone in Los Volmos has been waiting for, The Bakugan Battle League finals! Then, with the winner determined the celebration is cut short when Phantom Thief Storm crashes the party by stealing everyone's Bakugan! (6:30 AM)
July 19th
The Director/Queen Ebony - Everett Ray reaches out to Lia with an opportunity that seems too good to be true. Then, Lightning learns of a street cat named Ebony, threatening them to do her bidding or face the wrath of her Bakugan! (6:30 AM)
July 26th
Here Comes Haavik/The Fusion Bakugan Arrive - An evil shapeshifting alien has landed in Los Volmos and he has a group of robot mechanoids on his trail trying to bring him justice. Then, Chad and Trey challenge Dan to rematch but this time they have a few tricks up their sleeve. (6:30 AM)
We also get an advanced listing for an episode in August.
August 2nd
Sophie, the Bakuganist/Midnight Train Battle! - Magnus is on the trail of the illegal Baku-brawling devices and is looking to cut off the supply at its source. Then, Sophie Judson Warfield is working to put an end to all Bakugan brawling. Her latest target is the Awesome Brawlers.
Craig of the Creek
A week before, Cartoon Network suddenly scheduled four episodes of Craig of the Creek on the last week of June, which rolls into July. For the sake of completion, I’m going to put them here, too.
June 29th
The Ground is Lava! - When an intense game of "The Ground is Lava" breaks out, Craig must carefully traverse the Creek to save his sister. (10:00 AM)
June 30th
Council of the Creek: Operation Hive-Mind - Hive Mind - When bees take over the Trading Tree, Craig must assemble the Council of the Creek to avert disaster. (10:00 AM)
July 1st
The Bike Thief - Craig investigates the theft of the 10 Speed's bikes in hopes of finding the culprit! (10:00 AM)
July 2nd
Craig of the Beach - Craig gets to hit the beach with his friends and family, but starts to get worried his Dad is more fun than him. (10:00 AM)
Mao Mao, Heroes of Pure Heart
For the first time since October of last year, Mao Mao is finally getting some new episodes.
July 6th
Mao Mao's Nakey - When MM loses his clothes while trying to scale the Ruby Pure Heart, he has to get back to Sheriff's HQ by daybreak. (12:30 PM)
July 7th
Lucky Ducky Mug - When Adorabat and Badgerclops break Mao Mao's favorite mug, he gives them the silent treatment. (12:30 PM)
July 8th
Lonely Kid - When AD has trouble making friends at school, MM tells her the story of how he made his first real friend - BB. (12:30 PM)
July 9th
Try Hard - When the Sky Pirates take Mao Mao and Badgerclops hostage, it's up to Adorabat to save the day. (12:30 PM)
July 10th
Scared of Puppets - Mao Mao is scared of puppets. (12:30 PM)
July 13th
The Perfect Couple - When Mao Mao accidentally breaks up the most perfect couple in Pure Heart Valley, he has to figure out how to get them back together. (12:30 PM)
July 14th
Adoradad - When AD's dad forbids her from working with the Sheriff's Dept because it's too dangerous, AD sets out to prove that she can take care of herself. (12:30 PM)
July 15th
Badge-a-fire Explosion - When BC comes out of a rare state of hyper-focused creativity, he may have made something that could destroy all of PHV. (12:30 PM)
July 16th
Zing Your Heart Out - When Adorabat starts to aggressively heckle everyone with her new zing power, she threatens the entire kingdom. (12:30 PM)
July 17th
Strange Bedfellows - After an insane battle, MM and OS end up in the same hospital room. But even in full body casts, the sworn enemies continue the fight. (12:30 PM)
We may not get new episodes of a certain other LEGO-related cartoon, but we do have new episodes of Ninjago, starting with a full hour of them on July 19th.
July 19th
Would You Like to Enter Prime Empire? - While investigating a heist, the ninja discover Prime Empire, a legendary unreleased arcade game that suddenly takes control of all other games in Ninjago. (11:00 AM)
Dyer Island - When the ninja connect Jay's disappearance to Prime Empire, they set out to Dyer Island to seek answers from the game's designer, the elusive Milton Dyer. (11:15 AM)
Level Thirteen - Cyrus Borg discovers a shocking secret about Prime Empire, while the ninja battle an escaped Mechanic in their attempt to reach Level Thirteen and enter the game themselves. (11:30 AM)
Superstar Rockin' Jay - Now inside the Prime Empire game, the ninja find themselves in unfamiliar territory, ignorant of the rules of this world, as they try to find Zane and escape Unagami's army of Red Visors. (11:45 AM)
July 26th
I Am Okino - Inside one of the game zones, a Samurai named Okino faces a crisis of faith when he repeatedly fails to lead a series of Masters to victory, causing him to lose all hope, until some familiar ninja arrive. (11:00 AM)
The Glitch - In order to stop Unagami the ninja must obtain three Key-tanas, the first of which is hidden in the game zone Terra Kerana, one of Prime Empire's most dangerous game environments. (11:15 AM)
August 2nd
The Cliffs of Hysteria - While being chased by Unagami's dreaded Red Visors the ninja must climb the 'Cliffs of Hysteria', however, they make a startling discovery: Unagami is converting players into energy cubes in order to build a portal into the real world! (11:00 AM)
The Maze of the Red Dragon - Still in the game zone Terra Kerana, the Samurai guide Okino has to choose between helping his allies the ninja, or obeying the evil orders of his Master, Unagami. (11:15 AM)
Teen Titans Go!
The sequel to the legendary “Night Begins to Shine” premieres in July.
July 10th
Night Begins to Shine 2: You're the One - The elderly Titans decide to take one last trip to the world of Night Begins to Shine only to encounter a new villain ruling the land, Ultralak. In order to stop Ultralak, the Titans must find three music stems. (6:00 PM)
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mmvcvs · 3 years
Ok. Badger and Mao Mao based on looks alone who do you think is the most attractive person in the valley is and to be safe you can’t pick each other or anyone who doesn’t actually live in the valley
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Badgerclops: "The King, no hesitation."
Mao Mao: "I agree. Orangusnake too I guess."
Badgerclops: "Oh yeah?"
Mao Mao: "Appearance based, sure."
Badgerclops: " 'Dorabats dad is kinda cute."
Mao Mao: "... yeah, ok, ok."
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lladyariall · 5 years
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So, I just realized a TON in this one flashback.
[Sit down, y'all. This is going to be a bumpy ride ;D before I begin please know this is just my silly opinion in just how I see certain characters. Please enjoy the blog!]
He's mentioned his mom twice, he's shared about his step brother, and Mao Mao brought up his dad in only one episode. Yet, he has mentioned that his mom "says things she would not say" to which I say that he is hinting that he has an abusive past like Mao Mao might have had, but probably worse. Personally, I think poor Badgerclops had a very psychologically abusive mom. He speaks highly about his dad that one time while his mom was.. was really low-key tension going on in the air, if you guys have noticed that. He seems really small in the voice, and he even goes out to try to bring her up in public television. Was he trying to reach out a message to her during "Head Chef" when he was being challenged by Mao Mao?
I think I know why Badgerclops can't take personal critism. He's practically bullied all the time; is the rock to Mao Mao's unstable emotions/heroic thirst for adventure; he's constantly being told he's lazy; fat; and other things.. but to be honest, he IS suffering from all these things that he does try to hint and bring up every once a in a great while that we never get to really hear him out for.
So.. if you all have moms (not trying to offend anybody who may or may not) there is nothing more hurtful than hearing your own mom tell you things about yourself you don't want to hear. I mean, like actual mean things that pertain to feeling absolutely sick to your heart and knowing she shouldn't be saying such mean things to you. I think with the fact that BC has had an eyepatch ever since he was really young changes a lot of things when he was growing up. It seems like no one stood up for him enough either, while Gerald seemed to always win the upper hand to trick an innocent little toddler out of his money. He probably felt like his brother was taking advantage of the fact that he had one eye and no mechanic arm then, so.. poor little guy was probably beat up a lot too.
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But here's where it gets darker.
Maybe his mom is responsible for his missing eye, you know? Maybe she's an ex villian, or Badgerclops' family is a gang of badger villains that tried to raise BC their way and it may have resulted in losing his eyeball to gain an eyepatch. He was seriously Adorabat's age when he lost his eye (wait.. are all parents just TERRIBLE in this universe?!) and that type of young mind can be damaged super easily, especially if one flaw about your physical appearance makes everyone judge and become cruel to you; or for instance, someone like our awesome badger here.
Now, let's say it wasn't his mom and Badgerclops just was always ridiculed everywhere he went. Sure he had his reasons to start traveling (probably to get away from his family) alone. He met up with a cyborg gang later which he clearly was probably in tears when he joined, but he couldn't be himself. Not ever in his life could he show his true self til he met Mao Mao, and that's explains why he's so protective of him.
Yet, even Mao Mao and Badgerclops' bond can't tame the larger mammal's inner triggers and insecurities about his whole demeanor when someone speaks out their opinion. If one person said that that awesome hairdo was 'terrible looking' to Badgerclops then I'm pretty damn sure he freaked out, since he didn't wear an eyepatch, AT ALL, and assumed the villagers saw behind his haircut.
Because he clutched his 'missing' eye in sadness.. Mao Mao's flashback, you guys, has a big picture on Badgerclops' mental health just in this few seconds of this screen time.
Mao Mao truly noticed his friend's emotions and decided to just ignore them more than anything 'cause then and now, it seemed like Mao Mao was afraid BC would blow up, and destroy (*cough* murder) every place else in their travels to the point of having to kill him. We're all aware that Mao Mao would probably never have the heart to destroy his closest friend and family he's ever had so he just kept up with his cold distance up til they started to get closer and closer as friends. Mao Mao eventually saw Badgerclops as a big gentle guy but he knows the flaws that he dare not touches.
Mao Mao even showed us how he SAW Badgerclops when he exploded. That's guy eyes changed! Both of them turned blue! That's not normal for Badgerclops! His eyes are blue for a reason in this flashback that either Mao Mao knows and he isn't telling Adorabat, or he's doesn't think about it. The guy murdered a whole village over a hairdo.. wow, um, I'm pretty darn sure Mao is afraid, y'all.
So that can only mean one thing: Badgerclops' biggest flaw is trying to impress people over his personality before they decide to judge him by his looks. That's probably why when the Sweetie Pies first hugged him, he was ecstatic as heck to get more love and physical attention since he doesn't get that much from Mao Mao.
I'm sorry to say that Mao Mao doesn't even know the half of how much pain that has caused his friend to behave in a violent way, once hearing personal critism. Usually, people who are bullied a lot growing up have side effects of deep insecurities that they normally dig up and hide away for a big amount of time; BUT, once they are able to, they will unleash a mountain full of emotions that are unpredictable. I'm not saying everyone gets mad when they hear critism due to bullying. I just think that's BCs' case here.
His brother bullied him, his mom more than likely taunted and created a self conscious bubble for BC, and Mao Mao's neglect isn't helpful either. The fact that we see a new side of Badgerclops being super violent and has a large closet full of sad secrets is pretty sad and mind blowing to watch in this episode. But my favorite part is how much harder Mao Mao tries to show a different side to his relationship with Badgerclops and give him a chance to do as less damage as possible on his man's feelings. I think this one is an episode where we get to see an improvement from episode one and it truly shows.
But I still think Mao Mao was mainly afraid in this episode, which now we can't blame him for. In 'Ultraclops,' Mao Mao ignores Badgerclops' requests and venting to a point throughout their adventures we see. Badgerclops is a helpless little kid inside who just wants to be accepted and not picked at by the ones he encounters. That saying, especially his friends. Mao Mao may be improving but he has a lot more to work on with Badgerclops emotionally and mentally if they are ever going to truly figure out how to heal the wounds; instead of making more of them. I hope they work this out together.
Now I have only one theory about the blue eye colors and that's Badgerclops turning from bad to good. Maybe Mao Mao had such a big change in the ex-villains life that it improved his psychological help. Some people's eyes turn a little brighter once they face less stress in their lives so maybe BCs change in his eye was the one true way to prove it. But then when he gets mad and wants to murder anyone, they turn back blue to prove victory towards the bloody massacre.
That killer is what Mao Mao sees and does not want to kill. So he does ignore Badgerclops' feelings to a point where he still accepts his lover's emotions and for who he is anyway.. sometimes. But now we know how dangerous Badgerclops can be. What do you guys think? Do you think I'm right or wrong? Let me know your opinion too and hopefully I made sense today :)
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realfuurikuuri · 4 years
Chapters: 12/? Fandom: Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart (Cartoon) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Mao Mao/Tanya Keys, Mao mao/badgerclops
MissingArm!AU: When escaping the cave, it wasn't his tail that got crushed. In exchange for his innocence, he gained a sordid past. The Pure Heart Valley seemed like a good place to escape. To start a new life with a new family to forge a new identity. However, when the past rears its ugly head Mao Mao's forced to step up or be put down.
AN:  We're back after a brief interlude, but here is the next chapter. The biggest deliberation writing this one was the ending. I was wondering if I should make it a new chapter, instead, I decided to include it in this one. Enjoy. The song of the day is RUn the Jewels #4. RTJ is a rap duo that released the new album for free on their website. Give it a download. Not that it has anything to do with the chapter I just love it. As always credits to @Spookylovesboba and enjoy the chapter.
Direct Link to chapter 13: XXXXX
Mao Mao sat on the couch. He had a book in his hands, but his eyes glazed over the words. Occasionally, he stole glances at the door, realized his mistake, and went back to the book he wasn’t reading. He considered looking up from the book, maybe time would go faster if he watched cartoons with Adorabat. He quickly realized that watching What’s New Lucky Ducky would only make him more impatient. Maybe he should try seeing what Badgerclops was up to? Granted, if it was anything technical, which it always was, he wouldn’t be able to help.
Mao Mao looked to the monster alarm before remembering that Badgerclops installed a doorbell. He leaped to his feet and swung open the door, swiftly swiping the package from Mail-Mole’s hands. He set it down on the table and unsheathed a single claw.
“Hey, Mao Mao.”
He swung around to find Adorbat standing behind him.
“What’s in the package,” she asked, flying up to his shoulder.
“Oh. Its-,” Mao Mao hesitated, he was about to say nothing off of pure reflex, but he looked down at the package. He wasn’t at home anymore, he wasn’t bound by family either. There was no reason to hide it.
“It’s a… how to say this… a Rubber Ducky toy.”
“A toy! I wanna see! I wanna see!”
Mao Mao quickly snatched the contents from the box, holding it high in the air out of Adorabat’s reach.
“This isn’t just a toy. It was expensive. Be careful with it, okay?”  
“Fine,” she groaned.
Inside the package was another package. A box that was one of those hard, plastic clamshell things with a small egg-shaped thing sealed inside. He brought it down to Adorabat’s eye level as she began to read it over.
“Virtual Pet? Hey, I have one of these.”
“No, no, no. You may have one of the gatchis, maybe a rerelease, but this is different. Check this out,” Mao Mao pointed to a small worn sticker on the back. “See 1988. A sealed, first-generation, blue egg Ducky-Gatchi.”
“Wow. 1988… that’s almost as old as you,” she said.
“Yeah- wait, how old do you think I am?”
His question never got answered as their attention was pulled away by Badgerclops. “Hey, Mao, someone used one of your pointy things as a screwdriver and broke it,” he called out as he came up the stairs.
“You did what!”
Mao Mao inhaled sharply. He’d learned his lesson after yesterday’s stroke, besides he didn’t have health insurance.
“Watcha’ got there?”  Badgerclops leaned in for a closer look.”You buy Adorabat a new toy?”
“No, I didn’t buy it for Adorabat,” Mao Mao said in a small voice,” I bought it for myself.”
“Aren’t you a little too old to be playing with toys?”
“What? Are you crazy? I’m not playing with this! I spent $1000 on this!”
Badgerclops slowly turned to Mao Mao. “Does this have anything to do with your Lucky Ducky obsession?”
“What? I don’t have a- haha, is it getting hot in here? I’m going to step out to get some air.”
Mao Mao was almost out the door when Badgerclops’ robotic arm grabbed him by the cape and pulled him back to the table.  “Why did you spend $1000 on a Ducky-Gatchi?”
“It’s not just a Ducky-Gatchi. It's from the first run of the product. The Ducky-Gatchis were released in eight colors with eight shapes. There’s supposed to be roughly a 6435 chance of any specific combination, but a manufacturer’s error made blue eggs even rarer than that. This blue egg gatchi is still sealed in the plastic, and it's been taken care of really well. The clamshell packaging hasn’t even started to yellow.”
Badgerclops frowned and crossed his arms. He held it for a few seconds before relenting with a heavy sigh. “Fine,” he groaned,” just don’t spend so much money on this stuff.”
“Hot dog! I knew you’d come around,” Mao Mao slapped Badgerclops on the back before going back to the Ducky-Gatchi,” still have to find a place to display this, though.”
“Hey Adorabat. Don't you--,” Mao Mao looked around to find Adorabat nowhere in sight.
“Where’d she go?”
“I don’t know She was here a moment ago,” Badgerclops.
“Hey, Mao Mao,” her voice called from the other room,” I told you I had one.”
* * *
Badgerclops watched Mao Mao head off into the bedroom. He picked up the Ducky-Gatchi he left on the table. This thing was definitely not worth $1000. He would have been madder if Mao Mao hadn’t looked so happy. The smile was different from the normal ones; it didn’t have any boastful pride, reckless ambition, or ego-saving denial. Badgerclops had traveled with Mao Mao for years yet this is the first time he’s seen a smile of indulgent joy. It was a good look on him and Badgerclops knew he ought to do what he can to make it more common. Although, Mao Mao could stand to learn some moderation.
He held the Duck-Gatchi up and did his best to see why he’d spend $1000 on it. Value is a subjective thing, so what value did this have to Mao Mao? It likely had something to do with his childhood (every odd thing about him did) so how did this relate back? Badgerclops first thought was Mao Mao’s father. He wasn’t like how Mao Mao described him. Badgerclops mind began to wander back to the night when Mao Mao had a stroke. And the night he met the root of Mao Mao’s problems.
* * *
Again, Badgerclops was spending the night in Camille’s tower. Again, he sat off to the side to watch Honey and Camille work. Again, he found himself powerless. The only thing different this time was that he did his best to ignore the infuriating metallic tap! tap! tap! from Mao Mao’s dad who crossed his arms and wouldn't stop tapping his finger. Badgerclops stole a glance  at him.
He could sort of see the resemblance between Mao Mao and his father. Shin had a more angled face and grayer fur, not to mention those golden eyes. First time he’s heard of a cat having eyes like that. There was little resemblance between him and his grandson. Granted, there wasn’t that much resemblance between Jǐngtì and his own father. The black and brown patterned fur, tufted arms, white stomach, and blue eyes were certainly from Jǐngtì’s mother. He only shared the round face and pointy ears with his father’s side. Shin was impressively tall. Neither Jǐngtì nor Mao Mao had that. Shin’s made Mao Mao look downright pathetic compared to him. Then again he would look pathetic compared to anyone when he was lying on a table.
Tap! Tap! Tap!
It’s a good thing that Adorabat wasn’t here, although he wasn’t sure if they’d make the play. Should he take her home after the play, or stop by with her in tow. Should he leave Mao Mao to attend the play alone and leave Mao Mao here, or should he wait here? It’d hurt to not have either of them show up for the play, but she would understand, right? Maybe he could
Tap! Tap! Tap!
Maybe he could talk to the teacher and pull Adorabat out of the play. This is an emergency.
Tap! Tap! Tap!
Could he not be so fucking annoying?  Badgerclops sighed, trying to resume the line of thought, but found it fleeting. He was racking his brain until he was just trying to block Shin out, yet he kept tap! tap! tapping! away.
Eventually, it was too much. Badgerclops turned to Shin,” could you possibly be quiet for one second,” he snapped.
Shin seemed almost confused for a second, then he seemed indignant. “Excuse me for being worried about my son,” he shot back.
“For the first time,” Badgerclops mumbled.
“What was that, boy? I can’t hear you from down there.”
“I said that its a funny time to suddenly start caring about him!”
Shin stumbled back like he’d been hit in the chest. “That’s… that’s preposterous. Where would you even get that idea?” His words were shaky, lacking that artificial confident inflection that his son copied.
“I don’t know, maybe I’ve actually paid attention to anything he says for more than five minutes?”
"You're talking like you my son better than I do."
Before they could get any louder, they were interrupted by a loud “ahem” that turned their heads. Honey was pointing at the door with that placid look on her face; The mute’s message was heard loud in clear. Shin held the door open for Badgerclops as they took it into the hall outside. They didn’t start arguing again. The rising tension gave way to a sickening sense of shame. They both retreated to their own corners, to their own minds.
“What do you know about us,” Shin mumbled under his breath.
“Enough,” Badgerclops answered back.
Shin looked up, confused before he realized he was thinking out loud. He didn’t say anything back, instead, he dismissed Badgerclops with a grumble.
“Why did you do that?”
“Do what?”
“You saw him back there? Why’d you attack your son?”
“What are you talking about? I never attacked him. He attacked me!”
“How do you explain the broken bones, the bleeding, the bruising, the three-inch hole in his side?”
Shin didn’t snap back. His face went pale and it looked like he was about to vomit. “I.. have done no such thing.”
“Then who did? You were the only person at the house after that.”
“I don’t know. That’s not what happened?”
“Then what did happen?”
Shin reared up like he was going to say something back before his shoulders slumped as his gaze went to the floor. “I.. my wife said that I should visit, so I did. When I did show up Mao Mao was bleeding all over the place. I didn’t know what happened. He.. had some glass in his side. I got it out and then… I don’t know.”
“What happened?”
“We… got into an argument. A bad one. He chased me around the house, told me I was a grandfather, and then told me he didn’t want to see me again.”
“Is that it?”
“Yes! That’s what happened! I learned that my own son hates me more than anything in the world. There! Are you happy?”
Badgerclops examine Shin. His flicked back ears, averted gaze, thee closed hands, and receding posture.  It didn’t seem like he was lying. Which begs the question, what happened next? The timeline he had down states that he met Jǐngtì , which is where the glass came from. After that, he met Shin, who removed the glass, so how did he get the 3-inch hole in his side? Who else could have possibly visited?
“I think I should be going.”
“I don't think I’m the first thing my son wants to see when he wakes up,” Shin justified. It was aimed at Badgerclops but he could tell Shin was talking to himself.
Badgerclops was felt the urge to stop him. Not because he thought Shin was wrong, but because Shin was the only lead he had. He looked to Shin’s hands. They found the missing finger, so Shin was certainly there, but those claw marks didn’t fit those. They didn’t fit Mao Mao or Jǐngtì’s, so those claw marks belonged to someone else?
He had to rule out Shin, so Badgerclops let him go, watching him trudge down the hall.
Ironic, he thought becoming working in the Pure Heart valley would be tedious work, but here he is doing it of his own violation. Maybe Mao Mao would remember something when he woke up. He had to find out who. Who did this?
Badgerclops set the question aside, returning to the present. He’s dwelled on that question for hours already, and he’d dwell on it some more but right now he set the box back on the table. He titled his head to the other room to get a better look. Mao Mao and Adorabat have been in there a while. Long enough for him to dwell at least.
* * *
“Mao Mao,” he heard Badgerclops call out.
“Yeah,” he answered back, not taking his eyes off the screen.
He had a well-worn ducky-gatchi in his hands. The plastic had begun to chip, there was a scratch on the screen, and the sound chip or speakers must’ve broken cause it made no sound. Adorabat quietly watched Mao Mao over his shoulder. Mao Mao could hear Badgerclops’ heavy footsteps as he approached.
“What’re you doing,” he asked.
Mao Mao shook the ducky-gatchi in his hands. “She actually had one. Though it's out of package and heavily used so it’d be $300 at most.”
“I’d hate to interrupt you having fun, but we gotta make lunch.”
Mao Mao was going to disagree. It should be noon maybe a little after, but the pit in his stomach said otherwise. He might've played this longer than he thought. He passed it to Adorabat to follow Badgerclops to the Kitchen.
“What are we making,” he asked.
“Actually, I wanted to ask you something.”
Mao Mao paused. “What’s up,” he asked.
“Relax,” Badgerclops said,” you’re not in trouble or anything. I just want to make sure everything’s okay.”
“Why would anything not be okay,” he deflected.
"I just want to know why you bought the ducky-gatchi."
"Oh, that was just... something I've always wanted, but never actually got."
"Does it have to with your dad?"
"Yeah," he sighed," papa -er, Shin- never really approved of my... Lucky Ducky thing, so now I'm not involved with him anymore I thought-"
Badgerclops placed a hand on his shoulder," don't worry I'm not mad at you. Just try to be more careful with money."
Ring! Ring! Ring! The monster alarm blared on the wall.
“Yeah, thanks” Mao Mao,” Adorabat c’mon we got work to do.”
* * *
Mao Mao rode into the Valley Plaza only to be stricken with a bit of disappointment when he saw what it was. “You know you shoulda installed a second alarm during renovations.”
“Do we really need one though?”
“Well, one of us could be halfway done making lunch instead of dealing with this mess.”
Mao Mao pointed his thumb at the huddled, shouting mass of limbs that were the Sky Pirates' regular arguments. It got to the point they were actually kicking up a cloud of dust like this was a cartoon. Although… someone was missing.
He patted Badgerclops’ shoulder. “Hey, have you seen-”
“2nd store window. Three houses left.”
Mao Mao followed the instructions to find his son, lounging on windowsill, looking down on everything dispassionately. Almost everything. When he caught his eye he turned away. To think today started so well.
“That’s enough!”
Mao Mao turned to Orangusnake right in time to keep himself from being cleaved in two. He caught the strike with Geraldine locking blades for a second as the fight began, but something was different this time. Orangusnake’s blows were quicker, heavier. Each hit shook his sword like a bell. What was wrong? What was different?
Mao Mao blocked a strike that sent him crashing through police barriers. When did he set these up? He didn’t have time to think about it. Orangusnake was silhouetted in the sun with a war-ax brandished. Mao Mao stepped back to get out the way but stumbled. His foot was caught in something. A hole? What was a- oh no.
Mao Mao had blocked the strike perfectly yet it sent tremors down his body and forced a web of cracks to snake across the ground. The police barriers were there for a reason. A reason he needed to address before someone got caught in it. The ground shook and shuddered as it began to give way, plunging Mao Mao and Orangusnake into the dark depths of the sinkhole.
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chex-nix · 5 years
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Yall remember that ‘comic’ I drew of mm finding that kitty baby right, this is herrrr
Her name is May (its actually mayonnaise cuz,, badgerclops thinks hes funny) She’s babey at 2 yrs old but shes trans and theres literally nothing yall can do about it, shes an icon
//MAPs, LGBTQ+phobic, TERFs, racist, minor/adult shipper DNI
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ryuspike · 5 years
“Ultraclops” Makes More Sense in Hindsight
Ever since “Small” came out, we learned that Shin Mao isn’t just a neglectful father, but his personality is if you take Mao Mao’s egotism and turn it up past eleven. So it isn’t that far fetch an idea that a lot of Mao Mao’s worst self came from Shin Mao.
The starring example of this is naturally the episode “Ultraclops”. An episode about how Mao Mao and Adorabat ignore Badgerclops’ complaints about their behavior towards him. If you go about watching this episode again, you will suddenly come to the realization that Mao Mao has been doing to Badgerclops what his own father did to him!
A new theme emerges from this episode as it now becomes a visual representation of the cycle of abuse. Shin Mao mistreats Mao Mao by neglecting him and treating him like a child. Even into adulthood, Shin refers to Mao Mao’s has as a “doll house”, his sword as a “toy” or “glowstick”, and makes constant jabs at his sheriff duties as if they aren’t important. Mao Mao does similar acts of belittlement towards Badgerclops by making him sleep on the bottom bunk, ignoring his interests, and treating him as if he was comic relief.
If you connected the dots then congrats! Mao Mao recreated his home life without realizing it. He played the role of his father. Adorabat held the role of his sisters, and Badgerclops as Mao Mao. Both Mao Mao and Shin Mao treated the ones affected by their bad behavior as if it was all just a comedy that everybody is expected to laugh at. Neither of them realizing just how awful they truly were until it is too late.
Mao Mao was only able to break out of this cycle because Badgerclops finally got fed up with the treatment and told him off. Mao Mao soon realizes how hurt he really made Badgerclops feel and put an effort into changing things for the better. We see this happening again in “Small” where it is now Mao Mao who is finally done pushing his own feelings down for his father’s sake, and finally told him off. It was only at that moment that Shin Mao broke his pompous persona and gave his son a look of concern for the first time.
To truly understand Shin Mao’s abusive behavior is to understand that he doesn’t do it to intentionally spite his son. He does love his son, but he is also compromised by his own pride to see how that pride affects those around him. Unlike Mao Mao, Shin Mao probably never had a friend like Badgerclops who points out his flaws when they rear their ugly heads. So those flaws kept running forward unchallenged until Mao Mao finally stood up for himself.
Honestly, I can’t help but really love Shin Mao’s character. Like, he is an awful person, but a fascinating awful person. He wears his flaws on his sleeves but is so blind to them that he needs somebody to beat him over the head to realize that they’re there. His appearance really sparks an interest for me to rewatch many of the past episodes to see what bad habits Mao Mao picked up from his father. Hopefully we don’t have to wait too long to see him again because there is still so much to analyze about his character and just how awful a dad he is!
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