#Banri x Juza
banzaitaka · 8 months
Autumn Troupe‘s Kisses
Banri Settsu, Juza Hyodo, Taichi Nanao, Omi Fushimi, Sakyo Furuichi x gn! reader
Continuing this series because they all deserve love
Spring Troupe‘s Kisses
Summer Troupe‘s Kisses
Banri Settsu…
…kisses mainly to tease and to claim. You‘re reactions to his sudden kisses are just too good to miss out on. Wether it‘s a simple gasp, a squeak, or one of your cute flushed faces; he loves them all. Don‘t pretend to be upset, he‘ll use it against you one way or another. That smug bastard. In addition, he‘s somewhat of a wholesome possessive. He doesn‘t actually get jealous and tries to keep you all to himself in a toxic way. He does, again, as a teasing way. Give him a little smack and watch his playful side crumble with his laugh, leaving a genuine smile on his lips, as he gazes at you as if you were the only light he‘s ever seen.
Juza Hyodo…
…kisses with much hesitancy. If it was anyone else in his position, he‘d probably say something like „How much can ya do wrong in a kiss anyways?“, but it is him in his position…Suddenly he wonders if he could hurt you if he puts too much pressure on your lips. As if that would ever be physically possible with how he melts into a puddle during a kiss. He turns completely into mush, mumbling out a little „thanks“ for no other reason than not knowing what else to say.
Taichi Nanao…
…kisses with accidental force. Excitement and endless nervousness come together to overload the poor boy. He‘s trying his best to stay leveled, but more often than not you two end up bumping into each other. It‘s not painful or uncomfortable, just enough to notice.
Omi Fushimi…
…kisses you casually, and with a warmth and softness that makes you fall for him once again. This gentle giant is just filled with unconditional love and admiration for you, and it shows in absolutely everything he does for you, kisses are no exception. As much as he‘d love to capture every kiss you share in a photograph, he much rather captures them in his mind and heart instead.
Sakyo Furuichi…
…kisses you in moments of passion and emotion. As a yakuza, he has to follow certain protocol to keep up appearances, safe to say it has molded into his personality over those many years. Thus, physical touch was not something he was that well acquainted with. Every time your lips meet his, it‘s like everything inside of him explodes in a gigantic firework. It leaves him speechless for just a moment, before he manages to regain his posture. With every kiss, he hopes he can make you feel just as incredibly loved as you him.
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imaginesfora3 · 1 year
Furuichi Sakyo
Falls First: You
Falls Harder: Sakyo
He definitely thinks you’re a little crazy. What’s so appealing about a worn out, money grubbing yakuza like him? Surely it’s not the late night B movie marathons, and certainly not the way he shed tears at the slightest sentimental moments that let you know he cherishes making memories deeply. He held himself at such a distance for so long that his descent was inevitable, it was hard to be a tough guy when one person always managed to wrangle out your hidden affectionate side. But being brave enough to even search for it earned you brownie points, so Sakyo almost felt like he had no choice but to give in lest he create more trouble for himself.
Hyodo Juza
Falls First: You
Falls Harder: Juza
No ones seen him the way you have. Even when he stumbled, or messed up a line, or proved he’s hopelessly awkward when it comes to expressing his feelings, you had never laughed at him. He doesn’t feel deserving of your friendship or admiration let alone your love, not when you had done so much to defend him and more while he simply existed in your world with no clue on how to show you how he felt. He had never understood any of Muku’s romance manga but he was slowly starting to understand what it meant to want to protect someone’s smile.
Sakisaka Muku
Falls First: Muku
Falls Harder: Muku
When a true romantic falls in love an angel gets their wings, as well as there being an extra layer of dedication added into the mix. He’s so specific with courting you right, making handmade crafts or homemade food as presents, wanting to give you everything he could possibly get his hands on. He wanted you to see the best parts of him not realizing that life was not a fairy tale; to truly love a person, you needed to know their flaws as well. Knowing you wanted to love him to the fullest extent possible made his heart stop in his chest, even while he still had plenty of growing to do. He hoped that was an adventure you could make together.
Settsu Banri
Falls First: You
Falls Harder: Banri
Hardly one to fall for a traditional romance, Banri was stubborn as a mule when it came to giving his heart away. For all the flirting he did with you there was still a carefully crafted gap, a purposeful distance, a man who was shockingly considerate of what a relationship with him might do to a person. He had never felt loyalty so strongly like he did to you, the complicated dance you partook in all the more invigorating for him. Finding someone who could match his rhythm, meet him step for step without faltering, was a partner that Banri couldn’t simply ignore.
Takato Tasuku
Falls First: You
Falls Harder: You
You are bold to take on the challenge that is Takato Tasuku. Even more single-minded than Tsumugi, you might have to take more drastic measures to draw his attention. It’s almost like he’s unwilling to see what’s right in front of him, but he wasn’t a fool. He’s not afraid of change either but he doesn’t want to partake in a relationship with impossible standards. He can be thoughtful and display his honest feelings, but you had to understand that he’s human above all else. He’s not the charming prince persona he was forced to play countless times in his Godza days; he didn’t always know what to say, and sometimes he might be too blunt, but it didn’t make the love he felt for you any less real.
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cherryblossomssmash · 9 months
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ur-hypmic-hypeman · 7 months
I was thinking one of these new KICS characters sounded really familiar...
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Is this JuBan's love child??
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garden-of-omegas · 1 year
┌── ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ••✎•• ──────────
characters: banri settsu | juza hyodo | taichi nanao | omi fushimi | sakyo furuichi | azami izumida summary: the details of your first meeting with your future mate. warnings: references to violence, references to organized crime rating: sfw a/n: finally done! i had to start work recently so i'm probably going to be a bit more slow with everything (like i already wasn't) but i'm going to try and get a move on with all of these!
└── ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ••✎•• ──────────
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≿━━━━༺❀ banri settsu ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were an aspiring stuntman, to the stress of your parents. but unfortunately someone of your age didn't get a lot of opportunities, least of all in films, so you decided to turn to the world of theatre acting and find work there.
✿ you were 18, on your first year in university though you unsurprisingly weren't particularly focused on your studies. banri was a year younger than you, at 17.
✿ you'd already been scouted for the autumn troupe, as izumi thought that it was the troupe that needed someone for more challenging roles. and when banri came into "audition" and bad mouthed you, he got a fist to the face faster than ever before. you subsequently realized what you did and refused to come out of your room for the next two days.
✿ you and banri were assigned to room together (on sakyo's orders). it did not start out good, as banri kept trying to get you to actually fight him, while you adamantly refused to even speak to him. it wasn't until you had to actually start practicing that you were actually forced to talk.
✿ for banri, it was love at first sight. sort of, anyways. he's always been attracted to people who can beat his ass (even if he didn't particularly pick up on it) but your 'take-no-shit' attitude really hit it home. at first you didn't like banri, and then you just got embarrassed by your behavior. how could you just punch someone, no matter how annoying they are? and then having to room with him... well, you debated locking yourself away in your room for the rest of eternity. away from him.
≿━━━━༺❀ juza hyodo ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the charismatic leader of the theatre club at your school, but as you were soon set to graduate you wanted to find a more permanent spot to continue acting at. thankfully, you'd recently been informed of the mankai company by a friend of yours.
✿ you were 17, the same age as juza. you'd been into acting since you were way too young to remember, but you'd not seriously started doing it until you were in high school.
✿ it was even prior to the audition, when juza came to your club room to ask you to give him acting lessons. delighted by his "enthusiasm" you gladly said you'd teach him, which turned out to be a bit too big of a promise. but you weren't ready to give up on him, not if he was to become a co-actor of yours.
✿ you had two weeks until audition, and you promised to spend all your free time teaching juza. you'd meet up at your place every few days, and though juza was a hard student to have, you did manage some progress during your two weeks.
✿ juza had admittedly had a huge crush on you for years, as had most of the omega population of the school. but actually meeting you, he couldn't help but grow an even deeper love for you and your passion for acting. juza was admittedly a difficult student in the art of acting, but you could respect his love for the craft. so even if you struggled to keep from screaming whenever he monotonously recited another line, you didn't out of sheer liking for him and his silly ways.
≿━━━━༺❀ taichi nanao ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were a nihon buyo dancer, as your oma had been, and her oma before her. you were actually the first alpha in your family to take on the practice, but as an only child it was to be expected. but you weren't quite satisfied with your craft, and thought that some theatre acting practice could help you improve.
✿ you were 17, and under the tutelage of your oma still. unfortunately for her, you were starting to really hit that phase where you wanted independence. taichi was 16 at the time.
✿ you'd just had another argument with your oma, which led to you storming off. you ended up stewing on a park bench by yourself, where taichi happened to catch sight of you, and being a gentleman raised by two alpha's went over to comfort the distressed omega. you were not happy to discover his assumption later on.
✿ while you were initially not very happy about being approached casually, taichi had the sort of puppy energy that made you forgive him quickly. that, and he listened to you rant for almost an hour and didn't complain, which made him pretty good in your eyes.
✿ taichi just thought that you were a pretty omega, as with his limited world view he'd never even considered an alpha doing an elegant hobby like dancing. probably why he didn't particularly mind your "weirdly" strong personality. to you, taichi came across as a cute little puppy, a little omega with a good heart. so, he was the cutest thing you'd ever seen. though your upset mind didn't really pick up on it instantly, you had already grown a bit of a crush on him.
≿━━━━༺❀ omi fushimi ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were... well, you were the leader of a biker gang. you'd been one for three years already, though you were slowly starting to doubt the lifestyle you'd chosen and were thinking of quitting. but you still needed a small nudge to take that step
✿ you were 20, a year older than omi. you'd been part of your biker gang for six years at that point, and became the leader at 17 after the sudden death of your previous leader.
✿ you were staring at a shelf of cleaning supplies, having an internal crisis in the middle of a grocery store. you didn't really mean to, but you'd been thinking about your life for days now. and a certain photographer was staring at you in turn, wondering what the hell you were doing. he really needed to get to those cleaning supplies. you almost screamed when he finally tapped you on the shoulder.
✿ after almost kick-dropping omi to the floor, you reluctantly apologize and help him with his groceries. omi didn't actually mind (he understood the instinctual reaction) but was grateful anyways, which ended up with him rambling about his life, which made something with you click.
✿ omi didn't take long to realize what kind of life you'd lived (or were still living, he wasn't sure), and he felt rather bad. he'd never want anybody to live the kind of life he had in high school (oh, if only he knew). he was hoping you'd turn out fine. you had never met such a pretty man before, especially not one so kind. for the first time in a long time you felt bad for the instincts instilled in you since your youth, and hearing him talk about his life made you think about exactly how badly your life was going.
≿━━━━༺❀ sakyo furuichi ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the child of a yakuza boss, though you weren't particularly interested in your appa's work. instead, you loved acting and dancing, which she didn't particularly agree with but was glad to see you happy. you, on the other hand, didn't care for her opinion on the matter.
✿ you were 6, the same age as sakyo. you were living full-time with your appa, who'd actually inherited the group from your oma who'd died a few years ago.
✿ you were on veludo way with one of your appa's subordinates, who was assigned to babysit you. it didn't take long for you to run away from them though, and end up at a certain theatre company where a group was rehearsing. there, a little stern looking boy caught your attention and you immediately decided that he had to be yours.
✿ after actually talking to sakyo (read as: you talked his ear off while he kept wondering where you appeared from), you kept showing up to the mankai company practices, both to see them and to talk to sakyo, who you were absolutely determined to make your friend.
✿ sakyo was mostly confused by you. you showed up out of nowhere, declared him your new friend, and kept showing up to talk about the magic of acting. at least that last part he could tolerate, but you did initially weird him out, a lot. you weren't really certain what about sakyo made him so interesting to you, you just knew that he was. so even when he was less than enthusiastic about your offers of friendship, you didn't take them particularly seriously. nothing would make you give him up.
≿━━━━༺❀ azami izumida ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were pretty much a common thug. you'd like to describe yourself otherwise, but you weren't dumb, you knew that you didn't mean much more to the yakuza group you were part of. it was just the lot in life you were born to.
✿ you were 14, while azami was 13. far too young for the life you were living, but having been born into a yakuza family you didn't have much of a choice.
✿ you were really just on a walk, having nothing better to do when you laid eyes on a very lost looking boy who you immediately recognized as a rivalling group's leader's kid. you weren't really sure what to do in a situation like this, but you couldn't let such an opportunity pass you by. so you immediately went up to him, under the guise of wanting to help.
✿ azami was looking for a make-up store, which you rather easily directed him to. you didn't really care for it, but your oma liked experimenting with her make-up. this seemed to get azami comfortable enough to start talking to you, which lead to the topic of his dreams. something about listening to him made you think.
✿ azami didn't actually pay much attention to you at first, really only interested in finding the damn make-up store. but once he actually started talking, and got one look at your amazed face, something in his chest jumped a little. you also didn't really pay much attention to the kid at first, beyond his usefulness to you. but once he started talking... something about his passion for such a mundane thing (to you) was so endearing. you were certain that you just fell in love.
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midnightlee25 · 1 year
Yandere Team-ups: Banri Settsu & Juza Hyodo
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Guard dogs
As you can imagine they both are constantly fighting over their darling but will easily work together on a conflict involving their darling
Both are very overprotective with banri leaning into being controlling while juza is just trying to keep them safe even from the smallest of dangers.  
Technically their darling could use juza to avoid punishment or at least make things a bit more manageable.
Of course, banri hates this, making them fight over how to hold their darling once they are in their care.
Barni tends to be stricter and a bit harsher towards their darling while juza is softer and a bit more lenient. However, their darling should keep in mind that barni isn't cruel and juza is not a pushover they just handle things differently.  
Even though they fight a lot they do complement each other by having what the other may lack.
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intomybubble · 8 months
On something that matters more
I’ve been hearing Juza’s VA in a few different series recently (I’m leaving his character song for voice reference)
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Bonus: Tasuku Hatanaka is in this series too so we have both Hyodo brothers together
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bambuwu-writes · 2 years
Autumn Troupe
-hangin’ out w juza!
-soft cuddles [x reader hcs]
-concerning habits
-”’Sup with your face?” [juban]
-cuddles n comfort [x reader hcs]
-hangin’ out w banri!
-”’Sup with your face?” [juban]
-sibling shenanigans
-slow dancing [x reader hcs]
-cold and sweet s/o
-father-son bonding! 
-tai-chan and trust
-a warm afterwards [cw-disordered eating]
-strong s/o!
-cosplayer s/o
-short s/o :)
-going grey
-a warm afterwards [cw-disordered eating]
-whipped for his s/o :”)
-father-son bonding!
-cuddles n comfort [x reader hcs]
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moonstruck-writing · 2 years
Burn [Banri Settsu x Juza Hyodo]
Pairing: Banri x Juza | A3! Rating: T (Language) Prompt: You cannot feel pain until you touch your soulmate C/Ws: non-graphic fighting, soulmate AU, has canon elements but departs from canon Summary: Juza’s fist connects with his jaw, making Banri shudder. It has to be a joke. He feels his nerve endings in a way they had never been alive before. Now he understands why certain guys run away from fights like it is hell. But this newfound pain he is feeling? It might be a sensation he could get addicted to. Word count: 2.6k A/N: This may be the only time you catch me writing enemies to lovers, but, were they ever really enemies to begin with? Also, a quick shout-out to the Mankai Archive and everyone who contributed <3 I could re-watch/read Banri and Juza’s handcuffed scene thanks to it :’)
Banri smirks to himself when he finally sees a person who matches the description he had been given of Juza Hyodo: purple hair, a permanent angry gesture on his face, and the uniform of Ouka High School. He is so proud of himself for only taking one afternoon to find him, that he doesn’t pay attention to the plastic bag Juza is holding.
The ice cream is already beginning to melt inside the box, but Juza refrains from fanning himself. It’s an atypically hot day, but that’s not exactly the reason why Juza decided to indulge in ice cream. His mouth begins to water just thinking of the amazing time he’ll have once he’s in his room, spoon repeatedly stabbing at the food to stuff his face with it.
However, the ice cream will not make it safely to his stomach, no. There will be some other hurdles first. One of them is named Banri Settsu. But Juza doesn’t know that yet. He is obliviously walking home, too used to feeling the intense prickling sensation of other people’s gazes on him to notice that this particular gaze feels different. That he should be afraid of it. But he’s too used to other people being afraid of him.
Juza keeps walking, unaffected. Sometimes, ignoring people makes them lose interest in him. They always think he’s ready to jump at the lowest chance of a fight, but it’s far from the truth. It’s not that Juza runs away – he has never, and he knows better than that by now.
“Oi, ‘m talkin’ to you, piece o’shit.”
Juza clenches his jaws and exhales through his nose. It’s a persistent one. Well, he better make that quick, because he isn’t about to let his ice cream melt for a simple delinquent. However, he doesn’t turn around, but simply keeps walking.
“You, you’re Juza Hyodo, right?”
At the mention of his name, Juza finally looks up and turns back, facing the stranger. It’s just one guy, and he doesn’t seem that strong. But Juza knows better than to judge a book by its cover. He may be quick and agile, and if he’s come alone to pick up a fight with him, he must be crazy, too.
“’n you are?” Juza changes the plastic bag from his right hand to his left one, wondering if there would be a way for him to not have to drop the ice cream box on the floor. He likes being safe, it allows for a cleaner – and quicker – fight, but he also respects and appreciates his food.
“Banri Settsu, the man that’ll kick your ass ‘n take the title of undefeated delinquent.” Banri approaches him with a calm and confident smile, like he hasn’t just proposed a fight and is instead complimenting him in hopes of getting something. Which in a way, he is.
That what he’s after? Juza looks around, trying to find a place where they can solve this without being in the way of people, because it looks like it is going to be a pain in the ass.
And he would’ve never guessed that wouldn’t be the only time he sees Banri. Or has to fight with him, for that matter.
Juza’s fist connects with his jaw, making Banri shudder. It has to be a joke. He feels his nerve endings in a way they had never been alive before. Now he understands why certain guys run away from fights like it is hell. But this newfound pain he is feeling? It might be a sensation he could get addicted to.
Banri throws a punch back, but Juza effectively blocks it. Why now, though? There weren’t any cute girls around, and no one else had touched him in a while.
Juza goes for his stomach. He is getting tired of this and wants to go home as soon as possible. It was a good day until this punk showed up, separating him from the ice cream. While Banri steps back from the impact and coughs, Juza looks to the side, confirming the plastic bag with his precious snack is still on one of the benches of the empty park. His gaze is tender to the point where anyone who sees it would be convinced Juza is an angel – but sadly only the ice cream box has the privilege of being the recipient of that gesture, before his countenance chances once more.
Banri is breathing heavily, trying to find some respite from this new-found sensation – pain. He looks up from the ground, removing his hands from his stomach and placing them on his knees. Was it really Juza? The Juza Hyodo is the one who has caused his pain sensation to be triggered?
But that can only mean one thing. And Banri feels it is too fantastical to be the truth.
“You had enough?” Juza speaks huskily, making it seem like he is spitting his words.
“Like hell,” Banri chuckles and straightens up as if he had just appeared in front of him. He believes he can ignore this new feeling, this “pain”. It’s not the first time he doesn’t pay attention to his body. Winning the fight is more important. After all, if this had been easy, if Juza had been as easy to beat as all those other shits, it would’ve been a disappointment. But this isn’t the end.
Banri takes a couple of steps forward, feeling encouraged by the adrenaline in his system. Juza rolls his neck, waiting for his next move. He seems so calm and collected to Banri, and that’s what pisses him off the most. Why does he have to be the only pathetic one when they’re both in pain?
Except, Juza doesn’t feel pain. It’s not because Banri didn’t get to hit him – he did, even if it wasn’t as many times as he would’ve wanted. Juza’s pain reaction hasn’t been triggered. His nerves still lay dormant to that sensation, even if his body is taking some damage.
But that’s something Banri doesn’t know now. So he feels frustrated he cannot see Juza writhing in pain.
Most delinquents are only active before they meet their soulmates. Of course, that means there are also some reckless people who take it as a pledge of allegiance to keep fighting after being subjected to pain, but Banri hasn’t seen them. Most delinquents he has had contact with are his age and are only taking advantage of not feeling like their bodies are on fire. But Banri is curious about what someone in pain looks like. Someone like Juza in pain – the image in Banri’s mind sends a new wave of anticipation through his veins.
When Juza sees Banri bend over, he wonders why someone with the capacity to feel pain would pick up a fight he isn’t likely to win cleanly. He doesn’t believe not feeling pain is a blessing like most delinquents he dealt with thought. For Juza, feeling pain means you have a blessing to treasure in your life. He wonders why someone with a soulmate in their lives would put themselves in danger like that. He can’t help but wonder what sort of person Banri’s soulmate is and whether they’d be mad if he got into a fight.
If Juza became someone’s soulmate, he wouldn’t want them to suffer. But he doubts he is anyone’s soulmate. He is too used to the feeling of isolation to believe there is a red string tied to his pinky finger connecting him with anyone.
And yet, at this moment, their red string is so tangled around them that if it became visible, they would only see red.
That isn’t the only time Banri has fought since developing the sensation of pain. He wanted to see if it was really real and not just something he had imagined, so he found other delinquents to fight with.
However, he found out that pain has a different quality. The bite, the aftershocks, everything is subtle but different.
He has started believing there is a reason why he felt he could get addicted to pain. But it isn’t the pain caused by just anyone.
Banri would’ve never guessed he could become a masochist. But his body and mind are behaving in weird ways since he met Juza.
Everything stayed the same after joining Mankai. The pain is still different depending on the source, and only Juza has the power to make him feel that pain differently. However, he hasn’t turned into a masochist. And he also doesn’t understand why Juza cannot feel pain. Isn’t he supposed to be his soulmate? Why does Juza get to keep his freedom and ignorance while Banri just keeps quiet?
He hasn’t heard of anyone who can feel pain differently depending on whether it is their soulmate inflicting it or not, but he also guesses other people’s soulmates don’t exactly beat them up.
Banri has started thinking that somehow, it must’ve been a misunderstanding of some sort. Maybe someone had indeed touched him before his first fight with Juza and he didn’t realise. A passerby, mindlessly bumping their hands. Maybe the effect had been delayed, and it didn’t take place until Juza hit him, like waking his body up. That has to be the only possible reason why Juza still doesn’t feel pain.
So Banri has started confronting him less. Where is the fun in challenging someone who is not your soulmate? Banri still wants to beat Juza, but somehow it doesn’t feel as exciting as before.
Everyone thinks it is because they are finally starting to get along better, or that Banri has calmed down, has matured – and he has. Having his heart broken sobered him up. It changed him. He isn’t so full of rage and restlessness anymore. The pain has filled the emptiness. Things aren’t so easy and boring.
And the theatre and his troupe keep proving to him there is more to life than his way of thinking. That’s how, one day, their red string wraps around them again.
“What did you do?” Juza scowls at Banri, scrutinising him.
“The hell you mean? Didn’t do nothin’.” Banri heaves out, not even bothering looking back at Juza. They have just taught the thief who took Izumi’s purse a lesson, and Banri isn’t about to take any responsibility for anything he didn’t do. Especially not when it’s the first time he has felt like Juza and him could become a team, and a solid one at that.
Juza opens and closes his fists, trying to get rid of the sensation bloating his hands. It is new and strange, and it leaves him wondering what happened. Before running off after the thief, everything was normal – if being handcuffed to Banri can be considered normal, that is. And now… a memory flashes before his eyes, and the word appears clear in his mind: pain. This is pain, this new sensation he is feeling. But why?
Juza observes Banri’s movements, trying to find the answer he is looking for. And he soon finds it. When the rest of the Autumn troupe arrives at the scene and contacts the police, Sakyo finally removes the handcuffs and Juza sees Banri step aside. Before his face is outside of his range of vision, Banri’s countenance contorts in what Juza knows is an expression of pain.
Since when does Banri feel pain? Did he always feel it and Juza just didn’t notice it before?
As Banri is blowing on his knuckles in an attempt to cool off his scratches, Juza gulps down the knot that has formed in his throat.
He cannot know it for sure, but he has an inkling, a suspicion he doesn’t know if he wants to see confirmed or denied. All he knows is that as they make it back to the dorms, he cannot see Banri in the same light. Is it just because of the pain? If nothing in his body had changed, Juza wonders whether he’d still be following Banri with his gaze. He doesn’t want to imagine things, he wants real facts. And the real facts are for a few minutes back there when they were chasing after the thief, he didn’t hate being handcuffed to Banri.
“Since when do things hurt?” Juza approaches Banri on what he assumes is his way to the bathroom, to get the first-aid kit.
“The hell are you gettin’ so philosophical for?”
“I’m talkin’ physical pain.” Juza doesn’t even blink for fear of missing Banri’s reaction.
“Dunno what you’re talkin’ about.” He opens the cabinet and takes out the king-sized first-aid kit Izumi decided to buy for the dorm.
“You were grimacin’.” Juza doesn’t need to add anything else for Banri to feel his hands suddenly grow cold. He quickly grabs the bandages and pretends to be busy opening the package, so that it isn’t weird that he cannot look him in the eye.
“’Cause I have to see your ugly face.” Why does he feel like a kid who has been found guilty? He told himself he wasn’t about to take responsibility for anything he didn’t do. And if he ever did anything, it was weeks ago. Now it’s too late for Juza to ask him to take accountability for anything. It’s too late for regrets.
“I also see your ugly face ‘n’ don’t flinch like that.” He isn’t going to take the bait or storm away like usual. He wants real answers, not the nonsense Banri usually spouts.
Banri clicks his tongue and decides to ignore him. He isn’t about to confess he has been feeling physical pain since he met Juza, not when his fists look like a mess. He needs to be ready for a fight in situations like that.
“Lemme bandage you.” Juza takes the bundle from his hands and forces Banri’s hands open. When he starts working on covering his wounds, he feels an electric shock run from the tips of his fingers through his arm, a heat spreading on his chest and neck.
“You’re not even doin’ this right.” Banri immediately removes his hands, busying himself with going back to the first-aid kit and taking out some wound disinfectant to apply it to his wounds.
“You’re goin’ to pretend that didn’t happen?” Juza sounds almost pissed, but it is mostly disbelief. He wouldn’t have guessed Banri is able to ignore such an intense sensation.
Banri plays dumb, not even reacting to his words. Or so he’d like to think because his hands are trembling so much the disinfectant is trickling down his extremities and running down the sink.
Juza sighs and takes the small bottle from him, grabbing one of his hands and stabilizing it enough to pour the liquid only on the wounds. Their palms are abnormally hot, and it makes Banri’s vision blurry.
“It hurt today,” Juza casually whispers, the sound amplified by the silence in the bathroom. Banri looks up from the sink in disbelief. “I couldn’t feel pain before, but it hurt today.” Juza is now bandaging his hand, but Banri can’t even remember when he put the bottle of disinfectant away. Everything is moving too fast, and yet, when he looks at Juza, his movements are slow and deliberate.
His eyes burn.
“I don’t wanna talk ‘bout this pain shit.” Banri finally speaks, but he feels as if he had just slurred his words. That’s how much his head is spinning.
Juza looks at him and a confident smile spreads through his face. Two things are for certain: it is the first time he sees Banri with an embarrassed and vulnerable look on his face, and he didn’t say he doesn’t want to talk with him about the other side of that pain.
That their hands aren’t just connected right now as he is bandaging him, and that they share a stronger connection than the physical realm can prove.
A/N: it’s been so long since I last wrote ;-; I hope this was enjoyable and please excuse any mistakes, writing Juza and Banri’s speech is especially difficult for me >.<
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jujumin-translates · 1 year
Event | Sanrio characters x A3! | EP: Letters of Promise
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Izumi: There’s a lot of letters today.
Izumi: Hmm, this one's for me, this one’s for Azuma-san, this is an announcement from the shopping district. And then…
Izumi: T-These are…!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: Guys! Some letters from Kitty-chan and the others just came!
Kazunari: Eh, for realsies!?
Misumi: Waah, read them, read them~!
Kitty’s Letter: “To everyone from MANKAI Company. It was a lot of fun acting with you.”
Kitty’s Letter: “I’d love to see more of your stories! Someday, I’d like to go to MANKAI Theater to see one of your performances.”
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Sakuya: Kitty-chan… Fufu, I had fun too.
Chikage: Who’s the one you’re holding from, Masumi?
Masumi: …Kuromi.
Citron: Oh? What did she write?
Kuromi’s Letter: “How are you guys doing?”
Kuromi’s Letter: “After the performance, My Melo got interested in acting, and we even did an etude together.”
Kuromi’s Letter: “Well, the story was great and the play was super~ fun, so I can get why My Melo feels like that!”
Kuromi’s Letter: “Next time, I’m gonna invite My Melo to perform too. Of course, I’ll be acting with her too ♪”
Masumi: …She’s just adding more actors on her own.
Itaru: That’s assuming we even do a second run at all.
Tsuzuru: But when you put it like that, it makes me kinda want to do another one.
Yuki: Tenma, who's yours from?
Tenma: Ah, um… Daniel.
Daniel’s Letter: “Thanks for performing with us! I was wondering if the play would turn out good with so many new people…”
Daniel’s Letter: “But everyone from Summer Troupe and the rest of MANKAI Company welcomed us so warmly, so I feel like we created something really good.”
Daniel’s Letter: “Next time you visit, we’ll make sure to introduce you to more of our friends.”
Kazunari: Ahaha, that’s so Daniel!
Kumon: Right! I thought he was so gentlemanly and cool when I first met him!
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Misumi: This one’s from Cogimyun!
Cogimyun’s Letter: “The play… Was very fun myun…♪”
Cogimyun’s Letter: “Becoming friends with all of you became one of Cogimyun’s treasures myun…”
Cogimyun’s Letter: “Can we meet again myun…? I can’t wait to play with everyone again…♪”
Muku: My memories from the rehearsals and performance are like treasures too.
Misumi: We’ve gotta go back to play with Cogimyun some time~.
Kazunari: Then should we like… Make a plan to go back ASAP!?
Muku: Waah, yeah!
Kumon: Yeah, yeah! When should we go? Tenma-san’s next vacation?
Yuki: Quit jumping the gun.
Tenma: Well… I’ll check my schedule.
Taichi: Uwoah! This letter’s from Purin!
Purin’s Letter: “How is everyone~?”
Purin’s Letter: “I did some dessert research with my friends for when I see you all next ♪ So let’s have a pudding party next time.”
Purin’s Letter: “Oh, and I wanna know everyone’s favorite desserts. Ehehe, just imagine how fun it’ll be~♪”
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Juza: …Pudding party.
Taichi: Juza-san looks like he’s about to drool just thinking about it!
Banri: Seriously. It ain’t supposed to be a personal letter.
Omi: A pudding party sounds great.
Azami: Yeah, I mean, he did mention it during rehearsals.
Sakyo: I mean… He did say he likes to eat.
Taichi: Yeah! I love to eat too! Let’s go, pudding party!
Omi: Haha, yeah. I’ll learn some new recipes for it.
Juza: Leave the taste testing to me. I’ll definitely help make somethin’ that Purin’ll like.
Banri: Like hell you’ll help make it! …You just wanna eat.
Tsumugi: This one is from Cinnamon-kun.
Cinnamon’s Letter: “The play was really fun~! I told all my friends about that day ♪”
Cinnamon’s Letter: “They all seemed really interested in everyone’s performance!”
Cinnamon’s Letter: “They wanna do a musical together someday. And I wanna try to do one too ♪”
Tsumugi: Ahaha, I’m glad.
Tasuku: Huh, so they’re interested in musicals.
Homare: Oho, I’d love to take on that challenge as well.
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Hisoka: I wanna eat cinnamon rolls again.
Azuma: Fufu, of course.
Hisoka: Cinnamon told me that the terrace seats at the café are perfect for sunbathing. I wanna take a nap with him.
Guy: We still have lots to do with Cinnamon and the others.
Izumi: (…Everyone is smiling so nicely.)
Izumi: (I’m sure that what we gained from the performance that day will be a cherished memory for all of us.)
Izumi: (…I hope we can see all of the Sanrio characters again some time.)
[ ⇠ Previous Part ]
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rennessillyarchive · 1 year
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[A3! x Trigun]
love + peace + triangle!
Ended up making a crossover that appeals primarily to myself LMAO... Anyway, I badly need to share my idea for the casting if ever Mankai does a Trigun play:
Misumi as Vash - athletic silly guy with a mole under his left eye, outcasted from society and estranged from his brother? that sure sounds familiar! it's honestly amazing how well misumi fits vash's character.
Juza as Wolfwood - i think juza would empathize with wolfwood having to fight to survive and having a little brother he badly wants to protect/save. plus, he's used to having a troublesome blond partner...
Yuki as Meryl - this is a case of typecasting... yuki plays a short, short-tempered, and cute character! but also, i think yuki can relate to meryl's choice to help vash, fighting for a good cause even though that's not what society expects from a young office woman.
Omi as Milly - milly is a big woman with a big heart... there was no way i wouldn't choose omi for this role!! omi can probably bring out milly's kindness and emotional intelligence really well. as a bonus, the insurance girls will be played by mankai's handicraft club!!
I was too lazy to draw it, but I cast Banri as Knives (was thinking of his resurrected look), Hisoka as Legato, Tasuku as Livio, and Azuma as Elendira!!
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icharchivist · 1 year
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A3 x Sanrio Gacha cards unveilled! Banner including SSR Banri, SSR Tsumugi, SR Masumi and SR Juza! 
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(Requests are open <3)
🌊 Harugumi x Reader: Cuddling HCs
🌊 Omi x Reader: Kissing HCs
🌊 Omi x Reader: A night out one-shot
🌊 Akigumi x Reader: Pt. 1 First Kiss (Banri, Juza)
🌊 Akigumi x Reader: Pt. 2 First Kiss (Omi, Sakyo)
🌊 Akigumi x Reader: When they have nightmares
🌊 Kazunari x Reader: 7 minutes
🫧Genshin Impact
🌊 Itto x Reader: Playful competition
🌊 Itto x Reader: Short Reader
🌊 Diluc x Reader: Diluc’s the type of guy who…
🌊 Xiao x Reader: Touch starved
🌊 Thoma x Reader: Confession and Pining
🌊 Kaeya x Reader: Fake Dating AU
🫧Honkai Star Rail
🌊 Gepard x Reader: Long Distance
🌊 Welt x Reader: Married Life HCs
🌊 Natasha x Nurse!Reader: Dating HCs
🫧Obey me
🌊 Leviathan x Reader: Reader Confession
🌊 Dateables x Reader: Falling asleep on their shoulder
🫧Jujutsu Kaisen
🌊 Nanami x Reader: Well-deserved beach vacation
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gayforjuza · 2 years
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pink-alstroemeria · 1 year
✿ rules & tags ✿
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—✿ what i will write:
fluff, angst, and suggestive content (to an extent)
oneshots, headcanons, and character interactions
x reader (and sometimes character x character)
AUs/crossovers (as long as I know the other media well enough)
romantic and platonic/general relationships
—✿ what i won't write:
gore/descriptive injury
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—✿ characters i'll write for:
i'm sorry if there's a character you wanted to request but isn't on the list! some of them are just harder for me to write than others </3 (the genshin list may be updated when new characters are released!)
bold = strictly platonic only
◦ genshin impact ◦ — amber, bennett, fischl, kaeya, razor, diluc, jean, venti, klee, albedo, beidou, chongyun, xiangling, xingqiu, zhongli, xiao, yelan, thoma, gorou, heizou, kazuha, ayaka, itto, tighnari, cyno, wanderer, childe, dainsleif
◦ twisted wonderland ◦ — riddle, trey, cater, ace, deuce, leona, ruggie, jack, kalim, jamil, vil, rook, epel, idia, ortho, lilia, silver, sebek, che'nya, neige, grim
◦ a3! ◦ — sakuya, masumi, tsuzuru, itaru, citron, tenma, yuki, muku, misumi, kazunari, banri, juza, sakyo, omi, taichi, tsumugi, tasuku, homare, hisoka, azuma, izumi
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—✿ special blog tags:
random posts (i.e. me posting random thoughts, ect) — 🌸.stray flower
non-request asks i answer — 🌸.small bouquet
writing (both requests and non-requests) — 🌸.floral arrangement
romance — 🌸.red rose
platonic/general — 🌸.yellow rose
fluff — 🌸.forget-me-not
angst —🌸.bleeding heart
suggestive — 🌸.jasmine
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mrshamada-dorian · 2 years
What are some of your fave a3! songs? 0:
now this is where i expose myself as a fake fan because ive only listened to autumn's songs and masumi's character songs ( because my bestie loves masumi ), but i can give you my favorites from what i listened to:
one x one and second shot are the ones i constantly come back to on a casual basis. they're so good and they give me so much energy whenever i need a pick me up.
ichiya kagiri no aidou is also a really good song and it's the only song as a certified b*nri hater ( im just kidding. i love banri, but i have a reputation out on these streets ) that ill admit that i like with him in it.
buzama tho. don't get me started on her. i ADORE buzama. one of my top favorite a3! songs as a whole. high energy instrument, catchy, good vocals, and from my favorite play? sign me up!
and last but certainly not least, both of juza's character songs are so good and i relate to them a little too much. i personally like loner slightly more than mirailight, but they're both really good.
honorable mentions: q to ju, double solitaire, wandering ghost ( 3:15 - 3:21 gets me every time ), muddy hero, just for myself, and susume! pirates.
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