#Bar Piccolino
dantesunbreaker · 1 year
Red Velvet Lines
(Dracopia)Papa Emeritus IV x GN!Reader
It's the Clergy's annual Halloween ball, and you're without a date. But its seems a certain pair of mismatched eyes are watching you from across the room.
TW: Alcohol, blood drinking, suggestive themes, implied hypnotism 2.3K words (There is potential to write a NSFW part two later? Maybe?)
GIF by preqvelle
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All Hallows Eve is one of the most celebrated occasions amongst the clergy, and tonight is no exception you think as you find yourself mingling amongst your fellow siblings of sin. Every year a grand ball is held, siblings and ghouls alike invited to in or out of costume to drink, dance, and socialize. Many come with partners in tow, few getting a kick out of silly couples costumes, while others come alone. Whether it be in hopes to leave with a newfound bed mate for the night, or simply to have a good time by themselves. You aren’t sure which of those you would consider yourself.
Without a date for the night, you find yourself sticking to the outskirts of the room, mingling with your siblings and making a clear point to avoid the dance floor. But as the night drags on, you find yourself leaning against the bar, whiskey sour in hand. That’s when you feel eyes on you from across the room, a prickling tingle that has the hairs on the back of your neck standing on end. Play it cool. Don’t draw any extra attention. Slowly, casually, you turn around, eyes making a wide sweep until they stop on a pair of eyes staring right back at you. Breath leaves you in a hot gasping huff. Cool winter mint and frigid white ice watches your every move. Something about his eyes both chills you to the bone and sparks a burning flame at your core.
Of course you know who he is, the former Cardinal turned Papa. But you can’t understand why his attention is on you of all people. There were plenty of other brothers and sisters of sin in attendance. Siblings that are far more attractive than your own plain features. Yet, you still feel his gaze on you even as you turn back to your drink. Why would he have any interest in you? You attempt to put the current reigning Papa far from your mind, focusing on savoring the last sip of your drink. But that turns out to be a little hard to do.
“May I have this dance, mio caro?” You spin around at the feeling of a hand on your shoulder. There is a flutter of your heart as you come face to face with the same multi-colored eyes.
“Oh, um... Papa?” You stammer nervously, wringing your hands and shifting from foot to foot. “Are you sure that you want to dance with me? I mean.. I’m sure there are plenty of beautiful sisters that are simply dying for the opportunity to dance with you. And well.. I’m just me.”
A warm, hearty chuckle is your response, dismissing your self depreciative comments as a gloved hand takes yours, whisking you away to the center of the dance floor. It amazes you how effortlessly he moves you, as if you were floating on air, pulling you to his chest with practiced ease. 
“I have no doubts that there are many siblings desperate for the chance to be in your place,” Copia hums into your ear, keeping your hand in his, while the other hand rests on your waist. “But, they all share the same flaw. None of them are you, piccolino.”
Heat flushes your cheeks, eyes cast down to your feet with a wave of embarrassment while giving no resistance as Copia begins to sway you both in time with the song softly echoing around you. That feeling soon is all but forgotten though as suddenly you are being spun out from Copia’s arms, only to circle back in until your chests touch. You are far from being a dancer, more than likely to trip over your own feet. But Copia seems to know how to lead you well enough, swaying you both across the room with ease and skill that would make onlookers think you have been doing this for years.
As the song draws close to an end, Copia pulls you up from a dip and brushes his lips against the shell of your ear. “Let’s go outside, catch some air, si?” It’s a hushed whisper, only loud enough for you to hear, and you find yourself nodding in agreement before you have even processed what he said. Too caught up in feeling enraptured by the way he moves your body and holds you close.
The music fades, and Copia seamlessly transitions from dancing to holding your hand and leading you off the dance floor. Together you slip from the room unnoticed, a brisk walk through the corridors of the abbey until coming to a secluded balcony. It feels like a rush of adrenaline as you step outside into the crisp air, goosebumps rising as it feels like little pin pricks biting at your cheeks.
But that shoves to the back of your mind as you are spun around, back facing towards the beautiful gardens below. Something tells you that you should be afraid, ready to turn tail and run, but you are mesmerized by soft alluring eyes as Copia draws near. Under his spell, you don’t want to run. You would allow yourself to be devoured by the beast.
“Do you trust me, amore?” Your back presses into the cool stone of the railing, caged between Copia’s arms resting on either side of you. His voice is rich as honey, putting you at ease and leaving you wanting more. Even as he leans into you, breath tickling your neck, you can’t seem to resist the charm of his soft and sweet touches. No matter how much your brain screams no, your body succumbs and outweighs all rhyme or reason.
“Yes,” you whisper, breathless, eyes closing as your head tilts back at the feeling of Copia’s lips brushing the delicate skin of your neck.
You feel rather than hear the soft vibrations of Copia’s chest as he gives a pleased hum, a hand snaking around the back of your head and anchoring in your hair. Lips press against you, soft and warm along your neck, lulling you into a false sense of safety. For a moment later, you feel twin sharp pin pricks of pain from the very spot Copia presses against your neck. Eyes snap open, mouth dropping in a silent gasp as you clutch at Copia, fingers digging into one shoulder and grabbing a fistful of his hair. Tugging harshly barely has Copia moving even a fraction of an inch. 
Warmth spreads from your neck, you can feel something trickle down past his lips in the brief second you break the vacuum seal Copia has on your flesh. Blood no doubt. Your blood. Though it should send fear striking down your spine, there is something about the way Copia’s tongue soothes over the wound he has created that has you slowly returning to a lax state in his arms. The grip in his hair loosens, the hand clawing at his shoulder smoothing to a soft caress as you instead hold him to you.
A sudden rush of euphoria seems to drip through your veins, pleasure keeping your limbs heavy and compliant. Pain fades until all you have to focus on is the feeling of Copia’s plush lips, the soft lapping of his tongue as he greedily drinks up whatever you have to offer him. Carding your fingers through Copia’s hair, you focus on the heat that pools between your thighs. You feel almost suspended on air, as if Copia’s teeth at your neck were the only thing keeping you from floating away.
But through your haze of ecstasy, you notice the freckles of black that are closing in on your field of view, sucking in a deep breath becoming suddenly difficult. A spike of fear hits your chest, but lethargic limbs keep you from being able to struggle. All you can manage is a trembling double tap to Copia’s shoulder as your fingers tighten in his hair. You plunge head first into darkness, a feeling of peace washing over you.
“Tesoro,” through the dark silence, a soft voice breaks through, calling to you in a loving tone. 
Softly groaning, your heavy eyes gradually flutter open to find piercing eyes inches from your face, watching you with great intent. Your mind is foggy, but you recognize Copia’s gentle features. Though, the crimson that paints his bottom lip, bleeding into the once crisp white along his chin is peculiar. A lucid smile paints your face as a hand drops to cup his painted cheek.
“Guess I took a little too much this time.You were unconscious there for a few minutes” Copia gives you a sheepish look, arms around your back and supporting the back of your neck. “Mi dispiace amore mio. You taste so delizioso, I couldn’t help myself.”
“It’s okay, C,” the smile on your face reaches your eyes, regaining your senses the longer that he holds you in his arms. “Besides, it’s not all on you. I should have signaled sooner.... I may have also gotten a bit too carried away. Still haven’t quite learned my limits yet.”
Gathering your strength, you push up to crash your lips against Copia’s in a heated kiss that is all tongue and teeth. You taste the salty copper tang on his lips, a unique hint of sweetness that you’ve come to learn is entirely you. It doesn’t take long though before you need to pull away, gasping to suck much needed oxygen into your lungs. Copia of course has full composure, though his paint is a bit worse for wear. Black and white paint has mixed with your blood into a dull brown from lip to chin. 
“Give me a minute to get my breath back and I’ll fix your paint up,” you sigh between gasps, holding Copia by the shoulders as you work on supporting your own weight. There is a soft twinkle in his pearly eye that is full of adoration. "We can't have you going back looking like this, Sister Imperator would be livid."
Gentle lips brush yours, not quite a full kiss, but enough you feel their presence without being deprived of the room to breathe.
"Why bother going back?" Copia's nose touches your own, his cool breath fanning across your cheeks. "I can think of plenty of other things I'd much rather be doing with you back in my chambers."
You scoff, giving a playful swat to his shoulder. "Because a certain Papa is expected to give a speech, and I won't be taking the fall for the reason you are late again,” you fix him with a stern glare, recalling the reaming you received from Sister the last time.
At least Copia has the decency to give a flash of shame, like a puppy being caught being naughty. But it doesn’t last long.
"You can have me however you want later tonight,” you catch the look of mischief in Copia��s eyes and quickly amend your statement. “After! You can after you are finished with your expected Papal duties for the night."
Overly dramatic, Copia deflates, bottom lip jutting out in an adorable little pout. But he concedes. He is just as worried about the harsh lecturing you both would get for being late the second time in a row. It’s best not to play on thin ice. So Copia doesn’t fight it, your eyes locked together as you take the time to collect yourself, placing a firm hand at the center of Copia's chest when you feel you are able to manage on your own.
Knowing what to expect as the outcome from your game of cat and mouse, you have one of the emergency make up kits that would normally be used for when Copia was on tour stashed behind one of the statues in the corner of the balcony. While ideally you would want to clear his whole face of paint and start with a blank slate, that wasn’t an option. It would take too much time, and you would be late, which if that were to be the case you would rather skip it all and go to Copia’s room.
So you settle for scrubbing at the stubborn paint of his chin, only stopping once it gives way to pale white skin. Once patted dry, you dip into the white grease paint, slathering a thick layer across the bottom half of Copia’s face. When you have achieved a full and even coverage, you shift your focus to touching up the black of his lips. As you set about setting the paint, you think that it certainly isn’t your best work, but under the dim lights of the ballroom you doubt anyone will notice.
“All done,” you humm happily, giving Copia a light pat on the shoulder as you pack the supplies back into the kit. When you glance back up, Copia’s smile is practically radiant.
“So,” Copia takes a step back, giving an extravagant twirl before spreading his arms out as if to display himself. “How do I look, amore mio?”
“Handsome as ever, Papa,” you smile fondly as you tuck the paint kit back away in its original hiding spot, knowing one of the ghouls would later come by to retrieve it. “Come, let’s get back before Sister sends someone after us.”
Stepping in stride with you, Copia spreads an arm out across your back, tucking you close into his side as you enter the building. Music still filters down the hall, a quiet hum that lets you know Copia’s cue hasn’t been missed yet. You might just yet might be able to go without any suspicion being aroused.
“Amore,” Copia however, cuts your train of thought short just as you open the double doors to the ballroom. “My apologies..but you uh have a little..something dripping from your neck.”
Of course, you catch sight of the twin red velvety lines slowly dribbling down the side of your neck in the reflection of Copia’s white eye....Just as you hear Sister clearing her throat from beside you. Copia gives you a sympathetic smile, but you can see the mirth in his eyes. But in the end, you think that your fun is worth a little ass chewing from Sister.
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monika-gupta26 · 10 days
Name some of the best restaurants in Sheffield for students.
There are many amazing restaurants in Sheffield where you can have authentic English food. You can also enjoy food from all across the world in many other unique restaurants. So, without any further ado, let's have a look at some of the best restaurants in Sheffield for students:
Ego Mediterranean Restaurant & Bar
Brown's Sheffield
Piccolino Sheffield
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Hai ragione, sono d’accordo! Anche perché i lavori di questi tipo sono molto spesso prettamente maschili ed essendo così la misoginia è libera di prevalere e tendono a preferire avere dipendenti maschi. È difficile per una donna lasciare la scuola , senza magari nemmeno il diploma e fare lavori che poi effettivamente ti aiutano a costituire un percorso lavorativo (perché alla fine questi sono lavori a lungo termini stabili).
L’unica cosa a cui posso pensare e magari il barista o entrare nel mondo culinario se hai fatto una scuola tipo alberghiero. Però se poi ci pensi è molto più difficile fare carriera in questi ambiti e vivere di questo tutta la vita.
Che poi la barista non è un lavoro che dà così tanto, quando ero andata al mare io avevo visto ragazze che che facevano delle bariste ad un bar piccolino solo per fare qualche lavoretto,
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mitchamsocialuser · 2 years
Best Wood Fired Pizza in Melbourne
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When it comes to choosing the best wood fired pizza in Melbourne, there are a few places to go. We have rounded up some of the top spots. These include Sal’s, Ladro, PI, and Piccolino. Then we threw in a few suggestions for those who want to try something a little different.
If you’re in the mood for authentic New York-style pizza, you can’t go past Sal’s wood-fired pizza in Melbourne. The pizzeria, which was originally opened in the 1970s in Queens, NY, has been serving up a delicious slice of pizza ever since. Its menu boasts a number of unique pizza creations. Try the Nonna pizza, which features a blend of mozzarella and parmesan cheeses, along with fresh basil and garlic.
Another popular restaurant in Melbourne is Connie’s pizza bar, located in Heartbreaker. The bar features a cozy trattoria-style diner upstairs. The owners, Michael and Zara Madrusan, have been working in hospitality for years and know how to make great pizza. The restaurant’s pies are made with the same oven technique as its Italian cousins, so they have a great understanding of how to cook the perfect slice.
Another great pizza option is the ‘Pietro’s’ pizza. This artisanal pizza is made on a Neapolitan style base, and is prepared to order. The resulting crust is perfectly blackened. The menu also boasts a huge variety of Campari-kissed cocktails. A typical pizza here features tomato, mozzarella, red onion, and pancetta.
Piccolino Pizza is an authentic Italian restaurant in the Fitzroy neighbourhood of Melbourne. Its wood fired oven creates a truly amazing pie every time. The atmosphere is relaxed and the service is friendly. The food is also reasonably priced. There is a large selection of wine and beer to go with your meal. This restaurant also offers a range of Italian specialties. It is a good choice for a romantic dinner out with your partner.
The menu is available online. There are several pizzas to choose from — including a vegetarian one called Alle Melenzane — which has grilled eggplant and parmesan cheeses. The other option is the Zucca pizza, which includes basil, garlic, roasted pumpkin, and mozzarella. It is also possible to order an aperitivo, a traditional Italian drink. And if you’re craving pasta, Piccolino offers this as well.
Piccolino Woodfired Pizzeria and Trattoria serves authentic Italian food. The Italian dishes are complemented by a variety of handmade pasta and gnocchi. The best wood fired pizza in Melbourne can be found here!
If you’re after a taste of Italy with a Melbourne twist, head to Ladro. Their two Melbourne locations share the same chef, Niko Pizzimenti, who hails from Sicily. He previously worked at Caterina’s and is an up-and-coming chef. The owners, Sean and Ingrid, are also designers. Their Prahran venue is decorated with 1970s light fittings from the former Czechoslovakia. The toilets are thoughtfully designed, too.
While known for its wood fired pizza, Ladro also serves pasta and Italian meats. The menu is diverse and the wine list is solid, with 15 different beers on tap. The restaurant is perfect for a work lunch or a group dinner, and it has a spit during the summer months.
For vegetarians, there is the vegetarian option called Alle Melenzane. These pizzas feature eggplant, parmesan, garlic, tomato, mozzarella, basil, pine nuts, and spinach. If you’re looking for something more hearty, try the Zucca. This pie features grilled eggplant, basil, garlic, and pine nuts.
If you are looking for the best wood fired pizza Melbourne has to offer, consider the many options available to you. If you want to eat artisanal pizza, you should try Boss Pizzeria in Camberwell. This pizza joint serves pizzas with authentic aromas and a modern Melbourne feel. It is located on Cookson Street, across from Camberwell train station. Another great option is Pizza Espresso by Nicolini. This Italian restaurant offers delicious pizzas, including those made with traditional dough.
The pizzas at 400 Gradi are made in an authentic Naples wood oven. These pizzas are cooked in under 90 seconds at a temperature of 400 degrees. The service at 400 Gradi is warm and engaging, and the food is authentic Italian. The staff even performs a pizza dance to entertain their customers.
Alternatively, if you are craving authentic Italian food and wood fire pizza, you should head to Piccolino Woodfired Pizzeria and Trattoria, which offers delivery. This place is famous for its Spag Bowl, which is a pizza tossed in a woodfired oven. The menu also includes home-made pasta and other Italian specialties.
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la-fabbrica · 3 years
La Fabbrica 11
Con questo continuo stuzzicare la memoria, tornano a roteare i neuronzi o i protonzi o quel che sono. E nel loro roteare, ogni tanto spu(n)tano fuori un nome o un episodio. Ora è il turno di boh, come cazzo si chiamava? Non riesco proprio a ricordarlo ma. Era un piccolino, alto forse uno e cinquanta e affilato, magro cioè. Piccolino di statura ma non di età. Come Carlino della Sala Confezioni, un bambino rinchiuso nel corpo di un uomo. Ogni mattina prendeva il pullman alle 7.00 in viale Masini e scendeva a San Lazzaro. Lavorava in mensa. La mensa era un grande spazio nel quale, entrando, trovavi a sinistra le cucine e la zona in cui si faceva la fila col vassoio. Di fronte alla zona della fila c'erano i tavoli a cui sedevano, ben divisi, impiegati e operai. Entrando a destra, invece, c'era il bar. Si, c'era proprio il Bar, e che Bar, col pavimento di legno sopraelevato, un bancone di forma ovale all'interno del quale stavano la macchina per il caffè, le attrezzature varie da bar e i baristi. Che erano due uomini. Uno appunto il Piccolino. Che aveva una caratteristica particolare, era indistruttibile, pur essendo epilettico. Ogni tanto aveva delle crisi e cadeva a terra. E siccome lavorava sul pavimento rialzato in legno del bar, quando atterrava, faceva dei botti pazzeschi. Il mio posto in mensa era con le spalle al Bar e ogni tanto mi cagavo (per fortuna solo metaforicamente) addosso. Ero lì, forchetta in mano per addentare i maccheroni, e BOOM, il Piccolino andava a terra. E sistematicamente non si faceva nulla. Tutti accorrevano e lui si risvegliava, disteso in terra che non aveva capito cosa gli era successo. Illeso. L'altro barista era Giancarlo M, detto Celentano. Il soprannome gli venne dato senza alcun motivo legato al cantante, forse solo perché suonava bene. Era un leccapiedi ma atipico, non come Otello V, infatti quando il Bar venne smantellato, finì a fare il Carrellista nel Magazzino Generale e da Carrellista si dimostrò umano e simpatico. Inoltre raccontava delle storie molto carine, per quanto inverosimili. A ridosso del Bar, c'era poi il tavolo da ping-pong, teatro di sfide epiche con il Carrellista Pazzo, Ivano detto 'Vano e Franco B. Con l'arrivo in Fabbrica di noi zuvan (giovani, dicesi anche zuvnaster, ovvero giovinastri), il ping-pong aveva sostituito il biliardo tra gli sport preferiti da operai e impiegati. Ecco, al tavolo da ping-pong si azzeravano quelle differenze presenti invece ai tavoli della mensa, la racchetta vinceva sulla forchetta. Organizzavamo tornei a cui partecipavano tutti, comprese le ragazze, e molte di loro erano difficili da battere. Come la Franchina e la Patty. La Franchina era di Budrio, magrissima e timidissima, amica del cuore della Patty che era invece esattamente all'opposto, bella tonda ed espansiva. Una cosa tipo Stanlio e Ollio declinata al femminile. Però a ping-pong erano piuttosto brave e molte volte era davvero difficile vincere contro di loro. Sarà per questo che il Carrellista Pazzo affibbiò alla Patty un soprannome rimasto nella storia: Sunzona o Sunzauna a seconda se pronunciato a est o a ovest del Sillaro. Il Sunzone è lo strutto, il grasso che si ricava dalla lavorazione del maiale. E si, era davvero un soprannome cattivo, sessista, sciovinista e bodiscemo o come si dice al giorno d'oggi. Però era azzeccato. E poi come fai a fare le crescentine senza il Sunzone ?
Il Piccolino, di cui non ricordo il nome, barista e persona gentile, malgrado la sua patologia, se si può definire così l'epilessia.
Giancarlo M, detto Celentano chissà perché, barista e autista tuttofare, di Monghidoro, Paraculo Supremo. Uno che quando aveva mal di testa, invece che l'aspirina, contava una mazzetta di banconote da mille. E subito gli passava. Sposato con prole e con i vicini esuberanti. Una notte fu svegliato dalla moglie, allarmata perché sentiva grida altissime provenienti dall'appartamento della giovane coppietta appena venuta ad abitare. Celentano dopo essersi messo in ascolto, tranquillizzò la consorte dicendole: tranquilla che non è nulla di grave, è solo che la sposina di fianco non è come te che quando chiaviamo fai "La Motta" (la muta ndr).
Franchina di Budrio e Patty di Bologna, operaie del Confezionamento e amiche del cu...ore. Dimostrazione che non solo gli opposti si attraggono ma alle volte anche le opposte.
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nocturnalazure · 4 years
Sims Tag Game
Pick a sim of your choice
Tell us about them
Tag someone else (if you want to!) 
I was tagged by everyone’s favorite Aussie @treason-and-plot​, thank you so much! I’ll tag... @lilyshadowwriter​ for this time! :D (and @eternal-infamy​ just because. :p You don’t have to, I know you’ve already been tagged!)
I’ll go for Romeo for this round. Because he’ll play a big part in what’s to come and it might be good if you get a sense of who he is.
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Name: Romeo Pastorini
When is your sim’s birthday? Summer 5.
What is your sim’s zodiac sign? Cancer.
Marital Status: Unhappily married.
Does your sim have any nicknames? His mother called him Piccolino when he was a kid. Some of the boys at military school called him Romy. Federico is the fake name he went by at the gay bar he used to visit.
Do they have a job? Ordinary businessman by day, mobster by night.
Where does your sim live? Downtown, in Monte Vista.
Who does your sim live with? His wife Georgia.
What environment did your sims grow up in? With his dad being a mob boss and his mother slowly losing her mind to dementia, growing up sane proved quite a challenge. He was almost happy to be sent to boarding school.
What are your sim’s favorite food? He enjoys light meals, like salads or carpaccio, and basically any anti pasti with good wine. As long as it’s made with good products.
What is your sim’s favorite drink? Barolo wine from a winegrower that he personally knows.
If they have one, what is your sim’s favorite color? Prussian blue.
Is your sim introverted or extroverted? Introverted.
What is your sims favorite woohoo position? Any position that allows kissing.
Is your sim a pet person? He had adopted a stray cat when he was a kid, but the critter disappeared someday and never made it back. If possible, he’d like to adopt one again, from a shelter.
Does your sim have a best friend? He didn’t stay in touch with anyone from school. He has a lot of acquaintances but somehow manages to always keep a distance. The closest person he has to a friend would be Zeke, his father’s right-hand man, because he is always around and he has known him since he was a child, but he would never confide in him or publicly call him a friend, let alone his best friend.
What is / was your sim’s favorite school subject? Italian. He loved literary analysis.
Are they planning to go or have they already been to college? He has a business degree.
Does your sim have a favorite TV show? Not particularly.
Does your sim like books? Yes, he does. His favorite moment is when he’s able to go to bed with a good book.
What is your sim’s personal style? Casually elegant, in dark colors. He likes his shirts and suits to be tailored-made. And he’s got a thing for shoes. He owns about 30 pairs (mostly oxford shoes).
Is your sim religious? His mother brought him to church ever since his was a kid. Now he's no longer a churchgoer, but he can’t fully shake off his religious background. That’s why he is so loyal. He sometimes feels as if his ethics are the only thing that stands between him and perdition.
What kind of music does your sim listen to? While he enjoys pop music, he’s very fond of opera.
What is your sim’s favorite type of weather? Warm and sunny.
Does your sim have a dream job? If he could, he thinks he would rather enjoy being an editor in a publishing company.
Does your sim have any siblings? No.
Does your sim get along with their family? He never agrees on anything with his father but has learned the hard way that he should keep his opinion to himself. He knows he’s not the son his father wanted him to be. He loves his mother but reaching out to her when she has a fit is becoming increasingly difficult. And Georgia... that was an arranged marriage and they don’t really get along. She’s always been a handful but since she found out that he was gay, she takes out her frustration on him and has become a constant nag.
What is your sims favorite hobby? Besides reading, he is an excellent swimmer. He even made it to competition level when he was a teen. He also collects vintage posters and makes his own liqueur.
What does your sim look for in a romantic partner? Right now, he’s resigned to pretend being straight for the rest of his life. But if he had the freedom to choose, what would he want his partner to be? Well, to be a man for a start? Then if by any chance, that man turns out to be someone he can trust and laugh with, that would be a wonderful bonus. He had many casual flings and would long for something meaningful.
What is a flaw your sim has? Decades of getting snubbed and beaten by his father have left him with a very low self-esteem. Concretely, that means that he tends to avoid confrontation by bowing down in front of authority, and do whatever is required of him. He has learned so well to hide his deeper feelings that he is capable of resorting to deception while keeping a straight face, even when it breaks him.
Does your sim have a greatest achievement? To have kept his queerness a secret for so long.
If they have one, what is your sim’s greatest regret? Not being able to help his mother. He knows she should be committed, or at least seriously followed by a psychiatrist. Unfortunately, for someone with such a big mouth, his father really cares about what others might think...
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comeilsoletramonta · 4 years
Too Good To Go #2
Ci sto prendendo gusto ad usare Too Good to Go, l'app contro lo spreco alimentare. Sono passati un paio di mesi dal primo bar aderente e piano piano se ne stanno aggiungendo sempre di nuovi nella mia zona.
Questo non può che farmi piacere: a parte il risparmio per chi compra, le attività possono commerciare gli alimenti invenduti e che non possono rimettere a banco il giorno dopo. È un'ottima occasione per raggiungere anche nuovi clienti: magari il negozio lo conoscevi già, ma non ci hai mai messo piede per una serie di motivi. Lo vedi tra le Magic Box disponibili e decidi di dargli una chance. Provi il prodotto, lo trovi fenomenale e allora ci ritorni. Forse non il giorno dopo, però cominci a servirti da loro regolarmente ed ecco che hai fidelizzato un nuovo acquirente.
Questo è sicuramente il mio caso, che stamattina ho acquistato la box di un forno nella frazione qui vicina. Ci passavo davanti tutti i giorni per andare in stazione dei treni, ma non mi ero mai fermata: visto da fuori, il locale è piccolino (sembra più un punto di rivendita che un forno con laboratorio) ed è in una posizione orribile per parcheggio e traffico. Insomma, non mi fidavo delle apparenze.
Ci voleva Too Good To Go per convincermi a provarlo e mi sto pentendo di non averlo fatto prima. Intanto sono uscita da lì con una sporta traboccante di pane di svariati tipi (per una settimana direi di essere a posto), poi è di una qualità e di una squisitezza eccezionale. Mi sono innamorata del loro pane. E io non ne consumo tanto: è un alimento di cui avevo perso la voglia di mangiare durante l'università, però questo mi ha fatto ritrovare il piacere e la gioia del pane appena sfornato.
Di sicuro tornerò a servirmi da loro, box o mica box, perché è davvero eccellente.
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3nding · 5 years
Quando ero piccolino avere un volatile in gabbia era una cosa abbastanza comune. Canarini, cocorite, parrocchetti.
E merli.
I merli per qualche strana ragione erano sempre in luoghi come bar, ristoranti e circolo.
La cosa che mi lascia perplesso è perché a tutti questi merli avessero insegnato a dire
Vorrei sapere se qualcuno ha testimonianze simili anche per altre parti d'Italia.
Poi c'era un merlo di un meccanico, ma quelli bestemmiavano sia il volatile che il padrone e non rientrano nella statistica.
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oingos-bitch · 4 years
Another JoJo Mall Fanfic™ -- Rainforest Café (Part 1)
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Part 5, Part 4 and Part 2 Spoilers!
Giorno  gulped.  The  short  boy  stalked  over  to  him,  glaring  daggers.  
"I  haven't  forgotten  about  you,  I  hope  you're  ready  to  pay  me  back."  
Echoes'  summoning  was  stopped  by  a  hand  on  his  shoulder.
"Koichi,  dude,  are  you  alright?"
"Yeah,  Okuyasu,  I'm  fine."  He  trembled  in  anger.  "Unless  you  wanna  help  me  put  this  blond  son  of  a  bitch  in  his  place."
A  bass-boosted  fart  could  be  heard  as  a  blue  figure  appeared.  
"Why  didn't  ya  tell  me  sooner?  Whose  ass  are  we  gonna  kick  first?!"  Okuyasu cracked  his  knuckles.
"That  blond  bastard,  who  else?"
"Uhmm...Which  one?"  He  whispered.
It  was  then  that  Koichi  noticed  the  much,  much  taller -- 'And  scarier!' -- blond  male  sitting  across  from  Giorno.  And  he  did  not  look  amused.
"Are  you  done  yet,  piccolino?"
"Wha- what?"
Caesar  sighed.  "I  would  just  like  to  get  my  order  without  any  trouble,  if  that's  not  too  much  to  ask.  However,"  his  green  eyes  narrowed.
"If  it's  trouble  you're  looking  for,  then  I'll  be  glad  to  indulge  you."
His  chair  fell  over  as  he  stood  up.  Maintaining  his  glare,  he  spread  his  arms  as  a  large  bubble  formed  between  them.  Anticipating a  fight,  the  two  teenagers  defensively  posed, shouting  their  stand  names.  Caesar was  just  about  to  strike  before  Deus  Ex  Josuke  appeared.
"Guys,  as  much  as  I  would  love  to  help  right  now,  there's  people  here. . ."
Koichi's  blood  ran  cold.  He  had  the  sense  to  immediately  call  back  Echoes  and  nervously  regain  his  composure,  straightening  his  pose.  Okuyasu,  however,  did  not.
"So  what??  Everyone  should  see  this  asshat  get  a  well-deserved  beatdown!"  He  growled.
"Okuyasu,  no."  Josuke  pulled  his  best  friend  aside  and  leaned  into  him.
"I  know  you  mean  well,  but  we're  probably  gonna  get  fired -- and  I  don't  wanna  make  my  great-gramps  sad!"  Josuke  slightly  teared  up at  the  thought.
Okuyasu's  face  flushed  in  embarrassment.  
"I  don't  wanna,  either!  I-I'm  so  sorry,  Josuke!"
He  began  to  sob  on  the  spot.  
"I-I'll  do  better  next  time!"
"It's  alright,  man,  just  calm  down  a  little."  Steak-hair  patted  his  back.
Everyone  within  a   ten-foot  radius  stared  wide-eyed  at  the  scene.  Even  passerby  stopped  for  a  few  good  minutes!  Josuke  slowly  got  up  and  let  go  of  Okuyasu,  facing  the  crowd.  He  knelt  down  and  waved  his  hands  vigorously.
"Aaaaand,  SCENE!  Uh,  we  hope  everyone  liked  it!"  
He  smiled  from  ear -to-ear,  sweat  beading  down  his  temple.  A  lone  clap  sounded  from  the  middle  of  the  restaurant.  A  few  more  claps  were  soon  drowned  out  by  diners  resuming  their  meals  and  their  conversations.  Josuke  let  out  a  relieved  sigh.
He  looked  around  to  see  if  anyone  else  was  staring -- 'Nope!' -- then  proceeding  to  step  towards  Caesar,  looking  him  square  in  the  eye.
"Next  time  you  mess  with  my  friends,  you  may  not  be  so  lucky."
Caesar  smirked  and  returned  his  icy  stare.
"That  doesn't  sound  like  much  of  a  threat,  coming  from  someone  like  you."
"What's  that  supposed  to  mean?"
Caesar  looked  him  up  and  down.  "Look  at  yourself. . .A  teenage  delinquent,  working  at  the  only  'high-paying'  job  that'll  accept  you,  picking  fights  with  those  obviously  more  experienced  than  you."
"You  don't  know  how  many  fights  I've  been  in!"
"Hm,  no,  but  with  that  attitude,  I  can  guess."
"Wanna  find  out?"  Josuke  grinned.
Caesar  cocked  his  head  to  the  side,  the  boy  seemed  familiar,  but  he  just  couldn't  put  his  finger  on  it --
"Yoo-Hoo!  Caesarino!~"
Caesar  groaned  and  turned  around.
"It's  my  old  outfit! I  needed  it  for  my  job  and  it  still  fits  perfectly!"  He  laughed  heartily.
His  friend  buried  his  face  in  his  hands.  Joseph  took  this  as  a  sign  to  flex  in  front  of  him.
"Whaddaya  think?~"
Caesar  pushed  him  away.  "Awful,  awful,  everything's  awful.  If  you're gonna  dress  in  drag,  you  should  at  least  do  it  right."
"HEY,  that's  what  Jolyne  always  tells  me!"
"And  she's  correct.  Ugh,  JoJo,  you  could  have  at  least  shaved  your  beard."
"But  I  think  my  beard  makes  me  sexy. . ."  He  pouted.
"It  does,  but  that's  beside  the  point --"  Caesar  froze.
No,  absolutely  not,  this  was  the  last  thing  he  needed  today.  The  day  had  started  off  so  badly  already,  he  couldn't  have  Joseph  knowing  his  secret,  too!  It  would  all  be  too  much!
Thankfully,  Joseph  broke  the  silence  quickly.  Grinning,  he  posed  some  more.
"Sexy,  eh?  You  really  think  so?~"
Caesar  tried  his  hardest  to  sound  annoyed.  "If  you  say  so,  JoJo."
"Ah,  but  you're  the  one  who  said  it.~  So,  d'ya  really  think  so?"
The  Italian  pulled  his  face  away  from  his  hands  to  get  a  look  at  Joseph.  He  didn't  really  need  to  look  at  him  for  so  long  to  see  that  he  was  handsome,  but he  really  needed  to  save  his  skin  right  now.  So  he  eyed  Joseph  from  different  angles:  profile,  front,  three-quarters  view,  even  worm's  eye  view!  
This  went  on  for  longer  than  expected,  and  Joseph  began  to  whine.
"C'mon,  you  already  got  a  good  look,  just  tell  me  already!"
Begrudgingly,  Caesar  moved  his  eyes  away.  
"I  guess  so."
"Really?!"  Joseph  beamed.
He  nodded.  "I  mean,  I  think  Suzi --"
Inwardly,  he  groaned.  He  hated  to  think  it,  he  hated  how  it  sounds,  and  most  of  all  he  hated  to  say  it,  but  he  couldn't  risk  raising  Joseph's  suspicions.  Or  worse,  risking  their  friendship.
"-- I  really  think  Suzi  thinks  so."
For  a  moment,  Joseph  seemed  surprised -- and  a  bit  disappointed?  No,  must've  been  Caesar's  imagination.  He  rubbed  at  his  neck  and  shot  Caesar  his  signature  grin.
"Haha,  well,  thanks!  I  hope  she  thinks  so!"
He  placed  an  arm  around  him.  Caesar  jumped  lightly  at  the  contact.  He  knew  it  was  friendly,  something  he  was  used  to,  yet  he  couldn't  help  but  feel  so  wrong  after  what  just  happened.  It  wasn't  fair  to  think  about  having  a  chance  with  his  best  friend  when  he  already  had  a  life  to  live,  a  wife  and  a  kid,  and  a  grandkid,  for  crying  out  loud!  
And  he  had. . . Well,  nothing.  Any  chance  he  had  before  was  snatched  away  so  abruptly.  When  that  bright  light  enveloped  him  and  he  found  himself  laying  on  the  Earth's  soil  again,  he  was  ecstatic!  He  expected  to  find  everyone  else  in  the  same  situation,  waiting  to  reconnect.  Embarrassingly,  the  first  person  he  thought  of  was  Joseph.
Oh,  Joseph.  That  lovable,  goofy  bastard  had  no  idea  just  how  much  he  missed  him.  He  had  planned  everything  out -- how  he'd  introduce  himself,  how  he'd  explain  his  chance  at  a  new  life,  how  he'd  spill  his  heart  out  to  him  and  say  what  he  never  got  a  chance  to  say,  and,  hopefully,  how  he'd  grin  and  say  he  felt  the  same  way.  And  it'd  all  be  uphill  from  there.
However,  he  did  not  plan  to  run  into  Lisa  Lisa  first.  And  he  did  not  plan  to  sit  down  and  catch  up  with  her  over  tea.  And  he  did  not  expect  her  to  be  the  one  to  catch  him  up  on  what  had  happened  while  he  was  gone.  
And  he  certainly  did  not  expect  Joseph  to  be  married  and  have  a  kid.
The  deep  ache  in  his   gut  was  incomparable  to  the  pain  he  endured  before  his  death,  and  it  still  haunted  him  whenever  that  damned  memory  was  brought  up.
Much  like  now.
Caesar  smoothly  moved  Joseph's  arm  back  to  his  side.  Before  he  could  dwell  on  the  thought  any  longer,  he  changed  the  subject.
"So,  what  brings  you  here?"
"OH!  I  just  wanted  to  see  my  son!"
"Your son?. . .I  thought  you  had  a  daughter. . ."
Joseph  smiled  sheepishly.  "Uh,  yeah,  about  that. . .Let's  just  say,  I  don't  think  Suzi'll  ever  trust  me  the  same  again. . ."
Caesar's  eyes  widened.  Inappropriately  enough,  his  heart  fluttered.  Maybe  he'd  have  a  chance?
'No!  He  doesn't  need  his  marriage  damaged  any  further!'
While  he  was  still  deep  in  thought,  Joseph  brought  over  a  familiar  angry  teen.
"Ta-Daaaa!  This  is  my  darling  baby  boy!"
Caesar  did  a  double  take.  Oh,  he  couldn't  be  serious --
"T-this  is  your  son?!"
"You  bet!  Doesn't  he  look  just  like  me?"  He  brought  the  poor  boy's  face  against  his  cheek.
"A  chip  off  the  ol'  block!"
"Dad, stop  it."  Josuke  averted  his  eyes.
"Awwww,  but  it's  true!  Isn't  it,  Caesarino --"
He  scanned  the  room,  searching  for  him. "Caesar?"
He  found  him  by  the  aquarium,  making  his  way  to  the  bar.
"Oi,  Caesar!  Don't  you  wanna  say  hi  to  Josuke?"
Caesar  reluctantly  turned  around.  "Maybe  some  other  time,  JoJo.  My  lunch  break  is  almost  over,  and  I'm  still  waiting  on  my  order."
"Oh,  the  pink  girl  and  blond  boy  took  it."
"The  pink-haired  girl  and  the  blond  boy,  they  took  your  food."  Repeated  the  elf-eared  bartender.
"Oh,  thank  you.  Where'd  they. . go. .?"  
The  bartender  pointed  to  the  west  of  the  mall.  
"Ah,  grazie."  He  made  his  way  there.
Trish  had gasped  once  Caesar  stood  up,  ready  to  fight,  but  soon  lost  interest  once  Josuke  showed  up  and  started  speaking.
"So  boring."
She  and  Giorno  sat  silently  the  entire  time.  There  wasn't  much  to  talk  about,  and  she  didn't  recognize  anyone  else  (yet),  so  she  passed  the  time  counting  down  the  minutes.
She  had  attempted  to  ask  Giorno  about  why  the  midget  had  a  vendetta  against  him,  but  he  just  responded  with  an  "I  don't  want  to  speak  about  it."
'Tch.  You're  no  fun.'
Then  Joseph  appeared  and  she  giggled.  It  was  so  much  fun  to  see  her  usually  stoic  co-worker  get  so  flustered  by  the  old  man,  and  it  was  amusing  for  a  while.
That  is,  until  he  didn't  make  a  move.
She  spent  the  rest  of  the  time  reading  over  the  specials  pamphlet.  Luckily,  she  soon  heard  a  small  "Excuse  me,  Ma'am."
A  tiny,  tall-haired  boy  anxiously  held  up  a  stack  of  To-Go  boxes.  
"H-Here's  your  order."
"Oh!  Thank  you."
He  hurriedly  mumbled  and  speed-walked  over  to  the  waiter  from  earlier.  Shrugging,  she  and  Giorno  stood  up  to  leave.  Once  they  realized  Caesar  would  be  a  while,  they  exchanged  glances  and  walked  out  of  the  place.
Caesar  found  them  sitting  on  the  fountain,  digging  into  their  food.  They  nonchalantly  looked  up.
"Sorry,  we  just  couldn't  wait  any  longer."
"It's  fine.  Sorry  I  took  so  long."
Trish  smiled.  "Even  with  how  long  you  took,  you  still  couldn't  flirt  with  him  good  enough."
". .Shut  up.  Let's  go  get  Suzi's  wings."
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alexpolisonline · 2 years
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Due video...ero piccolino e Ricchi e Poveri cantavano NASCERA' GESÙ e sentivo tutti parenti adulti prenderli per culo alle feste di natale da bari venivamo a torino e io dicevo loro a 7 anni MAGARI VIENE GESÙ E VI STERMINA VISTO CHE PIGLIATE PER CULO SUOI CANTANTI allora ora penso mai sottovalutare i bambini baresi....vediamo ste scarpe TRAIL se so bone o no.... (presso Don Vito's Cats Bar Home) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChOGL1FD3FX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mitchamsocialuser · 2 years
Best Wood Fired Pizza in Melbourne
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If you’re looking for the best wood fired pizza in Melbourne, there are a few places that you should consider. These include Piccolino Woodfired Pizzeria and Trattoria, 48h Pizza e Gnocchi Bar, and Sal’s. These pizza places have great ambience and flavours, so you won’t be disappointed with your choice.
Piccolino Woodfired Pizzeria + Trattoria
The authentic Italian cuisine is a specialty of Piccolino Woodfired Pizzery + Trattoria in Melbourne’s Fitzroy neighborhood. This restaurant has been open since the 1960’s and offers traditional Italian dishes in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere.
48h Pizza e Gnocchi Bar
48h Pizza e Gnocchi Bar serves authentic Italian food with the use of natural yeast. This award-winning restaurant has been named the best pizza restaurant in the Asia-Pacific region. You can find their branches in South Yarra, Elsternwick, and Grazeland. In addition to pizza, the restaurant also offers gnocchi and other Italian dishes.
Sal’s is a local institution in Melbourne and is home to one of the most authentic slices of New York pizza. Their wood fired oven makes a charred crust and their pizzas are 100% authentic. The pizzas are available for takeaway or delivery and are a great alternative to expensive Italian restaurants.
Ladro is one of Melbourne’s most innovative pizza restaurants, serving crispy pies with A-list toppings. Founded in 2003, the Italian restaurant boasts a simple, black-and-white interior with marble-topped tables. The staff, who are clad in red and black, serve food in a clean, streamlined environment. The focus is on flavours and presentation, not on frills.
Leonardo’s Pizza Palace
Located in the former Da Salvatore Pizza by the Metre, Leonardo’s has a rustic yet elegant atmosphere. The walls are adorned with timber panelling and there’s a bar with terracotta wine racks. The floor is paved with terrazzo. You can even see the chefs making your pizza as they stretch the dough and add the toppings. The restaurant uses a custom-built wood and gas-fired oven that gives the crust a distinctive flavour.
DOC Pizza
There are many reasons to visit DOC Pizza in Melbourne. For starters, this Italian-inspired restaurant has a long-standing tradition of serving traditional pizza. The menu offers a variety of toppings, including Pizza Speck with smoked prosciutto, Tiger Prawns, DOC pork sausage and truffle, and Hawaiian. Each pizza is crafted in a wood-fired Italian oven.
The Code is an Italian trattoria in the heart of Collingwood, which is a hidden gem in Melbourne’s pizza scene. The owner-chef Alessio Albano, a former head chef at DOC Carlton, handpicks market produce to create authentic, rustic pizzas. The result is a meal of simple perfection.
Fabbrica is an Italian restaurant with wood-fired pizzas and craft beer. The Spanish chef, Matteo Boifava, previously worked for three months at Heston Blumenthal’s Fat Duck. Located in a quiet end of the row, Fabbrica is a bright, cosy spot with copper and cement accents. The staff is knowledgeable and friendly, and the food is served with wine or beer pairings.
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-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Poesia da sfogliare come un libro📕 Buona serata, e buon caffè 🤭☕️ Il testo della poesia lo trovate anche sotto 👇🏻 -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Dove si nasconde l’aroma del caffè? Sarà sotto la schiumetta che si leva come un velo tra la barba di un signore tanto piccolino da stare in un tazzino. Sarà che sei prezioso, e che per molti sei un circolo vizioso, ma non pensare di essere speciale: nessuno ti vede e nessuno ti ringrazia. Se fossi timido, questa certo sarebbe una fortuna… t’immagini a ogni sorso arrossire a più non posso? Allora facciam così, vedrò di stare zitto a ogni piccolo sorsetto e d’ignorar la tua presenza. Vieni allora più vicino, fatti spostare con il cucchiaino; se ti mescolo ti confondi e non sei più da solo. Ora l’aria s’arricchisce di vapore concentrato che sfiora le narici con fare dolce e mai sgraziato. Caffè, fondo scuro delle mie brame mi condurrai, “a sorsi”, verso il tuo Reame. Pensiero originale di @piccolepoesie_andreag 🪶 Se condividi, citami, grazie. Diritti riservati © #scrittore #poesiadelgiorno #versi #parole #emozioni #sentimenti #poeta  #poetiemergenti #scrittoriemergenti #parolebrevi #pensieri  #poesiaitaliana #artecentrismo #aroma #caffè #bar #scrittoriitaliani #poesiadistrada  #poesia #parole #lettere #scritturacreativa @artecentrismo @piccolepoesie_andreag @simoneboggi82 (presso Lombardy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcGJxMLMeZ3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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labiciclettagialla · 2 years
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evasione /XXVI
Il cielo è così calmo in questo primo pomeriggio: non c’è una nuvola contro il fondo azzurro, tutti gli uccelli cinguettano lontano ed anche il vento forte che soffiava poco fa improvvisamente si è placato. C’è una pace quasi totale. Sembra quasi che l’atmosfera si sia fatta più fluida, un collante tutto particolare attraverso il quale mandare messaggi a distanza. È il tempo giusto per le connessioni. 
Siedo nel prato con la schiena poggiata a un tronco duro; le chiome degli alberi disegnano un cerchio colorato di celeste. Ma la mia mente va lontana; sono centinaia i chilometri che percorre, un volo di uccello rapidissimo oltre le colline i monti e i campi arati, supera fiumi laghi e infine il mare. Approda nella piazza di un paese, all’ora in cui si rompe il riposo dopo pranzo.
Alcuni vecchi si riaffacciano alle porte, portano con sé una sedia che sistemano all’ingresso: passeranno il pomeriggio discorrendo ed osservando. I negozi cominciano a riaprire, i tavolini del bar nel centro si riempiono a poco a poco, i bambini corrono al parco a giocare, mente alcune mamme si mantengono distanti, tra due chiacchiere e qualche sguardo un poco ansioso. Nelle vie passano, colorate, alcune biciclette. 
Al termine dell’abitato c’è una casina gialla, al limitare del bosco. Un cortile di ghiaietta la precede e un orto coltivato l’affianca, le tende tirare sul balcone tentano di riparare le finestre dalla calura. Sul muretto, vicino alle pianticelle di pomodoro, sono poggiate alcune scarpe da lavoro; un gatto si stiracchia e sbadiglia, rizzando la coda grigia e mostrando le piccole unghie appuntite. 
Sembra non esserci nessuno, ma il profumo di crostata che si diffonde dalla finestra semi aperta racconta di una merenda in preparazione. Nell’attesa dei bambini una vecchietta fa la comparsa sul balcone: pulisce le mani sul grembiule e scruta sulla strada. 
Il suono argentino di una risata rompe l’aria calma del pomeriggio. Due biciclette, una rossa e una blu, irrompono sfrecciando nel cortile. I bambini gridano contenti, acclamano alla nonna e già pregustano la torta. Si spalanca anche la porta e ne esce un uomo piccolino, avvolto da una camicia a quadri forse troppo larga, dai cui polsini escono mani grandi e forti. I suoi occhi e le sue labbra sorridono tra i baffi e le sopracciglia alquanto folti e irrompe nel grido “Buongiorno, giovanotti!”. 
I bambini salgono le scale correndo, il vecchio chiude la porta alle sue spalle. Tutto torna immobile come prima, ma mi sembra quasi di sentirlo il gusto dolce della marmellata di lamponi che si scioglie nella gola. 
I miei genitori, i miei nipoti. Oggi il mio cuore è insieme a loro. 
Da: quaranta giorni (continua)
Foto: Eremo di San Pietro in Vigneto
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petrucc · 7 years
Helloka! Milyen jo kajáldákat tudsz Budapesten? :)
Szia! Bestia, Tokio, Buddha-bar, TG, Jamie’s, Spíler, Leroy, TG Piccolino... most hirtelen ennyi jutott az eszembe:)))
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revel9 · 5 years
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Hey Scranton.... Are we going to see you this weekend?? It's time for Spitfire 45Fest- Lucia Piccolino Aka LadySpitfire Turns 45 at The V-Spot!!! For just a $5.00 cover come on out and see: @bodyface - NYC @revel9band - NYC @fearthemasses - CT BlindChoice - Scranton, PA @waysidetheband - Wilkes Barre PA @badliarsband - Wilkes Barre/Scranton PA WOOOT!!!! (at TheVspot Bar) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5DmBWYgZqA/?igshid=1n80r8ann9yfy
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