#Basic Excel Training for Excel Beginners
onlineteaching · 2 years
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Looking for getting enrolled into advanced excel course. EXCELYTICS provides the Best Advanced Excel training course in Hyderabad. Become expert in Advance Excel. By professionals, for professionals, meet EXCELYTICS - a Team of passionate working IT Professionals who have come together to share the best career advice,and to mentor you on the right path. Here's inviting you to participate in any of our courses that are designed to actually benefit you on the job. We, Excelytics, situated at Ameerpet, Hyderabad, India, we provide world-class training that can help you gain relevant, hands-on, and data analytics skills.By professionals, for professionals, meet EXCELYTICS - a Team of passionate working IT Professionals who have come together to share the best career advice, and to mentor you on the right path. Hereby we invite you to participate in courses designed.
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I’m so sorry for this guys but
AITA for telling someone their horse was masturbating?
Basically does what it says on the tin. For those of you who don’t know horses can masturbate. It’s most common in male horses under the age of three who have not had their testicles removed and who are confined to a stall or small pen and get really bored. They typically grow out of the behaviour once they’re older or given more freedom. Some owners try to train them to stop it from happening but most just ignore it because it’s better than other boredom behaviours like cribbing and wind-sucking (both are SFW to Google btw).
Anyway, I’m a groom and stable hand, mid-twenties now but been working at my job since I was fifteen (part-time then, now full-time). The stable I work at boards horses and gives lessons but also offers training for young horses, so we get a lot of OTTB here – that is “off-the-track Thoroughbreds”, so ex-racing horses that people typically buy cheap and then retrain to be show jumpers or dressage horses or whatever. One such horse is Bert, who is the horse in question in this situation.
Bert has excellent bloodlines but he sucked as a racing horse so he was sold OTT. The man who bought him, I’ll just call him John, knows nothing about horses – he’s a total beginner in every way, has never ridden and pays other people (including me) to take care of Bert, but claims to be an expert in everything equine because Bert cost him so much money (I don’t know the actual amount but he’s in the section of the stable where the $20,000 Warmbloods are boarded so I’m assuming around that amount which is a lot yes but also not the most expensive horse we’ve had here).
Anyway the actual story – I’m at work cleaning out stalls when John walks past, he completely ignores me as he always does so I do the same and get back to work. A few minutes later he goes sprinting back in the opposite direction which I thought was weird but whatever, I kept mucking, until I heard him shouting for help. I went out into the aisle and he’s there shouting at another groom and demanding to know the emergency vets number (it was a weekday morning btw, so he didn’t need the emergency vet, he just needed the regular vet but that’s meaningless anyway). I went over to see what was happening and he tells me his horse (Bert) is ‘acting weird’ and needs a vet immediately, so I offer to go see Bert for myself and then call the vet if necessary.
So basically yeah Bert was masturbating. Had an erection, was rocking about rubbing it on his tummy, and did NOT want anyone going in his stall or touching him. John points at Bert and says something like “see, he’s sick!” and then tells me Bert tried to attack him when he entered the stall and I just, I dunno, I cough and say that Bert is fine and just wants some privacy right now, figuring that the obvious erection might be a giveaway as to what’s happening? But John turned to me and blurts out word for word “are you an actual retard” and then starts cursing at me and telling me I know nothing and Bert needs a vet etc and so on. I kind of blanked on everything else he said after he called me a retard to be honest because WTF? I don’t really know what went on in my brain in the next few seconds but I ended up shouting – yes, shouting, extremely loudly, it fucking echoed in the stable – “he doesn’t need a vet because HE’S JUST MASTURBATING” in John’s face and then walking back to the stall I’d been mucking.
As I got back to the stall I heard laughter from a couple of aisles over. Apparently my co-workers and some riders who were there had all heard me shout and found it hilarious, and that made me laugh too because it was so freaking ridiculous. I honestly kind of forgot the entire encounter afterwards because we had a horse who actually needed a vet a little while later and yeah, John and Bert just slipped my mind.
I didn’t remember until that afternoon when my boss came to see me and said he’d had a complaint from John who wanted me fired. I did not get fired but I did get ‘warned’ (just a formality, my boss didn’t actually punish me but wanted me to act like I had been if John questioned me later, which he never did). John complained that I’d treated him like an idiot, spoken down to him, and “acted above my position” (those were the exact words he used) causing people to laugh at him. I explained the entire situation to my boss, who also laughed, and that was that, nothing else ever came of it aside from my co-workers telling the story of me shouting HE’S MASTURBATING so loudly it scared a pony into jumping so suddenly that it farted to everyone they possibly could.
Since then John has ignored me even more than before which I honestly consider a blessing, and I would leave this situation thinking I’m NTA except that one of my co-workers brought their boyfriend to the stable recently and when they introduced us the boyfriend said something like ‘oh right, you’re the asshole who talks down to people who don’t know everything about horses’ and yeah. My co-worker was blindsided by that as well and we basically both said you don’t have to know everything about horses to know what an erection means, but since then I’ve been wondering if I am TA in this situation? Like, clearly there were better ways to tell John what his horse was doing, but he called me a retard and also I get paid to take care of horses not to teach the birds and the bees to fifty year olds so I don’t know. I’ll let Tumblr decide.
So, AITA for telling John his horse was masturbating?
Additional info: I'm on a rota with other stable hands so I sometimes groom Bert, muck his stall, attend to his vet/farrier appointments, give him worming paste, etc and so on. I am not his trainer and have no input into when he gets to leave his stall. I've mentioned to my boss a couple of times that he boredom stims and should be in a paddock with other young horses, but John refuses to agree to that for reasons I don't know. My boss has since spoken to Bert's trainer who is now trying to convince John to let Bert have more time outdoors.
What are these acronyms?
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skylarmoon71 · 10 months
Raphael (TMNT 2014/2016)- Oneshot
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No one told you that crushing on someone would hit this hard. 
When it started it was purely because of your love for the arts. You always wanted to learn to fight. But your parents were protective. To them you were a delicate flower. You grew up a pretty sickly child. So when you were finally deemed a healthy individual, it was a life changer. You no longer had to limit activity or watch all the other kids run around as you stared from the sidelines. 
But they were still constantly worried. 
That’s why when you met the turtles, of course you never said a word to them. If your parents knew that there were large mutant ninja turtles out there, surely they would never let you leave home. 
New York was messed up enough. 
The second you realized that these crime fighters were experts in self defense and awesome butt kicking, you basically begged them to help you learn. After your constant pestering, Leo finally gave in. Splinter was sort of happy to have a new little apprentice. It had been a while since he was able to really teach. His sons have grown into incredible fighters. 
So for your first day of training, you were decked down in shorts and a t- shirt, ready for anything. 
“Remember Raph she’s a beginner so you have to-” 
Raph kicked your feet from under you, and you tumbled with a grunt. He just smirked. 
“Gotta be ready for anything.” 
“Raph!!” Leo protested. 
He should have known better than to expect Raph of all people to be a patient teacher. You pulled yourself to your feet, this time ready for anything he was about to dish out. 
Since today was Raph’s to teach you, the others were told to look on and give pointers where needed. By the end of the session, you were sore in places you didn’t even think possible. You had a test to study for this week that you had an inkling feeling you would need to cram for because there was no way you would be able to even pick up a book when you got home. 
Leo had given you pointers on improvements, Mikey flashed a grin giving you a pat on the back. Donnie slipped you some books to study on to help with technique and form. They’d all pretty much dispersed to enjoy the rest of the day until patrol. As you were packing, Raph was at the side removing his gloves. He caught the slight wince you made as you bent to lift your bag. You caught his stare from the side, and you played it off, straightening the best you could without looking like you were in pain. 
“Today was a piece of cake.” You boasted. 
Raph grinned. 
“I knew ya were tough.” 
You turn to him. This was possibly the first time someone had said that to you. 
“Leo’s big on taking it easy but sometimes ya need a push. Guess ya aint that weak for a girl.” 
He was still wearing that overconfident smile. You knew he was teasing. But it was flattering. Although he was basically taunting you, he believed that you had the ability to handle it. He wasn’t overly harsh today either. He’d applied just enough force that you had to put in effort to retaliate every attack. 
“Don’t get ya butt kicked tomorrow.” 
He tossed you an ice pack that you caught clumsily, looking at his retreating figure. 
Maybe that was the first time that you knew you had a crush on the hot tempered male. 
Your sessions continued. 
The first few months were brutal. Because of all the inactivity as a child, it felt like you had to fight even harder to catch up physically. But you made it. In the span of eight months, you were just as skilled as the boys. Of course lacking the inhumane strength and crazy awesome build. But you were there.
You were strong. It was a bit comical that your parents had not caught on. When your mother noticed the tone in your biceps, you’d merely told her you were in the gym to stay fit to prevent any issues for the future. She ate it up, so you were in the clear. 
Meeting the boys was quite honestly the best thing to happen in your life. You were also very happy to see a certain muscular mutant on a daily basis. 
Later that afternoon you were expecting Raph. 
You were always happy that your parents finally agreed to let you live on your own. You loved that they cared so much, but you spent too much of your life being treated like a glass that would break at any moment. You sat at the window, waiting for Raph to just swing in. You were honestly a bit happy he hadn’t caught on to your feelings. 
If he did, you were scared that these days would somehow just vanish. 
“Daydreaming again.” 
You lifted your head, and he was just casually standing on your fire escape. 
“How do you keep doing that? I didn’t even hear you jump down.” 
“Of course.” 
You stood to raise the window a bit higher so he could climb in, but there was a knock on your door and you stumbled. You grabbed the curtains.
“Don't make a sound.” You said to Raph, shutting the curtains hurriedly. 
You raced to the door. Not even surprised when your mother was on the other side. 
“Hi sweetheart.”
She didn’t even wait for you to invite her in and you closed the door with a sigh. 
“Are you eating well, taking your vitamins? You know how important that is.” 
“I am mom.” 
“Don’t give me that look. You know how hard it was for us when you were younger. Being that sick all the time, it was terrifying. I just want to make sure you’re alright.” 
“I know, I know. I promise you I’m okay. I’m as fit as a horse.” You flexed for good measure and she laughed. 
“Well that’s good. I just came by to drop some things. Your father has been doing a bit of spring cleaning. “ She placed the bag down, giving your apartment one more look. “ 
“If you ever get lonely just let me know. Ms. Laine has two handsome boys that would love to-” 
“Bye mom!!” 
“Okay, okay, I can tell when I’m not wanted.” 
Leaving a kiss on your forehead, she waved, shuffling out the door. You placed your head on the door with a heavy sigh. At this point you shouldn’t even be surprised that she’s playing matchmaker. 
“Ya mom sounds fun.” 
You jumped at his voice, turning and sending him a glare. 
“Don’t do that! 
He just grinned, moving back to the window, fixing the curtains that had gotten blown around when he stepped in. 
“Ya used to be sick?” 
It’s a question that lacks the typical Raph teasing tone.
Of course he heard. 
Now that the cat was out of the bag, you had no choice but to tell him. 
“I had a heart condition. Doctors said I wouldn’t live to see fifteen. My parents were scared every time they looked at me. When I finally got the transplant I thought I would feel normal but they are just more overprotective. When I started college last fall I had a little more freedom. I wanted a chance to prove that I wasn’t weak. Then I met you guys.” 
You smile as you both stare out at the sunset from your spot next to the window. You climb up, sitting there comfortably. Raph moves to your side, doing the same. 
“You were the first person who ever told me that I wasn’t weak. Who never looked at me like I was some kind of fragile glass. You believed in me.” Your eyes shift to Raph’s and he takes in the way your eyes sort of sparkle.
“Thank you for believing in me.” 
He looked down after a few heated seconds.
“Don’t go getting soft.” He grumbled. 
It was cute how bashful he was being. 
As you both sat on the window sill, your eyes shifted to his hand. This was possibly the closest you’d been to him with just the two of you outside of training. Swallowing your doubt, you reached over slowly, placing your hand over his. You could feel yourself blushing, and Raph became tense at the touch. Your heart was hammering against your chest. If you could take a million harsh tumble for eight months, you could tell the person you were crushing on how you felt. 
“I..like you Raph..” 
It was barely above a whisper. 
Raph just stared for a while.  
He shook it off. 
“What, like ya got a crush on me.” 
He let out a laugh as if he didn’t really believe you and your face scrunched up in irritation. 
“D-Don’t laugh, I'm being serious!!” 
He shook his head.
“Come on, quit messing with me.” 
He pulled his hand away and nudged your shoulder. Your frown deepened, and you turned, jumping back into your bedroom. When you were safely inside, you shoved Raph out the window. He let out a yell, grabbing the edge just in time before he took a tumble. It wasn’t that bad a fall. You knew that. 
“What's the big idea!!” 
He pulled himself up the ledge with one hand, climbing inside. 
“G-Get out I don’t want to see your stupid face!!” 
“What the hell are you so mad about!” 
“I poured out my feelings and you sat there and laughed at me!!” 
He had to admit, your pouty face was cute.
“Stupid jerk.” You grumbled. 
From your expression, he knows you’re upset. So he decides against teasing again and he just asks this time. 
“Ya really mean it.” 
“Of course I did, do you think I would just say something like that?” 
You were mad, but when you look at his expression, that seems to deflate. His expression added to a steady increase of your heart rate. He took one step, and you could have sworn you almost stopped breathing. 
“Ya sure ya know what you’re getting yourself into.” 
You swallow. 
It appears you did not. 
“I-I’m not scared of you, remember. We’re equals.” 
You’re far from equal. 
Raph has crazy mutagen running through his veins. 
“We are.” His words surprise you. 
“I know I got a clear advantage, but ya strong. Don’t forget that.” 
You can’t believe it. He’s actually praising someone other than himself. 
“Are you sure you’re feeling okay?” 
“Just take the compliment!!” 
You smile. 
“Thanks Raph.” 
He turns with a grumble.
This crush might be a work in progress.
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blueboyluca · 9 months
@konmari-dogs's post reminded me, I read a lot of dog books this year! My biggest tip for reading more is put a bunch of books on your phone and just dip into them when you can. I think I originally got this tip from Milly, but it really works. If you are getting sick of one or need a break, you can easily flit to another. You can get a page or two while waiting for appointments or at a cafe or something. Really easy to read a lot more.
Anyway, I read a lot of crap this year but also some gems.
Hit list: The Culture Clash by Jean Donaldson. I finally read this classic. I skimmed most of the training stuff because it is a bit outdated now, but I really liked the allegorical parts, the actual bits that are why it is titled the way it is. That stuff is still really relevant today.
Dog is Love by Clive D.L. Wynne. I enjoyed this. It followed the story of how Wynne convinced himself that dogs do love us, through various scientific disciplines. I also think this guy is a compelling speaker, if a little pompous.
Wonderdog by Jules Howard. Loved this one, excellent overview of dog science throughout history. Really worth the read.
The Secret History of Kindness by Melissa Holbrook Pierson. My favourite read this year, an incredibly moving overview of the history of training dogs.
In Defence of Dogs by John Bradshaw. I started this one more than a year ago and finished it this year. It was pretty good, but a little outdated on the science now. Still worth a read.
The Great Grisby by Mikita Brottman. I enjoyed this, it was about various dogs in literature or real dogs owned by famous people, mostly Victorians. It was a fun read. The focus won't be for everyone.
How the Dog Became the Dog: From Wolves to Our Best Friends by Mark Derr. I started reading this like 5 years ago. I really enjoyed the first half then dropped off it. I finished it this year and I am glad, but there wasn't as much good stuff in the second half. Still, I reference it a lot and I love the way he writes about early dogs.
Shit list: Living with Border Collies by Barbara Sykes. This one is a mess. Very few useful ideas, mostly just batty nonsense.
Fifteen Dogs by André Alexis. This was the only novel I read this year and it was garbage. Do not recommend.
How Stella Learned to Talk by Christina Hunger. You all know I hated it. I am stunned when people recommend it to others to get into dog buttons. I thought the narrative itself was a steaming pile of garbage and I thought the tips on how to get started with buttons were vague and unhelpful. Cannot understand this fad at all.
The First Domestication by Brandy R. Fogg and Raymond Pierotti. I started this a year or two ago and finished it this year. It was a mess. I appreciated the parts where they ripped into Coppinger, but there were tons of other really questionable bits so I basically think the whole thing is a wash.
Dogs: A Philosophical Guide to Our Best Friends by Mark Alizart. It wasn't terrible, but it was quite strange. I appreciated it sent me down a few rabbit holes though. I tried reading some more philosophical books about dogs but they fall apart as soon as the authors show they know nothing about modern dog science.
Dingoes Don’t Bark by Lionel Hudson. This one also wasn't terrible but it was also kind of nothing. Not a lot of information about dingoes. I think the documentary it pairs with would be more worhtwhile. I think it's from the 70s, maybe 80s.
Still reading: Level Up Your Dog Training by Natalie Bridger Watson. This is for beginners, but I am enjoying it as another resource for my club.
The Wolf Within by Professor Bryan Sykes. This is good but thick and science heavy, so I know it will take me a long time.
Treat Everyone Like a Dog by Karen London. I am not enjoying this at all. It will inevitably make it onto my shit list one year.
What Dogs Want by Mat Ward. Really loving this very cute and modern take on basic dog care for new owners.
What the Dog Knows: The Science and Wonder of Working Dogs by Cat Warren. I am really loving this so far. It's my kind of book, a mix of dog science and memoir.
Our Oldest Companions by Pat Shipman. I am not that taken in by Shipman. I've read one of her other books and I don't find her particularly compelling. I am finding Sykes more interesting than this one.
Aesop's Animals: The Science Behind the Fables by Jo Wimpenny. This one is pretty good, not sure if I will finish it though because I read the dog and wolf chapters already.
Positive Herding 101 by Barbara Buchmayer. I am enjoying this. I got through all the beginning stuff and have finally reached the chapters that will talk about herding training.
Enrichment Games for High Energy Dogs by Barbara Buchmayer. This is good enough that it made me buy her other book. I haven't finished it yet though.
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writerbuddha · 11 months
Hi! I love your blog. It's very interesting and highly informative, and I was wondering if I may ask about resources for learning about Buddhism? I've always held an interest but have been hesitant to dive deep into it because I'm unsure of the validity of most websites' information on it, I don't want to be misinformed.
Hi! I'm really glad you love my blog! :) I think, at first it's the best to look for information coming from Buddhist monastics or someone who was trained as a Buddhist monk. Buddhism doesn't require the monastic lifestyle to reach enlightenment, but in a very real sense, monasteries are the power-houses and “laboratories” of Buddhism. They’re the centers where the teachings are studied, preserved, put into practice and tested, and from the results are shared. Buddhist monks and nuns are full-time practitioners, who prioritize and dedicate all time and energy to lifelong meditative, intellectual, emotional, and psychological development.
Buddhism for Beginners written by Thubten Chödrön might be the best place to start! It's a clear and easy-to-read guide to get familiar with the basics. Approaching the Buddhist Path, that she co-wrote with the XIV. Dalai Lama is also an excellent book to introduce the core of Buddhism. They also penned Buddhism - One Teacher, Many Traditions, with the intention to offer a cohesive introduction of the traditional paths of practicing Buddhism, it's a very reliable guide. I can also recommend you "Study Buddhism," that's a website offering quality knowledge on Tibetan Buddhism.
Now, these are offered by predominantly Tibetan Buddhist teachers, who follow the path of practice laid down in the Vajrayana tradition, which is a form of the Mahayana path of practice. Mahayana includes many other traditional ways of practicing Buddhism, such as Zen and its Vietnamese form, Thiền. Shunryu Suzuki (Zen) and Thich Nhat Hanh (Thiền) were both great teachers, and they both made effort to bring Buddhism to non-Buddhist countries, communities, cultures, so their works are very easily processable for non-Buddhists. For Chinese Buddhism, you may find Orthodox Chinese Buddhism by Sheng Yen very informative. The other main path of practice is the Theravada tradition. I think you should check out Jack Kornfield's website. He is a clinical psychologist and was trained as a Buddhist monk by Ajahn Chah, who made a great effort to bring Theravada Buddhism to the West. Kornfield's book, The Wise Heart: A Guide to the Universal Teachings of Buddhist Psychology is pointing out how Buddhist psychology can benefit everyone.
These are reliable sources for Buddhist teachings! :)
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despazito · 5 months
any advice for breeding show dogs on furrypaws? also, i sent you a friend request, but you are by no means required to accept. the id for me is: Astor (#1694860)
so i just joined less than a month ago so i'm really not an expert at this topic, i'm guessing you're generally asking how to breed for best stats? because show is one of the handful of dogsports you can train your dogs in, you can have a super successful dog who's trained in weight pull or obedience or any other sport.
i took a look at your kennel and looks like you're breeding dogs you've bought new to each other. this is fine! but the slowest way to build up a dog with good stats.
the best way to start imo is to either buy your own new bitch or find a few good+ or excellent rated ones for sale at an affordable price (prices can range a ton between breeds, some are more beginner/broke friendly than others) and then breed them to another players' excellent rated studs on breeding listings.
breeding to a higher level dog will improve litter rating and fetch you more money per litter to invest in more dogs. here's a lvl.1 to lvl.5 breeding, the rating and price is real bad
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and here's a breeding of one of my lvl.1 bitches to a lvl.53 stud, it's still not super but quite a bit higher!
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and here's the writeup on the FP help page that explains stat points. TLDR higher level=better stats
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then there's genotypes. the highest number of HHs to the least amount of hhs produces better dogs, 24HHs is flawless.
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this dog has 9 HHs and 2hh which is getting there, ideally it's best to have zero hh pairs. i also highlighted the litter size gene, lala is the most sought after
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theres also stuff like boosters which is good if you want optimal stats for sports, but these are the basics to getting puppies with the highest general stats possible. if you breed a really good puppy just keep leveling it up, training and competing in sports, giving it items that boost relevant stats, and register them to a casso
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tearsinthemist · 8 months
Want to learn something new
Want to learn something new in 2022??
Absolute beginner adult ballet series (fabulous beginning teacher)
40 piano lessons for beginners (some of the best explanations for piano I’ve ever seen)
Excellent basic crochet video series
Basic knitting (probably the best how to knit video out there)
Pre-Free Figure Skate Levels A-D guides and practice activities (each video builds up with exercises to the actual moves!)
How to draw character faces video (very funny, surprisingly instructive?)
Another drawing character faces video
Literally my favorite art pose hack
Tutorial of how to make a whole ass Stardew Valley esque farming game in Gamemaker Studios 2??
Introduction to flying small aircrafts
French/Dutch/Fishtail braiding
Playing the guitar for beginners (well paced and excellent instructor)
Playing the violin for beginners (really good practical tips mixed in)
Color theory in digital art (not of the children’s hospital variety)
Retake classes you hated but now there’s zero stakes:
Calculus 1 (full semester class)
Learn basic statistics (free textbook)
Introduction to college physics (free textbook)
Introduction to accounting (free textbook)
Learn a language:
Ancient Greek
Japanese (grammar guide) (for dummies)
Russian (pretty good cyrillic guide!)
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Jan 2, 2023
Want to learn something new in 2023??
Cooking with flavor bootcamp (used what I learned in this a LOT this year)
Beekeeping 101
Learn Interior Design from the British Academy of Interior Design (free to audit course - just choose the free option when you register)
Video on learning to read music that actually helped me??
How to use and sew with a sewing machine
How to ride a bike (listen. some of us never learned, and that's okay.)
How to cornrow-braid hair (I have it on good authority that this video is a godsend for doing your baby niece's black hair)
Making mead at home (I actually did this last summer and it was SO good)
How to garden
Basics of snowboarding (proceed with caution)
How to draw for people who (think they) suck at art (I know this website looks like a 2003 monstrosity, but the tutorials are excellent)
Pixel art for beginners so you can make the next great indie game
Go (back) to school
Introduction to Astronomy (high school course - free textbook w/ practice problems)
Principals of Economics (high school course - free textbook w/ practice problems)
Introduction to philosophy (free college course)
Computer science basics (full-semester Harvard course free online)
Learn a language
Japanese for Dummies (link fix from 2022)
Portuguese (Brazil)
American Sign Language (as somebody who works with Deaf people professionally, I also strongly advise you to read up on Deaf/HoH culture and history!)
Chinese (Mandarin, Simplified)
Quenya (LOTR fantasy elf language)
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Dec 26, 2023
Want to learn something new in 2024??
Beginner-oriented video on how to sail
This guy has so many videos on baking different types of bread. SO very many.
Coding in Python - one of the most flexible and adaptable high-level programming languages out there - explained through projects making video games
Learn to swim! (for adult learners. I don’t care if you live in Kansas or Mali or wherever. LEARN TO SWIM.)
Learn how quantum mechanics works. Then read some more about it
[Learn about quantum mechanics again, but in a more advanced engineering/mathematics class. Then read more about the math and physics of it]
Poetry Handbook, by Mary Oliver
Something I learned this year: how to sew a quilt (Here’s a very easy beginning pattern that looks amazing and can be done with pre-cut fabric!)
How to hit the ball in softball
Tutorial video on what is under the hood of most (gas) cars + weird engine sounds and what they mean
Full beginner mechanics technical training, if you want to go more in depth
Playlist on how car engine physics work if you want to go ultra in depth
Lecture series on architecture design through study of buildings
How (American income) taxes & tax law work (choose “audit course” at checkout for free class)
Pickleball for beginners (so you can finally join your neighbor/friend/distant cousin who is always insisting you join their team)
+ Para-Pickleball for beginners (for mobility aid users!)
School is so much more fun when there’s no tests:
American Law - Contracts
Shakespeare’s Life and Plays
Fairy Tales: Meanings, Messages, and Morals
Modern Poetry
World History [Part 1, Part 2]
Learn a language:
Arabic + Resource Guide compiled from Reddit (includes info on different dialects)
Chinese (Cantonese) (audio)
Urdu (frequently recommended course on Reddit) + Resource Guide
Yucatec Maya
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lixiehugs · 1 year
dohee profile
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tw : mentions of bullying
stage name : dohee (hangul: 도희) birth name : wang dohee (hangul: 왕도희) english name : dina wang nicknames : dodo, do, doidoi, doi, hee, doing
birth date : october 8th, 2002 zodiac : libra birthplace : seoul, south korea hometown : boston, usa
ethnicity : korean nationality : south korean languages : korean (100% — native), english (90% — fluent), mandarin chinese (15% — beginner)
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height : 178 cm or 5'10 weight : 54 kg or 118 lbs blood type : b
eye color : brown natural hair : brown, wavy
body modifications : 10 piercings, 2 tattoos face claim : wekimeki lua vocal claim : aespa karina/nmixx sullyoon rap claim : aespa karina
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agencies : hybe labels (2017 - present) training period(s) : 2017 - 2019 group(s) : tomorrow x together subunit(s) : n/a positions : maknae
individual fandom : dodos (after the bird and the similarities to her name) representative emoji : 🦤 (dodo because it is one of her nicknames) social media : @/www.dohee.com on instagram and @/txt_members on twitter
best known for : being the female member of txt. being an autistic kpop idol. her mental health//disabilities representation. her ALWAYS being on beat when dancing. fantastic freestyle dance. being an ace.
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mbti : intj-t
positive traits : bubbly. very fun and nice. silly. very loyal. very organised. absolutely adorable. very honest. quite serious but can understand some jokes/sarcasm. funny just by existing. independent (most of the time). very genuine and puts her soul into everything she does.
negative traits : gets attached easily. no concept of time (which causes her to overwork herself). gets angry quite easily but tries to hide it. masks her emotions a lot. has difficulty with change and new environments (to do with autism).
habits : hand flapping. light stomping when excited. rocking. other tics. imitating sounds/words she hears. dinosaur hands. vocal and physical stimming. tapping things. smacking things. stabbing her nails into her palm when stressed. can’t hold eye contact for longer than a few seconds. needing to touch new things and either rubbing it because it feels nice or visibly recoiling. blinking deeply/repetitively.
hobbies : listening to music. dancing! gaming. reading + writing. producing music. painting. crocheting. doing anything to do with art. going shopping. doing everyone’s hair + makeup. going to the gym (sometimes).
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wang dohee was born on october 8th, 2002 to a korean mother and korean father. her mother, wang rina (born 1973) is a volunteer worker for homeless shelters around seoul. her father, wang eungyeol (born 1970) is a software engineer currently working in seoul, south korea.
dohee was born in seoul, south korea as the first child in her family. the pregnancy was very rough for her mother, so despite wanting to have more children, dohee remained an only child. only having one child to focus on, dohee became very close with her parents. she considered them her best friends all throughout her school years and was always happy to come home to them at the end of the day. when dohee had to move out to become a trainee, she was very homesick and missed her parents so much even though she would still see them every weekend and they were not even an hour away.
when dohee was two years old, her family moved to boston, usa. they lived there until dohee turned eleven, as her parents were worried about her deteriorating korean skills. dohee excelled at her korean secondary school, being especially good at the sciences and maths, her arts grades were also superb. dohee graduated two years early, skipping both her sixth and ninth grade years. dohee had trouble making friends and experienced some bullying in secondary school due to many issues. because of this, her parents wanted her to explore some of her interests outside of school, thus leading to her joining a local dance crew in january 2014.
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dohee became a trainee in august of 2017.
she used to be able to speak better english than korean but since moving back, that has changed. 
her parents can speak english well, but dohee is better. 
after moving back to korea, dohee struggled to make friends and had some bullying issues. so, her parents wanted her to explore her interests outside of school, thus allowing her to join a local dance crew in january 2014.
this dance crew entered lots of competitions where dohee could compete in group routines and as a soloist. this also gave her the chance to try out many different styles of dance. 
at one of their competitions in july 2017, dohee was scouted by a bighit employee for her hiphop solo.
her favorite styles of dance are hiphop and modern.
dohee is also quite flexible, but she rarely shows off her skills. 
dohee is ambidextrous. 
she is musically gifted/a musical genius; having perfect pitch, the ability to sight read, and being able to play many different instruments.
her best instrument is piano, but she is getting better at the flute. 
dohee was diagnosed with autism and ocd when she was four years old after her parents grew concerned about some behavioral patterns. 
she does not have any medication for her autism. she has a medication for her ocd which she takes daily.
due to her neurodivergence, dohee has a near photographic memory. she can remember almost any song she’s ever heard, even if it’s for the first time, she can remember any face or name of any person she’s ever met, she is also great with naming movies and tv shows based off of theme songs, casts, quotes, screenshots, etc.
because of her dance background and partly because of her autism, dohee has an insane ability of always being on time while dancing/singing. if a song starts randomly in the middle, she can pick up the choreography and lyrics instantly. 
her reaction time is also wild!! (like that one video of yeonjun dancing immediately after song starts)
also due to her autism, dohee is a very fast talker. it is natural for her; she’s been like this since she was learning how to talk. 
with this ability, she was able to become a very skilled rapper.
her favorite colors are pink and blue.
she loves playing minecraft!!!
she also loves story and puzzle-type games.
dohee is a cat person.
her favorite kpop artists are hyunA, seventeen, red velvet, taeyeon, mamamoo, and nct 127.
her favorite western artists are sabrina carpenter, lana del rey, madison beer, selena gomez, and cavetown.
her favorite movie is the lion king. 
dohee is a huge nerd. 
she loves the harry potter books. 
her favorite season is winter. 
she loves playing in the snow!!
dohee is very in-touch with her inner child. 
dohee has had an emotional support cat since 2013. she has a somali/fox cat. her name is kyongi!
dohee also has an official service dog which she takes everywhere with her. she has a black labrador called chanho. 
dohee crochets!!!
she’s also really gay!!!
the boys have said that when dohee sleeps she makes this grumbling sound. she only does it when she moves in her sleep. the boys have many videos of her doing this.
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Top 10 Digital Marketing Course in Ahmedabad For 2025
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In today’s fast-paced digital world, having a strong understanding of digital marketing is essential. Whether you’re a student, a business owner, or a working professional, mastering digital marketing can help you boost your career and grow your business. Ahmedabad, being one of the fastest-growing cities in India, offers some excellent options for digital marketing courses. In this blog, we’ll explore the top 10 digital marketing courses in Ahmedabad.
1. ASDM – Digital Marketing Institute in Ahmedabad
ASDM (Ahmedabad School of Digital Marketing) has consistently been the top choice for individuals seeking high-quality Best digital marketing Course in Ahmedabad. Established in 2012, ASDM has trained more than 10,000 students and professionals. With a curriculum designed by industry experts, ASDM ensures that their students are industry-ready.
Key Highlights:
100% Job Assistance: ASDM offers comprehensive job placement support.
Industry Expert Trainers: Learn from professionals with over 10+ years of experience.
Advanced Curriculum: ASDM covers all major aspects like SEO, SEM, Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, and more.
Live Projects: Practical exposure through live projects.
Certifications: Students receive globally recognized certificates from Google, HubSpot, and more.
If you’re serious about making a career in digital marketing, ASDM should be your top choice.
2. Digital Vidya
Digital Vidya is another leading digital marketing training institute in Ahmedabad, known for its comprehensive courses. They have a wide range of programs, from basic digital marketing to advanced analytics and social media marketing.
Key Highlights:
Partnership with Google and LinkedIn
10+ years of training experience
Flexible learning modules
3. Learning Catalyst
Learning Catalyst offers tailored digital marketing courses that are best suited for individuals seeking a more personalized learning experience. Their course covers essential topics like SEO, PPC, and social media management.
Key Highlights:
Personalized mentorship
In-depth content modules
Flexible schedule
4. MICA – Digital Marketing Certification
MICA, located in Ahmedabad, offers one of the most prestigious digital marketing courses. Their programs are ideal for professionals looking to advance their careers in marketing or business development.
Key Highlights:
Renowned faculty
Strategic digital marketing focus
Advanced marketing concepts
5. BrandVeda
BrandVeda offers a practical approach to digital marketing training. Their modules are designed to provide real-world insights into how digital marketing works in different industries.
Key Highlights:
Affordable fees
Hands-on practical training
Focus on live projects
iVIPAN is a highly reputed institute known for its digital marketing courses. They offer comprehensive training on SEO, SEM, and social media marketing.
Key Highlights:
Extensive study material
Live projects
Experienced trainers
7. W3 Marketing School
W3 Marketing School is known for its excellent curriculum and personalized coaching. They offer a wide variety of courses suitable for both beginners and experienced professionals.
Key Highlights:
Flexible timings
Industry-specific projects
Certifications from Google, Facebook
8. Proideators
Proideators is another excellent choice if you’re looking for advanced digital marketing courses. They provide practical-oriented learning and a wide range of digital marketing certifications.
Key Highlights:
Industry-recognized certifications
Real-time projects
Expert trainers
9. Digital Sandip Academy
Digital Sandip Academy is a well-known name in the digital marketing education space. They offer courses that are designed to meet the needs of students and working professionals.
Key Highlights:
Expert trainers
Advanced tools and techniques
Career counseling and placement support
10. IIDE – Indian Institute of Digital Education
IIDE offers an excellent array of digital marketing courses. Their courses are known for their practical approach and are taught by professionals with years of experience in the field.
Key Highlights:
Hands-on training
Career support
Industry-recognized certifications
Choosing the right digital marketing course in Ahmedabad can be a game-changer for your career. With institutes like ASDM offering advanced curriculums, live projects, and job assistance, you can be assured of quality education and excellent career prospects. Whether you are just starting out or looking to upskill, there’s a course in this list that will suit your needs.
So, what are you waiting for? Enroll in the best digital marketing course in Ahmedabad today, and take the first step towards a successful digital marketing career!
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skillfulldeveloper · 1 month
Introduction To programming with Python
Why learning Python is beneficial for students?:
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Comprehensive Curriculum : Our Python training program covers all essential topics, from basic syntax to advanced concepts like data science and machine learning. This comprehensive approach equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to tackle diverse projects and roles.
Hands-On Learning and Projects : We emphasize hands-on learning with real-world projects and assignments. This practical experience helps students build a strong portfolio, making them more attractive to potential employers and better prepared for industry challenges
For more information visit our website:
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rigelmejo · 3 months
I'm still working through Glossika japanese app course. Some updated opinions:
The sentences (appear to have) less errors than the initial 400. But because I was seeing 20% errors for the first fee hundred sentences, I wpuld recommend taking anything you learn from the glossika app with a grain of salt. Treat it as if you learned from random sentences online you slapped into google translate (having in mind google translate gives like 20% errors with languages like japanese for some sentences). For a paid product, the level of mistakes is too high.
As for actual learning: its fine, now that I've gotten into the rhythm. I think Clozemaster is slightly better, because even though it ALSO uses random semtences and machine translations it also gives the option to click individual word definitions in each sentence - this feature helps you translate piece by piece to figure out the grammar a bit better and notice potentially where the translation error is (so you can ignore the error part and learm from the rest).
On the flip side? Glossika's main benefit for me, is it autoplays english/japanese sentences and automatically progresses me to new sentences. I like hands off study I can do other things at the same time with, i have poor focus for staring at an app and diligently working on it for several minutes/hours. But I can get myself to play audio and keep listening for hours most of the time. I PREFER free tools to glossika, but i do like that glossika is built to either autoplay new things, or autoplay reviews, depemding on what i pick. So i can know im making progress and control how much time i put into reviews. With free resources ive used (which were EXCELLENT) i usually almost exclusively only listened to New audio, because tje instant i was in control of my own reviewing i would waste hours replaying old audio and stop trying to progress and get obsessed with reviewing until i was perfect. So i forced myself to only use new audio to prevent myself getting into a "make no progress and only review" loop i tend to personally fall into. With glossika, i can do reviews occasionally because i do see when they "end" with a hard limit of when ive done all the the sentences audio for the day, and i can totally ignore reviews and focus ONLY on new audio if i notice im getting too focused on reviews.
As a beginner? I recommend Japaneseaudiolessons.com (free), Genki textbooks (great if you want to use a textbook), or maybe japanesepod101 (paid or some lessons free, all lessons free if you get Immersive Language Japanese through your library like on Hoopla app). I think the Glossika app is maybe intending to drill on the VARIETY of everyday basic conversation (giving say 5 sentences of how you might ask someone to hang out, or do a task), but its NOT quickly going through A1 material in terms of how to do what an A1 student should learn to do. You should be learning: my name is, i like X, i work at X, i come from X place, what is your name? How are you? Can I buy X? How much for X? Well in the glossika app it took like 1000 sentences to finally get to "she's from new york" or "i lived there for a long time." I dont think ive actually heard "my name is/whats your name" yet, and im through 1400 sentences. As a beginner, if you use glossika app it make take weeks or MONTHS (deoendijg on your pace) before you get to learning to say some basic lines a tourist might wish to use. Genki would cover those kinds of lines much quicker, even the Teach Yourself (multiple language beginner basic books) books will probably cover introduction and shopping skills in the first few lessons. Glossika both makes you spend TONS of time in A1 material (like 1800 sentences) while also taking a long time to prepare you to ssy basic shit you might need asap. You learn "the train station is near here" "if you leave soon you'll make it" "when are you coming" "i got here as fast as i could" before you learn "whats your name". Now these are still useful sentences - its a good way to learn a lot of grammar with very basic everyday topics. I think it probably is going to help me understand slice of life cdramas. I finally learned HOSHII which is like wish/want and ive heard in Yakuza 7 a ton and always look up then forget. But i think going into glossika WITHOUT those basic introduction/shopping skills? Would be incredibly frustrating. Other learning resources would prepare you quicker. And other resources would explain basic particles use, basic verb and adjective conjugations, which will help parse glossikas sentences. Glossika app's beginner A1 section is not quick about preparing beginners for the initial skills in the language. Now, if your goal is READING asap, before basic speaking topic skills? Glossika might be a bit more suited to you. But even then.... core 2k or 6k anki deck, iKnow Japanese site, nukemarine's Lets Learn Japanese Decks, would all cover more vocabulary faster which helps (and have less errors).
If i could build apps or programs. Id probably just want something that says TTS (Microsoft's since its nicest sounding) english sentence, then 2 repeats of the target language sentencence (or you can specify repeats and order you want). And it would work by having you paste in a new sentence text to "add" to your sentences collection. Or you'd import someone else's sentences collection (to get 5000 sentences from someone else). Then the app would play new sentences if you click Play New, sort of glossika style with maybe 5 repeats of the sentence in a lesson session. And if you click "play New" it would keep going down the list of sentences you havent studied yet. Or you click "review" and it would play audio of sentences you've studied. It would prioritize playing the Next sentences in the review queue (that you didnt listen to during your last review), so you dont end up revieeing the same 200 sentences each time. So that instead it plays the first 200, then the next 200, then the next until it goes all the way to prior reviewed sentences and you then do your next round of reviewing prior reviewed stuff. And only replays ALL sentences if you pick "review all" or if you just keep listening to the Review queue until it loops all the way back to the beginning of your sentences in the review queue. (This would make it better than Clozemaster which does tend to loop review only a few sentences if you used Radio mode, back when i used the app). The app i'd want would have to Machine translate target language text sentences put in (or you'd make an excel sheet with Target Language and Translations put in, and import that and have the app use Your Translations instead of making them automatically). The app would use TTS for all audio, although it would be really cool to build in the ability to import audio files for the Target Language audio if you have it (or if the sentence collection you import has it - like an anki deck with chinese audio on the chinese sentence text side). The app could even be used to turn a novel or game script into sentences to study with english/target language audio, since you'd just need to import the sentences. Unfortunately I dont know how to build an app or program like this. But it would cover some shortcomings I've seen in other apps, and be very listening focused. I suppose the app could show the sentence text like Glossika or Clozemaster too, if you chose to look at the sentences autoplayed audio, so you could get some reading practice in. And an option to repeat a sentence as its on a given sentence (like in glossika or clozemaster), so you can re-listen to hear it clearer or read it while listening a few more times.
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onlineteaching · 2 years
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mask131 · 4 months
Remember last time, when I posted about this excellent roleplaying guide, and shared various info about the French history of RPGs? Well I come back with more. Enjoy!
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One of the big influences and helpers of the RPG genre in France was a series of books published by Folio Junior/Gallimard from the 1984 onward. This series was usually what introduced many people to the roleplaying game experience as a whole: and it is the line Un livre dont vous êtes le héros, "A book of which you are the hero". Thing is, this line actually gathered and united numerous English-speaking series into one whole. What I mean is that the French "A book of which you are the hero" (sometimes translated as "You are the hero") line wasn't just one translation, but a compilation of Fighting Fantasy (by Livingstone and Jackson), of Steve Jackson's Sorcery!, of Joe Dever's Lone Wolf, of James Herbert Brennan's Grailquest, and more...
Another game that deeply marked the early years of RPG in France was L'Oeil Noir, "The Black Eye". It is not an American game, however: it was a German game, Das Schwarze Auge, created by the Fantasy Productions group, itself founded by Ulrich Kiesow, Werner Fuchs and Hans Joachim Alpers. This game was created after the group had translated two American roleplaying games in German: D&D, of course, but also Tunnels & Trolls. Released in Germany in 1984, this game had a HUGE success in Europe, so much that it overshadowed the sales of D&D in some countries! In France, the game was notably purposefully sold in the same format and aesthetic as the Un livre dont vous êtes le héros - again, French folks wanted to give a cohesive look to all of these games.
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The first two French RPGs were both flawed, but in opposite ways. The first one, L'Ultime Epreuve (The Ultimate Trial) was written by Fabrice Cayla and published by Jeux Actuels in 1983. It took place within a medieval fantasy setting (which even at the time felt a bit "recycled" and "already seen") and was about adventurers (the players) fighting various monsters while gaining power and strength, to finally vanquish the creatures that guard the gates of the Valhalla - it is the "ultimate trial" of the title. And then... That's it. The game is over. This game was very simplistic - too simplistic - but one of its originalities relied in its system of experience point. Or rather its absence of XPs: to have characters evolve, the players needed to spend money during "training sessions".
The other "primal RPG", Légendes, was created by a collective of five authors - Stéphane Daudier, Marc Deladerrière, Philippe Mercier, Jean-Marc Montel and Guillaume Rohmer. Published by Descartes in 1983, it is sometimes referred to as "Légendes celtiques" - which is actually incorrect... "Celtic Legends" was only the world-setting offered with the basic set/starting box - but it is just one possibility among many (the line also includes "Légendes des Milles et Unes Nuits" for an Arabian Nights setting ; and "Légendes de la Table Ronde" for an Arthurian setting). However, this game was far too complex: its rules were very heavy and very convoluted, and so the game was not fit for beginners. In fact, Descartes, understanding this, published in 1987 a lighter, simplified version called "Premières Légendes" (First Legends)
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In 1985 was published Denis Gerfaud's Rêve de Dragon (Dragon's Dream). Described as an "oniric fantasy" game, this RPG is a strange and fascinating experience where each new adventure plunges the players in an entire new world, created out of the dreams of dragons. Every character was dreamed up by a dragon, and if they die during a game session, their "archetype" will be rencarnated under a new shape once the dragon goes back to sleep. The game ingenuously uses the symbolism of the Zodiac, the Tarot cards and more for its playing system. Gerfaud managed to create a very inventive, very poetic but also quite humoristic game. The first edition of the game was notably illustrated by Bernard Verlhac (aka Tignous), who was unfortunately murdered during the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack... Dragon Dream was a real "author game" where Gerfaud showed his talents as a writer, but it suffers from quite austere rules, definitively coming from the 80s, and which "chain" the dream rather than encourage the players' imagination... The problem was solved when a simplified version of the game was released in 2001, called Oniros. More recently, the game had a luxury re-edition at the Scriptarium editions, in 2018. As for Denis Gerfaud, he published only one other RPG, just as innovative and strange: Hystoire de fou, in 1998.
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Christophe Réaux, alias "Croc", is another French author of RPGs. He first self-published games under the label Futur Proche. He created Bitume, about a post-apocalyptic world a la Mad Max, half-destroyed by the Halley comet ; and then Animonde, a poetic fantasy universe where all weapons and all technologies have an animal origin. Croc was quickly hired by the team of the Siroz Productions to create a game. Siroz Productions was founded by two members of a roleplaying circle of the Viroflay town (Parisian region) known as the "club 20 naturel" (nat 20 club), Nicolas Théry and Eric Bouchaud - a club to which Christophe Réaux belonged. Siroz Productions started out as a minor editor named "Théry-Bouchaud et Cie", but became quite famous due to its games relying on very strong, very contextualized concepts, and satirical humor - tackling issues such as the decay of suburbs, evolutionism, totalitarism, the misuse of ideologies and other futuristic predictios: Zone, Silrin, Whog Shrog, Berlin XVIII...
The game Croc and Siroz created was In Nomine Satanis/Magna Veritas. This game of biting humor is about the players embodying angels and demons infiltrated among humanity, and waging there a secret war for either heaven or hell... Except, as it turns out, both sides use the same methods and the same tactics. Unfortunately, Siroz found itself in a bad situation right before the game's release: drowned in debts, about to close, to survive the publishing house had to agree to the involvment of new investors, and a full restructuration. Siroz Productions became Idéojeux, under the leadership of Marc Nunès. It was under Idéojeux that INS/MV was first published - inaugurating a long line of RPGs written by Croc. Heavy Metal, Bloodlust, Scales, Nightprowler, COPS... Later, Idéojeux renamed itself Asmodée... From the name of the Demon Prince of Gaming within INS/MV, Asmodeus. While the society has gone away from the RPG world, it still forms today one of the big players within the French game industry - in fact, even within the international world of games! Since not only did they buy several French publishing houses (such as Descartes), but they also recently absorbed the American editor Fantasy Flight Games...
While it is quite rare, sometimes French RPGs are brought over to the United-States! It was the case with In Nomine Satanis/Magna Veritas, which in 1997 was published by Steve Jackson Games under the title In Nomine. However it wasn't a translation, but an adaptation: rewritten by Derek Pearcy, the American game is much darker, less serious and less parodic than the French game. The second edition of Rêve de Dragon was translated in English in 2002, under the title Rêve: The Dream Ouroboros.
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I'm jumping a lot of things, because this book has so much info... But there is a cover about the "renewal" or "renaissance" of the RPG game from the late 2000s onward. It contains a brief segment about France. Among the numerous new editors that popped up during this "shifting era", when the old generation of gamers left the ground for a new, younger one, one famous is the Black Book Editions, created in 2004 in Lyon, and currently one of the biggest French editors of games. They are behind the French creations of Pavillon Noir, Chroniques oubliées, Polaris, and Héros & Dragons ; but they also are the ones in charge of bringing to France the American monsters that are Pathfinder, Shadowrun, and even (for a brief time) D&D5. The other emblematic editor of this era was Sans-Détour, created in 2008, which became the new French publisher of Call of Cthulhu and helped "renew" it and give it a "younger", "fresher" energy (unfortunately Chaosium removed the license from Sans-Détour in 2018 due to a case of unpaid royalties). A third unmissable name would be Le 7e Cercle, with a diverse and memorable catalogue including games such as Qin, Yggdrasill or Carpharnaüm.
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vibinjack · 5 months
Exploring Java's Built-in Data Structures: A Beginner's Guide
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Java, a versatile and widely used programming language, offers a rich set of built-in data structures that form the backbone of many applications. Understanding these data structures is fundamental for any Java developer, as they provide efficient ways to organise and manipulate data. In this beginner's guide, we'll delve into some of Java's core data structures, exploring their features, usage, and best practices.
Arrays: The Foundation
Arrays are one of the simplest and most fundamental data structures in Java. They represent a fixed-size collection of elements of the same type. Declaring an array in Java is straightforward:
This line of code creates an array of integers with a length of 5. Arrays in Java are zero-indexed, meaning the first element is accessed at index 0, the second at index 1, and so on. You can access and modify elements using square brackets notation:
Arrays are efficient for random access but have a fixed size, which cannot be changed dynamically. Java provides other data structures like ArrayList and LinkedList to overcome this limitation. To kickstart your programming career, consider enrolling in Java Training In Chennai for comprehensive learning and skill development.
ArrayList: Dynamic Arrays
A component of Java's Collection Framework, ArrayList offers dynamic arrays that can enlarge or contract in size as needed. Unlike arrays, ArrayLists can hold elements of different types and automatically resize themselves.
ArrayLists offer efficient methods for adding, removing, and accessing elements. They also provide features like sorting and searching, making them versatile for various applications. However, ArrayLists may incur performance overhead due to resizing operations when they reach capacity.
LinkedList: Linked Data Structure
LinkedList is another data structure provided by Java's Collection Framework. In contrast to arrays, elements are stored in linked lists as nodes, each of which has a reference to the node after it in the sequence. Especially in the centre of the list, this structure makes insertion and deletion operations efficient.
LinkedLists excel in scenarios where frequent insertions and deletions are required, but they may have higher memory overhead than arrays due to the additional memory needed for storing references.
HashMap: Key-Value Pairs
HashMap is a data structure that stores key-value pairs and quickly retrieves values based on their keys. It uses a hashing technique to store and retrieve elements efficiently, making it ideal for scenarios where quick access to data is crucial.
HashMaps offer constant-time performance for basic operations like insertion, deletion, and lookup, assuming a good hash function and proper handling of collisions. However, they do not maintain the order of elements.
HashSet: Unordered Collection Of Unique Elements
HashSet implements the Set interface in Java, representing an unordered collection of unique elements. It uses a hashing technique similar to HashMap to achieve fast insertion, deletion, and lookup operations.
HashSet ensures that each element is unique by internally checking for duplicates before adding them. While HashSet does not maintain the insertion order, it provides constant-time performance for basic operations.
Stack And Queue: Linear Data Structures
Java also implements two essential linear data structures: Stack and Queue. 
- The latest In, First Out (LIFO) concept is adhered to by Stack, meaning that the latest piece added is also the first to be withdrawn.
- The First In, First Out (FIFO) principle is adhered to by queues, meaning that the first element added is also the first to be deleted. 
These data structures find applications in various scenarios, such as expression evaluation, reversing sequences, and managing tasks in computer algorithms.
Best Practices And Considerations
While Java's built-in data structures offer powerful capabilities, it's essential to understand their strengths, weaknesses, and best practices for efficient usage:
- Choose the right data structure based on your application's requirements. Consider factors like the frequency of insertion, deletion, retrieval operations, memory usage, and performance constraints.
- Understand the time complexity of operations for each data structure. For example, ArrayList provides faster random access but slower insertion and deletion than LinkedList.
- Be mindful of synchronisation if dealing with multi-threaded applications. Java provides synchronised versions of some data structures in the `java.util.concurrent` package.
- Utilise generics to ensure type safety and reduce the risk of runtime errors when working with collections.
-Consider using wrapper classes like `Collections.unmodifiableList()` or `Collections.synchronizedList()` for immutable or thread-safe collections, respectively. 
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Java's built-in data structures form the backbone of many applications, providing efficient ways to organise, manipulate, and access data. From simple arrays to sophisticated HashMaps and LinkedLists, Java offers a versatile toolkit for developers to tackle various programming challenges. By understanding these data structures' features, usage, and best practices, beginners can lay a solid foundation for building robust and scalable Java applications. So, dive into Java's world of data structures and unlock the full potential of your programming endeavours.
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aikoiya · 5 months
LoZ - Lupán Cultural Tidbits
Búralupáns (Lupáns for short) live in large families altogether. Typically multigenerationally.
There really isn’t much use in keeping relationships secret among the Lupáns due to their senses of smell (& their ears don't really help either).
Though they practice marriage, they also practice mating rituals. And even if they didn't, the act of intercourse tends to leave quite the smelly mark.
So, yeah. If you get freaky with someone, a Lupán will likely know & if they've met the other person, they'll probably know who with, too.
However, their sense of smell also tends to help with identifying family & friends.
Due to not technically being a race, any human with a bit of Sheikah & Búralo-mná in them can become a Lupán if bitten.
Lupáns love strongly & deeply. They are also faithful & loyal to a fault. However, this results in them being innately possessive & protective.
They are also very territorial.
They also mate for life & have no concept of divorce, nor cheating. Well, they know about it, but it just doesn't happen in their culture.
Lupáns tend to grow to be taller, more hirsute, & with greater ability to gain muscle than the typical Hylians & Sheikah of eastern Hyrule.
And even though they tend to be taller, only those with Hebran ancestry can really hope to match the average Gerudo. Which tends to get a lot of attention from Vaien (women, plural).
Lupáns also naturally have tapetum lucidum, more pronounced canines, & slightly longer, more pointed nails. However, unlike those of cats, a Lupán's nails are blunt & cannot retract. As such, the real danger from them depends on how much force is put behind them when swung.
At the same time, they are also thicker than those of other humans, are very durable, & don't typically break easily. As such, Lupáns tend to need special files to keep them maintained so they don't cause issues.
Not to mention, greater senses of smell & hearing. Though, these tend to get better in wolf & lupos form.
Their best & most important senses being smell, sound, & sight with their senses of smell being their greatest & sound their second best.
Their sense of smell as humans tend to be naturally 10 times greater than other human races, which jumps up to 20 times greater in lupos form (basically werewolf), then jumping up again to a full 40 times in wolf form. Add to that, their olfactory compartmentalization abilities being more similar to that of a canines, which allows Lupáns to separate out the many components of a singular scent. This makes them absolutely excellent trackers & hunters by nature. However, a dog bred specifically for those tasks will likely still beat them if just by a great deal. Though, training in those specific areas will allow Lupáns to bridge that gap, though, they’d still not quite reach a Bloodhound's capabilities without also utilizing their human intellect.
Problem is, without focus & scent-block training, then entering an area with too many different strong scents can result in arominundation. Which means that they'll experience olfactory overload & might become overwhelmed. As such, most Lupáns tend to gravitate more towards rural communities.
At the same time, due to the human element, they combine a wolf's natural night vision & lowlight motion detection with a human’s foveal pit & trichromatic sight, Lupáns have even better vision than actual wolves. (As in, they aren't near-sighted & are able to see more colors.) Luckily, vision is one of the things that don't change with their forms, which makes them very reliable night guards & watchmen.
Interesting to note, because taste is directly related to smell, Lupáns have an innate talent for cooking. Though, certain ingredients can be a tad overwhelming for beginners, it isn't anything that some acclimation can't help with.
However, this also means that not many tend to become alchemists or chemists in general due to the use of stronger & sometimes inorganic scents in the craft. That doesn't mean that they can't, but those rare few who do tend to either have a faulty sense of smell, a greater olfactory compartmentalization skills as well as ability to focus & block things out, or a special breathing mask.
As such, if a Lupán takes to potioneering, they're more likely to take more to the hedge magery or herbalist route. In this way, they have a greater capacity for becoming holistic doctors as their senses of smell can also allow them to quickly identify diseases very early.
Lupáns are a bit of an odd mix between omnivores & facultative carnivores. You see, they thrive best on a mix of meat & plant diet, though they can also do a very good job surviving on nothing but meat. However, if one were to try to stick to a vegetarian or vegan diet, they slowly waste away & die.
They need to eat a certain amount of red meat each day. It doesn't need to be raw (they're still humans, after all), but it needs to be red. Vegetarian & vegan are just not things that one with Lupán ancestry can ever be regardless of whether their Lupán gene is active or not.
If they don't consume at least a pound of red meat per day, they can get very sick.
Luckily, they can eat chocolate in human & lupos form, but not in wolf form unless its white chocolate (& even then, only a little bit). Though, even in lupos form, it's best if they only get maybe a singular brownie at most. Chocolate chip cookies are fine, though so long as they're spaced out.
Now, Lupáns do, in fact, tend to live in packs, called Pacaí (pok-ee). Which is the plural of Paca (pok-a).
But unlike actual wolves they have a sort of pack-based meritocratic social hierarchy.
In ascending order, it goes family pack, neighborhood pack, community pack, region pack, & kingdom pack.
Neighborhood packs are thought of as a collection of family packs grouped together in one area & are often seen as extended family packs. Community packs are a sort of overarching pack consisting of the residents of a settlement, which makes the alfa of which something like the mayor. Then a region pack consists of, as you likely guessed, the residents of a region. Finally, region & kingdom packs are less actual packs & more just how Lupáns look at how they work.
There’s also a work or military pack.
The alfas are similarly arranged in such a way. Alfas being the leaders.
While elders are revered, in the end, the role of alfa is almost always selected through meritocratic democracy. Meaning that the most suited for the role will be given that role by the members of the community themselves.
However, bark means little compared to bite. In this way, Lupáns as a community tend to care more for actions than words.
Packs tend to have 2 alfas, male & female. However, typically the main alfa is selected & the other is their spouse/mate. Who is then trained in the role.
Lupáns are singers by nature. Not the classic sort like Rito or Zora, but more so in a natural way than anything else.
Something about Lupán singing is just… different. For one, their voices tend to be more raw & their songs have a lot of heart & soul to them. That isn't to say that the same can't be said of those in other races, it's just that it seems to be more innate & common for Lupáns.
In this way, much like Rito & Zora, they are also very naturally in-tune with acoustomagical energies.
They also tend to have lower voices. Most females being mezzo-soprano & contralto, while most males tend to be baritone & bass.
Very rarely will you find a Lupán who's a natural soprano or tenor unless they're cubs.
Despite this, they also tend to have more range than other humans.
They are also very good at projecting their voices & tend to harmonize with other voices almost instinctively.
Not to mention having the ability to hold notes longer than any other race.
As a result, settlements & stables tend to have at least 1 Lupán among their guard, as Lupán guards are all trained in proculoquy (the art of voice projection) & the best have learned a basic amount of acoustomagy. Just the skill of proculoquy would allow them to quadruple the distance that their voices can travel when howling (naturally around 10 miles, meaning proculoquy would allow them to project up to 40 miles). But one supplementing that with acoustomagy can increase that distance even further to around 80 miles.
Now, Hyrule is around 278 miles in length (north to south) by 202 miles in width (east to west). And the distance between Fort Hateno & Kakariko is around 38 miles & from Fort Hateno to Hateno Village is 40. So, all it'd take to get a message between Kakariko & Hateno Village would be 2-3 Lupán guards, one stationed in Kakariko, one at Fort Hateno, & one in Hateno Village proper. Or when in a pinch, just one in Kakariko & one in Hateno.
That's a huge distance & it'd take 18-20 minutes, tops. Starting with 6 seconds between Kakariko & Fort Hateno with the howl of a singular Lupán lasting from 3-7 seconds each.
And Chorus Howls (which typically lasts for 30-120 seconds) can double that reach with every Lupán that joins at once provided that all know proculoquy & at least one can use acoustomagy to boost the effects. So, it'd take a Chorus of 4 Lupáns together to send a message to Hateno from Castle Town. All together, or one stationed at Castle Town, Wetland Stable, Kakariko, & Hateno individually. When performed altogether in one spot, it would be referred to as a Clarion Chorus, which most Lupáns know of, but haven't performed in their lives as the last recorded implementation of one had been during the Calamity of 10,000 years ago. The reason being that such a Chorus Howl would literally reach all 4 corners of Hyrule within a span of 80 minutes.
Clarion Choruses are used exclusively as an emergency warning of an attack.
In this way, Castle Town always has 4-5 Lupáns trained in acousto-poculoquy on guard at all times.
They are considered very important in times of emergency because of this.
It was due to this protocol that several Mabens, Gopongans, & Deyans were able to survive the Day of Calamity. Their villages still fell, but enough people survived that they were able to maintain some semblance of their cultures, though somewhat diluted.
Many of those living in the farther villages, like Oldcastle & Goponga, were able to be evacuated to safer regions. Oldcastelians raced across the Hylia Bridge to take refuge with the Lupán capitol of Ordon Town, Gopongans went for Zora's Domain.
Deya, however, was caged in from north, south, & west, leaving only the east road to Hateno. Due to the fact that they’d need to travel uphill, then through the Dueling Peaks Pass, across the Blatchery Plains, through Fort Hateno, then the Cliffs of Quince & across Olvi Plains, just to get to Hateno, very few Deyans survived.
Because Guardians cannot be outrun without a decently fast horse with good stamina.
And most of the soldiers stationed at the Southern Bulwark (Gatepost, Outpost, & Eastpost, also includes the Kolomo Garrison) were killed protecting the Oldcastlians as they fled.
However, any Mabens that didn't have access to quick enough horses & weren't able to at least get passed the Hyrule Garrison were almost completely wiped out. And every last soldier at the Hyrule Garrison was slain in an attempt to at least act as distractions. A handful at the Windvane Exchange were able to survive though.
Luckily, Lon Lon's owners had a couple of fast horses & a covered wagon manned by the ranch owner's young son & daughter (one driving, the other providing cover fire), which were used to get as many women & children away as quickly as possible. However, to survive, they had to ignore the pleas of everyone they passed.
Everyone in that wagon lived to reach Ordon. But only about 2 or 3 other Mabens did, too.
If not for the Lupáns who sang their Chorus at Castle Town before being shot down, far fewer would've lived to see another day.
Moving on from that depressing information.
Despite the stereotype, Lupáns, much like regular wolves, are very social as a people & are actually extremely good at teamwork & cooperation.
As a result, they prefer to live in multigenerational homes & tight-knit communities. And most of their sports revolve around teamwork & comradery.
Though, Lupáns, males especially, tend to roughhouse with members of their community & especially their Paca. However, they can also be quite silly & affectionate.
When it comes to raising cubs, they have a somewhat “it takes a village” type of mentality.
Now, the immediate family are still the ones who mainly raise cubs, but everyone is expected to lend a hand when necessary.
Lupáns tend to have 2 separate languages. Hyrulean & Howlean (because pun).
Howlean is a combination of body language, chuffing, whines, growls, ruffs, rumbles, barks, &, of course, howls (for long-distance communication). It can even involve hair. Because much like Nausicaä, a Lupáns’ hair can lift a bit when aggressive as an intimidation self-defense mechanism regardless of the form they take.
See, even in human form, Lupáns can still make all the same sounds as when they are more fuzzy. As such, it's become a natural part of communication for them.
As for body language, facial expression, posture, tail (when not human) position, & ear position, all contribute. Lupán ears typically have almost full range of motion compared to those of Hylians, Sheikah, & Gerudo. As such, they are also used to communicate.
It's because of this that a lot of Lupáns tend to be more perceptive of others’ emotional states. As such, I can almost guarantee that a Sheilupán (a Sheikah with an active Lupán gene) who was trained thus would be exceptional at interrogation.
While in lupos form, they can still speak Hyrulean, it just tends to put more strain on their vocal chords is all & their voices tend to be lower & rougher.
Lupáns tend to write the word grandpa as "grandpaw." Pronounced essentially the same way, but I find it adorable! (Thank you, @sunset-peril!) XD
Lupán children (cubs or caní; cano/cana depending on the sex) tend to have the most unfair puppydog eyes. Though, to be fair, most Lupàn parents are adapted to it through exposure, which gives them a greater resistance to the emotional manipulation tactic.
However, this also means that parents who hadn't grown up around Lupáns, & especially Lupán caní, tend to have a harder time resisting. As such, smart caní will go to their non-Lupán parent for something they want.
Lupáns have a tendency to domesticate corvids. Especially ravens & crows. This is, in part, due to the relationship that they have with wolves IRL.
In Buralupán societies, they were originally trained for hunting & even today, that is what they are most commonly trained to do.
However, these birds are extremely intelligent & can even learn to speak similarly to parrots. As such, they have massive potential for reconnaissance.
They also hold a grudge & never forget a face. Not to mention, they'll tell their corvid buddies!
Likewise, for a good turn.
This, plus their general hatred of & ability to sense black magic, actually makes them fantastic for witch hunting. In spite of the incorrect stereotype that suggests that they tend to be the familiars of dark witches.
This is mostly a result of their association with death. And, in reality, most animals refuse to associate with users of black magic due to its corruptive nature. In fact, Corvids tend to despise those who use black magic & will attack viciously & in groups.
While, yes, the little fuckers will steal your rupees, but Crows typically only attack the Heroes for their Rupees due to how shiny they are.
Ravens are actually much more chill than Crows & not as likely to attack people for their shinies. If one were to compare Crows with muggers, then Ravens are more akin to pickpockets. Ravens generally don't physically attack people unless they've done something to specifically & legitimately piss them off, such as using black magic. Oddly slow to true anger & will mostly instead choose to play petty pranks on people who've angered them. Ravens typically actually have very little issue with the Heroes unless they do something to stir their ire. They'll still steal from the Heroes, but they won't attack them.
However, that's when they are ordinary ravens & crows. It's still possible for them to become corrupted, at which point, they turn into Takkuri.
LoZ Cultural Masterlist 1
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roseliejack123 · 1 year
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