#Basically this is a very long way of saying that raising the dead? Not Good
pollyanna-nana · 6 months
One of the most tragic and compelling aspects of Dunmeshi, to me, is that we’ll probably never know (unless Kui tells us lol) how Delgal actually felt about Thistle. I’ve seen people say that he genuinely cared for him as a brother and his journey to the surface was to save him from his madness as much as it was his people. I’ve seen people say that he saw Thistle as nothing more than a fancy accessory or tool that ended up going astray. Others I’ve seen (and personally agree with) say that the truth lies somewhere in the middle. But honestly, I think any one of these interpretations has the potential to be correct… and that’s just heartbreaking.
After all, Delgal is dead. Like, dead-dead. The very first chapter of the manga starts with his spirit leaving this mortal coil, taking that answer with him. And…
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How he talks about Thistle here… it’s interesting. He does not ask for him to be talked down, or captured or imprisoned, but instead “defeated”. Which Mithrun interprets as asking for his death… which is reasonable, because that’s likely how the vast majority of adventurers interpreted his words, too. Obviously as he was crumbling to dust he probably didn’t have the capacity to be particularly verbose or explain the complex backstory to how the kingdom ended up this way, but the effect is the same no matter how he may have felt with it. He asked for Thistle to be killed.
But… even in situations where he wasn’t under any such time limit to explain what was going on, he still seemed not to. Most glaringly:
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Yaad seemingly has no idea that it was Delgal’s fault that Thistle sought the demon’s power. Obviously he couldn’t talk to him about it because Thistle was, uh, a little out there by that point, but why didn’t Delgal explain? Was he embarrassed? Mournful? Couldn’t find the words?
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Delgal was scared of dying. He wanted prosperity at any cost, and how could Thistle possibly refuse? Did he even realize that what he was the one who pushed his own brother— One who basically helped raise him despite being a child himself, and in many ways is still a child— down this path? Or was it like watching an overzealous employee misinterpret directions?
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The way Yaad describes things here makes it sound like Thistle simply dug too deep in his studies and fell into madness, but we know that’s not true. Delgal didn’t “suggest” he learn magic, he wanted a mage who could help himself and his people defy death, which he admits to Thistle openly:
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So, why? Why not tell his grandson, at least, the truth of the matter? Did he worry it might make the remaining residents more likely to upset Thistle, and therefore suffer the consequences? Did he just not care? For what it’s worth though, Yaad does suspect the truth from Delgal’s behavior.
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He “always blamed himself” for his descent into the dark arts. This is just Yaad’s observation, and that’s without knowing that it was quite literally Delgal’s fault Thistle went down this path. So, why? Why was it all kept a secret?
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Of course, this made things ripe for the winged lion to manipulate to its advantage. Clearly despite knowing he’d pushed him into using it, Delgal still thought the lion was a force of good that was misused by Thistle as a result of his madness. His face in that last panel is particularly haunting. He looks terrible, gaunt and pale with overgrown hair and missing teeth. Had he gone mad, with grief and sorrow, as well?
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Could he no longer see Thistle the way he did when they were younger? No one can ask him, because he died long before the story even began.
To go back to the original question, well, how did Delgal see Thistle? None of the previous points make a definitive answer any clearer, and I think that’s just brilliant. And so, so tragic.
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uriekukistan · 4 months
JJK 261 ANALYSIS: What happened, how, why Yuuta made the choice he did, and a discussion of tragedy & major themes of JJK
MAJOR spoilers below the cut so please read at your risk.
i wanted to dissect what happened a bit, and address a few points i saw floating around since the leaks dropped. of course, these are all my interpretations, so feel free to disagree, i just had a lot of thoughts floating around that i wanted to put out for discussion.
I. Gojo was never coming back
first of all, i don't know how you guys expected him to survive bisection. i said this earlier in the day as my justification for why i didn't think gojo was coming back, prior to leaks, and i don't think i can say it any better now.
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and this is just my interpretation of reverse curse technique, but if anything, yuuta in this chapter supports my theory. in the scene where he's on shoko's table and arata nitta says that he's used rct to keep the wounds from getting worse, but it might be too late for yuuta to recover. in that case, gojo wasn't coming back from being sliced in half. it's just not possible.
additionally, and this is another thing that i've said for a long time. he says right in episode 6 (i forgot the chapter) that his dream is to reset the jujutsu world raise up a generation of strong students that work together. that is why he became a teacher. this very clearly comes from his relationship with suguru, and it's one of gojo's clearest motivations from the beginning.
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the problem is, in order to achieve this, he has to die. so long as satoru gojo is alive, he will have to carry the burden of being the strongest alone. his students won't have to work together, because gojo will just take care of everything. this is already in the works, with how many people have come together to stand against sukuna. if gojo lived and defeated sukuna on his own, this wouldn't have happened, and bringing him back would, again, reduce the need for his students work together.
unfortunately, gojo has been doomed by the narrative from the start, and his primary goal as a character basically requires his death to be realized in its entirety.
II. They're not heroes, they're jujutsu sorcerers.
yeah, i'm stealing megumi's line because it's true. he literally said it twice for a reason, and then yuuta said a repackaged version of it in this chapter ("we're about to fight history's strongest jujutsu sorcerer. if we can win by throwing away our humanity, we shouldn't even be arguing about this").
trust, all the characters are well aware of the ethical issues with taking gojo's body after he's dead, both with what it means for gojo, and with what it means for yuuta. but this isn't a story about heroism, this isn't a story about the power of friendship. if it was, yuuji would have saved junpei all the way back at the beginning of the series. it was pretty clear from the start that this wasn't going to be the typical shounen manga like that.
in fact, expecting it to be is unrealistic. it's unrealistic in real life too, if i'm being so honest. everyone wants to think they'd take the moral high road in this type of situation, but the reality is, when you're fighting tooth and nail against an opponent that is fighting dirty, you have to fight dirty too if you want to win, and i think that's what yuuta is trying to point out in this chapter.
this happens in real life wars which im not gonna get into examples because i dont want to start that kind of discourse, but like...it's so great to be idealistic and hope that virtue will triumph simply because it is virtuous, but i think if you take a look around, you'll realize it's true that good people do not get what they deserve simply because they're good (that's so megumi of me to say...). or if you think of it like a board game, if a player is cheating, it is infinitely harder to win without cheating yourself.
maybe this is a bit pessimistic of me to say, but you will not win a dirty fight without getting dirty yourself, and i think it's pretty clear that sukuna fights dirty.
additionally, it's shitty to see gojo be weaponized, and i understand that, but it plays into the themes about strength in jjk, which i will get into.
III. This was not an "ass pull."
i don't really have much to say to this. did you think yuuta wouldn't take kenjaku's technique? plus, kenjaku being eaten by rika is probably the only surefire way to ensure that they're dead and won't just hop to another body. i've already said why gojo wouldn't come back, but it makes sense that if yuuta were to copy kenjaku's technique, who else would he body hop into, if not gojo? there's already narrative evidence to support this action, from the guidelines of yuuta's technique, kenjaku's technique, and gojo's technique, to the character of yuuta okkotsu, which i want to do an analysis in a separate post for him, so i won't get into that right now.
idk...to me, all the threads connect, plus i felt like yuuta's return was foreshadowed pretty heavily in 259 & 260, with the mention of yuuta's plan that yuuji couldn't know, and then on the last page of 260, the comparison of sukuna and yuuta, so for me, i always thought that it was not actually gojo, but yuuta at the end of 260.
IV. Themes of JJK: The burden of being "the strongest," or even just strong
even many jjk fans see gojo as "the strongest," and nothing more, doing exactly what the narrative sets up as one of the chief problems of jjk. a lot of gojo's actions are spurred on by the burden he feels from being the strongest modern sorcerer. his entire character is built around this problem of the responsibility and burden that falls on someone who's considered to be "the best" at anything.
in fact, this is also a driving point for geto too, and the conflicts geto and gojo come into with each other, as well as geto's inevitable fall from grace. it all comes from this issue that's at the core of jujutsu society. gojo recognizes that, and, as i mentioned, that is why he became a teacher. so that no young sorcerers will feel the burden of being the strongest alone.
the problem is this is easier said than done. after gojo dies, this burden gets passed down to yuuta, and he feels that immense pressure, which is why he decides to do what he does. he says "haven’t we been pushing the burden of being a monster onto gojo-sensei alone? if gojo-sensei is gone, then who else will be the monster? If no one intends to become one, then I will!" and i think this really powerful evidence of the pressure and burden of being the strongest, and i think the word monster is really important here. the burden pushes people to be something they're not, a shadow of their true self.
it distorts morality, like with geto. it isolates people, like with gojo. it forces people to go to unspeakable lengths to uphold their burden, like with yuuta. it leads people with immense power to doubt themselves, like with megumi. it leads people to feel like a cog in the machine, not a human, like with yuuji.
this is sooo so important and a key theme of jjk, and this chapter in particular, and the driving force behind yuuta's actions.
V. Themes in JJK: Loneliness and Isolation
this one has, in my opinion, a bigger role in the story overall than just in this chapter.
as i mentioned before, gojo is lonely. the only person who could understand him was geto, and he turned away from him, and then died. he seems like a silly guy or whatever, but it's just a mask.
but geto also felt alone and isolated, and that's why he turned away. between gojo and geto, neither of them were able to put share the burden of carrying their strength alone, and it's what kept them apart and made their relationship so tragic.
arguably, and though he would never admit it, sukuna is also lonely, though it's buried deep within him and something he will likely never acknowledge, despite it, and his lack of understanding of love (arguably a symptom of his loneliness), are major reasons for the way he acts.
yuuta, though supported by maki, inumaki, and panda in a way that the previously mentioned characters are not, is still isolated. he alone carries the burden of his strength. he was also alone his whole life after rika died, and then again when he was shipped off to africa, away from his friends (yeah he had miguel, maybe i'm missing something, but i dont see them having that type of relationship.
not only that, but yuuta recognizes gojo's loneliness, and reaches out to tell him not to try to stand by himself once again, and gojo admits that's something he can't do, the reason being his relationship with geto.
even further, yuuji and megumi, the parallel to satosugu, are both deeply lonely, except for when they have each other. i mentioned in this analysis that the reason megumi can't just get up and keep going is because he's alone and has been for over a month. i want to get into this more in my next point.
VI. Where I think (hope) this leads for JJK
a satisfying ending for jjk, in my opinion, would be the resolution to this loneliness and burden of strength issue that has been present throughout the narrative. something like yuuji being able to save megumi and them being able to correct what went wrong with satosugu in their own relationship.
personally would like to see satosugu reach the ending they should have had through the itafushi parallels - let them save each other! but i do know gege said only one of them (the trio + gojo) will die, or only one will live....that was years ago maybe he changed his mind :D
we all want to see yuuji take down sukuna himself, but i think it would be a great resolution to see everyone take down sukuna as a team. no one person is alone, no one person has the burden of the strongest. i know i said this wasn't a "power of friendship" manga, and i stand by that, but i think this would be the perfect ending. yuuta throws his humanity away to do what he did in 261 because he felt like it was the only choice and it was something he alone could do, but yuuji represents unwavering humanity (literally his name), and i think to preserve that, they all need to share that burden. let them realize they need each other.
this is what gojo died for, and this is what he lived for. this is why he became a teacher in the first place- to raise a generation that can be strong together, that can support one another.
VII. "It's poorly written torture porn!" "There's no point if there's no happy ending!" etc
i said this in a separate post but tragedies have existed in literature since the 6th century BCE, 2600 years ago. many of the most popular stories throughout history have been tragedies, for example, orpheus & eurydice, romeo & juliet, even things like the fault in our stars and the titanic movie. here's a quick explanation of what it means for a story to be a tragedy (yeah it's from wikipedia but they want me to pay to access the original source and im not doing that for a jjk analysis)
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one of things i like most about this definition is the use of the word "catharsis," which is to say that the expression of strong emotions is a way of bringing about renewal and relief. in literature, it's used to say that with the arousal and following release of negative emotions relieves suppressed emotions for the viewer. im not gonna get too personal with it, but i know i've experienced this with jjk.
additionally all of the aforementioned tragedies, they have a message, no matter how sad they are. orpheus & eurydice inspires perseverance and faith in the gods. even something like titanic has messages about everlasting love that overcomes all boundaries. jjk has its message too, and it's long underway. we just have to wait for it to reach its conclusion.
it's easy to lose sight of the bigger picture when we only get one chapter a week, and the fact that the pain is so dragged out is a bit tiring, i'll admit. but that doesn't mean it's bad. having negative emotions stirred by a story doesn't mean bad writing. i mean, i would hope you feel sad. i would hope you feel angry. i would be concerned if you didn't. but given that jjk is a tragedy, that just indicates good writing. especially these last two chapters, i've felt moved in a way nothing else has done for me in a long time.
as always, these are just my thoughts!!! im happy to hear from anyone what they think :D
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mourningsbane · 2 months
Okay this blog and the story has been circulating slowly in my head for days now and I feel like tossing out a theory because I never theorize but here I am
So. Tanglefern’s greatest mistake. I believe that he may have poisoned Honeyspring in some way. If not a direct poisoning, he was at the very least aware of and partially involved in Honeyspring’s rapid death. But I also think he was not aware she was pregnant. I do not know if the kits were not quite right because they were too early in development, some kind of curse stuff, or because of the poison/illness. Either way, it seems Tanglefern wished them no ill will due to the intense despair he felt when the crude surgery (is it surgery if on a corpse?) failed. Another note; I’m not fully sure Tanglefern meant for/wanted them to die. ‘There’s nothing more I can do for you’. And it seems very heavily implied that Rootstar ordered the c-section, which is where the ‘no respect for the dead!’ Line comes in from Bearface. Along with this, I’m like 99% sure Honeyspring and Flaildrizzle were in a romantic relationship and were planning to raise those kits together. Honeyspring looked so soft in her dream, maybe they were trying to look less spooky as to not scare Flaildrizzle?
I do not believe Honeyspring is ‘evil’. She is scared and oh so alone, and is lashing out because of it. She just wants help, as I believe that is what the messed up mouse is huffing at Tanglefern, and potentially Sweetkit too. Tanglefern even wonders why StarClan won’t take them, implying that in life she never did anything evil enough to warrant going to kitty cat hell. At least, not that Tanglefern would know. And, seeing how their mere presence is warping the prey, I think she could have killed Sweetkit if she wanted, but they didn’t.
A very out-there theory is that Honeyspring may have been kept from StarClan because of the rage fuelling the end of her life (towards Tanglefern?). In my opinion, she seems aware that her death wasn’t natural. Their first headshot reference says ‘I will never forgive you’ which I believe is specifically aimed at whoever orchestrated or at least played a part in her death. Her second reference says kind with a question mark in brackets, which means they were at the very least kind in life. Not being able to communicate with anyone, those who see her being terrified, not being allowed into StarClan, they must all tear at their mind and likely their overall stability. I honestly don’t think she’s as malicious as we seem to be getting led to believe.
This may also be me grasping at straws but with the ‘there’s something underneath the ground’ and the description of her disease-reeking blood seeping into the dirt floor I wonder if that’s something. Definitely not I’m reaching but meh it’s fun.
Finally, I’m not fully sure that, whatever Tanglefern’s involvement was, he intended for them to die. ‘Distantly, some raw part of him, carbed open like the body before him, realized it was all for nothing’ now while it’s likely this is just in reference to the c-section, I feel this could also be the fact Honeyspring died and may not have been meant to. There was some kind of plan, I’m just not sure what it was’
Basically a summary I believe Tanglefern had an influence in Honeyspring’s sudden demise but was not aware of the kits, Bearface was NOT happy about the c-section, Flaildrizzle and Honeyspring were a couple and going to raise those kits, Honeyspring wasn’t evil in life but is now losing stability due to being so isolated, and Tanglefern may not have intended Honeyspring to die. I may be super off I am not good at theories and it is very late. But hey. All in good fun.
Anyways giving Honeyspring a big hug I love them and she is spinning around in my brain like a rotisserie chicken 24/7
also omg sorry this got so long i got lowkey rambly here but my brain is going whir because oh my god this is so cool-
Worry not, I do not mind receiving long post! I, too, tend to get rambly when talking about things, so I certainly don't blame you. Plus, I love reading theories! It gives me insight into what people think, and I don't want any lore elements to feel like they came out of nowhere! <3
As for your theories, you are very close! Tanglefern gave Honeyspring Mourningsbane instead of Clottingroot when treating the injury on her hind leg.
Honeyspring and Flaildrizzle were mates, and you're right that Honeyspring tried to look "softer". The time is soon, and Honeyspring didn't want to startle her. Honeyspring is weak and intangible at the moment, but not for long. And you're on the right track with her "disease-reeking blood seeping into the dirt floor"; her rotting body taints the very soil.
I agree that Honeyspring is not a villain in the stereotypical sense! She was very well-liked in life, and had a lot going for her! I would say that she's both a victim and a perpetrator.
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adonis-koo · 10 months
sweet nothing • 8
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| in which you run into an old costumer |
↳ Description: being a guest at the Jeon Estate after a mishap of being kidnapped and dragged into your brothers affairs isn’t all that bad. Truth be told it brings you a lot closer to the mobster and owner of the estate Jeon Jungkook himself.
His two rules are simple, don’t cause trouble and don’t give him a hard time. Somehow you manage to constantly do both in the most endearing way despite being pregnant and waddling around most of the time.
Pairing: Jungkook/reader, ???/reader
↳ Genre: slice of life AU, mafia!AU, pregnancy, there’s like…a little bit of a plot but not a lot, future smut? maybe? it's very domestic!
Word count: 3k
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Note: just know that the only reason these updates take so long is because I keep writing plot based chapters and I really just wanna post fluff based chapters 😭
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“Thank you for taking me out!” You grinned as you took a large sip of your hot chocolate, it was still definitely not cold enough for it yet but you didn’t care.
Something about hitting your third trimester had you wanting to nest like crazy, it had you going around the estate cleaning and getting guards to help move furniture around.
You really had no right to be doing it but nobody told you otherwise.
Jungkook had come back midday, surprisingly early, he had paused in the entry hall of his home locking eyes with the pregnant menace that had abruptly put herself at the forefront of his life once again.
It was then he realized you definitely needed to get out of the estate.
“If it keeps you from not moving all my stuff around,” He shrugged, leaning back in his seat, eyes flickering from his phone to you.
You frowned, “I’m sorry, I don’t even know what possessed me.” You sighed, “Well I do, they say third trimester can make you start nesting.”
You glared are the way he snorted as if not believing you, “It’s a fact, you can look it up.”
“The fuck is that even supposed to be? What are you, a bird?”
“It means you just get the innate urge to just…” you puffed your cheeks, ignoring that look he was giving you, “Clean and decorate and just…I don’t know I can’t describe it! Just wish I had my own place to do that with and prepare for the baby.”
Jungkook sighed, his eyes went from looking at you to dropping down to your stomach, it was round when you had first come to the estate, but it was evident six weeks had passed, “Then maybe it’s time we talk about a nursery.”
You paused, getting ready to take another drink from your cup but it never meets to your lips.
Jungkook sighed, “I know you don’t wanna talk about it, but finding your brother has quite literally lead me to dead ends I didn’t even think would exist. You’re almost thirty weeks pregnant, that’s less than three months.”
“Okay yeah I can do basic math, but it’s already been almost two months. Surely it won’t take another two months to find him,” You pressed your lips together nervously.
“Would it be so terrible if you gave birth in the estate? It’ll probably be a better experience than the hospital.” Jungkook commented, picking up his coffee as he took a sip.
It wasn’t that you were against giving birth in the estate, professional staff in the comforts of a bed? That was a luxury every woman could only dream of having, it was more the aftermath of it.
The idea of still living at the estate post pregnancy…it was a dangerous thought, it was too close to the life you had once wanted with Jungkook.
You just weren’t sure how to articulate that too him.
Jungkook finally raised a brow at you, noticing your lack of reply.
“I just…don’t want to get too comfortable at the estate.” You finally spoke carefully, “I don't think that's good for anybody involved.”
“I understand but I also don’t like being unprepared- in any aspect concerning me or my estate, and that includes you whether you want it or not.” Jungkook replied, “Just because a nursery is there doesn’t mean it’ll ever be used, it’ll just be there so first of all, you stop moving all my shit and you have a place to do your bird stuff-“
“Nesting.” You glared, lips quirking into a pout as your hands wrapped around your stomach.
Jungkook’s lips curved a little, “Bird stuff. And second, if it does turn out that your stay is extended, it’ll be ready.”
You still weren’t completely sold on the idea, if anything you felt like it would just feed into the delusion even further.
“Why hello there mama.” Another voice suddenly cut in, grabbing a chair from the empty table next to you both and plopping it on the side of your table.
Jungkook immediately straightened up, eyes glaring daggers that could definitely kill, “What the fuck are you doing here?”
The man brushed his black hair from his eyes a quirky smirk on his face as he shrugged, “Uh I’m just stopping in to say hello to my favorite barista who got put on bed rest early.”
A smile twisted on your lips, you were familiar with his face, he had been a regular for almost two years, the realization however quickly hit that Jungkook was very acquainted with this man.
You felt flabbergasted for a moment, you couldn’t believe you never made the connection that the regular customer Yoongi was also Underboss business partner Yoongi.
“It’s nice to see you again Yoongi! I can't believe I didn’t recognize you as Jungkook’s partner…” You sheepishly smiled.
Jungkook clearly didn’t share the same sentiment, his nostrils flared and he looked ready to maul his partner.
“Nah probably for the best you didn’t realize. You as well, you look only a thousand times prettier, have that pregnancy glow about you.” Yoongi threw your a wink.
Jungkook wasn’t sure what made him more violent, the fact that you both were already well acquainted or Yoongi so casually flirting with you.
It was part of his personality but it still didn’t make any attention he or any other male gave you, any easier for Jungkook to witness.
“If you aren’t here for business, get the fuck away from our table.” Jungkook gritted his teeth, as if it took every fiber of his being to not right hook.
Yoongi didn’t seem phased, “Oh I was just in the area, been coming to Serendipity for a long while now, and then I suddenly see my favorite barista who’s been gone for two months, of course I have have to say hello.”
“Okay well you said hello, now go the fuck away.”
“Jungkook!” You said sternly, “Don’t be so stubborn, Yoongi can sit with us for a few minutes at least.”
His eyes were a raging fire as they burned into you, his chest puffing but he said no more as Yoongi observed you both, a smirk on his face as he leaned back in his chair.
“How are you enjoying the estate Y/n?”
You smiled tenderly, “The company makes it honestly, I don’t know what I’d do without Jungkook and Yeonjun.”
“Yeonjun?” Jungkook looked like he sucked on a sour lemon as he spat the name out.
“I still want my apartment back but I’ve made the most of the it. What about you? Why haven’t you come to visit if you knew where I was?” You asked, curious as to what the man had been up too.
Yoongi’s gaze flickered to Jungkook, “Well…let’s just say I was asked to not drop by unless it was absolutely necessary.”
“And it isn’t.” Jungkook gritted.
“Okay well first of all this doesn’t count cause we’re not at the estate, second of all you’re not the only one who has relations to Y/n, I mean have you ever had this woman’s chai? Or her baked cinnamon rolls? Talented hands right there.” Yoongi stretched out in his seat, that playful nature about him.
“Oh don’t flatter me.” You shooed his praise.
“No you deserve all the praise in the world, in fact you deserve-“
“We’re going.” Jungkook stood up from his seat, sick of this if he had to hear one more word come out of his stupid partners mouth.
“Jungkook!” You complained, but nevertheless took his hand when he offered it, “Please visit Yoongi, you’re conversation is always welcomed.”
Yoongi only smiled, sunk into his seat as he watched the tall broody figure practically drag you away, it made him laugh in amusement.
Yoongi by no means kept an eye on you the last two years for his own benefit, but he supposed somethings would always remain thankless.
He had accomplished what he wanted though, evidently no matter how much Jungkook talked- and he talked a lot, it was clear he had grown possessive over you in the last few months.
Yoongi shook his head in amusement, watching the viper leave the parking lot through the window, he was happy to see that old spark in his partner return.
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“What was that about!” You complained, immediately dialing the heat down to sixty in the car.
“You shouldn’t be talking to him,” Jungkook grumbled, hands gripping the steer wheel as if he was trying to strangle it, “If you care about your baby’s safety you’ll make an active effort to not talk to him.”
“Hes been one of my regulars for like two years,” you complained, “How was I supposed to know he was your partner? I never even officially met him! What makes him anymore dangerous then you? Hm?”
Jungkook deflated, obviously not having a good reason, “The difference is I’m protecting you.”
“Oh so you’re saying he wouldn’t?”
“The point,” Jungkook gritted his teeth in annoyance, “Is don’t talk to him.”
You frowned as you twisted to fully look at Jungkook, was he…jealous?
“Are you mad that I’m paying attention to someone else?” You asked upfront, you could only be discreet about so many things.
“I’m not mad”.
“No you’re definitely mad.” You replied pointedly.
“I’m annoyed that my business partner is talking to me outside of business.” Jungkook replied.
“But he was talking to me, not you.” You crossed your arms.
“He was doing that on purpose.” Jungkook huffed.
It was silent for a long moment as you folded your hands into your lap.
Of course you didn’t have to point it out, but truthfully it felt too ridiculous to not? “Are you jealous?”
There was another pause.
“Why would I be jealous?”
“You tell me,” you replied, a pout on your lips, “You always do this when someone talks to me, men specifically.”
“Do you actually want an honest answer?” Jungkook looked even more annoyed, even so much as throwing you a frosty glance before his eyes returned to the road.
You blinked before a troubled frown slowly curved on your lips, you could think of several ways he’d be honest and none of them you’d be able to fully believe.
“What I want,” you took a breath, “Is to be able to have a conversation without you looking like you’re shooting daggers out of your eyes.”
“I wasn’t shooting daggers out of my eyes.”
You puffed your cheeks, “Well you claim you don’t do a lot of things, that you do in fact, do.”
“How about we just stop talking.” Jungkook replied.
You pouted but spoke no more as you yawned.
“Do you wanna go home?”
You nodded with a small groan, “Yeah, I need to take a nap,” you nodded with another yawn.
Jungkook only nodded in return, eyes occasionally glancing at you, attempting to sleep in the car, when did his life start revolving around you this much?
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lucky-slice · 6 months
Do you understand how much kevin respects neil? And i don't mean when it comes to exy, like sure there's a whole lot of you're not good enough followed by you will make court bluh bluh bluh, i mean fundamentally as a human.
Kevin and Neil's conversation after the truth of Neil's father is revealed drives me absolutely insane because I think it highlights a lot about how Kevin views Neil.
so indulge me for a bit....
I think a lot of people forget, in light of Andrew choking Kevin for not telling him the truth, that Kevin's initial reaction was to tell Neil to run.
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*sorry for the quality - these are all screenshots off my phone
Kevin's instinct is to tell Neil to save himself, despite what that would mean for the team's success and for Kevin himself. This is significant to me for two reasons.
It highlights that Kevin genuinely cares about Neil outside of his exy potential. For most people, this would be a pretty obvious response to finding out your teammate has a guaranteed death sentence if they stick around, so it might not seem all that meaningful, but Kevin was raised in such an environment were you continued to play no matter what - even at the risk of death. Kevin is unflinchingly callous when it comes to exy and his teammates (*see his reaction to Seth's death), but he is frantic in his concern for Neil in contrast to his fairly passive response to basically anyone else's wellbeing outside of exy. Neil's death will have no real impact on Kevin. If Neil dies or goes to the ravens, nothing changes for Kevin. He is not at a greater risk of being hurt by Riko or the Moriyama's nor will his exy career be effected. That's not to say he would tell Neil to stay if he cared about him any less, but there is a desperation that implies a depth beyond just that of a teammate.
The fact that Kevin is frantic and desperate for Neil to leave, gives weight to his decision to keep teaching Neil in the aftermath of the revelation.
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Neil doesn't want to run - he wants to be Neil Josten until the end. He gave Kevin his game and now he's asking him to keep it and Kevin obliges.
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This is essentially Kevin promising that he will keep Neil's secret. He will allow Neil to wear his mask and continue teaching him despite the fact that Neil is essentially a dead man walking. This, to me, is Kevin ultimately respecting Neil and his choice. At any moment, Kevin has the ability to got to Wymack or Andrew and give Neil the chance at surviving, but that would mean betraying Neil.
Some people (certainly the foxes) would view refusing Neil's request as the proper and morally correct thing to do. But I think Kevin's immediate acceptance of Neil's decision is both immensely meaningful to Neil and also a signifier of a shared understanding between to two.
Imagine how impactful it must be for Neil, who has never had autonomy over his own life and has been marked for death basically since he was born, to be told that not only will his decisions and his autonomy be respected, but there is someone who will stand by his side on the court, knowing the whole truth, until the very end.
Kevin doesn't have much to offer Neil at this point. He can not give him a future - he'll be long dead before he can ever make court, and Kevin is a coward - he is not andrew, he can't stand up against the Moriyama's or Riko or Neil's father. Kevin can not protect Neil in a way that matters. All he can do is promise to keep Neil's secret and offer him a few more months of being Neil Josten.
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I'm not including this to disparage Andrew or to suggest that he does not respect Neil, but this highlights that Kevin knows the decision to keep Neil's secret is one only Kevin would make. Andrew without a doubt would immediately try to get Neil to leave or attempt to get him into protection. I'm not passing a judgement of morality on what would've been the right thing to do, but I do think Kevin's reaction is indicative of the fact that Neil and Kevin understand each other in a way that no one else really will.
Neil and Kevin are a parallel's in a number of ways. Kevin lived the life that Neil was supposed to have and they are two parts of one story.
To them exy is not a game, but it's not really about exy either. It's about deciding to stay just to play for a couple more months even though you'll wind up dead because playing means you finally get to live after years of being a ghost. It's about playing to be the best no matter what, even though the consequences are having your hand smashed and the life you know completely demolished. It's about playing even though you're shaking with fear and anxiety because you need proof that your life, whether it be running to survive or living under an abusive hand, was not a waste.
Kevin agrees to keep Neil's secret because if the roles were reversed, Kevin would like to believe that he'd be strong enough to ask Neil for the same thing. This is obviously conjecture and a heavy heavy reading between the lines, but I'd like to think there's some truth there.
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Finishing up with this line because it makes me a little emotional.
Kevin starts the conversation by calling Neil "Nathaniel" and ends it by calling him Neil again. Its right there in the text, "it was a promise". Kevin is offering Neil a life that is fully his - not his father's, not Riko's, but Neil's to do with what he would like, even if its only for a couple more months. If that's not respect, than I don't know what is.
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yoke9494 · 5 months
Baby Making. (Gojo Satoru.)
*Originally written for Songbird. (Over and done with.)
*Higher ups/Gojo clan want a baby from you and Gojo. Both of you have been dodging it for years. Until Yuji came along. (Explanation in fic.)
*Mentions of Geto. (Who's still alive and didn't go all "You obey me now." on everyone)
*Readers cursed technique is summoning curses with sound. Also is related to Sukuna in a way and has one of his tattoos on her tongue.
*Songbirds are identified by a birthmark. (three dots on their lower lip.)
*Any children she has will copy her technique along with the father. (Yes even Gojo. Just go with it. The fic didn't follow the plot much.)
Gojo bullied the reader in her first year. His nickname for her is Kiwi. (after the flightless bird)
You hated it here.. Always have and always will.
The memory of the higher ups forcing open your mouth to sneer at the tattoo on your tongue. The mark that tied you to the so called king of curses...
It didn't matter to them that you also had the same mark on your lip as those who were considered gods.. The Songbird clan with the power to summon controlled curses from sound.
You were supposed to be a god that died out long ago. The very last one-- rhe first one to be seen in 1,000 years.
That didn't matter to them because of the mark on your tongue. The same mark Sukuna was said to have right in the middle of his forehead.
You needed to be killed!
But then came along the Gojo Clan. Despite them being good to you all these years. They were of greedy people, greedy for power and the desire to stay at the top.
Sure they had the infamous Gojo Satoru for that. But what if they had more than one? His offspring-- six eyes plus infinity along with a Songbirds technique? Their family name could never be tarnished.
So they literally bought you for their son.. They paid sooo much money for the higher ups to keep you alive. (And they let Yaga raise you since he *along with Geto* were the ones to find you. And you basically imprinted on Yaga like a baby duck.)
You would be kept alive long enough to give them and Gojo as many heirs as you could. Also since you were technically half a curse..
Well, you could also help track the rest of Sukuna's fingers since his blood ran in your veins. They would call to you. (And they did. You were the reason the school was in possession of 6 fingers.)
But eventually You were forced to marry the white haired bully. (Even though you were in love with his best friend) But the babies were pushed back once you had shown the higher ups you were of more use on the field than at home pregnant.
Until now..
"The boy is to be executed--"
You cut whoever was talking off. "One child if the boy lives."
You stood next to Gojo with your arms crossed. The boy in question (Yuji Itadori) was a vessel. But this vessel was strong enough to control the King Of Curses? And they wanted him dead?!
Not on your watch. If you've been able to live all these years, then so should the boy.
Gojo slowly turned to you and smiled. Ready to say something stupid. But in reality it was a sense of pride. You've come along way from that weak, meek, Kiwi he met during his second year.
You ignored his presence as every single one of these pricks became quiet..
But of course it never lasted long. One of them cleared their throat.
"One child?"
You nodded. "One. Unless I become unfortunate enough to become pregnant with more. But I-- we will try for just one."
Their voices began to whisper and jumble together. The Gojo Clan had promised the higher up the children you and Gojo produced would be theirs to control. In order for them to stay at the top.
See.. greedy.
It was a good deal on the higher ups end. You've never been ready to have a baby just for you to give up.. And you never will be. But an innocent boy's life was on the line. And he was a boy that your already adopted son, (Megumi) wanted saved..
A voice spoke up behind you and Gojo. "A total of 4. They do not need to be born all at once, but within a year apart."
You felt Gojo lean in. "You don't need to do this."
You ignored him once again. "Only if the boy stays alive. And IF he is to be harmed by any of you or those that kiss your asses. The deal is off and I will terminate any pregnancy and be happily executed for it."
You were bluffing... -- but they didn't know that..
Gojo let out a dramatic sigh as you walked the schools halls.
"So. Baby huh?"
You sucked your teeth. Yes, your relationship with Gojo was much better than how it was when you were kids. But he had pushed you so hard back then, you couldn't really stand him, even as an adult when his crudeness died down..
He let out an annoying chuckle. "Shouldn't you let Suguru know? I mean--"
You grabbed Gojo by his uniform and yanked him along. For someone with long legs-- he was really dragging his ass right now.
You didn't want to talk about Suguru. Fear that guilt might make you change your mind. But.. "He knew this was going to happen eventually. He always said he'd rather not know when.."
Gojo perked up. "Oh! So I guess it's a good thing for you that he's on a mission right now huh?" He snapped his fingers. "Damnit, and here I wanted to tell him the story of how I made you shake for once."
You rounded the corner and brought him into Shoko's infirmary. Thankfully it was empty and clean.
You left him by a table. "Sit there and wait."
Gojo watched you go up to a some cabinets and snoop around. He'll admit, when you were younger there wasn't much to look at. He's seen better-- but now?
Fuck you really filled out. Body more curvy, chest fuller, ass-- Your ass was a body part he's dreamed of biting into.. He didn't want to look anywhere else as you bent down to continue your searching.
But he had to ask. "What are you looking for? Are we going to get nasty in Shoko's space? Wanna use some of her tools? We'll clean them after of course--"
You rolled your eyes. "Take off your pants so this can go quicker. And shut up-- your voice is annoying."
He didn't need to be told twice. And to be honest.. he liked it when you were mean. It made little Gojo tingle.
Gojo wasn't going to admit it, but he was already getting excited. And he couldn't really understand it.. Was it because he always wondered what you would be like in bed? Well, not always.. Not until he saw Suguru coming out of your room one night. Walking down the halls in a state he's never seen his best friend before. (Fucked out)
Maybe he was jealous? But he couldn't really be, he gave Suguru permission to have a "relationship" with you behind closed doors.
The marriage was just a favor for Yaga. So he could have the little family he wanted.
Plus it got his own family off his back!--
But again.. You had changed so much. And he couldn't help but listen to that little voice in his head that said he wanted you after all.
"Are your pants off yet?"
Oh right!
You left into a different room and he wasted no time taking everything off.-- fuck it, he took nearly everything off. Leaving him only in his underwear..
Suguru may have told him stories just to get him to shut up. And they were nasty!
Would you rip his underwear off if he took forever and teased you first? Or would you just yank his dick out and use him? He wanted to be used..
Yeah, something was wrong with him.. But he didn't care!
You walked out of the room and scrunched up your nose.
Gojo was on one of the medical tables Shoko did all her dissecting on. Nearly butt naked while he held up his ankles, spread his legs and smiled at you. "Be gentle with me. This is my first time."
You rolled your eyes and let out a dry laugh. "Doubtful."
He could feel his heart racing and his cock twitching as you got closer.
You rounded the table and stopped by his head. Oh? Did you want to sit on his face first? He could do that for a while if you wanted. He should probably prep you anyways.
He was definitely bigger than Suguru--
A plastic cup was set down by his head-- his dreams crushed!
Gojo's legs went limp and his smile dropped. "What the fuck is that for?"
You gave him a droll look as he sat up-- pissed-- disappointed-- heartbroken!
You pushed the little cup towards him while he just stared at it like it disrespected his whole clan.
You tried to mimic that same dumb smirk he always had on. "Try not to waste any. I'll have Shoko shoot your baby gravy in me when she gets back."
His mouth hung as you began to walk away. Why didn't you want to do it the old fashioned way? The fun way!
"Can I at least get some help?"
You looked back and shrugged. "I'm sure you have Internet on your phone? You can watch porn.. or look at all the naked pictures you get from random women daily."
Gojo dug out his phone from his pocket. "Phones dead."
You rolled your eyes. "Use your imagination Gojo. I got shit to do."
He began to pout. "Pleeeeease. I won't bother you for the rest of the day. Just a peek?"
A day without him bothering you would be nice.
Like a puppy he jumped up when you lifted your shirt. Only for his shoulders to drop. "Aww. Stop being like that-- Can you at least pull down the bra?"
Gojo always got what he wanted.. And he wanted you to suffer.
Not because he was mad at you. No. He was hurt! You rushed him when he tried to kiss every inch of your body. He pulled out all his best excuses just to get you to let him put his mouth on your soft tits for just a minute..
He begged for you just to touch him. What were you doing to him? He doesn't beg--
He whined and pouted until you finally got tired of all his bitching. Silently celebrating when you pushed him onto the table, climbed onto him and sunk down on his cock.
He got what he wanted, but he was hurt that you expected him to basically be a two pump chump. Now he was going to milk every minute of you on top of him.
You were going to learn today...
As fun as it was watching you struggle. Thighs shaking, nails digging into his chest, he just knew you were trying your hardest to not moan out his name as you came for the 2nd? 3rd? time.
Here comes the fourth...
Gods Satoru loved it when you looked mad. Like one of those angry birds or something stupid cute like that..
You were panting. "Can you hurry up and cum?"
Gojo shrugged. "Tired? I would help but... I can't touch you remember?" He held up his hands, wrists now bound together by his blindfold because you didn't want him pawing at your tits or slapping your ass. (He was able to do both at least once.. and it was great!)
You began to move again. Literally turning him into a slip n slid with how much of your cum and slick pooled on his lower abdomen.
Heaven.. that's where he was..
Gojo was slightly panting as you rolled your hips. Cock twitching from how your walls gripped him, sucking him in like you actually wanted him.
But he wasn't going to tell you how good you were making him feel. It just wasn't in natural for the type of relationship you both shared.
"You really suck at this. I bet Suguru cheats when he goes on missions."
"Gods, shut up." Your nails dug in deeper and he hissed. Almost losing his focus then and there.
"Your pussy game is weak Kiwi.. I'm falling asleep over here."
He didn't mean all that.. He was actually dying on the inside. Struggling to keep himself from painting your walls white. He wanted to savor this moment you both were having together. There was no doubt you wouldn't end up pregnant today, he was Gojo Satoru after all. He never had to do anything twice! -- always getting everything he's ever tried right on the first attempt.
He felt his body twitch and his bound hands begging to be free.. The fabric of his blindfold ready to tear with one tug.
He needed to calm down.
He thought of everything and anything. Naked grandma? She bought him a few seconds. Yaga in a G-string covered in baby oil? Disgusting!-- but hey, it helped.
You rolled your hips again. You had given up on bouncing on his dick and just kept him deep inside. Electrifying pleasure shooting throughout his whole body with every roll of your--
"Shit! What did you do?" He wasn't going to last much longer. Pussy had him already seeing double. His back was already arching off the table.
You were riding him with everything you had. Fucking him like you hated him and only needed him for his cock. (Kind of true..?)
He made the mistake of opening his fucked out eyes to fully look at you..
Your eyes closed and your head thrown back. Tits bouncing with every little twitch your body made..The way you bit your lip to try and keep your moans to yourself.
The wet sounds of your pussy milking him made his mind feral.
Fuck it. You can yell at him later.
With a yelp you were suddenly thrown on your back with your knees to your chest.
This position had Satoru bullying himself deeper inside of you, you couldn't hold your sounds in anymore. Nails digging into his skin as he started fuckin you at a brutal pace and constantly hitting that sweet spot that had you seeing stars.
"Oh fuck, Your eyes are rolling back. You like it Kiwi?"
Did you? You hated yourself in this moment because you actually did. Maybe it was just your fucked out brain speaking but he felt so good against you. His body was sticky but warm and soft despite how hard his whole body was, his breath and small kisses tickled the skin of your neck when he buried himself in it.
You tried pushing him away, this all seemed too intimate. But your wrist were yanked above your head, his lips ghosting over your's.
"Just one, all I want is one."
You couldn't argue right now. Your lips met his in a messy kiss. Teeth clanking, tongues swirling, and spit leaking out. His movements became sloppy, that rough rhythm had turned into a grinding twitch.
One, two, three pumps in and his body was shaking on top of yours. Warmth filled your stomach as those messy kisses turned lazy. You tried to move your head away, but somehow Satoru had snuck his hand into your hair. You couldn't move, and you were too tired to fight it.
You spoke only when he finally pulled away and almost folded you in half.
"Gojo, what the hell? Put my legs down!"
He caught his breath and smiled. "nu uh. We need to keep your hips up so my kids can find your eggs. You have premium spermies inside you right now Kiwi. Women would start wars just for a drop! We can't waste it!"
You gave him a deadpanned look but he was sort of right? You didn't want to do this again if you didn't have to. (Maybe)
Gojo clicked his tongue. "So. You come here often?"
You snorted and tried to get comfortable. The metal table and uncomfortable position was making your shoulders hurt. "I hope the kids eyes don't glow in the dark like yours. It's creepy.."
Gojo opened his mouth.
"With how strong Satoru's genes are. They probably resemble him more. Let's just hope they have your personality Y/n."
You jumped at the new voice. Low and a little hurt..
Suguru stood at the door with his arms folded. He gave you both a closed eyed smile. "Surprise. I came back early."
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loving-n0t-heyting · 2 months
Finished the megan phelps roper autobio a few days ago. Left me with some thoughts.
The first thing to say is that it was very well written and interesting, especially earlier on pre-exodus, in its portrayal of the wbc. There was smth especially captivating about how she described what was essentially a soft coup within the church transforming it from a consensus-run collective to a formalised patriarchal gerontocracy—its worth reading if for no other reason than to get an insiders visceral feeling of what its like to live in that kind of an activist/religious community from birth
There is this tone the book adopts, tho, especially towards the end, which is obviously absolutely integral to its appeal but nevertheless offputting to me. Its a sort of contrite attitude, portraying her decision to leave and denounce the church as an act of penance for the vile crime against humanity of living a life of Hate. Again, clearly the book wouldnt sell without that line, its the essence of her entire personal brand as an author and speaker (the high market value of which—tho she ofc does not say this in print—must have featured at least somewhat in her decision to leave, if by no other means than relieving certain anxieties about her ability to sustain herself afterward). So its not surprising she would put it so front and centre.
But approaching this penitence objectively it just seems... kind of misplaced? Not that i have anything against public acts of apology and grovelling! But, frankly, its hard to read the account and not conclude she is much more of a victim than anyone she protested or besmirched into hurt feelings. Partly by her family in the form of the inevitable abuse attendant upon being raised in that kind of insular fortress community—tho she does a good job not lazily smearing them as some kind of sadistic cult, part of why i thought her description was so interesting and insightful. But also by counterprotesters and others riled up by her churchs activism: she describes their having faced sexual harassment, physical intimidation and violence, even arson in the face of what were clearly and pointedly constitutionally protected exercises of free speech. All of the former manifestly worse than the latter. Often with cops looking the other way! In a just world these targets of her "hate" would have a lot more apologising to do to her than the other way around
The book even caused me to reconsider the degree of my disgust with their most notorious practice: funeral picketing. Not having followed the pickets at the time super closely, i had interpreted them reflexively as incursions (perhaps constitutionally protected, but still unwarranted) on private family grief, turning what would be a personal act of mourning into a spectacle of vitriol and political grandstanding both ways. So i was surprised to hear the familys official statement on the matter:
So long as the families, military, media, veterans groups, and community-at-large, use funerals or memorial services of dead soldiers as platforms for political patriotic pep rallies, we will continue to picket those pep rallies. If they put the flags down and go home, we’ll go home. Not before then.
This seems basically entirely levelheaded, aside from my disagreement with the object level views they were voicing at these events. Privacy is a two-way street: if you are going to turn yr sons funeral into a patriotic circus, you cant fairly complain about ppl returning fire with a concurrent anti-patriotic circus. No heat, no kitchen. I suspect the actual operative principle in many ppls minds is that it doesnt alter the sacrosanct private character of the funeral to engage in socially normative politicising, but socially abnormal politicising crosses the line. Which is just clearly a grotesque and inherently conservative (derogatory) unprincipled distinction to draw
Speaking of which: its sort of tricky to place the church as conservative/rightwing or liberal/leftwing at all. Even setting aside fred phelps earlier and very laudable struggle against institutional racism. In some sense they were part of the rightwing backlash to gains in gay rights, but not in a way that dovetailed with any serious rightwing political projects on that front. They were the paradigmatic doomers: there was no point engaging in legal efforts to stem the marriage tide, say, bc the american experiment as a whole had incurred gods wrath and was living on borrowed time. To the extent they did have any significant legal impact, it was overwhelmingly positive: they were the ones that brought us snyder v phelps, a heroic win for freedom of speech. They remind me as much as anything of a certain kind of maoist sect, like revcom, not just in style but in content (fervent anti-americanism, racial equality, confidence that The End Is Nigh and the only serious question is how to respond to this imminent demise of the existing order, free speech fundsmentalism clearly for instrumental reasons joined with strict internal censorship, even a version of "no investigation, no right to speak!" inculcated from early childhood)
I think one of my first ever posts on my old blog was on this topic with a nascent, less informed version of the views im expressing here. Some forms of freezepeach contrarianism are just part of my unchanging core ig
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phantom-of-the-501st · 5 months
Thoughts on the Batch's Ending
Ooookay. This is going to be a long one. (Little note from Steph who just finished writing this: it’s nearly 3000 words…)
Tagging @saturn-sends-hugs @inkstainedhandswithrings and @eriexplosion because I value their thoughts (but I'm also not demanding that you read 3000 words of waffle)
I’ve had a lot of thoughts about the finale of The Bad Batch and honestly, my mind is a bit of a mess right now. One of the things I just want to try and tackle is how I feel about the ending of each Batch member individually, because while I can look at it and say “The Batch got a happy ending!”, I feel like that doesn’t really give me much of an idea of whether or not each character got an ending that I feel is fitting for their story arc.
So, this post is basically just going to be me unpicking the ending for each of the Batchers and working out how I feel about it (aka me trying to unscramble the mass load of thoughts going on in my head right now). 
Overall, I’m very happy with where Omega ended up. When you look back on how she was when we first met her, you realise just how much she has grown over the last few seasons. She didn’t just learn to be a part of the squad, she also learned how to look after herself. It isn’t just a development of her skillset, it’s also a growth in maturity, which allows her to have a clearer head and more rational decisions in the field. While Omega trusted her brothers to come and rescue her, she didn’t just sit around and wait for them, she hatched her own plan to not only get her and the other children out, but also help the Batch when they arrive at Tantiss.
Like Echo, she strongly believes in helping people and I love that that has carried through into her ending. While it would have been nice for her to live a quiet life, free of any more troubles, it makes complete sense for her to want to join the Rebellion. And I think it was at a good time as well. Omega got to spend the rest of her childhood being raised in a more peaceful, safe environment, before making the decision a few years down the line to go her own way. This is her leaving the nest and I think it was tackled incredibly well. You can see how she has taken on attributes from all of her brothers, and judging by her style choice, Phee as well. We see Omega using the support of her brothers to carve her own path and I love that.
Personally, I can’t really see a more fitting development in her story than this. And I’m reluctant to actually call it an ending because for her, this feels more like the beginning of a new chapter. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if we saw her again later down the road.
Now those who follow me may be aware that Hunter was never my favourite member of the Batch. I didn’t dislike him, but I never really connected with him in the same way that I connected with all of the other characters. Saying that, it doesn’t mean I haven’t given a lot of thought to him and his character.
Hunter always had a lot on his shoulders. He was the leader of the Batch and that meant keeping a rag-tag group of defective clones in line, but it also left him with the belief that if anything were to happen to his squad, it would be his responsibility. So, with Crosshair and Omega stuck with the Empire, and Tech dead, Hunter had a lot to carry. At the beginning of Season 3 we saw that he had become more reckless and irrational, not really thinking about plans and wanting to jump straight into things. It was Wrecker who had to step in and make sure Hunter didn’t do anything stupid. Hunter felt like he lost control and that took a lot out of him, especially since this is something I think he could feel creeping up on him throughout Season 2, even if he tried to fight it. The Batch had started to make decisions without him, and Omega was forming close attachments to other people, which was digging a knife into Hunter’s fear of losing his squad. So S3 saw him trying everything he could to reunite the Batch, because he couldn’t bear to lose anyone else.
And he achieved that. But what I also deeply appreciate is that we see Hunter accepting that Omega wants to go her own way. This was something he didn’t want happening for a long time, but once he accepted that she was capable of looking after herself, and once he accepted that he could never keep her tied in place forever, he supported Omega in her decision to join the Rebellion. Yes, he will always worry about her. He even tells her that she will always be their kid. But he knows that it’s time for her to carve her own path, and that means for him, finally letting go and accepting that Clone Force 99 will never be what it once was. 
Wrecker is an interesting one for me because he’s one of the few characters where I can’t really see a big step for his character in the final episode. For many of the others there is some form of acceptance, or big step in their lives, but for Wrecker I don’t really see that. And unfortunately, I think that comes from Wrecker never really being the focus of any strong character development throughout the history of the show. That’s not to say there wasn’t any growth at all, but when we look at how far everyone else has come in their stories, Wrecker always feels like he never got the same treatment in this show. The biggest growth I saw was when he stepped in to help Hunter when he could see the sergeant was spiralling.
So, while I’m happy he lived and has gone on to enjoy a longer, more peaceful life than we ever expected for the Batch, it makes me sad that we never really saw anything big for Wrecker in this ending. No big acceptance, no huge sacrifice. We don’t even get to see him say goodbye to Omega when she leaves. I love that Wrecker got a happy ending, but I always wish that we had gotten the opportunity to see more of a character arc with him over the course of the entire show.
I accepted a while ago that if any of the Batch members were to survive, Crosshair would be one of them because I didn’t expect the writers to kill him off after everything that he had been through. And thankfully they didn’t! I love that after everything, Crosshair has managed to find peace. Maybe not completely, but enough that he has the chance to live a life that doesn’t involve him being a soldier. 
Throughout S2 and S3 we saw Crosshair come to terms with the fact that he was disposable to the Empire and that they didn’t care about him as much as he had made himself believe. And one of the things Crosshair fought with the most was his own identity as a soldier. For so long, he believed that that was all he was, all he could be, so that’s why it has been so amazing finally seeing Crosshair acknowledge that he doesn’t need to be a soldier to still live a life he deserves; his purpose is and always has been more than that.
Saying that, I want to address the hand thing because I am still unsure of where I sit with it. Following his escape from Tantiss, we see Crosshair has developed hand tremors as a result of his PTSD, and a decent chunk of the season has been dedicated to him learning how to live with them. The biggest reason for this affecting Crosshair so much was that it impacted his ability to be a sniper, which is what Crosshair believed to be his main purpose: he didn’t know what to do without the ability to use his hand. And we were given some incredibly sweet scenes between him and Omega as she helped him work out the best way to manage the tremors, for example, them meditating together.
But then that brings me onto my main issue, which is, why remove the hand? One of the reasons I keep seeing is that it removes Crosshair’s ability to be a sniper, but we had already seen that. That’s the issue that the tremors were causing. Crosshair had already been struggling with that ability as a result of what happened to him on Tantiss, so cutting his hand off as a way of preventing his sniping ability seems a bit unnecessary. Now admittedly, the soldier who cut his hand off didn’t know that he had hand tremors, so logistically it makes sense, but as a story tool it seems a bit bizarre to me. Personally, I think it would’ve been more interesting to pursue the idea of Crosshair learning to manage his tremors through meditation etc. and adapting to a life that has less of a focus on sniping. 
Another reason I have seen for the hand is that it symbolises Crosshair finally becoming free from the Empire and what they did to him on Tantiss. Him no longer having the tremors indicates that he is no longer burdened by the Empire and his time there. But that doesn’t really work for me either. For one, Crosshair will never truly be separated from what happened to him there; even if he lost the shaking, he would still have a number of psychological issues as a result of what he went though, so I can’t see it as a way of symbolising a true separation. Which is once again why I think that following the story beat of him managing the tremors would have been a more interesting path for them to go down with his character.
Saying that, I’m still happy with where Crosshair’s story went. He is arguably the most complex character in the Batch and I’m so glad we have been able to see him develop the way he has. Him living a long, quiet life is something that I’m happy he has gotten, and I truly don’t think that him dying would have brought nearly as satisfying a conclusion as Crosshair finally finding a new place in the world.
Oh boy… this is going to be an interesting chunk of this essay. So errm… it turns out Tech is actually dead, which is… kinda shit. 
Back when we saw him fall at the end of S2, I said that one of the reasons that I didn’t believe that Tech was really dead was because if he was, I would’ve found the writing kinda cheap. I said repeatedly throughout that season that I didn’t want all of his character development to simply be an emotional manipulation tactic to make us even more sad when he died… which is what it turned out to be. It doesn’t surprise me that Tech sacrificed himself, but it makes me mad that ultimately his death never really had any real impact on anything. I mean, they hardly even addressed it in the final season!
I get that animated Star Wars is known for rarely addressing characters after their deaths, but The Clone Wars focuses on so many characters that if we gave that much attention to every character that died, then we would never progress the plot. However, unlike TCW, The Bad Batch primarily focuses on a smaller group of clones and therefore not only has the space to explore the impacts that death would have on the squad, but really should find it a necessary part of the storytelling. The lack of attention given to Tech throughout this season has been beyond frustrating to me. He deserved better.
And I can’t write a section about Tech’s ending without addressing the CX-2 situation. Were we all delusional for believing that Tech was alive? No. Now before people come at me for saying that, I want to explain why that is the conclusion I have come to. You would have every right to label us delusional if there was absolutely no proof behind the claims that we made, but when the writers give us a character that both speaks and acts like Tech, what did they expect us to think? There were too many parallels between Tech and CX-2 for it to be coincidental and I still stand by the fact that we had reason to believe that they were the same person.
Now, looking at the other CX soldiers we see in the finale, they all seem to parallel the OG members of the Batch: there’s a larger one who primarily focuses on hand-to-hand combat, someone who favours blades, a sniper, and a more tech-savvy one. And I’m sure there is a reason for that, symbolically or practically, but if the fact that they all resemble the Batch is important, then why was so much focus put primarily on CX-2? There was no way we weren’t going to think that they would reveal him to be Tech.
Overall, I’m annoyed. Tech was such a brilliant character and I am so frustrated that not only did he get a death that I felt was kind of cheap, but he didn’t get nearly the respect he should have been given in the final season. Now, I’m not using this as a way to bash the writers, and I definitely don’t think that anyone should use it as an excuse to be bullies, but unfortunately, I can’t be satisfied with the way Tech’s story ended, and I’m not sure I ever will.
Last but certainly not least, Echo. To say that Echo means a lot to me is an understatement, and I was genuinely terrified that I might have to say goodbye to one of my comfort characters. But thankfully, our boy made it!
Following Season 1, we all wanted for Echo to get some more development. It never felt like he had truly been used to his full potential. And thankfully, Season 2 began to give us that. Yes, we ended up saying goodbye to Echo for half a season, but we saw some incredible growth in his character, and him choosing to join the rebellion made too much sense not to happen. Unfortunately, this also meant that we didn’t get to see Echo for the majority of the final season, but I am beyond grateful that what they gave us in these last few episodes has been some of the best Echo content that we have ever seen. Watching him grow and find where he belongs has been a pleasure to watch, He really is an ARC trooper through and through. Particularly in these last few episodes, seeing how much he has grown to be like Fives, and watching him carry on his brother’s legacy, has been so incredible, No matter what anyone says, I believe that he truly is one of the greatest, and most important characters that we’ve ever gotten out of animated Star Wars.
However, I do have one gripe with Echo’s ending, and it’s the fact that it doesn’t actually feel like a conclusion. If anything, I have more questions about Echo now than I did before the last episode. Echo going to the Rebellion is an absolute given; he still has stuff to help Rex with. But the fact that there is absolutely no mention of him in the epilogue has just made me wonder where he is. Omega mentions Crosshair and Wrecker, and we only see Hunter, so we know that Echo isn’t with them. But we also know that at that point in the story, Echo also isn’t with Rex (assuming we’re in Rebels era). So where is he? What is he doing? Is he actually dead at that point??? I really hope we see more of Echo in the future because if this really is the last time we see his character, it’s too open ended for me to really be satisfied with it.
But if I’m being honest, I really don’t think that this is the last time that we are going to see him. And especially with Omega joining the Rebellion, I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw another clone-centric show following these characters in the future.
Concluding Thoughts
All in all, my thoughts are still a bit jumbled. I still don’t know how I truly feel about everything, but hopefully this post at least gives some insight into how I think each character’s endings were handled. Will I change my mind at some point? Probably. But for now, this is where I stand.
At its core, I think the ending we got makes sense for a lot of the characters, and I’m glad that they didn’t all just die at the end. Sure, there are choices that I’m not happy with, but seeing that some of the Batch go on to live long lives is something that I’m very happy to see. It doesn’t happen enough in animated SW, so I’m glad we got to experience it.
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gallaghersgal · 2 months
Hi there! How are we doing on this fine sunday? I spent the day at the beach and of course, that gave me some ideas so ahem ahem ✨beach day with carmy bear✨
First let’s talk about the most obvious thing ever but…this man looks HAWT okay?!!? He already does on a daily basis, doing the most regular things ever but at the beach????? 74 dead, 192 injured.
anyway yeah he looks really good but also:
You manage to whisk him away for a few days, just the two of you to relax and you rent a small house by the beach. Your goal is basically to get him to slow down a bit, catch up on some sleep and have fun, you know?That in itself is tough because he!!cannot!!relax!!!!!!!!! But he’s also very very in love so he agrees for a weekend away.
He carries all the bags because he was raised a gentleman and there’s no way you lift one pretty finger of yours k?
You insist on putting sunscreen on his back and face and okay maybe it’s just an excuse to give him a nice massage and maybe he knows that but plays along too
But he’s just as protective, always making sure you’re hydrated and you’re wearing your hat if you’re seating in the sun.
i might be almost 21 but playing in the waves!!!!!! and making sand castles!!!!! at first he might think it’s a little silly but not in a mean way, just the kind of thing he doesn’t think of to have fun because he just doesn’t have fun yk? but he helps you and realizes it is actually fun. it definitely turns into a competition btw and you end up both winning and eating ice cream as a reward.
Playing cards too!! i feel like he knows one or two great cars games that he’d teach you, something he got from Mickey or Cousin maybe?
also napping on the beach. he lays his head on your belly while you read and you’re playing with his hair and the weather is nice and it’s actually pretty good to feel the sun on his skin and—when you notice he’s sleeping, you don’t move, just let him take whatever he needs.
you 100% make sure to take a billion pictures of him, of the two of you (you send one of him sleeping to nat <3) and he tries to take aesthetic pictures of you, he snaps a few more just to keep for himself.
a lot of talking too!!! he’s been working a lot, you too, life got in the way so you take the time to catch up—you tell him about the new show you want to start with him, he tells you about a flea market he’d like to check out. It feels nice to catch up and somehow it reassures him? Like his anxiety gets too much and he’s scared you might be unhappy but then you talk and you tell him you love him and you want to do things with him and his chest feels less heavy.
who says day at the beach, says watching the sunset together. of course it’s beautiful but carmy keeps looking at you and the way the light seems to hit your features so perfectly well because he’s a sap.
You get a little cold and he’s instantly handing you his sweater. And I just know his heart melts when you nuzzle closer to him <3
I love to think he’d stay up at night to listen to the ocean. He can’t sleep because his mind is too loud so he goes on the little patio and listens to the sounds of the waves on the shore. Maybe you join him, rest your head on his shoulder and enjoy the moment with him. he hasn’t felt this happy in a long time.
hey so something you don't know about me is that i love the beach more than literally any other place on earth!!!!! i went to the OBX a lot as a kid and it shaped me into the woman i am today!!!!! i love the beach!!!!!!!!!!!! i even had a finnpoe beach au that was like. god. it was at minimum 10k words and it wasn't even complete yet. i would just work on it when at the beach house my father took me to cause there was no wifi there- but enough ab me!!!!!
i agree that baby boy canNOT relax, poor thing. but you could talk him into it saying he can try all kinds of new restaurants and get some ideas for a seafood course for the bear menu <33 and ughhh i just. staying in a cutie little beach house with him!!! i used to go to the beach every year and when i got old enough to really appreciate the whole day, my fav thing became evening walks and i know those would sooth his soul sooo much
"there’s no way you lift one pretty finger of yours k?" i will sob??? i will actually cry and scream and roll around on the floor???? god i just. carmen carrying your bags upstairs to the house while you take stock of all the general beach things available in the shed underneath. yall know how beach houses are on stilts? yeah like that. and placing your shampoo and body wash and things in the outdoor shower so it can be used first thing, because once everything is unloaded all you wanna do is walk down to the ocean and once you're there, well, who isn't gonna jump in!
massaging the sunscreen into his back, the way he would sigh a little, and you can press soft kisses to his cheek as you do so. ugh i looveeeee him!!!! he would be so so protective, making sure there's plenty of snacks, and if you're hungry he'll walk the beach with you until you find a little sandwich shop or taco place for whatever you wanna eat. he's confused at first why you're making a sand castle, preferring to sit and read his book, but suddenly he's finished with a chapter and spending time with his girl seems so much more fun, so before he knows it he's packing wet sand into the mould sitting across from you, sandy shins and messy hair, but he's all smiley too
the poor thing would get so exhausted from playing in the waves, probably bc he's not used to it. swimming in the ocean really takes it out of you!! so when you're laid out under the umbrella reading he grumbles like "babe, lemme... c'mere," and tugs you just a little closer to rest his head on your tummy :((( playing with his curls while they dry from the salt water, forming them into perfect little spirals, putting a little braid here and there
just talking to each other and catching up in such a relaxed setting is so sweet im gonna sob. maybe y'all snagged a beachfront place so you can watch the sun set over the water ((i have never seen this... #eastcoast)) while you're sitting on the rlly comfy deck chairs, he's got a beer and you've got a little cocktail he made you, and you're playing cards and chatting about what's been going on lately. just sitting out there together listening to the waves, wrapped up in his sweater from his culinary school i- i genuinely cannot. i love him and i love the beach. I LOVE HIM AND I LOVE THE BEACH!!!!!!!
tldr; me and 🧸 love the beach and carmy so much
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turtlesocksv2 · 6 months
Let's talk Fate
ok for #kpanniversary2024 the first prompt is Fate and boy howdy is that a good one to start a rewatch with. Because from the very beginning, as soon as Kinn and Porsche crossed paths there was only one way it was going to play out. In fact, even before that, Porsche's fate was sealed as soon as he was born and here's why:
Porsche was always going to end up in the Theerapanyakul family one way or another. Nampheung was basically kidnapdopted when she was child by Grandpa T, was raised by him, grew up with Korn and Gun who both end up in love with her (or at least psychosexually obsessed with her). And when she was old enough she got out of there. She married a man and had (what we assume to be) an ordinary life for at least 8 years. But here's the thing: Nampheung never actually got out.
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Nampheung was allowed her little housewife cottagecore daydream by Grandpa T. I call it that kind of dismissively, we don't know anything about her life, actually, maybe she had a highpower job, etc etc. but the point is that as soon as Grandpa T decides to call her back home, back to the Theerapanyakul Mafia, she is powerless to stop it. In the flashbacks we see of the moment Porsche's dad died, The things that really sticks out to me are these 3:
1: Gun and Korn both came to visit and in at least one version, they are there at the behest of Grandpa T who wants to see Nampheung.
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2: Pat says that they will never go back to that house and that the family is rotten. (which implies that Pat also has a connection to the family, I am a 'Pat was Nampheung's bodyguard and they ran away together' truther and this leads into the last point and perhaps the most significant
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3) Porsche was hiding in the cabinets when Korn and Gun are there. Now, I don't know about how your family operates but i'm pretty confident that isn't exactly normal behavior when your family has guests. Like, little kids are usually pretty excited to have company, especially people who grow up to be as extroverted and gregarious as Porsche is. Korn and Gun are obviously unaware in the moment that Porsche is hiding. Pat probably knows because I'm convinced that this is a safety drill they'd run many times. Nampheung and Pat knew that someday, Grandpa T's generosity would run out, or he'd die, and the Theerapanyakuls would come calling again. They were trying so hard to keep Porsche out of that life, but it was never going to happen. If they'd lived, Korn and Gun would show up to darken their doorstep at some point. And since they died...well, how did that turn out, hmmm?
Porsche (and Chay but lmao Korn and Gun don't give a single fuck about Chay so we'll just ignore the baby for now ) ends up in the guardianship of an unreliable gambler under the thumb of loansharks. Porsche ends up in illegal street fights to make money. He is being pushed in the Theerapanyakul's direction. Make no mistake, at some point the loan on his house was going to end up in Theerapanyakul hands, or Chan was going to come up to Porsche after a fight, and that would be that. There is no world in which Korn lost track of his beloved Nampheung's sons, not when he's so obsessed with her he has her locked up in his attic. Gun, at least, has the excuse of thinking Porsche and Chay are dead along with their parents. Korn was just playing the long game.
Is it fair to call it fate when it's being orchestrated by someone? Well, I guess that depends how far back you think the hereditary curse goes.
It was never about Kinn and Porsche at all. Nampheung knew it was always going to end here. She tried to stop it. It didn't work. She was never going to get out. Her sons were never going to get out. And now they're more enmeshed than if she'd never tried at all. Sounds like fate to me.
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sunboki · 1 year
NOT proofread. just wanted to indulge<3
comfort when rooming with best friends!changbin and chan include making breakfast together. whether you like it or not, thanks to changbin’s current (and long running) obsession with healthy eating, the dorm is always in a bustle in the mornings, air steaming with the scent of good food and music hummed over the mini alexa.
initially, waking up from his cooking was dreaded, especially on your few days off where you got the chance to sleep in. but after a while, you got used to it. used to being spoiled by yummy food and curly haired cutie—both chris and changbin—in the kitchen, that is.
occasionally, changbin would leave the living room exhausted and flop himself onto your bed, collectively scaring the shit out of you while cuddling up to your side, whining about how hard he worked while you sleepily run your hands through his messy locks, nodding and sympathizing with him as if he was a toddler. he loves every second of it.
in actuality, chris hadn’t joined changbin’s morning cooking till a few weeks ago. usually, he’d hit the gym early and end up coming back when changbin had already finished, but come recently he‘s been waking up around the same time—evident from the adorably squeaky laughter you’ll hear and playful arguments outside your door, bickering about a topic you couldn’t guess or giggling at their phones.
so on the days you get up during their kitchen fiasco, you’re quickly steered by hands on your hips or shoulders while the boys maneuver you around or beckon you to sit on one of the stools to “look pretty and be our encouragement.” chris’ words, not yours.
“yah! it says two cups!” the shorter man shouts despite being not even two feet away from his helper, pointing a finger while his friend measures the protein powder into a bowl.
“i put in two cups! right y/n?” chris raises his hands up, brows lifted innocently. the two turn to you, arms crossed over their chest expectantly.
“i saw two cups, binnie. either way, a little more protein won’t hurt, yeah?” you grin, watching the gears turn in his head from the comment while chris chokes a laugh on the side.
walking around the curve of the counter to stand beside you, changbin meets your eyes with a pout on his lips, deep brown eyes blinking up at you like a kicked puppy.
you run a daycare. you’re quite sure of it. one’s five, the one pouting in front of you is three.
“am i losing my muscles?” he whines, face screwed up in an exaggerated pouty face. you coo mockingly, reaching to pat his cheeks reassuringly while a smile takes over your features.
“nooo, never. ‘m just kidding binnie, you’re positively jacked my love,” you say, witnessing his ego being stroked in real time. chris gags somewhere in the background.
the twenty-three year old three year old lights up, giving you the biggest, most crushing hug ever from your place on the stool, basically bouncing with excitement.
to say his mood was fixed was an understatement. the man utterly sang with delight to every song after that (not like he didn’t before, just more dramatic now), randomly sneaking over to pull you into his arms a good six more times before they finished cooking—faces and clothing stained with ingredients all over.
and occasionally, very, very occasionally, you feel glad you woke up early to experience this, no matter how chaotic it is. even with changbin’s crushing hugs and chris’ tight lipped smile while he holds back the urge to vomit trying the smoothie changbin made for him, you feel glad.
it’s six in the morning, and while lots of people around campus are dead to the world, your dorm has never felt so alive.
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writingwenches · 2 months
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synopsis: we meet our peasant girl!OC, Lyn, as she travels to a market to sell her wares were she runs into a supposed prince, who is a bit of a brat lol. (it is alluded to that the OC is plus size and mixed race, but I did write this quick so its missing lots of info bits).
authors note: this is basically an info dump LOL the opening chapter of an oc/au House of the Dragon Aemond/Peasant!OC fic. Very Princess and the Pauper. The main idea behind it being – wanting to introduce more woman living at court in the Red Keep. Targaryen!cest is not my thing, and I think there's a lot to be said about the lack of woman at court and the fact that Targaryen daughters are expected to marry their brothers #oops.
additional lore: More about Lyn, the Lannisters, and Helaena/other characters.
word count: ~3k
warnings: barely edited, ableism, classism, body image issues, misogyny, general medieval sentiments, very AU/fast and loose when it comes to ASOIAF lore (such as I know the Septas teach girls to read, but its more fun for a cute crush to do it)
The road was well built and raised from the dank, mudded ground. The sound of horse hooves pounding ebbed in and out of focus as they hurried by. The Sister Septas never wanted to give the impression of favoritism, so they made sure to never allow the girls in their charge to ride along, if they were old enough to walk, they could carry themselves to the market, it was one of the many harsh lessons the sisters blessed her with other the years, made up of weeks of seven days, each guided by one of the seven gods.
The Day of the Mother was spent serving those in need and Lyn had worn the village paths well. Lyn was no stranger to hard work. Her frame was sturdy and healthy. Her back was wide, good for hauling bales of hey and baskets of stone. Her legs were powerful, easily carrying her the tens of miles to those in need of her services. And, adorning her face since birth, was a black mark of raised flesh below her right eye. Many say it's an omen of her mother’s sins, and a reason to be left to the charity of the Sisters. Whatever it was, it made Lyn easily requested for hired labors.
Most in the Realm would scoff at the offer of manual labors from a woman, but those in need are much kinder. They they are not always grateful, it is not because of her sex but because no one wants to turn beggar. 
The Day of the Crone was for lectures, often on the immorality of allowing one self to be in need or unwanted. For unwanted men of the realm, there was the Night’s Watch. Some unwanted boys are sent as soon as they were old enough to lift a sword. They were raised and trained to be useful along their brothers, forged to the sole purpose of defending the realm and never to be left wanting. 
The Faith recruited woman of fine birth, in want of a life not owned by a husband, and those who’s families were willing to pay handsomely for a life of purpose for their unfortunately female child. Women worked and clawed and won their way into the duty of a Septa, the Faith had no use for useless girls. There was no place in the realm for unwanted girls. Brothels did not want them. They already had enough bastards, and young flesh did not turn enough of a profit. Girls were not wanted unless they were useful, and many unuseful girls found themselves living on the streets or dead in a ditch. 
That was what would befall Lyn is she were ever to be found wanting, of something more, of something else. She was lucky to have been given her place amongst the holy woman of the Faith, even if she was not going to benefit from their handouts much longer.
Lyn was not sure how many baskets she was carrying, she had threaded her arms through as many as she was able and began the miles long trek to Haronfall Port for the market. Though she was not yet allowed to keep her own coin, it was good practice for her future life of trading and bartering amongst the peasants of the realm.
Charity is the only hope for useless girls, and not enough to go around. The Maidenhouse of Haronfall was an ancient structure, run by the Faith for centuries as a place to send discarded girl-children, forging useless girls into something worthy. It was their true calling, regardless of what those girls’ wants. 
Lyn owed everything to the Faith and the Septas, even when she received her lashings. She always deserved them. Six lashes for each offense, as was the law of the land, one for every god of the Seven, counting out The Stranger. It was bad luck to strike a seventh time, unless wishing them death. And the Septas were never that cruel. 
Lyn had received lashing her six lashing for talking back, and being a layabout, for asking too many questions, for being too ambitious, for pride, for stealing bread, for not finishing supper, for lying to protect another, for being too loud, quiet, and simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. The same was true for all the girls. Sets of six lashings for each failure on the long list of their life, unless there were seven failures, then eight sets of lashings would be administered. For good luck. 
Lyn was forced to the side of the road by passing carts, hounds barking from the back of the cart as they passed the strange shape of her basket cocoon. The mud is thick and pliable, every footstep loudly sucked from the dank swamp like floor. The hundreds of other feet that had trodded the ground began the kneading. Lyn feels like she is swimming along the the edges of the road.
Lyn surmised most of the Septas had not imagined ending up in such a cold, dank place in the middle of the Kingsroad. The western shores of The Bite was unforgiving terrain, a swamp of brackish, mud-colored water that every structure eventually sinks into. The Reverend Mother often reminded the girls of her life in the southern Reach, of the endless summer days and sweet smelling grass. The wet, grey skies where the North, Riverlands and Vale meet leaves much to be desired for a southerner. 
Lynora was not meant for a life as a Septa, as was foretold since her youth. The maesters and Septons tested the young girls as they came into the charge of the Faith and Lynora, and the other girls of the Maidenhouse, left them unimpressed. She had not shown intelligence, or gifts for art, or sums, or memorizing prayers. So, she was ranked amongst the useless girls who needed to be molded into something more. 
On the Day of the Smith, the girls were instructed to work on their personal projects. Lyn was a skilled basket maker, she harvested, dried and weaved the fibers all on her own. If only the world had been in want for more basket weavers. The Septas assured her there was never a need for an extra weavers apprentice.
“Lyn!” a voice called, her face blurred out by the rising sun. “Have you been to the market yet today?” It was Mads, her fellow ward of the Maidenhouse. 
“No, it is too early,” Lyn answered the obvious question, “How did you–“
“Listen, Lord Ryver sent a raven,” Mads continued, finally coming into speaking distance. 
“But, the Septas hate when he does that–“
“Lord Ryver is playing host to none other than the prince,” Mads could not keep the secret any longer. “I have seen him myself, silver hair and all.” 
Lyn did not bother reacting, as Ryver was a known talltale-teller. “And I am secretly Lady Frey,” she laughed, “The prince is not in Haronfall.” 
“It is fated that you say Frey, because you shall never guess–“ 
“The septa told us nought a week ago of the King’s birthday tourney, don’t you think his son would be there…in the Crownlands, with his father.” 
“Waltel Frey has seen his dragon!” 
Lynora stopped at this. “And we are now believing Waltel Frey?”
“I have to go fetch Wren! She can not miss this,” Mads was the one walking now, back down the road towards the Maidenhouse to spread false whispers the Septas were sure to retaliate for. 
Lyn stepped aside when she heard the call, a two horse cart clomped past with banners of indigo, emblazoned with a proud, white bird. A matching figure sat on the cart, in the place of honor. A woman in a white dress, adorned with dyed feathers and pearls.
It was a strange feeling, knowing someones name, there was an old power Lyn felt creeping from the roots below the swampy road. Lady Hanna Mallister, filled to bursting with another pup for her lord husband. It was sickening the way her belly jiggled as the horse mindlessly aimed for the most uneven path before them. The lady had traveled a week from Seaguard for the monthly market, and Lyn had watched her grow every month with child, enough for Lyn to wonder how many babes were inside her belly this time. 
There was a parodical to bow in the presence, but there was nothing behind the lady’s eyes to notice. Lyn studied her as she passed, searching for something in response, something that could say why this woman would spend half of her life on the road, when so pregnant. 
If there was something to be said about unwanted girls, is that they were unwanted by all. Lyn was glad she would remain unwanted, there was nothing expected of her, so no one would ever be disappointed. 
Sometimes as the Lady Hanna Mallister passed, she would take a passing place down at Lyn. Lyn imagined she was looked at the mark on her face. Many people would say a quiet prayer when they say her, especially those swollen with child. A prayer that their girl doesn’t end up so disfigured and disgusting. Lady Hanna did not seem to say a prayer when she gazed down on her face, the lady did not seem to do anything. 
Lyn did not mind being disgusting and ugly, actually she enjoyed it. Girls did not care about such things as ugly, they cared about her all the same. She knew of the dangers of a beautiful face, the Septas told them every tale that could exist of beautiful girls being dragged away and savaged by men of all ages and sizes. It was horrifying. Lyn was glad that no man would ever want to drag her away or trap her in a tower. All she could promise was ugly children in return. No man wants that. So, she was glad the world was not ruled by women, just like the Septas they would force a use for her in their world, no matter what she looked like. 
By the time she reached Haronfall, long after the Lady of Seaguard she imagined, Lyn had almost forgotten about the tale of the silver haired prince. The other girls of the Maidenhouse fell into step with one another, each of the group responsible for their own wares. Name sharpened knives, Name jarred herbal jams, Name made rope, Lyn wove baskets, and the girls would peddle their wares every monthly market, bartering with connections, always on the lookout for open positions or wanted work. They were not going to live in the Maidenhouse forever, and the older they got, their chances of a comfortable life dwindled. 
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His father had thrown yet another grand week in his own honor, tourneys and a great hunt in the Kingswood. Aemond had been forced to sit through enough for one lifetime, even if he was barely a man grown. He could not help but find a quick reason to excuse himself from the festivities, especially with the task of traveling halfway across the kingdom. 
Helaena had been born so closely to his father, the king, that her own name day celebrations were always greatly overshadowed. He could not help but jump at the opportunity to fetch her a gift in the Riverlands…or the Vale…or potentially the North. Flying above the lands on Vhagar, he had noticed a distinct lack of boundaries, like the ones on the Maesters maps. 
Aemond had been stuck in the cold swamplands for nearly a day, and could understand why his studied of geography skimmed over the shores of The Bite, there was simply nothing there. He was glad at the lack of fanfare at his arrival, the Lord of the keep was away, celebrating the King’s name day, and all that was left was his two sons, one near his own age, and the other barely aged out of childhood. 
His fist connected with bone. Blood leaked from holes in the boy’s face. Aemond had wrapped himself on the boy, to pin him to the first and wailed into his face. Aemond could hear the other boy shouting and grabbing his shoulders, Aemond did not yield. He was going to prove himself the victor even if it killed the boy. 
Aemond could feel hands wrapping around his face, his reflexes reacting as if they were clearly going to remove his eye patch. 
“My prince!” Ryver shouted, as if he were about to warn of a fire.
Aemond pulled his punch as Ryver’s alarmed expression bringing him back into focus to the world around them. The bustling sounds of the town. 
“The maidens,” River said, gently shaking Aemond’s shoulders at his confusion. “They are arriving!”
Walton Frey, the boy Aemond had been beating with his bare fists, smiled as blood splattered out of his mouth. 
The young boy, River’s kid brother, barely old enough to be out from his mother’s skirts, offered him a skin of water.
“What?” Aemond could not find any other word to describe his confusion. He knew of Maidenpoole and House Mooton, but they were on the other side of The Vale. The young prince racked his brain for the towns and houses of the area, unable to find an explanation. 
He simply needed to follow the pointed finger of Lord Ryver, as the Frey boy cleared the blood from his face with half the skin of water.
He heard their song first, the same tune he had heard carried by the Septas in King’s Landing when he went light candles with his mother, the queen. He had never heard the tune carried to lightly, with punctuations of laughter, and the crisp voices of youth. 
There were about a dozen of them. 
“The old bats let them come to our markets,” Ryver offered the prince his hand, to finally move Aemond off the Frey boy. “Truely, it is the only thing the market has to offer, if you ask me,” Ryver laughed, ushering the prince to the edge of the weakly fenced in training yard. “The Maiden’s of the Maidenhouse,” Ryver sighed, melting into the fence.
Pesants. The lot of them. Girls dressed in grey wool that made Aemond’s skin itch. They were each different, wearing the same dress, lacking the graceful symmetry of courtly woman. The ladies of court had their places at the sides of their husbands and fathers, offering a gentle voice and soft hand to hold. Women were there to make men better, otherwise, Otto had told him, men would regress into beasts, doing nothing but fighting and burning the realm to the ground. The ladies of court were raised with the knowledge of how to quell thoughts of violence with a simple kind glance. Not that Aemond had ever experienced it himself, but his grandsire had assured him during their many conversations about…urges.
“Ladies!” Waltel Frey called out with a wave of his sore arm. 
Aemond scoffed, it was an insult to the world to call these creatures ladies.
They approached in an uneven form, whoever veered down the path at their beckoning of a Frey. One limping girl was even carrying her own shoes amongst her wares, and Aemond could see mud past her ankles. 
“Lord Frey, do you not have two castles to sleep in, and yet you still choose to be here?” The first girl asked as she reached the fence, knocking on the helmet Ryver’s kid insisted on wearing, Aemond assumed even to bed. 
Aemond did not bother hiding his disgust at the pathetic display of peasantry that appeared before him. During his rides through King’s Landing, the prince had seen more organized gaggles of geese. The cream atop the cake approached, wearing armor of baskets, and a face smeared with mud.
She dropped the baskets at the fence line, releasing a long, labored breath. “So,” she spoke, clearly minded. 
Aemond wondered how heavy baskets could possibly be. 
“Is this your prince, Lord Ryver?” The grey clothed girl looked him directly in this eye, no sense of pretense or reverence. 
Ryver wrapped himself around the nearest fencepost to Aemond, with a wolfish grin, ready to pled his case to the nonbelievers. He had said these girls were raised by the Faith, but Aemond knew of piety, and these girls were a poor example of what a pious woman could be. 
“Are we to believe that he is the only one-eyed, silver haired, man in all the world?” a sceptic asked. 
“How many could there possibly be?” Ryver argued. 
“Yes, but,” a smaller girl interrupted, “he looks like he lost his eye, rather than–?” 
There was a bubbling in Aemond’s chest, as the peasantry spoke about him as if he weren’t even there. He could feel the dragon fire bellowing in his chest, daring them to speak ill of him, ready to burn their pathetic village to the ground. 
“Wouldn’t he had been born that way? They are forced to marry their bothers, after all? Resulting in…such things?” 
Aemond’s mouth was open, without him realizing. The rage at the memory of his defeat at the hands of his nephew vanished and was replaced with the vision of a cyclops babe, writhing in its crib. 
Ryver eyed him with suspicion. 
Aemond could not help but laugh.
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fangirlingpuggle · 2 months
Very dumb Xiaolin Showdown AU/fic prompt where Dashi, comes back.
A new Wu reveals itself and everyone searches for it and when they activate it suddenly Dashi just appears falling over and dropping a can of soda like 'yeah that didn't go to plan may have fucked up there.... hey Dojo I got the soda' just Dashi tried experiment with Wu and fucked up and got trapped until it reactivated and then is just there chilling.
Guan shows up and is so happy his friend is alive but also... he knows Dashi.
When the next showdown happens Wuya is there and Guan is just paling like 'oh fuck' mostly everyone is confused like yeah she's Dashi's nemesis 'why are you worried with beat Wuya loads and she doesn't have all her powers it'll be fine right?' Guan just gives a pained look no idea how to explain....that.
The 2 start a showdown just them and it's banter and then Wuya getting upset 'I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD YOU BASTARD' and things start to get weird... Jack and the dragons are looking between each other like WTF...Dojo is paling as repressed memories are coming back and Chase basically teleports next to Omi covering his eyes just before Wuya and Dashi start making out.
Jack and the dragons jaws are on the ground other than Omi who has no idea what's happening because Chase is not letting his apprentice have to deal with this than you very much.
Somewhere in the distance they can hear Hannibal's cry of 'KNEW IT' Guan is signing in defeat 'Everyone knew it this isn't a surprise'. Then they realize it's not stopping. '...Dojo make the showdown stop..Dojo... DOJO'
That's the start of it slowly everyone realizes Dashi is not just a grand master dragon... he's is a fucking chaos gremlin who puts the world in danger as much as he saves it, it's no wonder he's so good at saving the world since he's always doing it cleaning up his own messes.
The whole hiding the wu they realize is less Dashi's decision and more everyone else's decision of making him put his objects of chaos out of reach, just putting his toys on the top shelf to stop him blowing up reality for 5 minutes.
All the other older monks at the temple decide to go on a long pilgrimages away form the temple and Dashi, and instead there's just Wuya chilling there they think she's moved in... no one wants to ask because that raises more questions... no one wants them answered.
Dashi's chaos is back in full swing and the next 'Ooops kick started end of the world event Chase shows up scoops up Omi like 'Not making him clean up Dashi's mess he's here he can do it himself taking my kid-I MEAN APPRENTICE home til Dashi has unfucked the universe' Fung wants to argue for a moment before taking a look at Dashi running into the vault yelling 'IT'S OK I CAN FIX THIS' while Wuya can't stop laughing and decides all the dragons can have a week or 2 at home... they've earned it.
Also as Wuya and Dashi have stopped any subterfuge and subtly and the whole good vs evil has now become more everyone vs Dashi's chaos Chase throws subtly out the window and is there with Omi like 'This is my son if anything happens to him I will destroy the world in a way not even Dashi's most powerful toys can fix'
Which leads to Chase being around the temple more or taking Omi back to his palace because 'He is not a signing a permission slip for Omi to be involved in Dashi's latest shitshow' even though Omi is totally ready to jump into the portal to oblivion Dashi made to save the world'.
However, he sometimes gets sucked into saving the world (mix of Dasshi and Wuya teasing and Omi puppydog eyes)...as does Wuya because of reasons she will not say but her and Dashi are smirking at each other so no one is asking, they do NOT want to know. Which leads to them seeing the old dragons of their elements kicking ass and leads to all of the dragons starry eyed and demanding/pleading to know more moves and teach me how you did that please!!
Kimiko is borderline threatening Guan to teach her to make fire weapons like he did, Raimundo is near begging Dashi for the mountain cutting wind slash ability he used and flight ability, Omi is already being taught by Chase. Clay is trying to figure out how to get Wuya to teahc him some earth abilities.
Clay: Why did mine have to be an evil varmint
Dojo: I mean Omi's is too
Clay: That's is his pa Dojo
Dashi when not being a chaos gremlin is teasing all his friends, especially Guan and Chase because all this time and you 2 still aren't together .
Guan: Dashi he has tried to kill be many times
Guan:I realized who I was speaking to after I said it
He also teases Guan about being a deadbeat dad and not spending time with Chase and his son, Guan is trying very hard to set his friend on fire.
Dashi has got Omi involved and Omi is so excited to have both his heroes spending time with him and neither can say no to him. Dashi and Wuya are watching all this giggling with popcorn.
Dojo: How mcuh of this is you wanting to help them and how much is just for your amusement
Dashi:... like 60, 40 split...which way i'm not to sure though.
Bonus: it is collectively agreed by everyone that Jack and Dashi can not spend time together Jack once asked about how the shen gong wu were made and about mechs and kaiju and everyone all has to drag them apart after they started talking... no one is allowed to give Dashi anymore ideas.
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catwyk · 2 months
tsv finale spoilers below. i wrote this during my first listen through. its long as fuck. im dead im ruined.
cull calling out to rane instead of faulkner.... rane is truly the real leader now
"katabasian rane? sister thurrocks?" im gonna be sick
"hes basically a cow" spit your shit carp
"people in my life keep leavin to serve a cause i just cant understand" BASHES MY HEAD ON THE WALL
"we must love them for fleein from our touch e must not run after them" oh baby :(
this is actually fucking destroying me right now oh poor faulkner. failed by the world.
"of course i recognize you. youre carpenter's ghost" // "yes. i am" // "that must mean that im being punished. arent i?" he sounds so small and young oh my god
"if this is my punishment, then why am i smiling?" OKAY PARALLELS TO HIS VISIONS IN S2. OKAY. IM NOT GOING TO CRY. I WONT.
his monologue is ruining me actually oh god.
"they invented their own faulkner. and they forced me to be him" THATS WHAT IM SAYIN
he called her his sister...
im sure hes gonna die
"you crashed a car??" // "yeeah. i crashed a car." i love her
"they need to fix you, they need to make you better, and ill, ill watch over your bed, ill be there, carpenter. ill pray, ill pray and pray for as long as i need to" christ alive. i need to lay down RIGHT NOW.
méabh de brún too good at acting like shes in pain im abt to dial an ambulance
ok this is fuelling my hc that faulkner reminded carpenter of em in some painful and undefinable way
"i should tell paige that story, if i get to see heg again"
twin mouths truther forever
"i hate you too, faulkner, i truly do. and i love you, too. in spite of everything" // "always on the very precipice of understanding one another"
faulkner's "DEAD, DEAD, DEAD!" is fucking me up b narr the voice actor everrr
"there'll be a place for you, and itll be beside me" DRIVING STRAIGHT INTO A LAMPPOST AS WE SPEAK
"yeah. perhaps thats it. do you?" again. coolest fucking character on the planet
"this is when the waters parted, and at last..! at last he understood!" jesus christ. jon ware the writer that you are
"say you were raised in the service of a god of fire. so you feel like the world would be a much better place if more things were on fire" i busted out laughing WHAT a tone shift
"dennis duplace helped. hayward.. dad.. carpenter.. im leaving all of you behind" i am a husk of a person. lucille valentine knocking it out of the park
"best feeling in the world, seeing you walk away" holy fucking shit this is DAMAGING ME.
i wanna write every quote thats making my heart sting but the transcript is already up so theres no real point
every single va is popping the FUCK OFF by the way. i have to keep reminding myself theyre acting so i dont like. kill myself
val saving hayward was NOT on my bingo card what the fuck
"and before she died... she remembered who she was" OHHHHHHH MYYYYY GODDDDDD
hayward doing his own rites of the cairn maiden for himself :(
no gods coming for hayward but "fuck it. this one's not... for any of you. this ones for me"
i never realized the parallel between faulkner's gardener father and his gardener god
carpenter meant so much to him :(
"Sister! I love you! Where are you going? Dont turn your back on me! Dont you dare- Sister! I need you! SISTER! SISTER! MARCO! MARCO!" FAULKNER NO NOT LIKE THIS NO NO NO NO NO NO NO
carpenter's scream...... oh god.. oh méabh de brún the woman that you are
"he could be a face from my childhood. or his" charlie.......
HES BEEN BLOND THIS ENTIRE TIME????????????? i should have fucking known
"but no matter how it starts, no matter how it turns out for us, it can end with love, cant it? it can end with love. it can end with kindness." i said oh my god out loud
the delivery of "and then i let him go" why not just drive a railroad spike through my lungs
"the river is vast, and no dam can block every channel, and ours is a world of miracles." i said jesus christ out loud
i wheezed when she just. got back up this old bitch cannot die can she
not nana glass' song............
oh my god. a final heartbreaking credits scene
i had to just sit and lean back for a second. what a fucking ending. what a fucking podcast. this is one of those pieces of media that takes up residence in your brain forever. im never gonna stop thinking about this
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icespur · 1 month
You know what I love that I don't see enough of?
AU fanart and fanfics where Shido raises Goro.
There's one that I love called Ruin or Glory, where Shido is a doting single Dad, which is precious, but might I suggest an alternate scenario?
Begrudging DadShido who got forced into the father role after Goro's mom dies in childbirth. The Doctors tracked him down and went "Hey, Prime Minister deadbeat, come get your fucking newborn." leaving Shido no choice but to drive to the hospital to take custody of his "consequences of his fucking actions, maybe this'll make you think twice before refusing a condom before calling over your favorite Health Maid" child.
At first, Shido considers this baby a nuisance, an obstacle. Because juggling a baby while working on a Political Career was not part of the damn plan! But, very slowly--he starts to warm up to his son. It takes a long while, it's practically a character arc because Shido is so damn stubborn and stoic, but it eventually happens.
Which is fine, because reluctant DadShido is the funny part.
If he isn't bald already, Goro is going to make him bald from the stress.
For the most part, Shido hires Nannies to watch and care for Goro so he doesn't have to deal with him. But what about when there's no Nanny available leaving Shido little choice but to interact and cater to Baby Goro?
I think it's safe to say this man has no experience with babies, so he's struggling.
The hospital staff did give him a quick crash course on the basics when he first claimed Goro, so he's not completely incompetent.
He didn't pick up on the secret cry language of infants, though. So he's often irritated, struggling on how to get his screeching infant to shut up, and tries everything until he gets it right after the fifth try that Goro was screaming his little lungs out just trying to communicate to Dad that he's fucking starving.
When he gets a little older, Goro's cry translations update from:
"Father, I require food"
"Father, I am in agony, my butt feels icky and I don't like it, change me! (I may or may not take the opportunity to piss on you)"
"I have decided I hate my crib. I will not stand for sleeping in this thing. I require human warmth to slumber, specifically your warmth." Where Shido has to lie down and hold Goro against his chest to get the clingy brat to fall asleep while Shido, dead tired, just stares up at the ceiling questioning his life decisions that lead to this moment.
When Goro becomes old enough to become mobile, he gets into everything. Anything and everything he can reach or get his little pudgy hands on. Shido better start baby-proofing, and fast!
Even though Shido isn't the most affectionate father, Baby Goro adores him and Shido has no idea why. Goro's practically Shido's little shadow, where Papa goes, he must go, whether Papa wants him to or not! Shido soon learns that one of the prices of being a parent to a curious clingy infant is "privacy and personal space is dead." Because God forbid he closes the bathroom door to take a shower or take a piss, or leave Goro in another room while he locks himself in his office to do important business stuff.
Goro will sit outside the closed Bathroom, lightly shoving and hitting the door with his tiny hands, confused and frustrated as to why this darn wooden blockage won't let him pass when he can hear Papa doing things in there without him!
For working at home, Shido makes the stupid mistake of leaving Goro in a playpen, so he can go to his office to work.
Shido greatly underestimates his little troublemaker's intelligence though, because after witnessing Shido close and lock the playpen gate enough times, Goro figures out how to open it, leaving him with free unattended reign to the Apartment!
As you can imagine, he does what any infant would do, get into shit.
That keeps him occupied for a good while, but eventually, he gets bored, misses Papa, and waddles his way to Shido's closed Office door. He tries pounding and pushing on the door, but to no avail, and he's too small to reach the doorknob yet. He toddles off to fetch a stool and drags it to the Office door to help him reach the doorknob.
Shido is typing on his computer, enjoying the calm, when he hears the doorknob followed by a thud of the door being roughly pushed open.
"Papa!" A very happy Goro squeals from the now open doorway on top of his stool upon spotting Shido.
Shido lets out a resigned sigh as his toddler cheerfully waddles over to him, most likely to demand uppies.
On days Shido goes to the Official Office, what if he's put into a situation where once again there are no available sitters, so Shido has to take Goro to work with him?
Shido sitting at a conference table, talking about important matters, while at the same time, Goro is chilling in a baby carrier strapped to Shido's chest.
Unfortunately for Shido, Goro is in his babbling phase and seems to want to contribute to whatever he and his associates are currently discussing because between his monologue Goro chimes in with incomprehensible babbles and gurgles.
Give me cute Baby Goro and Dad Shido fanart and fanfics. I need more, gimme!
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You're French right? How about a French ask? Skeletons are eating their very first Epiphany/King cake (Galette des Rois) and skeletons find the lucky charm (la fève)! S/O claims he's now the King and gives him a paper crown! Reaction?
I have no idea if it's only a French tradition (I think in Belgium, Switzerland, Spain and Portugal too?), but in case everyone is wondering, we're celebrating the Epiphany on January 6th, and in France we eat what we call La galette des rois (King cake). Basically, it's frangipane or apple cake in which you hide a lucky charm (la fève). Whoever finds it becomes the King or the Queen for the day! If you swallow the lucky charm, you have a dare (and you probably die since lucky charms are huge nowadays lol).
Undertale Sans - Of course, he has the lucky charm because he saw it when you hid it and drew a small cross to mark the spot with a knife while it was cooking. He mainly did it to have a reaction, he's not gonna lie. Now that he is the King, he has the right to prank everyone for the entire day and no one can't say anything about it. Papyrus hates you now.
Undertale Papyrus - He's in shock? He's the King? Oh my god? He never thought he would be a King someday! He's a bit overwhelmed right now. He's going to make a twenty minutes speech as the new King of the Underground, and all of it right in front of Asgore who is not sure if he should be worry or not about this new tradition. I mean, how many King cakes are there outside? How many monsters are going to steal his throne for the day? Also he doesn't want to not be the King anymore???
Underswap Sans - He screams, ecstatic, as Honey just flops on his chair, so upset lol. Blue is running around the table with his crown above his head like he won the Football World Cup lol. He's going to brag about it for DAYS, because he's the King and you're all LOSERS.
Underswap Papyrus - Of course, he chokes on the lucky charm lol. Blue thankfully knows how to do the Heimlich maneuver and saves his life. Even if he says he didn't swallow it, you still gave him a dare and forced him to dance the Macarena for two hours. He's not sure he likes the Epiphany very much after some thinking.
Underfell Sans - He breaks the lucky charm in half because of his sharp teeth, and swallows one part. Uh... Eh, he still has half on it so good enough? You say yes. Edge says no. The brothers start arguing over if Red should or not do a dare and you quickly have to intervene before they start fighting for good. Gosh, what a bunch of idiots.
Underfell Papyrus - Of course, he has the crown, he is the superior mind in this room! He puffs his chest, so proud, and he's going to be a little shit all day long, treating you and Red like his peasants. At the end of the day, Red is so upset he suddenly snatches the crown from his head and eats it lol.
Horrortale Sans - He's a bit confused, but ok. He wondered why there was something hard in his cake, and then you just start screaming and congratulating him and he has no idea why??? He's not questioning it, simply purring happily as you decided he's the King or something. Whatever you like. If you're happy, he's happy.
Horrortale Papyrus - He won...? He's a bit unsure about why it's such a deal, but uh, he wins, so it's fine! He's wearing his crown happily, but since Oak is sad he doesn't have a crown, Willow gives him his crown to make him happy. He doesn't need to be a King, he already has all he wants.
Swapfell Sans - He looks at the crown, an eyebrow raised. What do you mean it's a crown? That? It's bullshit. A little rain and it's dead??? Clearly, humans are inferior to monsters on this. At least monsters know how to make a real crown. You tell him you can give his crown to Rus instead, he snatches it from your hands. Like hell! He's the King, not his brother! There's no way Rus has it!
Swapfell Papyrus - He's so happy he's going to twerk at Nox's face just too piss him off even more. He doesn't care, he's the King, he's invincible! It's the best day of his life! He's going to be sooooo difficult all day long, just being a little shit. He will also bring somehow twenty raccoons inside the house and exile Nox and you because they are his people and you are intruders. You swear Nox is going to kill him.
Fellswap Gold Sans - What do you mean he's the King but he's not the King for real and can't just go in the Castle and push Toriel out of her throne? You said he was the King! Make your mind already! King have a castle and it can only have one King of monsters so clearly he is legitimate to take the throne??? If you humans don't understand anything to royalty, why are you crowning random people on January??? That's crazy!
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Uuuuh... No thanks, he doesn't want to be the King. He knows everyone wants to kill the King so go to hell, he's not doing that. He throws his crown to Wine and disappears to have an anxiety attack in his room. It's too much pressure, he's going to die.
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