#Beautiful in Red [Collette]
And speaking of the Spaniel girls...
So I should preface by saying that yes, I know this is one massive anachronism stew going on here; but honestly it's one big mixed up crossover anyway so I figured to just let the details slide and go with what worked!
As always: Artwork is mine, outside of that I own nothing here. Characters belong to Disney or otherwise to their respective owners; Songs are by Lin-Manuel Miranda and performed by the Ham.ilton cast. I have no association with any of these, this was just made for fun.
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avatar-anna · 5 months
would you ever write about harry and y/n finding out that they’re pregnant again with charlie 🥺
(for context: in a recent oneshot in this universe, it is revealed that harry and reader have a seventh and final child when they're in their thirties)
It would definitely be that cliche of Y/n and Harry going to some red carpet event, and Harry sees Y/n all dressed up and is just like...
"Fuck, Mama, must be the luckiest man in the world."
Y/n blushed and looked down at the gown she and Harry Lambert picked out some time ago. Being a mother of six, she didn't dress up much, but when she did, she tended to go all out. Perhaps part of her wanted to relive all the proms, homecomings, and formals she never got to go to, but she appreciated the art in a beautiful garment too.
The one she wore now fit her like a glove, the lace, almost handkerchief-like bodice draping over her shoulders beautifully, and the rest of the black-as-night velvet hugging her hips perfectly.
Harry was never one to shy away from paying his wife compliments, but each time he did, she felt it right down to her core. Every sweep of his gaze over her body, every earnest word, every searing touch, it all lit her up from the inside out.
This time was no different, so when Harry tried to unzip Y/n from her dress, she didn't notice at first, too caught up in his touch. Once she did, she tried to make lame attempts to ward him off to at least claim that she tried later on.
It was safe to say they were on each other all night. Whenever he could, Harry pulled Y/n away, desperate to get his mouth on her. It was no easy feat with the considerable length of the dress, but he never seemed to care or mind. All night, they whispered back and forth to each other, toying with jacket lapels and bare arms.
"You need me again, Mama?"
"Where's the zipper on this thing?"
"Quickly, while no one's looking."
"Keep your hands away from my tits, H."
"Don't act like you don't love it."
All night they went back and forth. Teasing and giving into each other and sharing stolen kisses when the cameras weren't pointed in their direction—though the next morning they found out they weren't as discreet as they originally thought, with photos of them in the background kissing and Harry's hands all over Y/n cropping up online.
At some point during the night, a friend even asked where Harry and his wife kept disappearing to, another if that was a hickey on his neck, and both of them stumbled through a lie as they blushed furiously.
So it shouldn't have come as a surprise when Y/n's period was late, but it does. She thought she had put her pregnancy days behind her, so she went to the doctor thinking she had some kind of stomach bug, only to find out that she was pregnant. Y/n wasn't upset by the news, just caught off guard, though she couldn't help but daydream about having a little baby in the house again now that her other babies were growing up.
Harry found out on accident. Y/n missed a phone call from the doctor's office, and they called Harry's number, which was also listed in her information. Thinking someone got hurt, Harry picked up in a panic, only to hear, "Hi there, Mr. Styles! We're trying to get a hold of your wife to reschedule her ultrasound. Will the following week work?"
Harry answered in a daze, agreeing to an appointment time and date without really listening. Part of him knew he should be excited, but all he could think about was why Y/n hadn'told him yet.
"Anything you wanna tell me?" he asked later that night. They were both watching TV, a show they'd been watching every night before bed the last few weeks. He'd been itching to get Y/n alone all day so he could finally ask what the phone call, and after picking up and dropping off at friends' houses and volleyball practice and study groups and one big family dinner, now was finally his chance.
Y/n hadn't caught on yet, so she just shrugged. "Collette is convinced she's going to Paris Fashion Week by herself, and I don't have the heart to tell her she's not going without one of us."
This was news to Harry, but he tabled that conversation for later. "I got a call from the OBGYN's office. They asked to reschedule your ultrasound."
Harry could feel Y/n stiffen beneath him as she sighed deeply. Before she could say anything, though, he asked, "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I was going to," she promised, kissing away the furrow in her husband's brow. "I wanted to tell you and the kids at the same time. And you know how hard it is to wrangle everyone up. Maeve wasn't even at dinner tonight."
"Oh." Harry had spun a number of different answers Y/n might've come up with, but that hadn't been one of them. "Do you...want to keep it?"
Y/n could tell Harry was asking for her sake, not his. He'd been dying for another baby for years, slowly giving up hope every time she turned him down. Now that they faced the prospect of actually having another baby, though, he didn't want her to feel pressured. He never had, but he wanted to make extra sure.
"Honestly? Yeah, I do," Y/n said, resting her and Harry's hands over her belly. "I'm just...kind of shocked."
"Really?" Harry asked. Now that he'd had time to think about it, about which night in question could've been the one, he wasn't that surprised at all.
"Yeah, I—I guess I thought that part of my life was over. But... I'm glad it isn't. I'm excited about this."
"Me too."
Y/n gave him an amused look as if to say, you finally got your wish. But all she said was, "You just like that I get super horny when I'm pregnant."
Harry gasped dramatically, which made Y/n toss her head back and laugh. "That is not even remotely true. Maybe. Sort of. It's perhaps in the top ten things I'm excited for, but not the first."
"You're ridiculous," Y/n said, shaking her head at her husband. "And I love you."
"I love you too." Harry leaned in to kiss Y/n, the feel of his lips on hers more familiar than anything else in the world. He knew every part of her, every inch of her body and soul, and she knew his. It was comforting, it was home.
"Any chance those hormones have kicked in yet?" Harry murmured jokingly as he kissed her neck.
Y/n held her husband by the back of his hair so she could look him in the eye. "Absolutely not. I love you, and I love the twins, but we're not doing that again."
"What? Come on! We're way past that window," Harry reasoned. "And the doctor said it was rare."
"Yeah, so is getting pregnant at my age, but here we are."
"At your age?" Harry asked incredulously, looking down at Y/n through heavy lidded eyes. Her cheeks were flushed, but her eyes were lit as she watched him, the way they always were when they joked around. He was pretty sure no one amused her more than he did, and that was saying something considering the collective craziness their children engaged in regularly. "You're just winding me up, aren't you? You want me to remind you how young and fun we are."
"I don't know if that's—Harry!"
"Shh!" Harry said as a laugh bubbled out of Y/n as he yanked her down until she was lying flat on the bed, her arms pinned high above her. "Do you want them to hear you, Mama?"
That sobered her up a little, her laughter subsiding. Then, she smiled up at him, her hand reaching up to cup Harry's cheek. "We're having a baby."
Harry's grin was immediate, excitement filling his whole body from those four words alone. "We're having a baby."
Young Dad! Harry x Young Mom! Reader Masterlist
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viktuurishipper96 · 3 months
Scenario two: Oliver sees a Scottish beauty in bed.
When Oliver finished his work for the day and he and toad went home. When they arrived at the mansion at the McIntosh/Collett/Armstrong residences( equivalent to ducks branch line), he sees a note that Douglas wrote and says “meet me in the bedroom my darling , you and I are going to have some fun. See you tonight honey💋”. Oliver blushes and gets a nosebleed, so toad asked him “Um are you alright Mr. Oliver?” Oliver answer to toad “oh yes I’m fine! it’s just Douglas is so beautiful and I can’t take my eyes off of him especially his smile, his beauty, his body and his intelligence” he said dreamily. Afterwards, he took toad to his own bedroom and tucked him in for a good night sleep and closed the door. Soon after, Oliver was following a trail of red rose petals; and when he arrived at their master bed room, he saw the most gorgeous figure while wearing a beautiful blue see through robe as Douglas lies down in his rounded bed with a canopy on top while making a suggestive movement including using his bedroom eyes and bitting his lips. When Douglas crawled up to Oliver, he said “Welcome home, Ollie” he said seductively as he offers a bite of the chocolate covered strawberries and pats the soft satin sheets that awaits for Oliver. Then afterwards, the two kissed and held each other tight for a night of romance. Soon after, the two started to cuddle and Oliver caresses Douglas beautiful hair and said “Douglas, you’re the most beautiful and gorgeous person I’ve met. I’m so happy that we’re soulmates and newly weds.” Then Douglas says “oh Oliver, you’re the most handsome person I’ve met ever since I’ve saved you and toad from scrap. My darling, we are soulmates and newly weds now.” Finally, Douglas and Oliver began to drift off to sleep and he placed his hand onto Oliver’s chest and the two heartbeats beats as one. And so, the two soulmates fell asleep and they will never let go. The end 🖤💚
whew that was a beautiful scenario with Douglas and Oliver with toad mentioned. I promise I’ll finish my fanart of Donald. It’s my attempt to do a Douglas x Oliver fanfic so enjoy. And if you’re wondering, it’s based off of a fanart that I did
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hannahssimblr · 7 months
Chapter Eighteen (Part 2)
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There are no family photos on the walls of this house, which is entirely different to my home. My mother framed everything, because I was the only child, and therefore everything I did and every milestone I achieved was wonderful and amazing. There’s a photo of me, eight and smiling on the day of my first communion that has pride of place on the mantelpiece next to my parents wedding photos, as though my first reception of the body of Christ (a wafer) was as important as their vow to each other. I was cute back then, but it’s easy to track my progression from cute child to awkward teenager by simply following the path of photos on the wall above the television, where I am immortalised forever in my school uniform, picture day after picture day, year after year until they mercifully stopped taking them at the end of primary school and I was free to duck away and hide my braces and acne from any and all cameras.
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There are no such records in the Turner house. There are no notches on the door frames that measured the growth of the children, no ancient crayon drawings still stuck to the fridge, or, for the extra special ones, framed on the wall where visitors can see them. There’s no sad, punctured football in the back garden, or Ribena stain on the carpet, and I can’t see what’s inside the cupboard under the stairs, but I guarantee there’s no outsized roller skates or fad toy from Christmas 2002 stuffed in there either. This house is like somebody opened an interior design magazine and bought everything on the page.
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Jude climbs on a chair to reach a box, way up high on the very top of a bookcase.  He settles next to me on the sofa and lifts the lid without any of the reverence or intentionality I feel it deserves, and hauls out a handful of photographs. 
“There are before me.” He says, and I don’t care about those ones. His mother is very beautiful, and when she’s young even more so, but Collette Turner is of about as much interest to me as I am to her. When he hands them to me I just leave them on the coffee table and poke my fingers around in the box with him until we find the ones from November 1991. 
“There I am.” He says, and rightly so, there he is. A tiny baby screaming in his mother’s arms as she, looking like a child herself stares bemusedly down at the pink, squirming thing in her arms. “Apparently all I did was make noise.” He says. “Nothing has changed there. I also wasn’t cute.”
“You weren’t.” I agree, but I like the photo anyway. Even in these first minutes of his life there’s something furious and uncompromising about him, all clenched fists and red face. He’s so tiny. My heart swells for him. 
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“I did get cute though.” He says, putting another photo into my hands of him at maybe two years old, wearing nothing but a nappy and a pair of cowboy boots. He’s standing on wobbly little legs on some dirt path, while sandstone pillars and jagged rock formations soar up into the sky behind him. It’s the kind of landscape that you only see in cartoons. 
“Did you see the road runner when you were there?” I deadpan. 
He smirks. “That’s Bryce Canyon. My great aunt brought me along on a trip with her kids. I think I was two.” He flips it over to where Sept. ‘93 is scrawled in blue biro. “Almost two. Her kids were in college at that point. I think there’s photos of us all.” He has a quick shuffle through the stack and withdraws several more from Utah, mostly of him being held, or cuddled or kissed on his chubby cheeks by four twenty somethings who look like extras from Seinfeld. Looking at their faces, their patterned jumpers, their floppy haircuts brings back a sense-memory of what it felt like to exist in the nineties. That pervasive smell of cigarettes and the old, brown plastic ashtray on my uncle’s table. The cuffs of light wash jeans and the creases in my cousin’s white sneakers as I tied and untied his shoelaces beneath the kitchen table, and Paul Simon’s Obvious Child, and our old TV that spit out white noise and wobbled until someone banged it with their fist to set it right again. I feel as affectionate towards those snippets of memory as I do about this tiny, cowboy boot wearing Jude, perched high on his cousin’s shoulders.
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“Is that your great aunt?” I wonder, pointing to a ruddy cheeked woman in her early forties that crouches down with her arms around him at the base of a sandstone pillar. 
“Yes, Maureen.” he’s mentioned her before in passing. I know that her husband was in the military, and that they lived all over the world for years. When he retired they settled in New Mexico, and she and her family were in the picture a lot when Jude was a child.
“When’s the last time you saw her?” 
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“When I was fifteen, but it’s not always easy to find the time anymore. She calls me every Christmas and on my birthday, and sometimes she sends me gifts.” He brushes his thumb thoughtfully over the photo. “You know, I miss her. She was kind of like my other-mother for a while.”
“Maybe you should go and visit again.”
“Yeah, I’d really like to.” He digs through the box and pulls out a more recent one of them both from 2007. They’re standing in her kitchen with their arms around each other, and she’s short and round, and he’s so tall and gangly with a wooden beaded necklace on, and they both have the biggest smiles. “Maybe I’ll go in the autumn.”
“Definitely! I think that’d be amazing.”
“It’s just weird because it’s hard to know where I’m going to be then, you know? Now that I’m graduating from college I’ll have to, like, look for a job.” He says it like it’s a dirty word, and there is the tiniest twinge of anxiety in my belly.
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“Something will work out.” I say passively. I’ve tried not to think about what’s going to happen after college, and whether or not he’ll decide to move back to Ireland again once he finishes his final project. We’ve just avoided the conversation, even though sometimes during our long talks we bring us right up to the knife’s edge of it before we stealthily change the subject, but I soon have to acknowledge the elephant in the room, and it’s that we don’t know where he’ll be in six months. We don’t know what things might look like between us, and neither of us knows yet what he wants. 
“Yeah, definitely.” He says hopefully, and I take the photo of him and Maureen so that I can take a closer look. 
“2007.” I murmur. “You were so dreamy. I wish you’d seen what I looked like in 2007, it’d be like a jump scare.”
He chuckles. “No way, Evie.”
“I had cystic acne and braces,” I confess. “I was so ugly.”
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“You haven’t even brushed up against ugly in your entire life. And I had braces once too, believe it or not.”
“Oh I’d believe it.” I feast myself on the view of his immaculate teeth. “Did your dad do that?”
“He did, and funny you should mention him, because he’ll probably be home soon. Do you want to endure an awkward, socially inept conversation with him or do you want me to take you home?”
“Oof, tough choice.” 
Jude takes all of the photos from my lap and from the table and taps them gently into formation before stacking them back into the box where they’ll no doubt sit there unbothered for another few months or years, dusty and forgotten atop the bookcase. 
“Let’s get moving.” 
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Jude’s car idles outside my apartment for half an hour, because every time I try to get out I look over my shoulder at him and feel compelled to kiss him goodbye, just one more time. 
“Jesus Christ, you’re a great kisser.” I say as his lips slide from my mouth to the curve of my jaw, and his fingers caress the nape of my neck. “Where did you learn to do that?”
“Back of my hand.” He murmurs. “Glad you’ve noticed, I’ve actually never kissed a girl before.”
“Oh shut up.” I snicker. 
“You know, if you think I’m good with my mouth you should see what else I can do with it.”
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I breathe out a laugh, and my body shivers so intensely from head to toe that I have to twist out of his grip. This is full-on dirty talk. I don’t know how to do that. I should probably give him a slow, seductive smile and say something like “Well why don’t you come upstairs and show me?” But I obviously don’t. I say “Oh.” and then laugh way too loudly which completely dissolves the sexual vibe and he goes from looking flirtatious to amused. “What?”
“I mean, you can come in if you like, I know I owe you one but full disclosure I haven’t shaved in days.”
“Are you trying to lure me in with handjobs and hairy legs?”
“Feeling enticed?”
“You bet.”
I lean back against the passenger door and wrap my arms around myself. “Well, whatever you want to do is fine.”
His expression is funny as he takes me in, my body language, the metre of space I’ve managed to carve between us, and his eyebrow twitches sceptically. “I don’t want things that you don’t. You know that?”
I nod. 
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“When you want me to come in, I’ll come in, but you don’t have to do things for me just because you think you owe me.”
“I will want to.” I say. “Just later.”
“Well lucky for you I’m busy the next while. I’m in the last weeks of my thesis and I really need to buckle down, so if we’re fooling around it will probably not do wonders for my concentration.”
I pout. “But I’ll still see you?”
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“Of course, I’ll always make time for you.” He pulls me into him by my wrists and kisses me one last time, and I’m starting to  wonder how I’ll ever be expected to kiss another man again when he pulls away from me. “It’s time for you to get out of my car. I’m wasting diesel.” He teasingly shoves me away and I scramble for the handle and scurry out onto dark streets wet with rain as he springs forward to smack my arse.  
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“Later, alligator.” He says, and I shut the door behind me with a thunk. 
Beginning // Prev // Next
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mlc-raspberry · 9 months
I know that no one asked but I just wants to share this with ya :D
🗝 ⚉ 🪡 🐈‍⬛
The Little Memaid - Ariel played Halle Bailey
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Beauty and the Beast 2017 - Belle played by Emma Watson
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Snow White and the Huntsman - Snow White played by Kristen Stewart
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Arcane - Caitlyn voiced by Katie Leung
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Arcane - Vi voiced by Haillee Steinfeld
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Arcane - Mel voiced by Toks Olagundoye
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Arcane - Cassandra Kiramman voiced by Abigail Marlowe
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Avatar - Neytiri played Zoe Saldana
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Avatar - Ronal played by Kate Winslet
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Crimson Peak - Lady Lucille Sharpe played by Jessica Chastain
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Guardians Of The Galaxy - Gamora played by Zoe Saldana
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Mitchells vs. The Machines - Linda Mitchells voiced by Maya Rudolph
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Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters 2013 - Gretel played by Gemma Arterton
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Turning Red - Ming Lee voiced by Sandra Oh
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Sleeping Beauty 1956 - Auror voiced by Mary Costa
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The Little Prince - the Mother voiced by Rachel McAdams
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Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken - Agatha Gillman voiced by Toni Collette
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Treasure Planet 2002 - Captain Amelia voiced by Emma Thompson
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Boku no Hero Academia - Momo Yaoyorozu voiced by Marina Inoue (en: Colleen Clinkenbeard)
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Lion King - Nala voiced by Moira Kelly
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kingsoverjacks · 1 year
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Beautiful leggy Collette Wolfe in a sexy red dress
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quotes121sworld · 1 year
Teresa Giudice and lookalike daughter Gia Giudice attend NYC screening of Mafia Mamma
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Teresa Giudice brought her unmistakable style to the red carpet for a screening of Mafia Mamma in New York City on Tuesday.The Real Housewives of New Jersey star, 50, was joined at the event by her lookalike daughter Gia Giudice, 22, her husband Luis Ruelas and their stepson.The mother-daughter duo brought a touch of color to the performance, both wearing eye-catching ensembles for the carpet.Teresa donned a bright pink mini dress that showed off her early summer tan. It featured multiple cutouts on the front, a high neckline, and sleeves.The hem of the dress was cropped at the top of her thighs to show off her toned legs, and the cutouts flashed a glimpse of her chest.
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Stunning: Teresa Giudice brought her signature style to the red carpet for a screening of Mafia MammaHer brunette locks were styled straight and draped around her shoulders. For the makeup, she opted for a classic look with dark eye shadow, bold blush and pink glossy lips.The mother of four completed her outfit with a pair of nude heels, silver earrings and her large diamond wedding ring on her left finger.Beside her was her daughter Gia, who mirrored her mother wearing a baby blue pantsuit.Her oversized blazer was left undone as she wore just a white bralette underneath that showed off her tanned skin and toned abs.The rising star paired her ensemble with white shoes tucked under her wide-leg pants.She wore her highlighted brunette tresses in long curls and went simple with her makeup, using blush, mascara and lip gloss.Also attending the event were Teresa's second husband Luis, with whom she tied the knot in 2022, and one of his sons.The two men both dressed more casually, Luis wearing a white Henley shirt under a light blue sports jacket, black jeans and multicolored sneakers.His son opted for a black t-shirt, gray checked suit trousers and black loafers.
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Red carpet moment: The beauty donned a bright pink mini dress that showed off her early summer tan
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Family time: She was joined at the event by her lookalike daughter Gia Giudice, 22, her husband Luis Ruelas and their stepson
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Twins: The 50-year-old and her lookalike daughter brought a touch of color to the carpet
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Pop of color: Gia opted for a baby blue pant suit with a white bralette underneath
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The star: Movie star Toni Collette joined the mother-daughter duo
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Group Photo: TV personality Drita D'Avanzo stopped by for some photos
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Ladies: All three ladies smiled for the cameras as they flaunted their sense of styleOn the red carpet, Teresa and Gia stopped to take photos with the film's star, Toni Collette.The Hereditary actress wore a white dress with a thin strap and a fitted waist beneath a sheer long-sleeved layer over it.The sheer part of the dress featured floral embellishments that added texture to the bodice, and the skirt and center of each flower featured silver rhinestones.Her blond locks were slightly curled and fell over her shoulders. She opted for a natural makeup look with blush, pink lips and light eyeshadow.The Knives Out star stood between mother and daughter as they smiled for the cameras.The trio was joined by TV personality Drita D'Avanzo, who wore a black corset top, black skinny jeans and a cream jacket.In December, Teresa spoke up People on how she's making life work with her new blended family after marrying Luis, who already had two sons.They told the publication that Giudice's four daughters and Ruelas' two sons have embraced their new blended family life.
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Stylish: Gia's oversized blazer was left undone as she wore just a white bralette underneath that showed off her tanned skin and toned stomach
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Coordination: The rising star teamed her ensemble with white shoes tucked under her wide-leg pants
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Good hair day: Gia, a senior at Rutgers University, wore her highlighted brunette locks in long curls
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Radiant: Gia went easy on her makeup, using blush, mascara and lip gloss
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Happy: The rising star posed with her famous mum on the red carpet at the Big Apple event The cookbook author said she and her marketing manager are trying to balance time spent as a family by allowing their children to have lives of their own.“Monday to Thursday we always try to cook home-cooked meals because the kids love it, and then we do our own thing on the weekends. On Sundays, of course, we always do it together as a family.”Giudice is mother to daughters Audriana, 13; Milan, 16; Gabrielle, 18; and Gia, who she shares with ex-husband Joe Giudice.Ruelas, the father of sons Louie Jr., 19, and Nicholas, 21, noted that both his and Teresa's children were keen to bring their families together. "The kids wanted it too," he said.Accordingly The Hollywood ReporterMafia Mamma 'follows a suburban American woman who inherits her grandfather's mafia empire and as the new head of the family business exceeds all expectations, including her own.'The film is scheduled for release on April 14th and was distributed by Bleeker Streetthat for movies like Emma, ​​Mr. Malcolm's List, Wild Mountain Thyme and On Chesil Beach. The film also stars Monica Bellucci alongside Collette and is directed by Catherine Hardwicke, known for her films such as Twilight, Miss Bala and Miss You Schon.
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New love: In December, Teresa spoke to People about making life work with her new blended family after marrying Luis
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Blended: They told the publication that Giudice's four daughters and Ruelas' two sons have embraced their new blended family life Read the full article
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danicadenniss · 3 months
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Totally Spies 2024: Gerlina Charlotte Lewis
Fullname: Gerlina Charlotte Lewis
Aliases/Nicknames: Jeri, Chief, Director Lewis, Sister by her older brother Trent
Age: 35
Dates Of Birth: April 25th, 1989
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Douglas (Afro-Puerto Rican, British Indo-Guyanese)
Hair Color: Dark Auburn Brown
Eyes Color: Amber Brown
Skin Color: Dark Brown Tan
Religion: Protestant, Christian
Sexuality: Demiromantic Demisexual
Role: Head Chief Of The World Organization Of Human Protection (W.O.O.H.P)
Hobbies: Golfing, Snow Skiing, Surfing on the waves at the beach, Playing cards, and chess, Having an Afternoon tea with Clover, Alexia and Sammie, Doing her paperwork every morning
Family Members: Lawrence Lewis (father), Mrs. Lewis (mother), Trent Lewis (older twin brother), Charles Lewis II (older brother), Jillian Lewis (paternal aunt) Cassandra Lewis (paternal grandmother), unnamed maternal grandparents+ Charles Lewis+ (maternal great grandfather) Collette Lewis+ (maternal great grandmother) Bethany Smith (sister in law), Britney Diana Smith-Lewis (niece)
Friends: Kairi Yue Ewing, Samantha Nyad Simpsons, Alexandria Elisa Casoy, Blaine Hiro Chen, Dean Ace LaBride, David Santiago Rodriguez, Mr. George Pebbleton (Co worker),the other Beverly Hills Unified School District students and staff members
Enemies: Her twin brother, Trent Lewis and the other criminals,
Rivals: Geraldine Husk (arch rival), Candace Margaret Sweet, Amanda Erica Luxembourg, Caitlin Kelly Laurent-Casoy, Isabella Luz Dominique
Love Insterests: Unnamed fiancée
Favorite Movies/TV Shows: Downtown Albany
Favorite Foods: British Cuisine included Fish and Cuisine
Favorite Music Genre: Britpop, Gospels, Indie Pop
My female version of Jerry is a bit different from the original male Jerry. She is the head chief of the W.O.O.H.P, the spies' friend/boss, whenever she needs the spies for a mission during her Save The Day alarm drill after class.
For the design I turned from male to female, Jeri as a beautiful, slim, dark brown tan skinned Douglas woman in her mid 30s' with curly/straight dark auburn brown hair in a medium length bob cut, spot narrow dark brown eyebrows, thick eyelashes, hazel brown eyes, brown heart shaped lips and wearing dark red eyeshadows, a red lipstick on her lips, a light gray shirt with a black blazer with 3/4 sleeves and a collar sliver W enmal pin on the left side of her collar, a knee length black skirt, light gray tight and gray high heels. She also wears a golden necklace with a W charm around her neck, golden hoop earrings and a few golden bracelets.
Jeri and the spies of W.O.O.H.P have been spying on Clover, Alexia and Sammie since the girls were children, she knew right away the girls had everything it needs to be a spy. Although she informed her co worker Mr. George Pebbleton while she worked on her papers and she dislike Mandy and the other mean girls' cruel and poorly behaviors and bullying Sammie all of the time for protecting her and her friends. When she was a spy and became chief of the W.O.O.H.P, she is trained highly in martial arts after her father's retirement and she and Cameron are very intelligent in technology.
She was born in England, her father Lawrence Lewis who was a former head chief as his retirement by taking his place in society, her mother and her brothers, her brother Charles Lewis II married her sister in law and her niece Britney who go to school with her friends as freshman year. She dislike her evil brother is being mean to her. She prefer not to talk about Trent.
I started my remake of Totally Spies and continued next.
Totally Spies c Zodiak Kids & Family Studio
Character designs and art c D.D art
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purpleplaid17 · 11 months
Jess Watches // Sun 22 Oct // Day 33 Synopses & Favourite Scenes
Call the Midwife (with mum) 6x02 Episode 2
An explosion at the docks badly affects the husband of a new mother, Patsy feels under pressure, and Sister Ursula continues to test the patience of everyone at Nonnatus House.
I knew Patsy was leaving soon but did it have to be so heartbreaking. Phyllis subtley comforting Delia because she knew about them was what broke me the most. To show such kindness when she sees how upset Delia is. Also, I've added multiple gifsets from this ep to my queue but could barely look at them as it's just too sad. When they get to the top of my queue I know it will rip my heart out all over again.
The Power 1x01 A Better Future Is in Your Hands
Across the world teenage girls are experiencing a strange sensation beneath their collarbones, sudden jolts of electricity sparking from their fingertips. This new power is an agent of both liberation and destruction.
Would've started this soonr had I realized the cast included Auli'i Cravalho, Toheeb Jimoh, and Toni Collette. Also surprised there's only 3 edits in the tags. Probably due to lack of promotion which sucks.
Our Flag Means Death 2x06 Calypso's Birthday
While the crew celebrates Calypso's birthday, Blackbeard faces a violent party-crasher seeking revenge.
Me getting war flashbacks due to hearing Edith Piaf multiple times every ad break during the rugby. I think Izzy's beautiful singing has cured me though. Was entirely unprepared.
Gen V 1x02 First Day
The Godolkin University Mental Health Hotline would like to remind students at this difficult time that you are not alone. You might be bulletproof on the outside, but you're not on the inside.
I hate that Marie's being manipulated. But I do love her new wardrobe. Red is definitely her colour. Also, can evil Shelley Conn give me a hug too please?
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“You don’t suppose we’ll get in trouble for this, do you?” ((Pup!Spike @ the spaniel sisters))
prince of egypt sentence starters
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“Hmph. We won’t.”
Collette sniffed slightly. She and Annette stood a little way out from the mess, clearly not involved. The red-collared sister was certainly not going to have this pinned on her; nor on Annette, her closest sister, if she could help it. Even if the two of them weren’t entirely removed from the situation, if they didn’t look at fault, Collette was confident that Jim Dear wouldn’t blame them.
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“You two, on the other hand…”
Annette, though quite content to follow her elder sister’s lead and keep her own rear out of trouble, couldn’t help but wince slightly. Danielle, at least, was covered from head to toe in flour - the packet the four of them had managed to knock down from the kitchen table had landed on her and burst, spilling out all its contents - and she doubted that Spike, who had been right behind her, had faired much better.
Annette didn’t necessarily like seeing her younger siblings get into trouble except maybe Scamp, sometimes; but here, it seemed unavoidable.
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“Aw, c’mon, what’s the big deal?”
Despite her freshly whitened appearance, Dani seemed by far the least fazed of her sisters; perhaps simply because she didn’t have their aversion to trouble. Giving her coat a shake - which only served to send another cloud of flour into the air - she grinned around at Spike in a manner she clearly intended to be reassuring.
“Humans’re used to a bit of a mess; Scamp’s done WAY worse! No way we’re gonna get told off for a little thing like this!”
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outoftheirdifferences · 7 months
What does your muse's name mean?
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Popularity: 2525
Origin: French
Meaning: Grace; Favor
Annette is a lovely feminine name for your new baby girl. With French origins, this name means “grace” and “favor,” and was derived from the name Anne. This once wildly popular name has fallen out of fashion a bit, so much so that it has come back around to being a unique and stylish choice for your little trendsetter. Baby can also take pride in sharing the name with acclaimed actress Annette Bening, who you will recognize from films such as American Beauty, The Kids Are Alright, and Captain Marvel.
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Popularity: 4329
Origin: French
Meaning: people of victory
Collette is a baby girl name of French origin meaning “people of victory”. Walking her way through history, this name actually derives from the 12th-century Greek name Nicholas. Collette is a diminutive of the name Nicolette, which was a diminutive of our previously mentioned Greek ancestor. If you have a Nick in your life you’d love to pay tribute to or simply want to give baby their own victory streak, the name Collette will kick off baby’s life with a bang.
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Popularity: 943
Origin: French
Meaning: God is my Judge
Danielle is a feminine name that embodies beauty, intellect, and defiance. A French variation of Daniel, Danielle is born from the Hebrew daniy'el and means "God is my Judge." It's a name that celebrates staying true to oneself, caring only for judgments of a higher power. In the bible, Daniel is famed for his interpretation of dreams and enduring faith. Rescued from a literal lion's den, he is a figure that inspires tenacity and self-belief. Daniella may hold a more delicate intonation, courtesy of the French Daniѐle, but dig deep, and you will find a well of resilience just aching to be tested.
(So I MOSTLY just meant to do this for the Spaniel girls because I was curious - I like that the names Jim and Darling picked for them all share the same country of origin - but I kinda got carried away xD Results for more of my muses under the cut! ^^)
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Popularity: 5931
Origin: British
Other Origin(s): Latin
Meaning: Of Constance; Steadfast, reliable
Connie is a gender-neutral name with English and Latin roots. Coming from the Latin name Constantia or Constance, it translates to “steadfast,” or “reliable.” Being a loyal, trustworthy friend is such an important trait to have. With the name Connie, your bundle of joy will always remember to always stay faithful to themselves and the people they love.
(Wow this is... this is so accurate to her. I doubt that's coincidence on the Crewniverse's part!)
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Popularity: 91
Origin: Greek
Meaning: Messenger; Messenger of God
Angel is a gender-neutral name that is well known in both the US and Spain. From Greek origins, the meaning of the word angel is “messenger,” but in the Bible, the word signifies a more divine meaning, “messenger from God.” Whether you will be guiding baby down a religious path or are simply looking for a heavenly name to bestow upon them, Angel could be the perfect title to uplift and inspire your new addition. The name received a huge boost from Angel, the Buffy the Vampire Slayer spin-off starring David Boreanaz.
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Origin: Irish
Other Origin(s): Gaelic; Greek
Meaning: Black, dark; Noble
Parents who prefer the darker side of life will love Kiera! Kiera is a girl's name of Irish origin, derived from Ciara, meaning "black" or "dark." It also has Greek origins, meaning "noble," with plenty of variants to make it a globally celebrated title. Kiera differs from the spelling Keira, bringing its own unique flair to an otherwise incredibly trendy name. Baby Kiera will be reminded of their individuality as they bravely pursue their destiny in this world.
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Popularity: 28751
Origin: French
Other Origin(s): British
Meaning: Cherry
Cera is a feminine name is of English and French origin that means "cherry." In Japan, the cherry is a symbol of good fortune, revival, and new beginnings, all of which baby is sure to bring to life. The name Cera is a variant of the English and French name Cerise which also means "cherry." It is also a popular surname, most known by famous Canadian actor Michael Cera who is renowned for playing whimsical, witty characters. Cera is a beautiful name that can pay homage to how sweet life is with baby in it.
(Let's be real, most of this was probably unintentional for the character: Cera must have been named as such because of being a tri-CERA-tops xD Still interesting to know it does have a meaning of its own too though!)
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Popularity: 670
Origin: Latin
Other Origin(s): Roman; Greek; British
Meaning: Laurel plant; Victory
Lauren is a gender-neutral name of Latin origin. A derivative of the French Laurence, both these names can be traced back to the ancient Roman city of Laurentum. This lyrical title stems from the laurel plant, which was a symbol of victory in the sporting events of ancient Greece. To this day, the verdant shrub signifies wisdom, with laureate referring to someone who has made an achievement, such as in the French baccalaureate. With their name rooted in honor, you may see big dreams inspire this little one while they shoot for the moon in their quest for success.
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wherethemusetakesme · 4 years
tag dump: 6 / 7 (Terra, the spaniel sisters and Webby’s tags)
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cpvasanth · 2 years
Every Dragon in Game of Thrones: House of the Dragon
House of the Dragon will depict dragons wielded as both protectors of various Targaryen factions but also as almighty weapons wielded in a war dubbed the Dance of the Dragons, a years-long campaign for succession among the various Targaryen claimants to the Iron Throne – a war that will prove tragic for all involved, human and dragon alike.
The following is a list of all the dragons that appeared during the Dance of the Dragons. Some have already debuted on House of the Dragon, while many others aren’t expected to appear for several more seasons due to the significant passages of time chronicled in Fire & Blood.
1.Balerion the Black Dread
The largest and eldest of all the Targaryen dragons, Balerion was flown by Aegon the Conqueror and later became the steed of King Viserys I. The black and red mal dragon has died by the time House of the Dragon begins, but his massive skull can be seen on display at the Red Keep.
Dubbed the Blood Wyrm, this huge, red, and horned beast is the steed of Prince Daemon Targaryen (Matt Smith) and is as fearsome and vicious as his rider.
As described in George R.R. Martin’s official companion book The World of Ice & Fire: The Untold History of Westeros and the Game of Thrones, the yellowish Syrax is the “huge and formidable” female steed of Princess Rhaenyra (portrayed in House of the Dragon by Milly Alcock as a youth and Emma D’Arcy as an adult).
“The Red Queen” is the steed of The Queen Who Never Was, Princess Rhaenys (played in House of the Dragon by Eve Best). Meleys is described in The World of Ice & Fire as “old and cunning, lazy, but fearsome when roused.”
With his golden scales and flame, it’s no wonder this huge and formidable male dragon is dubbed “Sunfyre the Golden.” He is the steed of Aegon II Targaryen (who will be played in House of the Dragon as an adult by Tom Glynn-Carney and as a youth by Ty Tennant).
This grey and white dragon is still relatively young during the Dance of Dragons, during which it bonds with Ser Laenor Velaryon (played on House of the Dragon as a teen by Theo Nate and then as an adult by John Macmillan).
Said to be five times smaller than Vhagar, this young male dragon is the steed of Prince Lucerys Velaryon (to be played by Elliot Grihault as an adult and Harvey Sadler as a youth in House of the Dragon).
This silver and blue she-dragon has been the steed of both Princess Rhaena Targaryen (daughter of Aenys I) and Queen Helaena Targaryen at different times. Helaena will be played by Phia Saban as an adult and Evie Allen as a youth in House of the Dragon.
9.Tyraxes, Morghul and Shrykos
The steed of dragonrider Prince Joffrey Velaryon, Tyraxes was not as big as Vermax and Arrax. The role of Joffrey has not yet been cast in House of the Dragon.
Morghul is a young dragon is bound to Princess Jaehaera Targaryen, a role that’s yet to be cast in House of the Dragon.
Shrykos is a she-dragon is bound to Prince Jaehaerys Targaryen (Aegon II”s son), a role that hasn’t been cast yet in House of the Dragon.
“The Blue Queen” is the steed of Prince Daeron Targaryen, a role that has yet to be cast in House of the Dragon. This she-dragon, who breathes blue flame, is said to be younger than Dreamfyre, Sunfyre, and Vhagar.
Dubbed by The World of Ice & Fire as a “slender and beautiful” female dragon, she is the small but swift steed of Lady Baela Targaryen (who will be portrayed in House of the Dragon by actors Shani Smethurst and Bethany Antonia as the younger and adult Baela, respectively).
12.Vermax, Morning and Stormcloud
The young male dragon Vermax is the steed of Prince Jacaerys Velaryon (to be portrayed on the HBO series by Harry Collett as an adult and Leo Hart as a youth).
The she-dragon Morning, the offspring of Syrax, is hatched during the Dance of the Dragons. Morning has pink scales and black horns and is the steed of Lady Rhaena Targaryen (to be played in House of the Dragon by Phoebe Campbell as an adult and by Eva Ossei-Gerning as a youth).
The young male dragon Stormcloud won’t factor into House of the Dragon until later in the series, during which time it will be the steed of Aegon the Younger.
“The Bronze Fury,” the third largest dragon, is described in The World of Ice & Fire as “old and hoary.” This male dragon was once the steed of Jaehaerys I Targaryen, aka the Old King.
The second largest dragon of the Targaryens, Vhagar is an ancient female dragon and the last of those flown during Aegon’s conquest, when she served as the steed of Queen Visenya Targaryen. Together, they burned the Arryn fleet in the waters off Gulltown. Vhagar was named in honor of a god of Old Valyria, and will factor into later developments in House of the Dragon.
Once ridden by Queen Alysanne Targaryen, this she-dragon will later become the steed of Ulf the White, a “dragonseed” character yet to be introduced in House of the Dragon.
16.Sheepstealer, The Cannibal and Grey Ghost
The “brown and plain” wild dragon Sheepstealer is tamed by, as The World of Ice & Fire describes her, a “plain, baseborn and disreputable girl” named Nettles, who feeds the dragon mutton to win it over. Nettles has yet to be introduced in House of the Dragon.
The Cannibal is another beast yet to be introduced in House of the Dragon. This wild dragon is known in Fire & Blood for never having been tamed let alone ridden – and for eating other dragons, hence his name. Legend has it that it’s lurked on Dragonstone since before the arrival of the Targaryens.
Like The Cannibal, the Grey Ghost is another wild dragon who was never tamed or ridden and has to appear in House of the Dragon. It is said to have feasted on fish rather than people.
Follow us to explore more about house of the dragon
Source : IGN
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The exterior of Designer & Collector Anthony’s London Victorian townhouse doesn’t even hint at the unique interior. When he and his wife bought the house it was a run down place with squatters inside. But, look at it now.
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Walls in Dutch gold leaf showcase a collection of late-19th-century pottery. The folding table with a faux-marble painted top was designed by Anthony.
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There are so many beautiful antiques in the home. 
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Armchairs upholstered in mustard and burgundy stand out on an apple-green wool carpet. The table, designed by Anthony, has a steel base topped with blue Brazilian granite.
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Anthony designed the table and had it built.  Plates are displayed on an oxblood red frieze with a dark green cornice above.  A marble surround frames a La  range against paneling designed by Anthony.
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A small table in front of the window displays foot and wood utensils. 
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Beautiful wooden cupboards surround the kitchen.
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A painted array of fabulous beasts onto yellow panels are edged with a tiny pink bead of paint. A charcoal wool runner complements stairs painted a standard British racing green.
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As always, the bedroom is minimalist and done in neutral tones. The carpet has a subdued colorful pattern. 
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There’s also a beautiful closet with hanging bars on the doors.
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The bath is also a calm neutral tone. The tub is an architectural salvage piece.
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In the studio built by Anthony in the garden. The columns and frame for the 9 skylights in the ceiling are made from Douglas Fir trees.
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caws5749 · 3 years
Mads Recs Summer 2021
It’s that time! I’m here with a new list of my ultimate current favorites! If you haven’t read any of these, I highly suggest it! They’re beyond perfection! I know there’s not a lot, but I really wanted these to be the fics and things that I CONSTANTLY read and love with my whole entire heart! 
Disclaimer: none of these are in order of favorites! also, this is a small list, but I want to focus my attention on the fics that I *constantly* reread, and I haven’t had much time to discover things this summer aoeifjaoeifj
1. Stand By Without Flinching (series) by Elisa Collette on Ao3.
It’s not the first time I’ve put this on a rec list. It will always be on my rec lists, because this has and always will be my #1. There’s honestly nothing like this fic.  It’s full of found family love, trauma, some angst, a driven plot, and everything you want to see from characters. For me, it’s seeing Natasha as a mother figure to Wanda and Peter, while being so herself in character. It’s the Nat and Steve love too, not in your face, but a subtle, domestic type of love that forms being undercover. It’s the way Wanda and Peter help each other through things and form a sibling relationship naturally. It’s the way this undercover family who is on the run after the Accords becomes a real family. It’s watching Natasha feel emotions, feel love even when she knows it’s dangerous and against everything she was taught. It’s LITERALLY a masterpiece. I can’t speak enough on it. This is not a reader insert, but focuses on Wanda, Nat, Peter, and Steve, with T’Challa, Clint, and Sharon thrown in a lot. 
2. Prove Me Wrong (series) by @wannabe-fic-writer
I’ve reblogged this quite a few times as well and talked about it, but Prove Me Wrong literally shook me to my core. It’s so masterfully well done, carefully crafted from the deep psyche in a way that actually hits you to your core. With the way it both analyzes reader and natasha, you free fall into this world and enjoy it immensely along the way. I was practically on the edge of my seat, desperate to see when and if reader and Natasha’s relationship would be formed. There’s a particularly beautiful moment in which Nat realizes the reader’s crush, and I nearly tear up every time from the absolute beauty and hilarity of the scene. You feel as though you really are falling for Natasha in the series and helping her open up as well. I read it at least once a month. I can promise you that you’ll be smiling through most of it. 
3. In the Red of Night by @shesaidnomaam
This is a vampire!nat au, and boy, does it have me a puddle on the floor. I don’t care what anyone says, natasha as a vampire could get me to do anything (though, Natasha in general could get me to do anything). the point is, the way that this story is crafted is so fluid and elegant that it really does just leave you wanting so much more. I reread paragraphs of this while rereading the story because that’s just how wonderful the words are. it’s really a true masterpiece and I cannot express how much I am a puddle on the floor. and for those who know me, I'm not a huge fan of au’s, but this one has me HOOKED. 
4. Nat x Brat (multiple works) by @empyreanwritings
Everyone knows if you’ve been following me for a while that I not only am OBSESSED with brat x nat, but I EMBODY brat x nat. I mean, Stef really has outdone themself with this bEAUTY of a masterpiece. It’s a guilty pleasure minus the guilty part, filled with a TON of drama, the mob lifestyle, and lots and lots of expensive, shiny things. And don’t forget the brattiness, which is in full force. I reread ALL the time, it brings me so much comfort and happiness. plus, there’s just SO MUCH! you could be reading for hours! 
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maybe-your-left · 4 years
Skiing day two with Dr Ren and Gucci please 😘
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Skiing - Part 2 Gucci & Dr. Ren M.D.
TW: INFIDELITY (only Gucci)
You barely slept, unable to swallow the guilt that had settled. You slept with a married man, who had you meet him in an extra room. Separate from his family, so he could fuck some random woman he met.
It felt disgusting, knowing you were that random woman.
What felt even worse, was how his touch lingered. His fingertips tracing every line of your skin, plush lips tasting every inch. Tongue laving at your nipples while you cried, legs open wide for his cock.
Maurizio made you cum three times, fucked you on the bed, on the couch, bent over by the fire. Digging his hands into your hair, cracking your back so you would arch for him.
Cumming deep inside your cunt, moaning when he saw it dribble down the back of your thighs. A thick finger swiping it up, to bring it back where it belonged.
No amount of hot water could scrub the shame, the tingle of your skin from his words. How beautiful you were, how he loved your cunt, ‘such a wonderful little dove’, ‘you taste of heaven’.
Wiping your tears away with the pads of his thumb, a soft kiss as you walked out. You looked back from down the hall, seeing him leave moments later. Hair put together, glasses back on, barely looking like he spent the past hour fucking someone.
Must be a normal thing.
“Holy shit,” you groaned, legs sore from more than skiing. Barely able to get dressed for another day, you debated just staying in the lounge. But you spent so much to be here, and all your friends were going.
You didn’t want to be alone, in case Maurizio decided to see you. You promised yourself you would t indulge him again, it was wrong. Even though it felt so right, so delicious.
Maybe one kiss wouldn’t hurt.
“Come on, let’s go get food,” your friends yelled, filing out the doors to the halls. Ski suits dangling around your waists, you carried your boots under one arm. Hooking arms with one of your companions, he knew you were having trouble walking.
Didn’t know why, but he was helping you.
Making you laugh, smile, feel so much better. You had almost forgotten about your shame until you made it to the lounge. Making full eye contact with Maurizio, who looked just as shocked.
You stalled for a moment, gasping at him. On his arm was a child, maybe 4-5 in age. Clinging to her father, and there standing next to him was the woman on the slopes. Who was wearing all red, now dressed in even finer clothes.
Maurizio smirked at you, seeming to not care that he was with a child and wife. “Trouble on the slopes?”
You opened your mouth, shocked he even spoke to you. Weren’t you supposed to keep things like this under wraps? Next to you, your friend piped up, “She must’ve fallen yesterday. You know how it is, women are clumsy.”
“Real women aren’t,” the woman sniped, snatching Maurizios free arm and dragging him away. You glared after her, wounded by her calling you a fake woman. Who did she think she was?
“She seemed high strung.”
“Yeah,” you mumbled, “I’m sure she’s a bundle of joy.”
You spent the rest of the day with no incident, didn’t see Maurizio or his frigid bitch of a wife on the slopes. Nor did you see his adorable daughter, instead you could focus on the landscapes.
The sloping mountains, snow banks, pine trees, fresh air, little tracks from animals burrowing for the winter. You were in awe, it really was a luxury. Something you wish you had more of, like Maurizio said.
You deserved it all.
Dinner was beautiful again, all of you mourning the end of your trip. Knowing that tomorrow you’d have to drive back down the mountain. To head to your small apartments in the bustling city of Milan.
You excused yourself from the group, needing to use the powder room. Not paying attention to your surroundings, leaving you alone on the walk down the dimly lit halls.
A whistle drew your attention, spinning around to see the culprit. Much to your surprise, Maurizio was walking down the hall. Hands stuffed in his pockets, a lush black turtleneck, some tight pants. Even under the darkness you could see his smirk, blue eyes devouring your form.
“Dove, you’ve been avoiding me.”
You scoffed, “I wonder why?”
He shrugged, now standing directly in front of you. The smell of his cologne filling your nostrils, the cut of his shirt showing his impressive frame. Lowering your defenses, “Why did you have to be married?”
“That’s not important.”
“Your wife is here,” you hissed, “She knows you did something!”
“I’m sure she does,” he brushed a stray hair from your face. Cupping your with a warm palm, “It wouldn’t be the first time, but you’re the first one I’ve come back to sweet dove.”
“Shall we go for a walk,” he held his arm for you to take, “That way we can discuss our future.”
You don’t know how it happened, but you ended up in his bed again.
Panting and wailing under him, ankles on his strong shoulders. Cunt filled repeatedly by his cock, babbling how beautiful you were. So perfect, fit so well with him. His sweet dove, no one else could have you now.
He filled you with his cum over and over, well into the early morning. Telling you his wife didn’t matter, not when he had you. She could be handled tomorrow, bought off with another trip, maybe another child.
Maurizio walked out with you, telling you how wonderful you were. You assumed that would be it, you were his holiday romp. Never to be seen again, that was better to keep it how it was.
In the past.
You slept soundly on the drive home, smiling happily when you were dropped off. Grabbing your bags from the car, they felt heavier than before. But you were tired, from being thrown around in every position Maurizio wanted you in.
Throwing your bags on the ground of your apartment, you walked to the answering machine. A few messages, you clicked yes to listen.
Hello, this is Collette from Mr. Maurizio Gucci’s office. He was hoping to hear from you, there’s a package being sent to your residence that he wanted to discuss. Here’s his direct line for your convenience. Have a nice rest of your day!
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You almost pushed Belle down the mountain, face flooded with embarrassment. Of course, your daughter heard you begging to be fucked. And of course, it had to be when you called her dad, Daddy. Because you have daddy issues, hence the husband who is 14 years your senior.
Its fine.
This is fine.
“Hey mom,” Belle stood with you at the base of the mountain, watching Ren and Odin play in the snow. “Do you want to hear my new ringtone?”
“I think you’re gonna love it,” she smiled, “It’s for you and dad.”
She held it to your ear, “Fuck my ass Daddy!”
You snatched her phone, furiously locking it to stop the sound of you wailing loud enough to hear through the WALLS. Completely ignoring how she recorded her dad growling afterwards, you ran off towards Ren.
Belle squealing when you took off, “Mom! Give it back!”
Ren looked over his shoulder, frowning when he saw you running over the snow. Your hand extending Belles phone as high as you could hold it. Even though Belle was taller than you (thanks Kylo!), a hand square on her chest to hold her off like a rabid dog.
“What the fuck is going on over there?”
Belle screamed, probably alerting the resort security.
“Mom took my phone!”
“Were you being a shit?”
You wiggled away from Belle, throwing her phone as hard as you could towards Ren. She paled when it slid to his knees, Ren was holding Odin. Looking down at it with little interest, even though his daughter now had you pinned to the cold snow.
She cackled when she got you down, sitting on your back. “Dad, can I have my phone back?” You squirmed under her, jesus. What were you feeding her? Is she always going to be this strong? Is it just in the Ren genes, would Odin overpower you??
You heard snow boots coming over, accepting your fate. Maybe the cold snow would cool the heat rising in your cheeks, because Belle was absolutely going to show her dad what she heard. And he would probably laugh and say something gross.
Odins little body fall over yours, mimicking Belle. You heard your back crack, groaning under their weight. Now you would be hurt, emotionally and physically, all the way in Italy. With your demon children and Satan himself.
“Why are you tackling your mother?”
“Because she’s a whore.”
Ren growled, “Don’t call her that! Who do you think you are?”
Belle scoffed, “You call her that all the time! You just don’t think I can hear it!”
“Kylo,” you whined, “Get them off me please.”
The children stood, soon you were lifted by your husband. Looking down at you concerned, brow furrowed as he brushed snow off you. “Belle, apologize to your mother.”
She rolled her eyes, “You guys should be apologizing to me.”
Ren scoffed, “What is going on with you? We’re on vacation, do I need to send you home to go be with your birth mother?”
You grabbed the phone from Ren, stuffing it in your breast pocket so neither of them had it. “I need a drink,” you push past the stalemate. waving kisses to your son who was holding Rens hand.
Belle hounded you all evening for her phone, but you kept it tucked away. Staying on Rens arm the entire night, at dinner in the lounge you were half on his lap. Your children sitting across from you, Odin snoring by the fire pit after having a s’more.
You clung to Ren, kissing behind his ear while the flames flickered out. He chuckled at you, “What’s wrong, Love?”
“Nothing,” you trailed a finger up his arm, “I’m just tired.”
“Let’s get them to bed,” he kissed your forehead, standing up without you. Ren ushered Belle out of her chair, even though she was half asleep too. You listened to her groan, “I’ll carry Odin, you can carry her.”
You both dragged the children up to the rooms, Belle was dead weight in her fathers arms. Carrying her like she was nothing, while you struggled to hold your 60 pound baby.
Ren carried Belle in carefully, setting her on the bed, you watched him with tears eyes as he laid her. Like she was five all over again, kissing her forehead. You tucked in Odin in the same fashion, swapping with Ren so you could love on your daughter.
It was hard to believe she wasn’t yours, you’d spent so much time with her. Belle was your baby, before you had a real baby. Defending her from Callie, wanting to share moments with her. Fighting to be a mother figure in her eyes, and it paid off.
“Come to bed, love.”
You let Ren carry you away, throwing you on your large bed.
He pulled off his clothes, “So, why did Belle attack you earlier?”
You laughed, curling into the sheets, still fully dressed. Ren grumbled at that, tugging your clothes off as your tried to burrow.
“Lovely,” he cooed, burying his face into your bare breasts. “Why did Belle upset you today?”
You shushed him, letting out an exhausted sigh.
“Why’d we get an attached room?”
i fucking love gucci. also DIDNT PROOFREAD
TAGGING: @finn-ray-nal-beads s​​​ @onlykyloscenes​​​ @candycanes19​​​ @historyandfandoms50​​​ @caelum-phyriina-vermillon​​​ @ghoulian13​​​ @mrs-kylo-ren​​​ @millenialcatlady​​​ @mrs-zimmerman​ @relationshipwithmybed​​ @dancingmicrobes​​​ @wayward-rose​​​ @contesa-lui-alucard​​​ @daydreamsofren​​​ @insufferablelust t​​​ @ohdamnadamm​​​ @mariesackler​​​ @caillea​​ @safarigirlsp​​ @jalexunderthestars​​​ @shesakillerkween​​​ @glassythoughts​​ @zimmermansbrat​​ @not-the-teen-witch​​ @jynzandtonic​ @roanniom​ @celestiasin @glassbxttless
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