#Because yeah who is Shiggy now?
airanke · 6 months
Seeing people frustrated and sad and even angry about the recent MHA chapter (regarding Shiggy) makes me SO HAPPY about one of my plot points in STIL, because it directly addresses the thing that people are understandably frustrated about with Shiggy.
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corollaservant · 5 months
Night in the Net // Shigaraki x f! reader (18+)
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Synopsis: You find yourself stranded in one hell of a sexist environment: the small town's internet café. Shigaraki's on the night shift. (3.6k)
Warnings: sex with Shiggy basically, mild degradation and misogyny from our fav incel, dom!Shiggy with a twist (no quirk obviously), use of “dollface” (i like it)
A/N: No dark themes here, peace n luv. Also.. yeah he is always linked to some gaming/electronic business ik!! but I like the trope/hc/almost canon.
You'd never imagine this was how your night would end.
Why are you there again? Right, your friends wanted to go to that after party, as if the club wasn't enough. What was supposed to be a night out ended up with you in the local internet café (the only after hours spot) while your friends decided to go to a house party with loud techno music, which definitely wasn’t your vibe. You and your friends lived close and would often call a taxi on your way home, money wasn’t enough for you to ride solo today though—you prayed in times like these that you at least had a job; you wouldn’t have to rely on anyone then. 
You knew pretty much everyone there, it’s not like the town had more than ten thousand residents and considering the age group and schools you’d all gone to, the internet café only had a few unknown members. On today’s shift was none other than Tomura of course, that guy was taking up as many shifts as his body would allow him to, apparently there was this rumor a family member was in crucial condition and they were in need. Tomura Shigaraki was one of these people you had branded as incel. Though hardworking (he kept a house of his own, cleaning and doing all chores by himself while providing for whomever he had), you still considered the guy as one. Now—you know the term is heavy, matter of fact, quite offending and serious as an allegation but it’s not like there weren’t rumors. Rumors he’d bash women and call them prostitutes, try to sleep with girls and trash them to his friends a day later, hating them for anything they did and claiming true love didn’t exist nowadays because “all women are sluts, who need money and validation.” Plus, he worked at the local internet café (should be enough reason), engaging in heated conversations with his friends and fellow streamers. God, one look in their chats and you'd get as violent as possible— (not much, you'd discovered it the hard way). Thus, it was no surprise that when you enter the place, you hear whispers and scoffs.
‘’The hell are you doing here?’’ A voice was heard from within, the café had the computer screens up front, a bar and a couch with TV in the back. Tomura was occupied in the designated bar the place had (you often wondered what kind of needs these people had—all they ever consumed was energy drinks and pre-packaged meals, takeouts were for reasons of competitive market prohibited).
‘’Just dropping by for a couple of hours, will leave soon.’’ You sigh as you take a seat on the couch, not bothering to talk to anyone, it wasn’t like they cared anyway. Loud noise and laughter can be heard all around, a couple of guys swearing and some younger boys excitedly standing above their screens. The store had a 16+ policy, but of course, no one ever checked so kids could practically stare unattended. Tomura also encouraged younger boys to play, such a piece of shit, you think, getting them to learn young. 
‘’Oh my fucking God, a slut just joined!’’ You hear some guy swear, presumably because a girl joined their online server. These guys were so disgusting, you cringe, it was no wonder they were celibate without wanting it. You stand up, you need to kill some time and you're feeling bored, you think about starting a fight with Tomura, how else could you have a little bit of fun?
You weren’t ever necessarily afraid of the guy, even though you had to admit, he looked intimidating. Quite tall with a pale complexion, ashy, dull hair and scars across his face; no one actually knew much about him and whether he was troubled, it’s not like he ever showed to work beaten up or high and usually kept a low profile. The only frightening thing this man had was his smile, it terrified you sometimes as it looked downright evil. 
‘’Getting them to learn young, huh?’’ You ask him, he’s washing up some cups from the previous round of gross gaming guys, who have now left.
‘’What?’’ He responds, not bothering to look up. 
‘’How to not get women, I mean.’’ You sigh as he huffs in annoyance.
‘’You should be grateful I let a female in my store in the first place.’’ He retorts, but doesn’t seem very angry, just ironic. Usual.
My store (you decide to skip over 'female') sounds funny but you choose not to comment on it. 
‘’So how long until you guys close?’’ You don't bother with the vocabulary—it’s routine at this point. It also never ends well and you had a great night so far, why ruin it now?
‘’Two hours.’’ 
‘’Mind if I sit on the couch? I’ll be quiet I promise’’ You ask—technically beg, as you see no other options.
‘’Ugh.. yeah I mind. There’s some guys wanting to use it, I have a group for GTA on the PS5.’’
‘’Seriously? People still play that?’’ You whine but force yourself to continue.
 ‘’Can I sit with you then?’’ It takes strength—but you say it regardless. You came to terms with the fact he was your last resort minutes ago.
‘’Sure. But you need to make yourself useful. Here, take this.’’ He hands you a wet sponge, ‘’Wash these up... carefully, while I go clean the floors.’’ He orders, as if you’re part of the staff (and new on the job apparently.)
‘’Do you actually want me to wash freaking dishes? I just came here to chill, I don’t even bother anyone!’’ You start feeling annoyed with the chores, you aren’t 16 and he isn’t your mom.
‘’You can always leave.’’ The running tap stops and he turns to you, practically shoving the wet gloves on your chest. 
‘’Or...you can stop being a brat and be of use during your stay, I have two hours left.’’ He smiles, that same smile that makes your skin crawl and blood boil as he moves away.
‘’Fuck! My dress, you asshole!’’ A wet patch now covers the too short dress as you glance at the time on your phone. 
Two hours. Two hours until your friends leave and he closes up anyway.
Tomura was at least true to his words. Within two insufferable hours of having to listen to appalling conversations between men (hardly to be considered as such), plate washing and the toilet being constantly occupied, the last customers get up to leave. 
You dry your hands and plop down the couch exhausted.
‘’Finally.’’ You exhale checking your phone, your friends hadn’t given you any life signs in the meantime, so you decide to patiently wait, they’d message eventually. Tomura is done sweeping the nasty floors from crumbs and dried Monster remnants, which he still has to mop (for the fourth time, you note and you've only been there some hours). You notice how restless he seems—the guy has been running the whole night after ignorant customers, who had not once shown basic respect for the order of the place yet never complained. Truly a shame he has such a misogynistic mindset, you think. He could get women, if he wanted to. 
It’s around 6:30 AM, when he presses a button to close the store's roll-up shutters halfway. Small light outside makes its way in but the place is still relatively dark, as he places the mop near the wall and takes a seat next to you.
‘’Fuuck, I’m so tired.’’ He sighs, making sure to spread his legs on the couch as much as he can, not caring (of course) about you also sitting on it. 
You always branded Tomura as an incel, that you knew about. But despite that, you now can’t help but feel for him, not knowing much about him at the same time. Sure, he technically isn’t the nicest guy but a look around would show you that he tries enough for a job kicking his ass. You find yourself sympathizing with a man, whose ideals you hate and try to brush these thoughts off.
‘’And why the fuck am I an incel anyway?’’ He asks, his head rests on the couch and his eyes are closed, he is scrunching severely—almost threatening to fall down. And he manspreads. A lot.
‘’W-well– I..’’ You never thought he’d caught on to that, stammering to stand your ground as you continue. ‘’Well, there have been rumors about you.’’ You say, but it doesn’t come off as confident as you’d hoped for. You also realize, it sounds kind of stupid.
‘’Reaaally? And you made sure to believe them, right?’’ His tone’s laced with irony but the way he talks like he whispers in a raspy voice doesn't annoy you anymore. It makes you more... uncomfortable? On the edge? Excited?...what?
‘’It’s not like you don’t claim it yourself.’’ You retort, finally finding some courage. You notice him looking at you as you awkwardly shuffle in your seat.
‘’All I’ve ever said was that I think women are good for nothing. And I still believe that, but I wouldn’t waste more of my time on that.’’ The statement makes you roll your eyes.
‘’How can you generalize a whole group of people, who are literally in no way inferior to you, you can’t tell me you’ve tried—’’ 
‘’Listen dollface, unless you want to change my mind there’s no reason to fuss that much, my opinion won’t change.’’
Unless you want to change my mind?
‘’I-I don’t.’’ You stammer, because the answer and pet name (dollface??) takes you by surprise and he laughs.
‘’Relax, you branded me an incel.’’ He jokes, ‘’don’t want the rape allegations on me too.’’ 
The more he talks, the more your mind races and you curse yourself. He seems..funny? He has a mole under his lips—fuck, it looks cute...He also looks good so (stupid as it is, yes!) you silently want his attention. Why can’t he just look you in the eyes more?
This is so wrong. He must've noticed your lost gaze as he speaks up.
‘’Wanna watch a movie?’’ He proposes and you nod, anything is better than the silence hanging in the air. Silence you caused. For thinking... things about him. 
Of course Tomura ends up choosing the most depressing film anyone can possibly watch in an internet café at 6 AM, Fallen Angels, and the dramatic cuts make it hard for you to concentrate. He at a certain point leans closer to you but you justify it, how else would he be able to see?
During this one scene, the woman pleasured herself with her legs closed, rubbing together and that’s when you feel a soft hand touch on your thigh. The dress you wore rode up, because your legs rested on the table ahead so it gave him the space he needed. The movement made you tingle and your core involuntarily contracted. The smooth fingers teasingly trailed up and down your leg, from your knees to your inner thighs. You didn’t want to look at him—he was too close and the scene seemed endless. But…he went on about it as if nothing was happening. 
Without saying a word, he carried on. A pad of his finger tip dangerously close to your now heated entrance, the images flashing before your eyes lewd, his hand tempting and threatening to reach your already soaked cunt—all this while the two of you hadn’t even shared a kiss. But he doesn't stop, looking ahead and acting like everything’s fine, until he touches your lower lips and you hiss, his finger traces the wet spot over your underwear while you try to move and speak up. 
‘’W–what are y—’’
‘’Shh..’’ is all he says. 
You want to tell him no. But no to what? You like the feeling of his two fingers against your folds. His palm moves your panties to the side and he stuffs them inside—they dampen from the fluids. How is he that quick? You can’t form a response but you’re about to ask him why—
‘’All that and I haven’t even kissed you.’’ He murmurs, gaze still fixated on the television ahead as you moan, when he slowly pumps them within your walls. Fuck, are you turned on by this?
‘’P-please..’’ You whisper, turning to look at him and for the first time, his eyes are removed from the stupid TV, a sly smile on his features as he tears away his hand.
‘’What is it? Want the incel to kiss you? Maybe even fuck you to prove a point?’’ He says and you frown.
‘’I—no, I have to go.’’ You get up, fixing (lowering) your dress—you have nowhere to go but you’ll figure it out eventually. You think staying longer only plays into his cruel intentions and whilst you can’t deny the pleasure he could give you, your pride’s in the way.
‘’You’re not going anywhere.’’ A wet hand clasps around your wrist and brings you on his lap, as he grins; you seem confused at the sensation. You are hiding the TV screen but he couldn't care less, he never paid attention to the movie.
‘’Feel the stain you left, too?’’ He says as he brings your face closer with the sticky palm grabbing you by the hair. You softly moan, noticing the small mole up close and feeling a bulge poke where your bodies meet. You sway your hips in a silent effort to have him initiate a kiss, you feel desperate and curse yourself again internally. He can only smile.
(You were so clueless, walking around in that slutty dress earlier—making him hard like that, did you even know it?)
He’s quick to kiss you, eager for more already, as mouths clash, teeth collide, the need you both have exceeds proper manners. You sloppily grind against him, the friction from a long outline beneath you makes it hard to think.
‘’I’m guessing, you’re really fucking the incel then.’’ He half smirks as he grabs you and repositions you to sit on his now fully hard cock that throbs in his pants; he lifts your dress above your ass and guides your hips sluggishly back and forth—he’s tormenting you and he enjoys it to the fullest.
‘’T-tomura..p-please.’’ You whine, the urge to have him inside you makes you blabber.
‘’Please what?’’ He slides a hand behind your waist, lowering it to find your slit from behind, his fingers pet your cunt and you moan. Loudly. He is tugging at your panties, the fabric annoys him and he wants full access and the words. The words to prove his point.
‘’P–please...fuck me already!’’ You breathe out and he groans to the sound of your voice. 
The ironic remark he prepared evaporates as he quickly pushes you back, just enough to not fall off his lap and quickly unzips his pants, thanking god for not wearing a belt. 
His pants and underwear are sloppily moved down his knees, as his cock jumps with a pop on his lower abdomen, stiff with a weeping tip. Pretty veins throb around it as your eyes widen.
Shit, he’s big, can you take him?
‘’I’d ask for a nice blowjob, dollface, but wouldn’t want the feminists after me.’’ He says as he brings you close, kissing you yet again, a string of spit runs down your jaw, as your hands roam his tangled, uncombed hair. 
He positions you on his cock, one hand snakes around your waist while the other one clings to the back of your scalp and you’re swiftly lifted by the head and pushed down on him, as you let out a scream.
‘’Shut the fuck up.’’ He hisses, quickly looking around, the sensation from almost his whole length makes you tremble, he feels too full, too painful...too good.
‘’Shit, c’mon now you got this.’’ He encourages as you hesitantly move up and down his cock, gripping his shoulders and looking at him; he seems more concentrated on the sensation than your body, staring at you while you wrap around his length.
‘’Fuck...dollface, this too much for ya?’’ He tries not to grunt and you give your best not to cry, each moment that goes by turning the initial pain to pleasure—your cunt adjusts slowly and bit by bit to his girth. 
‘’T-tomura... y-yes..it’s too much!’’ You whine, sweat forms in your forehead as his hand finds your swollen clit and circles it while your nails dig deeper in his shirt.
‘’You can take it.’’ He says, he feels you squeezing him in, you bounce with dedication on his legs, making the couch squeak as if on some sex tape—you want to bring yourself even closer. So nasty, aren't you? Acting righteous, only to fuck yourself on his cock like a desperate whore.
‘’I-ugh-p-please..’’ You try to speak but he secures his hand around your torso and sinks (lower than before) down the couch. Two strong hands force you to stay still in the air while he drills himself into you at a steady pace, kind of sloppily too. Both of you moan, the position gives equal pleasure, your clit bumps on his groin and his cock reaches your g-spot with ease.
‘’S–Shit, you’re squeezing way too much, haven’t you been fucked like this before?’’ He sounds annoyed but the stammer in his voice betrays him.
Not like this, you want to say but can’t really speak the words. Your weight falls entirely on him, he doesn’t mind one bit—he loves it actually, this skin on skin contact as he guides you on his cock, it feels surreal. He hits soft and spongy spots inside while you slowly fall apart. 
‘’T-Tomura right there..I ugh—I'm close!’’ The sensation overwhelms you, his eyes are still fixated on your face, yeah I can tell, he thinks. He gets off on your desperation, mouth parted all for him? Your eyes threaten to spill by the way he tears apart your cunt and morals bit by bit.. it’s–
‘’Tomura, aren't you closing yet?’’ Someone asks from outside, interrupting the moment. The shutters only reveal a pair of shoes. 
‘’Yeah, I’m on it.’’ Shigaraki stops composed, cockwarming you in a funny way, while a hand, his hand covers your mouth. Your eyes widen as slick trickles down his thighs in silence.
‘’Alright, see you then.’’ The man leaves and he cusses him out. (''Cunt.'')
‘’We’re not done.’’ He turns his attention back to you and seizes your face, bringing your mouth closer.
‘’Open up.’’ He orders and you do, clenching around him in anticipation.
He spits in it and closes the gap with his index finger. 
‘’Swallow or I won’t continue.’’ You quickly gulp down.
‘’So obedient all of a sudden, aren't you?’’ Sarcasm evident as he gives your ass a solid hit, before starting to get back on his pace, only more rough this time, he longs for your release on him. You’re moving up and down his length, trying to grab anything accessible really, his hair, the back of the couch, under his shirt and you feel your orgasm resurface stronger; the delay highlighted all of your senses.
‘’T-Tomura—’’ You shudder, as his cock hits your g-spot expertly–fuck, this guy wasn't some incel–and your swollen clit has to brush one last time past his groin before you feel an overwhelming orgasm take over. You clamp down his length and moan embarrassingly (Fuck Tomura! I–I'm...too good!) This time he lets you, he needs to hear this.
‘’Fuuck—agh, look at you dollface.’’ He hums, a feminist creaming herself on my cock, he wants to add but it’s too many words and you just came so he wastes no time. He brings your neck close to his mouth and bites on it, teeth sink into your flesh and hands force you all the way down. His cum spills inside and he groans, trying to stifle his moans by biting down the sensitive skin even harder. 
And fuck if that isn’t hot.
He keeps you on him, arms fasten around your waist with cum dripping onto his lowered pants but neither of you bother to care; ragged breaths and the sounds of the film still playing are audible as more light enters through the rolled shutters.
God must’ve been on your side that day because a message appears on your screen moments after you both wordlessly got up and cleaned yourselves in the bathroom. Tomura would have to clean again, you think, as the message on your phone signals your time to leave.
You turn to look at him, he has removed his shirt and small nail scratches decorate his pale back and you..smile. What the hell? Was this..? Oh no—You try to find an appropriate goodbye.
See you soon? Thanks for the mind blowing dick? You aren’t the incel I thought you were? Everything seems embarrassing at present time. 
‘’I-I’ll be seeing you soon.’’ You opt for that, stupid as it is, you still look at him in anticipation. He turns to you, hands on the mop cleaning near the couch and nods. 
Great, you think, that was a disaster. You defeatedly walk (actually stoop to get past the almost closed door) feeling like a hooker after a client, miserable and kind of used. This is always the worst part. 
You feel an arm touch your shoulder, you’ve only taken a few steps in the daylight.
‘’Take this in case you revoke your incel statement.’’
Tomura hands you a piece of paper and quickly disappears behind the store’s shadows.
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rueclfer · 2 months
meet cute // shigaraki tomura smau pt two
when you run into your gaming bestie
a/n: i love u shiggy nation and i love this pathetic loser!! (written under the cut btw)
part one
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To be fair, you understood the need for some liquid courage. Before leaving your apartment, you were giddy with the anticipation of meeting your closest friends, but the moment you found yourself outside of his front door, your hands were suddenly clammy.
You gave the door a quick 3 knocks, taking a step back from the doormat.
From the other end, you hear footsteps and scuffling on the floors.
"Let me get the door!" Toga's voice comes through the barrier.
"Fuck no! It's my apartment!" Shigaraki's voice comes in.
The rustling and feet scuffling continues on for a moment while you hear various banging and thumps behind the door.
"You two can actually fuck off!" Spinner swings the door open and quickly slams it shut right behind him to lock the others in. He engulfs you in a hug, picking you up and swinging you around in circles as the others swing the door back open to reveal pouty expressions behind it.
"Hi Spinster!" You squeal, hugging him back with the same grip.
"No fair." Toga mutters, crossing her arms.
After Spinner release you, the rest patiently waited for you to step into the apartment and put your things down before getting their turn to greet you with squeals and laughs.
"We meet again, shortstack." Dabi casually drops a hand on the top of your head, slightly ruffling your hair.
"Hi, 2nd favorite silver haired freak. Not surprised to see that you're wearing the same clothes as the last time I saw you." You swat his arm away before coming in for a hug.
"Not everything. You wanna see?" He cocks a suggestive eyebrow at you.
"Your rancid skid-mark infested tighty whiteys? Pass." You shove him aside to get to Shigaraki, who was patiently waiting up against the wall right behind him.
"Hi, Shiggy." Your voice lowers into the soft greeting, wrapping your arms around him, letting yourself melt in.
You feel him stiffen under you for a moment before reciprocating the embrace, letting himself lean back into you with one hand on the small of your back and the other on the nape of your neck
"Hey." He mutters into your hair. "Glad to know I didn't scare you off last time."
"Scare me?" You slightly pull away to look up at him. "You're such a sweet little angel, how could you scare me?"
"Okay, that's enough of that." He rolls his eyes and lightly push you away. "I think you're the one that scared me, actually. Terrifying to have you know where I live now."
"Yeah? Well you better keep your door and windows locked then because no way am I leaving you alone now." You pat him on the chest before turning around and revising the group.
There had been countless evenings where you would ask if anyone was online, looking for their company, but to be met with a void of silence or finding out they were all in person together.
Of course you understood that for a long time, you were the outsider. You were the person who couldn't be reached outside of the screen and yet despite knowing this, a pit continued to grow in your stomach from the loneliness and envy.
Seeing everyone's personality from online shine brighter in person felt like you've won the jackpot. Their beaming faces and screaming competitiveness felt like you had been there this entire time, confirming that this closeless was real after all.
Across from you, you see Shigaraki leaning back on his loveseat and resting a half empty beer can on his knee while he watches you contently, not paying any mind to the progression of the board game that sat in the middle of the living room.
You met his gaze and returned the stare.
"What?" You mouth towards him.
He shrugs. "Nothing." He mouths back.
You two had gotten "killed off" in the elaborate game about 10 minutes ago, forcing you to sit out and wait for the last one standing to take victory before you can move on to the next game. In the meantime, you and Shigaraki resorted to this unspoken staring contest.
Of course after mere seconds, his eyes would dart away from your own, causing you to sport a cocky grin.
"Stop that, you're making me nervous." He kicks your foot.
"I'm bored." You sigh back. "How the fuck did we even die so early in the game."
"Well my reasoning is that I hate this game and purposefully died early so I don't have to play it. You on the other hand, just suck." He takes a sips of his beer before passing it off to you.
"You wanna give me a tour?" You take a swig of the cold, bitter liquid.
He nods his head and stands up, reaching his hands out to help pull you up off the couch. You take one last sip before setting the can down on the side table, taking his hands and letting him hoist you up.
He keeps his pinky interlocked with yours as he leads you down the hallway, making your skin run hot.
It was obvious that physical touch wasn't exactly something that Shigaraki is 100% comfortable with, and you respected that enough to keep physical interactions gentle and to a minimum despite all of the urges you had to just wrap your body around him and devour him whole.
You remember when you first spotted him at the cafe. He stood at the other side of the room texting each other back and forth for a good minute before mustering up the courage to take a seat at your table. You took note of his trembling hands, but he had the widest smile on his face, in which the memory of is probably tattooed to your brain at this point.
Though he still refuses to turn on his face cam while gaming, you don't seem to mind it as much anymore after meeting him.
"That's Dabi's room. Mine is this way." He motions to the door to the right end of the hallway before leading you to the left.
"Go easy on him, Y/N, he's a virgin!" Dabi calls out from the living room, followed by giggles and laughter from the others.
You tried to choke down your laugh until you saw a slight smirk grow on his face as he shakes his head. "He's lying by the way."
Your ears go hot, still nervously chuckling as you enter his room.
Dark, as expected. Blackout curtains were an essential to gamers, but you wondered when the last time this room has seen sunlight.
"Brace yourself." You warn a second before pulling back the curtains, illuminating the room. You turn around to see that it was just as you expected his room to look like- various video game and anime posters, and a display shelf of figurines- the typically dorky memorabilia that he always gushed to you about on voice call.
You blew a whistle at his elaborate PC setup and took a seat in his chair, letting your hands run over the keyboard and trinkets sitting on the desk.
"So this is where the magic happens." You swivel around to see him flopped down on his bed, letting his head hang upside down over the edge to look at you. "Let me know what aimbot software you downloaded now that I'm here, yeah?
He rolls his eyes, half chuckling. "Never beating the aimbot allegations just means I'm that good. This is everything you expected it to be?" He replies.
"Definitely cleaner." You tease, getting a scoff from him in return. "Just as cute and dorky as I expected, though." You smile, scooting the chair closer to him, noticing the faint pink blush formed across his cheeks.
"You feel okay with me being here?" You take a finger and brush a stray piece of hair off his forehead. "Not freaking out like last time?"
"Maybe internally, but I think I got most of that out." He reaches up and grabs your hand to hold into his. "You feel okay? Being here? And seeing me?"
"Of course I do." You gripped his hand back, letting yourself interlock your fingers with his. "It's fulfilling in some way? I don't know. I'm happy to have met you. You've been my best friend and I didn't think I'd be able to meet you for a long time."
You liked him so much, much more than you'd like to admit. For a long time, you wanted nothing more than to be able to hold his hand like this or or even breathe the same air as him and now that you were here, you weren't sure where to go with your feelings from this point.
You often wondered if he felt the same about you. There had been more than enough restless nights with half delirious conversations to solidify your friendship with each other, but did he want you the way you wanted him?
"Me too." He mutters silently. "Do you...think we can do this again sometime soon? Maybe at your place next time or here, I don't really care. Just us though. We'll ditch these dumbasses."
"Oh? You actually like my real life company?"
He presses his lips together in response.
Obviously, expressing his emotions didn't quite come to him as easily as it did for you, but you saw the efforts nonetheless and could never pass on the opportunity to tease him for it.
"Jokes, Shigs." You laugh. "You sappy motherfucker, of course we can do this again- me and you."
"It's a date then."
Your eyes widen and your mouth drops open without a single word or sound coming out. It was usual for you to shamelessly flirt with him, but for a bold proposition like that to come out of his mouth made your limbs go weak.
Shigaraki clearly had the same reaction with the way he reach over to grab a pillow to smother against his face, hiding his nervous coughs and giggles.
"Wait no no no, don't get embarrassed." You laugh, jumping on the bed to try and rip the pillow off. "It's a date! Say it again for me."
"Fuck off!" He yells into the pillow. "I didn't say shit."
You successfully rip the pillow away from his hands and pin his arms down with your own. He had a panicked smile on his lips, his face cheeks flushed and eyes wide.
"Say it again." You lean closer to his face, making his eyes widen at the sudden close proximity. "And then I'll leave you alone."
There was a beat of silence while you held his arms above his head as you slowly inch your face closer to his.
"I want to go on a date with you, and I don't want you to leave me alone." He says like he's holding in his breath. "And if you lean in any closer, I might just explode." He squeaks out.
You smile, pausing for a second before leaning in to plant a kiss on the space right under his eye. Soft, slow, and sensual.
You stayed there for a moment just to see his face flush into a deeper shade of red and eyes grow wider before hopping off the bed and exiting back out to the living room.
"Do your thing, then hurry up. I want to play more games."
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tomurawr44 · 2 months
I have a request!!
Shiggy wins reader the giant plushie she wanted from the claw game of the arcade (he says it’s all rigged but she begs him to help her because he seems like the type to be good at these games “hey, what’s that supposed to mean?!”) and she watches his slender fingers skillfully move the controls and he wins the derpy giant plushie for her in one try.
But then she can’t stop thinking about how those fingers would feel inside of her, and wants to reward him…he’s probably the type to be into knee socks and plaid mini skirts…and she did want to thank him for the plushie…she’s going to rock this virgin’s world.
(Go wild with NSFW plz we’re all a bunch of perverts)
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A/N: is it too tmi if i say i did what happened in this fic irl
Warnings: nsfw!! hand kink..finger suckling, face fucking, dangerous sex..
"So close...!" you groaned as you saw the plush fall out of the claw machine again, whining against the glass you pressed against the glass with your fingers clawing at it, sliding down before you rested against the controller. "Why even bother? all these claw machines are rigged y'know." he'd speak up, sipping on his drink while he watched you bent over the machine and crying about some ugly plushie. he was confused and thought you were stupid. as per usual.
"you don't get it! I need this thing and i need it now!" you whined like an immature brat as you stared at it, it was a derpy off brand hatsune miku plush, and it made you want to cry with frustration, with only a few coins left. you turned to him as he scoffed, his irritation only growing. "your blowing all your money on something we could get online for cheap." he stated while he looked around, you knew you looked ridiculous, you knew that you could just buy it but the experience, memories and the challenge is what makes it such a memorable piece to remember. that's why you wanted it so bad, plus, it was hatsune miku, who wouldn't want a hatsune miku plush? but he couldn't lie he found it a little funny. "besides, i could win that easy peasy, there's a bunch of tips i got from online." your eyes lit up upon hearing that, of course Tomura of all people knew how to beat a game meant for kids.
with the clack of your shoe against the floor, you gripped onto him by his shoulders with a pleading pout. "please Tomura please! i-I'll do anything i swear! I'll give you anything you want or a reward for getting me that plush!" you pointed at the derpy miku as he tried to hide the blush on his cheeks, anything he wants? a reward? life couldn't be any damn sweeter for him, and he gets to finally show off cool stuff he's saved from the internet. he pulls out his phone and looks for the tutorial video again before he places coins against the slot and the game music started beeping again.
he moved his fingers delicately, trying not to decay the machine as he fiddled with the joystick almost randomly as he rapidly tapped on the button, the way he handled the machine and the way his slender fingers moved against it made you bite your lip a little as you watched him, a dork in his natural environment. you could see his focused reflection in the glass of the machine as you snapped a quiet pic, god he's adorable. you watched him fail before he angrily put in more coins, rocking the machine a little as he handled it more roughly, mumbling curses while he tried for that miku plush again, the way he was so quick and rough made you stare a little longer than intended before you heard the victory music and the plush gently fall into the slot. a wide smile appearing on your face, he couldn't lie, it found it rather..cute.
"YES! yes! Thank you so much Tomura! i love it so much you don't even—" he stopped you with a cocky grin. he looked so nerdy doing this. "yeah, whatever. what's my reward?" you pause to think over it before you just smiled at him and locked arms. "a hug." was what you said but what really wanted to leave your lips was alot more than just a 'hug.' you could feel your underwear stick to your panties as you let out a small huff, smiling softly at him, poor boy doesn't know what's coming. he kept walking as he truly thought his reward for showing off his awesome hand-eye-coordination was just a hug. "I'll get Kurogiri to warp us home, he isn't home right now so i guess you can hangout awhile longer."
when you arrived and stepped out of the purple fog, at the dingy bar, there was no one keeping it and it was empty as always, Tomura led you to his messy room as he plopped down on the bed and watched you cuddle the derpy miku plush. "why do you even like it so much?" he questioned while he ran his fingers against his neck while eyed you up and down with a curious look. "it's ugly, but cute, ugly cute y'know?" you giggled softly before putting it aside and crawling closer to him. "You still waiting on that reward?" you whispered as you wrapped your fingers around his wrist and brought his open hand to your breast. he immediately got the message and nodded his head reaching for his gloves before you stopped him. "no, not yet."
"what the hell do you mean 'not yet'? are you suicidal or something?" he looked at you as if you were stupid before you only giggled and brough his hands together, dropping his right one before you pressed the tips of his left fingers against your lips. "Maybe, not really thinking with my head here." you whispered before you parted your lips and licked them, watching him shiver before you began to slide his middle and pointer finger in and letting your tongue play against them. you let out a few soft moans as he watched you with eyes blown wide. his cock aching painfully against his jeans as he let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. "wh-what the hell are you doing..? i-..you know that-" He was cut off by the sound of you pulling away with a small pant, letting the pade of his fingers rest against the flat and soft surface of your tongue. "can't I appreciate these pretty hands in peace?" you chuckled. "You can't appreciate them if i dust you.."
"but you won't, right pretty boy?" is what you whispered before you slid his fingers back into your mouth, sucking on them like you would with a cock as you even pulled them barely all the way out before you swirled your tongue against the tips before sliding it all the way back in, letting drool leak down your throat as you maintained eye contact with him. he tried to reach down and undo his buttons, grabbing his dick and pulling it out as he jacked off to the sight of you doing that to him, letting out small moans and biting his dry lips while he stroked himself to the sight. "i-i fucking knew you were kinky but..this is new.." he tried to match his pace to your mouth as he felt like absolute heaven.
you pulled away just before he was about to cum, letting his fingers barely connect to your lips with a string of drool before you pulled him to stand up while you got on your knees. you saw him put on his gloves before he let his pants pool around his ankles as he shoved his needy cock into your throat. "G-gah! if this is– wh-what i get for winning...!" he groaned as he thrust into your mouth, grinding against you every now and then. "Fuck- take me to the arcade every weekend- please! let me win for you..!" he babbled as he thrust into your face, his cock sliding against your tongue as you tuned him out a long time ago and let him use you like a fleshlight. it didn't take long for him to shove himself as deep as he could down your throat before cumming, giving you no option to spit out or swallow, besides, who would be spitting him out? certainly not you. he panted as he twitched in your throat, watching you pant as he pulled away and let his saliva soaked dick rest on your face as it leaked remnants of his load onto your cheek.
"What do i get for buying you a cosplay?" he whispered as he looked down at you with a crooked smile, his cock pulsing on your face as you smiled back. this was going to be one..long and spoiled night for you. don't tell All For One why he blew his allowance on clothes that seemed so expensive, or Kurogiri for that matter.
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—Ake 2024
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ectologia · 1 year
Okie dokie, hear me out now…
Tomu’ has an incredible pain tolerance, absolutely mind blowing, but his pleasure tolerance?
I bet it’s low when he’s not the one doing the stimulation. He’s too rough with himself, he doesn’t know what moderation or self control even is. He’s also got to be cautious with himself, so when it’s someone else and he relaxes?
Weak as hell. He’s coming in less than a minute. Easily overstimulated but addicted to it just as quickly, all but panting and begging for more even as he’s got tears streaming down his face and his tongue sticking out like a dog. Absolutely pathetic and when you praise him in combination?
He’s so much more than the show lets him be, but he’s still just a 21 year old piece of shit, we forget. He’d be so easy to manipulate in the right hands. Of course, he’s a quick learner, caution needs to be taken because he’s got a ego problem, but you set the temperature just right?
He’d be an adorable submissive.
Hope you’re day is going well♥️ Just throwing out thirsts~ Love seeing your work!
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He likes it hard and fast, so you give it to him slow.
Slow, soft, feather-light touches, stroking up and down his swollen length while his thin layer of foreskin clicks over his angry, red tip with every rock of your hand.
His toes crease and curl into the sheets below him, his wrists twisting and wringing in the chains strung above his head, nailed to the headboard.
“Fuck sake.. How ‘m I supposed to cum when you’re barely even fuckin’ touching me.”
He growls when this earns him a spank to his big dick, flinching and bobbing against his tensed stomach.
“You have to be patient, Tomura.”
He throws his head back in a fit, huffing and puffing while his hips buck into your palm occasionally. “Can you at least go faster.”
“Who’s in charge right now?”
Crimson-reds narrow at your petite form crouched between his thighs, fisting away at his massive cock.
It’s difficult to be intimated when he’s the one chained up this time.
You decide to up the anti. Your whole arm goes into striding up and down the thick length, stroking and pumping him rapidly. His back straightens and he raises, no longer relaxed.
No longer cocky.
“Ah.. Oh, shit. That’s.. Mmh..”
You raise your head to asses the situation, grinning up at his now frizzy and static locks of Alice blue, lain across his dewy forhead like wispy spider webs. The apples of his cheeks don a pinkish hue, tucked into his shoulder as he attempts to hide his feeble expression.
“Is that good baby boy?”
“Shut the fuck up, you bitch—”
He cries out this time as you slap the chubby head of his dick, sensitive and needy and dribbling with pre-cum.
“It’s mommy.”
He snickers wickedly through grit teeth. “Yeah, like that’s ever gonna happen.” He punctuates his sentence with a snide grin, but you can see the hint of hesitance.
Of fear.
His tongue glides over his teeth as he watches a fat wad of saliva stretch from your lips into the tiny, drooling slit placed at the crest of his cock. The sticky bubbling fluid is smeared all the way down to the plump set of tightened balls hanging by his ass. The moment you hunch to flick at his head with the velvety flat of your tongue, he’s mewling.
“Oh god..”
You hollow your cheeks as you suckle on his tip, suctioning the heavy bulb against the roof of your mouth as he curses and snarls like a beast. His thighs begin to shiver either side of you, quivering and shaking against the stimulation. Your hand slips down to the crease of his ass to mould and massage at his twitching sack, closing your eyes in favour of nursing on his cock and fondling his balls with no distractions, rolling and pinching at the delicate flesh.
“Fuck! Oh my fucking god I’m gonna cum so fucking hard— shit!”
He’s caught off guard by the sudden release of his genitals, snapping his head down to stare wide eyed and frantic. His prick throbs in your palm eagerly as you press a kiss to the stiffened spine.
“What the fuck!” He squirms in his restraints, attacking at the silver links.
He hisses and jolts away after his fat, swollen balls earn a curt spank.
“You have to say please.”
“Are you kidding me?” He shifts against the mattress, his full sack and horny dick bouncing against his taint “Fine.” He rolls his eyes. “Please.”
“Please what?”
He gapes, his brows furrowing in disbelief. “I don’t fucki— I don’t know.”
“What’s my name?”
You shrug your shoulders, a giddy smile present on your face. “If you want to cum.”
He scowls, sighing. “... Mommy.” His chin hangs low against his chest as he mumbles.
“Good boy.”
You resume your sucking, milking his cock with your tongue while your warm hands jerk his sensitive ballsack side to side. His wails increase the longer you draw it out, nowhere to go and nothing to cling to in his confines. His feet kick out and shuffle, planting his heels into the dough of your mattress as he thumps his pubic bone up into your nose.
“Mommy! Mommy! Fuck!”
“Mmh?” Your mocking hums vibrate throughout his body, tingling and prickling against his member. You rise, swiping at your slicked up chin with your knuckles. “You wanna cum baby boy?.. Yeah? You wanna cum for mommy?”
He nods, distraught and yearning. His nails chip at the pudgy flesh of his palm as he balls them into fists, hitting and tapping against the wall behind him as he attempts to suppress the watery, bubbling tears collecting above his eye-line from seeping out.
“What do you say?” Your fingers pinch and flick at his fat mushroom-tip, scrubbing the puckered slit against your palm as he whimpers.
“Mommy— Please, Mommy..”
“That’s better..”
The slippery wet muscle of his tongue rolls out of his mouth like a plush carpet, lolling against the harsh cracks of his lips. His noises are barely coherent, reduced to guttural howls and whines.
He’s panting. Up until the moment his dick finally explodes, spurting and spraying sticky white ropes over your hand. He squeals like a pig, flinching as you continue to pump his massive, rock hard cock even after his orgasm. He thrashes about in his restraints, his whole body tense and rigid as you continue to jerk him off, forcing him to cum and cum and cum.
“Mommy! Mommy please! Fuck— enough!” He pleads and begs for you to stop, but the evident rock of his hips tells you he only wants more.
“Fuck! I’m shooting blanks here baby, please!”
Your hand retracts, slowly easing away.
He pants, gasping and heaving as he blinks up at the ceiling. While he catches his breath, you admire the drooping stripes of jizz seeping down his tight balls, throbbing and squeezing and pulsing next to his taught little asshole.
His chin angles forward, carnal eyes squinting at you from between tresses of white locks.
“Are you okay?” You cock your head, spidering a comforting hand up to rub his thigh.
“Let’s do that again.”
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Platonic Yandere Naga LOV vs Harpy Hawks is my new brain worm.
So, little Reader Chan was unfortunately born with a crippled wing and was therefore abandoned because of it.
Hawks decided to take you in because one, you were utterly adorable and two, fatherhood was all the rage in the harpy world.
Hawks positively ADORED you! With your little wings and chirps whenever he comes back. Although he’s a bit possessive over who comes near the nest, especially any other harpies.
Everything is all fine and dandy till one day, Hawks left to go find food and you accidentally fell out of the nest.
The LOV were out hunting until someone caught your scent, at first they thought you were Hawks since you were drenched in his scent until they realized it was just little old you, helplessly chirping for your dad.
Now, the LOV have beef with Hawks, mostly for attempting to murder Twice, stealing their food resources and intruding on their territory.
Shigaraki: GTFO
Hawks: No :) *Makes a nest out of pure spite*
Everyone was honestly confused about what to do with you until Toga is like: Let’s adopt them and make them one of us.
You were obviously miffed and honestly terrified that these snake people had taken you from your home! Your little chirps for Hawks were so heartbreaking.
Safe to say, Hawks is now searching for you and many snuggle sessions are to be had.
Toga is absolutely coddling you, kissing your face and is trying to preen your wings, albeit she sucks at it. Twice is also overbearing with the affection, him and Toga tend to ambush you with cuddles and kisses.
Mr Compress handles your nutrition and is really gentle with you. He’s wary of your wing and will wait for you to give affection. You bet he’ll start bragging if you come to him for affection.
Toga: So I saw this really cute harpy today-
Compress: Yeah that’s nice Toga but Y/N came to me asking for AFFECTION!
Dabi and Shigaraki terrify you, especially since Hawks warned you about them.
The way Shigaraki looms over you and how Dabi prods at your wing just scares you.
Shiggy isn’t as overbearing with his affection but will make you smell like him, it’s a way of saying that he’s your father.
Dabi will take you out of your sleeping spot to cuddle you, giving contented nuzzles while soothingly purring.
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bugs1nmybrain · 1 year
shigaraki fucking you in front of some of the LOV members (im about to climax)
This is SO funny because I've thought of this prompt so many times. I've been scared that it would be out of pocket but I consider Shigaraki my safe place to get crazy with my nsfw work. If I'm honest the only LoV member I'm down to write watching Shiggy and the reader fucking is Dabi, because Spinner and Twice don't seem like the type to get much into that. I hope you Dabi bitches like this.
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Minors do NOT interact!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Warnings: NSFW, fem-reader, exhibitionism, voyeurism, Dabi doesn't even touch the reader but he watches Shigaraki fuck you silly, rough sex, blowjob, overstimulation, dub-con, humiliation, reader is shy and doesn't talk much, masturbation (Dabi), possessive Shiggy, blue-haired Shigaraki (season 3ish era), Shigaraki and Dabi call the reader a slut/whore, not proofread (I also wrote this while listening to nsfw Shigaraki audios so it could be jumbled), Dabi flirts with reader, reader has long enough hair for a ponytail, Shigaraki calls reader babygirl, praise kink, slight aftercare, unprotected sex
"I can't believe you pulled one, Shigaraki. Not your disgusting ass."
"What? Jealous?" Shigaraki cackles.
"Yea okay. I'm just saying you're ugly as fuck and an incel at best. How you managed to get a girlfriend is beyond me."
You've been hanging around the league for a couple of months, via your relationship with Shigaraki. Honestly, you didn't even talk to them much. You were just there to keep Tomura company. Shigaraki, in his own twisted way, surely loved you. However, you felt as if he was making you his trophy at times.
Shigaraki never had a girlfriend until you. He hadn't even had sex. Sure, he watched a criminal amount of porn and somehow managed to get a few blowjobs from sex workers when he conned Kurogiri into giving him money for "online gaming packages." Aside from that, he had no experience. Especially no romantic experience.
So, yeah. He felt a bit of pride when you came into his life. As much as what Dabi was saying was pissing him off, Shigaraki found himself asking the same questions. Look at him. Dry, itchy, chapped lips, bony, a brat, and above all else, his quirk. But you chose him, and you were so beautiful that he had a hard time not popping a boner around you frequently. You were just so cute, how could he control it?
"You act like you're any better. Burnt flesh? Staples? Who'd want to fuck you?"
"At least I'm not annoying. Or pathetic."
That got Shigaraki, you could tell. You could see the rage in his eyes and you saw a fist forming. Shigaraki has gotten to a point where he wouldn't threaten life against his comrades, but that didn't mean he wouldn't beat their ass if they gave him lip. It's happened before. You reach out and grasp his wrist, gesturing him to calm down.
Shigaraki turns his face at you with a scowl. You give him a look that screams, "chill the fuck out." He digresses, slumping behind on the couch with a pout.
"I bet he's awful in bed, huh?" Dabi scoffs at you. If Shigaraki wasn't pissed before he sure was now. He doesn't get physical, though, just mouthy.
"Listen, patchwork. You better mind your business before I piss in your cheerios tomorrow morning!"
"All I'm saying is that a good-looking chick like her deserves to be with someone more competent. You seem like the type to get in and go haywire. I bet, I know, you have no technique. You're an incel."
"You're a broken record. Who are you to assume anything? Also, you better lay the fuck off! If you try anything with her I'll kick your ass out with no hesitation!"
"No need to get defensive. You wouldn't be getting so pissed if I was wrong, would you?"
If you're honest, if Dabi had brought this up a couple of months ago, he'd be right. Shigaraki had no clue how to fuck a woman when you first had sex. He knew where your clit was but didn't know how to use his fingers meticulously. When he penetrated you, like Dabi said, he let loose and just used you like a pocket pussy. Surprisingly enough, Tomura took your constructive criticism well. He was bratty and defensive but ultimately he did want to make you cum, quake, whimper, and scream for him. So he learned and he learned well.
"I'll have you know I made her cum a total of eleven times this week!"
"You count?"
This was awkward, them talking like you weren't even there.
Tomura growls in frustration. It was apparent that he wanted to take out his frustrations and he begins itching his neck.
"You better watch your fucking mouth. I don't need some rude dickhead like you judging my sex li-.."
Shigaraki stops talking, and the anger he is expressing turns into a sinister smirk on his face. Like he snapped in the complete opposite mood. Shigaraki leans against your side and slips an arm around your waist, pulling you to become smothered in his embrace.
His lips hover beside your ear and his raspy voice slips a seductive comment out, "would you say I'm bad at fucking you, Y/N?"
Your heart paces unexpectedly. Tomura always got you with those sly murmurs in your ear. Some people would consider his voice annoying, maybe cringy, but to you it was hot.
"Um...no.." you blush and your form closes in on itself. You couldn't help but feel very shy in this scenario.
"Right, don't I know how to make my babygirl feel good?"
Dabi cocks an eyebrow in curiosity, picking up on your timid demeanor. You can feel a quick pool of arousal forming in your panties, completely proving him wrong.
"Is that true? How good is he?"
You couldn't manage to really say much. This was a confusing situation. You felt a tad objectified. As they sat here and talked about if Shigaraki made you cum or feel good you felt in limbo. Yea, he did, but why was it Dabi's business?
"I mean.."
"We could show him, couldn't we?" Shigaraki begins stroking your hair affectionately, doing all the things he knows to make you melt. Dabi perks up, certainly intrigued by Shiggy's proposition.
"I don't know, Tomura.."
"Shhh it's okay. I'll treat you good, just let him watch. Let me show him how pretty you are, yea?"
Your face was flushed and your eye contact glued to your thighs, to which Shiggy began stroking the insides. He firmly seperates your right thigh to the side, leaving your pussy on display (which was covered by your panties, of course). You were wearing the prettiest black skirt and tank top, which showed off your beautiful cleavage. Tomura actually had some complaints about it, not wanting anyone but him to see how pretty you are. This situation you were in certainly contradicted that.
With your panties on display, Dabi could see the wet spot formed in between your thighs.
"Heh..she's already wet.."
"Really?" Shigaraki hadn't even noticed, being sitting beside you. He reaches his fingers down to glaze your panties, looking for the evidence. Surely enough, you were wet. "Heh.."
Shiggy runs his middle finger up and down your pussy over your panties, making sure to rub your clit upwards when he reached it. You whimper uncontrollably. He hardly did anything to you yet, but being in front of Dabi with Shigaraki showing you off like this? Your body was having instinctual responses you couldn't help.
Shigaraki begins circling your clit before crumbling away your panties, giving him full access to your heat, and displaying it to Dabi. You tense up, nervous and feeling exposed. He continues stimulating you, whispering sweet, empty nothings in your ear, "relax.."
Tomura pleasures your clit perfectly, not missing a beat in his attack on it. You begin moaning at the pleasure, which sends a shock of arousal to Dabi's cock.
"You wanna show him how much you love my cock?"
Your eyes shot wide open and without much warning Shigaraki pulls your tanktop below your tits, exposing both of your intimate areas. Your pussy grows more wet, and your clit twitches in excitement. Dabi notices how flushed your pussy is and continues to watch smugly, "Damn, I'm a little jealous, boss."
"You should be. She's gorgeous, right? Don't get any bright ideas, though. This is a privilege for you."
Shigaraki stands up and unzips his pants before encouraging you to kneel in front of him. You comply, getting on your knees and taking responsibility yourself. You grope his cock from the outside of his pants before pulling them down, revealing his cock.
"You've got a short dick," Dabi slys.
Shigaraki turns and shouts at him, "You have a real hard time with shutting the fuck up don't you?"
You turn your head the other way and chuckle a little. Their banter was funny, if you were honest.
"Hey chuckles..how about you use that pretty little mouth the right way?" Shiggy tilts your face towards his cock and presses it against your lips. Dabi wasn't wrong. Shigaraki didn't have the biggest dick. Maybe a little under 5 inches, but he had a decent girth that more than made up for it. You loved him just as he was, though. It wasn't a bother that he was a bit small.
You open wide and Tomura pushes his dick to the back of your throat slowly. You gag immediately, eliciting a laugh from him.
"What did you say, Dabi? Short dick?"
"That doesn't count, you know it."
Shigaraki scowls and grunts, but you distract him by wrapping your fingers around his base and dragging your mouth along his dick. You bob your head beautifully and pull up to lick around his tip. Shiggy groans with his raspy tone and forms your hair into a ponytail while you suck his cock.
You were able to catch a glance at Dabi and you saw him sitting there with his cock out, fumbling with his glans while he watched you suck Tomura's cock. You yelp on Shigaraki's cock, to which he thrusts in deeper.
"Mmm...you adore my cock, don't you?"
Yes, you did. It was hard to feel totally into this, though. While being watched and objectified. You knew that Shigaraki loved you, but he was clearly using his love for you to his advantage. He knew that because his love was somewhat sincere he could win you over to do pretty much anything. You never said no, though.
You look up, confused.
"It's your turn, Y/N. Up."
We were going all the way then, huh? You supposed it couldn't be helped and you stood up. Shigaraki pulled you into a sloppy kiss, while he glanced at Dabi with a competitive spirit on his face. Shigaraki turned you around and rested his hand on your back (but making sure to avoid a finger for obvious reasons). He pushes you down and presses his cock against your ass and you felt utterly exposed and vulnerable. You refused to look at Dabi, but you felt his burning gaze on you regardless.
Shigaraki ran his cock up and down your folds, teasing his cockhead along your clit. You whine in pleasure and embarrassment. Shigaraki coos at you, "shhh..."
He probably knows you're embarrassed, but he can't get enough of one-upping Dabi like this. He slowly guides his cock inside of you, savoring the warmth of your wet pussy. You moan in response and quickly enough, Shigaraki begins plunging his cock in and out of you at a musical rhythm.
"You're so pretty, Y/N. Such a good girl, taking my cock in front of him like this. Maybe I'll buy you that cute pink headset you've been wanting as a reward," Tomura chuckles.
"Good girl? Try slut. Out on display like a little whore," Dabi comments.
"Fuck off. She's only my slut. An obedient one, at that. Isn't that right, babygirl?"
"Mhm~!" There we go. That praise from Tomura was just what you needed to get you nice and comfortable. He knew it too, he wasn't stupid. He takes one of your hands and holds it backwards while he fucks you fast. Your tits dangle and bounce in front of Dabi and your pussy is dripping in arousal, running down your legs and dripping on the floor.
"Aah! Tomura!"
"That's it. You're going so well. Doesn't she look so sexy?"
"Mhm...can I have sloppy seconds when you're done?"
"Go fuck yourself. You wish."
At least Tomura had enough decency to know that you wouldn't like that at all. You only wanted him. Though, he may have only said that out of his own possessive nature, not for your comfort.
You continue to pant and cry out in embarrassment and arousal. Shiggy keeps smacking his hips against your ass and filling you with his cock. His dick certainly wasn't too short, as he rubbed up against your g-spot nicely, and he angled it the exact way you liked it.
Some sick part of you was beginning to feel a creeping orgasm approaching. Typically, you needed clit stimulation to cum, but the way Tomura was fucking you and how exposed you were was causing a newfound pleasure you hadn't experienced before. Your breath becomes heavy and you begin speaking gibberish.
"Tomura..Mm! I-, I'm, I'm gonna-"
"That's it..cum all over my cock. Show him how good I fuck you!"
Dabi strokes his pierced cock fastly and clenches his teeth, amused at your submission to Shigaraki. He fucks you even rougher and hits your G-spot in repeated rhythms. Your clit begins to spasm as you feel an internal wave of overwhelming pleasure surge throughout your whole body. You cum heavy on Tomura's cock, and the twitching walls of your pussy almost send him to a high as well, but he fights back for a bit.
Shigaraki fucks you silly even after your orgasm. Your sensitive cunt trembles as his cock continues it's assault. The sensations are overwhelming and almost hurt.
"Tomura..it's too much.."
"Just a little longer, baby. I gotta get my serving, too."
Your pussy keeps being pounded by Shigaraki as he has no restraint now that he's made you cum. Still, he hits your spot perfectly. His thrusts are desperate and yearning. He eyes Dabi with a cocky grin, "Told you. I told you I fuck her good. You oughta think before running your mouth."
"Mmff..you may be right. My apologies.."Dabi chuckles with a heavy sigh. As Shigaraki keeps fucking you unapologetically, Dabi cums all over himself watching you as you're being used as a trophy for Shigaraki to show off. It's not long after before Shigaraki also releases his load deep in your pussy with a heavy growl. He grips your hips as he holds you down on his cock, not missing a drop of his cum.
Your body is shaking from the intensity and you fall to your knees. Shigaraki bends down to pull you in his lap and strokes your hair.
"You did a good job..."
You had no words and could only bury your face into Shigaraki's neck for comfort. Tomura looks at Dabi with a look of victory on his face.
"Who's awful in bed, again?"
"Hey, I accept defeat. I guess you aren't as pathetic as I thought, boss." Dabi puts his cock back in his pants. "You got yourself a pretty one, you better treat her good."
"I plan on it."
Dabi gets up and goes to his room, closing the door. Tomura looks at you and messages your neck with as many fingers as he can.
"You're sticky. Come on, let's get in the shower."
"You know I love you, right? Even though I fucked you in front of that punk, you're my babygirl, and only mine."
"I know, Tomura. I love you too," you smile at him, feeling more content now that it's only you and him.
"Good. Let's get clean. You stink of cum."
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tired-teacher-blog · 2 years
Bonjour 💫, I hope this is not adding to a moutain of stuff you have to do but I do remember something that I thought was fun 🌺 And for once it's fluff lmao unless you wanna spice it lol which is fine 😂
Basically Y/n coming to her ( / their ) boyfriend and give them flowers. My favorite characters are too much lol and I don't want to overwhelm putting them all but just to show them ( Izuku, Katsuki, Shoto, Denki, Kirishima, Tamaki, Itoshi, Neito, Dabi, Tomura ) but let's just go for the colorful ones because it's a LOT 😂 ( Our boys are the same age as in the season 6 but now I'm thinking that people are not monir anymore and I too 😂 canon personnality because it's cool 💎 )
As awlays no pressure and take your time ( only if you want to write )
Bonsoir ma belle 😘 how about all of them? It was a challenge I'm not gonna lie 😂 I was mainly afraid of repeating myself so I kept going back to reread what I've written so something like that wouldn't happen. I kept their personalities as canon as possible (like I usually do) but I changed a tiny something here, which is their age. I know you requested their canon age but tbh I'm more comfortable making them older (with the exception of Dabi and Shiggy who are already 20+ years old) but you won't really notice the difference so I hope this is fine.
For you
Characters : Bakugo/ Shouto/ Izuku/ Shinsou/ Amajiki/ kaminari/ Kirishima/ Monoma/ Dabi/ Shigaraki/ Fem reader
Genre : Fluff/ Suggestive in a few parts/ imagines
Please do not read if you're a minor
Masterlist|Second Masterlist
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Bakugo :
_ "What's this?" he sounded a bit confused while eying the bouquet you held in your arms.
_ "This is for you, here." you pushed the beautifully selected blooms against his chest and offered him an equally beautiful smile.
_ "Yeah but, what's the occasion?" you were practically able to see the wheels turning in his head as he tried to remember what he could have missed.
Was it his birthday? Valentine's day? Your anniversary? No, it was none of them.
_ "There is this cute little flower shop on my way home, and it sells the most beautiful roses so I wanted to surprise you with this." you seemed incredibly bashful as your head hung low, wondering if he actually hated them, or if he would give you one of his usual snarky remarks.
Your self confidence dropped to the ground in an instant, and you seriously considered playing it off as a joke, however..
_ "You're really cute you know that?" did he really mean those words?
He held the bouquet in one hand and used the other to gently lift your chin up and place a soft peck on your flushed cheek, "I love them, thank you so much beautiful," he murmured faintly, lips gliding along your skin until they reached your smiling ones, "kiss," was his sole warning to you, before stealing your breath away with a deep passionate liplock.
Shouto :
_ "For me?" he blinked innocently, tilting his head to the side.
_ "Yeah! Do you like it?" you were practically jumping in excitement as you watched him hugging the bouquet to his chest.
_ "I do, of course I do, it's from you after all." he replied with a smile as he grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to him.
He did not demand further explanation, didn't need to, he was just happy to receive something as beautiful from you.
His mismatched irises gazed into yours for a moment, a gaze full of love and appreciation, one that you returned with the same sentiments they reflected.
All he wanted at that moment was to kiss you, to feel your warmth against himself, -and so he did- leaning in slowly to capture your anticipating lips.
It was soft, almost as soft as the delicate petals of those beautiful roses you brought for him, and you got lost in it at once.. lost in him.
_ "I'm so happy you liked them Shouto," you breathed out shakily before kissing him again, a gentle peck on the tip of his nose, bringing out that adorable chuckle you loved so much.
_ "I would love anything from you sweetheart."
Kirishima :
"Hi babe, how was your day tell me! I'll be home a bit later than expected today as well and I'll bring food with me so just relax until I'm there. I love you."
You reread his text and sighed in despair as you gazed at the beautiful roses you picked out for him. He's been working long hours lately and it's been affecting him greatly, but even in the midst of it all, he still made sure to call and text you throughout the day to make sure you're doing well.
You wanted to do something nice for him, to try and alleviate the stress he must be feeling lately which is why you purchased that beautiful bouquet as you wished to see that bright smile on his face while presenting it to him, "I have to see him now." you were determined, and couldn't possibly wait until he comes home, so you decided to surprise him instead.
You drove back to his agency, accompanied by a warm meal that you made in a jiffy, in addition to your special little gift..
You knocked on his door after asking his assistant not to notify him of your presence since you wanted to surprise him.
_ "Yeah come in." your heart dropped hearing how tired he sounded, but you kept your smile for him nonetheless.
_ "Is this a bad time Mr Kirishima?" your cheerful voice came as soon as you opened the door, and those were the only words you could utter before being engulfed in his arms.
It happened in a flash that all you could do was allow him to hold and kiss you all over your face.
_ "Alright alright let me breathe Eijiro!" you couldn't control your giggles as you pretended to suffocate in his strong hold.
_ "I'm sorry gorgeous, I'm just so happy to see you." and it wasn't until then that he took notice of what you were carrying.
_ "Oh yeah, I brought dinner and.. something else." you couldn't control your nerves as you handed him the bouquet, taking advantage of the food packs in your hand to change the subject, "oh, so guess what's for dinner!"
_ "This is for me? You brought this for me?" he was clearly not talking about food as his bright eyes admired the bouquet.
_ "Do you like them? You deserve so much more Eijiro." you kissed his cheek and watched as his smile grew wider.
_ "I'm the happiest man alive because you're mine."
Izuku :
You were excited the whole way home as you kept imagining his reaction to your little gift. He would be a blushing mess, -that part was already guaranteed- but what would he say?
_ Y/n.. you brought those, for.. for me?" you guessed right, he was in fact timid as he nervously held the bouquet in his arms.
_ "What do you think of it Izuku? Do you like it? I just wanted to do something nice for you." and at that moment, he wasn't the only one blushing, since the same soft pink shade that was dusting his cheeks duplicated itself onto your own as you spoke.
_ "What.. of course I love them! They're beautiful! I just can't believe you thought of me that much.." he looked adorable as he attempted to hide his face behind the bouquet.
You took a step closer and tried to move the roses -separating you from each other- away, so you could look at him clearly.
You were tempted to fluster him a bit more, as you placed a small peck on his quivering jaw, and another on his heated cheek, "I just wanted to see this cute look on your face Izuku." you murmured faintly, lips caressing his skin and ghosting over his own.
_ "That's mean. Still, I love your gift and I'm about to show you just how grateful I am." and with that, his cute bashful demeanor was instantly replaced with a primal desire that sent blissful goosebumps all over your body.
Hitoshi :
_ "Hitoshi! Are you home?" you called out for your boyfriend as soon as you stepped into your apartment, hoping he would show up and tell you that he's been waiting for you.
And he did, emerging from the bathroom all wet and steamy, wearing nothing but a towel that hung low around his waist. And for a moment you forgot how to speak as your eyes studied his flexing muscles.
_ "Welcome home babe! Oh, what's that you're holding?" he approached you casually, unaware of the indecent thoughts dancing in your head, but you somehow snapped back to your senses and replied quickly.
_ "These are for you, no particular reason I just wanted to get you something pretty." your eyes were locked on the delicate roses as you did not trust the blush threatening to creep up your face.
_ "Something pretty huh? Well I already have you," he spoke suggestively, placing an arm around your waist and pulling you flush against him, forcing the bouquet to squish between your bodies.
_ "Hitoshi, stop it." you meant to scold him for paying little attention to the roses you picked so carefully for him, but your words came out in a little whine that amused the man in front of you.
_ "I'm sorry, but you're so fun to tease," his chuckles were muffled against your forehead as he kissed you gently before moving back to gaze into your eyes, "I really love them sweetheart, you never cease to surprise me."
Shigaraki :
You tiptoed your way out of his room after leaving something unexpected on his bed, you didn't know how he would react to your gift, and didn't dare hand it to him personally so you left it in his room secretly when he wasn't looking.
_ "Y/n, what are you doing here? Were you looking for me?" his voice startled you but you faked nonchalance as you giggled nervously.
_ "Yeah I was.. but it's nothing! I'll see you later." you tried to flee the scene but he was a lot faster than you were, grasping your arm and pinning you in place.
_ "What's the matter y/n? Is everything okay?" he studied your face and awaited a response that never came, "alright come with me."
He dragged you along into his room and closed the door behind you two, and before he could turn around to face you, something strange caught his attention.
_ "Are those.. roses?" he was confused for a moment, brows knitted as he tried to comprehend, until finally everything started making sense in his head, "oh, so that's why you were acting weird huh?"
You gritted your teeth and braced yourself for a scolding or a mockery, but what came instead left you wide eyed and speechless.
_ "They smell really good, I like them." he declared with a smile, holding the colorful blooms in his arms.
You were still quiet, wondering if that wasn't just a figment of your imagination, until you felt his rough palm caressing your cheek, "thank you darling, they're beautiful."
Amajiki :
You giggled softly, leaning against the doorframe and watching him sleep peacefully.
It has been hectic for him lately, with more night shifts added to his already cramped schedule, leaving him with minimal time to relax and even lesser to be with you.
You missed each other too much that even the regular phone calls were no longer enough for either of you, but today was a rare day off for him, one that you decided to take full advantage of.
_ "Tamaki, can you hear me sweetheart?" you felt a little bad for interrupting his well needed shut eye, but you honestly wanted to see and talk to him.
He groaned against his pillow, still unaware of your presence, until you sat down by his side and caressed his bare shoulder.
_ "Tamaki, can you open your eyes for a moment baby?" you whispered your plea and leaned in to kiss his warm skin.
_ "Y/n, hi sweetie.." he slurred a reply while rubbing the sleep from his eyes and blinking repeatedly until you came into focus.
He looked so cute that you couldn't help kissing his pouty lips, "I'm sorry for waking you Tamaki but I promise this won't take long, I just want to give you something and I couldn't wait until later."
_ "What.. yes of course, what is it?" he sat up -still a bit confused- but something in your lap caught his attention, it was a gorgeous bouquet you specifically went out earlier to buy.
_ "This is for you, I hope you like it," you averted your gaze and bit down on your lip nervously, "you have been down lately because of work so I wanted to make you.. smile."
You felt his hand on yours, squeezing lightly, "you did this for me?" and it was barely above a whisper.
You nodded slowly, finally turning around to face him, and placed the beautiful blossoms on the nightstand next to him before standing back up and preparing to leave, "that was all, you can go back to sleep now and I'll wake you up when dinner is ready."
_ "Don't go!" he grabbed your arm and pulled you down again, "stay with me, and don't worry about food, we'll order something later."
You couldn't say 'no' to him, not when he was looking at you with those big hopeful eyes.
You slipped underneath the covers with him, burying your face in the crook of his neck and relaxing in his hold.
_ "Thank you they're beautiful, just like you."
Dabi :
_ "What part of me makes you think that I'm a flower boy?" he looked unimpressed, crossing his arms over his chest as he spoke.
You knew he would react in that exact same way when you decided to buy him roses on your way to see him, so why were you hurt by his words then?
_ "Yeah I know, sorry.. you can throw them away or burn them or whatever." you placed the bouquet on his couch and took a deep breath as you tried to ignore the sharp sting in your heart.
He was right though, roses? For him? The more you thought about it the dumber you felt, so honestly, you were the one to blame..
_ "I'm sorry Touya, let's forget about this," you feigned a smile as you approached him again, "so how was your day? Anything interesting?" you were on the verge of tears as you desperately tried to change the subject, but he saw right through you.
His eyes moved between your pained expression and the forgotten roses that he finally decided to pick up, "these aren't that bad I guess." in reality, he hated them, he hated how disgustingly bright and delicate they were, but what he hated the most was being the reason of your dejection, so if accepting them would bring back your smile, then so be it.
You were so easy to read, so simple to fool and for some reason, the twinkle illuminating your eyes, and the smile reappearing on your face after hearing his words, warmed his heart and relieved him.
So maybe you weren't the only fool there, maybe he was one too, a fool for you.
Monoma :
_ "Oh, these are for me?" he expressed smugly while that usual annoying smirk -that you loved so much- was plastered across his face, "well I guess I deserve them right?" and there it was, that obnoxious laugh again.
_ "Come on don't be a jerk, I knew this was a bad idea," you shook your head and crossed your arms over your chest as you started regretting what you've done, "everyone said I could do better, but I picked you instead." you tried as much as you could to keep a straight face and stifle your laughter.
_ "Of course you did gorgeous, I'm the best of them."
He's a conceited self-centered asshole, so bringing him a gift with no particular occasion would only boost his arrogance. You knew that, but you still wanted to do something nice for him because even a jerk like him still made you happy, he's the love of your life after all.
_ "Yeah yeah I get it." you still feigned annoyance, but deep down you were actually amused.
_ "I'm sorry sweetheart, come here," his chuckles resumed as he dragged you close, nuzzling your neck and breathing in your scent, "hmm.. sweet," his lips lingered there, right above your pulse, and his free arm pulled you even closer to his chest while the other one held the bouquet, "they're beautiful and I love them, thank you love." and that was a rare moment of humbleness that he only dares to show you because you're the one who owns his heart.
Denki :
_ "Yes! Die you bastard! If you think you've got a chance against Chargebolt then you're clearly dreaming!" his loud shouts reached the outside of your shared apartment where you stood, and you let out a knowing chuckle before opening the front door and walking in.
Your days off are usually lazy, warm and cozy, and it's a nice change of pace from your usual stressful lives as pro heroes, which is why you two prefer to spend that precious free time doing typical ordinary things.
_ "I'm back honey!" you called out for him as you placed your shopping bags at the entrance, except for one thing that you kept holding in your arms.
He clearly couldn't hear you due to all of the infernal shooting and explosions coming from the game he was focused on, so you called again and this time it worked.
_ "Oh! Y/n you're back sweetheart!" he seemed like a little puppy who's excited for his owner's return, throwing his game console away and running up to you, "did you have a good time with the girls? I missed you so much! You were gone for so long!" yes, a little puppy.
He was so happy to see you that he failed to notice the colourful roses you held in your arms, until you pushed the fragrant blooms to his chest with a smile, "I'm sorry for being late, here is an apology gift." it was merely an excuse so you would see that sparkle in his eyes.
_ "These are amazing!" he took them off your hands, peppering your cheeks, nose and forehead with sweet little kisses, "you're the best y/n," was what he whispered to you before finally connecting your lips.
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thetreefairy · 1 year
First sleepover
Warnings: mentions of isolation, reader is oblivious to who the LOV are. Drinking, smoking. Taglist @slasherscrybaby @yandere-city Words: 951 p.2 had to re-publish this due to massive spelling mistakes, hope you guys like it,
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But Tomu-Tomu will take Reader away from them.
“Bye~ I’ll be meeting up with Tomu-Tomu and his friends!” Reader shouted as they put their shoes on, they were going to get drinks with Tomu-Tomu and 2 of his friends. “Make sure to bring your self-defense kit!” Shota shouted, Hizashi rushing towards Reader with the self-defense kit. “Call us if you are in danger, alright?”
“Of course, pa, I will be home before 12 and I won’t drink too much.” Reader kisses Hizashi's cheek and waves as they leave the house. Reader sends a text to Tomu-Tomu.
player two to Tomu-Tomu: Can you send me the addresses, Tomu?
tomu-Tomu to player two: {insert random address} it’s a bit difficult to find, I will be at the start of {random street that is close by}
Player two to Tomu-Tomu: Thank youuu, I am so excited to meet your friends :D
Tomu-tomu to Player two: They are excited to meet you too, do mind Toga however, she is obsessed with blood due to her quirk.
player two to Tomu-tomu: :00, that's so interesting, I can see you. hehehe imma scare you : )
Tomu-tomu to player two: If you want to scare someone you shouldn’t, you know tell them.
Tomura chuckled as he re-read Reader's message, he had seen them himself. But with how cute they are, he couldn’t help but pretend to be scared when Reader hugged him from behind. “So scary~!” He said in a teasing tone. “Almost as scary as you trying to trash talk in Valaront.”
“Hey!” Reader shouted, realizing that he’s making fun of them. “I was really trying, but my little sister was in the same room!”
“Excuses, excuses.” He grinned as he ruffled their hair. At first Tomura wanted to use you, but after just a week of playing video games together he had grown fond of you. His master, AFO, likes you as well and his anger issues have died down now. “Now come on, before the burned bitch is going to call us and complain.”
"Burned bitch?” Reader asked with a curious tone as they started walking to Tomura’s hideout home. “Yeah, my friend has a lot of burns because of his quirk.” He said casually. “Look, we are here.”
When they got inside, a girl immediately hugged Reader. “Is this your friend Shiggy? They are so pretty!” Reader instinctively petted her hair. “Can I drink your blood, pretty please?” the blonde girl asked, drawing out the e of ‘please’. 
“Maybe you should introduce yourself first, Toga.” A man with burn scars asked as he smoked. "Yeah! Nuh uh! Don’t tell them our names!”
“Jin, do me a favor and tone your other side down, I already have a headache.” the lizard type a guy hissed. “You can call me spinner.”
“Hello everyone, I am Reader.” After the introductions and small talk they started to play games. “My god, how did that crispy bitch pull you?” Dabi chuckled out drunkenly. Toga was drinking Reader’s blood happily but that comment made her gasp. “Shiggy and Reader are dating?!”
Tomura looked like he was about to burst and was red. “No no no, we are besties.” Reader chuckled, they were a bit tipsy. “But I do think he’s pretty.” Reader tried to whisper into Toga’s ear making her chuckle. Tomura had heard this and his brain isn’t braining right now. Reader then got a call from Hizashi.
"Papa!" Reader greeted him happily.
 ‘You forgot the time didn’t you?’ His voice sounded amused, but a bit strict as well. This caused Reader to gulp, they truly had forgotten the time! How stupid of them.
“Ah yes, I did, I am sorry but everyone is just so fun! I can go home right now.”
Tomura pushed a bag of blood towards Toga and whispered in her ear to pretend to be his girlfriend. When Toga transformed she said: “N/n, can I talk to your dad?”
“Ah, papa, Tomu’s girlfriend wants to talk to you, is that okay?”
‘That would be wonderful.’
“Hi, sir, I am Lily,”
‘Hi Lily, it’s nice to finally picture a voice by the person.’
“I was wondering if Reader could perhaps stay over at my house, I would feel awful if they had to go home this late.” Toga lied smoothly and before Reader could interrupt Tomura placed his hand over their mouth. Kissing their cheek when he saw their terrified expression. 
“Don’t worry, you won’t get isolated.” He whispered in their ear. He had told the league about the heroes' strange punishments towards their oldest child, so none of them were surprised at his words. 
Toga gave back the phone and winked at Reader.
‘Tomu’s girlfriend is such a lovely girl’ Hizashi told Reader. ‘Your dad and I agreed that you can stay over just this once.’
“Thank you! Thank you so much!” Reader happily squealed.
‘Just make sure that you are home before Hitoshi returns from the class trip.’
“So at 4 pm I have to be home.” Reader asked to make sure.
‘Yes, and make sure to not tell Hitoshi, as you know he heavily disapproves of sleepovers.’
“I won’t, talk to you later and goodnight, pa.”
‘Talk to you later and sleep well, dear.’
When Reader hung up she looked at her new found friends. “Well I guess I am staying here.”
“Yay!” Toga shouted happily.
“You should sleep in handy man’s room.” Dabi said with a smirk.
“Sure!” Reader agreed, Tomura looked at Dabi, annoyed.
‘What if I talk in my sleep?’ He thinks. ‘What if they hear my thoughts about them?’
And that was exactly Dabi’s plan, and hopefully make Reader hate heroes, but that might be a long shot.
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mushroommanstan · 2 years
university!au please!! infamous!shiggy with average s/o 🤼‍♀️ pls i
Oh anon, how did you know I’ve been wanting to write a college au Shig for a while? You must be psychic or something, very impressive!
Creepy Tenko Part One:
Anyways, I know you want the smut and shit but there’s a few things about Tenko that make him so infamous.
First off, his backstory. Basically, he was kidnapped by AFO as usual, but he was rescued by heroes this time a few months after. Unfortunately, a lot of damage had already been done.
The heroes were embarrassed as hell that they took so long to save him, and as a publicity act, paid to put him through elementary school, middle school, high school and hell even college. The big package.
Because of that, his entry was guaranteed since he was like 6. Obviously, this is gonna turn some heads.
Now this guy was infamous around campus for many reasons. For starters, growing up murdering his family and spending a summer with your local serial killer is gonna be the headline of his life. Everyone knows about that, and he doesn’t even deny it.
Also, because of that experience he has major ptsd and schizophrenia, causing a few tiny violent outbursts throughout his childhood. But it’s fine, he’s medicated now… most of the time.
He’s also very aloof, not talking to anyone if he can help it. He’s used to bullying, and at this point has pretty much given up making any friends. He’s so used to people being scared of him, just like his old master said, that he kind of embraces it, not even trying to hide when he stares at people for hours on end.
Oh yeah, and the stares. This guys got a dark ass aura. His blazing red eyes burn a hole in the back of the women he stares at. He’s a smart guy, he doesn’t need to pay attention to the whole lesson to get the gist. So lucky him, he can spend the rest of the class period staring at some chick while discreetly touching himself under the desk. Make eye contact with him if you dare.
The thing that completely tanked his reputation however, was when one guy got pissed at him for making goo-goo eyes at his girlfriend all day. He stopped him on his way to his dorm, punching him which made him stumble.
Something flew out of his hoodie pocket, and the man picked it up, students gathering around as he faced poor Tenko.
Tenko looked mortified, tears gathering in his eyes, but he wasn’t looking at his attacker. He was looking at his stolen object. The assailant hadn’t gotten a good look at what he was holding, and by the look on the freaks face it meant something to him.
The other students who gathered around screamed, some running to hurl in the nearby trash cans. When he finally looked at what he was holding it took him a good second to figure out what it was.
It was cold and grey. Fleshy with a golden back and… fingernails. Wait… was that… oh my god.
He yelled throwing the detached hand into the air, Tenko diving to catch it. He could feel himself losing control, his old senseis voice overtaking his brain and making his whole body shiver. He-he needed to calm down.
Tenko rose, pressing the cool hand into his face as he took deep breaths. He stopped trembling, and for a second, even with the screaming and yelling and trampling, everything was calm.
Obviously he got in trouble for having a murder scene victim’s body part in his possession, but Tenko knew from experience that no matter whatever bullshit they tried to scare him with, they couldn’t expel him.
He was like a mascot for the heroes’s new scholarship program. No way they would let him get expelled just because he kept a memento of his lost family. So, like always they payed them off. But the students remembered, and the guy who held the disembodied hand needed therapy.
So, not only was he a creep who got off to pictures of feet in the bathroom during homeroom, he also was a creep who kept a souvenir of his first murder victim with him at all times. Weird weird weird.
And then you came along.
He didn’t think much of you, that was, until you decided to sit down in one of multiple empty seats bordering his desk. No one ever sits this close.
Well… he had to admit… you were pretty. With your silky (h/c) hair, and your brilliant eyes, and your juicy, plump…. Eh-hum, personality.
He couldn’t stop himself from staring, not like he tried. You’ll learn soon enough that he’s a creep, and then he’ll be alone again. Yep. All on his own. Terrific.
His eyes bore into you, not just in one place but all over. Scanning over your body and memorizing every detail. From this close he could truly see how smooth and soft your skin was. And he could smell your perfume. What was that, lilac?
“Oh, do you like the perfume? I just got it! It’s lilac!”
Shit. You must have a mind reading quirk. He could feel his face growing bright red at the idea of you seeing the foul things he imagined in the last minute or so.
Truthfully you only knew because you could hear him sniffing the air like a puppy exploring a grassy field for the first time.
As the class went on you looked at him occasionally, not flinching whatsoever at the intense eye contact he returned. You had to admit… he was pretty cute. With eyes like those he should be the center of attention yet here he is sulking in the back of the class. Well, whatever, not your business.
The professor droned on about who knows what, making the both of you slump over your desks with boredom. You were praying for an oasis in the midst of this dry, dull desert of a classroom, when you heard a familiar sound.
Beep-boop, boop bleep!
You could recognize that sound anywhere! That was… that was…
You had to stop yourself from slamming your hands on the table in shock. The cute guy sitting next to you was playing the limited edition “Super Hero Adventure Deluxe” for the gameboy advance. (Not an actual game I think)
Aka, the only game in the Super Hero Adventure franchise you had yet to play. The one you had scoured EBay for forever. Holy shit, marry me!
You couldn’t help yourself, despite not knowing this guy in the slightest you pressed yourself into his shoulder, scaring the shit out of him and causing almost everyone to stop and look at you. You looked down at the pixelated screen, currently being death gripped by gloved hands as your cheek smushed against his fluffy black hair.
Tenko could feel his body shutting down from the inside. The sudden physical contact, the fact it was from a hot girl, and the realization she had an interest in his favorite game was all too much. Everyone watched as he pushed you away, screaming at you to stay away from him with some fairly colorful language.
Your expression darkened, and you grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. Having used to people tucking in their tail, he had to say he was not at all prepared for this. He didn’t actually want to fight you, he just wanted you to back off! … don’t make him fight you, you’re the first girl to touch him in years.
You both held intense eye contact for what felt like forever, but in reality was for only a second.
“You do not talk to me like that. Understand?”
Oh boy. Oh-ho-ho BOY you were awakening something in him he didn’t know he had. His face turned tomato red and his ire-filled glare turned into a soft gaze filled with child-like wonder. Not being able to speak he shakily nodded, hand raising up to feel along the one gripping his shirt. His fluffy hair bounced a little as he nodded.
You let go, returning to your seat with a huff and turned your head, and you were met with the utterly shocked faces of your classmates. They looked at you like you had just slain a dragon.
Meanwhile Tenko said nothing, face still completely red as his foggy mind spent the rest of class processing these new feelings that came up. The way you touched him, the way you scolded him! It was so… mean. So entitled. So dominant.
He wants more.
Believe me, I will be doing a part two! Thanks again for the ask, it finally gave me the kick in the pants I needed to write this!
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chunkymamatam · 23 days
Do you have any more info about shifting to MHA? I know that was probably a while ago but I really wanna try shifting there so yeah!! :DDD
Yeah. It was a really long time ago. Like 4 years lol
So this was actually the first time and place I wanted to shift to. It was mostly mini shifting.
One time I went and I “gained sentience” as me and my friends like to call it lmfao in the street. I looked around and I was like “oh shit. I’m actually here.. huh. I wonder if I can bother Hawks” I saw he was busy and I was like “man I’ll go bother Aizawa he’s too busy with fan girls for me to introduce myself.” I go to walk off and I hear flapping of wings
My first thought was “ah he has hero work to do.” Tell me why this man lands in front of me and knocks me on my ass. That shit hurt like a bitch 😭THEN HE HAS THE AUDACITY TO ASK IF I NEED HELP GETTING UP LIKE HE DIDN'T DO THAT SHIT ON PURPOSE
Also keep in mind I had never met that man until then. I shifted home it freaked me out so bad lol It's funnier when I remember over there my clone teleported her ass away pfff
The next time I managed to shift there I was in an alleyway and all of a sudden a feather floats down. This stalking ass bitch was watching me up above. He drops down and I kindly (NOT) tell him he needs to stop doing that shit (He hasn't done it since pfffff) and he was like
"So.. You're the one who teleported away in the middle of a crowded area?"
"What does that matter? The fuck were you doing watching me???"
"That's for me to know and you to never find out! Haha anyway duty calls" THEN THE BITCH FLIES AWAY Keep in mind I didn't think he was actually stalking me and that's why I didn't freak out more and this next bit happened.
I left after that interacting and came back a different night. It was night and I was just trying to figure out wtf to do now that I'm here and tell me why this man appears behind me saying some "We meet again!" Now if I call you one of my many claimable slurs...(/j) but seriously tho little 18 year old Tam was just happy to be there lmfao. He comes at me with the "I just got off of work you wanna get a bite to eat"
... I said yes and he finally asked my name LMFAO I ended up going to his place at the end of the night. Crazy I know but again I didn't think he was ACTUALLY stalking me okay????
It gets better because after that I ended up accidentally shifting into the LOV hide out LMFAO I literally don't know why tf my clone was there but I was trying to get out of there so fast. They wanted me dead bro. Now I momentarily shot myself in the foot when I was arguing why they should let me live. Shiggy asked why I should be allowed to live and I was like "I got dirt on everyone"
he said "prove it"
I was like "Well I got dirt on everyone here too so I could probably prove it like that"
I revealed to Dabi I knew who he was and gave a few details about every person there that I definitely shouldn't have know from there perspective but then Magne came in and I was like "HOLY SHIT YOU'RE STILL ALIVE????" proceeded to give them life saving advice for her and went home cuz that shit was TOO stressful. had to let my clone deal lmfao
It worked considering I was a free man when i went back. did it last long? no. Was freedom nice for a while?? yeah. Tell me why I run into Hawks and Endeavor. He introduced us and idk if it's just his face but bro was mean mugging me. Endeavor please stop looking at me like that I haven't even started dogging on you verbally yet. They end up running off to do their job or whatever and I walk off. Tell me why I see Shigaraki creeping in an alleyway just watching. HELLO??? I cross the street and end up getting snatched up by Dabi and Twice anyway but fucking christ bro. They take me to the warehouse and tell me why they hit me with the "You were right" MAGNE FUCKING DIED BRO I WAS SO UPSET
Long story short they forced me to stay with them after that. Dabi for the longest time gave me the cold shoulder and was acting like he hated me. I'm just gonna say he didn't and not go too far into what happened cuz idk how old you are. There was also this time when Shigaraki kissed me out of nowhere. I was drunk and rambling and crying about something to him and he kissed me. Gonna be honest I thought he just wanted me to shut up and he was just following the trope. I didn't think he liked me. I only found out because he found out what happened with Dabi and chased me down to confront me about it. It was a wild time. I was so fucking scared bro.
He said "How did you not know I liked you??? I literally kissed you"
"I thought you just wanted me to STFU!"
Shiggy after I said that dumb shit:
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I'm fucking stupid when it comes to people liking me in short. I stopped going to that specific DR shortly after that. I have other MHA DRs if y'all wanna hear about them.
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dabislittlemouse · 1 year
Imagine Shigaraki walks in on you playing with his Nintendo Switch and he just watches the concentrated faces you make, the grunts of annoyance when you lose a level or a quiet “yes!!!!” when you win. You’re so absorbed in the game that you don’t even notice Shiggy’s been watching you the whole time until he finally clears his throat, looking at you with an amused expression when you turn to him with a shocked face. You quickly stumble out apologies, telling him, “I finally beat that level you were stuck on so now you have more points heh heh…”, avoiding eye contact and looking away so he doesn’t see you blushing. Shiggy can’t stop thinking about how cute you looked in gamer mode and decides he’s gonna get you a matching switch so you can be his little pogchamp <3
I just like to imagine that you aren’t much into games and stuff until you met Shigaraki. You literally had no interest on them before him. So he can’t help but smile at the thought that you now got into games just because of him, like he changed you or something. He fucking loves to see you play his games, even those who are too hard and you constantly keep losing and fuming afterwards, your dramatic reactions are the cutest he literally wants to eat you whole. Shigaraki loves to be your mentor and teach you how to play them, teaching you certain tricks to get to win. As usual Shigaraki is a man who aims to be the best, and this also applies in games. But for some reason he wants you to get in the same level as him, even higher, it would make him so proud.
“Aren’t you the cutest little gamer ever?” he says smugly with that low raspy voice of his, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing your neck. “I’m so proud of you little thing, keep goin’ like that yeah?”
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Lets take a second to talk about how fucking hot Tomura is skfjskdjskskdk
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Dabi headcanons
ooc post moment?? yeah fuck it- yall asked and i shall deliver some dabi headcanons- ill tell you which ones are canon for this blog as not all of them are. if you dont like any of these headcanons i dont care- (i do but shhh) just dont bring it up- ANYWAYS ONTO THE HCS
Dabi runs hot, i dont give a shit what people say his body runs hot and its absolute torture for him, using his quirk makes this so much worse and he often gets dizzy when he reaches a certain point (not me projecting onto dabi a bit shhh) canon to the blog
He's bad at relationships- he doesnt really know how to act in them and so will often mess up or just not know what to say.. his way of showing affection most of the time is through helping the person is his own fucked up way, and a lot of the time it involves murder or arson because thats all he really knows how to do in terms of helping. canon to the blog
He doesnt ever really flirt with people in a non joking way, he'll do it for laughs sure but when it comes to actually flirting he just cant for some reason- if anyone does take his joking seriously he will just sorta go along with it tho. canon to the blog
He's had several hookups in the past but he always cut things off before it could have any emotion involved as he wasnt looking for anything serious at the time. did he kill at least one person because of this? maybe :D canon to the blog
Dabi is terrified of end up like endeavor when it comes to relationships and taking care of people, its why hes bad at them and acts like a disaster as the only frame of reference he has for that stuff is his dad. the last thing he wants to do is make his partner cry or be afraid of him even if he acts like hes super dangerous. canon to the blog
Its not so much a crush but dabi absolutely thinks shiggy is hot once he stops wearing the hand on his face all the time, and he will drive the man insane with the shit he'd say. semi-canon to the blog
He doesnt consider most of the league his family, more he considers them his friends, the only exception for this is toga who he absolutely views as a sister. canon to the blog
If he did manage to kill endeavor he wouldnt know what to do with his life, while he acts like it would just fix things and be the best he knows deep down that he would just feel empty without something to hate and obsess over so deeply.. canon to the blog
He wants to fix things with the rest of his family, especially shoto, however he doesnt know how to bring things up or even where to start. canon to the blog
One night stands are something he's way more comfortable with, relationships are just weird for him and theres too many emotions which he hates, but he likes feeling like someone actually needs him for something, even if its not really anything personal. non canon to the blog
ALRIGHT- those are some bigger ones about how he acts- now for a list of random small ones- all of which are canon
he could have stitched his skin together, he just thought staples looked cooler and fit him more
he isnt a huge fan of animals, but he likes cats more than dogs
his quirk doesnt have an official name, however he calls it cremation
he gets drunk as fuck with twice all the time, the two are drinking buddies and it always ends in some dumb shit
there are a lot of pictures of his family that he keeps in his room, all the ones that have endeavor in them hes been burnt out
while he has good control over his quirk most of the time that absolutely goes out the window when hes feeling anything strong, even if hes laughing too hard he can slightly start smoking
he will go along with stupid shit toga suggests to make her happy
giran has had to get him so many new costumes since he keeps burning them
hes killed far more than 30 people, the 30 is just for innocent people, he doesnt consider heroes nor other villains as innocent, so the real number is much higher
he still feels guilty for killing those children from the hospital he woke up in, they never asked to be there after all
the nomu he used in the forest training camp was partly designed by him, he was the one who asked for all the blades and stuff on it
hes dyed his hair many colors before until he settled on consistently dying it black
homura and natsuo are his favorite siblings
when fuyumi was first learning to cook hed refuse to eat the food she made
he may act like hes just annoyed that the other league members got hurt because it makes his plan harder but in reality hes worried for them and will want to hurt anyone who will hurt them
and finally! he cant taste things super well because his tongue is stapled together, however he can still taste enough to enjoy food
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tadokorochann · 8 months
Okay but for some reason Shiggy always playing video games also equals him being chronically online and as an incredibly touch starved early twenties male individual I equate that to him consistently browsing pron sites
so like now I'm thinking about what his browser history was before meeting reader and then after
with all his posturing in the previous ask I'm imagining his desire to want to have all the control and thus taking it by force-basically what AFO has been grooming him to do with his powers and manipulating him into his perfect lil revenge puppet --so honestly it's probably involves lots of violence, humilation, debasement of one's partner?
then presented with reader and that all getting almost instantly nullified cause SURPRISE Shiggy isn't actually like that at his core- he's really just not had any good role models. Like yeah enacting violence on someone who did him wrong may still sound appealing but you're basically a stranger and oh shit you're gently touching his arm and his tummy feels a little queasy but in a good way???
And you're apparently the first person in his life with a gotdamn brain cause you recommend he wear special gloves for his quirk so all his fingers are never touching something all at once and that's a game changer cause now he doesn't have to be so cautious about being close to people--even tho he still is--but he "claimed" you and you're running with it so you're not skimping on the cuddling obligations of a kept woman! (plus Kai was also probably with holding of touch due to his germphobia so you're craving touch like hell too)
okay this got outta hand! I meant this to be an ask about you and tomura watching porn together/him starting to share gentle femdom videos with you and shyly asking if you can try them 😅😂😂😂
Yesyesyes to all of this! Personally for this au (or storyline I guess since it’s canonverse?) I envision the reader to have a powerful nullification/cancellation quirk of some kind, purely to make both Shiggy and Kai more obsessed with her 🥰
For Kai I envisioned a kind of, not worship for reader, but… reverence? Or admiration of some kind, viewing the nullification as her body’s own efforts to resist the quirk virus. Despite it in and of itself being a quirk. The same type of cognitive dissonance he has when it comes to regarding himself as clean and undiseased despite having overhaul lol. In any case it was a reason to keep her suffocatingly close, make sure nothing else could touch her, soil her, make her dirty. I know the “I’m the only one Overhaul can touch without getting hives” bnha fic trope can be overused but I 100% do not care because that’s exactly how I saw this situation with reader. But, like you said, he’s a germaphobe. So even with skin to skin contact not being a primary issue I definitely think touch was still a point of conflict. And sex was… a very specific, step by step process that HE decided every little detail about. As was this entire relationship. He controlled her clothes, diet, physical activity, hobbies, any possessions she had. There was no choice which soured things even when Kai happened to pick something she enjoyed.
For Tomura readers quirk cancellation is simply a means for him to be able to touch someone with five fingers down. Hug her. Hold her hand without fear she’ll crumble. And it’s so huge for him 🥺🥺🥺 I’m getting off track as well lmao
Definitely love the idea of both Reader and Shiggy beginning to share/watch porn together and that Tomura’s browser history and stuff changes. Bc one of the things that had me chewing on this idea the most was him having someone to be soft with, and to be able to make self discoveries with.
100% feel like Kai did not allow reader the consumption of porn either for reasons of keeping her “clean” mentally or bc of being possessive, possibly both. And domming him was a definite no, at least in this particular blurb.
Reader explores freedom of choice in regards to sex, porn, affection, food, spending time with actual people (no real companions were allowed at the Hassaikai because Kai was adamant he was ✨all she needed✨) and just generally being happy w him. And Tomura gets to begin to unpack the ideals AFO saddled him with. Meanwhile Kai gets to be armless and having a constant breakdown in Tartarus 🥰
(edit: the idea/blurb referenced is here for those who haven’t seen it)
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Bnha 391 and General Small Comment;
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Ok so i didnt like a lot of things with bnha lately for most of the things, especially how story deal with its villains. Yeah, it is not over but until now, i dont think its good. Story focus on power more than it focus on actually adressing the flaws of society author build up at first place.
- Deku hasnt speak to Shigaraki yet but until this point, the way he dealt with villains, his interaction with them isnt good enough. like, you cant change things by keep saying everthing black and white or saying there is hope. I think story didnt give enough  character development for Izuku to come that point so at least, i hope, Shiggy will do something about it.
- Todoroki family plot bad. It was always bad because of how much story focus on Endeavour’s bad written redemption arc, he literally choose everyone over Touya since beginning until the end, i hate how he casually hugs him and speak over him when Touya was talking. Guy kinda feels guilty, yeah, but he express that ‘guilt’ in a very selfish way that it drives me nuts. Literally your typical abuser. I cant believe of all people, Endeavour has to be the one who close to him, not Rei, not his siblings but him...And with other family members too. I think some people already talked about this, that main problem with Todoroki family is that they keep blaming him for speaking up and once again, if this is the final arc for Todo family, Fuyumi and Natsuo’s speech sucks.
With Shouto, i think the problem is that bnha is a story about saving people’s hearth, not psychically defeating them and as readers, we should witness that change between Shouto and Dabi, that beginning point (like ‘your power’ scene for Shouto) didnt happen yet. And i wonder, do anyone remember um fake heroes plot? Endeavour’s bad hero career with how violently he attacks towards criminal from Twice’s speech chapter or how he almost killed Koichi in vigilantes? Dabi’s speech? What is the point of all of these things, if its not gonna be adressed properly, especially between Dabi and Shouto since they are villain and hero. I know its not over but until now, it was bad. To be honest, only thing i am satisfied with Todo family plot is Rei and Touya interaction. It looks like the only one its completed for final arc. Because she literally choose Touya over millions to save him, no justification, no victim blaming, no anger, just a worried mother, calling her son’s name and tells that she is sorry, and thats it. She doesnt make whole speech and self pity, unlike Bakugou and Endeavour. See the difference. And if author wasnt so obsessed with Endeavour’s nonexistent redemption arc, i am sure that we would get more of Rei. She did what she could do best for Touya as civillian, ordinary person. This part of story is fine but others? Bad.
- Allmight and others too. I dont want to talk about every detail because you know the summary, flaws of society isnt adressed properly/at all and story focus on power dynamic and etc.
But for at least this chapter, i would like to say, i kinda like this one. Uraraka and Toga development, interaction. At first, Uraraka would brush off everything Toga said and does, which makes sense since she was from other side. And Toga would talk your typical villain but after that Toga crying scene, Uraraka seems to be able empathize with her than many other heroes ever could for villains. The way she just accepted that she was wrong about her, that she changed her mind, she also knows that she is in pain and she says sorry, she is not angry, she is not rejecting her, she tells her that she found her. I mean, look at her face when she speaks to her. Like, great start, Uraraka. I think there are still many issues with story and how fast everything happens but i really like this one. It feels like an actually hero speech who geniuely wants to empathize with villain, completely stranger, just a girl who is like her. Unlike before, she doesnt talk like a robot with ‘you did commit crime so everything happens to you, you deserve it’ type of attitude. No. This time Uraraka is different.
At least for this chapter, for now, Uraraka Ochaco is rising.
Edit; I made it Clear that i write this based on my personal opinion. Literally, every second of this post is "i think". Certain people use this to insult and harass me. It just shows what kind of people they are. If you disagree, make your own post without mentioning/making me involve in any way. Of course, if you want to debate about series with respect, i dont mind. I dont think being kind is too hard.
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luffythinker · 3 months
I think everyone in the LOV listens to doja cat,nicki minaj,megan thee stallion and anything related to that genre Himiko and Twice like dua lipa and Dabi is a Lady gaga stan so hard when Shoto listens to music all it is is Lady gaga and his class is confused cause he doesn't seem like the type but it's all Touya would play, Touyas favorite is bloody Mary and Shotos is bad romance or poker face the class is shocked very shocked
I AM SO GLAD YOU BROUGHT THAT UP because for some reason i have so many headcanons about their music taste
Not to invalidate you or anything but Twice is the one listening to female rap and he gets everybody on that train, we love him for it (you see that ass??? it's shaking to thot shit as we speak !)
Shigaraki is a barb (Nicki fan) u can't change my mind about that, he still thinks she's superior to every rap girlie meanwhile dabi is a hottie (Megan fan) so trust he and shiggy have gotten into huge arguments over who has the better album. during their big foot-hiss fight they weren't even speaking to each other because of stan twt rage
Now my girl Toga Himiko is a lesbian so she is all about women's music she will listen to Doja and she also likes to be problematic so she will say Scarlet is the best album ever meanwhile everyone knows it's still Planet Her, Toga also listens to Dua Lipa and Charli xcx (she has had brat on repeat for 2 weeks and her favorite song is girl so confusing cause ofc it is)
now about Dabi/Toya and Lady Gaga.... girl i can totally see that, he's one of those little monsters who criticized Joanne but still looped the album in secret (he also cried watching A Star Is Born but he will never admit to it), and yeah the fame monster and born this way are still his favorite eras
and Shoto being a little monster by osmosis is so fucking funny to mekjdjkdfjkdf because this totally would happen, I feel like all his music taste would come from Toya, from emo MCR phase to Lady Gaga, his only organic listen is Troye Sivan (bc duh gay kid)
anyway this got out of control, but i love you for bringing this up cause i love music, also i like every single artist mentioned here so i mean no shade or bad thing about them <333
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