#Ben Daimio x Alice Monaghan
madamebaggio · 11 months
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“Are you drinking? Why are you dressed like that?”
“I’m not working.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“You have it.”
“You can say my name as much as you want. I’m taking the day off. No dead people today.”
“There are tons of dead people today. Everyday. Not working is not an option.”
“I’d like to see you make me work.”
“Monaghan… Go. Back. To Work.”
“Make. Me.”
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mermaidmundane · 4 years
Hello I'd like to request some random headcannons about hellboy.
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Random hellboy headcannons 10 count
He kind of self-conscious about his fighting skills because none of the other agents truly taught him to fight.
He hates wearing socks because he loses traction with his hooves when he wears them.
Of all the movies he's watched he likes to watch the princess bride because of how cheesy and basic it is. Ge also liked robin wright.
He's More of a pie person than a cake person. He likes peanut butter pies, mudslide pies, and the old-fashioned cherry pie. He makes sure to pile on the whipped cream.
Hellboy really likes to listen to jazz music whenever he has the time. He also really likes to listen to the 30s music because that's what he was introduced to when he was younger and it reminds him of his dad.
He also has one of his dad's shirts and/or coats from when he passed just to have him in memory. Whenever he said he pulls it out and looks at all the holes and such from cigars.
Hellboy is a pan (fight me) he truly likes a person for being a person and doesn't mind what they want be sexually.
He subconsciously knows how to speak Latin. Don't ask him to speak Latin when he's conscious but every now and again when he's sleeping he'll speak a bit of Latin and have no memory of it.
Surprisingly enough hellboy cuts his own hair. He doesn't trust other people to touch his hair especially since they see him as a monster. He never gets to go outside so he learned how to cut his own hair.
Hellboy's most prized possessions that he owns is a small little dagger that him and his dad crafted when he was younger. He has his initials and carved in the dagger but it's hidden in a drawer.
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sp00kworm · 4 years
Rogue Feelings
Pairing: Hellboy x Male Reader
Warnings: Extremely Adult Content below the cut. 
A/N: This was a commission piece for @sleepy--bat​ who kindly allowed me to post this! I hope you all enjoy something a little...well very much adult haha. 
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“Have you seen Red?” You walked into the library with a huff, looking over at Alice as she turned another page of her book, studying, seemingly ignoring you, “Alice?”
Alice jumped in her seat, looking up from the book on the table with wide eyes as she finally looked at you, “Huh?” She snapped the book closed.
“I said, have you seen Red?” You asked again, resting against the doorway as you tried to get a look at what she was reading.
She was quick to hide the book from your prying eyes, “I haven’t seen him since yesterday.” She tucked the book under her hands and folded them over the title with a smile before sliding it into her lap and tucking her ponytail of dreadlocks back behind her shoulder.
“Oh, you haven’t?” You asked with a scowl, “Well Ben said you were the last one to see him.” You scoffed, “So I guess I’ll go back to Ben and tell him he’s a liar.” With a kick of your boot on the floor, you turned to go back and annoy the shifter again.
Alice sighed, and threw her head back with a groan, “Fine!” She grumbled before reaching for the book in her lap and tossing it on the table.
 ‘Demon Anatomy and the Cycles of Devils’
 “Alice what the fuck?” You asked as you sat at the table, “What does this have to do with where Hellboy is?”
The medium pushed her fingers together underneath her chin and smirked, “Well if you look at the pages that I bookmarked it might make a lot more sense.”
With a suspicious look you opened the book, “Alice there’s a lot of diagrams of penises here and not a lot of explanations.” You fumbled through the pages, half curious and half distraught at the amount of demon anatomy being thrust into your brain.
Alice stopped your flipping with a finger and tapped the chapter title with a laugh, “This one, love.” She teased as you looked down at the words.
‘Mating Cycles’
“You better be messing with me right now, Alice.” With an open mouth you looked up at the medium. You regretted looking.
A smirk was plastered on her face as she reached for the hot tea on the table. She took a sip, still smirking at you over the top of the mug, “Why would I joke about this?”.
“I don’t know, but its usually to mess with me or Ben.” You scolded as you glanced over the parts about binding a mate to themselves. An interesting read without the current woman in the room.
 Alice rolled her eyes, “Ben will tell you the same thing.” She rapped her fingers across the table before tilting her head, “Speak of the devil and he shall appear.”
Ben scowled at her as he entered, “The devil will be less inclined to kick your arse.” He snarled, the scars on his face twisting before he walked over to Alice, and placed his hands on the back of her chair with a growl, “You were supposed to be in simulation training forty-five minutes ago, Alice.”
“Cry me a river, cat-boy.” She spat back as she stood and flexed her fingers, fingering her knuckle dusters as she stood, spinning them teasingly at the soldier, “I’ll kick your arse for fun then come back and finish my cuppa.”
Ben scowled at her before looking at the book in your hands, “Perhaps you should be more inconspicuous about yours and Hellboy’s…activities?” He let out a laugh as you hid the book underneath your arms, “That or go and help the poor fucker. He’s a dick normally, but he was unbearable yesterday.” The were-jaguar grumbled as he pulled Alice from the room, “Sort him out.”
The two of them disappeared through the library doors once again and you let out a deep sigh as you looked back at the pages underneath your arms.
“He’s locked in his room!” Alice screamed from the corridor before Ben growled once more and steered her away to the training room, leaving you alone with your thoughts once more.
 Hellboy’s room was entirely reinforced alloy steel. Inches thick and rather unbreakable. It was like a vault, sealed tight to stop him breaking out or someone getting in. A prison was what he usually called it. You had to agree most of the time. It was like a super reinforced cell made just for him. However, usually it didn’t stop him from punching his way out of it for a night on the town. You banged a fist against the door and waited for a reply. Nothing. Silence.
“Red! I know you’re in there. I asked Jacob in security to check the cameras!” You shouted as you stood in the hallway, tapping your foot against the steel flooring as you waited for the demon to open his door.
You heard a thud and an annoyed groan, “Piss off!” Hellboy shouted from inside.
“Don’t you tell me to leave, Red! I’ve had enough of you as it is! Open this door right now or I swear to God I’ll get someone to unlock it for me!” You threatened as you knocked again, persistent in your hounding of the demon locked in his room.
You jumped as a bang sounded from the door, “Will you listen to me for once!?” Hellboy snarled from behind it, his voice muffled by the metal, “I ain’t feelin’ good and I don’t want you on the receiving end of this one!”
 He sounded tense, like he was struggling to control his temper.
“Alice and Ben are worried about you…I am too.” You pressed a hand to the door, “Ben said you were more of a dick than usual.” You joked as you listened to what was going on behind the door.
Hellboy was silent for a moment before he replied, “Well Ben is an asshole.” He grunted, “Maybe if you like Ben so much you should go bother him.”
“Now you’re being a brat you oversized tomato!” You thumped at the door again, “You know full well I only have eyes for you.”
“Well maybe you shouldn’t!” He declared before stomping back into his room, his loud footsteps disappearing in the direction of his bed.
“You great oaf.” You hissed before opening, unlocking your phone, and ringing the security room. Jacob picked up, “Yes?”
“Open his door for me.”
“You know that’s not…”
“Open. It.”
“Yes, Sir.”
 The great locks churned open, clunking before the great vault door swung open to reveal a trashed room inside. You stepped inside with a confused look and closed the door behind you with a slam.
“Red, I’m coming in whether you like it or not!” You announced as you stepped into his small lounge room. There was a lack of grinding noises, but the bathroom light was on and his sander still plugged into the wall. There was rubbish all over the floor of the lounge, mostly made up of smashed pieces of the table. You stepped over a cushion impaled with a table leg and moved to turn off the bathroom light. A great sigh came from behind Hellboy’s bedroom door, and you headed towards the large doorway, carefully picking your way back through the rubbish once more.
“Hellboy?” You asked, softly, gentle as you reached his door.
“Why can’t you just listen to me…” He grumbled from behind the door, “Always ignoring me…”
You opened the door, “I want to help…” Your mouth dropped open as you looked at the demon laid back across his bed, cheeks flushed almost purple as he rubbed at his head and tried to adjust his legs. He was half dressed, his bottom half covered in slack, soft, black jogging bottoms. There was a moment of silence between the two of you as you gazed at the picture before you. Your gaze lowered to the strained fabric over Hellboy’s crotch.
 “Well this is awkward.” Hellboy grunted as he sat back against his headboard, legs spread to stop his own large thighs from pressing against his genitals, “But since when do you listen to me, huh?”
“This is what all this drama was for? Because you’re in season or whatever?” You asked softly.
“Don’t say it like that.” Hellboy grumbled, “Makes me sound like some sort of animal. Which I’m not!” He snapped, his pointed tail swishing irritably by the side of his bed. His stone fist clenched rhythmically as his orange eyes looked up your body, raking over the tight uniform of the BRPD, which you had been forced to wear since arriving. Hellboy’s assistant. Most people called you his wrangler. The boy-toy. Hellboy tended to get handsy then, usually meaning one or more people ended up in the infirmary with broken noses.
“You’re being…” You stopped when he rolled over onto his side, hooves scrunched up, knees bent as he hid his face from you, his tail swishing grumpily, “Such a meathead, HB.”
The demon peered over his shoulder, hair spilling over his shoulder as he rolled himself back to face you, “Not the worst thing I’ve ever been called.”
 You stepped into the room as Hellboy’s orange eyes looked you up and down, admiring the tight shirt over you as you snapped the lock on his door. His red tail perked up with interest, debauched ideas streaming through his mind as he watched you walk towards the bed.
“You could have told me…” You whispered, reaching a hand towards his chest.
Hellboy felt his chest flutter underneath your warm hand and he reached for it with a low rumble, clutching the fingers with his human hand, keeping your touch on his skin, “Its not entirely normal, babe.” He rumbled as your fingers threaded through the fur down his stomach. He caught your hand before it could reach the waistband of his joggers.
“But its part of you, Red, and I love every part of you.” You promised as you let him just hold your hand. He placed your palm against his cheek and smiled as your fingers rubbed against his sideburns. You threaded your fingers into his facial hair as you moved to sit by him on the bed, perched on the edge.
Hellboy shuffled back from you, recoiling, his right-hand grazing against your wrist, but not holding you, just pushing your hands back, “This ain’t a good idea.” His tail snapped like a whip against the bedding, “You could get hurt. It was bad enough last year in Mexico. I thought I was gonna…”
“Kill somebody?” You offered with a half-smile. You pressed your hands against his stone palm and rubbed at it softly, trying to sooth the worry coiling in every muscle of the demon.
 Hellboy rumbled again as your finger wandered over the stone of his arm, stroking the swirling patterns over the hellish coloured rock. You passed the top of the rock, just below his elbow and connected with his skin, gently circling the red skin, feeling the tension in his bicep as his breathing fluttered.
“Stop that.” Hellboy whispered, “You don’t know how hard this already is, sweets.” He plucked away your touch again and levelled his orange gaze at you, “I don’t wanna hurt you.” He insisted, “And I’ve never…I’ve never rode this thing out with another person! I don’t know what I’m capable of or…” He shouted until your finger pressed over his lips.
“Are you done worrying now?” You asked as you flopped yourself against his chest, feeling the burning heat of him through your uniform, “Because I know that you won’t do anything to hurt me.” You insisted as Hellboy wrapped his arms around you tight, pressing you against his front, your head resting on his pectorals.
“You ain’t listening to me is my problem.” He grumbled as his tail reached to coil around your waist, the end poking against your skin. The demon held you possessively, “But…I’m.” He groaned in exasperation, “Fine. You can have your way then.” He relented, sagging back against the cushions, throwing his stone arm up into the pile as you grinned down at him.
 “You might want to get undressed before we start.”  Hellboy purred underneath you, the words whispered, dark and deliciously, against your cheek. You shuddered against him as his hand moved down your back, following the curve of your back before he squeezed at the flesh of your backside.
“You want me out of my clothes that badly, Red?” You teased as the demon underneath you rumbled, enjoying your attention as you laid your hands on his chest again and rubbed at the hair on his chest, fingers teasing over his nipples, watching his red skin go flush with a myriad of purple tinted red. It was a puce colour, a red mixed with purple, almost brown. Puce suggested it was a foul look for him. It was anything but. The bright flush on his cheeks and chest was endearing. The embarrassment suited him. You pushed against Hellboy’s chest, leaning back, slotting your hips against his own as you settled yourself back comfortably before you stood up from him, swinging your leg over his hips, escaping his grabbing hands.
“I wanna rip you out of it all.” He growled, watching as you kicked your shoes and socks off. You pulled your jacket off with a smirk and then tugged your shirt off, revealing your skin to his hungry orange eyes. He didn’t move from the bed, sprawled back, fiddling with the elastic of his waistband as you unbuckled your belt and slid it free from the trouser loops. Your bottoms followed as you shimmied them off your legs and kicked them into the pile with the rest of your clothing.
 “Somehow those briefs look hotter than they ever have.” Hellboy groaned as he pushed his jogging bottoms down, revealing his hard cock and thick thighs.
You laughed at the desperation in his tone, “They’re no different than usual.” With a hum you followed him in pulling at the elastic from around your hips, giving the demon a peak at your crotch before you tugged them back into place and placed your hands on the edge of his bed, leaning over, peering at him as he touched himself.
“Are you really just going to stand there?” He huffed at your smile, “I wouldn’t mind a bit of help.” He all but purred as your hand squeezed at his left arm’s bicep, admiring the squash of the muscle underneath your fingertips.
“I might just pull up a chair.” You whispered hotly, teasingly, before you reached for his bottoms and eased the soft fabric down his thighs, watching Hellboy flinch as your fingers grazed his skin.
“If you pull up a chair, I think I might drag you out of it.” He promised as he tugged his hooves from the clothing and fisted his dick again, squeezing the base of his erection with a shuddering breath.
“I know you would, Red.” You chuckled as you sat on his thighs.
 Hellboy grumbled at your underwear, a stone finger slipping under the elastic of your pants before he grazed the rough texture over the curve of your ass, “Take these off.” He grunted as his hips thrust upwards, jarring you against his thighs, his red cock bobbing, even though it was still enclosed in his fist, “Please.” Hellboy whispered as you knelt on your knees and tugged the fabric down, awkwardly wiggling upwards to get your legs out of the holes. Hellboy took your underwear in his hand and grinned smugly as he pressed the crotch of it to his nose before tucking them under his pillow for safe keeping.
“You’re gross.” You were cut short and whined as his fingers clutched at the meat of your ass again, human and stone, grinding into the flesh as he dragged you up his legs, meeting your hips in a rough, jarring slide.
“You love it, baby boy.” Hellboy rumbled as he pressed his lips against your neck, grinding his nose into the flesh between your neck and shoulders, inhaling deeply against your skin. You shuddered at the name. Hellboy gave you a hot kiss as you melted against his chest, his facial hair rubbing against your skin as you wrapped your arms tightly around his neck, opening your mouth to his advances. Your tongues met in a wet exchange before he domineered the kiss, demanding rights to explore your mouth. Happily, you complied to his control, one hand easing down his chest, kneading at his chest, squashing the large pectorals as you continued to kiss.
 You pulled away for air far too quickly for your own liking, the desperation to breathe making you whine at the demon.
Hellboy grinned up at you, looking at your flushed face and swollen lips. He leaned up to bite at the skin and tugged on your bottom lip with another growl, “One nickname and you’re already ruined. What happened to all that bravado, baby boy?” He purred darkly as the fingers of his stone hand gripped your ass tightly, leaving grazes on your skin as his human hand reached to stroke your cock, “I think its my turn to wind you up…” He hummed against your neck before watching your own fingers wrap around his cock, both hands squeezing rhythmically around his shaft. It was too large for both to cover completely, the end weeping in his desperation to fuck something other than his own hand.
“Fuck I can’t…” He moaned as your hands trailed up and then down in a featherlight touch, “I’ve been fucking my own hand since yesterday to the idea of this. The idea of fucking you has…” Hellboy’s orange eyes burned as you squeezed the tip of his cock. Fangs snarled at you as you pulled away, red lips peeled backwards in a harsh display before his pointed ears shifted up and down, “Fuck!” He cursed as his cock twitched in his own lap, clear precum clinging to the hair down his stomach.
 “Hellboy…Do you have lube?” You asked, half delirious as he commandeered your lips again, exchanging spit once more before he gathered himself.
The demon heaved a deep breath with another snarl before his stone hand slammed at his nightstand, “Shit!” He cursed before he held you up with the stone hand and searched with his other in the mess of items from the drawer. After a moment, he sat back in the cushions, and held up a bottle of lubricant with his thumb and finger. He was quick to snatch your wrists with the stone hand, gripping them in front of you tightly as he spread his own thighs, spreading your legs wide, opening your cheeks to the fingers of his other hand. They sought your entrance, already slick with the lubricant, a moment later. You never even heard him open the top of the bottle.
“You ready, baby boy?” He asked, eyes full of lust but serious and in the moment.
You nodded and relaxed over his legs as a finger massaged at the tight ring of muscle, gentle as he eased his way inside, one finger at a time. One long finger stretched you open, and you clenched around the thick finger, breathing as evenly as you could manage. You squeezed at his stone fingers your mouth open as you let out a breathy moan. A second finger breached you a few moments later, pumping just as gently as the first, easing you open a little more. The third was a surprise and you gave a great moan as Hellboy popped it inside.
“You sure about this?” He asked again.
You gave another shuddering moan, “If you don’t shut up and…”
“Got it baby.” He teased as he grazed a bundle of nerves inside of you.
 Hellboy’s finger’s slid free, leaving you feeling empty.
“Hellboy.” You whined as you were pulled forwards, your dick grazing against his own. You thrust your hips against his own and opened your mouth to receive another messy kiss as he growled, fangs bruising your lips. He turned the fangs against your neck and purred in delight at the blood and bruises welling under your skin. A dexterous tail slid around your waist, holding you up as Hellboy poured lube over his cock, fisting his dick as he quickly spread the lubricant over himself.
“Shh, baby.” He rumbled as he slid his cock between your buttocks. The head grazed your entrance before he slid home, slowly easing you down on his demonic sized dick. The lubricant eased the way dramatically and your thighs smacked with a wet slap as you paused over the root of his dick, already feeling a little too full. He snarled underneath you and held your hips steady before he eased his own hips up the last few inches, impaling you fully on his cock. Your moan made his ears twitch and the demon smirked as you sat there in his lap, stuffed full, wet eyed and asking for him to move. He did after a moment, hips snapping upwards as his stone hand gripped your waist and dragged you up and down, impaling you repeatedly on his dick. Words seemed to escape the two of you and you whined for another kiss as he started a snapping, heavy rhythm, in and out of you.
 “Hellboy…” You moaned as you pulled away from his heavy, addictive kisses, “I want you to come inside me.”
Hellboy growled, his head pressed to your chest, pointed tongue licking at your nipples as he ground his sanded horn stumps into your muscles, “Fuck yeah.” He cursed as his cock twitched inside of you, “I don’t…I don’t know how much…” You kissed him before he could finish and gripped his long hair as his hips stuttered and so did your own. His hand sought your cock between your legs, stroking you as you took him to the root, moaning into his mouth as your cum splattered against his stomach. Hellboy let out a growl, then a moan, before he pushed your hips down further, fingers gripping your ass as his cock twitched and fired a heavy load of cum straight inside of you.
“Fuck…” He cursed again as his orange eyes went lidded, another shot of semen pouring inside of you as you felt your entrance go tight.
“Shit!” You reached for his cock and moaned as the feeling of a sharp barb tugged inside of you, “Is…Is that a barb?” You whined as Hellboy’s hips moved, another drip of cum searing inside of you before he managed to realise what had happened. A few soft barbs and an inflated knot at the base of his cock held the two of you together.
“Oh shit!” He cursed as you shuddered in his lap, “Baby, I swear, I did not know that would happen.” He appeared sheepish once more, his face flushed with a familiar purple tinted red as he held you tight against his front, stroking your face gently, trying to soothe you.
 The demon beneath you peered down in shock as you started to laugh, “Uh? Babe? You okay?” He asked as he tilted your chin upwards.
You whined softly as you moved your hips but settled against his plush chest happily, tracing your fingers through his hair, “I have no idea you had a knot…” You trailed off as he shuddered, “Looks like we’re stuck for a while in any case, but before I…” You yawned, “Before I fall asleep. I love you, Hellboy and nothing like this, nothing about you, could ever put me off or send me running, because you’re perfect just the way you are.” You kissed his chin and settled down, watching his eyes go wide before he sniffed, cringing, and hiding a tear as he returned your kiss.
“You’re too good for me.” He grumbled into your hair, “I love you too.”
You smiled against his skin and kissed at his blush.
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babesapiensstuff · 5 years
Random idea: Hellboy's SO learning to walk in ridiculosly high heels for the sole purpose of reaching his face better so they can cover him in kisses more easily.
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"Damn these shoes." You said adjusting the shoes to fit comfortably. The pumps themselves had to 6 inches taller than you were use to. Shuffling on the floor to keep balance, you kept practicing. One step * trip* slamming to the floor.
"Fuck!" You said hitting the floor. Rubbing your knees that were all skidded up from all the previous falls. You continued to just sit there until a you heard a knock on the door. Hellboy invited himself in.
" Whoa baby why are you on the floor? Why do those things even exist!?" He said pointing at your heels. You tried taking them off before hellboy could get to you but it was too late. He already had picked you up and sat your bed, placing you on his lap. He tried untangling the heels.
" Oh my gosh this is a trap!" He exclaimed. He managed to get them off your bruised and blistered feet. You rubbed your feet avoiding eye contact.
" Why are you wearing heels THIS big?" He asked. Bashfully you looked away before saying.
" I'm too small and I really want kisses. You're big and I feel bad when you have to lean over to give me kisses. So I thought I'd wear these to give you kisses."
He chuckled and hugged you.
" You're crazy if you think these are gonna work!" He said showing you the shoes. You got up from his lap he stood aswell.
" Hmm I have an idea..." He said before picking you so that you two we're eye level. He gave you a little peck and put you back down.
" Better?" He asked.
" Eh needs work but it should help a bit." You said hugging him.
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ghostlybelladonnas · 5 years
so i guess i’m the first and only person who ships ben daimio and alice monaghan from hellboy but at least i’ll get to say i’m the og shipper for once
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Hellboy Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses | ScreenRant
Just thinking about Hellboy attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is anxiety-inducing for any educator. You think the Weasley twins and Harry Potter stirred up enough shenanigans? At least they didn't blast down any of the castle walls or shoot any of the dragons at the Triwizard Tournament with Big Baby.
RELATED: 5 Ways The Hellboy Reboot Is Better Than The Original (& 5 Ways It’s Worse)
Still, there's something incredibly fun about imagining HB, Liz Sherman, Abe Sapien and the rest of the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense all attending Hogwarts together, maybe as part of their defensive training or maybe to learn a bit of magic, which should come in handy up against Anubis, Baba Yaga and Hitler himself.
10 Hellboy: Gryffindor
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Those who think this half-demon, half-human being belongs to Slytherin just because of his heritage simply haven't met him. HB is the kind of person to charge right in without thinking, with either his five-fingered Mary or gun pointed ahead for the sake of the adventure. He will take on just about anyone by the seat of his pants, not only to get the job done but for the glory of it all.
Movie-Hellboy isn't supposed to be seen or heard by people, but he's dying for the recognition he deserves for doing a job well done. Comic-HB can be much lazier at times, but he's just as fearless and willing to charge a monster at any moment's notice.
9 Liz Sherman: Hufflepuff
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Liz is a harder person to place: sometimes the lure of her powers consumes her, much like a Slytherin, and she's proven herself to be the bravest person in the room, often the only one who can save everyone, like a Gryffindor. She's one of the most introspective people on the team, a true Ravenclaw quality, but it's her loyalty and dedication to not only the BPRD but the human race that makes Liz a Hufflepuff.
RELATED: 10 X-Men Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses
Liz is constantly exiling herself from the Bureau for causing damage that she did not mean to cause with her pyrokinesis, yet she always returns because she's either needed or finds herself doing the same outside the B.P.R.D. This makes her one of the most torn people in the entire Hellboy universe.
8 Abe Sapien: Ravenclaw
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There's no doubt that Abe is a Ravenclaw to the core. Why else would David Hyde Pierce voice the character? In all seriousness, Abe finds the pursuit of knowledge to be one of the most worthwhile uses of his time. He wasn't only a Victorian scientist in his previous life, but an empath, thereby making him a master of both intellectual and emotional intelligence.
Abe definitely does have qualities from other houses, such as his incredible hand-to-hand combat abilities, particularly those underwater, in the comic books, but Ravenclaw is where he would be best suited and most happy.
7 Agent Manning: Slytherin
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Duplicitous Agent Thomas Manning is one heck of a Slytherin, duping the American people at large on national television to keep Hellboy a secret while simultaneously bribing and shaming Hellboy to do what he wants. In the comics, he had a bomb put into someone's chest to purposefully go off should the person become hostile, but he did later admit that it wasn't his call.
RELATED: The Goonies Sorted Into Hogwarts Houses
Comic-Manning isn't nearly as prideful and cruel as movie-Manning, but he definitely struggles between being a leader and following the orders of his superiors. Movie-manning is all about his own selfish desires.
6 Agent Myers: Slytherin
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Another B.P.R.D. agent who likely belongs in Slytherin House is John Myers, an audience surrogate created for the first del Toro Hellboy film. Myers comes off as a "Boy Scout" at times, making him appear to be a loyal Hufflepuff, but he makes his true intentions known when he seeks out Liz Sherman, with whom he becomes interested in upon seeing her with Hellboy.
Not only does Myers know that his charge is already in love with Liz, but he also knows that she's self-committed into a facility and doesn't want to return to the B.P.R.D. He doesn't care. He sees her, wants her and pursues her, all for naught.
5 Johann Kraus
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More likable in the comics than in his film role in Hellboy 2: The Golden Army, Johann Kraus is a Ravenclaw who pursues knowledge not only through academic pursuits, but through psychic ones, which might make him good friends with Luna Lovegood as a student. Kraus speaks multiple languages and is very organized, so the Ravenclaw House would help him flourish and become a better agent.
RELATED: Rick Grimes: Comics Vs. TV Show
Like the other agents, Kraus does have multiple abilities that could place him in other houses, most notably his well-liked personality and great interpersonal skills, which might make him suitable for Hufflepuff as well.
4 Professor Broom: Ravenclaw
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Professor Trevor Bruttenholm walks a fine line between the Ravenclaw and Slytherin Houses, depending on which incarnation is being presented. John Hurt's Broom is almost all Ravenclaw, while Ian McShane's is much more Slytherin-prone. When comic--Bruttenholm is averaged with his film counterparts, he is mostly a Ravenclaw at heart.
The academic doctor is an occult expert who graduated from Oxford University. He's the reason why Hellboy wasn't destroyed on sight, and while his motive could be chalked up to fatherly instinct, it was also out of his keen intellect: he knew there was more to the demon child than meets the eye.
3 Ben Daimio: Gryffindor
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Militaristic Ben Daimio was a Marine in a past life before he was taken out and cursed with shape-shifting abilities, and it's an experience that still guides him when he works for the B.P.R.D. Blunt, direct and always acting with a preference of action and force rather than diplomacy, Daimio is a Gryffindor.
RELATED: The Ultimate Hellboy Gift Guide
Daimio doesn't care about his looks or his own safety, as he has often demonstrated, and it would appear that he's never sought out reconstructive surgery after his attack that left him without an ear. His were-jaguar form is much more sinister in the comics, resulting in the loss of many agents, which leaves him with heavy guilt.
2 Alice Monaghan: Gryffindor
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In the Hellboy reboot, Alice is a gutsy young woman who always wants to be along for the ride, even at great personal danger. The psychic is snarky and funny, and if developed in a better film, could be a really cool addition to the B.P.R.D. As it stands, she's a Gryffindor who risks her life to help Hellboy, who helped her as an infant.
In the comics, the Irish woman, who always appeared to have not aged much due to her time among the fairies, took up the duty as fairy protector after Nimue took out Queen Mab, choosing to remain with the fae.
1 Kate Corrigan: Ravenclaw
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One of the biggest losses of the Hellboy films was the lack of Kate Corrigan, one of Red's closest friends and the most practical, wise person on the team. An academic at heart, Dr. Corrigan is a history professor who begins as a consultant for the B.P.R.D. The author of over a dozen books on the occult, Corrigan is a huge asset to the team, but she doesn't want to get into the field.
Ultimately it's Hellboy who convinces his friend to join the team in field operations, which takes ten years for him to do, and she is shaken upon seeing him in action. She's still quite gutsy and comes in handy in action, as fans have seen when she's appeared in the Hellboy animated features.
NEXT: The 10 Biggest Differences Between Hellboy Comics & Films
source https://screenrant.com/hellboy-characters-sorted-hogwarts-houses/
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madamebaggio · 2 years
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“Are you seriously staring at my abs now?”
“They’re kind of great.”
“I can’t believe you. I’ve just turned into a merciless beast…”
“I told you I liked cats.”
“And you’re more concerned with objectifying me?”
“I’m not objectifying you!”
“You’re still staring at my abs!”
“I mean… Look at them.”
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madamebaggio · 3 years
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“Oh please. We all know I’m your favorite.”
“Because it’s either you or Hellboy. My options are pretty limited.”
“Say whatever you want, Thundercat.”
“Do not... Don’t call me that.”
“It’s a cool name.”
“Nothing about this is ‘cool’.”
“Were you always so...”
“Focused? Professional? Mature?”
“Boring. Grumpy. You.”
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madamebaggio · 3 years
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“Admit you’ve missed me.”
“I don’t lie.”
“Come on. You know you missed me.”
“I have no idea…”
“Should I ask the spirits around us?”
“You can’t do that… Can you?”
“If you just admitted…”
“There’s nothing to admit!”
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madamebaggio · 4 years
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Notes: I’m convinced they’d be a ship if we got a second “Hellboy”, but... The first one was bad enough.
“Were you raised on a barn?” Ben rolled his eyes. “Have you ever heard of knocking?”
“Sorry.” Alice rolled her eyes. “I told you I was coming.”
“And I was waiting for you to knock.”
Alice snorted and dropped her bag on the second bed. “Stop hiding yourself like a damsel. Go change in the bathroom. I promise I won’t peek.”
Ben glared at her. “You’ve been spending too much time with your red friend. You used to be more polite.” He called over his shoulder before closing the door after himself.
“Are you sure?” She called after him.
She was pretty sure she heard him chuckling to himself in there.
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mermaidmundane · 4 years
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Imagine arguing with your mom Liz.
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babesapiensstuff · 5 years
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mermaidmundane · 5 years
Hellboy DRUNK headcannons 15 count
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It started with some mindless day drinking. He'd have to because human liquor takes him awhile to feel buzzed. He'd have to drink half a bar to get drunk and stay drunk for awhile.
He's a very social drinker. He likes to go out with the other agents and really have a time. Everyone's drunk so I don't think anyone would remember a demon in the bar.
He likes to play some of his " real" music and jam out. By jam out it means dance all sloppy and messy. He thinks he's really hitting off but most people are worried he's gonna hit the floor soon.
Mexico is his favorite place to drink. They have the best tequila and he likes meeting the locals. He's been there so much the bartender knows exactly what he wants when he walks through the door. He typically goes with some of his agent buddies, not a big crowd.
One time in Mexico he got a little too crazy and he didn't know how he scrounged the money up but the next morning he woke up to a shiny new tattoo. He didn't even remember leaving the bar but there he had wicked stars on his hip.
He vowed not to drink after that but that was only the beginning. He's wound up in any situation possible. Passed out in a corn field?, outside a 7/11?, In another country?, He's crashed at Alice's place more then once. She makes sure to mess with him.
He doesn't really call people when drunk because he tends to break his phone. If anything he'll go up to you and tell you how much you mean to him. He knows his limit but constantly tries to out drink it.
Some people online shop but hellboy he goes out to adopt. He ends up looking sober enough to adopt a few kittens from the local pet shelter. That's basically where half his cats came from. From him drunk adopting.
He's also a lovey dovey drunk. If his S/O walked in on him plastered he'd be one to tell them how much he thinks their pretty or cute. He'd be one to try and get some drunk smooches. It's absolutely hilarious to you because he can't even see half the time.
He does get a bit frisky when he's drunk. He tried to be all seductive with you but looked like a fool. Taking off leather pants is just as hard as putting them on. He'd be stumbling on the floor trying to crawl to you.
He's an absolute mess to take care of. He'd need help brushing his teeth before bed. Telling the man not to take a shower because he'll drown. He'd still try but you'd have to steer this man child away from harm. He's pretty sloppy as a drunk.
He's also a sensitive drunk. He'd cry if one of the little kittens fell over. You've never seen hellboy be so emotional. It was quite funny but kinda sad. You'd comfort his sad drunk self and reassure him everything is ok.
He's a mad cuddler while drunk. This man radiates even more heat while drunk. He likes wrapping his tail around your body and trying to snuggle up to you. This man got a death grip when drunk.
He detects mood changes easily. If you sternly told him to go to bed he'd be like. " Baby are you mad at me" bring on the water works.
After telling him you weren't mad and that he was drunk he'd ask again. It would be a little loop of reassuring him that your not mad until he'd pass out.
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mermaidmundane · 5 years
Hellboy xBody worshipping S/O Headcannons 15 Count
I got inspired by another Tumblr about hellboys body worshipping S/o and I just want to add more to their idea. Idea from lxmonster-mashlx.
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He's not the average size man. He's well aware of how big he is compared to normal human men. This could go off as a size kink because big men equal big love. You absolutely love trying to be big spoon when cuddling. He tries to shrink himself but you will have none of it. You do everything in your power to cradle that man.
He's never had someone date him and stick around so he doesn't know what to expect. When he walked in on you wearing his XXXL BPRD shirts that looked like a dress on you, he was stunned. " Hey Y/N why you wearing my shirt?"- hellboy..... " Cuz your my man and I'm yours baby, might as well claim me" said in a singy song voice.
He would degrade his face from time to time and so you'd be right there to trace his face. Reassuring him that you love his face and it's beautiful all before pressing your forehead against his and giving little kisses.
If he was particularly down on himself you'd point out the more specific things about him you physically find attractive. Like how his eyes are like bright embers that look like a dewy sun. How his horns imperfectly perfect for his face. How contagious his smile is. Then going into his personal traits that you love.
His personal traits like his strength and determination to save the world. You make sure to point out how kind he is to people, even the people who are considered "freaks". You tell him how adorable he sounds when he baby talks animals.
On particularly rough days after a failed mission or hard mission, he gets really low. He doesn't like talking much during this time but he very much loves when you hum to him or sing. Typically with that you brush out his hair or trace down his chest or sit on his lap while doing one of two things. Something about the physical touching makes him calm down a bit before talking about stuff.
Hella compliments about how he did his hair that day or his horns. You'd compliment him on his outfit even if he wore it three days a row. Or what a babe he is. " I can't really do anything about the face babe" - hellboy. "Honey you can change your clothes and change your hair, the rest you have to live with so why not embrace it." -Y/N
Boy got muscles for days and actually prides himself on how strong he is physically. It's the perks of demon strength. If you were ok with it, he'd love to work out with you. Of course doing the strong show offy stuff or pulling stunts in training. He likes to show off that's when he's most confident and his strength is one of those confidence things. You make sure to maximize on how strong he's and coo at his little show off moments.
Most people think his feet are weird and he tries to hide them. When you first saw them you practically squealed. He thought it was out of disgust until you began gushing how cute he was. This was just another unique feature of hellboy. He'd sit down and you'd gush over how handsome and adorable he is. He didn't believe you actually liked his feet until you showed up with knitted socks fit just for his hooves.
Don't even get started on the tail. He thought it was a bit of a nuisance because it occasionally got in the way but that tail was done for when you saw it. You'd be standing next him twirling his tail. Sometimes he'd wrap his tail around your hand to get you to stop. When it came to hugs you remind him how much you love how his tail subconsciously wraps around your leg. Much to hellboys embarrassment.
" Babe why do you like how weird I am? I'm not normal..." Hellboy said solemnly. "Why try to be like everyone else when no one can be like you, weird and abnormal are just adjectives used to describe things. They are add ons to nouns, just like beautiful, unique, and amazing."- Y/N
Eventually the compliments got to him and he started to believe in them. In order to change a mind you have to the way of thinking. He started complimenting himself on new outfits or if he filed his horns just right. You were basically required to wear one of his shirts nightly. He loved how cute you looked in them and how it was a way of him saying your his.
You'd catch him repeating your positive affirmations about himself. He even started creating some for himself. You could tell he had a little more pep in his step because he stopped caring what people would say to him about his features.
He knew he had you to love him up when things got rough and he loved making sure you were aware of the fact that you are beautiful. He'd remind you of all the best things you did that day or your features or quirks he thinks are cute.
He's warming up to the idea of his face looking ok but he really loves when you create new ways to describe his eyes. The embers of the sun, goey butterscotch sundae, badass volcano, pure firey gold, and calming sunsets. He couldn't imagine anyone describing just his eyes that way until you showed up.
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babesapiensstuff · 5 years
Manning: Everyone act normal.
Alice: you want us to be normal? We got a scuba spooks from the 1800's, fire babe, fish boi, above land demon, the premier of cats on command, and most importantly modern day spooks whisper.
Abe: fish man...
Hellboy: above land demon as opposed to below ground?
Ben: bout to be a ghost buster.
Liz: true.
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babesapiensstuff · 5 years
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Abe is up for more conversations don't be shy!
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