#Benefits Of Geriatric Care Managers
momlovesyoubest · 4 months
Sell Benefits Not Features to Wealth Managers
 Sell Benefits, not Features to Wealth Managers to Grow your Bottom Line Selling benefits, not features, to wealth managers is a key to great marketing. Do you know how you do that? When you market Geriatric care management, what makes the sale is ” What’s in it for me, the 3rd party?”. “Benefits answer that question for your targets. Learn how to make an excellent marketing presentation that…
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therealcocoshady · 4 months
Lilly and Marshall go out in a public setting and paparazzi start taking lots of pictures and this has never happened to Lilly before so she’s flipping out and Marshall goes into protective dad mode
Author’s Note : thank you for your request ❤️. I always have fun writing about Marshall & Lily ✨. Here is the fic, I hope you enjoy it !
Protective DILF
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Being pregnant with twins wasn’t going to be easy, especially when it’s a « geriatric pregnancy ». That’s what the doctors explained when they told Y/N and Marshall that they were expecting not one, but two babies. And as the pregnancy progressed, it turned out to be true : it was exhausting carrying twins and dealing with the symptoms. Marshall’s wife was told to rest as much as possible, even though it was definitely easier said than done with Lily, who was demanding a lot of attention. They’d been told it was normal, but ever since she learned that she was going to be a big sister, she tended to be less independent, seeking her parents’ help and attention for most things. Thankfully, Marshall kept true to his word to be there for every step of the pregnancy and he was as present as necessary for everyone. Since Y/N was put on bedrest, he was the one dealing with taking Lily to school, picking her, taking her to her various activities, as well as managing the entire household. Thank God Lily was an easy child with a good temper, because he had a lot on his plate. And he definitely didn’t need the drama that was about to take place.
Lily had been pestering him about going to Chuck E. Cheese. It was one of her favorite places and, usually, Y/N went with her, but she didn’t have the energy. Plus, their little one was really into the trampoline section and it was definitely not ideal for an expecting mother. So it now fell upon him and it did take some convincing from his wife and older daughters but he ended up taking her. At first, he considered paying to have the place closed and avoid attention, but Y/N reminded him that the purpose of such a place was for their little girl to socialize with other children. He ended up reviewing logistics with his security team, picking a day of the week where the place would not be busy and agreeing that two guards would be waiting in a car outside, ready to intervene at any moment should anyone discover that he was there. Y/N questioned the need for security altogether but he insisted. Call it a gut feeling, parental instinct or straight up paranoia, but he felt more at ease having security around. He usually didn’t bother being escorted when it came to everyday life, but it wasn’t the usual errands in their neighborhood where everyone knew them, so it actually made sense to him. If it were just him, he wouldn’t care, but he wouldn’t take any risk regarding Lily.
His baby girl had a blast at Chuck E. Cheese, jumping around and playing games. He was happy to see her all giddy and smiling, cherishing the last moments with her as the baby of the household. Him and Y/N would never neglect her for the benefit of the babies, but he knew they would have their hands full and that moments like these would be more rare. Lily was jumping on the trampoline with a few other kids while he was sipping on some Diet Coke, texting Y/N that everything was going great when a Mom came to him.
- Hi, she said with a bright smile. Is the little girl over there yours ?
- Hi, he replied, looking up from his phone. Yeah, actually. Did something happen ? Did she fall ?
- No, relax, she said with a laugh. She’s actually super cute. She’s playing with my son over there.
- Oh, ok, he said.
- I’m Sandy, she said as she extended her hand. Marshall, is it ?
- Indeed, he said politely.
- It’s so nice to meet you, she continued. I’ve been a fan for years. Mind if I take a selfie of us ?
She already had her phone in hand, ready to take the damn selfie before he could even refuse. She was nice and rather polite and, usually, he would oblige, but he was in a Chuck E. Cheese, with his daughter nearby and now was definitely not the time to take selfies with fans, regardless of how nice they were. He immediately stopped her with a move of his hand.
- I appreciate it, Sandy, but I’d rather not take selfies now, he said as he tried to keep his composure. It’s a family place, I’m with my kid, I’m sure you understand.
- Right, she said. Sorry. I didn’t know you had a younger one. Or that you’re married…
She was looking intently at his wedding band. When he made public appearances, he made sure to take it off (in fact, his team had an explicit order to remind him) but, other than that, he wore it all the time. He immediately put his hand in his pocket.
- Well… Privacy, he simply said. That has nothing to do with hip-hop, you know ?
- Your wife is lucky, she said with a seductive grin. It’s a shame that…
- DADDY ! Lily called him, saving him from the interaction that was growing unpleasant.
- Excuse me, he said politely.
He immediately walked over to his little one, thankful that she called him when she did. She wanted to go to the tube and tunnels area with him and he happily obliged. He focused his undivided attention on Lily and soon forget about Sandy. So much so that he didn’t notice her snapping a picture of him, waiting for Lily to go down the slide. About thirty minutes later, one member of his security team came to see him.
- Mr Mathers ?
- Yeah, John ? He asked. What are you doing inside ? What’s wrong ?
- There’s an… issue, the guard said. Someone tipped off the media, there’s about ten reporters out front. We need to leave.
- Fuck, Marshall sighed. Alright. Lily, come here baby, we’re going home.
- No, Daddy, I want to stay here a little longer, the little one said with pleading eyes. We’re having fun.
- I know bug, but we’ve been here for a while now, he said. Time to go.
He tried not to communicate his anxiety to his daughter. He could see the place’s staff at the entrance, no doubt talking about the reporters. The last thing he wanted was to cause a scene. He just wanted to avoid Lily’s picture being taken.
- What do we do ? He asked the guard.
- I took the liberty to call for a couple more colleagues, just in case, John explained. They’ll be here in ten minutes. Once they arrive, I’ll walk you to the car. I think we should ask the manager if we can use the back exit.
- Good, Marshall said. Lily, put on your shoes, ok ?
- What’s wrong, Daddy ? She asked, sensing that he was nervous.
- There’s a couple of reporters outside, he calmly explained. Remember when I told you about people possibly bugging us ? We’re going to go to the car in a few minutes, and I’m going to need you to listen to me, baby. You do as I say, alright ?
His daughter nodded, nervously glancing at the door. There was a crowd, starting to gather, causing panic among the staff, and it was starting to be noisy. He took off his hoodie and his hat and put them on her. He wanted to hide her face as much as possible.
- I can’t see, Daddy, she complained.
- Just keep these on until we’re in the car, baby, he directed.
When John told him they could go, he carried Lily and they attempted to take the emergency exit, though some reporters were there as well. They retreated inside, the situation starting to get on his nerves. John offered to take Lily with him while Marshall walked to the car with another guard but the little one protested. The noise was starting to freak her out and, as soon as Marshall tried to hand her to John, she started crying.
- Daddy, no, come back ! She almost screamed.
- Baby, it’s just for two minutes, I’ll meet you in the car, he said as reassuringly as he could.
- Don’t leave, she cried. Daddy !
She was starting to sniffle and panic and he knew he couldn’t leave her like this. He held her close and tried to soothe her, tracing circles on her back.
- I’m scared, she whispered.
- I know, he said. It’s scary. But I’m taking care of it, ok ?
His team brought the car as close as they could to the exit and he sent one of them to ask the press not to swarm them. They seemed to reach an agreement, saying they just wanted pictures of him and that they would leave his child alone. He hated the idea of being photographed anyway, but this seemed like a decent deal : at least, Lily’s face wouldn’t be out there. He would allow them to take a pic of him once Lily was in the car. They finally managed to step outside as he was holding Lily who was hidden in his hat and hoodie, face buried in his neck. The reporters were asking questions about her, who she was, if he had her with Kim, but at least, they didn’t snap any pictures. He stayed silent, though, refusing to comment. He was strapping Lily in her carseat when he heard a flash. He immediately slammed the car door shut and turned, only to see a paparazzi holding a lens way too close. He instantly grabbed the camera and dropped it on the ground. The man protested, complaining about the price of his equipment but he couldn’t care less.
- I hope you have good dental insurance, Marshall warned.
- You’re not hitting me, the man taunted. We already have pics of your kid, we’ll publish them anyw-
- LEAK ONE PIC OF HER AND I’LL FUCKING DESTROY YOU, he threatened as he grabbed him by the collar. NOW YOU LEAVE US THE FUCK ALONE !
The conflict started to escalade and his bodyguards had to intervene, to protect both him and the paparazzi. He was ready to throw some fists and almost forgot that Lily was able to see the whole scene from the car. John talked some sense into him and he got in the backseat, sitting next to his freaked out daughter, letting his security drive. He helped her take his hat off, examining her tear-stained face.
- It’s alright, babygirl, he said softly. We’re safe.
- You scared me, Daddy ! She said. You screamed real, real loud.
- I know, baby, I’m sorry, he said apologetically. But I’m not letting anyone taking your picture. Because I don’t want anyone bugging you.
She nodded and he held her hand for the rest of the drive, trying to manage his own anger. If Lily had not been with him, he probably would have made a u-turn and broken a few noses. Thankfully, his team was handling everything. When they got home, he let Lily watch some TV while he went to find Y/N, who was resting in their bedroom. He wasn’t too sure how to break the news to her that, nearly four years after he adopted Lily, the press knew he had another kid. However, it seemed like he didn’t need to. She was looking at him with an annoyed look on her face.
- You already know ? He asked with a raised eyebrow. News travels fast…
- I have nothing better to do than scroll on my phone all day, she sighed. Of course I know. How is Lily ?
- Scared but ok, I guess, he said. Managed to calm her down in the car. She’s watching TV now.
- Ok, she said with a reassured expression. And you ?
He didn’t reply, simply shrugged. He wasn’t quite sure how he was feeling. Pissed off, for sure, but also nervous and disappointed. He wasn’t quite sure how much the pictures showed, and where to go from here. How would the public react to him being married, having a secret kid and two more on the way ? Paul would probably advise him to put out a statement so he should think of what to say… he would have wanted to keep his family life a secret longer. The last four years with Y/N and Lily by his side had been so enjoyable and he wanted nothing more but to shield them from his fame. And the thought of the public knowing about his unborn babies made him terrified of the potential attention they would get, too. Honestly, the thought of living his little family to another country didn’t seem so bad. He sighed and sat next to her on the bed, before eventually laying his head on her lap. Y/N gently ran her fingers in his hair, gently scratching his scalp and he closed his eyes for a minute.
- I’m sorry, he muttered.
- Whatever for ? She asked. You’re not the one who tipped the media…
- I failed to protect you guys, he sighed. I failed to protect Lily… you should have seen her, babe… you should have seen them. Hovering like vultures, screaming, scaring her.
- We always knew it might happen, she said. I’m gutted, don’t get me wrong, but we managed to protect her for five years. Married four without people knowing. In hindsight, it’s a miracle people didn’t find out sooner.
- I guess, he shrugged. Still, I’m mad at myself… I scared Lily.
- What did you do ?! She asked, suddenly alarmed.
- I… lost it with a guy, he explained. He tried to take a pic of Lily ! I grabbed him and gave him a piece of my mind.
- So you basically assaulted a man in front of our daughter ?! Y/N asked, starting to get worked up.
- Look, I’m not proud of myself, he groaned. But I wasn’t about to let him get away with that. I simply grabbed him, I didn’t break his nose. No matter how badly he would have deserved it…
- Marshall…, she scolded.
- I know, he simply said. It fucking sucks. I just wanted Lily to have a good time. Now, I’m going to have to call Paul and my publicist… fuck.
- I’m sorry, my love, Y/N said as she kept on stroking his head.
They stayed like this for a moment, enjoying each other’s comforting presence, and Y/N finally went downstairs to check on Lily. She was fine, though she did mention the whole thing was scary. Marshall stayed upstairs for a moment, gathering his thoughts and trying to pace himself before calling Paul back. His manager had tried to reach him ten times in the past hour, leaving various voice messages, urging him to call back. There were good and bad news. The good news was that Lily’s face didn’t appear anywhere, concealed thanks to Marshall’s hoodie and hat. The only thing the media saw of her were her jeans and sneakers. The bad news, however, was that the whole thing had been filmed and that images of an angry Marshall smashing the reporter’s camera were being shared on social media at the speed of light. The response was overall positive and people tended to support him instead of the reporter, who was clearly at fault. However, there was a lot of speculation and even people who claimed to have insider information, making false allegations. They had no choice but to put out a statement. They had a conference call with their publicist, who suggested only giving the necessary information. After quickly consulting with Y/N, he decided not to give any details on Lily, not giving away her name nor her age, as well as avoiding mentioning the pregnancy. The statement would only acknowledge the day’s events, as well as confirm that Lily was, indeed, his daughter and that he was married. To him, that was enough.
« As the result of the publication on social media of a picture taken without consent, today’s events have caused a lot of speculation regarding Mr Mathers’(professionally known as Eminem) family life. Mr Mathers expresses his regret for how the situation unfolded, the altercation with the press having caused distress not only for him but also for the other people present at the location. Mr and Mrs Mathers formally oppose the publication of any media depicting their child and ask for the respect of the privacy of their family life. They also express their intention to sue any individual trying to sell pictures of their daughter, as well as any media outlet who might publish them. »
In the evening, a couple of hours later, the internet was in a frenzy over the whole thing and the confirmation that Marshall was, indeed, married and had a younger daughter. A lot of people were also swooning over the pictures of him holding Lily, obsessing over his strong arms and stern look.
- The internet seems to be obsessing over you again, Y/N mentioned while he was preparing dinner.
- Well I’d rather have them forget all about me, he groaned. I swear, I’m going to retire, just to get some peace. Or move us to the edge of the earth…
- It’s not so bad, she commented. They appreciate how protective you are. Also, calling you the ultimate DILF. I don’t disagree…
- DILF, huh ? He asked with a sudden smirk.
- Look who’s suddenly in a good mood, she grinned.
- I like that you agree with them, he said with a smile. Maybe you could show me how much, later ?
- Gladly, she said as she pecked him on the cheek.
He turned his face and kissed her lovingly. They were interrupted by Lily.
- Mommy what’s that word ? She asked with a raised eyebrow.
- What word, baby ? Y/N asked.
- The one you said. DILF.
- Oh… hum… it’s a word people use when a Dad is very attractive, Y/N explained as she tried to contain her laughter. Like, when they want to talk to him and flirt…
- Like with Daddy and the lady today ? Lily asked innocently.
- Yes, like Daddy and- wait what ? What lady ?
Marshall said nothing and focused on the vegetables he was chopping for dinner, conveniently ignoring the conversation.
- There was a lady who talked to Daddy today at Chuck E. Cheese, Lily explained. She was smiling a lot.
- Interesting, Y/N said with a raised eyebrow. Looks like someone doesn’t need my appreciation…
- Come on, babe. It happens, Marshall hummed.
- Does it, now ?
- All the time, Lily said. All the mommies at my school-
- Lily, baby, how about you go and watch some cartoons before dinner, mmh ? Marshall suggested to cut the conversation short.
- Ok, the little one said with a shrug.
Y/N was leaning against the kitchen island, visibly upset and pouting. He sighed and went to hug her but she turned her head.
- Thought you agreed with the DILF thing ? He asked with a smile.
- They’re allowed to think it, not to act on it…, she groaned.
- No one’s doing anything, he chuckled. Just a couple of smiling, very friendly ladies. What’s up ? You’re usually not as upset when it comes to groupies or fans…
- I know, she said. But this is real life. Now that you’re the one going places with Lily and taking her to school… I hate thinking about all of them making eyes at you. Especially while I’m bored, at home, getting fat.
- You’re not getting fat, he chuckled. I mean, you are, you’re huge, but-
- It’s because you’re growing two beautiful babies, he continued. Our babies. No one holds a candle to you. I might be a DILF but you’re the ultimate MILF.
- You think ? She asked with a pout.
- No one ever made pregnancy look so hot, he said lovingly. If you weren’t supposed to rest so much, I would gladly show my appreciation all day, everyday…
- I love you, she chuckled. But im glad that everyone knows we’re married, though.
- Territorial much, Mrs Mathers ? He asked.
- Yes, she giggled. Very.
- I like it, he chuckled.
- You have to protect what’s yours, right ?
- Right. And believe me, I’m going to do everything I can to protect what’s mine, he replied as he put a hand on her round belly.
She cooed and placed a hand over his, when they felt a little kick. They immediately looked at each other and smiled. It was the first time they felt one of the babies move. Y/N’s eyes immediately filled with happy tears and Marshall kneeled to place a kiss on his wife’s stomach.
- That’s right, guys, he said with an emotional smile. I’m always going to protect you.
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mossyivy · 5 months
Leon definitely did this for all his wife’s pregnancies but I think for Scottie in particular, she’s a lot older, probably got really self conscious when she started to gain weight and look more pregnant. Particularly when she’s in her third trimester, and she’s got a baby bump. Her clothes don’t fit at all and she’s uncomfortable. Of course she’s done this before but it’s different now. He’d go out of his way to make her feel beautiful, to let her know she’s still gorgeous to him. She’s also extra sensitive right now, and he’d be so gentle with her, and make sure his girls knew to be careful with what they say and do
Leon in general is affectionate to his family, especially his wife. He's extra affectionate when she's pregnant but this time around it's like he's a whole different kind of supportive man.
Constantly checking in, even a few times throughout the day. I'd imagine she goes a little stir crazy during pregnancy cause she's not able to work (Terrasave would definitely not let a pregnant woman around virus strains cause God forbid anything happen!)
Whenever he can be, Leon's home. Constantly being on the edge of overbearing but knows his limits by now with her, this ain't their first rodeo together after all. But the last two times you could bounce back pretty easily. Now this is considered a late in life or as the doctor so lovingly called it a "geriatric pregnancy" since you'd be in your 40s by now.
You can't help but dwell on all the possible issues or how you'll be after. HOW YOU'LL LOOK AFTER!
Will Leon still find you appealing?
You're honest enough with each other to come forward and talk about problems big or small. You've literally held him through full on breakdowns before. He's cared for you when postpartum hit you after having Cecilia and you felt like less of a mother for not connecting with her right away like with Violet. You're each other's rocks. Of course he'd still love you and find you just as gorgeous as the moment he laid his eyes on you.
He tells you not to worry about clothes, they're just clothes. They can fit again eventually. But he knows how you find comfort in having him around somehow. So you two start sharing a wardrobe. Sweats, t-shirts, and his jackets. It's nice having him there even if it's not physically. Even just his cologne stuck to his jacket collar is nice against your sensitive pregnancy nose. And he gets the benefit of watching you walk around in his clothes. And smiling in the bask of your glow.
He'd sit down with the girls in one of their rooms while you were napping and give them the talk. Being completely honest about how mommy's sensitive and they all need to stay aware of everything while she's like this. Cecilia wouldn't get it right away, obviously, she's younger. But Violet would understand. She'd even get into the habit of checking in on her mom and micro managing her sister whenever something came up. Talking on the responsibilities of making sure she kept her entertained so Leon could spend time with you.
It really does take a village to raise a child and you're very lucky to have people who care. To have raised 2 great girls already and have a husband who loves you unconditionally.
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dracomort · 8 months
Reincarnation? If you so please
For the ask game
This is really just my Tomarry reincarnation scribbles for any AUs that come to mind.
I'm cracking up rn because the only scene I have polished enough to share is one with secondary-school-student!Tom and dying-in-a-pallative-care-ward!Harry 💀
Anyway, you're welcome:
“Look at you.” The voice of a teenage boy.
Harry pried one eye open.
There, leaning in the doorway, was none other than Tom Riddle, looking perhaps sixteen at the oldest. He was dressed in a crisp school uniform that looked expensive enough to pay for private palliative care thrice over. His hair was artfully tousled in a way that might have been carefree if it had been anyone other than Tom. On the breast of his blazer was pinned the predictable prefect badge.
“This is perverse,” Harry said. He closed his eyes, wishing Tom away, thinking of Ginny, the children, the grandchildren. Anything other than Tom Riddle.
It didn’t work. He could still hear the soft sound of Tom’s feet on the lino as he approached.
“I won’t disagree.” Tom dropped himself onto the mattress beside Harry, peering down at him with his dark, pretty eyes. “You look hideous. How old are you? One hundred? Two?���
“Eighty-three,” Harry replied, “and not likely to make it to eighty-four.” It was jarring to see his sun-beaten, wrinkled old hands beside Tom’s pale, youthful ones. How would it work in this world? Would Tom continue to live a long, healthy life after Harry had passed? Would he forget him?
“You look much older,” Tom said, matter of fact.
He wasn’t the most conscious of the Toms, Harry mused. He’d met versions of him with varying degrees of knowledge of their shared pasts—some who remembered only when he saw them, some who had known for decades, some who didn’t recognise him in the slightest. This Tom seemed to remember well enough, but he didn’t hold himself with the maturity of a Tom Riddle who recalled a thousand lives. He was a boy, nothing more.
And even from the brief words they’d exchanged, Harry could already tell he had been raised by his father.
“This coming from the lad who didn’t manage to make it to his seventy-eighth birthday?” Harry said.
Tom shrugged, which was not the reaction that an iteration of him closer to Voldemort would have had. If—in his decrepit, geriatric form—Harry had dared voice that to the Librarian Tom, he was certain all the life-saving equipment currently attached to him would have already been severed. But instead, this Tom only watched him curiously, head half-cocked.
Harry was, predictably, charmed by him. However, much to his relief, he felt no great surge of attraction. It was one benefit of being eighty-three and on seven different medications with a total of forty different side effects.
“I saw your name on the door. I remembered it, though I wasn’t sure where from.”
“Almost like a half-forgotten friend from when you were very young?” Harry supplied.
“A friend?” Tom’s lip curled. “I never had friends.” He spoke as if Harry had gravely offended him by even suggesting the possibility.
“No,” Harry said, “neither had I. But that was how I felt when I read your name—the first time.”
“Hm,” Tom said, mouth twitching down. “Why’s it always you, then? What’s so special about you?” He didn’t question his own importance—as Harry recalled doing in iterations further from the core—simply accepting his place at the centre of infinite parallel universes without batting an eye. 
“You marked me as your equal,” Harry said. “Really, it’s all your fault. I’m still waiting on an apology.” His throat was dry, arms too weak to reach for his water, but he didn’t ask Tom to help him. Not this petulant, young version of him.
Tom rolled his eyes. “Whatever.”
A nurse came in, almost as if she’d read his mind, bustling about and neatening up Ginny’s bags. She helped him take a sip of water, sparing an incurious glance at Tom. Harry supposed she imagined he was just another grandchild. It was nauseating enough to almost make him laugh.
“We fucked,” Tom said abruptly.
The nurse dropped the cup, the thin plastic straw spinning away somewhere under his bed. “Pardon me?”
It was likely Tom hadn’t even intended to provoke a reaction from the room. The memory had certainly just come to him. Harry had experienced the same many a time. However, while rarely was that an admission one would wish to make in front of a stranger, stating such a thing while in school uniform in front of a mandated reporter was surely near the top of the list of inadvisable decisions.
Tom flicked a disinterested glance at her. “I’m sixteen. If I have a taste for the toothless then that’s none of your business.”
“He’s only joking,” Harry assured her. “You’ve seen my records. I’m not up for any sort of physical activity.”
She did not laugh, leaving in a huff. Harry hoped she wasn’t off to make a call.
“I’m not going to have this conversation with a child,” Harry said. “Come see me in the next life.” 
“We did,” Tom insisted, perhaps not understanding that plausibility was not the roadblock to their conversation. “In an atelier out the back of a piano shop in Paris.”
“Well,” Harry said, memories of a thousand lives blurred and smudged together in his mind, “I suppose we may have.” That it was the closest iteration to this Tom did not mean it sprang quickly to Harry’s mind.
“We did, we—”
The door slid open again and Harry looked up, expecting a police officer or some sort of security. But instead, there stood an exceptionally handsome man who could have been the twin of any of the versions of Tom in his thirties that Harry had met.
“Tommy,” Tom Riddle Sr said, looking tired and rather distracted, “you mustn’t just go about bothering other patients. I’m very sorry, Mr…?” He was dressed in a crisp black suit and had his Blackberry in hand, looking like he had about a thousand things to do that were more important than apologising to Harry.
“Potter,” Harry said. “And that’s quite alright.” He was old enough to be the man’s grandfather. Never had he felt older. He was beginning to understand why Voldemort had paid him little attention or respect in the worlds in which they were fifty years apart in age.
“I was just saying goodbye,” Tom said. Then, with a sly glint in his eye, he dipped his head and kissed Harry square on the mouth. “When do you suppose you’ll die?” he asked, breaking away.
Harry glanced over at Tom’s father, but saw that he was typing out an email on his phone and had missed the exchange entirely.
“The doctors have given me two months.”
Tom’s eyes dropped to his own hand on Harry’s chest for a brief moment, then up at his face again. “This will be the last time I see you, then.”
“In this lifetime.” Harry winked. Tom frowned.
Behind him, Tom’s father cleared his throat. “I hate to interrupt, but we’ve really got to dash. Tommy, will you come say goodbye to your grandfather?”
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drforambhuta · 1 year
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The following approaches can help reduce the risks associated with pre-existing medical diseases on heart bypass surgery:
Collaborative Healthcare Approach: Addressing pre-existing medical conditions post bypass surgery demands teamwork among different medical specialties. Cardiologists, anesthesiologists, pulmonologists, endocrinologists, nephrologists, and geriatric experts collaborate to enhance patients' overall well-being and minimize surgical risks.
Thorough Preoperative Evaluation: A comprehensive preoperative assessment involves reviewing a patient's medical history, conducting thorough physical examinations, and performing relevant diagnostic tests. This evaluation guides surgical planning and helps anticipate potential difficulties.
Personalized Risk Assessment: Segmenting patients based on their individual risk profiles enables tailored treatment strategies. High-risk patients might benefit from alternative grafting methods, minimally invasive procedures, and focused attention on intraoperative hemodynamics.
Medication Considerations: Deliberate management of medications is crucial. Drugs affecting blood pressure, blood sugar, and electrolyte balance need careful oversight to ensure stable perioperative conditions.
Real-time Intraoperative Observation: Advanced monitoring techniques, like transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), allow continuous assessment of heart function and graft viability during surgery. Continuous monitoring of blood pressure, oxygen levels, and other vital parameters guarantees prompt action if complications arise.
Careful Postoperative Management: The immediate postoperative phase requires vigilant care, including precise monitoring of vital signs, fluid equilibrium, and organ functionality. Prompt mobilization, effective pain control, and rehabilitation significantly contribute to a smooth recovery process.
If you have any pre-existing medical conditions and are recommended a heart bypass surgery, it is best to undergo the procedure under an experienced healthcare team in a well-equipped hospital to reduce your chances of developing complications after the bypass surgery. Apollo Hospitals Greams Road Chennai is one such hospital where you can find the best healthcare facilities to increase your chances of a successful surgery and reduce your risk of developing complications.
The cost of heart bypass surgery in Chennai will generally be more in cases of patients having pre-existing medical conditions.
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Continuous Manufacturing: A Game Changer for the Pharmaceutical Industry
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The global wound biologics market is on the rise, driven by the increasing prevalence of chronic wounds, advancements in biotechnology, and a growing focus on effective wound management solutions. According to recent reports, the market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of more than 5.5% over the forecast period of 2022-2028. Valued at approximately USD 2 billion in 2022, the market is expected to reach about USD 2.9 billion by 2028.
What Are Wound Biologics?
Wound biologics refer to biological materials that are used in the treatment of wounds to promote healing and tissue regeneration. These products include skin substitutes, growth factors, and cellular therapies that enhance the body’s natural healing processes. They are particularly beneficial for patients with chronic wounds, such as diabetic ulcers, pressure sores, and surgical wounds.
Get Sample pages of Report: https://www.infiniumglobalresearch.com/reports/sample-request/1312
Market Dynamics and Growth Drivers
Several factors are contributing to the growth of the global wound biologics market:
Rising Incidence of Chronic Wounds: The increasing prevalence of conditions such as diabetes, obesity, and vascular diseases is leading to a higher incidence of chronic wounds. These conditions necessitate advanced wound care solutions, driving the demand for wound biologics.
Advancements in Biotechnology: Innovations in biotechnology and regenerative medicine are enhancing the effectiveness of wound biologics. New product developments, including advanced dressings and tissue-engineered products, are improving healing outcomes.
Growing Geriatric Population: The aging population is more susceptible to chronic wounds due to age-related health issues. As the geriatric population continues to grow, the demand for effective wound management solutions is expected to rise.
Increased Awareness of Advanced Wound Care: Healthcare professionals are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of wound biologics, leading to their adoption in clinical practice. Training and education programs are promoting the use of these advanced therapies among healthcare providers.
Regional Analysis
North America: North America holds a significant share of the wound biologics market, primarily due to the high prevalence of chronic wounds and advanced healthcare infrastructure. The U.S. is a major contributor to market growth, driven by the presence of key market players and ongoing research and development activities.
Europe: The European market is also witnessing substantial growth, supported by increasing healthcare expenditures and a rising number of surgical procedures. Countries such as Germany, the U.K., and France are leading the market due to their well-established healthcare systems and growing awareness of advanced wound care.
Asia-Pacific: The Asia-Pacific region is expected to see rapid growth in the wound biologics market, fueled by a rising geriatric population, increasing incidence of chronic diseases, and improving healthcare infrastructure. Countries like China and India are emerging as key markets in this region.
Latin America and Middle East & Africa: These regions are gradually adopting wound biologics, driven by increasing healthcare access and rising awareness of advanced wound care options. However, market growth may be hindered by economic challenges and varying levels of healthcare infrastructure.
Competitive Landscape
The wound biologics market is competitive, with several key players actively engaged in research, development, and commercialization of advanced wound care products. Major companies in the market include:
Smith & Nephew: A leading player in wound care, offering a range of biologic products and advanced wound dressings to improve healing outcomes.
Mölnlycke Health Care: Known for its innovative wound care solutions, including advanced dressings and biologic products for chronic wound management.
Organogenesis: Specializes in regenerative medicine and wound care products, offering a portfolio of biologic products aimed at enhancing wound healing.
Acelity (now part of 3M): Provides a variety of advanced wound care products, including biologic therapies designed to promote tissue regeneration.
Convatec: Offers a range of advanced wound care products, including biologics, to meet the needs of patients with chronic wounds.
Report Overview : https://www.infiniumglobalresearch.com/reports/global-wound-biologics-market
Challenges and Opportunities
Despite the growth prospects, the wound biologics market faces challenges, including high costs associated with advanced wound care products and reimbursement issues. Additionally, the availability of alternative wound care treatments may pose a challenge to market expansion.
However, significant opportunities exist in developing cost-effective wound biologics and expanding access to advanced wound care in emerging markets. The rising demand for personalized medicine and targeted therapies also presents opportunities for innovation and growth in the wound biologics sector.
The global wound biologics market is poised for steady growth, driven by increasing incidence of chronic wounds, advancements in biotechnology, and a growing focus on effective wound management solutions. With a projected market value of approximately USD 2.9 billion by 2028, wound biologics represent a critical area of investment and innovation in the healthcare sector. As the industry evolves, addressing challenges and capitalizing on emerging opportunities will be key to the success of stakeholders in this market.
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stellaphlebotomist · 4 days
Open Your Potential: Train as a Phlebotomist and Master the Art of Drawing Blood
Unlock ‍Your ⁣Potential: Train as a Phlebotomist and Master the⁢ Art of Drawing Blood
If you have a keen interest in healthcare and want to pursue a career that involves⁢ helping others, becoming a phlebotomist might be ⁣the perfect fit for you. Phlebotomists are trained ⁤professionals ‍who ⁣specialize in drawing blood for various​ medical purposes, such⁤ as⁢ diagnostic tests, blood donations, and​ medical research. This article will explore what it takes to ​become a phlebotomist, the ⁤skills and training required,​ as well as the ⁣opportunities and benefits that come with mastering the art⁤ of ⁤drawing blood.
Why Become a​ Phlebotomist?
Phlebotomy is a crucial ​aspect of healthcare, as blood‍ samples are used to diagnose and monitor⁤ a wide range of medical conditions. By becoming a phlebotomist, you play a vital role in helping patients receive ​the care they need. Here are some reasons ⁤why​ you should consider training as a phlebotomist:
1. Job Security: The demand for‍ phlebotomists is expected to grow in the coming years, as⁣ healthcare facilities continue to rely on blood ‍tests for diagnostic purposes.
2. Quick Training: Phlebotomy training programs are relatively ​short‌ compared to other healthcare professions, making⁢ it ‌a‍ quick path to entering the healthcare field.
3. ‍Flexibility: Phlebotomists can work in ‌a variety of settings, including hospitals, clinics, blood⁣ donation centers, and ⁤laboratories.
4. Fulfilling Work: As a phlebotomist, you have the opportunity to make a positive impact on patients’ ‍lives by ensuring accurate and efficient ⁤blood sample​ collection.
Skills and Training
To become a phlebotomist, you will need to complete a phlebotomy training program, which typically includes both⁢ classroom instruction and hands-on practice. Some key skills and‌ knowledge areas you will acquire during training include:
– Anatomy and physiology – Infection control procedures – ​Venipuncture techniques – Blood collection equipment and procedures – Patient interaction ⁢and communication
In addition⁢ to formal training, phlebotomists must also possess​ the following essential​ skills:
– Attention to detail: Accuracy is crucial when collecting blood samples to ensure reliable test results. – Compassion: Phlebotomists often work with patients who may ​be nervous or anxious about having ‌their blood drawn, so empathy and compassion are essential qualities. – ‌Communication:⁣ Clear communication with⁢ patients and healthcare ​team members is‌ essential to ensure a smooth blood⁣ collection process.
Opportunities and Benefits
As a certified phlebotomist, you will have a variety⁢ of career opportunities available to you. Some common job titles for phlebotomists include:
– Phlebotomy Technician -⁢ Blood Bank Technician – Medical‍ Laboratory Assistant
Phlebotomists can also specialize in specific areas, such as ‌pediatric phlebotomy ‍or geriatric phlebotomy,‌ depending on their interests and career goals.
In terms of benefits, ‍phlebotomists can enjoy competitive salaries, job stability, and opportunities for career‌ advancement. With additional training and certifications,​ phlebotomists can ‍pursue roles in⁤ laboratory ‌management or education.
Firsthand Experience
To provide a glimpse into the real-world experience of a phlebotomist, let’s consider the following case study:
Sarah is‍ a ⁤certified phlebotomist working at a⁤ busy hospital laboratory.⁢ Her typical day involves ​collecting blood⁢ samples from patients of ⁣all ages, including newborns, children, and​ elderly individuals.​ Sarah enjoys the variety of patients⁣ she encounters and the satisfaction of knowing that her work contributes to accurate diagnoses and ‍treatment plans.⁤ Despite the occasional challenging blood draw, Sarah finds fulfillment in her role as⁢ a phlebotomist and⁣ plans to pursue further certifications to advance her career.
Unlock Your Potential as a Phlebotomist
becoming a phlebotomist offers a rewarding ‍career ‍path‌ with opportunities for growth ​and⁣ personal development. By‌ mastering the art of drawing blood and honing your skills in phlebotomy, you can make a‌ meaningful difference ⁤in the ‌lives of patients and contribute to the healthcare ‌industry.
If you are passionate about healthcare, have ⁣a steady hand, and enjoy working with ​people, consider training as a phlebotomist to unlock your full potential in this vital healthcare profession. Join the ranks of skilled phlebotomists who play ⁣a ‍critical role in the diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions through⁣ the art of drawing blood.
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regalunlimited · 6 days
Ayurveda for Seniors: Harnessing its Timeless Wisdom in Geriatric Care
In an era where modern medicine often takes centre stage in healthcare, ancient wisdom quietly but persistently whispers its relevance. Ayurveda, a holistic system of medicine originating from the Indian subcontinent, is finding renewed significance in geriatric care. Let’s delve into how this age-old practice offers a holistic approach to addressing the unique needs of our elderly population, harnessing the power of Ayurveda for seniors.
The Ageless Wisdom of Ayurveda:
Ayurveda, a system of medicine with roots dating back over 5,000 years, views health as a harmonious balance between the body, mind, and spirit. In geriatric care, this holistic perspective is invaluable, as it addresses not only physical ailments but also the emotional and spiritual needs of seniors. Unlike conventional medicine, which often focuses solely on symptom management, Ayurveda seeks to identify and treat the root cause of illness, promoting long-term healing and wellness.
Ayurveda for Seniors: Embracing the Ancient Wisdom in Geriatric Care:
Central to Ayurvedic principles is the concept of “doshas”—three energies that govern physiological functions: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. In old age, imbalances in these doshas can manifest as various health issues, from arthritis and digestive problems to cognitive decline and insomnia. Ayurvedic practitioners assess an individual’s doshic constitution and tailor treatments accordingly, using a combination of dietary modifications, herbal remedies, yoga, and meditation to restore equilibrium and promote vitality.
For example, seniors experiencing joint pain due to Vata imbalance may benefit from warm oil massages and gentle stretching exercises to lubricate the joints and improve mobility. Similarly, those struggling with digestive issues linked to Pitta aggravation can find relief through cooling herbs and mindful eating practices to soothe inflammation and enhance gut health. By addressing the unique needs of each individual, Ayurveda empowers seniors to reclaim their health and embrace ageing with grace and dignity, harnessing the power of Ayurveda for seniors.
Embracing Ayurveda:
Explore the rejuvenating power of Ayurveda for seniors in geriatric care. Discover how ancient wisdom meets modern healthcare, empowering elderly individuals to thrive with holistic wellness practices. Learn more about integrating Ayurvedic principles for optimal senior care at KITES Senior Care.
KITES Senior Care plays a pivotal role in this paradigm shift, offering compassionate support and innovative solutions to enhance the quality of life for elderly individuals. By integrating Ayurveda for seniors’ principles into the 6-star care assessment model, KITES Senior Care can provide seniors with a more comprehensive and personalized approach to wellness.
However, the responsibility doesn’t just fall on caregivers. Each one of us has a role to play in promoting holistic ageing and embracing the wisdom of Ayurveda for seniors. Whether it’s advocating for integrative healthcare policies, supporting research on alternative therapies, or simply educating ourselves and our loved ones about the benefits of Ayurveda, we can all contribute to a brighter, healthier future for our elders.
Ayurveda for seniors offers a timeless treasure of knowledge and healing modalities that hold immense promise for geriatric care. By embracing this ancient wisdom and integrating it into mainstream healthcare practices, we can revolutionize the way we approach ageing and ensure that our seniors thrive in their golden years. Let us join hands and soar to new heights of well-being, guided by the gentle breeze of Ayurveda for seniors.
With a successful record of delivering geriatric care to over 5,400 families and providing more than 90,000 nursing days, we are dedicated to ensuring top-quality care. Our facilities include over 160 assisted care beds and 340 specialized care beds, spanning across three cities. Whether in our Geriatric Care Centres or at-home senior care services, we prioritize delivering exceptional care to seniors in need.
Connect with us and talk to our expert for guidance, write to us at [email protected], or visit the KITES senior care centre nearby today to explore more about integrative healthcare in geriatric care. Website
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momlovesyoubest · 1 year
Sell GCM or ALCA to wealth managers?
      What makes 3rd Parties Like Wealth Managers Refer to Care Managers? Do you want to sell to wealth managers? Why would third parties like wealth managers trust officers, sell to  GCM or ALCA by referring clients to a care manager If you have an Aging Life or GCM business you need to know. It is the benefits you bring to the 3rd party and their aging client. Benefits you bring to the 3rd…
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Retinal Vascular Occlusion Market: Size, Share, and Future Growth Opportunities by 2032
Retinal vascular occlusion (RVO) is a sight-threatening condition that occurs when one of the blood vessels in the retina becomes blocked, leading to impaired vision or blindness. It primarily includes two types: central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO) and branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO), both of which affect different areas of the retina. As the prevalence of chronic conditions like diabetes and hypertension rises globally, retinal vascular occlusion has become more common. This increasing incidence is driving the growth of the Retinal Vascular Occlusion Market, which is expected to expand significantly over the forecast period from 2024 to 2032.
Market Size and Share
Retinal vascular occlusion Market Size was estimated at 3.28 (USD Billion) in 2023. The Retinal Vascular Occlusion Market Industry is expected to grow from 3.45(USD Billion) in 2024 to 5.1 (USD Billion) by 2032. The retinal vascular occlusion Market CAGR (growth rate) is expected to be around 5.01% during the forecast period (2024 - 2032).The rising prevalence of risk factors such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases, which are major contributors to retinal vascular occlusion, is one of the primary factors driving this market growth. Additionally, advancements in diagnostic techniques and treatment options are further fueling demand.
North America holds the largest market share, driven by a high incidence of retinal diseases, well-established healthcare infrastructure, and the presence of key market players. Europe follows closely, benefiting from similar trends in healthcare development. The Asia-Pacific region, however, is expected to witness the highest growth rate due to improving healthcare systems, rising awareness about retinal diseases, and increasing prevalence of risk factors in countries like India and China.
Key Drivers of the Market
Rising Prevalence of Diabetes and Hypertension: One of the most significant drivers of the Retinal Vascular Occlusion Market is the increasing incidence of diabetes and hypertension globally. These chronic conditions are well-known risk factors for the development of retinal vascular occlusion, leading to a growing demand for treatment and management options.
Advancements in Diagnostic Technologies: Improved imaging technologies such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) and fluorescein angiography have revolutionized the diagnosis of retinal vascular occlusion, enabling early detection and more effective management. These advancements have contributed to the increasing diagnosis rates and, subsequently, the expansion of the market.
Rising Geriatric Population: As the global population ages, the number of individuals at risk for retinal vascular occlusion increases. Elderly individuals are more prone to conditions like hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases, all of which are linked to the development of retinal vascular occlusion. This demographic shift is anticipated to be a key factor in the future growth of the market.
Development of Novel Therapies: The development of new treatment options, particularly anti-VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) therapies, has been a game-changer in the management of retinal vascular occlusion. Anti-VEGF agents such as ranibizumab, aflibercept, and bevacizumab have become the standard of care for treating this condition. Continued innovation in pharmaceutical treatments, as well as the development of new drug delivery systems, is expected to drive market growth.
Market Restraints
While the Retinal Vascular Occlusion Market is poised for significant growth, certain factors may act as restraints. One of the primary challenges is the high cost of advanced treatments such as anti-VEGF therapy. This can be a barrier for patients, particularly in low- and middle-income countries where healthcare access and affordability are limited.
Another challenge is the lack of awareness about retinal vascular occlusion, especially in developing regions. Delayed diagnosis and treatment can lead to irreversible vision loss, underscoring the need for increased education and awareness campaigns to improve early detection rates.
Industry Trends
Increasing Use of Anti-VEGF Therapy: Anti-VEGF therapy is currently the most effective treatment for retinal vascular occlusion, and its use is expected to grow significantly over the forecast period. These therapies inhibit abnormal blood vessel growth and reduce fluid accumulation in the retina, improving vision outcomes. As more patients receive these treatments, the demand for anti-VEGF drugs is projected to rise steadily.
Technological Advancements in Drug Delivery Systems: New drug delivery technologies, such as sustained-release intraocular implants and microparticles, are being developed to improve the efficacy and convenience of treatments for retinal vascular occlusion. These innovations aim to reduce the frequency of injections and improve patient compliance, which could further expand the market.
Focus on Personalized Medicine: Personalized medicine, which tailors treatments based on an individual’s genetic makeup and response to therapy, is gaining traction in ophthalmology. Genetic research and the development of biomarkers are likely to play a crucial role in optimizing treatment outcomes for retinal vascular occlusion patients.
Growing Importance of Telemedicine: The adoption of telemedicine for the management of retinal diseases is also gaining momentum. Remote monitoring and diagnostic tools can help improve access to care, particularly in rural and underserved areas, thereby enhancing early diagnosis and treatment outcomes.
Market Forecast
Looking ahead, the Retinal Vascular Occlusion Market is expected to witness strong growth through 2032, driven by an increasing patient population, advancements in treatment options, and greater awareness of the condition. The market’s growth will be particularly notable in regions where healthcare infrastructure is rapidly evolving, such as Asia-Pacific. With continuous innovation in pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, and treatment technologies, the outlook for the retinal vascular occlusion market remains positive.
The Retinal Vascular Occlusion Market is on a path of steady growth, fueled by the rising prevalence of risk factors like diabetes and hypertension, advancements in treatment, and increasing awareness of retinal diseases. While challenges such as treatment costs and limited access to care in developing regions persist, ongoing innovations in diagnostics, therapies, and drug delivery systems are expected to drive the market forward. By 2032, the global market is poised to experience significant expansion, offering new opportunities for healthcare providers, researchers, and industry players alike.
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mordormr · 8 days
Exploring the Bladder Scanners Industry: Trends, Growth Drivers, and Market Outlook
The bladder scanners market size is witnessing significant growth due to the increasing prevalence of urological diseases, technological advancements, and the rising demand for non-invasive diagnostic tools. Bladder scanners, used primarily to measure the amount of urine in the bladder, have become essential in healthcare settings for diagnosing and managing conditions such as urinary retention, bladder dysfunction, and post-operative care. According to recent market research, The bladder scanners market is projected to be valued at USD 159.66 million in 2024 and is expected to grow to USD 214.67 million by 2029, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.10% over the forecast period (2024-2029).
Key Growth Drivers
Rising Prevalence of Urological Disorders: The increasing incidence of urinary tract infections (UTIs), bladder dysfunctions, and other urological disorders is driving the demand for bladder scanners. As the global population ages, conditions such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and incontinence are becoming more common, further propelling market growth. Bladder scanners provide a non-invasive solution to accurately assess bladder volume, helping clinicians in early diagnosis and timely intervention.
Technological Advancements: Recent technological innovations in bladder scanner devices have improved their accuracy, ease of use, and portability. Ultrasound-based bladder scanners are increasingly favored for their ability to provide real-time imaging without causing discomfort to the patient. The development of wireless, hand-held bladder scanners with user-friendly interfaces has enhanced their adoption across hospitals, outpatient clinics, and home healthcare settings. These advancements are significantly boosting the market's expansion.
Increasing Awareness and Training in Non-Invasive Procedures: The medical community’s focus on reducing invasive procedures is growing, and bladder scanners are an important part of this shift. With rising awareness about the risks associated with catheterization, healthcare professionals are increasingly adopting bladder scanners as a safer alternative for diagnosing urinary retention. Training initiatives are being conducted to familiarize clinicians with the benefits and usage of bladder scanners, further driving demand.
Rising Demand in Geriatric Care: The aging population is one of the critical growth factors in the bladder scanner market. Older adults are more likely to suffer from conditions such as urinary retention, which requires frequent monitoring. Bladder scanners, which provide quick and accurate readings without the need for invasive procedures, are becoming essential tools in managing geriatric care in both hospital and home-care settings.
Government Support and Healthcare Investments: Governments and healthcare organizations worldwide are investing in improving diagnostic infrastructure, especially in developing countries. Increased healthcare spending and initiatives aimed at improving patient outcomes are likely to contribute to the widespread adoption of bladder scanners. Moreover, regulatory agencies are increasingly focusing on ensuring that diagnostic tools are safe, reliable, and accessible, which is positively impacting the bladder scanner market.
Market Challenges
High Initial Costs: One of the key challenges in the bladder scanner industry is the high initial cost of these devices. While they provide long-term savings by reducing the need for invasive procedures, the upfront expense can be a barrier for smaller clinics and healthcare facilities, particularly in developing regions.
Limited Awareness in Developing Regions: Although bladder scanners offer significant advantages, there is still a lack of awareness in certain regions, especially in rural and underdeveloped areas. Efforts to educate healthcare providers about the benefits of non-invasive diagnostic tools are necessary to expand market penetration in these areas.
Regional Market Dynamics
North America and Europe: Leading the Market North America and Europe are the dominant players in the bladder scanner market, driven by advanced healthcare infrastructure, high prevalence of urological diseases, and strong adoption of innovative medical devices. The presence of leading manufacturers and extensive research and development activities further contribute to the region’s market leadership.
Asia-Pacific: A Rapidly Growing Market: The Asia-Pacific region is expected to witness significant growth in the bladder scanner industry due to the rising aging population, increasing healthcare investments, and growing awareness of bladder health. Countries like China, India, and Japan are experiencing an uptick in demand as healthcare facilities expand their diagnostic capabilities and adopt more advanced technologies.
The bladder scanner market is poised for substantial growth in the coming years, driven by technological advancements, the growing need for non-invasive diagnostic tools, and the rising incidence of urological disorders. As healthcare providers seek more efficient, patient-friendly solutions, bladder scanners are set to play a critical role in improving patient outcomes. With increasing awareness, government support, and ongoing innovation, the bladder scanner industry is expected to expand, creating new opportunities for manufacturers and healthcare institutions alike.
For a detailed overview and more insights, you can refer to the full market research report by Mordor Intelligence https://www.mordorintelligence.com/industry-reports/bladder-scanners-market  
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stephleb · 9 days
Discover the Top CNA Classes in Fresno, CA: Your Path to a Rewarding Healthcare Career Starts Here!
Title: Uncover the Top CNA Classes in Fresno, CA: Your Path to a Rewarding Healthcare Career Starts Here!
Introduction: Are you looking to kickstart a rewarding career in healthcare as a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) in Fresno, CA? If so, you’ve come to ⁤the right place! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the top CNA classes in Fresno that can help⁢ you achieve your career goals.​ Becoming a CNA is a great way to make a difference in the lives of⁢ others while ⁤enjoying job stability and growth opportunities in the healthcare industry.⁢ Let’s dive in and uncover the best CNA classes in ⁤Fresno to get you started on your journey‌ to a fulfilling healthcare career.
Top CNA ⁣Classes in Fresno, CA:
1. Fresno City College: – Location: 1101 E University Ave, Fresno, CA 93741 – Program Length: 8-12 weeks – Cost: $800-$1,200 – Highlights: Fresno City College offers a ​comprehensive CNA program that includes hands-on training, classroom ⁤instruction, and clinical ‌experience. The program is designed to prepare students for the state certification exam and entry-level CNA positions in healthcare settings.
2. California Institute of Medical Science: – Location: 1901 E Shields Ave, Fresno, CA 93726 – Program Length: 6-8 weeks – Cost: $1,200-$1,500 -​ Highlights: California Institute of Medical Science offers a fast-track CNA program ⁢with flexible class schedules to accommodate working professionals. The program ​covers essential nursing skills, patient care‌ techniques, and infection control protocols. Graduates are well-prepared to pass the state certification exam and launch their careers as CNAs.
Benefits of Enrolling in CNA Classes in Fresno:
– Job Stability: The demand for⁣ CNAs ​is expected to grow significantly in ‌the coming years, providing ample‌ job opportunities and job security. – Competitive Salary: CNAs in Fresno earn competitive salaries, with potential for growth and advancement in the healthcare field. – Career Advancement: Becoming a CNA is a great stepping stone to advance ‍your career in healthcare, with opportunities to specialize in areas⁤ such as geriatrics, pediatrics, or acute care.
Practical Tips for Success in CNA Classes:
– ‌Stay organized and manage your time effectively ​to balance ‍coursework, clinicals, and exams. – Practice good study habits and seek help​ from instructors or classmates ⁣when needed. – Take ⁢advantage of⁢ hands-on⁤ training opportunities to enhance⁢ your ⁣skills and knowledge.
enrolling in top CNA classes in Fresno is the first step towards ‍a rewarding career in healthcare. By choosing a reputable program, gaining hands-on ⁢experience, and staying dedicated to your studies, you can become a successful CNA and make a positive impact on the lives of patients. Start your journey today and unlock the doors to a fulfilling healthcare career in Fresno, ⁢CA!
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The Future of Wound Care: Exploring Cutting-Edge Biologics
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The global wound biologics market is on the rise, driven by the increasing prevalence of chronic wounds, advancements in biotechnology, and a growing focus on effective wound management solutions. According to recent reports, the market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of more than 5.5% over the forecast period of 2022-2028. Valued at approximately USD 2 billion in 2022, the market is expected to reach about USD 2.9 billion by 2028.
What Are Wound Biologics?
Wound biologics refer to biological materials that are used in the treatment of wounds to promote healing and tissue regeneration. These products include skin substitutes, growth factors, and cellular therapies that enhance the body’s natural healing processes. They are particularly beneficial for patients with chronic wounds, such as diabetic ulcers, pressure sores, and surgical wounds.
Get Sample pages of Report: https://www.infiniumglobalresearch.com/reports/sample-request/1312
Market Dynamics and Growth Drivers
Several factors are contributing to the growth of the global wound biologics market:
Rising Incidence of Chronic Wounds: The increasing prevalence of conditions such as diabetes, obesity, and vascular diseases is leading to a higher incidence of chronic wounds. These conditions necessitate advanced wound care solutions, driving the demand for wound biologics.
Advancements in Biotechnology: Innovations in biotechnology and regenerative medicine are enhancing the effectiveness of wound biologics. New product developments, including advanced dressings and tissue-engineered products, are improving healing outcomes.
Growing Geriatric Population: The aging population is more susceptible to chronic wounds due to age-related health issues. As the geriatric population continues to grow, the demand for effective wound management solutions is expected to rise.
Increased Awareness of Advanced Wound Care: Healthcare professionals are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of wound biologics, leading to their adoption in clinical practice. Training and education programs are promoting the use of these advanced therapies among healthcare providers.
Regional Analysis
North America: North America holds a significant share of the wound biologics market, primarily due to the high prevalence of chronic wounds and advanced healthcare infrastructure. The U.S. is a major contributor to market growth, driven by the presence of key market players and ongoing research and development activities.
Europe: The European market is also witnessing substantial growth, supported by increasing healthcare expenditures and a rising number of surgical procedures. Countries such as Germany, the U.K., and France are leading the market due to their well-established healthcare systems and growing awareness of advanced wound care.
Asia-Pacific: The Asia-Pacific region is expected to see rapid growth in the wound biologics market, fueled by a rising geriatric population, increasing incidence of chronic diseases, and improving healthcare infrastructure. Countries like China and India are emerging as key markets in this region.
Latin America and Middle East & Africa: These regions are gradually adopting wound biologics, driven by increasing healthcare access and rising awareness of advanced wound care options. However, market growth may be hindered by economic challenges and varying levels of healthcare infrastructure.
Competitive Landscape
The wound biologics market is competitive, with several key players actively engaged in research, development, and commercialization of advanced wound care products. Major companies in the market include:
Smith & Nephew: A leading player in wound care, offering a range of biologic products and advanced wound dressings to improve healing outcomes.
Mölnlycke Health Care: Known for its innovative wound care solutions, including advanced dressings and biologic products for chronic wound management.
Organogenesis: Specializes in regenerative medicine and wound care products, offering a portfolio of biologic products aimed at enhancing wound healing.
Acelity (now part of 3M): Provides a variety of advanced wound care products, including biologic therapies designed to promote tissue regeneration.
Convatec: Offers a range of advanced wound care products, including biologics, to meet the needs of patients with chronic wounds.
Report Overview : https://www.infiniumglobalresearch.com/reports/global-wound-biologics-market
Challenges and Opportunities
Despite the growth prospects, the wound biologics market faces challenges, including high costs associated with advanced wound care products and reimbursement issues. Additionally, the availability of alternative wound care treatments may pose a challenge to market expansion.
However, significant opportunities exist in developing cost-effective wound biologics and expanding access to advanced wound care in emerging markets. The rising demand for personalized medicine and targeted therapies also presents opportunities for innovation and growth in the wound biologics sector.
The global wound biologics market is poised for steady growth, driven by increasing incidence of chronic wounds, advancements in biotechnology, and a growing focus on effective wound management solutions. With a projected market value of approximately USD 2.9 billion by 2028, wound biologics represent a critical area of investment and innovation in the healthcare sector. As the industry evolves, addressing challenges and capitalizing on emerging opportunities will be key to the success of stakeholders in this market.
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marylcna · 10 days
Open Your Future: Top-rated GNA CNA Classes in Baltimore MD
Unlock Your Future: Top-rated GNA ⁣CNA⁤ Classes in Baltimore MD
If you are looking to kickstart a rewarding career in healthcare, becoming​ a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) or ​Geriatric Nursing Assistant (GNA) could be a great⁣ choice for you. CNAs and GNAs​ play a crucial role in providing ‌care and assistance to patients in ‌various healthcare settings. If you are based in Baltimore, MD,⁤ you’re in luck as there are top-rated GNA CNA classes available in the area to help you get started on your career path. In this article, we will explore the best GNA CNA classes in Baltimore, MD, and discuss the benefits of pursuing this ‍rewarding profession.
Why Become a CNA or GNA?
Before we delve into the top-rated GNA CNA classes in Baltimore, let’s take a look at why becoming a CNA or GNA is a great career choice:
1. High Demand: The healthcare industry is constantly growing, and there is a⁣ high demand for skilled CNAs and GNAs to‍ provide essential ⁢care to patients.
2. Job Stability: CNAs and GNAs enjoy⁤ job stability and security, as ⁢healthcare‌ facilities always need qualified professionals to assist with patient care.
3. Rewarding Work:⁤ As a CNA or GNA, you will have‌ the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of patients by providing them with compassionate care and support.
4. ‍Career Advancement: Becoming a‌ CNA ‍or ⁣GNA is⁣ a stepping stone ‍to a successful career in healthcare, with opportunities ⁤for growth⁣ and advancement in the field.
Top-rated GNA CNA Classes in Baltimore MD
1. All-State Career School: All-State Career School offers comprehensive CNA training programs in Baltimore, MD. Their classes are designed to provide students with ⁤the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the healthcare industry. With experienced instructors and hands-on training, All-State Career School is a top choice for‌ aspiring CNAs ⁣and GNAs.
2. Baltimore City Community College: Baltimore City Community College offers accredited CNA and GNA programs that prepare students​ for a successful career in healthcare. Their programs cover essential topics such as patient ⁣care, medical terminology, and infection⁤ control. ‌With flexible class schedules and affordable tuition fees, Baltimore City Community College is a popular choice for individuals looking to start their career as CNAs or GNAs.
3. Fortis Institute: Fortis Institute provides comprehensive CNA and GNA training programs in Baltimore, MD. Their programs combine classroom instruction with hands-on clinical experience to ​ensure students are well-prepared for the demands ​of the⁣ job. With small class sizes and ⁢experienced instructors,⁢ Fortis Institute is a top-rated institution for CNA and GNA training.
Benefits of Pursuing⁤ GNA CNA Classes in Baltimore MD
1. Hands-on Training: GNA​ CNA classes in Baltimore, MD, offer hands-on training to prepare students for real-world ⁣scenarios ⁣in healthcare settings.
2. Job Placement Assistance: Many GNA CNA programs in Baltimore provide job placement assistance to help graduates secure employment after completing their training.
3. Affordable Tuition: GNA CNA classes ‌in Baltimore MD are often affordable, making it⁢ accessible for individuals ⁣from all​ backgrounds to pursue a career in healthcare.
4. Networking ‍Opportunities:⁣ GNA CNA classes provide opportunities for students to network with healthcare professionals and build connections in the industry.
Practical Tips for ⁣Success in GNA CNA ‌Classes
1. ‌Stay Focused: GNA CNA classes⁤ require dedication and focus to succeed.⁢ Stay organized, manage your time effectively, and prioritize your ⁣studies to excel in your training program.
2. Seek Support: Don’t be afraid​ to ask for‍ help if you are struggling with⁢ any aspects of your training. Reach ‍out to instructors, classmates, or tutors ⁤for guidance and support.
3. Practice Self-care: Taking care ‍of⁤ your​ physical and emotional well-being is crucial during your GNA CNA training. Get enough rest, eat healthily, and make time for ⁤relaxation to ensure ‍you are at your best.
Becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) ⁣or Geriatric Nursing Assistant (GNA) in Baltimore, MD, is a rewarding career choice that offers job stability, competitive salaries, and opportunities for growth. By enrolling in ‍top-rated GNA CNA classes in Baltimore, you can acquire the ⁢knowledge and skills⁣ needed⁤ to succeed in the ⁢healthcare industry. Consider the benefits of pursuing ⁤a career as a CNA or ‌GNA‍ and take the ​first step towards unlocking your​ future today.
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nurseeden · 14 days
Ending up being a Nurse: Essential Steps and Tips You Need to Know
**Title: Becoming a Nurse:⁣ Essential Steps​ and⁣ Tips You ⁤Need to Know**
**Introduction:** Becoming‍ a nurse is a rewarding​ and fulfilling career path that allows individuals to make a ⁣positive‌ impact⁣ on ​the lives ‍of others. Whether you’re just starting to consider nursing as a profession or ⁤you’re already on your journey to becoming a nurse, there are essential steps and tips that can ⁣help you navigate this challenging yet rewarding path. In this article, we will guide you through the process of​ becoming a nurse, providing ⁤valuable information⁣ and practical tips to help you succeed in this ‌field.
**Essential Steps to Becoming a Nurse:**
1. **Choose the Right Nursing Program:** One of the first steps in becoming a nurse is to choose a nursing program that aligns with‌ your career goals. Whether you opt for a traditional four-year Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program or a two-year Associate Degree in ‌Nursing‍ (ADN) program, ensure that the⁤ program is ​accredited by the appropriate governing bodies.
2. **Complete Prerequisites:**‌ Most nursing programs have specific prerequisites that must be completed before admission. These may include courses in anatomy,‍ physiology, microbiology, and psychology. Make sure to fulfill these requirements before applying to nursing school.
3. **Apply to Nursing School:** Once you’ve completed the necessary prerequisites, it’s time to⁤ apply to‌ nursing school. Be sure to submit a strong application⁢ that highlights your academic achievements, volunteer work, and relevant​ experience in the healthcare field.
4. **Pass the NCLEX:** After graduating from nursing school,​ you will need to pass the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) to become a licensed nurse. Prepare ‍for this exam by utilizing study resources and practice tests ​to ensure success.
5. **Gain Experience:** Consider gaining⁢ experience through internships, externships, or volunteer work in a​ healthcare setting. This hands-on experience⁣ will not only enhance your skills but also make you more⁣ competitive ⁢in the job market.
**Practical Tips for Aspiring Nurses:**
– Stay organized and manage your time effectively to balance coursework, clinical ‍rotations, and other responsibilities. – Develop ‌strong communication and interpersonal skills⁤ to effectively interact with patients, families, and colleagues. – Seek out‍ mentorship opportunities with experienced nurses who can provide guidance and support. – Stay current with advancements in the⁤ field of ‌healthcare ‍by⁣ attending conferences, workshops, and continuing ​education courses. -⁣ Take care of yourself by prioritizing self-care, maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and seeking support when needed.
**Benefits of Becoming a Nurse:** There are numerous benefits to pursuing a‍ career⁤ in ​nursing, including:
– Job stability and a high demand for qualified nurses in various healthcare settings. – Competitive salaries and opportunities for career advancement. – The ability to make ⁣a meaningful difference in the lives of patients and their families. – Diverse job opportunities in specialties such as pediatrics, oncology, and geriatrics. – ‍The satisfaction ​of ⁣knowing that you ​are contributing to the well-being of others on a daily ⁣basis.
**Conclusion:** Becoming a nurse is a​ challenging yet‍ rewarding journey that requires ​dedication, hard work, and a genuine passion for helping others. By⁤ following the essential steps outlined in ‌this article and implementing practical tips, you can set yourself up for success in ⁤this fulfilling​ career. Remember to stay motivated, seek⁤ support when needed, and continue to grow and evolve ‌as a nurse. With perseverance and a ‍commitment to excellence, you can make a‌ lasting impact in the field⁢ of healthcare as a nurse.
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sethbellott · 15 days
Seth Bellott Shares Understanding the Different Specializations in Physical Therapy
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Physical therapy (PT) is a diverse field, with numerous specializations aimed at addressing a variety of health conditions. Seth Bellott, a seasoned professional, provides insights into the many areas PT encompasses, helping patients find the right type of care. Here are five key specializations within physical therapy:
1. Orthopedic Physical Therapy
Orthopedic PT focuses on diagnosing, managing, and treating musculoskeletal disorders. Common conditions include fractures, joint pain, sprains, and post-surgical rehabilitation. Patients recovering from injuries or surgeries often benefit from orthopedic PT to regain mobility, strength, and overall function.
2. Neurological Physical Therapy
This specialization targets patients suffering from neurological disorders, such as stroke, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and spinal cord injuries. Neurological PT aims to restore movement, improve balance, and enhance coordination, helping patients cope with the long-term effects of neurological damage.
3. Pediatric Physical Therapy
Pediatric physical therapy is designed for infants, children, and adolescents. It addresses congenital conditions, developmental delays, and injuries affecting movement and motor skills. Therapists in this area work closely with children to improve physical development, ensuring they reach important milestones.
4. Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy
Cardiopulmonary PT specializes in helping patients with heart and lung conditions, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), heart attacks, and post-surgical recovery. The focus is on improving endurance, strength, and overall cardiovascular health through exercises that enhance lung capacity and circulation.
5. Geriatric Physical Therapy
As people age, they often face conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis, and balance disorders. Geriatric PT helps older adults maintain mobility, reduce pain, and prevent falls. Therapists focus on exercises that improve strength, flexibility, and balance, allowing seniors to live more independently.
In conclusion, physical therapy offers a wide range of specializations tailored to specific patient needs. Seth Bellott emphasizes the importance of choosing the right therapy for optimal recovery and long-term health. Whether you’re recovering from surgery or managing a chronic condition, understanding these specializations can lead to better outcomes.
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