#Benefits of merging Care management and homecare
momlovesyoubest · 8 months
Merging Care Management and Homecare - the Big Benefits
By Merging care management and homecare, you will make 4 times the revenue Merging care management and homecare’s big financial payoff of this merger is found in the 2013 Care Management Benchmark Study. Care managers who owned a home care agency made four times the revenue in-home care in 95% and, in all cases, made double their revenue. Merging care management and homecare gives you ultimate…
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berwynd-blog · 7 years
Quotations and Literature Review
A Mobile Phone Based Homecare Management System on the Cloud
“Due to the cost and complexity of equipment, in the past, telemedicine contacts were mostly used for consultations between special telemedicine centers in hospitals and clinics. More recently, however, providers have begun to experiment with telemedicine contacts between healthcare providers and patients at home to monitor conditions for chronic disease.”
This quotation states that researchers are beginning to create more systems that help healthcare in maintaining the well-being of patients. In the past, telemedicine seemed costly and complex, but due to many advancements, improvements were introduced, does pushing the agenda of creating a healthcare management system that uses modern technology as its environment.
An Intelligent Mobile Diabetes Management and Educational System for Saudi Arabia: System Architecture
“On completion of the long-term study, there will be a need to carry out a suitable testing module and questionnaire to study the SAED system’s usability in diabetic patients.”
After completing the study, there will be a need for a long-term test to know if the system does work according to plan. This quotation is important since it states that it is important that we do so.
A Low-power, Wireless, Wrist-worn Device for Long Time Heart Rate Monitoring and Fall Detection
“With the development of wireless technique and the demand for long-time vital sign monitoring, devices for real time, wireless heart rate monitoring systems are proposed”
This quotation is relevant to my study since it explains why I should be doing my study in the first place. It is why I make what I should be making.
Blood Pressure Beyond the Clinic: Rethinking a Health Metric for Everyone
“Reframing BP devices away from disease management toward well-being can help reduce the stigma and emotional anxiety associated with BP and stimulate greater adoption and use of these devices.”
The authors of this study tackled about how blood pressure monitoring outside the clinic can become more helpful that one's monitored inside clinical facilities. This is relevant for my study since I will propose a system that does the same, and knowing how important it is to consider one's environment in monitoring their vital statistics.
The Internet of Things for Health Care
“The Internet of Things has a variety of application domains, including health care. The IoT revolution is redesigning modern health care with promising technological, economic, and social prospects.”
This quote talks about how the Internet of Things can redesign current models of health care with more promise to economic and social aspects. This is relevant because the system I will propose uses aspects of IoT in its core.
Design of Remote Medical Monitoring System Based on ZigBee Technology
“Sensors to collect all kinds of human health parameters, the analog signal by pre circuit, micro controller with input in the form of a digital signal, through the wireless data transmission and computer universal serial bus interface into PC, sent by the Internet to the remote monitoring center, provide a variety of important physiological parameters for doctors and help their real-time monitoring remote user's physical health, and can in a timely manner to take corresponding measures”
Authors of this study lay out the general schematics of their systems, which for me is important since I can model my system with theirs, and incorporating ideas that can become helpful as I dig dip in my study.
Smart Real-Time Healthcare Monitoring and Tracking System using GSM/GPS Technologies
“Smart and Innovative solutions should be adopted to increase the responsive actions quality in both time and level. The merit of this project relies on two factors; first its multi-uses and services by making some modification on the software many diseases and illnesses like Alzheimer, mental and motion patients could be benefited from this system; secondly, wireless technologies cloud be used to avoid wired connections which somehow may limit the patient mobility.”
In the future, the concept of a Smart City will be the word of mouth among the demographic. In creating systems that merge modern technology and healthcare is a step forward towards achieving this future. In this quotation, the author talks about how we should adapt to changing times to provide better quality in the responsive actions that we partake.
Web Based Patient Health Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi
“This system is useful for monitoring the health status of elderly and ill patients who are not able to visit hospital daily and require assistance in critical conditions.”
This quotation is relevant to my study since it states the possible user of the proposed system, and who will benefit from the study.
An Interfacing Digital Blood Pressure Meter with Arduino-GSM Module for Real-time Monitoring
“With the reason of busyness, such check and consultation, however, are sometimes difficult to be done by the patient. The urgency of this research is the implementation of a system in health tele-monitoring for areas that are not reached by the internet service.”
This quotation is important since it serves as the reason to do the project. Without the need for tele-medicine, there would be no reason to study this particular subject in the first place. Especially since not everyone can afford the luxury of visiting hospitals, it is important to introduce a new method of monitoring their health.
Wireless Chest Wearable Vital Sign Monitoring Platform for Hypertension
“The object of research were to
1) Design a wireless wearable vital sign monitoring platform,
2) To look for noninvasive BP measurement method,
3) To investigate novel legitimate position for arterial stiffness measurement and
4) To a conduct clinical technical evaluation for prototype.”
This quotation is helpful and relevant since it's a model of how the author's system work, hence making it easier for me to pinpoint a specific step in their model and learn how they have created and. This is especially helpful if I wanted to re-create their system.
In modern medicine, the need to proactively monitor one’s vital statistics is a must, especially when the patient is out of the hospital’s range. These vital statistics include one’s pulse rate, blood pressure and body temperature. All three of these are important in monitoring a patient’s health. But when a patient is out of the hospital, the need to monitor their stats can be a burden, especially to those who can’t do it by themselves. A study by Kendall, et. al. (2015) stated that blood pressure documented in clinical environments are captured in irregular intervals. That is why there needs to be a constant update on the patient’s blood pressure, treating it as a value of continuously fluctuating measure. This also holds true for one’s pulse rate and body temperature.
For these reasons, a web-based health monitoring system is designed to enable the doctor to view the patient’s statistics in real-time using internet-aided devices such as tablets, smartphones, and computers. The system will monitor the patient’s vital statistics and it the doctor can monitor it remotely. When a certain threshold of the patient’s statistics is surpassed, the doctor is notified with the use of Short Messaging Services (SMS) so that they can take further action. Such a system can possibly help patients reduce their bills by being admitted to the hospital.
An Automated Vital Sign Monitoring System for Congestive Heart Failure Patients  
Chen, et al (2010) described Congestive heart failure (CHF) as a cardiovascular disorder that affects approximately 4.6 million Americans and is a leading cause of death in the United States. It is a condition in which heart function is inadequate to supply oxygenated blood to the patient.  CHF has become an important public health problem but Chen, et al stated that, “mechanisms to monitor patients’ health status and behaviors are limited by constraints imposed by the patient’s geography, infirmity, or resources.”  That is why they have developed a remote monitoring system so that it has a more dynamic connection between “healthcare providers and patients.” They also said that it improves health promotion and patient care through monitoring of health data. The system also communicates health reminders, and has a built-in mechanism for patient feedback.
 The system they managed to develop is called the Weight and Activity Blood Pressure Monitoring System (WANDA). The WANDA system is built on a three-tier architecture consisting of sensors, a web server, and back-end database tiers. The small study has enabled patients to reduce or maintain the number of readings which are out of the acceptable range. At the end of their study, the results show that the WANDA study is effective for patients with CHF.  
 Creating a system that has a three-tier architecture can help in the proper communication of patients and health experts.
  A Mobile Phone Based Homecare Management System on the Cloud  
 Wei-Tse Tang, et al (2010) are researchers based in Taiwan. Their study combined Hospital Information System (HIS) and the basis of mobile communication, establishing a telemedicine home care management system for sustainable health monitoring through the transmission of Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) and Short Messaging Service (SMS). In the past, telemedicine were used in specialized telemedicine centers, due to its cost and complexity. However, due to many advancements in technology “...providers have begun to experiment with telemedicine contacts between healthcare providers and patients at home to monitor conditions for chronic disease.”
 The system works by sending real-time physiological responses to telemedicine homecare information management system through GSM 900/1800 2G mobile phone in Taiwan. The participants of the study and their records of blood pressure were connected to the hospitals’ HIS. With this, the physicians may link to the system through the health record page in HIS for patients’ physiological responses and records. If there are any abnormal data, physicians and medical staff can inform and arrange patients back to the clinic for further treatment or observation.  
Using this kind of system would reduce the high cost of healthcare, and will serve the as the first line of defense in the medical service system.
A Low-power, Wireless, Wrist-worn Device for Long Time Heart Rate Monitoring and Fall Detection
According to the study by Zhou, et al (2014) the need to monitor the heart rate, especially in the elderly, is an important factor to consider since it plays a significant role in the healthcare industry. Monitoring elderly people's heart rate gives a clearer picture of their overall health and physicians can provide necessary medical service in time. The researchers have developed a wrist-worn device to answer the need for real-time vital sign monitoring. The authors described it as "a miniature wrist-worn watch like device which can be easily worn without disturbing one’s daily life or job." (Zhou, et al, 2014)
The system they have designed to detect and measure the electric signal of one's pulse, then amplified with high impedance and filtered using fourth-order band-pass filter before being sent to the microcontroller. After this, the microcontroller adjusts in signal in amplitude, then converting it from analog to digital. The microcontroller is also responsible for the heart rate detection algorithm and detecting the fall by utilizing the 3-axes accelerometer. This data is then sent to a personal computer for proper analyzation.
The proposed device is compared to the POLAR RS100 to see if its effectiveness is much better. After testing a total of nine subjects, statistics show that the standard deviation of the proposed device are 60.83 and 9.705 while the standard deviation are 60.83 and 9.317. The authors of the study then concluded that the proposed device has better effectiveness than the existing device.
 Blood Pressure Beyond the Clinic: Rethinking a Health Metric for Everyone
A study by Kendall, et al (2015) stated that monitoring blood pressure, among other vital signs, is important as it is widely used as an indicator for assessing cardiovascular health. According to Cheng, et al (2005), one in five hypertensive patients do not know that they have the chronic disease, and that the public awareness of BP is poor. The researchers said that for a health indicator like blood pressure, there needs to be a continuous advancement in the tools that people use in monitoring their BP. Kendall, et al (2015) said that "continuous BP monitors suggest a future in which cardiovascular metrics are captured as easily as the activity data dominating the current wearable technology market."
As a valuable metric for health, the researchers did tests to prove their theory. In their tests, they asked participants to monitor their blood pressure at home with the use of a mobile app to help them keep track. The researchers identified that this method of tracking one's blood pressure can be analyzed in such a way that physicians consider their daily activities as a factor. Kendall, et al suggests that future designs should be considerate of the contexts when they deal with health maintenance so that it reduces the stigma and emotional anxiety further linked with BP monitoring.
The Internet of Things for Healthcare
In the near future, the world will see new advancements in technology that is integrated with various aspects of everyday life. Such a future will be aided by the Internet of Things, and no doubt that healthcare is part of this innovation. According to Pattichis, et al (2002), “wireless network will be an important bridge between healthcare providers and consumers of medical care.” Aspects like security and privacy, which is a major concern among users, are also being considered in the development of Smart Cities.
In a paper written by Srinivasan, et al (2016), they described that data, whenever passed between machines and crosses machines boundaries, could give privacy and security issues, because machines can provide access to people without the regards for privacy. The solution to this is to store collected data where the concern for privacy is a priority. Designing privacy conscious architecture which can address the user's concern in data privacy.
Moreover, in a paper by Islam, et al (2015), they suggested to adapt or develop security measures to further secure data from the patients. They stated that, “security services are designed using dynamic algorithms, and there is strong collaboration between these services to defend against present, possible, and unseen attacks.”
  Smart Real-Time Healthcare Monitoring and Tracking System using GSM/GPS Technologies  
Aziz, et al (2016) have designed a smart system architecture for smart healthcare that uses GSM and GPS technologies. Their aim was to provide an effective application for real-time monitoring and tracking of patients. The researchers stated that, “...the system will track, trace, monitor patients and facilitate taking care of their health; so efficient medical services could be provided at appropriate time.”
This task is done using specific sensors that captures and compares data      with a configurable threshold set by doctors via a microcontroller. So that in case there is an emergency, the doctors can then respond immediately, as they are notified using SMS with the exact details of the patient’s current state via the GSM module. The researchers stated that, “...the system will be able to bridge the gap between patients - in dramatic health change occasions- and health entities who response and take actions in real time fashion.” They have concluded that the system is helpful to patients who cannot go to the hospital on a daily basis or require assistance in critical conditions.
An Interfacing Digital Blood Pressure Meter with Arduino-GSM Module for Real-time Monitoring  
According to Hadiyoso, et al (2017), heart diseases such as hypertension is one of the main causes of death worldwide, but not many are aware of the importance of cardiac health. For patients diagnosed with hypertension who has to regularly check their blood pressure, consultation with medical experts are crucial. But due to certain factors such as time conflicts, checking and consulting with doctors cannot be done. That is why they have designed a system that sends the patient’s blood pressure value so that the doctor can monitor remotely. The patients can conduct the blood pressure checking by themselves and the device sends the value blood pressure via SMS so that they can consult with medical experts anytime and anywhere. They stated that, “Tele-monitoring application to resolve the issue.”
They developed a blood pressure measurement system based on the E-Health module, integrated with the Arduino to read the measurement data and then sends it via short message service using the SIM 900 module. This type of system can help outpatients in particular in keeping up-to-date with their doctors, lessening the visits to hospitals. The need to innovate and create more systems like this is becoming more evident as time goes by.
Diabetes Management and Educational System for Saudi Arabia  
Researchers from Saudi Arabia designed a monitoring system for diabetes patients which can track their lifestyle and vital signs. According to Alotaibi (2014), diabetes is one of the major chronic diseases with approximately 366 million individuals diagnosed in 2011. Risks of one’s poor choices and lifestyle and the lack of health awareness are one of the many causes of diabetes in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. But on the other hand, Saudi Arabia had the largest number of Smartphone users in the world in 2012. With the fast-paced technological development, Smartphone has made it possible to create platforms for monitoring and managing diabetes patients. Istepanian, et al (2006) described this as “…the exploitation of the mobile telecommunication and multimedia technologies and their integration into new mobile healthcare delivery systems.”
The system works by enabling the physician to remotely overview the diabetic patient’s present condition. Wherein data from the devices needed such as blood glucose and blood pressure device are transferred to the cloud server via 3G or LTE Network. The researchers stated that, “the diabetic patient is provided with a friendly web interface that includes a data management environment that offers a personal medical profile and a record of glucose and blood pressure levels in the form of tables and charts.” On the other hand, these transferred data are presented to the physician concerned and it “...includes a friendly web interface and mobile application. These two present a diabetes data management system that allows the specialist diabetic nurse to communicate with and monitor the diabetic patient remotely.”
As stated, this type of system can be help diabetic patients who are out of the hospital but still has the need to be monitored constantly. The researchers concluded that system is “...presented to achieve intensive monitoring of daily blood glucose levels, optimized treatment and a normal lifestyle for diabetic patients in Saudi Arabia without restrictions on daily life.” Thus, the use of modern technology in the monitoring of patients can be achieved through the right equipment and methodologies used.
1.      Suh, M., Evangelista, L. S., & Chen, C. (2010, November 11). An Automated Vital Sign Monitoring System for Congestive Heart Failure Patients. Retrieved January 19, 2018, from https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1883010
Description: This paper talks about a monitoring system designed by the authors that is meant to check the well-being and health of patients with Congestive Heart Failure, all with the use of technology.
 2.      Tang, W., Hu, C., & Hsu, C. (2010). A Mobile Phone Based Homecare Management System on the Cloud. Retrieved January 19, 2018, from http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5639917/
Description: This study talks about designing a homecare health management system via the Cloud technology.
 3.      Alotaibi, Istepanian, Sungoor, & Philip. (2014). An Intelligent Mobile Diabetes Management and Educational System for Saudi Arabia: System Architecture. Retrieved January 19, 2018, from http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6864296/
Description: This paper talks about developing a diabetes management and monitoring system guided by technology for diabetic patients of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
 4.      Zhou, C., Tu, C., & Gao, Y. (2014). A Low-power, Wireless, Wrist-worn Device for Long Time Heart Rate Monitoring and Fall Detection. Retrieved February 2, 2018, from http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6954670/
Description: The authors of the study proposed a device that can detect a person’s heart rate using their wrists. This device can also detect if the person has fallen or not.
 5.      Kendall, L., Morris, D., & Tan, D. (2015, April 18). Blood Pressure Beyond the Clinic: Rethinking a Health Metric for Everyone. Retrieved January 19, 2018, from https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2702276
Description: This paper talks about how blood pressure outside the clinical setting should be properly discussed since studies have proven that home-based monitoring can be more effective.
 6.      Kwak K., & Islam, S. (2015). The Internet of Things for Health Care: A Comprehensive Survey. Retrieved February 2, 2018, from http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7113786/
Description: This study is a survey about a how the Internet of Things is integrated with healthcare and all its benefits and disadvantages.
 7.      Xu, D., Feng, P., & Ren, S. (2015). Design of Remote Medical Monitoring System Based on ZigBee Technology. Retrieved February 2, 2018, from http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7310740/
Description: A paper that talks about using the ZigBee technology in creating a medical monitoring system for its users.
 8.      Aziz, K., Tarapiah, S., Ismail, S. H., & Atalla, S. (2016). Smart Real-Time Healthcare Monitoring and Tracking System using GSM/GPS Technologies. Retrieved January 19, 2018, from http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7460394/
Description: This paper talks about designing a system that monitors a patient’s health remotely and tracking them using the GPS technology.
9.      Sunehra, D., & Ramakrishna, P. (2016). Web Based Patient Health Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi. Retrieved February 2, 2018, from http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7918028/
Description: This paper talks about creating a system that uses the Raspberry Pi technology in creating a monitoring system
10.  Fajar, Z., Hadiyoso, S., & Rizal, A. (2017). An Interfacing Digital Blood Pressure Meter with Arduino-GSM Module for Real-time Monitoring. Retrieved January 19, 2018, from http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8226669/
Description: This paper studies about developing a blood pressure monitor aided by Arduino so that it can check the patient’s health in real-time without the need of going to hospitals
11.   J., & G. (2017). Wireless Chest Wearable Vital Sign Monitoring Platform for Hypertension. Retrieved February 02, 2018, from http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8036950/
Description: A study that talks about a proposed device used in the chest for real-time vital sign monitoring. This is especially useful for patients with hypertension.
 Additional References:
1.      R. Istepanian, et al., M-health: emerging mobile health systems. Berlin: Springer, 2006  
2.      C. S. Pattichis, E. Kyriacou, S. Voskarides, M. S. Pattichis, R. Istepanian and C. N. Schizas, “Wireless telemedicine systems: an overview,” Antennas and Propagation Magazine (IEEE), Vol. 44., Issue 2., 143-153, Apr 2002
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momlovesyoubest · 7 months
Four Benefits When you Merge Care Management and Homecare
Busin The merger of care management & homecare has many benefits. If you are a care management agency, and why you should add homecare to your agency -answer these questions! Do you want to add a new revenue stream to your care management agency to make more money? Do you want to make four times the amount you bill now by adding homecare billing? Do you want to have ultimate quality control of…
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