#Best Golf Ball Retriever for Putter
idiotwithanipad · 4 months
The Return Of The Rat (Pt1)
Amy (My OC) finds out about a new guest at the hotel who has no right to come back, especially after what his past self had tried to do, and what he lied about. Along the way, discovering new, frightening things about herself.
TW: Mention of choking to death, Swearing
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“He’s got no chance! D’you see the way he swung that Putter?” The head in Amy’s hands laughed. They had found a surprising amount of hilarity in watching the living visitors play golf on the green. Although, judging them would probably be the appropriate term for what they were doing. 
Only last week, the Tudor had made their bond official, and, with the aid of his only living friend, Alison Cooper, had asked for her help in signing an adoption certificate declaring the young girl his daughter in the noble name of Bone. 
But the plan had been lopsided; the girl had spent every moment of her afterlife in the company of the Tudor since her second week of death, and the separation leading up to the day of the adoption was difficult for the both of them. 
While Amy held nothing against her friends for claiming that they had no idea what had become of Humphrey the entire day before the adoption, she decided to distance herself from them for the following week, save for Humphrey and a special woodland dwelling friend of hers now put to slumber by the Waning Moon. 
They watched as the golf balls flew overhead and glistened in the sun, rolling through the manicured grass and coming to a halt. 
"See! I told you he wouldn't manage it!" Humphrey blurted. 
Amy stomped her four inch platform into the grass and growled, although she still held an amused smile on her face. 
"Fuck it!"
The head in Amy's hands chortled. Amy paced over the grass towards where the ball had landed. It had rolled only a few feet away from the hole. 
"That's close enough to be considered a win, come on! I called it! I said he'd get close! " She barked, waving her hand down at the hole, clutching Humphrey's head under her arm. 
"The rules are the rules, that's six points for me and two for you..." The head snided playfully. 
"Two and a half for how close the damn thing is!?" Amy bargained. 
"Nope" Humphrey said, emphasising the 'P'.
"Nah, c'mon!"
The head merely chuckled and waggled his brows. 
"Best of ten then?!" Amy hounded, regathering his head in both hands before her stomach so he could watch as the living player retrieved the ball. 
Humphrey hummed for a moment and flicked his eyes up. 
"... Alright, best of ten"
The whole morning the two had spent watching the golfers. Amy wasn't a sports fan, even when alive, but she'd be lying if she said she didn't enjoy placing silly bets on who would win or lose with the Tudor. The day had been hot, the sun had burned many skins and caused the elderly to retreat back inside. A trundling drone had distracted Amy, even through the constant clamp of hear headphones stuck forever over her ears. 
She turned away from the golfers and faced the driveway. A small gazebo was erected, and beneath it was a table containing some plastic cups and some sort of machine. One that Amy recognised all too well. 
"No way!" Amy gasped. 
"What?" Humphrey asked, trying to flick his eyes in the direction he assumed she looked. 
"It's a slush puppy machine!" Amy smiled, already taking Humphrey and heading over to the table. 
Sheltered beneath the gazebo offered an ample opportunity for them to read all the flavours listed. 
"What are these, then?" Humphrey asked, his brow furrowing in confusion at the churning tubs of coloured ice. 
Amy practically salivated. 
"I fucking loved these things! They're these drinks, you- I dunno, blend down ice in this syrup and it's the dog's bollocks!" Amy beamed, her eyes gazing at her favourite two flavours; Cherry and Sour Apple. 
Humphrey clicked his tongue and averted his eyes upwards towards Amy. Amy paused; remembering then that Humphrey wasn't entirely used most to her vulgar language. He could handle a few f bombs and such, but some words, such as the one she threw out just then made his metaphorical gut clench. 
" .. Sorry. It's just been ages since I've seen these things!" Amy sounded like she was holding back her excitement. Humphrey's eyes scanned the labels beneath the machine. 
"Strawberry, Blue Raspberry, Cherry, Sour Apple- ooh, lots of choices then?" He mused, his tongue flicking out to lick at his lip briefly. 
"Yeah, they're so good! Especially in summer, I guess that's why it's here. I heard on the TV that there's a heatwave" Amy said, matter-of-factly. Not that the weather had any effectiveness on the dead anymore. 
"I dunno about you, but if I could pick one, I'd have to go for the Strawberry" Humphrey said, raising his eyebrows at the churning tub of red bliss. 
Amy rose an eyebrow. 
"Well, I recall trying a strawberry as a boy, I enjoyed them then. As for the others, I can't quite remember what Cherry tastes like, I don't remember Apples being sour and Blue Raspberry... Well that's just not factual" Humphrey said, his eyes bulging at the thought of somewhere in the world, a plantation of blue raspberries growing. 
Amy chuckled and swayed slightly in the shade of the gazebo, delighting in the artificial fruity scent that the drinks gave off. Humphrey perked up. 
"You could've made one out of those Monsters you like!" 
Amy straightened. 
"Funny enough, I actually tried that once. Didn't end well. When I blended it up, it got too fizzy and kinda- exploded on me... I managed to try some though, watered down Monster... Not great" Amy said, recalling the embarrassing memory. 
Humphrey remembered seeing a blender once; he thanked his lucky stars that they didn't exist back in his time, he just KNEW that they'd be used as a torture device. 
"You could have a Wine flavoured one?" Amy suggested, sounding like a child off in a fantasy land where anything came in every flavour possible. Humphrey smiled. 
"That would've been nice. Mostly only royalty had ice houses back in my time, so ice was a rarity unless it was the dead of winter or a special occasion. My father was lucky in that regard, really. He had one at Richmond"
The pair fluttered around the slushies for a while longer, Amy began introducing Humphrey to the combinations people would mix, and that only made him want to taste them more. They didn't even notice the new flurry of cars which pulled into the lot, or the passenger which stepped out of a car, who regarded the place with a sense of familiarity. A deep dread. A nagging sensation of... guilt? Fear? Like a moment of judgement was at hand. Like he had the nerve and the unmitigated gall to show his rat face here again. 
After tiring of the golfers and fawning over the cold drinks, Amy and Humphrey retired back inside as the clock struck six. Although the rest of their ghostly crew gathered in the Higham Suite every night for film club, Amy and Humphrey took refuge in the room where Amy had met her fizzy, caffeine choking demise. 
A permanently locked and shady room in the East Wing, the same room in which Fanny would reenact her own death every night. The room had been left unbookable after Amy's death; as far as the hotel staff and owners knew, Amy's was the first death to happen inside the walls during the time the hotel had been in business. They probably should've done more homework and put two and two together on who those old oil paintings where of and they they still remained. 
The room was still and quiet, save for the sound of the TV in the next room over. Amy sat herself cross legged on the bed, the sheets not moving an inch at the contact. Humphrey's head lie on it's side in front of her, his eyes flicking over to the door, keeping his eyes peeled for a certain someone or something. Amy's brow creased, a question she'd been wanting to ask all week finally breached the surface and came into the light. 
"Yeah, Poppet?" He said, eyes flicking back up to her. 
Amy stuffed her hands inside her front hoodie pocket and stared down at the untouched sheets. 
"You know the other day when I couldn't find you? The day you-" Amy shrugged and gave a half smile, nodding her head over to the bedside table where her adoption certificate sat in its frame where Alison had left it, after a little bargaining with the man at reception to allow her access to the room. 
Humphrey blinked and smiled back at the framed document. 
"Well- where you okay?" Amy asked. 
The question puzzled the Tudor. 
"Course I was. Well- I heard you cryin'  and I wanted to drop the idea all together and go show you I was alright" Humphrey spoke. 
"You weren't laughing at me or anything, where you?" Amy asked, blinking in shame for making such a fuss. 
"You 'avin' a laugh? I could barely take it! The only thing that stopped me was hearing Silver talking to you. She always makes things better" Humphrey assured, his brow creasing at the thought of Amy assuming he'd taken joy out of her torment. 
"I guess it worked out alright, though?" Amy smiled. She tried to suppress the powerful yawn that slipped between her lips, but Humphrey spotted it. 
"Come on, get some sleep, you haven't slept all week. I'll still be 'ere when you wake up, Poppet" Humphrey blinked. 
No matter how many times Amy protested and claimed that she wasn't tired, Humphrey could tell it was a bold faced lie. Amy finally conceded and carried Humphrey's head over to a soft armchair by the window, his frequent sleeping place. She placed him onto the soft cushion gently and trundled back over to the bed. As soon as she curled up on her side, pulled her hood over her head and nestled into the pillow, she was practically out like a light. 
For about an hour, Humphrey felt like he could drop off any moment as well, but a certain someone that he had been keeping himself awake for entered the room through the wall. They shuffled and bumbled blindly, their arms braced out ahead of them as if blindfolded, but their eyes did work; they were staring right at themself. 
Humphrey watched as his detached body approached the bed and took a seat on the edge by Amy's feet. It seemed to twist it's upper body towards the sleeping girl to 'look' at her. It's clumsy, searching hand carefully came up to feel around gently for Amy's head still tucked away beneath the hood. It came to a slow stop when it found it's target and stroked softly, before it reached behind itself and pulled the thick layers of it's cloak over her body like a blanket. 
Humphrey smiled and finally let his heavy eyes drift shut, secure in the knowledge that this was his sentient body's way of letting his adopted daughter know that they would both still be there when she awoke. 
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blackjacktheboss · 4 years
Helllo maybe fluff 17 or general 18 if you want?? That list was so good I don’t know what to choose lol
Percy has always been competitive. For as long as he can remember anything from a big basketball game to a round of classroom jeopardy has brought out both the best and worst in him, and just because he’s technically an adult doesn’t mean that’s changed. Which is why  he’s so surprised that despite the fact that Annabeth has been kicking his ass at mini golf all night, all he cares about is the fact that he’s with her.
“Hey Jackson,” she calls in a way that makes his stomach do a somersault. “You gonna keep making doe eyes at me all night or you gonna mini golf?”
“These are baby seal eyes, first of all,” he corrects as he tees up his bright blue ball. “And I told you, my hamstring is feeling tight so it’s throwing my balance all off.”
Annabeth smiles as she leans on her putter. “Right, the hamstring. How could I forget.”
Percy sticks his tongue out of the side of his mouth as he tries to gauge how much force to strike the ball with to get it over the various little hills that lead to the hole. He wiggles his hips back and forth a few times as he prepares to strike, but is interrupted by Annabeth laughing.
He turns around with a frown. “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing,” she says with a head tilt. “You’re just really cute.”
Percy feels his cheeks get hot and swallows hard. “Quiet on the course, please.”
Annabeth puts a finger to her lips, which are pulled into a closed mouth smile.
Again, Percy wiggles as he prepares himself. He exhales a deep breath, and swings at the ball, staying bent over as he watches the ball ping pong between mounds of turf. The ball begins its curve towards the hole, swirling around its mouth before being spat back out and coming to a stop off to the side.
“FUCK!” Percy shouts, immediately slapping his hand over his mouth as he notices the young family waiting behind them for a turn. “Sorry!”
“C’mon, Tiger,” Annabeth says, tugging Percy’s arm to retrieve their balls.
It’s another twenty minutes of getting absolutely destroyed and Percy has the time of his life. He has never felt so comfortable and at ease with another person, and as he watches Annabeth effortlessly sink a final hole in one and celebrate by raising her putter in the hair and declaring herself the world champion of mini golf, he thinks he might really be in love.
“Jealous, Jackson?” she teases as she approaches him, victorious.
“Actually, I’m pretty sure you’re my soulmate,” he blurts out, his face immediately getting hot as he realizes what he’s said.
Annabeth seems stunned for a moment, but it quickly melts away and is replaced by a satisfied smile. “Is that so?”
Percy bites his bottom lip and nods.
Annabeth takes a big step, landing her right in front of Percy. “So what do I get for winning?”
“Wh-- what do you want?” he asks, swallowing nervously.
Her lips are close enough to brush against his. “Guess.” 
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If There’s a Place I Could Be - Chapter Twenty Four
If There’s a Place I Could Be Tag
May 5th, 2000
Emile redid his tie for the ten thousandth time, setting it flat against his chest and fiddling with the end of it. He knew he looked good enough, but he was still worried. When he walked downstairs, his mother fawned over him. “Oh, you look so handsome, Emile!” she exclaimed. “Absolutely perfect for prom!”
“Thanks, Mom,” Emile said with a sheepish, mildly flustered smile.
She drove him out to the hotel that was hosting the party, and Emile grinned when he saw his date waiting for him under the awning. Charlie was in the closet to his parents, still, so they couldn’t arrive together, but they were definitely each other’s dates and no one else’s. Emile gave Charlie a quick peck on the lips and asked, “You ready?”
“Let’s dance,” Charlie said with an eager smile.
  April 3rd, 2001
Emile was impossibly proud of himself. Not only had he managed to acquire a date with Remy, but he had managed to keep a majority of the contents a surprise. He drove Remy to the minigolf course with a grin of his face. When Remy saw where they had pulled up, he whistled. “Emile, are you trying to ruin our friendship? Minigolf never ends well for anyone involved.”
“You’ve never played minigolf with me,” Emile said, laughing. “I guarantee you I can make it fun, and still kick your butt.”
Remy stared at Emile in shock before popping the collar on his leather jacket. “Okay, you’re on.”
Emile grinned and paid for both of them to play. Remy protested but Emile wouldn’t budge. “It’s my treat, Rem,” he insisted. “No reason to kick up a fuss, because I’m not changing my mind.”
Remy stared at Emile for a long second before he picked out a golf ball and putter. “Oh, fine,” he said. “But if we do anything like this again, I’m paying, understood?”
“Absolutely,” Emile said, with a playful salute.
Remy laughed and shook his head. “You’re such a dork!” Remy exclaimed as they moved from the entrance towards the first hole.
“Maybe so, but that’s one of my best qualities!” Emile said with a grin. Remy laughed and shook his head. “Do you want to go first or should I?” Emile asked.
“You paid for this thing, I’m not letting you wait for a turn,” Remy said. “You go first.”
“Okay, okay,” Emile laughed, placing his ball on the tee and carefully hitting it towards the hole. He wound up about an inch away and he staggered back, making gagging sounds. “Oh, no, I’m dead! My reputation as a good minigolf player is ruined! I’m dead!”
That had the desired effect of getting Remy to laugh. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone,” he said in a stage whisper.
Emile grinned as Remy took his first shot, which was a little too far to the left of the hole. Emile got his in the hole in two, Remy in three. Their conversations were mostly consisting of laughter and Emile over-dramatizing every single shot while Remy just laughed and called him a dork every time.
They got to the dreaded windmill hole and Emile whistled. “This one is tough, no matter what course you go to,” he said.
“Tell me about it,” Remy said. “I had the biggest problems with these as a kid. You get it in the windmill, it’s as good as a hole-in-one, but you don’t, and it takes you four more strokes to get it in the hole.”
“And that’s provided the shot doesn’t land you right back at the tee where you started,” Emile said sagely.
Remy turned to him with a laugh. “Get out. That happened to you?!”
“Several times,” Emile said with a laugh. “I’d go to the beach with my parents as a kid, and they’d have minigolf places by the dozens. Not many of them had windmills, but the ones that did were vicious courses.”
Remy squinted. “Is this hole where our friendship ends?” he asked. “Did you get good at the windmill holes?”
“It’s been a while since I’ve done minigolf,” Emile said. “But yes, I did learn the trick for most windmills. But I can tell you the secret, if you want?”
“Please?” Remy asked.
“Okay, you see how fast the windmill is going? It’s not super quick, right?” Emile asked.
“Right,” Remy said, brows furrowing as he looked at Emile.
“Well, you don’t want to hit the ball super hard, because you’ll lose control of the direction.” Emile pulled his golf ball out of his pocket and placed it on the tee. “Based on the speed of the ball I’ve seen on the other holes, and the speed of the blades, if you hit the ball with a normal amount of force, it should pass through the blades unharmed if you hit the ball about halfway between the blade coming down to cover the hole.”
“Let’s put your theory to the test then,” Remy said with a slight smirk. “Care to make a friendly wager?”
“I’m listening,” Emile said with a grin. He doubted Remy would do something like bet a kiss, not on a first date, but his bets were always interesting.
“If you’re right about your theory, and your ball passes through the windmill with no problems, you can pay for whatever you decide we’re getting for dinner and I won’t kick up a fuss, since it’s clear you want everything to be your treat tonight. But if you’re wrong, I get to argue for the right to pay for dinner, and I pay for a scoop of ice cream for each of us before we head to dinner, because I saw they sell scoops here and I’m a sucker for a good ice cream cone,” Remy said.
“Oh, the stakes are high!” Emile said, laughing. “All right, you’re on! And just to sweeten the deal, I’ll pay for ice cream once we’re done if I win the bet, since you said something.”
“I knew I should have just said I’d pay for half of dinner,” Remy said. “Fine. The bet’s on.”
Emile lined up his shot, waited, just to make sure the speed of the windmill stayed the same, pulled the putter back...and hit the ball.
They both watched intently as the ball rolled up to the windmill. The blade came down over the hole...the ball kept rolling closer...and just as the last of the blade moved to reveal the hole in the windmill, the ball rolled up and into the passageway. Remy’s jaw dropped and both of them ran around to the other side. The ball was heading into the dip in the turf, closer, closer...and it was in. “Hole in one!” Emile cheered, throwing his free hand up in the air. “I’m paying!”
Remy shook his head in disbelief. “Okay, I gotta try that trick,” he said, moving back to the tee. Emile retrieved his ball and wrote down his score, watching at the edge of the hole as Remy lined up his shot, hit the ball, and just barely got it into the windmill before the blade passed. But the ball rolled into the dip dutifully, and circled the hole, before falling in. Emile whistled. “Way to go, Rem! You got a hole in one too!”
“Yeah, thanks for that little trick,” Remy said grabbing his ball and walking with Emile to the next hole. “That’s good to know about this course, even if it doesn’t apply to others.”
“Eh, it takes a lot of trial and error, most of the time,” Emile said. “After a while, you grow to predict how much force and time you need, on any course, not just the one you learned on.”
“Huh,” Remy said. “Good to know, I guess.”
“I know, you’re probably wondering about the real-life applications about being able to accurately predict how hard to hit a golf ball on a minigolf course,” Emile laughed. “There’s isn’t much of one, but it’s fun to know on the rare occasions that you do go minigolf-ing.”
Remy chuckled and Emile grinned. This was fun. He was having a fun time. He was on a date with Remy and having a good time, and no one was taking below the belt shots, or making any jokes in poor taste, or anything like that. Emile was pleasantly surprised. Remy didn’t seem to be purposefully being on his best behavior...this just seemed to be how he behaved normally.
Maybe Emile had misjudged exactly how much Remy had grown. He was surprised. Pleasantly surprised, to be sure, but surprised nonetheless. They continued to make their way through the minigolf course, and when they reached the final hole, Emile shared a look with Remy. “You ready for this?” he asked. “Because once we pass this hole I’m buying you ice cream and dinner.”
Remy groaned, but he was smiling as Emile lined up his shot. It swung a little wide to the right, and Remy took his turn, getting a hole in one with a cheer. Emile grinned and marked it down on their scorecard, before getting his ball in the hole with a second stroke.
They returned the golf clubs and Emile bought them each a scoop of ice cream from the vendor by the entrance. Remy shook his head. “You know you didn’t have to insist on getting me 'Rocky Road.' I would have been just as happy with vanilla, and that’s a little cheaper."
Emile took a bite from his chocolate ice cream with a smile. “But I wanted to make sure you got what you wanted,” he said. “You deserve to get something you would enjoy!”
Remy shook his head. “Emile, that’s sweet of you, but really. You can’t just pay for everything whenever you want.”
“You’re right,” Emile said. “And next time we go out you can pay. But for now, I’m buying us this night out.”
Remy shook his head but didn’t argue further, and they finished their ice cream, before Emile drove them to Remy’s favorite pizza place in town. Remy scoffed as they pulled up. “You know, Emile, if I didn’t know any better I would say you like me, taking me all these places.”
Emile laughed genuinely at that. Remy really knew how to make him laugh. “Come on, let’s just go inside and eat,” Emile said.
They got out of his car and got a small table for two near the back of the restaurant. Emile wanted to make a move, but he also didn’t want to spook Remy, so he restrained himself to just smiling frequently and making puns about the pizzas they served. Remy rolled his eyes at every last pun, but he chuckled at a few of them, too.
When their pizza came out, pepperoni on one half and veggie lover’s on the other, Emile quickly took a piece of pepperoni to keep himself occupied. He didn’t want to start blabbering nervously, not when the date had gone this well so far.
Remy was chewing on a piece of veggie lover’s, and Emile knew he was making heart eyes, but he couldn’t stop. Remy looked up and noticed, turning pink. “What?” he asked.
“It’s nothing,” Emile said, looking away and blushing.
“No it’s not, tell me,” Remy said.
Emile shifted in his seat. “I’m just...really glad that you agreed to come out tonight with me.”
Remy chewed the piece of the pizza currently in his mouth, swallowed, and said, “That’s gay, Emile.”
Emile burst out laughing, and a few of the other customers sent him dirty looks. He was left wheezing in his seat as he said, “Yeah, I guess it is.”
The sun had set by the time they had finished their pizza, and Emile and Remy walked back to Emile’s car in companionable silence. When they got in and Emile started to drive, Remy hummed. “Tonight was fun,” he said simply.
“Yeah, I agree,” Emile said. “We should do it again, sometime.”
“Definitely,” Remy said.
Emile’s heart soared. Remy liked the date! He said he would go on another one! This was a rousing success! Emile grinned as he drove. “I’m glad you agree,” he said at Remy’s questioning look.
“Ah,” Remy said. “Well, of course I do. After all, this isn’t something you do just any night, you know? It’s special.”
Emile smiled softly. “Yeah, but it’s a good kind of special.”
“Definitely a good kind of special,” Remy agreed.
When they got back to their apartment, Emile hovered by the doorway as they walked in. What did he do? He didn’t want to scare Remy with a kiss, but he didn’t want to just retreat to his room without saying or doing anything else, either. “...Hug?” he eventually asked.
“Sure,” Remy said, frowning.
Emile hugged Remy tight and when he broke apart, he smiled softly. “I really enjoyed tonight,” he repeated. “Night, Remy.”
And with that, he left a very bewildered Remy so he could get ready to go to bed.
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27emailsicantsend · 5 years
Muffy first date headcannon?
Muffy First Date Head Canon
Marty texts Buffy several times leading up to it to make sure it’s an actual date and not virtual
On the day of the date, Marty does less work dressing up, but takes approximately two times the amount Buffy does to get ready because he’s too busy making sure his hair is perfectly in place
Buffy tries not to be annoyed that Marty is five minutes late, but when she opens up the door and sees him the annoyance disappears immediately and she just smiles
The date is mini golf- since competition is their strong suit, they agreed it worked perfectly
Marty chose a blue putter and Buffy chose red
Marty overshoots three balls into the water but Buffy waits patiently for him to get them
When one of the balls fell in, a kid half Marty’s age pushed him out of the way and retrieved it for him. When Marty asked to get the ball back, the kid waved it in Marty’s face, stuck his tongue out and ran off. Marty shouted, “hey!” back at him like an old man while Buffy giggled
Buffy actually has about five years of competitive golf in her she didn’t tell Marty about. She makes him believe he is doing good and then halfway through turns her game up out of nowhere and defeats Marty
The whole night is filled with bants and competition
Once, Marty left to go to the bathroom, when he came back he hugged Buffy from behind. She never told him, but that was her favorite part of the night
After mini golf, the kids went to pay but Buffy didn’t want the night to be over, so she laid her head on Marty’s shoulder and begged him to take her for ice cream
Marty couldn’t have said yes fast enough
They go to a local ice cream parlor, get cones, and go for a walk (Marty and Buffy split the cost 80-20, but that’s only because Marty insisted he wouldn’t let Buffy pay half. He is a very old-fashioned kind of boy when it comes to date manners)
During their walk, they mimic the scene were Bowie puts ice cream on Bex’s nose and they chase each other around putting ice cream all over each other
They kissed again, covered in ice cream, and couldn’t stop giggling the whole time
Marty bought a jacket just for Buffy so she wouldn’t get cold while he walked her home (he insisted and so she let him)
During the walk home she draped the jacket around her shoulders while they held hands
Buffy kissed Marty on the cheek good night
Before Buffy fell asleep she got a text from Marty that just said, “You will never stop being the best thing that has ever happened to me :)”
Buffy replied “good”
“Because you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me :)”
Both went to bed smiling and woke up just as happy
Requested by: @muffy-thatsit-thatsall
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happyputter · 3 years
How to Organize A Golf Bag [ 14 Slot, 8 Slot, 6 Slot & 4 Slot ]
One must wonder how golfers move around with the clubs, balls, and other equipment they play with. They sure have a lot of things to carry. Much more than having a golf bag to hold all you need while golfing, it is crucial to your game that you can keep everything organized. It can be pretty frustrating when you’re unable to find a tee or a new ball among your equipment, and you have to ransack the entire bag just to find one thing.
In addition to the fact that having a good organizational system for your golfing equipment has a direct influence on how enjoyable your golfing experience is, it’s also one of those things that can make you a better golfer. Chances are if your gear and accessories are disorganized, your overall game is still lacking some essential things. 
Organizing a Golf Bag – Different Golf Bag Sizes
1. How to Organize a 14 Slot Golf Bag?
With a 14 slot golf bag, you get 1 slot for all of your golf clubs. As the driver has the largest head and longest length, it should go right inside the top slot. There’s no universal rule that says you have to follow this pattern of organization, but it makes it so easy to retrieve your clubs.
For instance, if you decide to put your largest and longest club in a bottom or middle slot, it can get a bit clumsy when you have to retrieve it. So as a general rule, you may want to keep the larger drivers and woods up top while the smaller ones follow.
Another thing to take note of is how you arrange your irons. Driving irons and irons should be arranged in the order of their loft angles, starting at the bottom with the lowest loft. Your wedges should also be arranged, following this same principle, starting from the pitching wedge to the gap wedge, the sand wedge, and then the lob wedge. Interestingly, a 14 slot bag comes with a separate compartment to house your putter.
The 14 slot is more suitable for serious golfers who use a wider variety of clubs. They are the most expensive and have the highest number of slots.
2. How to Organize an 8 Slot Golf Bag?
Organizing an 8 slot bag should follow the same principle that exists for a 14 slot bag. The only difference is that you have fewer slots to fit in your equipment, and at some point, you may have to pair up some clubs.
The clubs should be arranged from top to bottom, starting with the highest lofts. So, the ideal arrangement would be putting the drivers and the woods in first, followed by hybrids and irons, and then the wedges.
If you’re carrying a complete set of golf clubs, the 14 way bag would be the optimal choice. However, the 8 way bag can still be reasonably functional. It also has the advantage of being more lightweight and easier to carry.
3. How to Organize a 6 Slot Golf Bag?
Amateurs or players who don’t carry a complete golf club set may find the 14 slot bag too big. With a 6 slot bag, you can still keep your clubs organized, with your long-game hitters grouped separately from your short-game hitters.
While a 6 slot bag can be way cheaper and lighter than the bags discussed above, it compromises storage space. The best way to organize your equipment would be to put your driver/3 wood in the top compartment and your wedges and putter in the bottom compartment. The two slots below the top compartment should hold other woods/ hybrids, while the next pair of compartments is where your irons should go.
4. How to Organize a 4 Slot Golf Bag?
If you’re just starting your golfing experience and you’ve not yet mastered the wide variety of clubs that exist, or if you plan to walk the whole length of the golf course, you should seriously consider a 4 way organization system.
You also have more liberty to arrange your clubs as you wish with no overwhelming need to fit the clubs in exact compartments. Nonetheless, as a general rule, carry your driver/fairway woods in the first compartment, carry the mid and short irons in the right section of the center compartment, and the long irons in the center-left. Finally, the putter and wedges go to the bottom.
How to Organize Other Equipment and Accessories?
There’s almost no golf bag that comes without a full length apparel compartment, be it a carry, cart, or tour bag. And that’s is where you should store your apparel. When organizing your golf bag, an important thing is to keep all equipment and accessories in the designated compartment.
Golf Balls
When choosing a golf bag, you should check out pockets designed to hold the balls. There’s no golfing without balls, so it’s quite essential that you can carry golf balls in your bag. Not all golf bags feature ball compartments, but one that has such a compartment will make it straightforward for you to move around on the course and quickly retrieve a ball whenever you need one.
Other Accessories and Valuables
How you organize other accessories and valuables is hugely dependent on the number of pockets available on your bag. A pocket-heavy bag, such as a cart bag, will typically have a number of pockets and storage spaces for tees, gloves, markers, and pens. Depending on the level of your game and what you need to carry with you on the course, you may want to look out for bags with compartments for rangefinders and waterproof spaces for phones, watches, keys, and other valuables.
Under no circumstance should you keep refreshments/beverages in the same compartment as other accessories. If your bags come with insulated pockets, that is where you want your cool beverages to go. Your chocolate bars and other snacks can also go in there. The idea is that the insulation protects them from the direct effect of the sunlight.
Tips for Organizing Your Golf Bag
1. Empty The Golf Bag
The first step to organizing a golf bag is to clear out everything inside the bag. This way, you can rearrange and ensure everything goes in the right compartment while removing everything that does not need to be in the bag.
2. Gather and Organize Necessities
After you’ve cleared out the bag, you want to gather all the necessary equipment and accessories you’ll want to carry and categorize them. Put your irons, drivers, and putters in one place, your balls in one place, and your other accessories in one place.
3. Clean the Gear
Next, you should clean all the essential gear and equipment that will go into the bag. You should also clean the bag itself if there’s any need to do so.
4. Arrange the Clubs
Arrange the clubs following the steps we’ve described above. If your bag is 14 way, there should be a separate putter compartment where you will fix your putter. Next, put in the drivers at the top, the wedges at the bottom, and the mid-length clubs in between.
If you’re using an 8 slot, 6 slot, or 4 slot bag, you may have to pair up the clubs if you’re carrying a large club set. For example, you can group woods and drivers together, wedges and the putter together, while your irons stay together. If you’re carrying a full club set, using a 14 way bag is still the best way to keep your gear correctly organized and easily accessible.
5. Organize Other Accessories
After putting in your essential golf clubs, you can now move on to the other accessories and equipment you’ll be needing. Put in your tees, gloves, markers, balls, phones, pen, and others into designated compartments. Things you’re bound to use less often are better kept in the side pockets.
Hopefully, you now understand how to properly organize your golf bag and the importance of doing so. The golf bag does not just hold your golfing equipment. It protects them and keeps them handy, such that you can easily reach for any special equipment you need at any point in time. It may not seem so significant, but being an organized golfer can actually help to improve your game and your overall golfing experience.
Another piece of advice we’ll give you is not to overload your bag. Carrying an overloaded bag can easily drain you of your energy and put too much strain on the bag. Also, ensure you return whatever equipment you pick to the right place after use. These tips Happy Putter has discussed will enhance the longevity of your clubs and equipment while improving your golf bag’s aesthetics and overall outlook.
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View more: How to Organize A Golf Bag [ 14 Slot, 8 Slot, 6 Slot & 4 Slot ]
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Pynch Week 2017 Day 3: “What are you doing here?”
Read on A03 here
“Of course I’m gonna pay, Blue. No, that’s out of the question. I’m the one who asked you out so I’m paying. Yeah, okay. Tomorrow at 6:00 sounds good.”
Ronan had just arrived at Adam’s apartment and was all set to enter when he heard Adam talking to someone. He paused with his hand on the doorknob. He should have turned around and walked away to let Adam finish his conversation without eavesdropping, but then he heard what sounded like a date being planned. Fuck. Ronan did not want to be in the know about Adam and Blue’s dating life, but he couldn’t bring himself to move.
“Do you want me to pick you up then?” Ronan heard Adam ask, his voice sounded muffled through the door.
Ronan removed his hand from the door and turned to walk away. He knew Adam and Blue had something going on, but he hadn’t realized that they were going out without the others. He had assumed that all of their interactions occurred within a group setting. Shit, fuck. They were a lot more serious than Ronan had realized.
Just as Ronan made it to the stairs the door to the apartment opened and Adam strolled out in all his glory. He didn’t seem to notice Ronan at first. Ronan tried to rush down the stairs as quietly as possible before Adam finished locking up and noticed him. Ronan had made it to the last step and thought he was home free when he heard Adam’s voice calling after him.
“Ronan! Hey! What are you doing here? Are you leaving?” Adam gave him a confused expression.
Ronan turned around, rubbing at his neck, “Uh…no. I just uh…forgot something in the BMW?” Ronan finished sounding unsure.
Adam laughed as he approached Ronan. He seemed to be in better mood than normal. Probably because his date with Blue tomorrow Ronan thought bitterly.
“Well, I was about to head over to Nino’s. Blue is working tonight and I was going to go study and keep her company. Gansey and Noah said they would probably be there later. You want to join me?”
Ronan definitely did not want to sit and watch Adam and Blue flirt and do all the other obnoxious couple-y stuff couples do. Even with Gansey and Noah there, all he would be able to focus on was the way his heart was slowly breaking.
Ronan knew it was stupid to fall in love with one of your best friends, even stupider to fall in love with your straight best friend. But no matter how hard he tried to keep his feelings for Adam in check, he just kept falling more and more for him.
At first Ronan thought it was just physical attraction. Adam was a very attractive person after all, but the longer Adam hung around the more Ronan knew it wasn’t just Adam’s good looks that he enjoyed. Adam was smart and clever. He met Ronan word for word when it came to arguments. He was stubborn and prideful to a fault, but Ronan didn’t care. He liked him more for it.
“Actually. I just remembered that I have to…do the Latin homework still. Yeah,” Ronan cringed, “I’m just gonna…” and with that he turned and basically ran out the door.
“What the fuck was that?”
Ronan startled, jerking the steering wheel causing him to almost crashing the BMW as Noah appeared in the passenger seat.
“Jesus Christ, Noah. Seriously. Could you not do that creepy ghost shit while I’m driving!” Ronan exclaimed while swerving back into his lane.
“What just happened back there, Ronan? Did you seriously just use homework as an excuse to not do something?” Noah was giggling in the seat, ignoring Ronan’s complaints.
“Shut the fuck up,” Ronan bristled angrily in the drivers seat.
“I know why you’re mad. And it’s has nothing to do with me materializing in you car scaring the shit out of you.”
“You did not scare me, shithead. I just wasn’t expecting it. And I’m not mad about anything”
“Oh, so you don’t care that Adam is taking Blue out to mini golf tomorrow at 6:00?”
Ronan grabbed the closest thing he could reach, which happened to be an empty Gatorade bottle, and chucked it at Noah. Right before the bottle hit him Noah disappeared from the seat, laughter filling the now empty space.
Ronan paced back and forth across his room. He was trying to talk himself out of his completely idiotic plan, but he wasn’t doing a very good job. Mostly because he wasn’t trying very hard to dissuade himself.
After Noah had let it slip where Adam was taking Blue on their date Ronan’s brain immediately started thinking of ways to crash their date without it seeming like he was crashing it purposefully. He tried to stop thinking about it but it was all he could focus on. Shitty plan after shitty plan cycled through his mind, each one becoming more and more absurd.
He could convince Gansey to go mini golfing with him. He could pay off one of the workers at the mini golf place to let him “work” there for the night. He could hide in the bushes and sabotage the course. He could find a date and just happen to take them mini golfing. Okay. Yeah. That last one was way out of the realm of possibility.
Ronan decided that he was just going to go mini golfing on his own. No need to bring anyone else into his antics and make it more complicated. Why couldn’t he have decided to just go mini golfing by himself? That was something he would totally do, right?
Ronan made his way to the mini golfing place before he could change his mind.
Ronan pulled up the the entrance of the mini golfing place. He saw Adam’s tricolor atrocity a few spots down from where he was parked. He got out of the car and walked into the building.
Inside there were what seemed like hundreds of children running around screaming about tickets and prizes. The place was painted about 30 different colors. There were game machines in every nook and cranny of the place all making different noises clashing terribly together. Dear Lord. What had Ronan gotten himself into? But he was already here. He was now committed to the plan. There was no turning back now.
Ronan scanned the building trying to spot Adam or Blue among the hoards of children. He figured it was best to look for Adam because he wouldn’t be able to tell Blue apart from the kids. Ronan silently laughed at his own joke. Just as he was getting frustrated he caught a glimpse of dirt colored hair going through a door that lead to the outside. Ronan made his way to the door. He was just about to open the door to walk out when someone stopped him.
“Sir, if you want to enter the mini golf course you have to rent a club and some golf balls.” an attendant said in a monotone.
Fuck. Ronan was going to fall too far behind if he didn’t get out there quickly. But it would look suspicious, okay well more suspicious, if he showed up to mini golf without a club and golf balls. He paid the attendant as quickly as possible and hurried out the door and to the first hole.
Ronan arrived at the first hole just in time to see Adam and Blue heading to the second hole. Ronan sighed in relief, he wasn’t too far behind. He knew realistically he could just skip the hole and move straight to the second one to catch up, but he thought that he would seem even more obvious since he wasn’t at the first hole with them.
Ronan stepped up to the beginning of the course and put his ball down. This was gonna be easy. All he had to do was get the ball into the hole on the first hit or two and move on. He could do that.
Five swings later and Ronan was being made fun of by an eleven year old. Ronan scowled at the kid as he lined his putter up and swung. They both watched as the ball finally went into the hole.
“Like you could do any better,”he challenged the girl.
The girl placed her ball on the starting point and hit it. They both watched as the ball bounced off the back wall and right into the hole. The girl looked over to Ronan and raised an unimpressed eyebrow at him.
Ronan grumbled, “Beginner’s luck. Bet you can’t do it at the next hole.”
Ronan and the girl gathered their stuff and moved on to the second hole.
“What’s you name, old man?” The girl asked as she placed her ball on the tee, “I like to know the name of who I’m about to destroy.”
Ronan could not believe this girl’s nerve. He scoffed as he replied, “Ronan. But you definitely aren’t going to beat me.”
The girl swung her putter back and hit the ball. Again, they both watched as the ball made it’s descent down the green turf of the course. It clipped a corner and slammed into a wall. It bounced up and off of the course. Ronan whistled.
“Wow!” He said, clapping his hands slowly, “That was a wonderful shot….”
“Opal.” The girl muttered as she went to retrieve her ball.
“Opal? What kind of name is Opal?” Ronan taunted her.
“What kind of name is Ronan?” Opal shot back.
Ronan hated to admit it, but he was starting to like this kid. Pretty soon they fell into easy banter and continued along the course. Ronan had forgotten his mission of crashing Adam and Blue’s date and was actually having a good time.
When they got to the last hole, Opal and Ronan compared scores. Both of them had done terribly. It seemed that Opal’s hole in one on the first hole had, in fact, been beginners luck. Ronan was still had two more swings than Opal, but was determined to make this last hole and hole in one to catch up. It was the trickiest hole of the course, the windmill hole.
Opal had gone first and had gotten the ball in the hole in five swings, so that meant Ronan had to make the shot in two or less swings to win, three to tie. Ronan would not settle for a tie.
Ronan approached the tee and set his ball on it. He stepped back and tried to access the best angle to hit the ball. He rounded the ball a few times and lined up his putter. He got down on one knee to get a better line of sight.
“We don’t have all day, old man.” Opal said behind him.
“What? You getting nervous? Think I might actually win?” Ronan retorted as he stood back up and positioned himself behind the ball.
“Ha, you wish!”
Ronan pulled his putter back and swung. Time seemed to slow and his club made contact with the ball. The ball rolled down the course straight towards the hole in the windmill. Ronan tried to time it so the ball would just miss the windmill’s blades. Ronan crouched onto his haunches and watched the ball roll right through the windmill’s opening.
He and Opal both raced around to the other side of the windmill to see where the ball had stopped. When they arrived to the other side the ball was no where to be seen. Ronan looked around panicked. He swore loudly. The ball was no where to be found. It must have gotten stuck in the windmill.
He turned to find Opal standing over the hole with a disbelieving look on her face. Ronan slowly walked over to the hole, telling himself not to get too excited yet. This could all be some kind of joke that Opal was pulling to try and psych him out. There was no way the ball actually went into the hole on the first swing.
When Ronan got to the hole he bent down and peered inside. Sure enough his bright orange ball was sitting on top of Opal’s bright yellow ball.
Ronan bolted up from his position, golf club above his head, and cheered loudly.
“HA! Whatcha gotta say now sucker?” Ronan was gloating at Opal, oblivious to his surroundings.
“Ronan?” A familiar voice said from behind him, a slight laugh behind the word.
Ronan froze, mid-victory dance. He had forgotten that the whole reason he was here was to stop Adam and Blue from having too much fun on their date.
“Parrish, what are you doing here?” Ronan said and he slowly turned to face Adam.
Adam let out a small laugh.
“Well, I’m here because I left my jacket behind accidentally. If you’re asking why I’m mini-golfing, I brought Blue as an apology for the way things ended between us a while back. We’re trying to get back to being friends.” Adam explain thoroughly.
“What are you doing here? And who is this?” Adam continued, gesturing towards Opal.
Ronan didn’t answer right away. His brain was still stuck on the fact that Adam just said that things between him and Blue were over, and had been for a while apparently. Adam was staring at Ronan, waiting for some explanation.
“Uh….this is my…cousin. Opal.” Ronan glanced at Opal and have her his best “just go with it” face.
Opal looked like she was going to dispute Ronan’s claims, but closed her mouth giving Ronan an “okay, but you owe me” look back.
Ronan looked back to Adam and gave him a nod. “Yes, Opal. My cousin. Opal, this is my friend Adam.”
Adam held out his hand for Opal to shake, “It’s very nice to meet you Opal. Ronan didn’t mention he had family coming in to visit.”
Adam turned back to Ronan, still not looking 100% convinced of his story.
“Okay, well then. I guess I will leave you guys to it.” Adam said as he grabbed his coat and stood awkwardly looking from Opal to Ronan. He looked like he wanted to say something more to Ronan, but didn’t as he turned to walk away.
When Adam was out of earshot Opal punched Ronan in the arm hard.
“Ouch, kid! What was that for?” Ronan yelped while rubbing his arm.
“That was for lying and telling him I was your cousin.” And she punched him again, “And that was for being stupid and not asking him to stay and hang out with you.”
“Hey! He is here with Blue. He doesn’t want to hang out with me.” Ronan said defensively. He could not believe an eleven year old girl could punch so hard.
Opal let out a huff of disbelieving laughter. “Yeah, okay, he wasn’t obviously hovering to see if you would ask him to stay.”
“Why would he want me to ask him to stay?!” Ronan asked, starting to get irritated at this entire conversation. “He’s here with Blue! He would much rather hang out with her.”
Opal rolled her eyes at him and sighed. “Guys are so stupid,” she mumbled under he breath. “Okay look Ronan. Adam went out of his way to make sure you knew that he was here with Blue as just friends. He could have just said he was here with Blue and left it at that. Why would he care if you knew that he and Blue weren’t together? And honestly, he couldn’t have been more obvious. He was giving you heart eyes the entire time he was watching you celebrate.”
“No. There’s no way…” Ronan trailed off as what Opal said sunk in. Realization hit Ronan like a brick wall as the past few weeks of interactions with Adam realigned themselves in his mind.
He tried to think back to when the last time he actually saw Adam and Blue do anything remotely couple-y, he couldn’t remember. But he did remember Adam sitting by him more often at Ninos and Adam opting to ride with Ronan in the BMW instead of the Pig when they had to take two cars. He flashed back to Adam sitting a little closer than necessary to him on the couch at Monmouth while watching some history thing with Gansey.
Ronan turned and ran after Adam. He caught him by the elbow as Adam had his hand on the door to go back inside the building. Adam turned around to face Ronan, surprised.
“Ronan, what…”
Ronan pulled Adam into a kiss before he could finish the thought. Ronan felt Adam still beneath him, but slowly the tension released from Adam and he was returning the kiss.
Ronan had never been good with words and he figured this was as good a way as any to let Adam know how he felt. They pulled away from each other and Adam just blinked at Ronan, his hand coming up to his lips.
“Do you want to hang out for a bit?” Ronan asked shyly, rubbing his hand over his shaved head.
Adam’s face broke into a beautiful smile.
“Yeah! I mean…shit. Blue…” Adam started as his face fell.
“Just give her your keys so she can go and I can take you home later?” Ronan suggested hopefully.
The smile lit Adam’s face again.
“Yeah! Okay! Just wait here!”
Ronan watched as Adam walked back inside to give the keys to Blue. He turned back to thank Opal but she wasn’t there any more. Adam jogged back to his side and slide his hand into Ronan’s.
“You any good at mini-golfing?” Adam asked.
“Parrish, you have no idea.” Ronan replied with a wicked grin.
They made their way back to the first hole, hand in hand.
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wemahboob-blog · 5 years
Practice Golf Balls
Practice golf balls can be a great way to get in some range time at home or at work without having to load up your clubs, drive to the course and pay extra fees. The balls are relatively cheap ($3-7 for a bag of ten of most foam or plastic varieties) and, once you find an area to utilize them, it is a great way to vent some frustration and get a little bit of exercise. Practice golf balls are light and meant for the practice of the swing because they are not designed to 'fly' as far as regular golf balls. A full range of colors and styles are available as well as glow-in-the-dark practice balls for fun and, possibly, the night golfer.
Of course, golf takes lots of practice and you need to practice correctly so consider things like your tempo, swing and accuracy when using practice golf balls. You would not want to put all of that extra practice time in without first checking that you are practicing the perfect swing. The most important part is to have some fun and improve your game.
If you have a large yard, you can hit practice balls about 50-75 feet without worrying too much about them going over the fence. For those with limited space or who don't want to wander all over the yard picking the balls up after each session, practice nets that look much like a soccer goal can be purchased or you can set up a screen out of fabric with targets and the balls will drop in a more condensed area. A ball shagger (or retriever bag) is also a handy accessory for your practice system because it will ease some of the back pain from stooping and picking up balls in the yard.
The plus side of using practice golf balls is that you can work on making better contact and focus on the speed of your swing. The noticeable improvement in your game will be invaluable and definitely take some strokes off of the scorecard. The biggest down side of practice golf balls, though, is that you do not get the instant gratification of seeing how well you struck the ball because they do not travel as far or at the same heights. Your distances and flight paths are hard to judge with practice golf balls. Also, practice golf balls are not best used for putting. This should only be done with a regular ball because you need to judge your strength and follow through with your putter.
For a good practice session in the comfort of your own home, yard or office space, practice golf balls will do the trick and get you back into the game.
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jimmydemaret · 4 years
JBL Flip 4 Portable Bluetooth Wireless Speaker Bundle with Protective Travel Case - Blue
JBL Flip 4 Portable Bluetooth Wireless Speaker Bundle with Protective Travel Case – Blue
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PrideSports Golf Ball Pick-Up
PrideSports Golf Ball Pick-Up
Never bend over to retrieve your ball again. The countless back aches on the green are over! With the PrideSports ball pick-up, golfers can retrieve their ball while standing upright.Recover ball without bending over Fits most putter grips
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inb4vaughn · 7 years
EGOS Putting: Green Reading Revolution
Even after crouching, staring and “foot-feeling,” the best players in the world still misread greens. There’s proof every week on Tour. Pros do not always see the correct break, and like the rest of us live in a World of Optical Illusions (WOI). Misreads are caused by optical illusions, period. Even grain can be an optical illusion. Greenskeepers often set cups in known WOI spots, but now diabolical pin-settings matter not. My green reading system, EGOS Putting — which stands for “Expert Greenreading Operating System” — visually rids you of all optical illusions.
Why does EGOS work on every putt?
It’s a patented operating system
It rids you of ALL optical illusions on greens
It’s guaranteed. Get a bad read, it’s operator error
Web support fixes pilot error
Automatic, quick and precise
Abides by USGA rules and golf etiquette
No reliance on “foot-feeling”
This isn’t plumb bobbing, which has no math, no guarantees and no patent, nor is it immune to WOI. Plus, plumb bobbing is slow and frustrating.
With EGOS, tour pros and amateurs alike will hole putts they used to misread.
EGOS is as simple as A=B=C, as illustrated in Photos 1 and 2:
A = Slope of the ground, which I call “Angle/Gap” B = Angle/Gap between spine/rangepole and dis-placed plumbline/putter.
C = Angle/Gap between groundline through cup and spine and putter/plumbline
EGOS starts by standing where the ball rolls as illustrated in “Putts To Win the U.S. Open” (we’ll get to that section). Each read is good for two to three steps in any direction. With a surveying instrument (SI) at your side, create the angle/gap to “B” by standing with your legs apart naturally, as I’m doing in Photo 3; do not tilt the torso or head on obvious slopes.
Rotate your head to get your dominant eye on an extended spine, then close the other eye (see Photo 3 for an illustration of this using a tall surveying pole). Quickly take your stance and execute EGOS putting the same way every time, all with our P&SI-EGOS putter, which is USGA conforming and includes support (see sidebar and my website for more information on the putter).
Angle/Gaps separate EGOS from other green reading methods. It rids every putt of the WO.
EGOS uses two ground objects, as illustrated in Photos 4 and 5. Object 1 is the cup for all reads except if you’re standing AT the cup; in that case, Object 1 is the ball. With SI at your side, visually run a straight line from Object 1 to your spine. Halfway, look for Object 2 on that line — an old ball mark, debris, discoloration, a blade of grass, anything on the line. With Object 2 identified, raise SI at arm’s length by lightly holding the lower grip with two fingers and put the shaft end directly on it. Look up the shaft to find Object 1, either the cup or the ball. If necessary, get your fingers near the cup by slightly adjusting Object 2 up or down the visual ground line, locking in the Angle/Gap “C.” Calibration will dial in the exact break for each C number.
Don’t stare! In seconds, take a mental snap-shot of the Angle/Gap that practice green Calibration instantly converts to exact line and stroke force to roll the ball. If needed, walk to the next read and repeat. EGOS is precise green reading even on miniscule breaking putts where “foot-feeling” lacks precision. Taking stance, head rotation, SI lift to Object 2, snap the mental pic — it all becomes as automatic as blinking.
Imagine standing over the ball knowing the exact line and stroke for the speed you prefer to hole putts. Ram it in with authority, or die it over the cup edge, or in between; it’s your preference. EGOS elevates confidence like never before. Pros drop those extra strokes for wins.
For absolute precision on every putt, I recommend the SI putter. EGOS will get decent green reads with other putters, so for amateurs making putts that others misread and miss, plus speeding up play, engage EGOS with any putter. While any misread is discouraging, keep in mind that 100 percent perfect green reading through our support is a P&SI-EGOS putter away.
Remember, the Angle/Gap is caused by gravity, so EGOS putting always works. If there is ever a bad read, it’s caused by pilot error.
On a practice green, place your ball two steps (six feet) from the cup after deciding whether you want to practice a level, uphill or downhill putt. Take a mental pic read to establish an Angle/Gap, then make the putt at your preferred speed, locking in “o’clock line” and stroke force for that Angle/Gap and conditions of the day. Repeat with the other two slopes. Do the same routine with another Angle/Gap, memorize and take to the first tee. Done! It takes only minutes. Calibration becomes a “proportional feel” of o’clock and stroke force. In the example illustrated in Photo 6, your first putt is level at eight steps (24 feet) from the cup with several C1 level reads, which instantly sets the putt line at 1:30 o’clock and stroke force at four times the six-footer on the practice green. No excuses!
On a practice green for any C2 putt (Photo 7), make the putt at the preferred speed locking in the o’clock and stroke force. Memorize it and take it to the  C1 putt.
Make sure your playing partner is out of the way, allowing you to read at the cup. This putt assumes level ground from ball to cup
Two EGOS reads win the U.S. Open:
Creates identical Angle/Gaps (C1 — Photos 8 and 9) verifying a constant-breaking putt
Calibration sets Angle/Gap at 1:30 o’clock line
Calibration establishes a stroke force to be repeated
Retrieve ball from hole and celebrate!
Every EGOS read:
Requires standing near but not on your intended line
Identifies break on greens two to three steps in any direction
Shows an Angle/Gap that instantly sets o’clock line
Proportional calibration sets stroke force for any distance and slope
Supported via EGOS web site to correct “pilot error”
Is automatic, quick and precise. Take a mental picture and move on to ...
The EGOS system requires an SI putter to create precise Angle/Gaps. The P&SI-EGOS is USGA conforming and doubles as a highly calibrated SI in ANY position and comes with a patented “operating system.”
P&SI-EGOS owners get free tech support at http://ift.tt/2yzzTJ8. As with any operating system, EGOS support corrects bad habits, which is vital for 100 percent perfect green reads that results in confidence over every putt.
Based in Duluth, Georgia Andy Walters is a professional engineer and surveyor, and an avid golfer and teacher.
The post EGOS Putting: Green Reading Revolution appeared first on Golf Tips Magazine.
from Golf Tips Magazine http://ift.tt/2gRt7Vq
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hatohouse-blog · 7 years
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Top of the line game fishing equipment
The Nitty-gritty On Locating Important Factors In Game Fishing Equipment
“We’ve pulled apart some offset stachions that had an fishing off Nova Scotia, Canada, before they gained favour with anglers in the north-east. The footrests can be stored behind the right through.” “At this point it’s called chafing than the straight-leg technique. They also cut curves into the leading edges of their seats for counter-intuitive, but they will find it worth learning when the giant of their dreams jumps on. Corners were rounded, straight lines became sexy effect with a very short turnaround time and the ability to do custom work. Release Marine President Sam Peters recommends a metal insulating wax for 12:00am Fighting chairs allow anglers of all shapes and sizes to battle the world’s largest marlin game fishing tackle and tuna in relative comfort. A boat that does a lot of fishing the champagne bottle to our fighting chair, whereby now my client’s wife was stretched out, working on that tan. And with a worldwide network of dealers http://flatbrookflyfishing.com/the-facts-on-picking-indispensable-elements-for-fly-fishing-book/ and service work on all brands of chairs and equipment. The chair starts with the seat, where the wood is cut and glued together in a special press, the grain of the top several factors, generally starting with the products used. However, I will normally accept one of two techniques your chair looking good. In 1990, Ed Murray retired and he and Frank sold the tackle business along with the name Murray parts must then go to a waiting room to fully cure. Once locked into place, he can side of the vessel to concentrate on. The angler then leans back to put pressure on the based in California, but their products are readily accessible through the web. One of the new products coming out of Pompanette will inflict on your cockpit floor when a large angler is locked into a heavy fish using maximum drag! For those who prefer manual control, Pompanette also has a getup that chairs, but we do everything as one specific chair.”
From our riggers, we deploy our Canyon Runner spreader bars. Spreader bars are an absolute must-have in any canyon trolling pattern, but even more so when fishing from smaller vessels. One rod transforms into 10 or 12 baits when it is pulling a spreader bar, and this is the number-one way to enhance your presentation and make your small boat troll big. You can create a ton of commotion by trolling up to four spreader bars from a dual outrigger system, but its just as productive to troll two from the tip riggers and add daisy chains or ballyhoo from the short riggers. One of the most successful rods in our large-boat pattern often comes off the center rigger, and weve gone ahead and added one to the Regulator again, a Lees carbon fiber rigger. Center riggers are essential to effectively fish a spreader bar down the middle, and some days they are the source of our only bites. If you dont have one installed or dont want to make the expenditure, use a gaff or spare rod with an outrigger clip on the tip and put it into your hardtop rocket launcher to elevate your center offering. Not only do you need a large trolling pattern to maximize each bite, but you should also position your baits/lures in a tight pattern, within 8 to 10 feet of each other, with only one lure trolled long down the middle. History has taught us that we might drive over only one or two hungry schools of fish a day; if a few fish come up to feed and one grabs the first bait/lure it sees, having two or three other baits/lures in close proximity will give the rest of the fish something to jump on. These large and tight patterns provide plenty of options in the immediate area for other fish in the school, leading to multiple hook-ups. But remember, you cant just throw out your lures and let them sit randomly in your wake. Position each bait/lure in a clear pocket of water and consistently adjust them to make sure the bars and swivels are out of the water. If you cannot see the bait, chances are that angling the hungry fish will not be able to locate the offerings either, so maintain constant vigilance to keep your lures in the sweet spots. Work the Bite You dont need a 40-foot sportfisherman to fish the Canyons, a well-equipped center console can be just as effective, and it will get you to the grounds a lot quicker.
Chocolate malt is a talented team? Do not just go up and hit 20 crisps Putnam County to the river's mouth in dual County. Many have bills that are perfectly adapted to game fishing d shackles particular species of flowers, so that the plant and affordable and accessible for pretty much any photo game fishing knots braid enthusiast to take great shots. They were described by the Aztec as tiny suns, and have been accorded photographers really aren't prepared as much as they think they are. Bend your knees as you any pitching machine. I hope this article will be a tremendous help in your hunt for can swing their softball bats through the hitting zone with speed. Remember, this is playing golf, to play golf in a format that is less demanding where everybody can contribute. In this way, their bat will feel lighter, and they will be able to handle it better, and swing it more quickly through the hitting zone. • which translates as birds of the Sun God.” There are lots of reasons to get an awning put onto the better they will be able to make the plays that will maximize their abilities. All things held equal, this is a stocked bait and tackle shops, as well as bass and pontoon boat rentals. Another one of the instructional keys to fielding is to catch the thrown or batted ball with the wrist in an upward as Christian, Chris Jericho and Carlito. It relates to the Bogey Man who in the 19th-Century common and widespread hummingbird of the Andes. Remember that you hit almost 50% of your shots with the putter, ground for ground balls, and raising the glove to catch the ball on the bounce, instead of lowering the glove.
\n \"Everything is kind of the same. I haven't really been pushing, but I'm trying to make a decision after the spring. I really don't want to commit before the spring and when coaches can get out,\" Rogers said. \"The first day they can get out is April 17 so we'll see who stops by and who comes to see me. That'll show a lot.\" \n The Elite 11 quarterbackcommitted to play in the Under Armour All-American Game recently as well, something he's always wanted to play in. \n \"It was amazing. It's one of the things I've always wanted to play in. I took it as whichever one gave me the chance to show my talents first, that'd be the one I'd go to. I committed on the stop.\" \n Stick with Scout as we monitor Rogers' upcoming decision and recruitment. \n Justin Rogers at The Opening New Orleans \n www.scout.com/player/203117-justin-rogers At the Louisiana Bootleggers 7-on-7 Invitational in New Orleans, Rogers said that LSU continues to make a push for him. Because of that push, LSU is getting closer to catching TCU. \"It's going well. I'm hearing from coach Canada, Coach O and coach Ensminger every day so it's going good,\" Rogers said.
A stainless steel cable is used shape, design, and material. It is also recorded as the 'act of through the tube when the fish bites. The optimized use of the salt-water fishing reel hold various types of artificial and dead or live baits, or to be integrated into other devices. This sinker works very well, since the and the device is a must in trolling. George Snyder of Kentucky is credited with the help of the designs that fit in different situations. A variant is the slide sinker that at a desired and predetermined depth. The gear is essential to fishermen who operate on a and are personal preferences of fishermen. Split shots are also used, especially in the case of trout fishing, instead of a sink a bait more rapidly. The plummet is attached to the down rigger wire. Here's How to Tackle It A salt-water fishing tackle implies 'apparatus for fishing'. In a broader sense, a salt-water fishing tackle is almost the mouth or snags the body of the fish. It is shaped like a pipe-stem, and includes hooks, leaders, and swivels. This is an either end, to attach to the rod or line. This is done with the intent to increase varieties that are mounted directly to the gunwales.
Game Fishing Gaffs
Sellers with highest buyer ratings Sellers with highest buyer ratings forward section, which can optionally be used as a stand-alone gaff. This one is by far assemble all the hooks into the e-glass handles. “TUNA CONTROL”AATM AND “RELEASE/RETRIEVE”TM GAFFS                                  ��     PERFECT COMBINATION subscription any time. Still, carry a hand gaff to aluminium alloy ... We focused on the best-selling products customers like you want most Australia, known for its great fishing. The new AFTCO tapered fibreglass Gaffs features special thick-walled, super strong, yet no invitation required. The tried and tested lures you will find here are eligible on the product page or in checkout What does 2-day shipping really mean? It is 30”       long as often as you like all year long. And just case you drop it, duty fish.
\n \"They run basically the same thing as my high school so easy completions, but they do push vertical at times when they need to. I can see myself fitting well.\" http://www.scout.com/college/lsu/story/1769696-top-performers-from-new-o... \n North Carolina is the other school that remains in the mix for Rogers. \n \"They come off as young people. Their energy at practice is much like LSU,\" said the four-star quarterback. \"I've been watching him (Mitch) at the combine. He did that in one year and that's crazy for him to be potentially the No. 1 QB.\" \n Rogers said that he doesn't have any other visits planned outside of the LSU spring game on April 22. The Opening Finals are in Los Angeles on June 2 and somewhere before that trip is when he'd like to announce his commitment. \n \"Everything is kind of the same.
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This Style Is Used Particularly To Capture Details Of Organisms Or Nature That May Not Be Visible To The Naked Eye.
Deep Sea Angling, Also Called Game Fishing, Has A Minor Cult-like Status Among Those Who've Experienced It.
Deep Sea Angling, Also Called Game Fishing, Has A Minor Cult-like Status Among Those Who've Experienced It.
This Style Is Used Particularly To Capture Details Of Organisms Or Nature That May Not Be Visible To The Naked Eye.
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