#Best Harness for Small Dogs
randomwriteronline · 1 year
@mcnixie i wrote a second one as a bonus (and apology)
special thanks to @ingo-ingoing-ingone for making me rotate kyurem n emmet in the microwave of my brain and @insane-control-room for figuring out what would be the best dish for the situation
The clicking started much sooner than last time. It started loudly, before the muted sound of human steps could fully reach its hardly functioning ears, and it allowed it to dull its aggression into a general wariness.
Kyurem did not look at him as he approached quietly, slowly, clicking his tongue at steady intervals. He stopped walking when the massive husk shifted and began lowering its body as though getting into a battle stance; instead, much to his surprise, it simply tucked its massive legs a little closer to its torso as it laid down even if still notably tense.
Emmet clicked again, a little louder and much quicker, without moving an inch. He hadn’t expected to be almost welcomed into its like that.
A chilling growl rattled through the chasm, covering the ground before the maw in frost.
Ah. Of course.
The human resumed his slow calming chanting, taking equally slow rhythmic steps forward as he played with the things he was holding onto. Even when he was so terribly, exhilaratingly close to the dragon, it did not in any way turn its head to take him in - a sign which meant it was at ease with him.
He laid out the large bowl as close to the muzzled maw as possible. Taking care to keep clicking his tongue, and to move as slow and silently as possible, he uncorked the thermos and poured part of its contents.
Even with such terribly damaged senses, Kyurem picked up the smell.
Emmet watched it turn blindly towards the ceramic on the cold ground, grunting quietly what should have been a few cautious sniffs; it carefully dipped the icy tip of its muzzle into the warm liquid with a tentative motion and remained perfectly still for what felt like hours.
Then it took a sip that drained half the bowl.
A low rumble reverberated through the cold hollow body.
With a second sip the warm treat was already finished. The man refilled the dish with more broth, and looked as the horrible beast sank its jagged teeth back in it and drank it all in only two laps before diligently awaiting the next serving.
They repeated this curious ritual until the first thermos was completely empty, and then again, until the second one was too, and then Emmet absentmindedly gazed with his cheek pressed against the cold rough skin at Kyurem as it licked and scraped the ceramic for any more warm droplets left in the bowl like any other domesticated well-loved pokémon would have done while whistfully wishing he’d prepared a third one.
This entire situation was...
Awfully surprising.
Who knew the same terrifying, cold, barely capable of feeling beast that had held the region hostage in its own freezing cage happened to apparently have a soft spot for a little too salty vegetable soup.
His warm sigh condensed on the cold scales. No thoughts, no worries plagued him at that moment. A comfortable emptiness enveloped him.
If he could have brought a pot and fire, and grown produce down here... Maybe he would have remained like this, last priest of a long gone Dragon, sacrificing vegetable broth to its shell to appease it. The idea wasn’t necessarily bad. In that moment it was to a new leaf to turn to like any other. A change of pace: stillness instead of constant movement, quiet instead of screaming rails, loneliness instead of passengers stuffed into cars like sardines. Pretty radical for an early midlife crisis but he couldn’t find any complaints about it.
Ah, but it would have grown boring.
Eating the same thing every day.
“Have you ever been to the sea?”
The pokémon growled without any real aggression.
An old memory, maybe. Devoid of color or smell or taste.
“I’ll make you seafood soup next time.“
Unless he was imagining things - which he likely was - the grumbled reply seemed to be looking forward to it.
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avyaanleroy · 1 year
Tailored Canine Neck Collars
Our dog collar custom service provides top-notch products designed with a focus on both comfort and durability. Contact us now!
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shyamnews · 1 year
Best No Pull Dog Harness UK - Top 5 Picks
In this article, we will talk about the best no-pull dog harness uk. If you are also looking for A pulling harness for your dog, you must read the article until the end. A dog harness is a strap that encircles a dog’s torso and guides, holds, lifts, and pulls a dog. The best thing about this is that when the dog is pulled, there is less stress on the neck, and it provides free breathing to the…
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vivwritesfics · 4 months
Love you work ! For my request I would like that the main character is the sister of Charles Leclerc but is going to surprise her boyfriend Lando Norris at the australian Grand Prix with a little gift ( a australian Shepherd ) . The little gift would be called Lando Jr.
i changed the dogs name for the meme
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"I can't believe you called him Little Lando Norris," Charles mumbled as he looked at the puppy jumping around at his feet. He was an array of colours, with gorgeous blue eyes.
Even as a puppy he was so much bigger than Leo. Charles held Leo in his hands, keeping him away from Little Lando Norris.
"Are you really surprised, Cha?" His little sister asked as she worked on getting a harness onto her puppy. He squirmed as he got one leg out of the hole, before she put it back. "Little, c'mon," she mumbled as she tightened it and attached the lead. "We need to go and meet your daddy."
As soon as Little Lando Norris was on his lead, Charles put Leo on the floor. He got him into his own lead and harness, and the two of them walked out of the hotel.
There was an inkling of doubt in the back of her mind. She had just gone out and gotten a puppy, something she'd been thinking about for the longest time but something she hadn't yet discussed with her boyfriend. What if he didn't want to become a dog dad with her? What if he hated that she named him Little Lando Norris?
She left Charles and Leo at the Ferrari garage and set off to the McLaren garage. There were already pictures of her and Little (what she'd been calling him so he didn't get confused when she called for his daddy), posted online, but she knew Lando wouldn't have seen them yet.
Before she walked into the garage, she sucked in a breath. "Ready, boy?" She asked as she reached down to stroke his head.
Little Lando Norris let out a small yap and jumped up, placing his little fluffy paws on his mums knee.
She strode forward, walking into the garage.
Lando's eyes lit up when he saw her. "Baby!" He called, striding towards her, having not yet caught sight of the blue lead in her hand.
But then he stopped and stared down at the dog. Her dog. Their dog. "Lando," she said slowly, "I want you to meet Little Lando Norris."
He frowned as he met her eye. "You got a dog."
She gave a nod.
"You named the dog after me."
She gave another nod.
A grin split across his face. He got down onto his knee and called the puppy closer. "Hi, boy!" He called as Little Lando Norris ran towards him, tail wiggling with so much force that his butt was wiggling with it. "I'm your daddy."
He picked LLN up into his arms. LLN let out a little yap and licked at his face, excitedly.
The breath she let out was relieved as she approached. "You like him?" She asked carefully as Lando reached out to pull her closer.
Lando kissed her. "We're gonna be the best dog parents going."
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blondwhxrewrites · 4 months
Doberman!mattheo who ends uo accidentally hurting you when he bites to hars into your neck and you cry and he immedately lets go.the group rushes over anf teddy picks you uo gently as you cey into his arms
Teddy takes you back to the dorm,coaxing you into turning back into human and you do and he sees a nasty bruise at the back of your neck and cleand you up :(
I let myself take creative liberty....not really proud of this but I hope you like it!!
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It's like Mattheo has a second sense for knowing when you're in trouble. Whether it be from doing something stupid, or being chased by an overwhelming amount of cats—he knows, and always manages to swoop in and save you like the knight in shining armor. His nose is to the ground sniffing out your scent like one of those police dogs he heard overheard some muggle-born talk about. While he knew he didn't have to turn, he wasn't able to sniff out your scent as a human.
Following him is Theo, who volunteered right away after learning that you were missing. But, to be honest, he was more concerned about what Mattheo would do if you were wounded than he was about finding you. Despite being what others claimed to be 'defenseless'—you were the opposite. He'd seen you kick ass more times than he could count. You were vicious as much as you were cute.
It's when the scent of you leads him to a trail of blood leading to the courtyard is when Mattheo truly starts to worry. He looked back at Theo, and let out a small whimper. Before dashing into the courtyard, following the trail of blood.
The sight makes them want to gag. Your curled up on the ground letting out quiet, pained, whimpers. Blood stains the grass around you. Those fucking cats.
"Oh princess..." Theo frowned, slowly approaching your tiny body. In some areas, your usually pristine fur was covered in blood which pained his heart to see. He crouched down beside you and gently caressed one of your floppy ears to let you know he was here. With absolute care, he picked you up into his arms. He sent a dirty glare at Mattheo when the dog let out a growl. "I'm trying to help her." He hissed, gently kicking the dog away so he could actually take you back to the common room and get you fixed up.
If he could, Mattheo would roll his eyes at his best friend, but at that moment the only thing he cared about was you. In seconds he was following Theo, not as a dog, but as himself. "lemme hold her." He gently took you from Theo's arms and cradled you to his chest cooing praises at you as he raced back to the Slytherin common room with Theo in tow.
Later that night your back as a human, curled up in Mattheo's bed high off of healing potions with bandages wrapped all over your injuries. "Matty..." You mumbled, reaching out for your boyfriend who had absolutely thrown a hissy fit over the whole entire ordeal. "m'tired."
"I know princess, I know.."
Minding your injuries, he pulled you closer to himself. "Just go to sleep." He whispered, pressing a kiss to your forehead. Already exhausted, you nodded your head, and closed your eyes. With the help of the several potions you had taken earlier, and the sleep potion he had also snuck into given you, you were completely passed out just seconds after.
The next day, to some poor first year's horror, several dead corpses of cats lay buried in the snow just outside of Hogwarts—the professors chalk it up to wolves.
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kenananamin · 1 year
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Fun-sized best friend
Summary: After seeing you cry at a post about a dog being put down soon, Nanami reaches out to adopt the dog. It'd be the first time you both have a pet together, but it should be fine... right? fluff fluff fluff, nanami x fem!reader
Nanami is driving back home while you giggle in the passengers seat. You're holding a fluffy dog that is wriggling all over your lap and licking anything around it.
He looks over at your happy face and smiles, but looks down to the dog and sighs. You were on the verge of tears last night after seeing an ad for the dog. She's a three-legged dog who was removed from her previous owner's care. She had a couple more days before she would be put down and that last detailed pushed you over the edge of teary eyes. Nanami comforted you as best he could and messaged the account while you showered. After he heard the water turn off, he entered the bathroom and told you the news about the dog no longer being put down because she'd have a home soon.
Seeing your happiness in the car told him he made the right decision but this was the first time he'd adopted a dog. Nanami always considered himself a cat person but he would do anything for you... including trying to adjust to a hyper dog.
"This shouldn't be too hard," you tell Nanami after seeing his nervous glances towards your new companion, "she's only got three legs."
Nanami looks over half in horror and half in surprise that you'd say something like that.
His reaction makes you burst out in laughter, "I'm kidding! I'm really kidding! But we will be fine, she'll have so much love and attention and everything she needs. I'll give her everything I can," you lean to hold his hand, "thank you Ken. Really, thank you."
Nanami intertwines his fingers with yours and smiles back, "Love you, darling."
Nanami opens the fridge to grab Emi's food. You called to let him know you were going to be home late and asked if he could feed Emi and take her on her walk. He looks down to see her looking up at him and patiently waiting. Emi was very calm around Nanami and would quietly follow him around compared to running circles around you.
Emi finishes her food and Nanami grabs the harness. She starts jumping after seeing the harness and it takes him a second to put it on. Emi pulls their way out the door and Nanami hurries to lock the door and start their first walk without you.
You come home and hear Nanami grunting in the bathroom.
"No!" Nanami yells followed by quick steps.
Emi runs out the bathroom, shaking the water off her and running towards you. Nanami throws the door open, the bottom of his shirt and parts of his pants completely soaked.
"Were you bathing Emi?" You ask while you rub and pat your fun-sized best friend.
Nanami sighs and puts his hands on his hips, "Yeah, she saw a puddle and decided to jump in and got us both dirty."
You laugh and stand up to go give Nanami a hug and kiss. Emi lays down and starts rubbing all over the small living room carpet while mom and dad have a moment.
"I'm so sorry, all these deadlines are killing the team."
Nanami nods as he watches you rub your eyes on your facetime call, "It's ok, but can you call me as soon as you're leaving? Or call me if it gets too late, I'll pick you up and we'll get your car later."
"I'll call you when I'm done. I love you, Kenny. Byee my wittle Emi, mommy wuves youuu!!" You hang up the call and Nanami looks over to the dog that seems to be smiling.
"How come you get the baby voice?" Nanami and Emi stare at each other until she moves onto his lap. Nanami keeps staring and slowly lifts his hand to pet her.
The house is dark when you open the door. You got out much later than expected and walk into the living room to see a sleeping Kento sprawled on the couch and Emi tucked into his side. Emi was awake and looking at you, but did not move from her cuddle. You grab the blanket draped behind the other couch and cover your two loves.
You wake up early Saturday to a quiet house. Nanami had been taking Emi to her morning walks alone to let you sleep in after your long work days. It had been over two weeks since your team had to absorb another team's workload after that team was dissolved. It would only be a few more days of this and then you'd be back to your regular schedule.
Nanami and Emi come back home while you're making your tea.
"Welcome home!" You yell out as Emi runs to you while her whole body moves with her waggling tail. Nanami follows suit and goes to kiss your forehead. He's holding a large paper bag, bulky with whatever was inside.
You raise your eyebrows at the bag and Nanami puts it down on the counter, "We went to the pet store for another harness since she's outgrowing this one."
"That looks like much more than a harness," you laugh and peek into the bag, "toys? Ken, is this whole bag is full of dog toys??!"
Nanami freezes and slowly backs away from the bag and you, "Emi kept looking at them. She likes toys." He whispered and Emi stands on her leg to lick his hand.
You stare at the frozen man and dog who left your side for his. You sit on the floor to call Emi back over, but she looks between you and Nanami and sits by his side. Your jaw drops and Nanami leans down to carefully push Emi to you.
You park your car and lean your head back. Finally, you were finally back home at a regular time. You pick up the grocery bags and start to head inside, excited to surprise Nanami with the first full dinner you've made in weeks.
You open the front door, smiling at the thought of his surprised face as you come home early. You see Kento and Emi sitting on the couch. His face definitely expressed that he was surprised... but so were you.
Kento was holding Emi on his lap, fixing a homemade matching collar and tie on her neck. He froze with his hands around her neck when he heard the door start to open. He opens his mouth to try to explain what's happening but you fall to your knees with the grocery bags, cackling at the scene.
There are scraps of fabric, scissors and a sewing kit on the center table. You can't see much besides that past the tears in your eyes and you fall to your back and hold your face in your hands, trying to control the laughter.
"I can explain," Nanami says from the couch but it makes you laugh even harder.
Emi walks to you and you finally sit up to closely look at Nanami's work of art. You knew he was good at sewing as he's helped fix a couple things before but this was something you could have never imagined he would make.
"I was fixing my tie this morning and she was sitting in front of me, staring. I don't know why but I started wondering what she'd look like with a little tie so I went to the store during my lunch break and started making this..." Nanami sits beside you on the floor as he explains. You pet Emi with one hand and hold the handmade tie with the other.
He used his lunch break to buy and start making this. You were so convinced when he adopted Emi that he'd just take a backseat with raising and taking care of her, which you were fine with since you both knew you were the dog person in this relationship. Seeing him do so much for her made you laugh at your initial thoughts but it warmed your heart to see so much love for the fur bundle you both considered your fun-sized best friend.
"You know, seeing you both with ties makes me realize you look so much alike," you tell Nanami as you straighten Emi's collar.
"She's got my tie but she's got your eyes," Kento gets closer, holds your neck and leans in to kiss you.
You slap his chest at his comment but he laughs and continues to kiss you as you both shift on the floor to face each other. Emi starts to jump between the both of you and barks for your attention. Nanami grabs a nearby toy without backing away from the kiss and throws it across the room to distract Emi.
Nanami breaks the kiss and looks into your eyes, "I didn't get to say it earlier, but welcome home, baby. We're happy to have you home on time."
The fact that he includes Emi on the statement and says they're both happy makes you laugh yet again. Emi runs back with her toy and is back to jumping around the both of you. There really is no place like home.
a/n: I can see nanami doing something like this too in the story lol
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Picture found here
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felinefractious · 4 months
I tried to adopt a cat from a rescue, I really did. I filled out and submitted applications to 5 different rescues because the local SPCAs didn't have cats that fit my needs (social with cats and dogs, approximately 1 year old, high energy, and preferably long or medium haired).
I explained in detail the care I give my current cupcake. She's spayed, gets routine vet care, is up to date on shots. She has her own room (my room) which is set up with shelves, trees, 2 litter boxes. She gets supervised free roam of the house (not 24/7 because of lifestyle reasons). I use puzzle feeders for her meals- high end brands like The Honest Kitchen, Open Farm, Stella and Chewy (I like to mix it up to keep it interesting). I play with her at least twice a day, or whenever she asks. Indoors only. She has a water fountain. We're working on harness training. I made it clear I had a second room set up similarly and ready to go, and carefully researched introductions. Dogs are cat social and kenneled unless supervised. I don't know, I feel like my cat lives a good life. She's happy, fit, and I adore her.
Couple of weeks past and I received 5 rejection emails with reasons such: I maintain a very small flock of exhibition poultry, that I do breed and sell the chicks of seasonally, which is...immoral to them, I guess; my brother who does live in the same household has intact show and working dogs; the dogs are kenneled (what??); I don't work full-time; one even said it was because I feed my current cat dry food instead of wet food. My cat straight up won't eat wet food! She hates it! I replied and said I would offer wet food if the new cat wanted it, and they never responded.
It all just seemed like weird reasons to me. Maybe not, I don't know if that's just how rescues are. I ended up with my cat through the pregnant cat distribution system (my mom owns her mom) so I didn't have to deal with takes on cat care I didn't get.
Dejected, I started looking on Craigslist and saw a cat that perfectly fit my needs- a sphynx outcross project that tested positive for mild HCM (asymptomatic for now) so the breeder who purchased him immediately neutered him. So I asked about him, located a cardiologist and scheduled an appointment with my vet ahead of time to get a referral to the cardiologist. Did lots of reading on HCM. Met with them and they were lovely. Got all his paperwork with his health testing and his whole history and genetics. I fell in love with him immediately. Everything they said about him has been true: he's confident, well-mannered, has the exact same play style as my kitty. There was not a single point during the 4 hour drive home that he showed signs of stress, he took treats and just lounged. When I set him in his room, he waltzed right out of his carrier with his chest puffed out, head held high, and rubbed all over me, purring and bumping his head into me. There hasn't been an adjustment period, he just came out and was like, "sweet, new digs! now, pet me!" Settled into a routine so fast. Has been perfect for his nails and bathing him. We're already making tremendous progress with recall.
This cat is so fucking well socialized. And his structure? Fucking gorgeous. Exactly as sphynx are described, with a deep chest, solid belly, longer hind legs than front, long creepy fingers which he uses to grip me instead of his claws and it feels like a human infant gripping me (deeply unsettling).
It's been such a good experience, and the rescues were so weird, I honestly don't know if I can ever get a cat that wasn't selectively bred again. He's not even pure bred! His dad is 100% sphynx but his mom is a dominant blue eye project from approved sphynx outcrosses.
Don't get me wrong, I love my first bastard kitty, she's the best cat there is. But now I have two perfect cats! I didn't realize that was possible...all my friends' cats, they're often much more nervous and shy. I was prepared for my second kitty to just never live up to my first.
Here he is, my weird coated mostly sphynx:
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Bonus DNA results
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I wonder what that person bit is about.
Unfortunately your story is not unique.
These excessive and unrealistic standards are part of what I mean when I discuss barriers to adoption as being one of the actual issues contributing to overpopulation of homeless pets.
I’ve seen people discuss being rejected due to their age despite being staffed in the veterinary field, the person was in their early 20’s.
I’ve seen people discuss being rejected due to having intact animals in the household despite them being species that aren’t traditionally altered, like reptiles.
A rescue I knew would avoid adopting out to people who indicated they would feed a brand of food the rescue considered to be lower quality, such as Friskies canned.
I’ve spoken to rescues for a veterinary reference who were disappointed the prospective adopters most recent cat wasn’t current on their vaccinations despite being an 18+ hospice case.
I could go on and on and on.
I’m glad you were finally able to find a cat to give a good forever home to, it’s clear that you’re passionate about your animals and knowledgeable about their care.
I would put too much stock in the 12% Persian, you can’t test for breeds in cats the same way as you can in dogs. Wisdom Panel is great for health and trait testing but nonsense for breeds.
You can really see the Devon in his face in the picture you used for the test, though!
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hw4-l1z · 4 months
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Ot6 reaction to having an intimidating/dominating bf
Sub!xdinary heroes x dom!m!reader
Cw: manhandling// spanking// pet play(both reader and jungsu dress up)// size kink// choking// brat o.de// hair pulling//scratching// reader is described to be tall and muscular// biting
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♡ He loves that you intimidate people only because nobody would even dare flirt with you being too scared to approach you which meant he had you to himself.
♡ Since he is the leader of his group he really enjoys being told what to do by you, it was new but exciting. He was a very good boy and always listened to your commands, mostly cause he didn't want to see you angry.
♡ Loves being manhandled by you. Loves when you just bend him and push him around into whatever position without you even asking him. Loves how strong you are and how your spanks on his ass sting in the best way. The way your hands pin his down, unable to move and your piercing eyes that burn through his soul.
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♡ Loves how big and scary you are, calls you his big guard dog. Honestly pet play is his favourite thing to do with you. You didn't think you'd like it since you prefer subs dressing up for you but you didn't mind since you still had complete control over him. He would love if you wore a harness and a spiked collar with a leash attached and maybe some black wolf ears whilst he had white cat ears with a white collar with a bell on it and maybe pretty white lace lingerie.
♡ He'd have a hold of your collar as you pounded him from behind and growled in his ear. He loves how much bigger you are than him so having the big bad wolf and pretty petite kitten dynamic would turn him on so bad.
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♡ Clings onto you all the time. Sometimes likes to just climb on you like a climbing frame cause why not, you're big and strong so you can easily withhold his weight. Would absolutely crumble if you had him held up against the wall whilst fucking him.
♡ Loves when you choke him, depriving him of air. The way your veins pop out on your arms and hands drive him insane. Can't get enough of how strong you are and how intimidating you gaze is. Always shies away when you look him in the eyes when you're fucking him, forcing his face back and telling him to look at you. If he fails to do so you give him a harsh smack across the face making him look you with teary eyes.
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♡ He likes to be a brat just to see you angry. He loves your rough aggressive side so he'd try his best to bring it out, disobeying you or talking back to you, mocking what you're saying or even sticking his tongue out at you before walking off. Before he even has the chance to walk away you're grabbing him by the back of the neck and pulling him back into you. Staring him down and telling him to quit being a brat.
♡ Loves laying across your lap whilst you spank him, pulling his head back by his hair and spanking his ass and thighs. He likes when he feels small under your, his small little waist compared to your big hands wrapping around him almost completely.
♡ He loves when you fuck him in doggy, he can feel your big strong hand gripping his waist tightly as you rail him from behind. Pushing his face into the pillow as he screams your name, gripping his hair, growling in his ear as he goes dumb for you.
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♡ You're like his bodyguard, he takes it to his advantage to go out for walks at night. Usually he wouldn't since he was a little scared going out during the night but having you with him makes him feel very safe.
♡ You may be intimidating but he knows you'd never hurt him, you're his safe place. He loves that even when your being rough with him you always check to make sure he's alright, you know that your grip can become a little too harsh and could hurt him a little or that your thrusts can become too hard and become too much for him to handle so you always make sure that he's fine.
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♡ Uses your scariness to his advantage. If someone decides to be a dick towards him then he'll just threaten to get you to come beat them up, you have to keep telling him that your not going to beat somebody up cause you could get in trouble but he still insists on doing it.
♡ He never thought he'd like you being rough with him but oh my he loves it. The way you grip his hair and fuck into him at such rough pace, his eyes roll back as he claws down your back. Loves when you bite him, not too hard to draw blood but enough to leave red marks on his skin. Loves the way your arms wrap around him so tightly too, just holding him close to your body whilst you fuck him.
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look-at-the-soul · 11 months
Trick or treat 👻
Robert Fischer x reader (blurb)
Summary: Robert meets the cutest little bad b*tch witch
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“Okay what do we say when they open the door?” You looked down at the small witch holding your hand.
“Good evening, trick or treat?” Your daughter answered in a singy-song tone.
“Now go and knock on that door.” You encouraged her.
Piper, your yorkie flanquead by her side wearing a pumpkin harness with matching leash.
“Oh! Grab your cauldron.” You stammered nervous, this was her first time trick or treat in the city after moving out from your parents house and Alix had been excited since the beginning of October for this moment.
After a one night stand with the wrong person, you got the biggest blessing of your life, and your parents were over the moon with their only granddaughter, they were already considering moving closer just to see you and her more often.
As she was about to knock again you decided to try on another apartment, perhaps no one was inside.
“How can I help you?” A male voice asked from behind.
Turning around your jaw almost dropped to the ground at the man in front of you; he was wearing an immaculate blue suit wit hug a purple tie. A briefcase hanging from his hand.
“Good evening! I’m Alix… trick or treat?” Your daughter announced ceremoniously.
The man took in from her, to the tiny dog wagging her tail in excitement and then to you, ever so slowly until his blue eyes met yours.
“Sorry we don’t wanna disturb you.” You added, moving the hair back from your face.
“Not at all,” he smiled and then looking at your daughter he asked; “are you a good witch?”
“I’m a bad bitch.” Alix answered at the top of her lungs.
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He laughed really loud while you shook your head embarrassed.
“I want to be a bad bitch!” She repeated.
Once he stopped laughing, he wiped the corner of his eyes, he opened the door to his apartment. “Want to come inside? I think I’ve something.” But then he realized of one small detail. “I’m Robert by the way.” He extended his hand towards you.
“Y/N the bad witch’s mom… sorry about that.” You blushed.
“Don’t worry I got it,” he laughed again, your daughter entered the apartment before you had time to react. “After you.”
“Do you’ve chocolate?” Alix asked him, struggling with her hat.
“Alix.” You warned her but Robert seemed to be smitten by her.
“As a matter of fact I do.”
“What’s a matter?”
Mentally you groaned.
“It’s hmm when you’re sure.” Then he looked at your left hand, holding the yorkie up. “How’s the candy hunting going?”
“This is the first door we knock. We don’t know anyone here, still unpacking things, we live two floors up.”
“I don’t know anyone to be honest.” Robert admitted from the pantry.
“You don’t have to, really.”
“I know I’ve chocolate somewhere…” he trialed off. “So what brought you here?”
“My work I got a great offer at a firm and it was best for my daughter and me.” You pointed out empathizing it was just the two of you.
“Lawyer interesting,” he nodded. “Do you like it here Alix?”
“Yesh!” She twirled making her skirt float.
“So you could get me out of trouble then?” He opened a couple of cabinets.
“Depends of what kind of trouble you get in.”
Robert gave you a double look with a smirk.
“What?” You asked shyly suddenly.
“You sounded just like her, she gets it from her mama.” Robert replied taking off the jacket of his suit and folding the sleeves of his shirt. A moment later he shouted excited. “Here!”
Alix stormed towards the pantry before you could stop her, following her you were shocked to see it was the size of three kitchens like yours.
“Look mommy!” She emerged with a box wrapped in a fancy bow, you knew the brand, those were bloody expensive.
“We can’t accept that.”
Robert gave you a confused look while your daughter frowned.
“Of course you can.” He nodded and looked at the little witch struggling with the box. “There’s white chocolate, burnt caramel, dark truffles…”
“Mommy pwweeease.”
“How can you have the heart to say no to that face?” He pushed with a huge grin.
“Fine, but you only get one.”
“Can we go now? I want more candies!”
Robert was biting his lower lip as he pondered into the idea that got in his mind.
“I don’t want to be disrespectful but I was thinking why don’t you continue the trick or treat route in the building then come back here, there’ll be a hot dinner waiting with a glass of wine if you want of course.” He offered.
Your eyes sparkled. “Do you’ve Rosé?”
“Whatever you want.” He rested one of hands on his hips, a rebel curl messed onto his forehead.
“I’ll bring tiramisu as dessert.”
“Right then, don’t let her get a sugar comma.” He winked. “See you in a bit bad witch.”
A/N I just had to write this really quick! 🥰🤭 make sure to look at the link 👇🏻 thank you for reading! xx
Video inspiration: bad bitch 🤭😂🤣
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avonne-writes · 4 days
Happy birthday! I just wanted to tell you that you're the best fan fiction writer I've come across in 20+ years ♥️
Can I ask for the [coffee] prompt? Gale manages to get hold of some coffee beans in the stalag and makes a cup of real coffee for John. Even better if he has to hide it from all the other inmates ☺️
My dear, this has been in my inbox for months, waiting for me to finally get to it! I'm sorry that it took me this long, especially because this was an original prompt. Thank you so much for your sweet message, I appreciate it so much! 🩷❤️ The drabble I'm posting below is part of a longer fic which will be posted on AO3 when it’s finished. It’s set in my a/b/o au (core idea here, drabble here).
The last fading rays of summer warmth are pushed away by the deepening chill of the night when the sun sets. It’s only September, but the walls of their prison seem to grow colder with each night, and the barbed wire fence looks taller every miserable morning. How long can a bird stay alive with its wings clipped, locked inside a cage that only lets it see the light, never feel it? And is it life at all?
It's been almost a year, and there's no end in sight. Only the mindless, final darkness, the one that beckons Bucky persistently every time the pains of his body and soul grow too heavy to bear without howling. If he and Gale hadn't bonded before their capture, he would've given in to that call already.
But they had, so here Bucky is. Still hungry, still cold, curled up in his bunk because Gale fussed the whole night and pushed him away every time Bucky touched him. Not even his own mate wants Bucky anymore.
“John.” He hears Gale's voice, quiet and warm, close to his ear as Gale leans over him. A hand shakes Bucky's shoulder, then slides down to his elbow in a caress. “The weather is so nice outside.”
“So what?” Bucky grunts, fed up with the morning sunshine that streams in through the flimsy curtains. How dare it tempt him with joy when he can’t even take a breath deep enough to remember freedom.
Gale shakes him again. His scent is so sweet that if Bucky closes his eyes, he can imagine that this is just another morning at Thorpe, and his mate is in a good mood. “Come, walk with me.”
Illusion shattered, Bucky shrugs Gale's grip off. “I'm not your dog.”
There's a pause, then a sigh. Gale squeezes Bucky's arm, then Bucky hears the thud of his boots as he walks away. The door opens and closes with a click.
“You should get it together, man. You're still mates, are you not?” Jefferson's voice rings from behind him, and it pisses Bucky off. What fucking business of his is it if he and Gale are still mates or not? He shouldn't say shit about things he doesn’t understand.
His irritation is enough fire to make Bucky turn around and rise from the bed, but Jefferson is already halfway out the door, scoffing at him, and Bucky isn’t quite angry enough to chase after him. He growls and drops into a chair at their small table, dealing a pack of cards to play imaginary poker against himself. From the corner of his eye, he notices the stares Crank and DeMarco shoot him, but they also go out after a few minutes, leaving him blessedly alone in silence.
For a while, it feels good. Time is beyond his perception, has been for who knows how long now. It's just one of those things that doesn’t seem to matter anymore. He plays and loses against himself, always loses, then just drops the cards and stares at the strip of light crawling across the wooden floorboards. Guilt starts to tickle at the corners of his eyes and throbs at his temples like a headache. He didn’t mean to be so rude to Gale, but last night left him in a mood even worse than usual. He should probably find the strength to go out, join the others and apologize to him. Touch the mark on Gale’s neck if he's still willing to let him. 
Bucky's just about to push himself to his feet when the door swings open and Gale comes back inside. He looks frazzled and pale as a sheet, although it's hard to tell if that's the general effect of the stalag or something new. He puts his hands on his hips and paces around a bit, shooting Bucky quick glances as if gearing himself up to speak.
“What happened?” Bucky asks, frowning.
“Nothing.” Gale licks his lips, then stills for a moment before he walks over to the table with confident steps, all of that sudden unsettled energy swallowed up by his self-control. Maybe, he’s nervous that Bucky will gnash his teeth at him like a feral animal again. When he sits down and meets Bucky's eyes, Bucky sighs.
“Look.” Bucky starts, leaning forward and holding his hand out. He leaves it there even though Gale doesn’t take it. “I'm sorry for this morning. Didn’t mean to lash out like that.”
Gale considers him for a beat of silence, then nods, somber. “Apology accepted.”
He glances down at his lap, then pulls something out of the pocket of his trousers. When he looks at Bucky again, his eyes are soft and loving like they used to be before they learned how fragile the good things in life are. “Do you know what day it is?”
Bucky puffs his cheeks out, his eyebrows quirking up in a way that clearly amuses Gale. “Haven't a clue, doll. I'm wearing my Sunday best though, just in case.”
Gale huffs, shaking his head with a fond twist to his mouth. Something about the movement makes him wince, but he composes himself quickly. “It’s the 8th, John.”
A dull pain starts in Bucky's chest and radiates out into the rest of his body. He can’t believe he forgot. He can’t believe that this moment came. The first time he spends 8 September as a prisoner of war, instead of laughing and celebrating with the love of his life.
Gale puts the small package he pulled out of pocket on the table between them. “I couldn’t get you any whiskey.” He says with wry humor that pulls a joyless smile out of Bucky. “But I got you this.”
When Bucky opens the package, the scent of ground coffee hits him like the sweet promise of heaven. It’s the real stuff, he can tell instantly, not the sand and ash concoction they mix up for them on most days. If they brew this, one sip of it will give Bucky enough life for a week. Oh, just the mere thought of its taste, the faint memories still not overwritten by the bland, permeating monotone of the stalag… 
The grin pulling at Bucky’s lips isn’t tainted by manic delusions for once. It’s purely happy, devoid of the shadows that have been haunting Bucky's mind lately, and it seems to make Gale flush in an echo of joy. This small bag of coffee must have cost Gale a lot of rations, but it’s such a perfect gift that Bucky doesn’t have the heart to ruin it by asking to know its price. 
"Happy birthday." Gale says with a small smile, but when Bucky reaches for his hand, he flinches.
It's a telltale reaction that they both know well. Bucky pauses, breathes in deep, takes stock of Gale's wide pupils and the clamminess of his fingers when he touches them. There’s sweat gathering at Gale’s hairline and his cheeks look blotchy. Bucky sees him pulling his other hand back into the sleeve of his fraying sweater, one of the few comforts he has in this wretched place. The gesture makes Bucky's chest go tight.
"Are you in heat?”
The muscles around Gale's jaw clench. He doesn’t need to say a word. The look in his eyes tells Bucky everything.
“Shit.” Bucky says, his voice like a ghost’s. Departing his body as dread creeps down his throat, cold and slimy fear around his heart. His brain, the last to admit defeat, still tries to deny it. It's impossible. God can’t curse them with this now. Their fate can’t be this cruel. “But you haven't had one in a year.”
“I know.” Gale's nostrils flare.
“But -”
“You know I've run out of the goddamn pills.” He snaps, harsh and aggressive in a way he wouldn’t be in his right mind.
There's no denying it any longer. It can't be just a cold or the bitterness of captivity. They have to face this here, now, and somehow make it through.
Bucky lowers his voice placatingly. “I know, Buck, I know.” He squeezes Gale's hand. It’s a relief when Gale squeezes back. “But that was six months ago.”
Tucked inside his sleeve, Gale’s fingers clench around the fabric. His eyes stare at his boots, and he looks so frail and small that Bucky has to look away to compose himself. They're both at the end of their ropes.
“Better weather, more food…” Gale mutters, pulling his shoulders up in a helpless gesture. “I guess my body figured it was enough.”
Bucky strokes the back of Gale's hand with his thumb, feels Gale’s racing pulse at his wrist. “We're gonna get through this.”
Gale nods, but he stares at the far wall. After a moment, Bucky realizes that he’s holding his breath, as if to keep himself forcefully calm and grounded. 
“Promise me -” He starts quietly. “- that if the guards find out, you won’t get yourself killed.”
Bucky's chest tightens. He hears the fear Gale is stomping down on with all his iron willpower. “I can’t.”
Bucky’s hand is yanked forward so suddenly and with such force that Bucky hisses. Gale fists his other hand in Bucky's shirt and snarls at him from an inch away. “Promise.”
The nasty, instinctual part of Bucky aches to fight, to force Gale to back down using his alpha nature to his advantage. But, even with all the things chipping at his sanity, Bucky doesn’t want to do that to him. It wouldn’t work anyway. Not with Gale, especially not when he's in heat.
“They won't find out.” He tells Gale, cupping his scarred cheek and giving him a firm look. “I promise I'll keep you safe.”
The scent in the air turns cloyingly sweet as gratitude washes over Gale, but then he shudders, and the sweetness turns into sour fear. Gale lets go of Bucky's shirt and stands up, gripping the edge of the table until his knuckles turn white. When he speaks, the calm tone of his voice is frightening. 
“Don’t worry about me, John. Whatever happens, I can take it.”
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delayed-affection · 7 months
Are you taking request ? If so, can I request one with Justin Herbert where you surprise him with a dog. Thank you 🥰
Oneshots Navigation
Justin Herbert x reader
Word count: 0.8k
Justin always talked about wanting a dog but he could never bring himself to get one because of football.
So with his season sadly coming to an end due to injury, you thought it would be a great idea to not only fulfill his wants of a dog but to uplift his spirits.
And today was the day you were going to go to the shelter to see the dogs and bring one home.
Justin was going to be out all day today to help and support his team during their game against buffalo.
So when he left for the day so did you.
When you get to the shelter you look for a dog whose personality would best fit his. You want to find the perfect dog that will complement his lifestyle and personality.
You walk around the shelter with one of the workers and spend time with each of the dogs, getting a sense of their energy levels, behaviors, and temperaments.
You’re looking for one who is friendly, energetic, and fun-loving but also calm enough to be around the house and won't be too hyperactive for her boyfriend.
After looking around for a while, you finally finds a dog that fits what you’re looking for. It's a 4 year old rottweiler, who’s house trained.
They explain to you that he was brought in a month ago after his previous owner wasn’t able to move with him.
They let you go into his cage with him and he immediately brightens up. Even though his tail is docked you can tell that trying to wag his little nub.
You immediately feel a connection with the dog and know that it would be a perfect fit for her boyfriend. And the cherry on top is that his name is Brisket.
After spending some time with him you have come to definitive conclusion that this is the dog that would be great for Justin.
You proceed to file all the necessary papers and pay the fees in order to take Brisket home.
They help you load him into the car, giving you a leash and a collar to use for now.
Before going home, you stop at PetCo and bring Brisket inside with you so that he can get some toys that he likes.
As you let him sniff around and choose, you notice that he's pretty picky and likes to analyze each toy before deciding if it's worth taking home with him.
It honestly reminds you of Justin when he’s looking for equipment and woods for his smoker.
Letting him pick and chew a few things it’s time to get actual supplies and necessities for him.
You grab a harness, bed, grooming supplies, food, bowls, and make some new tags for his collar.
Before leaving you schedule a date for him to get chipped.
For the rest of the day you make sure that Brisket is comfortable in his new home.
As it closer to the end of the game you text Justin saying that you have a surprise for him. You know that he won’t see it until after the game because of the no phones on the sideline rule but it’s fine.
When Justin texts you that he’s on his way home, you can’t help but sit in anticipation for his arrival.
Hearing him pull up makes both you and Brisket perk up. You stand in the living room with him sitting next to you as you watch the front door.
Your stomach is filled with butterflies as you waits for him to come through the door. You’re eager to see his reaction to the surprise, and you feel nervous but excited about how it will all turn out.
When he walks through the door you happily shout, “Suprise!”
He tilts his head in slight confusion as he shuts the door, his eyes going from you to Brisket.
He drops his bag and walks over to you asking, “Who’s this?”
You kneel down and pet the dog, “This is Brisket, isn’t he cute?”
He lets out a little chuckle, “Cute… but whose is he?”
He puts his hand out to him to sniff and a small smile plays at his lips.
“Yours… mine… ours.” You say dropping your hands from Brisket.
He looks at you like you’ve grown two heads but in somewhat of a good way, “What? Really?”
Nodding you smile, “Yeah, really.”
Brisket nudges his hand allowing him to pet him.
Justin’s face lights up, “Well hello there Brisket.”
He squats down and uses both hands to pet Briskets face, “You got quite the name.”
You watch as they happily interact, “So, you like him?”
“Is that even a question?” He replies leaning over giving you a kiss.
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avyaanleroy · 1 year
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Smart and Stylish Pup Neckwear
Our Fi dog collar is an innovative solution for tracking and managing your dog's well-being to keep your furry friend safe. Contact us now!
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thisapplepielife · 10 months
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Written for the @steddieholidaydrabbles December challenge.
What If?
Prompt Day 15: Time Travel | Word Count: 1000 | Rating: T | CW: Mentions of Other Relationship | Tags: Time Travel, Fix-It, Second Chance, El is Meddling, Eddie POV
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Eddie is sitting alone in his spare bedroom that he turned into a music room, long ago. He fiddles with his guitar, but he's lonely. He thought he'd have more time to make his feelings known. More time to get his shit together, but now forty years have gone by, and he's all alone. His friends grew up and moved on.
Steve moved on.
They're all still friends, sure, but Eddie thinks of himself kind of as the always single, loner uncle that shows up at holidays. He's a little like Wayne, honestly. That makes Eddie smile, even if he has regrets about how he closed himself off from everyone after everything that happened in the Upside Down.
How he closed himself off from Steve.
Steve had been by his side, with a look in his eyes that scared Eddie. Eddie didn't want that kind of responsibility. He couldn't even take care of himself, how was he supposed to take care of Steve's heart? Impossible.
So, Eddie had pretended not to see the looks, or feel the slight touches. He ignored Steve's small advances, like they weren't even happening. 
And, eventually, Steve stopped trying. He met a girl who became his wife, and everything worked out for the best. 
Eddie doesn't resent Steve for getting on with his life, for going after what he wanted. A wife. Kids. Eddie gets the postcards, the emails with pictures attached. It's all cookie-cutter perfect. Right down to the fluffy dog.
Eddie ran from his feelings, had locked them down tight, so he has no right to be mad. 
But he wishes…
Sometimes, he wishes and wonders: what if?
Eddie goes to bed alone, and falls asleep alone.
When he wakes up, suddenly startled, he's not alone at all. 
It looks like Dustin, sitting on the edge of the bed. Only, not the current Dustin. No, this is the Dustin from then, from before.
Eddie reaches for his glasses, to pull everything into focus, yanking on the light chain for good measure. And sure enough, sitting there looking at him, is Dustin. About twenty years old, in a disheveled dress shirt, tie and slacks. 
Eddie recognizes the outfit, because he's seen it in pictures a lot over the years. This is what Dustin wore to Steve's wedding, as one of the groomsmen. Steve's best man. 
"I'm dreaming," Eddie says, because that's the only explanation.
"You're not," Dustin says, "but I might be?"
"You're not," Eddie echoes. And if he's not dreaming, and Dustin's not dreaming…
"How'd you get here?" Eddie asks.
"I was talking to El about how dumb you two had been, and now I'm sitting on the edge of your bed. And you're old."
"I'm not that old, you little shithead," Eddie says, and Dustin turns and grins.
"At least you're still you, I guess," Dustin answers, but he looks on the verge of tears.
"You were at Steve's wedding, right?" Eddie asks, and Dustin nods. 
He had to be. That was the moment this timeline really shifted. Eddie had run out of chances, and Steve was lost to him for good that day.
Eddie sits up straighter, "Did El send you into the goddamn future to fuck with me?"
Dustin shrugs, "I think so. She told me to talk some sense into you, and if I succeeded, she'd bring me back. She was drunk. We all were. Still am. I thought she was kidding. I didn't even know she could do that. Time travel? She never mentioned time travel being in her bag of tricks."
Eddie laughs, that woman is never to be trifled with. Not then, not now. There must be no limit to the powers she can harness. Eddie reaches for his cell phone, finds her number and dials.
"Yeah, you sent me a present?" Eddie says.
"I did what?" she asks, clearly drowsy on the other end of the line.
"Dustin. From Steve's wedding. He's here and I need you to send him home," Eddie says, and isn't this just a stupid situation to find himself in on a random Tuesday.
"Oh, I forgot about that," she says, and there's a long pause, "has he talked some sense into you yet?"
"No! He's drunk, freaked out, and he wants to go home."
"Only if you agree to go back with him and get it right this time."
Eddie laughs, bordering on hysterical, "I'm not going back to Steve's wedding and objecting like some sort of asshole. He has children, El. I'm not risking taking his kids away from him!"
"Oh, none of this is real," she says, as easy as she'd give him the time.
"That's impossible," he says.
"Really not," she insists, "and you cannot go back to the wedding. You need to go further. To right after Vecna."
Eddie thinks this is crazy, impossible. But he finds himself nodding. Okay. Why not? If she's right, he gets a second chance. And if this is all a dream, he'll just wake up in the morning and get a good laugh.
"Okay, send us back," he answers, then hurries to add, like she's some sort of trickster instead of just El, "After! Make sure it's after! I'm not getting attacked by bats again. Not even for Steve."
He can nearly hear her eyeroll over the phone.
"Yes. After. Get a hold of Dustin's hand, he is the one I can move, not you," she says, and Eddie reluctantly does it. Takes both of them, just to be safe. 
And then there's an unpleasant yanking sensation, and when he regains his bearings, he's in a hospital bed.
Steve Harrington at his side. 
Steve's young, only nineteen. And he's looking at Eddie with those eyes that he used to use on Eddie for a long time before finally giving up, moving on.
"Hi," Eddie says, giving him the eyes right back.
This time when Steve reaches for his hand, Eddie grabs on, and doesn't let go. 
Being brave.
Not running.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @steddieholidaydrabbles and follow along with the fun! ⏳
If you want to see more of my entries into this month-long challenge, you can check them out in my Steddie Holiday Drabbles tag, right here!
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louloulemons-posts · 9 months
congratulations on 1k!!! could u do prompt 30 adopting a pet for eddie munson?? 🖤🖤
thank you for the request 🫶🏻
1k celebration prompts list
30 : ‘adopting a pet together’
W/Eddie Munson
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
you and eddie had been living together for a while now, you apartment had become home very quickly for the both of you.
everyday life together was something you easy jumped into, not having any bumps in the road - it just worked.
but sometimes it got lonely, you’d be out at work and eddie would be alone, or vice versa. and then there were times where you’d lay together and thing - wouldn’t it be great to have a dog lay with us too.
so you had decided on it, to go to the shelter, it was christmas time and you knew a lot of dogs needed a home, especially now.
walking hand in hand to the shelter, you smiled up at eddie as he opened the door for you, letting you duck under his arm.
“hi, how can i help you?” a woman smiled from behind the counter.
you returned the greeting with a smile, “we were hoping to have a look at your dogs.”
“you’re planning to adopt?”
“mhm, we are,” eddie nodded.
“great, have you got any ideas in mind. age, temperament, breed?”
“we were wondering if we can see the dogs you’ve had here the longest?” you said.
a grin broke into the woman’s face, “that’s very kind of you, i know who to take you too.”
leading you through a door you saw a few rows of kennels, yapping and barking coming from inside.
you and eddie chuckled seeing a small boy and his parents playing with a young labrador pup.
“she’s just down here.”
“how longs she been here?” eddie asked.
“around four months, we’re actually getting to the point where a staff member will have to take her or, the other option.”
you frowned, “poor baby.”
“is there a reason people won’t take her?” eddie asked.
“well, yes. it’s the way she looks more than anything. speaking on which, this is echo.”
looking in the kennel your heart melted, there sat a golden brown pit bull. a long scar of an old gash across her nose.
the woman nodded towards her, “people see that and think she must be vicious. we rescued her from some not very nice people.”
you nodded, and eddie spoke up, “could we meet her?”
“of course.” the kennel was unlocked and you and eddie went inside, being quiet not to startled her.
“hi pretty girl,” you cooed, offering your hand for her to sniff. she did so, tail wagging like a helicopter, eddie followed your actions, the pup had a smile like expression.
the pair of you sat down near the dog, allowing her to come over to you. she did so with ease.
“how old is she?” you asked, giving echo a fuss.
“we’ve estimated around 3 years old, she’s neutered and has had all her vaccines. she’s probably not the best for a home with another dog, just because of past experience
“she struggles being cooped up with them for long periods of time - she’s okay outdoors, it’s just when she feels trapped.”
“that’s okay, she’d been our first dog,” eddie said.
you smiled, echo basically climbing into your lap, head resting on your shoulder, having a good sniff at eddie.
“oh eds,” you said, wrapping your arms around her.
“she’s perfect right?”
“she really is.”
“would it be possible for us to adopt her?” eddie asked, the woman couldn’t stop beaming.
“of course, we have a lead and harness for you to take for her. leaflets for care at the front, i’ll need you to fill out some paperwork.”
you nodded egarly, the lady called over another member of staff, “could you please get echo ready to go home?”
the smile they gave each other was contagious, “of course i can, i’m so glad someone’s finally giving her a chance. come on sweet girl let’s get you ready.”
echo let out a sweet bark, allowing you and eddie to get up, whining slightly when you exited her kennel.
“we’ll see you soon sweetheart,” eddie comforted, giving her a pat on the head.
“if you follow me back to the desk,” the woman said, leading the way back through the kennels.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
the paperwork had been filled out and you’d grabbed so many leaflets so you could head to the store.
now you were just waiting for your girl, and with a small bark you knew she was on her way.
her tail was wagging like crazy her body was in a deep purple harness with matching lead.
you’d learned she was well trained too, didn’t bite, chew things she shouldn’t, potty trained, knew basic commands.
with a pull and bark she ran towards you, “hi pretty girl,” you smiled, kissing her snout, “you ready to go home?”
she was so excited , her whole body wiggling happily.
“i think that’s a yes babe,” eddie laughed.
“well let’s get our girl home.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
and that’s how your evenings went, lay in between eddies legs on the sofa, echo’s head lay on your stomach.
your hand lazily rubbing her back, eddie doing the same, your other hands linking.
this was the life.
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triplesilverstar · 9 months
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Rating: 18+ Minors DNI
Pairing: Vash X Female character
CW: Dirty talk, talk of marriage, grinding, being walked in on, almost P in V sex
Word count: Roughly 3K 
A/N: Once more Vash has broken his hand in a way you can't fix which means back to Home for some repairs. While you're there a subject comes up that you aren't sure how you really feel about it and it leads to things getting a little hot and heavy between you and Brad. 
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Pushing the joint you hear a sharp hiss, raising a single eyebrow before letting your eyes follow, Vash biting the corner of his lip and you can see one of his sharp canines sticking out. A small tear at the corner of one of his blue orbs, watery and once he catches your gaze he puts on his best pout and tries his best attempt at puppy dog eyes. 
“That’s not gonna work, Sunshine.” Not because he doesn’t know your weakness, nope it’s a far similar reason. “I can’t fix this, The second knuckle joint is locked and I don’t know how to fix it.” 
His attempt at swaying you into helping him fades as quickly as he lets out a long breath. “Are you sure?” A glimmer of hope shone in his eyes, his sunglasses perched atop his head while the two of you sat on the bed. 
“I’m sure. You know what that means.” Chuckling as he falls backward against the bed. “We’re going Home.” 
It took the two of you a few days to find the sandstorm that held the ship you called Home floating around the planet. Another few days and both of you took the pair of Tomas you had into the storm and into the service bay near the base of the ship. Shaking your head to try and loosen some of the grains of sand before pulling your scarf away from your head and face. 
The Tomas you’re sitting on shaking, sending a pile of sand to the floor in a similar fashion to Vash and you move farther into the bay. Seeing the familiar form of Brad in the doorway you wave before dismounting, taking the bird to a pen removing the harnesses, and putting water in a bowl for the bird before going to help Vash. 
“Well well, didn’t expect to see you two Home so soon after last time.” He folds his arms across his chest, and when Vash hisses as his finger gets caught in the saddle straps as it’s removed. “What’d ya break?” 
You don’t give Vash a chance to respond and beat around the brush for his injuries “The second joint of his ring finger is locked up. He tried to catch a car with his hand, the car won.” 
“Mayfly!” The whine Vash lets out at your betrayal is almost funny, but you don’t want to spend the next twenty minutes of Vash and Brad doing their usual song and dance. 
“Was it at least for a good reason?” Brad grouses, sending you a signal that he’s at least glad he already knows what he needs to work on and without a waste of time. 
“I saved a little girl” Vash pouts looking at you instead of Brad, but you know Brad will just be slightly less mean about how he treats Vash as he works on his prosthetic. Waving at Brad once you were both done, watching Vash follow after the older man while you head for your shared room with both your bags. At least while his hand is being worked on you can see about mending some of your clothes and doing the rare loads of laundry. 
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A few hours later you found yourself sitting in the cafeteria with a cup of coffee, humming as you savored the dark brew and listening to some of the inhabitant's chatter. Occasionally being pulled into the conversations when something about the planet was asked, and while you were a bit of an outlier on the spaceship the regular inhabitants still tried to include you and Vash when you were onboard. 
“Hey, there you are.” Grinning, you push the chair backward so you’re tilting on two of the legs and angling your head your vision filled with an upside-down Vash. “I didn’t think I’d find you here of all places.”
Taking in his appearance while the others greet Vash which he returns, you know he went to the room first, his red coat and holster stripped from his body. Glancing downwards you notice the hand and forearm of his prosthetic are missing, raising an eyebrow at him as you bring all four legs back to the floor and turn in earnest to look at him.
“Once I got the laundry done I got invited to coffee.” Gesturing with an open palm to the other three at the table. “What’s the news about your hand?” 
“Brad needs to keep it for the day, he said he needs to replace the joint itself.” Ruffling the back of his head with his flesh hand and sending you a grin of his own. “Guess I did get a little too carried away this time.” 
“Ya think.” You deadpan before rolling your eyes. Finishing your coffee you stand, heading for another cup as Vash is invited to join and he takes the chair you had been seated in. 
From the serving station with the coffee, you can hear the others chattering to Vash excitedly catching up since the last time the two of you had been here had been more by chance than planned. Vash might try to deny it, but these people are his family and it makes that small flame in your chest flicker when you see him interacting with them. While refilling your cup, you make a second with far more cream and sugar than anyone should have to bring back for Vash. 
Placing it in front of him on the table and watching him pat his flesh hand on his lap, an invitation. You were just going to go grab another chair to drag over, but. This is Home. The one place you don’t have to hide the fact you’re together, where you can do stupid little things that make your heart melt like just holding his hand around people. 
Letting the tension from your shoulders drop you slip into his lap, feeling that same flesh hand pat your hip briefly before reaching for his coffee. “Thank you, Mayfly.” Whispered in your ear as he leaned closer for it, sending your tummy a flutter with nerves. 
Both of you rejoin the conversation, well you mostly listen and answer when asked a question while Vash is a regular part of the banter. 
“So. When are the two of you getting married?” The coffee that you had been swallowing goes down the wrong pipe as you gasp fist slamming your chest to loosen it while you’re certain you look bugged-eyed in response. Where the hell had that come from? 
“Well ugh we’ve never really talked about it” Vash is being bashful, rubbing circles on your back while you place the cup back on the table still gently coughing trying to clear your throat. “It’s not like we can say anything outside of Home anyway, so it doesn’t really matter.” Something in his voice catches your attention, but you’ll ask him about it later when it’s just the two of you.
“Aw, well that’s too bad. I mean the two of you make a cute couple and it’s not like we often have much to talk about here. So whenever you two are around it’s fun to tease you.” The woman who first asked the question, Jessica, smirks resting her chin on her head on the table looking a little dreamy. 
“Right tease,” another woman remarks, Tess, playful shoving Jessica. “Has nothing to do with the fact you used to have a crush on Vash yourself.” 
That makes the entire table laugh and the conversation moves on to something else, and later as the mugs are put away and you and Vash are heading for your room you stretch your shoulders and bring your arms down feeling Vash interlace his fingers with yours. 
“So…” You drag the word out, glancing at the tall blond beside you. 
“Why did you start to choke when the marriage thing came up?” Well, at least now you know why his voice had dropped a little when he answered the question. 
“Honestly?” Making sure you have eye contact with him as you make your way down the hall, you don’t want him to take this the wrong way like he did your reaction in the cafeteria. “I wasn’t expecting it. I mean you had to have been thrown a little too, going from talking about worms to marriage.” 
Watching his nose twitch in thought. “What do you think about the actual idea?” You don’t miss the slight bite to his lip after he asks the question, a sign of his worry about what you might say. 
“Marriage is kind of a social contract, isn’t it? Just made more formal by a piece of paper and metal?” You shrug and watch him roll his eyes as you flippant answer. “I just guess I’ve never really thought about it all that much before, probably because I never thought I’d ever find someone to love.” That part is honest, as the two of you reach your bedroom door and step inside. 
Letting your hand go and waving his own along the inside to lock the door mechanism while you move further in and look at your shared space. It’s not much but the more times you come Home, the more it’s starting to feel like your and Vash’s little slice of, well, normal. In these four walls, the two of you can just be you. Not the Ghost Sniper, and not the Humanoid Typhoon. Just two lovers who are still figuring things out. 
Looking over your shoulder you grin seeing him looking at the floor with his eyes a little downcast, no doubt still thinking about the previous conversation. “For the record” waiting to continue until his head rises and those sparkling blue eyes that are currently full of sorrow look into your own mischievous ones. “I love you more than you’ll ever know, you big dork. After all, I technically offered to marry you before.” 
The sorrow slowly morphs into annoyance before jubilation as he closes the distance and wraps his arm around you. Burying his nose in your neck and tickling your skin making you laugh. “Big dork huh?” While you can’t see his face, you can picture the smirk starting to form on his visage unsurprised he ignores the reminder about your proposal of marriage when you had been eating his cooking unaware it was him. “Well, I have something else big that I don’t think you deserve right now. ” 
“Oh come on Sunshine. I’m a good girl, don’t I deserve it?” You tease right back, grabbing both of his butt cheeks playfully and making him jump in surprise. The wash of his warm breath across your sensitive skin makes you shiver in delight. 
“You.” Trailing his nose along the column of your neck up to your ear. “Are.” Still dragging the tip across the ridge of your cheekbone. “Never” a quick peck to the tip of your nose before he keeps moving, across to the other cheekbone. “A” His nose is at the shell of your other ear, tracing the outside of it before pressing his lips against it and murmuring directly into the opening. “Good girl.” Bitting into the bottom of your lobe you hiss, but damn, his words have a fire starting in your core. 
Clenching your thighs together to try and gain some friction, while one hand snakes its way under the hem of his shirt to touch the skin of his back, and the other is tangled in his hair, gripping the blond silky strands. Moaning against the side of his face you feel his hips jerk against yours, grinding softly against your core. 
The obvious tent in his pants pressing against your clothed pussy, his knees bent just enough so your sexes are only separated by the layers of clothing you’re both wearing. “Then.” Licking your lips as Vash releases the flesh in his mouth to lick and suck at the skin just beneath it. “Does that mean I’m your bad girl?” With your hand back on his ass, you grind with more enthusiasm against his hard trapped cock, feeling your panties starting to grow wet. 
A low growl leaves him, as his hand pushes your shirt up so he work his hand under it and to your front, squeezing one of your tits through the fabric of your bra. “Yea.” Dragging his teeth down your neck, his fangs no doubt leaving two lines of red behind. “And you know what happens to bad girls?” His voice has dropped to that husky octave you love, and your core twinges with a flood of wetness as your arousal grows stronger, more insistent. 
“What?” Whispered as if you’re sharing a secret, scrapping your nails along the skin of his head feeling him shudder and his dick twitching in the confines of his pants. You have to wonder if there’s a damp spot growing where his head is, making his boxers stick to his warm skin. 
“They get punished” Your knees almost buckle as he bites into the pulse point of your neck, sucking harshly and jerking his hips against yours. Fuck you think you might cum from this alone. All you can do is hold onto him as he humps you through your clothes and keeps the soft skin between his lips. 
Mewling at his affection and the throbbing in your core, you don’t want to keep standing here like this. You want him inside of you, anywhere inside of you, just the need to feel more of his skin against yours eating at you like you’re being consumed by the haze of arousal floating in your mind. “Vash, please!” Panting as you grip at him, hips still moving and chasing that high you both want. 
Letting your skin go with a wet pop, you hiss the bruise throbbing as the cool air of the room hits it. “Please what Mayfly?” His hand has the fabric of your bra pushing to the side so his fingers can fondle and pinch at your tender flesh directly. Teasing you as he blows against the purple that’s blossoming from his affection, another shiver rakes your body the pleasure making your mind hazy.
But not too hazy to tell him what you want. “I want you Vash, please!” Desperation laces your words, as your hands finally move between your bodies enough sense returning to you to use them for more than just grasping him. 
“Hmmm. Fucking is a reward and I don’t think you’ve been good.”  You let out a long low whine, as he moves his hand to catch both of yours in his larger one. The thought of him denying you makes part of you clench loving the thought of a long drawn-out session. 
Vash has been getting a lot better at being more dominant in the bedroom, no longer the blushing virgin he had first been. He still fumbles but he knows you’ll let him do whatever he wants to you as he explores more of his own sexuality and since that first time, he’s grown to crave any shred of physical intimacy the two of you can partake in. 
“Maybe you should punish me more instead?” You try to compromise, falling into the role of a sub because with how wet you are you want some kind of release and any affection he wants to give you might push you over the edge with how rilled up you feel. As his hips jerk against yours once more, you notice the light sheen of sweat near his shaved sideburns. He’s as horny as you are. 
A happy little moan as he releases your hands, almost as if in contemplation before he kisses you for the first time since you moved into the room tonight. A kiss you’re happy to deepen as you part your lips to glide and tangle your tongue with his, tasting the remains of his coffee in his mouth. His hand is at your fly, working it open and you take the hint, helping him with his own. 
When you break apart it’s a flurry of movement as each of you tosses clothing items away desperate to remove all the barriers between you. When that’s done Vash is pressing against your again, mouth hot on yours and his burning dick trapped between your bodies smearing precum across your lower belly. 
As the back of your legs hit the bedframe you fall backward onto the mattress, scrambling more onto it and Vash is quick to follow. Kneeing between your supple thighs and stroking his cock while looking at your soaked pussy. “I’m gonna bring you to the edge until you can’t even scream anymore.” Voice dark you clench in anticipation, licking your lips and moving your hands to rest over the swell of your breasts. 
Vash is moving his tip to rub against your folds. Only for the door to make a noise of attempting to open before someone says something on the other side and unlocks it coming in. 
You squeal, grabbing the bedding under you and trying to hide your form as a male voice makes an awkward scream of its own. Face blazing as you try and hide and feel Vash doing the same sheltering your lower half with his and grabbing handfuls of the blanket to try and wrap around himself. 
“What the hell you two!” Brad bellows, and you refuse to uncover your crimson, flushed face. 
“We locked the door!” Vash bellows right back, which would have had more effect if it hadn’t cracked with embarrassment halfway through. 
“I swear Brad!” You scream from under the blankets. “You really are a dirty old man!” 
“Guh, huh, I mean” 
“Get out!” You and Vash yell in tandem and as the door hisses shut you finally move the bedding to look at your lover, who wears a sporting look of red from the base of his neck to the top of his hairline.
This made six times you and Vash stayed home, and six attempted intimate moments ruined by either Brad or Luida walking in on you two. “Are we just, never meant to have sex here?” You mutter knowing neither one of you is going to want to finish after that. 
“I’m starting to think no,” Vash answers dragging a hand down his face his erection gone. “Might as well get dressed and see what he wants.” 
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The next day, Vash’s hand fixed and reconnected the two of you are back in the bay saddling your Tomas. Still frustrated from being interrupted by Brad as you tighten the straps you see Vash looking downcast before mounting his own bird. 
Once atop your mount, you reach out across the distance for his flesh hand, having already said goodbye to everyone else on the ship. There was no need to see you both off. “Hey.” You whisper, just loud enough to get his attention. 
Smiling hoping it shows all the affection you feel swelling in your heart as you look at your blond boyfriend. “About the marriage thing.” You see a light starting to flicker in those deep pools of blue. “Ask me sometime when you know it’s what you want, I might just think it’s a social contract but I think my answer might surprise you.” 
In your own non-romantic, yet sort of romantic way, you’ve told him your answer, and the face-splitting grin that breaks out across his face makes your heart soar. You really do love this idiot, even if his family always screws up you getting lucky with him. 
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jinglyjangly · 6 months
Major spoilers
So shady sands got nuked by a random vault dweller because his wife took their kids, and he wanted his kids, and he was mad his wife found a settlement when vault tec was supposed to be the ones settling the surface…he was mad the ncr “did vault Tec’s job before they could” so he blew…the fucking ncr’s main settlement up
I wonder if it’s like “oh yeah he was a protag of his own mind pretty much” kind of jab but even then it leaves a bad taste in my mouth? Because it is insane video game writing and it’s definitely insane bethesda video game writing, but it fucks up a very integral part of two major games
And I hate how much like…yeah the BoS is back to being technocratic and more cult like in the show but it’s also still praised kind of? And the random, and I mean RANDOM, nonbinary BoS member that’s there for like, 20 minutes was just…a waste. A nonbinary person that really does nothing but just be there and hurt themselves to forward the narrative of the cis het protag. Honestly they’re there to piss of the conservative gamers but I’m not conservative and I’m pissed shady sands and the ncr got did dirty like that so in the end every fallout fan is mad
Like…the ncr went from a huge mega power that is basically a country, to being blown up by a dude? And they don’t mention the hoover dam and how maybe they were weakened from the legion/ncr conflict…which would’ve made it believable. Nada. They just say it this guy blew up shady sands so I guess it happened. It’s canon.
They just made the ncr seem so small after fnv made it feel so big and menacing in its own way with hundreds of named npcs with stories and it was so gooooood and they made it feel like a shitty dinky settlement comparable to fucking…like…diamond city
Idk it’s like 5am and the final episode just pissed me off. They should’ve just set it in New York or Florida and made up new factions instead of establishing canon endings to the most favored game in the series. Or they could’ve done a prequel to fo4 if they wanted it to tie in the games so bad.
The ghoul also has the best scenes and story but I’m…idk the drugs suppressing the “feral” disease is also a weird thing. It’s new to the tv series and what only in la? What’s it made of that no one else makes? And why the fuck did he have to eat someone. I liked the scene because it was kinda just neat to watch in a way… but it’s like “oh he’s a ghoul so he eats people whoOoOo” They never really…explain…if he like…needs meat or something and idk. I dunno. And cold fusion? Like what. Wha…uh. I fucking hate the idea of power being harnessed from tiny object. It’s just a lame McGuffin they can pass around. I would rather it be like…they’re fighting over a wind farm to harness power and they need like a scientist/engineer to fix it. Something that feels big and really.
Anyway, I’m fine with watching it until I think about it, and then I don’t like the plot. So it feels like fo4 all over again but I’m more mad because I feel like it ruined fnv’s ending. Which sucks. So personally I do not see the show as canon but as like, fan fiction to like…maybe a independent/house/legion ending for fnv when the ncr is super week and some guy just bombs it…because he’s mad at his wife.
Big ooof, a 8/10 until episode 8 and then it’s a fat 2/10…one star for goggins making another badass ghoul in the series and one for the dog
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