#Best Helathy Vegan Food
superthatprotein · 5 years
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You have to love the Vegan Cheesecake with smooth peanut butter base, get the recipe by clicking the link at https://thatprotein.com/blogs/recipes/strawberry-heart-cheesecakes
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newsresults · 4 years
Healthy eating: Four plant-based foods you can add to your diet
Healthy eating: Four plant-based foods you can add to your diet
The idea of celebrating ‘World Plant Power Day’ on March 7 every year, might be a fairly new concept but the popularity of plant-based foods started many years ago. There has been a drastic shift in the perception towards plant-based foods and we are seeing a movement towards a more sustainable lifestyle. “Be it the food that we consume or the beauty products we use, people have started to shift…
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veganportal-blog · 6 years
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longtonaj · 8 years
Ultimate List of Fitness & Healthy Living Blog Link Ups
 I love blog link-ups! They are a great way to promote blog content AND to make blogging friends. If you’re a newbie blogger, or even a seasoned one, it’s worth it to check out and participate in at least a few link-ups each week.  Here’s a list of great fitness and healthy link ups that I like to participate in: 
  The fitness and healthy living blog link ups that I love:
  Monday Link-Ups:
** MotivateMe Mondays with RunMommyRun and ME! **
Inspire Me Mondays
Marvelous in my Monday with Katie at Healthy Diva Life
Weekend Snapshots with Erin at Her Heartland Soul
Merry Monday with Inside the Fox Den
Meatless Mondays with Confessions of a Mother Runner
Week in Review with Clean Eats Fast Feets
Meatless Monday with Rachel at Running on Happy
Weekly Wrap with Mississpiddlin
Tuesday Link-Ups:
Treat Yourself Tuesdays with Becky at Olives n Wine
The Fit Dish Link-Up
Totally Terrific Tuesday
Tuesdays on the Run by Erika at MCM Mama Runs
The Fit Dish by Jess and Jill at The Fit Switch and Jill Conyers
Tri Talk Tuesdays by Cynthia, Courtney and Phaedra at You Signed up for What?!, The TriGirl Chronicles, and Blisters and Black Toenails
Wednesday Link-Ups:
What’s Cookin’ Wednesday with Buns in My Oven
What I Ate Wednesdays with Jenn at Peas and Crayons
Wine’d Down Wednesdays
Workout Wednesdays with Diatta and Shelia at Femme Fatale Fit Club and The Frugal Exerciser
Wednesday Word with Debbie at Deb Runs
The Running Coaches’ Corner with Rachel, Suz, Lora Marie, and Coach Debbie Runs
Wild Workout Wednesday with Nicole
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READ  Better Your Blog Series: How to get Sponsored Posts
Thursday Link-Ups:
Thinking Out Loud with Amanda at Running with Spoons
Thursday Favorite Things
Full Plate Thursday with Miz Helen’s Country Cottage
(pm) Let’s Get Real with 365ish Days of Pinterest
(7 pm) The Weekend Re-Treat with The Best Blog Recipes
Pin It Thursday from Sweet Bella Roos is a great place to get a few new pins, especially if you DIY
Friday Link-Ups:
Fitness Friday with Jill at Fitness, Health and Happiness
Fitness Friday with Katie at Talk Less, Say More
Friday Favorites with Heather from Life in Leggings
Strange But Good with Laura at Sprint to the Table
Foodie Friday with Fit Foodie Friday
Weekend Potlucks with The Country Cook
Friday Five by Courtney, Mar and Cynthia at Eat Pray Run DC, Mar on the Run and You Signed up for What?!
Did You Know by Emily at Sinful Nutrition
FYI Fridays by Jen at Pretty Little Grub
Healthy Vegan Fridays from Herbivore Triathlete
#glutenfreefridays from Vegetarian Mama
#recipefriday from CandyFit is a great place to find new healthy recipes
Fit & Fashionable Friday with Nicole
#FitFaith Link Up with Stephanie
Saturday Link-Ups:
(1 st Saturday of the month) The Ultimate Coffee Date 
Sunday Link-Ups: 
Link Love with Running with Spoons
Sunday Fitness and Food Linkup with Marathons and Motivation 
What’s for Dinner Menu Planning by Jill and Laura at Jill Conyers and Mommy Run Fast
The ultimate list of fitness and healthy living blog link ups: Click To Tweet
On the 15th of the month, Taking the Long Way Home book club by Wendy at Taking the Long Way Home 
Last Friday of the month, Runfessions with Marcia’s Helathy Slice
On the 3rd Saturday of the month, That Time of the Month with Holly from HoHoRuns and Wendy at Taking the Long Way Home
  Feel free to let me know if you have a link-up I should participate in!  
Follow my blog on: Bloglovin Or connect with me on: Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest | Facebook | RSS | Email
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superthatprotein · 6 years
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Tips to Make Plant-Based Eating Delicious and Easy
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veganportal-blog · 6 years
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