#Best Love Psychic in UK
hard--headed--woman · 4 months
Sooo you're used to it by now, here's my 4th special pride post, and today we're going to talk about
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Marguerite Radclyffe-Hall !
Marguerite was born in 1880 and died in 1943. She was a British poet and writer, author of "The Well of Loneliness", a revolutionary and very important novel in lesbian literature. She never tried to hide her homosexuality.
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Neglected by her parents as a child, she studied at King's College London, then in Germany. She reached adulthood without a vocation, and spent a big part of her twenties in a series of relationships with women who later left her to marry.
In 1907, at the spa town of Bad Homburg in Germany, Marguerite met Mabel Batten, a lieder singer nicknamed Ladye, and the two fell in love. Batten was 51 at the time, with a husband, grown-up daughter and grandchildren. Hall was 27.
The two move in together when Mabel's husband dies. At the time, Marguerite was known for her "masculine" appearance and constant wearing of "masculine" clothes; Mabel Batten nicknamed her "John", a nickname she kept all her life.
In 1915, Radclyffe-Hall fell in love with Una Troubridge, a cousin of Mabel's whom she had known for 10 years. Battel died the following year, and in 1917, the two women moved in together. The two lived together until Hall's death, despite Hall's many affairs (that Troubridge painfully tolerated).
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She has written eight novels and several poems.
Her first novel, "The Unit lamp", (1924) tells the story of a young girl who dreams of moving into a London apartment with her friend Elizabeth (a so-called "Boston marriage") and studying to become a doctor, but feels trapped by her emotionally-dependent, manipulative mother.
The novel's length and complexity made it difficult to sell, so Marguerite chose a lighter theme for her next novel, a social comedy : "The Forge". The book was quite successful this time.
Her next two novels were a great success, especially "Adam's Breed" (1926), which won the Prix Femina and the James Tait Black Award, something that had only been achieved once before.
But her best-known novel is "The Well of Loneliness". Published in 1928, it tells the story of a butch lesbian, from her childhood in England to her stay in Paris, where she becomes a famous writer. The novel was the subject of an obscenity trial in the UK (despite not being sexually explicit), resulting in the destruction of all copies. The USA authorized its publication after a long, long legal battle. Considered a classic, an extremely important work of lesbian literature, "The Well of Loneliness" was 7th on Publishing Triangle's 1999 list of the best gay novels.
In 1930, Hall won the gold medal of the Eichelbergher Humane Award. She was a member of the PEN club, the Council of the Society for Psychical and a member of the Zoological Society of London.
She died of colon cancer in 1943, aged 63. Her impact on literature, and lesbian literature in particular, remains significant to this day.
You can find the list of her novels (and more details about her life) here !
And some of her poems here :
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Hope you enjoyed, and see you tomorrow for the 5th post!
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gallifreyanhotfive · 5 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 47
The Third Doctor bought Sarah Jane her stuffed owl. (Novel: Interference - Book Two)
The "most detailed, informative, and in many ways insidious" information about the Doctor that the Daleks possess was taken by dramatized biographies made by the BBC starting in 1963. (Novel: Dalek Survival Guide)
The Master put together the Psychic Circus in order to exploit the psychic energy with the help of an amulet that the Gods of Ragnarok had given him. (Audio: The Psychic Circus)
The Ninth Doctor got himself banned from the York Central Library and possibly all other UK libraries. (Short story: Have You Seen This Man?)
According to some accounts, Time Lords gained the ability to regenerate due to a regeneration virus, which spread through contact. It only granted about 5% of individuals regenerative abilities, killed 10%, and left 85% unaffected. (Short story: The Scrolls of Rassilon)
The Council of the Great Mother is a Gallifreyan organization that specializes on the politics surrounding regeneration and some additional religious matters. (Audio: Spring)
While stuck in a dream on the verge of regeneration (while the Master was in turn trying to prevent that regeneration), the Fifth Doctor was unable to remember his wife's name or how many children he had lost over the years (he lost count after five). (Audio: Winter)
The Sixth Doctor once became the Valeyard, but this was temporary. (Novel: Millennial Rites)
On an unknown university campus, the Ninth Doctor was caught having an argument with the Seventh. (Short story: Have You Seen This Man?)
The Seal of Rassilon was designed originally to ward off evil. (Novel: The Pit)
"Gallifrey" translates to "they that walk in shadows." (Novel: The Pit)
The Seventh Doctor had a cat named Wolsey, which the Eighth Doctor eventually gave to Bernice Summerfield. (Novel: The Dying Days)
Braxiatel had a fiancee named Veronica Bland, who was actually a plant. She had been using a pheromone to attract people to eat, and after withering away, he kept some of her remains on his desk. (Audio: Braxiatel in Love)
In the above situation, Benny Summerfield was Braxiatel's best man. (Audio: Braxiatel in Love)
The Fifth Doctor once said that Gallifreyans from the Prydonian Chapter could not be trusted as they were far too cunning. Nyssa then had to remind him that he was Prydonian. (Audio: Spring)
The Third Doctor's address was listed as "The TARDIS, care of Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, UNIT HQ." (Novel: The Time Lord Letters)
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garina · 2 years
So. I made a terrible mistake. I started watching 'Stranger Things', and now my brain is just full of Thoughts and Feelings after only two episodes.
I managed to sidestep it completely initially, but then when series 4 came out certain people whose blogs I enjoy reading lost their minds over Eddie Munson (looking at you @kedreeva!) And I enjoyed reading meta and fan things and looking at gif sets.
Then I thought 'I would have loved this as a teenager.' And then I realised that my tastes haven't changed all that much in 20 years, and maybe I should check it out. (New stuff can be hard for me to get into).
I'd already been spoiled for a lot of things, and because I don't deal well with horror elements I went and spoiled myself more so I knew if/when not to look.
However, how I managed to miss that Winona Ryder was in this is a mystery.
Joyce is an amazing character and I love her. I especially liked the fact that she realised how much her initial reaction to Will's disappearance (before they realised something was really really wrong) of blaming Jonathan was unfair, AND made sure he knew that and that she was wrong to say it.
I love the boys. They seem very very real to me, the way they slide from silly kids to almost sensible, and the conflict between the right thing to do if things were normal (tell a responsible adult), and the right thing to do in the actual reality of their situation.
Nancy and Mike's dad is a prat. Why isn't he helping to look for his son's friend? Grr. I do love the sibling dynamic between the older Wheeler kids.
Hopper really interests me. I look forward to to seeing more.
Millie Bobbie Browne is making her 'troubled waif with psychic powers' distinct from the many others and I am impressed.
My opinion of Nancy took a bit of a nosedive at the party. If you drag your best friend to a party she doesn't want to go to, you don't join in with applying peer pressure, you stand up for her. I really felt for Barb, being the odd one out sucks, and Nancy ditching her was bad behaviour. (I am not completely writing her off for a lapse of judgement, it's far more interesting having nuanced characters)
The sheer unfairness of this world: of all the inhabitants of Hawkins that I've met so far, the two that seem to least deserve being taken by monsters are the two that are (if we ignore the toddler). Things being supernaturally unfair on top of regular unfairness (deadbeat dads, bullying, Hopper's daughter) is a LOT.
The flashback showing Jonathan and Will listening to music was adorable. Will needs all of the hugs, and I was getting some definite ND feelings from him. I'll see if I was right later on. I really really want to see more of him.
Steve is hilarious, and a wonderful example of how dorky supposedly cool guys get when their emotions (and hormones) get involved. I await his character growth (and the Scoops Ahoy uniform) with great interest.
Mr Clarke is an awesome teacher. AV clubs weren't really a thing in the UK when I was at school, which I think is a shame.
I have run out of steam. Clearly more episodes are in order...
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debtsunpaid · 9 months
i'm still going apeshit over my new guy while i write their backstory but i'm being a perfectionist about it, so in the meantime here's a few lil things about klavier:
formerly an astrophysicist working for the ESA (and one-time astronaut, but that wasn't always the plan). their colleagues remember him best for their mental math prowess, his ferocity in advocating for their team & their project, the six separate times he almost knocked himself out on the wing of their own spaceplane, and the very, very formal weekly dinners they hosted that no one ever expected to be that formal bc he brought them up like inviting friends over to watch the game on sunday.
re: the dinners: they love to cook for people. love it. very picky about the process and doesn't often like other people helping them (he takes hosting and courtesy towards houseguests very seriously), but doesn't mind people watching or taste-testing. he doesn't do it as much these days, because all the joy was really in the social aspect & he considers themself too dangerous to get close enough to people to invite them over, but they'll still pull out absolutely flawless cutting technique when applicable.
met their fiancée (magdalena) in university bc he was arguing with a professor in the law library where she worked. she came over to tell them to shut the fuck up, and he jumped so badly that she felt guilty later & went back over to apologize, to which he Also apologized & suggested that hitting him with one of the heavier books would have been equally effective. they started talking about each other's work & majors, were going to part ways when the library closed, then awkwardly ended up walking the same way home. to the same apartment complex. for a while after that, whenever klavier went to the library while magdalena was working, she'd catch his eye and pretend to line up a shot with the heaviest book she had on hand, which always made them laugh.
currently a drifting adjunct professor & substitute teacher, as well as an occasional german, spanish, & math tutor. he tends to focus more on teaching/talking about mathematics these days rather than astrophysics, though they've done a few physics lectures here and there; if asked why, they'd say it's because he's still hiding from the german government + MI-6 and it's smarter to avoid being found within his field of expertise. but really it's because the last time they knew what was real & what wasn't was in 1990, the world's ideas about the cosmos have changed drastically since then, and he no longer feels like an expert in anything, or like he even knows the world they're standing on, let alone any worlds elsewhere.
CLIFF NOTES ON THE GOD PROBLEM: klavier was psychically bonded with jallakuntilliokan during his first (and only) spaceflight on the spaceplane hermes because their orbit put them Directly over the geotroniks facility where the magi caecus were firing the fear machine, at the exact moment when john constantine, zed, and marj were completing their ritual to summon its anima (other godly half) and negate its intended damaging influence on the world. but while the beings themselves balanced out, the summoning rituals did not (pagan nation involved 3 people, geotroniks involved 2), and they could not co-exist unevenly in the world, so jallakuntilliokan had to draw on more psychic energy in order to even things out.
luckily for jalla, there was a spaceplane with 3 powerful potential psychics perfectly aligned with the ley lines that it drew its power from, courtesy of string-pulling and secret testing led by the UK magi caecus and klavier's own mother for over a year prior. it was a flimsy backup plan based on the (so they thought) astronomically slim chance the summoning would fail, with the intention that the spaceplane would be intentionally crashed into the facility and some poor suckers would be sacrificed for enough psychic potential + public shock & alarm to rev the fear engine all the way up to its purpose. they just didn't count on jallakuntilliokan sniffing out the supply first.
the other two astronauts were fried, but klavi survived; the burst severely damaged the hermes and it crashed back to earth, veering off course and hitting the baltic sea. all klavier remembers is the burst, seeing his colleagues burn out, the agonizing sensation of something segmenting their brain like an orange, and then being dragged out of the ocean later. he was then secretly held by the german government for three years in the hopes of determining what the fuck had happened & what was now wrong with him, until jallakuntilliokan shoved their consciousness into the Dreaming long enough to take hold of the body and bust out. he's been on the run ever since, all but convinced there's an alien living in his skull, unaware that he's playing host to a god.
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two-reflections · 9 months
Hello, I'm PS. I sometimes paint minis and write fanfic.
I primarily rep the Salamanders, but I also like the Red Corsairs, the Iron Warriors, the Thousand Sons, Vashtorr the Arkifane, my original Dark Mechanicum sect, and several Astartes/Legionary characters from other Chapters/Legions.
[Lists: Salamander Stories, My Salamander OC Squad, Chaos Stories, Imperial Stories.]
Mini Painting
Salamanders Lore
This is (unfortunately) a sideblog, so apologies if it's hard to tell whether we've interacted. If it helps, my main is a very old astronomy-related blog!
Asks are always open! I welcome feedback on my painting and writing. I'm trying my best to improve at both. 😅
Peek under the "Keep Reading" and I'll tell you way too much about myself and about my favourite guys.
Y'know, if you want. Don't say I didn't warn you. 💚
About me:
I live in the UK, but I wasn't born or raised here.
I was an archaeologist, but I'm a copy editor now. Cheers, Brexit. 🙄
My major hobby is LARP. I crew and play quite a lot of small and mid-size games.
My first experience with Warhammer 40k was a Dark Heresy TTRPG Campaign campaign where I played a "pilgrim" (scout equivalent) from a rogue Space Marine Chapter who was part of an Inquisitor's retinue. Still one of the best TTRPGs I've ever played.
Fell in love with the Salamanders due to a plot point in that game. Later read the Tome of Fire books, which only deepened my love.
I wanted to start painting, but after an uncomfortable experience at what was then my local GW store, I didn't feel like it would be a good idea.
My spouse and I painted minis for a few RPGs and Legacy board games together over the years. We sucked, but it was fun.
Last year, I started watching Warhammer videos while painting Frosthaven minis. Finding Ebay Miniature Rescues was what finally got through to me.
Since then, I've been painting and reading when I can. I've played Killteam a few times with my spouse, loved it every time.
I'm neurodivergent and a bit bad at communication. I have three modes: enthusiasm, anxiety spiral, and complete hermit. All of these can make me difficult to interpret. I've spent years giving myself hell for it and I'm trying not to do that any more, but please understand that it only takes one brief conversation for me to consider us friends. If I forget to reply, I still think you're amazing and I will genuinely be delighted if you nudge me or randomly get in touch months or years later.
I'm currently pregnant and off my narcolepsy meds, so my painting is on hiatus because I'm not awake enough most of the time. Very frustrating.
Canon Faves:
ALL THE SALAMANDERS - literally all of them. I'm super hung up on Nick Kyme's Rebirth though, so my favourites are Ur'zan Drakgaard (whom I HC as being a dreadnought in current 40k), Adrax Agatone, and the poor little meow meow x feral massive hiss hiss duo of Exor and Zartath (yes, he counts!!). Also, Chaplain Elysius is always 10/10. Sa'kan from Pariah Nexus is also wonderful and I hope we see him again soon.
All the cool humans around the Salamanders - RIP Makato. Issak and Agatone should kiss once. Shoutout to Tsu'gan's brander, he didn't deserve what happened to him. Colonel Redgage is babygirl and I'll always wonder if he survived.
Non-Salamander OCs:
Kemal Afshar and Setka Radjedef of the Thousand Sons. Technically my spouse's OCs, but they're kind of shared at this point. Despite being on different sides of the Ahriman-Magnus divide, these ancient Terran boys meet often to play sorcerous board games together. You can read more about them here! Also, these lads have minis! Plus, they're in my Thousand Sons Killteam.
After writing this story and one more that isn't on Ao3 yet, I also have Yazid Melek. He's an Exalted Sorceror from the Cult of Mutation who focuses on psychically active and mutated plants.
Warsmith Kirakos Neman of the Iron Warriors and Fleet Captain Roscius Sedulius of the Red Corsairs enter into a trade agreement together with personally devastating consequences. You can read more about them (and other characters from their warbands) here!
Skitarius Escher has been requisitioned from Forgeworld Urum by the Inquisition, serving in a team headed by Interrogator Arion Astraeus under the auspices of Inquisitor Griselda Novaria of the Ordo Hereticus. You can read more about them (and the rest of their team) here!
I also have several techmarines-in-training and Deathwatch marines. So far, I've only uploaded two stories about any of them: Adathan of the Blood Angels and Julen of the Imperial Fists.
OC squad: Salamanders 6th Company's 3rd Tactical
(Apologies for the Heroforge pics below, I hope to actually put together my squad's minis this year and then this'll have proper pictures. Or I'll commission some artwork.)
The 6th's 3rd is a squad of Salamanders currently stationed in the rotating garrison at Clymene. Currently eight men + a Sergeant, though they often deploy with the addition of Lexicanum An'terea, an elderly Astartes who was caught up in the Psychic Awakening at the turn of the millennium.
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Brother Lattis (R) describing a creature to Sergeant Te'rien. (L).
Led by Sergeant Benedan Te'rien (~160), a fixture of the 6th. In the forge, Te'rien specialises in fine metalwork. Te'rien has tried to run his squad like a family where he is the paterfamilias, but he's still emotionally compromised after the death of someone he had an intense friendship with in the past. Even though younger Astartes are often seen as more emotional and less detached, Te'rien is an example of how untrue this is. His deep love for the 6th Company stands in contrast with his stubborn refusal to leave Clymene to rejoin the rest of the 6th in Aethonian. Only his current Captain and second-best friend Nehr Ur’Venn knows the reason for his self-imposed exile.
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An'terea (L) and Philo (R) reminiscing.
Pe'tar Philo and Carix An'terea go back like 250 years and are absolutely devoted to each other. It's not that they exclude others on purpose, they're just unrelatably old and are the only ones left from an extremely tight knit squad that died many years before. An'terea isn't technically part of the same squad as Philo any more, but he takes advantage of his new Librarian status (thanks, Psychic Awakening) to attach himself to whatever squad Philo is part of. There are several younger Astartes he cares about like Kea'hi and Val'ten, and both Philo and An'terea have grown closer to Sabinus in recent years.
Philo is a brash, avuncular man who cares deeply about the squad. He was a Sergeant in the 5th many years ago and hated being in charge. Since then, he has rejected promotion. He just wants to fight on and spend the calm parts of his life reminiscing with An'terea. Only bothered crossing the Rubicon because An'terea asked him to.
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Cor'en (L) scanning Bai'keti (R) after an accident with a malfunctioning power sword.
I don't plan to discuss this further in any of my Salamander stories beyond All-seeing Dawn, but pilot and emergency medic Cor'en (~300, claims 75) is an infiltrator. Not from Alpha Legion, but from a homebrew rogue chapter called the Reavers in Metal. He was meant to infiltrate the Deathwatch, but got stuck with the Salamanders by mistake. He genuinely respects Te'rien. Watching the flawed little Sergeant do his best reminds Cor'en of humanity's tenacity. He's not a big fan of the rest of the squad, though. He misses his old squad. He hopes to leave the Salamanders soon. He just this needs to get his hands on one thing, and then he can “die” on the next battlefield and go home. He's the only Firstborn in the squad at first, though more will arrive as young Primaris marines are promoted and older Firstborn marines transfer to the reserve companies.
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Lattis (L) and Ke'leth (R) having a drink.
Lattis (60s), Ke'leth(80s), and Kea'hi (~45) are the tight core of the squad. The Themian Lattis thinks he's the ringleader of this group because Te'rien was his Forgefather when he was a child, but it's actually Ke'leth, a cuddly Hesiodian who takes on many young apprentices. Kea'hi is a bit younger, he is a very normal Salamander. Kea'hi worries that his position might be insecure since he's the youngest in the core and Lattis gives another soldier called Atsen Bai'keti a hard time for being “the baby”, but Kea'hi only thinks that because he doesn't understand what's actually going on between those two. The truth is that Lattis hates people he sees as dishonest, so he saw red when Bai'keti showed up and started swaggering around. Unfortunately, Lattis hasn't noticed that Bai'keti has grown up a lot over the years, so he keeps tormenting him.
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Ke'leth (L) with one of his forgechildren.
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Sabinus (R) comforting Bai'keti (L).
Sabinus (~65) used to be part of the core group until Bai'keti showed up. His defense of Bai'keti from Lattis's bullying split him off a little from that group, but only Lattis actually lost respect for him. Everyone else still likes him, and Sabinus, Philo and An'terea have become more friendly since then. Sabinus has a heavy, sullen face, but he's actually calm, perceptive and knows the backgrounds of all his squad mates except Cor’en. He has a big heart and a forgiving nature. He would make a good Sergeant, but he's utterly uninterested in command and doesn't know the rest of the 6th Company well on account of being stuck in Clymene for many decades. He may still be promoted someday. Teased Val'ten a little at first because he found him a bit soft.
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Bai'keti (R) discussing his dodgy power sword with Sabinus. (L)
Atsen Bai'keti (~32) was never meant to be in the 6th's 3rd. He was once a special scout, not intended for the companies at all but for Mars. However, he suffered a medical mishap and ended up taking significantly longer than average to ascend, meaning that a different scout who began ascension after him left for Mars in his stead. Unfortunately, all the stress, memory issues, and the fall from star scout to disappointment meant that he was a complete mess when he joined the squad. At first, he acted childishly superior and conceited out of insecurity. He has mellowed over the years, especially now that his body has stabilised. Nevertheless, Lattis still gives him hell. When Sabinus stood up in Bai'keti's defense, this unfortunately created tension in the squad and isolated Bai'keti further. With only two friends and a horrible power sword he is desperately failing to make work, Bai'keti doesn't feel like he's part of the squad. Things will improve tremendously for him once he leaves for Mars and finds that he's older and more experienced than the average Techmarine-in-training. He will probably join the Deathwatch after that and return in his 80's with an actual reason to swagger around.
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Val'ten (R) gets a talking-to from Sergeant Te'rien (L).
Dejan Val'ten (~25) is the newest member of the 6th. He was a PDF orphan from Heliosa before he was apprenticed to a Brother there. He's the opposite of Bai'keti, having had a relatively straightforward ascension. Unlike his Brother Salamanders, he isn't particularly gifted in the forge, but what he lacks in technical skills he makes up for with tenacity, diplomacy and a strategic mind. He's overly aware of his youth and inexperience, so he tries hard to fit in. He makes friends quickly with Bai'keti, which makes Kea'hi avoid him by proxy. Lattis and Keleth, however, treat him relatively well. On the flip side, Sabinus makes fun of him sometimes. Val'ten idolizes Sergeant Te'rien at first, but comes to see his human side. They will have been good friends for many years by the time Te'rien dies and Val'ten replaces him as Sergeant.
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Dal'ris Moloi (~27) is not a Salamander. He was an aspirant who failed to ascend, and is now Val'ten's brander-priest. He requested to be assigned to Val'ten because Val'ten helped his family while he was a scout. The two become very close, working on a secret project together. Val'ten discovers that he enjoys making Dal'ris happy, Dal'ris thinks Val'ten is hot and is flattered that his Lord Astartes pays so much attention to him. They're falling in love.
Drek'tyr (~300) is a very old firstborn who moves down from a higher company when he realizes everyone around him is Primaris now. He replaces Bai'keti. He has a stupid saurian hat and I love him a lot. A little gremlin of an Astartes. He's here because my spouse gave me a very silly mini of a Salamander with a dinosaur head.
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stormlit · 1 year
okay fine i'm falling back into the hole i'll summarise all my doctor whomst aus again
clara - canon. victorian clara au where she travels with the doctor after surviving the snowmen, otherwise following the events of canon (with eps set in her home life translated to the victorian era).
molly - bf canon. eight's companion, an irish maid-turned-wwi VAD. mostly set either during her travels or back in her own time once she stops travelling with him, when she's living in the doctor's house in london, a full nurse, and helping people out there. always alien things in london, even in 1918.
georgie - seconded to UNIT from the regular army after her courageous actions in horrifically traumatic situations, sgt lane is a combat medic, and on the front line of every awful alien event that seems to happen in the uk, because it's constant and it's all terrible. wants to leave the army, UNIT is declining, she's heavily traumatised, and she knows any time the doctor appears, something awful is about to happen. also has a similar au for third doc's time stuck on earth with UNIT in the '70s.
sidney - not technically an au; she's set in the future of our universe (which i can give more details about if necessary). an android with a gun for an arm, roller skates for feet, a cybernetic eye, and a love of grenades, dressed like a 1950s diner waitress, sid was originally designed to be an any-purpose droid. first and only of her line, has sentience and free will that she's still trying to figure out what it means. her canon is chaos and would cross over with dw very well (let her have some fun tardis adventures i Beg).
pippa - she had a marvellous time ruining everything. a regency era Eligible Young Lady (nonbinary if they had the word for it ty) who stole a time machine to escape a suffocating, miserable life, with absolutely no idea how any of it works. they love chaos, disrupting order and the way society is "meant" to be. keeps going back in time to change what's meant to be a fixed point so their best friend doesn't die, keeps destroying the fabric of the universe in the process and the universe keeps killing him so they do it again, and knows it bc they are time sensitive. they're just both selfish and terrified of being alone.
bea - from a future human post-apocalyptic colony, she has psychic abilities she is afraid of and doesn't know how to use. loves drawing, the stars, herbalism, and taking things apart to see how they work. travelling on her own when she likely stumbles across the doc + companion.
nate - UNIT captain with terrible commanders who seem to actively want the aliens to kill his platoon, fully begins operating by his own (lawful/neutral good) morals and not by what he's told to protect people, including refusing to fire. definitely leaves UNIT before it's disbanded but still actively ends up at scenes of Shit Happening to help people. might end up working with people who've had their lives displaced by Alien Shit? or even helping non-violent aliens stuck on earth in a very non-torchwood way. he'd hate torchwood.
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bestlovespellsinusa · 4 months
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psychicagasthya · 5 months
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psychicreadingsuk · 15 days
Unveiling the Best Psychic in the UK: Experience Clairvoyance with Psychic Text Readers
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When life presents uncertainty and doubt, finding guidance becomes essential. That’s where the power of a genuine psychic comes into play. If you are searching for the best psychic in  UK, look no further than Gail Keenan Psychics, a trusted name in the world of spiritual insight and psychic readings.
Why Choose the Best Psychic in the UK?
A psychic reading is more than just a glimpse into the future; it is a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. The best psychic in UK understands this delicate balance and offers insights that are both empowering and enlightening. Gail Keenan Psychics, renowned for their high standards and professional approach, stand out in this field. With a team of experienced psychics, they provide readings that help you gain clarity on relationships, career paths, and other life decisions.
The Power of Psychic Text Readers
In today’s fast-paced world, convenience is key. Gail Keenan Psychics brings the wisdom of the best psychic in UK to your fingertips with their innovative psychic text readers service. Whether you’re at home, at work, or on the go, you can easily connect with a psychic through text messaging. This approach allows you to ask questions and receive guidance whenever you need it, without the need for scheduling an appointment or traveling.
Psychic text readers provide a quick, private, and reliable way to gain insight. Whether it’s a single question or a deeper inquiry into your life’s journey, these readings offer profound answers, tailored to your unique needs. At Gail Keenan Psychics, the text reading service is handled by gifted psychics who bring years of experience and a wealth of knowledge to each interaction.
Read More: - phone readings.
How Gail Keenan Psychics Differentiates Itself
Gail Keenan Psychics is not just another psychic service provider. They have built a reputation as the best psychic in UK by focusing on quality and authenticity. Each psychic undergoes a rigorous selection process to ensure they possess the skills and integrity required to provide meaningful readings. This dedication to excellence has earned them a loyal clientele who return time and time again for advice and support.
The psychic text readers at Gail Keenan Psychics are specially trained to interpret subtle energies and provide clear, concise answers. Whether you’re dealing with love and relationships, family issues, or career uncertainties, their psychics are here to help you navigate life’s challenges with confidence.
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Discover Your Path Today
Don’t let life’s uncertainties overwhelm you. By consulting the best psychic in the UK through Gail Keenan Psychics, you can find the guidance and clarity you need to move forward with confidence. Their psychic text readers offer a unique and accessible way to connect with skilled psychics, ensuring you have support whenever you need it. Take the first step towards a brighter future today by reaching out to Gail Keenan Psychics and experience the profound impact of a professional psychic reading.
Whether you are seeking answers or looking for a deeper understanding of your life's purpose, Gail Keenan Psychics is here to help you every step of the way. Connect with them now and see how their gifted team of psychics can make a difference in your life.
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hadeschan · 8 months
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item # K21F60
RARE Pra Somdej Luang Phor Guay, Nua Pong Namman, Lang Jaan Yant U Na Arahang. A Buddha amulet with a bas-relief of Buddha seating on a 3 tiers platform, in the back is with a hand-engraving cabalistic writings a Yant U or an Unalome, a Yant Na, and a Yant Arahang. Made from many types of holy powder blended with 1)holy powder used for making of Pra Somdej Wat Rakhang amulets of Somdej Pra Buddhachan Toh of Wat Rakhang, given to Luang Phor Guay by Luang Phu Nak of Wat Rakhang, 2)Blessed quartz sand (Sai Sek), and 3)dust or powder crushed from meteorites (Uk-gaa-baat Manee). Made by Luang Phor Guay of Wat Khositaram (Wat Ban Khae), Chai Nat Province around BE 2515 (CE 1972).
BEST FOR: This amulet is with dust of meteorite that contains energies of the Buddhist Cosmos (Cakravala), and releases power of protective energy. The amulet with meteorite is good for protection, good fortune, and to "Have a safe trip" and "Good luck on your travels". Nang Nieow, a rock-hard skin that is completely impervious to damage with bludgeoning or piercing weapons. This tagrut has a tendency to draw positive energy. Kongkraphan Chatrie (it makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Klawklad Plodpai (it pushes you away from all danger), Maha-ut (it helps stop gun from shooting at you). And it signifies continuous growth and multiplication in wealth, money luck, and good fortune. Wealth Fetching, Maha Larp (it brings lucky wealth), Metta Maha Niyom (it helps bring loving, caring, and kindness, and compassion from people all around you to you), Mahasanay (Magic Charm) it helps turn you to prince charming in the eyes of girls, Maha Larp (it brings Lucky Wealth / wealth fetching), and Kaa Kaai Dee (it helps tempt your customers to buy whatever you are selling, and it helps attract new customers and then keep them coming back. Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam Sa-niat jan-rai Sat Meepit (it helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse, accursedness, black magic, misfortune, doom, and poisonous animals). It helps protect you from manipulators, backstabbers, and toxic people. This amulet would grant your wish to have glorious future in your career, business, with success plus wealth and prosperity. And the force of the bad intentions / activities / behaviors from your enemies hitting you, the Khata Sà-tón Klap Spell puts an equal force back onto them, meaning those bad intentions / activities / behaviors bounce back up to your enemies.
Blessed quartz sand or Sai Sek in Thai
Luang Phor Guay make his own magic grains of quartz sand by collecting sand from holy places in Thailand, and blessed it for years. Sai Sek of Luang Phor Guay is with all kind of magic power, for instance;  Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam Sa-niat jan-rai Sat Meepit (it helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse, accursedness, black magic, misfortune, doom, and poisonous animals). Gam-bang (it blinds your enemies or people who want to do harm to you), Klawklad Plodpai (it brings safety, and pushes you away from all danger), Maha-ut (it stops gun from shooting at you or misses its target aiming at you).
Meteorite or Uk-gaa-baat Manee in Thai
In simplest terms, a meteorite is a rock that falls to Earth from space. Meteorites are rocks, but they are not like Earth rocks. Most are far older, and they provide some of the only samples we have of other worlds – other planets, asteroids and possibly comets – in our solar system.
Appraised for its psychic ability, Meteorite contemplates as a genius boulder. The meteorite is a nugget that is conceived to engage the energies of the Buddhist Cosmos (Cakravala). They are present in the outer space of the universe which possesses the spirit, the spark of it. Meteorite tends to possess the power of celestial bodies which further opens the charisma of the universe. It extends lifespan of its owner. The composition of iron in meteorite helps its owner to send and receive the thought transference from the Buddhist cosmos. It is trusted that Meteorite is powerfully attuned to the energies of the Buddhist cosmos, so they are capable enough to raise its owner energies of the universe. Further, it is contemplated to open as well as turn on the third eye chakra which helps its owner to facilitate the intelligent communication with the cleric. It is too evaluated to help its owner for spiritual travel. The Meteorite is credited to augment the chi energy in the overall torso of its owner. Further, it is evaluated to help its owner to meditate to the deepest state. It is a stone that brings in the increased vitality to the auric field of its owner moreover helps to proffer a screen guard from the pessimistic, downbeat energies. And Meteorite is used for a travel charm stone for protection, good fortune, and to "Have a safe trip" and "Good luck on your travels".
Yant U or Unalome
Yant U or Yant Unalome, unalome cabalistic writing represents the path to enlightenment in the Buddhist culture. The spirals are meant to symbolize the twists and turns in life, and the straight lines the moment one reaches enlightenment or peace and harmony. The dots at the end of the symbol represent death, or the moment we fade to nothing.
Yant Na
Yant Na is the only the single ancient Khmer character, the most powerful cabalistic writing that has Buddhakhun krôp jàk-grà-waan which means“ all the best for everything”. Yant Na provides protection against all danger, bad luck, misery, misfortune, unknown force, black magic, evil spirits, bad ghost, bad omens, and curses.. The power of this Yant Na, you can do anything you wish to do, have anything you wish to have, be anything you wish to be. Wealth fetching, and Metta Maha Niyom (it helps bring loving, caring, and kindness, and compassion from people all around you to you).
Yant Arahang
The Yant Arahang cabalistic writing represents Buddha who is an arahant, “one who is worthy” in Buddhism, a perfected person, one who has gained insight into the true nature of existence and has achieved nirvana. This cabalistic writing refers to Buddha, and all power in him that draws positive energy to the amulet owner with safety, protection, good health, longevity, peace and prosperity.
“All of my Looksit (disciples / followers /adherents/ worshippers / devotees) will be away from destitution, failure, hardship & difficulty in living, poverty, inferiority, and deterioration in quality of life.”
Luang Phor Guay was highly respected by Luang Phor Pare of Wat Pikulthong, Singburi Province. Many Batches of Luang Phor Pare’s amulets were blessed by Luang Phor Guay first, Luang Phor Pare would bring them to Luang Phor Guay and ask Luang Phor Guay to bless them for him before the Grand Blessing Ceremonies…
*All of the amulet made by Luang Phor Guay, the last mantra that Luang Phor Guay blessed on amulets was “The Khata Sà-tón Klap (The Bouncing Back Mantra)”. The force of the bad intentions / activities / behaviors from your enemies hitting you, the Khata Sà-tón Klap puts an equal force back onto them, meaning those bad intentions / activities / behaviors bounce back up to your enemies.
*According to Luang Phu Thong of Wat Samphao Choei, Luang Phor Guay implanted his mind power (telepathy) in the amulets he made or blessed on. The telepathy, the transmission of information from one person’s mind to another’s without using any known human sensory channels or physical interaction, it would happen while the amulet owners pray or talk to Luang Phor Guay’s amulets (saying any khata (sermon) is not needed), and those messages will pass to Luang Phor Guay automatically.
Luang Phor Guay was an abbot of Wat Kositaram (Wat Ban Khae), Chainat Province living between (BE 2448 to BE 2522)
Luang Phor Guay was a disciple of many Legendary Guru Monks, for instance;
- The Holy Luang Phu Tao of Wat Kaang Kaao, a senior brotherhood of Luang Phu Suk of Wat Pak Klong Makham-tao
- The Holy Luang Phu Sri of Wat Pra Prang
- The Holy Luang Phor Derm of Wat Nong Pho
The supernatural power of Luang Phor Guay experienced by his Looksit (disciples / followers /adherents/ worshippers / devotees)
1)An ability to know the future.
2)An ability to shoot clay ball bullets from a sling bow with cursive path (line of fire) to any targets Luang Phor Guay wanted, no matter how far they were.
3)An ability to make a ring to be put on anybody’s fingers no matter where they were by blowing rings from Luang Phor Guay’s palms.
4)Photo shootings without Luang Phor Guay’s permission, those photos would be blurry or camera malfunctions.
5)An ability to make people who just visited Luang Phor Guay not to recognize Luang Phor Guay after leaving Luang Phor Guay.
6)An ability to stop gun from firing at him or anyone
7)An ability to make gun malfunction by squeezing out a piece of cloth in his hands.
8)An ability to make ants to return to their nest hole.
9)An ability to bless chicken food, and made chickens eat it if the chickens or the chicken eggs were stolen, and later eaten by the thieves, the thieves would got Dermatophytosis or Ringworm on their skins.
10)An ability to use a rock tying up with a robe, and beat up his looksit, and looksit felt no pain.
11)An ability to stop the gun from firing by saying “the gun jammed”.
12)An ability to treat people with headache by pinching their own thumbs.
13)An ability to heal people with broken bones.
14)An ability to replace the pain during child labor from wives to their husbands.
15)An ability to turn a man to both a crocodile, and then a tiger or vice versa.
16)An ability to turn midrib of a banana leaf to a green snake, and a loincloth belt to a cobra.
17)An ability to turn leaves of Maerua siamensis (Kurz) Pax tree to wasps.
18)An ability to turn a joss stick wrapped with red paper to a Siamese fighting fish.
19)An ability to hold burning charcoal in his hands
20)An ability to pick anything that his hand could hold from anyplace, no matter how far they were.
21) Luang Phor Guay’s message to his looksit would come true.
22)An ability to make his amulets floating in the water or flying in the air.
23)An ability to command wasps to sting any people he wanted. And command turtles to search for anybody he wanted.
24)An ability to toss his amulets into the air, and those amulets were flying to people whom he wanted to give amulets to, no matter where they lived.
25)An ability to know if his Looksit were assaulted or in danger, no matter where they were at.
Luang Phor Guay made and blessed all of his amulets by himself. Mon Pra Gaan, the Lord Kala in Sanskrit, the Pra Gaan Mantra, the one who is beyond time (death) and universe and all life within, and the god of death. Those who have good intentions of using Luang Phor Guay’s amulets would be blessed, those who are not will be doomed. And all amulets made by Luang Phor Guay, at the final of blessing ritual, Luang Phor Guay would end with Khata Sa-ton-klap. Such Khata has a power that helps protect amulet wears from manipulators, backstabbers, and toxic people. Not only protection from those kind of people, but also people who are thinking a “bad” thought about the amulet wearers will also be doomed.
REMARK: According to Looksit (disciples / followers / adherents / worshippers / devotees) of Luang Phor Guay, Luang Phor Guay made amulets every day to release his mind power (Grasin Fire) that generated heat in his body, and Luang Phor Guay NEVER made amulets for sale. Luang Phor Guay just gave amulets to anybody he wanted.
Luang Phor Guay blessed his amulets at the 7 times of the day firstly in the early morning, in the late morning, in the afternoon, in the late afternoon, in the evening, in the late evening, and at midnight. These 7 times of blessing was said to be the blessing process of Black Magic, and to prolong/extent the lives of people who wear his amulets in case that people’s lifespan on earth are shorten by their bad karma. And only best guru monks or Best white robe masters could perform such rituals. Luang Phor Guay would pick the day on auspicious constellations (Rerk Mongkon), master of devil constellations (Rerk Boon Phraya Maan), and criminal constellations (Jora Rerk). Luang Phor Guay said that the Rerk Boon Phraya Maan, and Jora Rerk are constellations that help criminals, and evil people to successfully commit their crimes, and amulets of Luang Phor Guay would perform miracles to persuade those bad people to believe in good and bad karma, then they will return to support Buddhism, and finally, they will be decent citizens.
DIMENSION: 3.80 cm long / 2.60 cm wide / 0.80 cm thick
item # K21F60
Price: price upon request, pls PM and/or email us [email protected]
Item location: Hong Kong, SAR
Ships to: Worldwide
Delivery: Estimated 7 days handling time after receipt of cleared payment. Please allow additional time if international delivery is subject to customs processing.
Shipping: FREE Thailandpost International registered mail. International items may be subject to customs processing and additional charges.
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psychicreadingsuk · 18 days
Finding the Best Psychic in the UK: A Guide to Top Psychic Services
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If you're searching for the best psychic in UK, you’re in the right place. In a world filled with uncertainty, many people turn to psychics for guidance and insight into their lives. Whether you need advice on love, career, or personal growth, finding a trusted psychic can make a significant difference. One of the most reputable names in this field is Gail Keenan Psychics, a service known for its experienced and intuitive team of psychics who have helped countless individuals across the country.
Understanding the Role of Psychics
Psychics have long been sought after for their ability to provide clarity and understanding in challenging times. The top psychics in the UK are known for their accuracy, empathy, and deep understanding of human nature. They use various methods such as tarot readings, astrology, clairvoyance, and mediumship to connect with spiritual energies and provide insights that can guide you in your journey.
Why Choose the Best Psychic in the UK?
When it comes to choosing the best psychic in UK, it’s essential to find someone who is not only skilled but also trustworthy. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to decide which psychic to consult. This is where Gail Keenan Psychics stands out. Known for their exceptional service and dedication to client satisfaction, they offer a wide range of psychic services to cater to different needs and preferences.
Gail Keenan Psychics is renowned for its team of top psychics in the UK who are carefully vetted for their abilities and integrity. Each psychic brings a unique skill set, whether it’s tarot reading, numerology, or psychic mediumship. This diversity allows clients to find the perfect match for their specific needs, ensuring a personalized and meaningful experience.
How to Connect with Top Psychics in the UK
Finding the best psychic in UK is now easier than ever, thanks to online platforms like Gail Keenan Psychics. With just a few clicks, you can connect with a psychic from the comfort of your own home. Whether you prefer a phone reading or a video consultation, their platform is designed to make the process as seamless as possible.
One of the advantages of choosing a reputable service like Gail Keenan Psychics is the assurance of quality. With a strict screening process for all their psychics, you can trust that you are consulting with some of the top psychics in the UK. This level of professionalism ensures that your reading is accurate, insightful, and, most importantly, tailored to your needs.
Read More: - telephone tarot reading.
What to Expect from a Reading with the Best Psychic in the UK
When you book a session with one of the top psychics in the UK at Gail Keenan Psychics, you can expect a compassionate and open-minded approach. Their psychics are trained to listen carefully to your concerns and provide thoughtful and meaningful guidance. Whether you’re facing a major life decision or just need reassurance, they are there to help you navigate through it.
Choosing the best psychic in UK is about finding someone who resonates with you, understands your needs, and provides the insights you seek. Gail Keenan Psychics offers a safe and supportive environment where you can explore your questions and find the answers you’re looking for. So, if you're ready to discover what the future holds, consider reaching out to Gail Keenan Psychics today.
With a reputation for excellence and a commitment to customer satisfaction, they are truly among the top psychics in the UK. Take the first step towards clarity and peace of mind by booking your session with one of their talented psychics.
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magicveiled · 11 months
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FULL NAME: Joseph Ewan MacVeigh ALIAS(ES): [ REDACTED ] DATE OF BIRTH: [ REDACTED ] AGE: 50's GENDER/PRONOUNS:  male, he/him SEXUALITY: straight HOMETOWN: Glasgow, Scotland UK SPECIES: witch (formerly), ghost (currently) HAIR: brown, short EYES: blue NATIONALITY/CITIZENSHIP: American, United Kingdom   HERITAGE: Irish, Scottish, British, Swedish, Germain RELIGION: Celtic Polytheism OCCUPATION: High Priest / coven leader (formerly) FASHION PREFERENCE: dark academia / business casual EDUCATION: Extensive, High School Graduate, College Graduate, Highly Intelligent, Above Average IQ BODY TYPE: tall, athletic, above average height ( 6′ 2 ) TATTOOS: family crest (right bicep) SCARS: many FACECLAIM: Gerard Butler LANGUAGES KNOWN: English, Scots-Gaelic, Latin, Spanish, Germain, French, some Italian MENTAL HEALTH:  [ REDACTED ] MBTI PERSONALITY: ESTJ-T The Executive MORAL ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good ZODIAC: [ REDACTED ] POWERS & ABILITIES:
premonition - witch
mediumship - witch
telekinesis - witch/ghost
empathy -witch
psychic manipulation - witch/ghost
astral-projection - witch/ghost
procession - ghost
invisibility - ghost
ghost physiology- ghost
possession - ghost
hand-to-hand combat
weapons training
firearms training
Ewan MacVeigh (father)
Eleanora MacVeigh (mother)
Edith MacVeigh (sister)
Fergus MacVeigh (brother)
Callum MacVeigh (brother)
Fionn MacVeigh (brother)
Ciarán MacVeigh (brother)
Maddleynn MacVeigh (wife)
Michael MacVeigh (son)
Morgan MacVeigh (daughter)
Braydon Sinclar (best friend, coven member)
Kelsey Sinclair (friend, coven member)
Ciara Sinclair (god-daughter)
Carter Sinclair (godson)
Juliette Wright (lover (formerly))
POSITIVE TRAITS: loyal, hard-working, protective, fun-loving, romantic, intelligent, innovative, caring, charismatic, funny
NEGATIVE TRAITS: stubborn, shallow, impulsive, demanding, cunning, manipulative, anger issues, quick-to-anger, aggressive, unmerciful, impatient, reckless
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hadeschan · 10 months
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item # K22A30
RARE Pra Somdej Luang Phor Guay, Block Hin Meed Gohn, Nua Pong Pasom Pong Pra Somdej Wat Rakhang, Sai Sek, Uk-gaa-baat Manee. An extra-large Buddha amulet made from holy powder blended with 1)holy powder used for making of Pra Somdej Wat Rakhang amulets of Somdej Pra Buddhachan Toh of Wat Rakhang, given to Luang Phor Guay by Luang Phu Nak of Wat Rakhang, 2)Blessed quartz sand  (Sai Sek), and 3)dust or powder crushed from meteorites (Uk-gaa-baat Manee). This amulet is called “Block Hin Meed Gohn” because the mold used for pumping this amulet was carved out of a sandstone that was used for sharpening head shaving razor blades of Luang Phor Guay. Made by Luang Phor Guay of Wat Khositaram (Wat Ban Khae), Chai Nat Province between BE 2500 to BE 2521 (CE 1957 to CE 1978).
BEST FOR: This amulet is with dust of meteorite that contains energies of the Buddhist Cosmos (Cakravala), and releases power of protective energy. The amulet with meteorite is good for protection, good fortune, and to "Have a safe trip" and "Good luck on your travels". Nang Nieow, a rock-hard skin that is completely impervious to damage with bludgeoning or piercing weapons. This tagrut has a tendency to draw positive energy. Kongkraphan Chatrie (it makes you invulnerable to all weapon attack), Klawklad Plodpai (it pushes you away from all danger), Maha-ut (it helps stop gun from shooting at you). And it signifies continuous growth and multiplication in wealth, money luck, and good fortune. Wealth Fetching, Maha Larp (it brings lucky wealth), Metta Maha Niyom (it helps bring loving, caring, and kindness, and compassion from people all around you to you), Mahasanay (Magic Charm) it helps turn you to prince charming in the eyes of girls, Maha Larp (it brings Lucky Wealth / wealth fetching), and Kaa Kaai Dee (it helps tempt your customers to buy whatever you are selling, and it helps attract new customers and then keep them coming back. Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam Sa-niat jan-rai Sat Meepit (it helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse, accursedness, black magic, misfortune, doom, and poisonous animals). It helps protect you from manipulators, backstabbers, and toxic people. This amulet would grant your wish to have glorious future in your career, business, with success plus wealth and prosperity. And the force of the bad intentions / activities / behaviors from your enemies hitting you, the Khata Sà-tón Klap Spell puts an equal force back onto them, meaning those bad intentions / activities / behaviors bounce back up to your enemies.
Blessed quartz sand or Sai Sek in Thai
Luang Phor Guay make his own magic grains of quartz sand by collecting sand from holy places in Thailand, and blessed it for years. Sai Sek of Luang Phor Guay is with all kind of magic power, for instance;  Ponggan Poot-pee pee-saat Kunsai Mondam Sa-niat jan-rai Sat Meepit (it helps ward off evil spirit, demon, bad ghost, bad omen, bad spell, curse, accursedness, black magic, misfortune, doom, and poisonous animals). Gam-bang (it blinds your enemies or people who want to do harm to you), Klawklad Plodpai (it brings safety, and pushes you away from all danger), Maha-ut (it stops gun from shooting at you or misses its target aiming at you).
Meteorite or Uk-gaa-baat Manee in Thai
In simplest terms, a meteorite is a rock that falls to Earth from space. Meteorites are rocks, but they are not like Earth rocks. Most are far older, and they provide some of the only samples we have of other worlds – other planets, asteroids and possibly comets – in our solar system.
Appraised for its psychic ability, Meteorite contemplates as a genius boulder. The meteorite is a nugget that is conceived to engage the energies of the Buddhist Cosmos (Cakravala). They are present in the outer space of the universe which possesses the spirit, the spark of it. Meteorite tends to possess the power of celestial bodies which further opens the charisma of the universe. It extends lifespan of its owner. The composition of iron in meteorite helps its owner to send and receive the thought transference from the Buddhist cosmos. It is trusted that Meteorite is powerfully attuned to the energies of the Buddhist cosmos, so they are capable enough to raise its owner energies of the universe. Further, it is contemplated to open as well as turn on the third eye chakra which helps its owner to facilitate the intelligent communication with the cleric. It is too evaluated to help its owner for spiritual travel. The Meteorite is credited to augment the chi energy in the overall torso of its owner. Further, it is evaluated to help its owner to meditate to the deepest state. It is a stone that brings in the increased vitality to the auric field of its owner moreover helps to proffer a screen guard from the pessimistic, downbeat energies. And Meteorite is used for a travel charm stone for protection, good fortune, and to "Have a safe trip" and "Good luck on your travels".
“All of my Looksit (disciples / followers /adherents/ worshippers / devotees) will be away from destitution, failure, hardship & difficulty in living, poverty, inferiority, and deterioration in quality of life.”
Luang Phor Guay was highly respected by Luang Phor Pare of Wat Pikulthong, Singburi Province. Many Batches of Luang Phor Pare’s amulets were blessed by Luang Phor Guay first, Luang Phor Pare would bring them to Luang Phor Guay and ask Luang Phor Guay to bless them for him before the Grand Blessing Ceremonies…
*All of the amulet made by Luang Phor Guay, the last mantra that Luang Phor Guay blessed on amulets was “The Khata Sà-tón Klap (The Bouncing Back Mantra)”. The force of the bad intentions / activities / behaviors from your enemies hitting you, the Khata Sà-tón Klap puts an equal force back onto them, meaning those bad intentions / activities / behaviors bounce back up to your enemies.
Luang Phor Guay was an abbot of Wat Kositaram (Wat Ban Khae), Chainat Province living between (BE 2448 to BE 2522)
Luang Phor Guay was a disciple of many Legendary Guru Monks, for instance;
- The Holy Luang Phu Tao of Wat Kaang Kaao, a senior brotherhood of Luang Phu Suk of Wat Pak Klong Makham-tao
- The Holy Luang Phu Sri of Wat Pra Prang
- The Holy Luang Phor Derm of Wat Nong Pho
The supernatural power of Luang Phor Guay experienced by his Looksit (disciples / followers /adherents/ worshippers / devotees)
1)An ability to know the future.
2)An ability to shoot clay ball bullets from a sling bow with cursive path (line of fire) to any targets Luang Phor Guay wanted, no matter how far they were.
3)An ability to make a ring to be put on anybody’s fingers no matter where they were by blowing rings from Luang Phor Guay’s palms.
4)Photo shootings without Luang Phor Guay’s permission, those photos would be blurry or camera malfunctions.
5)An ability to make people who just visited Luang Phor Guay not to recognize Luang Phor Guay after leaving Luang Phor Guay.
6)An ability to stop gun from firing at him or anyone
7)An ability to make gun malfunction by squeezing out a piece of cloth in his hands.
8)An ability to make ants to return to their nest hole.
9)An ability to bless chicken food, and made chickens eat it if the chickens or the chicken eggs were stolen, and later eaten by the thieves, the thieves would got Dermatophytosis or Ringworm on their skins.
10)An ability to use a rock tying up with a robe, and beat up his looksit, and looksit felt no pain.
11)An ability to stop the gun from firing by saying “the gun jammed”.
12)An ability to treat people with headache by pinching their own thumbs.
13)An ability to heal people with broken bones.
14)An ability to replace the pain during child labor from wives to their husbands.
15)An ability to turn a man to both a crocodile, and then a tiger or vice versa.
16)An ability to turn midrib of a banana leaf to a green snake, and a loincloth belt to a cobra.
17)An ability to turn leaves of Maerua siamensis (Kurz) Pax tree to wasps.
18)An ability to turn a joss stick wrapped with red paper to a Siamese fighting fish.
19)An ability to hold burning charcoal in his hands
20)An ability to pick anything that his hand could hold from anyplace, no matter how far they were.
21) Luang Phor Guay’s message to his looksit would come true.
22)An ability to make his amulets floating in the water or flying in the air.
23)An ability to command wasps to sting any people he wanted. And command turtles to search for anybody he wanted.
24)An ability to toss his amulets into the air, and those amulets were flying to people whom he wanted to give amulets to, no matter where they lived.
25)An ability to know if his Looksit were assaulted or in danger, no matter where they were at.
Luang Phor Guay made and blessed all of his amulets by himself. Mon Pra Gaan, the Lord Kala in Sanskrit, the Pra Gaan Mantra, the one who is beyond time (death) and universe and all life within, and the god of death. Those who have good intentions of using Luang Phor Guay’s amulets would be blessed, those who are not will be doomed. And all amulets made by Luang Phor Guay, at the final of blessing ritual, Luang Phor Guay would end with Khata Sa-ton-klap. Such Khata has a power that helps protect amulet wears from manipulators, backstabbers, and toxic people. Not only protection from those kind of people, but also people who are thinking a “bad” thought about the amulet wearers will also be doomed.
REMARK: According to Looksit (disciples / followers / adherents / worshippers / devotees) of Luang Phor Guay, Luang Phor Guay made amulets every day to release his mind power (Grasin Fire) that generated heat in his body, and Luang Phor Guay NEVER made amulets for sale. Luang Phor Guay just gave amulets to anybody he wanted.
Luang Phor Guay blessed his amulets at the 7 times of the day firstly in the early morning, in the late morning, in the afternoon, in the late afternoon, in the evening, in the late evening, and at midnight. These 7 times of blessing was said to be the blessing process of Black Magic, and to prolong/extent the lives of people who wear his amulets in case that people’s lifespan on earth are shorten by their bad karma. And only best guru monks or Best white robe masters could perform such rituals. Luang Phor Guay would pick the day on auspicious constellations (Rerk Mongkon), master of devil constellations (Rerk Boon Phraya Maan), and criminal constellations (Jora Rerk). Luang Phor Guay said that the Rerk Boon Phraya Maan, and Jora Rerk are constellations that help criminals, and evil people to successfully commit their crimes, and amulets of Luang Phor Guay would perform miracles to persuade those bad people to believe in good and bad karma, then they will return to support Buddhism, and finally, they will be decent citizens.
*with Certificate of Authenticity issued by DD-PRA
DIMENSION: 4.20 cm long / 2.90 cm wide / 0.50 cm thick
item # K22A30
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