#Best Natural Stone in Tampa Bay
acmestone · 6 months
Best Natural Stone | Natural Stone Countertops in Tampa Bay
Elevate your space with Acme Stone Inc's exquisite natural stone countertops in Tampa Bay. From luxurious marble to durable granite, our selection offers unparalleled elegance and durability. With expert craftsmanship and a wide variety of options, we tailor each countertop to suit your style and needs. Experience timeless beauty with Acme Stone Inc today.
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Gardens of Stone
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Let’s face it, as far as cool, gothic cemeteries go, Central Florida certainly wasn’t first in line.  Sure, there’s perennial favorite Greenwood in Orlando, & Tolomato in St. Augustine (which has bragging rights to oldest marked grave in the state), but during these trying pandemical times, Greenwood is closed on weekends & Tolomato is always closed.  Thus, it is the time to shine for Oaklawn Cemetery in Tampa.
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Oaklawn, a fine example of southern gothic, was founded in 1850 & is located right in downtown Tampa at 606 E. Harrison St.   Once it was two cemeteries separated by a fence, the other being Saint Louis Catholic Cemetery, but the fence is gone now & one can freely pass between.  Oaklawn is amazing.  As Stefan from Saturday Night Live might say, “This place has everything:  grey stone walls, wrought iron fences with creaky gates, twisted & deformed trees deliciously draped with Spanish moss, neglect & decay, ghosts, & the bouncer is a bulldog who looks like Wilford Brimley & the password is ‘diabeetus.’”  Well, maybe not that last part - took the Stefan analogy too far. 
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But seriously, Oaklawn is a must-visit for the darkly inclined on any excursion to the Tampa Bay area.  Just a mile and a quarter from Ybor City, and right off I-275, Oaklawn is easy peasy to find and right in the heart of things.  Parking is the only issue.  On a weekday...well, just avoid it on a weekday.  On the weekends, however, there’s parking as far as the eye can see (you still have to pay for it, of course - Tampa politicians like to buy nice things for themselves, you know).
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Once inside, your icy, black heart will soar on demonic wings.  First off - blessed shade!  Shady spots under Florida’s pitiless sun are worth their weight in cursed pirate treasure, and Oaklawn has an embarrassment of riches.  Cast aside, if only temporally, that SPF 100 sunscreen my obsidian clad brethren & cease your squinting and cowering; Oaklawn has you covered - literally.  And just to make that shade extra dense, the trees are positively drenched in sheer Spanish moss.
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If there’s one thing Oaklawn is lacking, that would be mausoleums.  It has but one, a rather modest red brick structure with four internment chambers within - two used perhaps, and two definitely unused.  As with much of the rest of the grounds, the structure is not in the best of shape and as it is unlabeled, somewhat mysterious.
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The visuals throughout Oaklawn are stunning and I imagine many a goth has photos of themselves posing before one or another of the plethora of interesting graves.  For anyone with even a minor interest in photography, the multitude of textures, the interplay of light and shadow, and the fascinating juxtaposition of natural vs artificial offer abundant visual studies.  Here are some examples, minus the goth.
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The perfect location for the stereotypical goth picnic or just for a late afternoon stroll, contemplating one’s own mortality or just to examine the stone sentinels, Oaklawn doesn’t disappoint.  Although many of the gravestones are worn to silence, some are remarkably well preserved and carry their missives boldly, Entropy be damned.  Take, for example, the obelesk for one John F. Brown who died in 1867, which appears almost new. 
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While others...not so much.  Take the shattered slab which covers one Thomas J. Cook, for example - did someone break in, or did someone break out? 
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As with most gardens of stone, it is always interesting to visit with the locals.  Let’s meet young Valeria Butzloff, daughter of Paul & Anne who lived from April 29th, 1886 to October 12, 1907, during the height of the Victorian Age.  We are even provided with a remarkably well preserved memorial photograph of the lovely Valeria, likely taken just before her passing. 
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To her right lies her father, Paul, who died 11 years later & to her left is a plot for her mother, which doesn’t seem to have been used, but it was prepared and includes a statue, perhaps of Valeria which has sadly lost it’s head, shoulder, and a hand.  Apparently, her mother is interred at nearby Woodlawn Cemetery which was founded in 1888.
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And that’s where our knowledge would end, except for the wonders of the world hive mind.  A quick search dispels some of the mists of the past & reveals Valeria’s obituary which lists place of death as Denver; her mortal remains being returned to her grieving parents via one final journey upon this mortal realm. 
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Valeria’s story is but one of scores, hundreds, waiting to be discovered.  How Valeria died & under what circumstances seems to be lost to time.  Unless you ask her ghost.  Yes, Oaklawn is said to be haunted, & although Valeria is not thought to be one of apparitions seen, perhaps one of the permanent residents is an acquaintance & can pass along a message.  Regarding that, I’ve been to Oaklawn many times, and have walked by at night many more times, but I never saw anyone of the spectral inclination loitering about. 
Or, perhaps I’m just unlucky?
-CreaturesFromElsewhere  1/21/2021
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ericdeggans · 4 years
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How My Love for Sean Connery and Bond Led to a Serious Case of White Guy Hero Infatuation Syndrome
Like a lot of people all over the world, I have long considered myself a stone Sean Connery fan.
I often recited the juiciest dialogue bits from his Oscar-winning turn as a beat cop-turned crusader in he Untouchables (in addition to the speech everyone quotes, I loved how he told Eliot Ness he knew he was a treasury agent without seeing his badge because “who would claim to be that who was not?”) I watched the painfully clumsy 1986 B-movie Highlander mostly for his charming turn as Egyptian (!) immortal Juan Sánchez-Villalobos Ramírez.
And, of course his work as James Bond always set the ultimate example for urbane cool. Which explains why I often felt the theme song thrumming in my head whenever I wore a stylish suit or hopped off a plane in a cool city. For men from the generation before mine, he practically defined the sophisticated, stylish machismo found in the pages of Esquire and Playboy.  
For these reasons and more, I have always loved the rogueish Scotsman as an actor. And yet, when news of his death at age 90 spread across the world, I couldn’t bear to pay tribute to him on my social media pages, until now.
That’s because his passing highlighted my problem with a particular malady. I call it White Guy Hero Infatuation Syndrome. And I have suffered from it for many years.
Put simply, my fan’s brain knows that Connery’s landmark performances were the stuff of film legend – especially as Bond. Cool, authoritative, suavely menacing and mostly unflappable, his take on a secret agent who knows the best suit designers nearly as well as the best pistol manufacturers set the template for escapist espionage fantasies over the next half century and beyond.
His first line as the character – “Bond. James Bond.” – has become pop culture legend.
But as a media critic, I also have to contend with James Bond’s status as a relentless sexist and a British agent who walked the world as if it was made to be ruled by wealthy, capable white men. Watch him slap the behind of a pretty blonde who was massaging him poolside in 1964’s Goldfinger when CIA agent Felix Leiter turns up for a chat. “Man talk,” he tells her dismissively, sending her out of the scene.
Or check out how he treats Quarrel, the bug-eyed Black man who acts as a “fixer” for him in Jamaica during the first Bond film, 1962’s Dr. No. Scrambling across a beach to avoid the bad guys’ goons, Bond turns to Quarrel and tells him “fetch my shoes” -- as if he were his butler, rather than a local ally helping him avoid thugs with automatic weapons.
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And there’s loads of scenes where Bond forces himself on women who quickly succumb to his charms – like Honor Blackman’s character in 1964′s Goldfinger – perpetuating a dangerous myth that a man can earn a woman’s love by pushing her into being romantic with him. (Or that a dismissive, vaguely annoyed tone with women – treating them like impertinent children or misguided simpletons – is also, somehow, irresistible to them.)    
When Connery played Bond, he played a character who was the embodiment of white privilege. He made it look sexy, virtuous and necessary – the natural state of things in a 1960s-era world that, outside the comfortable confines of Bond’s make-believe spy games, seemed to be coming apart at the seams. But in the America of 2020, it’s a symbol of how media can teach you to accept a limiting legend.
And this was a fantasy I bought into eagerly. As a kid, my mom and I bonded over the heroic white guys she loved on film and TV, mostly from westerns. Just this past December, as she was fighting cancer and months before she would succumb to an infection, we sat and watched Clint Eastwood, Charles Bronson, Kevin Costner and Robert Duvall save the day too many times to count.
As I got older, I’d make fun of all the misogyny, racism and white centering going on in these shows – gibes which my mother, a proud Black woman who loved her people and culture, tolerated with a weary smile. “These are my guys,” she’d say playfully, swatting aside any idea that there was a deeper impact from gorging on stories which treated these virtuous white men as the noble, natural center of every story. I wish the issue were that simple; it often isn’t.
For me, it wasn’t just a problem with Connery. As a kid, I loved Eastwood’s 1970s-era Dirty Harry movies, where the taciturn cop with a Magnum pistol cut through all the nonsense to nab the bad guy. Same with Bronson’s Death Wish films, where the solution to rampant street crime wasn’t better policing, but a taciturn, middle class white guy with a gun shooting down street criminals. It’s a potent fantasy, especially if you’ve ever had to deal with the numbing bureaucracy of real-life law enforcement or the brutal violation of being a crime victim.
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It wasn’t until I got older that I realized many of those bad guys Harry Callahan was hunting were young hippies and Black people – the kind of folks who, in real life when Dirty Harry was released in 1971, were trying to get America to face how it was chewing up poor, young men in an unwinnable, unnecessary war in Vietnam. It was a prime example of “copaganda” – convincing the audience that the excesses Detective Callahan committed to nail a person the audience already knew was a serial killer, was justified.
Even now, I wonder: Can I watch these movies and appreciate why they are thrilling, while rejecting the tropes that present a white male-centered world as just and appropriate? In my work on race and media, I’m often telling audiences that people who insist they are not affected by media subtexts are often the most affected by them. Couldn’t that be true for me, when it comes to heroes like Eastwood, Bronson and Connery?
(One caveat: Sitting in an arena in Tampa, watching Eastwood give his infamously strange “empty chair” speech at the Republican National Convention in 2012, broke me of my affection for his work. I have avoided watching new Clint Eastwood films since then. Click here to read my report on the empty chair speech for the Tampa Bay Times.)
In his later years, Connery denied or walked back quotes where he seemed to approve of physically hitting women in real life. His roles in films like Highlander, The Untouchables, Hunt for Red October, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen often featured him playing the older mentor to younger white guy heroes portrayed by the likes of Harrison Ford, Alec Baldwin and Kevin Costner.
And so, as the question of Connery’s legacy in show business arises, the fanboy part of me is at war with the media critic. One side of me is lost in the absolute coolness of the suave masculinity he so often symbolized, particularly as the world’s most successful secret agent.
The other is painfully aware of the inequalities and oppression such portrayals enabled, and how much they may feed our real life fantasies for a powerful white male savior to set things right, even now. 
Especially now.
And saying these characters were a product of their flawed times somehow doesn’t seem enough.
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This is a tough column to write, and not just because there are so many fans who want to focus on the best moments of Sean Connery’s life now that he’s gone. It’s difficult because he was a personal hero of mine for a long while – and remains one of my favorite performers – even as I acknowledge the terribly male-centric and white-superior ethos he embodied in so many roles.
This may sound like disrespectful nitpicking to hardcore fans and family. It’s never easy to sit with the more uncomfortable aspects of a great artist’s legacy. And the time after his death has been filled with heartfelt tributes to Connery, a man of great talent and no-nonsense sensibilities who was respected and loved by a great many people who worked with him.
Sometimes the media critic’s job requires being a buzzkill; insisting the public pay attention to troubling aspects of a film or TV show that we would all just rather sit back and enjoy. Because part of unwinding the effect of past portrayals is acknowledging their power in the present day.
Which means, every time I watch Connery stride to a baccarat table in Goldfinger, Dr. No, or Diamonds Are Forever, archly demanding a precisely constructed alcoholic beverage, I also have to remind myself of the damage done by too many characters like that offering too constricted a vision of what a hero looks and acts like. And I suggest you do the same.
It's the only way to balance a comforting myth with the reality of how that legend can, unwittingly, teach us to cling to ideas that ultimately hold us back.      
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Baby You Were My Picket Fence [Chapter 5: Paradise City]
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You are a first grade teacher in sunny Los Angeles, California. Ben Hardy is the father of your most challenging student. Things quickly get complicated in this unconventional love story.  
Song inspiration: Miss Missing You by Fall Out Boy.
Chapter warnings: Language, some sexual content (not smutty).
Link to chapter list (and all my writing) HERE
Taglist: @blushingwueen @queen-turtle-boiii @everybodyplaythegame @onceuponadetectivedemigod @luvborhap @sincereleygmg @stormtrprinstilettos @loveandbeloved29 @ohtheseboysilove @jennyggggrrr @vanitysfairr @bramblesforbreakfast @radiob-l-a-hblah @xox-talia-xox @killer-queen-xo @caborhapch @kimmietea @asquiresofftime @hardzzellos @sleepretreat @ramibaby @jonesyaddiction @ixchel-9275 @omgitsearly @lovepizza-cake11 @deacy-dearest @shishterfackisback @mrbenhardys @deaky-with-a-c If I forgot anyone, please yell at me :)
The blue chalk moves swiftly with shrill little squeaks over the board. You’re dressed in a floral red dress, leggings, sensible sable flats, and fuzzy woolly mammoth earrings. The kids love to see what sort of eccentric accessories you wear each day; there’s even a space on the board reserved for it. Today’s flair is: woolly mammoth earrings! (Please don’t touch unless you ask first!!)
“Okay my lovely children, let’s practice using each of this week’s spelling words in a sentence. Who can remind me what the first word on our spelling list is?”
“Oh! Oh!” Brendyn—who you mentally mix up with Brayden or Kayden at least twice a day—leans out of his chair and waves his arm hysterically. Dear god, please send a plague to wipe the unnecessary Y baby name trend off the face of the planet. “I can!”
“Go ahead, Brendyn.”
“Throw,” he announces proudly, as if he’s just won the Olympic medal for elementary-school writing.
“Awesome job! That’s right!” You transcribe it on the board: 1. Throw. “And who thinks they can come up with a sentence using the word throw?”
Eli, as he’s doodling all over his worksheet, says: “If you don’t like someone, you can throw them out of a window.”
You swallow noisily as you collect your thoughts. The other students are alternately giggling cautiously or gasping, scandalized. “Now, Eli...”
“Yes, Miss Teacher?” he prompts.
“It’s nice to raise our hands and wait to be called on when we have something to share.”
“Oops.” He raises his hand.
You sigh heavily. “Could you come up with a different sentence, please? One that is more school-appropriate? Remember we had a whole talk last week about school-appropriate topics. Right class?”
“Yes, Miss Y/L/N!” they agree in unison. That conversation hadn’t, perhaps shockingly, been inspired by Eli. A chatty, beach-blond, future surfer bro named Dexter had discovered his father, a prominent cinematographer, in a compromising position with the nanny—in the jacuzzi tub, no less—and felt the need to divulge that during Story Sharing Time. Worst parent phone call ever.
“Give it another try, Eli,” you say encouragingly.
“Taking spelling tests makes me want to throw up.”
You drop your face into your hands as the class howls in laughter. “Okay, very funny, but I still think we can come up with something more appropriate. Does anyone else have an idea?”
Maisy raises her hand timidly. Oh, hallelujah.
“Yes, Maisy!”
“Always remember to throw away your trash.”
“Wonderful!” You write the sentence on the board. “No littering. I like it. Save the sea turtles. Maisy, as a reward, you may give Creampuff one pumpkin seed.”
“Yay!” Maisy leaps out of her seat and sprints to Creampuff’s cage behind your desk. It’s your third year teaching with Creampuff, and the poor hamster is decisively in geriatric territory; she’s morbidly obese and her eyes are bluish with cataracts. But the children adore her, and Creampuff has always been wonderfully sweet and never bites. You just hope that when the time comes, she has the decency to kick the bucket over a long weekend so you can dispose of the body in secret and whip up a cheery story to tell the kids about how Creampuff went to live in an organic vegan farm or a hamster sanctuary or a retirement community in sunny Tampa Bay, Florida.
“Okay friends,” you announce. “Go ahead and practice coming up with sentences on your worksheet. Then we’ll chat in five or ten minutes and see what we’ve got. Ready, set, go!”
As students’ heads bow and pencils begin scratching against paper, you circle the room peeking over shoulders and making suggestions here and there. When you reach Eli’s desk, you crouch down so your gaze is level with his.
“Hey, Eli.”
“Hi,” he replies mistrustfully, his blue eyes narrow under dark curls.
“I just wanted to let you know that I thought your sentence ideas were very funny and very, very clever. But they just weren’t the best choices to use in class. Do you understand why?”
“Yeah,” he says, smirking a little. Of course you do, you’re the smartest kid in here.
“And I really appreciated you raising your hand to speak once you were reminded.”
“Thanks.” He’s actually bashful now, his high olive-skinned cheeks flushing.
“Are you still going to help me clap the erasers after class today?”
His eyes light up like wildfire. “Can I?”
The trap’s been sprung. Clapping erasers is like cocaine for first graders. “You betcha. If the rest of our spelling lesson goes smoothly.”
“Okay!” He immediately picks up his pencil and begins jotting down sentences. The handwriting is definitely a work in progress, but Eli’s spelling and grammar are immaculate. You can’t help but smile to yourself as you walk away; you’re feeling triumphant, of course, but there’s something else as well.
I’m proud of you, demon kid.
Ben is standing on your doorstep, dressed in black, a potted calla lily in his hands. And at first he’s got that unnerving veneer, he’s serious and intimidating and smoldering; but then you find his eyes and his smile breaks open like cracked glass.
“Hi,” he says meekly.
“Hi.” You point to the calla lily. It’s a vivid green, like his eyes, like the serrated continents of the Earth from space. “Is that for me?”
“Yes, actually. It’s a gift, but it’s kind of a joke too.”
“How’s that?”
“It’s fake.” He grins. “So you can’t kill it.”
You laugh and take the pot, leaning back so the silk calla lily doesn’t tickle your nose, doesn’t rub against your makeup. “Come on in, Mr. Hardy.” Ben follows you, his hands in his jacket pockets, peering around watchfully. You find a temporary home for your new plant on the kitchen counter, right next to your latest purchase; you rest your hand, not-so-subtly, on the brand new, mint green, vintage record player. “Check this bad boy out.”
“Wow!” Ben leans down to examine it, running his fingertips over the turntable. Then his eyes flick to the box of vinyl records. “And you’ve already got listening material!”
“Lots of Queen, you’d totally approve.”
He flips through the records quickly: The Eagles, The Stones, Guns N’ Roses, The Beatles, The Cars, Aerosmith, Cheap Trick, Fleetwood Mac, U2, Hendrix, Elton, Nirvana. “Love it. I’m pumped. How much did all of this cost you?”
You crinkle your nose in lighthearted defiance. “It’s rude to talk about money, Mr. Hardy. Not a lot. Amazon is an amazing thing. And I’ve been collecting records for years. Yard sales, thrift shops, wherever. Some of them were my parents’ before I commandeered them.”
“I’ll ask again.” He takes out his wallet and starts counting bills, the paper shuffling in his hands. “How much for the record player? Estimate the rest.”
“Ben,” you protest, dismayed.
“Y/N,” he teases.
“You can’t buy everything for me,” you say gently.
“I’m not buying. I’m renting. I get to choose what to play whenever I’m here.” He unfolds $300 and lays it on top of the record player. “Will that cover it?”
You gape at the money. Yes, that’s about right. “Ben...I’d let you request music for free.”
“I don’t want requests. I want everything.” And then he grins, and it almost rips the floor out from under you. Oh god, I love this man.
You’ve never said those words aloud. You’ve never talked about his refrigerator magnet confession. But it’s somewhere in the space between you like a circling ghost, like a promise, like shared blood singeing under flesh.
“But,” Ben says, bringing you back into focus. “For now we should probably get going.”
“Right.” You grab your purse and jacket as Ben calls an Uber. “Where are we meeting them, anyway?”
He winks at you, his face illuminated by the glow of his cellphone screen. “Not the fucking Olive Garden.”
The Uber is a BMW with leather seats and a minibar installed in the backseat. As it cruises through downtown L.A., Ben tells you about how Joe has an apartment in the city, how Rami splits his time between his loft here and another in New York, how devout Londoner Gwilym is in town for work. You down a tiny Absolut Vodka to ease your nerves. “And when do I get to see your place, Mr. Hardy?”
He chuckles noncommittally. “We’re here,” he declares, glancing up through the BMW’s tinted windows. Outside is an upscale nightclub called The Edison. Then he turns to you. “Two things,” he says, holding up his index and middle fingers. There’s a gold ring on each. “First, don’t forget about the low profile.”
“That shouldn’t be difficult since we’re...” Air quotes. “Not dating.”
“Good. And secondly, don’t be anxious. They’re going to love you. You’re...”
“Charming?” you suggest, batting your eyelashes. “Blessed with impeccable music taste? Awesome at taming demons?”
He smiles. “I was going to say perfect.”
You’re three shots deep and belting out Sweet Caroline with the electric-fence kid from Jurassic Park. There’s a sentence you never thought would cross your mind.
Joe’s trim left arm is draped over your shoulders, his head leaning into yours, a lager swooping precariously in his right hand as he gestures with it like a microphone. Ben is looking on, grinning as he sips his Sazerac, his eyes flickering in the dim, rusty light. When you first arrived, Ben introduced you as a friend; Joe had quickly shimmied over and started dropping lines.
“Joe,” Ben flared, like it was a warning. “I’m not trying to set you two up. That’s not what this is.”
“Whoops, my bad,” Joe had replied, and dialed down the saccharine charm. Yet you like Joe, you like him a lot, and within thirty minutes you’ve already exchanged numbers and compared astrological signs and agreed that he’s going to teach you how to play baseball next week.
“She’s got a thing for Jeff Goldblum, you know,” Ben says now.  
“Stop!” you cry, blushing furiously.
“Do you?!” Joe asks and gulps half his lager. “I can make that happen. I can introduce you.”
“He’s a lot older than he was in his Jurassic Park days,” you sigh, lamenting.
“But also wayyyyy richer!” Joe pitches, waggling his eyebrows.
“She’s a schoolteacher,” Ben notes. “She could use a sugar daddy.”
“Girl, I am going to hook you up!”
Rami and Lucy return to the circular booth from the dancefloor, their fingers interlaced. Lucy is incredibly delicate, even tinier and more youthful than she appears onscreen, and always smiling; Rami speaks slowly and thoughtfully and with a captivating meticulousness, and when he fixes his pale eyes on yours you feel like you’re the only person in the room, in the city, in the world, as if whatever you have to say is the most profound thing he’s ever heard. Rami shouts something to Ben over the blaring music as Ben takes a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and lights one.
“Oh my god!” you exclaim, and Joe jumps beside you, startled. “You smoke?”
Ben takes a draw, exhales smoke through full pink lips, and smirks guiltily.
“What year is this?!”
“2019,” Joe offers.  
“Who the fuck smokes in 2019?!” you hurl at Ben. “Do you like breathing? Do you enjoy your internal organs? Do you want to live to spend all your BoRhap money?”
“You tell him!” Joe whoops, clapping. “Yeah baby! Tell him, Y/N!”
You ask incredulously: “They let people smoke in here?!”
“They do in the VIP section,” Joe chimes.
“He’s quite the delinquent, isn’t he?” Gwil says, appearing from the dancefloor and resting his hands on Ben’s shoulders. Gwilym is gentlemanly and eruditions, classically handsome, one of those people whose sincerity reads all over their face. His voice is different than Ben’s, lighter, sharper, less husky; he’s tall and slim and polished. In a phrase, he’s outlandishly lovely.
“I didn’t come here for an intervention, mate,” Ben responds, but his tone is pleasant and at-ease.
“Sorry for loving you, Ben!” Joe yells. “Sorry for caring about your longevity!”
“Sorry for wanting to grow old with you and retire together!” Gwil wails theatrically.
“Oh wow wow wow,” Rami says, shaking his head and smiling. Lucy is clutching a Malibu Sunset and trying to drag him back to the dancefloor, her polka dot dress swirling dreamily around her ankles.
“Wait,” Joe begins, “this is awkward, I definitely already purchased adjacent burial plots for me and Ben and the cemetery has a strict no-Welshmen policy, so...”
Laughing, you turn to Ben, and all at once the two of you are alone in this deafening and pulsing space. He takes another draw, the lit end of his cigarette glowing like embers, his eyes—green like envy, like a snake’s skin, like insatiable greed—all over you: your lips, your neck, your chest, lower. Something deep and shapeless ripples through you, déjà vu or recognition or desire or all of that and more; you want to reach out and touch his flushed flawless skin with your fingertips, you want to make sure he’s real. Gwil and Rami and Lucy are engrossed in some conversation about the best neighborhoods for apartment hunting in London, but Joe’s squinting suspiciously at you and Ben through the veil of smoke. You can’t fool him.
“Right,” Ben says suddenly, crushing the rest of his cigarette in an ashtray. “I’ve got to run. Y/N, do you want a lift home?”
This is just for show, just for the low-profile arrangement; of course you want to leave with him. You’ll follow him anywhere. “That’d be greatly appreciated.” As you climb out of the booth, Ben slips his phone from his pocket to call an Uber.
Joe waves, still thoughtful. “See you soon, Sweet Caroline!”
“Oh god, let’s never talk about that again.”
Rami gives you a sophisticated peck on each cheek, Lucy a spirited hug and a delighted little squeal; her oversized dangling earrings drag along your cheek as you pull away. Gwil takes your hands firmly in his own. “It was wonderful to meet you, love,” he says. “Come along anytime.”
“You’ve all been so kind!” you gush tipsily, and that’s the truth; they’ve been almost preposterously welcoming.
“Yeah yeah, you’ve stolen the show,” Ben says affectionately, maybe even proudly, guiding you towards the front of the club with his palm pressed lightly against the small of your back. “Cheers! We’ll do this again soon,” he calls back to the others. Joe and Gwil dramatically blow kisses after him as you push through the crowds and out into the windswept, luminescent Los Angeles night.
“What’s the hurry—?”
“Can I take you home now?” His voice is rushed and breathless; he’s doing that nervous thing he does where he glances around distractedly and bites his lips and shifts his weight from one foot to the other and runs his thumb over his chin.
“Of course,” you answer, your words hushed like clouds muting the moonshine.
A red Porsche rolls up along the sidewalk and Ben opens the door for you.
“I need you to do something for me,” you say when you’re both in the car and zooming through traffic towards the suburbs.
Your gaze is devouring his high cheekbones—Eli’s, just like Eli’s���as the streetlights pass overhead, his messy hair and barely-there smile and all that lives under his fierce exterior, kindness and strength and wit and love. Love. “I need you to quit smoking.”
He laughs at you; that’s not what he expected. “Seriously?”
“I don’t want you to die young. I don’t want to lose you.” You can’t stand that thought. You’ve known him for three weeks and you’re hooked like a fucking swordfish; he’s in your bones, your blood, your lungs, he’s dragging you up from the depths and into blinding, open air.
This is too soon. This is way too soon. You don’t know this guy at all.
And yet somehow you do, somehow it feels like you always have.
Ben reaches over and weaves his fingers through yours. “I’m not going anywhere.”
He follows you inside when the Uber pulls into your driveway; he’s not speaking, he doesn’t remove his jacket or his shoes. He begins flipping through your box of records as you lean against the kitchen counter, your arms crossed.
“This is a test,” you say with a smile.
Ben makes a selection at last, drops the record onto the turntable, and places the needle. The music begins, filling your tiny one-bedroom house, reverberating off the walls that you’ve painted mint green and lilac and teal and pastel rosy pink. He still isn’t looking at me.
“Interesting choice.” The song is Save Tonight by a Swedish artist called Eagle-Eye Cherry; it’s acoustic and simple and soulful. “That’s not very classic rock of you.”
“Go on and close the curtains
'Cause all we need is candlelight
You and me, and a bottle of wine
To hold you tonight.”
“The Nineties weren’t all bad.” Ben shrugs off his jacket and tosses it on the kitchen table, kicks aside his shoes, lays his phone face-down on the counter as if he’s just decided to stay. Then he comes to you.
“Well we know I'm going away
And how I wish, I wish it weren't so
So take this wine and drink with me
And let's delay our misery.”
There’s no questioning whether you’re going to let him touch you; there’s no question at all. The thought of not being with him is agonizing, cavernous, unbearable. You’ve never wanted someone like this. You’ve never wanted anything like this.
Ben cups your face in his hands and kisses you like he’s coming up for air, like you’re a high he’ll never get enough of. He tastes like cognac and whiskey and cigarettes and lust. Your back hits the refrigerator, and your magnets pop off and clatter against the tile floor; your fingers are knotting through his hair as his trace a path beneath your blouse. He asks if you’re okay—not with his voice but with his searching eyes—and you nod a desperate yes, yes, yes. Outside the stars are raging through the blackness, those same stars that lit up the sky above the dinosaurs just a few blinks of their immortal lifespans ago.
“Save tonight and fight the break of dawn,
Come tomorrow, tomorrow I'll be gone...”
“Oh shit...” Ben’s patting his pockets, flipping through his wallet. His eyes are wide and frantic. “I don’t have a condom.”
“I’m on the pill,” you tell him. “Wait, I’m sorry, you’re an actor, you probably get psychos trying to have your babies all the time, I totally understand if you don’t trust me—”
“I trust you,” he breathes, as if he’s just realizing it.
“I trust you too, Ben.”
“Don’t say it,” he whispers, almost pleads. “You don’t know me.”
“I do,” you insist, unbuttoning his shirt, lifting all that separates you away, peeling back secrets like layers of the earth.
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viraltnteam · 6 years
Astounding points of Granite
Introduction to all-natural granite:
The kitchen area counter tops of slab granite  have been the most popular choice for all homeowners who want to renovate their kitchen area. Granite is the solid material which is all-natural and also durable therefore it is mainly used for decorating home. In kitchens, all types of cookware, cutlery and kitchen knives can be used easily on granite counter tops without any fear of scratches or damage on the countertop surface. Granite surface is matchless as compared to all those men made surfaces. Below you can find the most potential rewards of Tampa Bay granite countertops. 
•     Value Increases
Use of granite in the home or kitchen area area gives an interior touch and looks so pretty. If you install granite counter tops in your kitchen area area, then your kitchen will give a perfect yet awesome look. Granite looks like most elegant and extremely beautiful. Granite counter tops will, surely, and 100% add on more value in your kitchen area. 
•     Durability
The Granite is solid stone along with high-class durability. With granite counter tops, you can even practice rough, and all kinds of cooking, but the counter tops will remain fine and safe. You will not get any scratch easily on granite counter tops because the most special seal is used to fix granite counter tops.  
•     Pure look
Stone of granite has contained all-natural and beautiful patterns. Such beautiful patterns of granite provide amazingly nice looks to your counter tops and also it is safe to use in any way. However, organic looks of patterns on granite will be surely worth the price. 
•     resistant to germs
You do not need to clean it very carefully because granite countertop will remain bacteria and dirt free. You can easily wipe it off in case you mistakenly throw or pour any sauce on counter tops. You will easily clean up counter tops without any kind of struggle on it. 
•     Easy maintenance
It is very easy to maintain and clean granite counter tops without any additional effort. You can easily clean countertop by using warm water and a soft towel. It is enough to clean up the counter when you are done with cooking. 
•     Repairable stone
Granite is the best and pure stone which can be easily repaired. Even you can easily replace it if you want to replace by yourself. In this way, your counter tops will always look beautiful and shining.   
•     Good for the family
It is safe to use by all family members your children or other family member can experience their cooking with no fear of damaging the countertop. 
•     Resistant to heat
Granite is the normal stone resistance to cold and heat. Therefore, you will surely enjoy your cooking like an utterly fun. Even you can put hot pans and hot pot on granite counter tops, and it will remain safe. 
•    Flat surface
The flat surface of granite offer you easiness of cooking or baking or any other type of cooking, like making cookies, cakes, etc. you will get perfect and settle space to do the fine cutting. 
Countertops in slab granite are an outstanding alternative for anywhere in your property. They perform exceptionally well in every varieties of locations and you can now rely on them to last for a considerably long time. 
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barinacraft · 8 months
NFL Football Team Cocktails - Drinks For Every Roster
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Game Day Drinks And Cocktails For All 32 NFL Football Teams
Football season means great tailgate parties away at the stadium for home games and at your in home bar for away games when your team is on road. These NFL football team inspired cocktails* will give you lots of game day party ideas for themed drinks for all 32 NFL teams out on the gridiron.
The cocktails were chosen based on a number of factors including team names, colors, mascots, player and squad nicknames as well as city, regional and state monikers, landmarks, festivals and more. A few were created as signature drinks for specific football teams, but most were added to the roster because they were a good fit for that club.
Whether its pre-season scrimmages, regular season games or the playoffs; Wild Card, Divisional, Conference and the Superbowl, there's a drink listed here that's perfect for your pigskin party. Some of the squads have several symbolic sips which lets you substitute your drink line-up based on the schedule.
So, with one hand waving your favorite team's foam finger shouting you're #1 and the other hand free for a refreshment, the only question is:
Are You Ready For Some NFL Football Team Cocktails?
American Football Conference Team Themed Drinks
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AFC East
Buffalo Bills:
Buffalo Bill - equal parts apple cider or juice and bourbon or rye whiskey.
Niagara Falls - a fancy drink named after the natural attraction nearby the city along the Canadian border.
Miami Dolphins:
Mojito - the national drink of Cuba is a favorite in Little Havana as well as one of the most popular cocktails in Florida and throughout the rest of the states.
New England Patriots:
New England Highball - when it comes to cocktails, what's better than a highball while watching football?
Red, White and Blue - a pousse-cafe drink layered in patriotic colors.
New York Jets:
Manhattan - along with Brooklyn has the highest concentration of fans according to a 2013 Facebook study.
Bronx - followed by Queens borough, the former home of Shea stadium, also love the J-E-T-S. This drink is basically an Income Tax cocktail minus the bitters.
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AFC North
Baltimore Ravens:
Purple Hooter - black raspberry liqueur colors these tailgate party potations plum perfect.
Cincinnati Bengals:
Bengal Tiger - the namesake is a tawny, red brandy drink while an original recipe adds black licorice stripes to an orange vodka cocktail that could be a spooky sip on Halloween too.
Cincinnati Cocktail - fill your favorite beer glass half full with a bold brew and top off with soda water.
Cleveland Browns:
Brown Cocktail - equal parts gin, light or dark rum and dry vermouth.
Brown Derby Drink - legendary football coach Paul Brown who the NFL team is named after was known for wearing his iconic hat on the gridiron sidelines. It was a fedora, but the (brown) derby is de rigueur.
Brown University Cocktail - their namesake college football team drink would love to be drafted by pros for game day. The “Brunonian” is equal parts bourbon and dry vermouth with a couple dashes of orange bitters.
Pittsburgh Steelers:
Black & Gold - refining iron ore put this steel town on the grid. Their NFL football team inspired gridiron drink adds a precious metal to the mix. Combine black vodka with gold flaked cinnamon schnapps two to one.
Monongahela Cobbler - named for one of the waterways which flows past Heinz Field (formerly Three Rivers Stadium) that's known for its rye whiskey.
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AFC South
Houston Texans:
Black Gold - a nod to the city's former franchise, the Houston Oilers.
Longhorn - another college sports team themed cocktail that would like to be drafted by the NFL, especially from the same great state and mascot. The burnt orange color of the University of Texas at Austin inspired this recipe with lemon rum, orange rum, vodka, orange vodka, orange soda, ice and oranges.
Indianapolis Colts:
Horse's Neck - this drink is named after its garnish.
Jacksonville Jaguars:
Jaguar - a Barina Craft original drink recipe that is spotted with southern sipping favorites.
Tennessee Titans:
Lynchburg Lemonade - Tennessee whiskey, sweet & sour mix, orange liqueur and lemon-lime soda makes a southern sip worth suing the distillery over.
Tennessee Tea - same as above, just substitute cola for lemon-lime soda.
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AFC West
Denver Broncos:
Orange Crush - this NFL football team inspired drink celebrates the nickname given to Denver's opponent crushing 3-4 defense and the Broncos bright colored home uniform jerseys in the 1970s.
Kansas City Chiefs:
Arrowhead Cocktails - the Chiefs' logo is carved in stone and one of these drinks is cherry.
Kansas City Ice Water - flows thru the fountains at Arrowhead stadium and in the veins of the players and fans who as of this writing boast the loudest sports crowd roar.
Las Vegas Raiders:
Casino Cocktails - now that the team is located in the Entertainment Capital of the World, famous for gambling and other activities throughout all the city's mega casino-hotels, these drinks are a sure bet for Raiders fans.
Oakland Raider Cocktail - a black rum and cola mixed with a shot of silver tequila over ice. This silver and black drink symbolizes Raider Nation whether they're playing in Oakland, Los Angeles or Las Vegas.
Los Angeles Chargers:
Charger Cocktail - toast the team's moniker to 'charge' when the bugle call sounds with this cherry brandy and rum sour.
San Diego Seabreeze - this legacy drink preserves team history. 1 oz vodka, ½ oz each blackberry brandy and blueberry & raspberry schnapps, plus 2 oz each orange and pineapple juice in a tall collins glass over ice.
National Football Conference Team Themed Drinks
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NFC East
Dallas Cowboys:
Cowboy Cocktail - throw the cream away and drink the shot of whiskey straight up.
Fedora Cocktail - in honor of their legendary head coach Tom Landry who wore his heralded headgear on the sidelines for 29 seasons.
Thanksgiving Cocktails - dubbed America's team, they always play football on this holiday.
New York Giants:
The New York Cocktail - the entire state loves the NY Football Giants, except for parts of the city per Facebook 2013. This is an interesting whiskey sour style drink with rye, lime juice, grenadine and an old fashioned sugar cube.
Philadelphia Eagles:
Eagle Cocktail - Philly is the perfect roosting place for this classic drink.
Eagle's Dream - sugar and egg whites substitute for maraschino liqueur in this variation of the Aviation drink recipe.
Washington Commanders:
Cherry Blossom - this national flowering festival held locally is closely associated with the area as is a rumored story of a namesake founding father chopping down a certain tree.
Gin Rickey - “air conditioning in a glass” is the unofficial official drink of D.C.
Political Cocktails - any number of these drinks could be served at a game day party in this city if you want to mix politics with religion, er, football that is.
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NFC North (Black and Blue Division)
Chicago Bears:
The Chicago Cocktail - pretty fancy for football but it is the city's namesake drink.
Detroit Lions:
Lion's Tail - Detroit is one of two NFL teams along with Dallas to always play a game on Thanksgiving to start the Xmas holidays so the use of an allspice liqueur, dubbed “Christmas in a glass” by Murray Stenson, in combination with the drink's name make this cocktail a perfect match. 2 oz bourbon, ½ oz each pimento dram and lime juice, ½ tsp simple syrup and 1 dash aromatic bitters.
Green Bay Packers:
Blood and Sand - Johnny ‘Blood’ McNally, who took his nickname from the movie and loved to sing Galway Bay while standing up on bar table tops, was a star player for four championship Packer teams in Green Bay and one of the original members inducted into the Pro Football Hall Of Fame.
Brandy Old Fashioned - to wet your whistle in Wisconsin, just replace the bourbon or rye you normally use in the recipe.
Minnesota Vikings:
Purple People Eater Elixir - raise your Viking drinking horn and toast possibly the best defensive line of any football team in NFL history.
Scandinavian Glogg - this Nordic mulled wine really packs a punch.
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NFC South
Atlanta Falcons:
Georgia Peach Cocktails - did you know some suggested the Falcons be christened after the official state fruit?
Scarlett O'Hara & Rhett Butler - these two drinks are both named after characters in Gone With The Wind which was set in and around Atlanta.
Carolina Panthers:
Carolina Iced Tea - spiced rum, vodka and both peach liqueur & schnapps along with some southern style sweet tea in a tall glass or mason jar.
New Orleans Saints:
Sazerac - the official drink of New Orleans often referred to as America's oldest cocktail.
Vieux Carré - the signature drink of the French Quarter named after the “old square” at the center of the Crescent City.
Tampa Bay Buccaneers:
Bumbo - a pirate's poison.
Filibuster - although its more closely associated with politics these days, the word originally derives from the Dutch term vrijbuiter for pirate, which means "to plunder," where vrij means "free" and buiter means "booty."
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NFC West
Arizona Cardinals:
Cardinal Cocktail - a Kir drink variation also known as Communard which substitutes red wine for white.
Los Angeles Rams:
Greatest Show On Turf - a nickname for the team's record breaking offense during the 1999 through 2001 National Football League seasons when they were the Saint Louis Rams.
Ram Cocktail - seems appropriate that the helmet battering Rams namesake drink is a variation of a Harvey Wallbanger.
San Francisco 49ers:
Barbary Coast Cocktails - a pair of pigskin party picks named after the city's seedy, crime ridden, red-light district during the California gold rush and beyond. One drink has equal parts gin, scotch whisky, white chocolate creme de cacao and light cream or half and half. The other is mixed with dry gin, cherry brandy, lemon juice and grenadine.
Frisco Sour - the tasteless moniker given to this gold drink garnished with a red cherry which matches the football team colors.
Seattle Seahawks:
Emerald City - a signature drink for this city with the blue green nickname whose major league football, baseball and soccer teams all sport these colors.
Share & Compare This List Of NFL Team Drinks For More Ideas
This list of libations is a work in progress. Be sure to check back for updated ideas, more NFL football team inspired cocktails and links to additional information.
Have a suggestion for a game day drink recipe for your favorite NFL team? Contact us or post on our Facebook wall.
Want a generic gridiron geared gulp instead? Check out these pigskin potations penned for plays, points and positions like the Block & Fall, Quarterback and Touchdown.
Please, always drink responsibly.
* - DISCLAIMER: NFL related images, logos, etc. are shown only as a point of reference / commentary for names, mascots, colors and so on as potential drink inspirations and do not represent an affiliation, sponsorship or endorsement by the league, any individual team or associated person or group.
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acmestone · 7 months
Best Natural Stone | Natural Stone Countertops in Tampa Bay
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Acme Stone Inc. offers a wide selection of the best natural stone in Tampa Bay. We specialize in providing a variety of Natural Stone Countertops in Tampa Bay.
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gainesvilleinfo · 4 years
Attractions in Gainesville Florida
Located on the sunny shores of historic Lake Lanier, Gainesville is a fast growing University town. It is known as the "metro urban area" of Florida and has been named one of Americas Best College Cities. This growth and development has brought hundreds of thousands of people into this area which is located east of Tampa Bay and northwest of Orlando. Gainesville's growth has been fueled by the area's natural beauty and tourist attractions like World's Largest City-St. Petersburg International Airport and its proximity to the larger cities of Tampa and Orlando.
The most obvious thing that attracts people to Gainesville is its picturesque downtown area. Downtown Gainesville offers everything from high class shops and upscale restaurants to family oriented establishments and public parks. The University of Florida is located in downtown Gainesville. The University of Florida is one of the oldest schools in the state of Florida and is home to the football team. Gainesville has also hosted several well-known festivals such as the Gator Bowl and the Opry Festival. These festivals draw hundreds of visitors every year to downtown Gainesville and its beautiful landscaped gardens.
A little known fact about Gainesville is that it is the home of the famous "Gainesville Volcano". Built in 1960, this tourist attraction is one of the most photographed tourist sites in Florida. It is located on the north bank of the Chattahoochee River just below the bypass bridge. The main entrance is from the south end of Third Street in front of the university. The view from the entrance can be spectacular as you watch the orange-and-black lava flow down the side of the mountain. The white sulfur ones are seen near the top of the mountain when the volcano is at its most active.
Tourists to Gainesville and the surrounding areas should not miss a visit to the Gainesville Historic District. The district is home to several historic landmarks, museums, art galleries, and other cultural activities. The Gainesville History Center is a wonderful place to learn about Gainesville's past. The world war II National Museum is another great place to experience history, and many of the buildings in the area were damaged during that war.
Gainesville offers tourists a wide variety of fun and interesting attractions. Visitors who enjoy nature and the outdoors will love the parks, lakes, forests, and other natural history collections. Florida is known for being the perfect vacation destination because of the variety of natural resources available. The Gainesville area is home to over 50 natural beaches. Visitors can explore the beautiful lakes, rivers, streams, and wildlife in these areas.
Gainesville is also home to several recreation opportunities, including golf, indoor water parks, horseback riding, canoeing, and so much more. There are numerous theaters in the Gainesville area as well. There are several live theaters performing all types of musical acts throughout the year. Many of these shows are directed by local professional actors and actresses. The Gainesville film festival is another way to enjoy the thrill of seeing local films and even independent films directed by local stars and directors.
If you would like to travel to Gainesville in order to see a particular event or visit the University of Florida or even Gainesville City Hall, you won't have any trouble doing so. There are plenty of transportation options available. Many people drive down to Gainesville from the larger cities such as Daytona Beach, Jacksonville, or the greater Orlando area. There are also several bus routes that run throughout the city and connect various neighborhoods. There are also taxis and car rental services that provide affordable transportation for visitors.
The music scene in Gainesville has exploded in the last few years due to the rise of Music Television and satellite radio stations that promote music across the United States. In Gainesville you will be able to hear all kinds of popular music from the more popular genres like rap, country, alternative, and more. In the past few years Gainesville has had some success supporting acts from overseas such as the Rolling Stones. In addition, U2 has played Gainesville at least two times and also at theigators soccer field.
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The U.S. women's hockey team hasn't won gold since 1998. Will the spell be broken in South Korea?
Visit Now - http://zeroviral.com/the-u-s-womens-hockey-team-hasnt-won-gold-since-1998-will-the-spell-be-broken-in-south-korea/
The U.S. women's hockey team hasn't won gold since 1998. Will the spell be broken in South Korea?
Passion forming with every tighten of the lace
Years of the same routine perfected today
Rituals that are practiced and shared behind locker room doors.
— Kacey Bellamy
It could have been a disaster.
Hurricane Irma was on a path toward the Tampa, Florida, area on Sept. 9, and authorities were bracing for a direct hit. As it happened, the best women’s hockey players in the United States had just begun training in Wesley Chapel, a few miles north of Tampa International Airport.
Even though the NHL’s Tampa Bay Lightning had decided to evacuate its players, Team USA decided to shelter in place at the Saddlebrook Resort, where they were staying. One agent who was worried about his clients told USA Today, “Why isn’t the women’s team evacuated? Is it because they are just girls … to me this is stupid, they are our Olympic team.”
But Reagan Carey, the general manager for the team, had thought it through, even going so far as to find out the number and the strength of the steel trusses in the shelter area at the Saddlebrook Resort. So on Sunday morning, Sept. 10, the team members abandoned their apartments for the shelter, joining other evacuees to wait out the storm, which lost steam from its original designation as a Category 4. Still, 80 mph winds howled outside the building as Irma passed over. The women played cards, visited with Hilary Knight’s bulldog puppy, Winston, in a separate pet area, and made hockey fans out of their fellow refugees. Captain Meghan Duggan later called it “a big sleepover,” and by the next morning, they were able to return to their quarters and their lives.
“We were kind of scared,” said Kacey Bellamy, the veteran defenseman and one of six players who are in Pyeongchang for their third straight Olympics. “But the negative turned into a positive. It was a great bonding experience for us, the kind of thing that brings a team closer together. Plus, I learned how to play [the card game] euchre.”
By Tuesday, they were back to practicing and helping out in the community. Irma faded into a metaphor for a team that has had to weather a lot of storms over the years.
There was the crushing loss to Canada in the gold-medal game in Vancouver eight years ago. And the devastating 3-2 overtime loss in Sochi in 2014 that gave Canada its fourth straight gold medal. And the battle with USA Hockey last spring, when the women threatened to boycott the 2017 IIHF world championships if they weren’t given living expenses, travel accommodations and medal bonuses befitting representatives of the United States of America.
Not only did they win that battle, but they also went to Plymouth, Michigan, for the world championships and beat Canada 3-2 in overtime in the final — earning the team’s fourth consecutive title. “We’ve been through a lot together,” said Bellamy, now an assistant captain on the team. “I think that’s made us stronger.”
Resilience is part and parcel of hockey, but for female players — who often start out playing with the boys, who give up the comfort of home, who fight off waves of challengers and adjust to a succession of coaches all to pursue their Olympic dreams — well, you just bounce off the boards.
You might even write a poem about the sport you love.
World champ and Olympian Kacey Bellamy (22) watched the gold medal slip away from her team to archrival Canada in two consecutive Winter Olympics. She’s looking for gold in Pyeongchang. AP Photo/Julio Cortez, File
Actions that are defined as the norm within the team
Replaying the past of one game, one play, one second
That has triggered one year of training against that one team.
It was a disaster.
What happened in Sochi’s Bolshoy Ice Dome on March 6, 2014, is excruciating to watch, even four years later. Team USA had a 2-0 lead on Team Canada late in the third period of the gold-medal game. But with 3:26 left in the game, Canada’s Brianne Jenner fired a shot that would’ve gone wide had it not ricocheted off Bellamy’s right leg and past goalie Jessie Vetter. Coach Katey Stone clapped her hands and told the team not to panic, that they were OK.
As time wound down, Canada pulled goalie Shannon Szabados, and Team USA’s Kelli Stack got off a clearing shot that headed for the empty net … and bounced off the left side of the left post. “When those things start to happen in the game of hockey,” Stone later said, “you start to wonder if it is your night.”
It wasn’t. Just 55 seconds away from finally beating Canada for the gold, Marie-Philip Poulin tied the score at 2-2 to send the game into overtime. Team USA had its chances in OT — the left-handed Bellamy almost ripped one past Szabados — but then the refs made some questionable calls, leaving the U.S. short-handed at just the wrong time. At 8:10 of overtime, Poulin fired the game winner past Vetter.
Imagine what it was like watching the Canadians celebrate and then waiting around to accept your silver medals.
“All that work, all that hope,” said Bellamy. “Gone just like that. It took me five months to get over it. March, April, May, June, July. I’m big on watching videos of games, but I didn’t look at that one until August. I needed to get my motivation back.”
Part of that motivation has to do with the team that beat the Americans, the team that always seems to beat them. USA vs. Canada in women’s hockey is one of the greatest rivalries in all of sports. It started way back in 1916 and captivated the world when women’s hockey debuted as an Olympic sport at Nagano in 1998. The U.S. won that gold-medal game, but the Canadians have won every Olympics since.
The rivalry is so intense that 10 fighting majors were handed out in one 2013 game, resulting in six U.S. players and five Canadians crammed into the penalty boxes. But they are also friends who share a love of the sport and often play on the same collegiate and pro teams. Caroline Ouellette and Julie Chu, one-time captains of Teams Canada and USA, respectively, first met at the Salt Lake City Games in 2002 and are now coaching at Concordia University in Montreal together while raising Liv Chu-Ouellette, born to Caroline last November.
After 20 years of rivalry, if it boils down to these two for the gold medal in Pyeongchang, who will have the edge?
Do Jordan Greenway and the NHL-less U.S. men have enough firepower to fend off Canada, Finland and OAR? And will the American women gain revenge on their archrival and strike gold for the first time since 1988? Here’s who will take home the hardware.
After helping Team USA to two world championships and a silver medal in Sochi, and then overcoming a crippling concussion, Amanda Kessel has her sights set on gold at the Pyeongchang Olympics. But off the ice, her future is a little more complicated.
2 Related
Both shielded by different armor
Separated by a simple borderline
Sharing the same frenzy for the sport and rivalry
Colors, countries, teammates
All united on the same ice
Bellamy, a women’s studies major at the University of New Hampshire, likes to write poetry in her spare time. “They’re mostly about nature and people,” she said. “But I did write this one about hockey.” In fact, USA Hockey used the poem for a video to promote the “Bring On The World” tour before the last Olympics.
That’s Bellamy’s voice narrating her words in the video, an ode to the challenges of the sport in general, and the rivalry in particular. There is a depth of feeling to the poem that explains why and how Bellamy and the other five three-timers have stayed at the top of the American team for so long, through three different coaches (Mark Johnson, Stone, Robb Stauber) and all the ups and downs.
“Eight years ago, I was just a rookie with my eyes wide open, in awe of where I was, who I was playing with,” said Bellamy. “Now I’m 31 and still in awe of the responsibility. The Olympics is about more than the rivalry with Canada. It’s about representing the country. It’s about showing people how beautiful women’s hockey can be. It’s about the little girls with sticks, the little girls we used to be.”
Two years ago, Bellamy wrote a powerful “Letter to My Younger Self” for The Players Tribune. Addressed to 15-year-old Kacey, she recalled leaving behind her family and friends in Westfield, Massachusetts, to attend the Berkshire School and how the first two weeks “are going to be the worst two weeks of your life.” She told her about the friends and coaches who changed her life, about getting her heart broken when she was cut from USA Hockey’s under-22 team, about using the rejection as motivation to make the senior national team.
“You’re going to play for the U.S. team for a long time,” she wrote. “But never take anything for granted. Make the most of the opportunities you have.”
Each playing for the crest on the front of the jersey
And sticking up for every name on the back
Relax. Just like in Tampa, it might not be the disaster they’re predicting.
Some people who care deeply about Team USA worry that Pyeongchang will be as much a disappointment as Sochi or Vancouver or Turin or Salt Lake City were. They wonder why Stauber, a former NHL goalie who assisted Stone in Sochi, didn’t name any female assistants to his staff. And while he did coach the team to the world championship last April, and beat Canada 5-1 to win the Four Nations Cup on Nov. 12, Team USA has lost the past four games to Canada in its pre-Olympic warm-up.
A 2-1 overtime loss to Canada at the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul, Minnesota, on Dec. 3 was particularly painful because the tying goal was scored by Poulin and the winning goal by Jenner, their Sochi nemeses. And it happened in front of members of the 1998 USA Olympic team, who were honored between periods for the United States’ only gold medal.
Afterward, Stauber said, “For us, it’s not necessarily about the 20 years, but more about, ‘It’s time.’ We’ve got to bring home a gold medal. We’ve got a pretty good vision. We’re sticking with it, and we like our direction.”
That direction included the addition of three players since Irma: defenders Cayla Barnes and Sidney Morin and forward Haley Skarupa. When the final roster was named after the second period of the Winter Classic at Citi Field on Jan. 1, veterans Bellamy, Duggan, Knight, Monique Lamoureux-Morando, Jocelyne Lamoureux-Davidson and Gigi Marvin were on it, but forward Alex Carpenter, Team USA’s leading scorer in Sochi, and defender Megan Bozek were not — leading some to speculate that they did not buy into Stauber’s system.
Stauber stresses a controlled possession game that sometimes takes the puck back into the neutral zone. As for the lack of a female coach, he does rely on his veterans to help the younger players. Bellamy has been working with the 18-year-old Barnes, who had been getting ready to play for Boston College when she was asked to report to Wesley Chapel. “She’s wise beyond her years,” says Bellamy. “Very poised … she’s just wonderful to have around the locker room.”
While the recent results against Canada have been disappointing, it’s worth keeping in mind that in the American men’s last exhibition game with the Soviet Union before the 1980 “Miracle on Ice” game, Team USA was crushed 10-3.
In Pyeongchang, both archrivals beat Finland and the Russians in the first two games of Group A play — though there was some hand-wringing as the U.S. got off to slow starts in the first period of both games. It was Bellamy who broke the ice at 8:02 of the first period of the victory over the Russians, stepping into the attack off a pass from Jocelyne Lamoureux-Davidson and firing a seeing-eye shot past Russian goalie Valeria Tarakanova. Team USA then put the game away in the second period, thanks to a more aggressive mindset and two goals by Lamoureux-Davidson within six seconds — an Olympic record.
By winning those first two prelims, Canada and Team USA assured themselves of a place in the semifinals, meaning that their game tomorrow means nothing… and their next one everything.
“We’re starting with a clean slate in South Korea,” says Bellamy. “This time will be different.”
Or, as she once wrote:
Mistakes lead to success
Errors lead to victory
Pride leads to gold
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grahamroger768 · 3 years
Why Tampa Bay Granite Countertops are Every Cooking Enthusiasts’ Dream
The trend of having granite countertops in Tampa Bay kitchens and bathrooms had its roots in the 80s when granite countertops were referred to as a “cutting-edge material.” However, because of the pricey nature of granite material, this trend didn’t really take off. 
Fortunately, by the time other countries got into granite mining, there was a skyrocketing high demand for granite, which was shortly followed by a cheaper supply of granite slabs. Since then, commercial kitchen owners have started to embrace the use of Tampa Bay granite countertops.
As the shipping of granite became more streamlined, the slab processing and cutting technology improved, and bakeries and pastries shop owners started going for granite countertops as their material of choice. Up until today, almost everyone in Tampa Bay has come to love the fantastic qualities and beautiful appearance of granite countertops.
Tampa Bay granite countertops
In this post, we are going to look at some qualities of granite that make it the best choice for cooking enthusiasts in Tampa.
Granite makes durable countertops for high traffic kitchens
For high traffic kitchens, buying granite countertops becomes more of a necessity than a requirement. Not only is granite hard with the ability to withstand different kitchen activities, but it is also heat resistant and can resist accidental hard-hitting and scratches. Of course, placing a hot pan on your kitchen countertops is not recommended, but in case you do, there will be no damage done on granite countertops!
For an easy to clean surface, try Buying Granite Countertops in Tampa
Well, of course, you don’t expect your granite Countertops to magically clean themselves so that the mess you left behind earlier on is gone by the time you get back. By saying that Tampa Bay granite countertops are easy to clean, we mean their ability to resist the growth of mold and bacteria, but only if they are properly sealed regularly.
Buying Granite Countertops comes with unique patterns and colors
Since granite and Tampa Bay Marble Countertops are natural stones, each slab is exceptional. The slabs come with vibrant colors such as blue, pink, green, beige, white, shades of black, among so many other colors. You will find that some granite slabs come in solid colors, while others can be either speckled or streaked. 
Minerals such as feldspar or quartz are combined within the surface of the earth and heated to form granite. Therefore, when you are buying granite countertops, you may find gray strikes in your slabs, which only means that there are quartz residues in your countertops.
Buying Granite Countertops will increase the value of your home
Since the popularity of buying Granite Countertops for Tampa Bay kitchens started rising, having them installed in your kitchen will automatically increase the value of your property. You see, in America, the more popular something becomes, the more people want it in their possession.
Tampa Bay granite countertops
Do you want reasonably priced countertops? Try Buying Tampa Bay Granite Countertops
With the rising demand of buying granite countertops, the price of granite has significantly reduced, compared to the time when they were first introduced. It is, however, expected that depending on the thickness of the granite slabs you need for your kitchen or the style and the number of slabs you will need, you would get different quotes based on your order. Fortunately, granite countertops are reasonably priced.
Buying Granite Countertops will give you strikingly beautiful surfaces
Another reason that is possibly the biggest contributor to the popularity of Tampa Bay granite countertops, is that this natural material is nothing short of stunning. As we saw earlier on, the uniqueness of granite countertops means that even if the material is present in a lot of American kitchens today, having Granite Countertops in your kitchen does not mean that yours will look the same as any other. Each slab is unique, and the chances of finding one that is the same as yours are almost zero.
Therefore, are you ready for a stunning countertop that will never disappoint you? Contact Tampa Bay Marble and Granite to get your custom granite countertop fabricated. We are the premier stone fabricator and Installer in Tampa, delivering quality and affordability.
The post Why Tampa Bay Granite Countertops are Every Cooking Enthusiasts’ Dream appeared first on Tampa Bay Marble and Granite.
source https://marblegranitecountertopstampa.com/why-tampa-bay-granite-countertops-are-every-cooking-enthusiasts-dream/ source https://tampabaymarbleandgranite01.blogspot.com/2021/12/why-tampa-bay-granite-countertops-are.html
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junker-town · 4 years
The NHL’s wild alternate season plan, explained
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Moving straight to playoff hockey? Yes please.
On Tuesday night the NHL unveiled its plan to resume play this season in spite of the coronavirus pandemic, and inside of all the proposed plans leagues are coming up with, this is hands-down the absolute best.
The 2020 regular season is cancelled. There will be no more games played, the slate is wiped clean. The league will instead transition into a 24-team playoff format, which rewards teams that had the best records entering the suspension of play, while widening the field to give more teams a chance to hoist Lord Stanley’s Cup.
How is this going to work?
The league will take the top four teams in each conference by points percentage and put them in a pool. These teams will play a mini, Round Robin tournament to determine the seeding for the playoffs. As it stands these teams will be:
East: Boston Bruins, Philadelphia Flyers, Tampa Bay Lightning, Washington Capitals.
West: Colorado Avalanche, Dallas Stars, St. Louis Blues, Vegas Golden Knights.
The remaining 16 teams will face off in play-in series’ to decide who faces who in the first round. These series are set in stone based on their points percentages, so we know how this preliminary round will look.
Penguins (5th) vs. Canadiens (12th)
Hurricanes (6th) vs. Rangers (11th)
Islanders (7th) vs. Panthers (10th)
Maple Leafs (8th) vs. Blue Jackets (9th)
Oilers (5th) vs. Blackhawks (12th)
Predators (6th) vs, Coyotes (11th)
Canucks (7th) vs. Wild (10th)
Flames (8th) vs. Jets (9th)
Naturally seeding for these play-in teams would occur based on their standing entering the series. For example, if the Blackhawks upset the Oilers they would enter the playoffs as the lowest seed, and play the first place team from the Western Conference round robin.
This format is not great for teams like the Hurricanes:
Obviously there are no easy solutions to neatly wrap up a season that has been unlike any we’ve ever seen or, hopefully, we’ll ever see again, but it’s especially galling when you look at the standings around the league and see that the Hurricanes would have had a bye — a bye! — in the West, yet in the East they’re staring directly down the barrel of not even making the “real” playoffs.
Tom Hunter from our Colorado Avalanche site, Mile High Hockey, thinks it may be a bit too intricate.
“In typical NHL fashion, the league seems to have made their return to play plan more complicated than it needs to be. Two draft lotteries, a new ‘play-in’ component and a 16 team playoff that may or may not include a best of five series for the first two rounds. The way the league put together the format only makes sense when you remember that the league needs to create as many games as possible to fulfill television contracts.”
Where would games be played?
There was speculation the NHL would select a single host city to handle games, however under this new plan there would be two “hub” cities, one for the east and one for the west to handle the respective tournaments.
These locations have not been finalized, but current prospective cities are: Chicago, Columbus, Dallas, Edmonton, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Pittsburgh, Toronto and Vancouver.
These locations would allow for players to be monitored and routinely tested, as well as keeping them as isolated as possible for the safety of players and NHL employees. Under the plan teams would each be limited to having 50 personnel each in their host cities to limit the amount of people who come in contact with each other.
When is this set to begin?
There is no concrete date on when the NHL will resume play. The league is waiting to see how the pandemic progresses to finalize details, however there is a loose plan for how the playoff will begin using a four phase system.
Phase 1 (Tuesday): Announcing the league’s intentions to end the regular season and convert to the 24 team playoff.
Phase 2 (June): Return to play plan announced to teams and the public with host cities and final details.
Phase 3 (July): A mini training camp for teams and players to return to playing condition before starting the playoffs.
Phase 4 (No date): Commencement of round robin, qualifying round and playoff play.
So is this a good idea?
The hallmark moment for the start of the coronavirus crisis for sports fans was the announcement that March Madness would be cancelled. We missed out on one of the most exciting months in sports with nothing to take its place. This expanded NHL Playoff format would immediately garner attention for its uniqueness, and give every sports fan, not just dedicated hockey fans, an event to look forward to.
Kent Basky from our Canucks Site, Nucks Misconduct, weighed in on how fans are feeling about the return.
The return to action is something that definitely has Canucks fans excited, which is partly based on the game returning, a general vibe of seeing the team making positive strides this season, and most importantly, the first playoff appearance in 5 years for the team. As far as whether a return to action without a vaccine is a good idea, the fanbase is predictably mixed.
There is nothing in sports like playoff hockey, period. The intensity, the drama — we’re getting more of all that. While winning the Stanley Cup this year might have an asterisk attached to it in the history books, changing the season format is an excellent way not only to ensure we have a winner — but also do so in the fairest, most drama-packed way possible.
Fans will not be in attendance, at this point we all know that, but that could also bring a unique aspect to watching hockey. As the UFC showed us, there’s a certain allure to being able to hear things we just don’t get to during crowded sporting events, and this gives the opportunity to learn about the sport in ways many might not be able to appreciate.
The NHL isn’t trying to push the season back and awkwardly resume mid-way, but instead giving us a well-rounded, and most important well-reasoned way for the league to finish up the year. Whenever this playoff tournament takes place it’s going to be a blast, while hopefully safe — and I’m so excited for it.
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sportsleague365 · 4 years
By Bucky Brooks, NFL.com Analyst The 2020NFL Draftis underway! You can follow all of the picks with ourNFL Draft Trackerand tune in to NFL Network, ABC, ESPN and ESPN Deportesfor live coverage. The draft will also be streamed live via the NFL app and ESPN app. Below is Bucky Brooks’ analysis for every pick by every NFL team. For reference, you can see every pick fromBrooks’ final NFL mock draftatMock Draft Central. 1) JOE BURROW, QB, CINCINNATI BENGALS The Heisman Trophy winner gives theBengalsa franchise quarterback to build around. As a quick-rhythm passer with outstanding poise, accuracy and playmaking ability, Burrow plays like a pass-first point guard running a fast break in the open court with a knack for getting the ball to his playmakers in their sweet spots. 2) CHASE YOUNG, EDGE, WASHINGTON REDSKINS Ron Rivera grabs the best player in the draft to fortify a defensive line that could feature five former first-round picks. Young is a natural pass rusher with A-plus size, athleticism, first-step quickness and technical skills. He gives the ‘Skins a Julius Peppers-like playmaker off the edge. 3) JEFF OKUDAH, CB, DETROIT LIONS TheLionstake a rock-solid cornerback with excellent man-to-man cover skills. He’s at his best in press coverage but displays the footwork and movement skills to shadow from afar. Okudah’s overall toughness and tackling skills will also stand out on the perimeter. 4) ANDREW THOMAS, OT, NEW YORK GIANTS Experienced offensive tackle (41 career starts) with the potential to play on either side of the line. Thomas is a rugged blocker in the run game but also displays the balance, body control and anchor to snuff out pass rushers off the edge. 5) TUA TAGOVAILOA, QB, MIAMI DOLPHINS TheDolphinsdidn’t have to tank for the QB they’ve been tied to for over a year. Tagovailoa has a game that reminds some of a youngDrew Brees, with his accuracy, anticipation and touch earning high marks. He is a franchise QB with the potential to elevate the play of others with his talent and leadership skills. 6) JUSTIN HERBERT, QB, LOS ANGELES CHARGERS Anthony Lynn wants to implement the Shanahan system with a mobile playmaker capable of thriving in a stretch-bootleg scheme. Herbert has outstanding arm talent and is a nimble athlete with the capacity to make accurate throws on the move. Playing in a play-action scheme that creates huge voids in the intermediate range should help Herbert thrive as a passer. 7) DERRICK BROWN, DT, CAROLINA PANTHERS ThePanthersneeded to fortify the interior of their defensive line with a disruptive force at defensive tackle. Brown is an absolute monster as an interior defender with A-plus size, strength and explosiveness. He is a high-motor player with impressive run-stopping skills and pass rush potential. 8) ISAIAH SIMMONS, LB/S, ARIZONA CARDINALS Simmons is an electric hybrid defender capable of playing anywhere on the second level. He is a unique playmaker with impact potential as a blitzer or cover guy vs. tight ends and running backs. It will be interesting to see how theCardinalsuse a multi-dimensional player with a rare set of skills and versatility. 9) CJ HENDERSON, CB, JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS Henderson is a polished cover CB with outstanding athleticism and movement skills. He flashes natural instincts, awareness and ball skills in coverage, and is efficient in man and zone coverage. Tackling was an issue but he is arguably the best cornerback in the class. 10) JEDRICK WILLS, OT, CLEVELAND BROWNS TheBrownsadd a bully to the offensive line with the size, strength and power to maul defenders in the running game while stalemating pass rushers off the edge. Wills played RT at Alabama but his footwork and athleticism should enable him to handle the blindside without a problem as a pro. 11) MEKHI BECTON, OT, NEW YORK JETS Mammoth OT with A-plus size, athleticism and movement skills. Becton is a natural LT with explosive strength and power and a nasty disposition. He finishes runs like a nightclub bouncer throwing guys out of the club. The Louisville standout also flashes the balance and body control to effectively shadow speedy edge rushers. 12) HENRY RUGGS III, WR, LAS VEGAS RAIDERS Ruggs gives theRaidersa speedster to man the vertical stretch role in the passing game. He is a spectacular runner after the catch, so he could be utilized as a WR1 despite playing as a WR2/WR3 for the Crimson Tide as a collegian. It could take him some time to adjust to the bigger role as a pro. 13) TRISTAN WIRFS, OT, TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS (VIA 49ERS) The Bucs getTom Bradysome much-needed protection on the offensive line. Wirfs is an experienced RT but has the capacity to play multiple spots along the line. The Iowa standout is a freak athlete with outstanding agility, movement skills and explosiveness. 14) JAVON KINLAW, DT, SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS (VIA BUCS) The49ersget a natural replacement forDeForest Buckner. Kinlaw is a long, powerful defender with the capacity to play multiple spots along the defensive line. He is a disruptive defender with strong hands and a nonstop motor who fits the culture of the49ers‘ defensive front. 15) JERRY JEUDY, WR, DENVER BRONCOS Jeudy gives theBroncosa polished route runner with a game that’s plug-and-play ready. He can play in the slot or outside as a potential WR1 in an offense that creates big-play opportunities for playmakers. 16) A.J. TERRELL, CB, ATLANTA FALCONS It was imperative for theFalconsto find a CB1 in a division that’s loaded with pass catchers. Terrell is a talented cover corner with size, athleticism and a diverse set of skills. He can play in press or off, and has the potential to move inside as a slot corner. 17) CEEDEE LAMB, WR, DALLAS COWBOYS Mike McCarthy could see a littleDavante Adamsin Lamb’s game. The Oklahoma standout is an impressive playmaker with spectacular ball skills and running ability. He is a threat to score from anywhere on the field, and he gives theCowboysa potent set of pass catchers on the perimeter. 18) AUSTIN JACKSON, OT, MIAMI DOLPHINS A talented OT with natural left tackle skills, Jackson plays with outstanding balance, body control and lateral quickness. He has All-Pro potential from a physical standpoint but needs some time to refine his technique as an edge blocker. 19) DAMON ARNETTE, CB, LAS VEGAS RAIDERS Rock-solid CB with a steady game that’s better than advertised. Arnette plays with a technical savvy and discipline that’s common in veteran corners. He has the capacity to play press or off, and plays with outstanding vision as a zone defender. 20) K’LAVON CHAISSON, EDGE, JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS Jaguarsget an explosive speed rusher with outstanding first-step quickness and closing burst. Chaisson has big-time potential as a pass rusher, but he hasn’t put up the sack numbers to match his talent. He could make a major leap when he settles in as a pro. 21) JALEN REAGOR, WR, PHILADELPHIA EAGLES TheEaglesneeded a speed WR and they get one in Reagor. The TCU standout is electric with the ball in his hands, and he also displays the speed to act as a deep threat on the outside. With theEagleslooking to upgrade the weaponry aroundCarson Wentz, it is not a surprise to see Reagor get the call at this point of the draft. 22) JUSTIN JEFFERSON, WR, MINNESOTA VIKINGS TheVikingsget one of the best route runners in the draft to replaceStefon Diggs. Jefferson is an A-plus slot receiver but also has experience playing on the outside at LSU. He should be ready to make an immediate contribution asAdam Thielen‘s running mate on the perimeter. 23) KENNETH MURRAY, LB, LOS ANGELES CHARGERS (VIA PATRIOTS) TheChargerswanted to add an instinctive second-level defender to the mix to match up with explosive offenses in the AFC West. Murray is a terrific sideline-to-sideline playmaker with blitz ability and solid coverage skills. 24) CESAR RUIZ, C, NEW ORLEANS SAINTS Ruiz is a high-IQ pivot with solid skills as a run blocker. He doesn’t move defenders off the ball, but he holds his own at the point and effectively creates seams at the line of scrimmage. In pass protection, he understands how to use his neighbors to slow down overpowering defensive tackles and is strong enough to anchor vs. power. 25) BRANDON AIYUK, WR, SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS (VIA VIKINGS) The49ershave twin playmakers on the perimeter with Aiyuk joiningDeebo Samuel. The Arizona State standout is an explosive runner with the ball in his hands and his open-field running skills make him a threat to score from anywhere on the field. With Kyle Shanahan masterfully creating big-play opportunities on catch-and-run concepts, the49ers‘ offense is even scarier with Aiyuk coming on board. 26) JORDAN LOVE, QB, GREEN BAY PACKERS (VIA DOLPHINS) WithAaron Rodgerson the back nine of his career, thePackerswisely select a young quarterback to groom as his successor. Love is not a finished product at this stage of his career but spending a few seasons working on his craft in the shadows of the two-time MVP could serve him well when he takes over down the road. 27) JORDAN BROOKS, LB, SEATTLE SEAHAWKS Pete Carroll loves instinctive players with nonstop motors and physical playing styles. Brooks is a tackling machine with the capacity to stone runners in the hole or chase them down on the perimeter. He is fast, tough and productive with a knack for shooting through gaps. 28) PATRICK QUEEN, LB, BALTIMORE RAVENS The LSU standout is a sideline-to-sideline playmaker with quick diagnostic skills. He is an exceptional “see ball, get ball” defender with the speed, quickness and explosiveness to track down runners all over the field. 29) ISAIAH WILSON, OT, TENNESSEE TITANS If you want to maul and mash, there’s nothing wrong with running behind a mammoth OT with a powerful game. Wilson is a road grader with the capacity to blow defenders off the ball and his run blocking skills should work well with theTitans‘ scheme and offensive philosophy. 30) NOAH IGBINOGHENE, CB, MIAMI DOLPHINS (VIA PACKERS) The pick might stand out as a surprise but Igbinoghene is an A-plus athlete with exceptional straight-line speed and quickness. He is a press-only corner with a competitive streak that shows up on tape. The Auburn standout lacks natural ball skills, but he’s ideally suited to run around in man coverage as a former track star on the grass. 31) JEFF GLADNEY, CB, MINNESOTA VIKINGS (VIA 49ERS) Mike Zimmer gets a tough, hard-nosed CB with solid instincts and awareness. He has nice movement skills and athleticism, and shows enough versatility to effectively play man and zone coverage on the perimeter. 32) CLYDE EDWARDS-HELAIRE, RB, KANSAS CITY CHIEFS The LSU star is a pass-catching RB with soft hands and excellent route-running skills. He is one of the best pass catchers we’ve seen in recent drafts while also showing a tough, hard-nosed game that enables him to stay on the field as a three-down running back. The post 2020 NFL Draft: Bucky Brooks’ pick-by-pick analysis for Round 1, all 32 picks appeared first on American Football International. #2020NFLDraft #Round1 #AtlantaFalcons
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janicecpitts · 6 years
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