#Best poses for engagement photos
kaliartistry · 5 months
Mastering the Pose: Tips for Stunning Save the Date Photos
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Posing for your Save the Date photoshoot doesn't have to feel awkward or forced. With the right approach, you can look natural, relaxed, and deeply in love in every frame. This section provides essential tips and techniques to help you and your partner strike the perfect poses, reflecting your unique relationship and ensuring your photos are as heartfelt as they are beautiful.
The Importance of Natural Posing
Good posing can dramatically enhance the quality of your photos, conveying emotions and connections that words cannot. It’s not just about looking good; it’s about feeling comfortable and letting your genuine relationship shine through.
Tips for Relaxed and Natural Poses
1. Engage with Each Other:
Focus on each other rather than the camera. Laugh, talk, and interact as you normally would, which helps capture those candid, spontaneous moments that are often the most memorable.
2. Movement and Interaction:
Incorporate movement into your poses. Walking hand in hand, a gentle kiss on the forehead, or even playful activities like piggyback rides can add dynamism and authenticity to your shots.
3. Use Your Environment:
Leverage the surroundings to create interesting and engaging poses. Lean against a wall, sit on steps, or wrap yourselves in a blanket at a beach or park. These elements can help you feel more grounded and relaxed.
4. Practice Beforehand:
Spend some time before the shoot practicing poses at home. Try out different expressions and movements to see what feels most natural. This rehearsal can ease any nervousness and make you more comfortable in front of the camera.
Posing Ideas Based on Common Themes
Urban Chic:
For couples shooting in an urban environment, consider poses that incorporate the city’s architecture. Leaning casually against a street lamp or sitting on a city bench can frame your urban love story effectively.
Rustic Romance:
In a rustic setting, interact with nature. Sit on a log, stand in a field of wildflowers, or embrace under a large oak tree. These poses can enhance the natural beauty and the romantic feel of a rural backdrop.
Classic Elegance:
For a more formal or classic theme, structured poses might be appropriate. Think about an elegant embrace or a dance pose that shows off your attire and adds a sense of timelessness.
Examples to Inspire
Imagine a couple at a beach sunset, where they trace hearts in the sand while looking into each other's eyes, capturing a moment of playful affection. Or consider an urban shoot where a couple shares a laugh as they navigate a crowded street, encapsulating the energy around them.
Posing for your Save the Date photos should be a fun and loving experience that showcases your chemistry and joy. Remember, the best poses are those that feel the most natural to you. Don't hesitate to experiment and let your personalities dictate the session. For more guidance and inspiration on creating unforgettable Save the Date photos, make sure to explore our in-depth resources in the ultimate guide to Save the Date photoshoots.
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studiocapturelife · 4 months
Stunning Outdoor Couple Photography Poses
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Forget the stiff smiles and awkward hand placement. This season, outdoor couple photography is all about capturing the raw energy and connection of your love story. 
Whether you're scaling mountains, picnicking in a meadow, or simply basking in a golden sunset, these poses will help you translate your love into unforgettable visuals.
Ready to ditch the clichés and create photos that truly capture your unique bond? Dive into these outdoor pose ideas and then head over to Studio Capture Life's website to connect with a photographer who can turn your love story into an adventure!
The Stolen Glance
There's something inherently romantic about stolen glances exchanged between partners. For this pose, have the couple stand facing each other at a slight distance. Ask one partner to gaze into the eyes of the other while the other looks slightly away, creating a candid and intimate moment. This pose captures the tenderness and depth of the connection shared between the couple.
The Back-to-Back Embrace
Symbolizing unity and support, the back-to-back embrace is a classic pose with timeless appeal. Position the couple standing back-to-back with their arms intertwined or resting gently on each other's backs. This pose highlights the sense of partnership and solidarity between the pair while showcasing their affection in a subtle yet powerful way.
The Whispered Secret
Encourage the couple to lean in close to each other, as if sharing a whispered secret. This pose adds an element of intimacy and closeness to the photograph, as well as a sense of spontaneity and playfulness. Capturing the genuine smiles and shared laughter that often accompany whispered conversations can result in candid and heartwarming images.
The Forehead Touch
The simple act of touching foreheads can convey a multitude of emotions, from love and tenderness to comfort and reassurance. Have the couple stand facing each other, with their eyes closed and foreheads touching gently. This pose creates a sense of closeness and connection, emphasizing the emotional bond shared between partners.
The Walk in Nature
Sometimes, the most beautiful moments are captured when couples simply walk together hand in hand, immersed in nature's splendor. Encourage the couple to take a leisurely stroll along a scenic trail or through a sun-dappled meadow. This pose allows for natural, unposed shots that showcase the couple's ease and comfort in each other's company against the backdrop of the great outdoors.
The Lift and Spin
For a playful and dynamic shot, consider incorporating a lift and spin pose. This pose works best in an open space where the couple has room to move freely. Have one partner lift the other off the ground slightly while the other extends their arms outwards or wraps them around their partner's neck. This pose captures the joy and exhilaration of being swept off one's feet by love.
The Sunset Silhouette
There's something undeniably magical about silhouettes against a breathtaking sunset backdrop. Position the couple so that they are facing the setting sun, with their profiles outlined against the colorful sky. This pose creates a striking and romantic image that captures the beauty of nature as well as the love shared between the couple.
The Admiring Gaze
Encourage one partner to gaze adoringly at the other while the other looks off into the distance or at something nearby. This pose highlights the admiration and affection that partners feel for each other, capturing a moment of quiet reverence and appreciation amidst the splendor of the natural world.
The magic of outdoor couple photography lies in capturing the raw energy and genuine connection that makes you a couple. These poses are merely a starting point, a springboard to unleash your individuality and tell the story of your love through laughter, shared glances, and moments of pure joy.
So, grab your partner, venture into the great outdoors, and let nature's canvas become the backdrop for your love story.
For couples looking to immortalize their love story through captivating outdoor photography, consider reaching out to Studio Capture Life. Your one-stop solution for all your professional photography needs!
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minarisplaything · 9 months
High Rise ft. IVE Wonyoung
Pairing: IVE Wonyoung x Male Reader Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2.4k Tags: Daddy kink, Exhibitionism, Choking A/N: i said i would didn't i? probably the fastest i've made a fic recently which also means please excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes you find. might not be my best work but it sure was fun to write o7 Disclaimer: this is a work of fiction/parody
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Dating a k-pop idol wasn’t easy. Especially when you were a so-called commoner. There were the obvious reasons, like you had to keep your relationship a secret until they reached their thirties, if you made it that long.And the not-so-obvious reasons; like watching your girlfriend parade around in sexy stage outfits and having to contain your desire to fuck her in them.
Or maybe that was just you.
When your girlfriend was Jang Wonyoung, a hyper-popular It girl – you cringed at even thinking those words aloud – the restrictions were even worse. Like that one time you had wanted to bring her flowers at her group's concert in Seoul and had to be snuck backstage with a bag over your head. Or the time someone had caught the two of you flirting candidly and Wonyoung blurted out that you were her cousin to save face. Embarrassing but somehow also cute when it came from her.
All this was to say it wasn’t easy.
But it certainly wasn’t without its benefits.
“Fuck, that one looks so good, princess,” you praised.
You snapped another photo as Wonyoung posed, biting her bottom lips and giving the camera a smoldering look. She hooked her fingers into her hip-hugging jeans, tugging them slightly as you quickly snapped another series of photos.
Honestly, you were somewhat shocked when Wonyoung told you her idea. It had felt provocative, mature even, and thus far each photo had proved that assumption right. But you rarely, if ever said no to her, even if her motivations were somewhat questionable. In fact, you wondered if this was all your fault.
“You left a like on Yuna-nim’s photo,” Wonyoung had said at the time. Her tone carried an accusatory hint.
“Did I?” you had stammered, trying to play naive. “I was just scrolling my feed and must’ve double tapped.”
“So you follow them?”
“Other girl groups,” Wonyoung clarified.
One thing you had learned about the IVE princess was that while she was sweet as a button on most days, she carried a jealous streak that verged on volatile. Sharing was not in her programming, least of all when it came to you.
You had recognized the trap forming but it had been too late. “Well, I mean, just to keep up. You know you do challenges sometimes and appear on their feeds.”
Her arms crossed over her chest, hip cocked to the side and slight pout was all the answer you needed.
That week you had gone without any physical contact from your girlfriend. Though she made sure to send you the filthiest selfies possible throughout. Which, oddly, worked. Because no matter how much you touched yourself to the photos she sent, it didn’t compare to the real thing.
It had seemed like the incident was over and in the past but as you snapped a few more photos of Wonyoung by the windowsill, you briefly wondered if this stemmed from it as well.
“Are you sure you’re going to post these on Instagram?” you asked, after a particularly racy photo.
“Mhm,” Wonyoung nodded. “It’s nothing I haven’t done before. Remember the bathroom?”
“Oh, I remember.”
You also remembered the ones that hadn’t made it to social media and were sent directly to you. But this still felt even more daring than this.
“How many likes do you think this will get?” she asked, coolly, giving the camera a sultry look. An innocent question. At least on the surface. But you remembered her comment one night as you two relaxed together.
“Besides, it’s to promote the sponsor, that’s all. This will get the most engagements,” she added. Her gaze dropped and a small smirk formed on her lips, “In fact, I’d say it’s already working.”
You followed her gaze, looking down to see a rather obvious tent had formed in your sweatpants. You laughed, a flush coloring your cheeks. “Well, shit. Can you blame me?”
“I guess I can’t,” Wonyoung said coolly.
The way she unbuttoned the top button of her jeans, spoke to more mischief however.
“Wony,” you wet your dry lips, “Are we still doing the shoot?”
“Mhm “ she nodded cutely, “Of course.”
She did another pose, pushing the waist of the jeans down to expose the lace underwear she had on underneath.
“You know, I love it up here. It’s perfect,” Wonyoung said. “Don’t you agree?”
“Yeah…” you muttered, more focused on the sight of her exposed abs and smooth skin than her question.
By here she was referring to the penthouse you were using for the photoshoot. Funny enough, she could easily afford a place like this on her own. Though that would only spur on more talk about inequality among the rookie group.
“Being so high up…” she turned her head to look out the window. Your breath caught as you watched delicate fingers slip inside of her jeans. “We can see everything but no one can see us. Even if we were naked against this window they’d never know…”
Now you weren’t the smartest bulb in the room. In fact, sometimes you wondered if it was your self-proclaimed himbo status that Wonyoung liked most about you. But even you could put two and two together. And Wonyoung’s words combined with the side-eyed glance she was giving you were all screaming one thing.
“I could show my naked body to all of Seoul and no one. would. know.”
Her tongue pronounced every syllable while she locked eyes with you. As sweet and kind as Wonyoung could be she had an undeniable minx side to her. You were also fairly certain your girlfriend got off on the power high of being such a desired person but you had never actually confirmed that.
If you were starting to get hard when she pointed it out earlier, you were practically aching now. You tossed your phone onto the couch and made your way over to where Wonyoung was by the window. She let out a delighted squeal as you pushed her up against the glass, kissing her passionately.
Your hands moved against her stomach, feeling her toned abs that were shown off by the outfit she was wearing. Honestly, you should send a bouquet to whatever designer sent this to her to promote. You nipped at Wonyoung's bottom lip, your hands sliding into her unbuttoned pants to squeeze her ass.
"It took you long enough," Wonyoung gasped, mischief gleaming in her eyes. "I thought was going to have to beg you to fuck me."
Your cock twitched, straining painfully against your jeans, "You still could you know."
She must have been in a good mood because the idol looked at you with large eyes, biting on her bottom lip. "Please fuck me against the window, daddy."
You see, it had taken some time but you learned that your girlfriend had two modes. The arrogant queen who knew all of Seoul was her playground and made you worship at her feet. Then there was the submissive princess who begged to be pleased until she was satisfied. Often her mood was some mixture of the two but neither one left you unsatisfied.
"If that's what the Princess wants," you growled.
A delighted smile crossed the idol's features followed by another joyful squeal when you spun her around to face the window. Her hands rose, catching herself as she turned her head to look over her shoulder. You could see the aroused flush creeping up her neck and coloring her round cheeks.
"Didn't you say something about showing everyone your tits?" you whispered in her ear.
Not waiting for a response, you pulled her top down, exposing her tits to the cool glass of the window earning a gasp from Wonyoung in response. You pressed further against her, the bulge in your pants pushing against her ass.
"This whole shoot was just to rile me up, wasn't it?" you said, your breath hot against the shell of her ear. Your hands moved quickly to yank the jean pants she was wearing, exposing the white lace panties that she had teased you with a peek of earlier.
"Maybe," Wonyoung mewled, arching her back perfectly.
Your hands hooked into the waistband of her panties, sliding them down to reveal her bare ass to your hungry gaze, "Bullshit. You knew what you were doing."
"Maybe I just wanted to remind you of what's right in front of you," she said.
There it was. That switch up she was capable of. It also confirmed your theory that your girlfriend hadn't exactly forgiven and forgotten about the Instagram incident. Well, there was no time better than now to put the matter to bed. You gripped your cock, slipping it between her legs to get it slick from her dripping sex.
"Oh, I'm well aware of what's in front of me," you started. Slowly you began to slip your thick cock inside of her, inch by inch with each syllable. "The most beautiful." More. "Talented." More. "Gorgeous." More. "Perfect." More. "Princess."
"Fuck!" Wonyoung moaned, her forehead bracing against the window.
"Is the princess feeling full?"
"So, so full…" she cooed.
"And I didn't even get to mention how good a girlfriend you are," you teased.
You could feel her pussy quivering around your length, stretching to accommodate the familiar intrusion of your cock. Wonyoung's hands were splayed against the windows of the high-rise, her ass pushed out and into you. She was on full display and only you were lucky enough to see it.
You could take it slow with steady, languid strokes, gently fucking your girlfriend against the window. But something told you that wasn't what she nor you wanted at that moment. Your fingers flexed around her waist, pulling out your cock until just the tip remained inside of her before thrusting your entire length back inside of her. Wonyoung's body jolted with pleasure as she braced her nude body against the window.
"This is what you wanted isn't it?" Harder. "To know how much you turn me on." Faster. "To see how fucking hard you get me." Deeper. "No one else makes me like this." Repeat.
A mixture of mewls and moans fell from the idol's mouth at your relentless rhythm. Her head fell forward, her cheek pressed up against the glass. Perspiration was starting to form across her flawless skin and you had to resist the urge to lean forward and lick it up. You wanted to prove a point, to fuck Wonyoung to the point of exhaustion for the whole city to see. After that maybe you'd enjoy the little perversions.
"You probably say that to every - fuck - every girl," Wonyoung panted, glancing at you from over her shoulder. "You're probably just waiting to move onto the next idol you're drooling over."
She didn't say it with enough conviction for you to believe she truly felt that way. For starters, while Wonyoung may get jealous, she was not insecure. At least, not enough to ever think another idol was above her. It was more often a toxic possessive kind of jealousy. But nonetheless, in the heat of the moment you'd take the bait.
"Is that what you think?" he said, your breathing growing heavy with your harsh thrust. Conversation wasn't exactly easy at this pace. "Did you miss what I said earlier, huh?"
One hand moved from her waist to slip around Wonyoung's throat. She inhaled sharply, her breath catching in her throat as you squeezed. For a passing second there was no sound save for the repeated slaps of skin against skin as your hips were flush against Wonyoung's ass each time you entered her.
"I only want you," you finally gasp. "Always you."
Rather than another vulgar display to go along with your words, you merely lean over her, capturing her lips in a sideways kiss. It's messy and imperfect but it's also loving and passionate. Your tongues dance together all while your bodies remain intertwined. You can feel Wonyoung pussy quivering around your cock intensely as she moans into your mouth. When you pull back, you look at your girlfriend with a raised eyebrow.
"Did you just cum from that?" you asked.
"S-shut up," Wonyoung retorted. You noticed a bright red hue of embarrassment coloring her cheeks before she hid her face, "Don't stop until you finish inside of me,"
It was always adorable when she continued trying to be dominant after her own orgasm. However, her words had an undeniable effect on you. "If that's what the princess wants."
You returned to the task at hand, focusing your efforts solely on chasing your first release and Wonyoung's second orgasm.
"Daddy," Wonyoung mewled, finding her voice. "I want you to cum, daddy. I want you to cum deep inside my tight pussy.""
You had a sinking suspicion that her words were payback for causing her embarrassing moments earlier. Her attempt at provoking you to blow your load sooner than you had intended to.
Regardless it worked to immediate effect. Your hips jerked, slamming against hers from behind. Your sweat-drenched body pressed flush against Wonyoung, pushing her up against the high-rise window. Your cock twitched, ropes of your sticky seed shooting inside of her womb as her walls convulsed around your length.
Of course the two things that pushed her over the edge would be you saying how you loved her and her revelling the power she had to make you cum on the spot. Truly a representative of her duality.
After a moment had passed and you began to regain your bearings you pressed a kiss to Wonyoung's shoulder.
"That was incredible, Wony," you muttered.
"I know," she said, her form practically radiating. "You weren't bad either."
You let out a chuckle, placing another lazy kiss to her skin, "Maybe we should've included that in the photoshoot."
Wonyoung smiled but didn't immediately respond. After a moment of delay she turned in your arms to look at you.
"Did you mean all those things you said?" she asked.
Her wide eyes looked at you and you reached up to brush aside a strand of sweat soaked hair. There was no hesitation in your response when you answered her.
"Absolutely. And don't you think otherwise for a second."
A smile beamed across the idol's face and she leaned forward, burying her face into your neck. Your arms wrapped around her and quietly you wondered if you weren't the luckiest man in the world.
BUY ME A COFFEE - if you enjoy my stories considering buying me a coffee! always appreciated, never required.
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romanovthinkver · 6 months
pov: you’re scarlett johansson’s wife // sfw headcanons
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scarlett knows you’re in love with New York and despite having drivers that can easily bring you to one side to another of the city, she knows you prefer taking the subway. you’re favourite is the Q train where you can see the best landscapes as it’s an open train space. your wife always makes sure to pick up a spot by the door, she always says “i want to see that beautiful smile on your face the whole ride” and as you watch the train going from Manhattan to Brooklyn, scarlett wraps an arm around your waist and looks up at you with pure love.
scarlett loves how you adore your county despite its bad sides. you’re here for work so you don’t go back home as much as you would want. the last time was at christmas two years ago with all the family. little pieces of your culture are spread in the house tho, through the food, the flag you hung in your home office, some products you buy at the authentic drug stores owned by people of your home-country. you also started to teach the kids your childhood traditions, your favourite meals, your native language even. sometimes you go out in typical restaurants, or the one that claims to be typical when they’re not, and your wife has to listen you ramble about how they couldn’t make a simple dish of your land and instead ruined it. “can you believe baby? they ruined it, look at this: chicken. why? there’s no chicken in the original recipe and yet i see chicken here, why you americans put chicken everywhere?” scarlett would laugh and sometimes record your little grumbles. the kids loves when you, their mama, cook home land dishes of a culture they’re starting to feel like theirs. your wife loves when your accent rolls off your tongue when you’re tired or pissed, sometimes even when you two fuck roughly; it send her over the edge in no time. however the thing she likes the most is when you speak in your native language giving her or the kids pet names or when you whisper “i love you.”
you’re the biggest supporter ever. the way your eyes shine when you stand beside scarlett at movies premiers, it’s unmatched. you always buzz around your wife when she’s being prepared by make-up and hair-stylists taking extra time to snap some phots of her proudly. you make sure her dress is always perfect and adjust it often during the carpet. you make sure scarlett is always hydrated, not only with alcohol but with water too!, and fed because these things are stressful and your lady has to be healthy. you step back when she poses for paparazzi photos even tho she insists to have you beside her, she would softly place her hand on your chest clothed by the black jacket and shares smiles and little whispers. “you’re so beautiful, baby” or “i can’t take my eyes off you” these are the words that you find to whisper to her in that moments when your eyes are glued to her form, your hand gently cradles her back. you in the end step back giving your wife the deserved moment in the shiny flashes of the photographer’s bulbs, she poses and you look at her, sometimes you would snap a few picture too of her beside the paparazzi. scarlett would peck your lips amidst the event, they reassure you like a warm blanket and she softly pass her slender fingers to wipe her lipstick off your lips. you watch the movie with rapt attention because despite everything, before meeting her, you were and are a fan of her movies. in the end you always hug her and pepper her lips and cheeks whispering “congratulations my love, you were brilliant!”, “i can feel the oscar baby, can i start your campaign now?”, “i’m so incredibly proud of you, you’re a movie star” or “look at that baby, they’re all clapping and cheering for you, you’re so inspiring.” at the after party you both dance, engage in conversation with people and sometimes only seat at the bar together. you make sure to drink only safe drinks and let your wife party as she deserve. you take care of her and by the end of the night she’s not much sober but you steady her holding by her waist, your suit jacket always ready to shield the woman from the cold gently rest on her shoulders and her heels accomodate your feet while she wears you’re much more comfortable shoes.
scarlett started a skin care brand line with her friend and co-founder, kate foster. you, despite not knowing a thing about skin care, started to be supportive since the first day. however you didn’t know your wife would make you be a tester. you forgot how many times you ran around the house to dodge her “c’mon baby let’s try this eye cream, i swear it will be good for your eyes!” or the times she would let you sit on the bathroom sink with a blue argyle mask on your face, a hand band with the brand logo that would definitely make your curls frizzy and messy. you would groan and grumble a lot but your wife is always quick to kiss you. in the end you fell into a routine of doing this pampering ritual every night. slowly you started to learn a lot about skin care and your wife’s work. you also would crash often at her office to just bring donuts and coffee or sneak to spend more time with your wife and the team. and much to your dismay, scarlett will never stop treating you like a tester, she’s already planning on dragging you at the offie to record some funny videos of her putting on your face brand new face creams.
talking about videos, you hate cameras and photos. oh you’re the opposite of your wife in this department. you’re a diplomat, an ambassador specifically, so you barely stand in front of cameras and address speeches, a safe way to do what you love without struggling with the media press. however since you got into a relationship with your wife and got married, you quickly became a target to paparazzi’s cameras. you awkwardly stand beside your wife when you’re taking photos at the event she has to attend, but scarlett is always there to calm you down with soft touches, whispers and little pecks. “it’s okay baby, focus on me, everything’s is alright”. when they catch you in the street you go protective over the kids and wife putting your discomfort aside. “little one it’s okay, look at mama, everything is okay. scarlett, baby, come closer to me. it’s okay”. when you’re alone, you just hide behind a hoodie hood. you rarely talk to the microphones and usually only offer politely smile and shield your anxious eyes.
scarlett never saw you crying in the years you’ve been together and probably she thought she would never. this until your wedding day arrived. oh, boy! the moment you saw her walking down the aisle you started crying for her endlessly beauty and the overwhelming love you have for her. after that you cried again, much harder, when your little girl was born. scarlett loves teasing you a lot about it. you blush rolling your eyes playfully and dismissing her with a groan.
you rarely fight but when you do, and it’s always for silly things, it doesn’t take much to crack the hard shell. one of you crawl in the arms of the other not much more than 1 hour later. you’re an ambassador so your job is to make peace, after toxic experiences in your past relationship, your communication level is high and you’re lucky enough to have found scarlett that is on the same page as yours. scarlett would hold you close and kiss the crown of your head. “i’m so sorry my love, i promise to work better on these things.” you would kiss her knuckles and whisper “i’m sorry too, baby, we’ll work on them together.”
at the end of the day it’s just you and your wife. you softly sway in the gold sunrise painting your skins. scarlett arms wrapped around your neck cradling the glass of wine between her hands while she leans to ghost your lips. your hand on her hip, the other hold your glass of wine close to the chest. you both hum the song that is putted on the background while behind you food cooks on the stove and mixes with the noises of the city. it’s peaceful, it’s a paradise, it’s you and the love of your life in a life that isn’t perfect, but has a glimpse of perfection shared together.
a/n: pt.2? nsfw part?
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lychgate · 3 months
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Did I ever post here that I got ENGAGED my boyf now fiancy Cody took me out to the corn statues for what I thought was fursuit photos and I did not think it was weird that 9 of our friends showed up I am DUMB
U can see me being told to hold a pose while they're setting up the ring in the banana behind me, so happy to share my life with my best friend. (The ring rules btw)
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xtra7s · 8 months
pairing: Renee Rapp x Reader
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Synopsis: Y/N gets in a bit of trouble and Renee saves the day. Renee sees a bit into Y/Ns life beyond the act.
content: big warning for emotional abuse, manipulation, shit like that, drinking
word count: 2.9k+
masterlist | previous part
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Renee's phone buzzed insistently, shattering the afternoon calm of her corner of the room. It was Adam, her manager, requesting an urgent meeting in his office. Curiosity gnawed at her as she navigated to the office, the fluorescent lights buzzing overhead. Inside, she found Adam pacing, an uncharacteristic crease etched between his brows. Beside him, Y/N sat quietly, her usual vibrant energy subdued. Y/N's manager, Connie, stood ramrod straight, radiating tension.
"Renee, thanks for coming," Adam started, his voice strained. "This concerns Y/N. We want you guys to finish writing, but..." He hesitated, glancing at Connie for confirmation.
"There's been a…development," Connie interjected, her voice clipped. "An unexpected turn of events that could potentially cast a negative light on you and Y/N if not handled delicately."
Confusion washed over Renee. Y/N is known for her diva posts and witty replies but rarely courted controversy. "What happened?"
Connie cleared her throat. "Well did you know Y/N went out last night?"
A memory clicked in Renee's mind. She'd seen a photo Y/N posted, posing with a few other people outside of a club, holding a goofy grin on her face. "Yeah, I guess. Why?"
"Well," Connie continued, a hint of exasperation in her voice, "turns out, Y/N here heard a guy talking about her friends, being –" she paused, her gaze flitting to Y/N, "Not very nice, and Y/N took it upon herself to shut him up."
Renee's brow furrowed. Y/N was passionate, that much was true but reckless? Unlikely.
As if reading her mind, Y/N spoke up, her voice surprisingly calm. "He was being an asshole running his mouth, I didn't do shit wrong."
Renee nodded in understanding. While Y/N was 'mainly' lighthearted, sometimes she gets intense. Renee would probably do the same thing.
Connie sighed. "Look, we appreciate your protectiveness, Y/N, but the backlash is getting intense. People are misinterpreting your intention, accusing you of just wanting to start a fight."
"So, what's the plan?" Renee asked, sensing the unspoken part of the conversation.
Adam leaned forward, his expression apologetic. "We need to do some damage control. Y/N will be taking a temporary break from social media for a few weeks. We'll have Y/N issue a statement clarifying her stance on it, and why it happened."
"But…" Y/N started, a flicker of protest in her eyes.
"It's for the best, Y/N," Connie interjected firmly. "This way, the heat dies down, and you can return with a clean slate."
Renee glanced between them, feeling the weight of the situation. While she understood the need for caution, she also knew Y/N thrived on engagement and connection. A forced hiatus might take a toll on her spirit.
Suddenly, an idea sparked in her mind. "What if, instead of silence, we used this as an opportunity?"
The room fell silent, all eyes fixated on her.
"Y/N could still use her platform, but with a different focus," Renee explained. "Instead of social media, she could create educational content – blog posts, videos, you said he was being an asshole right? what was it about?"
Y/N shrugs, slumping in her chair. "He was being fucking racist, homophobic, whatever the fuck. I'm not just gonna sit there and let my friends feel bad about that shit, it was supposed to be a fun night."
Renee nods, leaning in on the table. "Exactly so post about that shit. Captions being about your experience, shitty people, talk about the fact that its the 21st fucking century and people like that shouldn't fucking exist anymore"
Adam and Connie exchanged surprised glances. The idea was unconventional, but it held merit. Y/N's passion and reach, coupled with her genuine concern, could create a positive impact far outweighing the initial controversy.
"It's…different," Connie admitted, her voice softening. "But it could work."
Y/N's eyes lit up, a spark of her usual fire returning. "I love it! It's a way to turn this around, and make a difference while still using my voice."
A wave of relief washed over Renee. With Adam's hesitant approval and Connie's cautious optimism, the plan was set. Y/N wouldn't be silenced; she would be redirected, her voice amplified for a different cause.
The meeting came to a close, and Renee took a leap of faith. "Hey, Y/N," she began, "how about we continue working on the song over dinner? Maybe grab a drink together?"
Y/N, surprised by the proposal, hesitated for a moment before responding, "I've got plans tonight with friends, but you can tag along if you want."
Renee, intrigued by the unexpected invitation, agreed. 
Later that night, she found herself standing before Y/N, who looked radiant in a tight dress that shimmered like moonlight. Renee, true to her style, wore comfortable yet stylish pants and a top that showcased her confidence.
"Ready to get absolutely hammered?" Y/N asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
Renee chuckled. "Always."
Renee couldn't help but be captivated by Y/N's presence. Her outfit was a perfect blend of chic and edgy, catching the play of lights in the club. The way Y/N carried herself spoke volumes – a mix of poise and a subtle hint of mischief. The club's atmosphere seemed to intensify with every step Y/N took.
Renee's eyes lingered on the way Y/N moved, effortlessly navigating through the crowd. The soft glow of the club lights accentuated the highlights in Y/N's hair, and the music seemed to harmonize with her every move. There was a magnetic quality to Y/N's presence that demanded attention, and Renee found herself unable to look away.
The Beat was alive with energy. Music vibrated through the air, pulsing with a rhythm that invited movement. Y/N led the way, greeting friends with warm hugs and introducing Renee with genuine enthusiasm.
The pulsating beat of the music echoed through the crowded club as Y/N and Renee navigated the lively atmosphere. Tonight was different – a blend of work and leisure as Y/N had invited Renee to join her and her friends. Among those friends was Y/N's boyfriend, someone Renee had heard about but never met.
As they approached the group, Y/N's smile widened. "Renee, meet Jake," she said, gesturing towards a man with a polite smile and slightly awkward demeanor.
"Hey, nice to finally meet you," Renee greeted, extending her hand. Jake shook it, his eyes flickering with a mix of nervousness and uncertainty.
Throughout the night, Renee couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about Jake. He seemed distant, his eyes often wandering, and his responses to Y/N's affection were lukewarm at best. As the trio conversed and shared laughter, Renee observed the couple, sensing an underlying tension.
At one point, Y/N excused herself to grab drinks, leaving Renee alone with Jake. An awkward silence hung in the air until Renee decided to break it.
"So, how long have you and Y/N been together?" she asked, trying to initiate a casual conversation.
Jake hesitated, his eyes darting around as if searching for the right words. "A few months, I think." he replied shortly, avoiding direct eye contact.
Renee's instincts heightened, and she couldn't ignore the unease settling in the pit of her stomach. Y/N returned, handing them their drinks, but the atmosphere remained strained.
As the night progressed, Renee couldn't shake the feeling that Jake was hiding something. His behavior became more erratic, and he seemed increasingly uncomfortable in Renee's presence. Observing this, Renee grew concerned for her friend, unsure whether to address the issue or wait for Y/N to bring it up herself.
Despite initial nerves, Renee quickly found herself swept up in the welcoming atmosphere. Y/N's friends were diverse and accepting, and their energy was contagious. Soon, laughter and conversation flowed freely, forging new connections between them.
The club's vibrant lights danced over the energetic crowd, and the music reverberated through the air as Y/N, Renee, and their friends enjoyed the night. However, things took an unexpected turn when Y/N's boyfriend, Jake, abruptly pulled her away from the group, a few tables down.
Renee couldn't help but notice the sudden change in Jake's demeanor. His face wore an expression of hostility, and as Renee discreetly observed from a distance, she sensed tension building between the couple.
Curiosity got the better of her, and Renee discreetly made her way closer to the commotion, keeping a safe distance but close enough to catch snippets of the conversation.
"Why do you always have to hang out with her?" Jake's voice carried a harsh edge, his frustration palpable.
Y/N, clearly caught off guard, tried to maintain composure. "Renee? She's just a friend. What's the problem?"
Jake's eyes flashed with anger, and he gestured toward the friend group. "I can't stand being around her. It feels like a threat. Are you trying to make me uncomfortable?"
Y/N, bewildered and defensive, responded, "Jake, she's just a colleague. We're working on a project together. It's not personal."
Renee, hidden in the shadows, felt a mix of concern and disbelief. She hadn't anticipated the depth of Jake's unease, and the scene unfolding before her raised alarm bells.
As Jake's voice grew louder, Renee debated whether to intervene or give Y/N some space. Before she could decide, Y/N's eyes met hers, a mixture of embarrassment and helplessness written across her face.
Renee chose to step in, approaching them calmly. "Everything okay here?" she asked, injecting a hint of hostility into her voice.
Jake shot her a venomous look, his anger directed toward Renee. "Mind your own business, Rapp. We're fine here."
Y/N, caught in the crossfire, attempted to mediate. "Guys, let's calm down. Renee, it's fine. We'll talk later."
As Renee reluctantly retreated, she couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that Y/N's relationship had taken an unexpected and troubling turn. The strained atmosphere lingered in the air, leaving Renee grappling with the realization that the music of the night had unexpectedly hit a dissonant note.
Trying to shake off the uncomfortable encounter with Jake, Y/N made her way to the bar, seeking solace in the rhythmic beats and the clinking of glasses. The dimly lit ambiance offered a momentary escape as she took a few sips, trying to drown the unease that lingered from the heated conversation.
Determined to salvage the night, Y/N joined her friends on the dance floor. The pulsating music enveloped them, creating a temporary sanctuary where worries could be momentarily forgotten. However, the tension from earlier still loomed in the back of Y/N's mind.
After a few energetic dance routines, Y/N decided to face the lingering issue. She approached Renee, who was now chatting with another friend and pulled her aside, away from the pulsating beats.
"Hey, Renee," Y/N began, attempting to sound nonchalant. "I just wanted to let you know I'm heading out with Jake. It's been a weird night, but I hope you enjoy the rest of it."
Renee, sensing the underlying tension, nodded and offered a supportive smile. "Sure thing, Y/N. Be safe, we'll catch up soon."
As Y/N disappeared into the crowd with Jake, Renee couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something wasn't right. The club's lively atmosphere continued around her, but a sense of unease lingered. Renee wished Y/N well silently, hoping that whatever turmoil existed in Y/N's relationship would find resolution.
With a sigh, Renee turned back to the dance floor, determined to immerse herself in the music and the joy of the night. Yet, in the midst of the celebration, a lingering concern for her friend colored the remainder of the evening. The dance floor pulsed with energy, but Renee couldn't shake the feeling that the night had taken an unexpected turn, leaving a discordant note in the air.
The night stretched into the early hours as Y/N and Jake returned to her house, the once vibrant energy of the club replaced by an unsettling tension. As they stepped through the door, the atmosphere shifted, and Jake's demeanor darkened.
Without warning, Jake started a fight, his words cutting through the air like shards of glass. He criticized Y/N for spending time with Renee, accusing her of purposely making him uncomfortable. Y/N, taken aback by the sudden escalation, attempted to defuse the situation.
"I don't understand why you're so upset," Y/N pleaded, her voice quivering with confusion. "Renee is just a friend, and tonight was supposed to be fun."
Jake's response was cold and manipulative. "You're always so sensitive. Can't you handle a little criticism? Maybe if you weren't so emotional, we wouldn't be having this conversation."
As the argument intensified, Y/N's attempts to reason with Jake only seemed to fuel his anger. He twisted the situation, placing the blame squarely on Y/N's shoulders. Tears welled up in her eyes as she felt the weight of the conversation.
"You're the one overreacting, Y/N. This is all in your head," Jake sneered, dismissively waving off her tears. "Stop being so sensitive, we wouldn't have these problems."
Y/N, overwhelmed and emotionally drained, couldn't comprehend the sudden turn of events. She felt trapped in a web of manipulation, her attempts to communicate met with hostility and blame-shifting. The tears fell freely now, a mix of frustration and heartache.
As the night wore on, the toxicity of the situation lingered in the air. Y/N's home, once a sanctuary, now felt like a battleground of emotions. Jake's manipulative tactics had left scars on the night, and Y/N found herself questioning the foundation of her relationship.
In the quiet aftermath, Y/N was left to grapple with the emotional aftermath of the night, hoping for clarity and resolution in the days to come. The echoes of Jake's harsh words lingered, a painful reminder that sometimes the deepest wounds come not from external forces but from those we hold closest.
In the hushed aftermath of the argument, Jake's anger continued to cast a shadow over the room. Y/N, emotionally drained and vulnerable, found herself on the receiving end of a twisted attempt at reconciliation.
With a feigned sense of remorse, Jake approached Y/N and gently touched her shoulder. "I'm sorry, babe. I didn't mean to ruin our night," he said, his voice laced with insincerity.
Y/N, still raw from the earlier confrontation, hesitated but yearned for a semblance of normalcy. As Jake leaned in, he pressed a kiss against her forehead, attempting to use physical intimacy to mend the emotional wounds he had inflicted.
"Let's just go to bed, okay? We can talk about it tomorrow," Jake suggested his words designed to manipulate Y/N into submission.
Caught in the confusing web of emotions, Y/N reluctantly agreed. The facade of normalcy seemed appealing, and the exhaustion from the night's events weighed heavily on her. As they lay in bed, a palpable tension lingered in the air, overshadowing any sense of true reconciliation.
Jake's actions, though masked in the guise of apology, left Y/N grappling with the unsettling feeling that something fundamental in their relationship had shifted. The room, once a sanctuary, now felt like a silent battleground where emotions were suppressed and genuine connection eluded them.
As she changed into her pajamas, Y/N's phone buzzed on the nightstand. With a curious glance, she saw a message from Renee.
Renee: Hey, you okay?"
Renee's message felt like a lifeline in the midst of the emotional storm. Gratitude washed over Y/N as she replied,
Y/N: Hey, thank you for checking in. I'm fine."
In the quiet darkness, Y/N couldn't shake the nagging doubt that this night would leave an indelible mark on her perception of Jake and their relationship. As sleep claimed the world around them, Y/N lay in the stillness, contemplating the complexities of love and the blurred lines between sincerity and manipulation.
As Y/N lay in bed beside Jake, her mind refused to be silent. The events of the evening replayed like a relentless loop, casting shadows over her thoughts. As she stared into the darkness, her mind involuntarily shifted towards Renee.
The contrast between Jake's manipulative behavior and Renee's genuine concern became starkly apparent. Y/N couldn't help but imagine how different it would be if Renee were in Jake's place – a realization that weighed on her heart.
Renee, with her kindness, understanding, and the support she offered earlier, seemed like a beacon of comfort in comparison to the storm that had engulfed her night with Jake. Y/N began to entertain the idea of how Renee, with her genuine nature, would be a far better partner, someone who valued communication and mutual respect.
In the quiet of her thoughts, Y/N couldn't help but imagine a relationship where trust was the foundation and where vulnerability wasn't met with manipulation. The idea of being with someone who cared for her well-being, as Renee had demonstrated, felt like a balm to the wounds inflicted by the tumultuous night.
As the night lingered on, Y/N found herself caught between the reality of her current situation and the fantasy of what a healthier, more genuine relationship could be. In the gentle embrace of these thoughts, sleep slowly claimed her, carrying with it a dream of a connection that transcended the toxic dynamics that had tainted her evening.
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nasa · 1 year
Soaring into Aerospace: NASA Interns Take Flight at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh
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Sustainable Aviation Ambassadors Alex Kehler, Bianca Legeza-Narvaez, Evan Gotchel, and Janki Patel pose in front of the NASA Pavilion at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh.
It’s that time of year again–EAA AirVenture Oshkosh is underway!
Boasting more than 650,000 visitors annually, EAA AirVenture Oshkosh, or “Oshkosh” for short, is an airshow and fly-in held by the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA). Each year, flight enthusiasts and professionals from around the world converge on Oshkosh, Wisconsin, to engage with industry-leading organizations and businesses and celebrate past, present, and future innovation in aviation.
This year, four NASA interns with the Electrified Powertrain Flight Demonstration (EPFD) project count themselves among those 650,000+ visitors, having the unique opportunity to get firsthand experience with all things aerospace at Oshkosh.
Alex Kehler, Bianca Legeza-Narvaez, Evan Gotchel, and Janki Patel are Sustainable Aviation Ambassadors supporting the EPFD project, which conducts tests of hybrid electric aircraft that use electric aircraft propulsion technologies to enable a new generation of electric-powered aircraft. The focus of Alex, Bianca, Evan, and Janki’s internships cover everything from strategic communications to engineering, and they typically do their work using a laptop. But at Oshkosh, they have a special, more hands-on task: data collection.
“At Oshkosh, I am doing some data collection to better estimate how we can be prepared in the future,” said Janki, an Aerospace Engineering major from the University of Michigan. “Coming to Oshkosh has been an amazing experience… I can walk around and see people passionate about the work they do.”
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The NASA Pavilion at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh is full of interactive exhibits and activities for visitors to engage with. NASA Interns Alex, Bianca, Evan, and Janki are collecting data in the pavilion to help improve future exhibits at Oshkosh.
In addition to gathering data to help inform future NASA exhibits and activities at Oshkosh, the interns also have the opportunity to engage with visitors and share their passion for aviation with other aero enthusiasts. For Evan, who is receiving his Master's in Aerospace Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, “being able to be here and talk with people who are both young and old who are interested in what the future of flight could be has been so incredible.”
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Alex, Evan, Bianca, and Janki pose in front of NASA’s Super Guppy, a specialized aircraft used to transport oversized cargo.
At Oshkosh, one memory in particular stands out for Alex, Bianca, Evan, and Janki: seeing NASA’s famous Super Guppy in person. With a unique hinged nose and a cargo area that's 25 feet in diameter and 111 feet long, the Super Guppy can carry oversized cargo that is impossible to transport with other cargo aircraft. 
“We had a very lucky experience… We were able to not only see the Super Guppy, we got to get up close when it landed,” said Bianca, who is receiving her Master's in Business Administration with a specialization in Strategic Communications from Bowling Green State University. “From a learning experience, it gave me a way better basis on cargo aircraft and how they operate.” 
For Alex, who is receiving his Master's in Aeronautical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, it was exciting to see the Super Guppy’s older technology integrated with newer technologies up close. “There have been a lot of good memories, but I think the best one was the Super Guppy. It was cool to see this combination of 60’s and 70’s technology with this upgraded plane.”
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Evan and Janki pose for a photo while walking around EAA AirVenture Oshkosh.
With Oshkosh coming to a close this Sunday, July 30, Alex, Bianca, Evan, and Janki also reflected on advice they have for future NASA interns on how they can get the most out of their internship: be curious and explore, connect with people who work in the field you’re interested in, and don’t be afraid to ask questions.
Alex advises potential NASA interns to “dream big and shoot for your goals, and divide that up into steps… In the end it will work out.” For Bianca, being open and exploring is key: “take opportunities, even if it’s the complete opposite thing that you were intending to do.”
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“Ask questions all the time,” said Evan. “Even outside the internship, always continue asking people about what they are knowledgeable on.” And Janki encourages future interns to “Follow your own path. Get the help of mentors, but still do your own thing.”
Visiting Oshkosh and want to see NASA science in action? Stop by the NASA Pavilion, located at Aviation Gateway Park, and see everything from interactive exhibits on sustainable aviation, Advanced Air Mobility, Quesst, and Artemis to STEM activities–and you may even meet NASA pilots, engineers, and astronauts! At Oshkosh, the sky’s the limit.
Interested in interning with NASA? Head over to NASA’s internship website to learn more about internship opportunities with NASA and find your place in (aero)space.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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geotjwrs · 2 months
Can we get a Jenna Ortega x male reader where she calls r because she was at a signing and a toxic x (or Percy because I personally find him creepy) showed up and won't leave her alone so she asks him to come get her and bring her home
by your side
"by your side, i'll be your seasons"
Pairings ; Jenna Ortega x Male!Reader
Warning/s ; none so far
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Jenna sat nervously at the signing table, her heart racing as she scanned the crowd. The event had started out great, with fans excitedly lining up for autographs and photos. She loved these moments of connection, where she could see firsthand the impact her work had on people. But then Percy showed up.
Percy had always been creepy, ever since Jenna met him during a shoot. He had an unnerving way of lingering, his eyes always a little too intense, his comments always a little too personal. Today was no different. He hovered at the edge of the crowd, watching her every move.
Unable to take it any longer, Jenna discreetly pulled out her phone and dialed Y/N's number. She stepped away from the table, moving to a quieter corner as the line continued to flow. Her heart pounded as she waited for him to pick up.
"Hey, Jenna," Y/N's familiar voice answered after a few rings. "Everything okay?"
"Y/N," she whispered, glancing over her shoulder. "I need your help. Percy is here, and he won't leave me alone. Can you come get me?"
"I'm on my way," Y/N replied without hesitation. "Just hang tight, okay? I'll be there soon."
Relief washed over Jenna as she hung up the phone. She returned to the table, trying to focus on her fans and keep her smile genuine, but the minutes felt like hours. Percy's presence loomed like a dark cloud, making it hard for her to concentrate. She signed autograph after autograph, posed for countless photos, but her mind was elsewhere, anxiously counting the seconds until Y/N arrived.
Jenna's manager, Lisa, noticed her distraction. "Everything alright, Jenna?" she asked quietly during a brief lull.
Jenna forced a smile. "Yeah, just a bit overwhelmed. I'll be fine."
Lisa nodded, but her eyes lingered on Jenna for a moment longer, concern etched on her face. The signing continued, with fans of all ages expressing their admiration and gratitude. Jenna did her best to engage with each one, but the weight of Percy's stare made her skin crawl.
Finally, Y/N arrived. Jenna's heart leaped as she saw him weaving through the crowd, his determined expression a beacon of hope. He made his way to the front of the line, and Jenna quickly excused herself, her manager taking over the signing.
"Jenna, are you okay?" Y/N asked, his concern evident as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
"I am now," she replied, her voice shaking slightly. "Thank you for coming."
They made their way out of the venue, Y/N keeping a protective arm around Jenna the entire time. Percy's eyes followed them, but Y/N shot him a glare that could have melted ice. Once they were outside, Y/N led Jenna to his car and helped her in.
As they drove away, Jenna felt the tension slowly leave her body. "I don't know what I'd do without you," she said softly.
"You don't have to worry about that," Y/N replied, glancing at her with a reassuring smile. "I'll always be here for you, Jenna. No matter what."
Jenna smiled, feeling safe and cared for in a way she hadn't in a long time. "Thank you, Y/N. I really mean it."
Y/N reached over, taking her hand in his. "Anytime, Jenna. Anytime."
They drove in comfortable silence for a while, the city lights flashing past the windows. Jenna's mind wandered back to the signing, replaying the events in her head. She shuddered at the memory of Percy's stare and felt a surge of gratitude for Y/N's quick response.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Y/N asked gently, sensing her unease.
Jenna sighed, leaning back in her seat. "It's just... Percy. He's always been creepy, but today was too much. He kept staring at me, and it felt like he was waiting for something. I couldn't focus, I couldn't relax. I just wanted to get out of there."
Y/N tightened his grip on her hand. "I'm sorry you had to go through that. You shouldn't have to deal with someone like him."
Jenna nodded, her eyes welling up with tears. "Thank you for coming to get me. I don't know what I'd do without you."
Y/N pulled the car over to the side of the road and turned to face her. "Hey, look at me," he said softly, cupping her face in his hands. "You're safe now. I'm here, and I won't let anything happen to you."
Jenna looked into his eyes, finding solace in his unwavering gaze. "I know. Thank you, Y/N."
He leaned in and kissed her forehead gently. "Let's get you home," he said, starting the car again and driving towards her apartment.
When they arrived, Y/N walked Jenna to her door, still holding her hand. "Do you want me to stay for a while?" he asked.
Jenna nodded, not ready to be alone just yet. "Yeah, I'd like that."
They went inside, and Jenna immediately felt a sense of relief wash over her. The familiar surroundings of her apartment were comforting, and having Y/N there made everything feel better. They sat on the couch, Jenna leaning against Y/N as he wrapped his arm around her.
"Do you want to watch a movie or something?" Y/N suggested, trying to distract her from the day's events.
"Yeah, that sounds good," Jenna agreed. "Something light and funny."
They settled on a comedy, and as the movie played, Jenna slowly started to relax. Y/N's presence was a calming balm, easing the tension that had gripped her all day. They laughed at the movie's antics, the sound of their laughter blending together in the cozy apartment.
After the movie ended, Jenna turned to Y/N, her eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Y/N. For everything."
Y/N smiled, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "You don't have to thank me, Jenna. I'm just glad I could help."
Jenna leaned in, kissing him softly. "I don't know what I'd do without you," she whispered against his lips.
Y/N pulled her closer, his arms wrapping around her protectively. "You don't have to worry about that. I'm not going anywhere."
They stayed like that for a while, wrapped in each other's embrace, finding comfort and strength in their connection.
As the night wore on, they talked about their dreams, their fears, and everything in between. Jenna felt a sense of peace she hadn't felt in a long time, knowing that she wasn't alone in this journey. Y/N was her rock, her safe haven, and she was grateful for every moment they shared.
Eventually, they fell asleep on the couch, Jenna nestled against Y/N's chest, his arms holding her close. The nightmares that had plagued her were kept at bay by the warmth of his embrace, and she slept soundly, knowing she was safe and loved.
The next morning, Jenna woke up to the soft light of dawn streaming through the windows. She blinked sleepily, realizing she was still curled up in Y/N's arms. He was already awake, watching her with a tender smile.
"Good morning," he said softly, brushing a kiss on her forehead.
"Good morning," Jenna replied, smiling up at him. "Thank you for staying with me."
"Anytime," Y/N said, his eyes filled with love. "How are you feeling?"
"Better," Jenna admitted. "A lot better."
They spent the morning together, enjoying a leisurely breakfast and talking about their plans for the day. Jenna felt a renewed sense of strength, ready to face whatever came her way with Y/N by her side.
As they got ready to leave, Jenna turned to Y/N, her eyes filled with gratitude and love. "Thank you for being my hero," she said softly.
Y/N smiled, pulling her into a warm embrace. "You're my hero too, Jenna. And I'll always be here for you."
With Y/N by her side, Jenna knew she could face anything. And as they stepped out into the world together, she felt a sense of hope and joy, knowing that their love was a force that could conquer any situation.
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Stand at the Edge
Prologue- Next
Damian was irritated. This was not uncommon, surrounded as he was by idiots, but today especially he was, as Todd would so eloquently put it, pissed. This was because, for reasons utterly unknown, Greyson had gone insane, obsessively cleaning the spotless mansion (until Pennyworth ordered him to stop) and incessantly bothering him about his appearance, all because of an interrogation. Why Father had decided to hold this particular interrogation within the Manor itself was yet another source of Damien’s irritation. Apparently, the suspect’s emotional involvement with Todd justified the clear risk posed by allowing this stranger into their home, despite the fact that all background checks and past interviews showed him to be a clear and dangerous unknown. If anything, Todd’s involvement with the suspect only increased the likelihood of this “Danny Nightengale” being a danger to the family. Damian did not believe that Todd was an irrational madman in constant need of supervision Father seemed to think he was, but he did not pretend the man did not pose a possible threat. There was also the possibility that Nightengale recognized how deeply compromised Farther was when it came to Todd and was using him to gain access to the family, be it as the Bats or the Waynes. If that was the case, then Damien was sure Father would not mind granting a temporary reprieval of the No-kill rule. For the family’s safety, that is. Not because he cared about Todd or any of his other siblings or their feelings, thank you.
The main area of concern surrounding Nightengale was not what they had learned, but what they hadn't. So far, he had avoided all interviews with concerning success. Furthermore, no family member had actually managed to get a photo of him. Attempts to look him up showed only that he was a student at Gotham University studying Astrophysics and Aerospace engineering, that he had a sister named Jazmine who worked as a counselor within Arkem, which was concerning within it's own right, and that he had lived with said sister until moving in with Todd three months ago. Footwork provided a few more details, such as that he worked at the Iceberg Lounge as part of the band playing the violin and that he seemed to have a number of pet birds, specifically ravens, though these birds seemed to come and go as they pleased. Neighbors reported that he was pleasant enough, though there were a number of noise complaints regarding both the birds and his apparent activity as an engineer. What was truly concerning was the total informational whiteout predating his arrival in Gotham. The transcript he had used to get into university was a forgery, as was his social security number, birth certificate, and driver's license. He had no social media presence of any sort and there was no one they could talk to who had any idea where he was from. The same went for his sister, they were both complete blanks. What was most interesting, at least according to Drake, was that the photo used on the fake driver's license looked to have been doctored, as if someone had taken an old photo and artificially aged it. None of them could think of a reason someone would need to do that.
“I still do not understand why we are bringing Todd and Nightengale here.”
Damien said, doing his best to tie his tie himself with mediocre success.
“Because,” Bruce explained, stepping in to help and rescue the tie from Damien’s increasingly frustrated attempts, “he is dating Jason, and as his family, we have every reason to want to meet him.”
Damien raised a brow. That seemed unusually irrational of Father. Perhaps the presence of Todd in the equation was interfering more than he had expected.
“Given how slippery he has proven in the past,” he continued “this is our best opportunity to engage him while minimizing both his suspicion and his likelihood to run. Furthermore, he is far more likely to be forthcoming than he would be if operating on his own turf. This gives us the upper hand more than if we attempted to meet him elsewhere.”
That was better. If there was one thing Damien appreciated about Father, it was his direct, analytical nature. Meanwhile, Greyson shouted something about needing to hide all of the chairs. Suddenly there was a knock at the front door, and a loud bang as Greyson tripped himself attempting to open it. Pennyworth, appearing suddenly at the door when Damian could have sworn he was in the kitchen, opened it before Greyson had a chance to right himself. Standing there was Todd and, assumedly, Nightengale. It suddenly occurred to Damian that he had never actually seen the man up close before. He was tall, with dark hair and brilliant blue eyes. He was thin as well, concerningly so, his joints sharp where the bones shone through. His skin was so pale, like freshly fallen snow or bleached bone. There was something terribly familiar about him, but so was probably any other pale man with black hair and blue eyes. As he grew closer, Damian noticed, snaking up Nightengale’s right arm and peaking up from the collar of his turtleneck, a Lichtenberg scar. Something in the back of his head stirred, but he couldn't think what it could possibly be. Greyson was shaking this man’s hand, offering some kind of greeting, but Damian couldn't hear it. Suddenly, Nightengale’s head snapped. Now he was looking right at Damian, his blue eyes boundless and staring as a grin stretched far wider across his face than should have been possible, wider even than the Joker and with teeth like a cat, sharp and predatory. He thought he maybe should have been frightened, though he wasn't sure why.
“Little Prince!”
Nightengale embraced Damian tightly, lifting him slightly off the ground. He wasn't sure how he had gotten so close so quickly. His skin was cold, but as comforting as an ice pack on an injury; the relief of a cold shower in the height of summer held in sharp and narrow arms. Something about this situation seemed wrong but he couldn't pin down just what it was.
“It's been so long! Look how big you’ve gotten. Ancients, the last time I saw you, you were just a shade!”
Wait. That was it.
“What do you mean, ‘last time’”
Damian willed his muscles to tense, his hands to clench into fists but they remained stubbornly relaxed.
“Dami, little light, ya sitti, don't you remember me?”
Nightengale gently set Damian and for a second he was blinded as the man was wreathed in rings of light bright as the sun. When the light faded the man had... changed. The most obvious shift was his hair, once black and now so blindingly white that it made his face shadowy and difficult to see, as well as luminescent, Lazarus green eyes, the sclera black as night. Rather than the simple black turtle neck and slacks he had come in, he was now wearing a black hazmat suit with a white belt holding what looked like an old-fashioned radio and, oddly, a thermos. He had white gloves, though they became sharp and claw-like at the tips. There were other, more subtle changes, such as how his skin grew grey, like someone who had been dead for hours, and the faint glow of the fractal Lichtenburg just visible through the suit. Damian became aware suddenly of pressure that had been building in his ears and only just released.
“Oh...” the Man, he was not Nightengale, seemed to deflate.
“No... I... It's not... You can not.”
Damien was faintly aware that he was not making sense, but seeing that this made two of them, he felt little need to correct it. Finally, enough of his brain cells managed to collide for him to form a sentence.
“What are you doing here?”
“Damien,” Father said, careful to insert himself between his son and whoever, whatever, was floating just slightly off the ground before them, “who is this? How do you know him?”
“His name is Phantom. When I was a child, I would make up stories about him and the strange land he ruled.”
Hearing his name, Phantom smiled a much smaller, more hesitant smile than his Joker-esque grin from before. He waved slightly. Meanwhile, Father looked as if he were about to have an aneurysm. Looking about, that seemed to be the consensus amongst the onlookers, albeit Todd who laughed. Hard.
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@mur-ururu @krzys2000 @soren1830 @fisticuffsatapplebees @emergentpanda-blog @heirxofxtime
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xuune · 3 months
I'm a pretty young artist and I'm not sure what I need to start off with.
Anatomy or color?
tl;dr there's no correct answer for this.
but you can start off by asking yourself what do i want to draw? what do i want to draw right now? depending on your subject, what style you want to learn/do (painted, linework) then that can determine how you think while you draw.
however, you won't and never will learn one thing into completion and then move onto the next, its a continuous process of learning and relearning.
you can learn either anatomy or color one at a time, or dedicate time split for both. imo, you learn both best together. either way, you learn both continuously for the entire time that you will ever engage with drawing. there's always a lot to learn.
i feel like a lot of beginner artists get wrapped up on thinking that one should be prioritized over the other, so my answer to this question is long:
the usual route people go to for this question is to focus on fundamental studies. in the few semesters of fundamental courses i had, our structure was this:
learn solid forms, shape, lights, grayscale values, perspective AND gesture/figures
continue building on gesture/figures AND start learning color(traditional painting)
continue with gesture/figure + start learning anatomy AND continue learning color (digital painting)
we start off with many other basic building blocks first before getting to anatomy/color, but those basic blocks are essential to building up how you think when practicing both. but where do you put this in practice while drawing for fun? this is time dedicated for studying fundamentals, after all. schooling helps, but a majority of us start out as self taught, especially since there's a multitude of free learning resources online.
if your preference of learning is to do things one step at a time, then maybe dedicating your time to fundamentals is the way to go. there's lots of educational resources out there to help build these fundamentals. at the top of my head, here's a few resources for anatomy: proko, sinix design, glenn vilppu (great for gestures). if there's anything to take away from this regarding anatomy, its to practice perspective, form, gesture, and figure first and foremost. anatomy dives deeply into more complex forms. start simple before you get overwhelmed.
unfortunately, i dont have many resources to give you in terms of learning fundamentals for color. i primarily learned off of experimenting and studying off of other artworks. i've already covered a lot on my thought process behind how i think when painting, so that post might be insightful the moment you get more into using color.
now, im gonna assume that you haven't had formal schooling in art (either not yet, or won't), but you spend your time drawing for fun. and now you want to dedicate a bit more time and practice into anatomy/color. i started off self taught, so i can relate.
earlier, i mentioned this question:
where do you put [fundamentals] in practice while drawing for fun?
when looking at your question again, i think of this: do i want to practice fundamentals as i draw for fun?
there's definitely a difference and spectrum between "going balls to the wall crazy and drawing for fun" and "using my drawing time for studies/practicing fundamentals."
if your answer is yes to that question above, then you're on the right track for seeing how this works in practice the moment you participate in both "drawing for fun" and "practicing fundamentals" for self practice.
in any drawing i do, i want my subjects to be posed as [xyz], but i also want the final illustration to look like [xyz] for color.
i gather references for both posing and color, and while drawing i look to study both at the same time. with posing, im looking at refs to study anatomy as i draw. sometimes i may only use one ref photo, or multiple, but either way im checking for various information like what are the proportions, how might the skin fold, what areas of body have soft/hard edges, what might these limbs look like when foreshortened, etc. with color refs i study them to analyze how another piece of artwork is doing something that i'd like to achieve in my own art. this goes back to things i've mentioned here.
in short, the time drawing for fun is also a time to put fundamental practice in place that helps build your skills as an artist. either way, my advice is to learn as you go and have try to have fun while you practice.
in the end, this is my perspective when i look at this question. others may disagree and have a different opinion, but at the end of the day, everyone has a different process on how they practice and grow as an artist.
this was lengthy, but this is an extremely broad question that goes beyond choosing one or the other, and there's reasons why that is. i hope i explained this well enough and that it answered your question in some way!
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uniquexusposts · 5 months
Her || Charles Leclerc
Main characters: Charles Leclerc x OC Genre: fanfiction, fluff  Story type: novel  Part: 9/? Word count: 2589 Co writer: @mistrose23
Story summary: Matilde Jørgensen, the new Scuderia Ferrari team principal, faced the nerve-wracking challenge of reviving the team's fortunes and aiming for a championship. Leading a historic team as a 'newbie' and separating her work and personal opinions posed a significant challenge. The big question: is she capable to do so?
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Previous chapter
Chapter 7. Popping The Champagne
It was race day in Miami, and it could be a promising one for Ferrari; Carlos managed to secure the second position, and Charles had locked a third place during qualifying.
Matilde couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and pride as she looked at the red cars on the grid. The hard work and dedication of the entire team had brought them to this moment, and the possibilities were endless. As the drivers made their final preparations, Matilde was standing in front of Charles' car. She was observing the grid; it was stamped with people. Her eyes shifted to the driver and his engineer, who were in a trance and fully focusing on their final briefing. She looked at the second red car; Carlos was in his own world, preparing himself for the race.
As Matilde observed the grid, her attention was drawn to Martin Brundle, who was making his way through the crowd on the grid. He was finding some interesting moments and stories on the grid before the race. He was in his element; chatting with team principals, drivers and guests, exploring the cars and keeping an eye out for any celebrity sightings.
Her gaze shifted to a celebrity who was standing next to Charles' car, striking poses for the cameras. Matilde was surprised the celebrity found space to strike a pose and ask someone to take a photo of her. Brundle, always ready to give a good interview, approached the celebrity.
Matilde watched the scene unfold, curious about the interaction between Brundle and the celebrity. It was clear that the celebrity was more interested in posing for photos than answering questions. As Brundle asked a question, the celebrity appeared to ignore him, focusing on their glamorous appearance. Matilde's expression subtly shifted as she watched the unclassy behaviour toward Martin Brudle. She felt a sense of disappointment and irritation at the lack of professionalism by the celebrity.
In the world of F1, where teamwork, respect and sportsmanship were highly valued, such conduct was considered disrespectful. When attending a race, even as a guest, and walking around on the grid was not just about being a guest; it was an opportunity to engage with the racing community, share the excitement, and, if approached by journalists like Brundle, you would talk to them. And if you didn't want to get interviewed on the grid, then don't show up.
The eyes of Matilde found Brundle's eyes, who was looking around in disbelief. A smile grew on his face, and he stepped towards Matilde. The lips of Matilde curved into a smile, showing she was in for a question.
"Matilde, a quick question," Brundle said.
"You can always ask me any question," Matilde said, sneering at the celebrity.
A sparkle of playfulness was in his eyes, he liked the cheekiness of Matilde. "What are your thoughts on the race?"
"Sainz is starting from the front row, and it gives the team a great chance today. And Leclerc from P3 is in a very strong position to start with. The team has worked hard on the car, and we are prepared for any opportunity. The cars are close to Ma- uh, Verstappen, and I'm sure they will give him a difficult time," she spoke, her eyes briefly flickering to the red cars, a subtle sign of her unwavering support.
Brundle nodded appreciatively at her response. "Thank you, Matilde. Best of luck," he said, acknowledging her professionalism and enthusiasm for the race, for the sport. With that, he moved on to the next interview; Christian from Red Bull.
As the minutes ticked away, the entire grid moved towards the start-finish to participate in the pre-race ceremonies. The national anthem of the United States was performed. Matilde stood in between the two red cars, overseeing the front. As the anthem was playing, peace returned to the entire track. This was the calm before the storm, the moment before the chaos of the race began.
The anthem came to an end, and the grid came alive again. Matilde grabbed this moment to share a quick word with the drivers.
"You've got this," she told Carlos. "Bring those points home. You've got the skill to bring home a win." She locked her eyes with him. "Good luck, and have fun." She pulled out her fist.
Carlos nodded, appreciating the words, feeling the trust in her words. "I will." He gave her a fist bump.
Moving to Charles, Matilde smiled and made eye contact as well. "You've got the car and strategy to bring home a lot of points. Don't stress; just go for it. Enjoy this race. Good luck." She pulled out her fist.
Charles met her gaze, his eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and gratitude. "I'm ready to give it all," he said, ready to give her a fist bump.
However, instead of bumping their fists on the knuckles, Charles' fist somehow ended up on top of Matilde's fist like a bizarre hand-stack. They both looked at their fists, not understanding what was happening or how it went wrong. They exchanged a glance, equal parts confusion and amusement, as they both tried to make sense of how it had gone wrong. A smile grew on Matilde's face, knowing it would look stupid. Charles left his concentration and chuckled about the awkward moment. She turned around and walked away, leaving the drivers of her team behind on the grid.
While most of the crew made their way back to the pits, Matilde got called out by someone when walking in front of the Red Bull garage. "Matilde!" Silvia said, rushing towards her boss.
She stopped walking and turned around to see the head of PR. A warm smile came on her face. "Silvia." Together, they continued walking towards the pit.
"Your moment with Brundle is going viral," Silvia mentioned, causing Matilde to look questionable at her. "With the celebrity, you looked very judgeful."
"Oh, yes. That's correct."
"Be aware of your facial expressions. I get that you have an opinion on something, but keep your face in control."
Matilde squeezed her eyebrows together. "It was just a playful moment," she defended herself.
"Keep it under control. We don't want any cases or bad publicity because of your face." With those words, Silvia entered the garage, leaving Matilde behind in front of the Ferrari garage.
Matilde made her way to the pit wall and sighed. It left her slightly frustrated, because it was her face, and sometimes she couldn't control it. However, she understood the importance of maintaining a professional image. It irked her that a moment of genuine reaction was now being criticised. She didn't know she looked that annoyed, but the celebrity deserved it.
The race started, and it proved to be an exciting one for Ferrari. The red cars delivered strong performances throughout the race. They managed to maintain their positions and put pressure on the leader, making it a challenging race for Red Bull. At some point, both cars moved to the front, had a battle and showed how much power they had.
Matilde sat behind the pit wall, her heart pounding quickly. This race had been a rollercoaster of emotions. For the fans, it may have been a pretty boring race, but for the team, the race kept unfolding in unpredictable twists and turns. As the final laps approached, a surge of anticipation filled the air over the entire track and at homes.
She watched the monitors closely, her eyes fixated on the map and the moving dots. One of the Ferraris had been in the lead. Both drivers showed incredible consistency and control. Their performances were a testament to their skills as drivers and the hard work the team had put into their cars.
The atmosphere around the pit wall was electric, with engineers and strategists analysing data, making split-second decisions and communicating well with the drivers. Matilde's heart swelled with pride as she saw the team working together seamlessly. It made her proud, happy and satisfied. The team worked together, and it went perfectly.
As the final laps ticked away, Matilde smiled at her dashboard. She knew the camera was pointed at her, so she held it back by biting on the inside of her cheek. The chequered flag waved, and the team erupted in cheers as the first red car crossed the finish line first place.
"P1, Carlos, P1!" Riccardo, his engineer, shouted happily on the radio.
The people who sat on the pit wall, clapped and cheered.
"Yes! Come on!" Carlos shouted. "We did it! Yes! Vamos!"
Matilde's heart soared with joy, and she couldn't contain the smile that spread across her face. Tears came in her eyes, tears of joy and excitement. She looked at the screen, laying her eyes on Charles' position. A neutral look returned to her face, as she felt she couldn't fully celebrate the victory yet, because Charles wasn't finished yet.
"That is P2!" Xavi, Charles' engineer, said.
"Yes, baby!" Charles happily cheered.
The smile of joy returned back to Matilde's face as Charles crossed the finish line. She raised her arms up in the air; her first victory with Ferrari with a perfect race. "Well done, guys! A solid race! This is just the beginning!"
"Thank you!" Carlos cheered over the radio.
"Merci, Matilde," Charles said and satisfiedly sighed.
She looked next to her, looking at the other people on the pit wall; they were all smiling happily. Someone padded her shoulder. Matilde turned around and saw one of the mechanics standing in front of her. They shared a hug full of happiness, causing her to giggle in surprise.
The entire team made their way to parc fermé. Carlos and Charles had parked their cars next to Max' car. The boys in red climbed out of their cars, hugged each other and then ran towards their team. They all cheered and hugged. Matilde watched from a distance, taking in all the happiness. No one could wipe off that smile from her face.
Carlos was standing a few metres away from Matilde. Their eyes locked, and he pulled out his arm. She got pushed forward by someone. Carlos took her in a bear hug. "We did it!"
"You were incredible, Carlos!" She laughed with sheer delight and padded his back. "Bien hecho," she said, saying he did well. He pulled back and laughed before moving away. It made Matilde happy to see how much his eyes sparkled, she could imagine what his smile looked like under his helmet. Her eyes fell on Charles, who was now standing in front of her. "Incredible race, Charles! Bien joué," she smiled, saying he did a good job.
The look in Charles' eyes softened, and he quickly hugged Matilde, not knowing what to do exactly. "Thanks," he said.
The standard procedure began: the drivers were weighed and interviewed. Because this was Miami, the drivers were picked up to get driven to the cooldown room. Matilde didn't want to stand on the podium, she thought someone else deserved it more to be there and represent the team. After that, the podium ceremony started with the Spanish and Italian national anthems, followed by the trophies and the famous champagne moment. Matilde watched it happening, this made her remember why she decided to join Ferrari; this was only the beginning of the adventure.
* * *
The restaurant was lively, with a vibrant atmosphere that matched the team's high spirit. The clinking glasses, laughter and the aroma of delectable dishes filled the air. Ferrari was celebrating their win, the entire team gathered at a long table - well, two long tables, eager to celebrate everything.
Charles sat between Andrea and Carlos, who were enjoying the evening. Stories were shared - personal ones and stories about this weekend. Charles looked around, it was a celebration of not only their professional success, but he noticed that the team was finally bonding again. He looked over his shoulder, trying to find one person in the crowd.
"Are you looking for someone?" Carlos asked and raised his eyebrows.
"Yes," Charles said and looked at his teammate. "Where's Matilde?"
Carlos looked around and shrugged. "I don't know. I haven't seen her here. why ?"
"Isn't it weird that she isn't here?" Charles grabbed his phone. "Perhaps we are just blind, and she's somewhere here." He went to WhatsApp to message her.
Charles Leclerc Hi Matilde, are you here yet?
Just a few minutes after the message was delivered, Matilde appeared online.
Matilde Jørgensen Hi Charles, what do you mean? Where should I be? 
Charles Leclerc The team diner
It concerned him. If she was at the diner, why would she ask where she should have been? He looked up from his phone, waiting for her to reply. His eyes scanned the people in the restaurant; he spotted people from other teams who seemed to enjoy their dinner to finish the week as well. Charles gave a small smile at someone who happened to look at him. Among the other guests, he found Max Verstappen and his team.
A woman next to him turned her head. Charles straightened his face; she was with them and not her own team to celebrate her own team's victory? Matilde met his gaze, her face straightening as well, but not in a way she felt caught. No, this was deeper. Her lips parted, and she scanned the area around Charles before their eyes met again. Charles saw a trace of pain in her expression, something that went beyond the surface. Her expression spoke volumes; she had no idea that they were there.
Charles looked back at his phone, seeing Matilde going offline. He looked at her again; she had turned her back to him. She whispered something in Max' ear, and then she accepted the shot glass that someone from Red Bull gave her. Laughter from their table filled the room after they downed their drink, and Max handed her another drink.
"Do you know why Matilde isn't here?" Charles asked someone who sat across from him, trying to figure out why she was standing next to Max and why she seemed off when she spotted the team.
The guy shrugged. "I have no idea. I thought someone said that she couldn't be here, that she declined the offer, which is weird, though."
Charles nodded. It didn't feel right, something was off. He wanted to go to her and ask about what was going on, but he didn't know what to say to her. Something was being asked of Charles. His attention shifted to the question, and he decided to talk to her in the morning.
A few minutes later, glasses of champagne were served to everyone at the Ferrari table, to everyone's surprise. They all shared bewildered glances, no one recalling ordering champagne.
One of the mechanics flagged down a waiter, expressing their confusion. "I'm sorry, but we did not order this," he politely said.
The waiter smiled politely as he clarified the situation. "It's to celebrate the win," he informed. "Compliments from your team principal." He gestured towards a figure standing a few metres away; their team principal.
All eyes turned towards her, and a sombre hush fell over the table. How they first looked surprised and bewildered, the celebratory mood was abruptly dampened. Matilde met their gaze, offering a small smile that seemed to express both pain and a touch of defiance. She gave them a nod in their direction before turning and leaving the restaurant with Max Verstappen and his team by her side.
Next chapter
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plumbaleena · 5 months
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An in depth guide on taking amazing pictures in the sims
Ever see other simmers and wonder "where the heck did they take that perfect shot"? Well, we've got you covered. I've teamed up with my dear friend K, who's a professional photographer and we have scouted the island of Sulani and gorgeous vineyards of Tartosa to bring you the PERFECT spots to get the exact picturesque location to "wow" anyone. Whether you're taking maternity, engagement, or even profile images, with our guide you'll always find the best spots.
We continue our journey with the gorgeous world of Tartosa.
Click HERE for Sulani
How does this work? Simply look at the world key we have provided and it'll tell you which lot/location to start at, then use the images below to determine exactly where to place your sim for the perfect shot.
Mods/guides we HIGHLY recommend when posing your sims /
preset / how to pose your sims with ww / pose player mod / teleport any sim / ui cheats / mccc
World map names /
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Tartosa Key /
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melancholicstation · 6 days
The Socially Active Secretary: Chapter Three
pairing: robert francis kennedy female ❤︎ original character charlotte agapov (secretary!reader)
author's note: a little impromptu diner date ... well why not
synopsis: charlotte agapov, a divorcee whom recently moved back to the states after a disastrous lovers quarrel, assumes the secretarial position to the most important man in America, but it is not he who has captured her attention, no. instead, it's his meek younger brother, the runt of the kennedy pack, bobby francis kennedy.
[ 1640 words ]
taglist: @kennediva @absurdlyvintage @bloxholden35 @astro-vibes-bro @h-l-vlovesvintage @kimcrystal123 @krazyforkennedy @fortheloveofjos @remotewatch
chapter one, two, three
masterlist, charlotte moodboard, rfk moodboard
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Chapter Three
May 3rd, 1962
Charlotte started off her evening with a plate of boiled eggs and butter, and steaming coffee on the hotplate. Dressed in a cotton voile nightgown with a smocking along the neckline, that was constricting in a pleasant manner. Since her aunt had gone into town to visit one of her, despite her genuine personality, many toffee-nosed, haughty friends in Plymouth Charlotte was left to her own devices. A state of being that Charlotte would come to know was entirely dangerous.
This loneliness of Charlotte had birthed a new idea of hers that she should re-engage with the nightlife that she had so recklessly abandoned in her early twenties. Charlotte felt that those nights were the only ones in which she truly felt like the woman she had been forced to push down.
The nineteen year-old version of Charlotte seemed to be football stadium sized gulfs away from the 29 year old woman she had morphed into. Nineteen year old Charlotte was free, and accompanied by a girlish charm of ambivalence and whimsy. In all her glory dressed in her jumpsuit and chainmail balaclava, eating steak tartare and drinking whiskey sours at Harry Cipriani every night. This nose-dove into nostalgia turned into Charlotte, through the assistance of a very rickety very unstable wicker chair, finding old photo albums kept in the attic of her aunt that her mom had stored years ago. Some were of Charlotte departing in and out of restaurants with a big, bright grin on her face, others of her with some friends from boarding school. They were all pictured posing very dramatically on top of each other in such a way that instantly gave way to the fact that they all had done theatre as adolescents.
As a result of this Charlotte decided that she was going to make the most out of this getaway and book a four course tasting for one at Cuvée at Chatham Inn. How decedent!, she thought. She could feel her excitement churning up inside her, what a silly thing to get excited to spend dinner along Charlotte thought, teasing herself. But the predicament of what she was going to wear however, was less exhilarating for the young woman.
She had now been staring down the mate-shift closet she had made in the interim period of her stay in the cape for almost an hour, searching for something to fit the opulence of the Curvée that wasn't in the dull muted tones that Charlotte had dressed herself in lately. Most items were textured mohair, cotton, or suede in organised colours of military green, cloudy brown, and porcelain. Certainly not fit for the Chatham Inn that's for sure. That was, until Charlotte in her almost manic manhunt for the perfect outfit came across her equivalent of the green light in the Gatsby novel; a strapless satin minidresses gathered at the hem in light khaki.
The best option of a bad bunch sure, but it would have to do. She opted for a pair of wedges in patent leather and a hand-painted shoulder bag given to Charlotte by her esoterically inclined grandmother from her dad's side. After applying rouge and lipstick all in shades reminiscent of smoked salmon, she gathered her hair in a half-up half-down style that she had remembered dog-earing in the April issue of Women's Weekly. And with that, she pranced out the door.
Cervée wasn't a quick walk so Charlotte called a car to drive her to the Inn. Charlotte should really look into the mindfulness her mother had been just raving about in their most recent call, because it appeared that Charlotte had zoned out for the entirety of the 20 minute car ride and only been broken from the trance at the prompt of the driver asking for a 20% tip, which she would then politely give.
As she entered the Inn, and was promptly escorted to the private dining space of the restaurant by a man donned in black dress pants, Charlotte was greeted by the aroma of cinnamon and patchouli filling all her fourth sense.
The room seemed calmly bare with only one person at the bar, and another elderly couple seated by the bay window facing the coastline.
The first course, Hamachi was delectable and paired with an equally excellent wine pairing. However Charlotte was temporarily distracted by the voice of the person ordering a second Mai Tai cocktail, a voice so familiar that Charlotte was sure she had heard it before. But just as Charlotte's curiosity could get the best of her the second course was brought out.
The second course was sea scallops, with a side of celery root, grapefruit and fennel. It was of Charlotte's opinion that the food got better at each course. Throughout the interim of her second course Charlotte had willed this familiar stranger to turn his head, either to confirm that yes, he was the man she had run into in the lighthouse, or that her persistent loneliness had finally caught up to Charlotte and she had begun going into delirium. Charlotte's misery was cut short as the mystery man suddenly turned his head, his penetrating blue eyes framed by mousy blond tendrils circling in on the sat figure that was Charlotte from across the room. So that is Bobby, she thought.
Oh no, the poor man must think I'm some crazed stalker following him around the cape, I wouldn't be all that surprised if he got up and left right this instance, Charlotte mused inwardly. However these thoughts were put to rest as Robert made his way across the floor, with the beauty and grace of a seasoned Juilliard trained ballerina.
"Funny place to find you Charlotte, I mused you as more of a diner girl, I guess I thought wrong now didn't I?" He chuckles in a self-conscious way designed to defuse the unmarked tension between the pair.
"Oh how wrong you were Bobby, how very wrong" Charlotte admonishes in jest, giggling in her delivery. Charlotte could practically hear the voice of her mother urging that such a sound should not come from a dignified woman over the age of twenty. But she couldn't find much in herself to care at the moment, not when the man in front of her brought out feelings that Charlotte couldn't yet assign a name to.
"Would you mine me sitting down a moment, I'm afraid I've been on my feet since 4am"
"Four am?" Charlotte nearly spills her drink in her dumbfounded delivering--"What on earth kind of employer has you filling in those kinds of hours?"
"Working for my brother that's who" Bobby states with a reverent look of pride in his eyes.
"Oh your brother, would I know him by chance?"
"Maybe-maybe not" Bobby remarks in a tone not dissimilar to a school boy who had just set up a prank for his teacher. Despite this Charlotte finds charm in it.
As the third course is brought out the pair continue talking about trivial things, while Bobby shovels small amounts of parmesan into his mouth while effortlessly keeping up conversation.
To the unbeknownst eye, or to bypasses at the Inn, the pair looked as though they had been lovers for as long as they had been alive.
But evidently they had not, and so the questions begun
"Now what's an girl with a ring on talking to a guy like me for" he states, while motioning his hand towards the sapphire oval ring set in 18-karat white gold glimmering on Charlottes fourth finger of her left hand.
Shoot, Charlotte thought. Her daily routine of putting on her wedding ring had stuck, even after the divorce. "It's not what you think, I promise. I've recently got divorced and y'know old habits die hard I guess." She says while chuckling nervously, bracing herself for Bobby to be completely turned away by her awkward and rambling justification.
But instead he simply smiles in a manner so disarming that it seems to immediately regulate her nervous system. "Not a problem with me at all. I have certainly had my fix of lovers quarrels Charlotte, I'll tell you that".
"Oh really? do tell Bobby please it's only fair" Charlotte pleads.
Bobby immediately concedes and goes into a particularly hilarious tale of him trying to ask a girl to homecoming, only to find out she had already been asked out by two of his own brothers.
This prompts Charlotte to ask about his luck in love after high school, to which his whole demeanour seems to shift as he quickly rushes out that he fell in love with a girl who then, as it turns out, fell in love with her ski instructor instead, leaving him at the altar of nineteen fifty.
At this revelation Charlotte decides to back off and move onto lighter topics. Here she learns of Bobby's two dogs that he fathers; a Newfoundland named "brumes" and a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named "freckles".
By the fourth course, steelhead trout and coconut lime sage, Bobby and Charlotte's chairs are now paralleled with each other and increasingly close. As Charlotte looks up to somewhere other than the man in front of her for the first time in what she could imagine could've easily been two hours, she sees that the time is bordering on 8pm. Bobby catches on, and draws his eyes to the clock.
"I guess we should head out before they kick us out huh, Wouldn't want to be banned from Carvée now would we?" Robert remarks.
"Oh the horrors it would be!" Charlotte laughs.
As the pair reaches the driveway of the Inn, a tense silence falls upon the two. No, not a silence born out of boredom but of yearning.
"So--shall we go back to my place?"
End of Chapter Three
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blogtaculous · 1 year
I really want to give a shout-out to the Mobile Frame Zero community for the really, really cool work they’ve done since the following work was made possible by their efforts.
So, I watched all of Evangelion and was like “wow, mechs vs monsters is so sick like for real”
So my next Lego project is going to be mechs vs monsters in a micro city, thus continuing my trend of projects that stretch my collection instead of building on it.
While Brikwars shenanigans continue I have been building the mechs.
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Here they are, a handsome little collection.
I wanted to write this post to expand on the lore of each machine but also to give credit to the excellent mech and frame builders I copied from. I think I have a real talent for castles and landscapes but machines and space builds still don’t feel right, so I’m thankful for others who have paved the way.
From left to right:
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W-024 “Ancient Ode” is one of the original War Class mechs before the expansion of their battlefield roles, and is now one of the last to operate. It owes its longevity to numerous upgrades given its stellar combat record across conflicts and operators. It keeps its original colors, an homage to the Army it used to serve.
This one is based on principles from Josh's Super Chub Marines, though I've multiplied the legs and made some significant changes to the arms and shoulders. This mech was originally going to be a melee focused machine, but the super chub legs have some balance problems when posing, and I was frustrated by the lack of articulation in the ankles.
The solution came to me in a dream (Armored Core VI). I doubled the legs for a quadrupedal design, inspired by the success I had using them against Sea Spider. Now it stays upright effortlessly and I could also use more sand green (one of the best Lego colors). In general, the four legs allow for beefier body parts and the back-mounted rocket launcher.
“W-class” refers to a time when mechs were first used for warfare instead of construction or manufacturing. Today, Ancient Ode would be referred to a BL-Class (Battleline), but owing to its service record the original classification sticks. Ancient Ode is the Ma Deuce of battle mechs. I enhanced the build with stickers from the Avatar sets, though I was disappointed when the sand green on the stickers clashes with the brick color.
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A-094 "Distant Oath" was one of the first artillery class mechs produced, as such the it was outfitted with a now-obsolete shoulder-mounted heavy cannon. While heavy cannon mounted in this manner such as the LM-15 Ultra Sonic have gone out of fashion in favor of much larger cannon or shorter range missile pods (a precursor of which is mounted on the right shoulder), it has been impractical to repurpose A-class mechs like Distant Oath.
Distant Oath is heavily based on the MF0 frame Uhlan Marine by skroberto on Flickr. I had to figure out most of it from his photos and other resources on the MF0 Facebook page. It's a great frame, but I made some internal changes to make it suitable for physical construction. Unfortunately, it is the least stable mech in the collection because the “knee” joint is a round tile using opposite anti-studs to hold the legs together.
Given the stability problems and its size I decided it would be an artillery piece. I added some stickers from a Mindstorms set, and the “A” in “A-class” was derived from the stickers. The cannon has one that says “Ultra Sonic” so that’s the name of the cannon. Distant Oath was almost a shade of blue, but I was using Orange while I designed it and decided I loved it too much to change.
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S-62-2 “Wild Eyes” is a strike/support class mech designed for air superiority missions. These machines are among the newest frames produced, with boosted legs for softer landings and a lighter exoskeleton to let the booster engines really shine. They are useful for sustained flight and boosting directly into engagements.
This is a combination of concepts from -SuspendedAnimation-'s Rigel II and Andromeda MFO frames that use their X-11 core.
Wild Eyes is a strike/support class because I’ve decided that machines that are smaller and more mobile can have so many different roles that it would be impractical to classify them all different. The color chosen for the only soft blue that includes the chest piece and the shoulder bricks. Wild Eyes is a little lanky after I modified the arms to be more posable and it looked very “flight” to me so I gave them a real set of boost engines designed to fly around and harass.
I used more mindstorms stickers since they are transparent, but I was able to find some for the fund that say “Danger, Jet Blast” in a Marvel jet I could cut apart to fit.
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S-973 No Survivors is a strike/support class mech designed for sustained ground operations. It's outfitted with stronger than standard armor and a booster engine for mobility to offset the additional weight. Additionally, it's equipped with a utility launcher for tactical munitions or a short range pile driver. Often, this style of S-class mechs carries a melee weapon, and No Survivors wields an RES (Rapid Energy Sword).
This one is a modified version of -SuspendedAnimation-'s Comanche core. I changed the shoulder and elbow assembly because I don't like how fragile modified tiles and taps are, something I also did for Wild Eyes and Ancient Ode. The rifle is their design as well.
Once again, the mech’s numerical designation is derived from the stickers. This one uses several unmodified from a Marvel jet. Like Distant Oath, No Survivors has last resort munitions in the chest. The RES isn’t a static blade like a lot of other mech settings, as that would be impractical when trying to fight in between buildings. It operates a little bit like a lightsaber, activating when necessary, and the energy isn’t all that stable. It explodes out from the handle and is closer to a giant lighter than a true sword.
I’m excited to get the city built for the mechs to romp around in. I have a few buildings mocked up already, but I don’t have space for more until I can block out the roadways. I love how AC6 cities are laid out and will be taking lots of inspiration from there. I also want to do some retractable structures like Tokyo-3.
Anyway, have a good day, thanks for checking out my work.
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atarathegreat · 1 year
Keigo Takami- Clean
Red carpet events were a stupid prelude to even dumber interviews. Pictures and reporters that didn't actually care about anything but a story and some clout.
"Hawks! Hawks, over here!" Cameramen yelled, and we'd turn like we were puppets and smile. Every third step was a turn, a pose, a smile. I'd grown bored the second we walked through the main door. I hated it. My eyes burned from the flashing lights and I couldn't even hear myself think over the many yelling people. Keigo tucked my loose bangs back behind my ear, his smile was almost as blinding as the cameras. That picture would be in an article in a few short hours.
"You look beautiful, I can't wait to see all the press you're gonna get!" Keigo smirked, his smile falling when a certain idiotic song began to play.
They played songs to let the heroes know who they were about to call up for an interview. Keigo's song was drug related, it was the same every time. It brought down his mood exponentially and worsened my already bad temper. It was like he wanted to hide in his red velvet tux coat, and it was impossible to miss the way his feathers puffed up. I felt my temper go up another notch, anger hurting my chest a little.
"Y/n, a few questions, please?" A slim woman asked from across the deep velvet ropes.
I wandered to the edge of the carpet, pulling at the bottom of my dress so I wouldn't trip. Keigo wanted to match as much as we could so he got me into a red lacey dress that had faux feathers over the sweetheart neckline.
The woman looked rather serious, "Miss Y/n, can you tell us what you're wearing tonight?"
A drag of a question, but it was better than the usual about my relationship with a pro hero, "She's called Crimson Rider by an unknown seamstress out in the countryside. Plunging sweetheart neckline with lace sleeves, and guess how much! Only one hundred thirty dollars, can you believe that! And look at how long the bottom is, I've nearly tripped over it twice today."
Anyone could've swam in the sickly sweet voice I put on, it left a sour taste in my mouth from how thick it was. The woman didn't seem to mind at all, just smiled as I answered her questions. Hawks' fans would have a fit over the price being even that high. It wasn't my problem, Keigo bought what he knew I'd wear, and he kept it cheap. Well, cheaper that he normally did, to my relief.
"You're engaged to the number two hero, wouldn't you like something a bit more… extravagant?" The woman asked, her forehead wrinkled in mock confusion. A tell-tale sign that she wasn't interested in the slightest.
I shook my head, "I don't need high end clothes to be happy. As long as Hawks comes home to me alive, I'll be okay. And he bought this as a gift, I buy all my clothes because he gets the expensive things."
The man had a horrible habit of trying to spoil me. Not that I hated it, but he could be cheaper about it.
Keigo still hadn't smoothed himself out by the time I returned to him, so I stood behind him and unruffled his wings. He sighed, "Why do they always have to play this song? Couldn't they pick something else for once?"
A smile replaced his upset face as he noticed what I was holding, "Hummingbird, you didn't! Are you trying to cause a scene?"
Nodding, I kissed him. Cameras went crazy and the flashes would've blinded me if my eyes had been open. My left arm was outstretched, Keigo's three year sober coin held so everyone would see the gold metal with black lettering. I used my quirk to stick it to his jacket before we entered for the interview, it wouldn't be missed in any tabloids or photos.
Keigo sat more confidently while he spoke, angled almost purposefully to show the coin. I answered the questions that were aimed at me and kept my cool.
Our interviewer had been decent and had skipped plenty of question cards, I was starting to enjoy the moment, "How is it being engaged to such a fiery woman?"
"She's the best!" Keigo smiled, draping a soft wing over my shoulders, "My hummingbird keeps me grounded, sane and ready for life. She got me into rehab, helped me turn my life around. I'm the luckiest man ever to have her."
When I'd met the birdbrain he was strung out on every drug he could get his hands on. It was public information, articles even had photos of him doing them at parties. Keigo hated that it was public, he knew he could never escape it no matter how far he ran.
Keigo had been angry when I'd filled our living room with representatives from rehabs, in his emotional rampage he'd accidently slapped the side of my head and my left ear now constantly had a ringing in it. I didn't blame him, as he hadn't meant to, but he definitely still blamed himself.
That was four years and one slip up ago.
"And you, Miss L/n, how is life as a heroes fiance?" The man asked, a fake smile plastered on his lips. I felt my stomach dropping.
"Aside from the worry that he won't come home to me, it's great. Hawks is the sweetest man I've ever met. I never have to worry about anything." I smiled at my blond partner, "He's attentive and caring, there's never a morning I don't wake up without breakfast made or feeling loved."
The interviewer shuffled his cards, scowling at the next question, "Do you ever worry that he'll fall into his old habits? Being a womaniser and an addict?"
All the respect left my body as soon as he stopped talking, "His hero facade isn't who he really is, you might be surprised to find that we met organically through a business party."
Her tried to back track, but I'd already seen the shame and guilt on Keigo's face, "We're done here. Thank you, have a good night. Let's go, love."
Once we entered our home, Keigo unzipped the back of my dress and disappeared into the bathroom. I would've followed if I hadn't known he wanted to be left alone. Sometimes he needed the solitude and I was always there when he wanted the love right after.
It bothered him more than anything that his past was haunting him, I was the one who shut down any and all attempts of reporters to bring it up. Keigo had gotten used to me going along with him and stopping the press, he himself wasn't the type to leave those things on his own. My pushiness only grew with his discomfort, I wasn't above breaking things either. Cameras often fell victim to my aggressions.
He was still hiding when I was done getting changed, only my makeup needing to be removed. I knocked on the door, hearing a faint "Come in, Birdie."
Keigo was in the shower, peeking around the curtain, "Makeup?"
I nodded and leaned over our sink, gently scrubbing with the remover pads, "It gets itchy after a while, honestly. I'd never wear it if your secretary didn't book me each time."
His wet arms wrapped around my waist, "I'll let her know not to include you next time, that sound good?"
The room fell silent, aside from the shower going behind us. I pretended that I was still removing the persistent powder from my face so he could stay pressed against me. It felt like sometimes he was just wanting anything to anchor him back to earth, and he always found me. I never got bored of him in any capacity, even when some would call him clingy.
"I'm still sober, hummingbird, I promise. I haven't touched that shit in years, and I won't ever again. I promise you I won't, I promise…" His sad voice made my heart stop. He'd never sounded so defeated, not even when he had failed the program the last time, "That's not who I am anymore. Not who I'll ever be again."
"I know, birdbrain, that's why I defend you everyday." I shuffled around to hold him closer to me, "Finish your shower so we can go to bed. I'll set up a meeting with your sponsor tomorrow, see what he thinks we can do going forward."
Keigo kissed me, his pupils mere slits and he truly reminded me of a bird of prey, "No therapists, please. I feel like a big enough loser."
"I know, love."
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speedykiwi814 · 8 months
Fairytale Ending.
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Pairing: Lando Norris x Oscar Piastri
Part: 1/1 (maybe)
Tags: fluff, basically a love letter to oscar, angst, lando's massive celebrity crush, this was gonna be a cute get-together fic but ended up sad
Requested: yes/no
The thing about Lando is that he never seems to stop talking.
He goes on and on until someone stops him or he stops himself.
They often stop him with a joking remark or look at him blankly until he realises.
And it's embarrassing every time. All Lando wants to do is jump into the nearest car and run it off the edge of a cliff.
People always laugh and tell him it's fine while others politely act like they don't notice.
The ones who end up being used to it always tell him they'll listen if he ever wants to rant.
They never mean it though.
The thing about people saying they'll listen to you is that they really mean that they'll sit there and nod while thinking about something else.
Lando likes to say that it doesn't bother him whenever he jokingly talks about it, but in truth, it stings to see them looking unfocused.
Like they don't care.
Oscar's different though.
He listens.
He really, truly listens.
He listens and he smiles- fuck, that smile and he cares and engages in conversation.
No matter how long Lando can talk for, Oscar's always there to share his thoughts.
It doesn't matter what time of day it is. Oscar always seems to have time for Lando.
Even when he calls him at 3 am in a panic about an upcoming race.
It's just one of the many reasons why Lando loves Oscar.
In fact, he carries a little brown notebook wherever he goes so he can write down the little endearing things Oscar does.
It's so ridiculous that he sometimes laughs openly whenever he thinks about it.
It feels like it's something straight out of a cheesy romcom, but he loves it anyway.
Some of his favourite ones (but let's be real, they're all his favourites) include;
-Always having time for him no matter what
-The little grin he always gives Lando whenever they lock eyes, a secretive smile, just for them.
-His concentration face every time he does something because he always tries at everything he does, and it's ridiculous how much he cares.
Oscar isn't aware of any of this or of the photo album in Lando's phone with saved edits from tiktok and more fan art than he's willing to admit.
And all the pictures he's taken whenever he wasn't looking.
The pictures are just for him, to admire and to miss when he's all alone in a club trying to squash down his feelings.
It feels an awful lot like having a celebrity crush.
Lando always gets so giddy every time he sees him in person and finds himself stalking Oscar's social media's and looking at posts that mention him.
He's even thought about asking for his autograph as a 'joke' and hanging it on his wall.
It's an obsession.
And like most celebrity crushes, he'll never have a chance.
The most obvious reason why is because they're teammates.
It's so conflicting, and whenever they have to get together to do something for the media, he has to physically restrain himself from blurting out everything he wants to say about Oscar's too perfect hair.
The second reason is that Oscar is definitely straight.
He's pretty much the definition of 'just some guy'.
And really, Lando could have anyone, but his heart chose the person who is the literal standing guy emoji?
It's quite an interesting choice.
They have these moments late at night when they're both tired after a long day of posing for the camera or trying their best but still not being the best in a race.
It's these moments where they curl up on a bed together in one of their hotel rooms, and Oscar lets Lando talk about anything and everything while he listens and rubs comforting circles on Lando's back.
He would never admit it to anyone, but he's cried a few times like this, head buried in Oscar's shoulder while he frets about his performance on the track and whether or not he's good enough.
No matter how many tear stains he leaves in Oscar's annoying papaya colored shirts and boring plain white shirts, Oscar always lets him cry.
When Lando is willing, he'll even offer some supporting words and help him through it.
Lando really couldn't ask for a better teammate.
Because that's all they'll ever be, just team mates.
Sometimes, when he's all alone in his empty hotel room, he lets himself wonder if the only reason he's still on the grid is because he's young and popular.
If the only reason why anybody wants him is because of his personality and if he didn't have that, wouldn't he have nothing?
Wouldn't he be nothing?
He's expressed these thoughts to Oscar, who immediately shot them down with an offended look as if it was about him and not about Lando.
"Why would you even think like that?"
He'd whispered one night, holding Lando's hand in his and for one stupid, blinding second Lando felt like his feelings might actually be reciprocated.
He really thought that just maybe, maybe he wouldn't be alone in the confusing and conflicting feelings he felt.
Feelings that made him feel like he was doing something wrong.
But it would've been so easy, to just lean in and kiss him.
People don't understand Lando.
They say that they do, but they don't.
Oscar's the one who changes that.
With his understanding smile and sparkly eyes he's the one that Lando would pick out of a crowd in a heartbeat.
He may seem boring or uninteresting to other people, but to Lando, he's something way more than that.
Oscar listens and doesn't make fun of Lando in the way others do.
Don't get him wrong, he's fine with people laughing at him, and Oscar laughs too, but it's just.. different.
Different in a refreshing way that makes Lando want more.
When they got their first podium together at Suzuka, Lando glanced over at Oscar and really felt like he could just grab him right then and show how much he loved him in front of the whole world.
But he would never dare to.
He was standing with a blinding smile, basking in the cheering, and he looked straight out of a fairytale.
And Lando wished so badly that he could get a fairytale ending with this stupidly endearing boy.
A happy ending is all that he could ever want.
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