Manik Hospital | Best dialysis center in Aurangabad
Manik hospital Dialysis Centre provides both emergency and elective services with efficient staff to provide the best quality care to the patient.
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physicianscare · 3 years
Diabetes Care
Diabetes affects one out of every 10 people on the planet. This silent epidemic affects 72.9 million adults in India, making it the country with the second highest number of diabetics. China tops the list with about 116 million diabetics. If you have diabetes, your body is unable to process and use glucose from your food properly. Diabetes comes in many forms, each with its own set of causes, but they all have one thing in common: an excess of glucose in the bloodstream. Because type 2 diabetes can be prevented or delayed, it is critical to promote knowledge about the condition and find measures to lower your risk.
Diabetes Types
Diabetes develops when your body's cells are unable to absorb and use sugar (glucose) for energy. As a result, more sugar accumulates in your system. Diabetes that is not effectively controlled can have major health consequences, such as damage to a range of organs and tissues in your body, such as your heart, kidneys, eyes, and nerves. Diabetes is classified into several categories, which are as follows:
Diabetes type 1
This is an autoimmune disorder, which means your body attacks itself. In this condition, the insulin-producing cells in your pancreas are destroyed. Type 1 diabetes affects up to 10% of diabetic people. Diabetes is most typically diagnosed in children and adolescents, and it is also referred to as "juvenile" diabetes. Type 1 diabetics must take insulin on a daily basis.
Type 2 diabetes
With this type, your body either doesn’t make enough insulin or your body’s cells don’t respond normally to the insulin. It is the most common type of diabetes and up to 95% of people with diabetes have Type 2.
This is the stage preceding Type 2 diabetes. Your blood glucose levels are higher than normal, but not yet high enough to be diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.
Diabetes during pregnancy
Some women develop this kind during their pregnancy. Gestational diabetes normally resolves itself after the pregnancy. However, it may increase your risk of acquiring Type 2 diabetes later in life in some women.
Symptoms of Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes symptoms often appear gradually over several years and are so minor that you may not even notice them. The following are the most prevalent symptoms of type 2 diabetes that should be investigated further:
Urination occurs frequently.
I'm quite thirsty and hungry.
Unknown cause of weight loss
Having hazy eyesight
Hand or foot numbness or tingling
I'm exhausted.
Wounds that heal slowly
Type 2 Diabetes Risk Factors
Type 2 diabetes is recognised to have a significant genetic component, which means it runs in families. If you have a parent, brother, or sister who has this condition, your chances of having it are much higher. Aside from your family history, the following factors significantly enhance your chances of developing type 2 diabetes:
Blood pressure is too high.
High levels of cholesterol
Unhealthy eating habits
Excessive alcohol consumption
Sedentary way of life
Obesity or being overweight
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Complications of diabetes
 Diabetics are more likely to develop a number of serious health problems. Over time, high blood glucose levels can cause serious problems with the heart and blood vessels, as well as the eyes, kidneys, nerves, and teeth. Furthermore, diabetics are more susceptible to get infections. Diabetes is a leading cause of heart disease, blindness, kidney failure, and lower limb amputation. Regularly monitor your blood sugar levels to help delay or avoid diabetic problems. The following are the most prevalent health issues among diabetics:
 Diabetes-related retinopathy
Coronary artery disease
Diabetes-related nephropathy
Complications of pregnancy
Diabetes-related foot disease
 Diabetes preventive care
If you are at risk, you may be able to avoid or postpone the beginning of diabetes. Making healthy lifestyle adjustments on time can help lower your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Here are some of the preventive methods that have been suggested:
Keep a healthy weight
Maintain a healthy diet.
Regular exercise is essential.
Give up smoking.
Keep track of your health statistics.
Understand your risk.
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Best Dialysis Center in Aurangabad | Manik Hospital
How was your experience at Manik Hospital & Dialysis Center? Good Bad . Overview · Ratings. Address.
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Finding the Best Dialysis Center in Aurangabad
You have a lot to think about regarding your treatment if you have been recommended for dialysis. The dialysis center you select becomes your temporary residence. Your experience receiving dialysis can be made or broken by the facility's location, surroundings, and staff. It makes sense that selecting the best dialysis center can be difficult. But it doesn't have to be that way with a little preparation!
So, how do you select the best dialysis center?
Consider About the Location
One of the multiple factors that might distinguish one facility from another is a fantastic location. After all, if you select one that is convenient for you, you will have more time for the activities you prefer. You don't want to spend any more time than necessary waiting in traffic because treatments can take a while.
Consider on your comfort
You desire a dialysis facility that is spotless, pleasant, comfortable, and attractive. To make the time spent receiving treatments go by more swiftly, think about selecting a facility with lots of privacy, cosy dialysis stations, and entertainment.
Think about the Staff
The personnel in charge of your care must be great, knowledgeable, and sympathetic. You need healthcare professionals who will treat you holistically and who will treat you as a person, not simply another nephrology patient.
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Best Dialysis Center In Aurangabad – Manik Hospital
With the onset of this critical situation impeding the world, patients with kidney problems must exercise extreme caution. If you have kidney disease, you are more likely to contract dreadful diseases, particularly coronavirus. This is a major source of concern for dialysis patients.
Nowadays, everyone is more concerned with finding a dialysis centre near their workplace or home than with which dialysis treatment option they choose. Many patients' thinking has slowed as a result of the pandemic. It has begun to make them feel insecure and has caused them to seriously consider their security in the long run. They prefer to be safe and secure rather than go to a hospital where they are at risk. It has significantly increased the demand for a well-organized and sanitised dialysis hospital rather than a crowded and ill-equipped facility.
These are some of the concerns that many patients have when they visit a dialysis centre these days: -
• Where should I go for dialysis?
Dialysis patients should be aware of the procedure. The two main types of kidney dialysis are haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis (PD). If your consultant or doctor suggests that you undergo haemodialysis after having your body analysed, you have two options. One option is to undergo traditional in-center or home haemodialysis (HHD). If you and your doctor decide on peritoneal dialysis (PD), it is preferable to train yourself and perform dialysis at home.
Contact Manik Hospital for better advice and consultation. The team of experts and skilled doctors assists you in determining the best way to treat your kidneys and recover with the best dialysis method.
• Can I decide where I can get dialysis?
Yes, in most cases, patients have the freedom to choose their dialysis centre. Your insurance company and policy may also be affected, as they will not reimburse you if you had dialysis at a facility that is not affiliated with them.
When selecting a dialysis center, look for cleanliness, infection control, better facilities, and on-time service. Most patients prefer to choose a dialysis clinic that is conveniently located near where they live or work.
Manik Hospital has a location in the district of Aurangabad.The most convenient way to find the best dialysis centre in Aurangabad is to book an appointment online in your preferred time slot. It is not only simple, but it is also useful in an emergency. With the current Pandemic scenario in mind, online booking remains a safe option for reducing your interaction with the crowded booking booth to a certain extent.
• Am I allowed to visit a dialysis centre and take a tour before I start dialysis?
Yes, visiting your dialysis centre and taking a tour is a fantastic idea. It is critical to get to know and communicate with the people who will be with you during your dialysis: the staff, doctors, and assistants. It motivates you and makes you feel positive and comfortable in an environment where you require the best treatment possible.
Manik Hospital is well-known for its cheerful and humble staff. They assist you in making your dialysis procedure more comfortable and inspire you to brighten the new horizon of your life with bright colours and positivity.
• What are the benefits of a dialysis centre that I should know before choosing the best dialysis centre for me?
Every dialysis centre is unique and distinct. The facilities and benefits of each centre may differ from one another. Furthermore, policies and practises differ from one centre to another. Some dialysis amenities vary depending on the treatments and health care that patients require around their workplace or family obligations, while others do not. Some of them allow patients to eat their meals during dialysis, while others do not. Some dialysis centres may have internet access, patient education, and exercise programmes, while others do not. As a result, each centre is unique. All you can do is make a list of questions and amenities you might need at your centre to feel comfortable and relaxed. This list should include every possible aspect you will require during your dialysis procedure, and you should ensure that the dialysis centre has all of the amenities you want to finalise before making a decision.
• Why Manik Hospital???
We are all aware of the world's difficulties. The Pandemic has created a tremendous amount of fear among dialysis patients. Manik Hospital has covered every small factor and matter of concern, keeping each aspect of worry in mind. It ensures proper safety and good health facilities while motivating the patient. The best dialysis center in Aurangabad has a well-trained and cheerful staff that is helpful and encourages patients to get better as soon as possible.
It facilitates a phone appointment with a easyclick. There are options for online meetings and consultations.
They ensure a zero-infection kit for sanitary purposes.
They are a fully certified team of experts and trained staff who provide the highest quality dialysis.
With the advent of pandemics, they help patients by providing home dialysis services, as well as plasmapheresis.
You can schedule an online nephrologist consultation, endocrinologist consultation, or dietitian consultation whenever it is convenient for you.
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