totally-sapphic-posts · 5 months
How long have you been a lesbian for?
How long I’ve been sapphic is 5 years now.
Tbh, I don’t fully identify with being a lesbian, I just use sapphic. I don’t use bi either, because it doesn’t feel quite there. But I won’t go with lesbian because every once in a while I get romantically attracted to a male (my romantic attraction to people is very intellectually based). I’m not physically attracted to men though, for clarity.
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"I'm bi, without the sexual~" - that one audio.
Bi-Romantic Solrin pfp just dropped.
She doesn't think sex is swag. She doesn't mind it, but she wouldn't do it. She'd prefer just laying and putting her head in chest and sleep.
Does she feel a bit horny/sexual at times? Yes.
Will she act on it? Yeah, but by just doing stuff that burns that 'energy' off like running or swimming. She also really likes making out, she likes kisses and smooches and hugging and kissing and cuddling and kissing. Any kisses are nice (even Hershey kisses)
Solrin: *kisses LI*
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insomniakingdoom · 1 year
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genderqueerdykes · 12 days
biphobia is everywhere no matter where you look. people who are not bi love to create very rigid definitions of what bi "does" or "should" mean but nobody ever listens to how bi people define it. every bi person defines their bisexuality differently from the next person. most bisexual people will gladly tell you what being bi means for them, but nobody wants to listen to that. there are as many expressions of bisexuality as there are bi people on this earth. everyone experiences it a bit differently and that's okay- but you have to actually listen to us in order to get an idea of what that means and looks like. you can't just speak over and for us and expect to get a remotely accurate idea of what bisexuality actually means and looks like to bisexuals.
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erabu-san · 7 months
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Do you feel bonita
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k-wame · 7 months
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sonlc · 2 months
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had a really strong urge to draw sonaze today and i dont know why. anyways theyre sapphic and t4t <3
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every time i watch anything with him in it (admittingly, predominantly from the Dropout app), i am reminded that Lou Wilson is the most handsome man to have ever lived. like, objectively. he just is. i will hear no arguments for any other person to be ranked higher. Lou Wilson: whose face single-handedly shows humanity can go no higher in beauty. he is THE most attractive man in the world. argue with the wall lmao
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thatcatbasil · 4 months
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happy pride! here's the t4t supercomputers and their cats
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deadtiredghost · 3 months
So we are all aware that these two mfs share the cringefail gene of being simps:
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But I do believe that these two would have similarly terrible romantic plots if given half the chance and am very grateful that these plots were NOT INCLUDED. Thank god. That might have actually been more traumatic than the movie.
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ladyl0v3r · 2 years
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thunderstomm · 2 months
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Teen Dev + Hazel doodle from a few days ago (I don’t normally post my traditional artwork so forgive me for the terrible lighting and poor colouring)
I think they’re sweet 💛💙 she’s infodumping about rocks to him (:
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insomniakingdoom · 1 year
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btw here my personal hc. I know you don’t care but there you go. He’s a DISASTER BI and he’s very akward about it. I imagine Wario as being “mostly” straight, like on the curious side if you will, but not on the acespec, so Waluigi had to come out to him and explain what asexual means. I’ve also written a fanfiction about it, tho I’m not cringe enough to post it yet. You’ll have to wait until I’m mad enough to do it. Tho basically he come out, explain plainly the definition, Wario doesn’t gets it but he’s like “wathev’ we’re still friends, want to gets some food?” and that’s about it. I imagine Wario liking very crude humor and after the coming out of Waluigi, he respect the fact that his friend finds it inconfortable and tones it down. 
It was supposed to me just posting the image without context then leaving, but guess I got into rambling again. Enjoy I guess. 
Oh yea, I’m on the team “they’re not actual bros” I kinda like the theme of founded family, so I prefer to view it as like, adopted bros. They’re not biologically brothers, but still act as if they are. 
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genderqueerdykes · 12 days
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thank you both for this, i was literally in the process of writing a post about this as i saw these.
i came out as bisexual when i was about 19 or 20 years old, in 2011 - 2012. this was such a difficult thing because everyone around me suddenly had very pointed opinions on me. suddenly i wasn't queer anymore, i was a straight person. i asked people why and they said well bisexual people are half straight, which makes you straight, which means gay people don't want to be around you. i was told nobody likes bisexuals because they're too straight to be gay and too gay to be straight
i had a literal personal dilemma because i didn't feel like that at all. when i was realizing i was bisexual i was realizing i was attracted to all genders in a queer way. i did NOT feel like my attraction to men, women or genderqueer people was straight in any way, shape or form. i've always fit in much better in both gay and lesbian circles. those have always been my home, and my community
in the early days of my transition, when "genderqueer" wasn't even remotely heard of, i had to try to transition into being a man to be seen as trans at all. i went from being forced into lesbian spaces to being forced into gay male spaces. nobody let me pick where i was existing. i was being pushed around. i liked both lesbian and gay male spaces, but i was being told when i could and couldn't occupy the spaces. and then when it came out i was bi everyone called me a traitor and said i was a straight person
my best friend at the time came with me to pride meetings and when her mom found out about that, and that i was bi, she told my friend she couldn't come to those pride meetings anymore, and that i was turning her daughter into a lesbian. her mother would not stop calling me a lesbian all throughout my life. from early childhood, she thought me and her daughter were dating because i was butch and she was femme and we were very close. her mom carried this belief into adulthood, asking her outright if we were lovers. her brother thought we were, too, and taunted us about it.
my own mom weaponized lesbianism against me. she hated how butch i was. she hated that i "looked and acted like a lesbian". she called me a butch and a bulldyke hatefully. she told me not to dress or look certain ways or else people would assume i, and her by some proxy, were lesbians. my mom was insanely butch so i don't really know why this was being leveraged against me but either way when i became a young adult and my mom was trying to force me to learn to drive (something i am terrified of doing due to having 2 dissociative disorders), she asked what kind of car i would ideally like. i said a truck. i was standing there in a purple plaid shirt and she just sighed and went "I knew you were a lesbian." she pointed out my shirt. she was weaponizing lesbophobic and butchphobic stereotypes against me, but either way, reinforcing that i was a lesbian in one capacity or another
i got so tired of my friends harassing me for saying that if i was bi that meant i was straight and i needed to stop calling myself gay because i wasn't, and that it was an "insult" to the gay community. note that nobody gave a singular flying fuck about the bisexual community at all. i was literally bullied out of identifying as bi, because my straight cishet male friends hated it, and my lesbian identifying GF was uncomfortable with it because it made me sound too straight.
the thing is, none of these people asked what being bisexual meant to me.
i actually liked the lesbian community a lot. i really love other lesbians. i have always been attracted to lesbian and butch identifying people for as long as i could remember. i loved seeing strong butch women on TV, even if there were rude jokes. i loved the idea of being a masculine person who is sometimes a queer masculine woman. i loved the idea of being with femmes, i loved queer women and people who took femininity to the next level. i also loved seeing gay men when and wherever they existed. i always felt like i fit right in, and like i was seeing a reflection of a part of myself i needed help discovering.
i have almost always, as long as i can remember, identified as a gay man, and a lesbian, at the same time. my attraction to men, women, and people of all genders is queer no matter what gender of mine is involved. it doesn't matter. i have never felt "half gay half straight" which is why people weaponizing heterosexuality against me as a bisexual forced me to strictly identify as a gay man for almost a decade. it was painful to ignore my butch lesbian side, and to stop identifying as gay, because people would criticize how attractive i found women, and other people
if people had let me exist and explain what bisexuality means to me, they could've understood that bisexual is an inherently deeply queer attraction no matter what genders are involved, but NOBODY cares to listen to the bisexual. everyone LOVES to speak for us because we're just "straight people invading the queer community."
we've had it. bisexuals are queer. even if they DO identify as "half straight" they're STILL queer. let bisexuals define bisexuality. there is no one size fits all form of bisexuality. every single bisexual defines it differently and that's the point. it's a very complex identity with many layers that often relate to gender and presentation as well as attraction.
let bisexuals define bisexuality.
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macksartblock · 9 months
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putting off my angst wips to push an agenda lol
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ghostlycleric · 4 months
The difference in the way Mike treats El and Will is so insane when you really think about it.
Season 1: Will goes missing and Mike does everything he can to get him back. He SEES WILL’S CORPSE, mourns his loss, and the split second he hears Will’s voice on the walkie talkie he jumps back into action to find him. He convinces the entire hesistant party that he’s still out there.
Season 2: Mike SEES EL. HE SEES HER. STANDING IN THE FLESH OUTSIDE HIS WINDOW. What does he do? Elects to convince himself he’s crazy. He sticks by Will’s side and continues to mourn the loss of El. They make a point to show the cops chasing her. NOT MIKE. He never looks for her, he just walkie talkies her instead.
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Mike saw both Will and El die, and he had MORE reason to believe El was alive because there WAS NO BODY. They know Will vanished into thin air. Why doesn’t Mike go look for her? Why?
He likely walkie talkied her looking for the same moment he had with Will. Will dies, he’s heard on the walkie, hes alive. That’s what Mike was looking for: he was trying to replicate what he had with Will (*cough* like he does in the s4 monologue *cough*).
Even better… it happens again in season 3. In a much less kidnapped, dead angsty way, and more of a teenage, dramatic angsty way. El breaks up with him, he whines and needs constant help (from Lucas) to “chase after her”, and does so very late. Will fights with Mike and within MINUTES, zero prompting needed, he chases after him. Just like Max claimed Mike would for El.
I will not deny that Mike and El have an extremely strong bond, and as Mike said, they care for eachother so much… but Will consistently gets more boyfriend treatment from Mike than El does. Mike loves El, but he doesn’t *love* El.
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