#Big finale for the first half of the island's Zul'rokh chapter
zandali-dominion · 6 years
Memory of the Found P.2
“Shera Ali’kh - Cut the Hands - End the Cycle.” 
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Fek’zarn, Nar’zuul, Rhoku, Taz’ju, and Zin’Vik set off in the early morning, their night plagued by a light casted out by the lighthouse which was within a short walking distance from the Outpost on the hill. (Plus a guest newcomer RPer who wanted to see how to troleplay! (please don’t kill me)) Finding themselves seeking to move upon what they have learned the day before, they’d begin to make their way towards the Temple of the Five Pillars, found on the southern end of the island. 
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Once they arrived, they’d immediately begin to investigate the pillars, looking for names and anything that could hold reason as to why the Atal’ai tell them to “have faith” in the pillars. They’d search, and results would be found time and time again - They had no patience or time to waste now. The Pillars followed: Pillar of the Lost, Pillar of the Found, Pillar of the Loved, Pillar of the Remembered, and Pillar of the Dead.
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As they'd all linger and discuss, they'd find themselves being witness to something strange - New to them, the fact all of them were here, attempting to dissect the meanings behind the pillars... Between all four pillars, within their window-like arches, they would see a glimmer of the sun of dawn striking what seems to be thin, finely woven threads of silk. Was it a trick of the mind, or was it something else? They'd see it for a few moments if they truly paid attention to it, but after that, it would no longer be seen. The sigils and symbolic markings of the Loa of Shapes, the Lynx of the North, Frog of the Marsh, and the Thunderlizard of New Beginnings were all seen from left to right. It would be a glaring visual. Light and shadow, casted against the pillars, always meeting in the middle of the temple. Within it, beneath the stains of the markings left behind from their recent ritual, was a deeply encarved mural, that only seemed to be seen at a certain time of day, under certain conditions. It was a heart being held within a thin three-fingered hand, around it were eyes surrounding the prior organ with empty pupils. All around them, they'd almost sense the air being lifted out of their lungs, and they'd be stricken with the inability to speak. It felt as if they were being siphoned of all life, and shadows would seep in from the horizon as the sun began to draw far below the edge of the land. Violent flashes, like thunder striking in quick succession, of a sight around them - The temple rebuilt, made again in a new image, but then it would be shattered. Broken into pieces. After, nature would retake it, and they'd see it, a flash of light across the land, then it would meet them. Suddenly, it would cease, and they'd see only white. Finding themselves within the depths of Tal'akaai, the screams of every possibly voice that is capable of being heard, all beings were: here. From Ogres to Trolls. All people... And the light would retract, filling in with shadow. In front of their darkened vision was a pair of glowing yellow eyes, but behind it was a legion of dark shadowy pairs staring at them. A large grin came forward, breaking the darkness, and they'd see one thing - A glowing star, a world, and two moons around the previous world. The world was coveted by a shadowy hand, but then the vision would end. Ahead of them was the darkness of night, and the eery silence of time.
However, it was not quite done - The darkness around them would begin to be filled in by a deeper seat of shadow. From this, echelons of ethereal hands would creep out towards them, but they'd go past them, heading into the center of the Temple, where the circle of it all was. A plume of shadow began to grow, and grow... It would be seen becoming taller until it would tower above them all. It almost billowed and breathed in its own right, then it would say one sentence. "Good to see you again..." It would say in a distorted way that would barely be recognizable as a voice. Those who stood here were stunned, shocked, and all matter of confused. Some amongst them recovered faster than others, but all felt and saw the same vision. 
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Nar’zuul pops a squat and takes a moment to recover and come back from being scared beyond his wits. "T-talk about being discouraged from ever wanting to venture out alone on this Island..." He’d murmur. Taz’Ju had finished the drawing just in time to see hands creeping past him. He watched without moving as they coalesced into whatever the fuck that is. Taz folded the parchment and placed it back into his bag as he slowly stood up. "Don't recognize ya face, sorry." Clearly Taz was uncomfortable. Rhoku growls as the shadows start to gather. He drops down into his cat form, teeth bared and claws extended, though he's given a bit of pause when the shadow being speaks. Still, he stands clearly ready to pounce, waiting silently for whatever happens next. Nar’zuul took a step back from watching creepy hands go slithering across the ground only to pool together and form a huge talking plumb that he feared if angered would try to eat them. "... Again?" he pondered. He knew this community was fresh and new so this couldn't be the second time this -thing- had dealings with this group. Unless he referred to the Trolls? "You think he means us as in Trolls?... Didn't one of you mention that possible Trolls lived here before?" He’d ask. Taz’Ju flicked his ears a few time, not sure how to respond. He'd glance at the others curiously to see what they might think of what the entity said. He flicked his ears a few time, not sure how to respond. He'd glance at the others curiously to see what they might think of what the entity said. Zinvik stood there and almost didn't believe this was real. He didn't trust any of this, nor did he believe the vision was truly over. Were they all here beside him...? Rhoku seems to relax -very- slightly, lifting his head and perking his ears forward slightly. "...Are you talking about the... uh... light-shadow guys and the fog spirit... things?" He’d ask towards the shadow being which spoke. 
The shadow being looked to Rhoku, and it almost felt as if its eyeless face was glaring right at him. Burning a hole into his very spirit. Still, it would give an apparent nod. "The Atal'ai are fanatics driven by a self-driven sacrifice, and the Shera Ali'kh are a Cult who defined an era by turning away the Loa of Death, and the Father of Sleep. They were once two societies who lived in their own enclaves, but in time, divisions came - And this land was subjected to being struck in half. Only when you allowed the presence, or weakened the bonds the Shera Ali'kh held, you allowed those seeking to end it to return." It would say. "No, we want to end both the Atal'ai and the Shera Ali'kh. The two should not exist without the other, and neither should exist at all." It would say openly. Cordae would not be capable of appearing near Taz. The shadow being would extend out its left hand. Grabbing the crystal, and it would be physical. "Peculiar..." It would say lowly, then bring it within itself. "And what of you three?" It would say, pointing at Xen'aji, Nar'zuul, and Zin'Vik. "Tell me - did the Atal'ai speak to you as well?" It would ask.
Taz’Ju shifted uncomfortably as Cordae never appeared on his shoulder. "What do you make of this then?" Taz procured the darkened crystal from his pouch and offered it towards the being. "The Atal'ai gave it to me golden, but it turned when given to me." He held it out towards them.
The being then looked back to Taz'Ju, keeping the crystal for a few more moments. "They expect you to submit to them in order to get rid of the Shera Ali'kh, so they can do as they please. That is how the cycle begins again, neither of them care for any living, but they care for their devotion and hand. It is the faith in the Loa, and the ones around you which matters. This crystal will prove detrimental, but it is possible you can use it against them." It would say, then extending a ethereal hand towards Taz which held the crystal. And as far as Xen'aji could tell, it was not from here, but rather something that is visiting. An evil spirit, maybe, but definitely a powerful one. After this, it would look to the others, and give a canted nod of its head. "I am known as Zuljaraal, Keeper for the Pillar of the Lost." It would say, then wait almost politely.
Xen'aji would hold his tongue, staring daggers into the being, though he would bow his head slightly at the title. "So you are the guardian of this title. We seek your help." The Venomblade would state.
Zuljaraal looked down at them, but then it would tilt its head a bit. "Curious... Come forward, Lost One." He would say, pointing down at Nar'zuul. Beckoning him forward with a finger. "What is your name?" It would ask, standing up straight, and holding the top of the staff in both hands.
The Hexxer swallowed hard before speaking softly to the strange being. "I am Nar'zuul..." he stated bluntly while clasping his hands together and fidgeting a bit in the presence of Zuljaraal.
It would crouch down, looking to Nar'zuul, and it would extend out a hand for him to shake. "I can help you. Do you seek the same as they do?" It would ask, an almost grin-like expression grew on its shadowy face. "Nar'zuul, a pleasure to meet you. Lost or forgotten, you are as you are. Strong and mighty in the face of defeat, but yet you stand proudly. What say you now, Nar'zuul? Willing to offer yours to an old hand?" It would inquire curiously.
Nar’zuul had something of a similar dealings with a mighty being once but this one seemed to different. Off in a way. His words were filled with praise and trust yet his instincts were telling him that something was wrong but if the others were wanting this creatures help, then who was to deny the others the request. "I am not entirely sure of your intentions my friend... You give praise quick but I can not judge you solely on how you wish to asses me. My friend Taz wishes for your aid and since my Overseer values his words, then I too must ask the same of you... if it not be to much trouble." He says as he extends a hand out to meet Zuljaraal's own.
As their hands met there would be a sudden realization - It was warm, like the hand of another, and it would feel like actual flesh and bone he was grabbing onto. "Ah, do not worry, in the end, we all seek the same thing." The being would say, then as their hands would part, Nar'zuul would see a small marking on the palm of his hand. It appeared to be a bleeding heart within a skeletal hand, eyes surrounding it all. "The Lost watch over you, Little One. You know - If you never tell them, they may never know." The being said, laughter echoing around them, and then it would dissolve into the ground around them, crossing between their feet. In time, the darkness would begin to grow lighter. However, it was still dark. No longer did a hand reach out, and no longer did the shadows stare back. It was simply a dark night. The stars above, and the two moons seen clearly in the sky.
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