#Billy Cranston x Eugene Skullovitch x Matt Cook
augment-techs · 8 months
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crack vs smut, its a competition~
Amelia has been rooting for Ollie and Aiyon to get together since her breakup with Ollie. It takes like fifteen weeks of hard work in matchmaking from her, along with Javi’s help, but finally, she’s set up THE perfect kiss for them. And they’re just at the brink of their feelings for each other… and things are going good, things are going sooooooo good. 
Then Javi mentions that there’s a 69% chance of rain that evening. 
You can’t have candlelit dinners and love confessions and soft moments in the rain!! Not if you’re as sensitive as Ollie and start sneezing the second cold water hits your face!! Amelia panics. 
Javi has an idea. 
And so, while Ollie and Aiyon sit on the little table she’s set up in the middle fo the woods, with candles and a lovely dinner for them, Javi and Amelia stand with umbrellas on their heads, so they can make out in peace, getting drenched from head to toe themselves, because well… these boys NEED it. 
Drakkon would be absolutely enraged if he ever sees this. 
Bulk’s sitting on the stone throne which once belonged to Drakkon, he’d been complaining about how cold the stone felt on his ass, but now it’s warmed up, as is he. Kim’s straddling him, his entire cock completely inside her, and she’s never felt so full in her life, so content and so complete. 
She’d tried taking him completely a few times, but he always felt too big. But something about sitting on him, on the throne has gotten it flowing all too smoothly. 
It feels so good, the way Bulk’s groaning underneath her, the way she’s almost lost all senses of her own, and then they’re kissing, they’re kissing so hard, and Bulk’s callous hands wander through her short hair, then across her body, all the way through, exploring her, enjoying it. Nobody’s in the throne room at the moment, it’s past midnight, everyone has retired to their rooms, there’s no need for a constant sentry watch, anyway, now that things are almost almost back to normal; and even if someone were to come by, they wouldn’t care anyway. It’s probably Kim’s favourite place to take it now, and she lets Bulk know that by tilting her head back, and screaming his name as loud as she can, as she comes. 
All the best feelings.
Skull does not like road trips. He’s never liked them. He used to get motion sickness when he was a kid, and as his family fell apart when he grew up, he remembered one particular one when he was eleven, where he was vomiting all the way through, and their mom abandoned him and his brother halfway through, in the middle of a desert, to smoke weed with some bikers she found along the way. 
Yeah. Skull’s hated road trips all his life. 
This one’s different though. 
For one, he’s literally sitting on the top of the car, holding onto the chair his boyfriends had put up on top of the car’s roof, for his dear life. 
“A little wind never hurt anyone” Matt had said, before strapping him in securely. 
“You’re gonna love road trips by the end of it” Billy had beamed, “and if you need anything, just tell us through the sunroof!” 
Skull knows they had good intentions, but he’s not sure this is the best idea… 
It’s a blackout.
How unfortunate would that be, if Jason was stuck at the dojo alone, after practicing all the way until it was almost eight PM. 
But he wasn’t alone, Tommy was sitting right across him, the both of them without any flashlights, absolutely, and sitting away from each other waiting the blackout out. They had been practicing together, when the lights went out, and by the looks of it, it looked like it was through the entirety of angel grove. 
They were talking about things now, completely blind by the absence of light, and discussing random things. And they didn’t know how it happened, but then they were fumbling towards each other in the light, and then they were making out, then they were making out. 
And then they were fumbling around with each other’s clothes in the dark, and then they were both naked, and then Tommy was palming Jason’s cock, and then he was on his knees, his tongue wrapping around Jason’s head, and Jason’s eyes rolled back in his head as he received the best blowjob he had ever received in his life. 
“Oh god, Tommy… yes, yes, like that, just like that…” he was moaning, and that was the second when the lights chose to come back on, and Jason’s eyes met Tommy’s and the way the two looked at each other, it was almost as if the magic had lifted, and the both of them flew apart from each other as soon as they could, faces red, red, red, “WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU DOING—“ Jason screamed.
“WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU DOING!!” Tommy screamed back, and then the moment was over. 
And they ran back to each other again, like the horny teenagers they were, continuing their shenanigans, once again. 
“We’re not talking about this tomorrow” 
“Talking about what?” 
“I got you another thing… apart from the marshmallows—“ She’d just come back from grocery shopping and getting some necessities or something, after being stranded in space for so long, and she’d also gotten Javi marshmallows, and Aiyon’s favourite flavour of Pringles.  
“you remember what Billy said?” she continued, now averting her gaze, and looking downwards— which somehow made her look sexy— and she pulled out a little box from her pocket, and taking Javi’s hand, she placed it on the middle of his palm, then, stood on her tiptoes to brush her cheek against his, sending his heart fluttering, as she whispered seductively, in his ears, “you better use all of these on me” 
Javi didn’t remember what Billy had said, at all, so, as Amelia skipped forward into her bedroom, Javi was left standing with the cardboard box in his hand, very, very confused, but with an amused smirk on his face nonetheless. 
He looked at the little cardboard box in his hand, and almost choked on his saliva. It was a ten pack of condoms… ribbed, condoms. 
Amelia was such a tease.  
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Ollaiyon while Javelia play the wingmen to shame all other wingmen. This is so...post-Cosmic Fury. And canon now.
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*looks out from the bushes* *creeps closer and closer to the printed words* *YOINKS* GOOD FOOD.
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I am...thinking about that meme with the car given options at a fork in the road: One way is getting shanked in the heart by past events that feel very on point; the other turn is getting all fluffed in the chest like a worried animated mother hen. I would probably ram directly into the sign post.
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It is so humiliating how even after reading some completely messed up shit with these two in multiple dimensions, it's the First Time Jitters/Himbo on Himbo action that always gets me.
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I feel like she doesn't know those things are actually a bit of a false advertisement--BUT I DON'T CARE. They're listening to Billy and following directions. GOOD.
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augment-techs · 4 months
Happy WIP Wednesday! GIVE THE GUY A BREAK, please? :)
Losing patience with himself, Billy hooked a finger into Eugene's mouth and pressed it to the tongue, gently smoothing over it as the other arm wrapped underneath both of Eugene's legs, pulling the up to his bird bone chest as he leaned them both back and Matt was suddenly staring at the ass twitching with the vibrating plug he'd helped the other insert that morning in preparation for this.
Billy's cock was basically an arrow pointing up to show off how much Billy was in fact controlling himself, leaking a cascade of pre as Billy practically growled orders to Matt between biting Eugene's throat and snaking his tongue into his ear.
"Ease that toy out of him, nice and steady. Then you be a good boy and keep him stretched open while you deepthroat me a couple times so I can bottom out inside him. Got it, Matty?"
With a bit of defiance, like the brat he had a tendency to be when in proximity to the Blue Ranger if there was even the slightest chance he could get an orgasm out of it, Matt hummed and handled Billy's pretty cock first, slipping his foreskin down to swirl around the twitching head, "Sure thing, boss, just a second." Matt forgot that Billy was actually more skilled with his body in close quarters than he was and was instantly met with Billy clutching Matt's head between his feet and pulling him forward to fit his cock all the way down Matt's throat without so much as a pause.
Then he crossed his legs so Matt's head was trapped between his thighs as he bucked up into the delicious heat.
The New Green got the message, and despite the now much more awkward position, the motion not very helpful, and his mouth much more full of saliva--Matt brought his hands up to Eugene's hole and started easing out the toy.
Not an easy thing to do with the way he was starting to writhe at the fingers brushing his rim and balls.
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augment-techs · 4 months
Requesting GIVE THE GUY A BREAK for the WIP Wednesday game please
"Tasha wasn't an issue, because she was never going to be an issue. You took her to the dance because Bulk needed a date and it was a fun time, but I've been in classes with her and she's insufferable at best, completely fake at worst.
Kim wasn't really an issue either, since I was there when she accepted you invitation to the fair, and, while this sounds bad and really was bad behavior on her part, she needed to clear her head from Matt and you were the best alternative. I knew she'd give you a fair shake, but when she told Bulk you shot her down when it came to just kissing, I was fine with it. You're a good guy and you're not stupid... I didn't like Candice, but you dating her was...amusing. Well, no, that's not right, um... The effect she had on Bulk with her taking up most of your time and attention and the way he felt threatened by that was fun to watch, because it was so stupid. Not that your feelings for her weren't real--! ...And her lying to you the entire time...wasn't a massively unethical situation--but Bulk living under the impression it wouldn't last and then being totally, totally right about it was an unusual anomaly to witness. Granted, I'm still rather perturbed that it seems like she didn't take nearly as much time prostrating before you for the inconvenience of "going missing" than she should have, but I only really minded your dating her when I found out she was using you.
But then when you took up with Matt and I found out... I'd never been so angry. The idea of him kissing you, and touching you, and even more extremely intimate things gave me a splitting headache and caused this strange urge to at once tackle Matt like a linebacker and herd you into a closet to do the same thing I was sure Matt was doing with you."
"You're saying the girls were never an issue, because they didn't raise those feelings of possessiveness?"
"I... Yes?"
"...That's a terrible thing to say."
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augment-techs · 6 months
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augment-techs · 4 months
“First one to cum loses.”
Matt/Billy(/Skull) 🤪
....This was just supposed to be 1k TOPS, what is wrong with me.
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augment-techs · 3 days
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Admittedly, this was not as intended, but the "mutual" part wouldn't fill out right.
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augment-techs · 1 month
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A Commissioned piece from the forever wonderful and utterly amazing @felonius-glitch that perfectly adhered to my preferences for the second part of a series I'm writing for these three trying to find their way into a nice, HEALTHY poly relationship.
I really wanted to put this up WITH the sequel fic, rather than the afterword, but...my computer did a thing and this was a better option than throwing my laptop at a wall.
At least the series is already on two legs.
Bonus images for the creation process below the cut~
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augment-techs · 7 months
Matt (making omelets, including cutting up little mushrooms, while shirtless): What do you want to do with your life?
Skull (making homemade rose tea in a nightdress that looks vintage): Be gay. Do necromancy. Respect trans women.
Billy (making at least a token effort at setting the table, even if nothing matches from one plate or glass to another): Build an LGBTQIA+ statue that is indestructible.
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augment-techs · 5 months
"he can't tell the coroner" for WIP Wednesday please!
Matt: You don’t have to--
Skull (taking a deep, deep breath, and closing his eyes on the exhale): I know, but I really do need to get this out. Bulk doesn’t know, and I know it’s not good for me. It’s just that... After getting called in to look at four dead teen girls and thinking each time it was gonna be her, only to find two people I’ve never met, one girl I’d seen around the Juice Bar, and one girl that used to be in our sixth grade music class--when she showed up out of the blue, perfectly fine, looking as good as she ever had... I was so happy. And then a little angry--and then she just...changed into herself. And then I was in total shock when she asked me to go to her home planet, leave everything behind because she says she cared about me--
(Pause. Deep pause with something cold and black at the edges)
Skull: She told me I was never a part of her mission, but that she did care about me. But she left so many strings just...hanging...when she went away to blow in the wind. As far as Angel Grove’s police department and school board and missing persons and the fucking coroners are concerned, "Candice Clark" is just a regular girl that was on transfer from out of the country, that went missing during an alien invasion. Because there is literally nobody that would believe that one of those aliens that turned out to be on our side--an extremely high ranking military official that was sent to spy on this planet--was not only pretending to be a teenager, but even went so far as to date a piece of trash like me. And even if there was a tiny snowball’s chance in hell they did believe that, I don’t have any proof. And because I don’t have any proof that she’s alive, now I have to live with people calling me to say they might have found her dead. And I have to keep going to see the bodies and pretend I don’t know this is yet another human I may or may not have met... She did that to me. She told me she cared about me, but she left me with this mess... How am I ever supposed to trust my next partner won’t hurt me like that? Or with my luck, hurt me even worse?
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augment-techs · 5 months
Matt was right; it wasn't that Billy didn't want Eugene--sweet merciful fuck did he want the young man sitting in his lap, letting Billy's cock softly glide along his tailbone as strong hands wrapped around him and felt his inner thighs, knees, hips, the curve of his belly that was trying its best to become something like muscle due to running around and his work and general exercise, his pecs, his bird bone clavicle and soft shoulders, his swan-like neck; all the while with Billy getting to know the scars he faced that Eugene didn't want to talk about and Billy wasn't going to question until they were more comfortable with each other, kissing each streak of white or dark purple he passed as he licked and sucked and kissed--it was just that he was so fucking scared of finding way back to him and then ruining it.
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augment-techs · 3 months
First sentence ask:
If they walk into the sunset together at the end of the day, does that mean anything?
Anything at all?
+ any pairing character story you pick~
Okay, I will admit, this was a little late coming, but it's better than what I thought it was gonna be?
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augment-techs · 6 months
1) Billy/Skull/Matt (bc I wanna hear you rant UwU)
2) Kim/Bulk
3) Bulk/Tommy
4) Conner/Kira (I chanced upon a fic by you yesterday that I had read and could not ascertain if it was requested or not. Don’t ask I was playing that “is it fluff is it smut” game with some friends🫣🫣)
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Billy/Skull/Matt: It will never be canon, it will never be a fandom fave. But that does not matter, because the palace of possibility that goes on in my head is something that canon will never be able to take away from me. They would be lovely as just mutually supportive friends with benefits, but could you IMAGINE these three as a poly? Like, to say that they could alleviate each other's trauma is not saying enough, because ALL of these young men have been through their own kind of hell in many different ways and it kind of feels like...nobody else wants them? There is something comforting in finding kindred spirits in rejection and mutual awareness. Plus, they've all had the friendship/antagonism/growth thing. Also, they feel VERY pretty as a group. Their Colors would work so smoothly together.
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Bulk/Kim: Of course I am partial especially towards them in the Coinless universe, but at this point I would take them in any and every other dimension.
There is something so comforting about a character that half the fandom hates finding love with the fandom darling that makes me go feral and foam at the mouth. And in the Coinless universe this is EARNED so hard that I also want to take a baseball bat to defenseless objects lying around the house. Kim is broken and terrified of herself in everything that's happened and everything that she's done, but Bulk actually stood by her the second she came back to the side of the light when she was ready to get torn apart. This is not mentioning this Darkest Hour Arc bullshit where Bulk will apparently protect Kim in any universe. Hello, good knight; the princess is still alive and about to burn down the tower~
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Bulk/Tommy: This is ALLLLLLLLL @lordkingsmith fault, and I am very grateful for the opportunity to think about it. Truly, I could ship Bulk or Skull with anyone if I thought about it hard enough, but there is just something about how they presented it that made it feel...realistic.
Tommy feels like the kind of guy whose relationships are always doomed to fail if he involves himself with his teammates. From Kim, to Kat, to Jason, to Adam. He COULD do his best to mend any breaks in the bond, but he also feels damaged by his life in the foster care system in a way that makes it hard not to let go of the belief that his partners will eventually leave him; so it would take someone with infinite patience to see him through that kind of baggage. And Bulk is a ROCK. They could be good for each other.
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Conner/Kira: I know the fic you're talking about. It was a prompt, and I didn't especially like it. I could see them in a poly setting, OT3 or OT4, but never as a singular couple. Largely because Conner never learns and Kira always seems annoyed with him. Even at the end of Dino Thunder, they were friends, but better in a group setting than alone together.
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augment-techs · 5 months
he can’t tell the coroner and missing persons you’re an alien you stupid bitch for the WIP Game please? :D
(Maybe add in a memory of something viscerally disturbing like the smell of blood in a sink, a body under a sheet with red forming in blotches where the head and left arm were, the droning of the police in the hallway speaking on their radio while the lab assistant readied to remove the sheet from the body.)
Billy (softly disbelieving and feeling a knot in his stomach): ...I’m sorry, what?
Skull (shrinking a little into himself as Matt gently settles a hand on his shoulder, trying to be supportive without putting on more pressure): There’s...There’s always the chance that someone gets hurt a monster fight, even if they avoid a melee with putties or Goldar. The Rangers are really good at their jobs, but they can’t be everywhere, all the time, all at once. Casualties exist in any kaiju battle--and even just...life. Accidents, cars driving too fast, brain or heart issues. The woman that took my report for Candice...for Zelya...really tried to make that clear when I went to the police.
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augment-techs · 1 year
For the a/b/o prompt list
#23 “but your heats are so intense I need backup” for Sharkie Bulk and Skull or Matt Billy and Skull or Matt Sharkie and Skull (in the fact you always give Skull intense heats and I’m curious about how that would look with poly for him)
In the beginning, Skull didn't have anyone to help him out with the whole curse of being a Sigma thing. He was poor, he was scrawny, he wasn't pretty to look at, and when he went into heat he developed a nasty temper that caused the school to order a temporary ban from school property until his week was up.
He was twelve when he hit puberty; Billy out of his life, Bulk only just nosing around to get to know him, same as a girl in their grade by the name of Angela that would later go by the moniker Sharkie once they hit high school and her own second presentation hit (and with it the need to seem tougher than the average Beta)--and there was no way he was going to be comforted by his Sigma brother, having his own problems with his monthlies and often wandering off to the Reservation on the edge of town, or his Sigma mother meandering across the states in search of someone to fill the void after the boys' douchebag father dumped them for new snapper.
So, he pretended to be Billy just for long enough to go to the library, track down every piece of information they had on Sigmas, and planning ahead accordingly.
Which was a good idea at the time, but slowly devolved into working through his heats in desperation and agony, because being a Sigma, from every corner of the globe and universally this was agreed, fucking sucked.
He started sweating up to a full day before his hormones shifted, which made his smell turn into something unbearable to other people, which meant he had to buy a special deodorant or just not go to school the closer he got to the heats. All the sweating leads to dehydrating quickly and he always had a migraine going on before the shift, so after he reached six feet tall he was also a lot more intimidating while he was cranky and desperate.
Energy runs through him more than any other moment in his life except when there's a monster from the moon breathing down his neck or a Megazord a block behind him while he and Bulk are still on the ground, so he can't help but twitch and fidget and chew gum like if he doesn't his head will explode.
When his mind starts going, Bulk or Sharkie take him out to the middle of nowhere--like, really, no people just coyotes or deer--and makes sure he'd had about three bottles of water and at least a couple sandwiches in him. Then they bite the bullet, find a way to make Skull angry, and then hop in the truck and starts leading Skull on a merry chase.
This lasts a day or so until Skull can't run anymore and the pain replaces the anger.
That and the secreting mucus from his genitals kicks in.
What a joy that was the first time it happened. A proper Omega would at least have the dignity of getting to wear a cup internally to head off embarrassment at the pass, but they didn't make anything like that for Sigma's. Hell, they didn't even make much in the way of birth control for Sigma's that didn't involve injections or implants.
He'd ruined a perfectly good pair of jeans, soaked through with what felt to the touch like the slippery texture of a frog, smelling of egg yolk and salt.
And the feeling of the clothing had hurt so much on contact with his skin during this, Skull's knees had buckled while chasing Bulk in his truck before he'd wrangled his belt off and tried to fumble his way into getting the jeans off with fingers that were shaking so hard it was amazing he gripped anything at all.
He usually blacked out like a drunk at that feeling, barely picking up on anything that happened to him after, save for being tucked into a bed with toys and water and what might have been his screaming until his heat passed and he hobbled his way down the stairs of his house in a ratty bathrobe to find Bulk and Sharkie with bruises along their arms, passed out on the sofa looking as bad as Skull felt.
He always cooked them a meal as a 'thank you for dealing with me' and always apologized until they told him to shut up, because he couldn't help it and they were his friends.
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augment-techs · 2 years
Billy: I need gift ideas for my boyfriend. Aisha: Letters to open for no reason from you? Kim: Box of his favorite foods, candies, comfort items? Tommy: Your used hoodies? Rocky: Bracelets you made him yourself? Bulk: Keychains you know are cute? Adam: Custom blanket you might sew? Matt: Yourself in bed?
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augment-techs · 1 year
"I will not let you slander me by saying you are a better kisser. That's why it's great that we have a third person to be a referee." + Skull x Matt x Billy 👀
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Short version. Bigger version will be posted as soon as I edit it...again.
“Use his mouth for your cum, but don’t you dare put your cock in him. Just cum on his tongue---come on, Eugene, reach a little. Good boy.”
Pale hands held firm and tight to Matt’s thighs as much as Skull was able, Matt’s own hands keeping Skull in perfect centrifugal ease and motion on his sparrow bone hips. He only slicked in and out of Skull’s in centimeters, but it was enough to get him to do as Matt bossed and requested.
Skull’s eyes were more focused on the dim lightbulb above the bathroom stall than on Billy’s face, but the Blue Ranger was under the impression that it was more so he could keep his attention diminished than because he didn’t want to look at the shiny pink cock less than an inch from his tongue. Billy was left with the impression that the two had played this game before and while he was delighted to be a part of it, he was really chafing at not being in control (a new feeling outside of battle when Jason and Tommy were away, to be sure).
The feeling ebbed sideways into ‘unimportant’ though; Billy let out a moan as he came, one hand cinched in Eugene’s hair and the other steadying his cock as the white burst and slicked out, out, out along his tongue and down his throat and speckled his upper lip.
One of Matt’s hands wrapped pointedly and tight around Skull’s throat, middle finger reaching up and curving over his bottom lip and teeth, stalling any other motion; the order on his mouth directed at Billy along with his deep brown eyes circled with acid green, “Now get down on your knees and suck him off, Billy. He’s close, he’s so close. And he tastes so good.”
Billy was almost certain that the noise in his ears wasn’t real. A sort of echo of ice breaking in the Arctic, fine lines like screaming, or maybe wolves growling in heat so late in the season that it was ridiculous and the feeling of starving was directed in the wrong way.
But it didn’t matter as his knees hit the tiled floor much too hard (ranger strength, ranger strength with him not paying attention), cracking the tiles outward as his hands clutched and rubbed at Eugene’s ribs, pretty belly button, and gently---desperately---yanked the desperate weeping cock into his mouth.
Matt took the moment Skull groaned so pretty to tilt his head over towards himself and stick his tongue into the messy, slack, drool and cum filled mouth, the smile on his lips making it a little awkward in execution, but it didn’t really seem to matter to either second or third party.
All the stimulation, feeling so full and loved (despite being in a public school washroom, one hour before the final bell rang, completely aware that they were all in for it if someone caught them) had Skull squirm like a worm on a hook, hands flailing for purchase in Billy’s straw pale hair and Matt’s bicep as his back went curved and rigid; legs shaking and just the best noise coming up and out into Matt’s mouth as he came.
The squirming didn’t let up and Matt came nigh immediately after, hot and thick white coating the inside of Eugene’s ass while Billy swallowed and swallowed and savored Skull’s seed still pouring as he wriggled and shook and went limp as a ragdoll. All the attention, four hands and two mouths and filled up at both ends... It made Skull feel spoiled.
(Matt and Billy mentally agreed, without words and with that weird bond all Rangers seemed to have on the same team, that was precisely the point.)
* * "You do realize how ridiculous you both sound, right? And this is coming from me, the guy who follows Bulk around to record monster fights with the Rangers and wander through the wreckage to interview terrified civilians in the aftermath."
"How? It's just general workplace kind of betting."
Well stone eyes stared at Matt resting his hands on his hips, entirely too confident in that statement and could not resist the need to pop his bubble of assuredness.
"No it isn't."
Billy nodded at Skull's deadpan a lot faster than Matt probably appreciated, "No it isn't, but I did take offense to Matt's impression that he is a better kisser simply because he has more dating experience than I do. Kimberly is, I'm sure, perfectly adequate in this, but that's about it."
"You've never even dated anyone!"
"Which by no means implies I haven't engaged in more carnal aspects of life."
"....I think you're getting a little off track here," Skull interrupted with all the good nature of a nervous kindergarten teacher corralling five years olds that couldn't agree on whether butterflies or moths were better and had gone on the offensive with markers against each other in retaliation, "I get the whole trying to one up each other...thing. But why ask me to be the judge of your kissing abilities?"
"Because we trust you to be honest and...well," neither Billy nor Matt seemed willing to look Skull in the eye, rather, focused on how his hair was obviously without gel, he wasn't much bothering to wear the protective leather with the sharp spikes like he usually did, and he'd lost ten pounds since the Eltarian Invasion. They both also chose not to mention how desperate Bulk seemed lately to get Skull's spirits up after being bowled over by the reality of his last relationship being almost entirely a lie, "You have...more experience."
"Yes, that," Billy almost choked, attempting to ignore a sudden need to glare at Matt with eyes glowing at mid day like the Big Bad Wolf at a suddenly very awkward Dragon that realized how much of an utter loser/idiot he was.
The moment was still, Skull absently chewing his gum for a moment as he himself did in fact notice the glaring and the rare show of Matt being unsure of himself while Billy looked exasperated with the entire situation.
Ultimately, Skull shrugged and swung his backpack over his shoulder as he continued back down the library steps, "Sure, why not."
"Not like I have anything better to do, short of a monster attack requiring recording. Just text me the when and where."
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